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International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

A study of fat and air structures in ice cream

H.D. Go!*, E. Verespej, A.K. Smith
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada N1G 2W1
Received 16 July 1999; accepted 6 November 1999


Three ice cream mixes of conventional composition with varying emulsi"er content (no emulsi"er; 0.15% mono- and di-glycerides;
0.15% mono- and di-glycerides plus 0.06% polysorbate 80) were frozen using three di!erent freezing regimes (continuous freezer at
low and high back pressure and batch freezer) in order to prepare a series of ice cream samples with varying levels of fat destabilization
and foam structures. The hardened samples were viewed by thin-section transmission electron microscopy after freeze-substitution
and low-temperature embedding. The images were compared to those obtained by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy.
The structures created by increasing levels of fat destabilization were observed as an increasing concentration of discrete fat globules
at the air interface and increasing coalescence and clustering of fat globules both at the air interface and within the serum phase.
However, air interfaces at the highest levels of fat destabilization were not completely covered by fat globules, nor was there evidence
of a surface layer of free fat. Air interfaces from continuous and batch freezing were similar. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: Fat destabilization; Freeze-substitution; Partial coalescence; Scanning electron microscopy; Transmission electron microscopy

1. Introduction the origin of which might be non-crystallized triglyceride

escaping from the fat globule during rupture (Berger,
Ice cream is a complex food colloid, containing fat 1997). It is also not clear what happens to the structure of
globules, air bubbles and ice crystals dispersed in fat at air bubble interfaces during the process of expan-
a freeze-concentrated dispersion/solution of proteins, sion of the bubbles, which must happen in the transition
salts, polysaccharides and sugars. A review of the collo- from imposed back pressure to atmospheric pressure
idal aspects of ice cream (Go!, 1997a) revealed that one upon drawing ice cream from the swept-surface freezer
element of structural information that was less well (Carnell, 1991).
documented was the nature of fat structures within the Much of the information on fat/air interactions in ice
frozen system itself, and the interaction of these fat struc- cream is based on measurements in melted ice cream, e.g.,
tures with air. While the process of fat emulsion destabil- turbidity (Go! & Jordan, 1989), particle size distribution
ization and its e!ects on ice cream quality are well known (Gelin, Poyen, Courthadon, Le Meste & Lorient, 1994),
(Berger, 1997; Campbell & Pelan, 1998; Go!, 1997a, b; solvent extraction of fat (Pelan, Watts, Campbell & Lips,
Tharp, Forrest, Swan, Dunning & Hilmoe, 1998; Thom- 1997), and microscopy (Go!, 1997a), rather than on the
sen & Holtsborg, 1998; Walstra & Jonkman, 1998), it is system in its frozen state. If the fat globules are very
not clear whether the appropriate schematic model for unstable, the melting of ice crystals and resulting struc-
destabilized fat networks is one of partially coalesced tural collapse may cause coalescence, in which case the
(clustered) fat globules adsorbed to air bubbles, or fat structure measurements may not actually represent con-
clusters primarily in the bulk, or both. The role of coales- ditions seen in the frozen system. There has been some
cence in fat destabilization is not clear. There has been uncertainty as to what is actually being measured by
debate about the presence of liquid fat at the air interface, these various fat destabilization techniques, particularly
with the solvent extraction method, and which measure-
ments represents best the actual frozen structure of ice
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 519-824-4120; ext. 3878; fax: 519-824-
cream. Extrapolation has also been made between the
6631. structure of whipped cream and that of ice cream (Go!,
E-mail address: dgo! (H.D. Go!) 1997b). These are both dairy emulsions that undergo fat

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818 H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

