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1M Manulife Help your child’s dreams take flight MANULIFE Manulife Education Builder is Manulife Affluence Builder packaged with Educati Education Rider (Contingent Education Payout) and Total Disability Waiver (TDW). It is an education-focused unit inked product containing both a life insurance . component and upside potential through investments in variable life funds.This i UPTON rcsitones to help our clients provide a promising future to their children through targeted annual partial withdraval payouts and inclusion of packaged Total Disability Waiver (TDW) and Education Rider (Contingent Education Payout Plan Characteristics Base Plan Manulife Affluenee Builder Premium Paying Mininium Fay Perod* Minimum 0-bay Regular Pay (until age 99) Issue Age Insured Age hile Age Minimum 5Pay 0 Minimum 10%ay 1B55 7 Regular Poy 010 Insurance Coverage | Eatierof Davlelen ofthe Acwount Valve Attainment of ege 99; or Death of the insured Death Benefit 182 Level Face: Higher of the Face Option Amount orPolcy Account Value Muir 5x25 Garrency Philippine Peso Modes of Payment | Anna, Sem Annual Quarter Monthiy perangan ed ero : ko th chi ae ado ree dey Annual Education Benefits ‘The annual education benefits are target level partial withdrawals, from the funds to cover the child's colege education expenses that will start at the child attained age of 18. Tris s preselected by the clients atthe beginning of the policy. Variar (1) 4-Year College Variant (2) 5-Year College Variant ‘Minimum Annual Basic Premium [Minimum Anna Prema Ninimura 5-Pay Prp 50,000, Minimum 10-Pay Php 40,000, Regula Pay hp 20,000) ‘Minimum Annual Education Benefit ||Winintin?Anatel education Benefit Minium =a) Php 100,000 Minimum 1o-Pay Php 150,000 Regule Pay Php 150,000 Built-in Protection Coverage * Total Disability Waiver (TDW) ‘waives premiums ifthe Insured becomes totaly disabled before age 60, ‘and remains disabled for at least 6 consecutive months. otal Gaby ‘occurs between ages 60-65, premiums will be waived up to age 65 only Se years ir 105 ‘Oye era Tr AAG * Education Rider (Contingent Education Payout) ‘The Eduction Riders a peso non-partiopating decreasing term insurance Tider kt prendes benefits inthe event of death or ota and permanent dcabilty ofthe sured. The Education Rider amounts equal to the pre-selected annual education benefit forthe base product. Premium Payment Period Benefit Period ‘Minenmiestey Child attained age 21 for 4-Year_ Winn Pay Caleoe 2 for sear Cleo6) OR Unt sured tained Age 65 equorPay for thedsebly cage For each product variant, there are two (2) options available for the schedule of benefits OPTION 1 ‘AnnualPayout | | 50% of Annual Education Amount Benefit Start Date Policy anniversary after date of Insured’s death OF total and permanent disability of the Insured End Date + ii case of death of nsurect Unil cud attained age of 17 + in case of disobilty of Irsured: Until the Insured recovers rom disabilities or unt child attained age 17, whichever comes fist. ‘AnnualPayout | 100% oF Annual Education Amount Benefit Start Date Paley anniversary of the child attained age OF 18 incase of insureds death OR total 2nd permanent ciscbilty End Date Ye College Variant « Incase of death of insured: Unt Cl attainedage 21 * In case of dsabilty of Insured: Unt the Insured recoversfrom deabilty orm child attained age 21, whichever comes fet. S:Yr College Variant © In case of death of insured: Une child attained age 22 * incase of dsabity of sured: Unt the Insured recoversffom dsablty ort chile attained age 22, whichever comes fst. ‘OPTION 2 400% of Annu Education Benefit Start Date Foley anniversary ofthe cil atisined age (f 18 in ase of nsureds death OR total 2nd permanent dsabiy End Date 4Yr College Variant * In case of death of irsured: Untl cle attained age 21 + In case of disbilty of Insured: Unt the Insured recovers ror dealt or unt child atisined age 27, whichever comes fist 5. College Variant + in core ofdeathofIesured: Untl chid attained age 22 + In care of dscbilty of Insured: Unt te Insured recovers fer dealt or unt eld attained age 22, whichever comes ft. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Flexible Investment to Optimize Your Earning Potential from Professionally-Managed Investment Funds Prism, subject to applicable charges, is vested in one oF a combination of any of the avaiable investment funds where minimum allocation per chosen fund is 20% of the annual premium and subsequent Top-Ups, The investment funds are Peso Secure Fund, Peso Diversified Vaive Fund, Feso Dynamic Allocation Fund, Peso Growth Fund and Peso Cash Fund ar ny 0 a th eta, Change in Investment Allocation of Premium to Help You Manage Your Investment ‘Change inthe investment allocation percentage of incoming basic and recurting top-up premiums may be requested at any tie. NRE aISeatae peeton 20%) ree changes in investment allactien per _ policy year Fund Switching for Best Returns Possible Depending on Your Risk Profile ‘switching al or part of the Account Value may be requested at any time with respect to any ofthe funds atthe prevaling unt price to ‘one oF more af the other funds atthe prevaling unit pice. Minemount persvitch Pap 700000) ‘Min fund value remaining afterswich Php 20.000, Free switches per year 2 Partial Withdrawal to Give You Access to Your Funds when the Need Arises \Withcaval fom one cr several funds alos yu to access your accumulated funds when the need for it arses, subject to applicable charges Php 10,000, Php 20,000, Min amount per withdravial ‘Min fond vale remaining after wihorawal Fee wihdrawals pe pol veer sone: ‘Top-Ups to Help You Build-Up Funds ‘Additional amount/premium of atleast PHP 5,000, subject to applicable charges, is used to purchase unis at relevant price of the {lund selected. Top-up can be done anytime to increase the Face ‘Amount of the base policy by 125% cf the top-up amount. Contract Debt Policy will not lapse during the fist ve policy years even if Account Value drops to zero for as long as te ragular model premium s paid ‘and NO paral withdrawal is made, Loyalty Bonus which Provides Incentive for Being a Loyal Policyholder ‘A non-quaranteed benefit given at the end ofthe Sth policy year and ‘every 4 years thereafter. Iti the percentage ofthe average account value (see table below), excluding top-up contributions, forthe past 48 months subject to the folowing provisions: ‘+All regular premiums in arrears are pald when policy esumes and lor when policy i reinstated OPTIONAL PROTECTION BENEFITS Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) ‘Additonal accident coverage of 100% of orignal Face Amount given If the insured cies due to acide. Term Rider ‘Term Rier provides level ter insurance coverage until age 70. Is premium paying period vay depending on the basic plan to which tis ‘attached. Premiums ae leve! throughout the premium-paying period. Hospital income Benefit (HIB) For each day of hospital confinement due to injury oiliness up to 1,000 days, HIB Rider provides dally fred bereft allowance equal to (0.2%6 ofthe orginal Face Amount up to a maximum of Php,000, ‘The amount of benefits doubled if confinement is due to dread

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