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CSN Education Department - Field Observation Activities Packet

Greetings Future Educator,

One of the most rewarding aspects of EDU 201 is the opportunity you will have to observe in a school classroom
where students are actively engaged in learning. Each of these three CSN courses require all students to
complete a 10 hour "Field Observation" in a Clark County public school.

Once your placement is processed, you will receive details regarding your assigned school from your CSN
professor. Only then, will you contact the school and meet with your CCSD “cooperating teacher”. Both you and
your cooperating teacher will design a mutually agreeable schedule to complete your required contact hours once
you meet for the first time.

Within this packet, you will find the required field experience assignments and other documents that you must
complete in order to pass this class.

Your Name: Bahar Lawter

CSN Course: EDU 201 Intro. to Elementary Education

Professor: Connie Christensen

Professor’s email:

CCSD School: Iverson, Mervin Elementary School

Cooperating Teacher: Gaylynn Whinery

CSN Field Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 1


1. Locate your assigned school on a map, or via the CCSD website, and arrive during the Initial Visitation Week
dates provided to you by your CSN instructor. This initial visit will be your chance to gather information about your
assigned cooperating CCSD teacher. School locations and other information can be found on the CCSD web site

2. Pre-plan for an on-time arrival, and make sure that all interaction with CCSD employees and students is
respectful, courteous, and professional. You are a guest in their school, and a representative of this class and the
college. CCSD is allowing you to visit their school to further your understanding of the teaching profession. It is
imperative that your actions reflect a willingness to learn and are reflective of a future professional educator.

3. The first half of your field observation/experience will be centered around learning about the school you were
assigned and focusing on the general and unique characteristics of its culture. You will be looking at and
reflecting upon things that are going on in the classroom at the school level that you were assigned. You are
simply observing during this time. Your cooperating teacher will give you guidance on how your experience can
be expanded beyond simple observations, when he/she feels comfortable with your professionalism and skills.


Check in at the school office and let the Office Manager know that you are a CSN Education student who has
been placed with a cooperating teacher at their school for Field Observation. Be patient while the information
you’ll need is located by the Office Manager. The request for placement came through Interact™ from our Field
Observation Coordinator and has been pre-approved by the school’s administrator. During this initial visit, some
of you may be sent directly to the classroom to meet your cooperating teacher, some of you may be given contact
information for the cooperating teacher, and then will return on a different day for your first classroom visit.


Introduce yourself to your assigned Cooperating Teacher. Since this is your first visit, ask the teacher where
he/she would like you to sit while you complete your observation hours for this CSN Introduction to Education
class. Show the teacher this “Field Observation Activities Packet”, as well as the last 3 pages which contain the
“Cooperating Teacher Information”, the “Time Log” and “Field Observation Student Evaluation” pages.
Let the teacher know that you will be taking notes during the observation for your packet assignments, and that
you will be asking him/her to verify your hours of attendance and evaluate your participation once the total
observation hours are complete.


Standards of Conduct
You are student representatives of the CSN Education Department and the teaching profession. Candidates are
expected to maintain high standards of personal and professional ethics.

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Once you plan a schedule with the cooperating teacher, this
becomes an agreement in which you are expected to adhere to. You are expected to sign in and out at the school
(as required by the school office and/or program). In case of illness or emergency, you must contact the assigned
school and let them know you will not be in attendance on that day, so they can notify your cooperating teacher.

You should exercise respectful discretion when voicing your personal views. It is important that your demeanor
and opinions remain confidential. Under no circumstances can information about any students be released to, or
discussed with, any unauthorized person. It is forbidden to have any contact with students outside of the
classroom you are assigned. This restriction also includes CSN students contacting CCSD students using any
electronic means or through the use of social media.

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Dress Code
CSN Department of Education wants you to be a success. Therefore, we have established a dress code for
students fulfilling their observation requirement in the assigned school district. Appearance creates credibility;
make a good first impression by dressing professionally.

