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Blocks for a Yoga Practice

A guide to Iyengar Yoga practice with blocks

compiled by
David Jacobs & Jürgen Meusel

Blocks for a Yoga Practice

A guide to Iyengar Yoga practice with blocks


David Jacobs


Jürgen Meusel

Inspired by and dedicated to the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar

Dr. Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar

at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute (RIMYI)

Pune, India

David Jacobs & Jürgen Meusel

Blocks for a Yoga Practice

A guide to Iyengar Yoga practice with blocks

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in

any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors.

Copyright© 2015by David Jacobs & Jürgen Meusel

The authors of this book are not medical practitioners, physicians and the instructions;
sequences and suggestions in this guide are not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a
trained medical professional.

All matters regarding your health require medical supervision; please consult such a
medical professional before commencing any of the sequences, and postures in this guide.

The authors disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of the
information contained in this publication.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

D. Jacobs & J. Meusel

Postnet Suite # 52



South Africa

All rights reserved©2015

Table of Contents



Standing Asana – Utthistha Sthiti 8
Standing Forward extensions – Utthistha Paschima Pratana Sthiti 35
Chapter 3:
Seated Asanas – Upavistha Sthiti 59
Chapter 4:
Forward Extensions – Paschima Pratana Sthiti 79
Chapter 5:
Twists – Parivrtta Sthiti 104
Chapter 6:
Hand balances – Bujatolasana Sthiti 115
Chapter 7:
Inversions – Viparita Sthiti 122
Chapter 8:
Backward Extensions – Purva Pratana Sthiti 138
Chapter 9:
Abdominal & Lumbar Asanas – Udara Akunchana Sthiti 172
Chapter 10:
Supine Asanas – Supta Sthiti 184
Chapter 11:
Restoratives – Visranta Karaka Sthiti 189

On a personal note 195

About wooden blocks 196
About the authors 197
List of asanas 198
Acknowledgements 201


An aspect that differentiates Iyengar yoga from other styles of yoga is among others is
the use of equipment. The block with its many modifications and uses has been so integrated in
our regular practice that we seldom notice its versatility. For the purpose of this guide to
practicing with the block, we will endeavor to highlight that adaptability and flexibility of this
unique piece of equipment.
Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar is instrumental in bringing equipment to our yoga practice.
His dedicated abhyasa, constant, uninterrupted practice has given rise to the use of a variety of
props, such as ropes, chairs, blankets and belts to mention just a few. The main purpose of the
prop is to give the practitioner stability in the pose and enable that practice to educate the body to
maintain the asana for a much longer period of time. Once the correct actions and alignment has
been learned with the use of the prop, it is discarded in order to perform the asana in its classical
Our yoga practice evolves daily and as such the uses of the prop transforms
accordingly. We will try to cover all of the most basic yoga asanas from the introductory
level. Often the block will be the only piece of equipment, but sometimes it will be used in
conjunction with other suitable props. The aim is to show as many uses of this versatile piece of
equipment as possible; these are by no means the only way the block is used, or the only asanas
where this props is used. This guide will demonstrate the most often used variations.
We trust that you will find this guide a beneficial instrument in your yoga practice and
that you continue to advance in your sadhana.

This guide is inspired by and dedicated to our mentors B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar
and Prashant S. Iyengar at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India.
We express our sincere thanks for their continued dedication to the art and science of the
practice of Yoga.


The block and its uses have grown over the years. We use the block in our practice often
without giving it much thought – it has become a part of our practice. The block, together with a
belt and blanket are probably the most vital props that you will be introduced to. Observe how
and when this prop is introduced in your practice when attending classes.
Looking around you may discover just how many different blocks are available, varying
in shapes, size, colours and dimensions. We have used the hollow variety, made of simple
plywood which is reasonably inexpensive, easy to source and equally easy to make. It is very
light (which helps when you are holding above your head) and is less likely to cause serious
injury when dropped on your foot.
The dimensions of the block are important and one should ensure that they are all the
same size. The use of numbers to create set of blocks is very cumbersome and should be
avoided. For comfort it is advisable to have the edges of the blocks rounded.

Blocks for a Yoga Practice


23cms x 13.5cms x 9cms


23cms x 9cms x9cms

This guide is intended for students for students, who have already acquired some basic
knowledge and are familiar with the basic techniques of the final poses. For a complete guide of
the techniques of the asanas please refer to “Light on Yoga” by B.K.S. Iyengar, or “Yoga in
Action” by Geeta S. Iyengar
Chapter 1:
Standing Asana – Utthistha Sthiti
Tadasana or Samasthiti

Feet on round block

Block between ankles
Tadasana – blocks between knees

Tadasana – block between thighs

Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana

Urdhva Hasta Tadasana –block between hands

Paschima Namaskarasana

Blocks between hands

Actions in Paschima Namaskarasana: -

Turn upper arms out
Take shoulder blades and elbows back and down
Supta Urdhva Hastasana
Block between hands

Actions in Supta Tadasana: -

Stretch the arms and fingers overhead
Press palms into blocks
Lift sides of the body
Draw shoulder blades into the body
Press the backs of the elbows into the elbow joints
Stretch inner elbows


Supta Vrksasana
Vrksasana foot on block

Actions for variations in Vrksasana: -

Learn to balance
Keep standing foot, big toe and inner edge of foot down
Open bent leg thigh outward
Draw outer bent leg hip inwards
Draw spine and shoulder blades into the body
Extend the upper chest

Heels on block Block between hands
Toes on blocks

Utthita Trikonasana
Hand on vertical block
Hand on narrow block

Hand on flat block

Utthita Trikonasana
Vertical block extended away from foot

Block held in top hand

Utthita Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II – front foot on block

Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Virabhadrasana I
Block at wall against shin & knee to wall, foot on block

Actions in Virabhadrasana I:
This helps to lift the chest and brings it to correct alignment, i.e. above the pelvis and
facing forward.

Block at wall against shin – foot on block

This is a challenging pose, which requires flexibility and strength. The block can be
used to support the front leg, thus making the pose lighter.
Virabhadrasana I
Heel for back heel

Heel for back heel, foot on block

Virabhadrasana I
Ardha Chandrasana

Using the block one can maintain the required balance to achieve the correct alignment
and stay longer.

