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Fadhila Kusuma Putri


1. Benefit of sanitation:

benefits of Sanitation

Increase awareness, willingness and ability of healthy life for every person to manifest
optimal health status through the creation of a society, nation and state of Indonesia
marked the behavior of people living with and in a healthy environment, have the ability to
reach quality health services in a fair and equitable, and have optimal health throughout the
Republic of Indonesia.

Sources: R. Habib Hapsara Rachmat.2004. Health development in Indonesia, Gajah Mada

University Press, Yogyakarta

Creating a healthy environment

Increase public awareness of the importance of environmental health

Improving public health

(Yuliarsih, Retno Widyati, 2002, Higieni and Sanitation, Jakarta: PT Gransido)

manfaat Sanitasi
Meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang dengan
status mewujudkan kesehatan yang optimal melalui terciptanya masyarakat, bangsa dan
negara Indonesia ditandai perilaku orang yang hidup dengan dan dalam lingkungan yang
sehat, memiliki kemampuan untuk menjangkau pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas dalam
kesehatan yang optimal adil dan merata, dan memiliki seluruh Republik Indonesia.
Sumber: R. Hapsara Habib Rachmat.2004. Pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia, Gajah
Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat

Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya kesehatan lingkungan
Meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat

(Yuliarsih, Retno Widyati, 2002, Higieni and Sanitation, Jakarta: PT Gransido)

2. What are the kinds of pollution?

 Air pollution
 Water pollution
 Industrial pollution
 Land pollution

3. How to check the quality of environment?

Pollution parameters include:
1. Physical Parameters
Include measurement of color, taste, smell, temperature, turbidity, and radioactivity

2. Chemical Parameters
Used to determine levels of CO2, pH, acidity, metal content, and heavy metals.

a. Measuring the pH of water

The river water under natural conditions that have not been polluted stretch of pH 6,5 - 8.5.
Because of pollution, water pH can be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5. Organic materials
are usually organic causes water to become more acidic conditions. Lime causes water
conditions become more alkaline (base). Thus, changes in the pH of the water depends on
the material pollution.

4. What is bariers of sanitation program?

5. What are the effort to prevent environment pollution?

1. Regulate industrial waste disposal systems that do not pollute the environment
2. Putting industrial or factory apart from the settlements

3. Exercise supervision over the use of some pesticides, insecticides and other
chemicals that could potentially be the cause of environmental pollution.

4. Going green.

5. Impose sanctions or penalties against the perpetrators expressly activities that

pollute the environment

6. Conduct outreach and environmental education to raise public awareness about

the meaning and the real environmental benefit.

1. Mengatur sistem pembuangan limbah industri sehingga tidak mencemari lingkungan

2. Menempatkan industri atau pabrik terpisah dari kawasan permukiman penduduk
3. Melakukan pengawasan atas penggunaan beberapa jenis pestisida, insektisida dan
bahan kimia lain yang berpotensi menjadi penyebab dari pencemaran lingkungan.
4. Melakukan penghijauan.
5. Memberikan sanksi atau hukuman secara tegas terhadap pelaku kegiatan yang
mencemari lingkungan
6. Melakukan penyuluhan dan pendidikan lingkungan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran
masyarakat tentang arti dan manfaat lingkungan hidup yang sesungguhnya.

6. What are impacts of environment pollution?

Extinction of Species
blasting Hama
Environmental Balance Disorders
Declining Soil Fertility
Formed Ozone Hole
Greenhouse Effect
7. Ways to conserve environment problem from the doctors?

8. What is type of environmental sanitation?

 water supply (water sanitation),
 Physical parameters of water that meets the physical requirements is water
that is odorless, tasteless, colorless, not cloudy or clear, and the
temperature should be below the air temperature in a way that creates a
feeling of comfortable, and the amount of dissolved solids (TDS) is low.
 Microbiological parameters of the water sources in nature generally
contain bacteria. The amount and type of bacteria differs according to the
place and the conditions that affect it. Therefore, the water used for daily
use should be free of pathogenic bacteria.
 Chemical Parameters In terms of chemical parameters, good water is water
that is not polluted by excessive chemicals which are harmful to health

