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Eli Hustad and Bjørn Erik Munkvold

This article highlights the potential benefits and challenges related to implementation of IT-sup-
ported strategic competence management as part of a human resource management system.
A case study of the implementation of a competence management system in the global tele-
communications company Ericsson reveals several implementation challenges, and also
shows how the system supports Ericsson’s knowledge networking strategy, through locating
experts and stimulating emerging “communities of knowing.”

VER THE PAST TWO DECADES,THE ROLE may be critical to uphold a strategic advantage
Ph.D. candidate at
Agder University
O of human resource management (HRM)
in organizations has shifted from measur-
(Davenport and Prusak, 1998). Competitive ad-
vantage also results from effective integration
College, Norway. Her
ing individual productivity among the of the specialized knowledge of employees
research focuses on employees toward strategic management of (Grant, 1996). Increasing globalization implies
knowledge networking the human resources, focusing on competence tougher competition and more dynamic mar-
and distributed development, human learning management, kets, but also offers the possibility of increasing
networks of practice in knowledge management, and learning organi- the capabilities of an organization through uti-
multinationals. zations (Berardine, 1997; Hagan, 1996; Hen- lizing competence from different geographical
drickson, 2003). locations in the global workforce (Borghoff
MUNKVOLD is Competence management (CM) involves and Pareschi, 1998). Strategic competence
Associate Professor at the planning, implementation, and evaluation management should thus be a high priority
Agder University of initiatives to ensure sufficient competencies among managers (Bergenhenegouwen et al.,
College, Norway. He of the employees and the company to reach the 1996; Niederman, 1999; Pickett, 1998).
has wide experience in objectives of the organization (Nordhaug, Information technology plays a fundamen-
systems analysis and 1993). Competence management constitutes tal role in supporting knowledge work in orga-
consulting for different an important element in knowledge manage- nizations. The term “knowledge management
industries, and is
ment (KM), which focuses on systematic and systems” (KMS) (Alavi and Leidner, 2001; Bow-
currently conducting
innovative methods, practices, and tools for man, 2002) refers to a broad range of informa-
research on the
implementation of
managing the generation, acquisition, ex- tion systems supporting the creation, transfer,
collaboration change, protection, distribution, and utiliza- and application of individual and organization-
technologies. He can be tion of knowledge, intellectual capital, and al knowledge. This article focuses on compe-
reached at intangible assets (Montana, 2000). Managing tence systems, which are a particular type of
Bjorn.E.Munkvold@ knowledge and competencies is increasingly KMS providing an integrated picture of the or- important for innovative organizations, and ganization’s total competence resources that

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can be mapped against competence require- to the implementation of this type of global
ments and used as a basis for planning and im- competence management system. As a back-
plementing competence development actions. drop to the Ericsson case, we first highlight the
Competence systems may represent an impor- key principles and elements of IT-supported
tant resource for the knowledge management competence management.
processes of an organization, by serving as the

