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Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah

Simulasi Sistem Industri – TI141317

Implementation of Simulation on Dunkin Donuts
Ngagel, Surabaya
Muthia Rahmasari (024116400000035), Ailsa Amanda (02411640000055),
Rachmad Irvan Syahputra (02411640000166)

Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia


Dunkin Donuts branch that located in Ngagel Jaya Selatan Surabaya is one of the busiest restaurant
caused by its strategic location. This donut store provided 30 types of donuts all variants and also
drinks. However, there are two main problems that often occurred in the store: the high number of lost
sales which caused by availability of their desired donuts on the display, and also some customers feel
unsatisfied because they can’t find clean tray and tongs so they have to wait first. Based on those
problems, certain improvements are needed to be done in Dunkin Donut Ngagel Jaya Selatan by using
simulation. Some scenarios are proposed such as increasing the number of restock time for each day &
new regulation that related to the availability of tray and tongs.



Dunkin Donuts cabang Ngagel Jaya Selata Surabaya merupakan Dunkin Donuts tersibuk di Surabaya
hal ini disebabkan karena tempatnya yang cukup strategis. Toko Donat ini menyediakan 30 jenis donat
dan berbagai varian roti dan minuman lainya. Tetapi ada dua hal yang menjadi masalah utama disini
yang pertama adalah, pelanggan sering tidak jadi beli karena stok donat yang mereka inginkan habis
dan banyak pelanggan yang merasa kurang puas karena harus menunggu nampan dan capitnya
dibersihkan. Maka berdasara masalah tersebut perlu diadakan perbaikan di Dunkin Donuts cabang
Ngagel Jaya Selatan menggunakan metode simulasi. Dikarenakan ada beberapa kesalahan kebijakan
prosedur di toko itu sendiri.


© 2018 Simulasi Sistem Industri.

Article History: Submitted on December 3, 2018

1. Introduction
In Indonesia, the first store was built in 1985 at Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta and right now it
already successfully open more than 200 stores in various major cities of Indonesia with high
satisfaction rate. In Surabaya there are 17 Dunkin’ Donuts store from east to west Surabaya, one of the
Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

branch is located in Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Baratajaya. It’s one of the Dunkin’s Donuts branch that have
a lot of customer because it’s not only it open 24 hours but it also located in a very strategic place, it
near a city park, school, campus, office and also hospital, the store is also have a comfortable interior
that make many people enjoy their time in there. Dunkin’ Donuts in Ngagel have around 3 employee
in the front cashier which 1 for packaging, 1 for preparing the drink and 1 for the cashier, and other
employee for cleaning and in the pantry.
The business process is pretty straight forward which after customer come they choose their
donuts, choose either they want to choose dine in or take aways, customer pay at the cashier and
finish. But there are some problem that have been identified that usually found in this Dunkin’ Donuts
store which are the stock availability and the availability of the tray and clip. For the donuts
availability is happen because the number of the customer is too high that made many donuts is
already out of stock in a short time, the second problem is because lack of Standard Operation
Procedure in the store itself for example many customer after using the tray and clip, the employee
didn’t put the tray to the right place and the right time. This could lead to customer lost and the
decreasing of customer satisfaction, So it need some solution to fix this problem. The method that
suggested is using a simulation, because tha activities and event in there are have a high variability and
interdependent between one and each other. For example the variability in the store which is
unpredictable is number of customer and the predictable one is the restock of the donuts, and not only
that but many of them affect one and each other such as the customer satisfaction, utilization,
efficiency and others. With simulation the factor and aspect that affect the problem can be identified
and optimized based on the data and scenario that have been conducted in the simulation.

