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Mon ñas Mági qu lu
po su su v e c .
The Moorland:
Mag Mo n i s Fig n
fo t e su v
Middle School
Pregunta Problema:

¿Cuál es el verdadero impacto

ambiental que tiene el hombre sobre
el ecosistema Páramo y cuáles son
sus repercusiones en el futuro de la
Objetivo Especifico:

Entender las cualidades y características

claves del ecosistema Páramo para si
entender su importancia
Objetivos dentro de un
contexto de desarrollo sostenible.

• La importancia del agua

• Conciencia ambiental
• Privatización de servicios públicos

• Amenazas a nuestros ecosistemas

• Desarrollo Sostenible
The Moorland
For this project we will focus on one of the most
special ecosystems, the moorland.

Read the following quote: “The dry yellow heath of the moors
rose around us on all sides. It was like walking on the sun.”

1. In the space below make a drawing of a moorland

according to the quote and answer the following

2. What colour does the author the Moorland to be?

____________ _______________________________________
3. What does the word rose mean according to the text?
________ _______________________________________
4. How do you think walking on the sun feels?
What is really a Moorland?

To understand what this incredible place really is we need to

go back and understand some basic concepts. First of all:

1. What is an ecosystem? Research online what an

ecosystem, in the space below write: What is an
ecosystem? Explain how each organism in the ecosystem
has its own role in an ecosystem, What are some of the
benefits ecosystems give to our society? (give 5 examples).


Create an infographic showing how an ecosystem works,
including all the living things found in an ecosystem how they
interact with their non-living environment. The infographic has
to show an ecosystem located in the school.
Ecosystem Infographic
Types of Ecosystems
Based on the presentation the teacher gives during the lesson
answer the following questions.

1. Describe the characteristics of the Tundra:

2. Describe the characteristics of the dessert:

3. Describe the main characteristics of the rainforest:

4. Describe the role of an organism, popullation and community:

5. Why are ecosystems so important for the development of our world?

6. What are the two different types of ecosystems?

7. What is a Biome?

8. Describe the 3 cycles of which ecosystems are made of:

In nature, living thing organize in the following groups:

Individual: One single living thing

Population: A set of living things of the same species that live in

the same area at the same time.

Community: Many populations that live in the same area at

the same time.

Ecosystem: Community of living things and their environment

and the interactions that occur between them.

There can be:

Natural Artificial
Ecosystems Ecosystems

Elephants in
Elephants in a
the African
Let’s fill this Ecosystem Pyramid!
Each level represent a group of living things. Fill it up for your
favorite wild animal.




Answer the following crossword based in the information
learned during class
The Environment
What is the environment? Do you know what makes the
environment? Why is it important for us as human beings?
Read the following text and answer the questions below on
your notebook.

What Is the Environment?

The environment is something you are very familiar with. It's everything that makes up our
surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth—the air we breathe, the water that
covers most of the earth's surface, the plants and animals around us, and much more.

In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways that people affect the
environment. They have found that we are causing air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and
other problems that are dangerous both to the earth and to ourselves. These days, when you
hear people talk about “the environment”, they are often referring to the overall condition of
our planet, or how healthy it is.

1. Based on the text, write on your own words what is the

2. What is contamination?
3. How do we contaminate the environment?
4. Do you contaminate the environment?
5. List 5 ways of how you contaminate the environment
around you at school
6. List 5 ways of how you contaminate the environment in
your house.
7. On the environment around us write three reasons on how
we are contaminating the environment
Watch this video
watch?v=S_XhwQmpzoE and then find all of the words on this
word search and make a comic using ALL of the words you
find about how humans contaminate the environment.
Environmental Comic
Have a look at the following pictures and write a small
description underneath based on what you have learned
about the environment.

Describe this picture Describe This Picture.

Describe this picture Describe This Picture.

Write a 350 word essay answering the following question.

Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and

animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot
be changed, while other believe that actions can be taken to
bring about a change.

Discuss both and give your opinion.


