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Chapter 1

Introduction of Action Research

1.1 Introduction
Action Research is very popular in the field of education because there is always
space for improvement when it comes to teaching and educating others. There are
all types of methods of teaching in the classroom, but action research work very well
because it offers opportunities for continued reflection and improvement.
Some students think that economics is too difficult subject to understand. They don’t
pay attention towards the economic lectures. It can be because of less interest in
economic subject or maybe they are having some other problem like lack of basic
knowledge which can make economics subject boring.
It is carried out experimentally to find out what action should be taken to solve a
problem in the shortest possible time. It is undertaken as an act and as a guide to
action in a specific area.

1.2 Need of Action Research
1) The research is required to identify why students are inattentive in economic
subject. The students may be confused in understanding the concepts of
economics and might be inattentive in the class.

2) The student might be careless in his work and so could not give attention on
the economic subject. The student might have some physical and
psychological problem.

3) The research is needed to find ways to improve the confidence level of


4) Student do not easily understand the topic of economics therefore research is

required to clear the doubts of students.

5) The research is needed to fill the gap between theory and practice. It is needed
to identify problems and suggest remedies.

6) Action research enables school to organize proper programmes for the

development of students.

7) This can rise the achievement level of the students. With the help of research
curriculum can be developed.

In short action research is useful in many ways

1.3 Statement of Problem

“To find out why IX standard students are inattentive in

topic of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and
GNP (Gross National Product)
in economics subject.”

1.4 Operational Definition
1) The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption and
transfer of wealth.
2) The condition of region or group with respect to material prosperity.

1) Not paying attention to subject.
2) Someone who is inattentive is not paying complete attention to a person or a

Gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final
goods and services produced in a period of time, often annually.

Gross national product is the value of all goods & services made a country’s
residents and businesses and regardless of production and location.

1.5 Objectives

1) To find out why students are inattentive in economics class.

2) To find out the solution for this problem.

3) To increase the confidence level of students.

4) To analyze root cause of various problems of students.

5) To make understand about the problem of their child to their parents.

6) To find out the reason for their lacking self-confidence or attention.

1.6 Scope and Limitation
This research can help us in finding the students having problem to be attentive in
classroom. The solution found by this research will reduce student’s problem.
In this research, the researcher tries to find out the reasons which makes students
inattentive in economic class. The research is related to which topic, area, and which
type of people are here.
Thus, the scope of this action research is to find our problems of students and take
corrective steps to make students attentive in class and understand the topic properly
and answer the questions with full confidence. This will boost their confidence for
future also.
Following are some of the limitations of this action research-
1. Action research is limited to English medium school only.

2. Solution and problem may differ from place to place and are not universal.

3. In action research only 20 students are surveyed.

4. Action research is limited to class room only.

5. Action research is limited to standard IX only.

1.7 Importance of Research
Today apart from education at the school, it is necessary to promote the concept of
action research.
Action research is more effective than formal research as it addresses root cause of
problem faced while teaching is formal research and is based on ideas that might
sound good in theory but don’t work practically.
The main purpose of this research is to find the actual reason why students are
inattentive in economics class. Through this research students improve their
confidence level and give perfect attention on topics.
Solutions are suggested to their problem and make them friendly in classroom with
other students and teachers.
Action research enables the school to organize proper programs for the development
of students. This can rise the achievement level of the people. with the help of
research, curriculum can be developed with important topics for action research to
deal with day to day problems faced by students in economics class.
This research will help the teacher and to make the student understand the content
in simple and easy way as per their mental level.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
The research requires a certain definite research guidelines for the researcher
respective of the location of the study area, etc. Quality enhancement in higher
education is yet another aspect which is paid much attention in higher education
For this research is important and review is an attempt to provide comprehensive
knowledge of principals, techniques, methods and concepts generally being used in
relatively simple languages for the beginners in the filed of educational research.
The review provides knowledge about the diverse paradigm and methodologies in
terms of qualitative, quantitative and interpretative research.
Through a review we are able to gain deep knowledge of various concepts and
different aspects of educational research. Ongoing research on different topics of
education system for improvement plays an important role, a vital role in
restructuring the educational pattern according to the need of the society by
minimizing the gap in educational institutes and market economy by studying the
thrust areas in the educational system.

