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Reoperation for Stoma-Related Complications

Justin T. Kim, M.D.1 and Ravin R. Kumar, M.D.1


Stoma complications are common. Most do not require reoperation, but when
surgery is indicated, numerous options are available. Complications can arise early or late,
and they can vary from benign to life-threatening. Meticulous preoperative planning is
crucial in preventing stoma complications. Good communication with the patient is
important in the decision-making process.

KEYWORDS: Stoma, complications, reoperation

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Objectives: Upon completion of this article, the reader should be familiar with the operative management of stoma-related

C omplications after creation of a stoma are can be managed conservatively. It is important to discuss
common. They range from benign, asymptomatic nui- with the patient the therapeutic options and start with
sances to more serious, potentially life-threatening con- the least invasive procedure. The patient’s satisfaction
ditions. The most effective method of preventing a with the current stoma site can determine the decision-
stoma complication is avoiding the creation of a stoma. making process (Fig. 1).
This, of course, is sometimes unavoidable. However, use Complications can be categorized into early and
of intraoperative colonic lavage allows performance of a late (Table 1). Common early complications include
one-stage operation in patients with left colon obstruc- metabolic derangement, skin irritation, ischemia, and
tion and diverticular disease without any increase in stoma retraction. Common late complications are para-
postoperative complications.1,2 Performance of primary stomal hernia, prolapse, and stenosis. This article reviews
anastomosis in emergency colorectal surgery has also complications that may require reoperative intervention.
been shown to be feasible without increased postoper-
ative morbidity.3
If creation of a stoma is inevitable, preoperative EARLY COMPLICATIONS
planning is critical. Consultation with an enterostomal
therapy nurse can help immensely with marking of an Ischemia
ideal site for a stoma. It is a good idea to mark more than Signs of ischemia usually arise within 24 hours. The
one potential site. It is also important to consider the stoma first appears edematous with bluish discoloration
patient’s clothing style, belt line, bone prominences, and and then progresses to necrosis. A common cause of
scars from previous operations. The stoma site should be ischemia is an inadequate arterial blood supply secondary
selected with the patient sitting, standing, and in supine to damage to or an inappropriately divided vascular
position with normal clothes. arcade supplying the left colon. The colonic vessels
When stoma complications do arise, only a mi- placed under too much tension can lead to endothelial
nority of them require reoperation. Most complications damage and decreased perfusion. This could be avoided

Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Harbor–UCLA Medical Reoperative Surgery; Guest Editor, Michael J. Stamos, M.D.
Center, Torrance, California. Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2006;19:207–212. Copyright # 2006 by
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Ravin R. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Kumar, M.D., Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Harbor– NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
UCLA Medical Center, 1000 W. Carson St., Box 25, Torrance, DOI 10.1055/s-2006-956441. ISSN 1531-0043.
CA 90509. E-mail:

Figure 1 Decision-making algorithm in the management of stoma complications.

by dividing the inferior mesenteric artery at its origin, Stoma Retraction

thereby reducing excess tension. Another possible etiol- Stoma retraction is caused by excessive tension on the
ogy is excessive trimming of the mesentery (more than 5 bowel or stoma placed at a poorly selected site. Ischemia
or 6 cm) during the creation of an ileostomy. Excessive can also produce retraction, and it is associated with
tension or delayed thrombosis in the mesenteric vessels stenosis in such a situation. It is one of the most common
adjacent to the ileostomy may be a contributing factor in reasons for reoperation. Stoma retraction has been re-

