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What is Alcohol
Alcohol is ethanol or ethyl alcohol is the gradient found in beer Wine and spirits
causes drunkenness Alcohol is formed when yeast ferments breaks down without
oxygen the sugars in the different food For example wine is made the sugar in the
grapes in beer from the sugar in the malted barley a type of grain cider from the
sugar in apples vodka from the sugar in potatoes beets of other plants
What happens when you drink alcohol
In small amount alcohol immediately moves in to the small blood vessels in the
mouth and the tongue.Up to 20% alcohol passes through the stomach is empty
alcohol moves quickly down into the intestines if there is food on stomach alcohol
stays in there longer so more is absorbed through the stomach.An enzyme in the
stomach also has time to break down some alcohol before most of the alcohol
moves into the intestines.Alcohol also make you lose control if you lose control lot
of bad things can happen
Reasons why People drinks
There are Many Reasons People drink alcohol One of the Reason is Stress
Reduction We live in the trying times And alcohol is seen as a way alleviate our
stress Self medication for other problems carries over to alcohol ingestion Alcohol
can ease physical and emotional pain if the person Who consumes is also use
medications for pain relief the effects of alcohol can be intensified.Isolation can be
another reason to use alcohol People who have bad support Networks decreased
mobility and limited access to transportation may turn to alcohol.This Type of
situation is particularly prevalent among senior citizens
History of alcohol
First beers of alcohol produced in egypt 5000 to 6000 B.C Was thought to have
been made like baking bread Where barley dough was soaked in water until
fermentation produced an acid beer called boozah Earliest Reference to distilled
spirits appeared In China 1000 B.c No record in western Europe Until about 800
A.D Alcohol Has been double edged sword playing in the role many important
social occasions such as births religious ceremonies and funerals but on the other
hand It’s always causing problems some and the society for which he or SHe
Facts about alcohol
Alexander the Great make the drinking Competition And 43 People die from it

It takes only 6 minutes to alcohol Get to your brain

Around 50% Asian has trouble with alcohol and they get flush when they drinking

There are over than half million alcohol related deaths year in russia

Beer wasn’t considered alcoholic in Russia 2013

The US Government Poisoned alcohol during the prohibition killing 10,000 people
How to avoid from drinking
The First think is You should not drink alcohol you should know it’s bad for health

If your friends Drinking Around You And they Offers you to drink Use some
Excuses And turn them off immediately For example I cannot drink Because I’m
sportsmen or No thanks I have issues better for me to stick or I don’t drink
Because of Religion But remember Don’t tell them I don’t drink because it’s bad
for health they not gonna understand you anyway Trust me I try this before

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