Ardha Chandrasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Foot on block at wall

Virabhadrasana III
This is probably the most challenging asana with respect to strength, balance and
stability. The challenge is to hold the pose with correct alignment without supporting the hands.
Vertical blocks for hands

Virabhadrasana III (preparations)

Narrow blocks for hands – foot at wall

Flat blocks for hands – foot at wall

Ardha Uttanasana - vertical blocks

Virabhadrasana III
Vertical blocks for hands, foot at wall – freestanding

Create a straight, horizontal line between the torso and the straight leg.

Ardha Uttanasana – flat blocks

Having the hands and feet supported helps in understanding the line of the posture.

Virabhadrasana III
Flat blocks – freestanding

Actions in Virabhadrasana III: -

Extend the raised leg horizontally backwards
Keep the center of gravity above the front of the heel of the standing foot
Press the palms down onto the block to draw the shoulder blades into the body, while
lifting the inner arms and elbows

Parivrtta Trikonasana
This pose requires flexibility, balance, stability and space for the trunk to revolve 180deg
Narrow block for hand – rope for top hand

Actions in the asana: -

Blocks provide a fulcrum for the twist and helps to keep balance
ii) It provides support for the hand when one has difficulty in reaching the floor
Use the support of the block to increase the twist

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Flat block for hand – rope for top hand

Parivrtta Trikonasana
Foot on round block – rope for top hand

Parivrtta Trikonasana – heel on round block

Actions in Parivrtta Trikonasana: -

Press back heel into the support
If you are stiff, place the lower hand on the block beside the inner edge of the foot
Extend the left arm from the shoulder until the hand rests on the block
Use the pressure of the fingers or the hand on the block, to turn the trunk more

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
This is an advanced twist pose, with the opposite arm locked against the bent leg. The
trunk turns 180deg away from the front.
Narrow block for bottom had – rope for top hand

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana – flat block for bottom hand

Actions in Parivrtta Parsvakonasana: -

The block helps to prepare for the final pose, providing a stable fulcrum for the twist
Press the left upper arm against the thigh to bring the left side of the chest to the right
Draw the abdomen up and away from the right thigh
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana – back heel on block

Actions in the asana: -

Raise the left heel and turn the leg with the front of the thigh and the knee facing the floor

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana – flat block for front foot

Actions in Parivrtta Parsvakonasana: -

Raising the front foot onto the block assist to draw the thighbone well into the hip joint,
also brig weight onto the back heel
Take the left hip down and take the right hip back
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Use the wall and block for balance.

Pressing the foot into the wall will teach you what to do

with the raised leg

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

Various heights of block for bottom hand

Actions in Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana: -

Pressing the hand into the block will teach you what to do with the down hand and arm
Press the fingertips of the left hand onto the block – revolve the arm outward and bring
the left side of the trunk forward

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I

Varying height for different flexibilities

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I

Actions in the Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana: -

Foot of standing leg should not turn out
Extend both leg straight
Keep buttocks level
Keep the trunk up, keeping both sides parallel
Keep the raised hip down


Vertical block against wall for bottom hand

Narrow block inside for bottom hand

Flat block for bottom hand

Heel on block – bent leg thigh/hip to wall

Chapter 2:
Standing Forward extensions – Utthistha Paschima Pratana Sthiti

Blocks can be used, both for support and for checking the alignment of the pelvis.

Parsvottanasana – heel on block

Actions in Parsvottanasana: -
Press the heel firmly into the block, drawing the femur head deep into the socket.

Vertical blocks for hands

Narrow blocks for hands

Parsvottanasana (concave) – vertical blocks for hands

Use the support of the blocks for stability, in order to study the work of the legs and the
turning of the pelvis.

Vertical blocks for hands

Parsvottanasana – flat blocks for hands


Narrow blocks for hands

Front foot on round block – heel on flat plank

Actions in Parsvottanasana: -
Lifting the toe mounds elongates the calf muscles and the Achilles tendons
The slanted support of the front foot, activates the front leg and helps to shift the body
weight to the back leg
The knee is strengthened
The head of the thigh bone is better drawn into the socket

Prasarita Padottanasana I
Actions in Prasarita Padottanasana I
Align the legs, so the buttock bones and heels are aligned
Push front thighs backwards and firm the kneecaps

Prasarita Padottanasana I

Place chair against front groins and feet on 2 flat blocks – check that pelvis is level.

Actions in Prasarita Padottanasana I: -

Working with the back legs against a wall and hands on blocks, teaches alignment of the
Buttock bones and heel bones aligned on the same plane
Front thighs are activated
Blocks will support the body so it does not tilt forward when working with the wall
Hands on the blocks, lengthens the front body, the back become concave
Kneecaps and front thighs are lifted and drawn back towards the wall


Feet on round blocks – hips in rope

Feet on round blocks – hips in rope


Blocks behind ankles

Feet on blocks – chair in hips

Actions in Padangusthasana & Padagulfasana: -

Lengthen calf muscles and Achilles tendons
Align buttock bones and heels
Open back of legs horizontally – firm kneecaps
Shins, knees and thighs in vertical line
Stretch top of the thighs up
Roll hip sockets in
Elongate spine and front body down
Draw shoulder blades up to waist
Uttanasana – hands on vertical blocks
Uttanasana – hands on barrow blocks

Uttanasana – hands on flat blocks

Uttanasana – toes on blocks

Uttanasana – feet on blocks

Uttanasana – head on blocks

Actions for Uttanasana variations: -
Top shinbones up and back
Draw bottom kneecaps into knee joint
Move bottom thighs in
Pull up thigh muscles
Press thigh muscles back to grip the bones

Baddha Hasta Uttanasana

Actions in asana: -
Hips and buttock level
Buttock bones and heels aligned
Trunk centered between legs
Weight even on both feet
Separate buttock bones

Baddha Hasta Uttanasana – feet on blocks – head on chair seat

Ardha Uttanasana
Hands on vertical blocks (T-shape)

Hands on vertical blocks (T-shape)

Actions in Uttanasana: -
Hips and buttock level
Buttock bones and heels aligned
Trunk centered between legs
Weight even on both feet
Separate buttock bones

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana

Hands on flat blocks – heel on block

Hands on flat block

Adho Mukha Svanasana (preparatory pose)

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana – (preparation)

Heel on block – shinbone to wall

Heel on narrow block – foot at wall

Actions in all Urdhva Prasarita Padasana variations: -

Extended leg hip and buttock level
Keep standing heel and toes firmly down
Kneecaps firmly into knee joints
Thigh muscles pulled up
Draw hips, lower abdomen and chest closer to the standing leg

A balancing pose, where the arms and legs are entwined.