1. Parameter Fisik Air yang memenuhi persyaratan fisik adalah air yang tidak
berbau, tidak berasa, tidak berwarna, tidak keruh atau jernih, dan dengan suhu
sebaiknya di bawah suhu udara sedemikian rupa sehingga menimbulkan rasa
nyaman, dan jumlah zat padat terlarut (TDS) yang rendah.
2. Parameter Mikrobiologis Sumber-sumber air di alam pada umumnya
mengandung bakteri. Jumlah dan jenis bakteri berbeda sesuai dengan tempat
dan kondisi yang mempengaruhinya. Oleh karena itu air yang digunakan untuk
keperluan sehari-hari harus bebas dari bakteri pathogen.
3. Parameter Kimia Dari segi parameter kimia, air yang baik adalah air yang
tidak tercemar secara berlebihan oleh zat-zat kimia yang berbahaya bagi

 disposal of human waste (toilet),

 waste sanitation and
 waste water drainage.
 House sanitation
 Food sanitation

9. What diseases are associated with poor sanitation?

By bacteria:
• Vibrio cholerae causes cholera
• Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever
• Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli causes diarrhea
• Shigella causes dysentery dysentriae

By Virus:
• Polio virus that causes polio
• Rotavirus causes diarrhea in young children
• Hepatitis A Hepatitis causes

10. What is the purpose of sanitation?

i. Create an environment that supports healthy

ii. Increasing public awareness of the health klingkungan

iii. Reduce the risk of disease transmission

iv. Preventing and membrantas penyakit2

v. for keep people to avoid the danger of pollution

vi. Improving people's welfare

Sumber : IKM Prof.Dr. Soekindja Notoatmodjo

Creating a healthy environment

Increase public awareness of the importance of environmental health

Improving the health of society

(Yuliarsih, Retno Widyati, 2002, Higieni and Sanitation, Jakarta: PT Gransido)

• make corrections, which reduce or modify the dangers of environmental terhadapa human
health and welfare.

• Perform preventive in the sense streamline resource settings - environmental resources to

improve health and well-being of human life and to avoid danger.
Anwar, Azrul. Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences. 1996. PT. Sources Widya

Increase optimal health

Creating clean and conducive environment

Perform correction is to reduce or modify the hazards of the environment on human


to increasing environmental and eliminate adverse conditions

(Introduction to Public Health. Budioro B)

11. What are the factor that cause of environmental pollution?

1. Nature: The eruption of Mount, floods, wind
cyclone etc.
2. Made of household waste water, facilities
industry, Various kinds of minerals, Activity
Agriculture, etc..

Materials that can cause food poisoning:

A. Chemicals that are toxic: heavy metals, pesticides, etc
B. Derived from plants: cassava, jengkol, mushrooms, marijuana, yam etc
C. Derived from animals: snakes, scorpions, bees

1. Alami : Letusan Gunung, bencana banjir, angin

topan dll
2. Buatan : Air buangan rumah tangga, Sarana
industri, Bermacam macam bahan galian, Aktifitas
Pertanian, dll.
Bahan yg dapat menimbulkan keracunan:
A. Bahan kimia yg bersifat racun: logam berat, pestisida,dll
B. Berasal dari tumbuhan: singkong, jengkol, cendawan, ganja, gadung dll
C. Berasal dari hewan: ular , kalajengking, lebah

12. What is the preventive program to improve the environment quality? (water, waste, and
rodent management)
13. What is the characteristic of healthy environment?

i. Clean environment, not the accumulation of garbage, etc.

ii. Mortality and morbidity decreased

iii. Lack of environmental pollution (air, water, soil)

Sumber : IKM Prof.Dr. Soekindja Notoatmodjo

The air around the neighborhood feel fresh and clean

The water looks clean and clear

There is no garbage strewn

Have a good setting

( 28BAB_4% 29)

Good environmental sanitation

Availability of clean water.

Disposal of waste water that meets the requirements.

Provision and use of latrines.

Provision and utilization of landfill.

Provision of food sanitation supervision.

Provision of housing that meets the requirements.

Provision of health facilities.

Monitoring of air pollution.

(Dr. Dainur. Principal Materials Public Health Sciences)

14. Mention type of preventive measure to maintain the balance among agent, host, and
15. Explain the importance of clean water supply!
Improve public health, especially for the poor.
Improve and empowerment of communities in pembangunansarana water and health
Increasing the efficiency of water utilization daneffektifitas time
Prevent the spread of disease

Kuliah Penyediaan Air Minum

Teknik Lingkungan ITATS
Dosen : Ir. Taty Alfiah MT.

Meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat,terutama untuk masyarakat miskin.

Meningkatkan dan memberdayaanmasyarakat dalam pembangunansarana air bersih dan
Meningkatkan efisiensi waktu daneffektifitas pemanfaatan air bersih
mencegah penyebaran penyakit
16. Explain of type living environment!

There are mainly three types of environment-

1. The Physical environment

 It is also known as a-biotic environment and natural environment.

