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With a preface by

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Research and Studies in Uralic and AJtaic languages
Project No. 65



Boris N. Shnitn ikov

WiJh a puface by
Nichelas Poppe

ct between the Uni ted States

The researc h reporte d herein was perform ed pursua nt to a contra
e and the
Office of Edu cation, Depart ment of Health, Educat ion , and Welfar
Americ an Counci l o f Learne d Societies.
Dece mber, 1960
, . .

Research and Studies in Uralic and Altaic Languages
Project No. 65


Bons N. Shnitnikov

WUb a pre/ace by

Nicholas Poppe

11Ie research repo rted herein was performed pursaam 10 a contract between the United States
Office of Education, Department of Health. Education, and Welfare and tbc
American Council of Learned Societies.
December, 1960
o Copyright 1966.Mouton & Co., Publisbers, The Hague, The Netherlands.
No part of this book may he reproduced in any form, by print, pbot oprint, microfilm. er any
oth er rnea ns, without writte n permission of the publishers .


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Printed in Tbc Netherlands by Mouton & Co., Printers. Tbc Hague.


Th e present Kazakh diction ary is the most co mplete ever co mpiled. It is much
larger than the Kazakh-Russian dictionary by Kh . Makhmudov and G . Musabayev
(A lma-Ata 1954) and is the first to be compiled outside the USSR.
Tbc aut hor was not a professional schola r and worked o n hls dictionary o nly
in his free time. He ac hieved, however, remarkable results, and hls work ranks
with that of autho rs of other well-known dict ionaries of Turkic languages.
Boris Nikolayevich Shnitnikov was bom On October 4. 1886. in St. Pet ersburgh,
Russia. H is father was a well-kn own lawyer a nd his mother was a niece of OUo
Bö htlingk, a schola r of world renown and author of the famous Sanskrit dicti onary
a nd of the first scholarly work on Yakut, o ne of the Turkic languages.
After grad ua tion from the Tenisheff high school. a pr ivat ely-owned educatio nal
es tablishme nt in St. Pete rsbu rgh, Shnitnikov studied at the Department of
Economics of the Polytechnical Institute in th e same city. In 1912, while still an
undergra duate , he participated in an expeditio n sent by the Min istry of Agriculture
to the Kirgiz and Kazak h regio ns. There he became interested in the language and
custorns of the Kazak h, the most numerous no mad people in Central Asia, and
decided to devote the subsequent years of his life to their study.
After completing his training at the Pol ytechnical Institute, Shnitniko v wo rked
in the main office of tbe Russian Merch ant F leet (the so-called Voluntary Fleet)
in St. Petersburgh and, later o n. in Vladivo stok .
Subseq uent to the outbreak of revolu tion in Russia Shnitnikov lived, in 1918.
in H ongkong and in 1919-20 in London, whe re he work ed as a representa tive of tbe
Russian Merchant R eet. In 1921 he moved to Pa ris, and finally emigrated in 1925
to the U nited States.
Shnitn ikov neve r abandoned the idea of devoting himself to the study of the
Kazakh language, and over the years collected materials fo r a Kazakh dict ionary
a nd grammar. He exhausted all the old dictio naries and co llected a large number
of wo rds taken from various Kazakh bo oks. To complete his work, however, he
needed mo re Iree time than bis full-time position In the Anny Map Service allowed
rum . He obtained, with tbe belp of Pro fessor L. E. Oostert. a grant fro m the
Georgeto wn University, Washington , D.C.• and was given a room in the building
o f the In stitute of Languages and Linguistics in which he could keep bis boo ks and


boxes of word slips. By 1959 his work had progressed far eno ugh for part ofit to
be put in the form of a manuscript ready for pub lica tion . This was the first
volume (A-M) of the dietionary.
During many years of collecting material for his dictionary, and the subsequent
time of preparation of the final draft of the manuscript, Shnitnikov had the
privilege of conducting his work under the supervision and guidance of Professor
Karl H . Menges of Col umbia Universi ty. In this connection, the undersigned
wishes to thank Professor Menges in the name of the deceased.
Shnitnikov's heaIth bad never been good, and in 1958 he feil gra vely ill. He
never recovered co mpletely and died on the 30th of April , 1961. His work
remained unfini shed , the second half of the dictionary represented by a numbe r
of boxes lilled with word slips not arranged in a ny particular order.
The autho r of this foreword, who had known the deceased for many years and
counted him among bis dearest friends , onee promised him to take care of his
dictionary in the event that Shnitnikov himself could not com plete it. This prom ise
was kept, thanks to a grant from the Arnerican Council of Learned Societies . The
second half of the dictionary (from N to the end of the Kazakh alphabet) was
completed by Mr. Raymond J. Hebert, a candidate for the Ph.D . degree in
Turcology and Linguistics in the Fa r Eastem and Slavic Department of the
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Mr. Hebert a rranged Shn itni kov's
word slips according to the latter's system and prepared the manuscript of the
rem airring part of the work. Shnitnikov's system was preserved without any
changes in order to rnaintain uniformity, so that it would not he ob viou s where
his we rk ended and Hebert' s sta rred. M r. Hebert, in the capacity of co-author
of the final draft of the second par t of the manuscript, and the writer of these
lines, as the person responsible for the completio n of the project, wished also to
present this work exactly in the fa rm which it would have taken if Shnitnikov had
succeeded in completing it.
It is hardly necessary to stress that preparation of the deceased author's
manuscript entailed solving some problems. Most of the inconsistencies, omissions
and sometimes errors, which the author no doubt would have eliminared. have been
removed, but some ofthem have remained. For instance, the author did not always
give the co rrect farm of some verbal sterns. om itting the final fJl or i, believing them
to be co nnective vowels. although they belong to the sterns in question . In most
cases in which these errors were noticed, co rrections were made.
There is little to be said about the r öle of the undersigned in the completion
of this dictionary. He was consulted from time to time by the author, sorne of
his suggestions were incorporated in the werk, and after Shni tnikov's dea th he
supervised Mr. Hebert in his research.
ft should also be mentioned that Prof. John R. Krueger and Dr. Tal at Tek in. of


India na University, spent much time reading the proofs of the dictionar y. making
corrections and contributing to the irnprovernent of this publication .
In co ncluding this foreword, it should be mentioned that Professor L. E. Dostert,
D irector ofthe Machine Translation Research and Language Projects, Georgetown
Un iversity, Washington, D.e., pu t the finaldraft oftbe first volume oftbe dictionary
an d all the materials belonging to Mr. Shnitnikov, which had been kept at
Georgetown University, at the disposal of tbe undersigned in the most generous
manner. Last, but oot least, the American Council of Learned Societies is to he
tbanked for tbe grant which made possible the completion of this work .
Seau le. Washington, Ju ly I, 1965 NrCHOLAS POPPE


So urees . 7.

The Ka za kh Alp habet . 9

Abbreviations 10

Dictionary . . 13


ApJb1M6eT OB, C, PyCCXO-KalaXCKH A ceJlbÇXO·xOJKtkTBeHHblA c aoaap s C OCHO BHbJM H Tep MHHa.'ofH

6H OnOrHH (Aneea -Ara, Bropoe ,nOnOJIHeHHoe H3JI.aHHe, J9 55).
'h.; -..;;r.f.deB, M .• beHOOB. T" Caxapi ea, R , K,a3aK, COBeT ezreëa eri fAJlMa Tbi, 1955).
Banaxaea, M. E.• E M., e ceaniri (An MaTbI, 1948).
- - , Oca o a a ue T R Oh/ Cn OBOCO'le T aHHR. B Xa3aXCKOM R)blKe (A.1..\.1a-Ara. 19 57).
- - , Ccepe esea u stä u3axC KH A S1)bIK, CHRTaKeRC (AAMa-A n. 1959).
Ban a xaee . M ., J.1CK.3.i::OB, A., Ka aipri KaJaK. -rini (AJlMaTbl. 1954).
baCKaKOB, H . A ., Kapaxannas cxa ë R3bfK. 'I. I- Il ( MOCKBa. 1951).
C. E .• KOJKypoB, Y. H ., Pyccso-r a pasa nnascxn ä caosap.., DOD,
baCKaKOB, H . A ., Be x a aaa poe,
peaaxuaeä H . A . Bacxaxoaa ( M OCKBa, 194 7) .
geraaae e. r .. KpaTKHÜ pyccxo-xasa xcxa ä cnoaa ps (AJlMa -Ara. 1945).
Beranaea, r ., MaxMY1l0B. X ., Mycaêaea. r .• KpaTKHA n13.XCK o·PYCC kH~ C!10aapL, DOlI
pena suaeä I" . Myca êa es a (AAMa-ATa , 1959).
BonPOCw HCTOpHH H ..ilHaJleKTOn OfHH Ka3aXCKOro J1Jwxa, Bsm. I ( An M a~ A Ta . 1958).
r a 6;J.yJlJliH, M ., K.a3aK ;)lle6HcTi. J 6eniM (AnMaTl>I, 1955)•
.ûocxapae». )K., KaJaK TÎnÎ HiH scepr inixr l epe cmemerepl ( !le ~.:xKa), IJ 6eniM (AnMaTLI, 1955).
)KHcH6aeB. c.. Ca ypaa öaee, H ., C Y'IaCTHeM A xynosa, T .• Pyccxo -eaaaxcxa ä cn osa ps llJUI
Ha'laJIbHOfi WKO;n ..l. non pen asuaeä M . Ban asaeea (A..'1Ma·ATa, 1942).
Plcear an aeaa, B. A., C 'lY"'C6HblC "!\tCHa H n ocneno r n B K33a'\CKOM RJhlKC lAAMa· A Ta. 1957).
- - , Pyccxae npennora H HX ) KBHBaJlCH ThI B KaJaXC.K OM jJJWtt (AJlMa-A T3, 1959).
Ka6 )lo!JOB, 3., Ksr äpaêaee, C , H ïPK.a TOB, A., Ka J aK. aaeêeeri. opra MCKTen T i H 9-KJlaChlHa
apuanraa OKYJIhIK . IJ 69JliM (A JlMaTbl, 1955).
Kap axannaxcxo -pyccxaä cn oeaps. non peJlaKUHCA npoè . H. A. Bacxaxoaa (Mocxea, 1958).
K CHcc6acB, c.. )KaHy;aK,OB, T .• nHHfBHCTHXaJlbIK, TepMHHllep.:1ÎH K,bJCKaWa o p srcura- x aaaxma
ceani ri (AnMaThl, J 956).
Ke aecêaee, C; I1cKalCoB. A ., Axaaoa, K.. KaJaK 'rini r pa eoearaxacu. I 6e :liM. (l>o HcTHK a MeH
MOp!Po.ilOfHJf (A :L",aThl, 1955).
Maxvynoe. X., Myca êaee, r ., Kaaax cso-pyccxa ä cnoaape. O TBCTC Tse H HbI ~ pena rrop
r . Myca ê aea (Aassa-Ara. 1954).
Myca êaeë, r . r .• Coepe c ieuastä Ka33.xcKHA Jf3blX, J, Jlecc a xe (.·\ .".Ma-A Ta, 1959).
Mycaêaea. r ., I.J.yHBa30. H., Anaäxaaoe , K., PyCCKCHC3.3aXCKKA BoeHHW9 cnosap s, non perax-
u ae ä C. AMaH::t.:o.10aa (An Ma· A ra , 1942).
Pyccko- Ka3aXCKHA cnoeaps, non oëureä pen asueeä neeropa lPH.10.' OfH'ICCKHX HaYK npoè.
H. T. Caypanöaeea (Moc xsa , 1954).
Py cc xo- xa 'saxc xa ä cnoeaps, T. 1-11, [Jon pe nasnaeä M . Bana eaeea . C. )KHe H6aeaa. C. KeHeC-
êaeea. H . Caypaeöaeea (A .1M3·Ara. 1946).
P'yccKC-1C333.XCKHÖ TepMHM On OfH'ICCKHR c no eaps. 1. 1-11 (AnM2. ·A T3, 1959).
CaHM, JtC , )fU..umap (A.1M3TW, 1954).
CaMypJÎHa, M ., KaJaK aneêaert, X pec To MaTHJI, 111 6e.,iM ( A..'DotaTbI, 1955).
Ca p..i óae B, m. 111 .• Baönaorpaó xxecxaä y xaaar em, nc XaJ3XClOMY ltJhlKOJH3HHIO (A nMa-ATa,
Caypaaöaee, H . T. , Ax-rynaxoa, K.. Pycceo- s aaaxcmä cnoeaps WUI H3'laJlbHOA urxonu (An\la-
ATa, 1939),
Xacenoaa , A ., KaJaK 'rininaer i TYh1HJl.hl r vêip erlcrbcrep (AnMaTbl, 1959).


lIIepHIIOB, E•• Ka aax oneöaert. X pecrOMa THSI, II 6aniM (A..1MaThl. 1955).

Menges. K. H., Qar aqalpaq Grammar, Part One: Pho nology (New Vork, King's Crown Press.
Wurm. S., " The Ka tak alp a k Language", Anthropos, X LVI (1951 ), pp. 487--610.