1. Your essay must have an introduction, a body and a

2. In the introduction paraphrase the question.
3. In the body discuss both parts of the question, can humans
do something to change plants and animals? or can’t
they not do it? Also remember to share your own opinion.
4. Conclusion emphasis on your opinion based on the two
sides of the question. Can we do something, or can’t we?
5. Create a brainstorm before you start writing your essay so
that you can organize your ideas.

Example question:

Some people think the best way to solve global environmental

problems is to increase the cost of fuels. To what extent to do
you agree or disagree
Create a brainstorm for your essay.
Environmental Essay
What is the environmental impact in our

On your tablets watch this video

watch?v=H2QxFM9y0tY and answer the questions on the google
form in the our google classroom.

As you can see on the video Greta is a young girl that is trying to
change the world bit by bit. For her the environment and the
consequences that we as human being are outstanding!! I want to
hear your opinion for this classwork I want you to write a short script
portraying what your opinion on climate change is and what you are
doing on your daily life to change it. After writing the script you are
going to record a video that should ONLY last 2 to 3 minutes and
upload it to our google classroom.

Reading About the
Read the book: Human Environmental Impact, How we affect
earth, until page 20 and answer the following classwork.

1. Define the following concepts: artmosphere, biosphere

and hydrosphere and make a drawing of each of them on
the space below.



2. According to the book what is a landfill? Research what

is the name of the closest landfill to your home

3.What is methane gas and what are the causes of this gas
in our environment?

4.After reading the information on pages 8 and 9 make a

grpahic showing the life cycle of a plastic water bottle that
ends up in the ocean.
5. What is often known as the lungs of earth? Give me an
example of one of these ecosystems in your country

6. According to the book list three renewable resources


7. Describe what fossil fuels are answering the following

questions: a. How many years do fossil fuels take to form, b.
can fossil fuels be replaced in the environment?, c. what are
the positives and the negatives of mining, d. Describe these
three fossil fuels according to the text: coal, oil and natural gas.

8. How is solar energy collected?

9. Make a diagram on how Geothermal Energy works

Answer the following crossword based on the first 20 pages of
the book Environmental Impact, How we affect earth,



Let's watch this episode of explained on Netflx. That explains the

importance of water in our lives and answer the following questions

Why is water important for human beings?

How much drinkable water do we have in our lives?

How do we as human beings contaminate water?

What was day zero?

How can we obtain water?

How much water do we need to drink per day to have a healthy

Water, our only way of living.
● Read the following article and answer the following
● 1. Make a summary in your own words on the importance
of water.

● 2. Make a brainstorm describing what would happen to

your body if there is no fresh water available for humans to

● 3. According to the text what does dehydration mean?

● 4. According to the text what does thirst mean?
● 5. Describe how much water should mean and women
drink everyday and in what way do we intake water
everyday to get enough for a healthy lifestyle
A Water Dairy

After completing the past exercise, create a water diary. It’s

been said that humans spend around 3000L of water per day,
so let’s put it to the test.
● 1. Let’s start with your showers, research shows that a 8.2
minute shower uses 65 Litters of water? How long was your
shower today? Calculate the amount of water in Litters
you’ve used.
● 2. On average every flush of the toilets uses 13 Litters of
water, how many times did you flush the toilet today? How
many Litters of water have you consumed?
● 3, Did somebody wash clothes on the washing machine
today? In average using a washing machine uses around
160 Litters of water, take that into account for your water
● 4. On average a regular household uses between 68.5 and
101.1 L per day for all faucets (bathroom, kitchen, and
utility sink, let's keep adding.
● 5. How many glasses of water did you drink today?
Remember 8 glasses of water account to about 1 Liter of
● 6. What did you eat today? Use the chart on the following
article to calculate the amount of water you have used on
this day.
● * What are your final results? What conclusions did you
reach? Based on this results write at least 250 words of
what you have discovered through your water diary.

● Why stop here? Let’s continue with the exercise and

construct some bar graphs and pie charts to analyse our
daily consumption. Record the amount of water you have
used in Litters for: showers, flushing the toilets and using
faucets for a whole week and then create some bar
graphs and pie charts to see the results.
Reading Comprehension.

Read the following article and answer the questions below.

