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ew et od for High-Accuracy Determination o f th e Fine--S tructure Constant

Based on Quantized Hall Resistance
K. v. Klitzing
Hsysikalisches Institut der Universitat Wurzburg, D-8700 ~iirgburg,
urgburg, I'ederal
Federal Republic
Re b of Germany, and
x- anc --Ins
IIochfeld-Ma gn etlabor des Max-Planck nstituts
titut pier PestkorPerforsckung, P 38048-Grenoble, Prance

G. Dorda
Forschungslaboratorien der Siemens AG, D-80000 Mun
uncken, Pedera/ RePublic of Germany

M. Pepper
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge CB3 0HZ Unoted Kingdom
(Received 30 May 1980)
Measurements wo- imensiona
of the Hall voltage of a two-di 1 electron
I gas, realized with a
si ] icon metal-oxide-semiconductor
~ 0 ~ ~

field-effect transistor, show a resi

a thee Hall
ow that resistance
at particular, experimentall y we - e ined surface carrier concentrations h as f'ixe d va ues
which de p end onl y on the fine-structure constant and speed o
of li ht an d is insensitive to ig,
the gcome trry of the device. Preliminary data are reported.
~ ~ ~

PACS numbers: 73.25.+i, 06.20.Jr, 72.20. My, 73.40.Qv

In this paper we report a new, potentially high-
accuracy method for determining the fine-struc- N
UHI Upp lmV
ture constant, n. The new approach is based on HALL PROBE
the fact that the degenerate electron gas in the in- --ORAIN
25 -2.5
version layer of a MOSFET (metal-oxide-semi-
conductor field-effect transistor) is fully cluan- ~ ~ g SURFACE CHANNEL $~
tized when the transistor is operated at helium SOURCE GATE

temperatures and in a strong magnetic field of 20. -2.0 /

order 15 T.' The inset in Fig. 1 shows a schem-

atic diagram of a typical MOSFET device used in

this work. The electric field perpendicular to the 15-1.5
surface (gate field) produces subbands for the mo-
tion normal to the semiconductor-oxide interface,
and the magnetic field produces Landau quantiza- 10 -1.0
tion of motion parallel to the interface. The den-
sity of states D(E) consists of broadened 5 func-
tions'; minimal overlap is achieved if the mag- 5--0.5
netic field is sufficiently high. The number of
states, NL, within each Landau level is given by
V„=ea/I, (&) 0;
0:; 10 15 20 25
where we exclude the spin and valley degenera- n=Q -n=l n=2

cies. If the density of states at the Fermi ener- = Vg/V

gy, N(EF), is zero, an inversion layer carrier

cannot be scattered. , and the center of the cyclo-
tron orbit drifts in the direction perpendicular to FIG. l.
Recordings of the Hall voltage U H, an
and th e
the electric and magnetic field. If N(FF) is finite o es, U&&, asa
vol tage drop between the potential prob
but small, an arbitrarily small rate of scattering
function of the gate voltage V at T = 1.5 K. The con-
stant magnetic field {B) is 18 T and the source drain
cannot occur and localization produced b y th e l ong current, l, is 1 p, A.. The inset shows a top view of the
lxf et arne is the same as a zero scattering rate, I
device with a length of =400 pm, a width of 8' =50 pm,
i.e. , the same absence of current-carrying states and a distance between the potential probeses of && =130 I
occurs. ' Thus, when the Fermi level is between p, m.


