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Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

DOI 10.1617/s11527-011-9812-z


Experimental study of traditional stone masonry

under compressive load and comparison of results
with design codes
David Garcı́a • José T. San-José •
Leire Garmendia • Rosa San-Mateos

Received: 16 February 2010 / Accepted: 4 December 2011 / Published online: 12 January 2012
 RILEM 2012

Abstract This study addressed the mechanical compared with the analytical ones provided by the
behaviour of a natural stone masonry typical from the main recommendations and standards. The analysis of
Spanish Romanesque, both in Heritage and conven- the results permits a better understanding of these
tional buildings. The objective of this research was to materials and a reliable source of data for the validation
provide new data about the mechanical properties, of the existing structures.
especially the compressive strength values. The char-
acterisation of the basic materials and different stone Keywords Stone masonry  Ashlar  Rubble 
masonry prisms is presented. Sandstone and low Mortar  Prism  Strength  Standards
strength lime-cement mortar were used for this exper-
imental work, because of their availability and simi-
larity with the masonry found in many historic
buildings from the north of Spain. The morphological
characteristics of the original ancient walls were also 1 Introduction
taken into account, in order to manufacture prism
specimens that were as representative as possible of the Masonry is the building of structures from individual
Spanish Romanesque typology (i.e. in terms of its units that are usually laid in and solidly bound together
geometry, composition of the internal core, relative by means of mortar or just friction forces between the
size, etc.). Additionally the experimental values were blocks. Masonry was the most durable architectural
form until nineteenth century, before the development
of the concrete. However, the used materials, the
D. Garcı́a (&)  L. Garmendia  R. San-Mateos
quality of the workmanship and the pattern the units
Tecnalia Research Centre, Tecnalia, Spain
e-mail: are laid in can strongly affect the durability of the
URL: overall masonry construction [1].
L. Garmendia There are numerous parameters involved in the
e-mail: resistance of the masonry: component materials, the
R. San-Mateos more or less regular geometry of the units, the way in
e-mail: which these are placed, the thickness of the mortar
joints, the connectivity between the different leaves of
J. T. San-José
a masonry element, etc. [2, 3]. The definition of each
Department of Science of Materials, UPV-EHU,
Bilbao, Spain particular typology is based upon the geographic
e-mail: location, period, original purpose and economic power
996 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