Actions in Garudasana: -
Hook toes of foot around inside of shinbone
Standing foot stable, keeping the heel and big toe down
Cross the thighs at the top
Elbows lifting
Learn to balance
Extend trunk upward, although legs are bent
Block helps to keep pose stable for those who are not able to entwine around calf

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands on vertical blocks

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

High blocks are useful for students who are stiff or have weak arms
Body weight is shifted from arms to legs
Use the heels of the palms to open the calf muscles
Descend calf muscles to heels
Learn to straighten the elbows
Press the blocks down
Ascend the elbow joints
Descend the head
Learn extension of the upper arms
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands on narrow blocks

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Open the palms and spread the fingers apart
Keep weight even on both hands and feet
Move the dorsal spine and kidneys in
From the diaphragm stretch the abdomen up and the chest down
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Hands on flat blocks

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands on slanted blocks

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Pushing the palms against a slanted surface helps to ascend the forearms and tighten the
elbows. (therapeutic for students who hyper-extend the elbows)

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands on blocks variations: -

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Raising the palms support in Adho Mukha Svanasana helps to shift the body weight to
the legs. More work can be done with the legs
The trunk is extended more
The chest can open more
Blocks and walls provide resistance for the hands

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands at wall – head on block

The more the arms are stretched, the further you can move the head and block back.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands at wall – blocks under forearms, heels on slant plank

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Learn to straighten the elbows
Ascend the elbow joints
Descend the head

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana – wrists on blocks, heels on slant plank

Push wrist bones on the blocks

Push inner knees back
Roll buttocks fro inside out
Draw groins backwards
Extend fingers up
Pressure of wrists on blocks will ascend the buttocks
Move shoulder joints towards kidneys

Hands to wall – block between feet, heels on slant plank

Press the block evenly to open ankle joints

Ascend shinbones from front ankles

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Hands to wall – block between knees, heels on slant plank

More actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Open back of knees
Press back ribs in more

Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands to wall – block between thighs, heels on slant plank

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Spread the backs of the knees horizontally
Press back ribs in deep
Broaden backs of thighs
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Feet on blocks – hands on chair seat

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Open calf muscles
Push heels towards floor

Feet on blocks – hand on seat of inverted chair

Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -

Bottom rung of chair helps to lift upper arms away from the floor
Extend the arms and tighten the elbows
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Hands at wall – heels on blocks
Actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana: -
Raise toes up
Open backs of legs
Push quadriceps back – push buttocks back
Ascend the shoulders – open the armpits
Lower legs as active as top legs

Adho Mukha Svanasana – heels raised at wall – head on block

Chapter 3:
Seated Asanas – Upavistha Sthiti


Urdhva Hasta Dandasana – block between palms

Actions in Dandasana:-
Press firmly the palms into the blocks to lengthen the trunk upward, firming the elbow
joint and open the chest.

Utthita Dandasana – hands on blocks

Actions in Dandasana:-
Use hands to lift the sides of trunk and chest

Utthita Dandasana – buttock bones on blocks

Actions in Dandasana:-
Upper hamstrings extended more
Utthita Dandasana – heels on blocks

Actions in Dandasana: -
Calf muscles lengthen more


Utthita Dandasana – heels and buttocks on blocks

Actions in Dandasana: -
Back of knees are extended and opened more
More actions for variations of Utthita Dandasana with blocks: -
Head level – chest lifted
Legs fully extended – kneecaps firm and into sockets
Sides of the body parallel
Press thighs, knees and shin down
Draw top thighs in towards trunk
Press hands into floor, ascend sacrum – ascend lumbar
Draw shoulder blades into body
Rotate upper arms out
Ascend pubis
Draw lower abdomen back
Shoulder blades down

Utthita Baddha Konasana

Seated on blocks – hands on blocks

Seated on blocks – shin on blocks

Baddha Konasana – seated on blocks, shins against blocks

Adho Mukha Baddha Konasana
Seated on blocks – hands on narrow blocks

Actions in Adho Mukha Baddha Konasana: -

Widen thighs
Widen groins
Raise sides of trunk upward
Lift lower abdominal area up
Descend thighs and groins
Move thighs back
Ascend front to body
Throat passive
Raise chin away from chest

Upavistha Konasana
Urdhva Hasta Upavistha Konasana – block between hands

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – hands on blocks

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – heels on blocks

Utthita Upavistha Konasana

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – buttock bones on block

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – seated on block – heels on blocks

Actions in Utthita Upavistha Konasana: -

Widen legs
Come onto front buttock bones
Descend thighs
Press inner thighs and inner knees down
Ascend navel area and pubis
Ascend sides of navel – move lower abdominals up
Raise sides of trunk – arms extended from shoulders
Raise chin away from chest

Utthita Swastikasana

Utthita Swastikasana – hands on blocks

Actions in Utthita Swastikasana: -
Push on hands to raise and lengthen sides of trunk, while descending the knees and thighs


Utthita Swastikasana – hands on blocks, buttock bones on block

Actions in Utthita Swastikasana: -

Sitting on blocks opens and softens groins.

