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#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol.


When Do Older Adults Become “Disabled”?

Social and Health Antecedents
of Perceived Disability in a Panel Study
of the Oldest Old*
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland State University

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2006, Vol 47 (June): 126–141

Disability carries negative social meaning, and little is known about when (or
if), in the process of health decline, persons identify themselves as “disabled.”
We examine the social and health criteria that older adults use to subjectively
rate their own disability status. Using a panel study of older adults (ages 72+),
we estimate ordered probit and growth curve models of perceived disability over
time. Total prevalent morbidity, functional limitations, and cognitive impair-
ment are predictors of perceived disability. Cessation of driving and receipt of
home health care also influence older adults’ perceptions of their own disabili-
ty. A dense social network slowed the rate of labeling oneself disabled, while
health anxiety accelerated the process over time, independent of health status.
When considering perceived disability, the oldest old use multidimensional cri-
teria capturing function, recent changes in health status and social networks,
and anxiety about their health.

Health has long been identified as a marker expectations and obligations. Likewise, those
of social status (Twaddle 1974). Persons who who are seemingly ill or less healthy are often
are viewed as vigorous and well are considered attributed a lower expectation in overall capac-
to have a higher capacity for fulfilling social ity and are thus assumed to have a diminished
ability to participate fully in the social world
* This research was supported by an NIH/NIA Merit (Parsons 1958). These social definitions of
Award to the third author. The authors wish to thank health are strongly reinforced in the media, lit-
Loretta Ayd-Simpson for helpful comments on an erature, and social institutions. Even in
earlier draft of the manuscript, Loren Lovegreen for research, models of successful aging (e.g.,
information on the sample, and Christiana Metzger Rowe and Kahn 1998) have often been predi-
for literature assistance. We also appreciate the cated upon sustaining high physical and cogni-
ongoing efforts of Cathie King, Jane Brown, Sara tive function, preventing disease, and main-
Lynes, Amy Wisniewski, and the rest of the project
taining social roles.
team for collecting and maintaining the data.
Address correspondence to: Jessica A. Kelley- Juxtaposed against these ideals of health and
Moore, Sociology and Anthropology, University of vitality, disability is often considered a perma-
Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, nent state of illness (Susman 1994). Persons
Baltimore, MD 21250 ( with physical or mental limitations that may

#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


require assistance, adaptive equipment, or sim- criteria older adults use to subjectively evalu-
ply more time to accomplish tasks are often ate their health and how this process may be
viewed as disabled and thus less capable over- similar when individuals assess their disability
all (Oliver 1996). Limitations that are easily status. Next, we examine the social construc-
detectable, such as a limp, use of a wheelchair, tion of disability and the personal and social
or vision impairment, may be stigmatizing for influences on the perception of disability
the individual because these are outward signs among older adults.
of supposed ill health (Goffman 1963).
Popular definitions of independence, charac-
terized as the ability to live, act, and travel THEORY AND EVIDENCE
without assistance, further fuel expectations of
dependency for persons with disabilities. Such Subjective Assessments of Health
stereotypes and socially defined labels may
diminish self-perceptions of one’s own capaci- Scores of studies have examined individu-
ty to fulfill social roles (Iezzoni et al. 2000; als’ subjective assessments of health, both as a
Zola 1993, 1983). predictor and as an outcome of physical health
According to Healthy People 2010 (U.S. status, including disability (Fried et al. 2000;
Department of Health and Human Services Hoeymans et al. 1997) and mortality (Ferraro
2000), nearly 54 million Americans are dis- and Kelley-Moore 2001; Idler and Benyamini
abled, with “disabled” defined as having diffi- 1997). Many of these studies have demonstrat-
culty with communication, self-care, mobility, ed a general relationship in which those with
learning, or behavior. In industrialized nations, more health challenges, such as onset of
older adults compose the largest portion of this chronic conditions, medication use, and pain,
group: Approximately 63 percent of disabled tend to rate their health as fair or poor
persons in the United States are over the age of (Benyamini, Leventhal, and Leventhal 2003;
65 (US DHHS 2000). Importantly, a high pro- Idler 1993; Kaplan and Baron-Epel 2003;
portion of older adults who are classified as Reyes-Gibby, Aday, and Cleeland 2002; Smith,
disabled (defined as limitations in one or more Shelley, and Dennerstein 1994). However,
“activities of daily living,” hereafter ADLs) do many persons in apparent poor health, as mea-
not consider themselves disabled (Langlois et sured by external indicators, do not evaluate
al. 1996). One possible explanation for this their own health as such. Notably, subjective
discrepancy is that older adults who develop health assessments often remain buoyed
physically limiting conditions later in life may among the oldest old, independent of disease
attribute the process to normative aging prevalence and poor functional status (Ferraro
(Williamson and Fried 1996). Thus, many who 1980). Supposed discrepancies between exist-
have been physically able for most of their ing health status and subjective ratings of
lives may be slow to take on a label of “dis- health demonstrate that many persons, particu-
abled,” despite serious functional decrement. larly older adults, consider the definition of
Subjective assessments of disability among health to be multidimensional, not dependent
older adults, viewed in light of health decline, solely on the presence or absence of disease.
have received limited attention in the social Three key findings in the research on sub-
science literature. Little is known about what jective health ratings among older adults are
influences some older adults to consider them- directly related to our examination of per-
selves disabled or about the timing and rate of ceived disability. First, the appraisal of one’s
acquiring such a disability label. Using a panel own health would seem to be individualistic,
study of community-dwelling adults ages 72 yet it is actually a very social process. For
and older at baseline, this research examines example, some older adults consider the exter-
the social and health antecedents of perceiving nal evaluations of their health status from
oneself as disabled. While other studies have physicians, friends, or family in self-assess-
considered the static predictors of subjective ments of their own health (Borawski et al.
disability, we estimate a dynamic model with 1996). Others recast the meaning of health
latent growth curves to determine how changes away from specific symptoms or diseases,
in social networks, functional status, and over- choosing to define good health as “going and
all health affect the rate of labeling oneself as doing something meaningful” (Bryant,
disabled over time. We begin by exploring the Corbett, and Kutner 2001:932), which is linked
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