T he
“knowledge yellow pages” of an organization
in terms of “who knows what,” identifying the
integrated knowledge bearers (Alavi and Leidner, 2001;
Borghoff and Pareschi, 1998; Marchand, 1998; The HRM function in organizations has gained
focus on increasing strategic emphasis, and the impor-
Schüppel et al., 1998), and tracking different
competence competence development initiatives (Lindgren tance of aligning HRM strategy and business
management et al., 2003). strategy is well acknowledged (Agarwal and
IT-supported competence systems vary in Ferratt, 1999; Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall,
and knowledge
scale, from single-user PC-based systems, to 1988; Ulrich and Lake, 1990). Effective HRM is
networking in submodules for competence planning and vital for being able to meet market demands
Ericsson management integrated in complete solutions with well-qualified employees at all times.
serves to for HRM that also support payroll, recruitment, Competence management is an important part
and other basic HRM functions. The latter type of HRM practice, where the aim is to generate
illustrate the of integrated HRM solution is also offered as competencies that provide the organization
potential role part of enterprise resource planning (ERP) sys- with the right mix of talent to meet existing
of competence tems, again integrating HRM functions with and future needs (Nordhaug, 1993; Ulrich and
other business functions and processes. For ex- Lake, 1990). Further, the core competencies of
management ample, major ERP systems such as SAP and Peo- the organization should provide guidelines for
in knowledge pleSoft offer HRM modules, which comprise the competence management process to in-
management. modules for competence management (Peo- crease sustainable competitiveness (Bergenhe-
pleSoft, 2004; SAP, 2004). negouwen et al., 1996; Hagan, 1996). In a
An increasing number of companies are be- competence-based organization, the descrip-
coming aware of the strategic potential of im- tion, stimulation, and development of the indi-
plementing competence systems. However,
vidual competencies of the employees are
this is a comprehensive process, and the re-
highlighted, rather than focusing on job de-
sources required to identify, register, and main-
scriptions and duties (Lawler, 1993).
tain the required competence data have made
Organizations wanting to establish long-
several companies realize that their initial am-
term employment need to focus on career de-
bitions regarding the scope of information to
velopment and long-term goals for their em-
be stored in these systems have been too high.
Despite the increasing interest and strategic ployees. This requires an overview of the
emphasis on this type of HRM system (Bera- competence of each employee, an area well
dine, 1997; Kallis, 1999; Totty, 2001), there are suited for IT support. A competence system
as yet few published examples from the field typically includes the following functionality:
on organizational experiences related to the im- ❚ Registering competence data (formal educa-
plementation and use of competence systems. tion, skills, experiences, etc.)
This article discusses the potential benefits ❚ Mapping of present and future target compe-
derived from implementing IT-supported com- tence levels for business units and employ-
petence management, based on a case study in ees
the telecommunications company Ericsson. ❚ Analyzing competence gaps at various orga-
The company is in the process of implement- nizational levels
ing a global competence management system ❚ Recording the outcome of personnel discus-
that will replace the locally developed solu- sions
tions and will support global competence shar- ❚ Suggesting, storing, and tracking compe-
ing and “communities of knowing” throughout tence development actions
the company. The integrated focus on compe- ❚ Serving as a repository for CVs (curriculum
tence management and knowledge networking
vitae), training, and course offerings
in Ericsson serves to illustrate the potential role
of competence management in knowledge These systems also offer various search capabil-
management. Finally, the case study also pro- ities, such as for conducting organization-wide
vides insight into potential challenges related competence searches related to global staffing
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(Wiechmann et al., 2003; Ryan et al., 2003), as can conflict with the local practices and cul-
well as extensive report generating options. ture of the different offices, such as those relat-
With the “E-wave” also reaching the area of ed to defining and evaluating the needed
HRM, the terms E-HR or E-HRM are increasingly competencies, resistance to adopting these
being used when referring to the next develop- standards in some units is not uncommon
ment stage in IT-based HRM (Karakanian, 2000; (Greengard, 1995; Hellström et al., 2000; Hell-