Required Acceptable Attire:

• Shirts with collars
• Ties (optional) with button down shirts
• Khakis, trousers, slacks; belts if pants have loops, (no sagging, rips or tears)
• Simple jewelry
• Shoes and socks that cover the toes and heels

• Shirts or blouses that cover the shoulders & waist; no see-through or mesh
• Sweaters worn over shirt
• Pants, pantsuits, khakis, trousers, slacks (no sagging, rips or tears)
• Jumpers, dresses, skirts (in length from 2" above the knee to the ankle)
• Shoes and socks that cover the toes and heels
• Leggings worn under dresses/skirts/jumpers
• Simple jewelry or none
• Little (daytime) make-up

Not Acceptable Attire: jeans, shorts, tank tops, halter tops, muscle T-shirts, tight fitting clothing, warm-ups,
sandals, flip flops, stilettos; no cleavage showing, no sagging or frayed hems; no head covering except for
religious reasons, such as a yarmulke or turban-like. No nontraditional hair colors/styles. Undergarments and
tattoos should be covered. Remove facial jewelry. No perfume. *School principal/supervisor has the sole
discretion on questionable clothing or appearance that distracts from student learning.

Classroom Conduct:
At all times, the cooperating teacher maintains legal responsibility for pupils in his or her classroom. You should
never assume that responsibility and be left unsupervised with children. You should not discipline students. You
are an observer, who should take notes to discuss during your next education class meeting, or to record in your
Field Observation packet.

Professional Conduct:
Never speak to staff or students in an abusive manner.
Never touch or be alone with a student for any reason.
Never give a student food, drink, or other items without the teacher’s permission.
Never take photos/video of students or staff without written permission from the principal.
Never make or accept calls/text using any communication device.


Review the terms of the CCSD Waiver Forms provided by your instructor.
“Student Statement of Responsibility” (Exhibit B)
“Student Confidentiality Statement” (Exhibit C)

Print, sign with a pen and submit the waivers as instructed by your CSN instructor. These 2 waiver documents
MUST be agreed to in order to secure your observation placement. Completion of the Field Observation is a
PASS/FAIL component of the course.

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Read through all the assignments and take notes during your observation visits. You will gather
information on more than one assignment during an observation. Then, using your notes answer the
questions for each assignment.

 All assignments must be Word Process except the classroom diagram. Your detailed
responses to assignment questions must demonstrate careful analysis of the questions and the
observation information.
 Questions responses must include detailed explanations and examples from the classroom
observation. All responses must be written as complete sentences.
 Do not include the questions. Use only the question numbers and include a reference to the
questions in the short essay response as demonstrated below:

 Assignment One - Question 1: What is your first impression of the classroom

 Response: The classroom environment is friendly and welcoming to the students and
seems a fun place to learn. The classroom is decorated with the students’ work,
interesting posters and the teacher shows respect to the students.

When it is time to submit the Field Observation Packet for grading:

 print the cover page of the Field Observation Packet,
 include all the observation assignments
 include your Time Log and Cooperating Teacher Evaluations.


ASSIGNMENT #1 (Observation)

1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting, organized, etc? Describe
the physical environment in detail.

 It was very welcoming. Children were so excited to have a visitor. This was a well-organized class. Each
table was marked with a number. The kids were very well behaved and well trained for their daily

2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL, students with physical
challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note.

 There were 32 kids in the class. 24 students were ELL students. There was one girl who a little bit
autistic, but it was not severe. 18 of the children were girls, 14 were boys. 30 of the children were
Hispanic, with the other 2 being Caucasian.

3: Are their posted class rules? If rules are posted write them exactly as they appear.

 Yes, the classroom rules are posted clearly, handwritten with markers. All her classroom rules are
motivating to do the right things. But I have to mention that since the classroom is small and there are
many decorations and songs on the walls, it is hard to spot the rules. I felt that the location of the rules
was not very good. They are:
1. Let’s get along
2. Use kind words
CSN Field Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 4
3. Be quick to forgive
4. Listen
5. Share
6. Encourage others
7. Take turns
8. Think before acting
9. Talk it over

4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? What rewards or consequences are used for compliance or

 Yes, she enforces these rules. Kids get points for following the classroom rules and doing the
assignments. The teacher uses the application called DoJo which she can keep track of the students’
points. Whoever gets more points gets the Treasure Box which has some rewards in it such as pencils,
notebook and crayons.

ASSIGNMENT #2 (Classroom Layout): Use graph paper or drawing software to create an accurate overhead
view, labeled drawing, of your assigned classroom. Then answer the questions below

The Board


a Teac
r her’s
y Desk
K e
i s
d k
s s
o E
o L


CSN Field Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 5

1: Describe the workflow of the room. Is the space used efficiently?
 The space was used efficiently. I think every space of the room is over-used. The classroom is filled with
decorated papers, extra crayons, extra papers. It’s too much stuff, in my opinion.