to having viable social roles, being able to depression about the current state of physical
meet associated expectations, and having the health rather than long-term personality traits
resources to accomplish them. Having high (Schneider et al. 2004). Negative health events
levels of emotional support and a companion such as a hospitalization, new diagnosis, or
to call upon when in need also tend to elevate noticeable decline in functioning may spur
subjective evaluations of health (Ross and concern in an older adult about his or her well-
Mirowsky 2002). There are significant gender being. Indeed, empirical research has shown
differences here, however. Women are more that health anxiety is associated with greater
likely than men to consider relationships and levels of disability and lower subjective well-
social roles in their self-assessments of health being in later life (de Beurs et al. 1999).
(Denton and Walters 1999; Rennemark and Research on subjective health assessments
Hagburg 1999). helps place self-perceived disability in a multi-
Responses to subjective health questions dimensional framework in which we expect
also tend to include a reference group. When that older adults rely not only on objective
assessing general health status, older adults health indicators but also on perceptions of
tend to compare themselves with same-age social networks and roles, recent health histo-
peers, which by definition includes a subjec- ry, and psychosocial orientations toward cur-
tive ranking relative to others (Leinonen, rent health. There is, however, another layer of
Heikkinen, and Jylhä 2001). Perceived disabil- complexity for subjective assessments of one’s
ity is also a subjective assessment of one’s disability status. Disability has very specific
health and functional status. Like self-ratings (and primarily negative) social definitions rel-
of health, perceived disability may have a ative to more general definitions of health. We
strong social component, integrating compar- are aware of no research that has examined the
isons with peers, external appraisals of one’s impact of social and health indicators on older
health, and the ability to fulfill social roles and adults’ willingness to take on the label of “dis-
expectations. abled,” particularly in light of significant
Second, recent health decline may affect health decline.
subjective assessments of disability.
Deteriorating function can be associated with
reduced mobility, greater dependency, and Labeling Oneself as Disabled
even shrinking social networks. Thus, changes
in the ability to “go and do” may become Disability is defined by the World Health
salient criteria in perceiving disability Organization as “any restriction or lack of abil-
(Leinonen et al. 2001). While there are count- ity to perform an activity .|.|. that results from
less medical and service-based criteria to an impairment” (Wood 1980). This definition
determine whether a person is disabled, it is clearly demarcates the difference between an
unknown when in the process of health decline impairment, which is a physical or mental lim-
persons begin to define themselves as “dis- itation, and disability, which is the potential
abled.” One possibility is that older adults may social exclusion that results from being unable
be able to buffer the deleterious effects of pro- to fully participate in society. Importantly, dis-
gressively limiting function by compensating ability is not synonymous with illness or even
with resources such as strong support networks poor health. However, social attributions of
and adaptive equipment use (Kahana, Kahana, these characteristics to persons with detectable
and Kercher 2003). It may be that seniors con- physical or mental impairments can result in
sider themselves disabled only when these lowered expectations of goal accomplishment,
buffers fail to help maintain previous levels of avoidance, and even discrimination (Susman
function and social engagement. 1994).
Finally, subjective evaluations of health and Older adults, as a population group, are at
disability are greatly influenced by psychoso- high risk of physical impairment. Twenty per-
cial orientations toward health. Persons who cent of all adults ages 65 or older in the United
are pessimistic, anxious, or depressed tend to States have chronic disabling conditions, and
report poorer health independent of actual about one-third have serious mobility limita-
health status (Hong, Zarit, and Malmberg tions (Freedman, Martin, and Schoeni 2002).
2004; Schneider et al. 2004). Lower ratings of Among adults in this same age group who do
subjective health could also reflect anxiety or not perceive themselves as disabled, 21 percent
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


are unable to perform at least one “activity of tribute meaningfully, and it can lead to direct
daily living” (ADL), and another 40 percent discrimination in services and care
have difficulty performing at least one ADL (Breitenbach 2001).
(Langlois et al. 1996). This discrepancy In general, very little is known about why
between the functional status of older adults some older adults perceive themselves as dis-
and their subjective assessments of disability abled and others do not, even when their health
status has received little attention in the litera- status is comparable. Likewise, there is little
ture. research describing when and if perceptions of
Onset of disability in late life tends to devel- disability appear in the process of health
op more slowly and is often the product of decline. Thus, this research addresses three
chronic illness or comorbidities (Ferrucci et al. questions. First, what social, health, and indi-
1996; Verbrugge and Jette 1994). Even cata- vidual characteristics are associated with self-
strophic disabilities in older adulthood tend to perceived disability in an older adult popula-
be health-related, such as those resulting from tion? Second, how do changes in health status
stroke or accidental falling. Persons who expe- and social networks over four years affect per-
rience impairments later in life may be less ceived disability? Third, what health and social
likely to develop a “disability-rooted” identity influences slow or accelerate the rate of acquir-
(Turnbull and Turnbull 1999; Zink 1992). This ing the disability label over time?
is because they have already experienced many
life domains such as employment and parent-
hood as able-bodied persons and therefore may METHOD
be less likely to orient their sense of self
around the ability (or inability) to fulfill these Sample
social roles (Breitenbach 2001; Zink 1992).
Subjective assessments of disability are also Data for this research are from an ongoing
influenced by perceived independence. panel study of 1,000 residents from three
Persons who have made recent disadvanta- retirement communities on the west coast of
geous shifts in what they perceive to be the Florida. These are age-segregated, older adult
ability to live and act independently often con- communities where residents live indepen-
sider themselves disabled (Gignac and Cott dently and provide for their own care com-
1998). Research has also indicated that mobil- pletely. Like other community-dwelling older
ity level is a strong indicator of self-perceived adults, those who need intensive health care
disability. In fact, compared with all other must make alternate arrangements such as
types of physical limitations, wheelchair users home care or institutionalization. For this sam-
are the most likely to consider themselves dis- ple, eligible residents met three criteria: (1)
abled (Iezzoni et al. 2000). This may be relat- they were age 72 or older, (2) they were cur-
ed to the fact that the wheelchair is the univer- rently living in Florida at least 9 months of the
sal sign for disability and is stereotypically year, and (3) they were healthy enough to com-
associated with dependency (Iezzoni 2003; plete a 90-minute face-to-face interview.
Oliver 1996). Baseline data collection occurred in 1988,
Likewise, person-to-person interactions and respondents have been interviewed annu-
often reinforce the perceived negative differ- ally since then. After baseline, the study con-
ence of physical or mental impairment. For tinued to follow respondents who moved out of
example, when interacting with disabled per- the communities to any destination, including
sons, “normals” often engage in shorter con- nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
versations, make less direct eye contact, and Proxy interviews were obtained for those who
leave a wider berth in body space (Goffman were unable to continue participating in the
1963; Susman 1994). However, old age itself is study. This sample is drawn from a small geo-
a devalued status in Western society and like- graphic region, and nearly all of the respon-
wise carries social assumptions about the abil- dents are white, which limits the generalizabil-
ity to be productive in society (Palmore 2001). ity of our findings. However, it is one of the
Persons who are both older and functionally longest ongoing panel studies of the oldest old
limited may have a doubly diminished social and has annual interviews, allowing us to
status. This “multiple jeopardy” is character- observe the dynamics of health and aging in
ized by stereotypes about the inability to con- this population group.
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


