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Unified Council


Which expression can be used to find the total number of

toy cars Madhuri has?
(A) 5 + 7 (B) 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
(C) 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 (D) 5 x 7
2. Last year, Akshay and Tina· read several books. Akshay
read 1,864 pages, and Tina read 1,429 pages. What is the
total number of pages Akshay and Tina read last year?
(A) 2,283 (B) 2,293 (C) 3,283 . (D) 3,293
3. Sumanth made the Input-Output table below.

What rule can be used to find each output number?

(A) Multiply by 3 (B) Divide by 3
(C) Multiply by 4 (D) Divide by 4
4. Which is the same as 30 tens?
(A) 3 ones (B) 30 ones
(C) 3 hundreds (D) 30 hundreds
UCN/2009/IV a
CLASS :IV Unlff•d Coundl

5. Which number has the greatest value in the thousands place?

(A) 12,294 (B) 28,682 (C) 34,971 (D) 50,816
6. Mr. Mahesh bought 102 bottles of water for the cricket
team. The water came in cases of 6 bottles of water in
each case. Which number sentence can be used to find
the number of cases of water Mr. Mahesh bought?
(A)6x 102=0 (B)102+6=0 (C)6+ 0 = 102 (D) 102-0=6
7. Which kind of numbers, when multiplied together, have
a product that is an odd number?
(A) even x evenx even (B) evenx evenx odd
(C) oddx oddx odd (D) oddx oddx even
8. Which list of numbers shows all the factors of 36?
(A) 0, 1, 2, 3,' 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 (B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
(C) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, V セ@ 9, 12, 18, 36 (D) 1, セG@ 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36, 72
9. The road sign below shows the distance to Airport.

( I)) 12,000
of marble• for his fish tank. The table
w l•ht or each bag of marbles.
Wefght (irt Kg)

Which expression shows the correct relationship of the

weights of the 3 bags of marbles?
(A) 4.7 < 4.6 < 5.9 (B) 5.9 < 4.7 < 4.6
(C) 5.9 > 4.7 > 4.6 (D) 4.7 > 4.6 > 5.9
U C N/2 0 09/IV
JD ult ipl e of 8 an d 10 ?
11. W ha t is th e lea st co mm on
(C) 40 (D) 80
(A) 2 (B) 18
ki is pra cti cin g wr itin g fra cti on s on a nu mb er lin e. W hic h
12. De va s in the co rre ct loc ati on s?
nu mb er lin e sh ow s th e fra cti on

ill+ [l j
(A ) ( I I I I +I t I

' l

(B) ( I f
セI b@ t +I
1 2

(C) ( I
1 2

(D) (
f セ@ +I

13. Al l of th e nu mb er s
La ks hm i wr ote

in th e bo x sh ow n be low
pl es of 3.
ar e ev en nu mb er s an d mu lti

6 36

'\1 : 24

h of th e fo llo wi ng is als o an ev en nu mb er an d a
W hic
mu lti ple of 3?
(B) 21 (C) 26 CD) 30
(A) 13

U C N/ 2 0 09/ IV
14. Ja hn av i ma de th e mi ke s sh
ow n be low fo r a ba ke sa le.

Chocolat@ Ca ke
Vanilla Ca ke

Sh e sol d
9 6
of the ch oc ola te ca ke an d of the va niJ la ca ke.
10 10
W hic h of th e fol low ing fra cti on
s sh ow s ho w mu ch mo re
ch oc ola te ca ke wa s so ld th an
va nil la ca ke ?
2 3 4 . 5
(A) 10 (B ) --
10 (C) 10 (D) 10
18. Pr nd p wrotP. th e nu mb er
se nte nc es be low .
36 • 0 x 4
0 • 18
.. .. In bo ll' tht l am tences. Bo th of
tru Wh at i• tht • va lue of .1?
(CH> <D> lH
li p to th e bo ok fai r at De lhi . Th e
at th e bo ok fai r at th e tim e sh fir st
ow n on

Ea ch cla ss wi ll sp en d 30 mi nu
tes at th e bo ok fai r an d
th en lea ve . Th e se co nd cla ss wi
ll arr ive at th e bo ok fai r
as 'th e fir st cla ss lea ve s, an d th
e th ird cla ss wi ll an ive as
th e se co nd cla ss lea ve s. W ha
t tim e wi ll it be wh en the
th ird cla ss lea ve s th e bo ok fai
(A) 9:4 5 (B) 10 :15 (C) 10 :45 CD) 11 :15
U C N/ 2 0 09/ IV

