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Jaya selalu
Iswan Arianto : Founder
I Putu Ari : CEO
Fahrul Rasyid : secretary
Adis kusyadi Nugraha : Marketing
Muh. Heksarialdi M : Accounting

Pemnbukaan oleh sekertaris

1. Fahrul : If we are all here, lets get started. First of all, id like you to please join me in welcoming
Mr.Iswan Pulgoso our founder this company.
2. Iswan : Thank you for having me, I’m looking forward to todays meeting.
3. Fahrul : and next Please join me in welcoming mr.Ari joaquin as CEO
4. Ari : thank you for having me.
5. Fahrul : may I also introduce our accountant mr.heksa and marketing coordinator mr.adis
6. Adis & heksa : (berdiri ucapkan sesua tu)
7. Fahrul : okay,we’re here today to discuss about,how to introduce our new product to the market
and I ts marketing strategy

Setelah itu sekretaris menunjuk ceo untuk memprentasikan produk ke founder secara umum
8. Fahrul : please mr.ari to present ideas about our new product
9. Ari : okay thank you for the opportunity given, on this occasion i will present about my idea
about our new product which will be named moleanda (molen enak kesukaan anda)
moleanda is a molen which has many variants including banana, chocolate, cheese and pineapple
why did I choose to market this product because according to my observations, consumers will be
interested in buying this product because of the uniqueness of its variant. Does Mr. Iswan agree on the
proposal that I gave this?
10. Iswan : I am quite interested in your idea, but before that I want to know about the marketing
plan for this product?
11. Ari : in that matter, I have discussed it with Mr. Adis, so I invite mr.k Adis to present the
marketing plan for this new product.

Selanjutnya adis menjelaskan secara rinci strategi pemasarannya

12. Adis : okay thanks for the opportunity
according to my observations for the marketing strategy, the target consumers who might be
easily reached are among young people because they like snacks that have good taste with many
for adults we can try to offer Molen products that have unique packaging
13. iswan : Don't you have other ideas besides using attractive packaging? The idea is very
outdated for business people. at least you have to think ahead and be more creative as a young
entrepreneur if you want to be a successful person(nada marah)
14. ari : add from Mr.ISwan, to target your young consumers it is unclear how you reach them,
how do you convey information to them so that they are interested in buying this product(nada
bingung dan naik)
15. adis : (gugup) sorry sir before
in order to answer the questions of mr.iswan other than packaging, maybe I will add a tester
strategy, for example the consumer for the initial sale is given a free tester or discounted price
because I am sure our products are delicious so they will be addicted to buying more
to answer the questions mr. I will use social media and brochures because young people are
active in social media every day so that social media for promotional media is very
appropriate(tujukin brosur,dibrosur tunjukin social mediannya)
Here is the brochure, the social media is displayed here for ordering
16. Iswan : ok, then I want to ask about the capital you need and the profit from selling this product.
Please explain ( melihat ke ari)
17. Ari : I have thought about that and I have submitted it to our accountant
18. Heksa : once calculated, we need around 10 billion capital. in detail, 10 billion includes the cost
of advertising, production, materials and rental of premises. Do you have the capital we need?
19. Iswan : why is capital so big? Are you not miscalculating. because I only have a capital of 10
20. Fahrul : excuse me, I have a suggestion. What if we use profits from the sale of the previous
21. Iswan : Of course. I agree ... please take it all into account
22. Heksa : for the benefits of products that have been sold, we have gotten a profit of 15 billion but
not including employee salaries, actual profits equal to 8 billion so we have a shortfall of 2
billion. the rest we can open company shares for investors and apply for loans to banks. I
submitted this to Fahrur. I hope as soon as possible to solve it?
23. Fahrul : of course…
24. Ari : I think we've all agreed on the results of this meeting.
( semuanya bersama-sama menjawab yaaaaa setelah ari mengucapkan “ I think we've all agreed on the
results of this meeting.) )
25. Fahrul : I closed the meeting this time, thank you for your attention

Semuanya berdiri dan tepuk tangan dan saling salaman dan menghormati founder setalah fahrul
menutup meating

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