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Geology 11 Handout 11: Rock Deformation 1st sem.

AY 14-15
The force applied on a body per unit area is the stress.
The corresponding changes to that body are the strain.

Stress based on magnitude:


Stress based on orientation


Type of deformation
1. Elastic reversible, non-permanent change in volume or shape
Elastic limit - beyond which a solid suffers permanent deformation

2. Ductile Deformation
o material does not break;
o usually at high temperature and pressure
o folds, thinning

Parts of a fold? Limb, Axial plane, Fold axis

Types of a fold? Symmetrical, Assymetrical, Overturned/Recumbent
Anticline vs. Syncline vs. Monocline vs. dome vs. basin

3. Brittle
o material breaks
o usually at low temperature and pressure
o faults vs. joints

Classification of faults: thrust faults?

1 Mendoza, J.A.

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