destabilization in the presence of shear, and into which have an impact on the formation of air bubbles and the
an air phase is introduced and comminuted to small degree of fat destabilization exhibited in the ice cream;
bubbles. However, ice cream contains a smaller phase hence, on the fat and air structures created.
volume of fat plus an ice phase, and air is incorporated in
a di!erent manner than it is in whipped cream, so al-
though the fat and air structures and interactions may be 2. Materials and methods
similar, there may be also signi"cant di!erences.
Electron microscopy has been used extensively to 2.1. Ice cream processing
examine ice cream structure, but the need to maintain the
ice phase (at subzero temperatures) has introduced major The ice cream mix used to prepare the ice cream
limitations to the approaches that can be applied. Vari- consisted of 11% fat (from sweet butter, Gay Lea Foods,
ous techniques and their applications to dairy products Guelph, ON, Canada), 11% milk solid-non-fat (from
based on fat, including ice cream, were reviewed by instant skim milk powder, Gay Lea Foods, Guelph, ON,
Kalab (1985). The "rst reported methods utilized thin- Canada), 10% sucrose (Redpath Sugar, Toronto, ON,
section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of high- Canada), 5% 42 DE corn syrup solids (Casco Inc.,
ly "xed samples of melted ice cream (Alsafar & Wood, Toronto, ON, Canada), 0.15% guar, and 0.02% car-
1966, 1968), or freeze-fracture, metal shadowing, and rageenan (Germantown Canada Inc., Scarborough, ON),
examination of replicas of frozen ice cream with TEM the balance being made up with water. Three emulsi"er
(Berger & White, 1971). The development of low-temper- variations were incorporated as follows: no emulsi"er
ature (cryo) scanning electron microscopy (LT-SEM) has added; 0.15% mono- and di-glycerides added (German-
allowed further detailed studies of ice cream structure, town Canada Inc., Scarborough, ON), referred to as the
particularly the ice phase (Caldwell, Go! & Stanley, mdg mix; 0.15% mono- and di-glycerides plus 0.06%
1992a, b). However, both the metal replication TEM polysorbate 80 added (Germantown Canada Inc., Scar-
technique and LT-SEM are limited to the features of borough, ON), referred to as the ps80 mix. The 40 kg
fractured surfaces, and in the latter case, magni"cation mixes were batch pasteurized at 753C for 15 min and
and resolution are not high enough to discern interac- homogenized at 17.2 MPa "rst stage, 3.4 MPa second
tions between fat globules. Thin sectioning for TEM after stage (Superhomo, Cherry Burrell Corporation, Chicago,
subambient temperature "xation has been used to view IL), cooled to 43C and aged for 24 h. Vanilla (two-fold,
ice cream mix (Go!, Libo!, Jordan & Kinsella, 1987), vanillin-vanilla, CSP Foods, Toronto, Ont., Canada) was
melted ice cream (Go!, 1997a), and whipped cream sam- added to the mixes after aging and prior to freezing at
ples (Brooker, Anderson & Andrews, 1986), however, the a rate of 3 mL per kg.
use of aqueous "xatives has limited the use of thin- Batch freezing of 2 L aliquots of each mix was carried
section techniques to non-frozen samples. In this paper, out in a Taylor batch freezer (model B733-32, Tekni-
TEM thin-section methods have been used through ap- Craft, Rockton, IL). Ice cream was frozen to a draw
plication of a freeze-substitution technique for subzero temperature of !53C, and whipping was continued for
sample "xation. This latter method has been applied to a total of 15 min. The target overrun was 90%, which was
the study of biological materials (Robards & Sleytr, 1985; achieved with the mdg and ps80 mixes. However, the mix
Humbel & Muller, 1986) and whipped cream (Smith, with no added emulsi"er only whipped to an overrun of
Go! & Kakuda, 1999) but its application to study ice 60% in the 15 min residence time within the freezer. Ice
cream structure has not been recorded in the literature. cream was drawn at !53C into 1 L cups and immediate-
There has been no reported use of cryo-sectioning of ice ly placed into a hardening room at !253C for storage.
cream for viewing with cryo-TEM, but this may be forth- Continuous freezing was performed in a Vogt Freezer
coming with the presence of new, sophisticated instru- (Model VA-80, Cherry-Burrell Corporation, Chicago,
mentation, and may provide the ultimate in structural IL) to!53C. Two di!erent extrusion back pressures were
information. used: low pressure at 172 kPa; and high pressure at
The objective of this work was to examine fat and air 414 kPa. In the former case, ice cream achieved an over-
structures in ice cream samples containing di!ering de- run of 65% from the mix with no added emulsi"er, and
grees of fat destabilization, using LT-SEM and freeze- 80% from either mdg or ps80. In the latter case, ice
substitution TEM. Variations in fat destabilization were creams achieved an overrun of 100% in all three samples.
achieved by processing ice cream with three di!erent Ice cream was drawn at!53C into 1 L cups and immedi-
emulsi"er concentrations in the formulation (no emulsi- ately placed into a hardening room at!253C for storage.
"er; mono- and di-glycerides added; mono- and di-gly-
cerides plus polysorbate 80 added) and by three di!erent 2.2. Quantitative measurements of fat destabilization
freezing techniques (batch freezing; continuous freezing
at low back pressure; and continuous freezing at high Turbidity: To evaluate the degree of fat destabilization
back pressure). Each of these variations was expected to by spectroturbidimetry (Go! & Jordan, 1989), a sample
H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829 819

