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Dispersion and Reservoir Heterogeneity Atul Arya,* SPE, U. of Texas Tom A. Hewett, SPE, Chevron Oil Field Research Co. Ronald G. Larson, AT&T Bell Laboratories Larry W. Lake, SPE, U. of Texas Summary. Macroscopic dispersion isthe mining, on the scale of several hundreds of gran diameters, ata point ina permeable medium thas fee of boundary effects. Megascopic dispersion is the one-dimensional (1D) dispersion derived by averaing across tm entre cross section. This work investigates how both dispersions vary with heterogeneity, aspect ratio, diffusion coefficient, and autocorrelation. The theoretical results re compared to existing eld and laboratory dala and (0 existing theories for Lining cases The degree of autocorrelation in the medium determines whether oF nt megascopiccispesivity (Bspersion coefficient divided by velocity) is uniquely defined. Large correlation distances (with respect the medium dimensions) imply a dispersivity that’ ows with distance traveled. Small correlation distances imply a dispersivity tha is eventually stabilized at some constant value ‘This vale is related 10 the heterogeneity of the medium. On the field scale, diffusion is insignificant, but on a laboratory scale, it can sabilize the dspersvity even sf the medium is correlate. Macroscopic dispersivity is sensitive to diffusion in both the laboratory and fild scale. tis smaller than or equal to megascopic dspersvty, also in conformance with experimental dat, and comparable to laboratory-measured dispersivity. Introduction Dispersion is mixing caused by variations (heterogeneity) in the velocity within each flow channel and from one channel to another. Molecular diffusion isthe transport of mass beeause of spatial con cetration differenes. Dispersion and diffosion in permeable media play an important role in miscible displacement, where channeling andor fingering of the displacing fluid occurs. We examine the iterelationship between heterogeneity aad diffusion inthis pape. Inthis paper. mixing esting from macroscopic variations in he permeability ofthe medium is of primary interest. These heter- Speneitis cause actuation i he velcites Of inividalid ele tens. To focus on the mixing resulting from heterogeneity snd difsion, the process under consideration sone in which one Hud displaces another fully miscible fluid. The investigative ool sm nerzl simulation of Frsteontact-miscble,equaldensiy, constant ‘nobility displacements in two-dimensional 2D), randomly hee. epeneous (RH) How fel 'A primary purpose ofthis work isto investigate the behavior of longitudinal cispersivty in field-scale misible displacements We plac special emphasis on analyzing systems with large heer ‘openety Dykstra Parsons! coetiient, Vpp 0.6 0.8), which isthe norm in oilfield cores. These vals are considerably highee tan those generally investigated in the past? We also investigate te effets of difsion and system aspect ratios (system length parle to bulk flow divied by length perpendicalar to low (10) fn the behavior of longitudinal dispersvity Definitions Macroscopic dispersion is the mixing, on the scale of several Ihondreds of grain diameters, at a point ina permeable medium that is free of boundary effects. Megascopic dispersion isthe 1D is- persion derived by averaging across an entire cross section. “The megascopic description is typically the size of a gridblock ina numerical reservoir simulation model and contains many macroscopic elements. The megascopie dispersivity, oye is im- portant in feld-scale simulation of EOR processes because it eon- trols volumetric sweep efficiency within a gridblock. ‘A macroscopic description describes a permeable medium in tems of average properties and their variations at scales much larger than pores.* In EOR, the macroscopic dispersvity, a4. controls oil recovery by determining the rate of formation of an effective oil “Wow tea Yemen ‘Ceo 198 Seo a Pebieun Engrs SPE Reservoir Enpincerng, Febrary 1988 recovering mixture in te pores. This happens in developed miscible flood or through the generation ofan optimal salinity in micelle! polymer floods. ‘Megascopie and macroscopic do not necessarily coincide with fold and laboratory scales. The dispersvity measured in a labo tory experiment is megascopic, but it differs from a fiekd-scale mogascopi dspersivity because ofa smaller heterogeneity, a gener- ally smaller aspect ratio, and a greater influence of lateral bound. res. We shall see below that megascopic dispersviies measured ‘on Laboratory displacements are comparable to the macroscopic dis persivity in fild-scale displacement ‘Both macroscopic and megascopic dispersions in a permeable ‘medium result from contrasts in hydraulic conductivity. Generally. the larger the contrast between the elements that make up the medi tum, the larger the dispersion. In these eases, mixing is produced by permeable-medium nonidealities that ate responsible for changes in the direction and velocity of flow. For most geologic systems of interest, the most significant dispersion willbe generated by this ‘mechanism, Classifying Mixing ‘We classify mixing by the time behavior of the dimensionless mixing or transition zone, Axp. Ap isthe distance, normalized by L, cover which the cross-ectionally averaged displacing fluid concen. tration changes a fixed amount (usually from 0.1 © 0.9). A gener al form ofthe ID linear material-balance equation can be used 10 classy different types of mixing zones: ac ac ae o—+uRO)— DC) o ar Es where FC) = flux function, D{C) = diffusion function, and ‘S(C) = capacitance or source function. For illustration, we take D(C) constant=6K;, and S{C)=K'C, whore isa rate constant In dimensionless form, Eq. | bocomes kL @ DIMENSIONLESS HIKING ZONE LENGTH (Ap) | DIMENSIONLESS TIME (tp) |___Fls. 1AClassitying mixing by xp behavior. Fre ineuced Cepecitive ‘DIMENSIONLESS TIME (ip) 1B—Classitying mixing by Nj! behavior. Npe = Peclet number, Nox = Damkéhler number, ‘tp = dimensionless time, and ip = dimensionless distance. Tn what follows, we use eye and Nj! imterchangeably. They are related by 0K: = @ ML ‘A flun-induced mixing zone occurs when Nje!=Npg=0. In this ‘ase, Sp is. linear function of fp and is independent of L. In 2 capacitive mixing rone, Nj!=O and Fis constant. Here, Ax approaches constancy with respect to fp, and iss magnitude is it versely proportional Tha dispersive mixing 200, Noy =0 and Fisconstant, rp grows in proportion tothe square rot of time. ‘xp also varies with LS. Fig, 1A shows schematically the var. iation of mixing zones with respect 10 tp ‘We can also use dispersivty itself as an indicator ofthe type of mixing occurring during a displacemen.—ic., we match the Slu- tion of Eg. 2 with Ny =O and = tothe actual response ofthe sytem, When we do, this dispersivity is no longer constant in gener- al Inthe case of Tus-induced mixing, dispersivity grows linearly ‘with and this growth is independent of Z In a purely capacitive mixing zane, dispersivity decreases with fp and reaches an asymp toric lower limit at large fp. It depends on Z, with small systems Inaving larger dispersivties. Ina dispersive mixing zane the dis petsviy is invariant respect to time. Fig, 18 shows the vara tion of ispersvity with tp forthe three types of mixing zones Except forthe purely dispersive case the dispersivities should be called apparent because they are not actually a measure of dispersive mixing. The three types of mixing re manifestations ofa particular mech anism, Flux-induced mixing occurs inthe Buckley-Leverest solu- 0 tion to immiscible displacements, or in any displacement that is locally bypassing ol (channeling oF viscous fingering). Capacitive mixing occurs because of mas transfer from locally stgnant regions in the medium or because of nonequilibrium chemical reaction. Dis petsve mixing is caused by diffusion or mechanical mixing in mi ble displacements or by capillary pressure in immiscible displacements Tn oll reservoirs, mixing berween fluids is caused by a variety ‘of mechanisms. For example, in a miscible flood, mixing can be {rest of mass transfer by extraction, vaporization, condensation,

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