This study utilizes data from the first eight asked at the fourth interview, and it has been
interview waves (wave 1 to wave 8). Death is asked in every subsequent interview; it is mea-
the greatest source of attrition. Mortality was sured identically through the eighth interview
determined and confirmed for nonrespondents (wave 8). The first stage of analysis uses just
each year of data collection through the the wave 4 perceived disability measure. The
National Death Index, kin, or a contact person second stage of analysis (latent growth mod-
predetermined by the respondent. The first els) estimates the trajectory of perceived dis-
measurement of perceived disability, the ability over time, incorporating the repeated
dependent variable, occurred at wave 4. measures from wave 4 to wave 8.
Respondents had to survive until at least wave Morbidity is measured in two ways. First, a
4 to be included in the sample for analysis. total count of prevalent morbidities at baseline
Thus, the effective N is 662 older adults.
was calculated by summing the individual dis-
ease binary variables, with a potential range
Measurement from 0 to 15. The health conditions include:
arthritis, asthma, emphysema, heart trouble,
All of the variables in the analyses are listed cancer, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, hyperten-
in Table 1 with their coding, mean, and stan- sion, diabetes, kidney disease, glaucoma,
dard deviation.1 The dependent variable for cataracts, osteoporosis, stomach or intestinal
these analyses is perceived disability. disorders, liver disease, and urinary tract disor-
Beginning at the wave 4 interview, respondents ders.2 Second, incident morbidity is measured
were asked, “Do you consider yourself dis- as the total number of health conditions that
abled?” Response categories range from not at developed between baseline and wave 4. Its
all (1) to very much (5). This question was first potential range is 0 to 15, although the highest

TABLE 1. Variables, Coding, and Descriptive Statistics

Variables Coding Mean (standard deviation)
Perceived disability, W4 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.56—(1.04)
Perceived disability, W5 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.58—(1.05)
Perceived disability, W6 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.27—0(.77)
Perceived disability, W7 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.40—0(.87)
Perceived disability, W8 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.61—(1.03)
Total prevalent morbidity Sum from 0 to 8 2.20—(1.50)
Total incident morbidity by W4 Ranges from 0 to 6 0.86—0(.92)
Cognitive impairment Ranges from 0 (none) to 10 (all) 0.19— (.59)
incorrect answers 0
Functional limitations Ranges from 0 (none) to 33 (high) 1.25—(3.72)
Change in functional limitations Difference score: W4 minus W1 1.71—(4.37)
Receives home health care 1 = Yes; 0 = No 0.09—(N/A)
Stopped driving in past two years W3 1 = Yes; 0 = No 0.06—(N/A)
Health anxiety W4 1 = Not at all; 5 = Very much 1.62—0(.97)
Depression Ranges from 0 (low) to 30 (high) 7.09—(5.10)
Self-rated health compared to others 1 = Much worse; 5 = Much better 4.04—0(.83)
Number of living children Ranges from 0 to 12 1.75—(1.51)
Widowed 1 = Yes; 0 = No 0.46—(N/A)
Satisfied with social life W3 1 = Very dissatisfied; 3.91 –0(.82)
5 = Very satisfied
Change in satisfaction with social life in Difference score: W4 minus W3 –.18 –0(.97)
—previous year
Frequency has a companion to call upon W2 1 = Never; 5 = All the time 4.07—(1.04)
Change in frequency has a companion to call Difference Score: W3 minus W2 –.20—(1.16)
—upon in previous year
Age Ranges from 71 to 98 79.34—(4.81)
Female 1 = Female; 0 = Male 0.66—(N/A)
Education 1 < 12 years; 6 = Graduate degree 2.88—(1.30)
Income 1 = < $2,500; 8.25—(2.90)
14 = $50,000 or more
Notes: Effective N = 662. Standard deviations are not reported for binary variables. All variables are measured at base-
line unless otherwise noted. Some variables were not measured at baseline. In those cases, the earliest wave of mea-
surement is used. W1, W2, W3, etc. = wave 1, wave 2, wave 3, etc.
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