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some patients. If inadequate venous drainage is present ported to occur in 1 to 6% of cases after stoma creation.
from an injured venous arcade close to the bowel wall, it It usually arises from failure to mobilize the bowel
could cause stoma edema but rarely causes tissue loss. adequately. Without full mobilization, suture fixation
Depth of ischemia can be assessed with an endo- of the bowel is not adequate to prevent retraction, and it
scope, glass test tube with an external light, or puncture is not recommended. Stoma retraction with loop stoma
with a needle. An ischemic stoma does not bleed after can cause incomplete fecal diversion.
puncture by a needle. If ischemia is superficial, close Stoma retraction can lead to skin irritation and
observation is adequate. Full-thickness necrosis above improper fixation of the stoma appliance. In mildly
the fascia could lead to stenosis later, especially if it symptomatic cases, a convex faceplate and a tight belt
extends more than 1 or 2 cm, and early revision is may be used to control leakage around the appliance.
recommended to prevent future stenosis. If necrosis Significant retraction requires operative revision. A
extends below the fascia, an urgent reoperation is re- local repair is the preferred initial approach. The full
quired. thickness of bowel is mobilized after the mucocuta-
neous junction is sharply divided, and a new stoma is
created. This method is effective and can be done in an
Mucocutaneous Separation outpatient setting. Repair through laparotomy is in-
Mucocutaneous separation is caused by inadequate or dicated when the stoma has retracted almost com-
improper approximation of the mucosa to the dermal pletely. After adequate mobilization, a new stoma is
layer or excessive bowel tension. It can also be caused by created. This approach is also indicated when a local
infection, steroid use, and malnutrition. If it is minor, approach fails.
observation is adequate. The separated area should be
filled with skin barrier powder, alginate, or hydrofiber,
and it should be covered with a solid skin barrier.4 As Small Bowel Obstruction
the separation heals, it can lead to stenosis and close Small bowel obstruction (SBO) can occur in 10% of
follow-up is needed. Complete separation may require patients with loop ileostomy, much less with loop
a local revision. colostomy. The incidence is higher after surgery for
inflammatory bowel disease than for cancer or other
Table 1 Stoma Complications conditions. Management of SBO after stoma creation
Early Late is not different from that of other postoperative SBO.
Dehydration (high output) Stoma retraction
Stoma ischemia Stoma prolapse
Stoma Fistula
Bowel obstruction Parastomal hernia
A stoma fistula can arise from trauma or other disease
Stoma stenosis Fistula Variceal bleeding
processes such as Crohn’s disease. Commonly, a fistula is
Mucocutaneous Ulceration/skin problems
created by excessive fat clearing or inadvertent excision
separation Fistula Bowel obstruction
of a diverticulum. Distal stoma fistulas are managed by

local operative revision with limited resection of the asymptomatic prolapse can be managed conservatively
involved distal bowel. without surgery. When the prolapse is significant with
symptoms, there are two approaches to surgery: a local
parastomal procedure or an intra-abdominal procedure.
LATE COMPLICATIONS It is recommended that the local approach be attempted
initially. If the stoma is temporary, the best approach is
Skin Complications take-down of the stoma and reestablishment of bowel
Skin irritation is common and can be caused by various continuity.
etiologies including improper stoma appliance fit, stoma Most stoma prolapse can cause cosmetic and
retraction, prolapse, and parastomal hernia. Chemical pouch application problems. Nonreducible prolapse can
irritant contact dermatitis arises from leakage of fecal lead to incarceration or strangulation of the bowel.
material, and the underlying cause of improper appliance Treatment of stoma prolapse is not usually urgent unless
fit must be addressed. When the skin is chronically it is associated with strangulation or obstruction. Surgery
irritated, epidermal hyperplasia can result. Severe hyper- can be planned electively.
plasia may require débridement or relocation of the In prolapsed ileostomy, operative repair entails
stoma. local exploration with division of the mucocutaneous
junction, delivery, and resection of redundant bowel. It is
important to avoid resection of a significant length of
Stenosis small bowel to prevent short gut problems. Exploratory
Stenosis usually results from ischemia or stomal retrac- laparotomy with relocation may be necessary in patients