C ompetence
Lengnick-Hall and Moritz, 2003; Ruël and
Bondarouk, 2004).This involves the use of Web
ström et al., 2001; Rolland and Monteiro, 2002;
Ruël and Bondarouk, 2004).
systems give technologies for redistributing HR activities IT-supported competence systems may also
indispensable from the HR department to the entire organiza- contribute to the knowledge management pro-
tion, and integrating these with other corpo- cesses in an organization, through supporting
information rate processes such as finance, supply-chain identification and distribution of knowledge
about where the management, and customer service (Karaka- and competence (Davenport and Prusak,
knowledge nian, 2000). Several point to how e-HRM may 1998). Marchand (1998) focuses on how
involve different approaches, representing knowledge-based organizations use meta-infor-
resides. steps in a development process (Lengnick-Hall mation to develop so-called knowledge maps,
and Moritz, 2003; Ruël and Bondarouk, 2004). providing information on who possesses what
The first step is focusing on operational HRM, knowledge and competence in the organiza-
such as publishing information, administering tion. In this sense, competence systems give in-
payroll, etc. The second, higher-level form in- dispensable information about where the
volves automation of basic processes such as knowledge resides rather than providing ac-
recruiting, training, and performance manage- cess to the knowledge itself, thus supporting
ment. The third stage is of a more transforma- the network model of KMS (Alavi, 2000). This
tional nature, involving HR activities with a may form the basis for developing “communi-
strategic character. Typically, activities related ties of knowing,” defined as a network of spe-
to strategic competence management and stra- cialists sharing knowledge, experience, and
tegic knowledge management fall into this tools within a common area of interest (Boland
third category. Other reports on E-HRM in large and Tenkasi, 1995). It is also argued that com-
companies such as IBM, Ford, and Dow Chem- petence systems may affect the socialization
icals mostly focus on the operational stage, em- process among employees, by providing
phasizing cost reduction and efficiency gains, awareness of communities of individuals with
rather than strategic competence management similar interests (Lindgren and Stenmark,
(Ruël and Bondarouk, 2004). 2002).
A recent development in the functionality
of HRM systems has been the transition from
client/server-based systems to Web-based ac- CASE STUDY: COMPETENCE
cess. This has resulted in new options for “self- MANAGEMENT AT ERICSSON
service” routines, where managers and em- In this section, the principles and possibilities
ployees themselves can be responsible for reg- for IT-supported competence management are
istering and maintaining their CVs, as well as illustrated through a case study of an ongoing
filing and tracking time/attendance, leave per- implementation project in the telecommunica-
mits, and payroll information online (Hendrick- tions company Ericsson. Ericsson is a global
son, 2003). This functionality increases the company, operating in more than 140 coun-
perceived usefulness of the system, and relieves tries with approximately 52,000 employees
the HRM staff of some of the more routine every- (Ericsson, 2003).
day jobs that instead can be replaced by more Our data collection mainly took place in the
strategic tasks (Berardine, 1997; Totty, 2001). Norwegian branch of Ericsson, comprising 700
Global companies may experience prob- employees at the time of study. Two thirds of
lems with locating their most talented employ- the Norwegian employees were working on re-
ees, and global competence systems can be search and development, mainly in mobile
used to provide a detailed overview of the em- communication, mobile commerce, and mo-
ployees in the entire organization. This type of bile phones. In 2002, Ericsson Norway started
system also enables common definitions and implementing the SAP Competence Planning
standardization of data across the company, module. We collected data during a five-month
thus contributing to the streamlining of the or- period, which involved semi-structured inter-
ganizations’ HRM processes (Greengard, views and document analysis.The interviewees
1995). However, as this form of standardization included the implementation project manager,
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TABLE 1 Details on Research Methods

Nine on-site interviews were conducted over a five-month period, using semi-structured interview methods.
The interviews lasted from one to two hours, and were taped and transcribed. The interview transcripts were
then e-mailed to the informants for verification and adjustments. The interview questions focused on
Ericsson’s competence management practices, expected benefits from the new competence system under
implementation, and its significance for the company’s knowledge management strategy. Challenges
experienced from the early stages of the implementation were also discussed. To complement the
implementation experiences, we also conducted a telephone interview with the competence manager in
Ericsson Croatia, who was a key person in one of the first pilot implementations of the competence
management system in Ericsson.