of its owners. Thus, the different masonry construction samples of re-constituted masonry walls, stack bond
techniques present various factors that may either prisms, and/or scaled walls built in the laboratory were
enhance or weaken the structure. and are used as specimen wallets. Both material and
During the last decades, some simplified equations structural tests may be performed on such samples,
have been proposed to obtain the compressive strength using monotonic or cyclic loads, monitoring either the
of masonry. In most cases, these equations were axial displacement or the load, and applying different
developed for application on ceramic brick or concrete boundary conditions [10]. All of these possibilities,
block masonry, assuming a periodic pattern [2, 3, 4]. together with the masonry properties, will define a
They can be transferred with relative success only to failure mode.
regular ashlar stone masonry, where the units have a Compressive strength experiments on masonry
well-defined form and a constant size, but not to rubble prisms are easily conducted. Stack bond prisms or
or irregular masonry. wallets, such as the RILEM test specimen [11], are
Standards and codes set out tables for masonry frequently used to assess the uniaxial compressive
strength values and design criteria from a safety strength of masonry. In a stacked-bond prism loaded in
perspective, which are used to erect buildings. How- uniaxial compression, the mortar tends to expand
ever these regulations provide little or no insight into laterally more than the stone, due to their respective
the behaviour of these structures. elastic properties. The continuity between stones and
Many researchers have sought to quantify the mortar, assured by cohesion and friction, leads to the
relation between the compressive strength of masonry lateral confinement of the mortar. As a result, shear
and the compressive strength of its single components; stresses develop at the mortar-stone interface, produc-
units and mortar. In the theory proposed by Khoo and ing a tri-axial compressive stress state in the mortar
Hendry [5], this question is approached by considering and bilateral tension coupled with uniaxial compres-
a limit-strain criterion based on the lateral strain sion in the stone. As a consequence, failure generally
exhibited by units at failure. Another relevant contri- occurs due to the development of cracks in the stones,
bution was made by Ohler [6], who proposed a parallel to the loading direction [12]. Both strength and
formula that is in broad agreement with experimental cracking behaviour are influenced by the boundary
data on brick masonry panels. conditions. Usually, both top and bottom units remain
Despite all these efforts to estimate the ultimate undamaged when standard steel plates are used as an
strength and the deformability of the masonry, which interposition material, due to the confinement effect.
is certainly very difficult in the case of irregular stone This work sets out to contribute to and to extend the
masonry, more exact values can only be obtained from experimental data on the mechanics of traditional
tests on significant and representative volumes of the stone masonry structures and their behaviour under
specific masonry, with the same disposition and compressive loads, especially considering rubble
geometric ratios [7, 8]. Full-size testing could be masonry with low strength mortars.
performed to obtain these data, however, full-size
testing programs are usually too expensive to be
conducted, and in some cases, impractical because of 2 Materials
other limitations. The extraction of larger-sized sam-
ples is usually very difficult, even impossible in case Two kinds of stone and a lime-cement mortar were
of heritage monuments. In the past, prism testing has selected as representative materials of the analysed
been proven to be cost-effective and to provide a masonry. The goal was to obtain masonry assemblies
degree of correlation with full-size testing. The from available materials similar to the ancient ones
European Standards [9] also specifies that this test found in heritage buildings.
method reflects the compressive strength and the
modulus of elasticity of the masonry element. 2.1 Stone units
There are several ways in which the behaviour of
complete masonry walls may be evaluated in the The stone used in this research was quarried at Aguilar
laboratory by means of destructive tests. Large de Campoo, in the province of Palencia, North-central
samples or cores cut from the original structure, Spain. Two types of stone were selected:
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006 997

• Sandstone1. An abundant sandstone type was used The properties of these materials show considerable
for the ashlar units. It was quarried at Quintanilla disparity due to their different nature, as showed in
de las Torres (Spain). It is a uniform, fine-grain, Table 1. Knowledge of the physical properties of
yellowish-grey sandstone rock with light rose- rocks helps to understand the variations in their
coloured tones that is somewhat weak to the touch. mechanical properties [13]. Cores with diameters of
It is made up of 85% quartz grains and also 50 mm and heights of between 115 mm and 150 mm
contains philo-silicates (clays and muscovite) and were extracted from the selected stones. The com-
a few iron oxides. This stone is currently used for pression tests were performed on an Ibertest servo-
substitutions in real interventions. The stone used controlled machine with fixed-end platens. This
for the ashlar masonry was delivered as large equipment has a load cell connected to the vertical
blocks and samples were then cut using a Diamant actuator with a maximum capacity of 200 kN, and is
Boart TS 600 M cutting machine, equipped with a particularly appropriate for mortar specimens (40 mm
U600 mm diamond disc, to obtain prismatic units cubes) and stone cores (U50 mm). Loading misalign-
for the prisms specimens. ment was avoided by the hinge of the upper platen of
• Sandstone2. A darker rock, extracted from Cordo- the testing machine. A cardboard sheet was placed
villa de Aguilar (Spain), was used for the rubble between the machine platens and the specimen, in
masonry. It is a dendrite rock with a predominantly order to avoid stress concentrations during the com-
reddish colour that is found in natural layers. The pressive stress.
stone was received as irregular blocks that were The stone exhibits a typical ceramic behaviour: low
manually broken up for the construction of the tensile strength and high compression strength with
prisms specimens. plastic deformation. The elastic modulus may be
estimated by considering the slope of the straight line
Sandstone1 is a detrital rock composed of grains of portion of the stress–strain diagram. In this research, a
quartz, kaolinite, muscovite, fragments of rock (prin- deformability modulus was estimated by considering
cipally quartzite) and opaque iron minerals. The colour the stress-deformation from 0 to 40% of the maximum
of the rock is predominantly light brown, with a natural stress. The strain was measured with strain gauges in
layering and alternating millimetric red and orange line with standard specifications contained in UNE
bands that are rich in iron hydroxides. Sandstone1 may 83316 [14]. ASTM (1999) proposes a similar method
be classified as a sublitharenite—a sandstone with less for estimating the elastic modulus of intact rock core
than 15% clay matrix, very rich in quartz, with rock specimens under uniaxial compression, by consider-
fragments of below 25% in its structure. ing the deformation-stress relation within the 30–60%
Sandstone2 is a detrital rock composed of grains of stress interval. In this work, the first option was used in
quartz (&55%), feldspar (&25%), muscovite (&10%), accordance with internal lab procedures.
opaque grains of iron oxide, and heavy minerals (rutile, The variability of results for each test and stone
zircon and tourmaline). It is predominantly of a red type was evaluated by determining the coefficient of
colour, with a natural layering that alternates with sub- variation. The scatter in these coefficients observed in
millimetric reddish layers rich in iron oxide. Sandstone2 this study is due to the difference in the rock
can be classified as a subarcose—a sandstone with less lithology of tested samples. In spite of the remarkable
than 15% clay matrix, very rich in quartz, with feldspar disparity of the results, typical of these natural stones,
in the structure below 25%. the values will be taken into account for estimating