2: In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the room be improved?
 I thought that the room was arranged well but could have been better. The room is small, and I think that
the classroom should get rid of older decorations and other old stuff that they are not using before doing
any new ones. The room was filled with decorations and student projects. The older projects take a lot of
the classroom’s space. It is better to leave enough space for the classroom rules, so the children can
read it every time they look at that wall.

ASSIGNMENT #3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record your
observations when presented with the questions below:

1: What is the posted daily/weekly schedule for different subjects or periods?

9:00 Breakfast
9:25-9:50 Specials (Library, Computer) Changes daily depending on an A day or B day.
9:50-11:00 Math (Direct Class)
Independent work
Reading Centers
Phonic Activities (Letters, sounds)
20 min Play time
1:10 Story time
Integrated Activity
Social studies and Reading
3:25 Dismiss

2: Is instruction delivered in small groups, centers, whole groups, individually?

 The instructions are deliverd by the teacher in different ways such as individully and to groups (by table
numbers) depending on what the instructions are. When she wants them to line up or sit on the carpet,
they are called by table number. When the teacher wants to go over the assingnment, the instructions are
given to the whole class. When the teacher wants to work one on one then the instructions are given

3: Describe your cooperating teacher’s teaching style.

 Very polite and calm teacher. She does not talk loud and fast. Her soft and slow voice makes the lesson
much easier for the children to understand.

4: How does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? Give examples.
 She uses the four main modalities, visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic. She uses pictures to illustrate
points, she reads to the class, she has the students engage in physical games to learn some concepts,
and she brings things to class for the students to feel and interact with, such as turtle shell, rabbit fur, etc..
5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) presented? Please explain.
 Yes . The kids listen carefully and they engage well. If they fall behind they raise their hands to let teacher
to know about it and she will go back for that student.
6: Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class? Explain?
 No. None of the students are isolated at any time. Students being together is very important for their
growth as human beings. Isolating one from the others could be detrimental to their short-term and long-
term development, which is why I think I didn’t see it.
7: How does the teacher handle transitions from subject to subject or activity to activity? Are the
transitions efficient?
 With differnt style. Sometimes direct order. Sometimes changing their places. When she wants to change
a subject she will have the children change their physical location, from the carpet to the table and back
again. This physical transition helps them understand the mental transition too.

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8: List ways the teacher uses “attention getting” commands, word phrases, signals, etc. Are they
 She uses several attention getting commands. She sometimes calls students by name and uses phrases
such as “Make a better choice!” The other attention getter is “Touch your nose if you are listening” or she
will start counting out loud “five, four, three, two, one,” as soon as she starts counting, kids raise their
hands and start counting with the teacher. When she reaches one they know to be quiet.
9: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does the teacher handle the
behavior issues? Be specific.
 The teacher tries to redirect bad behavior. She ignores small problems and keeps teaching them. If it is
totally distrupting the class then she will deal with it by talking to the problem student directly. Usually that
is enough to solve any problems they have.

10: Are there any policies or procedures that help or hinder instructional time? Please explain them and
how they help or hinder instructional time.
 They have their own set routines that help to keep them productive. For instance, if they finish with their
assignment, they do not wait for the next instruction from the teacher, they grab a book and start reading
quietly on the carpet.

ASSIGNMENT #4 (Culture): Using the questions below, carefully observe and evaluate the culture of the school.
Remember you are evaluating the school for its educational culture, place of learning, sense of safety, invitation
for learning, promotion of self-actualization, development of values and socialization.

Physical Characteristics: Look at the physical areas of the school to determine atmosphere, comfort, and
feelings the school creates for students in the educational setting.

1. Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees, parking
lot, crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols. Describe in detail.
 First thing when you get to the school there is a big “Welcome” sign in two languages (English and
Spanish). The building is maroon and white in color and there is an eagle picture on the wall.
Landscaping is beautiful with several palm trees in the front yard. The playground is fenced for children’s
safety. There is enough parking spots for the visitors and the parents.

2. Next, study the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall colors and
decorations and entrance security. Explain in detail.

