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Omar J.

Word In-Class Exercise #1
February 21, 2019

Word In-Class Exercise #1

According to all known laws of aviation, a honey bee should not be able to fly.
The proportions of the wings and body are not compatible, that is to say, its tiny wings
are simply too small to lift its fat, stubby, little body off of the ground. Though it should
also be noted that bees are far too busy to care what insignificant humans think or ponder
to be impossible.

Bee Movie is a quintessential animated movie that tells the story of our inspirational
insect, Barry B. Benson. I am to assume the “B.” stands for Bee. Bee Movie
follows Barry, as he ponders what his life can be after he realizes that the Honex
corporation, the company that runs his hive, will essentially work Barry to death.
Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went she
would access Google.

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