The main source for the document analysis involved material accessed from the Ericsson intranet, including
strategy reports, project documents, newsletters, workshop reports, product information, implementation
plans, and other internal presentation material.

as well as key users such as competence man- – Assessing the present competence situa-
agers, the HR manager, and the IT/IS manager. tion (i.e., the organizational and individual
The document analysis involved material ac- competence levels).
cessed from the Ericsson intranet, which pro- – Personal development discussions used for
vided contextual information on the individual assessments, where managers
company’s HR policies, knowledge manage- and employees come to an agreement
ment strategies, training and development pro- about the present situation.
grams, as well as the implementation project. – Defining the competence gap between the
competence requirements and the present
More details on the research methods are pro-
competence situation.
vided in Table 1.
❚ Planning:
The following sections present Ericsson’s
– Preparing a competence development
competence management process and current
plan for the organization as well as each
initiatives for implementing related IT support.
individual, based on the competence gap.
The relationship between competence man- The development plan describes the com-
agement and knowledge management is dis- petence requirements, the present level,
cussed, and potential benefits from the the competence gap, and the actions to be
competence management system are high- taken to bridge this gap. The plans are
lighted. updated and reviewed regularly.
❚ Implementation:
The Competence Management Process – Establishing a more detailed plan for com-
in Ericsson petence development, concretizing differ-
The Competence Management (CM) process in ent action programs in terms of theoretical
Ericsson is established as part of the organiza- courses, further education, practical learn-
tion’s strategic process. In Ericsson, CM is de- ing, job rotation, and project participation
fined as keeping informed on the existing in different locations. Outcome evaluation
is important in this stage, implementing
competence situation; defining future compe-
follow-up and corrective actions where
tence needs related to strategy plans, visions,
goals, and scenarios; and continuously working
on filling the competence gap. In addition, CM Operating in a dynamic market, Ericsson
encourages continuous competence develop- constantly faces new competence require-
ment. The CM process in Ericsson is divided ments. People and units move frequently and
into three stages: projects are often run across organizational as
well as national boundaries. This creates an ur-
❚ Analysis: gent need for sharing competence and commu-
– Identifying the organization’s strategic nicating on competence issues in a structured
(long-term), critical (short-term), and and flexible way, and has resulted in the devel-
obsolete/declining (“phasing out areas”) opment of a common competence model.This
competence requirements by analyzing model provides a structure and terminology
future market and technology demands, that support the communication on compe-
based on the Ericsson Strategic Plan. tence issues throughout the organization. The
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model includes dimensions of professional, To improve this situation, Ericsson has se-
business, and human competencies as the lected the ERP system SAP R/3 as a global solu-
main categories. Examples of professional tion integrating all major business functions,
competencies include technical expertise re- including the HRM area. The intention is to
lated to certain operations or tasks, financial standardize processes and supporting applica-
expertise, or quality management. Typical busi- tions in the entire organization. Implementa-

