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Programming Fundamentals • Variables we declared in our earlier programs can
store a single data item of the specified type
• We can have a variable that stores an integer or a
variable that stores a character
• An array can store several data items of the same
Arrays & Strings type
• We can have an array of integers, an array of
characters – in fact an array of any type of data

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 2


Arrays Arrays
• For example: We can store 5 values of type int without
• An Array is a series of elements (variables) of the
having to declare 5 different variables each one with a
same type placed consecutively in memory that can
different identifier
be individually referenced by adding an index to a
• Instead of that, using an array we can store 5 different
unique name values of the same type int with one unique identifier
(variable name)

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 3 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 4

Strings Strings

Arrays Declaration of Array

An array containing 5 integer values of type int • An array must be declared before it is used
called myDataArray
• A typical declaration for an array in C++ is:
– type array_name [no_of_elements];
0 1 2 3 4 – For example:
int myDataArray[5];
Each element of type int

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 5 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 6

Strings Strings


Declaration of Array Initializing Arrays

• The elements field within brackets [ ] when declaring • when we declare an Array, we have the
an array must be a constant value
possibility to assign initial values to each one
of its elements using curly brackets { }.
• Since arrays are blocks of static memory of a given
size and the compiler must be able to determine – For example:
exactly how much memory must assign to the array
before any instruction is considered. int myDataArray[5]={34,21,77,5,120};

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 7 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 8

Strings Strings

Accessing the values of an Array

Initializing Arrays
• at any point of the program in which the array
int myDataArray[5]={34,21,77,5,120}; is visible we can access individually anyone
of its values for reading or modifying it as if it
was a normal variable
0 1 2 3 4
myDataArray 34 21 77 5 120 • The format is the following:
– array_name[index];

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 9 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 10

Strings Strings

Accessing the values of an Array Setting Array elements to Zero

• Example: • To avoid junk values, its easy to initialize a

– To store the value 75 in the third element of whole array elements to zero
myDataArray, statement would be: • For Example,
myDataArray[2] = 75;
– To pass the value of the third element of
myDataArray to the variable a, we could write: double junk[size] = {0};

a = myDataArray[2];

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 11 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 12

Strings Strings


Defining Array Size with the Initializer

Exercise List

1. Write a program that reads marks of 10 • We can omit the size of the array in the
quizzes from user and displays the average declaration of an array, provided we supply
quiz marks. initializing values
2. Write a program that reads maximum up to • Number of elements in the array will then be
10 quiz marks from user and displays the same as the initializing values
average quiz marks. • For example,
int values[] = {2,3,4};

Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 13 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 14

Strings Strings

Finding the Number of Array

Elements Exercise
• sizeof() operator can supply the number of bytes that
a variable occupies 3. Read quiz marks of 10 students and display
• We can use it to find out total number of elements in the following;
the array, for example – average marks,
• sizeof(values) returns the total number of bytes used
– number of students above the average
by the array, sizeof(values[0]) returns number of
bytes used by the first element of the array – number of students below the average

int values [] = {1,2,3,4,5}; Note: use single loop to calculate above and
below the average
Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 15 Programming Fundamentals- Arrays & 16
Strings Strings

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