Table 1 Mineralogical
Mineral phase Sandstone1 Sandstone2
characterisation of
sandstones Quartz SiO2 ••••• •••••
Calcite CaCO3 •
Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 • ••
Black dots indicate the Potassium feldspar (Microcline) KAlSi3O8 ••
relative abundance of the Haematite Fe2O3 •
998 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

the compressive strength of the masonry prisms and the calculation of a rock strength index. This index can
as input parameters for future numerical models. be used to estimate other rock strength parameters.
With regard to the above tests, between six and nine Thus, the point load test index (Is50) may be correlated
cores of each stone were used. Average values for the with the uniaxial compression strength, taking account
results are presented in the Table 2. The coefficient of the overall geometry of the sample (UNE 22 [15], as
of variation is given between brackets (%). presented in Table 3. High levels of degradation were
observable in many of the samples. In some cases, the
2.2 Mortar mortar crumbled to the touch and could be reduced to a
handful of sand.
The characterization of an ancient mortar, used The Table 4 presents the mineralogical analysis of
hundreds of years ago in a masonry construction, is a the ancient mortar samples. It demonstrates the different
very complicated task. In many cases, the possibility compositions of mortars from a single building. This
of extracting reliable samples is very expensive and might be caused by the different stages of the construc-
sufficient material to constitute an experimental series tion process and later interventions. Besides masons
is not always available. were able to modify the composition depending on their
Mechanical parameters, such as compression location in the building (e.g., light mortars in vaults).
strength, are difficult to obtain, because the sample is Previous studies on ashlar and rubble masonry
not sufficiently large to serve as a specimen. In indicate that ancient mortars are lime based, have very
general, an out-of-standards load test is used to obtain low compression strength, and have clearly been
approximate values. Previous studies developed in affected by degradation processes at different levels.
Tecnalia on mortars used in Romanesque buildings in Due to the slow development of lime mortars, which
the province of Palencia show very low strengths, of require centuries to reach full strength, cement was
between 0.2 and 0.5 MPa. It is also of great interest to added to the mortar for the experimental campaign.
evaluate the deformability or the elastic modulus of Another option could have been the addition of a
the masonry, although precise results are also difficult curing accelerating agent, but this option was dis-
to obtain for the same reasons. missed so as not to introduce any further variables into
The heterogeneity of the constituents adds further the problem.
difficulties. In some cases, small pieces of wood, and A dosage of 0.5–1.5–19 by volume (lime–white
carbon and lumps of lime were found inside the cement–sand), similar to the ones used in historical
specimens. Current techniques are unable to identify buildings rehabilitation, was considered representative
the original composition of these mortars. X-ray of the original ancient mortars. Total water/binder ratio
diffraction test indicates that all they have lime (including water absorbed into the fine aggregates) was
(CaCO3), but at present the only way of clearly equal to 1. It was selected for the construction of the
identifying the original materials is through the study mortar specimens and masonry prisms.
of specialised historical references. These specimens were stored at a controlled
Preliminary research involved the extraction of humidity and temperature (RH 60% and 20C) over
mortar samples from a number of Romanesque the first 28 days. They were then stored inside, in a
religious buildings. These mortars were in the bed draft-free area, close to the masonry prism specimens.
and head joints of the inner leaf of load-bearing stone The hardened mortar was characterised by means
masonry walls and in other masonry elements (vaults of compression and flexural [16] tests at different
and domes). The size of the samples restricted the ages, using cylindrical (U100 9 200 mm) and pris-
available mechanical tests to the point load test: an matic (40 9 40 9 160 mm) specimens respectively
accepted rock mechanics testing procedure used for (Table 5), taken from different mixes during the
construction of the prisms.
Table 2 Mechanical properties of sandstones
q (kg/m3) fc (N/mm2) E (GPa) 2.3 Masonry prisms
Sandstone1 2,090 40.0 (34.02) 10.46 (12.58)
A total of 16 stone masonry prisms and four mortar
Sandstone2 2,066 64.6 (24.33) 10.62 (24.72)
prisms were constructed and tested under compression
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006 999