T he
ness competencies involve understanding the
core businesses of Ericsson, knowledge about
tion of SAP HRMS (Human Resource
Management System) as Ericsson’s global HRM
Ericsson the customers, and mastering the business lan- system was initiated in 2002, with the objec-
Strategic Plan guage. For human competencies, the employ- tive of discontinuing further use of all local
ees’ interaction and communication abilities competence management systems. This HRM
provides input are important, emphasizing their attitudes to- system includes a Competence Planning (CP)
to the IT ward teamwork, knowledge sharing, and cul- module that has been adapted to the Ericsson
system in tural awareness. Further classification of these competence management process, represent-
categories defines the competence areas and ing a further development of the principles in
terms of competence elements in detail. A common the Talent Tool application (which was later
strategic and scale is applied for assessing competence, com- phased out together with the other local com-
critical prising five competence levels from trainee to petence systems). The CP module is a shared
expert. When assessing the competence level installation on a global basis, supporting the
for each relevant competence, a competence competence management process throughout
areas. chart can be prepared. the company.
The model supports the aim of getting a
clear picture of relevant competence require- Functionality of the CP Module
ments, and provides a flexible framework for The design of the CP module is based on the
competence assessment on both the individual stages in Ericsson’s competence management
and organizational level. On an organizational process and the competence model. The Erics-
level, the model can be used to describe the son Strategic Plan provides input to the IT sys-
strategic and critical competencies, the tem in terms of strategic and critical
present situation, and the competence gap for competence areas. A global competence cata-
the entire organization. log constitutes the foundation for the CP mod-
ule, containing information on business-
The Global Competence Planning related, professional, and human competen-
System cies. In addition, there exist local competence
Although the CM process is well established in catalogs, comprising elements that are not part
the company, the lack of a common IT system of the global catalog.
for supporting CM on a global basis has limited The employees’ competence level, as-
the efficiency and speed of this process. In line sessed according to the five-point scale from
with the decentralized nature of the Ericsson trainee to expert (0, A, B, C, and D), is stored in
group, the different Ericsson companies had the system as a result of the personal develop-
developed their own local solutions for IT- ment (PD) discussions. These discussions con-
based competence management (Hellström et stitute a vital element in the CM process. The
al., 2000). For example, Ericsson Norway had preparation for the PD discussions is conducted
been using an Excel-based application in com- through the system, with the competence man-
bination with manual, paper-based solutions ager and the employee presenting their goals and
for supporting its local CM process. Several dif- needs for further development. The system also
ferent Web-based applications were also in use provides access to historical data from previous
in the different business units for managing PD discussions, making it easy to follow up, eval-
competence and personnel.An example of this uate, and improve competence development ac-
is the Talent Tool, developed by Ericsson Busi- tions when needed. The outcome of the PD
ness Consulting (Baladi, 1999). Intended as a discussion is an individual competence profile,
common application for Ericsson, this support- comprising the existing competence level and
ed CM both at the individual and organizational future competence goals, and a competence
level. However, due to the lack of a unified map showing the competence gap and develop-
strategy mandating use of a common support ment need for each employee. The competence
tool in the CM process, this application had profiles for all employees are aggregated to an or-
only been used in some countries. ganizational competence profile representing
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TABLE 2 Potential Benefits from Global Competence System

Organizational benefits:
Supporting systematic development of strategic competence
Identifying competence gaps for each business unit to ensure global competence development in
targeted business segments
Basis for developing individual competence plans supporting the strategic goals
Supporting talent management (i.e., global search for identifying employees with high levels of expertise)
to further develop these
Supporting location of experts, facilitating exchange of employees, and competence building across
locations and units
Management benefits:
Providing detailed overview of organizational competencies, through competence profiles and statistics
for employees, positions, and organizational units
Increasing flexibility, speed, and accuracy, by identifying who knows what on a global basis, and
improving effective utilization of the overall human resource potential
Supporting staffing of project teams with specific competence demands
Employee benefits:
Increasing consciousness and focus on personal competence development — pushing management
harder for support and development
Increasing visibility of know-how and possibility for marketing this in the organization
Exposing previously hidden/unknown competencies, giving possibilites for new and interesting

the present level of all competence areas in de- management processes and the new compe-
tail, and the competence gap that needs to be tence system:
filled to achieve the future organizational re- “I think CP can play an important role in
quirements. knowledge management. You can
Summing up, the CP module has a wide search for persons with certain compe-
range of functionality, including among others: tencies very easily through that tool.
❚ Organizational analysis of strategic compe- People having the same competencies
tencies and interests can be accessed and get to-
❚ Common access to individual data for PD dis- gether and they can more easily come to
some kind of virtual conclusions and
❚ Competence gap analysis, and suggestions discussions.”
for development needs and action plans — Competence Manager,
❚ Extensive search functionality (e.g., for com- Ericsson Croatia
petencies on certain levels, individuals meet- Figure 1 illustrates how the competence
ing certain competence requirements, and system supports processes related to both HR
people currently working in a specific job and knowledge management in Ericsson, and
area) the need for these processes need to be aligned
with corporate strategy.
Potential Benefits from the Competence A key concept in Ericsson’s knowledge
System Implementation management strategy is Knowledge Network-
The rationale for Ericsson’s implementation of ing — the company’s philosophy for encourag-
the new global competence system resides in a ing employees to share and reuse knowledge
comprehensive set of expected benefits for var- and experiences, and establish networks of
specialists to improve organizational perfor-
ious levels of the organization. These benefits
mance and innovation. These networks consist
are summarized in Table 2.
of different “communities of knowing,” repre-
senting Ericsson’s adaptation of the Boland and
Relationship between Competence Tenkasi (1995) term, that involve global collab-
Management and Knowledge oration both internally in the company and
Management in Ericsson with customers and business partners. The
As illustrated by the following statement from knowledge networks are based on interpersonal
one of the competence managers, Ericsson connections, taking place both virtually and face-
sees a clear link between its knowledge to-face.The virtual interaction is supported by a
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FIGURE 1 The Relationships between Corporate Strategy, KM, HR, and HRMS in Ericsson