Urdhva Baddhangulyasana in Swastikasana

Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana – buttock bones on block

Actions in Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana in Swastikasana: -

Extend trunk upwards, descend thighs and knees.
Adho Mukha Swastikasana

Adho Mukha Swastikasana – seated on block, head on block

Adho Mukha Swastikasana

Adho Mukha Swastikasana – hands on blocks

Actions in Adho Mukha Swastikasana: -

Resting head on block pacifies the brain
Block under buttock bones lift abdominal area up and descends the knees
Press hands on blocks to lengthen sides of trunk

Further actions in Swastikasana:-

Move sacrum in and up
Relax legs
Draw knees closer together
Trunk erect
Lift trunk vertically up
Learn to sit straight
Stretch the lower trunk up
Open the chest
Dorsal spine in
Widen the front ribs away form the sternum
Draw shoulders back

Parsva Swastikasana

Parsva Swastikasana – hand on block

Parsva Swastikasana – hand on block, seated on block

Actions in Parsva Swastikasana: -

Press on block to ascend sides of trunk
Press hand on block to rotate trunk
Buttock bones on trunk to ascend trunk

Parsva Adho Mukha Swastikasana

Adho Mukha Parsva Swastikasana – hands on blocks

Adho Mukha Parsva Swastikasana – hands on blocks, seated on block

Actions in Adho Mukha Parsva Swastikasana: -

Press on blocks to elongate trunk
Sides of trunk extend evenly forward and down
Buttock bones on block descend thighs and knees and lift pubis


Utthita Virasana – seated on blocks, hands on blocks

Urdhva Hastasana in Virasana – block between palms

Urdhva Hastasana in Virasana – block between palms, seated on block

Adho Mukha Virasana

Adho Mukha Virasana – seated on block, head on block

Adho Mukha Virasana – seated on block, hands on blocks

Urdhva Baddhangulyasana in Virasana - seated on block

Parsva Virasana

Parsva Virasana – hand on block, seated on floor

Parsva Virasana – seated on block – hand on block

Actions in Virasana variations: -

Revolve thighs and knees outwards, so that shins face the floor and thighs face the ceiling
Thighs and shins compact
Shoulder back – balance shoulders over the hips
Ascend the hips – draw front floating ribs back to false ribs
Buttock bones down – draw lumbar and kidneys in
Draw pubis and abdomen up – spread diaphragm


Utthita Gomukhasana – seated on 2 blocks, hands on vertical blocks

Utthita Gomukhasana – seated on block, hands on flat blocks


Utthita Gomukhasana – buttock on block

Actions in Gomukhasana: -
Learn to sit erect
Keep trunk balanced and centered
Open top armpit
Top elbow faces ceiling
Roll the down arm shoulder back
Press shoulder blades in
Keep knees, thighs and feet close together
Hands firmly gripped


Hands on blocks
Siddhasana – seated on block – hands on blocks

Actions in Siddhasana: -
Learn to sit erect on the block – be on the front edge of the buttock bones
Ascend lower trunk - move sacrum in and up
Draw shoulders back
Balance shoulders over hips
Raise the hips - keep the knees down
Relax undersides of the legs
Lift and open the chest
Ardha Padmasana

Utthita Ardha Padmasana – seated on block – Padmasana knee on block

Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana in Ardha Padmasana – seated on block, Padmasana knee


Seated on block – knee on block

Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana in Padmasana – seated on block, knee on block

Knee on block

Actions in Padmasana and Ardha Padmasana:-

Draw knees closer to each other
Extend trunk up
Open chest
Draw shoulders back
Ascend upper body
Draw up coccyx
Draw shoulder blades in
Ascend diaphragm
Extend arms up – draw outer elbows in, and extend up from inner elbow
Open armpits by drawing arms back
Chapter 4:
Forward Extensions – Paschima Pratana Sthiti


Utthita Paschimottanasana – seated on block, hands on blocks


Urdhva Hasta Dandasana – seated on block, block between palms

Padangusthasana Dandasana – seated on block

Padahasta Dandasana

Seated on block

Seated on block

Actions in Paschimottanasana: -
Maintain extensions of the legs
Maintain extension of the side trunk
Maintain length form pubis to top sternum bone
Roll thighs inwards
Pull up the outer thigh muscles
Press backs of legs down
Maha Mudra

Heel on block

Actions in Maha Mudra: -

Ascend spine, abdomen and chest
Press heel on block
Lift spinal muscles
Seated on block

Actions in Maha Mudra: -

Draw trunk forward and up
Make back concave
Draw kidneys in and up
Keep both sides of the body parallel
Draw shoulder back
Janu Sirsasana

Utthita Janu Sirsasana – seated on block

Urdhva Hasta Janu Sirsasana – heel on block

Urdhva Hasta Janu Sirsasana – seated on block

Urdhva Mukha Janu Sirsasana

Urdhva Mukha Janu Sirsasana – heel on block

Urdhva Mukha Janu Sirsasana – seated on block

Janu Sirsasana – heel on block

Janu Sirsasana

Seated on block – blocks for hands

Seated on floor – blocks for hands

Actions in Janu Sirsasana: -

Keep the extended leg straight
Revolve abdomen to pubis to straight leg
Extend front, side and back body equally
Elbows out to sides, up and forward
Extend armpits forward
Draw shoulder s and shoulder blades down
Release shoulders away form neck

Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana

Utthita Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana - heel on block

Utthita Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana - seated on block

Urdhva Hasta Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana – heel on block

Urdhva Hasta Ardha Padmasana

Urdhva Hasta Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana – seated on block

Urdhva Mukha Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana – heel on block

Urdhva Mukha Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana – seated on block

Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana

Heel on block

Seated on block

Actions in Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana: -

Keep extended leg straight
Press the Padmasana knee down and keep it facing forward
Press Padmasana heel into lower abdomen
Extend arms and side trunk forward
Draw shoulders away from neck
Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana

Utthita Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – heel on block

Utthita Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – seated on block

Urdhva Hasta Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – heel on block

Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana

Urdhva Hasta Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – seated on block

Urdhva Mukha Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – heel on block, then seated on

block (below)
Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana

Heel on block – seated on block

Seated on block

Actions in Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana:-

The trunk extends forward and the hips are kept balanced.
If the extended leg hip lifts off the ground, place a block under that buttock (or under
both buttocks)
Be on the center of the top of the bent leg – press the knee down
Do not let the body weight roll onto the extended leg
Center the chest over the extended leg
Draw the hips close to the thighs
Marichyasana I