Table 3 Point load test results of ancient mortars

Specimen Width (cm) Height (cm) Load (kp) De2 (cm2) Is F Is(50) Compressive
strength (MPa)

M-1 4.9 2.2 30 13.73 2.18 0.87 1.91 4.12

M-2(1) 6 3.9 21 29.81 0.7 1.04 0.73 1.57
M-2(2) 6 3.4 22 25.99 0.85 1.01 0.85 1.86
M-3(1) 3.6 2.8 5 12.84 0.39 0.86 0.34 0.69
M-3(2) 6.5 5.8 20 48.03 0.42 1.16 0.48 1.08
De = Equivalent core diameter. D2e = 4A/p, where A is the minimum area of the transversal sections which contain the vertical axle
of the loading points
Is = P/D2e , where P is the maximum applied load and De the equivalent diameter
F = (De/50)0,45 is a size correction factor
Is50 = FIs

Table 4 Mineralogical
Mineral phase Mortar M-1 Mortar M-2 Mortar M-3
characterization of ancient
mortars Calcite CaCO3 •• ••• ••••
Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 • •
Quartz SiO2 •••• ••• •••
Microcline KAlSi3O8 • • •
Portlandite Ca(OH)2 ••
Black dots indicate the Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 • •
relative abundance of the Gypsum CaSO4*H2O •

Table 5 Average values for flexural and compressive strength testing machine. Special care was taken to ensure
at different ages parallel ends during the construction of the prism
Age (days) 28 45 90 180 240 365 specimens and furthermore, some specimen tops were
suitably covered with a thin layer of mortar to obtain a
Flexural strength 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.13
smooth surface.
The stone/mortar volumetric ratio in the rubble
Compressive 0.16 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28
strength (MPa) masonry prisms was roughly 3/1. The prisms that were
constructed to represent the inner cores were com-
posed of low-strength mortars, small stone pieces and
load. The specimen sizes were defined, bearing in a significant percentage of voids (&5%). In the case of
mind the restrictions of the testing equipment, as well the ashlar masonry prisms, the bed mortar joints were
as the manufacturing restrictions relating to the stone about 15 mm. They were stored in draft-free area, at
specimens. Prismatic specimens of 400 mm in height, normal temperature and humidity conditions.
500 mm in length and 300 mm in width were prepared The previously prepared prisms were tested at
(Fig. 1), bearing in mind the maximum distance 120 days, under uniaxial compression with load
between the press platens. velocity control (100 N/s for the masonry and 10 N/s
The prisms were cast according to the composition for the inner mortar prisms). An AMSLER universal
of the leaves of a typical Romanesque wall: rubble compression test machine with a maximum load of
masonry, inner core of low strength mortar and ashlar 5.106 N was used. The upper platen of the testing
masonry. In addition, four dry-joint ashlar masonry machine was hinged to avoid loading misalignment.
prisms were constructed as references for the rest. Load history and crack developments were recorded.
They were all built over steel plates to facilitate Displacement was measured by means of four digital
transport and to assure a flat surface on the universal- LVDTs. These devices can measure within a range of
1000 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