HR Processes KM Processes
Competence Management Knowledge Networking
- Competence Registration Communities of Knowing
- Gap Analysis
- Competence Development

Basic HR Processes
- Employee Information
- Applicatnt Tracking
- Recruiting
- Payroll

Human Resource Management System
Competence Planning Module

variety of IT-based collaboration technologies initiatives in the company (Magnusson and

(Munkvold, 2003), such as e-mail, audio and Davidsson, 2001). The employees’ motivation
video conferencing, local intranet portals, vir- for searching and sharing knowledge, the per-
tual project rooms, bulletin boards and discus- ception of the value of knowledge, and the ca-
sion groups, and knowledge and experience pacity to absorb new knowledge were
databases. For face-to-face interactions, “manu- identified as critical issues in the process of
al” collaboration techniques and forums in use knowledge exchange. The role of management
include knowledge-sharing seminars, training
in this process was identified as to ensure align-
in specific topics, brainstorming, and network
ment of the communities’ efforts with the
meetings to organize core teams and reference
groups. Through the common focus on facilitat- goals and strategies of the organization, and
ing interpersonal communication, this blend of stimulate the development of the communi-
face-to-face and IT-supported interaction address- ties. This requires a difficult balancing of con-
es the potential limitation of a “technology-cen- trol and facilitation, because the basic
tric” approach to supporting communities of philosophy is that these communities should
knowing (Walsham, 2001a). emerge naturally and not be subject to the for-
The competence management process is a mal control mechanisms of the organization.
key activity in the knowledge networks, and
the functionality of the CP module contributes IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES
to the emergence of new communities of
This section discusses some potential challeng-
knowing by making employees with similar in-
es to the implementation of a global compe-
terests aware of each other.We identified sever-
al examples of employees in Ericsson Norway tence management system, based on findings
participating in such communities on a regular from the Ericsson case and previous research.
basis, such as networks of senior engineers, HR These challenges are broadly categorized into
managers, and competence managers. Former three major issues: (1) designing a competence
research in Ericsson had identified several im- framework, (2) tensions between global stan-
portant factors related to the implementation dardization and local practices, and (3) gaining
and management of knowledge management commitment from the employees.
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Designing a Competence Framework from a standardized competence management

A competence management framework in process:
terms of a well-defined competence manage-
“We are working under the NOBA um-
ment process is necessary to achieve effective
brella [Nordic and Baltic cooperation].
utilization of the IT-based tool (Houtzagers,
So we have to admit that we are part of
1999; Pickett, 1998). This framework also