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abbr. - àbbreviated geogr. - geography

a b!. - abla tive geol. - geology
acc. - accusative geom. - geometry
adj . - adjectlve ger. - gerund
adv. - adverb, adv erbia! ger. pr . ac. - gerund of precedi ng action
aff - affect ionare. affcctionately ger. sim . ac. - gerund of simultaneous action
agr. - agricul ture, agricu lturaJ gram. - grammar, grammatical
anat . - anatom y
asU. - astronomy hist. - hlsto rical
a vo- aviation
id iom. - idiomatic expression
bank . - banking interj . - Interjeetie n
bas . - basic case, bas ic fo nn in tr . - intransitive
bot. - botany iro n. - ironical

cards - ca rd game leg. - legal

caress. - caressive. see alf. ling. - Iingui stics
eaus. - causative lil. - Iitera ry, literature
chem. - chemistry, cbernical loc . - locatlve case
ccll. - collective noun local - local expressten
comm. - co mmercial
co nj . - co njuncti o n mach . - machinery
co nstr. - construction mar. - maritlme
co n t. - co ntemptu ous math. - mathematics, mathematical
conv. - conver sa tiona l med. - med ical .
cul. - cuJinary met. - metallu rgy
meteor. - meteoro logy
dat.cdir. - da tive-directive mil. - military
d-caus. - double causative form min. - mining
descr. - a s a descript ive verb mus. - m usic, mu sical
dim. - diminu tive myth. - myth ology, mytbological
dir. - di rect meaning
d isd. - disdainful n. - noun
n. act . - noun o f act ion
eeo n. - eco nomics nav. - na val, navigation
esp. - especially na ut. - na utica l

fig. - figurative o bs. - o bsolete

fig. expr. - figurative exp resslo n o mith. - om itho logy
fin. - financial
folk!. - wo rd used in fo lklo re p. - postposkien
par. - parenthe ric .....o rd
gen. - genera l meanin g part. - participle
genit. - geninve. possessive case pass. - passive


past p. - past participle Russ. - Russian word. borrowed from or

phil. - philosophy through Russian
pb ys. - ph vsics
po l. - poli tical scorn. - scomful
post. - po stal term s. n. - service no un
pre re..·. - prerevclutionary expressten spec. - special, specially
print. - prinrer's term, printing spo n. - sport
!"Ir. n - p~..J'1 t ~ rtiri!"l... syn. - synonym
prof. - professional
pron . - pronoun tech. - technical
prov. - prover b text. - textile
tr. - transitive
rec'pr . > reelprocal
reil. - reûexive vet. - veterinary
rel. - religieus term, religion
r.r. - railroad term zool. - zoo logy


I A ah? eh? wbat?
AliA)KAAAA J) spacious, room)'; 2) too big.
Ali An EO.rl· te t-e eaun oes. at ten tive ; to
A&CYPll absur d.
A6hIP)KhI- I) la he anxious, uneasy , agitated,
distur bed ; 2) to become co nfused ; 3) to
beware. bustie .
A 6 A fiJIA- see A 6 A ll 60)]-. A6 h Ip·)l(A6 bIP noise, racket .
AfiAAJIA MAYlllbIJlhIK, recklessness , im - AS hIPiK Y anxiety, agitation .
pru denee . A6 hIp)f(bI MACTA H qu ietly, calmly.
A li A AJlA n ca refully, ca utiously. A6hIPA<hlT- te confuse. embarass, disturb,
AIiAA JlAYIll b l wat chful, attentive. a la rm .
AliA f1Ch13 reckless, imprudent, careless. A6h Ip)I(bIFAH excited , agi ta tèd .

AI>A:HC h I311A unexpec tedly,
suddenl y. inad vertentlv.

A6A AChl3,a bI K 1) caretessness, im prudence;

2) {Ieg.f inad vertent, unintemiona l.
A EA..IIAT-l) 10 bot her, tro uble, harass, lease ;
A6 h IP -)KY6bIP bust le. fuss, ru nning abour,
tu rmoil .
A6bJP-CA6bJ P see A6 bI P-lK~6 bJP.
AShICbl H slster-ln-law (wife of elder bra ther
in rela tio n to wife of yo unger brother).
2) t o set (a dog) o n. LAS h ICh IH-A)Kh IH wives of members of the
A 6AKTbI prison, jail , reformatory ; Imi1.1 sam e fa mily in relation to each other.
guardroom . AS AKTb IFA TYC- to find ABAHrAPD. advance guard .
o neself in prison ; AIiA KThI FA CAJ]· to ABAHnocr ou tpost.
put into prison . A BA HC adva nce ; payment on account.
AE,Ub IPA· 10 bec ome perplexed, con fused ; to ABAHCb IJl A- to ad vance (money) .
he ta ken aba ck . A BAHTJO PA adventure, ven tur e.
AE.n.bIPAYbI K easily confused : unresource- AB A H TlOPl1CT adventurer.
ful. ABJ.1AS A3A airbase.
AE)KAY K bI H jlocal SEj mea ger (o f rood). AB I1A M EKTEn school of avia tion .
Ali3AJ1bll) the very best , best of a ll : 2) per- AB I1A HOCEU ai rcraft carrier.
haps, proba bly. AB I1AT OP a irma n. avia tor.
AIiHCCHH A byssinian , Ethiopia n. ABI1 A U l1Jl avi at lon, ai rc raft ; A3AMAT-
ASJlAH.Kbl /loca l WI ear ly bo m yea nling. TbIK, ... civil aviat ion; ({K ÇH1 F_b I m _ -,- .~ __ 7
ASPOf1 I) conscience, honor ; 2) au tho rity, pursuit aviatio n ; SOM6AJ'IAY ABlfA-
prestige ; 3) re pu ta tion ; A6 POAhI T e n Jl - UJHIChI bo m bing aviation ; COFl.IC .. . S ";( U ~
ro disgrace o neself. mili tary aviat io n. SA VC'< {.
A6 P0l1JlbI respected , esteemed, au thorita tive. ABI1A UI1 .R: lIIhI aviator, pilot.
AS PO l1JI hIJl hl K authorita tiveness. AB HAK,YPhIJIhIC ai rpla ne co nstructio n.
AIiPOf1 Chl3 I ) inglori ou s, igno minio us, in - A BCTPAJl I1JlJl hI K Aust rali an .
famous ; 2) inco mpe ten t ; 3) of dub ieus A BCfP J1J1JIb IK Au strian.
reputat ion. A BTO A PA au tomatic sa w.
AS PO J.1ChB )l,Ari · 1) to e e grace on eself': A BTO Aj m Ir.r.1 automatic brake.
2) to Iose a utho rity or self-esteem . A BTO S YC a utobus.
AsPOffChl3D.hIK. I) Infamy, igno miny ; 2) in- ABTO S9JIlliEKTEP automobile parts.
co m pèrenee. ABTOrEHllIK Itoch./ a utogenons.
AliCOJllOT absolute . ABTO)KAPhIC au tomo bile race.
A ECOJIJO T H3 M ab solutism . ABTO)l(OJI ladj.1 pertaining to bigbways.
AIiCTPAKT a bstract. AB TOMAT I ) automatic machine, automaton ;


2) /mil./ sub-machine gun; machine carblne. AAAMjJ.bIK I) humaneness ; 2) human at-

ABTOMAT MhIRTblK automatic rifle. tributes.
ABTOMATIAH,D,bIPY automation. mecha- A.,ll;AM3AT hu manity, man kin d, people .
nlza tion . AAAMKYHI rnan-hours, man-dey.
ABTOM ATW bl /miLI sub-mac hine gunner. A,lJ,AMlliA hu manly.
ABTOM Olil1Jl h au tornobile; .. . K8lliK NlAMWblJlbl K see A,llA M,llbIK.
motor transport . A,llAMlIIhlnbi KTbI human , humane .
ABTOMO JiI1JlbW I motorist. A,[{AHAC f local W/ relat ive.
ABTOHAYA autcmatically o pe rared ca ttle- A!lAPFbI stretcher of a na tive loom.
watering tr ough. AllAC namesake.
ABTO HO M WR au tonomy. A,[{AC- J) to eIT, be mistak en ; 2) te lose one 's
ABTOP au thor. way, to get lost.
ABTOCY APY watering cattle by the means A)lACfbIP- to mislead . deceive; to fooI.
of an A BTO HA YA (sec). AJJ.ACY J) error, fallacy, delusion; 2) wa nder-
A BTOTPAHcno PT motor transport . ing, roami ng, strayin g.
ABTOTIPKEY Ir.r./ automatic ccupling. A,llACYIDbIJlbIK "'" A,llACY .
ABTOKAJIA M fountain pen . A,ll ACK.AH gene astray, lost.
ABTO K.ATblHAC moto r co mmunication . AJlA CK.hlm one , who easily loses his way.
ABTOKOC n A mot or fuel. A,llAT see aaar,
M EHT agent. ""'./lAK IlocaI W CI end, result.
A rE HTII K age ncy. AlJ.AK.TA- to com plete, finish ofl'.
ATPAP agra rian ; pertaimng to land utiliza- AJI,AFbIHAA finally, after all, as a result.
tio n. Al1MI1PAll admiral.
Ar PEr AT aggr egate. A,ltPEC add ress.
ArPECCI1R a ggression. ALlPEC Cf'Oflb l add ress burea u.
ArPOHOMlUI agro nomy. A,ll PECTE- to add ress.
A):{A end. termination, comp let ion . A,llPECIH E lKI6EP- see A,llPECfE-.
Nl.A-rV,[(E irrevocably. A,D;YbIH 1). impetuous, pushing ; 2) playful.
NlA-lKY,llE o r A,llA-lKY,llA final ly, com - ALJ;bIM step, pace ; K APFA .. . )KEP sho rt
pletely. distance.
A.IlAJl I) clean. ctear, fit for con su mption ; A,n bIMJlA· to step, walk, pace.
2) ffig,f just, hone st, devoted ; .QYH I1E A)l,hI M.llAn at a wal king pace ; .. . enmE-
acquired, purebaeed pro pert y; HI1ETII to pace (measure by paces) .
disinterested person ; .. . HI1ETTIJlIK dis- ALJ;bIP 1) mou nd , hillock ; hilly, rugged
interestedn ess. country ; 2) fgeogr./ elevation; AD;AM
ALJ;AJTLJ;A- I) to justify ; 2) to compensate; rude, crude, careless person .
3) to c1ear (a debt) by we rking. A,ll,bIPAA- to stare.
ALJ;AJ1,lI,hIK I) cleanli ness, purity : 2) honesty . A!lhIPACnAH fbo t.f harmeI, wild rue
AJlAnChIH- te pretend to be honest o r j ust. (Pegaoum harmala).
ALJ;AM ma n, persen : ... AATKhIC b I3 un- ALJ;bIPAK, Ka3 goggle-eyed : fmed.{ exophtaJ-
common, incomparable ; ... SAJIACbI man - mos.
kind , humanity ; )KHIP KEHrEHJ];EA All,bJPA HllA- to fume ; to beexcited. a gitated.
disgusting, repulsive : ChLSI KTbI hu man- A.llbIP·I):illbIP uneven, rough : .. . :>KEP
Iy ; ... T~ P I3!lI anthro pomorp ho us ; ... hilly, ru gged country .
-ypnAC bI mankind. human race. A,llbI P- 6~,llbI PJlbI or A,llbIPJlbI hilly, un-
A,llAMrEPWIJllK I) love of mankind, hu - even.
manen ess; 2) nobleness ; 3) moraJs. AAbIPCbI MAK undulating, somewha t hiUy.
NlAMrEPWIJlIKKE lKAT amo ral. A )KA ilhln notabte, rema rkable, rare; see a lso
ALlAMrEPWIJlIKCn 1) inhuman , bruta l ; FAlKAilbIn .
2) immoral, dissolure. AJICAJI death ; hou r of death.
A,lI,AMrEPWIJIIK CIlUIK I) inh uman ity. A)KAJllI bl mo rtal. deadly : ADA M o ne
brutaJ ity ; 2) immo rality. dissoluteness. co ndemned te dea rh.
A)lAMrEPWIJlIKT I huma ne. A)l(AJl CbI3 immertal .


A )f\A n ma rveü ous. wo ndcr ful : sec also A3A nnEH iKET· to gai n t hro ugh much
FAiKAn . suffen ng.
A:JKA P i ) color, colorin g; 2) air, e ppea ra nee. A3AnTA· to torture, to rment, harass.
look ; 3) co mplexion. A3AnTAH· to worry, fee! unbappy, torment
.o\JKAPJlA - to decorare. ade m , bea utify. oneself.
A)KAPJl AH - te 10 01\ a n ract ive (of o bjects) ; A3AnT AHLlbIP- sec A3A n TA· ,
10 loo k healt by (of face ) : to have a fresh A3An T b i unbearable, a gonizing.
co mplexion . A 3A P JJ o ffence, reproach ; 2) hardly, scarcel y.
A)KAPJlhl l) auractive (of o biects}: 2) pretry A3AP·A'3AP ha rdly, sca rcely.
(of face); 3) well-Ied (of ca ttle). A3APJlA - to reproach, upbraid.
A)I{APChI3 uncomely, pla in, ugly. A3AP·MA3A P ha phazard , pell-mell.
A.îKJJ.A hA /myth .; d ragon . Á3AT free : ... ETYlliI liberatot: .. . ETIJlrEH
A)KYA jo ke. gibe. fadj .i free. Iiberated , released; ... )l(OJl
A)KYA JIA· to gibe, banter. Iprin!.1 indent ati o n; ... OttJlbIJlblK, free
A)KYACh13 seriously. thinking. .-
A)KbI M wrinkle. A3AT oon- to get Iree, make oneself free : to
A)KbIM ,UbI wrinkled. he Ireed.
A)KbJPA - to part , separate lintr./ ; to Iose. A3AT ET- to libe rale, set Iree, release.
A)f(bIPAC I) to break a connection, to sever A3ATTblK, Ireedo m, liberty, independenc:e.
rela tio ns ; 2) to divorce. A36A-K enng more o r less ; a certai n
A:>KbIPAT- I) to disjei nt. ta ke apart; 2) to quannty: an y a mo um .
separate (fighters). A3SAH castra red ani mal . '1.-
A)I(bIPATnAfl: und ivided ly, co mpletely. A36AP Iloca l W & SW/ enelosure. sheepfold.
A)f(bIPFbJ Iloca l EI see KECKEK. A3D.A H KEfIlH some time later, a fter a
A3 little. net mueh. while.
A3- J) to grow th in. to beco me emaciated : A3llAH CO H a little later.
2) te deteriorate, rot. spoil : 3) to lose one's A1D.An linie by linle, partly; somewha t Iess.
way, to go astray. A3D.A'Y.) not quite en ough.
A3A6bI APb l MAJl F AH eternel wretch. A3,QM·Kenn a little, more or ress, as much
A3-A3D.An litt le-by-Iittle, grad uall y, a little as due.
at a time. A3llb1P- to negleer (as a wound) : to reduce to
A3AI1 - to diminish, decrease lintr.l. exha ustion, deplenon ; to lead astray, to
A3AAT- to diminish, decrease /tr.f. seduce .
A3AATKbJ lll /m ath./ subtrahend . A3.llbIPYllibi s~çl uce r.
A3AHFbIIll /math. / min uend . rX3JlJ?J PY ill~IJlb®seduction .
A3AJIA· to he in moum ing ; te express so rr ow; A3.llbIK I) tri fte, insufficiency : 2) poverty .
to present condoJences. scat cit y.
A3AJIbI mouming, grieving . A3H..sI o r A3IUIJIbIK, Asian, Asia tic.
A3A MAT I) citizen ; 2) fine fellow ; see EP ... ; A3· MA 3 a litüe, a bit.
. .. COFhICbl civil war. A3HA /Ioca l W, na ut.! thwart.
A3A MATT bIK, I) citizenship ; 2) dis play of A30T nit rogen ; nitrie, nitregene ous.
courage ; bravado. A30TfbI nitric, nitreus, nitrogenous.
A3AMATIIIA citizen (woman). A3CbIH - te con sider insufficient, inadequate ;
A3AMATWbIJIhlK, see A3AM ATTbIK 2. to he dis satisf ied (with amount or quantity).
A3AH o r A3AH lliAK,bIPY ringing of church A3Y_ I) molar tooth (of man) ; 2) canlne tooth,
bells. Iang, tliSk)(ani ma ls).
A3AH,UA early in the mom ing. .,L A3Y &A"é' to wear off (of teetb).
A3AH -K,A3AH notse, shouting. ~ fanged, having fangs; / fig./ sha rp-
A3An I) torment, torture ; 2) bother, tro uble. tongued , stre ng.
</- A3An, APKA JIA - to ta ke troubles upon on e- (A3YChij !fig./ weak , powerless.
self. ) A1Y b l H IiACK.AH AT old horse.
,... A3An Kap- 1) to suffer, feel to rm ent; 2) to A311IbIJIbIK minority.
conside r as burden some. A3bIHA~ to howl (of wind) ; to ncig h (of a
A3A n llJEK,- to suffer, end ure ; to grieve. -- stalllonj. ; c 'J
15 y \ 2