1. Name: Ishika Sharma

2. Roll No. 25

3. Year: 2018-19

4. Statement of Research: “To help teacher to involve all the students

while teaching in class.”

5. Objectives:
1) To identify the problems faced by students.
2) To find the reasons behind the problems faced by students.
3) To find out possible solutions for the problems with the help of parents.
4) To help students in reducing their problems by proper guidance.

6. Method and selection tool: Survey method and questionnaire.

7. Sampling: 20 students were asked 20 questions in the form of yes or no


8. Conclusion of Research: The problems of the students may be due to:

1) Lack of individual attention.

2) Lack of interest.
3) Lack of proper guidance.
4) Lack of proper reading skills.

1. Name: Vijay Sathe

2. Roll No. 18

3. Year: 2018-19

4. Statement of Research: “To study the reasons of the peer pressure among
standard IXth students.”

5. Objectives:
1) To identify the reasons of peer pressure.
2) To find out the reasons why students are involved in bad peer groups.
3) To analyze the reasons for peer pressure.
4) To find out solutions to guide pupil for selection of good peer groups.

6. Method and selection tool: Survey method and questionnaire.

7. Sampling: 20 students were asked 20 questions in the form of yes or no


8. Conclusion of Research: The problems of the students may be due to:

1) Lack of self confidence.

2) Lack of positive attitude.
3) Habit of copying others in majority of students.
4) Family background affects students mentality and attitude.
5) Peer pressure affects students various activities.

1. Name: Chanda Singh

2. Roll No. 28

3. Year: 2018-19

4. Statement of Research: “To find out the reasons behind poor

communication in standard IXth students.”

5. Objectives:
1)To find out the reasons behind poor communication.
2)To analyze the reasons behind such performance in students.
3)To find out proper solutions for the problem.

6. Method and selection tool: Survey method and questionnaire.

7. Sampling: 20 students were asked 20 questions in the form of yes or no


8. Conclusion of Research: The problems of the students may be due to:

1) Need to pay more attention on communication skills.

2) Lack of English speaking at home.
3) Lack of proper guidance.
4) Lack of interest in English subject.
5) Lack of motivation to speak English.

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

2.1 Introduction
“The study of conducting research is Research Methodology.’’

Research- The word research is composed of two syllables “Re” and “search”.
Re is prefix meaning – again or over again or a new and search is – to examin
closely and carefully or to test and try.

Together they form, a carefully, systematic, patient study and investigation in

some field of knowledge undertaken to establish principles or policies.

Methodology – Methodology is the systematic theoretical analysis of the
methods applied to a field of study. Is comprises the theoretical analysis of
the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge.
Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a
specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In
methodology researcher uses different criteria for solving research problem.
Different sources use different types of methods for solving the problem. If
we think about the word “Methodology” it is the way of searching or solving
the research problem.

In this research I select the survey method and survey method is under the
descriptive method. This method is easy to conduct the research on students.

2.2 Types of Research Methodology

1) Historical Method– Historical method comprises the technique and

guideline by which historians use primary sources and other evidence,
including the evidence of archeology, to research and then to write histories
in the form of account of the past.

2) Experimental Method– The prime method of enquiry in science is

experiment. The key features are control over variables, careful measurement
and establishing cause & effect relationship. Experiment is an investigation in
which a hypothesis is scientifically tested.

3) Descriptive Method- Descriptive method is a study designed to depict the
participant in an accurate way. The three main ways to collect this information
are- observational, define as in-depth study of an individual or a group of

Survey method comes under descriptive method. In action research I select

survey method.

Survey Method: A field of applied statistics of human research surveys.

