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You will submit this one Word document for grading into Blackboard (Bb). Do not submit anything else but this one Word document for grading into
Bb. All of the information you need to know is found on this one Word document.

In this assignment, you will find 3 tasks that need to be completed (and you will complete everything on this one Word document)

Task 1 – Big picture questions from this course

Task 2 – Group presentation information
Task 3 – Group presentation lesson plan

Once you are done with this combined Word document, you will submit this ONE Word document in for grading.

This really is not a super hard module, but be sure to get it in before the deadline so you can earn maximum credit.

Task 1. Big Picture Questions

What Is The Purpose Of This Task?
You will need to demonstrate that you have successfully learned about educational systems around the world.

Prof. What Are The Details?

Below are questions you must answer. Please put your answer(s) below, and be sure your answers are in red color so it’s easy for us to grade.

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3 similarities that these
countries have in common? In other words, what are some factors that have helped these countries to excel in the area of education?
Four Countries
1. South Korea
2. Denmark
3. Switzerland
4. Finland
Three Similarities
1. These countries seem to pay their teachers high wages then others as well as make it harder for individuals to beome teachers
2. They have longer school days
3. Students and families value education more

Question 2 – Based on what you learned in this course; do you think the top performing countries are influencing other countries? In other
words, describe how the countries which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores are having an effect on other countries?
 Yes, I think that top performing countries influence other countries. I do however think that the US could take away a lot from other countries
such as South Korea but do not. I think the United States could largely benefit from applying longer days and valuing education more like other
countries do. I think all countries should participate in the PISA exam. I think this is a great way for countries to study other countries education

Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative impact on the world in
the future? Support your answer.
 Yes, I think that their economy’s will suffer and their country will be uneducated. The more uneducated they are the less they will advance. I
think especially in countries like Africa where girls are denied education due to cost, their countries will largely suffer. If the girls are
uneducated their children will grow up uneducated and illiterate.

Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
 I think there are large differences and similarities studying the united states education system and other countries. I think the differences is that
other countries value education a lot more then then the United States. Places such as China have to make laws on times students can study due
to students staying up all night. Here in the United States I think a lof of students spend little to no time studying.
 I think for similarities the United States does value education. We have laws that require all individuals under the age of 16 to receive a proper
education. I think this is extremely important.

Question 4 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of world (sadly). What are other groups of people that
are denied a good education?
Places such as Nepal and Uganda are extremely deprived of a proper education. Girls, sadly are most of the times denied education at all. This
is largely due to financial costs and chores woman have to preform for the family to live daily. In some countries families that have multiple children
only one or two are able to carry on their education. Families with multiple children are denied education.

Task 2. Your Presentation PowerPoint (or whatever you used)


Task 3. Group Presentation Lesson Plan

Ok, I Think I Am Now Ready. Where Do I Put My Lesson Plan?


Students will learn about the Dominican Republic’s education system.

Key understandings:

1. PISA Score

2. Teacher salary/training

3. Classroom size, materials, & facilities

4. Government involvement

Anticipatory Set

Begin by asking the students what they think the education system of the Dominican Republic is like. Has anybody ever been to the Dominican
Republic? Where is the Dominican Republic?

Show cut-out poster to the class.

Run the Google Slides presentation about the Dominican Republic’s educational system.

Direction Instruction

1. Have the students take notes during the Google Slides presentation.

2. Explain on the Google Slides presentation everything about the Dominican Republic’s educational system that was researched.

Guided Practice

1. Break students into groups of 3 or 4

2. Distribute materials teachers would have available to teach with in the Dominican Republic. Ask the groups to come up with ways educators can use
the materials they have available to give the best education possible to their students.

Closure/Check for Understanding

1. Review the worksheets- hand worksheets to the person to the person to their left for peer grading.

2. Go over strategies each group came up with on ways educators in the Dominican Republic can utilize their resources to ensure a valuable education.

Independent Practice

Students will go home to research a country of their choice and create a cut-out poster with information about that country’s educational system.

Required Materials/Equipment

One worksheet per student

Paper & Pencil for notetaking

Materials used in the Dominican Republic in classrooms

Question - How Could You Improve Your Lesson Plan In The Future? What Else Could You Add To Make It More Useful?
I think that we could improve our lesson plan by having it be a little more in depth. I think we could explain what we were
presenting a little bit more.

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