number of new health conditions in this sam- tions of social integration include two indica-
ple was six. tors. First, subjects reported how often they
Functional limitations at baseline are mea- feel that they have a companion to call upon at
sured with a summary score of self-reported wave 2. Responses range from never (1) to all
difficulty with ADL (Katz et al. 1963) and of the time (5). The second subjective measure
instrumental activities of daily living (hereafter of social integration is satisfaction with social
IADL; Lawton and Brody 1969). For the for- life. At wave 1, respondents were asked,
mer, respondents were asked about their level “Overall, how satisfied are you with your
of difficulty performing five tasks: (1) wash- social life?” Categories range from very dis-
ing and bathing, (2) dressing and putting on satisfied (1) to very satisfied (5). Change in
shoes, (3) getting to or using the toilet, (4) get- both of these subjective social integration mea-
ting in or out of bed unassisted, and (5) eating sures occurred over a period of one year (wave
without assistance. IADL limitations included 2 to wave 3 for companion to call upon; wave
difficulty performing six items: (1) getting 1 to wave 2 for satisfaction with social life).
from room to room, (2) going outdoors, (3) Health anxiety is an indicator of personal
walking up or down stairs, (4) doing house- orientation toward health appraisals.
work, (5) preparing meals, and (6) shopping Beginning at wave 4, respondents were asked,
for groceries. For all domains, response cate- “To what extent do your health problems make
gories range from never having difficulty (0) to you feel anxious or depressed?” The response
having difficulty all of the time (3). These categories range from not at all (1) to very
eleven items were summed together, creating a much (5). These analyses use the wave 4 mea-
single continuous measure ranging from no sure of health anxiety. Baseline depressive
functional limitations (0) to having difficulty symptoms were measured with the Center for
in all eleven domains all of the time (33). Epidemiological Studies depression scale
Cognitive impairment at wave 1 was short form (Radloff 1977). Respondents were
assessed using Pfeiffer’s (1975) mental status asked a series of questions about their feelings
questionnaire consisting of a series of ten in the past month, such as whether they were
questions, such as the current date and the cur- happy or had the blues. Answer choices were
rent president of the United States. Incorrect coded 1 for yes and 0 for no. Three items were
answers were summed, creating a single mea- reverse-coded. All items were then summed to
sure ranging from 0 wrong answers to 10 create a single score ranging from 0 to 11.
wrong answers. Mildly impaired cognitive sta- Higher scores indicate more depressive symp-
tus was not a sufficient exclusionary criterion toms.
at the baseline interview. While most of the A series of control variables was also
sample answered all of the questions correctly, included in these analyses. We identified two
9 percent of the baseline sample had one error key indicators of general health decline: those
on Pfeiffer’s scale, and just over 3 percent had who had stopped driving in the past two years
two or more errors. and those currently receiving home health
An indicator of self-rated health was includ- care. For each binary variable, those with the
ed in these analyses as a predictor of perceived attribute were coded as 1 and all others were
disability. At baseline, respondents were asked, coded as 0. Baseline age is measured in years
“Compared to other people your age, would and ranges from 72 to 98. Females are identi-
you say that your health is much better, better, fied in a binary variable where 1 equals the
about the same, worse, or much worse over the name of the variable and 0 equals all others.
past year?” Categories are coded from much Education level is a categorical variable that
better (5) to much worse (1).3 ranges from less than 12 years (coded 1) to a
The social integration of respondents was graduate degree (coded 6). Income has 14 cat-
measured with both objective and subjective egories. The lowest income category is less
indicators. For the first objective measure, than $2,500 (coded 1), and the highest is
respondents reported their total number of liv- greater than $50,000 (coded 14).
ing children at wave 1, which ranges from 0 to
12. Second, those respondents who had been
widowed at wave 1 were identified in a binary Analysis
variable where 1 equals the name of the vari-
able and 0 equals all others. Subjective evalua- To address our research questions, we esti-
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


mate two types of models. The first set of mod- from wave 4 to wave 8. This model is ideal for
els uses an ordered probit to estimate the levels multiwave data because it measures the rate of
of perceived disability at wave 4 with indepen- labeling oneself as disabled over time and
dent predictors in four stepwise models. In the whether the independent predictors accelerate
first model, we include measures of demo- or slow the process of labeling.5
graphic variables such as age, gender, educa-
tion, and income, and health indicators of
prevalent morbidity, physical function and RESULTS
cognitive impairment. Then, in model 2, four
social network indicators are entered: (1) num- The first stage of the analysis is presented in
ber of living children, (2) widowhood, (3) sat- Table 2. Levels of perceived disability at wave
isfaction with social life, and (4) frequency of 4 are estimated in three stepwise models with
having a companion to call upon. Health anxi- static covariates. In model 1, total prevalent
ety and depression are entered in model 3. morbidity at wave 1 is a significant and posi-
Model 4 includes all of the static covariates tive predictor of perceived disability, meaning
and adds changes in four key covariates over that each additional health problem is associat-
the observation period: (1) change in physical ed with a higher likelihood of considering one-
function in past three years, (2) incident mor- self disabled independent of actual physical or
bidity in past three years, (3) change in satis- mental functional status. Greater ADL and
faction with social life in previous year, and (4) IADL limitations at baseline lead to percep-
change in frequency of having a companion to tions of greater disability, as do receiving
call upon in previous year. home health care and having stopped driving
There is significant attrition in this sample in the past two years. None of the effects of
of older adults. Each model is adjusted for demographic variables is significant.
selection bias resulting from nonrandom attri- In model 2, indicators of social networks
tion by using a hazard rate instrument based on and self-rated health compared with others are
the inverse Mills ratio expressing the likeli- added. Those with more living children and
hood of not remaining in the study for all eight those who have a stronger and more positive
waves (Heckman 1979). A probit equation esti- social network are significantly less likely to
mates the likelihood of completing all eight classify themselves as disabled, independent of
waves of the study.4 Based on that likelihood, actual functional status and existing health
an inverse Mills ratio is calculated for each conditions. Widowhood at baseline and fre-
case so that high values indicate a strong like- quency with which the respondent can call
lihood of not completing the study. This vari- upon a companion are not significant predic-
able is entered into the substantive model as a tors. Persons who rate their health lower rela-
covariate (Berk 1983). tive to others the same age are significantly
The second type of model we estimate is more likely to consider themselves disabled.
latent growth curve of perceived disability Total prevalent morbidity, functional limita-
from wave 4 to wave 8. These estimate the tions, and having stopped driving in the past
impact of social and health variables on the two years continue to be predictors of greater
rate of change in perceived disability over a levels of perceived disability.
four-year period. Structural equation models In model 3, we added two psychological
are used to estimate the initial level and trajec- indicators: health anxiety and depression.
tory of perceived disability from wave 4 to Persons with greater anxiety about their health
wave 8 (Bollen and Curran 2001; Meredith and are more likely to consider themselves dis-
Tisak 1990; Willett and Sayer 1994). These abled independent of actual health status.
dependent variables are then regressed on the Depression at baseline does not lead to per-
static and changing covariates noted above to ceived disability at wave 4. Functional limita-
determine the significant predictors of rate of tions and total prevalent morbidity continue to
change in perceived disability over time. Level be positive predictors of greater perceived dis-
is a latent construct of the initial level of per- ability, as does stopped driving. Two indicators
ceived disability. Trajectory is a latent con- of social networks continue to strongly predict
struct of the average rate of change in per- lower levels of perceived disability: number of
ceived disability over time. It has five indica- living children and satisfaction with social life.
tors of perceived disability, one at each wave Lower self-rated health compared with others
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


