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Convection Heat Transfer


Convection Heat Transfer

Convection heat transfer
Energy transfer involving fluid motion, generally
between a surface (Ts) and a fluid (T∞) moving near it, when Ts ≠ T∞

Convection has 2 elements: Diffusion + Advection

Diffusion: Energy transfer due to random molecular motion (similar to conduction in solids)
Advection: Energy transfer due to bulk motion with velocity V of the fluid.

Understanding the fluid flow above the solid surface is essential to understand Convection
In the fluid at each x, y & z location velocity is different (called velocity distribution)
similarly we have a temperature distribution. These change with time for Unsteady flow
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Types of Convection heat transfer
Forced and Natural convection (How the fluid flows)

Forced convection: Fluid motion is caused by external means, such as by fan, pump, or
atmospheric winds
Free convection: Flow is induced by buoyancy forces which arise from density differences
caused by temperature variation in the fluid

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Types of Convection heat transfer
Forced and Natural convection (How the fluid flows)

Convection with Phase change

In addition to heat exchange due to temperature
difference (sensible heat), latent heat (due to phase
change) also exist. e.g. boiling and condensation

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Types of Convection heat transfer
Internal and external flows (Where the fluid flows)

Internal flow: flow inside bodies

e.g. flow in channels or tubes.

External flow: flow around bodies

e.g. flow over flat plate, cylinder,
sphere, airfoils.

Internal flow: TF changes with distance

External flow: TF remains same (T)
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Types of Convection heat transfer
6.3 Laminar and Turbulent flows (What is the Reynolds # of the flow)

Laminar flow: ordered fluid motion with smooth streamlines on which fluid particles move.
Turbulent flow: irregular fluid motion with velocity fluctuations, which results in mixing.
Mixing increases rate of heat and momentum transfer
Laminar or turbulent flow is characterized by the Reynolds number
UFL External flow : Re  10 5 
Re     Turbulent flow
 Internal flow : Re  2300 6
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.1 The convection heat transfer problem

Consider convection HT as a fluid of temperature T∞ flows over a surface at temperature Ts

by Newtons law of cooling q"  h Ts  T  Ts  T

Total rate of heat transfer q   q"dAs  Ts  T   hdAs  hAs Ts  T 

As As

where h
As As
hdAs  Average heat transfer coefficient

Convection HT is between fluid and solid wall

Constant surface temperature Ts   T  Ts
wall  Constant surface heat flux q"  i.e. at y  0  "
q  q s
2 possible BCs  s 
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.1 Types of fluids

h hdAs  Average heat transfer coefficient
As As

The study of Convection HT ultimately reduces to a study of the means by

which h, the heat transfer coefficient, may be determined.
Heat transfer coefficient h and the rate of heat transfer q
depends on
1) fluid properties, e.g. air or water – density(), viscosity (), thermal conductivity (kf)
2) surface geometry, e.g. internal or external flow
3) flow conditions e.g. laminar or turbulent flow – forced or natural convection

The subject of Fluid Mechanics determines the flow conditions

In particular the region of fluid near the solid surface in which the velocity and temperature
are affected by the wall is very important in convection HT and is called the Boundary Layer
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.2 The Convection Boundary Layer
Consider a fluid at temperature T flowing with velocity u. A solid surface at
temperature Ts and velocity u = 0 is placed in this flow
6.2.1 Velocity (or Hydrodynamic) Boundary layer (VBL)

Fluid particles at the surface have zero velocity. These particles slow down the motion of
particles in the next layer, and so on until at y =  the effect is negligible.