1. Define the concept of virtual water as explained on the article.
2. What is the current population in the world and what is it expected to be on
3. Currently how many people lack access to clean water in the world?
4. Research what droughts and heatwaves mean
5. Describe the situation in Cape Town and what did the government have to
do to prevent this issue.
6. Do you think Climate change contributes with the threat for us to run out of
fresh water?
7. How can we help to reduce the risk of running out of fresh water? Give
three examples.
8. Make a graphic on your notebook showing the future of our world with
water scarcity.
Game? Or Game time?

● On the space below you have to do a brainstorm on how we can create a

game for our patrol related to the importance of water or to water scarcity.
Use the space below to make a brainstorm and graphics.

● Remember to include what are the instructions of the game? And what are
the rules for it?

● Prepare to present it to our patrol at the end of the lesson.


In pairs choose one of the following case studies, showing cities that are already
suffering from water scarcity. Prepare an audio-visual presentation answering
the following questions:

1. Why is this city under water scarcity conditions?

2. Locate this city geographically, where is it at? What is it’s population? What
is it known for?
3. Where do they get their fresh water now a days?
4. How will they get their fresh water in the future?
5. How much does this issue affect their population?
6. Do you think the people who live in this cities realize their problems and are
doing something to make it better?

Available cities for the project are:

• 1. São Paulo
• 2. Bangalore
• 3. Beijing
• 4. Cairo
• 5. Jakarta
• 6. Moscow
• 7. Istanbul
• 8.Mexico City
• 9. London
• 10. Tokyo
• 11. Miami
It’s time for a debate

● Movie time? Or reality time? Let’s watch this documentary.

Living without water.
Pakistan's City with No Water | Unreported World
Are we running out of clean water?
What happens when capetown runs out of water?

Class discussion:
There is a quote that says: “No water, No life. No blue , No green.”
After diving the class into two groups one group is going to support
this argument while the other one is going to disagree with it. Pay
attention to the class about debates so that you have a clear
understanding on how a debate should be put to place and what
are the rules for it.
What is the Moorland?
Moorlands are considered tropical high mountain ecosystems. They are located
in an altitude from 3100 mts to 5000 mts above sea level. On the moorlands the
most predominant flora regions are mainly consisted on bushes and scrubs.

The moorland biome have strategic reasons given by their altitude and climate
which primary function is to retain and regulate water throughout the year. We
can even say Moorlands are the main and only ecosystem that provides with
fresh water all of those cities below that require a constant source of freshwater.
In general Moorlands are fresh water sanctuaries.

The most notable type of Moorland is called the Andean Moorland, which exists
from Colombia till the north of Peru. Colombia has the largest amount of
Moorlands in the worlds, with more than 50% of the world’s Moorlands territories.

Where are Moorlands located?

Moorlands are located in tropical zones and in very specific mountain zones. The
main locations being:

• Northen Andean Moorland or Andean Moorland: Distributed in Venezuela,

Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

• Mountain Ethiopian Moorland: Located in the Ethiopian massif.

• Eastern African Moorland: Located around Kenia, Tanzania, Uganda,

Rwanda and in the Republic of Congo.

• New Guinea Moorlands: Located in Papua, New Guinea and Indonesia.

• Central American Moorland: Located in Costa Rica and Panama.

• Colombian Moorlands

• The main zones of Moorlands and there extension in Colombia are located in

the Colombian Massif. Some of the main Moorlands are: Sierra Nevada of
Santamarta (85.000 inhabitants), Sumapaz (205.000 inhabitants), Chingaza
(50.000 inhabitants), Las Hermosas ( 59.500 inhabitants), Santa Isabel (101.900
inhabitants), Cocuy ( 1. 120.000 inhabitants) Santurban, Berlin, El Almorzadero,
Iguaque, between many others.

• On the Cordillera central of Colombia you can find all of the volcanoes and

abrupt mountain areas, where moorlands start at around 3000 mts above sea
level. The eastern Cordillera is considered the center of the humid Moorlands
of the Andes, with Moorlands located between 3 200 and 3 600 mts above
sea level. On the western cordillera the amount of Moorlands are limited and
small, regardless you can find some Moorlands at 3 960 mts and 4 200 mts
above sea level, these are known as Paramillo and Cerro de Tamaña.