~b1H-AYJIAlS. a littIe; slightly ; insignifi-

AA):'tAIl KET· to drive away. 'r:.
AA..a:AIl KIPrI3- te drive into (as a náU).
A3hIH)lA at least . Aft:.llAIl WbIK,- to drive out, 10 expe l.
AJbIn·T03hIn JKYP· to behave carelessly, ARJI.AP forelock, tress, braid, tuft (of hair).
negligently. AilllAY tülage, plowing.
A3bIIl·T03bIIl KET- to sink, fall, go down , AH:.llAYlllhl drive r (of cattle, etc.); )KEP ...
degen erare . plowman.
A3 bI PAK, somewha t less, not quite eno ugh. AI1:.n;AXAP see A)K)lAhA .
AJbIK provisions, rations, supplies. AfUl bIH mirror-Iike surface (of water); large
AJhI:KTAH- to nourish oneself, to reed (on), bodyof wate r ; . .. WAJIKAP Ke nla rgela ke.
to live (on). AA.o.blH, )l(AHAChl new rnoon .
A3hlK,-TYJllK provisions; ... CAJlblFhl tax y AflJl A 1) cunnin g, slyness, ad roi tness, de xte r-
in kind. ' ! ;(' ity; 2) way out, ouder, trick, subt erfug c.
'\ -s; A~.EAJJdeep ravine formed by ûoods. f Afi JlAKEP sly, cunning one .
, A3FA H corrupted, depraved, unru ly, dis- AAJl AKEPJl IK slyness, cunn ing.
sipated . AMAJIA- to contrive to, manage to .
A3F AHA or A3FA HT AA a Iiule. very little. A ffn ÁJî bl adroit, resourceful.
A3FbIH 1) degenerat e ; 2) demoralized, un- AflJlA Cbl3 a rtless, unsophisticeted .
sta ble: ... MA Jl poer caule. Aff n AK harbor, haven .
A3FbIHJlAH- to he corrupted ; to become ATIJl b l /adj./ moo nlight, moonllr.
dishe nest. AflJlbIK month1y ; mo nthly wages ; .. . MEp·
A3FbIH)lAY degeneration . 1!M period of one mocth.
A3FbIH.UbIK degenerati on. corruption . AflMAJlA- to emb race.
A3FbIP- to lead astray ; to corrupt ; to in- A ÀMAJIAK see K93.llU{ AAMAJlAFbl.
stigate. AI1MAK 1) region . territory, land, neighbor-
A3FbIPYW bI seducer, instigator. - bood : 2) pr ovince (in Mongolia) ; AYbIn-...
Á3F hIPFbllII seducer, tempter. the who le village.
AA hallo! look here! AAMAK,TAH - to he surround ed, encircled.
AA 1) mo on ; 2) month; ... IiACbI new moon AA MAKTAHY surroundings; enclrclement.
(beginning of the month); ... CAMbl H A HMAKTblK regio aal .
monthly ; ... TOJl FA H fuH r&on ; .. . AflHA mirror, glass.
AAHAre3 /Ioca l \VI small fish of bream
* ='
-n:TbIJlY Iunar eclipse.
A:f16AJITA halberd, hatchet.
"An fiAPJl bI a wesome, formidable. impressive;
AfiHALlAf1like a mirror, smooth.
. /fig./ sprightly. \ ' d)'O<- ' '' JJH ' c+ Aft HAJJ:Aft TA3A c1ear as glass.
AAIiAPChl3 not awe -inspiring; /fig.1 wea k, AWHAJl- 1) to turn around, whirl, rotate:
soft . - 2) 1mil.I to face about; 3) to turn Into,
I .~ AfiliAT I) Impressiveness, awesome appear- change into, he con verted; 4) to linger.
.,;/ ,- anee ; 2) I local EI goed, well. AftHAJIA a round; ... K9nlJl):{EC mutuaI
J ~ ~A BAT WEK- to threaten:-menace : to oppose. guarantee, mutual responsibil ity; .. . T91{l-
.)'vr .... Á.AEATIhl see Aft fiAPJl b l. PEK around.
AA Bb IH grandeur, impressiveness. AWHAJIALl.A aro und.
ÁA 6 b l H,UbI stately, majestic, lmpresslve. AA HAJIALl.AFbI nearby, neighboring .
AA6h1Hllb1Jlb lK, grandeur. subl imity. AHHAJIAf1hIH lcaress./ my dear.
MiBA qui nce (fruil and tree). Al \ HAJIAChIHLlA see MiHAJlALlA.
vl\ A ~.llA . I) to dri ve (cattle. etc.) ; 2) to ~ltiva te. 1.!1 H~l}TAn _ /fi g.1 beating around the
.~tU till, plough (the lan d); 3) /fig.1 to twist some- bush. z..t... J',
, one round a finger . AAHAJlLl.bIP- I) to tur n, twirl /t r./; 2) to go
A:f111AJl- to be und er cultivarion. around, to surround, enclose; 3) to turn
AAllAJIA wide, open steppe. inside out; 4) to co nvert ; 5) to entlee.
AALlAJl FAH JKEP field; ara bie land. AiiHAJUlh' PA see AAHAJlALlA.
AA..llAn 6AP- te drive, chase . AAHAJlllh lPY rotat ion, tuming arou nd.
AH.:.llAn :if\ IJiEP- to drive out, turn out. AflH AJI MA I) turn. bend ; 2) / tech./
AALl.An KEJI - to drive home . rotaring object. ru nner ; 3) /med./ aver tin (a

AHHA.JI \1 .o\J1 b l Al1 blnKEPJlIK

discase of "heep ): 4 1 rumm g. ro ra u ng. AtfTY pro nuncia non.

r ota ry . AHTY Jl b l well-known . Iamous. ceJebrated,
AflH AJlM AJl bi I j rotaring, repetit ivc. rotary ; worthy .
2) windin g, twisted , spiral ; 3) tele phone dial : A rrrvur u speak er, spo kesman ; one who
... KAnl-'fT AJl werking capi tal . says so met hing.
AH H A.l1 n AC sce Afl HA Jl MA 3. AHT -rnY Icry of ca ra van dri ver/.
AA HA lI Y Icomm./ tra nsacnon : Imed·1 pro - A ~ ThIJ1 - t o he said, spoken. told.
lapsus . AAT bJflY pronuncia tion , expression (action).
Af1HAJIhI M 1) coil, loop ; 2) track. co urse AOTbIJ1FAHllA P ex pre ssed o pinions.
(ra ces) ; 3) tumo ver, circ ulation . AfiThI n IiEP- te spea k, talk. say .
AAHAJIbIn WbIK- la whirl. Al1TbIn 6 IT IP - ro finish speaki ng.
AA H AJl bI C /a dj./ circuit ous, bypass ; .. . )KOJl AATb Jn JKA3D.bJP· to dictate.
circuit ro ad. AH T bln )f(I1i EP~ to utt er ; to pro mpt to .
Af1HAJlbIC- to undertak e somet hing ; la A HTb l n e AJl - to blurt o ut.
chose an occu pa tion . A HTb l n llIblK- la spea k o ut ; to give a pièce
MlHYWbIJlbIK. see )l(YPEK Afl HY WbI- of o ne's mind .
JlblK.. AI1Tb ln K.0I1 - 10 bla b.
AH HbI-] ) to feel na usea ted ; 2) to spoil jintr.r, AH Th lC I) song co nt est ; 2) debate, discussion ;
lose flavor (o f ko um iss) ; 3) to ret ract , ... Ce 3 debate, public speeches.
rep udiate o ne's words. A tfTbIC- I) to tak e part in a so ng co mes t ;
AftHbIMAf1ThIH devo ted, loyal, faithful. 2) to deb a te, discuss.
AfiHbIM A.Jl I) unsta ble, inconstan t, change- ACfTbJC-TAPThIC la wsuit.
ab Je; 2) spo ilt, ha vingJost flavor (of kou miss). AHTblcrhIP. I ) to orga nize a so ng con test ;
AfJH b lM AC CEPT sacred vow. 2) to give a n opportunity to side s for
AflHbln KAJl · 10 retract o ne's wc rds ; 10 di scussion o f their views.
beat a retreat . Af1 TK AH .llAf1 nei t her more no r less.
AA H b lT · 10 diss uade. AO TKAHlIAI1 AK by rhe way.
M I HbITATblH see )l( YPEK AilH b ITA- Aï tTKbI3- I ) la co m pe l, fo rce, ca use to speak ;
TbI H . 2) to tal k into ; Illhl HblH ... to com pel te
AHHblFbl W inco nstam, changeable (persen). teil the trutb .
AApAH sour milk; KOJO ... boiled sour milk. AMTKbIW I) o rator. pu blic spea ker, sto ry-
Af!PbIJl- see Al1blPbIJl-. teller ; na rra to r of folk ta les; 2) sharp , daring
AI1Pb IJl b IC see M lbIPbIJlblC. in speec h; e JlEH ... singer-: eCEK ...
Af!Pb IJlbICY sec Al1bIPbIJlbICY. gos siper.
AHPb lM see AH bI Pb IM. AI1YAH an imal. beast.
AftPbIM-Aft PbrM separately, apa rt. witho ut AH YAHlIb lK rapaciou sness, pred ato riness.
coordin atic n. Al1 111 h lJIbIK )KOJI disran ce th at can he
AI1Pb IC- see Al1 b IPb IC-. traverse d o n ho rseba ck in a mo nth .
AI1PbIK. see C Y AI1PblK.. A I1WbI Jl b IK. AJlb IC lKEP lfig./ a long
At'1PbIKlllA pa rticul ar, espec ial. disrance.
AA CbI3 moon less. AHlllbIK I ) design in sha pe of half -rneon o r
Af1T- to spea k, talk , sa y, teil. exp ress. ring ; 2) /Ioca l W / earring ; 3) [1 ocal WI bit
AtfTA 6AP- 10 transmit (0 so meo ne o ther (of bri dle).
people' s words. AHWbIFbl .AY F AH 1) unsettled ; 2) physi-
Af1TAPJlhiK something serieus , interesnng. cally exha usted, we m out.
worthy of meruien o r attent ion . A HblJl saddle-g irt h .
AI1TAPJlbIK.TAf! see AI1TAPJlblK.. AI1blJl 6AC bu ckle, clasp.
Af1TAK shout, cry (setting dogs upon some- Al1 b ln I) Iaulr, guilt, o trence; 2) defect.
one) . de ficiency ; 3) Ihist.1 fine.
AATAKTA - to set (dogs) o n, 10 toose (dogs) AfIbln TAPTK.b I3- 10 fine.
upon : lfig.f to incite, instigate, urge on. AHhln T AK- to accuse, charge.
AATAK,TAYlllbI inst igator, incitor. Al1bln T8Jl E· to pay a fine.
Af1TnA KIll b J pro ba bly, most likely : by (he AI1bl nKEP tb c accused ; defen dant.
way. Av, '.>l n KE PJlI K guil t .


AAbInCbI3 in nocent, guiltless. Afi KA H CAJl- see AllKAi'lJJA-.