   Velocity Boundary Layer thickness

at y   u  0.99u   It increases as the distance from x 0 (leading edge) increases
(as more and more fluid gets affected by the presence of solid surface at y 0)

This retardation (slowing down) is because of shear stress ( ) acting in the fluid

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.2.1 VBL – Shear stress ( ) and Friction coefficient (Cf)

  VBL thickness (depends on the shear stress,  acting in the fluid)

for newtonian fluids    where   dynamic viscosity

outside the VBL y     0    0 negligible shear stress
inside the VBL y    0   0 large shear stress
Shear stress at the surface, s
u s  u / y  y  0
s   making it dimensionless by dividing with Cf  
y y 0 the kinetic energy of the fluid u2/2 u / 2
u 2 / 2

Friction coefficient 10
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.2 The Convection Boundary Layer
Consider a fluid at temperature T flowing with velocity u. A solid surface at
temperature Ts and velocity u = 0 is placed in this flow
6.2.2 Thermal Boundary layer (TBL)

Fluid particles at the surface have T = Ts. These particles exchange heat with particles in
the next layer, and so on until at y = t the effect is negligible.

at y   t   t  Thermal Boundary Layer thickness

 It increases as the distance from x 0 (leading edge) increases

Ts  T  0.99(Ts  T ) (as more and more fluid gets affected by the presence of solid surface at T T )
 s 

This heat exchange is because of convection (advection + diffusion) HT in the fluid

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.2.2 TBL – Rate of heat transfer (q ) and heat transfer coefficient (h)

 t  TBL thickness (depends on the rate of heat transfer, q at the surface)

from newton' s law of cooling q s"  hTs  T  where h  heat transfer coefficient
 
at the surface y  0 the fluid does not move  heat transfer is by conduction only
by fourier' s law q s"   k f
y y 0
rate of heat transfer at the surface, qs

q s"  k T / y  y  0 Note: Ts - T is constant, as x increases t

h 
Ts  T  Ts  T  increases  T/y|y = 0 decreases and then
h and q” both decrease.
Heat transfer coefficient 12
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.2.4 Significance of the boundary layers

Size Present whenever Results in Key parameter affecting

there is the BL
Velocity BL (x) velocity gradient shear stress Friction coefficient, Cf
Thermal BL t(x) temperature gradient heat transfer Heat transfer coefficient, h

we may define the Prandtl number (Pr) as a ratio of 2 fluid properties

 directly related to  
small Pr less momentum diffusion  small 
 large  t
 momentum diffusion 

more thermal diffusion
 
Pr    boundary layer Pr ~ 1
similar momentum and
 ~1
 t

thermal diffusion
thermal diffusion   
thicknesses  &  t large Pr less thermal diffusion
more momentum diffusion  large 
  small  t
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
6.4 The boundary layer equations (mathematical model)
Theoretical Analysis
6.4.1 The convection transfer equations
In order to obtain the temperature distribution we apply conservation of energy
and obtain a governing differential equation.

Further since the temperature distribution depends on velocity distribution we apply

conservation of momentum in the x and y direction to obtain u and v velocity distributions.
We also need the conservation of mass equation for the pressure distribution which directly
affects the velocity.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
To achieve the objective for the analysis of convection heat transfer
Either an actual physical model of the system involving heat transfer phenomena
is constructed on which experimental measurements are performed

Or a mathematical model of the system involving heat transfer in constructed ,

consisting of the governing equations, based on the laws of science.

Fundamental Laws
Conservation of energy
Conservation of mass
Conservation of momentum Particular Laws
2nd law of thermodynamics Related with Basic heat transfer
Equation of state
These have been studied in
These have been studied in ME 315 Heat Transfer.
ME 203 Thermodynamics &
ME 311 Fluid Mechanics.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Description of fluid motion and temperature distribution
2 fundamental ways to describe motion a) Lagrangian b) Eulerian
b) Eulerian: Focuses attention on a particular point (or region) in space
describes what happens at that point or within the region
without referring to an individual particle.
The region considered is called
the flow domain or flow field
At each location in the flow field,
we define field variables which
are functions of space and time
pressure field: p  p  x, y , z , t 
  Flow field
velocity field: V  V  x, y , z , t 
   
V  u  x, y , z , t  i  v  x , y , z , t  j  w  x, y , z , t  k
Temperature field: T  T  x, y , z , t 

Eulerian approach is more suitable for fluid flow

and convection heat transfer
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
The total derivative
Consider the Newton 's second law of motion

   dV  
F  ma where a  and in general V  V  x, y, z , t 
To take the time derivative of velocity, use the chain rule, i.e.
   
