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Final Reflection Questions:​ ​ Should include the student’s name, date, and project topic.

While these reflections may be written in first person, they must adhere to all formal language
and grammar standards. The following should also be expounded upon in complete sentences:
1. While writing your paper, what did you learn about the research process? ​Well during my
research I discovered that there are a lot of components that fall under Sports
Management, example: Marketing, Operating, and Financing. Also while researching my
topic I found out that the majority of your time in the field you are constantly relying on
others to do their role.
2. How was the research related to your mentor hours? ​Well throughout my research I
discovered that majority of the field in sports management rely on these three categories
Market, Operation and Finances. During my mentor hours with Mr. Moceri we went over
all three of those categories and I demonstrate that method in my pride product.
3. Summarize the mentor hours that you completed. ​Basically during my time in Mr.
Moceri’s office we discussed a plan of action and a plan of advertisement, lastly we went
and made purchases using the pine lake card and my camp Assisted in increasing Pine
Lake’s bank account.
4. How did working with your mentor affect your understanding of the topic area and /or
the professional world? ​It gave me a better understanding of how much effort you have to
put towards the littlest things to make sure that bigger things succeed and go well.
a. If you mentor was not directly related to your topic, what did you learn about the
profession that can be translated to any future professional setting? ​My mentor is
the the head of schools here at Pine Lake so it’s sort of out of my topic range but
he used to be an Athletic Director and showed me some key strategies to tackling
the problems that pop up for an athletic director.
b. If your mentor contributed to the development of the product, how were they
involved? ​My mentor helped me with my product by opening doors for me that I
wouldn’t be able to do on my own. He also showed me who to get in touch with
and what I needed from them.
5. How did creating a product and completing the hours challenge you personally? ​It
challenged me physically and mentally because of the workload I had to do in such a
short amount of time but I got it done and succeeded so I count that as a success.
6. Do you feel prepared academically and emotionally for the presentation? ​Oh yes I felt
prepared the whole time I was confident in my abilities to explain my product and topic
in the best way I could.
a. If not, why? What challenges do you still face to feel prepared?
7. How did the entire process “stretch” you as a learner and as an individual? ​Well this
entire process made me realize something that maybe this isn’t the right career path for
me I would rather be the person on the field coaching.
8. Other than time management, describe an obstacle you encountered and how you
overcame it. ​Some of the coaching members I had asked to show didn’t show up so my
solution was to call one other person that lived close by (thank God he came) and we just
adapted to the Camp schedule even though we we’re a little understaffed.
9. What “life skills” did you acquire and how will they help you in the future?
Communication skills is something big that I acquired from pride product and I think this
is a skill that I would carry for the rest of my career.
10. If you had to go back and do parts of the project again, what would you do differently?
Nothing I wouldn’t change a thing on my project, I think I did the project to the best of
my abilities and got a good grade on it even though it was restricted to only a 60%
11. Based on the entire Pride Project experience, do you plan to pursue this field as a career
or college area of study? If so, why? If not, why? Please be specific.
I found this career choice very difficult if your not determined and have an above average
work ethic, but actually coaching the kids during my pride product I found was really fun
and interesting and I would love to pursue a coaching career if anything.

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