Survey methodology studies the sampling of individual units form a
population and the associated survey data collection techniques, such as
questionnaire, construction and method for improving the number and
accuracy of responses to surveys.

A survey is defined as a brief interview or discuss with individuals about a

specific topic. The term survey is unfortunately a little vague, so we need to
define it in better the term. Survey is often used to mean to collect information.
The survey method is specific type of survey research. Here are the three
specific techniques of survey research.
i) Questionnaire: - A series of written questions and a participant give
answers. This method gathered responses to questions that are
essay/agree/neutral/disagree style.

ii) Interviews: - Questions asked to an individual to obtain information

about him or her. This type of survey is like job interview with one
person asking another a lot of questions.

iii) Surveys: - Brief interviews and discussions about a specific topic.

Yes, survey is also a specific type of survey. A survey is quick interview
with the surveyor asking only a few questions.

All the survey techniques offer relatively quick ways of collecting information
and this project will show how researcher might employ surveys in their
Methodology research.

2.3 Selection of Method

The main purpose of survey method in research is to tell “what is this”, i.e. to
describe the problem of phenomenon but many surveys go beyond description
of the existing situation.

As the topic of the action research “To study why the students of class IX
standard are inattentive in economics class.” For this research survey method

is the best method for the accomplishment of the project as it will enable the
researcher to know the views of the students through questionnaire.

2.4 Tools of Action Research

Data are the input utilized and processed to arrive at scientific conclusion. The
conclusion regarding different dimensions of the issue becomes the basic
activity of any kind of research.

The necessary data should be selected from relevant source through

appropriate method. The suitable method of collection of data may be selected
on the consideration of nature of the problem.

The different methods of collection of data are-
1) Observation; The teacher observes the behavior of the subject.
Sometimes the subject exhibits himself in a better way and sometimes in a
worse way. Teacher must observe his different situations at different time
especially when teacher deals with backward, retarded and gifted children.

2) Questionnaire; In a questionnaire, a list of presented questions is given

to the subject. He put down his own answer which gives some clue of the
trait of student’s personality.

This technique is designed to collect data by means of face to face

discussion and conversation. This approach is more personal than the
questionnaire. Here the teacher observes the child’s behavior directly.

2.5 Selection of Tool

Since the project is essentially a survey seeking to find the reasons for inattentiveness
of students of class IX in economics class, questionnaire is selected as a tool for the
collection of data.

Several questions were prepared keeping the objectives of study in mind.
The questionnaire has total 20 questions. All the questions expected the response to
answer in the form of check marks to describe the truth of the statement in students
own case.

2.6 Sample

In statistics and quantitative research methodology a data sample is a set of

data collected from a statistical population by a defined procedure. The
elements of a sample are known as sample points, sample units or observation.

It is from the study of the sample that something is known and said the whole
population. The assumption is that what is revealed about the sample will be
true about the population.

All the methods and techniques as adopted for selecting a sample are classified
into two broad categories as under-

Techniques of Sampling

Probability Sampling

1)Simple random sampling 1)Incidental or accidental sampling

2)Systematic Sampling 2)Purposive sampling
3)Stratified Sampling 3)Quota sampling
4)Multiple or do sampling 4)Judgmental sampling
5)Multistage sampling
6)Cluster sampling

2.7 Selection of Sampling Technique

For this action research, I have selected the non-probability sampling techniques.
Non-probability sampling technique:
In any form of research true random sampling is always difficult to achieve. Most
researchers are bound by time, money and workforce and because of these

limitations it is almost impossible to randomly sample the entire population and it is
often necessary to employ another sampling technique, the non-probability sampling
In contrast with probability sampling technique, non-probability technique is not a
product of a randomized selection process. Subject in a non-probability technique
are usually selected based on their accessibility or by the purposive personal
judgement of the researcher.
The sample for this project consisted of 20 students of IXth standard for knowing the
problem of students.

Chapter 3
Analysis and Interpretation of Data

3.1 Introduction

Before any test scores or any other quantitive data can be clearly understood
and interpreted, it is necessary that the data is analyzed and summarized.