 V dt V dx V dy V dz dx dy dz
a    but  u,  v, and w
t dt x dt y dt z dt dt dt dt
 
 dV V   
then a 

 
 V  V . The total derivative operator
is called the material derivative

It is often given special notation, , and has been obtained through the chain rule
It represent the total change, and in general for any quantity N  e.g. mass, momentum, energy 
DN N   N N N N

Dt 
 V  N 
t   t
v 
local advective

First term represents a local change due to time and is non-zero only for unsteady flows.
Second term is called the advective change and accounts for the effect of the fluid particle moving
to a new location in the flow due to the velocity field.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Vector products (ME 532)
 
dot product X Y  f   scalar

  
cross product X Y  Z   vector

  
dyadic product XY  A  tensor

e.g if
   ˆ  ˆ 
    iˆ  j k and V  uiˆ  vjˆ  wkˆ
x y z
then the dyadic or inner product of these two vectors is given by
 u v w 
 
 x x x 
   u v w 
V  
y y y 
 
 u v w 
 
 z z z 

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
More on the  operator (ME 532)
recall the del / gradient operator
  ˆ  ˆ  ˆ
in cartesian coordinates   i j k
x y z
 p p ˆ p ˆ
gradient of a scalar is a vector p  iˆ  j k
x y z
gradient of a vector is a tensor  
V  see previous slide
(also called dyadic product)
  u v w
divergence of a vector is a scalar  V   
x y z
  
divergence of a tensor is a vector    s
1 0 0 p 0 0 
   
Identity tensor     0 1 0  e.g.  p   0  p 0 
0 0 1  0 0  p 
  

 
  
   p  p
divergence of a tensor is a vector e.g        
   
  V    V   2V

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
The strain rate tensor (ME 532)

 u v w   u u u 
   
 x x x   x y z 
   u v w    t  v v v 
V  
y y y 
and   V   
   x y z 
 u v w   w w w 
   
 z z z   x y z 
 u 1  u v  1  u w  
      
 x 2  y x  2  z x  
 1  v u      t
    t v 1  v w   1  
      V   V  

then V  V  2          2
 2  x y  y 2  z y   2   
   
 1  w  u  1  w v  w 
      
 2  x z  2  y z  z 

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Tensor comment (ME 532)
Tensors are often displayed as a matrix
The transpose of a tensor is obtained by interchanging the two indicies,
so the transpose of Tij is T ji
 T11 T12 T13   T11 T21 T31 
    scalar 0 th order tensor 1 component
Tij   T21 T22 T23  T ji   T12 T22 T32 
T T33  T T T33  vector 1st order tensor 3 components
 31 T32  13 23

Tensor Qij is symmetric if Qij  Q ji tensor 2nd order tensor 9 components

Tensor is antisymmetric if it is equal to the negative of its transpose, Rij   R ji

Any arbitrary tensor Tij may be decomposed into sum of a symmetric tensor and antisymmetric tensor

 Tij  T ji   Tij  T ji   T  T t   T  T t 
1 1 1 1
Tij 
2 2 2  2  
symmetric anti-symmetric

e.g .
 24 3 2  24 32
 1 2 2  
2 2   1 3 2.5   0
 1 2 3     1 0.5 
  42 5 1   4  2 5 1     
 4 0 5  2 0 
2   2
2  
 3 0 3  1 0 2 
 2 1 3      2.5 3 3   0.5 2 0 
 
 2  3 1 5
3  
23 1 5
0 
 2 2   2 2  21
Dr. S. Z. Shuja

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