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Reflection 1:

Water Cycle Lesson

In this lesson the goal was to let students understand what water cycle is, by first
introducing the key words of water cycle stages then making an experiment to
show the students how stages happen, this lesson did not went the way I was
looking for, even though planning this lesson was successful, I think students were
not interested enough which is why I had to control their behavior most of the
time, another reason is the vocabulary were a bit hard for them to remember and
pronounce so they mixed the stages in wrong order which is what I’ve noticed
during the activity time. If I got to do this lesson again I would change some things
like; explaining to them the water cycle stages using cartoon video that repeats the
stages while explaining what they are exactly. Also, I would change the
experiment materials so they can participate in it because what did was using iron
kettle for the hot water and because I wanted to guarantee safety I let them set on
their seats while I move around and show them, although it was a safe way to do
the experiment and to make sure their behavior is managed, children were not
participating enough, so maybe using plastic kettle will be safer and choosing some
students to actually help me will let them be able to participate more and feel
interested and engaged.
Reflection 2:
States of matter lesson

My goal in this lesson was to make sure by the end of the class students will be
able to Identify the states of matter and recognize them in real life, so after playing
the presentation and introducing the three states of matter, I brought three
examples that they could see in their daily life, a bottle of water, balloon, and a
book, first to explain what gas was I let one of the students blow the balloon and
let the air come out, then I asked them “can you see it? Can you smell it?” and
that’s how I explained the state proprieties by let them see and think about it before
I tell them, the same thing with the other two states, I think that what went well in
my lesson children had an image in their head to come to whenever the need to ,
which is why I think bringing a real life examples and ask them related questions
helped them remember which state of matter each object belong to while working
in the group activities. What I find challenging to control was the differentiation
activities, because children wanted to try each other’s work for example the ones
with writing activities were asking me why their colleagues can draw, and color
and they can’t, so what I will do or change is I will make the activities similar as
much as I can while having some changes that suits each level.
Reflection 3:
Living and Non-Living Things

My goal in this lesson was to make sure that by the end of the class children will
be able to identify living and non-living things, so what I think went well in this
lesson after explaining what living and non-living things are and showing them
examples pictures of each kind, I tried as much as I could to engage the students
and to let them lead the lesson, when I did the sorting pictures activity, I asked
questions that made them excited because what I did was after letting them sort the
pictures, is letting them decide weather it’s right or wrong using the thumps up
method also I sorted some pictures in the wrong place to test them and they were
excited to correct me and answer my question” why do you think I put it in the
wrong place! I think I’m right!” that let them try to negotiate with me and convince
me why they’re right, which is in my opinion a very effective way to let the student
think them self and improve their critical thinking skills, so making them a big part
of the teaching process is what I think was went well. However I think what I
would change in my lesson is my time management, because the presentation and
the whole class activity took more time than I expected which is why most of the
students did not have time to finish their groups activity, that I would change next
time and to do that I think I’m going to use glass watch to help me.
Reflection 4:
Discover Magnets

This lesson was the last lesson I have done, I tried to avoid the mistakes I’ve made
in the past ones, the focus was on making the students understand what magnet is
and be able to identify magnetic objects and non-magnetic objects. I was planning
to show them a presentation to introduce the topic, but what happened is the flash
drive did not work, so I had to use my plan B, which is introducing Mr. Magnet,
which is a paper-made magnet, this was a good Idea because they interacted well
with Mr. Magnet , after introducing what magnet is and explaining how magnet
can attract some objects and some not, to make it clear I used real objects and I
asked them to guess before trying each object weather its magnetic or non-
magnetic and then tried it in front of them to test, in my opinion this was an
effective way to let understand and predict by letting them see what I mean instead
of explaining, and because they had to test objects their own just the way I did and
write down the results, children were so excited and not board while testing objects
magnetism, and they were correcting each other and asking me questions to prove
their points, to make sure they understood the lesson I moved around I was asking
each group weather the magnet will attract my ring or not, making them decide and
having different opinions was a good sign of them being interested and applying
their knowledge.

This lesson was the best one between the four lessons I’ve done, I was able to
manage the classroom behavior and the time, if I’m going to make something
differently it will be the assessment maybe asking more questions, overall, I was
satisfied with it and the goal was achieved.

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