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Academic Vocabulary

* Academic vocabulary is words that are used in a certain academic environment and more

formal than the words we use regularly, for example:

Ex: Feasible: Possible to do easily or conveniently – Likely, probable.

Ex: Desensitize: Make less sensitive – Make someone less likely to feel shock or distress at

scenes by graphics scenes.

A) Read the words in the word bank below, and then read the definitions. Write the appropriate

word with its definition.

speculate – essential – sufficient – according – factor – capable – initiate

1) To engage in thought or reflection; meditate, to indulge in conjectural thought. ___________

2) Absolutely necessary; indispensable, very important. ____________.

3) Adequate for the purpose; enough. ____________.

4) Agreeing. ____________.

5) Having power and ability efficient; competent. ____________.

6) One of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation. ____________.

7) To begin, set going; to introduce into the knowledge of some art or subject. ____________.
B) With a friend, create sentences using the words from activity A.


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