17. Which ofthe following decimal nwnbers is equivalent to ?
(A) 0.06 (B ) 0.6 CC) 6.0 (D ) 6.10
18. Ram has exactly 204 stamps. He has 43 more stamps than
Raheem. What is the total number of stamps Raheem
(A ) 161 (B) 167 (C)247 (D)261
19. Which of the following has the greatest value?
(A ) (2x 1,00,000) + (6 x 100)
(B) (2 x 1,00,000) + (5x QセPI@
(C) (3 x 10,000) + (6x 100) + (7 x 10)
(D) (3x 10,000) + (5x 1000) + (7x 10)
20. The number of people who live in a street is three
thousand nine hundred eight. What is another way to
write the same number?
(A )398 (B) 3,098 (C) 3,908 (D )3,980
21. Pallavi wrote the expression given below.
(9 x 2) x 8
Which expression is equivalent to Pallavi's expression?
(A )9x(2x8) (B ) 9 + (2 + 8)
(C)(9x2)+8 (D) (9 + 2) x 8
22. Which number belongs on the line below to make the
number·sentence correct?
TKR^ セ _@ _ _+2
(A )8 (B) 6 CC) 4 (D ) 2
23. Last month, 3801 people ate at Hotel Paradise. This month,
2765 people ate at Hotel Paradise. How many more people
ate at Hotel Paradise last month than this month?

(A ) 1036 (B ) 1044 (C) 1146 (D) 1164

UCN / 2009/ IV
Uni fied Cou ncil
24. Th e tab le bel ow sho ws the dif fer ent num
ber of box es tha t
are nee ded to hol d dif fer ent num ber s
of jar s. Ea ch box
hol ds the sam e num ber of jar s.

Num ber of
42 .,
Ho w ma ny jar s doe s eac h box hol d?
(A) 12 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 6
25. Ash ok has the five T -sh irts sho wn
bel ow .

Wh t tra ctio n of AllboiC'II rr-H hirt s are wh ite?

I 1 1 1
' , 2 ( n) a <C) ·l (D) 5
Mo nrj l ll 1al wat t bor n on 29th Feb rua
ry. His bir thd ay
lAJ t•vt•ry ywu ·
<R> twice in a yea r
(C) afte r eve ry fou r yea rs
afte r eve ry two yea rs
27. Th e firs t bas ic rom an num era l is:
(A) O (B) I (C) V (D) X
28. Th e pla ce val ue of" 7' in 27. 5 is:

(A) 7 (B) 70 7 7
(C) 10 (D) 100
U C N/ 2 0 09/I V
Unified Council
29. The number of 50 paise coins in Rs. 100 is:
(A) 50 (B) 100 (C) 200 CD) 500
30. At what time do the hour hand point b etween digits 1
and 2, and the minute hand point at 6?
(A ) 1 : 30 (B ) 2 : 30
(C) 6 : 05 (D ) 6 : 10
81. The diagram shows the weights of twQ bags of rice.

Find the weight, in grams, of rice that is needed to add

to Q in order to balance the scale.
(A) 1.9 (B) 19 (C ) 190 (D) 1900
82. Mukesh goes to the market with Rs. 1500 a nd buys two of
the listed items. How much money will he b e left with?

Rs.809 Rs. 1015


(A) Rs. 324 (B) Rs. 163

(C ) Rs. 293 (D) Rs. 193
33. Which of the following roman numeral is m e aningless?
(A ) XV (B) XIX

UCN / 2009 / IV II
Unified Counr;il

34. Find the missing number in the following pattern.

(A) 12 :e) 13
C (C) 14 (D) 20

(A) AF . (B) BH (C) DG (D)FJ
36. 0 + 10,000 =- --
(A) 0 (B) 1,000 (C) 10,000 (D) 1,00,000
37. Pick out the prime number from the following.
(A) 49 (B) 39 (C) 27 (D) 17
38. Fractions with different denominators are called
(A) like (B) unlike (C) unit (D) improper
39. The decimal form of is:
(A) 0.4 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.16 (D) 0.21
40. Gupta sold few biscuit packets for Rs. 7.50. lfthe cost of
each packet is Rs. 1.50, how many ーセ」ォ ・ エウ@ did he sell?
(A ) 15 (B ) 5 (C) 10 (D ) 4
41. The number of seconds in 1 hour is:
(A)60 (B) 120 (C)360 (D ) 3600