Utthita Marichyasana I – heel on block

Utthita Marichyasana I – seated on block

Urdhva Hasta Marichyasana I – heel on block

Marichyasana I

Urdhva Hasta Marichyasana I – seated on block

Urdhva Mukha Marichyasana I – heel on block

Urdhva Mukha Marichyasana I – seated on block

Adho Mukha Marichyasana I

Adho Mukha Marichyasana I – seated on block

Actions in Marichyasana I: -
A complex pose, where the arms are bound around the leg, then the body extends
Draw abdomen and pubis up
Extend the side body forward
Keep the chest parallel
Bent knee faces upright
Increase the hand grip
Roll shoulder back

Upavistha Konasana

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Upavistha Konasana
Urdhva Hasta Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Urdhva Mukha Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Dwi Pada Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Parsva Adho Mukha Upavistha Konasana

Parsva Adho Mukha Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Utthita Upavistha Konasana – heels on block

Urdhva Hasta Upavistha Konasana – seated on block

Upavistha Konasana

Urdhva Mukha Upavistha Konasana – heels on block

Dwi Pada Upavistha Konasana – heels on block

Dwi Pada Upavistha Konasana – heels on block

Dwi Pada Upavistha Konasana

Block vertical under the abdomen – head on block

Block horizontal under the abdomen – head on block

Actions in Upavistha Konasana:-

Control the separation of the legs
Top thighs face the celling
Back of the legs press down
Press knees down
Draw waist and chest forward
Draw shoulders and up chest down
Actions of blocks under pubis: - tones the pubis and abdomen

Head on block

Seated on block – head on block

Seated on block


Heels on block
Paschimottanasana – heels on block – seated on block

Actions in Paschimottanasana: -
Extend both sides of the trunk forward
Bend elbows out to extend trunk down to the legs
Elbows up, out and forward
Draw pubis up
Spread buttock bones
Extend front, sides and back body
Draw side ribs forward
Press back of legs down – pull front of legs up
Ubhaya Padangusthasana

Blocks against sacrum and wall

Blocks against sacrum and wall – block between thighs

Actions in Ubhaya Padangusthasana: -

Extend the legs
Draw knees into sockets
Extend back of legs
Back extended
Draw sacrum, lumbar, kidneys and back ribs forward and up

Malasana I

Heels on blocks
Heels on blocks – block between hands

Malasana II

Heels on blocks
Heels on blocks – head on block

Actions in Malasana I & II: -

Heels down
Feet together
Bend at ankles
Keep knees together (for Malasana I)
Compress outer hips
Draw front body up and forward

Chapter 5:
Twists – Parivrtta Sthiti

Parsva Dandasana
Parsva Dandasana – hand on block

Parsva Dandasana – hand on block, block between thighs

Parsva Dandasana

Parsva Dandasana – hand on block, seated on block

Actions in Parsva Dandasana: -

Turn hips
Turn waist
Turn chest
Turn shoulders
Lift ribcage
Take shoulders back
Draw abdomen to right hand side

Parsva Swastikasana

Parsva Swastikasana – hand on block

Parsva Swastikasana

Parsva Swastikasana – hand on block, seated on block

Actions in Parsva Swastikasana: -

Turn hips
Turn waist
Turn chest
Turn shoulders
Turn ribcage
Take shoulders back
Draw abdomen to right hands side
Bharadvajasana I

Seated on blocks – hands at wall

Bharadvajasana I

Bharadvajasana I – seated on block – hand on block

Actions in Bharadvajasana I: -
Keep legs close together
Keep legs firm
Turn hips
Draw dorsal and lumbar in
Lift upper chest
Roll shoulders back
Draw shoulder blades into the body

Chair Bharadvajasana

Chair Bharadvajasana – block against hip and chair backrest

Chair Bharadvajasana

Chair Bharadvajasana – block between thighs/knees

Actions in Chair Bharadvajasana:-

Turn hips
Turn waist
Turn chest
Turn shoulders
Lift ribcage – take shoulders back
Draw abdomen to right
Squeeze block to broaden sacrum

Bharadvajasana II

Seated on block, knee supported and block for back hand

Bharadvajasana II

Seated on bolster – block for back hand

Seated on block – Padmasana knee on block, hands at wall

Actions in Bharadvajasana II:-

Lift upper body
Turn from the hips
Press Padmasana leg foot on Virasana leg thigh
Make dorsal spine concave
Draw abdomen across the body

Chair Marichyasana III

Seated on block – block for back hand

Seated on blocks – block for back hand, hands to wall

Seated on bolster – block for Marichyasana foot

Chair Marichyasana III

Seated on blocks on chair seat

Actions in Marichyasana III: -

Draw and lift sacrum into body
Revolve hips
Draw shoulder blades in

Ardha Matsyendrasana I

Seated on block – block for back hand

Ardha Matsyendrasana I
Seated on flat block – block for back hand

Seated on flat block – hands to wall

Seated on flat block – back hand at wall

Ardha Matsyendrasana I

Seated on blanket – block for back hand

Actions in Ardha Matsyendrasana I:-

Revolve hips
Revolve waist
Revolve chest
Revolve shoulders

Seated on vertical blocks – hands to wall


Seated on flat block – hands to wall

Feet on narrow blocks – seated on chair

Actions in Pasasana: -
Revolve hips
Revolve waist
Revolve Chest
Revolve shoulders

Chapter 6:
Hand Balances – Bujatolasana Sthiti

Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Hands on blocks – hands out
Hands on blocks – fingers forward
Pincha Mayurasana
Narrow block for hands – heels to wall

Narrow blocks against wall – head on folded blankets

Pincha Mayurasana (chair – bench)

Chair backrest against dorsal – blocks for hands

Bench against dorsal – blocks for hands

Lolasana - preparations

Vertical blocks for hands

Narrow blocks for hands

Flat blocks for hands

Lolasana - preparations

Feet on block – blanket pad for hands

Feet on block

Actions in Lolasana:-
Draw legs up towards trunk
Draw shins towards thighs
Weight equal on both hands on blocks
Draw upper arms up
Draw the pubis and abdominals up

Vasisthasana I

Flat block for down hand

Flat block for down hand – rope for top hand

Flat block for down hand – chair for top hand

Vasisthasana I (chair)
Hips rest on chair seat – flat block for down hand

Hips supported by chair – bottom hand on block

Actions in Vasisthasana I : -
Keep body and legs in line
Ascend the bottom hips
Draw hips, waist and chest forward
Revolve right upper arm outwards