A~In CbI3AbIK. innocence, gu iltless ness . AlfK,A I1:J1A- to shout loudly ; to raise an
Af1b In TA- 1) to accuse : 2) te convict. alarm .
AflblnTAJl· to he aceused. AAK,Af1J1A n )l(I6Ep· to exclaim , ery.
Al\bJnTAJlYlIIbl see A l\b Jn KE P. AflKAI\AIIY howling, wailing.
AfibInTAY charge, acc usari on . AHK,AAIllbI I) herald ; 2) yes-man, hench-
Al1hInTAYllIhI accuser ; Ileg./ prosecutor. man; 3) initiator. pio neer .
AAhIn-TOFbI3 Ihist.1 fine provided for by AfiKAH-YïIKAfi bubbub , dino
anci ent Kazakh commo n law; co mprised AfiKAPA across: KII1Mm
nine c bjects (usually bea ds of ca nle). )l(AMhIn· ro cover oneself with a blanket
Al\bJnThI guilty. cro sswise.
AAblnThlnbIK. guilt, cuïpability. Af1K,AC struggle, cellision. co nflict.
AA'hIP I) pitch fork ; Itech./ fork ; 2) branched, AAK,AC- to cross /intr./, to he laid criss-c ro ss,
forked. bifurcated : ...TAPMAFbl prong ; crosswise.
... TYH E Bactrian camel; ... T~.R K, /zo ol. l AftK,ACK AH YPhIC ha nd -tc- hand fight ing.
artiodactyl. AAKhIH I) clear, d istinct ; 2) eviden t. o bvio us,
AH hI P· I) to divid e. separate /tr./ : 2) to part visible, noticeab le; 3) expressive: 4) flagrant,
(fighters) ; 3) to tear, brea k /tr.l ; 4 ) to cease. g1aring.
discontinue : 5) to deprive: 6) te wean : AflK,bIHllA - 1) to bring to light, c1ear up ;
7) to dist lll; 8) to change (mo ney). 2) to make more preclse, exact.
AA hlP6AC excha nge ; ... CAY.llA barter Af1KbIH.L1AJl . to sta nd ou t, becomc: nctice-
trade. able , evident.
AAhIP6 ACTA· to barter, exchange. AAK,hIH .llAH. 10 spread lintr./, expa nd,
AHhlPIiACTAJl - to he excbanged . extend.
AAbIP6A CKA in exch ange fo r ; in return for. Afl K,hIH.D.An SIJI~ to reveal, bring 10 ligh t.
AHbIPllA· : nIIIIEH AC'l hlPJlA. to pile up Aff K,h IH.!1AYhI ill Igra m./ explanatory word .
o r load hay with pit chforks. AffK,bIH.D.h lK, ex pressiveness.
Al1hIPMA difference, distinction . AfiKbIPA see A\1KAPA.
Al\blPMAllibillblK 0' Afib lPMA lIIblK AAKhlW.vffK,hl ill criss-cross, cross wise.
distinctio n. AilJ(bIIIITA· to lay criss-cross, crosswise.
AÏfblPY disrillat ion, analysis. AMFAff. nci se.
AAbIPhIJI- I) to he deprived, ro lose ; 2) to AAFAl1 KaTEP· [0 make a disturbance.
part lintr.1. AI1FAfl JIA- to shou t ; to bark at somebody:
AllblPblJlMAC A.UAM impo rtunate man. 6 AP .D.AYbICh IMEH ... to shout at the
AA bIPhIJlbIn KAJl· to miss; to let go ; to top of one's vcice.
escape. AA:FAf1-~AFAfi row, disturbance.
AflblPhlJlbIC I) sepa ration, parting; 2) Aft FAK, J) witness ; 2) evidence, proof.
branchin g. AAFAKChl3 unsubstantiated, unproved.
AAbIPblJlbIC- to pa rt /intr ./. AffFAK,CbI3tl.bIK unsubstantia tedness.
AH hlPbfJlb ICY divorce. AH:FAK.TbI lieg., adj.1 material . ... 3AT
AAhl PhlM particular, especial, separa te. material evidence.
AftbIPbln AJI· to separat e / tr./. AfIFhl3 dirty, muddy.
AHhIPbJn )l(I6Ep· to separate, part / tr./. AfiFb13-AfiFb13 filthy, very dirty.
AHbIPhln TAH· to distinguisb. disce rn . AflFbn.D.A- to soi!, dirty, smea r, stain.
AfibI PK YHPbIK /l OOI./ eerwig. AMFhl3.L1AH. to be dirty , soiled.
AHbl K I) clear (weather) ; 2) so ber (man). AA FhlP stallion : .. ' TAYbIK cock. rooster;
AAhIK- I) te clear , clear up (weatber): 2) to ... YHIP )I(bIJl K bi herd of horse'.
reeo ver. co nvalesce ; 3) to heat / intr ./ AKAlIEM HJt academ y.
(wou nd); 4) to so ber. AKAllEMUJlJlhIK ladj.1academy, academie.
AlfhlK,n AfITb lH intemperate (of drunkärd). AKBAPHYM aq uarium.
AAbIKT blP- to so ber / tr./. AK KO M n AH HMEHT Imus./ accompani-
AAblK,T b lK so briety. ment.
AHblF Y so be ring. A KKOP.L1 /mus .1 chord.
AflKA f1 sbo ut, cry, yell, screarn . norse. AKKPEllHTHB lfin./ letter of credit.


AKKY MY JH IT OP Ileeh.! accum ula tor . AJl AJI h l K disagreement . d isoo rd.
A K P06AT acrebat AJlA M A H /Iocal NI k ind of field mouse ; sec
AKCJ.10 M A axiom CAPAJl A Tbllll l(AH .
A KTEP actor, artist to f t he sta ge). AJlAn I) valley: 2 ) rive r bed , channel ; 3)
AKT act, decree. document; /schoo ll com- expanse of water ; 4) zone ; 5) !Iocal/ side of
mencement. a cart.
AKT MB I) /fio./ assets ; 2) the mos t ac tive AJl AnEC leprosy.
members of a communist party organizati on. AJlAnTb! vast , extenslve, spaclou s.
AKTHBTEH- to become an acti ve member of AJlAp· I) to look abou t fearfully , timidly;
a communist party orga nizatio n. 2) te lose luster, to beco me llfeless (of eyes).
AKTMBTI K activiry. AJlA PMAH e ne who wishes to take something.
A KTYAJlblU ac rual, present, cu trent ; of AJlA PT· to sta re ; Ka ) ... to frighten , threaten
cu trent Importance. (b y looking).
A KTIJl E- to draw up an official repo rt . AJlA CA le w, short (in height); ... EO A Jlhl
AK YCfH KA acoustics. short in height.
AKYCHI KAJI b l K. aco usric. audito ry. AJlACAJlAY ra ther lo w, sho rt; ... TAY
AKYlliEPKA rnidwife . TI3EErI ridge of lew hills .
AKUEHT accent. AJl ACAP- to fa ll, sink ; to become lower.
AJI and, but. weIl, 50, thu s ; .. . EHJl.I but, A J1ACAPAK lower, shorter (in beight).
but now, and now . AJlACAPT· to lower, reduce.
All- to ta ke, receive ; te buy, 10 collect, levy AJ1ACfA- /fig./ to dri ve ou t, to banish ; te
(tax es): Imath./ to su bstrect, ded uet; Idescr./ stigm a rize. ostracize.
I) after gerund in -blfl, In. -Fl o f the mam AJlAChI debt.
verb signifies tha t the action expressed by AJ1AC~P· to rush about ; to be confused.
the la tter is d irected towards the subject of AJ1ACiPY /fig./ ag ony.
the sent ence o r un dertaken for him or in his AJ1AITR K, worldly-wise man; /fig./ old fo x.
iut erests; 2) aûer gerund in -A , -E, .f1 AJlA Y-)KAJJ AY o nc in tatters; ragarnuffin:
iodicates that thc main verb sta nds in dlsarra nged , di sbevelled: . .. SOllY ac ute
possibilitative aspect (positive or negative). pain in sternach.
AllA J) discord, dissen t . dissention ; injustice. AJlAYbB disunired. not in acco rd ; hosule la
d isho nesty ; 2) mulu-colored , variegated , o ne a no ther.
motley; 3) d ifferent ; . .. Sy ft I {zooL! ga rden AJlAYbI3Ll h lK. enmity, hostüity, quarrel.
spider; ... ThIllJKAH !zooL! chipm un k ; AJI AIII A ho mespu n rug.
... K,On poor we rker . bungIer. AJlAIIIA Eh lPT D~Jl Tfleecy or cirrous douds.
AllA begin ning with ; during , throughoul. AJlA lllA K, se< AJl ACb l.
AllA S A)KAK C UCA gay-colored c hint z. AJlAJI K kn ave. rogue, swin dler.
AJlA60TA {bot./ goosefoot (Chenopodium ). AJlA..SIKThlK, speculation, swindling.
AJlAS YF A !zoo L! percb. AJIAK-)KYJl AK KAPA· to loo k about Iear-
AJlAf EY IMD,E o r AJl AraSE ea rly in the Iully .
morning. AJl A K,AI1 !a cry of joy o r delight /.
AJlA)f(AYJlhI d ifferen t, uneven . variegated. AJIAKA I1JI A- to shout loudly.
AJl A f1Jl,A but, howe ver, nevertheless, all the AJIAKAH palm (of hand); KYP ... with
sa me, ju st the same , still. empty hands.
AJlA fI -l\Y,1 EI1 or AJlAI1-TYJlEfI hea vy, AJIA K,AH )KAI1· to beg ; la go about beggi ng.
violen t storm : whi rlwind. AJlAKAH COK- to clasp one's hands.
AJIAKa JlEHKE period befere dawn : pre- AJ1A KAHD.A- to take in palm (of ha nd) .
dawn twiJight. AJIAKAHAAfi in sign if icant, slight.
AJlAJl A· to show o r give preferenee to some- AJlAKA H Hbl H MIC bI Hl\AfI lKEP scra p,
one. patch o f lan d.
AJIAJlAMAI1ThIH imp artlal . unbiased. un- AJlAKOJI di sbonest .
prejudiced. AJl AKTA - to look about fearfully. in per-
AJlAJ1AH- to become variegated, striped, plexity.
streaked, speekled. AJlA-K,YJl A spoued, mcttled, spee kled.
AJlAJl h l namero us (of ha rses in berd) . rnulti-colored .

, AJlAIi

AllAH. I} place . a rea , square (in town) ; 2)

playground ; J) arena (o f circus. etc.):
4) clearing (in woods).
AJIJlAn CYJlA· 1) to amuse ; 2) to q uiet,
AJI,llAPAK. a linie ahead, in front.

AJIAl-{ 6 0 n - to be worried, distracted . AJI,llA T- see AJl,llA-.

AJlAI-{ K,bln· te d istract, d isrurb, d isquier. AJI)J.AY decep rio n, fra ud.
AJlAJ-UJ:A- to be dist racted. d istur bed, AJ1.llAYllIhE o r AJlAAYbllII sec AJl ·
worried . ,llAM lIIbL
AJlAHJlA Y worry, a n xiery, alarm. AJI,UAYbImT blK trickery . impo sture.
AnA H,KbI 1) clearing; 2) d ifferen t, uneq ual , swindle.
irregular , uneven. AJlDAKAm AH Jong ago; very lon g ago.
AJlAI{FAC A P I) inau entive, a bse ne-minded ; AJl.llAF b l l) {adj./ fron t, fore ; 2) forthccming,
2) Iight -m inded, tho ugh tless; 3} ' reckl ess, imminent ; 3) /miJ.{ advance guard ;
daredevi l. )KAK,T A in fro nt, before, ahead , in the
AJIA I{FACAPJlAH · to bccome inattentive, future.
absent-minded. AJUlAFbJ HbI SOJDKA- to fo resee.
AJlAl-lFACAPJIhlK 1) inanenuveness, care- AJI.llbI 1) fron t part, fore pan ; 2) beginning ;
lessness, thou gbtlessness, ab sent-mi nded - 3) best ; 4) in fron t, before; 5) beforehand,
ness ; 2) rec klessness; 3) foolhardiness. in advance.
AJIAFAHW hlK, 60PAH in termitt en tly in- AJl.Ub [-AJl"UbIH A KET· to d ispe rse {intr. /.
tensifyin g and calming d own snow storm . AJl,llbI-A PThIH 6 A fiKAMAfi ra sbly.
AnAe K n E Ivet./ lung dlsease of cattle. thoughtlessly.
AlISA-)I(YJ16 A to rn , ragged (clo thes) . AJl,llbl·APThIH O fiJlA MA fi recklessly.
AJIIiAH AJban ian . AJI,QbI MEH I) flest, in advan ce ; 2) firstly, a l
AJl6ATbI j loca l SE j I) a ppearance, look; first, first of all.
2) id le, idly. to oo p urpose. a imless . AJlLlbIH AJlA I) early, in advance, befo re-
AJl6bI PA- to redden (face). hand, a head o f ; 2) across (t be pat h or
AJI6b lPT 1) impetuous. assertive . pu shing ; course), at a tangent.
2) reckless ; 3) /Iocal E/ disease of ho rses . AJI)J.bI H KECIn across {the pa th or co urse),
AJl6bIPTTb lK, 1) im petu osiry, assertiveness ; at a tan gent.
2) recklessness, imprude nce . AJlJIb l H OflJlAMAfiTblH j fi g./ near-
AJl6bIT see A,%bIPT (1) & (2). sighted .
AJl6blTIbIK see AJl6 bIPlTbIK. AJIllbIHA KEJlTIP- to av enge. take revenge.
AJl rESPA algebra . AJlLl bIHA H befere. in front ; ... SIJl LllP· 10
AJI rE6PAJlbiK algebraic . forewarn; ... lllblK- to mee t; . .. e T· to
AJI)J. fro nt, fore -part . forestall.
AJlD;A 1) G od ; 2) in fro nt, in the fu ture. at AJI)J.b IHLlA I) to , ro wards ; 2) befe re. in
the head of, ahead : . .. )KAllbI devil. fro nt of.
A.Jl..l];A - to deceive, cheat. AMbIP- J) to bring, deliver; 2) to disclose
AJI)J.A·)l(AJJllA 1) as a last resort, in an (a secret) ; 3) (0 find o neself robbed ; 4 ) to
emergency ; 2) if by chance ; 3) at the worst. subscribe.
AJI)J.AMlli bI deceiver, cheater, impe ster. AJILlb IPYllibl .subscrîber.
AJI.UAH before hand, in advance. in front. at AJlllbl H FbI preced ing, fonne r, previo us ;
first. ... JKOJILlA Ier the ûrst time ; .. . JKbIJl b I
AJIllAH- 1) ro he decei ved, cheated ; 2) to year before last; ... KYH I da y befe re
am use oneself, to have a good time. yesterday : ... AJlK,TAP forel egs ; .. . Aal{-
AJI,llAH JKY PYIIII leader. rEJlE K front wheel ; .. . OTPJI)J. {mi!./
AJI,llAH COK KA H JKEJl head wind . adva nce guard, vangua rd ; . .. men {mi1. /
AJIL1AH.QhIP- to amuse, entertain. advance po st, o utpost ; .. . KATA PlIA in
AJlUAH.UbIPYllIbI one wbo amuses, enter- the first row.
taîns. AJI )K- te he in o ne' s dota ge.
AJl,UA HbIlli amusement ; consolatio n. A]1)KA nK,hIlU apron .
AJI.llAn AP6A- to cheat : to get ro und som e- AJI)KAC- I) to eIT. be mistaken ; 2) to be
e ne. co nfused ; 3) tO find fault wit h: 4) /Iocal W/
AllJtA n KET· to decei ve. ro quarrel.