Culture of the School: Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and atmosphere within the

1. Explain the school’s mission statement, motto, and mascot.

 Mission Statement: “The Iverson Elementary community creates excitement for learning by providing rich
educational experiences in a safe and positive environment. By meeting the needs and developing the
potential of all our students, we are preparing them to move confidently into the future with courage,
strength, and grace - like eagles” The mission statement is pretty good. It doesn’t really tell you anything
useful about the school, but it shows a commitment towards teaching their children well and in a safe
environment. Their mascot is an eagle, which I like very much. Eagles are proud, beautiful creatures.
Their motto is “Spreading our wings… Shaping Americas future.” I quite like the motto. Its inspiring and
ties into their eagle mascot.

2. Analyze staff and visitor interactions in the main office. Note student and faculty interactions in
other areas of the school.
 The main office staff were very helpful, welcoming and polite. They help the guests and answers their
questions. I found that the visitors were always treated well, being given priority over whatever work the
staff had to do. They made me feel welcome and valued at their school.

3. Observe student-to-student interactions, inside and outside of the building. Observe where
students gather to socialize – lunchroom, halls, common areas, playground, etc.

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 Students do gather and socialize in a large open space in the middle of the school. It resembles an atrium
but is more open. It has a barbecue and a playground for the kids. The kids seemed to get along well
whether they were in the classroom or outside of it as far as I could see.

4. Explain how the school is organized- office, library, halls/classrooms, signs.

 At the entrance there is big eagle sculpture as their school symbol. When you enter to the school there is
an office with enough chairs for the guests/parents. The school is well organized with welcoming signs
such as: “Welcome to Iverson!” Then if you follow the hallway it takes you to every classroom and to the
library. The library has a huge window which creates a quiet, relaxing place for the readers. The walls of
the library are painted with book characters such as “Cat in the hat”, “Harry Potter” and so on. The
carpets of the hallway are very clean and have a nice, pleasing color. In the corner right next to the library
there are the pictures of teachers of the school. And if you turn right from that corner, you can see list of
all presidents with all state flags. I think it is very inspiring and learning for the children to know their
presidents and state flags. Every wall of the school is filled with art and lessons for the children.

5. Examine school traditions, achievements and awards; community recognition or community

partners; extracurricular activities/clubs and athletics. Look for and document sources of
community pride and sense of identity through ceremonies, assemblies, trophies, and artifacts.
 They are very proud of their basketball and soccer teams. They do not have any community partners.
Their choir is a source of pride as well. They don’t have any trophies or awards, but they have certificates
for participation.

Culture of the Classroom: Each classroom has its own culture and way of life.
1. Look for teacher expectations for learning and success.
 She expects them to be quiet, good listeners and learners for future success. She expects them to do
their homework and have it on time. She expects them to be kind to each other and follow the rules on
the wall.

2. Evaluate the level of student participation in the class. Who participates? Who does not?
 85%-90% of students participate. When teacher explains the lesson, she tries to use different vocabulary
to fit the ESL students’ language needs, so they can understand better and be involved in the lesson.
3. Evaluate the interactions between teacher and students, rapport, cohesiveness, distribution of
power, teacher personality.
 The teacher has a great rapport with her students. They understand and care for each other, with the
students respecting the teacher and the teacher being kind and loving towards the students. I’d say that
the students are also friendly and kind with each other, taking care to make sure that their friends are
doing well in the class.

ASSIGNMENT #5 (Cooperating Teacher Interview): Arrange for a convenient time to interview your
cooperating teacher. Ask the questions below. Include any school document, handouts, etc. the teacher

1: What was the primary reason you became a teacher?

A: I wanted to make a difference in children’s lives.

2: What are the main challenges you face as a teacher?

A: Teaching children can be challenging, as they will test your patience at times.

3: What is the best part of being a teacher?

A: Watching children grow and succeed.

4: How do you determine where students sit in class?

A: If they have extra needs they are closer to the teacher. Separate friends who are noisy together and put
together students who can help each other.

5: How do you select members of any flexible groups?

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A: Students who are doing well are placed next to those needing help.

6: How often do you interact with parents in person? What are the main reasons for interactions with
A: Daily at pick up. Talk to them about student’s progress, needs and behavior

7: How much grading do you complete on a daily/weekly basis?

A: Kinder-so no grading all assessment are basically interview and task completed.

8: How long does it take to prepare lessons for the day/week?

A: Very experienced so not very long, 1hour/week.

9: What procedures or strategies do you use to maximize instructional time?

A: establish routines, so students know what to expect every day.

10: What positive reinforcements you used successfully? What behavioral consequences seem most
effective with this age group?
A: positive reinforcement-praise-earn points for treasure box.

11: How are specialist teachers involved in your instructional planning and process?
A: Not much but work closely with others in grade level. 2 meetings/week.

