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How To Live In The Now and Discover Life's Best Kept Secrets of Abundance and

Abundance is your birthright and you are the source of your own transformation. Each and every
person has the power and the authority to live a life of purpose, and experience an innate sense of
satisfaction and fulfillment. Our commitment is that whoever comes into contact with our work,
through any medium, is left confident that they can experience transformation and the clarity of
universal wisdom at any time.
"Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore,
everything you want is already yours. So, you don't have to get anything.
It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess."
-Bob Proctor

That you even hold this book in your hands is proof that you indeed already have that which you

The purpose and intention of this book is not to give you something new, but rather to support
you in uncovering the truth of who you really are and what you are really capable of achieving.

The words that you are about to encounter in this book are based on principle and are not
personal to you. The work produced here is a compilation of Universal Law, professional
observation and personal experience.

Our desire is that in reading this you are blessed, inspired and launched into your own adventure;
pursuing your passion and purpose with power and living a life of your conscious design.

We wish you Good Journey, Peace on your Path and Transformation beyond what we
experienced as we wrote this for you.

Love and Gratitude,

Rovan Deon & Brandi Mazesticeon


For me, the beginning of the most adventurous, exciting and rewarding time of my life was the
moment I realized who I Am and my purpose in life.

Before then, I didn't know what "being myself" really meant; I didn't know what my purpose
was, or what it would look like to fulfill my purpose. When I realized that living life to the
fullest could be more than a mere concept, and was instead an actual functioning, meaningful,
and effortless way of daily existence, it entirely changed the way I looked at myself and
everything that had ever happened to me.

Many of us think life is only about our own health, prosperity, happiness and love. But we did
not come to physical form upon the earth just to achieve those goals. We haven't even accepted
that there is a deeper, truth in regards to what life is all about. We have refused to entertain
conversations about the function and mission of our lives, and what it means to us as individuals
and collectively as a species.

The human soul is a direct expression and a singular individuation of Divinity, much like a wave
that rises from the ocean; distinct from the ocean and yet still the ocean itself. The soul entered
into physical form, or the individual reality of each and every one of us, in order to create
an unlimited experience of Divinity, which we've been living as a limited experience of

This book was written to encourage you to discover that unlimited experience, which provides
you with a direct experience of what it means to be Divine. We've all had moments where we felt
a profound and deep sense of connection to ourselves and the world, a sense of expansiveness
and pure joy. Those are moments where we might say we are connected with our soul, or being
true to ourselves and usually occurs while we are doing what really matters to us.

But the question is: How can we create a daily experience where that kind of clarity and
purposefulness shows up in everything we do?
Find out the truth about your life purpose. As you discover who you really are and what you are
really capable of achieving; you will uncover a new reason for living, and feel a true sense of
freedom. You will experience that there is nothing to fear, and that you have a choice in all areas
of your life: your career, your relationships, your health, and your general well-being. Aligning
with your life purpose is the most important thing you can do for yourself right now, no matter
what stage of life you're in and regardless of the specific challenges you may be facing. When
you can live from your life purpose, you'll have a sense of the Divine nature of life and your true
purpose on Earth, independent of anything you'll ever have to do or achieve or acquire.

Much has been written and cogitated about the subject: Life Purpose. Make no mistake, the
subject itself is of some importance, however, it’s how we are going to define Life Purpose that
will make the difference here. For the purpose of this book, we will define Life Purpose as; that
which you were created to accomplish. All created matter serves a purpose, and purpose itself
can be inherent or created according to your desires, your beliefs and even your fears.

Society’s acceptance is a prison disguised as a palace.

Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated or inflated, is not who you are.
It is simply a thought. The truth of who you are cannot be thought, because it is the source of all
thoughts. The truth of who you are cannot be named or defined. Throughout time we have
attempted to define the reality of the fullness of our being with words like soul, light, God, truth,
self, consciousness, the universal intelligence, or divinity. While capable of evoking the bliss of
the truth, these words are wholly inadequate as an accurate description of the immensity of who
you truly are.

However you identify yourself: as child, adolescent, a mother, a father, an older person, healthy
person, sick person, a suffering person, or an enlightened person – always, behind all of that, is
the truth of yourself. It is not foreign to you; in fact, it is so close that you cannot believe
it is you!

The truth of who you are is untouched by any concept of who you are, whether ignorant or
enlightened, worthless or grand. The truth of who you are is free of it all. You are already free
and all that blocks your realization of that freedom is your own attachment to some thought of
who you are. This thought doesn’t keep you from being the truth of who you are. You already
are that. Your thoughts about who you are separate you from the realization of who you are.

Are you some image that appears in your mind? Are you some sensation that appears in your
body? Are you some emotion that passes through your mind and body? Are you something that
someone else has said you are, or are you the rebellion against something that someone else has
said you are? These are some of the many stories created inside of the mis-identification of Self.
All of these definitions come and go, are born and then die, yet the truth of who you are does not
come and go. It is present before birth, throughout a lifetime, and after death. To discover the
truth of who you are is not only possible, it is your birthright.
The Power of I AM orients you to reality regardless of your circumstances. Being confident in
the truth of your being acts as a built in navigational system, your declaration of Self literally
becomes your GPS. Put to the case that all of our actions, every single one of them, are directly
related to how you see the world around you, and how you see the world around you is filtered
through how you view yourself.

I AM is the highest expression of Self and this is the opportunity that life is, the adventure that
life was created to be; the path of knowing oneself as Self. To declare with purpose and intent: I
AM that I AM, for indeed truly you are that I AM. As am I, as are we all.

As a success coach, I know that what it takes to accomplish something that you’ve never
dreamed possible; is to be someone whom you’ve previously thought unimaginable. At the root
of all is the reality of who we are being in any given situation or circumstance. If you are
someone who is interested in; as the popular slogan states:” being all that you can be”; there will
come a moment in your perception of reality in which you realize that you are not who you think
you are and you don’t exist where you think you exist.

The core of your being is your ultimate reality and if at your core you recognize that you are
constituted by the same energy particles that comprise the rest of what you see and even what
you don’t see; then you are at the beginning of locating who you really are and where you really
exist. The multidimensional reality of life is covered up by the illusions we were born into.
Living in the reality of who you are is your access to living the life you’ve only dreamed
of. Knowing yourself in Truth; the great I AM is ALL THAT IS and although ALL THAT IS
needs nothing, still expresses as so many ‘my selves’ including this myself, is the foundation for
living your birthright as a creator god.

To know yourself as I AM is to leave behind the preconceived notions of the dogmatic thinking,
the preconceived ideas that you are that which you see, for indeed you are not, for indeed you are
fluid, you can step into whatever you wish to be. You are that which you wish to experience, for
you are mighty creator of your own self. To transform is to begin to clear away whatever is a
block or barrier to you expressing at your highest level of existence. These blocks or barriers are
all that is in the way of you and your dreams.

Question: Who are you really?

Meditation: Meditate in whatever way you choose (active, passive, singing, writing, reading,
contemplating etc…) using the following declaration:

I AM the extension of Love in form.

I have never been born and I will never taste death.

I AM infinite and eternal.

I shine forth as a sunbeam to the sun.

I AM the effect of God’s Love.

And I stand before you to love you.

Observe and Experience:

 You have been living your life relating to yourself as your thoughts about yourself rather
than simply relating to yourself.
 You interact with your thoughts about your circumstances rather than actually interacting
directly with your circumstance
 You relate to others the same way you relate to yourself.

The Power that YOU are

I AM Unstoppable Momentum. I Am Bold. I Am Courageous and I AM Daring. I Am a Big

Kahuna. I AM a Mover and I Am a Shaker. I AM Rich. I AM Prosperous. Money is good. I AM a
Being who will do whatever it takes to fulfill my Destiny. I AM Peace. I AM Tranquility and I am
TRANSFORMATION. I AM that anything is possible without hesitation or reservation. – Rovan

** Whatever follows the words I AM will determine your life. It will sculpt and define you. It will
have you to live into something and it will transform you. It will change your spiritual state and
it will change your mind state. It has been said here before, YOU determine who you are, what
you are, who you will become and YOU, and yes you have the power to create the ultimate way
of being. Your I AM is an open Invitation. An invitation to what you may ask; an invitation to
invite the Universe into ACTION. You see, whenever you use the words I AM, whatever follows
these words, something supernatural happens. What happens supernaturally is this….Whatever
follows the words I AM is demanded to come looking for you. Once you use the words I AM the
Universe releases something supernaturally that begins the process of ATTRACTION. That is
why you must be extremely careful in how you use the "I AM" statement. You say I AM broke;
then everything that is about broke will come looking for you. If you say I AM rich; I AM
abundance then everything that is about these things must come looking for you. It is a Universal
The I AM Statement For Better or For Worse

Consider your 'I AM' statement as a marriage. The two will become one. It is for better or for
worse, for rich or for poor; it is to death do us part. Once you utter the powerful words of I AM,
whatever follows it becomes one with you. You will manifest, take shape, and form into what IS
that which you have just created. For the words 'I Am' constitute the very name AM is who you
are! Because of its power and its attachment to you, that which is within you will determine your
context as well as your state of being to attract wealth and abundance or to dispel it. So you see it
really is for the better or for worse. Consider the following:

1. I AM depressed
2. I AM tired
3. I AM angry
4. I AM crazy
5. I AM disgusted
6. I AM poor
7. I AM trapped
8. I AM lonely
9. I AM dishonest
10. I AM sneaky
Ok enough of that. That’s not very empowering is it? To lift and enlighten us try taking on these
new ways of being:

I AM Rich, I AM Successful, I AM Abundance, I AM Peace, I AM Joy, I AM Truth, I AM

Integrity, I AM My WORD. I AM Creativity, I AM Divinity, I AM Love, I AM I AM
Determined, I AM Excitement , I AM Genius, I AM Energy, I AM Bold, I AM a Leader, I
AM Intelligence, I AM Imagination, I AM Creation, I AM Awesome , I AM Whole, I AM
Complete, I AM Wisdom, I AM Peace, I AM Tranquility, I AM Possibility, I AM Driven, I
AM Grateful, I AM Abundance, I AM Now, I AM Happiness, I AM Fulfillment, I AM a
Leader, I AM Blessed, I AM a beacon of light, I AM Victory, I Am Unreasonable, I AM
Caring, I AM Beauty, I AM Clear, I AM Awareness, I AM Nurturing, I AM Magnetism, I
AM Power, I AM Transformation, I AM, Wisdom, I AM Beauty, I AM the Gift, I AM
more than Good Enough, I AM I AM beyond FEAR, I AM Enough, I AM Brilliance, I AM
Gifted, I AM Loyal, I AM Valuable, I AM the Architect of My Life, I AM of Sound Mind
and Body, I AM Grace, I AM Calm, I AM Cheerful, I AM Spectacular, I AM Irresistible, I
AM Charm, I AM Worthy, I AM Passionate, I AM Open, I AM that I AM, I AM One, I


There is a power greater than you are, available to all human beings. Did you know that you
have access to a 'mind' that never sleeps? One that is constantly active with limitless reservoirs
that are only now beginning to be tapped. This mind of infinite capacity and power is the greatest
tool of creating, so much so that it cannot belong to any one person. This IS the subconscious
mind, and it operates in the background of our lives connecting all human beings to one another.

The subconscious mind is the most powerful creative implement in the universe; its memory is
perfect, and it supersedes the time/space construct. The subconscious mind manifests from the
universe, contains all knowledge and exists in everything, everywhere, all of the time.
Manifesting beliefs into actuality, the subconscious mind does exactly what the conscious mind
tells it to do.

You may have heard this before: "Nothing is impossible to him that believes". That is because
the conscious mind dictates to the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is all
powerful. Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent, the subconscious mind is that which God
is, and that which you are. Through the subconscious mind, all things are made available to you
through THAT which you are.

All of us create our own unique reality and Our Collective Reality through the subconscious
mind. Some of us are creating consciously and some of us are creating unconsciously. No matter
your level of awareness, in this regard we are all creator gods.
What is to be a creator god? Your life (as lived) is the result of your exercise of your creative
rights. Those who know this and believe this to be true, actualize reality according to what they
want, are satisfied, and in some way; affect a shift in what's possible for all of Us. Others, who
don't yet believe that they are the creator of their reality, actualize a reality in which they are
suffering at the hands of Life, Others, Authority, In-Laws, Governments, etc..., and so affect
NO shift in what has already been for us or experienced by us. Whatever you believe with your
conscious mind is perceived by the subconscious mind; which is ALL THAT IS and a part of
everyone. This collective reality is most often showcased on national news
networks. Collectively as a group of civilized peoples, we are watching the escalating frequency
of large and violent attacks on adults and children worldwide. As a group; we watch wide eyed
with curiosity and grief, and in that way we allow these events to not only endure, but to actually
accelerate. Such is the power of the subconscious mind.

Now you may ask yourself, "Why", if we are collectively creating OUR Reality, why would we
create something as vile as widespread violence? The answer is simple. The subconscious mind
does not recognize the human contrived notion of 'good' and 'bad'. There are no 'value judgments'
in the subconscious mind. That's an illusion collectively agreed upon for the conscious mind to
occupy itself with. No, the subconscious creates indiscriminately based on beliefs held as
truths in the conscious mind. Interestingly enough, due to the Law of Polarity, whatever you
create also begets that which is Not What you Created. We literally have a 'say' in what we
experience as our Life. Or said another way; you have what you wan
NOW ask yourself, 'what is it that you really want'? You can create it. You have been creating
all along you know. You do know that don't you? That's why you hear people say ' I should have
known this was going to happen' or better yet " I knew this was coming', we all should know
what's coming next because we created it! In this NOW moment, allow yourself to focus on what
you really want. Allow yourself to imagine having what you want, including the feelings,
emotions and sensations associated with what you want. Then verbally say what it is that you
want out loud. You may find that at first, it takes you a few tries to say with conviction of belief
what you desire. Over time, you will become more comfortable with this aspect of manifesting,
and creating from desire will become second nature to you. You will have discovered Desire as
a gateway to the subconscious mind. Indeed the subconscious mind is the field of creation and
Desire is the seed. Faith waters the crop nourishing the soul and rejuvenating the spirit as it does,
and this entire process is miraculous and magical.

Now that you have been introduced to this way of creation, consider yourself a gardener whose
garden impacts the quality of all of the other gardens around you. Tend your own crops well and
those of your neighbor will follow suit. Give no care, and take no responsibility for your garden,
then neither will your neighbor. This is the reflexive property of the universe at play in the
subconscious mind. As a matter of fact, Our Reality is constructed of a holograph of Reality
overlaid (the subconscious, if you will), with the collective Realities of our species (the
collective conscious mind) and our daily lives are lived according to a set of socially accepted
agreements. These 'agreements' occurs on a micro and macro level throughout our lives and we
operate as if 'this is the way Life is'.

Everything that we experience as a collective; every context, every paradox: Rich vs. Poor,
Poverty, Human Trafficking, Climate Change, Disease, Family, Marriage, Children, are all
approached from a collective agreement or disagreement based on what's good vs. bad, when the
subconscious mind has no recognition of either. We continue to see that which we do not want
in our communities rather than Being responsible with our creative power and actualizing what
we really want.
30 Day Challenge: Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Allow yourself to relax completely, Now
open yourself and ask the question: “What is it that I really want"? Stay open. Say aloud what
you really want. Do this daily and allow the power of your words to increase as you declare your
say in the matter of your life and watch yours desires manifest in the fertile field of creation.

The Great Within

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference
between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually
will manifest in our lives.
Robert Collier
What is the Subconscious Mind?

What is the Subconscious Mind? How does it affect us? Is it really hidden and what are its’
influences. The Subconscious Mind is the Great Within. The Great Within known as the
Subconscious Mind is boundless and limitless to any possibility imaginable for its’ primary job
is to manifest your desires of abundance, happiness, peace and joy to its’ physical equivalent.
Harnessing the Subconscious Mind and using it intently daily creates the ultimate Powerful YOU
and transforms you closer to your Higher Self which is in direct parallel to Divinity…the very
Source in which we were created. The Subconscious Mind is first of all the direct opposite of
conscious mind. We are all aware of our conscious mind. We us our conscious mind daily. It is
that part of our self in which we use logic, make decisions and use reasoning. The Subconscious
mind is a little bit more ambiguous to us. Although it is something we also use daily (more than
you may think) it is that part of our self that when impressed upon, hands over the plan to
manifest the physical equivalent from our thoughts. If this is true, then we have to be very
conscious of the thoughts we are impressing upon the subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind does not discriminate. It will give back to you what you have impressed
upon it. Your subconscious mind is not limited in any way and will forever attract to you
according to your thoughts. Your Subconscious Mind is influenced by your thoughts as well as
your feelings. So for every thought that you have, every feeling that you feel, in some way shape
or form you are influencing or impressing upon your Subconscious Mind. Your Subconscious
Mind is that part of you which has recorded thoughts, feelings or emotions since the day that you
transcended into this realm. As said earlier, it becomes ever important to note to one self to
avoid any negative thoughts in anyway shape or form, as well as any negative feeling or
emotions. Remember the Subconscious does not discriminate. It will kindly accept anything you
feed it. Here is something that you must always remember…YOUR OUTWARD WAY OF
YOUR SUBCOUNSCIOUS MIND. Let me put it another way. What you are now experiencing
in life right NOW are the thoughts, feelings and emotions that has been impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind; and what the Subconscious

Your Subconscious Mind is that part of you which has recorded thoughts, feelings or emotions
since the day that you transcended into this realm. As said earlier, it becomes ever important to
note to one self to avoid any negative thoughts in anyway shape or form, as well as any negative
feeling or emotions. Remember the Subconscious does not discriminate. It will kindly accept
anything you feed it. Here is something that you must always remember…YOUR OUTWARD
MANIFESTED IN YOUR SUBCOUNSCIOUS MIND. Let me put it another way. What you
are now experiencing in life right NOW are the thoughts, feelings and emotions that has been
impressed upon the Subconscious Mind; and what the Subconscious Mind has simply done, is
manifest the physical equivalent of that which you have fed it through thoughts and
emotions. Here is further evidence that we are all Creators. Your Subconscious Mind is so
powerful that it outwardly expresses itself in who you think you are, your habits, the way you
look at yourself, the way you think, the way you act or don’t act, your reality, what you think is
right, what you think is wrong, what motivates you, your expectation level, what you will
tolerate, what you won’t tolerate, your deserve level, what you believe, your lens in which you
view the world, your context in any given situation and what is POSSIBLE!

How to Use the Subconscious Mind

So how can we use the Subconscious Mind? How can we control it? How can we use it to create
abundance, riches, and a life we adore? How can we manifest every thought or
dream possible? To do this, you must first understand the role, and the order in which the
Subconscious Mind fit into this new world of ATTRACTION and ABUNDANCE. To keep it
simple, let me lay out for you how this all works. While reading the following sequences,
imagine that each step that comes after a given step is being pulled forward to connect the
energies, like a giant magnet. Let’s begin.
To begin you have a Desire to do something. Now that something can be on an intentional or
non-intentional level. We are striving to always be INTENTIONAL. Once this is done, we have
Desire being pulled forth by creating strong emotions which transforms Desire into Burning
Desire. The best thing about Burning Desires is that it creates a direct passage way to the
Subconscious Mind and colors these things called THOUGHTs. Your Burning Desire is now
being pulled forth by your THOUGHTS which are strongly colored by Burning Desire in which
the Subconscious Mind attracts similar to the power and force of a black hole. There is no
escape. Once your thoughts reach the Subconscious Mind, it is then recorded, sorted and the
Subconscious Mind get to work on creating a plan to turn that thought into its physical
equivalent. It does this involuntarily, similar to breathing or controlling your heartbeat. You have
no control over this process. The Subconscious Mind then passes this plan of ACTIONs to your
conscious mind to be fulfilled to its’ physical equivalent. This is why it is so very important to
control what is impressed upon the Subconscious Mind. This why you will often hear that
Thoughts are Things, Be careful what you Ask for and a Man is What He Thinks. To control the
Subconscious Mind one has to simply be present to and intentionally control ones thoughts.

To create abundance, riches, and a life of boundless possibilities, all one has to do is to follow
the roadmap outlined above. There is however, one thing that I failed to mention. The
Subconscious Mind can only be molded and shaped through REPETITION.

How to reprogram the Subconscious to create Abundances and Riches

Change happens on a Subconscious level not a Conscious Level

If you were to hold up a mirror and saw a reflection of this thing called YOUR LIFE, how are
you doing? Are you happy and fulfilled? Are things working or not working as well as you
would like it to in every area of your life? Well you are not alone. There is a truth. There is a
truth and a fact that you must face. You must face it without fear or malice. For some this will be
very easy to digest; for others it may be difficult. Some will be elated because it will empower
them, freeing them up; a weight will be lifted because they will see the access to control and
create their life. For others it will continue to imprison them, making them resistant, weighted
down, depressed, a victim. Here goes, life manifested is nothing more than your own creation
controlled by your thoughts. So the first thing that you have to do is to follow through on what I
am about to tell you and that is YOU HAVE TO TAKE 100% RESPONSIBILITY FOR
YOUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU CREATED IT! What you are experiencing and what you see in
your life is the outward manifestation of the thoughts that you have impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind. The good news is that because you are dedicating yourself and your life to
the Principals of You Already Have IT you now have the power to do something about it!

You have the power to create, and you have the power to change what is impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind to manifest a different outcome in any area of your life. You can impress
poverty, or you can impress abundance and riches. Remember the Subconscious Mind does not
discriminate so do be careful on what you impress upon it. It will not argue with you. It will only
receive in full earnest what you impress upon it.

The Subconscious Mind is like the palm trees of Hawaii it will bend to the winds of
thoughts given by your command or the unintentional lack of thoughts thereof; therefore the
Subconscious Mind can be reprogrammed to do your bidding. I have something to share with
you. There is a Secret phenomenon that exist within the walls of the Great

Within the phenomena are this, No two energies in opposition can reside at the same time inside
the walls of the Great Within (Your Subconscious Mind). What does this mean? This means that
if we flood our Subconscious Mind of a life of Abundance, a life of Poverty cannot exist. You
cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time, one will prevail. So rid yourself of
negative thoughts always. So from this day forth you are to take control, create and flood your
Subconscious Mind with the things you Desire. Be intentional with your thoughts. Your habitual
thoughts must be of that of Abundance. Your default way of being must be that of
Abundance. For any negative thoughts impressing the Subconscious Mind, you can reprogram
by simply replacing the negative thought with the positive one. Remember negative and positive
energies cannot and will not occupy the same space; that goes against the Laws of the Universe;
the same Law that governs gravity itself. Flood your thoughts with positive energies. Don’t be
fooled by the simplicity of it; you see, the Subconscious Mind has to be reminded daily of your
desires. To intentionally impress upon the Subconscious Mind is a good thing. To assist you in
reprogramming your thoughts, it will serve you well to use the techniques of Visualization both
in the mind, through meditation, and through physical images. To become a true Master of
Creation and Abundance one can look no further than being powerful at Autosuggestion. This
technique is suggesting or impressing upon the Subconscious Mind at will, with power and
through daily repetition. So be unreasonable, be diligent, rejoice and do away with all fears and
impress. Impress upon the Subconscious Mind intently for ultimate manifestation!

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking makes it so. - Shakespeare

Literally our thoughts become things and there is nothing we can do about it except control our
As a matter of fact, the only things in this life that we can control are our thoughts and emotions,
and to even consider this as possible is the beginning of a conversation of Mastery.

Obviously not each and every thought is turned into reality; our conscious minds are capable of
hundreds of diverting thoughts per second. It is apparent that there is a selectivity demonstrated
in determining which of the myriad of thoughts in the conscious mind will be accepted into the
subconscious mind and then realized in the physical realm. Likewise, the selectivity is governed
by the conscious mind as the subconscious mind has no choice in the thoughts it will accept or
deny. For example, have you ever seen a demonstration of hypnotism? In the hypnotic state, the
conscious mind of the subject is put to 'sleep' and the subconscious mind immediately acts on
every suggestion, turning every notion proffered into truth ('You are a duck").

The only reason not every thought we think is turned into reality is because we do
not believe every idea that passes through our conscious minds and so not every thought is
passed along to the subconscious for manifestation.
We alone are responsible for what we believe and therefore the experience of our daily lives. As
human beings, we are going to believe something, why not believe in health, abundance and
peace? If you find that you have a life filled with lack, disease and limitation, rest assured that
your experience is directly correlated to what you believe- your personal convictions. Strange
that most of us find it easier to believe in negative things rather than positive.
From the perspective of your Divine consciousness, your thoughts and emotions do not need to
“react” to life because you KNOW that it is YOU this is choosing/creating your life. To the
subconscious “choosing” and “creating” are the same terms. You choose to create your reality by
choosing to attach your consciousness to that which you have chosen to attend or believe.

“Where your attention is, there you are also!” is one of the most important aspects of creating
abundance. Another important aspect is, “There are no mistakes or accidents,” as YOU are the
creator of your reality. As you monitor and take full responsibility for the quality of your
thoughts and emotions, you will increasingly flow into an ongoing awareness of the abundant
and abundance of quality thoughts and emotions that are infinitely within you.

Many of us have heard the saying; "Change your thoughts, change your life". Change is
something different from and based on a version of a something that already exists. Now, that
being said; if you want to change your life, then you must change your thoughts. To change your
thoughts, you must be aware of your thinking, whatever thoughts you are thinking are
automatically attracted to you. Universal Law has decreed that 'like is attracted to like', therefore
deliberately choose your thoughts. Think only those thoughts that are a true image of what you
desire. Reject all others. As action follows thought, the actions that follow true thoughts will be
deftly guided by the subconscious mind.

The Dhammapada states: "All that we are the result of what have thought; it is founded on our
thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts...let the wise man guard his thoughts, there is no fear in
him while he is watchful."

Giving You Dominion Over All Things

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. – Henry Ford


Your Thoughts have Physical Power!
You become what you think, what you focus on, whether you want to or not. A thought is a
conviction to oneself; that is if it is done with intent!
The thoughts that you are thinking today are the things that you will have tomorrow.

***Everything that is now tangible came from the intangible which are the offspring of ones
If you want to know what you have been thinking, take no further look than what you have, and
who you have become. The thoughts that consume us will manifest abundance, riches, or lack
and poverty. Your thoughts will not discriminate against you. It will not discriminate in what you
have, don’t have, who you are, or who you are not.

