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Omar Hernandez

English 1010
Prof: Jim Beatty
Blue Collar Brilliance Summary

High School Sports

High school is one of the most memorable times for everyone. It is a time to make lifelong

friendships, earn good grades, participate in activities and prepare for the future. Unfortunately,

due to budget cuts in some communities, many schools are choosing to sacrifice high school sports

in order to appropriate that money towards academics. At first glance, this seems like a feasible

solution, since academics should have priority. But the elimination of sports in public high schools

would negatively impact many communities and lessen every student’s high school experience.

Eliminating high school sports would not only impact student life, it would also affect the

local economy. Sports bring money into schools and the community. During the different sports

seasons, fundraising and booster clubs are prevalent. These organizations are nonprofit, and all

proceeds go to the schools. Doing away with sports would mean the loss of jobs for many

including, staff, builders, contractors, uniform and equipment makers, and concession stand


High school sports are known for attracting media attention, sometimes even at national

level. Being in the local paper or playing on the local cable TV stations is very common. The

attention that is drawn from high school sports not only attracts visits from graduates, but also

attracts tourists to the community. Friday Night Lights and We are Marshall are movies that are

based on true stories of high school football. The communities where these stories are based have
without a doubt profited in more ways than one, due to the attention they have received from this


Sports in high school are also the perfect way to keep young adults away from drugs and

other dangerous behaviors. Coaches encourage players to be well behaved. Some schools even

have limits on GPA’s for athletes. If an athlete’s grades fall below a certain point, they are not

allowed to play, which provides them with accountability. Students who love sports will do

anything to play, including increase their studying. They will also be less likely to try drugs or

break the law in other manners, which would hinder their eligibility to participate. “Personally, I

think it’s critical,” said Mike Crilly, superintendent of the Jefferson Union High School District,

when referring to high school sports (Simon). “It helps to build the whole student, and it’s

important for the participant as well as the spectator.”

The truth is high school sports are more than just fun. They are great tools to help students learn

about life. They are a valuable tool in teaching ethics. Ethics can be described as the continuous

effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and

the institutions we represent, live up to standards that are reasonable and solidly-based. Team

sports are a great way to gain hands on experience regarding ethics and other valuable traits.

Teamwork, cooperation and leadership are several things students can learn from school sports.

Students can apply what they learn in their everyday lives. When athletes build confidence on the

field, they can use that confidence in the real world. Teens who participate in sports will be better

able to work with others in all aspects of life.

Sports create a positive after school activity that detours teens from using this free time to become

involved in gangs or other mischievous activities. Teenager’s negative perception of school is

replaced with increased school pride. This increase interest in school generally results in increased

enjoyment in academics, resulting in better overall test scores and grades. High school sports

enable the entire school to come together, whether playing, or observing, to cheer for their school.

It boosts school morale and increases the bonding between parents and their teens when parents

help with skills and come to games to cheer their teen on.

Another positive aspect of school sports is that it encourages good health habits which could

benefit the student for an eternity. “It’s part of the good health of the community and the student,”

said Tom Mohr, superintendent of the San Mateo Union High School District (Simon).

Participating in high school sports teaches students the importance of eating healthy in order to

increase performance. Sports are important for motor skill development, maintaining a healthy

exercise program and providing an outlet for releasing anger when the academic stressors become

overwhelming. When youths participate in sports they release endorphin’s which help decrease

depression and increase energy.

Without a doubt, sports teams can teach powerful lessons about working together for the common

good. Rarely is a run scored or game won without the combined efforts of all players, those on the

field, as well as those who cheer a team on from the sidelines and bleachers. The importance of

teamwork in the real world is that it allows us to accomplish more than we could by ourselves. It
allows us to move mountains. If one doubts the importance of teamwork in corporate America,

just think about where Bill Gates would be today without his team and the work they did.

High school sports are beneficial in teaching self-discipline, the ability to do what is necessary

without needing to be urged by somebody else. Discipline will help you succeed at work, finish

personal projects and better improve your physical and mental abilities. It is not easy to develop

discipline, even as adults. Teens need to develop discipline early in their lives to prepare them for

everything that lies ahead. There are several ways to develop this character trait, becoming part of

a sports team is one of them. These activities require discipline and give students a chance to see

positive results from their dedication and practice.

When adults look back on their time in school many do not remember their teachers, classes or

grades but they do remember the high school sports they participated in or observed. They often

look back on these memories fondly and look forward to their children having similar experiences.

As discussed, there are many benefits to high school sports which not only positively effect student

life, they also contribute to a healthy community. It empowers youths and redirects them from

gang involvements and deviant behavior. These voluntary programs motivate students to stay in

school, earn better grades, and prepare them in cooperative skills greatly called on by employers

today. There is no doubt the elimination of high school sports would be detrimental to youths and

their communities Involving oneself in sports is far more than just an engaging and healthy hobby.

As research shows, an active participation in sports has a positive influence on a teenager’s

social life, self-esteem, and even academic performance (Sitkowski, 2008). There is no doubt that

sports are beneficial for boys and girls, women and men. However, it is perplexing that some 40
years ago, women and girls were close to being virtually deprived of the opportunity to play sports

in universities, colleges, high schools and junior high schools. It was not until 1972, when Title IX

of the 1972 Education Amendment Act was passed, that women received equal rights to participate

in sports at all educational institutions.

What does this mean for us today? Does it mean that every student has the right to play

any type of sport? Well, not quite. But it certainly means that every person, notwithstanding their

gender, has an equal opportunity to try out for any team, or play a sport that an institution offers.

Should there be a distinction between sports for students. There are significant objections to this

idea, as personal preferences, individual physical abilities, and infrastructural facilities of the

community in which one resides that should be at the center of reasoning regarding which sport is

chosen over another.

As a result, students become accustomed to more calm pastimes and are less willing to play

active sports. The more developed a community is, both economically and socially, the less

difference is seen statistically in sports. Not more than general statistical facts and aspects that may

differ on a personal level. But these are points that need to be acknowledged when talking about

the differences in male and female athletics and the way girls and boys should be coached.

Engaging in sports is an important benefit that no human being should be deprived of in a

modern society, whether based on racial, age, or gender characteristics of the person. Sports allow

youth to believe in themselves, widen their circle of friends and acquaintances, as well as introduce

them to an activity they might be willing to later make their profession or lifetime hobby. Sports

in schools should be supported everywhere to help develop students.

Sitkowski, L. (2008). The Effects of Participation in Athletics on Academic Performance Among
High School Sophomores and Juniors. Lynchburg, Va.: Liberty University.
Stewart, C. (2008) Should Boys & Girls Be Coached the Same Way? Becoming a Better Coach.
Available at:
Collor, Richard. (2007) Sports in the US. Lenguin Press.
Regal, Ella. (2012) Lack of Research Claims in Gender Sports. Dadalas Publishing.
Hiden, Eleanor. (2009) Gender Debates. The New York Host.

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