TABLE 2. Ordered Probit Regression Estimates of Perceived Disability: Static and Changing
Static Covariates Covariates

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Total prevalent morbidity wave 1 0.17 (.04)*** 0.150 (.04)*** 0.130 (.04)*** 0.130 (.05)***
Total incident morbidity wave 1 to wave 4 — — — 0.150 (.07)***
Cognitive impairment 0.03 (.09)*** 0.040 (.10)*** 0.020 (.15)*** 0.090 (.18)***
Functional limitations 0.08 (.02)*** 0.070 (.02)*** 0.009 (.02)*** 0.180 (.03)***
Change in functional limitations wave 1 to — — — 0.230 (.02)***
—wave 4
Receives home health care 0.46 (.18)*** 0.340 (.20)*** 0.250 (.23)*** –.090 (.27)***
Stopped driving in past two years 0.67 (.16)*** 0.690 (.17)*** 0.490 (.20)*** 0.320 (.23)***
Health anxiety — — 0.590 (.07)*** 0.430 (.08)***
Depression — — –.004 (.01)*** –.001 (.16)***
Self-rated health compared to others — –.360 (.08)*** –.160 (.09)*** –.180 (.10)***
Number of living children — –.090 (.04)*** –.080 (.04)*** –.070 (.05)***
Widowed — 0.100 (.14)*** 0.040 (.16)*** 0.070 (.18)***
Satisfied with social life — –.280 (.07)*** –.180 (.08)*** –.210 (.11)***
Change in satisfaction with social life in — — — –.160 (.10)***
—previous year
Frequency has a companion to call upon — –.190 (.06)*** –.190 (.07)*** –.130 (.11)***
Change in frequency has a companion to call — — — 0.080 (.08)***
—upon in previous year
Age 0.01 (.01)*** 0.010 (.01)*** 0.010 (.02)*** –.010 (.02)***
Female 0.01 (.12)*** 0.080 (.13)*** 0.130 (.15)*** 0.340 (.17)***
Education 0.02 (.04)*** –.001 (.05)*** 0.010 (.05)*** –.010 (.06)***
Income –.03 (.02)*** –.020 (.02)*** –.010 (.02)*** 0.002 (.03)***
Survival ␭ 0.24 (.32)*** –.100 (.37)*** –.310 (.43)*** –.310 (.47)***
Log likelihood –516.44 –470.53 –348.21 –272.69
* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
Slope estimate (standard error).
Notes: Effective N = 662. All model estimates are adjusted for nonrandom attrition.

of the same age continues to predict greater more likely to consider themselves disabled
levels of perceived disability. than men, independent of health status and
Model 4 includes changes in health and social networks.
social networks between waves 1 and 3. Table 3 presents the results of latent growth
Persons who experience sharper increases in curve models of perceived disability over time
functional dependencies over four years are predicted by static covariates (model 1) and
much more likely to perceive themselves as changing covariates (model 2). Overall model
disabled. Baseline functional limitations con- fit of both models is excellent. For model 1,
tinue to be a strong predictor of greater per- chi-square is 164.50 with 65 degrees of free-
ceived disability as well. Total incident mor- dom. The goodness-of-fit index is .98, and the
bidity is positive and significant, indicating adjusted goodness-of-fit index is .93, which is
that those who developed more health prob- near the perfect 1.00. The incremental fit index
lems between waves 1 and 4 were more likely is .95. Finally, the root mean square error of
to consider themselves disabled. Total preva- approximation is .04, which approaches 0.
lent morbidity at baseline continues to be sig- There are two outcomes in model 1: the ini-
nificant as well. tial level of perceived disability and the trajec-
Changes in social networks also contribute tory of perceived disability over four years.
to perceptions of one’s own disability. Persons The predictors of the initial level of perceived
who have fewer companions to call upon than disability will be discussed first. Consistent
they did in the previous year are much more with the static models in Table 2, those with
likely to consider themselves disabled. Among greater anxiety about their health and those
the static covariates, persons with greater with lower self-rated health relative to others
health anxiety and those with less satisfaction their age have a higher average level of per-
with social life are more likely to consider ceived disability. Currently receiving home
themselves disabled. In model 4, women were health care and having stopped driving in the
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


TABLE 3. Maximum-Likelihood Estimates of Level and Trajectory of Perceived Disability Over Five
Years: Dynamic Models
Static Covariates Changing Covariates
Model 1 Model 2

Level of Trajectory of Level of Trajectory of

Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived
Disability Disability Disability Disability
Total prevalent morbidity wave 1 0.060 (.02)***0 0.080 (.02)***0 0.060 (.03)***00.070 (.02)***0
Total incident morbidity wave 1 to wave 4 — — 0.010 (.01)***00.010 (.01)***0
Cognitive impairment 0.160 (.06)***0 0.120 (.04)***0 0.150 (.06)***00.110 (.04)***0
Functional limitations 0.100 (.03)***0 0.080 (.02)***0 0.090 (.02)***00.070 (.03)***0
Change in functional limitations wave 1 to wave 4 — — 0.060 (.01)***00.050 (.01)***0
Receives home health care 0.280 (.13)***0 0.210 (.09)***0 0.320 (.13)***00.250 (.09)***0
Stopped driving in past two years 0.590 (.14)***0 0.410 (.09)***0 0.470 (.13)***00.310 (.09)***0
Health anxiety 0.200 (.04)***0 0.140 (.03)***0 0.180 (.04)***00.120 (.03)***0
Depression 0.010 (.01)***0 0.020 (.01)***0 0.010 (.01)***00.010 (.01)***0
Self-rated health compared to others –.650 (.16)***0 –.430 (.11)***0 –.600 (.15)***0–.380 (.10)***0
No. of living children –.010 (.04)***0 0.020 (.03)***0 –.060 (.04)***00.030 (.03)***0
Widowed 0.010 (.03)***0 0.003 (.02)***0 0.010 (.03)***00.001 (.02)***0
Satisfied with social life –.120 (.08)***0 –.090 (.05)***0 –.170 (.08)***0–.140 (.05)***0
Change in satisfaction with social life in
—previous year — — –.020 (.01)***0–.030 (.01)***0
Frequency of having a companion to call upon –.130 (.05)***0–.060 (.03)***00 –.100 (.05)***0–.030 (.03)***0
Change in frequency of having a companion to
—call upon in previous year — — 0.050 (.04)***00.030 (.03)***0
Age 0.001 (.002)*** 0.001 (.002)*** 0.001 (.002)***0.001 (.001)***
Female 0.190 (.08)***0 0.140 (.06)***0 0.160 (.08)***00.120 (.05)***0
Education 0.001 (.03)***0 0.030 (.02)***0 –.010 (.03)***00.020 (.02)***0
Income 0.010 (.01)***0 –.030 (.01)***0 0.010 (.01)***0–.030 (.01)***0
Survival ␭ 0.170 (.20)***0 0.050 (.14)***0 0.110 (.20)***00.010 (.13)***0
␹2 (df) 164.50 (65) 170.41 (80)
GFI .98 .98
AGFI .93 .92
IFI .95 .96
RMSEA .04 .04
* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
Notes: Effective N = 382. GFI = goodness-of-fit index. AGFI = adjusted goodness-of-fit index. IFI = incremental fit
index. RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation.