Just take a look at what you have right now. Whatever you have right now, in this moment, is a
direct result of your thoughts and what you attracted. Don’t be fooled, this is not a new
conversation. You and I have been exercising this power since the day we were born, yet there
are some, who still do not believe or underestimate the power of thought.

The only thing that is going to change your future is to change your Thoughts. It will be what
you THINK, what you IMAGINE, and the ACTIONs you will take, that is going to make a
real difference. This is good news; because these are only three things that we can really
control. Unfortunately by the time we become adults we have already surrendered that power.
So you may ask yourself a couple of questions on:

1. Thoughts
1. Are my thoughts random or controlled?
2. Are the thoughts that consume me positive or negative?
3. Do my thoughts reflect who I want to be?
4. Do my thoughts reflect what I want?
5. Who or what is really controlling my thoughts?
6. Are my thoughts on auto pilot; in other words are my thoughts intentional?
7. Is the LIFE I want running my thoughts or is lack of control of my THOUGHTs
running my life?
To have an extraordinary life, and a life of abundance, you must CONTROL your thoughts in
such a way that it produces the keys you want for the things you want to open the doors that you
want. So if you are feeling, stuck, depressed, down, lost or turned out, you must break the chain.
You must break the chain; interrupt if you will your own thought patterns. Once you interrupt
this pattern, you must now reprogram your thoughts. You must create a new pattern of thoughts
that are in alignment with the things that you want to manifest.

Your brain has an estimate of about 50,000 thoughts a day according to the National Science
Foundation. That is a lot of thoughts! One of the most life changing things that I took on was to
take charge of my thought and to interrupt the negative ones I was having. I first came across this
highly effective technique while studying guitar with the infamous Tom Hess who just so
happens to be the most wealthiest and successful guitar teacher on the planet. To condition his
student to have an Olympic champion mindset, Tom Hess knew he had to get rid of as many
negative thoughts as possible. Tom knew that in order for his students to be successful that they
themselves must begin to take control of their thoughts; that is if they had any chance of
becoming a successful guitarist. Tom’s technique was very simple; all you needed was a loose
fitting rubber band. Every time that you would have a negative thought, all you would have to do
was to give yourself a POP. That accomplished two things; one it reestablished that I was in
control of my thoughts in which I would create a new one and two; it broke the random brain
pattern of thoughts that I was having. That would immediately snap myself out of my negative
thought process and invent a new one. This technique is so effective that I still use it to this day.

If you want to exercise real POWER take back what is rightfully yours. Take back your
THOUGHTs. Control them. Be intentional in the thoughts that you create. Your thoughts are the
golden keys to creating a new future. Your MIND, your THOUGHTS are your most precious


1. How often do I allow myself to imagine?

2. Are the things that I imagine big enough?
3. Are the things that I imagine something that I really want?
4. If I allow myself to imagine, what will that give me access to?
5. What could I imagine that could make a real difference to this world?
6. Will I allow myself to imagine daily?
7. Will I imagine NOW?
Think of imagination as the playground for your life. Imagination is the portal, the looking
glass to the other realm for you to attract and manifest. Imagination is the owner of the umbilical
cord of creativity. Imagination allows you to incorporate sight, hearing, tasting, smelling, and
touching all at once in order to support your Desires, to float them with deliberate Focus. As a
technique, it is most advantages to include as many senses as possible while using the power of
imagination. The more senses you involve, the more it will be REAL for you. This is one sure
fire way to send what you desire to the subconscious mind to have it to go to work on what it is
that you can now see.


1. Do I have a PLAN for MASSIVE ACTION?

2. Am I taking daily consistent actions towards my goal for what it is that I want to
3. When I have a breakdown or failure do I get Right Back into ACTION?
4. Do I take 100% responsibility for my life?
5. Have I developed a Master Mind Group to help me carry out my plan?
6. Have I set a by when? Have I set concrete deadlines for example by Sunday
December 6th by 9pm?
Do not underestimate the Power of Thought!

You are one thought away from:

1. Becoming a Millionaire
2. From having the relationships you desire.
3. From having that book written.
4. From finding the cure for cancer.
5. From taking the vacations you have always dreamed about.
6. Leaving that job you hate and create your own business
7. From having your life the way you say
8. Becoming a Philanthropist
9. Disappearing Yourself and Creating a brand new YOU
10. From creating the next great invention.

The Power of Visualization

With arrow in hand he drew back his bow and with intensity and focus he split the arrow into
calling upon the visions he had created many times before - Rovan Deon.

You have to be intentional with your thoughts and what you visualize. Visualization is the
navigation system that guides you to what it is you want right NOW! As soon as you start to
visualize, it penetrates the other realm, giving you a glimpse of the possibilities that awaits you,
and it is there that you will find the map to your journey ahead. A man is what he thinketh! If
he thinketh, then there he shall go, for his destination is set. Without visualization it will be
hard to attain what you want. Why? Because you have to know what it is that you want to attain
with certainty and clarity. No target is set without it. Imagine taking a road trip and having no
destination, no goal or target. You would wonder around aimless getting to The Land of
Nowhere in a blink of an eye. Now apply that same concept to LIFE. So if you are wondering
why your life is not working as well as you would like it to, feeling lost, don’t know what to do,
or you’re just sick of tired of being sick and tired, let me suggest, that you start right now,
visualizing what you want.
Do know, that anything that you can ever imagine, is possible. Whatever your mind can think of
it can achieve. But what is going to be the level of your visualization? Are you going to create
First Class visualization or a Coach Class Visualization? There are levels to everything. To
inspire you, research the best of everything. Take a look at how Millionaires live. Take a look at
how Billionaires live. Take a look at exclusive clubs, or yachts. Read articles on philanthropic
efforts by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Oprah or Joel Osteen. Once you know better, you
can visualize better, and raise the level of your visualization.
Steps to Visualization

We have all visualized as a child. We have visualized or imagined what our life would be like or
what we imagined we would be when we grew up or simply imagined what we want for a
birthday or holiday.
So the concepts of visualization are not that new to us, but for those of us who has forgotten how
to visualize a little. To dream a little, below are some tips to get you started. The only
requirements are that one; you have to think BIG with a First Class visualization mindset.

Visualization Tips

1. Find a quiet place close your eyes, put on some relaxing music with headphones breathe
deeply. Until your mind is clear. A technique I use is to take my thumb and index
finger slide it under my chin until I reach my throat to feel my heartbeat. I focus in on my
heart beat and proceed to slow it down.
2. Focus on the first thing that you want to be in possession of for no less than 17 seconds;
this technique is called FORKING. You want to be as detailed as possible here. The more
detailed you are in what you want; the easier it will be for your subconscious mind to hand
over the plan to manifest it.
3. While you are visualizing, make a state change as if you are already in possession of
having it. Here is where you want to us affirmations to aide you. If I wanted to visualize
living in a new house I would visualize the color, the style, what the front door looks like,
the circular drive way, the hedges, the pool out back with a 20 person Jacuzzis. As I enter I
would visualize the marble flooring, winding stair case, the paintings on the wall, the
kitchen with all imported marble, top of the line appliances with a double stove. The house
is equipped with a tennis court, 7 bedrooms, 6 car garages etc. I would make an affirmation
that says I am happy living in a very large mansion in my favorite neighborhood where I
can create love, joy and peace of mind for the planet.
4. In order for your visualization to be effective, you must do it with intensity and emotion.
These again will aide you in turning your desire into a burning desire. Intensity and strong
emotion are the electrifying ingredients necessary to ignite you subconscious into the NOW
spawning a concrete plan for you to manifest.
5. Create a Visualization Board – You will want to do this right away. Take pictures,
cutout magazine clippings, or print them out, all the things that you are looking to create.
Areas of Life You Can Visualize
Money – What is the exact money down to the dollar? Remember the more detailed you are
the better. It is not enough to say for example that I want a lot of money. It is enough to say I
will create $375.000, 000 by September 1st of XX year.
Love – What are you looking to create around the area of your life for love?

Relationship – What are you looking to create around the area of your life for


Health – What are you looking to create around the area of your life for health?


What other areas of your life can you create?


- It takes as much faith to live a life of suffering as it does to live a life of bliss. Brandi

First let’s distinguish what we are talking about when we say FAITH. Faith is not a system of
beliefs and it is an indicator of what you believe. Faith is not positive. Faith isn't just for good
people. All things are rooted in Faith, even those of us who have difficulties 'believing' use faith
in our daily lives. We ALL use faith every day, everywhere, we're just not conscious of doing so,
which is why miracles are so rare in our world.

For example, we have complete faith that the food we eat will be broken down into nourishing
particles for our physical form. We have faith that the air we breathe will combine with the sugar
in our blood and form energy for the cells in our bodies. We don't oversee our eating or
breathing, we simply eat and breathe, assured that we are doing the natural thing to sustain our

We have faith that the sun will rise, the earth will rotate, the stars will maintain their position in
the sky and yet our faith is blind!

Faith is the factor that gives the driving force of conviction to a thought, and thus imprints the
thought upon the subconscious mind as a conclusion which must be manifested in the physical
world. In other words, anything you are convinced of must become real in your life: Thought +
Faith = Creation.

Healing, miracles; these are results of actions motivated by faith. Behind what we call miracles is
the reality of the Universe. The reality of the Universe is that ALL IS perfect, whole and
complete. Any experience outside of this reality is inside of an illusion. When people are cured
of dis-ease, their physical body is manifesting the reality of their spiritual being as perfect, whole
and complete AND like all good math equations (mathematics is founded upon Universal Law),
this is true in reverse: when a person is dis-eased in the physical body, there is a malady in the
unseen body as well.
How does this work- you may ask. The answer lies in the dual nature of mind: Subconscious
and Conscious Mind.

The subconscious mind is present inside of ALL THAT IS and this is the space from which all
things are made, it is the intelligence that pervades all of creation. What the subconscious mind
becomes is solely the result of an idea or notion placed into it from the conscious mind. Said
another way; whatever deductions the conscious mind redirects to the subconscious mind, the
latter creates in physical reality. The subconscious mind does not reason deductively like the
conscious mind, rather it reasons inductively and whatever concepts it perceives, it creates
according to its universal nature. The subconscious mind is always creating in our experience
exactly what we believe in.

Now remember, Faith itself is neutral, working in either direction that the conscious mind directs
the subconscious mind to create. If you would live a life of peace and abundance, discover what
beliefs you have that direct your creative energy in the opposite direction of your desire.

Faith- Visualizing What Is Already There

Faith is the center of all MIRACLES. It is the mystery, the unexplained, the unseen and the
single most underestimated external action one can take. Before we delve into the subject of
Faith let’s lay a foundation a framework if you will on something that you may have never
thought of or believe for that matter, and that is THAT OTHER REALMS DO EXIST.

The process of Visualization is quite simple. To visualize all you do is close your eyes, take in
several deep breaths slowly and see what you are asking for as if it is already there.

Often times we determine what is real by what we see, hear, taste, smell, or feel, also known as
our five senses. We depend on our senses to such a degree that it has now become common place
for us to say inside of language that if we cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something then it
must not be real. We all know that just because we cannot detect things with our senses, that
does not mean that it is not real; that it is not in existence. Consider that you have collapsed what
you call REALITY or what is real by one indicator, your senses. Further consider that there are
things that you know that fall outside of your senses that you identify are real. I am unable to see,
hear, taste, smell or feel a single atom or a proton or neutron. I can neither see objects around me
constantly vibrating, but science has proven that they all vibrate and that these things
are REAL. I will give you another example; if I stand before you and then walk and stand
directly behind and none of your senses can detect me or are stimulated by me, am I not REAL?
Just because my senses are not stimulated or activated does not determine existence or reality for
that matter. So with that being said consider once again that the five senses are indeed a false
indicator of Reality.

Faith is the DOOR from the invisible realm to the Manifestation Realm, this realm, for all senses
to enjoy. The size of your DOOR is only limited by the size of your Faith and your belief. This
principle is so important that it bears repeating. Faith is the DOOR from the invisible realm to
the Manifestation Realm, for all senses to enjoy. The size of your DOOR is only limited by the
size of your Faith and your belief and the magnitude of abundance that you are able to produce.
You see, up until now we have all believed that what we want does not yet exist. I am here to
share with you today that everything you desire, want, need or aspire has already been created. It
is just outside of your five senses. If this is so, then it is quite easy to visualize anything you want
that is already there; but remember that the amount in which you are able to pull from one realm
to another through manifestation will be determined by the size of your Faith, and your belief.
This will further determine the size of your DOOR which will serve as a conduit to the
Manifestation Realm.

It all starts with your thoughts. Thoughts are things! No we can’t see them, hear them, smell
them or feel them but yet they exist. Who we are, and what we are, simply becomes the thoughts
that are dominating and occupying our mind.

We are controlled by one thing, and that is our dominating thoughts. Our dominating thoughts
determine our focus and the actions that we will take to pull its equivalent from one realm to the
other. You want to know what you have been thinking lately. Do you want to know what your
dominating thoughts have been? Want to know what you have been focusing on? Just take a look
around you, take a look at what you have manifested. I have great news for you; all of these
things that you have manifested by your thoughts can transform in an instant if what you have
manifested is not what you want. We have the power to visualize through thoughts what we
desire and to manifest our wants and every need. Want to make more money than you currently
make? Change your thoughts. Want to start a new business? Change your thoughts. Want to find
the man or the woman of your dreams? Change your thoughts. Want more confidence? Change
your thoughts. Want to take exotic vacations or simply to go back to school to earn a degree?
Then, change your thoughts! The supply of the things that we can visualize is endless. The things
we want, the things that we desire, abundance and riches, all lies dormant in the other realm,
waiting patiently for you to SUMMON it forth. So gather your thoughts; visualize, believe, have
faith, take action and make a declaration. Summon with emotion the things that you want and
desire and again take the action to manifest it in this realm for the five senses to enjoy. This all
becomes possible when you get, that everything has already been created for you. It is already
there lying dormant in the other realm. But …Faith and belief will not be enough. You can
believe for a lifetime. You can have all the Faith that this world can hold but it will not be
enough. You will have to put ACTION behind your Faith. You will have to put ACTION
behind your Beliefs. Faith will move mountains. Dare to pour ACTION behind your FAITH and
watch things show up in amazing ways. This is where most people will stop, but I am going to
take you one step further. Taking it one step further will take you from living the life you like to
living the life you love with endless possibilities; and that step is for you to realize this very
simple concept …….The amount in which you are able to Manifest is according to what is
within you to Manifest. Yes you alone will determine how much you are able to manifest by
what you believe you can. You are your own gatekeeper.

FAITH IS A STATE OF MIND! Whoever will say to the mountain, be removed and does not
doubt in his heart, he will have what he says. Faith is powerful beyond measure. Faith is one of
the most powerful of all external forces occupying space in the universe. So if faith is the
assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. then how can we develop Faith
to manifest what we want?
We can develop faith by Autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is the only known method of
developing faith voluntarily in the form of affirmations. What are affirmations you may add?
Affirmations are the direct connection to the subconscious mind, when evoked, sets in to motion
influences over SELF to take ACTION. Autosuggestion develops Faith so that you can produce
the results you want and pull into existence from the Realm of the unseen into the Realm of
Manifestation. So how do we do that? You start with a thought and taking into account
your DESIRE. Since everything is created inside of language, what are the words that you may
choose that is the closest truth of what you want? It can be as simple as waking up every
morning saying “Every day in every way I am Stronger Because I Say!" Try this on for 30
days and see what a profound difference it will make….But don’t stop there. My purpose is to
make sure you take those extra steps to live the life abundantly and to live the life you love. So
what are some other times you may want to create and use affirmations?
1. When you feel depressed
2. When you are mourning.
3. When you feel confused.
4. When you are about to give up.
5. When you can’t take another day.
6. When you’re being or have been abused
7. When you feel alone
8. When you’re felling hollow or empty
9. When you feel you are about to do the wrong thing (TEMPTATION).
10. When you’re thinking of suicide
11. When you feel no one loves you.
12. When you feel abandoned.
13. When you’re AFRAID
14. When you have spiraled out of control
15. When you are facing a divorce
16. When you’re about to foreclose, file for bankruptcy, or any financial disaster
17. When the closest person you trust betrays you.
18. When you feel lost
19. When you want to make changes in your life.
20. When you are Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired.
Speak to your Mountain. When you begin to talk to your mountain with unwavering faith it will
do what you say. Speaking words of faith is the catalyst to influence, to stir up, what it is in the
unseen realm. Take on affirmations to move your Mountains; these are forces that go to work!

Developing Your Faith

The human mind is a phenomenal machine but in all of its’ complexities there lies something
very simple in it’s’ nature; your thinking mind has the power to filter what is passed on to your
subconscious mind. It is like having your very own body guard that checks the information it
receives and either allows or disallows that information to be passed to the subconscious
mind. In essence the thinking mind becomes the gatekeeper for the subconscious mind. This is
very important to know because you can actually feed the subconscious mind voluntarily through
autosuggestion in the form of affirmations in order to develop your Faith. The remarkable thing
about feeding the subconscious mind voluntarily is because the subconscious mind has no way of
determining the information you feed it is real or not. It’s a known fact that if you say something
is real long enough, sooner or later you will believe it. My suggestion, in order to maximize this
very powerful technique is to execute this right before you go to bed at night and for no less than
30 days on any given affirmation. Make sure you say your affirmations with emotion and in the
spirit that you already have it. Be in possession of it. Here is a comprehensive list of some of the
most powerful affirmations to develop your faith and for you to attract abundance in every area
of your life now! Take these on to move your Mountains.

AFFIRMATIONS the Key to Developing Faith

1. I will take 100% responsibility for my Life

2. I am Strong and Confident
3. I take charge of my life now
4. I have an unlimited supply of Personal Power
5. I control my Thoughts, what I Visualize and my ACTION
6. I have a Say to How life goes
7. Life Goes the Way I Say it Goes
8. What Ever I Conceive and Believe – I Can Achieve
9. I am here to Serve Others
10. I live Life on Purpose NOW
11. I am the Creator of My Life
12. I Deserve to be Wealthy
14. I am Magnetic!
15. I am PEACE
16. I GET What I Want
17. No Goal is too Big to Attain
18. I Control My Thoughts
19. I Give up the Words I Can’t
20. I am Empowered by the ACTIONS I Take
21. I am Forgiving
22. My Mind Seeks Opportunities
23. My Actions are Pulling Things Forth
24. Every day in every way I am Stronger Because I Say!

What has happened? Remember how we were kids and we asked for anything we wanted? We
had no constraints, no fears and no inhibitions in asking what we wanted. Well I can! I can
remember being in the store with my Mom when I spotted this square box. As I looked closer on
the shelf which looked like every toy imaginable I yelled in voice which would wake an
Egyptian mummy, a SLINKY! As my Mom body whipped around she said in a stern voice, boy
what is wrong with you. I yelled again without hesitation and no constraint a SLINKY a

Now before this day as I sat there in front of that old fat back Zenith color television with the big
clunky knobs like I always did every Saturday morning, a commercial blared through the living
room. It was the most exciting and fun song I have ever heard - A SLINKY A SLINKY A
BOY IT’S FUN FOR A GIRL AND A BOY! Well I broke out in song this day. There was no
shame in my game. I wanted that SLINKY and I wanted it now and I be darned if I was going to
leave the store without it. Once I finished performing my little heart singing that SLINKY song,
my mother had the biggest, most loving smile that a mother could muster. Her smile literally lit
up the entire store. As the shelves of toys disappeared, I was mesmerized in that moment by the
sheer beauty of my mother’s smile. As the rows of toys reappeared again, I smiled back at her
and asked, Mom can I have just this SLINKY right here as I tip toed and reached for the toy? My
mother smiled once more and said, “of course you can.” We have to be childlike once again in
our asking. There was a time when we would ask for the moon and nine times out of ten we got
it. And then a funny thing happened, we heard the word NO one time too many. In that moment
we made NO mean something, when in fact it just meant NO. That is when the asking stopped.
That is where the fear began. That is where judgment of others was born. That is when regrets
got formed. That is when self-worth got developed. That is when things got PERSONAL. Hear
me clearly on this one, NO is not personal. The truth is it has nothing to do with you at all.

I am here to tell you that NO has NO Power! The only power that NO has is the power that we
give it. Think about it. Nothing is lost by asking and receiving a NO. It simply stays the same.
Let’s try this on as an example. Let’s say that you wanted to ask someone out on a date. You go
up to the person with your heart in your hand and you are instantly turned down flat. Nothing
changed did it? You started with no date and you ended with no date. Simple; it stayed the same.
But in all of our human wonderment we just have to add flavor to things. We have to give things
meaning. So what do you make it mean? You may make it mean that you are not good enough.
You may make it mean that you are not pretty or handsome enough. For our drama kings and
queens we make it mean that we are REJECTED. Rejection isn’t exactly real. Rejection is not
what you think it is. For starters rejection is constant. Might as well start today; the higher you go
the more you will be rejected.

How many of you have been in these situations before? We love to give things meaning. Now
the only thing that is wrong with this is or I’ll say right with this, is that whatever meaning we
give things after receiving a NO instantaneously becomes our new reality. That is why NO has
no power other than what WE give it has. We create it! Pause and think about this for a moment,
NO has NO power other than what WE give it. You now have access to something; something
extremely powerful. Since you now have the power to create whatever reality you want around
NO why not create something right now that will propel you forth whenever you receive a NO.
You have to take on getting comfortable every time you hear a no so that you are not stopped or

What reality can you create for yourself that will always propel you forth to take action and Ask
again? What new reality can you create?


Since you will be up to big things, you must prepare yourself now to hearing NO. This will serve
you as your armor in battle. You are just one NO from a YES!!!! When you hear a NO you are
not interpreting reality but what you are left with is your own interpretation of it. Here is the
good news; any top salesman will tell you that it is all a numbers game. In sales there is always a
ratio; funny thing is, it is not always clear on what it is. You will hear it being said in forms such
as, for every 10 people I ask I will get a yes, or for every 30 people that I prospect I will have
two people who would want what I am offering. If you ask enough people and continue beyond
the NO you are bound to win. The most successful people are the ones who have been said NO
to the most. Get used to it that is just the way it goes. It is a part of life. Once you accept this
reality you are equipped to go out and conquer the world. This state of being gives you the
stamina you need to keep on keeping on even in the face of no agreement; unfortunately
sometimes that no agreement is mostly your own . Remember there is no idea crazy enough, wild
enough, scary enough, big enough to be rejected by every human being. There is an audience for
everyone. You will find someone who will agree with you.

Without asking how can you possibly get what you want? Don’t be afraid. Create a new reality
for yourself. Fear of rejection is crippling. Offense leaves the residue of bitterness and bitterness
creates the stain of Anger. When you overcome rejection and keep on keeping on you are saying
loud and clear that the person who rejected you does not have dominion over you. They don’t
have the final say how it goes. You do! So don’t tarry! Keeps it moving. You don’t need an
explanation on why. Perceive another possibility and do what great I AM says and give yourself
a little shake and watch the dust settle!



When you hear the word NO what happens inside of you? What about when it is said directly to
you? What about when you say NO to someone else?

For the vast majority of us we first encountered the word NO in our first or second year of life. If
you could remember the first time you heard NO in response to your actions you might have
experienced something like this: a toddler gleefully ambles over to the nearest shiny object that
has caught his/her eye. The tot stretches to grasp the object and inevitably to taste the shiny new
treasure only to be abruptly halted and told NO! This scene repeats for the next several years;
you see an object of desire, proceed to obtain it and stop as a voice you recognize usually loving
and seemingly larger than yourself tells you NO!

Fast forward 10 years where you find yourself on the school playground asking the cool kids if
you can join them: NO! This time the response comes from a group of voices, and you quickly
get the picture; you don’t belong. Move forward another 10 years and now you’re waiting
expectantly for the mail to arrive; hoping, wishing, praying that and envelope with that school’s
crest on it will appear, it does and as you scan the enclosed letter for the magic words of
acceptance you read instead a formal ‘regret’ : NO! From here on out as an adult you continue to
experience NO only now it seems that no comes from written missives rather than verbal ones.
NO to your grad school of choice, NO to your dream job, NO from your dream spouse, NO to
your dream home, and who you become in a scant thirty years is NO to your dream life.

That’s right, by the time you reach 30, you’ve heard the word NO so much that you’ve given it
power over you and your life and you now relate to it personally. You have begun to believe that
you can’t really go to the school you want, you can’t really drive the car you like, you
can’t really work at the company you admire, you can’t really marry the person of your dreams,
live in the house/neighborhood/city/country you desire…you can’t really live the life you want.
Not really. So you settle, eventually you settle for the ‘best you can do with what you
have’. You settle for the car you can ‘afford’, for the person who did say yes to marrying you,
for the house that with ‘just the right touches’ will look kind of like what you really want.

Now I’m not telling you to go get in debt, rob a bank or kidnap your high school sweetheart. I’m
simply pointing out that you’ve settled for less than what you truly desire all because you’ve
given the word NO power over you; when you were two years old! You see when you were that
little kid drooling and toddling at top speed towards the electrical outlet, your parents said the
word NO, communicating ‘Not yet- when you're older.’ You however heard NO you can
NEVER have what you want. Seems like a bit of a stretch? Look with me again at the cute little
2 year old grasping for the glass vase on the table, or running to touch the stove like Mommy, or
curiously reaching to stick something in the outlets on the wall like Daddy. Do you not now
master all of the very things that were ‘forbidden to you as a child? You may not choose to, but
you can iron, cook, drink out of a ‘real’ glass, plug your phone into the electrical outlets etc…
You are living proof that real communication from your childhood was ‘Not yet- when you’re

As a matter of fact most of the NO’s you’ve experienced in life were not NO – NEVER, but
rather NO- Not right now- fulfill these qualifications first. The truth is that it’s easier to walk
away and pretend you heard NO-NEVER than it is to stick around and determine what it will
take to fulfill the requested qualifications. Just like you now cook, iron, and drive, so to can you
have/do any and everything else you desire. All that is required is for you to believe that YOU
have the power over NO (you’ve been living like the opposite is true) and then choose to fulfill
your desires. Nothing happens outside of 1. Belief and 2. Choice.