of each of the nine hardened ice creams (three formula- (1986) were adapted for use. Frozen specimens of ice
tions, three freezing methods each) was thawed and an cream were transferred into vials that contained a mix of
aliquot of 40 mL was taken for analysis. Samples were "xatives consisting of 2.15% (w/v) uranyl acetate, 3.23%
diluted 1 : 500 with "ltered water (MiliQ, Millipore Ca- (v/v) glutaraldehyde and 1.0% (w/v) osmium tetroxide in
nada, Mississauga, ON) and absorbance was measured absolute methanol, which had been kept at !1963C in
by a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1201, Kyoto, Ja- liquid nitrogen (the "xative mixture is solid at this tem-
pan) at 540 nm against MiliQ water as a blank. Lower perature). The vials were then placed in a !803C freezer
absorbance, as the solution becomes less turbid, relates for 4 d, where after warming up from !196 to !803C
to higher levels of fat destabilization due to #occulation the "xative mixture melted and the gradual freeze substi-
or coalescence of the fat. Analyses were performed in tution of ice with methanol took place. Samples were
triplicate. then transferred to !403C for 1 d where some "xation
Particle size analysis: Particle size distribution of the with glutaraldehyde, osmium tetroxide and uranyl acet-
melted ice creams after hardening was measured by in- ate took place (there was evidence of staining after treat-
tegrated light scattering, using a Mastersizer X (Malvern ment at !403C). Samples were then transferred to
Instruments Ltd., Malvern, Worcs., UK). The measure- !203C for 2 d where "xation proceeded at a faster rate
ments were carried out at room temperature. The dilu- and further staining was accomplished. The "xative mix-
tion of the emulsion in the sample chamber was ture was replaced by washing the specimens in precooled
approximately 1 : 1000. Mean particle size diameters (!203C) 100% methanol followed by repeated washing
d (the volume-weighted diameter) and d (the surface (3]) with absolute ethanol. Specimens were placed into
4,3 3,2
weighted diameter) were recorded, as well as the cumu- gelatin capsules and the in"ltration with low-temper-
lative percentage of the particles at 2.30 lm. Analyses ature embedding resin Lowicryl HM20 (Marivac Ltd.,
were performed in triplicate. Halifax, NS, Canada) was performed as follows: one
wash with ethanol : Lowicryl 1 : 1 at !203C for 10 min,
2.3. Scanning electron microscopy one wash with ethanol : Lowicryl 1 : 3 at !203C for
10 min and three washes with 100% Lowicryl at !203C.
Ice cream specimens (approximately 100 mm3) for The resin-in"ltrated samples were polymerized under
LT-SEM were taken from the inner bulk of the hardened 360 nm UV light at !203C. Resin blocks were sectioned
samples at !253C with a surgical blade and immediately at a thickness of 90 nm using an LKB ultramicrotome
placed into liquid nitrogen (!1963C). Small pieces (Leica Reichert Ultracut S, Vienna, Austria). Sections
(2 mm]3 mm) suiting the LT-SEM specimen holders were mounted immediately on formvar coated grids
were then broken from the specimen with the surgical (Marivac Ltd., Halifax, NS, Canada). No post-staining
blade under slight force. The holders were a double-screw was carried out, as the applied "xation process provided
spring-loaded support style (Caldwell et al., 1992a) each a su$cient contrast for TEM imaging. The sections were
holding two specimens. The holder and specimen under observed and photographed in a Hitachi H-7100 TEM
liquid nitrogen were transferred into the cryo-prepara- (Tokyo, Japan) at 75 kV. At least three blocks of each ice
tion unit (EMscope SP2000A, Ashford, Kent, UK). At cream sample from di!erent containers were sectioned,
!1603C inside the unit, both specimens were fractured and at least three sections per block and 20 "elds per
revealing a fresh surface of the ice cream sample for section were viewed.
scanning. The specimen was sublimated at !803C for
25 min (Caldwell et al., 1992a) and then sputter coated
with 30 nm layer of gold at !1603C. The holder was 3. Results and discussion
transferred under vacuum into the cold stage (!1403C)
of the Hitachi S-570 scanning electron microscope (To- 3.1. Ewect of ingredients and processing on fat
kyo, Japan), where samples were viewed and photo- destabilization
graphed at 10 kV accelerating voltage using di!erent
magni"cations. At least three pieces of each ice cream Three formulations and three freezing methods that
sample from di!erent containers and 20 "elds per piece were chosen were expected to provide variations in fat
were viewed. and air structures. Table 1 shows the quantitative
measurements characterizing fat destabilization. The ex-
2.4. Transmission electron microscopy tent of fat destabilization (as either absorbance or par-
ticle size) generally increased from the mix with no added
Ice cream specimens for TEM were collected as for emulsi"er to the mdg mix to the ps80 mix. Similar trends
SEM and immediately placed into liquid nitrogen have been reported by Gelin et al. (1994), Gelin, Poyen,
(!1963C), where they were broken into (1.0 mm3 Rizzotti, Le Meste, Courthadon and Lorient (1996a, b),
pieces as above. The freeze-substitution techniques of Go! and Jordan (1989), Pelan et al. (1997), Tharp et al.
Robards and Sleytr (1985) and Humbel and Muller (1998) and Thomsen and Holtsborg (1998). Batch
820 H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