U C N/ 2 0 09/IV
Unlfled Council
le sta nd in g ve rti ca lly on th e gr ou nd .
42. Th e dia gr am sh ow s a po

e po le if 50 em of it is bu rie d
W ha t is th e to tal len gt h of th
in th e gr ou nd ?
(B ) 23 0 em
(A) 180 em
(D ) 770 em
(C )3 20 em
r 99 is:
43. Th e ro m an nu m er al fo
(C) LL (D ) Al l the giv en

44. 16 x 9 == _ _ te ns + 4
(C) 10 (D }14
(A ) 2 (B ) 5
in th e fo llo wi ng .
45. Fi nd th e mi ss in g te rm

· (C) 13 (D ) 14
(A ) 11 (B ) 12

UC N / 20 09 /IV \


46. Which of the following is a characteristic of -all living
(A) Exhibit locomotion (B) Possess p.ervous system
(C) Reproduce (D) Hibernate
47. Which of the following materials is obtained from flax?
(A) Linen (B) Cotton (C) Polyester (D) Wool
48. Which of the following is a seed containing stored food?
- ch
(A) H b Iセ@ H cI セ@ (D)Allofthese

49. What do plants produce during photosynthesis?

P Oxygen
Q Carbon dioxide
R Sugar
(A) P only (B) Q only
(C) P and R only (D) Q & R only
50. Which of the following is an omnivore?

.___,..,__,. HbIセ@ H cI セ@ (D) BothA&C

51. In humans, the system that carries oxygen and nutrients

to all parts of the body is: ·
(A) circulatory system (B) excretory system
(C) digestive·system (D) nervous system

U C N/2 0 .09/IV
Un ifie d Council
ow s an ob se rv at io n.
12. Fi gu re gi ye n be lo w sh

7. 00 a. m. 10 .00 a.m.
w to di sa pp ea r by 10 .00 a.m
W ha t pr oc es s ca us es th e de
(B) Ev ap or ati on
(A) Boiling
(D ) Melt ing
(C ) Co nd en sa tio n
en om en on du e to th e:
53. Ni gh t an d da y is a ph
(A ) mo ve me nt of the Mo
on ro un d th e Ea rth
un d th e Su n
(B) mo ve me nt of th e Ea rth ro
its axis
(C) ro tat ion of th e Ea rth on
ve me nt of Ea rth an d th e Moon r ou nd th e Su n
CO) mo
ch of th e fo llo wi ng de te rm in es th e sh ap e of th e ho us es
54. W hi
in an ar ea ?
(A ) W ea th er co nd iti on s
ex ist ing in th e ar ea
(B ) Sh ap e of th e people
(C ) Dr ink ing wa ter av ail
ab le in th e ar ea
(D ) Am ou nt of ai r
..... -·- ··-......
c;:-:-·-·:..-;: セ@ -:: Zセ@ ......
LNᄋセ M ᄋ Mᄋ@

.. .. ·. ·..·
. )
.. ...... : JJ
so il C ·
so il A セ\M ::: .. -::::::: so il B

·-- ·--

...:..-· _... セ ⦅N@

er s P, Q an d R af te r flo wi
W at er is co lle ct ed in be ak il A?
. W ha t do yo u th in k is so
th ro ug h th e di ffe re nt so ils
(C) Lo am (D) Sa lt
(A) Clay (B) Sa nd

UC N/ 20 09 /IV
·56. Wo rk is don e wh en you :
(A) kick a foot bal l (B) ham me r a nai l
(C) pus h a door (D) all oft he above
57. Fig ure giv en bel ow sho ws a par t of
the dig est ive sys tem .
Ide ntif y the par t lab elle d P.

セ /•

(A) Pan cre as (B) Liv er (C) Duo den um (D) Appendix
58. If we do NO T kee p our solU 'ces of
wa ter cle an, wh ich of
the fol low ing dis eas es can be eas ily spt
·ea d?
(A) Measles (B) Ma lari a (C) Cho lera (D) Sm allp ox
59. Th e fig ure sho ws the Sun , the Ea rth
and obj ect Q in the
Sol ar sys tem .

Wh at is tru e abo ut Q?
(A) It is Ear th's closest neig hbo ur
(B) It can not be see n dur ing the day
(C) It refl ects ligh t from the Sun ·
(D) All of the se
60. Wh ich of the se 、セ・ウ@ NO T exh ibi t sen siti vity ?
(A) Sunflower (B) Cat
(C) Wood (D) Pitc her pla nt
U C N/2 0 09/I V
Unified Council

61. The box below 、セウ@ NOT move b ecau se:


(A) both th e forces are acting in th e opposite direction

(B) for ce A> f0r ce B
(C) force A < force B
(D ) force A = force B
62. Which of the following yolumes is the largest?
(A) 20 millilitres (B ) 20 litres
(C) 200 millilitres (D ) 2000 millilitres
63. In the following food chain, what is the role of the cabbage
in this food chain?

