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Professional Attribute Assessment

Student Name: Willow Kott

This document describes seven essential attributes of professional performance on the part of candidates. Please read the following
statements and rank each attribute. 1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Basic, 3 = Acceptable, 4 = Proficient, 5 = Distinguished, N/A = Not Applicable
given current observations. If the mean within each category is ranked at 2 or below, please complete a Referral Form, review with the
Candidate, and create a plan to improve this attribute.

**Regardless of academic performance, a candidate’s disposition on this rubric may affect his or her academic standing (refer to course
Respect 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Committed, Responsive/InTASC 9)
 is considerate of others 5
 values diversity 5
 demonstrates inclusive attitudes and behaviors 5

Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Committed/InTASC 9, 10)
 engages in socially appropriate behaviors 5
 is reliable and trustworthy 5
 accepts consequences for personal actions or decisions 5
 prepares for classes/meetings/group work/instruction 5
 demonstrates professional ethical behavior 5
 maintains confidentiality of students/colleagues 5
 attends class regularly and is on time 5

Flexibility 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Responsive/InTASC 2, 7)
 adapts to change 5
 is open to new ideas and opinions 5
 deals appropriately with less than ideal situations when necessary 5
 maintains a positive attitude when necessary changes occur 5

Collaboration 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Collaborative/InTASC 1, 2,3, 4, 5,)
 supports teamwork 5
 shares knowledge and responsibilities with others 5
 accepts and responds appropriately to feedback from others 5

Reflection 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Responsive, Innovative/InTASC 6, 7, 8)
 self-assesses knowledge/performance using higher order thinking 5
 demonstrates accurate self-analysis regarding own strengths and weaknesses 5
 accepts/uses constructive feedback 5
 assesses situations using multiple perspectives 5
Professional Development 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
*(CF-Committed/InTASC 9, 10)
 engages in professional development activities 5
 is committed to the profession 5
 models and promotes life-long learning 5
 has enthusiasm for one's discipline(s) and values the process of learning 5
 demonstrates a belief that all students can learn 5
 demonstrates a belief that teachers can influence learning 5

Effective Communication & Social Awareness 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

*(CF-Responsive, Collaborative, Committed/InTASC 1, 2, 3, 9, 10)
 uses the English language effectively and appropriately 5
 is able to assess social/professional situations 5
 displays an understanding of non-verbal communication 5
 acts in socially appropriate and professional ways 5
 demonstrates effective listening skills 5
 maintains positive relationships with others (i.e. colleagues, peers, parents, students) 5
 demonstrates an awareness of how personal appearance and grooming habits can influence teacher effectiveness and dresses appropriately for
given contexts 5

Overall comments:

Overall score:

Form Completed by: Willow Kott

Semester/Year: Spring 19


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