2. Literature Review
In this section there are some literature review of some phrases such as simulation, system and
model that will be used during project.
2.1. System
A system is defined to be a collection of entities, that act and interact together toward the
accomplishment of some logical end [1]. There are two types of system, discrete and contiuous [2]. In
the simulation, a system consists of entities, activities, resources, and controls. Entities is something
processed through the system for example, customer, products, etc. Attribute is identity to distinguish
one entity to others. The process of entity performed something called activity, for example washing
dishes, cooking, casting process etc.
2.2. Simulation
A simulation is the imitation of the operation of real-world process or system over time [1]
.Another definition of simulation is a board collection of methods and applications to mimic the
behavior of real systems [3]. In the early years, simulation is very expensive and can only be found in
steel and aerospace corporations. To know the behavior of the real system, the model has to be
constructed to understand more how the system behave. Simulation is used as the appropriate tools to
study about the system’s behavior and analyze the complex system, in order to know the performance
and add improvement if necessary. Moreover, to know how significant is the improvement affecting
the system. The advantages of simulation are its flexibility to model things, can be uncertainty, more
cost efficient compare to the traditional trial and error techniques. On the hand simulation only
produce approximation not exact answers.
2.3 Arena Software
Arena is a graphical modeling system that is based on the concepts from object-oriented
programming and hierarchical modeling [4]. Arena is one of the simulation technologies by Rockwell
Automation that is simple and easy to use yet it has modelling flexibility. In Arena there are several

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model windows that can be used, the most frequent use are basic process, advance process and
advance transfer. There is also output processor to evaluate the simulation that already conducted.

3. Methodology
Below is the flowchart Industrial System Simulation assignment on the Dunkin Donuts branch Ngagel
Jaya Selatan, Surabaya.

Figure 1 Methodology Flowchart

The project is started with identifying the problem that occurred in the observation object,
which is restaurant. The next thing to do is identifying the system including the scope and type of
information that we needed. Then in order to be able to make conceptual model, data gathering must
be done. It will show rough sketch of flow inside the system. If the conceptual model passed the
validation, it can be continued to making the simulation model. The result of simulation model will go
to verification phase, and later we conduct validation again to check whether the simulation model fit
to the real system. If it passed we can directly make scenarios. Then we should check whether the
result of the scenario is align with our performance metrics that has been proposed. If yes, the
experiment using data that has been gathered could be done. The next things to do are analyze the
simulation result before making conclusion and suggestion..

4. Problem Description
This section will discuss about problem description including problem identification,
observation system description, data recapitulation, and conceptual model.
4.1 Problem Identification
The problem identification are times number of restock and the quantity of doughnut for each
restock, identify types of doughnut that has highest demands, and availability of trays & tongs. The
objective of this research is to create improvement scenario that related to the availability of certain
types of doughnuts to prevent lost sales. The desired final result is a scenario that there will be less/no
lost sales by ensuring that doughnuts are always available. The alternative action that wants to be
tested is by making new schedule of restock including its properties (doughnut quantities), and
increase the number of doughnut types that has high demands.
4.2 Observation System Description
a. Elements of the system:
Table 1 System Elements
System Elements Description
Entity Customers

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

System Elements Description

Resource Human (cashier, waiters), equipment (trays and tongs)
Servicing a customer, restocking the doughnuts, trays or tongs, packaging
process, payment precess, eating (for dine in customer)
The shop operates 24 hour, restocking schedule done at early in the
morning and afternoon, implement FIFO (First customer get served first)

b. Variable
Table 2 System Variables
Variables Description
Decision Variable Types and number of doughnut provided, number of trays and tongs
Response Variable Customer preferences, lost sales condition
The condition of the shop at certain times (availability of trays and tongs,
State Variable
number of doughnuts)

4.3 Data Recapitulation (summary)

In this sub-chapter the data recapitulation of the total donuts that bought by the customer in
the data collection phase will be shown below:
Table 3 Total donut that bought by the customer
No Type of Donuts Quantity No Type of Donuts Quantity
1 Honey dipped 16 16 Black cheese 7
2 Greentea frosted 16 17 Boston creme 2
3 BC tripple chocolate 19 18 Vanilla frosted 17
4 Strawberry frosted 16 19 Bavarian creme 2
5 Marble frosted 12 20 Strawberry filling 42
6 Chocolate mint 35 21 Sugarraised 48
7 Tiramizu 11 22 Chocolate filling 21
8 Special of the month 6 23 Lychee Orange 3
9 BC orange 3 24 BC wijen 2
10 Smiley lemon 18 25 BC hazelnut 5
11 Chocolate frosted 18 26 Peanut butter choc 5
12 BC choc crispy 16 27 Durian 4
13 Cr banana 3 28 Lemon sprinkle 17
14 White choc crispy 6 29 Peanut choc 29
15 Mocca frosted 10 30 Meses cokelat 59

The data that have been recapitulated from the data collection will be sort from the largest to
smallest. The top 10 type of donut that have the highest quantity will be used to simulate the process in
the Arena Software, below are the top 10 type of donuts.