(A) To form a h abitat To find space to live

(B )
(C) To be a source ッヲセイ。エ イ@・ (D) To be a source of energy
64. The figure shows-one of the im port a n t ot·gans in the
human body.
\Vlt ich is true a bout the organ labe lled X?
I It produces urine
II It excretes urea
Ill It stores urine
(A) I and II only
(B) II and III only
(C) I and III only
(D) I, II and Ill

UCN / 200 9/IV
Unlf ltd Cour u:IJ
65. The sur fac e of the Ear th bec ome s._ _
_ whe n it turn s
awa y from the Sun .
/ P cold er "'
Q hott er
R brig hter
S dark er
HN セ NI@ P and R only (B) P and S only
(C) Q and R only (D) Q and S only
66. Fer tilit y of the soil can be ma int ain ed
(A) chan ging cr ops ever y year
(B ) cultivat ing sam e crop ever y year
(C) burn ing drie d leav es
(D) usin g more syn thet ic fertilize rs
67. Wh ich of the foll owi ng sho ws the cor
rec t gro upi ng of
anim als bas ed on the ir r epr odu ctio n?
lays egg s giv ing birth-...
(A ) Wha le Cow
(B) Fish Cat
(C) Squ irrel Tige r
(D) Chi cken Owl
68. Wh y a:re som e bui ldin gs pai nte d whi te?
(A) Whit e surf aces look clea n
(B ) Whi te surf aces keep germ s awa y
(C) Whi te surfaces abso rb less hea t
(D) Whi te surf aces absor b mor e heat
69. Bas ed on the giv en info rma tion, wha t is
the imp orta nce
of soil to plan ts?
I -Soilsupplies plan ts with food
II - Soilsupplies plan ts with minerals
Ill - Soil supplies plan ts with airand wate r
(A) I only (B ) II and III only
(C) I and II only . (D) I, Il and III
U C N / 2 0 09/IV
Unlfl•d Council
70. Atul is using a compass to find out which direction the
wind is blowing. Which of the following would be best
for him to observe to help him find the direction of the
(A) The temperature on a thermometer
(B) Birds flying above the trees
(C) A flag on a pole
(D) 1'he shadow of a pole
71. Which of the following statements about the animals
shown below is correct?

Squirrel ·

(A) Their tails help them to balance when they hop from one
place to another
(B) They lay eggs to reproduce
(C) They feed on plants living in the water
(D) They are carnivorous
72. Which of the following sends signals from space to the
Earth so that people can communicate?
(A) E-mail (B) Handphone (C) The Internet (D) Satellite
73. Diagram below shows the phases of the Moon.

) (
p Q R s
Which of the following is the correct order?
(A)P, Q,R,S (B)P S,Q,R (C) Q,R,P,S (D)R, P,Q,S

. m
74. Stu dy the pic tur e giv en bel ow
. Wh ich of the fol low ing
are pro tec tiv e foo ds' !

(A ) P (B ) Q (C) R (D) All of the se
75. Wh ich of th·e fol low ing ca nn
ot be do ne by a hu ma n
wi tho ut the he lp of an y dev ice ?
I - To sm ell flowers
II -To cut dow n a tree
Ill - To clean the ceiling
, IV - To see bac teri a
(A) II onl y (B) I and III only
(C) II an d IV onl y (D) II, III and IV onl y
76. 1."he fig ure giv en bel ow sho ws
the res ult of an exp eri me nt.
Th e ex pe rim en t sho ws tha t the roo
ts res po nd to:

da inp
soi l

(A ) wa ter (B) tou ch (C) gravity

(D) sun ligh t
U C N / 2 0 09'/ IV
Cl ASS : 1\1 Unlfltd Council
77. Which of the .following foods are needed for the growth
and repair of our body?
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins (C) F ats (D) Lipids
78. Which of the following animals give birth to live babies?
(A) Whale (B) Crocodile (C) H en (D) Frog
79. Which of the following waste materials·can be buried in
the ground?
(A) Glass (B) Plastic bags (C) Plywood (D) Foodstuffs
80. Figure given below shows a ball remaining stationary on
the floor.