Chapter 7:
Inversions – Viparita Sthiti
Salamba Sirsasana I

Blocks for hands

Block between belted thighs

Salamba Sirsasana I
Blocks for dorsal support

Blocks for dorsal support

Salamba Sirsasana II
Block between belted thighs

Block between elbows

Salamba Sirsasana II

Blocks for dorsal support

Actions in Salamba Sirsasana II: -

The block between the thighs aligns the structure and organs and creates softness in the

Hold the block between the outer femur heads

Move inner thighs back
Roll outer thighs in
Spread buttock bones
Spread back thighs
Back groins press block into coccyx
Top buttocks and waistline ascend to feet

Chair Sarvangasana
Block between thighs

Viparita Karani in chair Sarvangasana– block between belted thighs

Chair Sarvangasana

Sacrum supported by blocks – block between belted thighs

Chair Niralamba Sarvangasana I – block between belted thighs

Chair Sarvangasana

Niralamba Sarvangasana I
Chair Akunchasana

Knees supported on blocks – shins to wall

Niralamba Sarvangasana
Block between belted thighs

Niralamba Sarvangasana

Niralamba Sarvangasana – block between belted thighs

Actions in Salamba Sarvangasana I variations: -
Raise side chest
Broaden side chest
Spread bottom rib region
Raise front and sides of pelvis
Tighten the kneecaps
Open backs of thighs
Raise inner groins
Buttock flesh towards back thighs
Sacrum into body
Coccyx towards pubis
Ascend pubis
Press down outer edges of shoulder blades
Salamba Sarvangasana I
Salamba Sarvangasana I

Toes on vertical blocks
Toes on narrow blocks

Toes on flat blocks

Sacrum supported on vertical blocks

Sacrum supported on vertical blocks – belt for hands

Feet on flat blocks

Sacrum supported on vertical block – block between belted thighs – variations
Setubandha Sarvangasana

Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana – blocks support sacrum

Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana – blocks support sacrum

Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana – heels on blocks

Setubandha Sarvangasana
Bench Setubandha Sarvangasana – heels on blocks

Block Setubandha Sarvangasana – blocks for heels

Block Setubandha Sarvangasana – blocks for heels

Setubandha Sarvangasana

Block Setubandha Sarvangasana – blocks support sacrum/heels

Actions in Setubandha Sarvangasana: -

Move chest towards chin
Press shoulders and forearms down
Ascend the trunk
Raise both the back and front body up to increase the arch
Press the heels down to stretch the legs
Chapter 8:
Backward Extensions – Purva Pratana Sthiti

Rope Salabhasana

Rope Purvottanasana

For rope actions see Yoga Kurunta

“An exploration in the use of wall ropes

for the practice of yoga asanas”

Yoga Kurunta by Chris Saudek

Rope Bhujangasana

Rope Urdhva Dhanurasana - preparation

Rope Urdhva Dhanurasana - preparation

Supported back bends over blocks

The blocks offer many options for opening the chest, elongating the lower back and
working the muscles of the back in a supported way. In preparation for supported backbends or
independent backbends

Flat block under dorsal spine

Narrow block under dorsal spine

Supported back bend over blocks

Narrow block under dorsal spine, block for head

Vertical block under dorsal spine, block for head

Chaturanga Dandasana

Bolster support – flat blocks for hands

Chaturanga Dandasana

Narrow blocks sternum, feet at wall

Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana – narrow blocks abdomen, feet at wall

Adho Mukha Svanasana into Plank – vertical block for sternum

Plank (Phalakasana) – vertical block for sternum

Chaturanga Dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana – vertical block for sternum

Actions in Chaturanga Dandasana: -

Legs extended – backs of thighs lifted up
Press heels on hands down on block
Draw shoulder blades into ribcage
Keep chest open – elbows close to trunk
Draw coccyx and sacrum in
Hips, legs and trunk same height – body parallel to floor

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on flat blocks

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on narrow blocks

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on flat blocks

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on narrow blocks, thighs supported on blocks

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Platform Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on narrow blocks

Platform Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on flat blocks

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Platform Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – hands on bench

Actions in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: -
Ascend the inner legs
Be on the center of the tops of the feet
Keep the knees and elbows drawn into the sockets
Draw the body forward
Turn the upper arms out
Draw coccyx, sacrum and lumbar forward
Press the buttocks down
Ascend the front body from the pubis
Draw shoulders back
Press shoulder blades into back body


Dhanurasana – thighs supported on blocks

Actions in Dhanurasana: -
Press coccyx and sacrum down
Extend the arms back

Salabhasana – vertical blocks for hands


Salabhasana – vertical blocks for hands

Salabhasana – narrow blocks for hands


Salabhasana – narrow blocks for hands, thighs on blocks

Actions in Salabhasana: -
Support the palms on the blocks and press down to lift the chest, while arching the upper

Bhujangasana I

Bhujangasana I – bolster for thighs, hands on flat blocks

Bhujangasana I

Bhujangasana I – bolster for hips, hands on flat blocks

Actions in Bhujangasana I: -
Legs stretched and extended back
Extend the upper arms
Draw shoulders back
Move ribcage forward
Press sacrum and pubis down


Ustrasana – vertical blocks for hands, thighs at wall


Chair Ustrasana – block against sacrum

Chair Ustrasana – block against sacrum

Chair Ustrasana – block against pelvis

Ustrasana – block between thighs

Ustrasana – thighs against blocks at wall

Actions in Ustrasana: -
Press shins and feet down
Extend feet back
Turn arms out
Press middles buttocks, coccyx and sacrum forward
Draw upper buttock flesh down towards buttock bones
Draw shoulder blades into back body
Draw sternum and collarbones back

Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Flat blocks for heels

Block for head support

Block support for sacrum

Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Blocks on chair seat supporting sacrum
Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Blocks on chair seat supporting sacrum – arm variations
Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Blocks/rolled mat & blanket on chair seat supporting sacrum, head on block – different
arm variations
Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Blocks/rolled mat & blanket on chair seat supporting sacrum, head on block – different
arm variations
Actions in Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana: -
Press shins down when legs are extended
Press knees down when legs are extended
Press thighs down once legs are straight
Extend backs of legs
Extend abdomen and rib cage
Allow chest to open over chair edge