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tion. Recurrence of Crohn’s disease in the distal bowel with a large hernia-associated prolapse or those in whom
close to the stoma can also cause stenosis. Dilatation of a local repair failed.
stenotic stoma is contraindicated because it usually Local repairs such as postreduction intraluminal
worsens the problem. It stoma stenosis is severe enough bowel fixation6 and modified Thiersch procedure7 were
to produce symptoms, revision of the stoma is generally reported in pediatric patients with unimpressive results
advisable. Local excision of scar tissue and formation of in treatment of prolapsed end colostomy. Abulafi et al
new mucocutaneous junction can resolve the stenosis. recommended the use of a modified Delorme proce-
dure.8 If local repair fails, relocation may be necessary.
An operative approach to prolapse in a loop
Stoma Prolapse colostomy is to convert to an end colostomy and modify
Stoma prolapse is a full-thickness protrusion of intestine the distal limb to a mucous fistula or a long Hartmann
through the stoma. The incidence of stoma prolapse pouch. Prolapse usually occurs in the defunctionalized
varies from 1 to 16%. The fixed type is most commonly distal limb for unclear reasons. Recurrent colostomy
caused by improper construction of the stoma that prolapse may need completion colectomy and end ileos-
involves excessive protrusion of the stoma beyond the tomy in some patients. When prolapse is associated with
abdominal wall. The sliding type is not static in length, parastomal hernia, the best procedure should be selected
and it is more susceptible to incarceration. End stomas on the basis of the optimal way to repair the hernia.
have a lower incidence than loop stomas. A common An incarcerated prolapse is not usually reduced by
associated finding in prolapsed colostomy is a parastomal manual compression. Sugar can be sprinkled on the
hernia. Up to 50% of patients with prolapsed colostomy edematous stoma to reduce the swelling for an attempt
also had a parastomal hernia.5 at manual reduction. If there is vascular compromise,
Predisposing factors for prolapsed stoma include exploratory laparotomy is mandatory.
obesity, increased intra-abdominal pressure, chronic ob- Advances in technology led to the use of a surgical
structive pulmonary disease (COPD), bowel redun- stapler to resect the prolapsed intestine. Multiple studies
dancy, and weak fascia. Technical factors that can lead have reported success in treating patients with prolapsed
to prolapsed stoma are improper stoma site outside the stoma by resecting the prolapsed bowel with a surgical
rectus muscle, oversized aperture, and redundancy of the stapling device.9–11 They reported that the procedure not
distal bowel at the stoma site. only is safe and effective but also can be done locally
When a prolapse occurs in a loop stoma, it can using minimally invasive technique.
cause incomplete fecal diversion. Most frequently it
involves the distal limb of a transverse loop colostomy.
The treatment of choice is conversion to an end stoma, Lymphoid Hyperplasia
with creation of a distal mucous fistula if there is distal Lymphoid hyperplasia is a benign condition that results
obstruction. In patients with a permanent loop stoma, from prolonged local trauma. There may be a fungating
the prolapsed segment can be locally excised and a nodule on the bowel that slowly grows in size. Small
new stoma created. Patients with minimal prolapse or nodules can be removed by topical application of silver

nitrate. Larger nodules need to be sent for biopsy to rule tomographic scan with oral contrast material can help
out a neoplasm. If a large nodule interferes with proper identify the hernia. Most parastomal hernias do not
fitting of a stoma bag, it may need a local revision. require a surgical repair. Only about a third of para-
stomal hernias require operative repair. Ileostomy hernia
is more likely to require operative repair.
Stomal Varices Risk factors include obesity, advanced age, mal-
Stoma bleeding can be caused by local mucosal trauma or nutrition, malignancy, COPD, and steroid use. Loop
can be from variceal vessels at the mucocutaneous stoma, stoma through laparotomy incision, and stoma
junction. However, upper or lower gastrointestinal brought out lateral to rectus muscle are associated with a
bleeding must first be ruled out with endoscopy. With higher incidence of parastomal hernia. Extraperitoneal
mucosal stoma bleeding, direct pressure with or without colostomy, urgently created stoma, postoperative ab-
gauze soaked in epinephrine stops 98% of bleeding. dominal complication (wound infection, urinary reten-
Recurrent bleeding can be prevented by refitting the tion), postoperative radiation therapy, parastomal
appliance to reduce trauma. infection, and ascites are also reported to contribute to
Bleeding from variceal vessels require further occurrence of parastomal hernia.
intervention. Local repair is indicated in patients with Absolute indications for surgery include incarcer-
a short life expectancy, whereas a more invasive proce- ation, strangulation, obstruction, fistulization, perfora-
dure to reduce the portal hypertension or liver trans- tion, and ischemia. Relative indications are history of
plantation is indicated in patients with a longer life incarceration, symptoms of obstruction, difficulty main-
expectancy. Local repair entails dividing the mucocuta- taining appliance fit, irrigation difficulty, pain, ulceration

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neous junction to disconnect the stoma from peristomal of skin, and cosmetic reasons. An absolute contraindi-
skin. This disrupts the portosystemic communication, cation is end-stage cancer, and relative contraindications
thereby reducing the varices. are recurrent, metastatic, inoperable malignancy; severe
comorbidity; and temporary stoma.
Patients with asymptomatic or mildly sympto-
Parastomal Hernia matic parastomal hernia can be managed nonoperatively.
Parastomal hernia is a very common complication after Management includes binders and belts that keep the
creation of a stoma. The incidence of hernia is reported hernia in a reduced state. When surgery is indicated, all
to be 50% (Fig. 2). It is more common after ileostomy contributing factors and relevant symptoms must be
than colostomy, and a parastomal hernia is more likely to considered (Table 1).
occur in an end stoma. The incidence of parastomal Local repair, albeit the most simple, is associated
hernia cannot be accurately reported because of differ- with a high recurrence rate. It may be useful if there is a
ences in follow-up. Most parastomal hernias arise within need to avoid the use of prosthetic material or more
few years after the initial operation but may arise as major surgery.
much as 20 years later. Some authors report that if In patients who can tolerate a more extensive
patients are observed long enough, all will have para- operation, stoma relocation becomes a more attractive
stomal hernias. option. Rubin et al showed that relocation was associated
Clinical history and physical examination can with lower recurrence than local fascial repair (33 versus
help to diagnose parastomal hernia in a majority of the 76%).12 Relocation of stoma can be done either with or
cases. When the diagnosis is equivocal, a computed without formal laparotomy. Relocation of stoma without