• Exercise: 1. On the following map and with help of some research located the

three Andean Cordilleras. 2. Located the main areas of Moorland in

Colombian, depending if they are volcanic Moorland, dry Moorlands and
Humid Moorlands.
● Exercise: Locate the different types of Moorland in the following map. Colour them
in different colours depending on the type of moorland that they are and do a
colour chart so that a person reading can understand what the colours mean.

● Moorland Characteristics: The main Moorland characteristics are zone, location

and weather/climate, that are the same one are the key influencing agents on flora
and fauna. Moorlands are defined as a variety of ecosystems and because of its
weather are generally found at a higher altitude levels than forests.

● Weather in Moorlands: The moorlands in Colombia and Ecuador are very humid
places created by rain, clouds and fogs generally found in places in and around the
Cordillera de los Andes.
● Most of the Moorlands present more than 2 000 rains per year and the humidity
levels vary from 70% to 85%. In Ecuador and Peru they tend to have dry
Moorlands where they are influenced by the masses of air. The principal mass of
air comes from the Amazon which on its travels leaves its humidity on other places .
● In general theses territories tend to have a very cold and humid weather,
although they always present sudden changes in its temperatures and
during a single day the temperatures can go from -5ªC to 30ªC. Mid range
temperatures then to be from 2ªC to 10ªC creating a very tough
environment for fauna as you get higher up in altitude.

Research Project
● Research about the temperature levels in the Santuario of Iguaque, Make a
written description on how the temperature is and how it varies.
● Research about specific type of flora found in this Moorland and explain
how they are able to survive in this “extreme” conditions.
● Make a drawing of this specific type of flora and explain the characteristics
of its leaves, petals, seeds or stems that helps them prevail or stand for long
periods of time.
● Research how Moorlands help to absorb carbon carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and make a graphic to explain how this works. Specify on the
roll that soils have for this phenomenon.
Types of Moorlands

● Research about the different types of moorlands and fill out the following
graphic writing, 1. what is the flora and fauna that is predominant in each
of the different types of moorland, 2. At what altitude can you find each
type of moorland, 3 What is the temperature and weather conditions and 4.
What type of human activity is affecting each type of moorland depending
on it’s altitude.

High Moorland

Middle Moorland

Low Moorland
The importance of the ground
in the Moorland
● Most of the soils that can be found in the Moorland are young and they
don’t have a profound development. They can be classified as: ANDOSOLS
(volcanic origins of dark colour and very porous, INCEPTISOLS (they are
more developed, no accumulation of clays, iron oxides, aluminium oxides
or organic matter), HISTOSOLES (organic soils that are known for being wet
and fertile) ENTISOLES (Mineral composition in Moorland they are usually
found in the snow caps) and MOLISOLES (created in semi humid or semi
hard areas, typically found under grass, they are not commonly found in


● Moorlands are usually humid territories. Due to the environmental conditions

and from the ground itself, this are like sponges that absorb the humidity in
the atmosphere, they also purify water and regulate and distribute it to
major rivers.
● Moorlands only occupy 1.7% of Colombia’s territory but they produce 85%
of the fresh water we drink every day in Colombia.
● In Bogotá water comes from the Moorlands of Sumapaz and Chingaza (at
risk) and Cruz verde (at risk for mining activities.
● In Medellin water comes from the Moorland of Belmira.
● Homework
In Cali, los Farallones are constant springs of water.

● Research: where does the water that the Santuario de Iguaque produces
goes to. And answer the following questions: 1. is there enough water for
the population around Iguaque? 2. Are there any threats for the water
Fauna and Flora in the Moorland
● As moorlands are located in high altitudes: the physical, chemical and
weather conditions are the ones in charge for it’s biodiversity.
● Flora: In the specific case of plants, they have to adapt to very extreme
conditions for their own development. This extreme conditions are as follow:
● Air that lack of water
● Low temperatures
● Ultraviolet radiation
● Changes in UV rays that cause a decrease in weather conditions.
● Physical damage that is caused in the majority of cases by snow and hail.