So how do you regain your inherent power over NO? Start by recognizing that you have been
conditioned to react to the word NO from childhood. When you hear or even say the word NO,
there is a conditioned response that occurs inside of you which takes you out of the present
moment, away from the real communication being delivered and leaves you as powerless as that
2 year old reaching for the iron as Mommy pulls you away! So your first challenge in exercising
your power is being present and staying present such that you can actually hear/deliver the entire
communication. The key here is to get to your experience of NO. By recognizing your
conditioned response to the word NO and then practicing staying present throughout your
experience and your response you will gradually outgrow or move beyond your conditioned
response into a space where you can consciously choose your response.

As you continue this practice and grow beyond the conditioned response from your childhood,
you will transform and this personal transformation will allow you to actually begin to
experience NO newly and differently, leaving you free and clear to experience the entire
communication behind the NO. The opportunity here is for you to live the life of your dreams as
an adult rather than your second choice life settled on as a result of a conditioned reaction to the
word NO. YOU have the power to transform in any and every moment. The power to live
abundantly is yours in this NOW moment and in each moment that follows. Believe in yourself
and choose to live the life of your dreams.

Your Past Precedes You

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
― Mother Teresa

Your past precedes you. You are not alive, you are not present, you are not even who you are.
You are missing out on LIFE itself. Why do I say this you may ask, it is simple, I assert that 97
% of your thoughts are based on your past, 2 % is based on those brief moments where you are
allowing yourself to dream about some kind future and 1% is living in the NOW. Think about
this for a moment.

Contrary to what thoughts you may have about it, your LIFE is only happening right now! When
the mind propels you to either the past or the future, then you are not present in the Now where
your LIFE is happening. If you are with me so far then you can clearly see that we are not living
LIFE 99% of the time.

That is frightening. I share this with you not to make you feel wrong or make you feel bad and if
I have done this it is not my intention, but I have shared this with you to develop an awareness of
what most humans default ways of Beings are. We go through life missing out on LIFE! We go
through life, where the majority of our thoughts have some essence of the past. Why is

We are allowing ourselves to live in an unreality 99 percent of the time. You have to get the
implications here. By you understanding and know the power of your thoughts, you can begin to
see the pitfall that we as human beings have fallen into. The way we are, our habits, thoughts,
actions and ways of being are out of balance with the very Laws of the Universe. What we have
is an inverted pyramid of how we are meant to be. Let’s take a look at this inverted pyramid and
the affects it has:

1. Based on the past you have defined who you think you are.
2. Based on the past you have formed your habits of thinking, being, and acting.
3. Based on the past you make decisions.
4. Based on the past you hold on to pain and suffering.
5. Based on the past you define if you are good enough.
6. Based on the past you define if you are smart enough.
7. Based on the past you create unhappiness.
8. Based on the past you create depression and sadness.
9. Based on the past you create anxiety.
10. Based on the past you create caution, restraint, and being stuck.
11. Based on the past you are afraid.
12. Based on the past you procrastinate
13. Based on the past you are shunning responsibility.
14. Based on the past you are avoiding accountability.
15. Based on the past you are no longer grateful.
16. Based on the past you feel hollow.
17. Based on the past you feel lost.
18. Based on the past you have lost respect for yourself and others.
19. Based on the past you are not happy.
20. Based on the past you have fallen to the additions of life.
This list could go on and on but I think you get the picture. In order for you to live a life in the
NOW and create a life of abundance and transformation you must put that pyramid upright
again. You have to return your life back to its’ original state. It is the way it was meant to be.

What got you to where you are might be the very thing that is holding you back. To be fully
alive is to be fully present. Who are you really? I assert you it is your own past that has given
you who you are. It has defined you and it is an illusion. You are not your past and you are not
your future. Peel away all the things that you think you are. Give up the thoughts that you are the
labels in which society has given you and who you have given you. Give up all notions that
something is wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect whole and
complete. Give up every title you have placed on yourself and what others have placed upon you.
Until now everything you are is the past you are. I am requesting that you try on something
different. I want you to try on the following statement “The ME I am the NOW I am standing in
this MOMENT. I am that I am and part of the Great I AM with the power to create and manifest
the things of the unseen to the seen for all the senses to enjoy. There for I create who I am
NOW.” You see it doesn’t matter the past. What matters is who you are right NOW. Who are
you being? That is who you are. You have heard the old statement that everything must change,
nothing stays the same. You are divinity; you are whole and you are complete. You are
ENERGY and you are LIGHT, therefore you are constantly moving and you are forever
changing. Into what is up to you. The good thing is you have the power to create whatever you
want of who you are in this moment.

It doesn’t matter of all the mistakes you have made. It doesn’t matter if you were an addict, that
you were a liar, a murder or cheat. Now society may deem otherwise. There are people that will
hold on to the past forever; but I believe that the world is willing to forget your past but only IF
YOU ARE. I am here to tell you that you are no longer bond by society. Society is notorious for
living in the present of their past. Society has become its’ own prisoner. I have given you the gift
of FREEDOM. I hereby DECLARE that you are free from the bondage of society. You are now
free to create who you are and to be who you are for the benefit of the planet. You matter! I now
charge you to create who you are right now. I charge you to let go of anything that is holding you
back. I want you to shed it now. Get rid of any negative thoughts, memories, habits and actions
that are of the PAST! I charge you to give up the FEAR. It is time to turn that pyramid upright
and live in balance NOW. It is time to create YOU. Create YOU NOW!


Don’t hesitate... Be in action now. It is unwise to drive a car and all the while, looking into the
rearview mirror. What impact will that bring into your life? You can’t see where you’re going,
where you’re headed, what’s there, where you may end up, you can’t see the danger. You don’t
know who you may kill off; you don’t know if you are killing YOU off, you have lost
control. What you are focused on, what is behind you, the past you are, is driving you forward
and defining who you are. For the moment you are who you are …….. A dangerous driver. This
is how most of us live our lives. I didn’t say it was pretty. It is really scary if you really think
about it. Why this is so scary is that most people live their lives this way and don’t even know
that they are living their lives this way.

Our PAST is running our lives. It is no wonder that we live in a state of confusion. It is no
wonder that we are stuck. It is no wonder that we don’t create, that we are disconnected to our
own divinity, that we are not in action, that we have no idea who we are or that we are in a
constant state of fear and anxiety. We are all smart people. We are brilliant! What makes us not
so brilliant is that we cannot see where we are going or even determine what is happening right
NOW. We cannot see where we are going or determine what is happening simply because we
have allowed our past to drive us. When we begin to allow our past to drive us or precede us, our
destination becomes unclear. When we allow the past to drive us or precede us we have no idea
where we may end up in life. When we allow the past to drive us or precede us we are unable to
see the dangers or pitfalls of life. When we allow the past to drive us or precede us we can’t
always see the people that we kill off, get rid of in close relationships, business relationships, or a
marriage. When we allow the past to drive us or precede us you don’t know if you are killing
YOU off. You don’t know who you are. You allow yourself to wallow in self-pity or become
depressed; you paint a picture of yourself of being unworthy. You have allowed yourself to be
ungrateful or cut off from allowing yourself to forgive yourself and others. You have killed
yourself off. You have no context of who you are. The REAL YOU, the divine YOU is buried
and locked away. You have forgotten who you are... You have let society define who you
are. You have allowed the past to define who you are. You have lost control. Your life is no
longer yours and why should it be. You are not the creator of it because you are not the creator of
it so that you can be the creator of it. What you are focused on, what is behind you, the past you
are, is driving you. So how can you free yourself of this? How can you restore power, freedom
and peace of mind around all this? Simple Turn your head around! Remove thane eyes from the
rearview mirror (the past). Focus on the road (the present) with every possible senses, while
being present to everything in every moment. Think briefly about the destination (future) and get
right back to the NOW to fulfill on that destination. BE THE CREATOR YOU ARE - IN THE
Like Driving down the Road Looking in the Rearview Mirror
You're not who you think you are, and you don't exist where you think you exist...Brandi

Your highest work is embracing and forgiving your past. The bottom line is you’ve spent the
majority of your years driving down the road of life while looking in the rearview mirror,
refusing to look at what’s happening in front of you in the present moment. Looking backwards
into time, into your seemingly personal experience can seem horrific, however the sense of
horror that you feel is linked to the memory itself. It is only linked to what you have decided to
believe about the memory and nothing else.

You created your past and now we ask you to forgive your past. Turn back your memories that
seem to be associated with a personal history and instead of pretending that that is not there,
recognize if that is how you perceive yourself, Or not. Stop trying to shake the ego off like it’s a
dog and you’re the stick!

The reality is that your past isn’t happening right now. Your life, the one you experience, is made
up of decisions you made in the past

Don’t give up- give over. Brandi Mazesticeon

Although the word forgiveness may sound familiar; and there have been so many other
discourses on the matter, consider that the true nature of forgiveness has eluded humanity,
Oftentimes forgiveness is thought of as an action; ‘if I forgive, then that will happen’. The person
who forgives ends up accepting or condoning that someone/something has done/gone horribly
wrong. A popular adage is this regard is ‘to not forgive is like drinking poison and expecting
the other person to die’. In a way, this is true and it is not the Truth about forgiveness.

We are going to expand our relationship to forgiveness beyond action such that we become
aware of the power of forgiveness that is Truth. Let’s start with what forgiveness in not.
Forgiveness is not accepting or condoning unacceptable or intolerable behavior. It is not to
‘forgive and forget’ trespasses and crimes against us. Forgiveness is not ‘letting go of the past so
that you can move forward’. Don’t get me wrong, those are all nice sentiments, however that not
what forgiveness really is, not really.

Personal experience in this area has shown that even though forgiveness may be declared, and
attempts to move on/move forward are made; the emotions attached to the original offense linger
and even persist. Whenever the left over emotions are triggered, it’s like the entire event is
replayed in the mind and presence in the body. Not to mention that although the word
forgiveness may be spoken aloud, internally there is a vehement desire to NEVER interact with
that someone/something again. EVER! The visceral experience that can be triggered (often many
years later) is the key to understanding the true nature of forgiveness.

A deeper look shows that whenever we experience an event that appears to negatively impact us
in a personal way, a matching emotion arises in our field of being that is subsequently felt in our
bodies and so automatically connected to the event (this is how our brains are hard-wired for
survival). For example, about a decade ago, I worked for a certain employer and enjoyed my
work well enough. My spouse got a job in another city, and after much discussion, we agreed
that I would resign my position and move to the new city as well. About 4 months after my
resignation, I discovered that I had been accused of stealing during my tenure at the company. I
was shocked, I was outraged, and I was pissed! I knew that I had not stolen anything and as time
progressed my shock and outrage gave way to fear; what if people believed that I was a thief? I’d
never get hired anywhere else again! Two years after I resigned from the company, someone
mentioned my former employer in passing conversation and the feelings of outrage and fear
overwhelmed my body- as if no time had passed at all. After three years I ‘forgave’ my former
employer, still very much afraid that the accusation of theft would follow me to my next
position. Consequently I began to organize my life such that I would not have to list that
particular employer on job applications or in interviews. Sounds smart? Normal? Well in my
quest to avoid explaining the matter and relive the outrage and anger of being falsely accused, I
was expending my creative energy on finding ways to hide. I started to live what I call a
‘shadow’ life where I stopped connecting with others, I stopped sharing myself personally and I
stopped looking for opportunities that were a match for what I really wanted. I limited myself
and what I was capable of accomplishing. My insistence on NEVER experiencing the event or
the emotions attached to the event had created a sort of box in which I began to live my shadow
life, governed by the very same emotions I was desperately trying to escape.

What to do when that which you least desire becomes all that you poses. Five years after
resigning, I discovered the truth about forgiveness. That I had merely said the words “I forgive
you” yet who I was being as I said the words was angry and afraid. No wonder that my daily life
was riddled with fear and upset.

I saw that forgives is not an action or even a declaration (as powerful as action and declarations
are). Forgiveness is a state of being that allows actions and declarations congruent with your
desires to emerge. Forgiveness is childproof! Even a child can choose a way of being that allows
for the fulfillment of desire. In my case, I chose to be vulnerable and trusting. Let’s be clear; the
first five years of this situation saw me being hurt, scared and angry, declaring forgiveness and
then hiding so that no one would get to know me and just how scared I really was. When I chose
to be vulnerable and trusting, the internal drama and emotions associated with the event
disappeared! Really. Ten years ago, I never imagined that I would share with someone what I
though was the most embarrassing thing I had ever experienced, let alone write about it in a book
that millions of someone’s would read.

This is the true nature of forgiveness. The power to be and to live free regardless of events and
circumstances that surround you

To forgive is to forgo the right to judge yourself; and others.

It is to come to the place of being wherein you discover that no wrong could ever be done to you
by another person. It is to realize that the only wrong that has ever or will ever be done to you is
also done by you as you judge yourself and project, reflect and inflict that judgment upon

A wise person once told me that I had the power to forgive others for not being who I thought
they should be. After I finished chuckling, I got the implication of that statement and the
difference between the concept of forgiveness and the reality of forgiveness.

I recognized that as long as I judged myself, I would also compare myself to others. In
comparing myself to others, I naturally sought to find their weaknesses and shortcomings, and to
judge what I found. In judging what I perceived as negative and undesirable in others, I created
the space for them to do the same to me. This vicious cycle of judgment breeds and harbors
unforgiveness and keeps me and the other person separate from each other and our natural state
of being. No amount of declaring and ‘trying hard to forgive’ will ever stop this cycle! Just like a
Chinese finger trap; the only way out- is in.

Recognize all the areas in which you are judging yourself, comparing yourself to another only to
begin to look for where the fall short in their life. Notice the tension and detachment in your
relationship to this person. Know that they are reflecting your judgment, comparison and
resentment right back to you. Now see that to return to your natural state of being, to your path
of power; is for you to STOP JUDGING YOURSELF. Forgive yourself for judging you. Forgive
the other person for not being who you think they should be, creating the space for them to do
the same for you. Accept that you both are who you choose to be. Don’t deny anyone, especially
yourself, the choice to be.

Forgiveness is the ultimate in paying it forward. Are you ready to pass it on?


The Power of Forgiveness

There is a nutritional value for every offence you encounter. Let’s face it, as long as you are
living and breathing on this earth you will encounter offenses in which you will have to either
ask for forgiveness or give it. I won’t lie to you the pain of the process can seem over whelming.
It can turn your life upside down and blind side you in ways unimaginable. It can beat you up
and it can mess you up. It can rob you of your journey if you let it, and it can cause the kind of
pain that can make you want to scream. We can become prisoners or champions. I am here to
make sure that we become champions. There is a nutritional value and that is offenses and the
exercise of the Power of Forgiveness is necessary for our elevation to divinity and necessary for
our spiritual growth.

We as human being give love and only want to be loved, to be connected to another human
being. Our desire to be loved and connected only makes us vulnerable. Given this condition we
can quickly see that we are wide open for offenses to happen to us. Isn’t it true that the greatest
pain that we have ever experienced has been from the betrayal from the person closest to us? It is
true that unfortunately the closer the person is to you say a spouse, mother, father, sibling, friend
or collogues, the greater the pain that you shall experience. Why do we encounter this pain? We
encounter this pain simply because the offense that the person created does not fit our very own
blue print of how they should conduct themselves. When infidelity occurs, it is devastating to the
other person simply because the vow of marriage has been broken. The infidelity doesn’t fit the
other person’s blue print. The more the other spouse believes in the vows and the more in love
you are to that person, the greater the pain will be. When a sibling do the unthinkable and betray
one another, the amount of pain you feel surrounding the situation is caused by the amount of
love you have for that brother or sister and the level of betrayal you place on the situation. It is
hard to believe that a betrayal of any sort can actually be good for us. but again offenses are
created by design to grow us SPIRITUALLY and to elevate us closer to our higher self.
Remember betrayal helps us to grow and mature. Your Judas will come as long you are living
and breathing on this Earth.

Forgiveness is Not …..

Forgiveness has nothing to do with feelings; absolutely nothing. Forgiveness has nothing to do
with pretending that the event did not happen or that time goes by and all of a sudden what
happened disappears. It is not Forgiveness has nothing to do with ignoring that something has
happened. Forgiveness has nothing to do with weakness for to forgive requires the greatest
strength. Forgiveness has nothing to do with pretending that you are ok with the offense.
Forgiveness has nothing to do with staying quiet about the offense. Forgiveness has nothing to
do with not being able to get being bottom of the WHY the offence has occurred. Forgiveness
has nothing to do with going through life stuck and frustrated simply because you refuse to set
yourself free and forgive. Forgiveness is not that you allow a space for conversation to occur to
get to the bottom of things. Forgiveness is necessary to be whole and complete and offenses are
necessary. Offenses will be forever present and vital to our spiritual growth.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is most importantly an ACTION. It is an intentional decision to simply let go. To

release one self, set free from the situation that has occurred. One thing to take away from all of
this is forgiveness is not for the other person but it is for YOU. The ACTION of letting go or
release it, gives you access to something greater; it gives you access to continue to acquire a
more abundance. It gives you access to the treasures that was once cut off... You are suddenly
freed up, lite, and able to continue to climb the next mountain. So do not harbor thoughts or hold
on to resentment. Don’t continue to speak on it for whatever you speak to will just keep on
living. Be with it acknowledge it, don’t resist it no matter how painful. You must deal with the
offense immediately. Why you may ask? Because the longer you wait the more time that
bitterness has time to fester. You must confront the offense head on. Be bold, take a deep breath
and step towards it. This will be the first step to healing.

What Does Unforgiveness Look Like?

1. Holding a grudge
2. Repeated anger
3. A prisoner of your past
4. Controlled by another
5. Peace of mind is diminished
6. Triggered repeatedly
7. Difficult for trust to exist
8. Thoughts of revenge
9. Regrets settle in
10. You are pained numerous times on something that is no longer happening
11. Wishing Harm on another
12. Physical crying, screaming, acting out, violence, feeling sick or depressed
13. Judgment
14. The filter in which you listen to that person changes and not necessarily for the better
15. You celebrate if something bad happens to that person or you flat out wish them harm.
You may even curse them.
Holding a grudge – You may be holding a grudge against the person who has betrayed you.
Release the grudge that has been formed against you.

Repeated anger – You find yourself furious of this person. You may seem a bit bipolar. One
minute you love them, the next minute you hate them. End this roller coaster ride and

A prisoner of your past – Remember the Power of NOW - This is not happening right now.
There is no past. You must do away from playing the movie in your head

Controlled by another – You have actually given up control to someone else. Regain it!

Peace of Mind is diminished - You are troubled either a little or a lot. True peace of mind
comes with FORGIVENESS.

Triggered repeatedly – Out of nowhere BAM! It hits you and you relive the pain all over again.
Only true forgiveness allows you to just be with it.

Difficult for TRUST to exist – Not only do you find it difficult to trust the person that has done
the offense but you have trouble trusting anyone. Forgive and rebuild your trust in that person
and others.

Thoughts of Revenge – You have thoughts of revenge. You are in a conversation of THEY
ARE GOING TO PAY. Vengeance must not be yours.

Regrets settle in – You have regrets of committing to this person or allowed yourself to be
opened up to impact that has been caused. You may want nothing else to do with this person or
to at least work it out.

You are pained over and over again – You are being triggered. You are reliving the past.
Present yourself to the NOW. It is no longer happening. What is, IS and What was, WAS and it
Ain’t happening right now.

Wishing harm to others – Not only are you wishing harm to the person or persons that has
wronged you but you actually celebrate it. The harm or curse you place on others is actually
reflected back on you. You reap what you sow. Forgive them. Bless them and move on.

Physical – Your body will go through a roller coaster of emotions. Let it! It will pass and things
will become easier to deal with. You may experience fear, crying, screaming, acting out, and
feeling sick or depressed or even violence. Let your body experience all but one: violence. Never
resort to violence. You will have to dig deep and find compassion, understanding and love.

Judgment – You spend time judging the person in question. This is wasted energy and actually
works against you to your own recovery and healing. Do not dwell on the situation at hand for to
do so is to prolong its’ existence.

You listen through a different filter – You actually listen to the person differently by focusing
your lens through a new context you have of that person. The new listening will require you to
remove/release the offense and listen to the person with new ears. You must step back, listen
intently, become curious engaged and not add or take away anything

You wish harm or curse others –Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Let Go and Let GOD!

Someone Has Wronged Me Now What?

So what should you do if someone wrong you or has offended you? The first step you must take
is to confront or deal with the offense. The quicker you do this the better; that way hatred or
resentment does not settle in. Contact the person and have a real heart to heart conversation with
that person. If that person is willing to work things out or speak to the fact that they would never
violate you again then you are complete. If the person simply denies or does not want to take the
responsibility of the betrayal, then your next step is to confront that person in front of someone
else. If this does not work then you must fully release that person from your life. Once you have
done your part and the person is unable or refuses to reconcile then you must simply let go of
that offense and that person. Your job is done. All people in your life do not have to remain in
your life. Some people are merely placed in your life to cause offense for your spiritual growth
and nothing more. You heard right. Some people are here to be the Judas of your life so that you
can grow.

When offenses occur you will want to uncover the anger. Offenses have an uncanny way of
pissing us off. It doesn’t fit our blueprint; you must not resist this. If you are angry or upset about
something, then just be with it. Once the anger has been experienced you will have to make an
intentional decision to forgive. Remember forgiveness has nothing to do with feelings. You must
make an intentional choice to forgive. FORGIVENESS IS AN ACTION that one takes to free
oneself. Once you decide to forgive you must get to work on forgiving that person. You must
release and let go. You must discover for yourself and get present to who you are. You must be
calm in the middle of the storm and get present to the POWER which is you. You will meet
FAITH and GRACE along this journey and depending on the severity you will come to a place
where your inner champion will rise and take over. Be that person that you were born to be. You
will arise triumphant, free of emotional pain and a new found sense of who you are which has
been caused by the uncomfortable pain and suffering of betrayal. But the greatest gift of all is
that you will have learned the POWER OF FORGIVENESS and arise closer to your higher self.


Fear is valid; and a vivid distortion of be afraid is to be in part, temporarily insane. -
Brandi Mazesticeon

The only energy that can separate you from divine reality is Fear. Our current relationship with
fear has been created inside of a vacuum so to speak.

Fear is a prompter or a motivator (sourced by past-based conditioning), to one cause and one
cause alone, Safety. Inside of the fear complex, (for that's literally what fear is and does- provide
you with a complex complex; like a maze of which you can't seem to escape) there is no access
to reality; there is only the perceived threat and the innate desire to survive the threat. Any
limitations you perceive are illusory and sourced by fear. Limitation itself is not an indication of
impossibility; rather it is an invitation to live without fear.

Take just a moment and marinate on what was just communicated. There are two realities in
which we exist: Unconditional Love and Fear. Fear is faith in negative things and
circumstances. Egoic consciousness is a 'fear-full' consciousness. The EGO is fear! Fear is
based on past experiences that are no longer happening, trapping you inside a confusing and
frustrating matrix of survival that robs you of any real chance to survive: by connecting with
reality. Now look. Look into your life: your car, home, neighborhood, job, career,
relationships, family, where can you see the fingers of fear hooked in? Where are you
comfortable and safe at the same time suffocating and anxious? How long have you been
waiting for the 'right' time, person, job, chance, opportunity fix or change the situation,
all the while present to a palpable fear of the unknown, of success, of failure.

Fear disallows you from participating in any reality-based conversations, rather you are
restricted to conversations/lifestyles that accommodate your is fear that stops you on
your path before you even get started.

Yet fear is energy, the same energy as everything else around us. Pure, powerful, potential--
unlimited creativity is the nature of energy regardless of its manifested form. In fact, some
people make a living with their fears. Several celebrities are famous because they have
embraced their frightening nightmares and shared them with you in books and on the
screens. Spielberg, Koontz and many others have tapped into the pure potential of the energy
that fear is and have benefited greatly. Now you may not sell your bad dreams for millions,
however you too can tap into the reality of the energy of fear and create your life based on your
desires rather than your dreads.

To be clear; you can resist your fears and exist in your current conditions, doomed to repeat your
past OR you can allow your fears 'to be' and live beyond their limits. The choice is yours in each
and every moment to choose Fear or to choose 'Not' Fear. What you fear the most is precisely
where you have hidden and will experience your greatest power passion and purpose. In other
words, wherever you experience discomfort that is an indicator of where you have given your
power away. Look into your fear and release all judgments, recognizing that what you have
called fear is really your power that you've been judging.

Up until now, the human experience is a finite experience of limitation, the natural state of the
universe is abundance and gratitude allows us to shift ourselves out of the old paradigm of lack
and limitation into the universal reality of abundance

30 day exercise: Over the next 30 days, at least once a day Ask yourself- 'Where am I denying
my fear?' Allow yourself to be with whatever arises.

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not
he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

Nelson Mandela - Madiba

Before we can get past something, before we can get through something, before we can get over
something, before we can conquer something, we must know first its’ nature. Not only must we
know its’ nature but as CREATORs we must know its’ intent. Furthermore we must know
without a shadow of a doubt, intimately, examining why, or how, something is impacting us.
Once you can identify how something such as FEAR is keeping you from doing the things that
you DESIRE, perhaps you will be more inclined to take control and to take ACTION, to do
something, about it. So let’s begin by putting FEAR into prospective and then we will begin to
unpack how FEAR is running our lives. So far starters lets’ give FEAR a proper definition;
FEAR is nothing more than

Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real

Pause for just a moment and read the above definition once more. Read it carefully, read it
slowly. From this day on this is all FEAR will be for us. So what exactly does this definition
mean now that you have a new context of it? To fantasize about something is to dwell and
imagine about something that you are totally making up. Its’ kind of like the cousin of
visualization. Now there is nothing wrong with this, in fact this could be good because you are
again reminded that you are a CREATOR and that you have the power to make up anything that
you want at any given time. Here is further evidence that YOU CREATE YOUR OWN
REALITY! There is only something wrong here if you allow FEAR to STOP YOU and not let
FEAR propel you. Know this the n……What would you do then if you had no FEAR? Whatever
your answer is, perhaps that is what you should be doing. One reason why people do not have the
abundance and the life they want is because they are simply afraid to create it, to request it, to
desire it, to command it, demand it, and take the necessary ACTIONs. to have it! Fear simply
stops them in their tracks before they can even again. Fear sucks the air out so that your Fire can
no longer glow.

