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● Steven is a 17-year-old male student who is blind.

He uses text-to-speech technology in

English class, audiobooks, and braille texts when available. He is a logistical learner and
is an honors math student. With his assistive technology, he is able to read at a college
level. Steven likes listening to mysteries and historical fiction stories, and has an
incredible memory. He has two younger sisters who he is close with. Other important
relationships in his life are with his classmate, Pierre, and the school guidance
counselor, Ms. Larsen. Steven has applied to the local community college, and plans to
transfer to an in-state university to complete a degree in Business Finance.
○ Product: share three things you found interesting in the video. This can be
presented in any way that you feel is appropriate.
● Ollie is an 18-year-old female student who has a 504 plan for dyslexia, which allows her
to get extra time on assignments and the use of graphic organizers. She is an extremely
hard worker, and has A’s in every class except for English, in which she has a B-. She is
part of the school’s National Honors Society, volunteers at the animal shelter on the
weekends, and is captain of the field hockey team. She is friends with many of her
classmates, but particularly Jenna. She has applied to college out-of-state and plans to
be a history teacher in the future.
○ Product: discuss the questions provided by the website, fill out the graphic
organizer, and pass that in.
● Serena is a 17-year-old female student with hearing loss. Although she can read lips
quite well, she needs the assistance of an ASL interpreter in class. If there are any movie
or video sources needed for class, closed captioning is necessary. She is very resourceful
and uses her cell phone to communicate with her classmates and friends, often through
texting or, occasionally, text-to-speech. She is very intelligent and loves to read,
specifically mystery novels, and is constantly drawing in her sketchbooks. She has mild
social anxiety, but is generally very happy and friendly. She prefers not to present in
front of the class or work in groups larger than four students as she can get
overwhelmed. Serena has decided that she does not want to attend college, but instead
work as a librarian or at a bookstore.
○ Product: A visual representation of the reading
● Jeremiah is a 17-year-old male student with dysgraphia. He prefers to use the
speech-to-text feature on his phone and laptop when writing assignments. He is a visual
learner and loves working with diagrams or videos. He is very insecure about his
handwriting and will show refusal behavior if forced to do an assignment involving
writing. He loves watching and playing basketball. He gets ‘B’s and in most classes
except for an ‘A’ in phys ed and an ‘A-” in human biology. His important relationships
include his basketball teammates, his girlfriend Kristin, and his bio teacher, Mr. Gordon,
who has always encouraged Jeremiah to follow his passions and find ways to enhance
his strengths instead of focus on his learning obstacles. Jeremiah intends to attend a
state university and become a physical therapist.
○ Product: Notes on the reading/discussion & a motto or jingle

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