● Some of the species that represent Moorlands the best are: Asteráceas,
Orchids, Gramíneas, Frailejon, Lupinus Morado, Salvia, Bandera Española,
Tabacote and Coloradito. There is low presence of trees as their
physiological conditions doesn't help them live in these type of conditions.
● Class exercise
I is believed that there is more than 4000 species of plants in Moorlands.

• Look for pictures of all of the plants describe above and write the main
characteristics that makes them different from one another.
• Research about the importance of a Frailejon, in the next page make a
drawing of a Fraiilejon and explain it’s IMPORTANT role on it’s water
• Research what endemic is and after writing it’s definition research what
flora or fauna species are endemic to Santuario of Iguaque Moorland.
• Read pages 70,71, 84 and 85of this article
original/acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf and describe de flora and fauna
from this región.
● Fauna: Moorlands are the main home of many different species of animals.
Most of them are mammals like the Puma, the Spectacled Bear, the white
tail deer, Danta, the Moorland Fox, Rabbit, The Moorland Cat, Mountain
Dog, etc. As for birds species the most popular are: the Condor, the
Hummingbird, the Duck,etc.

Class exercise
● Research about the different Fauna species that can be found in the
Santuario de Iguaque and fill this space with pictures and the main
characteristics of these animals. Always remember to add why these
animals live in this Moorland.

● Based on the flora and fauna we have seen and on your own
research on the Santuario de Iguaque. Design a Mascot for our
patrol. When we are all finish you have to present it to the class
and explain where it comes from. Afterwards we will vote and
choose the Mascot that will represent our patrol.
Taking care of our Moorlands

● In our present Moorlands are an ecosystem in great DANGER. Major

industries like agriculture and livestock have been a major reason of the
destruction of this VITAL ecosystem. Other activities that have been
endangering our Moorlands are: Deforestation, the burning of forests,
mining and the construction of new roads and freeways on the
development of our country.
● Moorlands are of major importance due to its great potential to store and
regulate water. They cater aqueducts and it’s the location where most of
the main rivers in Colombia start. From the socio cultural point they have
played an important part in the relationship men – mountain as a sacred
place and of great value for myths and legends.


The inadequate use of agricultural chemicals and pesticides haven’t taken into
account the fragility of Moorlands and they have left behind a devastating and
yet not calculated lose. Between the many activities that have had MAJOR
impacts in this ecosystem are:
• Economical practices derived from the colonization times.
• Damage in the soils due to extensive crops and the extension of the
agricultural frontier.
• Burning forests
• Population growth ( Indigenous and peasant colonization, location of
telecommunication systems, electrical towers and military stations).
• Impact and construction of Macro projects (reservoirs and mining
• Pollution on wetlands, aquifers, soils, sub soils with agricultural chemicals and

● In groups of 4, choose one of the main reasons why Moorlands

have been affected by men and create an audio-visual
presentation explaining the following:
1. How does your subject affect the Moorland?
2. What does your subject use to affect the environment?
3. For how long has this activity been present in the Moorland?
4. What are their environmental impacts?
5. How can we stop it?
6. How does this specific subject affect the Santuario de Iguaque?
Class Exercise.

● As you all know we have to create a game for our patrol. In pairs
create a brainstorm of a game based on the environmental
impacts that humans have on the moorland ecosystem.

● Remember to include what are the instructions of the game? And

what are the rules for it?

● Prepare to present it to our patrol at the end of the lesson.


Class exercise
● Know that you know about the Main characteristics of Moorlands
and the impacts we as human beings affect it, it’s time to
research about our main project and our emphasis. Answer the
following points based on your own research:

● 1. Where is it located?

● 2. At what altitude is it found?

● 3. What did water mean to the indigenous population that

inhabited Iguaque?

● 4. What are the weather conditions

● 5. What type of Moorland is it? And how can you be sure of that?

● 6. What are it’s main characteristics?

● 7. What are the main flora and fauna located in this area?

● 8. What are the main man made economies or industries that are
affecting the ecosystem?

● 9. Why are they affecting this ecosystem?

● 10. What can the government do to prevent this from happening?

● 11. Why is the Santuario of Iguaque so important for our cultural,

economical and social development?

● 12. What can you change in your daily life to help the Moorlands
from being extint?

