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Bell Work September 7, 2018

The first principle and great end of government being to provide for the
best good of all people, this can be done only by a supreme legislative and
executive ultimately in the people or whole community where GOD has
placed it; but the inconveniences, not to say impossibility, attending the
consultations and operations of a large body of people have made it
necessary to transfer the power of the whole to a few. This necessity gave
rise to deputation, proxy, or a right of representation.

James Otis (1725-1783)

The Rights of the British Colonies
Asserted and Approved

Summarize this quote by James Otis in your own

“This necessity gave rise to deputation, proxy, or a right of

Republic Representatives are elected elected by the people to do the work of


Democracy People vote directly on every issue. This doesn’t work efficiently.

*when we vote on issues in states we have democracy

Characteristics of a the job of a mother/father
*protector (security guard)

*provider (bank, cook, maid, taxi)



What does a human need to grow?

*food *sunlight

*water *clothing




The Soil of Democracy
Active _________
citizen _____________

citizenswho are willing to ___________ in civic life.

Definition- _________
Examples- informing oneself about issues, _______ , serving on
_______, working for canidate
__________, running for government office,
donating time to charitable organizations, writing letter to editor
expressing your views…
_________ ________
favorable Economy
Definition- Democracy survives best in a country that ____
have extremes
_________ of _______
wealth and _______
poverty and that have a
large ________
middle class. You can control your economic decisions;
therefore, you can make political decisions.

Examples- United States of America, France, Canada…

wide ________ __________
Definition- Democracy is more likely to succeed where there is an
educated public.
Examples- U.S., Japan, Great Britain
________ ______
civil _________
Strong society
Definition- Complex network of __________ associations,
economic groups, _________ organizations, and groups that
exist ___________
independent of the government. Give people a way to
make their views known to government and public, a way to
protect their rights, and a way to participate in your democracy.

Examples- ____
Red ______,
Cross Humane Society, NRA, Sierra Club,
labor _______,
unions news papers
_________ consensus
Social _________

Definition- There is a general ____________ among the people about

the ________ and _______
limits of government
_________ and liberty and equality
for ______.
Examples- colonists
Four Characteristics of a Democracy

__________ _________
Individual Liberty
Definition- people are as ______
free as possible to develop their own
capacities. Government works for ______ opportunity
_________ for ______.
Examples- people are _______
free to pursue the educational/career field
of their choice.
_________ _____
rule ______
with ________
minority _______
Majority Rights
Definition- decisions
_________ are made by a majority
________ of ______
voters in
free elections. It is accepted that laws made by elected
legislatures represent the will of the _________. The
___________ ________ the rights of the _________.
constitution protects minority
Presidential elections are representative of majority rule.
The Supreme Court upheld the right of Mitsuye Endo, a U.S.
citizen, not to be sent to a relocation camp in during WWII.
However many non-citizen were sent and this is seen as an
example of the tyranny of the majority.
Free _________
________ Elections
Definition- the authority to create and ____
run the __________
rests with the _______
consent of the ________. Free elections ensure
that public officials pay attention to the wishes of the people.
_______ persons _____
Vote carries the Same
_______ _______.
Every weight
Examples- In the U.S. there are very limited restrictions on
voting. (age, citizenship, and residence).
__________ _________ __________
competing political parties
Definition- ________ with broad common interests ________
people working
_________ to _____ elective _______,
office determine public policy, and
together win
make those in power accountable for their actions.

Examples- The Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. are an

example of this. There are also many third party organizations with
similar goals. (Green, Libertarian, Constitution)

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