Raw scores are meaningless until they are converted statistically into suitable
standard scores.

3.2 Collection of Data

Data can be collected for action research by any of the following three ways.

1) By questionnaire method

2) By interview method

3) By case study method

For the successful completion of the project and the topic selected, the method
used for data collection is questionnaire method. Questionnaire was given to
the students to know the views.

3.3 Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process of converting the raw scores into derived scores for
better interpretation.

The data collected for the fulfilment of the action research by giving
questionnaires to the students is analyzed for better interpretation.

3.4 Interpretation

The action of explaining the meaning of the collected and analyzed data is
performed in this step.

In this the interpretation is done by representing the analyzed data with the
help of bar diagram.

1) Do you like to come to school regularly?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 18 90
No 2 10
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total

Interpretation: 90% of the students like to come to school
& 10% of the students don't like to come to school.

Conclusion: Majority of the students like to come to


2) Do you like to study in the School?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 9 45
No 11 55
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 45% of the students like to study in school &

55% of the students don't like to study in

Conclusion: Since the students are not interested in studies,

they may be inattentive.

3) Do you like Economics subject?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students like economics &

50% of the students don't like economics.

Conclusion: Since the students are not interested in

economics, they are inattentive.

4) Do you like your economics teacher?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60
Total 20 100

No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 40% of the students like their economics

teacher & 60% of the students don't like them.

Conclusion: Since most of the students do not have bonding

with their economics teacher, they are

5) Do you get regular scolding from your economics teacher?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 12 60
No 8 40
Total 20 100

No. of Students

Interpretation: 60% of the students get scolding on regular
basis from their economic teacher and 40% don’t get

Conclusion: Since the more students get regular scolding

from economic teacher and hence they are inattentive
towards economic subject.

6) Are you interested in other activity rather than study?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 16 80
No 4 20
Total 20 100

No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 80% of the students are interested in other activities

rather than studies & 20% of the students are not interested in other

Conclusion: Since majority of the students are interested in other

activities rather than studies, hence they are inattentive.

7) Do you know meaning of GDP & GNP?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60

Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 60% of the students do not know meaning of GDP &

GNP and only 40% students know meaning of GDP & GNP.

Conclusion: Most of the students do not know meaning of GDP &

GNP and hence they are inattentive towards subject.

8) Do your parents scold you regularly?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50

Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students are being scolded by their parents

regularly & 50% of the students are not regularly scolded by their

Conclusion: Since 50% of students are being scolded regularly by their

parents, which means they do not pay attention to their studies at home

9) Do you get attention from your economics teacher?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60

Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 60% of the students say that they do not get attention
from their economics teacher & 40% of the students get attention
from teacher.

Conclusion: Most of the students do not get equal attention from

their teacher, so they are doing other activities to gain attention of
their teacher and hence they are inattentive towards subject.

10) Is the concept of GDP & GNP cleared?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60

Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 60% of the students are not clear about concept of

GDP & GNP and only 40% students know concept of GDP & GNP.

Conclusion: Most of the students are not clear about the concept of
GDP & GNP and hence they are inattentive towards the topic.

11) Do you ask your doubts to your teacher?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students says that they clear doubts with
teacher & 50% of the students says they don't ask doubts to their teacher.

Conclusion: Only some students clear their doubts with teacher and some
do not ask their doubts with teacher, so it can be the reason of their
inattentiveness in class.

12) Does your teacher interact with you?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students says that their economic teacher

interact with them & 50% of the students says that their economic
teacher does not interact with them.

Conclusion: Lack of interaction with the teacher may be the reason of

their inattentiveness in class.

13) Do you understand the concept being taught by teacher in the


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students says that they understand the

concept which teacher teaches in the class & 50% of the students
says that they are unable to understand what teacher teaches in the

Conclusion: Lack of understanding of the subject or concept may be

the reason of their inattentiveness in class.