 The meaning of ‘a-biotic’ or ‘physical’ is non living like land water air conditions atmosphere which constitutes
of soil. So we can say that physical or a-biotic environment is the environment which includes non living or
physical things which are constitutes of soil and affect the living things.
 The physical or a-biotic environment also includes the climatic factors such as sunbeams, rainwater,
precipitation, moisture, pressure and wind speed.

2. Biotic environment

 It is also known as biological environment and organic environment.

 In the opposite side of the physical environment, the biotic or biological environment is responsible for the
living beings.
 You have already understood that the meaning of ‘biological’ is living things. So, the biological environment is
the environment which involves the living part of the earth.

3. Social or cultural environment

 This type of environment involves the culture and life style of the human beings.
 The social or cultural environment means the environment which is created by the man through his different
social and cultural activities and thinking.
The historical, cultural, political, moral, economic aspects of human life constitute to the social or
cultural environment

17. Explain the source of drinking water!

mountain spring water
surface water / well water
water that is not polluted
18. Explain the technic to manage the drinking water!

Drinking Water Systems

There are two types of drinking water systems in the United States. They are:

 Public water systems that are subject to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
 Individual water systems that are not subject to EPA regulations.
According to the EPA, approximately 286 million Americans receive their tap water from a community water
system. These public water systems are monitored and regulated as set by the EPA.

An estimated 15% of Americans, or about 45 million people, get their water from private ground water wells
that are not subject to EPA regulations. Private ground water wells can provide safe, clean water. However,
well water can also become contaminated, leading to illness. It is the responsibility of well owners to maintain
and treat their well

19. Explain the source of waste and management!

According Notoatmodjo (2007) ways of waste management include:
a. Collection and transportation of waste
Garbage collection is the responsibility of each household or institution that produces
waste. Therefore, they have to build or hold a special place to collect garbage. Then from
each garbage collection points are transported to landfills while (TPS) bins, and then to
the shelter of final waste (landfill).
b. Destruction and waste processing
University of North Sumatra
Destruction and or processing of solid waste can be done through various ways,
1. Planted (landfill), the destruction of waste by making a hole in the ground then put
trash and covered with earth.
2. Burned (inceneration), ie destroy the waste burning in the furnace (incinerator).
3. Used as fertilizer (composting), the processing of waste into fertilizer (compost),
especially for organic waste leaves, food scraps and other trash that can decompose.

Menurut Notoatmodjo (2007) cara-cara pengelolaan sampah antara lain :

a. Pengumpulan dan pengangkutan sampah
Pengumpulan sampah menjadi tanggung jawab dari masing-masing rumah tangga atau
institusi yang menghasilkan sampah. Oleh sebab itu, mereka harus membangun atau
mengadakan tempat khusus untuk mengumpulkan sampah. Kemudian dari masing-
masing tempat pengumpulan sampah tersebut diangkut ke tempat pembuangan sampah
sementara (TPS) sampah, dan selanjutnya ke tempat penampungan akhir sampah (TPA).
b. Pemusnahan dan pengolahan sampah
pemusnahan dan atau pengolahan sampah padat ini dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai
cara, antara lain :
1. Ditanam (landfill), yaitu pemusnahan sampah dengan membuat lubang di tanah
kemudian sampah dimasukkan dan ditimbun dengan tanah.

2. Dibakar (inceneration), yaitu memusnahkan sampah dengan jalan membakar di dalam

tungku pembakaran (incinerator).

3. Dijadikan pupuk (composting), yaitu pengolahan sampah menjadi pupuk (kompos),

khususnya untuk sampah organik daun-daunan, sisa makanan, dan sampah lain yang
dapat membusuk.

20. Explain the management of liquid waste!

Preliminary treatment: aimed at separating water from particles that can damage the
wastewater treatment eg sand, plastic, wood, garbage.
Primary treatment: physical processes initiated by sedomentasi and flotation to eliminate
particles of organic solid waste.
Secondary treatment: to destroy the organic material was found in limah with the help of
Final treatment: losing disease-causing organisms in the water.
advanced treatment: to be considered safe for dibunag into the gutter.

1.preliminary treatment : bertujuan memisahkan air dari partikel-partikel yang dapat merusak
pengolahan air limbah misal: pasir, plastik, kayu,sampah.

2. primary treatment : mulai dilakukan proses fisika dengan sedomentasi dan flotasi untuk
melenyapkan partikel-partikel padat organik pada limbah.

3. secondary treatment : untuk menghancurkan material organik yang masih terdapat di limah
dengan bantuan mikroorganisme.

4. final treatment : menghilangkan organisme penyebab penyakit yang ada di air.

advanced treatment : diangggap aman untuk dibunag ke got.

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