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The International Conference on WIreless Technologies embedded and intelligent Systems

WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

Performance Analysis of the Scalability and

Stability of the Protocol KLEACH in Wireless Sensor

Bourzek Abdelkader Hajraoui Abderrahmane

Department of Physics, Department of Physics,
Laboratory : Communication and Detection Systems, Laboratory : Communication and Detection Systems,
University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences
Tetouan, Morocco Tetouan, Morocco

Chakkor Saad Baghouri Mostafa

Department of Physics, Department of Physics,
Laboratory : Communication and Detection Systems, Laboratory : Communication and Detection Systems,
University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences
Tetouan, Morocco Tetouan, Morocco

Abstract — A wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a existing sensor node design which has those several
large numbers of nodes and consequently they have a high node limitations incites the task of sensing and reporting to be an
density deployment. Because this feature, the scalability and the enormous discusses about performance efficiency problems.
stability of routing protocols is considered as a significant issues Therefore, the performances of WSNs like energy and
in WSNs. Indeed, the scalable routing protocol has to be
performing as well as the network size increases. Furthermore,
scalability has been attracting the interest of many researchers
sensor nodes must be alive to ensure the operational work of the and there are many methods to make this performance more
network during a period when the first node died doesn’t appear. efficient [3]. One of these methods is the clustering procedure
The clustering algorithm and the balancing of energy [4]. In fact, the action that divides the network into many
consumption are among the considerations to be taken for groups of nodes is named Clustering. The utility of this
improving this period named network stability region. In this combination of nodes is manifested in a variety of contexts [In
paper, we study the performance analysis of scalability and general, the members’ nodes (MN) in a cluster are closers, by
stability in the routing protocol LEACH based on K-means a measure of distance; a representative node called (Cluster
clustering algorithm (KLEACH). Thus, the simulation results of Head) (CH) allows the attachment of all their MN. Inside each
the performance metrics proves clearly the effectiveness and the
scalability of KLEACH protocol compared to LEACH. of these clusters, the master node (Cluster Head) is elected to
collect the data from sensor nodes. All member nodes MNs
Keywords — Scalability, stability, K-means, clustering, node transmit sensed data to their CH, while the CH aggregate data
density, routing protocol, balancing of energy consumption. received and forward to the Base Station (BS) [4]. Indeed, the
node CH handles, as a manager, acts such as data aggregation
I. INTRODUCTION and routing. In fact, the amount of data after the data
aggregation by CH node is reduced. The Figure 1 represents
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged as a key
WSNs where MNs send the data to their own CHs. These last
for numerous applications. The WSNs are commonly used in
send in their turn the data to the BS. In addition, the routing of
various military and civil applications [1]. Due to the hostile
data is possible without the use of clusters, but the need for a
deployment of WSNs, it isn’t practicable to substitute the
complete routing table of each node is necessary, which does
batteries of hundreds and thousands of nodes [2]. Considering
not stretch across a large number of sensor nodes. Hence, the
this deployment in difficult areas knowing as inaccessible
usefulness of clustering is vital to insure an efficient routing
environment, the network must manage independently without
[5]–[9]. In another hand, the nodes distribution and density
any human intervention. In addition, sensor nodes known
have an important influence on network scalability [10]. In
serious restrictions of resources like limitation bandwidth,
fact, the scalability is a significant issue of an efficient routing
limitation of processing capabilities, limitation in memory
protocol for WSN. A good routing protocol has to be scalable
storage and limitation in energy, etc … [1], [2]. Thereafter, the
to the changes in the network topology and size.

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The International Conference on WIreless Technologies embedded and intelligent Systems
WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

in consideration like as (number of nodes, node density, node

deployment, etc.) [3].
On the other hand and in order to evaluate the scalability
of the routing protocols, there are many metrics to be analyzed
such as network lifetime, throughput, energy consumption, etc
[10], [16].
In the objective to investigate the scalability, Figure 2
present some metrics considered in WSN performance.


