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10 Reasons Why Having Sex Is Good For Your Health

Published on October 7, 2010 in News. 18 Comments


As the article below mentions my name, I got it from Google Alerts. It was written
by by Parul Tyagi and published in EzineArticles I do believe that the writer is
going too far (in my opinion, sex is good because it is good) but I decided to
republish it here�

Paulo Coelho�s book titled �Eleven Minutes� suggests that the �act of coming
together� just takes about 2-3 minutes, while the remaining 9 minutes are no more
than an attempt to reach the �crescendo� when a hormonal discharge provides ecstasy
like none other!

Scientists have often debated that sex is extremely beneficial for our health, but
the lack of sex in good measures can have negative effects. On the other hand, too
much sex can also be harmful; if you indulge in sex for more than 3 times a week,
you are exposing yourself to the risk of a weaker immune system as well as
vulnerability to infections�

1. The balance of your mental and emotional health is definitely influenced by sex.
While abstinence often leads to anxiety or paranoia and even depression�having sex
can cure cases of light depressions. After having exercised sex, the brain releases
endorphins that decrease stress and induce a wonderful state of euphoria.

2. For all you women, having regular sex means freedom from expensive salon
treatments. An excellent beauty treatment, having sex actually doubles the level of
estrogen in women and makes their hair shine with brilliance while making their
skin supple and softer.

3. And if you want to love longer, then look no further than your own bedroom.
According to a research carried out at Queens University in Belfast, Ireland,
having regular sex increases the lifespan in humans. It was found that out of the
people of the same age and health, those who had more frequent orgasms faced 50%
less death rate than who people who didn�t have frequent orgasms.

4. Sex is an excellent deep-cleansing treatment as well. Since sex is a strenuous

but enjoyable exercise, when you have sex the pores of your skin are cleansed
leaving a brighter and glowing skin as well as decreasing the risk of developing

5. An inexpensive and pleasurable exercise, sex can make you lose weight. When you
have sex after a candlelight romantic dinner, not only do you burn all the fat and
carbohydrates you consumed, but you also stay healthy at no extra cost! Consider
this: A single session of passionate, mind-blowing sex (even regular sex) can burn
about 200 calories. This is equivalent to running for 15 minutes on a treadmill!

6. Ladies, if you like you man to have bulging biceps then have sex more often. Sex
is a great way to strengthen muscles. Imagine the effort made by your man through
those difficult pushes and flexions! Of course, it all depends on the stunts in
your bed�but it�s definitely better than running for miles on miles.

7. Did you know that the more active your sex life, the more attractive and
irresistible you become for the opposite sex? Really! An active sex life means that
your body gets into the habit of releasing more pheromones, chemicals that attract
all those gorgeous, luscious women! No wonder Casanova was so popular!
8. Sex can sharpen your senses; especially enhance your sense of smell. After sex,
prolactin is released that activates the stem cells in the brain to form new
neurons in the olfactory bulb. This helps to improve your sense of smell.

9. A pain reliever, sex is TEN times more effective than painkillers such as
Valium. Just before orgasm, the hormone oxytocin�s level rises almost 5 times,
leading to release of large amount of endorphins. Endorphins are natural
painkillers and relieve you of pain, minor headaches, and migraines without any
after effects. Next time your lady has a headache, treat her with a vigorous
session of lovemaking rather than a Valium.

10. We all know that dentists� bills can blow you off, but nothing can blow you
like a good, deep French kiss! The act of Kissing stimulates salivation, which
helps clean food particles stuck between the teeth and lowers the acidity level in
your mouth. This is the primary cause of tooth decay. So kiss all you want, after
all it�s a great excuse!

So my dear friends, sex is not just good for the mind, the body, but the wallet as

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