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Disciplina: Habilidades Integradas do Inglês II

Professora: Tamiris Destro Costa

HANDOUT – Aula 4 – Consonant and vowel sounds.

1) Complete the spaces provided with the appropriate phonemic symbol.

unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced

bilabial bilabial alveolar alveolar palato- palato- velar velar
plosive plosive plosive plosive alveolar alveolar plosive plosive
affricate affricate

unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced

labio- labio- dental dental alveolar alveolar palato- palato-
dental dental fricative fricative fricative fricative alvelar alvelar
fricative fricative fricative fricative

voiced voiced voiced onset: voiced post bilabial palatal

bilabial alveolar velar unvoiced alveolar alveolar semi- semi-
nasal nasal nasal fortis lateral frictionless vowel vowel
fricative continuant

2) Add the sound /g/ or /k/ to the beginning of these words and write the new words.
Remember: think of sounds, not spelling. For example, if you add /k/ to the beginning of
water /wɔːtə/, you get quarter /kwɔːtə/ . The sound is similar but the spelling is completely

Example: eight __gate__

a) up ____________ f) lime ____________

b) aim ____________ g) air _____________
c) ache _____________ h) all ______________
d) round _____________ i) rate _____________
e) old _____________ j) ill _______________

3) Write these nationality words in the correct column.

4) If a word ends with a /dʒ/ or a /tʃ/, and the next word begins with the same sound, you say
the sound twice. If you say Dutch cheese with one /tʃ/, it sounds like Dutch ease. The
speaker made this mistake in these sentences. Write what they meant to say.

EXAMPLE: Does she tea Chinese in the school? ___teach Chinese____

a) I don’t know which air to sit on. __________________

b) Everyone at the match ears when their team scores. ____________________
c) I never what chat shows on the TV. ______________________
d) The actor on stay joked with the audience. ___________________
e) Foxes sometimes come to the farm and eat chickens. ______________________
f) Do you want to chain jackets before we go out? __________________________

5) Match the words and their transcription

6) Work with a partner and circle the answers

7) Listen and circle the words you hear

8) Match the words and the transcriptions

9) Each sentence contains four or five examples of one of these sounds /j/ , /w/ and /h/. Write
the phonemic letter under the sounds in the sentences.

Example – A fusion of Cuban and European music. /j/

j j j j

a) Your uniform used to be yellow. /j/

b) Haley’s horse hurried ahead. /h/
c) This is a quiz with twenty quick questions. /w/
d) We went to work at quarter to twelve. /w/
e) New York University student’s union. /j/
f) The hen hid behind the hen house. /h/
g) Which language would you like to work in? /w/

10) Listen and circle the words you hear

11) Listen and circle the words you hear

A – bucket C – fan E – volleyball G – phone

B - picnic D - view F - spade H - waves

12) Write the words in bold next to the corresponding symbols

a) /ʃ / - ____________________________________
b) /tʃ/ - _____________________________________
c) /ʒ/ - ______________________________________
d) /dʒ/ - just, _________________________________
13) Circle the words you hear

14) Write the following sentences in normal letters.

/wen jɔ: legz dən wɜ:k laɪk ðeɪ ju:st tə bɪfɔ:/


/ænd aɪ kɑ:n swi:p ju: ɒf əv jɔ: fi:t/


/wɪl jɔ: maʊθ stɪl rəmembə ðə teɪst əv maɪ lʌv/


/wɪl jə ʔaɪz stɪl smaɪl frəm jə tʃi:ks/


15) Read the poem and transcribe the words in phonetic script to complete the lines. Read the
poem aloud to yourself to practice the pronunciation.

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