Table 1
Fat destabilization measurements (absorbance at 540 nm; volume weighted diameter d , surface weighted diameter d , and cumulative percentage
4,3 3,2
of distribution at 2.3 lm as determined by integrated light scattering), mean and standard deviation (n"3), for ice creams frozen from mixes with no
added emulsi"er (No-e), mono- and di-glycerides added (MDG), and mono- and di-glycerides and polysorbate 80 added (PS80), using continuous
freezing at low (L) and high (H) back pressures and batch (B) freezing

Mix formulation and Absorbance at Particle size distribution

freezing process 540 nm
d (lm) d (lm) Cumulative %
4,3 3,2
at 2.30 lm

No-e } mean 1.28 1.80 0.54 94.7

} st. dev. 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.2
No-e } mean 1.28 1.67 0.52 94.5
} st. dev. 0.01 0.24 0.02 0.8
No-e } mean 1.23 2.31 0.55 91.2
} st. dev. 0.04 0.26 0.02 0.7
MDG } mean 1.14 1.57 0.62 93.1
} st. dev. 0.01 0.40 0.01 0.3
MDG } mean 1.16 2.29 0.63 90.6
} st. dev. 0.03 0.45 0.01 1.2
MDG } mean 0.78 9.48 1.04 54.8
} st. dev. 0.01 1.1 0.03 0.9
PS80 } mean 0.97 4.69 0.92 67.6
} st. dev. 0.01 1.0 0.02 0.7
PS80 } mean 0.92 5.87 1.15 60.5
} st. dev. 0.01 0.30 0.10 1.2
PS80 } mean 0.79 8.67 1.06 49.5
} st. dev. 0.01 0.70 0.02 0.8

freezing produced higher levels of fat destabilization than

continuous freezing, under the conditions used. There
was a slight trend to increased fat destabilization from
low back pressure continuous freezing to high back pres-
sure continuous freezing, especially in the ps80 mixes.
This trend has been shown by Kokubo, Sakurai,
Hakamata, Tomita and Yoshida (1996) and Kokubo,
Sakurai, Iwaki, Tomita and Yoshida (1998). As fat de-
stabilization proceeded, the particle size distribution
became more bimodal (Fig. 1), representing either coales-
cence and/or partial coalescence of emulsion droplets
(Gelin et al., 1994, Boode & Walstra, 1993), which were
initially of sizes similar to those created by the homogen-
ization process (data not shown). Thus, the cumulative
percentage of the distribution at 2.30 lm (Table 1) was Fig. 1. Particle (fat globule and fat cluster) size distributions (lm) in ice
also taken as a measure of the extent of change from the creams showing low (solid line: mix with no emulsi"er added, continu-
original distribution to a destabilized emulsion. This ous freezer, low back pressure) and high (dashed line: mono- and
di-glycerides and polysorbate 80 added, continuous freezer, low back
value was chosen to represent the upper end of the pressure) levels of fat destabilization.
normal distribution in the mixes prior to freezing. These
trends are as expected, and indicate that varying degrees
of fat/fat, and presumably fat/air, structures were created
by the formulations and processes used. This provides clearly between them. Thus, we have used the following
assurance that the microscopic images of each sample nomenclature to describe the fat destabilization process:
represent structures from ice creams with signi"cantly coalescence, representing an irreversible increase in the
di!erent levels of fat destabilization. size of fat globules and a loss of identity of the coalescing
The complex fat destabilization process is made up of globules; yocculation, describing a reversible (with minor
several phenomena, and as we are attempting to discern energy input) agglomeration of fat globules; partial co-
their speci"c involvement, it is important to distinguish alescence, an irreversible agglomeration of fat globules,
H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829 821