Figure 2 Management algorithm for parastomal hernia.


laparotomy does carry a concern of potential injuries to Laparoscopic repair of parastomal hernias has
viscera because of the blind nature of the procedure. It is gained some recent interest with improvements in tech-
critical to mark the potential sites for the new stoma nique and technology. However, a study by Safadi20
preoperatively. This approach may not be ideal in showed that the laparoscopic approach failed in 56% of
patients who underwent multiple previous operations. patients, all within 6 months of the operation. He
A midline laparotomy incision, L-shaped inci- concluded that laparoscopic repair of parastomal hernia
sion outside the stoma device zone, or elliptical circum- cannot be recommended at this time. However, a better
stomal incision can be used for local repair with outcome with the laparoscopic approach in the repair of
prosthetic material. The use of mesh in repair of parastomal hernias has been reported,21 and more stud-
abdominal hernias has progressed significantly. ies are needed to better evaluate the efficacy of the
Although many worry about the use of prosthetic laparoscopic approach.
material, with possible complications of mesh erosion Some have proposed the use of prophylactic mesh
and infection, after bowel preparation, nonabsorbable placement during the initial operation when the stoma is
mesh can be used for elective repair of incisional hernia created. This practice will not be widespread because of
in the presence of open bowel with an expectation of the concerns about using synthetic material in the
minor morbidity, minimal risk of infection, and an presence of open bowel. Janes et al22 reported a study
acceptable rate of recurrence. Nonabsorbable mesh of a large-pore lightweight mesh with a reduced poly-
can be used for elective repair of parastomal hernia in propylene content and a high proportion of absorbable
a similar setting with a low risk of infection independ- material (Vypro) being placed in a sublay position. They
ent of the surgical approach.13 reported that this was not associated with complications,

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Local repair using prosthetic mesh has been and it significantly reduced the rate of parastomal hernia.
popularized in the past few decades. With developments No single technique to repair a parastomal hernia
in prosthetic material, many studies have examined the has been proved to be most effective. Advances in
use of different materials at different levels. Intraperito- prosthetic materials and surgical techniques added to
neal mesh, first described by Sugarbaker14 and later the many surgical options that are already available.
modified by Stelzner et al,15 has been shown to be a Randomized studies comparing various techniques and
good option in patients with a parastomal hernia with an prosthetic materials may define the ideal surgical man-
associated large ventral hernia. A modified Sugarbaker agement of parastomal hernia.
technique uses a prosthetic mesh in the intraperitoneal
onlay position. This led to recurrence rate of only 15%
for the parastomal site and 20% for combined defects. CONCLUSION
However, there is still concern about the use of pros- Stoma complications are common and can arise in
thetic mesh in contact with bowel. variety of ways of different clinical significance. The
In contrast, Kasperk et al16 described a technique best way to manage a stoma complication is by preven-
placing a Vypro mesh in the plane between the rectus tion. Preoperative planning and good intraoperative
muscle and the posterior fascia or peritoneum. Longman technique can eliminate many potential postoperative
and Thomson reported a similar technique of using complications. When reoperation is indicated for stoma
polypropylene mesh on the posterior rectus sheath. complications, the patient’s input is essential in the
This technique was designed to obviate erosion of the management.
stoma bowel and to minimize infectious complications.17
In other cases, polypropylene mesh was placed either
above the fascia only or above and below the fascia in a DISCLOSURE
‘‘stovepipe hat’’ fashion.18 This led to recurrence rate of The authors have no conflicts to disclose relative to this
26% at a mean follow-up of more than 4 years. Even article.
though mesh was placed in direct contact with the
bowel, only one patient had mesh erosion, and no patient
required removal of the mesh. REFERENCES
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