AJliKACY a berra non . AJlWAK T A- IJ lO put o n airs : 2 ) ro Ieel al

AJlJlA G od . Allah . ease. unconsrramed .
AJlMA appl e : ... MOt1bIH having a bea utifu! AJlW r\KThlK b rea k. b reach .
neck (of wamen). AJl Ill A IUlA- sec AJl Ill A K,T A· .
AJlMAKE3EK alternately, in t ums, by t urns. AJlWAFblIll /local E / a pron.
AJlMAJl b I abounding in a pples. AJlIIIhI a positio n of th e di e in knu cklebonc
AJlMAJ1 hI ~CAJ1MAJ1bl a rtificial rtoo th. game .
erc.). AJlh!M I ) power, strength, rnight ; 2) /hist./
AJlMAC diamond . tribute ; 3) trick (in ca rds); 4) p rize in "nine
AJlMAC- J ) to exchange, swape : 2) (0 be pellets" gam e ; 5) / ma th./ n urnerator.
confused ; 3) {ling./ to alre m ate. interchange. AJl hlMDbl powerful, stro ng ; fast (horse).
AJlMAC 6PKEill TYHE camel wit h hu mps AJlbIMCAK buyer, customer, consumer.
Inclined in di fferen t di rect io ns . AJIhIMCbf3 dury-Iree .
AJlM ACnAH con tlnuo usly, without a break. AJJhIH · I) to be taken , ga thered, collected :
AJlMACnAfiTblH co ntin uous, pe rm a nent . 2) te mo ve o r slide in and out; 3) t ö be
AJlMAeTbIP· I) ta exchange Itr.l. replace ; ra ised, levied ; 4) to be ded ucted, subtracted .
2) to move Itr./, rearrange. AJlh In gia nt, atblete.
AJlMACfblPbIn in turn. by turns. Aïl b lfl 1geru nd of the ver b A R ·I.
AJl M ACbIn altemately. AJlhl n 6 AP - to take la , ta ke away, lead
away, lea d asid e.
AJlM AK, see AJlACbI.
AJlhIn EEP- to give ; to buy Ier someone else .
AJlMYPT pear (fruit and tree).
AJlbIn )KYP- to carry with .
AJlnAPbIC· ro light.
AJInbIC sixt y. AJl bin KEJl· to bri ng ; to delfver.
AJlbIn KET- to ta ke away, dri ve awa y, lead
AJlnhIChIHillbI sixtieth.
awa y.
AJICblH after-grass.
AJIhIn TA CTA· I) to exclude, 2) to turn a fl'.
AJlTAHJl ux Altaian.
swit ch aff ; 3) t o th ro w o u t ; TEJIE<1>OHLlbI
AJlTAHbl Kb13blJl TYJ1KI Izool./ Altaic
... to cut off the telephone ; T I31M H E H .. .
red fox .
re strike alf the list.
AlIbin mbIK · 1) to lead o ut ; 2) to rescue.
AJlTAY (group of) slx.
AJlbIn lllbIFY re moval , carrying out (from),
AJl T AYflAn six tagether .
ta king out (fro m) .
AJI T bl sÎX .
AJlbl n KAJl- to take a nd keep fa r oneself.
AJlThlATAP revolver.
reserve Ier oneselt.
AJlTbI6AK,AH swings made frorn six poles. AJJbIn K,AJlY deductian .
AJl TbI6'tPbI W Imath./ hex ago n. AJlbin KOM· ro take (from).
AJl ThIKYHllIK (period of) six da ys. AJlhInCATAP secend- ha nd dealer. spe-
AJl ThlJlbIK six (in cards). cula to r, profiteer.
AJl TblH gold; .. . )I(AJl ATM H gilded, gold - AJlblnTbIK {bist., lit./ He rculean, a thletic.
plated. AJIblnK,AID XA6AP rumor, idle talk.
AJITbIHllA · to gild; to cover with go ld . AJIbInKA m n A AT fiery horse.
AJlTbIHIlAT- sec AJlTbIH IlA-. AJIblC I) distarn p lace ; 2) far o distam.
AJlTblHjlb I gilded, decorated with gold . remote, far fra m ; 3) lfig./ unrelated, no l kin ;
AJlTbIH lIIbI sixth. 4) ba ttle, struggle.
AJlY recruiting; Ima th./ su b traction . AJIbIC· I) ta û ght, wres tle : 2) to excha nge ;
AJlYAH ·AJlYA H I ) a great many ; large 3) to ma intain contact; to co rrespo nd, to
n umber (of) ; 2) various, diverse. he in correspondence.
AJlYlll bI bu yer , customer, recipient . Afl b IC·6EPIC mu t ua l credit ; . .. 6AHJ1A ·
AJl<1>ABHT alpha bet. HA Chl bus iness co nneetion.
AJI iliA wild plum, slee . AJl b ICnAK. 1) duel, single comba r; 2) skir-
AJlillAI1- I) to straddle ; 2) lfig./ to cool off mish, hand-tc-band, man-tc-man ligh t.
lintr.l ; te sever connection. AJIblCfA in the distance, far off
AJlUlAK 1) far , dlstam : 2) drawn apart, wide AJIbICfA· I) to move off or away lintr.l ;
open. 2) to keep away from /intr./ ; to avo id .


AJIblCTAH from a fat , from a distance ; AMAJl T An- to fiod a way out.
_.. KapnIII IKaJI far -sigbted (eyes): AMAJI 13.UE- to seek a way out of a d ifficult y.
... K8PMEflTIH near-sighted, myopie. AMAJl.QA- 1) to contrive, manage ; 2) to find
A1IhICTAT· to remove. a way out.
AJIhICTblp· /fig./ to set (o n), urge o n, incite . AMAJl,ll An Kep- to try 10 find a way.
AJlbICfbIK, dista nt place, a long distance. AMAJlA AC participat o r. aceo m plice, partner.
AJlhIChln liEPJ e· I) fchessl to exchange AMAJlCbl3 ladj.1 l) forced, compeUed ; 2)
pawn s ; 2) to an ge prese nte , gifts (to be ho peless, desperate ; 3) willy-nilly, against
o n friendly te rms). one's wü l, volens-ncîens, from nece sslty.
AJIhIC hIPAK, further, tarther. AMAJ/C bI3IlAH see AMAJ/CbIJ 3.
AlIhICKA into the distance, into space. AMAJlCbI3.QhIK, bopelessness, helplessness.
AJlh nhI Alpine. A MAJlCb l3,Ubl H. KYH I on e placed in a
AJIKA 1) circle of seated people ; 2) bo a rd . diffieult sltua tio n.
counci l; 3) .la rge ceremonial gathering; AMAJlWhIJI reso ureeful, adroit, clever.
4) nec klace, bea o- : 5) jloca l W j padl oek . AM AH hea lthy, weil, happy, unharmed, safe.
AJlK,AJlh lK, principle of collective manage- AMA H b A or AMAHCbI3 bA, AMAH-
ment or leadership. JihICbl1{ o r AMAHEbICbl3 how are you?
AllKA-CAJIK,A careless, negligent. A MA H ARM n KAJl - to sa ve. rescue.
AJlK,bl3b IJl sca rlet . AMAH KAJl- to s urvive.
AJIK,bI3bIJI.QA H· to become scarlet . AMAHAT pled ge, securi ty; {bist.1 hosrage .
AJlK.blJ1llA- to bulge out, protrude. A MA Hr EPRI K levirate.
AJ1KbIM 1) throat ; 2) insrep (of shoe); AMA H.llAC- to gree r, visi r; ro sec each other.
... ICYl /med ./ goitre. wen. A MA HLlhl K pros pe rity, well-belng.
All K,bIM L{A- to seize by the thra a t. AMAH· ECEH weil, sa fe.
AJl KbJH - I) to he out of breath ; to putr and AMAH-ECEH,llIK prosperity, well-being.
pant ; 2) to get excited : 3) to exert o nese lf. AMAH·CAY well, safe.
A..aKhl H,UhlP- /fig.{ to complete. acco mplish; A M AH IIIbInbIK see AMAHllbIK.
2) to ca tch up (with); to ove rtake. AM · 6A ~ lootl snowdrop (Galanthus).-
AJlFA forward! AM 6 AP barn. granary.
AJlFA SA P· to progress, to move forward. AMEPA3YPA ImiLI embrasure, gun-port .
ahead . AM IiYJlATO PI1>I dispensary.
AJIF A SAC. 1) to develop, grow lintr.l ; 2) to AM EP HKAJlhIK or AM EPHKAH Ame riean.
rise (in soci al o r professio nal field) : 3) to AMEPI1 KAmbIJl LlbIK. Ameri canism .
prosper . thrive. ftou rish. A M H I1CnU I amnest y, pardon.
AJlFA M PET for the fi.rst time. AMH HCTHRJIA- to grant a mnesty , to
AJlFA llI at fust. firs tly. pa rdon.
A.HF A llIKhI initial, introducto ry, first. AMOPTJ.·B AUHR amo rtization.
A.,'lFhI l) tirst ; 2) fro nt, fore ; .. . Ce3 fore- AHA mo tber ; .. . T IJl I nat ive langu age.
word . AHA that ; .. . 6IPEY tha t on e the re ; ... JKAK-
A.JIF b I-6EPrI mutua l account. T A o n the o ther side; ... IKEP,UE over th ere .
A..;lFbIP I) fast and bold (of hunting bird s) ; AHAllA A l) such , Iike this: 2) so, thus.
2) ltig.{ cleve r, brisk, smart ; experienced, AHAlIAft.QAH ïrom sueh a distance.
reso ur ceful , enterprising; recep tive, susce p- AHA ftbl slmple, ordinary; ... TYP jgram-
tl ble. successful; ... AK,hIJl versatile mind . matical name fo r the familiar form of
A.J1F bIPJlhlK, l) gras p, grip, clutching ; address - tho u/.
2) smartness, briskness ; 3) resourcefullness, AHA Jl AP those.
en terprise ; 4) recepti viry, susceptibillry. AHAJU13 ana lysis.
AJIFbIC gra tit ude, tbanks. thankfulness. AH AJUf3 IKACA- o r AHAJUI3.QA- 10
AJIFbIC MiT· o r AJlFb IC lKAPHJlJlA- 10 analyze.
express gratitude. appreciation: to thank . A HAJlOrUR analogy.
AMAJl I) ac t. action. affair, business. matter : A HARhIK, rnotberhocd, matemiry; . .. MA-
2) way, me thod, means; 3) cunning, craft ; X ASAT mother love ; ... C93IM rnate rnal
. .. TA6Y way ou t : .. .TA n KhlllI resource - feeling .
ful. cu nnin g, cra û y. A HA·MbIHA this and tbat.


A H A H b J. M A H A H bl of this a nd rba t. AHTPA K T /thea tre/ intermission .

AHAP Ibot.1 pomegranatc. AHlTAC bo un d by oat h : eon fident ial friend.
AHAPllAf1 cr imson. AHlTA C· to swear, V OIA .
AHAPXI13M anarchism. AHTV PFAH cursed , accursed. damned .
A HAPX UCT ana rchist . AH bIK J) clear, o bvio us, certain. authentic;
A HA PX IU I anarchy. 21 visible. noti ceable ; 3) audible, disrincr :
A H APX I1.HJl bIK, anarchisuc. .. ECfIJl ET IH audible. distinct ; ... KePI·
A H A T O M DA - to perferm an auto psy. HE PJlIK conspicuou s, visible.
AHATûMI1R anatomy. A HblK )KA). to write legibly.
AHAY that; . .. AA too, as well , atso. AHblK,TA · I) to elu cida te. c1arify; 2) to
A HAY · Mh IHAY I) this and that ; 2) so me, define ; 3) to specity.
any ; ,.. EM EC not ord ina ry, unusu al, AHbIKTAJl- to co me to light ; 10 be revealed.
peculiar. A HbIK,TA MA definition .
AH D.A thcre. AHhIK TAH · 1) to become c1earer; 2) to
A HJlA. I) to rus h ; 2) to pour o ut lintr./ ; 3) to becom e mo re precise.
come rogether. AHhIK TAn All- to make more precisc.
AH .QA-M ):'HnA here and tbere, hither and AHbIKTAY elucidation, clearing u p.
thithe r. AHbIK,TAYhf W Igram./ attribute.
AHD.An KET· to gat her. assembie in large AHhIKThIK clari ty, exactness, authenticity.
numbers. AHbIFblH AAT- to express on e's o pinion.
A HD.A· CAH D.A I) rar e; 2} now an d then, AHhlFblPAK clearer, mo re precise.
from time to time . Arl I) /intensifying partiele. prefixed te
A HD,AT- to show, expose in large numbers. adjecuves beginning with "a" /: An-
AH.ll.YA I local EI trowel, spat uia. A H K bl H AKbIHKAT truism, self-evident
AHJ1bI3 I) lbot./ elecampane /loula helenium/; tru th ; An·AJlhIC very far ; An-AHhIK
2) /med., obs.1 rwin e of horsehai r passed verv clear ; 2) le xcla ma tio n when lifting
through abcess for outflow of pus . heavy objectsi.
AHEKJ1ûT anecdote. AnA I) elder sister ; 2) mo the r (form of
AHlKhI see A Hllh l3 I. add ress) : ... CIHJII sisters.
AH)I(I P see IH)KIP. AnA A 1) elder sister (f er m of add ress);
AHHC anise; ... MAl1:bl an ise oil. 2) IlocaJ EI steppe, sloping plain .
AHKET questionnaire. AnAATEC broad-chested.
A H H EK CH..R an nexatio n. AfiAJ1AKTA. to he at aloss ; to he co nfused.
AHH EKCHRJ1A- to annex. AnAJlAH· TO nAJIA H, confusion. disorder.
AH HOTA U.I1J1 annota tion . AnAH I) pit ; 2) caved-in weil ; 3) den, lair.
AH O MAJl anomalous. An AP- I) to carry; 2) to take 10, deliver to:
AHO HH M anonymous letter ; anonymous 3 ) t e accompany. escort ; 4) to lead (of a
werk. road).
AHOHC ann o uncement. AnAPbi n 6 Ep· to deliver. tak e to. home
AHopr AHHKAJlhlK ino rgan ie. delivery.
AHCA M611b ensemble, eo mpany. AfiA Phi n TAnChIP- to deliver.
AHT oa th , vow : ... A TKAH cu rsed , accursed, AnAPhln TACfA· to lead to.
damned. AnAPhin liEPY home deli very.
AHTb lH A )KET· to keep o ne' s oath. AnAT 1) calamity, disaster, accident, \vreek :
AH ThIHAH )KAl{bIJl - to brea k: one's oa th. 2) epidemie. pla gue ; 3) calamitous disastrous.
AHTA rOH H3M anta gonism. ... CI1THAJl bI d istress signal, SOS call.
AHTArOHHCT a ntagonist. AOAT 60n- to perish.
AH TA r O H HCTIK antagonistie. A n ATAA elder sister (affectionate ferm of
A HTAJlA- to press, surround, encircle. address).
A HTEK see ;)HTEK. A nATIbl d lsastrous, destructive. fatal ; ...
AH TE H HA anten na. 3AP.nA n d isastrous results.
AHTl1 K BAP dealer in antique o biects. A nEJIJIR UHJI ap peal/la w/.
AHTJ.1TE3A an tithesis. AnEJ1bC H H crange.
AHT0J10r I1R anthology. AnoPT Ik.ind of a pple grcwn in Kazakhstan/ .