● 13. Are their animals in the extinction route on Santuario of

The Water Netwrok of
● Divide the class in groups to create the following types of maps:
● Read pages 69 and 70 of this article
and based on the information on rivers and all of the water
networks in the area create a tri dimensional map showing all of
the water networks in the area.
● Read the information on page 72 of this article http://herenciamia.
org/ricaurte/files/original/acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf and
create a tridimensional map showing all of the different types of Biomes
found in this area.
● Read the information on biomes and ecosystems on the
acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf and take into account the
information on the following chart to show all of the different
ecosystems and biomes in the area. Remember to make a tri
dimensional map.
● Create a tri-dimensional map showing where the threats to the
Moorland are located with help of the graph shown on the article
acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf page 229.
Economical Aspects
● Read the following information about the economical activities in this
region and create a brainstorm and then a chart describing all of the
economical activities that take place in this region.
If you need any help researching this go to this document
ricaurte/files/original/acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf and read the pages: 85
to 98.
Eco-tourism advantage or disadvantage?
● Research what eco-tourism, it’s important that you describe what it is first and then apply
the concept to the Santuario de Iguaque.
● Is the Santuario being benefit by it or is it in disadvantage?

● What are things the Santuario need to take under consideration for its prevalence
through time?
● Read the following statement:

• Investigate what is the “capacidad de carga” of Santuario de Iguaque.

• Investigate what are the things that are in place now a days to protect the Sanatuario
from Eco-tourism.
• Investigate now a days how many people go into the Santuario de Iguaque and
research what is that number in the past 5 years ( make a chart showing the information
The threats on the Iguaque Moorland

● Read this chart and give some conclusions on what are the main theats to
the Iguaque Moorland. Remember that 4 is one the components that
affect Moorlands the most.
• Class discussion: Let’s analyse the information provided, what are the real
threats to the Moorland which ones do you think should have more
importance over others?
• How can we as visitors or media producers can help to reduce the impacts
in the Moorlands
• Do you agree or disagree that this are the main components that are
affecting our Moorrlands.
• On your notebook create a comic to create awareness on the threats on
the Moorland.
The Threat on Water in the Moorland

● Read the information on the article

acdbb318cd5467faa4da5315f2cc68fd.pdf from pages 229 to 236 and make a
chart showing the man made threats and the threats made by nature.
Showing how it is affecting the Moorland and what is it’s impact on the
LEY 1930 Del 20 De Julio De 2018
Read about the law 1930 on the following link:
LEY%201930%20DEL%2027%20DE%20JULIO%20DE%202018.pdf and create a
handmade poster on a piece of cardboard (70 cm x 100cm) explaining: 1. What
the law states, 2. What are the guides that the government give to take care of
the Moorland Ecosystem. 3. What are the regulations the government impose?,
4. What does the law prohibit?, 5. What does the law state about agricultural
and mining activities in the Moorland?, 6. What does the law say about
surveillance and control of the Moorlands? And 7. Do you think in the Santuario
de Iguaque the rules and regulations stated in this law are being followed?
Support your argument with a clear reason.
Sustainable Development

To understand sustainable development we first need to understand what is

● Maintain, support, endure and withstand
● The main idea is that we should act responsible so that the resources of
earth can support the future generations.
● Our actions have a deep impact in the environment and we need to
protect it for the future generations.
● If you want to figure out if something is sustainable you have to ask yourself:
can I do this forever?

Class exercise

● Create a graphic showing a product that is NOT sustainable and one that IS
sustainable and explain why? Upload a picture to the classroom. If you
need any help watch this video:
So what is Sustainable
● Do you ever think if what you do is sustainable?