Fig. 1 Masonry prisms: ashlar masonry prism during construction (a), finished rubble masonry (b) and inner core prisms at testing (c)

30 mm and have a 5-digit LCD display. The LVDT Some of the cracks in the stone units appeared suddenly
sensors were fixed to an external and still part of the and, in some specimens, were accompanied by a clear
testing machine, meanwhile the plungers were in cracking sound (Fig. 2). The stress corresponding to the
contact with the moving lower platen. A deformability first crack in the stone units is noted as fM0 in Table 6. The
value E* was estimated by considering the displace- ratio between this parameter and the maximum load could
ment between platens. This value does not exactly be an attempt to estimate the remaining resistance in a
coincide with the real Elastic Modulus of the masonry masonry element, despite the presence of cracks due to
(1.1–1.2 times higher). Nevertheless, it will be used compression. The strain at maximum stress (emax) has
for a comparison between the deformability of the been included too (Tables 7, 8).
different masonry assemblages. In line with the ASTM specification, Young’s
modulus can be defined as the average slope of the
linear portion of the stress–strain diagram. Taking into
3 Test results account that the straight-line portion is located in the
(30–60%) stress interval, the deformability in this
The complete load–displacement diagram that charac- interval, using linear least-square regression, are
terises the behaviour of all tests is the result of average presented in Table 6. It should be noted that, even if
displacement measured by four displacement transduc- stones from the same delivery were used, different
ers. The normal stress is calculated as the ratio between deformability from the prism specimens was observed.
the applied vertical load and the initial cross section. The disparity in the test results of the ashlar
All the diagrams exhibited the common initial masonry specimens is a consequence of the variations
adjustment between the specimen and the machine in the preparation of the specimens and the execution
platens (usually termed as ‘‘locking’’), which is of the tests. The first group of ashlar specimens was
initially reflected on the stress–strain graph as a curve made of the same mortar as that used in the construc-
followed by a linear portion. tion of the rubble ordinary masonry and inner-core

