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Food Distribution in India

Eliu Figueroa

Arizona State University

April 10, 2018

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In India 10% of produced grain is lost annually due to improper distribution amongst

India’s distribution centers. The reason the grain is lost is more often than not these distribution

centers are filled passed their capacity When this happens tons of grain is improperly stored and

it begins to rot be eaten by rodents. While 10% may seem like a small amount, this 10% of lost

grain can feed up to 70-100 million people, this is just from grain alone, now consider all the

other types of food that most likely also gets distributed inefficiently. Inefficient food

distribution is a huge contributor to food insecurity in India, the most effective way for India to

minimize food insecurity is to improve their food distribution process by creating a more secure

and high capacity distribution centers.

Reports from India's Public Distribution Systems shows that 50% of all grain that is sent

out to 50,000 fair price shops, traders get their hands on it and sell the grain at higher prices to

open markets(Devraj 2013). This is a major reason why India's Food distribution system needs to

be more secure, the wrong people are receiving this food and are selling it to the people who

actually need it for higher prices. This is extremely unfair because the people of India already

make little money as it is and now they have to pay extra money the do not have to provide food

for themselves and their families. If the government of India ensured that distribution centers

were secured and everyone was receiving their food, this alone can help millions of people

escape food insecurity. Not only would their food insecurity decrease but, they would have an

extra bit of income that they can put towards either more food or other things such as bills,

clothing, or anything they may need.

Furthermore, creating more distribution centers can provide accessibility of food to

millions of people all over India. This will help combat the issue of lack of food in rural areas
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where certain food cannot be attained as easily in urban areas and vice versa. This would also

help combat the issue of people moving to urban areas in search of better paying jobs and

resulting in food prices being more expensive than in rural areas. If there are distribution centers

with surplus of food, prices would not be so high due to high amounts available. This allows

people to make more money and not have to spend it all on food. This results in more people

becoming self sufficient and not having to struggle or rely on help from others.

Building more distribution centers will also provide more jobs for people who are

struggling to find one. The Indian government will need to hire people to actually build these

distribution centers. Once they are built personnel will be required to run the distribution center

and make sure the food is properly taken care of. Not only will the new distribution centers

provide accessibility to the people in need it will provide new jobs for those in need of one and

this will allow them to make a decent wage so they can purchase food thus eliminating food

insecurity amongst them.

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