xnocrroe AP6AHblf{

ATIOCfPOl1> apostrophe. APAJlATK,hI3- to cause to walk amang; to

AnnAPAT 1) equipment, instru men t, device; cause to inspeel.
2) mac hinery of the Soviet state. A PAJl b lK, 1) di stance, interval; 2) bo undary ;
AnnAK. or AIlIlAK.-K,AP):{A"A snow-white. 3) jloca l W j wedge : .. . A):{AM mediator ;
AnnEHLUIl.I.I1T appendicitis. ... MEMJlEKET buffer state ; ... CüT court
AIlPEJl h A priL of arbitratio n ; . .. ChI3bIK. boundary,
AI1PI10 PI1 a prio ri. fro ntier ; . .. Ca3 mediation.
AI1PI10PJIbIK, unfounded , presump tive ; un- APAM 1) muck , filth ; 2) unclean, fou l, vile ;
foundedness, presumption. 3) dishonest, dis honorabte: )J(OJIMEH
AIlPOEAlJ,HJI approbation. dishonestly, dishonorably ; 3A]J;A child
AIlTA week; ... CAHbIH weekly. bo m ou t o f wedlock ; ... 0 lÏl evil design,
AI1TAIl sultriness, intense hea t. malicieus intent; ... UIen weeds ; ... Khl-
AIlTAChIHJJ.A in a week; per week. JlblK, vile ac t, d irty trick, scurv y ; HIlI
AIlTEK pharmacy, drug sto re. secretive, having iIl in tentio ns.
-, AIlThIK,- to h urry, he ou t of breath; to APAMMH- to become unclean, foul.
stutter; to sturnble over o ne's words. APAMLJ.b lK, 1) dishonesty, evil inrent ; 2) vi le
AIlTbIK.I1A hot-tempered, has ty ; . .. A,ll,AM act, dirty trick, scu rvy.
on e a lways in a hurry or stumbling over APAM)l,blK, )f{ACA- to act dishonestly.
one's words ; . .. AT fiery ho rse. APAM3A perfidious, treachero us.
AI1Y or FAny apology, excuse, pardon. APAM3AJlbIK, pe rfidy, treachery.
AIl IIIhI- I) to sh orten, contract, shrink lintr./ ; APAMCbIH ~ te co nsider foul, unclean .
2) 16g./ to take o lfense, resent. APAMTA M AK, parasite.
AllhItIblH o pi um; ... MAWbI poppy-seed oil. APAMTAMAK,TAP !fig.! cartion cre ws.
AIlbIPAH or AnbIPbIM-AM /exciama tia n crews end raveris.
or expressicn of su rp rise/. APAMTEP 60Jl ~ to w il in vain.
AP conscience, honor, shame. A PAH 1) enclosure, corra l ; 2) con triva nce of
AP Kap- to consider sha meful (for oneself). poin ted stakes (usually made from reeds)
APA I) saw; 2) bee , wasp, bumble-bee : fo r catching antelopes; 3) mo u th (of
... ACbIPYllibl o r . .. li AFYillh I bee- animals) ; 4) /iro n! good appetite.
keeper, apiarist ; ". . WA PYAUlh UI bIF b I APAH,ilA- jdir. & fig./ to fall into a tra p.
bee-keeping, apiculture: 3) interva l of space APAH)lAT- to pro vo ke, instigate.
o r time ; distance ; 4) between. among ; APAH)],ATYllihI instigat or ; stool-pigeon .
EKEY APA between the two ; for two. APACAJlMAK, correlation.
APA-APAChIHLJ;A meanwhile. du ring the APACAH mineral spring.
int erval . APAChIH):{A between. among.
APAIi Arab, Arablc, Arabian. APA-TYPA from time to time.
APAn.r:UK /Ioca l SEr so metimes. A PAlliA separation, parring (of fighters}.
APA3 on bad terms (w ith). A PAlllAJlA· to separate, pa rt (fighters).
APA3):{AC- to quarrel. APAlliAUJbI l) o ne who scparates, pa rts
A PA3,UbIK, quarrel, hostility, animosity. (fighters); 2) mediator.
APAJI island . AP AUlb I bee-keeper. apiarist.
APAJlA jloca l S Ej a medicine (for colds). A PAK, vodka, wine ; ... K,AfIHATY di stilla-
APAJIA- 1) to saw : 2) to walk among. tien (of alcoholic bevera ges).
APAJIAC mixt ure, agglomera tio n. APA K,-IlIAPAn CA Y):{AChl wine trade.
APAJlAC- 1) to merge, blend jintr .!: 2) to APEA l) cart , vehicie, carriage; 2) cartload :
interfere. in tervene ; 3) to mingle wîth . ... TYPMAHbI cart a ppurtenances ; .. . IJ l
APAJIACnAY or APAJIACnAYIIIbIJIbIK track (of a cart, etc.).
ind ifference, a pathy. A Pli A- 1) to en tice, deceive. lure : 2) bypnotize :
APAJIACChI3 ind ifferen t, apathetic. 3) to persuade, co nvince .
APAJIACfbIP_ 1) to st lr, tos s jtr./, sha ke up; APEAKElII jo bs./ driver, coachman.
2) to mix up, implicate. A PEA JlA- or A PEAJiAn TAC- ro convey by
APAJlACfbIPhln o r APAJlACb In pellmell. ca rt .
APAJIAT. to wa lk a ma ng ; ta inspeet . A P6 A Hb IH AT d raught-h o rse.


AP6A Y hyp nosrs ; lJll MI tbe science o f APMA H lll blJl dreamer.
nypnosis. A PM A H b l HA )KET- to auam one's goal.
A PSA Ylllbl hypnotizer. APM U Jf army.
A P6AWbi cart -maker . APMIUlJl bIK /. dj./ arrny .
APbAFblW see AP6 AY Illbi. APMJlH Armenia n.
APSI1TP arbitra tor. APHA I) rivet bed ; 2) di rection .
A,P6Ii TPA)K arbitration. APHA - to intend Ie r, destine for ; to dedicate,
AP6Y3 watermelen . devo te.
AP6b l flFAH c1umsy, awkward . APHAJI- to he intended Ier, destined for ; to
APrY M EHT a rgumen t. reasoo. be dedicated to, devoted 10.
APfYMEHTTE · to argue ; to put forward APHAJl Y predestination.
arguments. APHAYJIbI J) destined fo r, intended fo r;
AP,1l.A jloca l EI river bed . 2) dedicated to, devoted to ; 3) invited;
AP)].A SA CnA K, yea rling (suckHng) calf. ... )KYMbIC KI1IM werki ng clo tbes,
AP.uA EMrEH 1- 2 year (suckling) colt er overall; ... KO HAK, in vited guest.
filly. APnA ba rley ; ... :lKA PM A C b l pearl barley;
AP.lI.AfEP beloved, favo rite. .. . TAlI K,A Hbl finegro und barley.
A PAA K,TA- 10 respect, hODOT. A PnAJlblC fuss ; colfisio n .
APll.AK,TbI hon o red , respected. APnAJIbIC- to Iuss , rush around ; to collide ;
APEHA arena. JKAYME H .. . to struggle ag ain st an en emy .
APEHD.A lease. rent. AP n b IJl -T APn bIJl )KYP- to shuffle o ne's feet.
APEH)lATOP tenant , leaseholder. A Pn blJI-TA Pn h JJI MIHEJ rude; etude
AP)KA jloca t NW/ box or chest wit h th in behavie r.
sid es. APC ET- to give one ba rk ; /fig./ to bchave
AP)KAK, the other side o f a river, (etc.). rudely.
AP)KAK,-6EP)KAK bath sides ; AP:lKAK· APCA -APCA pro truding (o f ribs).
IiEP)KA F b IH th rough. A PCAJlAl-UlA. to be in good humor ; to gein.
A P)KAKTA on the ether side. across. APCbI3 I) unresrrained. im pudent, sh ameless ;
AP)f(AK,TAFhJ (located) on the e ther side . 2) un scru pul ou s. barefaced .
APlKAFb l HI\A beye nd. bebind: YI1A11i ... APChI 3JlAH· ro become impudent, insolent.
at the back of tbe house. APCbI3.QbIK J) shamelessness, insole nce;
AP3A H cheap. 2) unscrupulousness.
AP3 A HllA· to becom e cheap. AP CbIJl.LJ;A- to bark.
AP3A HllAT- to ma ke cheaper ; te lower t bc APT I ) hind pa rt, back ; 2) concJuding part ;
p rice. 3) go rge, mountain pass ; ... :lKA K,TA at the
AP3A Hl1A Tbl.rl- to be red uced (o f prices). back ; . ,. )KAKKA towards the back , back-
AP3A H Ill b IJlbiK cheap ness. lew prices . wards ; .. . :>KAFh l , )KAFhIHA behin d ;
AP3AHbIPAK, cheaper; rather cheap. ... )KAFbIH A H from behind .
AP3bl /IocaJ W/ dil igence ; strong wish. APT- I) to rise , grow /in tr./. increase, a ugment
API1CTOKPAT aristocrat. /intr./ ; 2) to exceed; 3) to la ad (pack
API1CTOKPATI1R ari stocracy . arumals) : 4) to cha rge with, entrust witb ;
APl1<I>METUKA arithmet ic . 5) to im po se a du ty u pon , ro hold respo nsible
AP l1<1l MET HKAJ1 b lK ari th metical . for.
APKA arch. APTE3UAH KY Jlh IK, artesian well.
A P}JA H male (of predatory animaJs). APTEJl b a rtel, workmen's association .
APlIA H- J) to be ashamed ; 2) to consider APTUJlJIEPMR artillery.
serneth ing beneatb on e's d ignity ; 3) to tak e APTI1CT art lst, actor.
offence, be irrita ted. APTl1.CTIK artistic.
APJlA HFb l W qu ick to take e ffenee. APTUCTIK nEH or APTIiCIIIE artistically.
APJlbl conscientious, bashful, d iffident. A PTfA behind .
APMA H hope, aim . goal, ideal: E:lKEJlrI ... APTIA K,AJl· t o lag behind .
cherished hope. APTIAH f rom behind; . .. C O K KA H lKEJI
APM A H ET· to cberish ho pes ; to aim at fa ir wind.
somethin g. APITbIP- to enlarge, widen, expand j tr.j.


APTbIJI· I) to increase, enlarge, exte nd /intr./; APbI3 liEp· 1) to prr sent a pet ition; 2) to
2) te he in excess. boog a suit against someo ne.
APTbIH AllA behind. beyond, at the rear APhI311AC- to bid goed-bye (to a dying
of. person).
APTblHA TACT A n KET- to Iea ve beh ind, APbI3WblJl o ne fond of co mplaini ng, in-
to overtake. triguer.
APTbIHA K,APA· 10 look behind . A PbIn - 1) to free oneself (of), ro get rid (of) ;
APThlHAH after, follo wing, from beh ind ; in 2) to disperse lintr.I, break off (a meet ing,
pursul t of. etc .) ; 3) to pay afT.
APThIH.UA behind, a t t he back, in the rear o f. APbIJl MM i -TAJl MA I1 tirelessly.
A PTbIHWA after, follo win g, then. APbl H o bstinacy, stu bbo mess, res ti veness,
Al'TblH b tn·TA l'TblHb tn )KAT · to be capriciousness.
prepa ring üo depart) : to he ready (to APb IH Te K ~ to d isgrace. dishono r .
depart). A PblH Wb l FA P- to bccome o bstinat e, restive
APTbIK 1) surplus, excess ; 2) superflous; (of horse); to brea k o ne's word (of man).
3) beyond, more, over, above ; 4) higher, APbI HLlA. to become o bstinate, restive (of
better. ho rse).
APTbU<. GOJl· I) to evereome. prevail : 2) to APbl Hlll bIJl o bstina te, restive (horse).
shlne, he co nsp icuous. A PbIHbl SAP AT resû ve, capricious ho rse.
A PTbIK, Kep- to prefer. '" APbI n-TAJl - te be com pletely exhausted .
APThIK C \= PA- to cha rge too much ; ro as k
tired ou t.
an exorbitant price. A PblC I ) rye: 2) bod y, frame (of a cart);
APTbI K, 'rerrz- to ove rpay. 3) busban d a nd wife, ma rried pai r, co up ie ;
APTbIK IcrE- to wo rk in excess . 4) labs.1 Ja rgest tribal subdi vision.
APThIK,-KE MI iKOK, ne it her more no r les.s.
APbICfAH Iion.
APTbI K,lUblJIbl K, a d van tage, superiority.
APhIT· te tire o ut Itr.l, te cause to become
APTblKWb lJI b lK, ICfE- to affront, offend.
exbau sted.
APThIFhlMEH a Iin le more tban .
APbIK, I) irri gati on canal or d itch ; 2) thin,
APTbIFbIPAK, somewha t better. somew ha r
rneager, poer, lean; ... AT jaded ho rse.
mo re.
APhlKCbIH- to co nsider meage r, poo r.
AP TK,A back wards, to the rear.
APbl K,TA- te becom e thin, emaci ated .
A PTK.bI ladj.1 back, rear, last.
APY Ifol kl.1 a beautiful woman. APhIK,TAT · te reduce (ca ttie) to em aciatio n.
APYAHA l) female dromedary ; 2) Ilocal WCI AP h IKTA Y rather thin , meager.
device used as a su bstitute for camel's saddle . APhI K,T bIK, lean ness, ernac iati e n.
AP XAM3M archaism. APbIK·T~PA K, M An emaciated cattle.

APXAl13MLU archa ic. APhIK,lllbI superviso r of irr iga tion .

