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Landyn Beal

April 17, 2019

Research 201 – D07


Article Analysis 1

“Demonstration Technique to Improve Vocabulary and Grammar Element in Teaching Speaking

at EFL Learners”

The purpose of “Demonstration Technique to Improve Vocabulary and Grammar

Element in Teaching Speaking at EFL Learners” was primary to inform the audience about the

fears and speculations growing in response to the effectiveness in vocabulary and grammar

elements. This is a relevant study as it could encourage the use of demonstration technique,

hopefully teaching speaking more efficiently. The main research question addressed was how to

improve the teaching skills in EFL learners. Two other questions they focused on was how to

effectively give all students the same attention and how to use focused teaching strategies. The

success and improvement of students serve as the theory that informed the research. This study

is clearly focused on quantitative research and results because it is focused on the investigation

of the effectiveness of techniques.

The data being tested was quantitate and the result of the study was numerical, therefore

making this a quantitative research study. The quantitative data was collected through a

speaking test measuring the students’ speaking skills. All the collected data was then analyzed

and made into referenceable statistics. Due to their goals in measuring a numerical outcome, this

method was chosen to best define their results. A researcher’s design is quite pivotal to the
overall outcome of an experiment. One must delicately create scholarly research questions that

are directly applicable to the subject of study. This will result is a well-written hypothesis,

untimely giving life to any research project. A research objective, theory, questions, and

hypotheses should summarize information to provide a concise account for the reader to study.

This is done by focusing readers attention on the main questions and ideas of the project. The

specific design the researcher employed was a static group comparison design. Because this

study was conducted with a control group and an experimental group and because it was

conducted one time it is clearly a static group comparison design. The final results of the control

group were compared to the final result of the experimental group to see if the demonstration

technique was indeed beneficial. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics

and inferential analysis.

This study is centered around discourse analysis. The study pertains to the speaking of

EFL students and how different techniques may affect growth. Discourse analysis “Focuses

primarily on how people talk, while discourse analysis focuses on how that talk constructs

meaning.” (Hark, 141) The result and the mean score of the pre-test suggest that most of the EFL

learners have problems regarding speaking skills, especially for the elements of vocabulary and

grammar. The data showed that the lowest score for EFL learners on the pre-test was 3 and the

highest was 5. The post-test scores were quite different, showing the lowest score was 7 and the

highest score was 10. In the control group, the lowest score for the pretest was 4 and the highest

score was 5. The post-test control group showed the lowest score as a 4 and the highest score as

an 8. There are no limitations identified in the research discussion. The author does not make

suggestions for future research. However, the author does suggest that that demonstration
technique is significantly effective and should be considered efficient in improving speaking

skill, especially for the element of vocabulary and grammar at EFL learners.

“Demonstration Technique to Improve Vocabulary and Grammar Element in Teaching

Speaking at EFL Learners” is an article discussing the findings and procedure of a research

project. The study was focused on assessing demonstration technique and it's relevance to

improve vocabulary and grammar element in teaching speaking at EFL learners. 32 students

were used in a study group and 32 students were placed in a control group to collect data. First,

a pre-test was given to the EFL learners and later a post-test was given to the same students. The

data found was analyzed to see if there were significant differences between the mean scores of

the two groups of study. The research performed a statistical paired-samples t-test to find mean

scores and standard deviation for the pre-test and the post-test for both the experimental group

and the control group. The result showed a large difference in means between the two groups.

The experiment group receiving the demonstrating technique scored significantly higher on the

post-test than the control group that was not receiving the demonstration technique. Enough of a

difference to prove statistical significance that teaching speaking can effectively improve the

element of vocabulary and grammar for EFL learners.


Hark, Kristen. Research Across the Disciplines An Introduction. Kendall Hunt

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