14) Does your friend co-operate with you?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 40% of the students says that their friends do co-

operate with them & 60% of the students says that their friends do
not co-operate with them.

Conclusion: Since there is lack of co-operation among students and

hence they are inattentive.

15) Do you find any problem in concentrating in economics


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 12 60
No 8 40
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 60% of the students says that they find problem in

concentrating in the economics subject & 40% of the students says that
that they don’t find any problem in concentrating in the economics

Conclusion: Majority of students face problem in concentrating in

economic subject and it may be a reason for inattentiveness in
economic subject.

16) Does your teacher teach you economics subject in interesting


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 8 40
No 12 60

Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 40% of the students says that economics teacher

teaches in interesting way while 60% of the students says that
economics teacher does not teaches in interesting way.

Conclusion: Since majority of students feels that economics teacher

does not teaches in interesting way and hence they are inattentive to
economic class.

17) Do you find difficulty in calculating GDP & GNP?

Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 16 80
No 4 20
Total 20 100

No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 80% of the students are not able to calculate GDP &
GNP & 20% of the students know how to calculate GDP & GNP.

Conclusion: Since majority of the students do not know how to

calculate GDP & GNP, hence they are inattentive to the topic.

18) Do you think economic subject is very useful in our practical


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 6 30
No 14 70
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 70% of the students says that economics subject is not

very useful in their practical life and only 30% says that economics
subject is useful in their practical life.

Conclusion: Since majority of students are unable to understand the

importance of economics subject in their practical life and due to this
they are inattentive to economic class.

19) Is your teacher giving you any assignment in economics


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 19 95
No 1 5
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 95% of the students says that teacher is giving

assignment and only 5% says that teacher is not giving assignment.

Conclusion: Since majority of students says that teacher gives

assignments, and this might be reason, they are inattentive to
economic class.

20) Is teacher is giving examples while teaching economics in the


Response No. of Students Percentage

Yes 10 50
No 10 50
Total 20 100


No. of Students



Yes No Total


Interpretation: 50% of the students says that economics teacher gives

examples while teaching & 50% of the students says that they
economics teacher does not gives examples while teaching.

Conclusion: Since every second student is saying teacher does not

gives examples while teaching economics and this may be the reason
of their inattentiveness in class.

Chapter – 4
Conclusion And Recommendation

4.1 Introduction

While economics teacher is teaching, researcher noticed that, students were making
lot of disturbance in the class. They were careless and inattentive in the class. They
were reluctant to give answers and were unable to read subject properly. From these,
researcher comes to conclusion that something is wrong with them.

It is very important to conclude and recommend solutions for the problem. The
researcher found many reasons and so some measures were drawn to solve these

4.2 Summary
Action research is the best way of finding the solution of any problem faced by the
students. This entire research can be summarized as follows.
5.2.1 Statement of Problem
“To find out why IX standard students are inattentive in topic of GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National Product) in economics subject.”

5.2.2 Objective
1) To identify the reason for non-concentrating in the class.
2) To find the outs the reasons, why students are inattentive the economic class.
3) To analysis and suggest solutions to the problem.

5.2.3 Need of Research

This research is needed for the point of view of improving the attention of the
students in economic class for better understanding of the concept.

5.2.4 Importance of Research

To find out root cause behind the inattentive nature of students in economics class
because economics is directly or indirectly related to the life of every person. So it’s
a very important subject.

5.2.5 Scope and Limitation

Scope – The problem is very wide and affecting overall academic performance of
Limitation – This action research is limited to only to the students of Std. IXth of
Teens World Corporate School (English Medium) Boisar. This action research is
limited only to IXth Std.

5.2.6 Sampling Technique

The sampling technique based of the research methodology used (survey method)
which is type of Non-probility Sampling.

5.2.7 Tool of Research
The tool of research used for this research is questionnaire and personal interview.

5.2.8 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data analysis and interpretation is done using bar diagram.