Table 4 Top 10 donut that bought by the customer

No Type of Donuts Quantity No Type of Donuts Quantity
1 meses cokelat 59 6 chocolate filling 21
2 sugarraised 48 7 BC tripple chocolate 19
3 strawberry filling 42 8 chocolate frosted 18
4 chocolate mint 35 9 vanilla frosted 17
5 peanut choc 29 10 BC choc crispy 16

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From the top 10 of data, it will be compared the probability of tendency/preferences of which
donuts that usually bought by the the customer, it compared into the table below based on the Arena
Simulation Model.
Table 5 Probability of each combination of donut
Comparsison Percentage Probability
Sugaraissed & Strawberry Filling 53.33%
Strawberry filling & Meses Coklat 41.58%
Meses chocoalate & Peanute Choclate 67.05%
Peanut Chocolate & Chocolate Mint 45.31%
Chocolate Mint & BC 64.81%
BC Triple Chocolate & Chocolate
frosted 51.35%
Chocolate frosted & BC Choclate Crispy 52.94%
BC Chocolate crispy & Vanilla frosted 48.48%
Vanilla Frosted & Choclate fillinf 44.74%

The Donut inventory displayed is updated 2 times which at 06.00 AM and 16.00 PM. In the
morning it supplied around 20-50 donuts, which the top 10 donuts is updated about 50 donuts. In the
evening because it’s not as empty as in the morning it only supplied around 20 donuts. For the tray and
tong, they still don’t have a schedule when the right time to clean it. It will be cleaned randomly based
on the quanityt of the customer.
Below are the arrival customer data recapitulation based on the data collecting, the type of
distribution is exponential with the square error is 0.002198 and the expression is -0.001+EXPO
4.4 Conceptual Model
The conceptual model will be shown below:

Figure 2 Conceptual Model of Douughnut Inventory

Figure 3 Conceptual Model of Tray and Tong

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Figure 4 Conceptual Model of Customer Activity

4.4 Assumption and Limitation

There are some assumption and limitation that we set during working the project:
 There is no reorder point—the restock of all donuts type occurred on times that has been
determined before at once.
 The current condition of the simulation is neglected the donut purchasing condition in every shift
(there are two shift based on the restocking schedule), but in the real condition it would be better to
also considering the purchasing in each shift to determine more precise restocking schedule.
 The top 10 donuts that we used as input for the simulation have highest demands of purchasing,
and the rest of donut types are less significant so we can neglect it.
 For the simulation model, we assume that each customer that arrived is taking the tray and tongs
first before they’re looking for types of donut along with its inventory and choose.
 Data that we used in the simulation is gathered only from direct observation, and no secondary data
(from the management).

5. Discussion and Analysis

In this sub-chapter, it contain the result of simulation including the verification, validation and
replication, the existing condition analysis and the improved condition analysis.
5.1 Number of Replication, Verification and Validation
In this sub-chapter there are 3 process that will conducted which are model verification that
will determined whether the model operates as intended, calculation the amount of replication and the
last one is model validation which to determined whether the model is meaningful and accurate
representation of the real system.

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The first procedure is verfication, to deterimed it already operates as intended, there are two
method that will be conducted which are by pressing F4 button. Based on the figure below it can be
known that there is no error in the model.

Figure 5 Simulation Model Verification

The Second method is to use an animation to help the verification process. There are 2
animation that will shown in this process such as inventory of donut, number of tray and tong that
displayed. In the picture below it shown the graph of the animation that going up and down over the

