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Look at these lines from the talk you heard.

What is the purpose of the underline phrases

as you probably know, this is a greek myth,..

...machines which, as you can see, are very similar..

...the wright brothers, who as we said right back at the start,made...

how else does the speaker involve his audience ?

match the examples and reason for their use.

okay so moving on a bit

typical kid, not listening to his dad

look at these incredible sketches

the flight lasted seconds

by using humor

by signposting the talk

by including interesting facts

by using visual material

in pairs prepare a short talk about a famous person ,site, or landmark in your country.First,note
down any factual information.Then include some of the key phrases and techniques you have
looked at in this lesson.

give your talk to the group.

Decide who gave the best talk.What other aspects are important when addressing a group of
people ?Does anyone have to give talks in their workplace in your languaje or english ?
Elvis Presley fue un cantante, músico y actor estadounidense. El se convirtió en uno de los
íconos culturales más influyentes de una generación. Se le conoce comúnmente como "El
Rey del Rock 'n' Roll".Elvis Presley nació el 8 de enero de 1935 en Tupelo, Mississippi.
Cuando tenía 13 años se mudó con su familia a Memphis, Tennessee.

Elvis Presley fue una persona tímida y de joven no estaba interesado en actuar en público.
Sin embargo, recibió una guitarra como regalo y aprendió a tocar y cantar, no a través de
la formación musical, sino a través de escuchar y escuchar música.

Elvis comenzó a cambiar su apariencia y empezó a lucir un aspecto distintivo con patillas
y peinados. Esto más tarde se convertiría en una verdadera marca de Elvis.

En 1953, fue al estudio de grabación Sun, para grabar una canción para su madre, pero
también para esperar ser notado. Sin embargo, no llegó a nada, también fue rechazado
para una audición a otros grupos.

En abril de 1954, sorprendentemente él tomó un trabajo como conductor de camión. Sin

embargo, más adelante en el año, el jefe de la empresa de grabación Sun, Sam Phillips,
invitó a Elvis a ir a un estudio de grabación. Elvis comenzó su propio número y el señor
Phillips quedó inmediatamente impresionado por el entusiasmo y el dinamismo de la

Elvis grabó su número de blues de 1946, "That's All Right" de Arthur Crudup y fue bien
recibido en las estaciones de radio locales. Su catapulta al estrellato fue ayudada por la
rivalidad entre los presentadores de televisión, como Steve Allen y Ed Sullivan. Elvis
demostró ser una atracción estrella y la competencia entre presentadores hizo de Elvis
una celebridad nacional.

Esto llevó a Presley a una lucrativa carrera musical pop. La gran fama que rodeaba su
carrera quizás contribuyó a los problemas de salud, lo que en última instancia causaría su
muerte prematura a los 42 años.
Elvis Presley murio el 16 de agosto de 1977
Elvis Presley was an American singer, musician and actor. He became one of the most
influential cultural icons of a generation. He is commonly known as "The King of Rock 'n'
Roll." Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. When he was 13
years old he moved with his family to Memphis, Tennessee.

Elvis Presley was a shy person and as a young man he was not interested in acting in
public. However, he received a guitar as a gift and learned to play and sing, not through
music training, but through listening and listening to music.

Elvis began to change his appearance and began to look distinctive with sideburns and
hairstyles. This would later become a true Elvis brand.

In 1953, he went to the recording studio Sun, to record a song for his mother, but also to
wait to be noticed. However, it did not come to anything, it was also rejected for an
audition to other groups.

In April 1954, surprisingly he took a job as a truck driver. However, later in the year, the
head of the recording company Sun, Sam Phillips, invited Elvis to go to a recording studio.
Elvis started his own number and Mr. Phillips was immediately impressed by the
enthusiasm and dynamism of the music.

Elvis recorded his 1946 blues number, "That's All Right" by Arthur Crudup and was well
received on local radio stations. His catapult to stardom was aided by rivalry between
television presenters, such as Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan. Elvis proved to be a star
attraction and the competition among presenters made Elvis a national celebrity.

This led Presley to a lucrative pop music career. The great fame that surrounded his
career perhaps contributed to health problems, which would ultimately cause his
untimely death at age 42.
Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977

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