● "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.“

● Sustainable development is making the world a better place without

destroying the world for future generations.
● Sustainable development depends on the following:

1. Social progress
2. Economic development
3. Climate and weather

● According to this video describe each of the components above and how
we can make it more sustainable in order to create a better future. https://

● The United Nations have created the Agenda for Sustaible Developmet
and its Susteinable development goals (SDGs).
● Each of the 17 SDGs has specfic targets that need to be achieved by 2030,
all of these are universal which means is not just about the developed
countries bur for ALL of planet Earth. They have been created to achieve a
better and more sustainable future for us all. They address global challenges
including those related to poverty, inequality, environmental degradation,
prosperity and peace and justice.
● Read the following article
sustainable-development-goals/ and make a conceptual map about each of
the following goals:
● Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
● Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
● Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
● Goal 12: Responsible production and consumption,
● Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Conceptual Map
Goal 8: Decent work and economic
Conceptual Map
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and
Conceptual Map
Goal 12: Responsible production and
Conceptual Map
Goal 13: Climate action
Conceptual Map
Taken into account the graph above and the information that you have
learned about sustainable development, answer the following question: Do you
thing the economical practices like mining, agriculture and livestock are
sustainable for the survival of the Moorland ecosystem? (Answer should have at
least 200 words)
● Watch the following video and answer the questions below.

1. What does the video say is the only way to achieve progress?

2. Why are Susan’s crops at riks?

3. What is the main disease caused by poor hygiene?

4. What is Susan and her families dream?

5. Do you think Susan lives in a place that has sustainable development? Give
at least 3 reasons to support your answer.

6. What are the two things Vinny wants? Do you thing what he is asking for is

7. Looking at the capital of the country do you think Dorothy has a decent

8. What would you propose to the government so that Papa New Guinea
people have a more sustainable developed country?
BUT…. How can we make a more
sustainable world?

● It is important to start bringing the SGDs into our daily life. It is important that
we notice we have to make a change and that there are seventeen
targets that we need to achieve… but how are you going to implement
these 17 targets so that in the future we have a more sustainable world. In
our Santuatio of Iguaque there are a LOT of economical practices that are
not sustainable, in the following space please list at least 5 practices that
are not sustainable and explain why they are not.





● Create a drawing of the Santuario of Iguaque showing all of the SDGs that
should be taken into account in the Moorland
How can we make it more susteinable?

● Make a brainstorm listing all of those 5 Unsustainable practices on the

Santuario de Iguaque Moorland and how we can make them more
Thinking about our main
question, what will your sub-
question be?

● Main topic you are interested in

● How can you talk about sustainable development through

this subject?

● What is your sub- question?

● What are your objectives with this question?

● How do you predict your Project can affect the future of

our Moorlands?
Script for your spot

● It’s time to write a script for your spot but first I want to see the following:

• Story Line:
• Brainstorm of how the story develops.
• Story Board:
• Script

For the script please follow these guidelines:

• REMEMBER in this spot you are supposed to sell an idea to the viewer, this
idea must have a relationship between the Santuario de Iguaque the
impact of human beings on the ecosystem and how we can create of this
a more sustainable ecosystem.
• As this will be a spot it is most likely that it will be recorded with voice in off
(VO), so please take that into consideration when you are writing your
• Finally remember the spot should only be around one minute in length,
remember each page is roughly one minute of screen time.
Take into account the way scripts are generally written and the format you
should follow when writing them.
Magazine article

For your final project as well as creating your spot you need to create an article
for our online magazine (REMEMBER this article is INDIVIDUAL). Please follow
these guidelines to create a successful article.

1. The article must be an informative article and it MUST have a relationship

showing the impact of human beings on the ecosystem and how we can
make it more sustainable.
2. The article must be at least 300 pages.
3. The article must be submitted to the magazine director that we selected
during the first few classes of our patrol.
4. There are clear dates on which the article must be submitted, these dates
will be posted on the classroom so please keep it in mind.
5. Remember the article must have: images/infographics/graphs/cartoons/
illustrations/etc if you are taking the images from the internet remember to
reference them.
6. The article must be submitted on pdf form regardless on the format you
created the article in.
7. To develop the article please answer the following questions:
● What is your sub question?

● What specific subject about the Santuario de Iguaque Moorland will you
take into consideration?

● What specific impact to the Moorland ecosystem in Iguaque will you take
into consideration to create your article?

● How will you answer your sub question through the article?

● How will you propose or inform the audience about sustainibilty in the
First draft of the article

● Tutor Comments
Second draft of the article

● Tutor Comments
Final draft of the article

● Tutor Comments

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