Chair Urdhva Dhanurasana I

Bolster/rolled mat & blanket on chair seat, hands on blocks

2x bolster on chair seat, hands on blocks

Chair Urdhva Dhanurasana II

2 x bolster on chair seat, hands on blocks, legs extended

Chair Urdhva Dhanurasana I

2 x bolsters on 2 chairs seat, hands on blocks

Chair Urdhva Dhanurasana II

2 x bolsters on 2 chairs seat, hands on blocks, legs extended

Inverted chair, bolsters on chair legs, blocks for hands

Urdhva Dhanurasana I
Hands on blocks, chair backrest supports dorsal

Bench Urdhva Dhanurasana I

Hands on blocks, bench and bolster support dorsal

Bench Urdhva Dhanurasana I

Hands and feet on blocks, bench and 2-bolster support dorsal

Actions in Chair/Bench Urdhva Dhanurasana I: -

Extend both sides of the body evenly
Increase the arch of the back
Ascend front body
`Lift outer thighs and hips
Keep back pelvis broad
Lift the coccyx to the pubis
Ascend the pubis, navel and diaphragm
Draw shoulder blades and back ribs into back body
Extend the arms
Turn thighs, knees and shins inwards
Backs of the thighs firm

Platform Purvottanasana – blocks support sacrum

Chair Purvottanasana – block on chair seat, hands on blocks

Chair Purvottanasana – block on chair seat, hands on blocks


Chair Purvottanasana – block on chair seat, block between thighs, hands on blocks
Rope Purvottanasana – feet on blocks at wall

Actions in Purvottanasana: -
Ascend the pelvis
Ascend the chest
Extend the front body
Roll outer thighs inwards
Ascend the hips
Middle buttocks lifting
Shoulder blades into back ribs
Paryankasana – supported

Paryankasana over back-bender – seated on block, head on block

Paryankasana over bolster – seated on block

Vertical block under dorsal, head on block

Vertical block under dorsal

2 x flat blocks under dorsal

Actions in Paryankasana: -
Shins and thighs compress
Abdominal organs extended
Keep lumbar extend
Stretch the front of the body from the pubis
Revolve thighs outwards
Draw shins and feet closer to thighs

Rope Anjaneyasana - variations

For rope actions see Yoga Kurunta

Chapter 9:
Abdominal & Lumbar Asanas – Udara Akunchana Sthiti

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg

Legs at wall – block between thighs, arms overhead

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg

Legs at wall – block behind heels, arms overhead

Legs at wall – block between thighs, arms overhead

Block between thighs, arms overhead

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg

Blocks on palms
Chair Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg – sacrum on block

Actions in Urdhva Prasarita Padasana: -

Press outer hips down
Draw outer edges of diaphragm down
Descend lower ribs into body
Keep chest lifted
Arms fully extended
Outer elbows drawn to inner elbows
Extend arms from inner elbows to fingertips
Draw kneecaps into sockets – extend legs and feet
Jathara Parivartanasana
Block between thighs
Block on palms – knees bent

Block on palms – legs extended

Paripurna Navasana
Block between thighs, back of legs against chair seat

Block between thighs, back of legs against chair seat

Block between thighs, back of legs against chair seat

Paripurna Navasana
Block between thighs, legs against chair backrest

Block between thighs, heels on wall

Heels at wall, block against sacrum

Paripurna Navasana

Block against sacrum

Actions in Paripurna Navasana: -

Raise legs 60deg – lower trunk 30deg
Extend arms towards legs
Palms facing each other
Draw upper arm bones into sockets
Balance on frontal buttock bones
Backs of legs and inner heels fully extended
Draw bottom ribs into the body
Abdominals parallel to spine
Lower back extended
Ardha Navasana

Block between thighs – heels on chair seat

Blocks in T-pose for heels

Actions in Ardha Navasana: -
Raise legs 30deg – lower trunk
Clasp hands behind head
Abdominals drawn to back body

Supta Padangusthasana I

Supta Padangusthasana I – heel on block, head on block

Supta Padangusthasana I – heel on block

Supta Padangusthasana I – head on block

Supta Padangusthasana II

Supta Padangusthasana II – heel on block, head on block

Supta Padangusthasana II – heel and outer hip on block

Supta Padangusthasana II – heel on block

Supta Padangusthasana III

Supta Padangusthasana III – heel on block

Supta Padangusthasana IV

Supta Padangusthasana IV – heel on block, head on block

Supta Padangusthasana IV

Supta Padangusthasana IV – heel on block

Supta Padangusthasana IV – head on block

Actions in Supta Padangusthasana I - IV: -

Extend the backs of the legs
Press down on bottom heel
Thigh muscles gripping the bones
Elongate the trunk
Open the chest
Bottom ribs into the body
Abdominals descending

Chapter 10:
Supine Asanas – Supta Sthiti
“After acting, reflect what has been done. If you do not reflect, there is confused
action.” BSK Iyengar

Supta Swastikasana
Supta Swastikasana – head and dorsal on block

Supta Swastikasana – sacrum on block

Supta Baddha Konasana

Supta Baddha Konasana – head, feet and dorsal supported on block

Supta Baddha Konasana – sacrum supported on block

Supta Baddha Konasana – hips

supported on block
Supta Virasana
Seated on blocks – bolster support

Blocks to support dorsal, head and arms

Actions in Supta Virasana: -

Move buttock bones forward
Elongate the upper body
Press thighs and knees down – revolve thighs outwards
Keep knees together
Draw shins and feet closer to thighs
Elongate upper buttock flesh away from lumbar spine
Extend lumbar
Extend front body up from pubis
Ardha Matsyasana
Ardha Matsyasana – dorsal and head supported on block

Ardha Matsyasana – dorsal and head supported on block

Ardha Matsyasana – Padmasana knee supported on block


Matsyasana – flat blocks under dorsal, bolster for arms

Actions in Matsyasana: -
Press feet down on thighs
Extend thighs away from pubis
Draw knees closer together
Draw upper buttock flesh away from lumbar
Keep lumbar down
Chapter 11:
Restoratives – Visranta Karaka Sthiti

Supported asana
Supported asanas are restful and tone the body with the minimum effort. They nourish
the nervous system and increase the efficiency of the glandular system, which is essential for
physical and mental health. The inner organs stay for some time in positions where they are
massaged. Hidden parts of the body and cells are therefore activated.