12: How often are you evaluated, and what measurement tool is used by the administration for
determining your teaching performance?
A: A couple of times a year. Nev Educator Performance Framework.

13: What consequences are there if your evaluation is not favorable?

A: Administration work with you to improve.

14: What surprised you most about teaching as a profession?

A: Time involvement.

ASSIGNMENT #6 (Observing a student): Discretely observe one student in your assigned classroom during
direct instruction. Explain what the student did during the observation. Summarize the lesson given and the
student’s responses to the lesson. Make sure to document ALL behavior in relationship to what was being
presented by the classroom teacher. Please describe what you discovered about the student’s learning styles,
involvement in class, and his/her educational needs.

ASSIGNMENT #7 (Summary): Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field Observation.
What did you observe, learn, realize about teachers, students, instruction, the school environment? How has this
observation better prepared you to understand the teaching profession? How does the observation relate to the
text information and class activities? What specific ideas on teaching will you remember to include in your

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 Remember that before receiving the final grade for this EDU 201 course, the CSN student must submit the
completed Field Observation Activities Packet, Time Log, and Student Evaluation to the CSN
instructor for grading.

 The cooperating teacher must also email the instructor to confirm the successful completion of the
observation. The student must also provide the CCSD cooperating teacher with their CSN professor’s
email, so the cooperating teacher can send an email to verify that the student has successfully completed
the 10 hours of observation.

 The instructor’s email is provided on the first page of this packet, and on the next page for the cooperating

 Remember that completion of the Field Observation is a PASS/FAIL component of the course.

 Remember to save this completed packet in digital form, and as a hard copy for the Education
Department’s capstone course, (EDU 299)

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Dear Cooperating Teacher,

Thank you for assisting in the preparation of a new generation of Nevada teachers. Our education majors are
required to complete 10 field observation hours in:

This class is where many of our students actually make the decision whether they will continue further study of
the profession. We appreciate you joining us in providing these students with a wonderful first experience in the
classroom. If at all possible, please utilize the student to assist you in supervised classroom instructional
activities if you deem them ready.

We are hopeful that the information we have enclosed with this letter, which has been approved by the Nevada
College Consortium, will help you with a clear sense of how this field experience works.

When the student has completed his/her required observation hours, please complete and sign the “FIELD
Then, return these two pages to the student who will submit them to his/her professor. For your convenience, the
student has provided you with CSN contact information below. Please contact the CSN instructor if there are any
questions or concerns.

Also, before a final grade for EDU 201 can be assigned, the CSN professor MUST receive your official email
verification that the student successfully completed the 10 hour observation. Please also “cc” the student on this
email. The student WILL NOT receive a final grade in the course until the email is received from you.

CSN Course # & name: EDU 201

CSN Professor: Connie Christensen

CSN Professor’s phone: 702-651-4803

CSN Professor’s email:

Student’s name: Bahar Lawter

Student’s email:

Should you have any concerns or questions about this process, please feel free to contact the instructor directly,
or the CSN Education Department at: (702) 651-4400.

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TIME LOG - CSN Field Observations

CSN Student: >>>

CSN Instructor: >>>

CCSD School Assigned: >>>

CCSD Cooperating Teacher: >>>

CCSD Grade/Department: >>>

CCSD School Principal: >>>

CCSD School Phone & Fax: (702) >>> (702) >>>

Record accurate data for all school visitations in the table below



Cooperating Teacher Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

CSN Field Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 12

FIELD OBSERVATION STUDENT EVALUATION - completed by Cooperating CCSD teacher

Please complete the following evaluation using the Performance Indicator Scores below (with the student) once
the total observation hours are met. Your constructive comments are extremely valuable to the student. Return
this page to the student along with their Time Log to be submitted with the completed observation packet

Enter the appropriate “Performance Indicator Score” in the spaces below

(4)=exemplary (3)=consistent level (2)=not consistent (1)=lacking

_____ Professional appearance, adherence to CCSD dress code

_____ Reliability, punctuality

_____ Communicates effectively with teachers and staff

_____ Demonstrates manners, graciousness

_____ Reflects upon observations using critical thinking

_____ Demonstrates enthusiasm and curiosity toward the profession

_____ Models respectful behavior with students

_____ Uses appropriate language

_____ Exhibits pre-service educator success indicators


Cooperating Teacher’s Signature: __________________________________ Date:__________

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