APXEOnO r archeo log ist. APbEPrAPLl rea r-guard.
APXEOno rMR arcbeology. APK,A l) back, rca r ; 2) lanat. 1 spinal column.
APXMB archives. backbon e ; 3) mounta in range, ridge:
AP XHBW I arch ivist. IiIPEyrE ,. . CYHE- to sta nd behind so me-
APXHTEKTOP architect. one's back ; ólPEyr E .. . TA H.· to depend
APXHTEKTYPA a rchitect ure. upon someone for proteet io n.
A PlllA Ibot.1 juniper (J unipe rus j. APK,AJl A· to ca rry o n one's back.
APnIhI - to clean . APKAJl A H· to lean upon someone.
APlllbUl· te be cteaned . APKA Jl AT- to laad on so meon e's back .
APIDblH arshine (measure of lengt h, 28 APKAJlhI xoa a rat sheep.
inches). APKAll blK l) ra fters. roo fing ; 2) mounta in
APIllbI HLlA- to measure in arshines. ra nge. chain of mountai ns.
AP~I the other side. A PKAH co rd, rope. lasso ; KAYFA ... ro pe
~ to become tired, exha usted : to weeken. for pulling out buckets with wa ter from a
AP b13 application, perinon. complain t. decla - weU; K blJl ... rope or lasso made of ho rse
ration. statement ; ... H Ee r applicant, com- hair.
plainant. plaintiff. A PK,A HilA· to tie, bind wirh a rope ; AT ...


to lasso a ho rse ; Y H .. . 10 fas ten a yur: Fhlfl h l M astro norny : ".. JEH &IPEri a nt i-
wit h a rope. a ircraft gun .
APK,AChI3 spineless. AC nA HnA· to rise Up. aseend.
APKACb lH b lH KAK· 10 ta p on the back. AC nA H1I.An u p. upward s.
A PKACh t Hn A I) tbanks te , owing to : AC n A HD.AT- to )jft high. rai se high.
2) slnce , seemg that . cons idering that. ACnA H KEJ avia tor,
APKAP wild sheep. ACnA n instru ment. too i. imptemen t. device.
A PK,AY weû . woof (of fabric). ACn AnTA H- to be eq uipped with tools,
APK,hInhll) by, throug h, across ; 2) by meao."> implements.
of, with the he lp of. ACnAnTAHilhI P· [ 0 sup pJy with too ls,
APK,bIPA· te neig h lou dly (o f a stallio n). im plements.
AP FbI I) far, distant ; 2) opposite ; 3) an tiq ue ; ACnEh.'J aspect, poi nt of view.
.. . ATA or ... SAliA great-gra ndfathe r, ACn WPAHT graduate student ; research
ancest o r; ATA -E ASA,UA P ancestors, student.
forefathers: KYH day aft el' tomorrow. AC PA . see ACbIPA· .
APFbI-EiEPrI everything. a ll. ACPA H TbI see A C b IPA Hllbl.
APFhIMA K, pu re-blooded horse of a Central ACCAMSfl E.R: assembly.
Asia breed. A CC J.fMJ1JI R U J.f .R: ass imitation.
AC I) rood ; 2) cOUJ'Se (of dinner, etc.}: 3) jo bs.! ACCI1M UflRUl1RJlA . to assimita te.
funera I ba nqu et ; ... )KAYJlhIKTA P ta ble ACCUCfE HT ass istan t.
linen ; ... nICIPYllJl co c k ; ... C IH IPY ACCOPTJ1 M EHT assortmen t.
digestlo n : .. . y ff kitcb en; {prov.I .. . KA ,nI - ACCOUJ1All.U..sI assoc ia tio n.
PIH TOK IiIJlMEA)lI the sa tiated does AC·CY food ; sus tenance.
no t a pprecia te food. ACT bettorn . lo wer part .
AC- 1) to prepare food ; 2) to ha ng /tL/ ; 3) to ACfA bel ow, downsta irs. a t the bottom .
cross, pass by, th ro ug h ; to go past ; TA Y- ACTA M a bove. o ver . beyo nd; )l(Y3.llEH
JJ.AH ... to cro ss a mountain; 4) to overflow A,llAM o ver en e hundred men .
(river); 5) to surpass : ICKE . .. or )f(Y3ErE ACTA M W bl.Tlh IK arrogan ce, coneelt.
... toeom e true. to be real ized, to materialize. ACTAH fro m belo w, fro m th e bottom.
ACA or ACA TA .sl:K, staff, walking-stick. ACTAHA I) ca pital, metropolis ; 2) /loeal SE/
ACA I) ver y, ext remely ; 2) o ver, above : threshold .
... Ken very rnuch, a grea t deal ; ... eva. ACTA H·KECfEH co mmot ion, alarm, flurry,
KIM.lU very lika blc, att ractive ; ... TMIM DJ
highly effi cient ; .. . K.iJI3SA All,A M fiery, ACTAP l) Jining ; 2) /fig./ rea l sta te of affairs
passionare persen . (behind the scene).
ACA M pièce, bit, lump . ACTA PJIA - to line ; te put in a lining.
ACA MY CA / bOL/ (Abelia corymbosa ). ACTA PJl A n fancifully ; ... cel1J1E. 10 spea k
ACA P help to neighbors in harvest time. alJego rically.
ACTAPJ1bl 1) li.ned , hav ing a Iining ; 2) in-
ACAY wild . un tamed , undomesticated : ... AT
tricate, co mple x. al legorical; 3) bizarre,
restive, fiery horse ; S Ae ... AJJ.AM o b-
fanciful ; ... Ce 3 figurat ive words.
stinate, unyielding perse n.
ACTA PJI b lJI h lK Ian cifullness, pretentieus-
ACAYJl AY a ho rse Iinle tra ined for riding.
ACAYJ1blK, lack of training. breaking (horse).
ACTAPJIhl 1( /adj '/ lining ; lining ma terial.
AC6 ACUl h i distributo r, dispenser of Iood and
ACfAPhl SAP C e3 alJegory.
refreshments a t Ieasts a nd ba nqu ets.
ACfAC acco mplice, pa rt ner, co nfederale.
ACnA J ) han ging, pe ndant, suspended : ACTAC- to establish secret con tac t; te act
... K9n IP suspe nsion bridge ; .. . lllA M secretl y together (of tbleves).
banging la mp ; . .. K Vflbln padlock ; 2) ACTAY t rough.
floca l/ abundance of wa ter. A CTA YWA small tr ough ; pa n.
ACnA3 o r ACnA3IlJhi cook. ACThJ bottorn. lo wer pa n .
ACnAnbl see ACnA (I ) ; ... EAJIFA !' ech.! ACThIH AllA in fron t, be fo re, ahead of,
drop weight, acr oss (path of course) , a l a tangent.
ACnAH sky, heaven; .. . 3EPTTEHTIH ACfhIHA under.

" ,\<
ACTbIHAH from under. CIJITE- to exaggerate, to commit excesses.
ACTbltI,UA belo w, beneath, downstairs : AChIPAHJtbI 1) adopted child , fcster-child :
under, undernea th . 2) l adj.f domestic ; .. . K,~C dornestic fowl.
ACfblPTblH secretly. AChlPAn DM- or AChlPAn aCIP- '0
AcrhIPhIrr~cA crb I P- to startle, rouse . rear ; to bring up.
ACT b iK grain . corn. AChIPAY rearing.
ACThIK. lIIhlKnAfi K.AJlY or ACfhIK· AChIPAYIIILI patren. supporter, benefac-
CbI311bIK, bad crops. to r. 't,,·u"
ACTblK,ThI /adj./ grain, harvest. , AChIP-TY ChIP running ta bout . stampin g.
ACTbl-YcrIHE KEJl- to he put ml o co m- ~ ACh IK, 1) ankle; .2) pastern ; 3) ank1e bone ;
plete disorder. 4) knucklebJ"6e~ dice; ... OffHA- to play
ACTbI-YCTIHE TY Cln C h IAJl A- 10 overdo knuck lebones.
in regaling someone with food . AChll(- to hurry linle./, he in a hurry ;
rAcY mount ain pass. AÇ,bl K,K,AH ACKA n rCKEH Iprov.1 tbc
~YnbI I) anythlng that is hanging; 2) ladj,1 hasty burns bis tips.
'ffiOïiOiáin pass; 3) having reached (a certain ACblK,nAA: withou t haste.
ag~peri od ) . ACbIKTbI P- to hur ry, hasten.
~'inert, passive: inaccessible (moun- ACbIKKbIm one who is in a hu rry.
tam). ACbIFhIn. YCIn n bastily. in a hurry.
/A C~AJ1 b T asphal t. ACbIFhI C I ) hurry, baste ; 2) ur gent, urgently,
/ ACl1>AJ1b ITA- to asohal t. hurriedly ; .. . )K~MbIC pressing, urgent

;,ACXAHA ~ining~ __ ~ work .

(~ Cilliocal ~Lelev.a!ÁQ!!.~!_g~. AChIFbl CfA hastily, in a hurry .
AChIJI I) noble ; 2) precious, valuable, high- AC h IF hlcrA Y somewhat hurriedly ; ra ther
quality ; 3) thoroughbred, pure-blooded (of hastily.
caule, horse s). ACh IFhIC·YC In c hurriedly, superfic ially.
AChIJI- I) to he hanged; to han g oneself ; ACK,A S A n Ill hlJI cu Jinary specia list ; expert
2) to hang on; to ding to someo ne's neek ; cook. ..url
3) to be fixed o n fireplace (as kenle ). AC KA TA MA H or ACK.A K,APAf1 down,
AChIJIAThIH hanged man. downwards.
tACh IJI1ïA m te iraprove lintr.! (as ca tt le ACK.A6AK lbot.! pumpkin, squa sh, go urd
breed). (Cucurbita).
AChIJl)lAHllhlPY improvement ; MAJI T~ - ACKAJ AH I) digestion ; 2) stomach.
KhIMhlH .,. impro.. .'ement of cattle breed. ACK,AH grea test.fnrgest ; .. . m E6EP virt uose.
/ ACh lJl hIH- to ha ng; ro be suspended . ACK,AP I) high, inaccessible ; 2) lfig./ suppo rt ,
./ AChIJlhIHLlA as a matter of fact. proteetion ; TAY high, inaccessible
AChIJlhIfI TYP- to hang ; to he hanging. mo untain : TA Yhl M my support, my
~ AChIJlFAH I) hanged man; 2) /chem./ sus - proreetion. my defence.
pended . AC K AK ba ughty, cc nceited, self-satisfied.
I ACbIH. to hang (something) o n o neself. arrogant .
/ AC hin Ko A- to han g something. ACKAKT A- to display ha ughtlness, presump-
ACbln e JlTIP· to hang (execure). tien. arr oga nce.
AChln·CAC- to be startl ed . ACKAKTAYIllbIRhlK arroga nce, baughti-
ACbln-CACbl n hastily, hurriedly. ness.
AChIP- 1) to drive crr: 2) to drive through : ACK,bl )l(ORMEH lad v.! by o r a long the
3) to overfulfill : )l(Y3Er E . .. to carry out, lower en d o r side (of a hill, etc.).
bring about, acco mplish. ACK,bIH · I) to he neglected ; 2) to hav e com-
ACbIP CAJIh in O AHA- to play merrily. plica tio ns.
V ) 0 :>'fttAC bIPA over, above. beyond. ACKhlHAA- to exceed bo unds (in one's
llo)i: 5" ~ AC hIPA· I) to feed: 2) to keep, support, actions).
maintain; 3) re rear , rai se, bring up ;..-:-; ACK,h IHllAY revelry, debauche.
•~ ";:-JiAJI A .. . to bring up a child ; MAJI ... to ACKhIH,UhIP· to neglecr: to co mplicate.
' 1..--'\., • ra ise ca ttle. ACKblH f AH AYPY negleered illness.
,;;/ \ AChIPA 6A FAJl A· to o verestima re ; AT I) horse (of a ny kind, or, speciffca lly, a


geld ing }: AJlhl nCATA P bl O~ ATA H ge lded camel.

C A Y D.A r EPI horse-dealer, horse trader . ATAH - see ATAJl · .
.. . S AnLllbJ or .. . IiE rl ridi ng ma ster ; ATAn AMTK AH llA namely. specifically.
. .. EAFYlli h J o r .' K YTYlll J horse- ATAn DAFAI111 A- to stress.
nerdsma n. groorn, Sla bje-ma n ; " _ lKA6Y ATA n -A TA n by na me.
horse blanket ; )KAJIM AH Izool./ AT·AP6A TPAHCn O PTbI tran sp ort by cart.
hamster ; " . T APAK curry-co mb ; . .. TA· ca rta ge.
FAJlAY shoeing of hors es ; ... T YPMAHhI ATAChI EA CKA of an o the r clan .
ha rness ; . .. KO PAChI stable ; ... KO IO ATA·TEK see ATA· EAliA.
!mi!.! auack ; ... K Yflp bl F b l HA 6 AflJlA Y ATAY /local WI islet.
Ihist./ execuuon by tying to the tai l of a ATAY CEnTIK Igram.1 nomina tive case .
wild horse ; .. . K\ 'Jl A K. fbo t./ serrel. doe k ATA Y,;lhI CA H Imath.1 co ncrete number.
(R umex acetosa) ; ... YCfIHE H jfig./ super- ATA H 1) reput ation , fame; 2) rank, title ;
ûcially, haphazard ; AJlhJM bI 30P ... KYM AP vain, vainglonous, ambitio us.
powerful horse ; KOe ... relay ho rse. ATAK D EP~ ro give a reference .
AT 2) name; /tig.! fame, reno wn. ATA KChI3 unkno wn, unpopular.
AT- 1) to shoot, fire ; 2) to splash; 3) floca l Nel ATA KChI3JlhIK, obscurity : absence of fame,
to winnow; TAH. ... te dawn . unpo pula rity.
AT )KAJI narro w st rip; ... )KEP narrow strip ATAKTA H· to be p cpular ; to obtain fa me,
of land; ... E I1.D.AH strip of wheat passed be renowned .
in mowing. ATAKThI well-kn own, illustrious, distin-
AT CAJI b IC- to he lp, give support. guished ; a great man, an o utstand ing figure.
AT T86EJlIHD.El1 /fig'/ sca nty, not numer- ATAKThIJl b IK fa rne, distinct io n, popularity.
ous. ATAFhI JKAHhIJl MAFAH obscure, un-
AT KOA- I) to give a horse its hea d ; la give k no....-n.
a horse full rein ; Imil.1 10 att ack, to cha rge, AD KA..1 MA H see AT lKAJl MA H.
to be on the offensive ; 2) to give a na me (to ATIKA K ThI M AM persen with an a val face.
a chitd). ADKypnrn /Iocal SE! wh ip, riding erop,
ATA father. lash.
ATA - 10 call by name ; to ment io n. ATKYPKE IJoca l SE! smalt corral for horses.
ATA -AHA rela tives, kinsme n. ATJIA C 1) satin : 2) atlas.
ATA·EA6A fore fathers. AT MOC <l>EPA a tmosphere .
ATA6ACfA · /Joea l NWI to weed . ATOA EEp· Imil./ to appea r in front of the
ATAfl MAH 110031 N W & NCI I) very ; enemy (in cavalry ma neuvers) .
2) streng. so lid. ATOM atom, at o mie : ... CAJl MA Fb I at om ie
ATAK A ImiL! a ttack ; 6 ETnE·liET ... fro nta l weig bt ; ... KYATbl at omie energy ;
attack ; )KAJInbI genera I auack ; K~ pA.n .llA PhI atomie .....ea po ns.
d YEDErI ... a ir ra id. ATOM .ITbI )KAPY atomie fission .
ATA)]· to be named, called. menti oned . ATOMllhIK 1) atomicity , valency , va lence :
ATAJlA n OO3I SE! skilly. 2) a to mie; .. . T EO PH R atomistie theory,
ATAJl A· to say the word 'fa ther": te eall ATnA3 1) horse-berds ma n ; groom, sta ble-
o ne's father ; to call one father. ma n; 2) /Iocal NWI race- horse tra iner.
ATAl1AC 1) relarive s, relatio ns, kinsmen : AT n AK b IJI a game with knuckl ebones.
2) of the same tribe. ATnbIPAlIl floea l SE! expe rt in horses.
ATAJIbJ weighty. ATCEfllC !IOO3I W! see ATnA3.
ATAl1bIH· to he ea lled; to be named. ATChl3 1) ho rseless ; 2) na rneless, anonymous :
ATAJlbI K 1) fathe r's, pa temal ; ... AKbI .. . CA H Ima th./ abstract number.
paternal right ; ... Ce3 true, weighty words ; ATTA- 1) to sto p over ; 2) to ignore, d isregard;
2) Ibot./ stamen. IJlrEPI ... to stri de forward .
ATAJIFAH mentioned ; )KOFAPbILlA ... the ATIA OflHAY Ispo rt'/ vau lting.
ebove -ment io ned . AITA ff 1) exactly. j ust ; 2) ladj.! select.
ATA M 3AMAHLlA long a go. choice ; ... OH )KIrIT te n crack horsemen.
ATAM 3A MAHHAH fro m time immemo rial. ATI AM Imea sure of length! one pace .
ATAM 3A MAHFLI the remote past ; an cient. A TIA MAJlh I )KEP ru gged terra in.