How would you like to conquer FEAR once and for all? How would you like to use FEAR as an
ally? That’s right an ally. You can use FEAR to propel you to the next level and even use FEAR
to move you towards your goals with unforeseen velocity. Since we are all In agreement that we
make it up any way, these Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real, we might as well have fun
with it and create the experiences we want. Yes, yes?

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to speak in front of people? You are not alone.
Fear of speaking in front of a crowd happens to be #1 on the list of all fears and phobias. People
are so frighten to such a degree of speaking in front of others that it actually trumps the fear of
DEATH! Isn’t that amazing? Here is a small list of other FEARs that you may recognize or even
surprise you.
Fear is not rational. It is not necessarily logical and it is the ultimate detractor or hindrance
to you in fulfilling your life purpose. FEAR can be your de- motivator or it can be your
champion. Remember we define what FEAR is for us. Don’t let Fear of the Negative that is
on the outside get on the inside of you.; for once it is does, it is guaranteed to wreak havoc
on your most precious resource, YOUR THOUGHTs…..and what happens when Fear of
the Negative reaches your thoughts? I think we have all experienced what that looks like.

- Basic Fears

1. Fear of Poverty
2. Fear of being alone
3. Fear of getting older
4. Fear of being criticized
5. Fear of the Unknown
6. Fear of Failure
7. Fear of People – Social Phobia
8. Fear of feeling trapped or putting yourself in situations where escape become
difficult (Agoraphobia)
9. Fear of Success
10. Fear of heights (Acrophobia)
We all have dealt with FEAR on one level or another. Let’s take a look at dealing with them
head on. I promise it is not as creepy or fearful as we make them out to be and if they

The Five Most Powerful Questions You Can Ask Yourself about Your Fears

1. What are your FEARs that are keeping you from fulfilling your Destiny?
2. What meaning do you give your Fears?
3. How will you acknowledge your Fears
4. What new thoughts can I put in place?
5. What ACTIONs can I do immediately to get past the Fear?
How to Conquer Fear and make it Your Ally

Let’s face it, controlling, conquering and making your FEARs your ALLY can be one of the
most rewarding experiences of a life time. In order to do that you must:

1. Identify the Fear - Establish what your fear is keeping you from accomplishing.
2. Get present to the meaning you are attaching to your Fear.
3. Acknowledge the Fear – (Whatever you resist, persist. It is natural for human
being to experience Fear. Stop acting like you are not supposed to feel things.
4. Replace your Fantasy called Fear with a new Fantasy or Thoughts. Create
something new (We have the POWER to create!).
5. Take an ACTION NOW that is consistent to what it is that you want to
Now that you are in the know of this Life Secret that wills aide you in creating abundance and a
Purposeful filled Life, I want you to use it at every opportunity Fear presents itself. You now
have a proven method to get you past your fear, conquer it, use it and make Fear your ALLY. .
To maximize on this I want you to WELCOME FEAR. That’s right WELCOME FEAR! Make
Fear your ALLY. Why? With fear as your ally, you now have a way to use Fear to propel you
forth into ACTION, launching you into the accomplishment of your goals with unforeseen
results. The incredible thing about dealing with Fear on a constant basis is that overtime it
becomes easier and easier to use it for your advantage. is not going anywhere and why should it?
Fear is no more than nerons in the brain shooting off uncontrollably. It’s not even REAL. So it
is here that I want you to try on a new way of being. I want you to take on the being of being
anything is possible without hesitation or reservations. I want you to FEEL THE FEAR AND

Example of Dealing with Fear and Making it an ALLY Exercise:

What fear is keeping me back and what is keeping me from accomplishing my goals and

Speaking in front of people. It stands in the way of getting my message out to help mankind

What meaning am I giving this fear?

The meaning I am giving this fear is that people won’t like me, I can’t make a difference and that
they will criticize me and I will feel alone.

How will you acknowledge this Fear?

I acknowledge you, my fear of speaking in front of people. Thank you for sharing. I am making
this up. This is fantasized not REAL!

What new thoughts can I put in place?

The new thought that I am putting in place is that I am powerful! I have something to share with
the world that is going to make a profound difference….and for that I am loved by all.

What ACTIONs can I do immediately (NOW!!!!!) to get past the Fear?

I’m going to gather my friends or family and let them know I will be giving them a speech just to
reintroduce myself in the form of a speech and speak no less than 2 min by 8pm tomorrow.

Now it is your turn.

Use this format for each FEAR you would like to overcome.

How many of you are stuck or know someone who is stuck?

I want to close out this chapter by giving you an insight into the occurrence of
being STUCK and how you can use the technique above to get yourself moving again?

In life people deal with all kinds of fears. Fear of success or Fear of failure mentioned, or Fear to
maintain their own success which is not mentioned above but why do people
become STUCK? Simple; they have a Phobia similar to Agoraphobia (Fear of feeling trapped
or putting yourself in situations where escape become difficult).

Imagine this scenario. Imagine that you are in a burning inferno on the 17th floor and what you
are faced with is a). Running back down stairs and hopefully make it out alive or b). Jump into a
net where you will for sure encounter a few broken bones or even become paralyzed for life.
What do you do? For most people this is what it is like. They are STUCK, They are scared to
death in making a decision to create, take ACTION and live out their Destiny. So they end up
doing nothing. There is no forward movement. We call this being STUCK. They have allowed
the Fear of the Negative on the outside to permeate their thoughts on the inside! This friend is
true DEATH!

You now have the tools. You now know the Secret that has created Millionaire as well as
Billionaires. It is the Secret that will change the ordinary into the extraordinary; extraordinary
people like you.


Reasonable men adapt to the world around them; unreasonable men make the world adapt to
them. The world is changed by unreasonable men.
Edwin Louis Cole

So what do we mean by being unreasonable? Unreasonable is giving up something. What will

you have to give up? You will have to give up all of your reasons not to do something and go
ahead and do it anyway. You will have to give up entertaining your internal state i.e. your
feelings. You will have to give up being afraid for example. You will have to give up your auto
pilot thought patterns from the past that is shaping you and you will have to give up being
comfortable. You see, no one has ever changed the world or have done anything of great
significant being reasonable .Life true power lies in the domain of being UNREASONABLE.

What happen to you? How did we get to a state where we are small, play small and have a loss of
power? To shed light on what we are discussing, let’s take a little journey back to our childhood.
As a child you had no constraints. As a child did we not ask for anything we wanted? We didn’t
care about anything other than what we were asking for. I can recall on a hot summer day
growing up in Louisiana where the temperature can easily reach 105 degrees, my grandmother
and I taking a very slow country stroll into town. Although it is a very short walk, as an eager
child it had to be at least a ten mile walk and man was it hot! As I reached the store and reached
out to push the door open I was greeted by the cool blanket of air from the store and invited to
what seemed like a sheet of coolness that wrapped around my body. As I walked by my
grandmothers’ side isle after isle, it was finally time to check out but not before my eyes, which
pickup speed, darting on sheer impulse, my eyes latched onto the nearest comic book rack.
Superman, Batman, The Fantastic Four, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Thor and Sub
Mariner were just a few of my favorites that were now inches before me. I reached out and
grabbed the nearest one and said, “Ooooh Grandma, may I have this one; please?” She said yes!
Without skipping a beat I said, “how about this one too?” Ok she said. As we begin to ring
everything up I saw something that made my heart stop; Silly Putty I yelled, Silly Putty! Please,
please, please, can I have that? I wish I could say that it stopped there but today I was
unconstrained and I was unreasonable. As the last items were being rung up, by eyes on its’
own impulse once again darted to a tall cylinder red can with a man with a thick mustache.
Pringles I yelled! Oh boy Pringles! A funny thing happened this time; I didn’t even have to ask.
I was being pure JOY. MY grandmother reached up above my head and grabbed them and
placed them on the counter. My day was filled with reading, discovery, and feeling s of
unconditional love that my Grandmother had for me, all because I decided to be unreasonable.
What happened to that child? I believe that as children we all come from a place of being
unreasonable. However over time something happens. We are faced with a two letter word that
will change the course of our unreasonableness. We both know what it is. It is that two letter
word that stops us. It is that two letter word that dominates us. It is that two letter word that
develops fear in us. It is that two letter word that sometimes shuts us down completely, allowing
us to become stuck. The two letter word that we have given all this power to is NO. How can
such a word have such power; simple, we have created it. The good news is just as we have
given it power, we can also take it away and create something new around it. So if you want to
get un stuck, perhaps the only thing that you need to do is to Create in the NOW and be
Unreasonable with it. Become childlike again.

Change Your Temperature Change Your Life

We all operate at a certain temperatures. Some of us are operating at a very low temperature
while others operate at a fair temperature and then there are those who constantly operate at a
temperature so high that they amass unparallel abundance. When we are within our temperature
we are comfortable. When we go outside of it we become uncomfortable. We must condition
ourselves to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. The state of Being unreasonable is
to be uncomfortable but with ease. Create in the NOW, forgo all of your reasons and do it
anyway. One of the primary benefits of taking on being unreasonable is because it stretches us. It
stretches us beyond what it is for us to be the human being we are at this moment.
But how can we begin to change our temperature? In order to change your temperature we have
to first look at the two components it is going to take to do just that. Those two components are
in your enrollment and in your request/asking. Let us first take a look at enrollment.
Enrollment is being in a conversation such that the other person can see for him or herself as a
yes. To be in this type of conversation you have to ensure that the other person can see in your
request something as if he or she would have asked or request that which you have asked for.
There is energy, a synergy if you will, while being in tune with what the other person may want
from your request, even though you are the one who is making the request. Who are they such
that they themselves would want to grant you your request for the benefit of others? The more
unreasonable you are the greater the reward to be had for the benefit for all. So it will be in your
enrollment that will lay the foundation in changing not only your temperature but the other
person temperature as well. The second leg of changing your temperature is in your actual
request or you’re asking of something. A valuable lesson that I learned from a car salesman
when I purchased a much needed car at the time was IF YOU DON’T ASK ….YOU DON’T
GET. Those profound words have stuck with me. One of the primary reasons that we do not have
all the things that we desire is simply because we have not ASKED for it. We have not asked or
made the request from the universe and we have not made the request from ourselves. It is in the
ASKING that permits the universe to shift; without it nothing is created. There is no movement
in anything without this missing ingredient. So as of today I want you to take on simply asking
for what you want and then I want you to take on being in a state of being unreasonable in your
requests. Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying that “I learned that courage was not the absence of
fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who
conquers that fear.” So I want you to be FEARLESS in your request such that you attract the
abundance that you seek.
Stop being realistic and start dreaming again. It’s all made up anyway.


Our challenge, which is also a tremendous opportunity, is to open up to a literally life-changing

way of thinking ourselves into existence. - Sol Luckman

Unreasonable: being willing to ask/demand more of you and of others than the status quo.
Even as I write these words I must smile for I am at the power of being unreasonable. Let me
paint for you a picture if you will:

Imagine that you are looking into an office and there is a woman sitting in a leather easy chair,
writing in a notebook with a pen in one hand and a candy cane in the other. You watch as she
pauses from writing with her pen in her notebook, to take a bite from the candy cane. I am she;
and as my hand scribes the words you are reading, my brain is facilitating both the writing and
the eating of candy and my mind is contemplating the whereabouts of more candy canes, so who
you may ask is actually writing this? Why I Am of course. The essence of my being is
communicating regardless of the activities and proclivities of my brain and mind.

That is to say, when I say unreasonable, I’m referring to a way of being that has you or someone
you know do something that hasn’t previously been done or sometimes ;to continue to do
something that has already been attempted repeatedly. The athletic world has some of the best
examples of being unreasonable: everything from marathon preparation to Olympic trials to high
school football try outs, we can all picture what it is to be unreasonable in the world of physical
pursuits. We have lived or heard a story about someone who wanted very much to excel, to
accomplish to win. We know that oftentimes at the source of victory is the power of being
unreasonable: push the envelope, lean into the edge, don’t take no for an answer. Yet for most of
us, athletic endeavors are the only place where we allow ourselves to experience the high, the
thrill, and the exhilaration of the power of being unreasonable.

Is it possible for us to experience that thrill off the field? What does the power of being
unreasonable look like other areas of life? The answer to that question is as unique as you are; in
other words what may be unreasonable for you, say in the realm of finances, would be quite
comfortable for another. Is there another area then, besides the sports arena, where any one of us
could live an unreasonable life?

I believe so. I have noticed with curiosity, the experience of the power of being unreasonable,
the highs and lows, the thrills and chills of trying out for and winning a spot on a championship
volleyball team some 15 years ago. From the first try-out to the grueling practices to each time I
was on the court, at the net looking into the eyes across from me: I Am present, I Am
empowered and I Am flow. I observe that in physical pursuits where being unreasonable is
exactly what it takes to succeed, we are willing to demand of ourselves and those around us more
than the status quo. I observe the same today as a Success coach for executives; that what it will
take for my clients to succeed is being unreasonable, and so I demand of myself and of them, to
do what has never been done and together we accomplish what has never before been
How do we tap into the power of being unreasonable off the court and without a success coach?

We choose. The majority of us live a reasonable life: a life where we don’t choose anything, too
afraid of making the wrong choice (about college, clothes, money, career, spouse, children, and
family). Rather than choose, we falter, deciding to go with the ‘lesser of two evils’ context of
survival and we become paralyzed. Perceiving life as it flows all around us through our past
colored lenses, we ‘feel’ stuck, unclear, and frustrated. And we’re not alone, looking around
there are billions of people living the exact same way: refusing to choose and seemingly
stuck. Notice I say: seemingly stuck, like the movie Groundhog Day. Why seemingly? In
reality there is no such thing as stuck. There is no standstill, no pause button on the experience
that is Life. The perception of being stuck is just that- a perception, and a perception that is not
founded in reality. The Universe, Life is flow. Observe nature that has not disconnected from
Source to experience this truth. When is the ocean still, when do the planets pause in their
rotation? In the reality of life there is constant motion: motion pressing forward, motion
receding backwards. Consider that when you are in the perception of ‘stuck’, you are in fact
receding and replaying past patterns of behavior that are familiar and easily accepted as ‘the way
things are’.

Rovan and I chose this book. Really. Rovan and I had been friends for about a year when he
approached me one day and said, "I'm writing a book and I'd like you to co-author it with me." I
responded; What's the book about?" (fair question right?) "Abundance". he said. I said
"Yes." That was our initial conversation! Then the following week we talked over the phone
and began to create the book you're holding in your hands. We declared that we would write this
book; turning out a chapter a week, each chapter flowing with and building upon the last and yet
complete enough to stand on their own. As we are both professionals and happen to live in two
different states, we agreed to talk once a week for an hour each week until the book was finished.
We also committed ourselves and our lives to producing a body of work that would not only
transform us as we wrote it, but also transform the life of whoever chose to read the words. Now,
I had a written a book some 6 years prior as a sole author (I finished that manuscript, however I
never submitted the book for publication as all copies were burned in a house fire) and I knew
that what we were saying we would accomplish was unheard of, possibly even crazy, definitely
unreasonable and we both seemed okay with the absurdity of the whole idea so we moved

We succeeded in our goal of producing a transformational book that has been a journey to write
and a privilege to share. We also wrote a chapter a week, talking once a week for an hour and
each week we both produced work that flowed seamlessly with each other. We accomplished the
absurd, the unthinkable, and the unimaginable by being unreasonable!

Without the human addition of value judgment (good/bad, right/wrong), life just is and life just
flows. Can you imagine living your life choosing to further what you’re committed to rather than
what you’re afraid of? You see, as far as the universe is concerned there is no good or bad, there
just is. And the great power of the human being is Choice. The ultimate source of all power is
Choice. If life just is, what do you choose? What do you choose to eat, to wear, where do you
choose to spend your waking hours? If your words create your reality, what do you choose to
say about yourself, your family, your friends, your finances?

Living your life as if you have a say, experiencing life through choice in the present moment
versus perceiving life through your past, is to be solely responsible for your life- and is not a
common lifestyle choice anywhere in the world. Except of course amongst athletes; they live
inside the power of being unreasonable daily. So can you. I am convinced that all anyone ever
has to do to succeed at anything is to be unreasonable. Choose.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the
new. - Socrates

Your life is a result of your thoughts made manifest. Regardless, many of us choose to focus on
the world around us rather than focus on what we are thinking about. What you think about, you
tend to focus on. What you focus on, you magnify. The subconscious mind creates blindly and
ceaselessly according to your beliefs which are sourced by your thoughts. Nature denies us
nothing and we always get exactly what we have asked for, what we have believed for. In other
words; there is no limitation, lack, failure or despair which we do not create for ourselves in our
own minds as an effect of what we choose to focus on. The perceptions that you most desire are
precisely the ones that you are experiencing in any given moment. Each thought or perception
held in the mind immediately generates your experience. You will only experience what you

Now, consider that it is actually easier to create abundance, success, health in our minds and
actualize them in our physical world, because the nature of our subconscious mind is that of the
universe and the nature of the universe is dynamic flow.

If placing your focus on what you do desire to manifest in your life experience, rather than what
you don’t want, is your doorway to living in the now moment and actualizing abundance; then
having gratitude as your default attitude is your key to unlocking that door. What do I mean by
gratitude as a default attitude? Take a moment and look for yourself in this moment and
determine what your default attitude is. Everyone has a default attitude, mine is ‘don’t make me
wrong’. As you can probably imagine when my default attitude is running the day, I find myself
constantly having to prove to myself and others that I’m right! Gratitude recalibrates our attitude
to ‘receive’, which is a higher frequency than our default attitude, and we are opened up to the
wonder of the flow of the universe in that moment. Once we have an attitude of gratitude, we are
no longer resisting the flow of the universe in our lives, and we are able to actually acknowledge,
accept, and appreciate that flow.
For most of us, we’ve been living our lives playing out the same petty drama of resisting the
unknown, unfamiliar, or unseen. Resistance is what actually causes you to lose focus on what’s
in front of you – there is no authority in resistance! Each moment is a teacher, life events
manifest when you are ready to learn the lesson they bring. Your reaction to the event indicates
what you need to learn about yourself. When a moment seems bigger than you, resistance is your
natural response and then fear appears. Your life events have occurred to introduce you to
yourself. You must learn to do what is in your power to do and refuse to do what is not. What is
in your power to do now?

ASK: Where is my focus in this moment?

 How do I perceive the world?

How do I perceive myself?
Where am I in this moment and is this supporting what I’m up to on the planet
Chapter Summary
We have created our lives based on where our attention has been.
 Having an attitude of gratitude allows us to shift our focus onto what we do want to

Remember you can shift your focus through attention and intention (attention - energizes,
Intention - transforms).

The Power of Focus

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master.
For this reason mastery demands all of a person. – Albert Einstein

I am requesting that you become a Master, a Creator of your life? I am asking that you be bold,
courageous and daring. So ask yourself for starters, when was the last time you committed your
whole self to something? When was the last time that you have trusted yourself, to take on
something outside your comfort zone? Let me ask of you, why are you putting things off? Why
are things not getting done? Have you started projects, didn’t finish and then create another and
didn’t finish that? Why do you continue to reside yourself on the hamster wheel of
procrastination and uncertainty? Why is integrity missing? Now brace yourselves, why are you
not focused?! I’m asking that you take on something so powerful, this power of FOCUS in such
a way that it transforms your life, not later, but right now! What are the rewards? What are the
benefits for taking on such a thing? Here is what I can share for the time being; is that having
FOCUS will literally change your life in an instance. Don’t get me wrong, there will be work to
get done; but FOCUS has the capacity to propel you to what you want most and desire. It is the
magnet that will pull you through; to grant you your deepest desires no matter what.
You may be asking yourself, why should I spend the time or energy focusing on anything? Why
should I throw my whole self into something? Let me answer this by saying bluntly that you
cannot afford not to. It has become our natural way of being to be unfocused. We go on living
day in and day out, not accomplishing much of anything. We have been conditioned to be ok
with not being in control, not creating and not accomplishing what we really want. We are on
autopilot! We are so automatic to the extent that our lives are being defined by others and for
some of us we are not even aware. GET FOCUSED! Study any person, that has made a real
difference in the world, any person who has accumulated an amass amount of wealth or
abundance, and you will clearly see that what they have executed is Focus and throwing oneself
behind their goal inside of their life purpose. So the take away here is to be Focused on what you
want to have happen and you must throw your whole self behind it.
What does it mean to be focused and throw one self behind something? How can I execute it in
such a way that I attract the things that I desire the most inside of my life purpose? Let me set the
stage by saying what Focus is:

1. Focus is CLARITY. It eliminates blurred lines.

2. Focus allows you to accomplish things in half the time.
3. Focus gives you courage
4. Focus eliminate procrastination
5. Focus pulls you to your end result
6. Focus coupled with committing the whole self creates WILL
So that you can begin to embrace this philosophy, let’s focus on the process. We can now agree
that in order to fulfill on what you are creating, you must first have a Desire pulling you forward
and generating strong emotions for what you want. . Once you have a Burning Desire it pulls
forward the Subconscious Mind to create a concrete plan to pull your thoughts from the realm
of the unseen to a realm of the seen for all our senses to enjoy. . Once your Subconscious mind
presents the plan then you are called to ACTION. Once you are called to ACTION you must
now FOCUS on your end Result. Once you FOCUS on your end result you must now THROW
IT, it will create the WILL necessary to accomplish your desired outcome.

Focusing On the End Result

Focusing on the title of the book, “You Already Have It” It is important to focus on what it is
you want to accomplish and to embrace AS IF you are already in possession of it. For some
you will want to make a real difference in the area of finance, for others it will be in the area of
love, relationships, education, finishing that book, traveling the world, making a difference in the
world, or accumulating ridiculous wealth and abundance. In order to do this you have to be
deliberate, you have to be intentional, and you have to be clear. In other words you have to get
FOCUSED. But what does that mean really? That means that you have to be C-L-E-A-R! Focus
provides Clarity!
1. C – Commit your whole self to the End Result. -
2. L -Let Go of being comfortable- Let go of being uncomfortable.
3. E – Eager to take on challenges, obstacles NO MATTER WHAT!
4. A – Take the necessary daily ACTION to achieve what you want.
5. R- Ridiculously commitment to throw your Whole Self in to it!!!!!!

The Benefits of Throwing Oneself

Your Goals and Desires will not be realized unless you commit your whole self to
something. You must be willing to allow your goals and desires to consume you. How do you
know if you are committed on such a level and that you are throwing your whole self behind
something? You will know when:
1. The end result is all you think about.
2. The end result is all you talk about.
3. The end result keeps you up at night.
4. The end result wakes you out of your sleep.
5. You spend hundreds if not thousands of hours trying to achieve it.
6. Someone telling you NO don’t mean anything. .
7. Someone telling you that you can’t have it means nothing.
8. You are taking daily actions towards it.
9. You find out all you can about it.
10. You visualize it. You can actually see it!
11. Giving up is not an option. You are burning your ship at the shore.
12. You have no problem being unreasonable.
13. YOU MUST HAVE IT and YOU won’t stop until it manifest itself to its’ physical self. !

As a child I use to love to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings. I loved cartoons so much that I
would literally sleep on our hard, brown linoleum floor in front of our rather large and clunky
Zenith television set; you know the kind, the kind where the screen was the size of a 13 inch but
the wood that surrounded it was the size of a 50 inch set. I can remember reaching up to turn the
television on this particular Saturday morning when all of a sudden I was captivated by a scene
of a character sleeping snug in his bed. Without warning, his nose, which at the time seem to
have a mind of its own, begin to pick up the scent of stack of delicious pancake coming from his
neighbor’s house. As the scent penetrated his nose, the character, without waking up begin to
float across the room, through a window, across his yard, and through his neighbors kitchen
window where his face flops right in front of the biggest stack of pancakes as the extra thick
syrup and butter dripped over the sides So why did I share this story with you? I shared this story
simply to illustrate; you will always follow what you are focused on. Sometimes it is intentional
and sometimes it is not. You may want to ask yourself, how much of my focus is on the things
that I want in my life.
Why then is Focusing so powerful? Simple, focusing is powerful because focusing is directly
connected to your thoughts. Think about it, every action that you take whether yesterday, today
or tomorrow will be determined by what you are focusing on. Usually this is done on autopilot
with little to no conscious effort. We do it mostly without thinking. As of right now your brain is
simply focusing on things randomly. I’m not saying this is the case all the time, but for the
majority of the time we simply think a thought, focus on it and off we go to fulfill it. I’m sure
you have figured out by now that whatever you focus on there you will follow. Think about that
for a moment….whatever you focus on YOU will FOLLOW. This is a great discovery but here
lies the problem. We spend our time focusing on anything and everything. Have you ever
wondered why some people are simply all over the place or stuck in a rut. Don’t be this way.
Focus on the end result but throw your whole self behind it. Remember it will create
the WILL necessary to accomplish your desired outcome. Trust me, WILL pulls you through
when most people give up; So FOCUS, Throw your whole self behind your end result, allow
that to create the WILL that you will need and it will be there that you will follow with
unparallel determination and ACTION. Armed with this you will be able to create for yourself
any treasure you desire.


Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy. - Leo Buscaglia

When it comes to accomplishing something never before attempted, it’s been the natural
tendency of our species to look back at what we’ve already done (comparison) and then to look
forward at what could be done (speculation) and while neither way is better than the other,
neither way produces immediate results.

The human brain was created to enable and monitor bodily functions. The mind, however,
operates separately from the brain and its main purpose is to assimilate, interpret, and translate
any and all information that it receives, using logic and reasoning. The more adept one is at
using their mind, the more intelligent they are. Yet there is another intelligence possessed by
humans that is less often used-consciously. That is to say you have an awareness of when you are
using your mind to reason; however your brain functions in the background of your awareness,
sending commands to various parts of your body, causing them to act/react. Likewise, your
heart; which was created to be your primary intelligence center, thus far has operated in the
background of your awareness. Note that when I say heart, I am referring to your etheric heart,
not the one that pumps blood, although your experience of both your physical and etheric hearts
occur in the same general space of your body-the chest area.
Thanks to science, we know exactly where our physical heart is located and its functioning
purpose. However we have also experienced sensations in our chest area much broader that the
precise location of our cardiovascular muscles. This is the etheric heart, also known as the ‘seat’
of our spirit in our physical form. This heart, this place in you where your essence of being, or
spirit resides was designed to be used as your primary intelligence and experiential center. Over
the millennia however, we have systematically trained ourselves (as a species) to use our lesser
intelligence center (the mind) as our primary perception tool inside of the context of
survival. And it worked. We’re still here. The human species remains and we will continue to
remain at some cost to ourselves and the planet we call home.