a larger unit, and we need to wear a
needs to include a competence catalog, speci-
et, common company hat instead of the
fying the different skills and competencies
preference of isolating from the overall
defining a needed throughout the organization. These en-
tities form the base for specifying job profiles.
Organizations often tend to lose scope in the — Competence Manager,
competence definition of these entities, resulting in a level Ericsson Norway
catalog proved of detail that finally could “choke” the system
Another dilemma between local and global
to be a (Houtzagers, 1999; Pickett, 1998). Defining too
practices is related to local creativity versus
many competence elements results in an “over-
challenging global dissemination of best practices:
specified” competence catalog, and the pro-
task. cess for mapping, registering, and maintaining “Spontaneity and creativity could be the
this becomes too resource-demanding so that losers in some areas by implementing
the system risks not being used. A focus on the global solutions. However, the ‘Best
competence areas of most critical importance Practice’ policy in Ericsson concerns
for the organization’s performance should capturing good ideas, which of course
guide the identification of central competence may come from other areas in the orga-
elements (Houtzagers, 1999). In Ericsson, the nization.”
existing competence model and process pro-
— HR Manager, Ericsson Norway
vided a good foundation for implementing the
system, as the employees were familiar with These expressed concerns indicate that glo-
these and the related terminology.Yet, defining bal homogeneity and standardized solutions
a global competence catalog proved to be a could result in reduced responsiveness to local
challenging task. needs and flexibility. Effects from increased
globalization in business processes and appli-
cation of common information systems are
Tensions between Global
widely discussed in the literature (e.g., Hanseth
Standardization and Local Practices
Several informants in Ericsson raised concern and Braa, 2000; Rolland and Monteiro, 2002;
Walsham, 2001b). By making several business
about the new global, standardized compe-
processes global, organizations try to generate
tence management process not being able to
benefits from coordination and standardization
support local needs. They pointed to the risk
across geographical boundaries. However, im-
that the common global competence catalog
plementing IT to support global processes in
might be too general, losing the necessary local
general can influence the organizational struc-
detail. In Ericsson Norway, the existing compe-
ture and can be a struggle (Hellström et al.,
tence tool now being phased out offered the
2000; Hellström et al., 2001). The organization-
possibility to define needed competence ele-
al structure of Ericsson consists of decentral-
ments locally. The new, global HRMS module
ized units where autonomy and independence
controls the local competence catalog and its
are strongly established in the culture of the
development, which was not considered favor-
company. This has stimulated local innovation
patterns and emergence of local knowledge
“We do not want to be managed in our projects with little influence and monitoring
choice of competence elements. We from the central top management in Ericsson.
would want to select those elements The implementation of a global competence
that we need. We would rather not be management process thus requires a careful bal-
governed in the local catalog.” ancing of attention to local culture and traditions
of HRM practices in each unit against the need
— Line Manager,
for centralized coordination and standardization.
Ericsson Norway
National and cultural differences in labor law and
However, one informant also pointed to the work policies (e.g., regarding compensation, em-
need for taking on a more holistic perspective ployee selection, or career development) may
on the possible global benefits for the company pose further requirements to the adaptation of
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the global competence management process nonconforming local competence management

to local practices. practices, a global standardized competence
management process supported by an advanced
Gaining Commitment
IT system, such as the CP module currently be-
Several informants point to the need for chang- ing implemented in Ericsson, represents a large
ing the attitudes among the employees and potential for improving the efficiency and effec-

L ocal management toward increased understanding

and focus on competence development, to be
tiveness of competence management in the or-
ganization. Gaining systematic, global access to
champions able to increase organizational performance the company’s competence resources may also
may play an through utilization of a global competence sys- increase innovativeness and stimulate new learn-
tem: ing processes.
instrumental However, the study also illustrates how re-
role in “We have a job to do to gain commit- alizing this potential may be a challenging ef-
ment from the employees towards the fort, involving specification and design of a
system. It will require a change in their competence catalog that includes competence
commitment mindsets; they must take responsibility levels that cover both global and local needs,
among the of their own competence development. and the redesign of local competence manage-
We need to motivate them; we want to
adopters, and ment processes to align with global processes.
build individual competence and quali- Centralized, top-down initiatives such as the
in maintaining fications to increase their efficiency.” SAP CP implementation in Ericsson face a diffi-
a continued — Line Manager, Ericsson Norway cult challenge in balancing standardization ef-
focus and forts toward allowing sufficient flexibility for
However, creating behavioral change is a stimulating continued local innovation. Gaining
interest in challenging issue (Blumenthal and Haspeslagh acceptance and commitment from employees at
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