previous two years also predict higher levels of Finally, those with higher incomes tend to label
perceived disability. Among the indicators of themselves as disabled more slowly over time
mental and physical health, greater total preva- than those with lower incomes.
lent morbidity and cognitive impairment lead Model 2 estimates the impact of health
to more perceived disability. There is a signifi- decline and changes in social networks on the
cant gender difference in this model: Women initial level and trajectory of perceived disabil-
are more likely to perceive themselves as dis- ity over time. Again, model estimates indicate
abled. Finally, persons who frequently have a a good fit with the data. Chi-square is 170.4
companion to call upon are less likely to con- with 80 degrees of freedom. The goodness-of-
sider themselves disabled. fit index (GFI) is .98, and the adjusted GFI is
The second outcome in model 1 is the tra- .92. The incremental fit index is .96, and the
jectory of perceived disability over four years root mean square error of approximation is .04,
(waves 4 through 8). Many of the indicators of which is below the .05 threshold (Kelloway
initial level of perceived disability—greater 1998).
number of existing health conditions, greater The adjusted level of perceived disability is
cognitive impairment, greater health anxiety, predicted by greater increases in functional
and poorer comparative self-rated health—are limitations over four years. Two indicators of
also associated with greater increases in per- social networks are associated with lower lev-
ceived disability over time. Women have steep- els of perceived disability: persons who are
er escalations than men in their perceived dis- satisfied with their social life and those who
ability, independent of existing health status. have companions to call upon more frequently.
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


Those who experienced declines in satisfaction “very good” in the face of significant health
with their social life in the previous year have problems, choosing instead to focus on broad-
higher levels of perceived disability. Compared er definitions of well-being that include size of
to model 1, seven variables remain consistent networks and social engagement (Borawski,
predictors of higher levels of perceived dis- Kinney, and Kahana 1996; Ferraro 1980).
ability: total prevalent morbidity, cognitive While subjective health assessments consist of
impairment, receiving home health care, relatively neutral questions, would these multi-
stopped driving, greater health anxiety, lower dimensional criteria hold when the oldest old
self-rated health compared with others their are asked to subjectively assess their own dis-
age, and being female. ability status? Specifically, what social or
The second outcome in model 2 is the tra- health circumstances influence the willingness
jectory of perceived disability over a four-year to take on such a potentially stigmatizing
period (waves 4 through 8). Persons who have label? This research followed a cohort of com-
greater baseline functional limitations or who munity-dwelling older adults and examined
experienced greater increases in functional changes in their self-identification of being
limitations over three years are likely to label “disabled” over four years.
themselves as disabled more quickly than Persons in poorer health (more prevalent
those who did not experience comparable health conditions, greater functional limita-
decrements in functional status. Being less sat- tions, cognitive impairment) were more likely
isfied with one’s social life and becoming less to consider themselves disabled. In addition,
satisfied with that social life are associated negative changes in functional status accelerat-
with faster rates of labeling oneself as disabled ed the perceptions of disability over four years.
over time. Higher income at baseline actually Two other indicators of health decline signifi-
slows the trajectory of perceived disability cantly predicted perceived disability.
over time. Several predictors of the trajectory Receiving home health care and driving cessa-
of perceived disability over four years are con- tion in the previous two years were two situa-
sistent with other models: More prevalent tions associated with not only higher levels of
health conditions, higher cognitive impair- perceived disability but also with faster rates
ment, higher health anxiety, lower self-rated of acquiring the disability label over time. We
health, receiving home health care, and stop- also found that lower ratings of subjective
ping driving accelerate the rate of perceiving health were associated with greater perceived
oneself as disabled over time. Women are sig- disability, perhaps indicating a common under-
nificantly more likely than men to perceive lying set of criteria for health evaluations
themselves as disabled over time, even after among older adults.
controlling for health problems, physical limi- Total prevalent morbidity and incident mor-
tations, and social networks. bidity were positively associated with per-
ceived disability, independent of actual func-
tional limitations. Those individuals with more
DISCUSSION health conditions at baseline tended to rate
themselves as more disabled. A possible expla-
Social scientists have long demonstrated nation for this finding is that having multiple
that health and illness are constructions of cul- diagnosed health problems may be character-
ture, social and physical environment, and per- ized by making more trips to the doctor, taking
sonal orientations. Disability likewise is a a greater number of medications, and having a
product of attitudes and of the organization of wider variety of somatic complaints. Thus,
our social world. Previous research has identi- older adults with more health conditions may
fied two common perceptions of disability: be more likely to consider themselves disabled
lack of independence and a permanent state of even when actual functional status is not com-
ill health (Iezzoni 2003; Oliver 1996; Zola promised. Incident morbidity, a summary mea-
1983). Disability thus becomes a spoiled iden- sure of newly developed health conditions
tity because it is not consistent with the images between waves 1 and 4, was associated with
of wellness and vitality associated with good higher levels of perceived disability at wave 4
health and successful aging. When asked to but not with the long-term trajectory of acquir-
subjectively rate their health, the oldest old are ing the “disabled” label. This proximate rela-
likely to rate their health as “excellent” or tionship between new diagnoses and perceived
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