Fig. 1. Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network

This work evaluate the performance analysis of the Performance

scalability in WSN for two hierarchical routing protocols metrics
(LEACH and KLEACH) in terms of throughput (packets
Network Energy
received by the base station), total energy consumed, total
life time consumption
number of nodes alive, when the network is subject to various
sizes. Otherwise, the network stability is also studied.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents the
related work. Section 3 explores the scalability analysis of Fig. 2. Performance metrics of a sensor network
WSN. In section 4, the description of KLEACH is developed
followed by section 5 in which the simulation results and The set of these metrics can be described briefly as follows
discussions are presented before concluding the paper in [2], [18]:
section 6. A. Network lifetime:
II. RELATED WORK There are multiplicity definitions of network lifetime for
the basis that it depends on the network requirements. The
Heinzelman and al. [11] launch a hierarchical clustering
authors in [19] resume some of the important used definitions
algorithm for sensor networks, called Low Energy Adaptive
as follow:
Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) for homogeneous WSNs.
LEACH is a cluster-based protocol, which takes account of  The round which the first node died (FND);
distributed cluster formation. LEACH selects at random a  The round which a certain fraction β of total number
small number of sensor nodes as cluster heads (CHs) and of sensor nodes died;
alternates this role to uniformly distribute the energy stack
 The round which the last node died (LND);
among the sensors in the network by epochs [12].
Many significant works, focused on hierarchical routing B. Network throughput
protocols based on clustering which has improved the network The network throughput determines the number of
scalability. LEACH protocol is analysed in terms of energy, packets transmitted at the base station.
throughput and lifetime [13]. Researches [8], [13], [14] explain
that scalability of LEACH is influenced by the randomized C. Success rate
rotation of CHs which degrade the performance of this The totality of packets received by the BS compared as
protocol. the totality of packets transmitted from the sensor nodes.
Considerable works have been examined in literature with D. Energy consumption
view to scalability [3], [3], [10], [15], [16]. In [15] and [16],
authors exploit a simulation to test the energy and throughput. It is the total of consumed energy of sensor nodes in the
In the paper [17], the authors analyze the performance and network. Figure 3 illustrates the energy model of k bits
presented issues in WSNs. Purposely for node energy and the transmitted over the distance d as in [9].
network lifetime, they suggest an energy efficient routing
algorithm based on self-adaptive clustering of CH. It enhances
energy efficiency, balances energy consumption of sensor
nodes, and improves scalability and network lifetime.
The scalability is the capability of hierarchical routing
protocols to preserve a performance efficiency of WSN by
increasing node density [16]. Thus, to determinate the
scalability in WSN, there is numerous parameters to be taken Fig. 3. Energy model on WSN

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The International Conference on WIreless Technologies embedded and intelligent Systems
WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

The equations are used to compute transmission and

receiving energy for k bit message are shown below:
Initiation of
Clustering Selection of
using K-means CH

Calculate the residual
energy of each node
 ETX, ERX : are respectively energy transmission and and CH
energy reception of k bits toward distance d.
 Eelec is the electronic energy required for coding,
modulation, filtering, etc.
 EDA is the energy required for data aggregation. Steady-state phase