You see the human mind is hardwired to survive. Logic and reason are superior skills in a world
full of real and perceived threats. Only in this ‘day and age’ the initial threats that promoted our
mind to Chief Intelligence Officer are no longer present, and our lesser intelligence center, with
no real threats to survive, maintains its position by creating perceived threats for us to
survive. Our mind is destroying us and our planet. Some 30 million Americans are prescribed
anti-depressants: the effect of a mind desperately trying to find something to survive. Quite
simply we are using outdated and insufficient intelligence for the world in which we now
live. As a species, and out of habit, we are living life the way we have always lived life but
expecting that this time, we will produce a different result!

Our current reality requires us to use our primary center of intelligence, the heart if we are to
thrive. Your heart perceives reality- that is your heart dwells in the ‘here and now’. It is your
mind that looks to the past in order to assimilate the NOW experience that your heart is having
into something familiar (that can be categorized and recorded)or the future to project what
implications this NOW moment may have on events that have yet to transpire! Your mind is like
a software program whose function is survival and it executes commands by compiling data
(using logic and reasoning) from your brain and/or your heart and the files this date for future
reference in a vault labeled The Past.

Here’s where things get tricky, I said before that only your heart experiences this NOW
moment. Your mind simply perceives what is happening in the NOW moment in order to
answer the question: How? How is the ultimate question inside of the context of survival? How
will you pay your bills? How will you know if you made the right choice? In the NOW moment,
there is no how. Stop and allow you to get present in this NOW moment. What are you
experiencing? What physical sensations are you present to? Your clothing on your body? Warm
or cool air across your skin? The noisiness or the quietness of wherever you are reading this?
There is no How ‘here’! There JUST IS , and your heart experiences this all day, every
day. However, your mind almost immediately in the successive NOW moments takes your
awareness from this moment, and focuses on the moment that just passed, or on the moment that
has not yet arrived. Your mind is not needed to experience the present moment, however your
mind has had years of training, in dominating your awareness. In other words, if you want to
thrive rather than survive, you will be required to strengthen you heart. Allow yourself to ‘be’
in the NOW moment rather than allowing your mind to hijack your awareness and shove you
into survival mode looking for ‘how’.

Collectively we have an extraordinary opportunity to fulfill on our desires as a species and to

create a sustainable way of living together: with each other and the planet. By shifting our
context from survive to thrive; we open up to the experience of life using our primary
intelligence rather than the perception of life from our secondary intelligence center. We have
been living a default, second choice life and now is the time to give our superior intelligence the
free reign it was designed to have. When you look around, the world as we know it is an effect
of our mind having free reign; looking for the how in order to survive.
The time has come for us to live in the NOW and to thrive.


We come into this world knowing everything and nothing. Everything as in we know all that we
need to know and nothing as in as we become older we continue to limit ourselves in what we
think we know. Society will have it that way. It’s often said that you can’t get something from
nothing; while this may be true for mostly the physical realm of life, it innately different and of
direct opposition to how the Universe function. We make no demand of it; although it will give
us everything in it’s’ possession. It is the absence of not asking, not demanding that we continue
to live to live a Life of survival and desperation. Why do we live this way? We think that we
need to know HOW. How many times have you wanted to fulfill on a dream and didn’t? You put
it on hold. You put it on the back burner all because you were STOPPED by not knowing how.
Outside of FEAR, the number one reason people do not manifest abundance and create the life
they want is because they think that you must know HOW to do something in order start a
business, write a book, or make a difference in the world. This simply is not true. Have you ever
seen an oak tree grow from a seed or a caterpillar transform to a beautiful butterfly? What do
they know? Everything. What do they know nothing; and yet they fulfill their destiny to be? You
are going to have to give up something here. This something is called 'you got know something
to do something'. Now it may sound a little radical but trust me you don’t have to know
anything to fulfill your dreams. So what I want you to do is give up the notion that you have to
know HOW to do something. I want you to give up that you have to know HOW to do
something in order to spring yourself into action to manifest a life on purpose and a life of
abundance I want you to get present, snap into the NOW get yourself READY – FIRE- AIM!

Ready Fire Aim

We have said repeatedly thus far that Life happens NOW! Life does not happen in the past or in
the future for that matter. Isn’t it ironic that one of the primary things that you must do is to be in
the NOW and Ready – Fire –Aim? Before we delve into this phenomenon I want you to open
your eyes to some of the ways that may be familiar to you that may be taking place. I’m not
suggesting that these other approaches are wrong but they do come with a hefty price tag. It is
my job to make sure, not only that you live a life in the NOW, on purpose, and of abundance but
I also want to save you heartache, time and money. So let’s take a look at the various ways that
we as human beings approach in getting things done.
Our first way of being is Ready aim aim aim – Qualities - plan must be perfect. Money spent on
gathering new information in order to take action. This can take form of workshops, conferences,
seminars, books, and endless research on the web. Perfectionism kicks in; everything must be
perfect for you to do what you ultimately must do; Get present and Get started. .

We have all been guilty of this at some point or another. As a matter of fact, most of us will
gather information, then gather more information or knowledge and arm ourselves as if knowing
will make a difference. I don’t need to know how to fly a kite if I want to fly a kite; me knowing
has nothing to do with that. How many of us are guilty in saying to our self that I have to do
more, I have to know more, I have to be more before I …..You fill in the blank. We often times
wait, for the perfect opportune time to ACT. We want everything to be just so. We sit hesitantly,
fearful if you will, awaiting the perfect moment to simply ACT!

Ready fire fire fire fire – Quality - Very action oriented while using up vast amount of time and
resources are expended. Usually no time to evaluate the result or to reflect on what has been

Ready fire fire fire fire will get you going for sure. This is ACTION packed! You know what
you want to do and by golly you are going to do it. So you fire and fire; and then fire some more
and then fire again. Are you present? Sometimes you are; or perhaps not, but the trap is that you
are so in ACTION that you don’t take time to evaluate and adjust how things are really going.

Ready Fire Aim - Quality – Gets you in the NOW instantaneously. . Actions are taken
immediately. Over analysis is eradicated. You become present and immediately are READY.
Procrastination disappears.

**** To be continued

If not NOW, When? There is only RIGHT NOW! And then RIGHT NOW! And RIGHT NOW!
And RIGHT NOW again!

Time has no existence; meaning it is not REAL. There is only Right NOW! Time is only the
concoction of reasoning of the unconscious emanated from the thoughts of Beings past and thrust
upon us RIGHT NOW through their own unconscious state. For many of us, our lives are run by
our past and by our future thoughts. The decisions we make, the thoughts we have, are often past
or future based. When the last was time we as human beings stepped out of the past or stepped
out of the future to be present in the NOW? The NOW is LIFE itself. Your life is only
happening right NOW. So why do so many people miss out on this? Why do we have so many of
us fall victim to this illusion of time. There is only one answer for this; we were never PRESENT
in the MOMENTS of NOW. Life simply passed us by. Remember life is not happening in the
past; and you won’t find your life in the future, but you will always find your LIFE in the NOW
because that is the only place LIFE happens.

Time Does Not Exist

Time has no existence it is not REAL. Shocking isn’t it. But you may say that this statement is
untrue. Why we have clocks and watches and calendars; of course time is real. We have bills that
need to be paid on time and we have appointments that we keep. We have to be somewhere at
this time or that time and oh let us not forget past time, future time and bedtime. Our whole mind
conditioning as a society is filled with breaking in our minds to believe that time is real. What
makes this really interesting is that the time that you perceive as real, is past and future based
which is not even happening NOW; so how on earth can this be real. Yet, it occupies our
thoughts over 99 % of the time. To make matters worse for some of us we are not even aware
this is happening. Pause and think about that for a moment. Most of us will go from one moment
to the next, one day to the next, one year to the next, being totally unaware that this is even
happening to us. We have become enslaved by the illusion of TIME. What is really frightening
is some people will spend their whole life this way wondering 'where on earth did my LIFE go’?
Stop and consider for a moment how much of that is actually spent on the time of NOW where
all pain, suffering, and the illusion of time disappear. Have you ever noticed that a pine tree or a
maple tree has no concern of time? Often, I look out my window and will often see a
woodpecker or squirrels playing in the yard or playing, chasing each other up and down a tree.
They are all fine; and the interesting thing is, they have no concept of this thing called time.
Time is an illusion. It is totally made up and we have succumbed to its grips long before we
entered this physical realm we are born into. Ask yourself, do you think that Adam and Eve
knew or were even aware of time?
Time Passed

The illusion of past time is just that. It is passed. It is gone forever. It is not real and it is not
happening right NOW. What you are left with are only reminisce or the memory of that which
has happened. It is gone forever. Now the only way that this illusion of past can even exist is
because we bring it forward into the NOW and act upon it as if it is real. So you can see, you use
the Power of NOW all the time. You may be saying to yourself, but this is REAL, these things
actually happened. You are right; something did happen and in that moment of NOW it was real.
But ask yourself, is this happening right NOW? If your answer to the question is NO, then you
must agree it is not REAL. What you may be faced with are the impacts of what happened. Now
this is very powerful. Once you can determine something is no longer REAL and that you are
dealing with the impact of something, what becomes available to you, what that gives you access
to be is the POWER of CHOICE which gives you FREEDOM and PEACE of MIND. You see,
the only way that the past can continue to have an impact on you is that you choose to give it
power. Once you focus on the moment of NOW, any past experiences will dissolve because they
are no longer happening. I hear some of you saying, but the pain is still there, I feel it, it is
tearing me up inside! I will say to you, it will continue. It will continue as long as you continue
to feed it. Pain, depression, anger, sadness are all past based conditional thinking. None of these
things would exist if one did not continue to reach back into our past and bring it into the present.
In other words you are bringing it forward. Once you become and immerse yourself in the
moment of NOW, pain and suffering can no longer exist. So my request of you is that every time
you find yourself feeling pain, depression, anger, anxiety, or sadness snap out of it and bring
yourself back into the NOW where LIFE is happening.

Ending Pain and Suffering

It Dissolves Within You

Why do we torture ourselves so? Why is it as a human race, that we are filled with such pain and
suffering. It has become such common place that it is no longer acceptable to be at peace. We
have been suffering for so long that even if we are happy, blissful, or elated by someone,
something, or an event for the slightest of moments, our minds are quick to find a way to destroy
it. So I ask you this….Why? We were never born to suffer. We were not created to live in pain,
or to surround ourselves with the thoughts and actions of the unpleasant. We were born of
Divinity, full of Life and the Power to create whatever we want when we want and to experience
every wish fulfilled. I declare that this will now be restored. Let’s eradicate pain and suffering
from this planet! My request of you is to identify 10 people in your life who is going through
some sort of pain and suffering and share the following exercise with them. You may download
the following exercise from the following link (or whatever link we will
Ending Pain and Suffering Exercise

Exercising Your True Power of NOW

1. Ask yourself what ACTUALLY happened; not the story of what happened but what
actually happened.
2. Accept that it happened. Whatever you resist persists. The more you are able to accept
and respect the NOW the more you are granted its’ freedom.
3. Become present to your feelings in the NOW of how you feel. What is the impact?
4. Be with those emotions in the NOW. Do not let it consume you or take you over. Do
not judge it, resist, or fight it. You are only an observer of WHAT IS. You are fine!
Remember it is not happening NOW
5. Ask yourself what did I make it mean.
6. Realize that what you made it mean is not REAL either. You just made it up.
7. Write down the opposite of what you made it mean in an empowering context.
8. Accept this new reality NOW.
9. BE WITH how you feel in this new empowering context.
10. Get Present! Embrace the NOW! Take the first ACTION inside of this new context. Life is
NOW Happening!

Example 1

Area of Life – Love and Relationship

What actually happened? My wife cheated on me for several years with various partners.

 I now accept that this has happened.

 I am furious! It is the ultimate betrayal I am sad, empty and confused. I feel less than. The
impact on me is that I cannot fully commit in our relationship for fear of being cheated on
again. I am resentful toward my wife. I walk around some days as if the anger is not there. I
blame myself on some days that this happened and for so long. How could I have been so
blind? I have not been able to forgive her. I feel damaged and hurt. I don’t feel loved or
accepted. I often feel that there is no hope and divorce is inevitable anyway. I feel trapped.
 What did I make it mean? I made it mean that my wife does not love me. I made it mean
that she does not want to be married and that she is unfit to be the mother of our children. I
made it mean that she is grotesque and that she is a whore. I made it mean that she is
shallow and that she now uses me for intimacy as a replacement for what she really wants.
 When I pull back I can clearly see that none of this is REAL I’m just making all of this up.
These are thoughts and emotions based on the trickery of past.
 What is so is that my wife does love me beyond measure. She doesn’t want to be
married and she wants to be married to no one else but me. My wife is a great mother and
loves our children very much. She is caring and warm and is most fitting to be the mother of
our children. She is a great wife, who made a mistake by having sex with various partners in
the past but this is no longer happening now in reality. She shows me each and every day
how sorry she is and her dedication to making me the happiest husband. She expresses this
through her touch, her feel, and our intimacy for the only person she wants to be with; Me.
 What it was it was and what it is NOW IS! I accept this new REALITY.
 I now feel respectful, gratitude, happy, loving, accepting, and fulfilled. My power has now
 Life is Amazing! Life is happening in the NOW! So I Choose LIFE!

Example 2

 Area of Life – Loss of a Loved One

What actually happened? Name of person __________________ transitioned to the Great

 I can now accept that this has happened.

 I am deeply saddened. I can’t stop crying. I feel empty, hollow, and alone. My whole body
cries out, why! The impact on me is that I am closed off. I don’t want to accept or talk
about this at all. I feel light headed and confused. Right now I can’t see past it which leaves
me in a fog. I feel as a victim. I can’t seem to shake it. I feel abandoned my friends and
family are worried about me but I just can’t talk to them. Talking about it just makes the
pain greater. All I want to do is get under my covers and sleep. I’m depressed and I just
don’t feel like eating very much. When I do talk it is only about the passing and that just
brings on more sadness, abandonment or depression.
 What did I make it mean? I made it mean that life isn’t fair. I made it mean that love won’t
last anyway so why bother to even get close to people. I have to protect myself right? I
made it mean that I shouldn’t accept things from people because it will only be taken away.
I made it mean that people don’t care. I also made it mean that people are so phony. People
just don’t care. They don’t really care how I feel or what I am going through. I made it
mean that happiness is created outside of me.
 When I pull back I can clearly see that none of this is REAL. I’m just making all of this
up. These are thoughts and emotions based on the trickery of the past.
 What is so is that someone who I love dearly has transitioned to the Great Beyond and is
now at peace. The truth is Life is right NOW. It is indeed fair and I am grateful and that the
true is that love is everlasting. It is an energy that has been created and can never dissipate.
That energy lives on forever and ever. The love that has been created between me and my
special someone is still present and I will cherish it forever. Love holds no judgment, nor
does it discriminate and for this I open myself fully to love and to be loved by others. Love
is indeed everlasting and can only be released by you. No one can ever take your love away,
that is, unless you allow it. People do love you and people do care. Although I may perceive
people to be phony the truth is this is not happening right now so I release it. I see clearly
now, I open myself to be vulnerable and I am now empowered to live LIFE fully.
 What it was it Was and what it IS NOW IS! I accept this new REALITY.
 I now feel happy, powerful, light, vulnerable, excepting, and whole again. My power has
 Life is Amazing! Life is happening in the NOW! So I Choose LIFE NOW!

1. Ask yourself what ACTUALLY happened. Not the story of what happened but what
actually happened.
1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Accept that it happened. Whatever you resist persists. The more you are able to accept
and respect the NOW the more you are granted its’ freedom.
1. ___________________________________________________________________

3. Become present to your feelings in the NOW of how that makes you feel. What is the
1. ___________________________________________________________________

4. Be with those emotions in the NOW. Do not let it consume you or take you over. Do
not judge, resist or fight it. You are only an observer of WHAT IS. You are fine! It is not
happening NOW

1. ___________________________________________________________________

5. Ask yourself what did I make it mean.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
6. Realize that what you made it mean is not REAL either. You just made it up.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
7. Write down the opposite of what you made it mean in an empowering
context. Accept this new reality NOW.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
9. BE WITH how you feel in this new empowering context.
10. Get Present! Embrace the NOW! LIFE is now happening! So I Choose LIFE NOW!


"Confine yourself to the present." - Marcus Aurelius

The power of now lies inside of your discovery of the NOW moment as your access to living in
reality; rather than living according to your thoughts about your perception of reality. In your
thoughts about your perception of reality, there is a limit to what’s possible, what’s available to
you as a choice. In the NOW moment, ALL things are available to you; all possibilities exist as
possibilities and moreover, in the NOW moment everything is ‘perfect’.

In the NOW moment, life everlasting is happening: there is no yesterday or tomorrow there is
only ‘this’ moment, followed by ‘this’ moment, followed by ‘this’ moment. Each moment that
you are conscious of; creates a space for miracles to manifest, for it is in that moment that you
cease to do and begin to be. Take a moment and allow yourself to become present to the NOW
moment in which you are currently residing; in this moment, there is no lack, nothing is wrong,
things are…just as they are.

This moment to moment awareness of what is actually happening, rather than your version of
what you see happening, is what is referred to as being present. When you are present, you can
see clear and far, free from judgments and stories to the realization that nothing has been
withheld from you; you simply have not chosen everything.

Inside of the illusion of separation, of yesterday and tomorrow, you believed that whoever you
are; you can’t have everything. You can have some things, and if you want more than that, you
have to wait for another day. Only another day never comes, all there ever has or will be is
NOW, this moment.

Abundance is available in this moment. In truth, all of us, rich or poor, are the same. What has
us occur as individuals, are the lives we create with our thoughts. Each of us chooses our
thoughts which in turn create our realities. My reality and your reality may not be the same as
each other or to REALity or actuality- what's actually happening, for that matter. Being in the
NOW moment allows you to accept, embrace, and ultimately to Love All Things. To Love All
Things is to be enlightened: filled with the divine light of Source.
Truly everything you desire exists in the present moment, including: love, joy, forgiveness,
peace, healing, and even success.

Ask yourself the following questions: What do I desire in this moment? What is there for me to
do in this moment? Who am I being in this moment? Allow yourself to experience the Power of

-All creation starts with desire.

The Genesis of all Things to Come

Desire is derived from the Latin word desiderare "long for, wish for; demand, expect.
So for starters one may ask oneself – What do I long for? What do I wish for? What will I
demand and What should I expect? There is no doubting this; the Genesis for every preconceived
thought is DESIRE, desiderare! But desire alone will make no difference at the conclusion of the
day; it will be your desire filled with strong emotion that will mutate itself to what is
called Burning Desire. Burning Desire with intent will make a lasting and profound difference
and will be the catalyst of living your life in the now and a life of abundance. But be
forewarned, you must be intentional, and treat and respect this power with the upmost care and
respect. After all it is an external force and a one to be reckoned with.
Desire, has a history of being mischievous and dangerous dating back as far as the Garden of
Eden. It has been the downfall of many civilizations and many marriages for that matter. Turn
on any news channel and it will become evident of just how powerful desire can be. The news is
filled with cover stories of countless love triangles (desire of another), robberies (desire for what
does not belong to you), or war (desire of control and domination).

Desire also has a history of displaying itself as boundless love, wealth, influencing inventors,
innovators, and art.

Take a look at love. Has love not displayed itself here when we look closely at the great leaders
such as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, or Mother Teresa? How about wealth?
Has it not showed up here when you look at the mass of wealth created from their desires such as
Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or a Robert L Johnson? When it comes to inventors
we can look no further than Henry Sampson Jr., Steve Jobs, Lewis Latimer or Thomas Edison.
When it comes to the arts we can look no farther than Alvin Ailey, or others art of the past. We
can further look at the cave dwellings of the Greek, American Indian, Roman, Aztec, and the
great Pyramids of Egypt. Desire is that spark that has changed the world.

What do I long for?

Having a Burning Desire is one of the most powerful of all external forces. It is here where that
energy can be cultivated, fertilized, and shaped to what will become YOUR LIFE and manifest
itself to this realm. One of the primary reasons that you may not have what you desire is because
you have not developed a burning desire to have it nor have we realized that we have to
power to create a burning desire at will!

Unfortunately we allow desire to come and go as it pleases. It is like the wind and we are the leaf
in which we are lifted into the air and land where ever the wind takes us. It is time you do away
with that. Since Desire is the Genesis of all things to come and I do mean ALL; would it not is
wise to exercise the power of choice to intentionally, deliberately, and purposely, choose which
Burning Desire you will call forth to control your destiny? So what is it that you long for? What
is that burning desire for you? Do you long for love, money, a new relationship, or a new

What is it that you wish for? Do wish for a new house, to take exotic vacations, luxury cars?
Wish to raise money to give to charity? Do you wish for better relationships, a new boat, or do
you wish to remove your current circumstances or situation?

What is it that you demand? Do you demand that you are in control of your life? Do you
demand that your desires come true? Do you demand large sums of money? Do you demand that
you have the life you want? Do you demand good health? Do you demand more from yourself
than what others demand of you? Do you demand to be great?

What do you expect? Do you expect to have life the way you want it? Do you expect miracles?
Do you expect the finer things in life? Do you expect to serve mankind and make this world a
better place? Do expect to put in the time to be successful? Do you expect that there will be a
shift in the amount of abundance you will attract? Do you expect to never give up no matter

This is an entirely new conversation. This is a new consciousness to call upon your Devine
Self your Higher Self to entertain you Higher Being in such a way that it propels you to truly
becoming the “Captain of Your Fate and The Master of Your Soul”. It is your Burning
Desire that will control your Thoughts, Your Thoughts that will feed your Subconscious
Mind and it will be your Subconscious Mind that will give you the ACTIONS necessary to
fulfill what it is you want. The wonderful discovery that lies before us now is that this entire
process can be controlled by YOU! One of life’s best kept secret is THAT LIFE IS
Creating the Life You Want Through Desire Exercise

You are a Creator!

The exercise below will change your life in a profound way. It is important that you understand
that this simple exercise will change your life as you know it, and set you off on a course to
fulfillment in such a way that you never thought possible. It is further important that as you do
this exercise that you truly believe that this is possible and that you are already in possession of
it. Remember that You Already Have IT! After all you are the one that is creating it so it must be
real; no? The last thing to remember is that it will not be enough to simply go through this
exercise. You must muster up the EMOTIONS necessary to turn your desire into a BURNING
DESIRE you have to stop and FOCUS on it. Take Control of it and Will it into existence. You
will have to take ACTION. You will now take a glimpse of what your life will be NOW!

1. What do you long for and what is the first action I will take to have
it? ______________________________________________________________________

2. What do you wish for and what is the first action I will take to have it?
3. What do you demand and what is the first action I will take to have it?

4. What do you expect?


Exciting isn’t it? Your life is literally being created in the NOW! The Burning Desires that you
have created when focused upon will now become your dominating thoughts. Those thoughts
will dominate your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind will vigorously find a way to
manifest it. This is the POWER of CREATION. It is the Power of CREATION that you will
exercise to create this thing call LIFE. There is no destination; there is now here to get to. There
is only NOW. This journey is continuous. The Secret is to create what you want then live into it
– Create it! Then live into it! Then create again and live into it. How do you live into it? Turn
the pages over to the chapter of creating your Massive Action Plan. We can now answer the age
old question of “What is the meaning of Life?” Answer – WHATEVER YOU CREATE IT TO
The Power of Desire

You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is
your deed." — Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

A little known truth about desire is that it is synonymous with destiny. Most people have
confused desire with hoping or wishing or even coveting!

Desire is sourced from emotion and it is emotion that actually imprints a thought into the
subconscious mind for manifestation. What you truly desire to be below the level of
consciousness, you will be. In general, people adopt attitudes that directly contradict their
emotions and desires because they are afraid of what others will think or say about them, going
to great lengths to preserve their social façade.

In truth, your attention activates your desire. To even speak of desire in this book is to first
address the very nature of desire; what it means, what it signifies and how it creates effects. We
will delve into the power of desire, the value of desire, the meaning and purpose of desire and
how to begin to bring that power, that energy under your conscious and intentional direction.
This is the journey of a Master.

Look closely at your life and see underneath all of your actions, decisions, and analysis, lies the
energy of desire. Desire is that energy that summons the power of creation out of the universe
itself. Now look again at how pervasive your education in resisting desire has been in your life.
We have all been schooled in how to suppress our desires, to withhold communicating our
desires: to deny our desires and so deny our birthright as creator gods. Indeed, you would not
exist if the universe had feared the desire to create and extend itself by forming you, at the same
time giving you freedom of choice!

Without desire, you would see nothing, furthermore, without desire, there wouldn’t be a 'you'
where you are to do the seeing…everything is the effect of desire. Desire then is not bad or
wrong, it is not even to be feared; rather desire is to be mastered. To be clear, mastery is not
control, control is an effect of the energy of fear not love. Mastery of desire comes when you
recognize that you are free to feel any and all desires that may arise in your consciousness,
because you decide whether or not you will act on it and bring it into the field of manifestation.

The freedom of choice is the one freedom that can never be taken from you. You are already a
master of choice as nothing you ever experience happens without your decision to act and allow
it into the field of manifestation. Desire is an energy that incubates and arises from the depth
beyond you and can be looked at with the innocence and wonder of a child. If you endeavor to
create as the universe creates, then you will need to heal your conflicted perceptions of desire
and transcend that energy of fear.

Desire is like the water of life that moves through the trunk of the tree and allows the leaves to
radiate with splendid color. When you block the flow of desire in your life, your leaves cannot be
nourished. Death begins to occur, death of the heart, soul and ultimately lifelessness. I walk
down city streets and look into the eyes of the people walking by, standing around, sitting down;
it seems that death has already made a home in the minds of many that appear to be alive. Death
of dreams, hope, worthiness, and playfulness, death of true power and death of connection with
the universe has already taken place. Each of you reading these words has had this experience of
seeing this in others.