disability may reflect a greater awareness and support is not affected (Kahn and Antonucci
concern about health decline among the oldest 1980).
old. Over time, however, it may not be the While positive social networks may work to
diagnosis of the conditions per se but proactive buffer or slow the labeling process, a negative
management of chronic conditions that affects health orientation accelerates perceptions of
one’s perceived disability status (Kahana and one’s own disability over time. We found that
Kahana 2003). those who are more anxious about their health
A second important finding of this study is are significantly more likely to perceive them-
the degree to which factors other than physical selves as disabled over time. Health anxiety
health influence older adults’ perceptions of was a consistent indicator of perceived disabil-
disability. Independent of health status, per- ity, even after controlling for existing health
sons with more living children, those who are conditions, functional status, and quality of
more satisfied with their social life, and those social networks. Such anxiety may reflect a
with more companions to call upon are much generally negative disposition toward health
less likely to consider themselves disabled. across the life course. Indeed, personality traits
This is consistent with previous studies of sub- such as pessimism, anxiety, and depression
jective health that found a positive relationship have been found to be related to lower subjec-
between stronger social networks and higher tive ratings of health independent of actual
self-evaluations of health (Bryant et al. 2001; health status (Hong, Zarit, and Malmberg
Ross and Mirowsky 2002). 2004; Schneider et al. 2004). This could affect
The benefits of these social networks also an older adult’s ability or willingness to devel-
influence health assessments years later. Over op proactive responses to stressors (Kahana
time, positive social integration provides a and Kahana 1996).
buffer against perceived disability because Alternatively, health anxiety may be a situa-
social networks actually slowed the rate of tion-induced response to recent health decre-
acquiring the disability label over four years, ments (Schneider et al. 2004). Slow health
despite existing health problems and limita- decline may allow older adults to adjust and
tions. Family and friends may maintain and invoke proactive adaptations, but rapid
reinforce a nondisabled identity of the elder changes or acute health events may spark con-
despite accumulating physical or mental limi- cern and anxiety over future ability to respond
tations. Our findings are consistent with other to such stressors. As a note, respondents in our
research that has found that older adults who sample were first asked about anxiety toward
receive benefits from their social networks health at wave 4, the first wave to measure per-
such as assistance, emotional support, and val- ceived disability. Thus, recent changes in phys-
idation of social roles do not perceive them- ical functioning and morbidity measured in
selves as disabled, even in light of serious waves 1 through 4 occurred before our mea-
functional decrements (Gignac and Cott 1998). surement of health anxiety, and these decre-
Further underscoring the important role of ments may be captured in the psychosomatic
family and friends in subjective evaluations of question. Further research needs to consider
health and disability, we found that negative the influence of psychological dimensions and
changes in size or satisfaction with social net- internal coping resources on perceived health
work accelerated the process of labeling one- and disability among older adults.
self as disabled. The buffering effect of a posi- Although a gender difference in perceived
tive social network is not only eliminated but disability did not appear in the models with
reversed by even slight decrements in current static covariates, the models with changing
social support. We suggest two possible expla- covariates showed a clear gender difference in
nations for this. First, among older adults, perceived disability. Independent of health sta-
social network infrastructure tends to be less tus, women were significantly more likely than
extensive, and the loss of just one person may men to consider themselves disabled, and they
have an adverse effect on health and well- acquired the label of “disabled” at a faster rate
being (Pearlin 1999). Alternatively, with than men over time. Findings from recent
advancing age there may be a normative research may help explain this gender differ-
expectation of higher mortality in friend and ence. First, older women are significantly
kinship networks, which may make the slight- more likely to be functionally limited com-
est change more noticeable, even when direct pared to men, especially by nonfatal health
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


conditions such as arthritis (Murtagh and health decrements such as cognitive impair-
Hubert 2004). Second, anxiety over health ment, low vision, and accumulating frailty,
decline has been linked to accumulating dis- making them more comprehensive indicators
ability over time in women but not in men of health decline than ADL or IADL scores.
(Brenes et al. 2005). Thus, women may be Perhaps more importantly, however, receiving
more likely to worry about their health or may home health care or stopping driving can result
be more attuned to changes in their bodies than in fewer social outings and growing feelings of
men, resulting in poorer evaluations of health. dependency (Iezzoni 2003). While both mea-
Finally, among the oldest old, women tend to sures are indicative of poor health at any age,
use a broader set of criteria when considering these changes in the ability to “go and do” may
the state of their health, such as the quality of be especially detrimental to older adults’ self-
social relationships and ability to fulfill social evaluations because such decisions may seem
roles (Rennemark and Hagburg 1999). The permanent rather than temporary.
gender difference in perceived disability only While medical researchers and practitioners
appeared in the models that accounted for tend to focus on clinical definitions of disabil-
changes in social and health domains, howev- ity, social scientists have long advocated for a
er, perhaps indicating that negative shifts in social model of disability that emphasizes the
social engagement and health status have a importance of social roles and relationships in
greater impact on subjective evaluations of maintaining one’s identity as a nondisabled
health among women. person (Iezzoni 2003; Zola 1983). Our find-
Taken together, these findings contribute ings indicate that older adults who are less
significantly to our understanding of the social socially integrated tend to perceive themselves
construction of health and disability, especial- as disabled, independent of actual functional
ly in late life. The process of labeling, particu- status, supporting the social model of disabili-
larly related to spoiled identities, tends to be ty. While diminished social networks may not
external to the individual; persons with poten- be sufficient for self-labeled disability, it is
tially stigmatizing characteristics are ascribed clear that physical function is not the only cri-
a devalued status by the larger society terion considered among these older adults.
(Albrecht, Walker, and Levy 1982; Goffman The relationship between perceived disability
1963). These socially constructed characteris- and social engagement needs further consider-
tics are, in turn, used by individuals to self- ation.
evaluate their social identity. Consistent with The social construction of disability in older
the stereotypes of disability in Western cul- adulthood is an area of inquiry that requires
tures, the oldest old in this sample considered more investigation. Researchers need to exam-
markers of ill health to be salient criteria when ine not only the predictors of perceived dis-
assessing their own disability status, even ability but the outcomes as well. Like other
when physical or mental function was not measures of subjective health, might perceived
directly affected. These outward signs of poor disability be a consistent indicator of mortality
health, such as prevalent health conditions, or future health decline? The consequences of
may cause one to anticipate functional decline perceived disability among older adults may
and begin to label oneself as disabled. also include differential use of assistive
Normative expectations of disability with devices, adherence to medication and treat-
advancing age may cause some older adults to ment regimens, and engaging in health-protec-
perceive themselves as disabled long before tive behaviors. It is also important to compare
serious functional decline occurs. Future views of disability among older and younger
research should consider whether the expecta- adults. Perceived stigma associated with dis-
tion of recovery attenuates the relationship ability may vary by expected social roles over
between ill health and perceived disability. the life course. Likewise, how might disability
Some aspects of poor health may also signal compare with other potentially spoiled identi-
a loss of independence to the older adult and ties at any age?
larger society, which is another stereotype of A potential shortcoming of this study is that
disability (Zola 1993). Stopping driving and the sample is not representative of the oldest
receiving home health care were strongly relat- old in the United States. First, all respondents
ed to perceived disability in this sample. Both were living in age-segregated communities in
of these measures capture a wide range of Florida. Second, the sample is fairly homoge-
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