Here, the equation used to compute average total

energy (Eavg) per round is expressed as: No
Lifetime close ?
 Yes


Commonly, there are two elementary strategies of node
deployment; deterministic and random. The deterministic way
is unfeasible in applications like monitoring environment and Fig. 5. Flow chart of KLEACH protocol
other military applications. The random deployment approach
is more possible in most of applications [12]. The K-means algorithm is employed to determine the
Figures 4 and 5 present the comprehensive description of centroids in the order to form the clusters. In fact, the
protocol KLEACH and its K-means algorithm for clustering algorithm K-means is based principally on the Euclidian
[20]–[22]. distance determination. Consequently, CH selection depends
on residual energies of nodes. Accordingly, the central nodes
gather the information concerning the nodes id, coordinates
Compute distance and residual energy of all nodes and accumulate this
Start objects to K information in a list of the central nodes. After receiving this
choice of K
centroid information from all nodes, the performing of the clustering
algorithm (K-means) is done [21], [22]. Concerning the
protocol LEACH, it runs with numerous rounds. In beginning,
the clusters are formed in a set-up phase followed by a steady-
Grouping objects
based on minimum
state phase when data are transferred from the nodes to the
distance cluster head and on to the BS [13]. Whereas, the protocol
KLEACH uses K-means clustering in the first phase which
sensor nodes are allowed to select CH and forms clusters as
shown in Figure 6. In the second phase, KLEACH adopts the
No same behavior as that a steady-state phase of LEACH.
Are the 100 99 19
centroid 9 87
59 85 93 90
fixed? 90 1423
42 72
11 951218
1 62
80 94 37 30
39 57 812769 6 49
16 47 46 41
Yes 70 13 7
End 48 25 73 88
4 17 100
60 84 64 54 38 97
8 89 92
82 83 2 52
50 24 53
75 21
Fig. 4. Flow chart of K-means algorithm 74 91 77 3 35 98
40 80 709633
15 36
30 45 65
26 44 3 4
50 40 66 60
20 58 51
61 79
68 86 78
5 71
10 32 28 76 2 56
10 63 67 29
31 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 6. Example of K-mean Clustering with the parameters (K=5, N=100)

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The International Conference on WIreless Technologies embedded and intelligent Systems
WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

V. SIMULATIONS RESULTS 940 rounds. Based on these findings, we can interpret the
In this paper, we use MATLAB simulator to evaluate the behavior of KLEACH by the fact that the cluster heads are
routing protocols scalability for wireless sensor networks. sorted in an increasing manner with respect to their distance
Some assumptions and parameters are described as follows from the Centroid Virtual (CV) of each cluster.
[10]: 1320 980
1315 960
A. Network settings

Number of rounds

Number of rounds
1310 940
The simulation variables are set up as follows:
 Sensor area: 100m x 100m; KLeach 920
 Number of sensor nodes (N) : 100 to 1000 nodes Leach 900
uniformly deployed;
 Initial energy of sensor nodes (E0): 0.5 (J); 1290

 The coordinate of base station: (50m, 50m); 1285 860

Our simulation model uses the parameters as shown in 1280 840

Table 1. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(a) Number of nodes
Parameters Value 2487
Eelec 50nJ/bit

Number of rounds
Number of rounds
10 pJ/bit/m2 1450
0,0013 pJ/bit/m4
2481 1400
EDA 5 nJ/bit
k 4000 Bits 2479
2477 kLeach
In our simulation environment, we assume that all nodes 2475
Leach 1300
contain data to send and sensor nodes are not in mobility, and
2473 1250
they have the same initial energy. Data packets can be 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
correctly transmitted by nodes and received by the base
(b) Number of nodes
station. Furthermore, initially base station makes available
Fig. 7. FND (a) LND (b) comparison of KLEACH and LEACH
address localization for each sensor node. The optimal number
of cluster heads is 5% of number of sensor nodes as in [1], 2) Network stability
In this section, we present the comparison of both
B. Performance analysis algorithms based on proportion of stable and unstable region
Performance analysis of the scalability for routing as shown in table 2 and Figure 8.
protocols has been analyzed on the basis of following metrics:  Proportion of stability: ratio of the stable period of
 Stability Period: is the period (or rounds) up to which KLEACH by the stable period of LEACH.
all nodes are alive. This period lies between first round  Proportion of instability: ratio of the unstable period of
and the round at which the first node dies. KLEACH by the unstable period of LEACH.
 Instability period: is the period between the first dead 200 50
node and last dead node. This period should be small 180
Instable Proportion (%)

as possible. 160 40 Stable Proportion (%)