Figure 6 Display amount of tray and tong Figure 7 Total number of donuts
Next process is replication process, there are 2 parameter that observed which are customer
that went home (lost sales) and customer who wait for the tray and tong. The calculation the number
of replication that needed is using this two formula below.
(𝑡𝑛−1,𝛼/2 )×𝑠 ′ 𝑥
ℎ𝑤 = 𝑛 =[ 2
√𝑛 𝛽
For the first parameter which the lost sales, based on the calculation the number of replication
that needed is 36 times, so the simulation replication must change to 36 to get enough hw. The second
parameter which the total number of customer who wait for tray and tong, the n' is 3.84 which means
the first simulation run only need a 3 replication to get adequate hw. Below are the summary of the
data that needed for calculation the n' and hw.
Table 6 Replication Calculation Process
Customer that went home (lost sales) Customer who wait for tray and tong
Data Simulation Model Real System Simulation Model Real System
1 11 11 4 3
2 18 12 - 0
3 19 25 7 4

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Customer that went home (lost sales) Customer who wait for tray and tong
Data Simulation Model Real System Simulation Model Real System
4 23 15 6 1
5 23 13 - 5
6 27 9 4 7
7 8 21 2 10
8 15 - - -
9 15 - - -
10 11 - 7 -
Average 17 15.14 5 4.29
Standard Deviation 6.13 5.79 2 3.45
N 10 7 10 7
hw 4.61 - 1.43 -
3.84 - 2.26 -
n' 36.01 3.84

Because the first parameter need 36 replication, the simulation is need to run 36 times to get
enough hw, below are the data that obtained from the new simulation.
Table 7 Replication of the first parameter
Simulation (n=36)
Replication Customer that went home Replication Customer that went home
1 21 8 25
2 10 9 14
3 5 10 27
4 7 . .
5 31 . .
6 20 35 9
7 11 36 34
Average 16.11
Standard Deviation 10.65

The last process is to do the validation process for the two parameter, by using a Sutdent's-t
test. The first step is to determining the intial hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for both of the
parameter. Which are stated below
Table 8 Hypothesis testing
Customer that went home (lost sales) Customer who wait for tray and tong
Initial Hypothesis H0 : μ1 – μ2 = 0 H0 : μ1 – μ2 = 0
Alternative Hypothesis HA : μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0 HA: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0

If the result is do not reject initial hypothesis so it means there is no difference between the
real system and simulation model so the model is valid. In contrary if it reject initial hypothesis, it
means the model is not valid because there is a significance difference. The calculation of the test is by
using these two formula and compared with the t-critical in the table Student's t.

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Table 9 Validation Process

Validation Calculation
Customer that went home (lost sales) Customer who wait for tray and tong
n1 (Real System) 7 7
n2 (Simulation) 36 10
Average of Real System 15.14 4.29
Average of Simulation System 16 5
Alpha 0.05 0.05
df 41 0.05
Sp 10.1 2.68
t-critical 2.02 2.13
t-test -0.24 -0.54
-2.02 < -0.24 < 2.02 -2.13 < -0.54 < 2.13
Do Not Reject H0, model is valid

Based on the calculation, it can be known that tthere are no significance different between
simulation model and real system in both of the parameter, because there is no proof to reject the
initial hypothesis. So the result is the simulation model is valid.

5.2 Existing Condition Analysis

The Dunkin Donuts restaurant is actually open for 24 hours. But for the simulation, the group
assumes that it’s operate from 8 AM to 11 PM—which is the time when donuts are available. The
flow started when customer arrive. The first thing that they do is go to the doughnut’s stalls and take
the tray and tongs. If the tray and tongs are not available at the moment, the customer has to wait until
the waiter delivers it. For the doughnut types there are up to 30 flavour that available, but in the
simulation we choose the top-ten flavor with highest demands (according to the result of our direct
observation) such as: sugarraised, strawberry filling, chocolate meises, peanut chocolate, chocolate
mint, BC Triple Chocolate, Chocolate frosted, BC Choco Crispy, Vanilla frosted, and Chocolate
filling doughnut. Customer then decides to choose certain doughnut types and checking whether their
desired quantity is available or not. If it’s settled, they can proceed to do payment in the cashier and go
home. From the simulation report of Arena for the existing model, it can be seen that the average lost
sales is 16 persons and average number of customer who should wait for tray and tongs is 4 persons.
According to the management, the number of donuts restock is twice a day, at 6 AM and 4 PM, and
they wash the tray and tongs every 1,5-2 hours. In the simulation we also make some assumptions
such as each customer take 1 pair of tray and tongs, and each pair consists of 1 tray and 1 tongs.
Another thing that need to be considered is during observation we only paid attention to the number of
customer who has to wait for the tray and tongs, not how long it required until they get the tray and
tongs. Therefore we can’t do the validation for the waiting time.