Fig. 2 Detail of crack propagation in two masonry specimens

Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006 1001

Table 6 Results of masonry prism testing testing, specimen PA2 was subjected to two load
Material fM0 fM emax E*(30–60%)
cycles of approximately 40% and 30% of the test
specimen (MPa) (MPa) (mm/m) (MPa) failure load that was considered valid.
Despite the previous problem, a clear softened
Dry joint ashlar masonry S form was observed in load–displacement graphics
PdA1 3.20 13.13 2.59 1,055 obtained from the tests. The values of the final load
PdA2a 1.20 4.71 2.07 246 and the modulus of elasticity are higher than those of
PdA3a 0.31 3.52 2.53 412 the rubble masonry prisms. The curves of the rough
PdA4a 0.35 7.47 2.88 515 masonry prisms show less disperse results, as the four
Average values 1.27 7.21 2.52 557 specimens were constructed and tested in the same
Ashlar masonry way, and their behaviour is more linear from start to
PA1 2.09 4.54 3.28 151 failure. In contrast, the specimen representing the
PA5 2.29 8.18 1.96 461 inner filling of the wall presented two very different
PA6 2.62 7.85 2.08 504 sections during testing: a first pseudo-linear portion,
PA7 3.92 9.81 2.51 628 and a second portion that showed deformation under
PA8 1.96 9.99 2.68 486 maintained load with rapid extension of cracking.
Average values 2.58 8.07 2.50 446 No direct comparison may be made between the
Ashlar masonryc resistance values and the elastic modulus obtained
PA2d – 8.16 1.24 1,220 from these tests and those presented in Sect. 2.2. In the
PA3 – 11.25 2.74 458 first place, small pieces of stone and air pockets are
PA4 – 10.39 3.46 323 present in the prismatic specimen, despite it being the
Average values – 9.93 2.48 667 same mortar. The so-called ‘‘specimen effect’’ should
Rough masonry also be considered, as they are specimens of a different
PR1 – 2.83 4.35 79 geometry and size. Nevertheless, the proximity of both
PR2 0.39 1.66 4.24 52 results confirms the characterization of this material.
PR3 0.36 1.10 2.77 49 The following conclusions may be drawn:
PR4 0.36 1.76 3.74 69 • The masonry strength is strongly affected by the
Average values 0.37 1.84 3.78 62 quality of the mortar and workmanship.
Inner core/filling • Both ashlar (with bed-mortar joints) and rubble
masonry exhibit uniform behaviour, with a strain–
PM1 – 0.16 2.65 15
stress slope that is practically constant.
PM2 0.12 0.20 2.34 16
• The deformability is greatly influenced by the
PM3 0.13 0.18 1.34 13
previous load history.
PM4 0.12 0.22 2.14 18
• The results for the ashlar masonry prisms show
Average values 0.12 0.19 2.12 15.5 greater variation. Further tests are needed for them
Not registered result to be developed in the future; nevertheless, the
Specimens built by non-expert masons tendencies are sufficiently well defined to be able
Specimens with low strength mortar (white cement–lime– to compare the load bearing capacities of three leaf
sand: 1.5–0.5–19, by volume and total water/binder ratio = 1) walls (ashlar blocks/inner core/rubble masonry).
Specimens with a stronger mortar [fck & 1 MPa] (white
cement–lime–sand: 1.5–0.5–10 and total water/binder ratio = 1)
Specimen preloaded 2 times before the final up-to-failure test
4 Comparison of experimental results
with standards and recommendations

prisms. A mortar with higher binder content was used The following equations present a number of simple
in the three remaining specimens, similar to the one calculations based on the fundamental properties of
used for rendering in real interventions in heritage the materials that are used to predict the compressive
buildings. Due to a problem that occurred during strength fc of masonry prisms.
1002 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

(a) Equation proposed by Engesser in 1907 and    2

1 3 1
reviewed by Huerta [17]: A ¼ 0:2487ftu þ 0:0018a ð4aÞ
fcu fcm
1 2  2  
fc ¼ fcu þ fcm ð1Þ 1 1
3 3 B ¼ 1:2781ftu 0:05290a ð4bÞ
fcu fcm
where fc, compressive strength of the masonry;  
fcu, compressive strength of the (stone) units; fcm, 1
C ¼ 2:0264ftu 0:1126a ð4cÞ
compressive strength of the mortar fcu

