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Name: John Martin Apa-ap Score:

Course: BEED-Gen.Ed Block A Date: 04-30-19

Actually, the key term that I highlighted was all of that, but the word that struck me the

most is the word “ORIGINAL”. By just looking only with this word, much cogitation will pop

into our very minds. Being different is not something that we should be ashamed, but it is a gift

that we must treasure and be proud of.

By creating this cloud of words, it helps me to realize that being creative is not only for

creating something or designing something but no immense of words could possibly describe

nor determine the exact meaning of the word creative. It also helps me to reflect that I should

not be insecure towards the people surrounding me, I should not be insecure or envious about
their talents because I, myself has also a talent it just that we do have different talents, different


And lastly, word cloud is very helpful especially to us students because it helps us to put

our ideas into one. It helps us to remember easily the things that we put because of its colorful

fonts and creative layout.

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