5.3 Improvement Condition Analysis

The parameters that already decided before are number of lost sales and number of customers
who has to wait before getting the tray and tong. The first parameter improvement is to change the
regulation of tray and tong restock. The waiter has to clean up the tray and tong everytime the amount
of tray and tong in the display is 5. In hope, the tray and tong will always be available for the

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

customer. While for the second parameter improvement is to change the number of donut restock and
how many times the donut will be restock per day. The summary of the scenario is present in the table
Table 10 Scenario
Lost sales Dunkin Donut restock Dunkin Donut restock the Dunkin Donut restock the
the donut 2 times a day, donut 3 times a day, at 6 donut 3 times a day, at 6
at 6 am and 4 pm with am and 12 noon and 4 am and 12 noon and 4 pm
quantity 100 units and pm with quantity 50 with quantity 75 units, 50
50 units. units, 35 units and 35 units and 50 units.
Tray and tong Regulation to restock Regulation to restock the Regulation to restock the
the tray and tong tray and tong everytime tray and tong everytime
everytime the display is the display is 5 units the display is 5 units
5 units

In here, the proposed scenario is only to revise the quantity and frequency of the restock
donuts. While actually, another scenario can be build considering the minimum number of display
donut available. But, this meet constraint of the arrival of donut in store. And limitation of information
whether the donut is made in the store, or in another place. From each of the scenario above the
simulation then conducted for 35 replications. Then both parameters are being recorded. And below is
the resulted data,

Table 11 Data Recapitulation of Improvement

1 2 3
Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter
1 2 1 2 1 2
1 0 0 2 0 0 0
2 0 0 2 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 0 0
6 2 0 3 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 3 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
31 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 0 1 0 0 0
33 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 0 0 9 0 0 0
35 0 0 2 0 0 0
average 0,31428571 0 1,37142857 0 0 0

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4 1
standard 0,71830800 2,17046639
dev. 3 5 0 0 0

This data then analyzed using ANOVA one way to be compared with the initial condition.
Ho: 𝜇1 = 𝜇2 = 𝜇3 =𝜇4
Ha: 𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛
Alpha = 0.05

Figure 8 ANOVA tested Result Excel

From the ANOVA test result, the conclusion in to reject the null hypothesis, so at least one
population has different mean. Next the LSD test is conducted to know the pair comparison of each
scenario with the existing condition. If the difference between mean |𝜇𝑖 − 𝜇𝑗| > 𝐿𝑆𝐷 and the result is
show in the table (13) that all those 3 scenarios has significance difference with the initial condition.

Table 12 Difference between mean population

LSD = 1,252 initial 1 2 3
1 15,28571429
2 14,22857143 1,05714286
3 15,6 0,31428571 1,371428571

Table 13 LSD test Result

initial Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
scenario I <
Scenario 1 existing
different, No
scenario II < significance
Scenario 2 existing difference

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different, No Different,
scenario III < significance scenario III <
Scenario 3 existing difference scenario II

Based on the resulted tested data, the lowest number of customers went home (lost sales) is
from the scenario 3, same with the number person wait for the tray and tong.
Another thing to consider which of the scenarios is the best to the Dunkin Donut, is the
number of unsold donut. In here, the ARENA result shows that scenario one will have total 39 unsold
donut, scenario two has 9 unsold donut and scenario 3 has 55 unsold donut. Based on this argument,
the best scenario to be applied is scenario number two.