(b) Design values proposed by Segurado [18] have D ¼ 0:9968ftu þ 0:1620afcm ð4dÞ
been summarised in Table 7.
(g) Equation proposed by Ohler [6]
(c) PIET [19] proposed the compressive strength
values presented in Table 8 for different stone sfcu  fcm
fc ¼ fcm þ thm fcu
masonries, for design purposes. 1 þ mh u ftu
(d) C. Rozza [20] proposed a method, widely distrib-
uted in Italy, for the calculation of stone and where the parameters s and t define the unit
brick masonry load-bearing walls. The estimated failure envelope, and m is the slope of the mortar
strength of the masonry is later reduced by the failure envelope. The values presented by Ohler
corresponding eccentricity, slenderness and wall- [6] for these parameters are given in Tables 9
framework connection dependant coefficients. The and 10, respectively.
simplified equations for ashlar and rubble masonry The last three equations stem from equilibrium
compressive strength are presented below. methods under the assumption that units are uniaxially
compressed—biaxially tensioned while mortar is
Ashlar and brick masonry: fc triaxially compressed. For this reason, these equations
0:8mu fcu þ 1:2mm fcm
¼ ð2aÞ are only applicable when the unit stiffness exceeds the
10 mortar stiffness.
mu fcu þ 0:8mm fcm However, the existence of a very large ratio
Rubble masonry: fc ¼
12:5 between the mortar and the unit strengths precludes
ð2bÞ the application of the equations proposed by Khoo
and Hendry [5] and Ohler [6], since their formu-
where vu, relative volume of (stone) units; vm,
lation only explicitly considers mortar strength
relative volume of mortar.
rather than the elastic properties of the mortar. On
(e) Equation proposed by Francis et al. [2] the contrary, the equation proposed by Francis
[2] only considers the elastic properties of the
1 mortar.
fc ¼ f
a/ðbmm mu Þ cu
1þ bð1mm Þ (h) Equations provided by Eurocode 6, CEN [9] and
where the parameters a, b and / read: Spanish Technical Building Code CTE [21],
0:7 0:3
hm Eu fcu Eurocode 6: fc ¼ Kfcu fcm ð6Þ
a¼ b¼ /¼ ð3aÞ 0:65 0:25
hu Em ftu CTE 2008 : fck ¼ Kfcu fcm ð7Þ
where hm and hu, height of the stone units and where K is a constant depending on the quality of
mortar horizontal joint thickness; Eu and Em, the masonry units. These equations can be used
stone and mortar elasticity modulus; ftu, stone where the thickness of the mortar joints, both
units tensile strength horizontally and vertically, is between 8 and
(f) Equation proposed by Khoo and Hendry [5] 15 mm. A value of K = 0.44 was estimated for
the specimens of this research.
Afc3 þ Bfc2 þ Cfc þ D ¼ 0 ð4Þ
(i) Equation provided by ACI Specification for
where the parameters A, B, C and D read: Masonry Structures [22],
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006 1003

Table 7 Masonry compressive strength by Segurado [18]




Masonry Design compression
strength (MPa)

minimum mortar type

Rubble stone masonry with lime mortar
High-strength stone 3–6

Coursed with
Strong stone 1.5–3
Semi-strength stone 1–1.5



Soft stone 0.8–1

Ashlar masonry with lime mortar 1–2
Ordered masonry 0.5–1

minimum mortar type

Brick masonry with lime mortar

Rubble masonry
Normal brick 0.6–0.8

Squared stone,
High-strength brick 0.8–1
Brick masonry with cement mortar 1–1.5




Observations Lime mortar has 3 parts of sand and 1 part of
aerial lime, design tensile strength is estimated as 10% of the
design compression strength, design tensile strength decreases

hu \ 30 cm, minimum
with height of the structural element. Values between 0.25 and
0.5 of those under consideration must be applied for heights
over 20 times the length of the base, and the safety strength

Ashlar blocks
under consideration corresponds, more or less, to 1/10 of the

mortar type
failure strength

fc ¼ Að2:758 þ Bfcu Þ ð8Þ

where A = 1 for inspected masonry and B = 0.2
hu C 30 cm, minimum

for type N Portland cement-lime mortar or

B = 0.25 for type S or M Portland cement-lime
Ashlar blocks

mortar type

Experimental and analytical results with the calcu-

lated ones provided by the equations and tables from

bibliography are compared just to have a qualitative

idea about the possible disparity between the obtained

Ashlar masonry

data and the predicted values (Table 11).

Dry cut ashlar
Table 8 Masonry compressive strength by PIET [19]

Results from recommendations have been obtained

just for the masonry material itself, and not for full

structural elements (pillars, walls, arches, etc.), where


boundary conditions have a big influence on the final

strength (MPa)

On the basis of these values, the following obser-


vations may be made:




• Estimates of masonry resistance vary greatly

according to the method used. It should be
remembered that the various formulae were devel-
Quartzy sandstone

oped in a specific manner for particular materials

Hard limestone

Soft limestone

and geometric forms, which is why any attempt to

use them as values for masonry with such a weak
of stone



mortar will lead to erroneous results. For instance,


it was found that the Khoo and Hendry equation,

1004 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006

Table 9 Values for the

0 \ fc/fcu \ 0.33 0.33 \ fc/fcu \ 0.67 0.67 \ fc/fcu \ 1.0
parameters s and t
S 0.662 0.811 1.000
T 0.662 0.960 2.218

