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Turks and the

Ottoman Empire

Presentation by: Niall S, Lola C, Megan G, Adriana Z, and Meara S.

Who Were They?

❏ Turks are the largest ethnic group of the Turkic


❏ The Ottoman Empire lasted for more

than 600 years.

❏ The Empire’s capital was located in Istanbul.

Editors, “Ottoman Empire.”, A&E Television Networks, 3 Nov.

How Did They Originate?

❏ The Turks originated from Northeast Asia (Mongolia) and then

spread all over North Asia.

❏ In the 6th century, they settled in Central Asia and in the 11th
century, the Great Turkish Migration occured.

❏ They went from Central Asia to Turkey.

“1800-1900.” - Discover The Ottomans,
The Seljuk Turks
❏ Originated from Central Asia (Kazakhstan) and Seljuk led nine
clans into Persia (the people adopted his name).

❏ By 1055, the Seljuks controlled all of Persia and Iraq and the
Seljuk Empire (Turkey) was a target of the Crusaders .

❏ Lost much of their empire to Shah of Khwarezm in 1194, and the

rest to the Mongols in the 1260s.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Seljuq.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
1 June 2018,
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire

❏ In 1299 Osman, leader of the Turkish tribes in Anatolia broke free from
the collapsing Seljuks.

❏ He founded his own state which was named Ottoman in his honor.

❏ Osman expanded his kingdom, uniting many independent states of

Anatolia under one rule and also established a formal government.

“The Ottoman Empire.” The Ottoman Empire - All About Turkey,
Ottoman Government

❏ The Ottomans had a centralized government with the Sultan having

absolute authority over his subjects.

❏ There were a total of 36 sultans during the Ottoman empire.

❏ Tolerant towards people of other religion.

“Ottoman Empire.”, A&E Television Networks, 3 Nov. 2017,
Conflicts Between the Ottomans and the Europeans

1453 - The Ottomans conquered Constantinople

bringing an end to the Byzantine Empire

1568 - The first war between Russia and Turkey

1683 - Siege of Vienna

1853 - Beginning of Crimean War

“Turkey.” Ducksters Educational Site,

“Siege of Vienna.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 July

Elizabethan Attitude Towards Ottomans

❏ Elizabethans tended to be suspicious of foreigners, and believed

that they were a superior white race.

❏ They saw the Turks in a particularly negative light, since they

were not Christians, but Muslims.

❏ Turks were seen as exotic, but barbaric, heartless, untrustworthy,

and evil.
“What Was the Elizabethan Attitude Toward the Turks?” Reference, IAC Publishing,
Art from the Tulip Period

Fun Facts!

❏ The Tulip period was a time of peace from 1718-1739

where arts flourished in the Ottoman Empire.

❏ The Sultan and his many wives lived in the Topkapi

palace in Istanbul. Every night, the Sultan would sleep
in a different room as he feared he’d be assassinated.

❏ The elite battle troops of the Sultan were called

Janissaries, and were selected from Christian families
at a young age to become soldiers. They were
essentially well treated and paid slaves.
“Renaissance.” Ducksters Educational Site,

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