Take a moment and ask yourself; are you willing to feel desire? Are you able to recognize desire
as the creative energy of the universe? Yes, there is always the possibility that desire will be
twisted to meet the needs of the ego, but know that if that happens- you are the one that has done
the twisting. You have always known that desire is good, but you suppressed it. Those moments
when you did allow desire to arise and let it become twisted in serving the goals of the ego; you
knew very well what you were doing. You were the decision-maker. So now you fear desire,
because that fear is the effect of fearing yourself and this is what stops you. What cripples you
and cuts you off from creative flow. This is the foundation of the multitude of psychological
diseases that are so common: unwillingness to trust one’s self, an unwillingness to love one’s self
and the belief that desires that arise in your being are evil and dark and therefore there is
something fundamentally wrong with you and with everyone else.

How do you heal your conflicting perceptions of desire? You learn. Learn to interrupt the
patterns you have learned from infancy and allow yourself to release your judgment of the
energy of desire.

Practice: What do I want right now?

Remember: What you declare is, and the thought you hold in the mind will be reflected through
the nature of your experience
For the next 30 days- ask yourself the question above upon awakening each morning. Allow
yourself one minute to observe whatever may come up in the mind or felt in the body. Whatever
arises, the point is to notice that by asking the question, something will respond within you.
When that response comes, notice that there is a feeling associated with it, a sense of something
that makes you tingle as your cells sing just a little bit- that is the elixir of life called desire.

Desire is arising inside of your being from the depths of the universe. Consider that following the
desire that bubbles up in your heart, by feeling it and embracing it, you may discover that the
universe desires to express through you. Perhaps it is your judgment of desire is actually shutting
off the creative flow of universe in your life. Imagine that the universe is an award winning
gardener who is always trying to grow beautiful orchids. She knows exactly how much moisture
and nutrients each plant in her garden needs to burst with glorious color and splendor so that
everyone who looks at it is touched by Beauty. And the universe wonders, “Well isn’t that
something, the orchids I created seem to have a mind of their own. As the elixir of life I give
them flows through their stems, they tie themselves in knots so only a little of the elixir reaches
out, so their petals never quite fully bloom.”
... As you think, so shall you be.

You are a perfect divine expression of creativity, ceaselessly creating all that you would choose
to experience. Wherever you are as you read these words, you are living sovereign mastery now.
It may be that you feel you are not ready to accept these words at this time. Perhaps the
realization that you are divine has left you unsettled. Even now, as you are faced with your own
divine origin and power, your mind is urging you to the conclusion that you are an insignificant
piece of matter. Perhaps you think that you were accidentally brought to life, and are now
meandering in a chaotic universe without cause, reason, destiny, or power.
And yet, deep inside you is a small voice that recognizes the truth contained in these words. The
fact that you are a spirit being will not be denied. YOU ARE both the creator and the
created. We will talk more on that later, for now let’s explore the being of a creator.

If you have ever baked a cake, written a poem, birthed a child, planted a seed and watched it
grow, then you know something of what it means to create. You have an understanding of the
great satisfaction of creating.

As you choose to embrace yourself as a creator, looking upon every moment of your experience
as wholly self-created you will begin to see the power and the freedom that is there in choosing
to look with gratitude on ALL that you create. Choose to discover what you have not yet
embraced and owned for that which you have not embraced imprisons you. This is the path to
true freedom.
Look with love and forgiveness at all that you have created as 'your life'. This act of acceptance
and embracing allows you the freedom to create newly at any time you desire.

Everyday live the truth that you are a sovereign master. When you awaken in the morning,
choose Love. As you arise and begin your daily work, choose Gratitude. As you encounter the
people you share your experience called 'life' with, choose Peace. When something arises in your
thoughts or in your physical reality that you do not like, rather than blame or
judge, wonder about how you might like to see it changed. Ask yourself:
"If I am having this experience, what must I have believed to be true about myself and about the

Your thoughts come from your brain, but your emotions arise from within your body. Many
humans have said that emotions cannot be controlled, which is true while you are experiencing
fear-based consciousness. However, once you remember to send unconditional love into every
challenge and/or stressful situation, you will become the master of your emotions. As a Master,
you can control your emotions because you can control your state of consciousness.
It is your state of consciousness that determines your choices of perception. When you are in a
lower state of consciousness, fear easily permeates your thoughts to create even greater fear.
Then you seek the cause of your fear rather than your innate solution of unconditional love.

Look at what you have surrounded yourself with and say: ' these things simply show me what I
have chosen to desire. And it is good'. Accepting your creation with love and acceptance is the
beginning of mastery.

30 day exercise: Over the next 30 days- at least once a day Ask yourself - "Where am I pointing
a finger outside of myself" Allow yourself to be with whatever arises.

Service is the greatest source of joy. -Brandi Mazesticeon

As you choose to take on being a sovereign master, lovingly embracing all of your creations, the
most natural thing in the world is to create greater joy.

Service is the natural outflow of a heart filled with gratitude. Masters are never stuck - doing
something they hate, surviving something they do not like. A master would rather sit on a street
and ask for coins all the while smiling and blessing everyone who passes by regardless of
whether they give a nickel or not! A master would rather love the world than look good in the

For the master there is no choice but to serve, not from duty, but from joy. Said another way;
once you have achieved mastery, there is nothing else to do but serve!

And what, you may ask; does any of this have to do with Abundance? To answer that, let’s first
clarify what abundance is, and to accurately define what it is, let’s distinguish what it is not.
Abundance is not material wealth, although material wealth can be a facet or an aspect of
abundance. Abundance is the term we have given to the tangible experience of universal flow.
Abundance describes flow; whenever you are not experiencing flow in your life- you would
recognize that abundance is not present. Likewise, when you do experience flow, you say with
freedom and ease that you are living an abundant life.

So which are you experiencing in this NOW moment?

If you are not experiencing abundance, that is; if you are not present to flow, but rather are
having the experience of being stuck, stagnant, or confused, when what you really desire is to
experience the natural flow of life (which is abundance), let’s take a look at your life and
discover what may be blocking your flow.

According to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect; of which the Laws of Mutual Exchange or
Compensation are a subset, your experience of abundance is directly correlated to your
experience of giving and receiving (reaping and sowing). Giving and receiving are the keys that
unlock the door of gratitude that leads you into your garden of abundance.
Now many people give and even consider themselves ‘givers’ (which naturally makes other
people ‘takers’) and are often reticent to receive. Others have no issue being the recipient of
good fortune; however they are reticent to actively contribute themselves. To clear any and all
blocks that limit the flow of abundance in your life look well and see; where do you give yet
resist being given to? Where do you receive yet withhold your own contributions? Neither way is
‘wrong’, yet neither way provides a space sufficient enough for the magnitude of universal flow
that abundance truly is. Said another way; given that abundance is UNIVERSAL flow, the only
way to prepare a space in your life to for the scope of the quality of life that such a flow brings is
to balance giving and receiving in your life.

If you are giver, allow yourself to be contributed to. Know that each time you resist or refuse an
offer of generosity (oh I don’t want to be a burden, no thank you I’ll figure something out…) you
are literally stopping the flow of abundance in your life! If you are one who receives freely the
contributions of others, yet you resist or refuse to give yourself (I don’t have enough to share,
what I have to offer won’t make a difference…) you too are negating the flow of life where you

Life, nature depends on flow. Where there is no flow, things become stagnant. Residue from
previous encounters builds up creating murky confusion and uncertainty in the place of clarity
and direction. So how do you balance this seesaw of giving and receiving? Gratitude.

Gratitude in its truest sense is the joyous recognition of wholeness in oneness, but in the human
scene is limited to the state of consciousness of the individual which often dictates who or what
deserves gratitude. (Belief in separation) Living from a state of gratitude in each moment leads
to the deeper awareness and acknowledgement that life and everything in it is already complete
and whole. I have because I am.

If you believe you have nothing to give gratitude for, then you will manifest exactly that--
nothing. Each time you express gratitude either silently or vocally you are acknowledging I
HAVE. As you let flow love and gratitude, you receive love and gratitude in infinite forms and
variety, for there is only ONE and that which you flow is flowing to you.

What do I have? Look about you; see what you have, and start pouring. On a physical level,
clean out your closets, garages, and shelves--get the flow going. There is someone who could
use that item sitting unused. Hoarding is the consciousness of "I don't have, and never will have,
and so I must hold on to whatever I can." This state of consciousness will serve to perfectly
block any energy flow. Again, there is only ONE and you give to yourself when you realize that
everything flows from one Infinite omnipresent Source and not from a limited personal pocket.

From Source on an emotional level flows; support, love, and practical assistance always from a
level of compassion and not sympathy. On the mental level Source springs forth truth and assists
those ready and who ask to see what you see.

Expressing gratitude in every moment will develop within you a consciousness of "I have"
which will then evolve into; "I have because I am". Practice by giving gratitude for every facet
of daily living-- for a clean bathroom, a warm coat, a shoveled path or the ability to shovel that
path. It is the small things, the song of a bird, the purr of a cat, the wag of a tail--signs of love
and oneness welcomed, but often not given gratitude for.

As long as there is a belief in duality and separation, there will be those who have more, and
those who have less.

Gratitude expressed silently, secretly, and verbally in every moment of each day is an activity of
love reflecting the recognition of one's wholeness. Even if you are not experiencing what you
consider to be wholeness at this time, realize that you are moving toward it and give gratitude for
this realization. Recognize the outer for what it is and know that regardless of any outer
circumstances you may be dealing with, nothing can ever separate you from your SELF.

So, that new recipe, song, book, etc... you’re thinking of will contribute. Do not continue to
undervalue what you do. Do not continue to undervalue what others do. Celebrate yourselves and
congratulate each other. Lift each other in every way that you can, every day that you can. True
generosity is to give of yourself, of your being. That new world you want… this is how you are
building it.

The Power of Giving & Serving

Bring the full tithes into the store house, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me
to the test, says the Lord, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a
blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Serving and Giving. Giving and Serving. There is no greater joy or power in giving of oneself.
This is the ultimate sacrifice a human being can make to another human being; but how can this
be done? In what capacity and what is the payoff.
One thing is for certain, you will not be able to amass and attain significant abundance without
Serving and giving to others. Think of it this way, the more you give the more you receive and
this will work for every area of your life. If you want more joy in your life, give more joy, if you
want more love in your life, give more love. If you want to be respected, give more respect to
others. Want to have more money in your life give more to others and see it be returned to you
one thousand fold. . If you want abundance in your life and really want to hit a home run then
find a service that will serve the most people and fill a need inside of your LIFE
PURPOSE. This is considered a golden key to unlock the power of the Universe. By Serving and
Giving you ignite the Laws of Attractions that the Universe obey.

Serving and Giving

There are numerous ways to serve and there are numerous ways to give; but I want to couple
them into two overarching categories. One is the giving of money and the other is the
volunteering of one’s time. There is one myth, one misconception about giving money and that
is if you don’t have a lot of money then you cannot give. This is simply not true. Even if you
gave $1 dollar a month to help feed various people around the world you have done a great thing.
There are charities you can partner with that would kindly except your generous offer because
that $1 dollar can make the difference between a live human being kept alive or perishing
because they did not have enough food to eat or clean water to drink. One of the greatest things
that I am most proud of is that through our giving and the return of the abundance that has
followed is that my wife and I sponsor a child from another country through WORLD VISION
in connection with Joel Osteen. There is no greater power or joy, waking up each and every
morning, knowing that you are a making a difference on the other side of the world which grants
you the freedom of scarcity and lack. We also give and raise money each year to the Revlon
Run Walk for Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society. You decide how you want to
give no matter how big or how small you think it is. Be creative! One of the coolest ways I gave
was through a project called A Rocking Christmas. A Rocking Christmas was a Christmas
Album I created for two reasons, one, to give the gift of Christmas to the World and to provide a
recurring income for the people involved for life. So each year A Rocking Christmas is played
in various parts of the world. As for the musicians involved they either have extra cash on hand
for their family or donate to their favorite charity. I am happy that most have chosen to donate to
their favorite charity. What is really cool about this project of giving is that it will leave a legacy
that will be present long after I leave this earth.

The Mindset of Serving and Giving

To capitalize on the Power of Serving and Giving, I want you to take on the mindset of a share
cropper. As a little boy growing up in Louisiana my grandfather was the ultimate share cropper
and a darn good one at that. Every year my grandfather would plant his seeds. He would fist
plant his pea field, followed by his cucumber field. He would then plant his cantaloupe fields
along with his yellow watermelon and red watermelon patches. Yes there is really such a thing as
yellow watermelons which are really the sweetest of all watermelons in my opinion. But my
grandfather wouldn’t stop there, he would plant peanuts, grow sugarcane and plant fields and
fields of corn. After giving all those seeds to Mother Earth, he would then take his tractor and
fertilize all the seeds with the best of fertilizer to produce the best crops`. This raises a question,
what will be the quality of your Serving and Giving? The higher your quality of serving and
giving, the greater your return on investment (of Self) you will experience. After
such intentional ACTIONs my grandfather did what every great share croppers have done
before him; he gave more with a follow up fertilizer and the pulling of any weeds that would
destroy his crops. It would be after all of his service and giving that he would waited patiently
and allowed the Circle of Life the natural flow of all of nature and Universe to take its course.
All he had to do now was wait and collect the abundance of crops that manifested itself time and
time again. The more Mother Earth would give to him the more he would sell and the more he
would give away. I can recall him giving crops away to friends and neighbors who had little to
nothing; but what was really cool about grand pa was that each year I had a summer job that
provided plenty of money that eagerly found its’ way to the local candy store or in my ever
growing piggy bank to save up for the next toy or the next bag of marbles. Here is the ultimate
take away from all of this…..up to now you may have thought that giving to others is simply to
give to others; but can’t you see, inside of all that joy of serving and giving, it simply flows back
to you. You give of yourself to YOURSELF!

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks
continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include
all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. 13th century philosopher, theologian
and mystic Meister Eckhart once said; “If the only prayer you said was thank you that would be

In essence, when you contrast and compare those you see as successful with those you see as not
successful, one of the key underlying differences is that successful people have cultivated an
attitude of gratitude. So how does one cultivate an attitude of gratitude? Well by now most of us
are familiar with the ‘doing’s’ of gratitude such as: keep a ‘victory’ or gratitude journal, take 1
minute every morning when you rise to list everything you’re grateful for, using affirmations to
change your thinking on a subconscious level (I actually still practice each these on a daily basis
in my personal life), however I want to delve into the being-ness of gratitude. What gratitude is
and what gratitude is not.

The being of gratitude is, you guessed it; being grateful. To be grateful is to be truly thankful for
everything you have and everything that you expect to have in life. In my experience, being
grateful also encompasses the experience of a sense of excitement of becoming, and a knowing
that ‘good’ things are coming to you. Ironically it is that latter part that makes being grateful
difficult to master and experience, however once mastered, gratitude or being grateful becomes
effortless! To be thankful, truly thankful is a very high and powerful vibration to experience in
your being. Such a high vibration is so powerful that when accessed, it completely transforms
your life. Vibrations of the frequency of gratitude actually attract abundance and gives you
access to your greatest potential. When you consciously discover all of the things you have to be
grateful for in your life and focus your energy on the emotions associated with them into your
experience, your life begins to shift to match that vibration and your emotions. Whatever you
appreciate, appreciates. Gratitude is a choice and choice is the source of true power.
You may be asking, if gratitude is a choice, and choice is the source of power, then why isn’t
everyone simply ‘choosing’ an attitude of gratitude? The answer lies in the illusion of duality in
which human beings have been living. You see most people are actively and unconsciously
choosing not gratitude and focusing their attention, intention and emotions on the opposite of
being grateful: Judgment. That’s right; the opposite of gratitude is judgment. You see to be truly
thankful in life is to unconditionally accept your life just the way it is and just the way it isn’t.
Now most people have quite a few things about themselves and their lives that they just refuse to
accept. My belief is that they have confused two ideals and think if they accept something it
means that they also condone the thing/act. This is why when I coach people around judgment
and acceptance, inevitably someone brings up ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
“Brandi I cannot accept the evil things that people do as being okay.” And that’s the trap. That’s
the ‘why’ behind people choosing not gratitude instead of gratitude.

You see inside of the illusion of duality, there exist only two options for everything: good vs.
bad, right vs., wrong, sinner vs. saint, up vs. down etc… Notice that not only are there only 2
options, but that the options given are presented in a stark contrast or opposition of each other. In
reality, there are always more than two options- that’s what make choice possible. When you live
your life like there is only two options for you to work with –inevitably you will have to make a
decision, which rarely leads to the experience of power and freedom that you really want. The
illusion of duality experienced as having to make a decision is the perfect set up for
judgment. As you look at your two options, your mind automatically uses logic and reasoning to
ferret out the least risky option or the ‘lesser of two evils’. You are instantly judging yourself and
the outcome before you’ve committed a single action. It is impossible to be grateful inside of this
illusion; it’s not possible to truly see what is or what isn’t, therefore you don’t stand a chance of
being truly thankful for everything.

To be truly thankful is a generous act of acceptance that does not require you to condone or to
repeat any actions you may or may not align with. To accept something is simply for you to
choose to not judge. I accept you and I do not know you. I simply choose to not judge
you. When was the last time you said or heard the following: “Why can’t you just accept them
for who they are/accept me for who I am?” It takes courage to accept someone or something just
the way it is and just the way it isn’t. You see for me to accept someone for who they are is to
accept them as another myself and for me to ask you to accept me for who I am is for me to ask
you to accept me as another yourself. The moment I accept you as another myself, everything
else disappears and WE ARE ONE. In that moment everything else disappears and only that
which is real remains; I Am/Love. Acceptance is reality in action. If judgment is a prison that
keeps you from living life on your terms, then gratitude is the key that springs the lock on your
cell door.

Now some of you may say ‘I don’t judge others Brandi, I accept other the way they
are’. Perhaps. Regardless, we are all of us practiced at judging one of the most important
persons in our lives: ourselves. We have all judged our own thoughts, actions, and decisions.
What else is a failure but an action judged as not producing what we want. In the illusion of
duality there is only what you want and what you don’t want. In reality all roads lead to your
desires being fulfilled, there are only refinements of vision and the clarification of goals along
the way.

Up until now, the human experience has been a finite experience of limitation. As we have
mentioned before, the natural state of the universe is abundance; and gratitude allows us to shift
ourselves out of the old paradigm of lack and limitation into the universal reality of
abundance. As you master being grateful you will open yourself up to the higher vibration of
gratitude and effortlessly attract your desires, as what you seek you already possess. Judgment
based in fear has you perpetually looking for an answer outside of yourself. The answer that you
are earnestly seeking, you can only ever find inside of yourself. How can anyone or anything else
show you how to be you?

It has been your judgment of yourself and of others that has kept you from uncovering and
discovering that You Already Have It.


Gratitude and Judgment

Being Grateful is not passive. -Rovan Deon

And it starts. It is created from within; this journey of Abundance and Living in the NOW. It
starts, so that you can have the life you have always dreamed of. It starts as a kindle inside and
quickly develops into this raging fire. It humbles you, consumes you, it shifts you into a space of
eternal light. This creation, this energy form is indeed one of the most powerful energies in the
entire UNIVERSE. What am I referring to you may ask? What is this energy form? It is the
energy form of GRAIDITUDE.

Want to know a power truth about GRADITUDE? The truth about GRADITUE is that it is an
energy form that is already inside of you yearning to be released. You were born with it…..You
Already Have IT. It is your job to recreate it and as soon as you do, release it! Yes, release it! It
is through this energy form that an exchange happens between that of Source. It is through this
exchange that the Great I Am hears you and boomerang more of what you are already grateful
for back to you in unrecognizable abundance. You see, once you release it, you have just tapped
into the Law of Attraction where by you have shifted your own supernatural vibration. You have
created a state change, a game changer in your LIFE. Another powerful truth about GRADITUE
is that it is one of LIFEs’ golden keys to unlock doors that has been closed off, doors that has
been shut down and doors that have been sealed from the mass majority, simply because its’ true
power remains invisible. The mass majority does not understand it, nor do even know of its
existence and nature in with it acts. You must learn to appreciate its power. You must learn to
understand it, and you must learn to harness it. You must give thanks and be thankful for every
single thing in your LIFE! Put another way, you must take on the Being of being appreciative of
everything that you have and the things that are yet to be. , Give thanks. By giving thanks, I
don’t mean in your head. I mean get up every morning and utter, out loud thanks and transfer the
power of gratitude with sayings of ……… I thank you for allowing me to attract this book to me.
I thank you for _________ and I thank you for that, I am grateful for______________ and I am
grateful for _________________. Show GRADITUTE and experience the power that it brings. It
is through GRATITUDE that the abundant becomes more abundant.

Dream Killer

Go ahead dream all you want. Go ahead wish all you want. Read every book imaginable. Listen
to every leader imaginable. Absorb the knowledge of the best minds that this planet has to offer.
In the end it won’t matter! Not without GRADITUE. Without GRADITUDE, nothing will
manifest and nothing will move constantly. Sure you will be able to accomplish some things.
Sure you will be able to attain a certain level of success but without GRADITUTE your LIFE
will come to a screeching halt. You become stuck and unproductive. You will reach a plateau,
a final destination. GRADITUE is the gas for your LIFE. It keeps everything going as far a
constantly being able to receive abundance. It is the actual demarcation from having a life of lack
and a life of abundance and riches in every area of your life. Think of it this way, what difference
would it make if I gave you a Lamborghini, Bentley or a Maserati for that matter, if you have no
gas? None of it would matter at all. You still can get to where you want to go. You still won’t be
going anywhere, not even an inch. Having gas or incorporating GRATITUDE in your life
changes all that. Once you have gas, once you have gratitude, you will then begin to go
somewhere. You will then begin to invite a new adventure, a new journey all in the process of
creating a new kind of vehicle that produces its own gas. That’s GRATITUDE! It allows
abundance to become more abundant to the one that is doing the creating and the driving. You
can now go anywhere you want to go. Having gas changes everything. To get a sense of how
important GRATITUDE is, think about how dreadful it would want to get somewhere really
important, and that fine car just won’t start. Have you ever been in that situation before? That is
what it is like going through life without GRADITUDE. The first step on this journey that you
and I will embark upon starts with the distinguishing of the energy form GRATITUDE. It is only
by taking your first step will your bridge appear to create even more abundance in your LIFE!

I HAVE it/ I HAVE it NOT/Using the Power of GRADITUDE

Don’t think about what you don’t have think about what you do…and when you get really
depressed pause for a moment look back and see how far God has brought you. You made it! He
brought you through! He brought you through by granting you grace and mercy. And guess
what; HE will do it again and again and again and again.

It is better to focus on the three dollars in your wallet than the $300 dollars you don’t have.
When you begin to really focus and be grateful for what you do have a magical thing
happens; you unlock the power of increase. Think about it. IF you focus on not having 300
dollar you are simply stuck. You are frustrated and you are powerless. Remember it is what you
focus on most intently that will manifest itself in this made up world called reality. It is better
then to focus on simply what you do have and be grateful. Once you take on being GRATEFUL
for what you do have, no matter how small, and truly be grateful for it, you now have given
yourself access to receive more. You have now created an energy form that will begin to work
for you and you will attract more of what you are GRATEFUL for. Once this door has been
unlocked you simply ask yourself how can I receive more of what it is that I want. Once that
question is answered a plan is given over to you by the subconscious mind. Once the plan is
given over to you by the subconscious mind, you simply take the necessary ACTIONs to receive
more. This is a sure fire way to harness and use the power of GRADITUDE in your LIFE.

I want you to try something on for the next 30 days. I want you to create a GRATITUDE
JOURNAL. Inside of this journal, I want you to write down every single thing you are grateful
for from that day only right before you go to bed. Each morning I would like for you to not
only recite some of the things that you wrote about the day before but also all the other things
that you are grateful for. This small change will produce results and give you access to a realm
that most people do not even know exist, nor respect its power. Fortunately, you
do. Congratulations. You are now in the know of knowing the true potential of GRATITUDE!
Now let’s put some ACTION behind this. Ready? Go!

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. Henry David Thoreau


Why is everyone always talking about money? No matter who you are or where you come from
you have a story about money. Your story about money is literally the background of your
relationship with money and your relationship with money is in reality a reflection of your
relationship with yourself.

Let’s start with the basics. EVERYTHING is made up of energy particles vibrating at various
frequencies and in varied patterns. Money is energy; just like this book in your hands, the food
you ate earlier and just like YOU. Without getting into Quantum Physics, suffice it to say that
money; just like you tends to hang out with people of a matching vibration or frequency. Money
likes people who like money and possibly even love money. Why not? Think about it: you and
money are both made up of energy. The paper and metal that we use to symbolize money is not
the actual ‘Currency’ that we are so passionate about bartering, trading and accumulating; it’s the
energy that is manifesting as bills and coins that we desire. We always desire from a place of
knowing, a place of divinity. Again notice, that I am using the word desire, rather than want or
need. To Desire is to be Divine.

Now back to the truth about money- for each one of us, money represents something ontological.
That is to say that we relate to money as if it signifies a particular ‘something’ about
ourselves. How much money do we have? Did we grow up with money? How much money do
we earn? How much money do we spend? In truth we do not desire a pile of paper and metal so
much as we are being pulled to the energy that money is for each us. For me, money represents
Power and Freedom. Having money to cover my basic needs and also to satisfy my wants allows
me to experience a certain sense of Peace of Mind and Confidence. Take a moment and
discover what money represents to you. Security, Stability, Recognition, Power, Ease
…whatever arises is a clue that will help you in either reinforcing or rewriting your money story;
the choice has always been yours.

You see money actually vibrates on a higher frequency than you would probably think. Why it
looks like the rich get richer while the poor get poorer is because money/energy can only flow
where there are two factors present: 1. Room for it to flow and 2. The magnetic pull of a
matching vibration. In other words, the vast majority of people complaining of not having
enough (of anything), are in reality not creating a congruent space for what they want in their
lives. A great example of this is the common occurrence of lottery winners to win big and in due
course are broke and back to the same life they lived before hitting the jackpot! Having a pile of
money didn’t change anything about them, and the money didn’t stick around as there was not a
matching vibration to sustain its presence there. Money has nothing, and I mean nothing to do
with ethics or morals. Money doesn’t change anybody, money is energy and money is neutral.
Money vibrates at such a higher frequency however that it amplifies who you already are.

