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2019 ELECTION CYCLE, Delbert Hosemana RETARY OF STATE Candidate’s Com REPORT OF RECHEPT'S AND DISBURSEMENTS i EC EIV a Ae hee MAY 1.0 2019 Campaign Financ Name of CommitieeF fends of Nic Lot S Address PO Box 320534 ciyizmF !owood MS 39232 tvimnune 601-933-0360 na NA treawrer Howie Morgan mat asares orice som SC Central Party Amatin REPUblican Cheek here if above is different from previous report ‘TYPE OF REPORT WV _May 10, 2019 Periodic Report (January 1, 2019 through April 30,2019) June 10, 2019 Periodic Report (May 1, 2019 through May 31, 2019) July 10, 2019 Periodic Report (June 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019) July 30, 2019 Primary Pre-Election Report (July 1,2019 through July 27, 2019) August 20, 2019 Primary Pre-Runoff Report (uly 28, 2019 through August 17,2019) Runoff Candidates Only october 10,2019 Periodic Report (July 1, 2019 through September 20, 2019) Mandatory __October 29,2019 Pre-Election Report (October 1, 2019 through October 26,2019)... : Mandatory ___ November 19, 2019 Pre-Runoff Report (October 27, 2019 through November 16,2019) Runoff Candidates Only Janvary 10, 2020 Periodic Report (October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019)... Mandatory ‘Termination Report (Committee will no longer accept contributions, make campaign Required to terminate ‘expenditures, has no outstanding campaign debt obligation and zero cash on reporting obligations hhand balance) TMPORTANT (All candidates for office, and their political committees if organized as such, shall file periodic reports in the year| in which they are to be elected. 2 Periodic Reports are mandatory, even if no expenditures were made during the period. In such ease, the committee shall submit a report indicating “0” (zero) for total amount of reported contributions and/or expenditures during this period, Pre-Blection Reports are mandatory if the candidate is opposed. (Until a committee files a Termination Report, annual reports must be filed in accor {§ 23-15-807 (b) (i) and (ti). 1, 2018, candidates and of snce with Miss, Code Ann. 4) Beginning on J: holders may ot “personally use” campaign contributions. Section 23-15-21, Miss, Code Ann., sets forth those “personal use” expenditures which are specifically prohibited from campaign contributions and thase disbursements whieh are not defined as “personal therefore permissible from campaign contributi 2018 ARE NOT subject to the “p se" and s. Campaign contributions aceepted and held prior to Jan. 1, restrictions of Section 23-15-821, Miss. Code Ann, Beginning on 505 012018 dan, 1,2 ributions accepted and accumulated therefrom ARE subject to the “personal use™ restrictions of § 821, Miss. Code Ann, Separate record keeping and reporting is required for ididates and officeholders for any campaign contributions held prior to Jan. 1, 2018, dishursements made therefrom and contributions earned thereon in the form of interest or dividends, © The receiving office must be in actual receipt of the required reports by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline. If the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday, the office must be in actual receipt of the required reports by 5:00 pam. on the first working day before the deadline. REPORTED CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ACCUMULATED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2018 JAN, 1, 2019 CASH ON HAND BALANCE, s Itemized (+) Non-Itemized (=) This Period Calendar Year-to-Date TOTAL AMT OF CONTRIBUTIONS! 8 8 8 TOTAL AMT OF DISBURSEMENTS $ 8 8 s CASH ON HAND BALANCE. 3 REPORTED CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ACCUMULATED AFTER JANUARY 1, 2018 JAN. 1, 2019 CASH ON H ND BALANCE, $0 Itemized (+) Non-Itemized (=) This Period Calendar Year-to-Date TOTAL AMT OF CONTRIBUTIONS $35,450.00 $5789.00 $41,239.00 $41,239.00 TOTAL AMT OF DISBURSEMENTS $18,483.46 $3138.12 $21,621.58 ‘$21,621.58 (CASH ON HAND BALANCE $19,617.42 Teentify ITT, this report and to preypest of my knowledge and belief itis true, accurate, and complete. Sigehtuyé of Director or Treaydrer / Date Penatticsygtfare to timely submit reqyred reports in accordance with the applicable statute(s) may result in the imposition of ‘ivil penalty in the amounfof $50 per day for tea (10) days and/or prosecution pursuant to Miss. Code Amn. §§ 23- 15-811 and 813 (1972). Political Committees supporting or opposing Statewide, State District or Legisative Candidates file this form ‘of State to 401 Mississippi Street, Jackson, MS; P. O. Box 136, Jackson, MS 39205; fax (601) 576-2545; or email spaignFinance( 18 oF opposing county and/or county dis ith the Secretary ict candidates file this form with the Cireuit Clerk's, " Comtibutions to presJan, 1, 2018 campaign finds are limited to interest and dividends earned upon presJan. 1, 2018 monies. Name of Candidate or Committee Friends of Nic Lott Reporting period 1/1/2019 __through 4/80/2018 ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ZX Source: Corporation C)PAC @ Individual C)Loan Dae “Rmnount oF each Cone ine speci oo,an Yan | git wa mere ttaley Barbour fi22119* (000 ig £49 Dos wed Drive ‘ Ti Baa Tate 7 Yaros City MS 34144 aa TEREST agar r Baler Donelson —''— a raves 1] G00 B Source: (orporation Cine @praiviauar” Choan * a “Amount of each Corr as sven tHe, B.Youn | wig ed a Trent Lott 4-8119|* soo Taag Rios 7 246 Penn Ave Wid —''— Tia Bae Fp Oot : Washinghn DE 20037 een Dalim Baga 78 Ae an Bags wll Centeaton Fed HO rine. as $ Soo | TeowesC)eereraion C)PaC @naiiavar C)uoan Date | Nout of ach Oortnerptaase speci (Mo, Dav. Yea") | wie pened _ Ward Baker 125114] * 1600 iain aan comme US Franldln Bike [askville TA 37220 . Tas oT ae wr Gales Conwp Strategies s Desai ee A ; lial consultant wm [> 1000_] Saou Cant ion Sent incisal’ Cram Das | Amount ofeach Qoobkher (please spect (Wo, Day, Year) | gue vebiod a wer Ben Allen DEBI 250 om 2510 Meadevbrde RA ——i—|s Sa PT Le se, MS 39211 1_i_|s eee ee re iced ii |s ‘Occupation (Required) —T tae 250 Rev 1.18

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