6. Conclusion and Suggestion

The objective of this simulation is hightlighting the availability of doughnuts stocks and tongs
problem in one of Dunkin Donut in Surabaya. High number of customers most likely make the
doughnut be out of stock in short period of time, and lacking of SOP makes the waiters doesn’t put
tray and tongs back to its place regularly—causing some customers have to wait before they can get it.
Data for this simulation is gathered from direct observation including types of doughnut that have
highest demands, customer arrival time, and the quantity of each type of donuts for every purchasing.
Parameters in this simulation are the number of lost sales and number of customer who has to wait
first. The simulation model paased the validation since its t-test value is smaller than t-critical. Some
improvements have been made such as increasing the number of doughnuts restocking from 2 times to
be 3 times, and new regulation for the waiter to restock tray and tongs when the current stock is in
certain number. And after conducting simulation for four scenarios, the best one is obtained by
considering number of doughnut unsold which is: by restocking doughnuts three times a day (6 AM,
12 Noon and 4 PM—each with quantity of 50 units, 35 units and 35 units respectively) and also
restock the tray and tongs when the stock in the display is 5 units.
Any suggestion that can be drawn from this project is it might be better to also asked for
primary data directly from the management to get more reliable and exact data. And from the result of
our simulation, we suggest the Dunkin Donuts management to increase their number of restock for the
doughnut in each day and also provides regulation about the availability of tray and tongs on the

7. Reference
[1] Banks, J., J. S. Carson, II, and B. L. Nelson. 1996. Discrete-Event System Simulation,
Second Edition, Prentice Hall.
[2] Kelton, W.David. Law, Averill M. 2010. Simulation Modelling and Analysis Third
Edition. McGrawHill.
[3] Schmidt. Taylor, J W. Simulation and Analysis of Industrial Systems.1970. Richard
D.Irwin Inc.
[4] Drevna, Michael J. kasales, Cynthia J. Introduction to ARENA. 1994. Accessed on 15th
November 2018, <Available on>

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APPENDIX A - Data Collection

Table 14 Customer Arrivals

Arrival Arrival Arrival Arrival
No Days No Days No Days No Days
Time Time Time Time
1 09.00 27 14.11 53 14.11 79 15.20
2 09.13 28 14.17 54 14.12 80 15.21
3 09.20 29 14.26 55 14.19 81 15.27
4 09.23 30 14.35 56 14.32 82 15.34
5 09.28 31 14.5 57 14.44 83 15.34
6 09.29 32 11-Nov-18 14.53 58 14.56 84 15.36
7 09.32 33 15.02 59 14.58 85 15.38
8 09.35 34 15.1 60 15.22 86 15.47
9 09.37 35 15.21 61 15.25 87 15.47
10 09.41 36 15.46 62 15.34 88 15.50
11 09.41 37 15.51 63 22.43 89 16.03
12 09.47 38 14.19 64 23.01 90 16.05
13 09.52 39 14.23 65 23.20 91 12.40
14 09.54 40 14.24 66 23.52 92 12.55
15 09.59 41 14.24 67 00.15 93 13.05
16 10.00 42 14.30 68 00.40 94 13.15
17 10.06 43 14.33 69 14.55 95 13.21
18 10.07 44 12-Nov-18 14.38 70 15.03 96 13.35
19 10.08 45 14.40 71 15.04 97 13.40
20 10.09 46 14.46 72 15.11 98 13.53
21 10.15 47 14.47 73 15.12 99 13.40
22 10.25 48 14.48 74 15.12 100 14.00
23 10.25 49 15.01 75 15.15 101 14.10
24 10.26 50 15.08 76 15.15 102 14.17
25 14.08 51 13.59 77 15.18
11-Nov-18 13-Nov-18
26 14.09 52 14.00 78 15.18

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Table 15 Quantity & Number of purchasing

Qty for total Qty for total Qty for total
DONUT Number of DONUT Number of DONUT Number of
each quantity each quantity each quantity
TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing
purchasing purchased purchasing purchased purchasing purchased
1 1 12 2 22 4
1 1 choco 2
1 bc choc 2 filling 3
Honey 6 21
1 crisp 1 2
2 3 6
2 9 16 2 9 16 4
3 2 23 2
lychee 2 3
2 2 1
24 - bc
3 1 2 1 2
2 1 13 2 25 1
2 3
1 cr banana 1 bc 2
3 5
1 14 2 2
2 2 26 1
2 1 4 6 peanut 2
10 16 butter 3 5
2 1 choc 2

1 15 1 27 2
2 4
2 mocca 3 durian 2
2 frosted 1 28 1
2 1 6 10 lemon 1
3 3 3 sprinkle 4
7 17
BC triple 1 13 19 1 1
2 16 2 3 7 2

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Qty for total Qty for total Qty for total

