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Name : Yunita Nur Fajarwati

NIM : P1337420516069

Class : Gatotkaca 2

The Liar Fly

One day, the wind was no longer blowing. The wind was resting and sleeping

longer at the top of the hill, behind a large rock. Meanwhile, the animals began to

miss the wind. Then they sent spiders to search for the wind and asked him to return

blowing. Spider went up the hill to wake the wind up. Not long after that, spider

found the wind and woke him up. Wind awakened but he did not like to be disturbed

by the spider. The wind expelled spider and continued sleeping. The spider kept on

trying to wake the wind. After trying hard, the wind finally woke up. After that the

spider went back to meet his friends.

Because the spider was so slow. Other animals thought that he had failed and

they sent the fly to awaken the wind. On his way home, spiders met fly “what are you

doing here?” asked the spider. “They asked me to wake the wind” replied fly. “It

doesn’t need. I have done to wake him up” said the spider. Hearing the good news,

the fly were back to the valley. He lied to them that it was he who had awakened the

wind so he blew back. Fly got compliments from his friends.

Then the spider arrived. He saw his friends were celebrating the success of the fly.

Other animals also expelled spider. They thought that the spider had failed and the fly

was successful to wake the wind. Then the spider lived alone and had feud to fly.

Spider deliberately set a trap to kill and eat the fly for revenge.

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