The vibration of money is what is key, and often overlooked. Money vibrates at the level of
Gratitude. That’s right! This is the frequency of blessings and miracles. For most of us we have
been desperately trying to ‘earn’ just enough money to pay our bills and go on vacation. Some of
us dream of new houses and cars and other things we want and believe we will never actually
have. Standing in a context of Survival we beckon money to us, thinking of ways to entice
Money to our side, sometimes even daring to the illicit, extreme or even criminal. All the while,
money being neutral and no respecter of person is lovingly looking to satisfy anyone who has
room for her largess and appreciates everything they touch as she does.

As you begin to acknowledge that you do have a story about money, notice how much of your
story can be related back to your upbringing. Most of us are living out a money story that
belongs to our parents! The opportunity here is to release whatever story about money you have
that is not a match for your reality of Power, Peace, Confidence, Freedom or
whatever you discovered for yourself in the above exercise. Allow yourself to create a brand new
relationship with money: an adult relationship with money that thrives on Love, Gratitude,
Connection and Generosity.

All thriving relationships are supported by a congruent environment. Take care to nurture your
new relationship with money; feed and nourish it by connecting with money mentors and
accountability partners who support you as create yourself and your life as the ideal place for
money to thrive in.

Action: Cultivating your Gratitude Garden: Gratitude Journal

Keep track of all the new insights, breakthroughs, opportunities, and mini-miracles (or big
miracles). The more you appreciate all the good that is unfolding, the more it 'appreciates.' It
grows, it expands. What you focus on increases. So focus on the blessings that arise!

The Power of Imagination to Create Wealth

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know
and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know
and understand.” Albert Einstein

The Recycle of What Has Been

We all have it and we all use it but to what extent? From early childhood we have used the power
to create simple things to imagining whole new worlds for ourselves. Wasn’t it fun when you
were small to play house or play with a doll and imagine that you were the mother? Wasn’t fun
to play with train set and imagine that you were a conductor as you made those loud choo-choo
sounds? Wasn’t it fun to imagine that there was really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

From early childhood to adulthood we constantly use our imagination. Often times we use our
imagination for the simple sake of using it and why not? Our imagination is available to us 24
hours a day 7 days a week to imagine anything we like. We can use our imagination to go on
exotic trips or fancy ourselves with that new car or home we have always wanted. As human
beings we can’t help to always wonder and use the power of imagination. For most of us we use
imagination by recycling what we know from the past. So as we go through life, we simply use
imagination this way. This is great! There is nothing wrong with this. The only thing that you
have to be aware of however is that YOU ARE NOT CREATING ANYTHING NEW! You have
gathered the different pieces of your past and simply created a new puzzle. You see, although
you have created something it is from pieces that was already in existence. You just rearranged
the pieces. Think about it human beings would not advance it we constantly created from the

Imagination - What Will Be

We are but infants in the ways in which we utilize IMAGINATION Human beings can only see
in two ways; one is through the physical eyes and two is through the minds’ eye. The most
important thing that I may share with you about imagination is that the Power of Imagination
allows us to see what is already available to us. Imagination knows no boundaries or limitation.
Just the mere fact that you can imagine something instantaneously gives you access to achieve it.
Whatever you perceive; the self can achieve. Imagination is the store house the mother ship of all
creativity. It is through imagination that creativity flows. Imagination is the spark that ignites the
inferno to set the world a blaze and turns it on its heels. Think of every imaginable invention or
works of art and you will find that none of it would be possible without imagination.

IMAGINATION CREATES A NEW REALITY There can be no outer change until there is
an imaginable change. True imagination creates something new that was never there before. It is
created in that moment as pure energy waiting to be harnessed and utilized by creativity.

Moving things from what are to moving things to what you want it to be can be realized through
the power of IMAGINATION. With the power of imagination you can create whatever you
want. With the belief and the faith of imagination one can easily create whatever it is that you
have imagined and transform it into a monetary equivalent. How do you do that you may ask?
Let’s take a journey for a bit on the road to imagining things.

Before we go into the steps using your imagination to manifest whatever you desire let’s try this
exercise on for size to activate the senses through imagination.

I want you to close your eyes and gently hold the stem of a deep bright red rose in your hand.
Just above your thumb you can feel the base of a thorn that is only a centimeter from pricking
your delicate finger. With your other hand reach up and feel the pedals. Fell the silkiness, the
softness, and the moisture that it has released. Now tilt your nose slightly forward as the pedals
tickle your nose and inhale the fragrance of the rose. As the scent rushes up your nostrils your
head and chest is now filled with the scent of the rose. You hesitate for a moment while basking
in its fragrance. You exhale out slowly only to take another whiff of the delicious fragrance. You
exhale once more and all of a sudden that one rose has now turned into a three dozen roses
spreading across your entire chest!

Is not the scent of the rose in the air? Did you not feel the base of the thorn? Did you feel the
fragrance rush and fill your head and chest? Did you feel a weight change as the one rose became
three dozen? Did that three dozen rose’s fragrance fill the room? You have just experience a
taste of what imagination can do. Have you not just created a new reality for yourself? The big
question is can you now think of a creative way to manifest that three dozen roses? Can you can
you create a plan to achieve it? I am sure you can! You now have the power of imagination to
manifest a new reality for yourself. Here are some additional things you may want to take on:

Use the power of imagination to create what it is that you desire. Create a new reality for
yourself. See what is already available to you.

1. While imagining what you seek, create a strong desire to have it.
2. While imagining it get as many of your senses involved.
3. Use the power of creativity to create a way to achieve it.
4. Visualize daily what it is that you want to achieve and involve as many senses as
possible. Your mind has no way to distinguish what is real and what is not.
5. Believe that you will achieve this.
6. Act as if – Act as if you already have it.
7. Create a definite plan
8. Take ACTION on that plan
9. Manifest that which has been yours all along.
You now have the power to create a new reality for yourself and manifest it through the power of
imagination. You may want to keep this golden key close at hand.

REALITY: The Real Deal

Welcome to reality, where you are the creator of your destiny, the captain of your ship and the
champion of your own dreams. – Brandi Mazesticeon

From imagination to manifestation, what does it really take to live the life of your dreams? To
live the life you’ve always wanted?

To answer this, we must first recognize that we are Divinity incarnate that has forgotten our
point of origin. The day-to-day demands of life keep us focused on our circumstances; on our
perceived lack, on what is missing or wrong rather than what TRULY is. Freedom in any area
begins when we are able to be present to what truly is; just the way it is and just the way it
isn’t. This is not ambivalence, rather this the powerful starting point of creation: the jumping off
point if you will. When we are present to what truly is and what truly isn’t without judgment,
then we have the opportunity to truly create something from seemingly nothing. From here, we
can allow our desires to emerge in the intangible realm, and focus our intention upon the
manifestation of these desires in the tangible realm. The key to the success of manifestation is
the release of any and all judgments or attachments.

When we judge something; think that it should be a certain way, we create invisible attachments
to the outcome of our creations. The judgments or attachments don’t keep our desires from
manifesting, they simply keep us blind to when our creations do manifest! Our judgments and
attachments act much the same as blinders on a horse; we see only that which matches our
thoughts about the desired outcome. It is interesting to note that these blinders work truly, in
other words our attachments keep us from seeing what we manifested; as well as that we were at
the source of the manifestation! This begins the cycle of frustration and fatigue that many of us
categorize as ‘life’. We allow a desire to emerge, we focus on this desire: what it would look
and feel like in our life, then we have thoughts about this desire manifesting and create
judgments and attachments (‘if this…then that…’) that blind us to the actual manifestation of our
desires (we are looking for our desires to manifest according to our thoughts which is possible at
yet extremely rare at this level of conscious creation), so we assume that we did not actually
manifest anything, and that this process does not work or, that the process may work; but that we
ourselves are not doing it right. At this point, most of us fall back to judging ourselves as
insufficient or ‘not something enough’ and in the words of Lewis Carroll, “thus ended the
croquet game”.

The provocative truth is that we are ALWAYS creating and manifesting. We are just not
conscious of doing so due to the blinders that our judgments and attachments place over our
senses and perceptions. Quite literally the way the universe works is through creation and
manifestation. Science is now proving the phenomenon we call ‘miracles’ are actually the
response of matter to our thought forms! You are creating your life, moment by moment, day by
day. All of creation starts with a desire and then through our focus and intention, form takes
shape around our desires until that desire is incarnated in the physical realm. This is the
universal principle behind Napoleon Hill’s highly regarded books on success.

The first step in Tapping into Imagination to Create Wealth; is to allow and accept that this is a
universal principal and that it is not personal. The universe is no respecter of persons. There are
immutable laws of the universe that when tapped into allow you flourish in ways you have not
yet imagined. These principles or universal laws operate in the background of your life every
day. The best example of this is gravity. Most of us have heard of gravity and have some idea
of how it works right? Well even for people who have not heard of gravity and can’t explain it,
they are still subject to its operating principles as it is a universal principle. So as you begin to
tap into your imagination to create wealth remember that it is not personal. This has nothing to
do with your education, your parents, their education etc…this is a universal principle that you
are subject to whether you are cognizant of it or not.

The next step is to allow yourself to begin to get present to what is and what is not in the area of
money in your life. You literally want to free yourself from the judgments and attachments you
have around money, be they inherited or self-realized. Again, the purpose is to align with the
universal principle of creation and create wealth purely from desire rather than from a
concept about wealth. This really is far more challenging than it sounds. Like universal
principles, you have judgments and attachments about everything operating in the background of
your life; especially when it comes to money. You have inherited, bought into and even self-
realized numerous truths about money and the people who have it as well the people who don’t
have it! Consider that is these judgment and attachments that are being reflected in your bank
balance. Right now, you tap into these judgments and attachments to create your current
financial situation. We are about to explore what would be possible for you financially if you
tapped into your imagination instead.

When I say imagination, many of you might have a flashback to something related to childhood;
maybe your own childhood, or that of your children’s. As adults, we have forgotten the world of
imagination and so we are left incapable of tapping into the powerful, fertile field that
imagination is for our seeds of creation. Imagination now lives for us a concept. Conceptually
only children and ‘creative’ types use their imagination. Many of us are familiar with the adage:
‘I gotta see it to believe it’. That saying is a perversion of the universal principle: If you can see
it, you will believe it and if you believe it, you will manifest it. In another chapter we discuss the
subconscious mind and how it manifests your reality according to your beliefs. This process
involving your subconscious mind also includes your financial reality. If you can see yourself as
wealthy, you will believe you can be wealthy, and if you believe you can be wealthy then your
subconscious mind will manifest wealth as your reality.

That may sound incredulous, but consider that it sounds incredulous because you’ve forgotten
how to use your imagination! If you take a closer look, you’ll discover it really
only sounds incredulous against the backdrop of your judgments and attachments regarding
money. Let’s play a game that will jumpstart your imagination and allow you to uncover some
of your background judgments and attachments regarding money. To be fair, we will only play
part of the game. That is to say that as you are encountering the game in this book, it will only be
appropriate to play the beginning of the game; you simply won’t be able to properly play the
game in its entirety as a reader because like most games, the money game requires you to interact
with other players. ** So for the sake of appropriateness, I will introduce the start of the game
which in itself will prove to be of immense value if you actually take on playing the game.

The Money Game (Partial)

Imagine that a Wizard or Fairy Godmother (your choice) appears in your room one day
and grants you any amount of money you desire as long as it doesn’t exceed $100,000.
What amount do you choose?

Imagine yourself checking your bank balance and seeing this amount in your account.

What body sensations are you present to when you see this in your account?

What emotions are you experiencing as you look at your new balance?

What are you immediately pulled to do?

Consider new actions and new results possible with this new bank balance.

Now picture yourself 3 months in the future: this bank balance is your new ‘default’ bank

How do you interact with others?

How do others interact with you?

What are three words that describe your way of being with this new bank balance? (I.e.
Confident, Peaceful, Secure)

Now- Imagine that a Wizard or Fairy Godmother (your choice) appears in your room and
grants you another wish; any amount of money you desire as long as it doesn’t exceed

What amount do you choose?

Imagine yourself checking your bank balance and seeing this amount in your account.

What body sensations are you present to when you see this in your account?

What emotions are you experiencing as you look at your new balance?

What are you immediately pulled to do?

Consider new actions and new results possible with this new bank balance.

Now picture yourself 3 months in the future: this bank balance is your new ‘default’ bank

How do you interact with others?

How do others interact with you?

What are three words that describe your way of being with this new bank balance? (I.e.
Powerful, Free, Bold)

NOW- Imagine that a Wizard or Fairy Godmother (your choice) appears in your room and
grants you another wish; any amount of money you desire as long as it doesn’t exceed

What amount do you choose?

Imagine yourself checking your bank balance and seeing this amount in your account.

What body sensations are you present to when you see this in your account?

What emotions are you experiencing as you look at your new balance?

What are you immediately pulled to do?

Consider new actions and new results possible with this new bank balance.

Now picture yourself 3 months in the future: this bank balance is your new ‘default’ bank

How do you interact with others?

How do others interact with you?

What are three words that describe your way of being with this new bank balance? (I.e. Playful,
Fun, Adventurous)


Okay if you played the game, what did you notice about the amounts you chose each time? Did
you choose the maximum allowed? Or only what you ‘needed’? What body sensations and
emotions came up for you each time you looked at your new bank balance? What actions did you
take? Did you actions change as the money changed? What about your interaction with others?
How was that impacted by your bank balance? What new ways of being emerged for you that
have not previously considered possible?
Although you’ve only played the beginning of the game, I trust that you were able to jumpstart
your imagination and begin to see the boundaries of your judgments and attachments that are
generating your current financial situation.

The only thing any of us can actually control in this life is our thoughts and our feelings. In the
Money Game we play around with what we think about money and allow ourselves to become
present to what we feel about money. In this way we start to allow ourselves to have a say in our
money rather than live out a default or inherited conversation about money. I encourage you
play this part of the money game as often as you like to rekindle your imagination and allow for
what’s possible in your finances free from judgment and attachments to the outcome.

Your sole greatest source of success in any and every area of life lies dormant within you. Your
desires are the seeds of creation, and your imagination is the fertile soil wherein your wildest
dreams of abundance are made manifest. Allow yourself to float free of attachments and
judgments; self -realized or otherwise and begin to play with the universe principles of creation
and manifestation. Tapping into imagination to create wealth is the only way wealth is truly
generated. After wealth is generated, then we use structures to maintain what has been
created. ALL wealth in the world was generated from imagination. Most of us however have
been looking to the created structures of wealth maintenance to produce more wealth rather than
the source of wealth- ourselves.

When it comes to setting and keeping goals, many people start off excited and gradually lose
interest. The best example of this is the ubiquitous New Year’s Resolution. As we have all set a
goal only to watch it wither on the vine so to speak at one time or another, it may be less than
exciting to broach the subject of goal setting here. Yet here we are tackling this slippery subject.

Goal setting and keeping is the magic that turns vision into reality. Goal setting literally is a step
by step process of manifesting your dreams. See that’s why we get squeamish about setting
goals, it’s easier to dream without action than it is to dream, act and then fail. That’s right, it’s
not the setting of goals that makes you uncomfortable, it’s the near certain sense of failure. The
moment we put something into motion, set off in a definite direction; there is an immediate and
correlated chance of failure. Whether applying for graduate school, a new job, or new
relationship; the moment you decide to step forward in the direction of your dreams, an innate
fear of failure falls in step beside you.

In the next few pages, we will re-discover the value of goal setting and keeping such that you are
able to continue with confidence in the direction of your dreams in spite of your fear of failure.
The first distinction to make is between setting goals and keeping goals. Most of us set goals and
many of us do not keep the goals we set. Goal setting is allowing a desire to fully form and then
choosing to manifest the desire in the physical realm. Goal keeping is cultivating a commitment
to that desire being manifested such that you focus your intention and your attention on do what
is necessary to realize your goal, including putting your goal into existence and managing and
monitoring the process.

As discussed in previous chapters, desire is the ultimate seed of creation and so the starting point
of all achievement. When you set a goal, you are in effect planting a seed. Just like in a garden,
when you nourish the seed properly, the seed will grow. Everything required to manifest your
new growth is available to you through the energy and natural laws of the universe. The same is
true of your goals. Whatever you desire and commit to manifesting will succeed with the proper
nourishment. In my organic garden, I use compost as plant food. Each winter, I begin planning
my spring plots. I start with choosing what veggies, fruits and flowers I will grow. However even
before I begin choosing corn or okra, I first am present to the desire to garden, the desire to play
in the dirt, the desire to eat delicious food all season. THEN I choose. After choosing WHAT I
will plant, I then pick WHERE in my garden each plant will thrive, according to WHEN I plant it
and HOW I care for it.

When it comes to your goals or as I like to call it your Vision Garden, rather than compost, water
and sunlight, the nourishment will come from you in the form of intention, attention and action.
Intention transforms, attention energizes and action produces results. Regardless of your
personality, style, intelligence, beliefs etc…these three tools are essential to the growth of your
vision, the manifestation of your dreams. This process of creating is neutral. That is to say this
process is used to accomplish goals regardless of the outcome just as dirt; water and light are
used to grow plants regardless of their intended use. This is critical to mention as some may
think that only certain people can ‘set their mind to something and do it’. That’s not Truth. Truth
is anyone willing to allow their desires to manifest and commit to nourishing the seeds of their
vision can realize their dreams. Even you. Especially you.

So when it comes to setting goals with intention it helps to ask a few questions:

1. Is your goal written down in specific language with a clear intended outcome?
2. Is your goal measurable, can you track your progress?
3. Is your goal attainable? * (Most of the time your goal is attainable and your limiting beliefs
tell you otherwise)
4. Is your goal realistic? Do you have access to what you need to produce what you want?
(Attempting to grow coconuts outdoors in Alaska is not an attainable goal!)
5. Do you have a 'by when' you will accomplish your goal? (This serves to maintain the
momentum and energy of the process that would otherwise naturally erode over time.)

Although basic, these questions provide the proper soil for your vision garden to take root in. It’s
one thing to have a goal; it’s an entirely different matter to set your goals with intentionality. It is
also important to note that not all goals are material or tangible. Goals come in all shapes and
sizes from losing 50lbs, to not rolling your eyes when your colleague interrupts the
meeting again. If it’s important to you, and you experience the wanting of, and not having of it,
then it is a goal.
When it comes to giving your Vision Garden attention, one of my daily practices is to take about
5 minutes and visualize life with my goals achieved. When I’m done, I fold up the piece of paper
with my goals on it and put it in my wallet (or wherever I can carry my goals around with me). If
setting goals is like planting seeds, then giving your goals daily attention is like watering the
seedlings as they sprout.

The next and perhaps most crucial step in nourishing your vision garden, is to share your
goals/vision with others. This is like shining down warm vitamin rich rays of sun onto your
emerging plants. Every time you share your goals with someone who is aligned with your
purpose, the overall energy for your vision to manifest is amplified.

Once the energy surrounding your vision is amplified, it’s time to step forward confidently ‘in
the direction of your dreams’. If your goal is to start a business, now is the time for researching
your chosen industry. If your goal is eating healthy, now is the time to seek out new recipes. If
your goal is losing 50lbs, this is where you sign up for a personal trainer or weight loss program.
Too often we start with this Action step and before long we’re back where we started; upset
and wishing things were different. Desire, Intend, Attend, Act and Allow. Imagine wanting a
garden and then going right out and digging in your yard looking for vegetables and flowers!
Without first planting seeds and then properly nourishing them, you’ll dig until you’re tired and
eventually give up.

The key here is the process and the process starts with Desire and culminates with Allowance.
Allowance is that which provides peace of mind regardless of circumstance. It’s what I call
Gardeners’ Grace; allowing that some of your veggies will grow bigger than others even though
you nourished them all the same, that some days it will rain instead of shine and every now and
then you may have to deal with an infestation of aphids on your crops. Allowance is Power.
Power to accept what is in the face of what could be as you stand committed to causing what will

This is the power of goal setting; access to Power, Peace of Mind and Success everlasting.

The goal that you set becomes the fire that is needed to activate the subconscious mind to spring
forth ACTION. It will be your goal setting that will become your breeding grown to spawn the
ACTIONs you will take in order to fulfill your desires. To leave you with this knowledge would
not be fair to you. To see massive success and abundance there is yet another ingredient
surrounding goal setting and actions, and that is the QUALITY of your Goals and the
QUALITY of your ACTIONs. Your goals must contain certain characters in order for you to
attain the success and abundance you seek. If you want to create it always ask yourself these two
magic questions…..How Much and By When?

Three characteristics of goals:

1. The goals must be specific, measurable with a distinct timeline for completion.

2. Not pie in the sky but achievable yet challenging enough so that you would actually want to
pursue it. It has to be worth it and it must be inside your purpose. This is what makes it fun.

3. From the goals being set you yourself should be able to transform. Once these set of
ACTIONs are taken you should not be the same person.

When setting goals we are always looking for these characteristics. The more specific you are
with your goal setting the better. Quality will always be found in the details. Saying you want to
lose weight is not as powerful as saying I want to weigh 160 lbs. by May 20th 2015 by 6pm.

Other Examples

An Ok GOAL A Better Quality GOAL

I want to take a nice vacation I will take a vacation to Fiji on July 16th 2015
by 8am with three crisp $100 dollar bills in my

I want to own my own place one day I will own a 6 thousand square foot home
overlooking the Pacific Ocean on Pacific Drive
by 5pm April 30th 2015

I’m going to lose weight I will weigh 190 lbs. by 3pm September 1st by 7
I want a better relationship with my I will call _________ by 7pm tonight and
__________ everyday thereafter and tell them I love them
and have loving conversations with them for no
less than 10 minutes. I will acknowledge them
and tell them what I appreciate about them.

I want to be able to give more. I will give just $1 more than I am giving today
and I will do that by January 1st 2015 by 3pm.

It’s all in the Details

The more detailed you are with your goals the more clarity you will have. By raising the clarity
you are in essence raising the Quality of the information that you are sending to your
subconscious mind so that the subconscious mind can get to work on handing over a Quality plan
to achieve your goals. Clarity also gives you velocity in achieving your goal, a certain
confidence as well as an ease of the mind. When constructing or creating you goals you want to
be detailed oriented. Don’t skimp on the details. In fact I want you to go overboard with the
details. I want you to make it common place, your default way of being to be detailed oriented.
Detail equals Quality. It will determine the quality of abundance you will be able to achieve.
There are levels to everything. Let’s say that you wanted a certain car. You will now set a goal
describing the make, the model, the color, the rims, the tires, the interior and all its features. You
would also describe the whether you wanted a Bose system, navigation, heated seats, specialized
lighting, power windows, remote starter, and a rear camera. You get the picture yes? Get a
picture of this car and put it in an area that you will see it every day. Go down to the car dealer
and take a picture of yourself sitting in the car that you want and hang that up as well. Visualize
it and Act as if You Already Have It! Then you want a by when. When would you like to have
this car? You have just made your official request to the Universe.

Your Goals Become Your Life

I’m just going to keep on saying this; you create your own life! It is all made up anyway. You
are the mirror child of the Divine Creator and we are One. Therefore you have the power and the
capabilities to create a Life worth living. You have always had this power. So create a Life, but
don’t create just any old life. Create a life on purpose.

Create a life that is full of abundance, happiness and peace of mind. The secret to LIFE is to
create a life worth living into. Don’t you see; if you follow this principle the Creation becomes
your life that you live into. You must Create and then live into it, Create live into it, and Create
some more and live into. The Quality of your life is totally dependent upon the Quality in which
you create.

Creating a Rocking Life

Remember you create it. So if you are going to create a Rocking Life, I only know of one way to
do it. You must tap into the power of being Unreasonable. This is the juicy part of LIFE. You
must create a goal so big that it makes you uncomfortable. It’s one of those goals you that you
set in which you can see no way or how you can pull it off. Listen to what I am about to say. If
you do not have some of these types of goals then you are living life too small. If you can always
figure things out, if you always know how to do, if you set your goals and say I can do this all by
myself, then you are living life too small. You need to create that Rocking goal, that Rocking
Life. You have to create it so big that the only way that it can be done is with others and with
God. This is the creation of a space of miracles to show up. Think about it, if you can accomplish
things on your own then there is no need for God to even show up. Create a goal that is beyond
you, a goal that stretches you, a goal that is just enormous. Create a goal that leaves you saying, I
just don’t know how I’m going to pull that off. When you create this space and begin to take
ACTIONs on it, something wonderful will show up. You my friend have just created the space
for Miracles to show up. You my friend are creating a Life that Rocks!

Get Ready It’s Coming

Life was never intended to be without challenges. Somehow along the way someone made that
up as well. Life is about taking on challenges in which I call opportunities to stretch and to grow.
We were meant to create and grow. Did you know that at the exact same time that you create a
new possibility you also creating its’ energy opposite. Think Ying and Yang here. So if this is
true then no wonder we have things to show up., things that will stop us, things that are fearful,
and obstacles in the road.

Accepting this philosophy will give you access to something. What this gives you access to is
power to move on to not give up and slice through things. It gives you a new context and
provides a new awareness. It is a part of the process. This is the way it is supposed to be. Once
the mind can accept things then it has no problem dealing with them. Just as your mind has to
problem with accepting that if you jump into a pool of water you are sure to get wet. So things
will happen that will confront you and try to stop you accept it. Things will happen when you
have your own considerations or reason on why you should not accomplish your goal. You will
have fear. So! You will have obstacles that will try to block you from reaching your goal.
Notice how football players, hockey players, soccer players, and basketball player don’t seem to
have a problem with this. It’s just part of the process; it is just all part of the game. So when
these things show up, get excited for you are on your way. Get comfortable with these element
and get comfortable with the word NO. Do this. Take it on powerfully and fly!

