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April 9, 2019

The Honorable John Engler

c/o Seth B. Waxman
Dickinson Wright PLLC
International Square
1825 Eye St. N.W., Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20006

Dear Governor Engler:

We are writing to request you sit for an interview with the Attorney General’s Office
and fully cooperate in answering questions regarding Michigan State University.

Recently, it has been brought to our attention that you have not yet met with the
Attorney General’s Office as part of the on-going Larry Nassar investigation into the
university. We cannot emphasize enough how important this interview is in our
continued cooperation with the Attorney General’s Office and our desire to wrap up
the investigation.

When you came to the university early last year, you pledged your cooperation with
then-lead investigator William Forsyth. In your Feb. 5, 2018 letter to Forsyth, you said,
“In all matters, including the various pending investigations, my policy will be that of
full cooperation. . . . Spartan nation needs the full truth, and I, as Interim President,
assure you we will all fully cooperate in your investigation.”
Board of
Trustees We fully agree with the recent statements made by Attorney General Nessel that you
need to cooperate and make her interview request a top priority. Further delay in
Hannah Administration Building
426 Auditorium Road, Room 450
getting the interview completed is not acceptable. Additionally, the distractions caused
East Lansing, MI 48824 by your attendance at MSU events, such as basketball games, and the resulting media
coverage, has not helped the situation.
Fax: 517-355-4670
We know you love this great university. However, the university expects and demands
you obtain a swift resolution to this situation.
Dianne Byrum

Dan Kelly Sincerely,

Vice Chairperson
MSU Board of Trustees
Joel Ferguson
Melanie Foster
Brian Mosallam
Nancy Schlichting
Brianna Scott
Kelly Tebay
Dianne Byrum, Chairperson

MSU is an affirmative-action,
equal-opportunity employer.

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