DONUT Number of DONUT Number of DONUT Number of
each quantity each quantity each quantity
TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing
purchasing purchased purchasing purchased purchasing purchased
2 black 2 Lemon 6
cheese sprinkle
1 3 2
17 - boston
1 2 1 2 29 2
2 18 1 1
1 vanilla 2 peanut 1
1 frosted 2 choc 1
2 4 7 17
1 3 2
1 2 2
1 3 1
19 - 17 29
4 1 bavarian 2 1 2 3
straw 1 20 1 4
frosted 1 strawberry 1 2
1 filling 1 1
1 10 16 2 2
1 3 1
1 1 2
3 2 23 42 1
2 2 2
4 1 30 3
5 4 1 meses 1
marble 2 3 choc 2 21 59
3 12
6 Strawberry 2 4

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

Qty for total Qty for total Qty for total

DONUT Number of DONUT Number of DONUT Number of
each quantity each quantity each quantity
TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing
purchasing purchased purchasing purchased purchasing purchased
6 5 filling 2 Meses 3
3 1 choc 1
2 1 3
3 5 2
1 1 5
1 3 2
3 3 3
6 14 35 2 1
1 1 6
2 2 1
2 1 2
2 21 1 1
2 sugarraised 1 6
2 1 3
7 3 1 2
tiramizu 2 1 4
2 5 11 1 4
2 1
2 4
8 3 2
26 48
spec of 2 2
the 3 6
month 1 3

9 bc
3 1 3 2
10 1 2
smiley 2 7 18 1
lemon 2 2

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

Qty for total Qty for total Qty for total

DONUT Number of DONUT Number of DONUT Number of
each quantity each quantity each quantity
TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing TYPE Purchasing
purchasing purchased purchasing purchased purchasing purchased
3 2
6 sugarraised 1
2 2
2 1
11 2 2
choco 1 2
frosted 1 2
2 1
3 9 18 3
2 4
1 3

Data Distribution
1. Honey Dipped = Unif(1,3) 13. CR Banana = Unif (1,3) 24. BC Wijen = Unif (1,2)
2. Greentea = Unif(1,2) 14. White Chocolate = Unif (1,2) 25. BC Hazelnut = Unif (1,2)
3. BC Triple Chocolate = Unif (1,2) 15. Mocca Frosted = Unif (1,3) 26. Peanut Butter Chocolate = Unif (1,2)
4. Strawberry Frosted = Unif (1,4)
16. Black cheese = Unif (2,3) 27. Durian = Unif (1,2)
5. Marble Frosted = Unif (2,6)
6. Chocolate mint = Unif (1,6) 17. Boston crème = Unif (1,2) 28. Lemon Sprinkle = Unif (1,6)
7. Tiramisu = Unif (2,3) 18. Vanilla Frosted = Unif (1,4) 29. Peanut Chocolate = Unif (1,4)
8. Special of the Month = Unif (1,3) 19. Bavarian crème = Unif (1,2) 30. Meses chocolate = Unif (1,6)
9. BC Orange = Unif (0,3) 20. Strawberry filling = Unif (1,5)
10. smiley lemon = Unif (1,6) 21. Sugarraised = Unif (1,4)
11. Choco frosted = Unif (1,3)
22. Choco filling = Unif (2,6)
12. BC Choc Crispy = Unif (1,3)
23. Lychee Orange = Unif (1,2)
APPENDIX B – Model A (For Existing Condition)

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018


Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018


Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018


Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

APPENDIX C – Documentation

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018

APPENDIX D – Contribution Sheet

Member 1

Name Muthia Rahmasari

Nrp 024116400000035

Job Description Literature review, conceptual model, ARENA simulation, scenario, data collection

Member 2

Name Ailsa Amanda

Nrp 02411640000055

Job Description Abstract, Data Collection, Data Recapitulation, Methodology, Existing Condition analysis, conclusion &

Member 3

Name Rachmad Irvan Syahputra

Nrp 02411640000166

Job Description Abstract, introduction, data collection, data recapitulation, basic process ARENA, Replication, Verification and

Ailsa, Muthia, Irvan /Tugas Besar Mata Kuliah Simulasi Sistem Industri 2018


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