Your life purpose shall be your guide. Everything you create and every action that you should be
taking fits snuggly inside of your life purpose. One sure fire way to achieve abundance with
velocity is to set goals that are aligned inside of your purpose. Once you are clear what your life
purpose is, you are going to need a plan of ACTION, a MASSIVE ACTION PLAN. Remember
you don’t have to know HOW to do something in order to act upon it. If you would simply stop
and hand over that which you want to manifest to your subconscious mind, the subconscious
mind will hand you over the plan to carry it through. The subconscious mind is powerful. It is
designed to provide to you the answers that you seek. Miss this step and you will wonder inside
of a vast wilderness thick with brush and thorns. Believe me you will feel the pain. Hand it over
to your subconscious and let it work your magic for you. To spark the subconscious mind on
something that you are not sure of you may want to frame your questions similar to ……. what
should I be doing right now that will have me manifest that? Don’t be afraid to demand of the
subconscious what it has been designed to do which is to hand over a plan.

Your goals must unlock or unleash the power of the subconscious mind. Setting goals are easy.
What appears to be a challenge to most human beings is caring them out. To help me to focus in,
I like my goals to be S.M.A.R.T GOALS– that is I want my goals to be Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Goals have a way of shaping your life. Since goals have a
direct impact on not only yourself but others, you must take great caution in designing them. The
quality of your goals inside of your life purpose will determine the quality of your life so be very
intentional in designing your goals. If your goals are clear your results will be clear. If your goals
are vague then your results will be also. It is indeed possible to lay out your life exactly the way
you want it too and then step into it. With that being said, let us begin to break down the
components of the characteristic of goal setting inside of your life purpose.

Tell me - How Much & by When

First up Specific – Vague goals has little or no chance to be manifested. When designing your
goal inside of your life purpose you must ensure that your goals are specific. The quality of your
goal will be essential to the quality of your life which essentially is directly connected; that
reason being that the specific goal you set will determine the ACTIONs you will take and
becomes your life.

Inside of goal setting you will want to commit yourself to two major questions. Question one,
you will be committing to is how much; and the second question that you will be committing to
is by when.

Example of specifics – I will lose 10 lbs. by 3pm Saturday May 5. When setting the specifics of
your goal, be intentional in being as detailed as possible so that the subconscious mind has a
clear representation of what you are looking to manifest.

Second up Measureable – This is your HOW MUCH. How will you actually know if you have
accomplished your goal? Not only must your results be measurable by you but the results that
you are going to be producing must be clear to everyone, especially to the person that will be
holding you to account.

Third Attainable – Your goals must be important to you. You must have a burning desire to do
it and you must be willing to put in the time to carry it through; when this happens, any goal you
set becomes attainable. When you have reached the state being that your goal is attainable, new
opportunities will come into view. All of sudden goals that seemed beyond your reach become
reachable once you simply take on being that the goal is attainable.
Fourth Realistic – I’m going to be really careful here. Realistic is a word that has been designed
to limit us and has us to conform to a reality that is made up anyway. What I am teaching you
here is that you are a Creator and that you design your own reality. When I say realistic I don’t
mean pie in the sky type of goal setting. I want you to step into and create a possibility that is
real to you. If indeed you can see your goal being manifested and if you truly believe that it is
possible, who am I to tell you that you cannot manifest it. Again you don’t even have to know
HOW this is going to get done. If you hand over the HOW to your subconscious mind, this is
the part of the process whereby which it will hand the HOW, the plan over to you. If you are
taking on being unreasonable or making unreasonable requests of yourself in terms of goals, this
is where you will want to exercise that along with incorporating your subconscious mind.

Fifth Timely – This is your BY WHEN – By When will you do what you say you are going to
do? What is your WORD in the matter? This is your anchor for your goals and your
commitment. SOMEDAY doesn’t work. Someday only leads to a place called NOWHERE
surrounded by NOBODY. Have you ever had that person in your life that keeps saying to you,
“We have to get together soon?” Notice how nothing really happens until one of you commits to
a date. Once you commit to a date, you are someone else can now hold you accountable for that.
You now have something to take action on and move towards. Your stepping stones which are
your goals ties directly into your MASSIVE ACTION PLAN.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~C.S. Lewis

Now. How do you take everything you’ve read so far and make it your own? How do you
actually being to realize, to actualize transformation and abundance in YOUR life? ACTION.

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something and couldn't figure out the best way to get
started, so you didn't and …well nothing happened right? It’s pretty simple; if you do nothing,
expect nothing. However, that’s not what this book is about; this book is about producing results
in areas of your life where you may have previously given up hope. You see anything you want
to accomplish something, anything, if you don’t know the path that leads to where you want to
be, it’s inevitable that you’ll end up going in circles and before long, experiencing frustration,
disappointment and upset!

What if you could write your own map, plot your own route down your personal path of Life?
What if you had access to a step by step plan that focused on the next right action, prepared you
for dealing with obstacles and put you in a position to objectively evaluate your progress and
even change direction as necessary in your journey?

Creating your M.A.P. or Massive Action Plan can give you that and more. More than goal
setting, this plan is your own focused, targeted, personalized map that will lead you wherever
you want to go. Why are we calling it massive? It’s massive because this plan is designed to
support, prepare and empower your entire life- and that’s no small undertaking.
So Let’s Begin!

We will start by creating where you would like to be a year from now; then we will break down
your yearly vision into quarterly milestones, and from there we will create monthly markers that
will be fulfilled on by weekly action plans and of course daily actions. Don’t be fooled by the
simplicity of the words you’re reading, we are talking about your life remember?!

Your Year by Design

Every year in January, I sit down and write out what the year ahead will look like for me. It
never fails. It seems no matter what I put, I actualize it in one way or another over the course of
the following 12 months. This is a powerful and an empowering exercise and I am excited to
share this with you.
Take out one or more sheets of paper for this as you will want to have daily access to this (I keep
mine in my purse!). Use colors if you are visual. Write it down, don’t type it out this is a
personal declaration of the next year of your life. Be willing to take whatever time you need to
complete this, after all this is your life. I recommend sitting in a space that inspires you and
where you won’t be disturbed. Now imagine yourself one year from today. Imagine you have
achieved the things that would make the year a success. This doesn't mean achieving all your
life goals in one year! It means having taken manageable steps that stretch you but don’t break
you. In all areas of your life, what improvements will have taken place that will make the year a
success in your eyes?

1. Describe your ideal upcoming year in 3 words

2. What are your top 3 goals or intentions for the upcoming year?

3. What traits / skills do you need to manifest these intentions?

4. What do you need to let go of, for these goals to manifest?

5. What needs to be in your daily routine to manifest this?

6. How will you feel when these intentions & goals manifest?

7. How will you know you’re on the right path?

8. What are you most excited about in the upcoming year?

9. What are you most scared about? (And what can you do to overcome these challenges
in advance?)

10. What’s your motto – or mantra – for the year?

11. How will you celebrate manifesting these intentions?

12. What’s even better than all this?

Now it’s time to capture all of this in a way that powerfully supports you over the next 12
months. Begin with the date in a year’s time. Begin each new paragraph with the prompts
given. Add extra paragraphs to include other important areas of your life that you think
about. Share your achievements and highlights of the year. Be as specific as you can, and share
the story of how you got from where you are today to where you will be.

Date: .....................

I am so grateful for the last year. In the last year I have…

My personal cash flow...
My assets...
My time...
My job / business...
My mentors...
My team...
My customers...
My partners...
My health...
My family & friends...
My passions & pastimes...
My contribution...
My next year...


Before we continue with the next part of your massive action plan, you must be clear about what
you want to accomplish. Clarity is essential. A vague statement such as; I want to lose weight or
I want to earn more money is not going to cut it. If you are vague in your yearly vision, you will
end up confused about how to accomplish such a vague goal. You also won’t be able to generate
the level of intention and commitment to see the goal through. If you’re having trouble figuring
out what you want, relax and take the time to discover; thinking about every area of your life,
what would you ADD to your life? What would you TAKE AWAY? Once you are clear about
what you want to accomplish, organize it into a statement that flows using the following:
I want to achieve ___________ (what)

At _______________________ (where)

By _______________________ (how)

By _______________________ (timeline)

With _____________________ (other persons)

Because ___________________ (why)

Here’s an example from my earlier life (about 8 years ago) to give you an idea of how this might

I want to obtain a job at a bank earning $30,000 per year in my city of Atlanta by June 1, 2007,
by showing my leadership and drive to the managers and convincing them that I am the best
person for the job. I want this job because I am passionate about business and generating wealth
and I know I would learn more about both with a job in banking while earning a good salary and
contributing to my household income.
Flashback: I started work with Bank of America in June of 2007 at the salary of $32k/year in the
corporate offices located in the Metro Atlanta area. Within 3 months I was the top producer on
my team, earning monthly and quarterly bonuses as a reward for my leadership and initiative. I
worked for BOA over the next two years in many areas including sales, marketing, and banking
center accountabilities before I resigned in 2009.

The key here is to be as detailed as possible. In the next step you will use these details to
formulate your quarterly and monthly milestones.


Now we’re going to take that MASSIVE year you just created and break it down into bite-size
pieces for you to actualize. Below I've included an example of how I break my year down,
however feel free to use whatever tools/technology works for you in this regard. The point is to
have measurable milestones in existence for yourself where you can refer to it daily.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug















My first year doing this exercise, my personal income was $50. Yep. $50 weekly. I knew I
wanted to earn 10 x that amount on a weekly basis so I plugged in the numbers accordingly;
starting with $50 in my January column and $26,000 in my December column ($500/week for 1
year ) and filled in the rest of the sheet much the same way: Where are you now? Where do you
want to be? How do you get there from here? Take action, Review your action, Act
again. You’ll notice on my tracking sheet, I've highlighted 4 months in red; these are the months
where I review and renew my actions thus far. Now that you've got your year in manageable
chunks, let’s dive a little deeper and see what a weekly action plan might look like.


(List of (what you need by when you (What Resources
Objectives) to do to achieve (How you can need to achieve you need for
your objectives) identify your the tasks) each task)


Your Massive ACTION Plans

With your life purpose in tack you are going to want to create a life to live into. Remember you
have the POWER! You have the POWER to create the life you want and the LIFE you have
always imagined. You have the POWER to create a life of abundance and you are able to do that
NOW. One of the most important things you have to be careful of is now that you have this
POWER; you have to be absolutely sure that the things that you are creating are in line with your
life purpose. You have to create goals and ACTIONs that are not only clear, precise and
measurable but you must also create goals and ACTIONs that are inside your LIFE PURPOSE.
Do this and you will be able to create a LIFE unimaginable; and if you don’t you will create a
life of frustration and mediocrity. You will continue to create a LADDER in which you will
place up against the wrong wall. Yes you can gain some success but once you climb your
LADDER you will find that once you look over that wall it is the wrong camp. So you go out
create another LADDER and the process starts all over again. You have created a life of being
unfulfilled, frustration and unhappiness. The real secret of creating a life of living on purpose
and abundance is to align all of your Creations and ACTIONs with your LIFE PURPOSE.

If there is one area you want to become a master of this is it! The Power of Goal Setting and the
air tight ACTIONs that surrounds them is the bulls’ eye of life. This is where you must aim all
your efforts inside of your purpose. Before we dive into what this is all about let’s first put things
into the proper context. Pause for a moment and take a look at the profound reasoning behind
why we should become Masters of goal settings and the ACTIONs that surrounds them. There is
but one ingredient in all the universe which I call the magic cosmetic dust that has the power and
the capabilities to pull thought, imagination, and the things you desire that is burning from
the realm to the unseen to this realm called reality for all senses to enjoy and that my dear
friends is ACTION. Without it nothing moves. The universe has no way and you have no means
to attract anything if you are not in ACTION. Faith without works is dead. Be a person of non-
action and your life will be empty. You will live a life of lack and dependency. Live a life of
ACTION on purpose and see your life soar.

MASTER MIND GROUP – two or more people working in harmony in order to rapidly fulfill
definite purposes in life by which each individual contributes their God given gifts unselfishly.

No one goes it alone; that is unless you quicken to failure or to produce a result of little or no
importance. In order to carry out any plan or more accurately a plan of action that is going to
make a real difference in the world, one must incorporate the POWER of others. Incorporating
the POWER of others to fulfill and carry out your purpose is as essential as air is to the life of
YOU. With as little as two human beings working in tandem, in harmony, one can generate,
create, and accomplish ANYTHING! If you are to accumulate wealth, if you are want to
manifest abundance in every area of your life, if you are to make a difference in the world, if you
are to leave a legacy, if you are to be remembered as if you actually spent meaningful and
fulfilling time here, you must create your very own MASTER MIND GROUP.

The key to joining forces with another mind on a level which elevates all involved is often over
looked and grossly underestimated. Notice that I said another mind. This was purposefully
stated. That is because the mind is an energy force; it is spiritual. The mind when joined with
another actually has the capability of creating or calling forth another mind energy force. When
two people are working in harmony in order to fulfill a single minded purpose a third energy
materializes… is said that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it
shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered
together in my name, I am there in their midst. That is the very reason why creating
a MASTERMIND GROUP is so powerful; you are actually calling forth an entirely new energy
source that is outside of you and you are tapping into the minds of other human beings which are
spiritual. What you are actually tapping into is POWER. You are tapping into another person’s
divine spirit. What is really remarking about this exchange of energy is that it gives you access of
the POWER of every energy force involved included the one that is created or called forth,
which is the greatest one of all. This law is not new. You can look no further than anything in the
last week or so that has grabbed your attention and you will find that if it was anything
significant then it harnessed the POWER of others to create it and execute it.
You Can Count On Me

The beauty of creating a MASTERMIND GROUP is that it is the think tank and the speak tank
of calling things into existence. Once things are created inside of language inside of a
MASTERMIND GROUP often times it becomes this thing called reality. Ideas form, take shape,
multiply, and before you know it, acted upon. Imagination is fostered, nurtured and flourishes.
Most importantly inside of a MASTERMIND GROUP you will hold each other accountable to
fulfill on THE purpose. This will not be any ordinary group. Once you place yourself in the
presence of a MASTERMIND GROUP, Things will begin to move at an amazing speed. Be for
warned, you yourself will go through a transformation. You will no longer be the same as when
you went into it as long as you are tapping into the POWER, and that you are unselfishly
contributing inside the purpose that has been created. If you really want to experience something
absolutely amazing get unreasonable. Create a future for yourself so great that you can’t see any
way possible that you could achieve it. It has to be bigger than you; otherwise there is no need
for a MASTERMIND GROUP. This is where the miracles will show up. Enroll and establish
a MASTERMIND GROUP. Share your gifts in harmony. Contribute your divine gifts
unselfishly. Tap into every Power around you including the one you have summoned
forth. Think and speak things into existence. Generate a SOLID PLAN of ACTION. Take those
ACTIONs and hold each other accountable. Take on a YOU CAN COUNT ON ME way of


What unreasonable request are you asking for from the Universe that is important to you that
you want it to hand over?


In creation name the person who will be part of your MASTERMIND GROUP

1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________
Establish why each person you have chosen would be great for your MASTERMIND GROUP.


In creation which person inside of your MASTERMIND GROUP is going to hold you
accountable to carry out your purpose in particular your PLAN of ACTION?


In creation name a person who is outside of your MASTERMIND GROUP who will hold you
accountable to carry out your purpose in particular your PLAN of ACTION. (This person is
relentless and won’t let you off the hook for anything). That is the person you want for the job.

By what date and time will you create something to live into that is bigger than yourself?


By when will you have your MASTERMIND GROUP established?


By when will be your first meeting?

Welcome to creating the space to produce what you were born to do …..Create miracles.


You will only be as successful as your environment calls you to be. -Brandi Mazesticeon

The power of the mastermind group is principle, not personal. Although the recent resurgence
of the mastermind group seems trendy and New Age, in truth the universal principle of the
mastermind group has been taught for millennia. In the Christian bible, this principle is
referenced by Jesus as “whenever two or more of you are gathered…” As its core the principle
outlines that whenever two or more persons gather with the same intention in a harmonic
vibration, Divine Power is accessed. As a species we have not begun to tap into the vast
resources that are available within and all around us. Before we are able to access and utilize
universal source power as our source of universal power, we must first come together in
harmonic vibration and intend a desired outcome. Sounds simple? We’ve been gathering
collectively as a species for a few millennia and as we enter what the New Age philosopher calls
the Age of Aquarius, we are beginning to experiment with what happens when we as a collective
gather in the same energy. However the next phase of 'intending for a desire outcome', may not
appear as inter-species behavioral evolution for some years to come, and simultaneously can be
experienced in smaller collectives like the mastermind group.

If there is some new venture that you’re about to embark on, no matter if its personal growth or
professional development or even some integrated work that has you take new actions, I implore
you to seek or create a new mastermind group. Keep in mind that a mastermind group’s intrinsic
value is in its members. Know that your own contribution to the groups is as vital and valid as
any other members. Mastermind groups are organized around a number of specific desired
outcomes such as: public speaking, innovative technology, writing bestselling books, developing
new practices/sharing methodologies, personal growth and professional development.

‘But how do mastermind groups work?’ I hear you ask. The answer can be seen in the universal
pattern of the Spiral/Vortex. Let’s start with a personal example. Let’s say YOU have a desire to
_______________. Initially, you have a small thought about____________ that over time grows
into you declaring that you will ___________________”NOW/TODAY!” and sharing this
declaration with other people in your life. That’s the key, you see it doesn’t matter what your
desired outcome is (the universe is neutral, you add the intention as you…), what matters is what
happens when you share with another person about what you’re up to in such a way that they too
begin look for ways to fulfill desired outcomes in their own lives. Okay so now ‘imagine’ that
you live in a ‘virtual reality’ commonly referred to as ‘your life’. Everyone around you is also
living in their own version of virtual reality that they call “My Life”. Ironically enough
in ACTUALITY everyone is connected like so many tangled wires and lines that our
telecommunications network mimic. In actuality, whenever you desire something, anything, the
universe immediately responds and actualizes your desire. You don’t experience it immediately
due to the 3D limitations of the current time/space construct. Another pertinent and less talked
about factor is the frequency of the vibration of your desire into the universe. We’re also back to
where we started with the two or more principle; as you share your desired outcome with another
person such that they look to fulfill desired outcomes in their life, Divine Power is present and
the vibration of your desired outcome is amplified. Picture a small wave approaching the
shoreline of a beach, now picture a larger wave- which will have the greater impact?

The more people sharing your vision, the greater overall impact your vision will reach (this is an
interesting new context to revisit religion with for many of us who have thrown spirituality out
with the religious bathwater ;). A mastermind group will support you through all phases of
accomplishment on your path upward. In the world of manifesting and actualizing, a mastermind
group can act as an incubator for your seedlings of growth, empowerment, and abundance.

We have talked about a lot thus far. If you want a life of abundance and have a life that is full of
possibilities and wealth then you must have a burning desire to make it so. We talked about
Faith, Beliefs, Thoughts and the quality of our thoughts. We have even talked about the
subconscious mind and how you can use it to your advantage to assist you in creating the HOW
or better put, handing you over the plan as to how to manifest what you seek. We have examined
the past, the future and the power of NOW. We have talked about the miracles of ACTION. All
of these things and the things that we will discuss in detail in the following chapters are
wondrous. They are so wondrous in a sense that if you were to take on just one of the above
items it will forever transform your life. That is the power you now have before you. You now
have the power to transform your life and create abundance literally in every area of your life.
You have the power to do this NOW! But there is one law that is one of the most powerful of all.
This law is so powerful that without it, you risk the potential of being derailed. You face the
potential to fail even before you begin your journey. After all the hard work that you are about to
put in wouldn’t it be a shame to be defeated before you were even out of the gate? How would
you like me to give you a secret weapon that if you would take it on, would profoundly create a
space where anything is possible and give you new avenues for ACTION? How would you like
to be unstoppable and unshakable? Read on and let us discover together the power of

Context – The Fabric of Your LIFE

One of the things that you have control of, one of the things that you have dominion over is the
context of your life. The quality of your life is profoundly connected by your context. Confucius
teaches us that just as everything has beauty, it is true that everyone cannot or will not see it. It is
also true that most people, unfortunately, are unwilling to pause, take a step back and see
whatever there is before them; to see things from a different lens. We have all heard of the
saying …..Is your cup half empty or half full? Here lies the secret for the quality of your life. It is
the WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGs and WHAT YOU MAKE IT MEAN that has the power to
move mountains, create wealth, cure sickness, and eradicate war from our planet. Yes; it has that
type of power! So you may ask yourself, where are you not seeing through the other
lens? Where have you not benefited positively, all because you chose a different context?
It is not what you think that will determine the quality of your life. What will define the quality
of your life is the quality of your context. Inside of context who we really are is who we say we
are. Inside of context what becomes our reality is simply created by us. All is created inside of
language and context. Here lies further evidence that we are Creators and that You and I create
our own reality.

My Goodest Bestest Friend Context

Context is a friend indeed. Again I ask you; is your cup half empty or half full? You must never
allow yourself to be overcome by anything. The truth of the matter is nothing can truly overcome
you. To be unstoppable and unshakable at any given moment you must exercise your power of
context. You must learn to take on another view of things. So anytime you are thinking negative
thoughts, feeling disempowered, feeling beaten, feeling stripped of all your worth, you must get
present into the NOW and create an EMPOWERING CONTEXT. Life without an
EMPOWERING CONTEXT IS unbalanced and out of INTEGRITY. Whenever your integrity is
out, you must restore it to an empowering one.


When creating a new context always reach for the best quality possible. Reach for the highest
quality possible. When creating a new context I want you to consider the quality of it. The higher
your quality, the higher and greater your access will be and the greater your reward will be in
manifesting what you desire. This is the way life is, isn’t it? When building a Life just like
building a house or mansion, you want the very best materials possible. I want you from this
moment forward to always REACH FOR THE HIGHEST CONTEXT which will go quite nicely
with also reaching for the highest thoughts. The riches that is already there, awaits you. The
power of Context will change your life significantly I promise you. You will be able to make a
way out of no way. You will be unstoppable. You will be unshakable. You will never give up.
And you will become unmessable with! Let me share with you how you can achieve this. It is
quite simple actually. You see you Already Have IT! You have been exercising this since you
were born. The only difference now is that .you will create it in the NOW with intent and
purpose; not by instinct. You will state what you are dealing with. You will move and snap
yourself to the present of NOW. You will restore and then maintain integrity. You will let it go
by releasing whatever disempowering context you are holding on to. You will then entrench
yourself in creating a new high quality empowering context. You will then take actions
consistent with your new found context. It short, I want you to SMILE
STATE what you are dealing with

MOVE to the moment of NOW. Creation and true power of context happens in the now where
the past and future no longer exist. There is the space of nothing for you to create anything you

INTEGRITY– You must maintain integrity. Without it life is disempowering and unbalanced
and simply doesn’t work. There is a loss of power. You somehow feel smaller.

LET it go. Release whatever is there for you. Dismiss all your internal state or feelings and open
yourself up for what is possible which gives you access to a new ACTION.


take ACTION on being that High Quality Empowering Context

Don’t let anyone tell you differently. You have total control over your life. Inside of
context, who we really are who we say we are. Inside of context what we say is so, is so, and the
way that things are, are, and it is all because you now have the gift and power of CONTEXT!


To change to your position, shift your perspective. To shift your perspective, surrender your
position. -Brandi Mazesticeon

Dr. Ernest Holmes once said: “change the idea of a thing, and you change the thing. It’s that

This comes down to the human logical mind and the way that it references the human life
experience. When you allow yourself to have an EXPERIENCE and let go, you are not in
perception, you are in EXPERIENCE, when you are trying to logically work out what is being
placed before you then you are in PERCEPTION and not experience, they are not the same

For many people the human life experience has become something to debate and something to
perceive, it is not an experience. For example you can debate the different types of grass, how it
feels, how it looks but until you actually stand and EXPERIENCE said grass you perceive how
the grass is, you are not EXPERIENCING it and as grass JUST IS the experience that you have
will change each time you allow the experience. What the human logical mind does is reference
something that you have experienced and then when it APPEARS that you are having the
“same” experience it pulls out the memory of the “past” experience and tries to teach you that
you must react a certain way in response to said “past” experience.

This takes you out of the now moment for if you follow the human logical mind, you are
then perceiving what is happening and not experiencing the NOW moment in which you have.
Just as the logical mind will try to teach you that what you see is all that is occurring, in reality
your mind filters out almost 80 percent of the information it takes in, such that you only perceive
that which your brain already has a reference point for! In other words, what your brain has a
reference point for, will be what it holds on to when information comes into your awareness that
supports what it has ALREADY referenced. This is why it is vital to allow the experience that is
now occurring and unfolding around you, through you and within you as the logical mind will
attempt to filter the experience out.

There is available to you in this NOW moment a new life and new way of living life.
Collectively the human species has been living in and operating from a context of survival.
Survival is a context sourced by the fear complex and the illusion of separation which includes:
lack, poverty, scarcity, brokenness and the inherent belief that ‘something is wrong’. Our actions
and behaviors are always and only a perfect match for how we perceive the world around us. Our
society is an indicator of the lens through which we view the occurrences we call life.
Interestingly enough, if you were to ask people if they truly desired a world where poverty,
hunger and disease ran rampant, most people would look at you strangely as they responded ‘of
course not’! Yet this is exactly what we have created for ourselves inside of this context of
survival that we all agree is valid and many of us argue is reality. Reality is we are creating a
future based on our past and living into a nightmare and calling it ‘the way it is’!

How do we wake up from this nightmare? How do we create and live into the future we really
desire? By shifting our focus to that which we truly long for: abundance. To be clear, we define
abundance as: health, wealth and peace of mind for ourselves and our lives*. (We assert that our
‘lives’ are comprised of people with whom we relate and connect with on a daily basis.)

What we call miracles are only miracles because our experience of them lies outside of an
already established reference point in our brain. Consider that there are myriads of Truth that
seem so foreign to you, that you dismiss them as fantasy simply because your brain has not
created a reference point for them. You have the power to create new reference points as you
take on shifting your context, or the lens through which you are viewing your life.
With our attention as well as our intention on abundance, we can create a new lens to view life
through; a context of thriving! Thriving invokes images of strong healthy growth, and strong
healthy growth occurs in environments where what is needed, when it is needed is freely
available. Inside of a context of thriving- abundance in inevitable.

Now I’m about to say something radical: the answer to world peace and world hunger is not
money and meetings (consider we’ve tried that and so far the problem is persisting), but rather a
shift in the context that we live our lives from; Surviving to Thriving.

There is no scarcity, lack or dis-ease in an environment in which people are thriving, and all that
stops us from this reality is rather we choose to perceive or experience life as it unfolds.

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