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from the mix with no added emulsi"er processed with three di!erent freezing regimes (left
set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; right set, E and F, batch freezer) at two
magni"cations each (top set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"15 lm; bottom set, B, D, and F, bar"5 lm). a"air bubble, f"fat globule, i"ice
crystal, s"serum phase.

held together by a combination of fat crystals and liquid ization in the mix with no emulsi"er added. It is worthy
fat; and a retention of identity of individual globules as of note that, while there is minimal coverage of fat at the
long as the fat crystal structure is maintained (i.e., a tem- air interface, there is a strong interface present that dem-
perature-dependent phenomenon); a cluster describes onstrated continuity even when ice was removed by sub-
the agglomerate of partially coalesced globules (Go!, limation (i.e., the air interface is not in direct contact with
1997a, b). ice). This illustrates the important functional role of pro-
tein in creating the air interface.
3.2. Ewect of ingredients and processing on microstructure Freeze-substitution thin-section TEM (Fig. 3) provides
a new structural look at frozen ice cream. Some chatter
There were slight di!erences in the air phase volume can be seen as a result of the ultramicrotome knife pas-
among the samples as indicated in the methods section, sing across the regions of di!ering density due to high
resulting from varying composition and the capabilities and low resin substitution, however, the structure has
of the swept surface freezers used. However, di!erences been remarkably well preserved in this technique. Both
were small and thus were not expected to have a!ected the fat and the ice have been substituted with resin, so
the air interface structure formed. Figs. 2 and 3 are di!erentiation between them was only possible on the
representative LT-SEM and TEM images, respectively, basis of conformation and interface. In Fig. 3A, an ice
selected from all "elds viewed of the mix with no added crystal can be seen, the shape (corner) of which is much
emulsi"er frozen with the three di!erent processes. Fat di!erent than the air bubble seen in Fig. 3C. Likewise, the
globules are seen by LT-SEM in both the bulk phase and, interface of air and ice can be di!erentiated in Fig. 3E, in
in low concentration, at the air interface. However, they which fat and protein can be seen adsorbed or residing at
are very discrete showing minimal interaction with each the air interface whereas the ice interface is presented as
other. There appears to be little di!erence in fat or air merely a disruption in the continuity of the unfrozen
structure from any of the three freezing regimes. This phase (i.e., little evidence of an actual interfacial layer).
similarity in structure is in consent with the results in Air and ice interface di!erentiation became easier as the
Table 1, which showed little development of fat destabil- extent of fat destabilization increased with the mdg and
822 H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from the mix with no added emulsi"er processed with three di!erent freezing regimes
(top set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; bottom set, E and F, batch freezer)
at two magni"cations each (left set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"5 lm; right set, B, D, and F, bar"1 lm). a"air bubble, c"casein micelle, f"fat
globule, i"ice crystal, s"serum phase. Arrowheads in C and D point to chatter during thin-sectioning as the ultramicrotome knife passed through
areas of di!ering density. Arrowhead in F points to a casein micelle adsorbed and spread at the fat globule interface.