What force enables the ball to remain in that position?

(A) Pushing (B) Friction (C) Magnet (D) Pulling
81. Why are microorganisms NOT visible to the nake d eye?
(A) They grow faster {B) They are harmful
(C) They move fast (D) They are very tiny


The characteristics of the given cactus plant is designed to:

I - protect the plant from being eaten by animals
II - prevent the plant from loosing too much water
Ill -pro ted the plant from otherplants
(A) I and IT only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and Ill
83. Which characteristic is NOT the adaptation of animals
t o protect themselves from e xtrem e ly cold we ather?
(A) A thick coat of fur (B) A thick layer of fat
{C) A t hin layer of hair (D) Hibernat ion
U C N/ 2 0 09 / IV
84. Diagram given below shows an experiment.

balloon ·-+beaker

water at ·'

What will happen if the glass bottle is placed on the

surface of the beaker?
(A) The bottle cools
(B) The shape of the bottle changes
(C) The balloon expands
(D) The temperature of the water in the beaker increases
85. Which of .the following is a communicable disease?
(A) Cancer (B) Malaria (C) Heart attack (D) Diabetes
86. Identify the tooth shown in the figure.

(A) Incisor (B) Canine

(C) Molar (D) Premolar

87. Process by which carbon dioxide and water are converted

to starch and release of oxygen in the presence of sunlight
is called:
(A) respiration (B) ーィッエウセ・ゥ@
(C) digestion (D) peristalsis
88. The two main processes of making fabrics are:
(A) ginning and weaving (B) weaving and knitting
(C) spinning and weaving (D) none of the above

U C N/2 0 09/IV
Unffl•cl Coutacll
en bel ow .
89. Stu dy the pro pe rti es of X giv

ha s a de fir ii te セ@ ha s a de fin ite

vo lum .e ' sh ap e

en t?
Wh ich of the fol low ing ca n X rep res
(A) Wa ter (B) Ice
(C) Oxygen (D) Ste am
org ans ?
90. Wh ich of the se are exc ret ory

II Ill

(A) I and II onl y (B) II and III onl y

(C) I and III onl y (D) I, II and III

U C N/2 0 09/ IV
CLASS: IV Unified Council


91. Which figure should come next in the series given below?

セL`@ @],?

(A) w (C) @ (D) <§>

92. The term 'butterfly' refers to which sport?
(A) Basketball (B) Swimming (C) Cricket (D) Baseball
93. Which word is the same in meani ng to the word 'infer'?
(A) Last (B) Conclude (C) セョッオ ァ ィ@ (D) End
94. Which number should come in the empty box in the
number series given below?
(A ) 12 (B) 17 (C) 9 (D ) 11
95. If P AMT is written as QBNU, then CORD may be written
96. Who among the following is NOT a painter?
(A) Amrita Sher-Gil (B ) S.H. Raza
(C) M .F. Hussain (D) Amrita Pritam
97. Which of these is 'The Land of Golden Pagodas'?
(A ) Korea (B) Thailand (C) Myanmar (D) Vietnam
98. The classical dance form of Kerala is:
(A ) Kathakali (B) Bangra (C) Kuchipudi (D) Odissi
99. Who among the following is the first Vice President and
second President of India?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (B) Zakir Hussain
(C) S. Radhakrishnan (D) None of these
100. Where were the Olympic Games held in the year 2008?
(A) Sydney (B) Atlanta (C) Beijing (D) Athens

U C N/2 0 09/IV
1. 0 2. D 3. A 4. c 5. B 6. 8 7. c 8. B
9. 0 10. c 11. c 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. c
17 . B 18. A 19. B 20. c 21. A 22. 0 23. A 24. 0
25. 0 26. c 27. B 28. A 29. c 30. A 31. D 32. D
33. '-r
34. B 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. c 40. B
41. D 42. c 43. B 44 ·D 45. c 46. c 47. A 48. c
49. c 50. D 51. A 52. B 53. c 54. A 55. B 56. 0
57. A 58. c 59. D 60. c 61. 0 62. B 63. D 64. A
65. B 66. A 67. B 68. c 69. B 70. c 71. A 72. D
73. B 74. c 75. D 76. A 77. 8 78. A 79. D 80. 8
81. 0 82. A. 83. c 84. c 85. 8 86. B 87. B 88. c
89. B 90. c 91. D 92. B 93. B 94. c 95. B 96. 0
97. c 98. A 99. c 100.(
· - -- -

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