Landau levels the device current is thermally correction due to the shorting of the Hall voltage
activated and the minima in cr„„, o„„'",
can be '
by the source and drain contacts. This is im-
less than 10 'cr„„'". Increasing the magnetic portant at low fields for samples with length-to-
f ield and decreasing the temperature, f urther width ratio, L/W, less than 4, but becomes neg-
decreases cr„„'". The Hall conductivity o„„ ligible when the Hall angle is 90', i.e. , cr„„=0. '
which is usually a complicated function of the The second correction which becomes unimpor-
scattering process, becomes very simple in the tant is that due to an inexact alignment of the
absence of scattering and is given by' Hall probes, i.e. , they are not exactly opposite:
This is irrelevant, as the voltage drop along the
o„, =- Ne/B, (2)
sample vanishes when o„„=0. '
where N is the carrier concentration. The experiments were carried out on MOS de-
The correction term to the above relation, vices with a range of oxide thicknesses (d, „=100
ho„„ is of the order of o,„/~v, where u& is the nm-400 nm), and length-to-width ratios ranging
cyclotron frequency and 7 is the relaxation time from L/W=25 to L/W=0. 65. All the transistors
of the conduction electrons; co~» 1 in strong mag- were fabricated on the (100) surface orientation
netic fields. When the Fermi energy is between and, typically, the P-type substrate had room
Landau levels, and 0„„'"-10"'cr„„,the correc- temperature resistivity of 10 0 cm. The resis-
tion ho„/o„, &10 '.
Subject to any error im- tivity at helium temperature was higher than 10"
posed by her„„, when a Landau level is fully occu- 0 cm, and no current flow between source and
pied and N =Nti (i =1, 2, 3, . ), o„, is immediate- drain around the channel could be measured. The
ly given from Eqs. (1) and (2): long devices (L/W& 8) had potential probes in ad-
—o„=e'i/h. dition to the Hall probes.
A typical recording of the measured Hall volt-
The Hall resistivity p„=-
o„ /(o„„'+ o„, ') = —o„, age UH, and the voltage between the potential
is defined by E H /j (EH = Hall field, = current den- probes U», as a function of the gate voltage is
sity) and can be rewritten R „/I, where R H is the shown in Fig. 1. These results were obtained at
Hall resistance, UH the Hall voltage and I the cur- a constant magnetic field of B =18 T, a tempera-
rent. Thus, RH=h/e'i, which may finally be ture of 1.5 K and a constant source drain current
written as' I
of =1 p, A. Relevant device parameters were L
=400 pm, W=50 pm and the distance between po-
RH = of 'Roc/2i, (4)
tential probes was about 130 pm.
where p, is the permeability of vacuum and exact- The measured voltage U» is proportional to the
ly equal to 4«10 ' H m ', c is the speed of light resistivity component p„„=o„„[p„„'+ p„, ']. At
in vacuum and equal to 299792458 m s ' with a gate voltages where the EF is in the energy gap
current uncertainty' of 0.004 ppm and n =,37 is between Landau levels, minima in both v„„and
the fine-structure constant. It is clear from Eq. '
p, „are observed. Such minima are clearly visi-
(4) that a high-accuracy measurement of the Hall ble, and are identified, in Fig. 1; the minima
resistance in SI units will give a value of n with due to the lifting of the spin and the (twofold) val-
essentially the same accuracy. Since resistances ley degeneracy are also apparent. The Hall volt-
can be determined in SI units to a few parts in 10' age clearly levels off at those values of carrier
by means of the so-called calculable cross capaci- concentration where a„„and p„„are zero. The
tor by Thompson and Lampard, the question of values of UH obtained in the regions are in good
absolute units versus as-maintained units is much agreement with the predicted values, Eq. (4), if
less of a problem than in the determination of e/h the error due to the 1-MO input impedance of the
from the ac Josephson effect. Furthermore, the X-Y recorder is taken into account. It was found
magnitude of RH falls within a relatively conven- that the value of UH in the "steps" was, for in-
ient range: R„= (25 813 0)/i, with i typically be- stance current, independent of sample geometry
tween 2 and 8. Finally, we note that if n is as- and direction of magnetic field, provided that
sumed to be known from some other experiment a„„was zero.
(for example, from 2e/h and the proton gyromag- An area of possible criticism of the theoretical
netic ratio y~), Eq. (4) may be used to derive a basis of this experiment, is the role of carriers
known standard resistance. which are localized outside the main Landau lev-
Two well-known corrections in the low-field el. Here we do not specify the localization mecha-
Hall effect become unimportant. The first is the nism, but the presence of localized carriers will

invalidate both the relation N =Nz and Eq. (4). 0). The resistance R, was calibrated by the Phys-
However, the experimental results strongly sug- ikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig,
gest that such carriers do not invalidate Eq. (4). and had a value of Rp 9999.69 0 at a temperature
At present there is both theoretical and experi- of 20'C. A typical result of the measured Hall

tion. """
mental investigation of this type of localiza-
Ando' has suggested that the electrons
in impurity bands, arising from short range scat-
resistance R„=UH /I =UHR, /U„and the resis-
tance, R» =U»R, /U„between the potential
probes of the device is shown in Fig. 2 (J3 =13 T,
terers, do not contribute to the Hall current; T =1.8 K). The minimum in cr„„at V, =23.6 P
whereas the electrons in the Landau level give corresponds to the minimum at V~ =8.7 V in Fig.
rise to the same Hall current as that obtained 1, because the thicknesses of the gate oxides of
when all the electrons are in the level and can these two samples differ by a factor of 3.6. Our
move freely. Clearly this process must be oc- experimental arrangement was not sensitive
curing but its range of validity must be carefully enough to measure a value of R» of less than 0.1
examined as an accompaniment to highly accurate 0 which was found in the gate-voltage region
measurements of Hall resistance. 23.40 V& V &23.80 V. The Hall resistance in this
For high-precision measurements we used a gate voltage region had a value of 6453.3+ 0.1 Q.
normal resistance R, in series with the device. This inaccuracy of + 0.1 0 was due to the limited
The voltage drop, U„across R„and the voltages sensitivity of the voltmeter. We would like to
UH and Upp across and along the device was meas- mention that most of the samples, especially de-
ured with a high impedance voltmeter (R &2 x10'0 vices with a small length-to-width ratio, showed
a minimum in the Hall voltage as a function of V
at gate voltage close to the left side of the plateau.
In Fig. 2, this minimum is relatively shallow and
has a value of 6452. 87 0 at V~ =23.30 V.
In order to demonstrate the insensitivity of the
Hall resistance on the geometry of the device,
200. measurements on two samples with a length-to-
width ratio of I /W=0. 65 and I/W=25, respective-
ly, are plotted in Fig. 3. The gate-voltage scale
23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5
=Vg /V


