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“Insert greetings for relevant audience”

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the relevant differences in the business culture and
marketing strategies of China and US. China and US are the business leaders in today’s Modern era.
China being inspired by technological innovation has developed its name worldwide especially in
Asian markets. US has been the leading and attractive countries for variety of business sectors. The
key difference in the business cultures, marketing strategies and business timings of US and Chinese
markets are described in this presentation.

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Working Culture in US:

In US, people are generally friendlier, and the work environment is approachable, healthy and
informal. There are no proper hierarchies and people tend to cooperate more.

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Working Culture in China:

On the other hand, Chinese in general feel overworked and are seen complaining about heavy
working hours. In the Chinese context, business relationships inevitably become social relationships
with time. But in Western nations however, business relationships tend to remain
professional. Hierarchy matters a lot in Chinese societies, every person in business is called by their
designation rather than Mr. or Ms. In China lateness is excusable depending on the prevailing
circumstances. Whereas, westerners tend to take punctuality more seriously.

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Marketing Strategies in US:

In US, consumers generally seek for the personal appeals and personal actualization instead of brand
names and social status. Therefore, you will see people with plain shirts without any logo more often
in US, therefore marketing is more focused on the functionality of the product. In decision making,
people tend to decide based on their own instinct rather than recommendations from peers.

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Marketing Strategies in China:

In China, People want themselves to be seen and admired by others, therefore they put on branded
clothes, hence marketing is more focused on putting the brand tags and logos and making brand
reputations. In a survey reported by Forbes, around 300 million Chinese take decisions based on the
recommendations and approval of their peers, hence in Chinese markets, the marketing strategy is
more focused on rewarding the consumer based on their recommendations.

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Timings in US:
Traditional business timings in US are from 8 am to 5 pm. Unlike the Asian countries, Business are
generally not closed for 1 hour break in afternoon. The business timings may fluctuate based on the
economic fluctuations within the country. Most of the business in US are attempt to cater customer
schedules therefore, they will design the timings based on the convenience of the customers.

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Timings in China

Working hours in Chinese markets are generally 40 hours a week starting from 9 am to 5 pm. Most
of the Chinese do overtime and the overtime rates are decided as the proportion of their normal

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