4.3 Conclusion

The reasons and problems due to which the students of class IX were inattentive in
economics class are as under-
a) The students are interested in other activities rather than studies.
b) Students face problem due to lack of proper guidance.
c) The way of explanation of subject by teacher was quite boring, so students
don’t pay attention towards topics being teaches by teacher.
d) Due to lack of parental attention, students face problem.
e) Lack of individual attention.

By analyzing data collected from the students it is clear that the problem of
students is due to boring method of teaching and lack of awareness among
students about importance of economics subject in their career and practical life.

4.4 Recommendations
Following are the recommendations to increase the attentiveness of students in
economics class-
a) There should be proper communication between students and teachers.
b) There should be proper communication between parents and teachers.
c) Teachers should have a friendly relation with students so that students clear
their doubts without any hesitation with teacher.
d) Proper teaching methods and techniques should be used by teacher to make
subject interesting.
e) Teacher should explain and make students understand, the importance of
economics subject in their career and practical life.
f) Not only theory knowledge but also practical knowledge of economic subject
should be provided to students. It will make economics subject more
interesting for the students.

4.5 Suggestions for Research

While doing the research, researcher comes across various reasons of students being
not attentive in the economics class. Some of them as under-
1. Students find it difficult to remember economic concepts and its related
2. More importance is given to theory knowledge rather than practical

3. Concepts of topics given the economics class are not understood by the
4. Students do not relate economics subject to their practical life.

Chapter – 5

5.1 Bibliography

Sr. Author Name of Books Publication Edition

No. Year

1. Prof. Mrs. Gudgi Action Research & Suvichar 2006
Swati New activities Prakashan
Mandal, Pune

2. Mr. Vinay Rakheja Reading in 2007

Methodology of
Research in Education
3. Sharma R. A Essentials of Scientific Merut R. Lal 2007
Behavioral Research Book Depot
4. P.H. Collin Basic English Peter Collin 2001

5.2 Appendix A
Name of students of standard IXth of Teens World Corporate School.
1. Gupta Priyanka Jitendra
2. Jain Raveena Vishnu

3. Kanwar Kareena Govind
4. Paswan Sonam Avdhesh
5. Sahoo Manisha Jayant
6. Shah Shweta Sanjay
7. Singh Sapna Ranjeet
8. Mourya Shivaji Kunjbihari
9. Chaurasiya Rakesh
10.Shah Manish Satyanaryan
11.Gupta Amit Jitendra
12.Kumar Mukesh Vijay
13.Yadav Manish
14.Yadav Shivan
15.Kaur Charansingh
16.Patil Vishal Amit
17.Singh Shaurya Dinesh
18.Kampa Arpita Rajesh
19.More Anurag Ravi
20.Jha Jayant Rajeev

5.3 Appendix B
Questionnaire of Students.
Name___________________ Class__________

Put a tick mark in front of suitable box of answer.

1) Do you like to come to school regularly?

Yes No
2) Do you like to study in the School?
Yes No
3) Do you like Economics subject?
Yes No
4) Do you like your economics teacher?
Yes No
5) Do you get regular scolding from your economics teacher?
Yes No
6) Are you interested in other activity rather than study?
Yes No
7) Do you know meaning of GDP & GNP?
Yes No
8) Do your parents scold you regularly?
Yes No

9) Do you get attention from your economics teacher?

Yes No
10) Is the concept of GDP & GNP cleared?
Yes No

11) Do you ask your doubts to your teacher?
Yes No
12) Does your teacher interact with you?
Yes No
13) Do you understand the concept being taught by teacher in the class?
Yes No
14) Does your friend co-operate with you?
Yes No
15) Do you find any problem in concentrating in economics subject?
Yes No
16) Does your teacher teach you economics subject in interesting way?
Yes No
17) Do you find difficulty in calculating GDP & GNP?
Yes No
18) Do you think economic subject is very useful in our practical life?
Yes No
19) Is your teacher giving you any assignment in economics subject?
Yes No

20) Is teacher is giving examples while teaching economics in the class?

Yes No


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