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Albert Gamez Ramirez

Mr. Nichols



David Garcia was a hard working kid in class, he was a fourth generation Arizonan and a

marksman who was raised to take pride in his service and integrity. David was listed in the U.S.

Army infantry. David’s time in the infantry of the army instilled his values that guided his life

till this day: discipline, accountability and duty. He was a leader and trained as a chemical

warfare specialist. He qualified as an expert marksman and received an army achievement medal

and the humanitarian award for fighting the wildfires in Yellowstone national park. This shows

how dedicated David was in the army infantry he took pride in his work.

David was the first in his family to finish college and earn a quality education which

allows him to follow up his American dream. After graduating from an honors College at

Arizona State University, he received a masters and doctorate from the University of Chicago, he

was also recognized as an expert in education research and policy. He dedicates his career on

improving Arizona public schools. He is a superintendent in the Arizona department of

education. In 2014 the Arizona republic called David Garcia a (champion for education) the

reason why they called him that was because he wants to better the education of public schools.

By helping so many schools he is now a professor in the Arizona State University.

He teaches research and policy of the next generation leaders. David Garcia is being held

back because the state leadership is not committed to the future of the Arizonans. Doug Ducey

abuses the state budget and us people have to pay the price. Teachers can’t earn enough to
support a family, or a foster care, meanwhile Ducey’s rich and powerful friends raise the utility

rate and receive our tax dollars. David says “Doug Ducey failed commitment to the public

education and is hurting our economy. We need well-trained workforce to attract good-paying

jobs and encourage businesses to start, and stay in Arizona” David wants what’s best for us in

the public education and how much we get paid to raise a family.

David Garcia is running for governor because the political process is rigged against the

regular, hardworking Arizonans. David will restore integrity to the executive office, will make

the school reach excellence in all categories, and will keep healthcare accessible to everyone.

The type of primary system that Arizona has is a semi-closed primary system register and vote

only for the party you chose.

Work Cited

“Meet David.” David Garcia for Governor of Arizona,

“Voting in Arizona.” Ballotpedia,

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