 Energy consumption by sensor nodes. 140
 Number of packets received by base station. 120 30
1) Network lifetime 80 20
In order to compare the network lifetime of the both 60
routing protocols, we consider two factors: FND and LND as ISR(%)
40 10
illustrated in Figure 7. SR(%)
From Figure 7, we observe that the protocol KLEACH 0 0
overpass LEACH concerning the FND generally. KLEACH 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
have a descending evolution which reaches an asymptotic Number of nodes
value 1285 rounds when a number of nodes increase from 100 Fig. 8. Proportion of stable and unstable region between KLEACH and
to 400. For this same interval of number nodes, the protocol LEACH
LEACH has a different behavior which raises until a maximal
value 965 rounds. Thereafter, the FND of LEACH has a While calculating instability period, we are considering
fluctuate evolution which stabilize at an asymptotic value as only those rounds in which some data is transferred to the BS.

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WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

It is clear from the TABLE II that the stable region of 4) Network throughput
KLEACH proves better stable region as compare to LEACH, The results of throughput evolution depending on the
but it shows a remarkable declination in unstable region over number of nodes are taken in the round at which the FND and
LEACH. the LND for each protocol.
We can see from the Figure10 that with the protocol
TABLE II. STABILITY AND INSTABILITY REGION OF KLEACH OVER KLEACH, the packets received by the BS are considerably
superior to LEACH. This improvement can be justified by the
Stable period Unstable period fact that the KLEACH network lifetime is more prolonged.
N Prop. Prop.
LEACH KLEACH stable LEACH KLEACH unstable 70000
(%) (%)
100 883 1316 49,04 392 1159 195,66

Number of reccived
200 914 1289 41,03 482 1195 147,93

300 945 1289 36,40 490 1198 144,49
400 967 1286 32,99 492 1201 144,11
500 962 1286 33,68 507 1202 137,08 Leach
600 945 1285 35,98 554 1203 117,15 KLeach
700 952 1285 34,98 544 1203 121,14 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

800 947 1285 35,69 564 1203 113,30 (a) Number of nodes
900 949 1285 35,41 575 1203 109,22
1000 946 1285 35,84 570 1203 111,05 Number of reccived 80000

As compared to LEACH, KLEACH has an improvement

over the stability period as shown in the TABLE II. The
detailed results obtained with various numbers of nodes from 40000
100 to 1000 have been shown in TABLE II. Leach
3) Network energy consumption kLeach
The results of energy consumption evolution depending on 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
the number of nodes are taken in the round at which the FND (b) Number of nodes
and the LND for protocol LEACH. Fig. 10. Number of received packets for KLEACH and LEACH in
About the energy consumed, KLEACH reduces this FNDround LNDround
energy not only for the stable region but also for the unstable
region as shown in Figure 9. The ratio gain of energy saving is We summarize the obtained results, the performance
respectively about approximately 36% and 30%. metrics that are compared are illustrated in TABLE III as
The clustering strategy of KLEACH as a direct impact on follows:
energy consumption of nodes because when CH is more closer
to CV, the energy consumption is more minimal. However, as TABLE III. Parameters comparison
CH is far away from CV, the sensor nodes have a bad energy Improved
balancing which influence energy consumption. Metrics analyzed performances over
40 FND Number of packets
Ameliorated by 37%
35 LND received in FND
energy saving (%)

30 Average packets received

Increased by 62%
Ratio gain of

Network life Prolonged by 35%
20 Average energy
Decreased by 36%
15 consumption
0 In this paper, we focus on the scalability and the stability
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
analysis of KLEACH protocol for WSN. Several tests were
Number of Nodes carried out using different network parameters. The protocol
Fig. 9. Ratio gain of energy saving (%) for KLEACH and LEACH in KLEACH is compared to a classical algorithm named LEACH
FNDround and LNDround using MATLAB simulator. The performance of routing
protocol is measured to determine the efficient scalability.

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WITS-2016 ENSA of Kenitra 21-22 April 2016

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