neous in terms of race and socioeconomic sta- munity-dwelling respondents, the sample con-
tus. The majority of the respondents are white, tinued to include those at greatest risk of com-
representing more than thirty countries of ori- promised health and perhaps greater perceived
gin. The highest degree earned was a high disability.
school diploma for nearly 28 percent of the Finally, this sample is fairly healthy and
sample, and one or two years of college for 35 ambulatory at baseline: 95 percent had no
percent of the sample. Half of the sample had ADL limitations, and 79 percent had no IADL
gross incomes between $15,000 and $35,000 limitations at wave 1. Rather than being a
annually. Most residents lived in moderately detractor for this study, the sample’s health and
priced condominiums that sold for less than functionality are advantages. We follow per-
$30,000 in 1988, the baseline year of data col- sons through the process of health decline,
lection. Thus, the results of this study may allowing us to pinpoint the timing of labeling
underestimate the impact of functional limita- oneself as disabled. Accordingly, the older
tions and health problems on perceived dis- members of the sample do experience a
ability because these “successful agers” are tremendous amount of change in health status
healthier and more affluent than the rest of the over time. By wave 4, 11 percent of the sample
population. We expect that using a more repre- had one or more ADL limitations, and 43 per-
sentative sample of older adults in the United cent had one or more IADL limitations.
States would intensify many of the relation- Incident morbidity and physical limitations are
ships found in this study. In addition, indica- captured during the period of observation,
tors of compromised health such as morbidity allowing us to see how and when the process of
and functional limitations may be stronger pre- self-labeling occurs.
dictors of perceived disability than seen in this Disability can carry significant negative
study. social meaning, and little is known about when
It is also important to note that we tested a in the process of health decline persons take on
lagged trajectory of perceived disability the label of “disabled.” This study helps us
between waves 4 and 8. Because the question understand the diverse criteria that older adults
about perceived disability was not included in use to subjectively rate their own disability sta-
the interview until wave 4, we are unable to tus. For the oldest old, perceptions of disabili-
trace the trajectory for the entire study period. ty tend to focus not only on functional limita-
Thus, we used social and health variables that tions but also on a person’s current and chang-
were temporally antecedent to the trajectory. ing social network, health anxiety, and recent
This design may limit the scope of these find- health decrements. Importantly, functional
ings in two ways. First, the impact of social limitations and cognitive impairment are
and health circumstances on perceived disabil- strong predictors of perceived disability, but
ity may be underestimated due to the lag broader indicators of health decline such as
between measurements. Second, the trajectory stopping driving and receiving home health
of perceived disability did not account for care continue to color older adults’ perceptions
events that co-occurred in time and may have of their own disabilities independent of actual
affected the trend over time. functional status.
We believe that this study still contributes
significantly to our understanding of perceived
disability for three key reasons. First, we NOTES
examine the health and social dynamics of the
oldest old using one of the longest ongoing 1. All covariates are measured at baseline
panel studies of this age group available. While (wave 1) except where noted. Some vari-
this sample is fairly homogeneous, there are ables that were conceptually important to
few other data sources that would allow such a our models were not available at baseline,
fine-grained analysis of health decline and and we used those variables at their first
subjective evaluations of disability over time. wave of measurement. No independent pre-
Second, the study design continued to follow dictor was measured after wave 4.
the respondents as they moved to other living 2. In preliminary analyses, we tested the indi-
arrangements, including long-term care set- vidual prevalent and incident conditions as
tings (e.g., assisted living facilities or nursing predictors of perceived disability. Due to
homes). Rather than examining only the com- the relatively small proportion of older
#2788—Jnl of Health and Social Behavior—Vol. 47:2—47203-kelley-moore


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Jessica A. Kelley-Moore is Assistant Professor of Sociology and faculty affiliate of the Center for Aging
Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her research interests include social influences
on health over the life course, the impact of neighborhood and environment on health, racial/ethnic health
disparities among older adults, and disability.

John G. Schumacher is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and faculty affiliate of the Center for Aging
Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. His current research examines the intersection of
medical sociology and social gerontology, with a focus on physician-patient interations and the role of
health care providers in long-term care.

Eva Kahana is Robson Professor of Humanities & Sociology and Director of the Elderly Care Research
Center at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Kahana has published extensively in the areas of stress, cop-
ing and adaptation among the aged, late-life migration, late-life sequelae of social stress, social organiza-
tion of health care institutions, intergenerational family relationships, and environmental influences on older
persons. Her most recent formulation focuses on health care partnerships and the role of preventive and cor-
rective proactivity of older adults in shaping successful aging.

Boaz Kahana is Professor of Psychology at Cleveland State University, where he has also served as depart-
mental chairperson and has directed the Center on Aging. He has been awarded NIH research grants deal-
ing with stress and extreme stress among the elderly, and he has served on the editorial boards of Psychology
and Aging, Academic Psychology Bulletin, and Mental Health and Aging. Dr. Kahana is author of numer-
ous articles and chapters dealing with stress, coping, and adaptation among the elderly.

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