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MCT/MST Observation Feedback #1

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Sabha School: Narjes – Grade 3
MCT/MST Name: Kesha Oliver/ Date: Week of March 7th
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Comments: See comments below
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Managing Learning F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Implementing Learning F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Assessment F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Comments: TBD
Overview of the Lesson: Sabha began the lesson with the students at their seats and stated
“Before you learned how to do the multiplication equations using array. We have this example
2x3=? Who can help me solve this using the array. What do I need first?” Students responded by
saying that she needs two groups and then put 3 circles in each group. Students then counted
the total number of circles and solved the equation.

She then wrote the following 3 factor multiplication problem on the board, (3x4)x2=? Next she
pointed the first number and asked how many groups she needed and students responded
appropriately. Students were then asked to identify the second number and tell her how many
circles should be in each group. Students responded correctly and Sabha proceeded to draw the
corresponding number of circles. Next, students were asked to talk with their friends to
determine the total number of circles using the numbers in the brackets. Students responded
correctly and then she added the remaining array to solve the problem.
Question to consider: (1) What is the benefit of stating the learning objective? (2) In addition,
what strategies can be implemented to ensure that students understand how to multiple 3
factors using arrays? Consider teaching them using the GRM, specifically focusing on the guided
practice portion of your lesson cycle
Sabha then explained the learning centers:

 Group 1: Students will match the multiplication equation to the correct array puzzle piece
 Group 2: Students will work in pairs to the solve the 3 factor multiplication problem using
 Group 3: Students will solve the 3 factor multiplication problem using arrays
 Group 4: Students will read the word problem to solve the 3 factor multiplication
problem using arrays.
Question to consider: (1) What is the benefit of modelling the group activity for the students instead
of telling them?

As students worked in their groups, Sabha circulated around assisting students when necessary.
Students were able to answer questions posed to them.
End of the center time was signalled with the alarm and students were asked what they learned
from the lesson. Student groups shared what they did during the learning centers and then
students were asked to place their name card on the corresponding level of their Student
Intention Learning Wall. Students were then asked to solve one, 3 factor multiplication problem
using arrays.
Question to consider: (1) What strategies can be implemented to ensure that all students are actively

Action Plan:
Implementing and Managing Learning

 Ensure that you state the learning outcome at the beginning of the lesson so that
students know what they will be learning
 Utilize the Gradual Release Model (Teacher Model, Guided, Independent/active
engagement and then off to centers for revision) when teaching to ensure that all
students understand the process of multiplying 3 factors
 Model learning centers instead of telling the students to ensure students understanding
 Teach at least 1 lesson per day using MST’s lesson plan so that you can gain practice and

 Ensure that you utilize formative assessment strategies during the active engagement
portion of your lesson cycle (What will the students do right to prove to you that they
understand the concept right now before they go to their centers?)

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