Table 10 Values for the parameter m rough masonry) is taken into account, then the
fc,u (MPa) 31.6 21.4 15.4 6.4
resistance values of the ashlar units are greater than
m (-) 5.3 3.6 2.4 2.1
those of the rough masonry.
• In the case of the ashlar units, it was found that
the results given by the Eurocode equation EC-6
Table 11 Theoretical and experimental compressive strength adapted to the Spanish ‘‘Código Técnico de la
of masonry prisms Edificación [Technical Building Code]’’ were
PdA PA PA’ PR closest to those of the test results. This norm
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) specifies the conditions to be considered
Yvon Villarceau [23] 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.46
(thinness, eccentricity) when using the afore-
mentioned values to test walls and other struc-
Engesser (1907) 13.33 13.53 15.33 21.73
tural elements.
Segurado [18] – 1.50 0.80 0.90
• In the case of rough masonry, none of the
PIET [19] 2.00 0.8 1.00 0.5
equations came close to the values obtained in
Francis et al. [2] 40.00 35.30 35.45 46.35
the laboratory tests. The general value recom-
Khoo and Hendry [5] – – – –
mended by Segurado [18] is the closest and could
Ohler [6] 32.44 32.46 32.66 52.42
serve as a starting point when testing ordinary
Rozza [20] 3.20 2.91 2.94 4.50
masonry structures that have very degraded
Eurocode 6 [9] – 5.53 11.03 7.73
mortars. Nevertheless, due to the extreme com-
ACI [22] 10.76 10.76 10.76 15.68
plexity presented by these constructions, labora-
BS 5628-1 [24] 14.00 14.00 14.00 11.31
tory testing is recommended in order to obtain
Spanish CTE [21] – 4.88 8.69 6.67
more detailed results.
Experimental values 7.21 8.07 9.93 1.84

with resistance in compression ratios of over 10 for 5 Conclusions

masonry units and mortar, failed to provide an
acceptable estimate. Stone masonry is a highly complex material. From the
• Within the range of responses, it was found that the constituent components to the geometric arrange-
equations in standards and specifications that refer ments in real structures, there is a huge number of
to ashlar units all provide similar results. parameters involved in its behaviour.
• The values fail to comply with current standards, Two kinds of sandstone were used during the
as an extremely poor mortar was used to simulate presented experimental tests. In spite of the same
ancient degraded mortar. origin of the stone specimens, petrographical differ-
• If, in the method for estimating the resistance of ences were found among of them. It results in high
the masonry, the resistance value of the stone variation coefficients for their mechanical properties,
material is used, without taking account of the as previously expected.
bond, then the resistance values obtained for the Mortars found in many historic constructions
rough masonry units are, in general, higher than present very low resistance values, even as much as
those obtained for the ashlar units, given that the below 0.5 MPa. In some cases, the mortar crumbled to
resistance in compression of the former is greater the touch and could be reduced to a handful of sand.
than the latter. The low adherence values confirm the hypothesis of
• If, in the method for estimating the resistance of zero tensile strength when undertaking analytical and
the masonry, the type of masonry (ashlar units or numeric calculations.
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:995–1006 1005

The enormous difference between the resistance of similar line, extending the results data base with local
stone as opposed to mortar means that the majority of materials and masonry typologies.
the existing equations, which are used to estimate
resistance on the basis of the masonry components and Acknowledgements This research was made possible thanks
to a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture
their properties, do not square with reality. In any case,
(BES-2006-12635) and the financial support provided by the
it has been shown how current standards do not set out European Commission and the Basque Government (programs
calculations for the design or verification of structural OPERHA-517765 and NUCLEO-Emaitek 2008).
elements made with irregular masonry blocks. It is
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the observed results, laboratory testing should be
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