ps80 mixes. Fat globules can be seen as discrete particles molecules must reside in the milieu surrounding the other
of the order of 1 lm or less, and the interfacial adsorption discrete structural elements.
of casein micelles to fat globules can clearly be seen (Fig. Figs. 4 and 5 are representative LT-SEM and TEM
3B, D and F). There is little if any direct fat/air contact images, respectively, of the mdg mix frozen with the three
seen, but the important role of protein at the air interface di!erent processes. Reference to Table 1 suggests that
is evident in Fig. 3C. The serum (unfrozen) phase appears structural di!erences should become apparent compar-
rather uniform, being characterized by fat globules and ing the mix frozen in the batch freezer to that frozen at
casein micelles. Dissolved solutes and suspended macro- either pressure in the continuous freezer or to the mix
H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829 823

Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from mix with mono- and di-glycerides added processed with three di!erent freezing regimes
(left set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; right set, E and F, batch freezer) at
two magni"cations each (top set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"15 lm; bottom set, B, D, and F, bar"5 lm). a"air bubble, f"fat globule, i"ice
crystal, s"serum phase. Arrowhead in F points to clustered fat at the air interface.

with no added emulsi"er under any freezing regime. Figs. 6 and 7 are representative LT-SEM and TEM
Although slight di!erences in fat destabilization existed images, respectively, of the ps80 mix (mono- and di-
in the mdg mix from the continuous freezer, they were glycerides plus polysorbate 80 added) frozen with the
similar in magnitude to the mix with no added emulsi"er. three di!erent processes. The indices of fat destabiliz-
In comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 2, it appears under LT- ation (Table 1), suggest that the ps80 mix behaved di!er-
SEM that more complete coverage of fat at the air ently than the mix with no added emulsi"er or the mdg
interface existed in the mdg mix than in the mix with no mix, and batch freezing produced much higher evidence
added emulsi"er, and following batch freezing (Fig. 4E of fat destabilization than continuous freezing. The LT-
and F) compared to continuous freezing (Fig. 4A}D). It SEM images in Fig. 6, when compared to Figs. 2 and 4,
also appears that the fat globules in the mdg mix follow- con"rm the trend suggested previously toward higher
ing batch freezing were more connected (in closer contact concentrations of fat globules at the air interface with
with each other, hence probably displaying either #oc- increasing fat destabilization. There appears to be more
culation or partial coalescence) than in the sample fol- fat/fat interaction (especially evident in Fig. 6B and 6F)
lowing continuous freezing or in the mix with no than previously, both at the air interface and in the bulk,
emulsi"er added. This is also evident in Fig. 5 as discern- and there was evidence of both coalescence (Fig. 6D)
ed by TEM. In general, more fat is seen at the air and partial coalescence (Fig. 6F). However, even with
interface from the mdg mix (Fig. 5) than from the mix the highest levels of fat destabilization (ps80 mix,
with no emulsi"er added (Fig. 3). Evidence of fat clusters, batch frozen, Fig. 6E and F), there is still a considerable
both at and extending away from the fat interface, is seen amount of air interface not covered by fat, which is
in Fig. 5E and F; as well, fat clusters existing in the bulk presumably covered by protein and/or surfactant, similar
phase independent of the air interface can be seen. Al- to the air interface observed in Fig. 2 with no added
though fat clustering exists at the air interface, there is no emulsi"er.
evidence of fat spreading. Casein micelles can also be seen Fat/air interactions both at the air interface and in the
occupying an important role at the air interface between serum phase are easily seen in Fig. 7. At the air interface,
adsorbed fat globules. there are examples of both bare fat protruding into the
824 H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from mix with mono- and di-glycerides added processed with three di!erent freezing
regimes (top set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; bottom set, E and F, batch
freezer) at two magni"cations each (left set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"5 lm; right set, B, D, and F, bar"1 lm). a"air bubble, c"casein micelle,
f"fat globule, i"ice crystal, s"serum phase. Arrowhead in F points to clustered fat at and extending away from the air interface.

bubble, and fat still coated by a thin (stained) membrane, level of fat destabilization can be seen in Fig. 7E and F,
suggesting that desorption of the membrane at the air re-emphasizing the importance of non-fat emulsifying
interface, although energetically favoured, may be kineti- materials (proteins, surfactants) at the air interface.
cally hindered by the low temperatures. Chains and clus- A similar structure, with incomplete coverage of the air
ters of fat globules, with varying extent of interaction interface by fat, and partially coalesced fat extending
between them, can be seen extending away from the air away from the air interface into the serum phase, was
interface into the bulk phase (e.g., Fig. 7F). The incom- presented by Anderson and Brooker (1988) in their TEM
plete coverage of fat at the air interface with the highest examination of whipped cream. There does not seem to
H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829 825

Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from mix with mono- and di-glycerides and polysorbate 80 added processed with three
di!erent freezing regimes (left set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; right set,
E and F, batch freezer) at two magni"cations each (top set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"15 lm; bottom set, B, D, and F, bar"5 lm). a"air
bubble, f"fat globule, i"ice crystal, s"serum phase. Arrowheads in B and F indicate clustered fat globules at the air interface while arrowhead in
D indicates example of coalesced fat.

be a distinct di!erence at the air interface created by the 80% of the total moisture, or about 50% by weight (or
freezing and air incorporation regime used, when com- volume excluding the air). Thus the casein micelles were
paring the high and low back pressures in the continuous dispersed in approximately 12.5% (by wt.) unfrozen
freezer, or comparing these to the batch frozen samples. water. Assuming a voluminosity of the micelles of
This suggests that air expansion on extrusion of ice 2}4 mL g~1 (Walstra & Jonkman, 1998), it is therefore
cream from the high pressure environment of the freezer not surprising that a very large proportion of the serum
is not responsible for any major disruption of fat net- phase volume is occupied by casein micelles. The process
works at the air interface. of partial coalescence further concentrates the casein
The concentration of casein micelles in the unfrozen micelles into discrete areas.
phase is more noticeable with higher levels of fat destabil- Fig. 8 shows a high magni"cation comparison of the
ization as the fat becomes more clustered (comparing the fat interface in the serum phase of ice cream from mixes
serum phase in Fig. 7 with Fig. 3). Go! (1997a) presented with no added emulsi"er and with mono- and di-glycer-
a TEM thin-section micrograph of melted ice cream ides and polysorbate 80 added. Similar to the structure of
showing distinct regions of concentrated casein micelles the fat globules in mixes prior to freezing (Go! et al.,
within a coalesced fat matrix. It appears that this region 1987), casein micelles can be seen adsorbed and spread at
of concentrated micelles originates from the frozen struc- the fat interface in large numbers in ice cream with no
ture and was not produced during the melting of the added emulsi"er (Fig. 8A), and mostly absent from the fat
sample for the previous TEM analysis. Walstra and interface in ice cream with emulsi"er present (Fig. 8B).
Jonkman (1998) concluded that there was very little The result is that the fat in Fig. 8A is seen as very discrete
change to casein micelle conformation or structure as and globular, while the fat in Fig. 8B is seen as clustered
a result of ice cream manufacture and freezing. However, through partial coalescence. Fat and casein are more
the concentration of casein micelles seen in Fig. 7 is evenly distributed with no surfactant (Fig. 8A), while the
striking. Based on an average value of casein in the milk interacting fat globules in Fig. 8B have given rise to
solids-not-fat, these mixes contained about 3.2% casein. localized regions of high casein content.
At !253C, the temperature at which the structure was Another striking microstructural feature was the het-
"rst quench-frozen, the ice content was approximately erogeneity present in the serum phase, increasing as the
826 H.D. Gow et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 817}829

Fig. 7. Transmission electron micrographs of ice cream frozen from mix with mono- and di-glycerides and polysorbate 80 added processed with three
di!erent freezing regimes (top set, A and B, continuous freezer, low back pressure; center set, C and D, continuous freezer, high back pressure; bottom
set, E and F, batch freezer) at two magni"cations each (left set, A, C, and E, bar (shown in F)"5 lm; right set, B, D, and F, bar"1 lm). a"air bubble,
c"casein micelle, f"fat globule, s"serum phase. Arrowhead in D points to thin membrane between fat globule and air while arrowhead in E points
to clustered fat globules in the serum phase.

extent of fat destabilization in the samples increased. It These regions may have been comprised solely of the
was noted above that as the fat became more clustered, serum phase solution (sugars and water), or they may
regions of high casein content also became more appar- have represented localized regions of high concentration
ent. However, the sample heterogeneity in the serum of the polysaccharides.
phase manifested itself in regions that were nearly devoid Several comparisons have been made in the past be-
of both casein and fat. Fig. 9 demonstrates such regions tween the fat network established in ice cream and that
as seen by both LT-SEM (Fig. 9A) and TEM (Fig. 9B). established in whipped cream (Go!, 1997b, Campbell

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