+~)~+K «~~+
+ h/4e2
z. 6453.
I 1

6400- II
8=13.0 T 1
T =1.8 K (9 6452. I 1

I l
d I
6300- I B=13.9 T I

T =1.8 K 0I
6451 I

I -- ------L=260 pm, W=400pm
6200 I

23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 0

L=1000pm W=40 pm
=Vg /V
FIG. 2. Hall resistance RH, and device resistance, 0.98 0.99 1.00 101 102
Rpp, between the potential probes as a function of the = gate voltage Vg/r'el. units
gate voltage ~~ in a region of gate voltage correspond-
ing to a fully occupied, lowest (n =0) Landau level. The FIG. 3. Hall resistance RH for two samples with dif-
plateau in RH has a value of 6453.3+ 0.1 Q. The geom- ferent geometry in a gate-voltage region V~ where the
etry of the device was =400 pm, 8'=50 pm, and L» n =0 Landau level is fully occupied. The recommended
=130 pm; B=13 T. value h/4e' is given as 6453.204 &.


is given in arbitrary units, and is different for corresponding to a fine-structure constant of o. '
the two samples because the thicknesses of the = 137.0353+ 0.0004.
gate oxides are different. A gate voltage V =1.00 We would like to thank the Physikalisch Tech-
corresponds, approximately, to a surface carrier nische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, for experi-
concentration where the first fourfold-degenerate mental support and E. R. Cohen, Th. Englert,
Landau level, n =0, is completely filled. Within V. Kose, G. Landwehr, and B. N. Taylor for val-
the experimental accuracy of 0.1 0, the same val- uable discussions. One of us (M. P.) would like
ue for the plateau in the Hall resistance is meas- to thank the European Research Office of the U. S.
ured. The value for h/4e' =6453.204+ 0.005 Q Army for partial support.
based on the recommended value for the fine-
structure constant' is plotted in this figure, too.
The decrease of the Hall resistance with decreas-
ing gate voltage for the sample with I,/W=0. 65
originates mainly from the shorting of the Hall For a review see for example: F. Stern, Crit. Rev.
voltage at the contacts. This effect is most pro- Solid State Sci. 5, 499 (19'74); G. Landwehr, in Ad-
nounced when the Hall angle becomes smaller vances in SoEid State Physics: I'estkorPerProbleme,
edited by H. J. Queisser (Pergamon, New York-Vieweg,
than 90'. In the limit of small Hall angles, the
Braunschweig, 1975), Vol. 15, p. 48.
Hall voltage is reduced by a factor of 2 for the T. Ando, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 37, 622 (1974).
sample with 1./W= 0.65.' H. Aoki and H. Kamimura, Solid State Commun. 21,
The mean value of the Hall resistance for all 45 (1g77).
samples investigated was 6453.22+ 0.10 0 for R. J. Nicholas, R. A. Stradling, and R. J. Tidey,
measurements in the energy gap between the Solid State Commun. 23, 341 (1977).
Landau levels n =0 and n =1 (corresponding to E. R. Cohen and B. N. Taylor, J.
Phys. Chem. Ref.
Data 2, 633 (1973).
i =4 in Eq. 4), 3226. 62+ 0.10 0 for measurements
A. M. Thompson and D. G. Lampard, Nature (London)
in the energy gap between Landau levels n =1 and 177, 888 (1956).
n = 2 (i = 6), and 12 906.5+ 1.0 0 for measurements I. Isenberg, B. R. Russel, and F. R. Greene, Rev.
in the energy gap between the spin split levels Sci. Instrum. 19, 685 (1948).
with n =0 (i =2). These resistances agree very R. F. Wick, J. Appl. Phys. 25, 741 (1954).
well with the calculated values h/e'i based on the Th. Englert and K. V. Klitzing, Surf. Sci. 73, 71
recently reported" highly accurate value of a ' (1978).
=137.035 963(15) (0.11 ppm). S. Kawaji and J. Wakabayashi, Surf. Sci. 58, 238
Measurements with a voltmeter with higher M. Pepper, Philos. Mag. 378, 83 (1978).
resolution and a calibrated standard resistor with S. Kawaji, Surf. Sci. 73, 46 (1978).
a vanishing small temperature coefficient at T E. R. Williams and P. T. Olsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42,
=25'C yield a value of h/4e' =6453.17+ 0.02 Q 1575 (1979).


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