Bolster Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Bolster Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – head on block

Actions in Bolster Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana: -

Press shins down
Press knees down
Press thighs down
Extend backs of legs
Extend abdomen and rib cage
Allow chest to open over bolster
Relax in the posture

Salamba Purvottanasana
Seated on blocks

Actions in Salamba Purvottanasana: -

Keep rib cage and chest open
Support lower lumbar spine on bolster
Keep muscles of the back relaxed
Extend the front of the body over the arch of the back

Adho Mukha Virasana

Chest on block – head on block

Actions in Adho Mukha Virasana: -

Keep the buttock bones down
Extend the abdomen and side rib cage forward
Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana

Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana – heels on blocks

Actions in Chair Setubandha Sarvangasana: -

Extend abdomen towards chest
Extend chest away from abdomen
Allow edge of the chair seat to press into the bottom back rib cage
Press shoulders down
Fully extend legs

Setubandha Sarvangasana

Actions as above – chair Setubandha Sarvangasana

Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setubandha Sarvangasana – horizontal bolsters, vertical blocks

Actions as for cross-bolster Setubandha Sarvangasana

Setubandha Sarvangasana – crossed-bolsters, vertical blocks

Actions in Setubandha Sarvangasana – cross –bolsters, vertical blocks: -

Move the coccyx off the bolster
Lower back supported by bolsters
Head and shoulders on floor
If the back feels strain – raise the feet on support

Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani – block between belted thighs

Blocks against wall – block between belted thighs

Actions in Viparita Karani: -

Keep the groins down
Fully extend the legs
Keep buttock bones close to wall
Draw outer hips down
Open abdomen and chest
Restore completely

Feet against blocks at wall – shins belted

Actions in Savasana: -
Allow the body to lie still
Introduce the breath
Quiet the mind
Draw the mind inwards
Refine the relaxation
Place the body evenly on the blocks
Press shoulders down
Lengthen the neck
Turn upper arms out
Allow the body to open out from the center of the chest.

On a personal note:

Quotes from B.K.S. Iyengar

“Enjoy in all you do, then you feel you are free from the Self.”

“Give students complete action, and then complete relaxation.”

“Total action brings total relaxation.”

“While practising yoga, your body must tell you what to do, not the brain.”
“What does not challenge us cannot change us.”

These quotes compelled us to think of the various props in Iyengar Yoga.

Wooden blocks are just one of the props devised by B.K.S.Iyengar in the course of his
many years of Sadhana and Abhyasa. Any props should only be seen as an aid for learning, the
physical and mental effects bring about.

How props help: -

A yoga prop is any object, that helps to stretch, strengthen, relax of improve the
alignment of the body. The ancient yogis used logs of wood, stones and ropes to help them to
practice asanas effectively. Extending this principle B.K.S.Iyengar invented props, which allows
asanas to be held easily and for a longer duration without strain.
Yoga asanas involve extension, exertion as well as relaxation of the body. The aim of
the movements is to align the body correctly. This includes mental alignment in which the mind
touches each and every part of the body evenly.

Wooden blocks: -
The support of wooden blocks is often used in all types of asanas. In sitting and standing
asanas, they support the legs, knees, palms and give heights to seated twists and forward
bends. In Pranayama, blocks support the back and help to open the chest. In standing forward
bends, blocks provide support for the head and the hands.
In using blocks for support, beginners can experience the benefit of the pose, while
advanced students can explore deeper aspects of the asana, and teachers instructions for teaching
can be explored and enriched.

About the authors:

David Jacobs is a certified Senior Intermediate level III Iyengar yoga teacher. David has
been studying and practising since 1987 and teaching yoga since 1990.
Jürgen Meusel is a certified Introductory level II Iyengar yoga teacher. He has been
studying and practicing since 1995 and teaching yoga since 1999.
David and Jürgen are the directors of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, Schoemanshoek,
Oudtshoorn, Klein Karoo in South Africa and they conduct workshops in South Africa,
neighbouring countries and around the world.
Visit www.iyengaryogawithdavid.comfor more information about David and Jürgen and
the Centre in Oudtshoorn.

List of asanas: (as they appear in the guide)

Utthita Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana II
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Virabhadrasana I
Ardha Chandrasana
Virabhadrasana III
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I
Prasarita Padottanasana I
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Baddha Konasana
Upavistha Konasana
Ardha Padmasana
Maha Mudra
Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
Marichyasana I
Upavistha Konasana
Ubhaya Padangusthasana
Malasana I & II
Parsva Dandasana
Parsva Swastikasana
Bharadvajasana I
Chair Bharadvajasana
Bharadvajasana II
Chair Marichyasana III
Ardha Matsyendrasana I
Vasisthasana I
Salamba Sirsasana I
Salamba Sirsasana II
Chair Niralamba Sarvangasana
Chair Akunchasana
Niralamba Sarvangasana I
Salamba Sarvangasana I
Setubandha Sarvangasana
Rope actions for backbends
Supported backbends
Chaturanga Dandasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Bhujangasana I
Chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana I & II
Rope Anjaneyasana
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana 90deg
Jathara Parivartanasana
Paripurna Navasana
Ardha Navasana
Supta Padangusthasana I – IV
Supta Swastikasana
Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Virasana
Ardha Matsyasana
Bolster Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Salamba Purvottanasana
Adho Mukha Virasana
Setubandha Sarvangasana
Viparita Karani


Thank you to David for bringing this project to life by practising relentlessly and with
Thank you to Jürgen Meusel who worked on this project with his usual vigour and
tenacity. Taking the pictures, setting out the guide and typing the material was a challenge, but a
labour of learning.
We trust that this book will be of use to you.

We hope that this guide, based on our inherently limited experience and ideas, will be of
some value, and that some of its flaws will serve to stimulate others to do better.

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