ATIAH· I) to set out; 2) /mil. / to set ou t an compete in shooting; )KEKnE.)I(EK ... to

expedition, march, campaign. light a du el.
ATfAH CAJI· to sound an alarm. ATK,AH OI<;TAf! headlon g.
ATIAHJl.hIP· I) to equip Ier a march, ATK,Ap. to fulfill , execu te, carry O UL
carnpaign; 2) 10 set a lf a departing horse- ATK,APY KO MI1TETI execurive comminee.
man ; K,OHAK ThI .. . to see a guest a ft'. A TI<,APYllihI executor.
ATIAHY departure, setting-out ; ... )KaHJH- ATK,APhlJI - to he fulfilled. carried out.
llEn ByflpblK Imil.1 matching o rde rs. AT K.bIJ. see AlTbIP-.
ATIAH b lC setting o ut (on a campajgn) ; ATKhIJlA- I) to sh oot int ermittently, 2) te
setting out, de pa rture o n a j ourney. spout, jet.
ATTAHblC te set o ut logether. ATK.bIP see ATK.bIIIJ .
ATIAC namesa ke . ATK.bIIIJTAP 6ATA JlbOH bl /mil. I irtfa ntry
ATTAWE attaché ; dCKEP I ... military bat talion.
attaché. ATK,YJIAK m ushroom(s) (edi ble).
ATfECfAT certiticate, diploma; Kc)ME- AlYCfI l) hasnly, burriedly: 2) in passing,
Jl EITIK ._. high school diploma . casually .
ATIbI I) cider, horseman ; .. . acKEP cavalry- AY /interj.1 hello !
man , troo per ; ca valry ; 2) named, by the AY net, seine,sna re ; ... K YCh I hunring bird .
name of. so-called . AY- J) to fall , (all down ; ro o vert urn ; iJJtr./ ;
A lTbI!l hl /adj.1 horse. riding. 2) to stoop, bend ; 3) to he past (o f time,
age) ; 4) to pass on to (as- to rhe enemy's
ATIbIp· I) to give the orde r 10 shoot; 2) to
side). _ ___..
aJ10w (a hunter ) to a pproach (of wild beasts.
bird s). AY .a.E- to halloc.
AY A EJlIH- to ha llo c to ea ch other .
ATY I) shootin g ; 2) I local W/ so ft boots.
AY CAJI- or AY K,~P- te set a net, serne,
ATW.A6AP I) jockey ; 2) courier ; 3) /mil.1
or snare.
o rderly.
AYA I) air, atmosphere; ... )f{OJIhI air ro ute,
ATWAJlMAH / Ioca l Nel hams ter.
airway : ... PAHbI weather, ctimate; ...
ATlIIOK,Aff flocal Cl a pla nt growing o n the
<l>lIOTbl a ir force ; . .. YPrIIll jtech.j
shores of rivers and lakes.
blower , bla st engine ; CEJILUP . .. jpbys.j
ATWbl horse-be rdsman, groom, sta ble-man.
liquid a ir ; KhICh IJI F A H ... Ip hys./ com-
A Tbl ill blKK AH AJlA M a renowned man. pressed a ir ; 2) Ing'/ situatlon : 3) Iloca! \VI
ATb13 bed (garden ). strike, ins urrec tion, revelt.
A Tblrl- I) to fire a sho t; 2) to he sho t (do wn) ; AYA )l(Aft h IlI· to he separated , broken off.
3) to jurn p o ver , across ; to step o ver; 4) to AYA )l(lóEp· to blow In û o ), to inject (air).
j ump out. rus h o ut ; 5) to spring up. AYAJlAH- to he abso rbed in (a rna n's m ind) ;
ATbInMA flTb IH K,APY lmil./ side-a rms. to have great interest in .
A TbInFAH ladj.f slaughtered , killed . AYAJlA H.L:lbIP· to entice, involve, Iure.
AThIM : ElP ATb lM D.a PI amount o f AYAJl A HY I) d isturba nce, rio t ; 2) /local N WI
powder for one charge . zeal, ardor.
ATbln )KUi EP· to shoot, kiU. AY AH simp leton, unsoph istica ted.
ATbln TY p· to jump o ut. lea p out . AYAChl3 airless ; ... KEHICTIK vacuum .
AThIn illblK,- te fly o ut. AY ATblH unstea dy.
ATbill eJlTI PY shooting, execuuo n. AY-AYJIA· to ball oc.
ATbIPAn neighborhood, environs. AY.L:lAH 1) region; 2) d istrict; .. . O PTA ·
AThIPA Y overgrown coas tal sand-bar. flbl Fhl adm inistrative cen ter o f a dis trict;
AThle 1) /mil./ shoo ting, shot; ûre , exchan ge MAK,TAJlbl . .. cotton gr owing region.
o f fire; 2) ladj.f fire ; ... AJIAHbI shootin g AYLtA H.L:lA- to divide (a province) in to
ground, shooting range ; .. . .QAJIJlAChI d istricts.
curtain of fire ; ... OPHbl weepon emplace- AYD.AHJl hl occupy ing a large area.
ment ; ... rOJlK,AHb l ba rrage; "" . WEEl AY):(AHAhIK /adj .; d istrict, re gio nal ;
firing line; óQPA FAH ., ' a hurricane of OK,Y belI JMI d istrict office o f pecple's
fire. ed uca tion.
,A ThIC- /mil. & spo rt. j to exc hange fire. to AY AA P· I) ro throw down, p ull d o w-n. un load :


AYb I3.ll b II(TA-

to t hrow out , du mp : flI WEH LlI ... te un- 6EJ1rICi a sym pror n o f illness ; )1(\')(,.
laad bay from th e car; : 2) 10 turn Itr./; nAJlhl .. . in fecti o us discase.
3 ) to o vert u m : 4 ) j spo rt.! 10 pull (t bc AYPYDA H )l(A3bI Jl· to reeo ver.
a d versary) Iro m a h orse ( 10 cornperition) : AYPY.llAH lKA3bIJlY N AYPY.llA H CAY-
5) t o tr anslate : 6) ro turn over pages, to blFY recovery.
Jeaf through (a bo ck ): 1) lfig./ to p ut the AYPYLIbl KAPAT- ro receive treatment .
blamc o n ; 6ETIH ... 10 distract Irom some- AYPYJIhl sickl y; in pool' heahh . ; K61-un ... to call, dra w (so meone's) AYPYChl3 pa inless.
attention . AY PYC h l3LIh l K painlessness.
AYllAPA CA)]- to p ut the blame o n. AYPYXAHA bospi tal .
AYJlAPMA translanen. in translation. A YPYFA IIIAJlLIhI K- to catch a disease.
AY)],APY translation; )KE P ... expulsion . AYCAP un stable (persen ) : easily diverted,
AYlI.APYllihl translator, interp reter. th oughtless.
AYJlAPhln- to turn /in lT./. AYCAPJlhIK. whimsy.
AY.llAPblcrh IP- to tu rn o ver ; to mix, stir. AYChlJl /vet.{ boof-and-mouth d isease .
AY)lJIEHIlI1R audien ce. AVlllhl fishennan , bunter. trapper.
AYJUITOPI1 Jllecture·h all ; audience.
A YbI3 o r AY3 mouth (human) ; mouth, jaws
AY)I{AI1 J) situation : 2) attitude. Inten tion. (o f an imaJs) ; mouth (of vessef); neck (of
AY)KA P energene. asse rtive . rc ugh, un- bo tt le) ; hole. o pen ing, ape rture . ... 6AC -
balanced. ThI Ph lK, lobs.{ h usb -money, bribe ;
AY 3 see AYbl3. . .. 6IPJlIK uni ty. uni on, cobesion; ...
AYJl A farmstead . O MhlPTKA cervical venebra ; .. CY
AYJl A- to hun t ; to seine. 10 cat ch (fish, etc.). drinking wa ter ; Ce 3 spoken word ; ... YH
AynA n AJt · o r AYJlAn \'eTA - to catch ; entrance h all ; d.l1E6J.1ETI o ra llitera ture ;
to fish out; to tra p. OJ1MAK ... sma l! mouth: K h lAChIK ...
AYJlAY hun t, huot ing, car ehi ng . wry-mo uthed .
AYJIAK 1) aw ay, o ut of, o utside ; 2) soli tary, AVhI3 AlIlbl n KAPA n KAJl. to open the
secl ud ed. fa r-away (of a place) : 3) as far as rno utb wide ; to he gullib le.
po ssiblc: fa rther. AYbI3 EAf1JI bI K, )l(A CA· to p ro mise a great
AYJlAKTA H- to bec ome separated. isolated. deal.
secluded : to break o ff /in tr./. AYb I3 E IPIKTIP- to act jointly ; 10 ma ke
AYJlAKKA int o th e d ista nce : into space. co m mon ca use.
AY JIA FbIlll : A H AYJlAFbl W expe rienced AYb l3 )l(AJl A C· to be on int imale rerms; to
hunter. ho b-nob (with) .
AYMA inconsista ncy, insta büity , unsteadiness . AYbI3 TH· to taste, try (fo od) .
AYMAMTbl H loyal , fait bful, true, devoted. AYbI3 TOJlTb lPbIn csans. (0 speak
AYMAJlbl unstable, sh aky. unreliable. conf iden tly ; to brag, boast.
changeable. A Vb13 illAI1KA . to rinse one's mouth.
AYMAJIbIJI b IK. unrel ia bilit y. AYb136 A.·AYbI3 tet e-a-t ete : confidently.
AYMAK size, dimensions. extent (of an area). AYb 13.l1A H· to get acc ustomed to suck1eone's
AYMAFAH th e very image of; 6 AJtA mot ber 's breast; !fig.1 to fall into th e ha bit
dKECIHE H .. . the ch ild is the very image o f d oi ng so meth ing.
of h is father. .. AYhBJl.AH-AYhI3FA by word of mou th.
AYHA· to turn {in tr.{, roll {intr.{, rail about. A Yb13,LlAH Jl.b IP- to tra in to suckle one's
wallew {in tr.{; 10 turn from side to sid e. mcther's b reast ; {fig.{ 10 tra in to do some-
AYHAn )l(AT- to ro U /in tr'/. thing.
AYHAn-K.~HA· {fig.{ to rest, to Juxuriate. AYbI3JlAn )K16EP· {Iocal W{ te sing; to
AYHAT- 1) 10 drag in, drag along; 2) {fig.{ to start sin gi ng.
do somebody a bad turn. A Yb13LIbIK I) b il (ofbridle) ; 2) skin infection
AYHAKlDbl J) to turn lim r.l ; 2) re lie down a t corn ers o f mouth .
freq uently (of sick animais). AYb13LIhlKChl3 without a bit (of bridle);
AY P- or AYPY· 10 he sick , ill. l fig.{ unrestrained, unchecked.
AYPY J) illness, disease: 2) sick person ; AYb13.llbIl<'TA- 10 brid le la horse): /fig./ 10


curb, restrain, control. keep in check; to land ; 2) weight (st one) used for st retching
compel to cbserve or der, discipline. the twlne in a rnat-v...eaving loom .
AYbf3EK I directly, fitst-hand, personatly. AYbIPITbIPMA - Imed./ to ane sthetize.
A Yh13-M~PHhl KhlflCAffMAfl without AYblPTTblPMAATbfH a nestbetic.
blink ing an eye, dissembling, hypoc ritically. AYblPTbln All- to irritate.
AYb l3 WA orally, verbally ; .,. :iKAYAn AYbIPTK,bI3EAflTblH sec AYbIPTfbIP-
verbal repIy; ... CeJ spoken word. MMITbIH.
AYbI3FA AJl- to reca ll: to consider; to pay AYbIPTK,bI3EAYllibIJlbl K, /med./ anes-
attention . thesia. -
AYhl3FA K.APAT- /fig.j to speek interesting- AYbIPTK,bl3)1b IPMA- sec AYbIPlTbIP-
Iy ; to compel attention ; 10 command MA-.
respect. AYblPY pain.
AYblJl group of yourts, nomad's camp; . AYblPbfPAK hea vier, harder, mo re diffi -
AFACh! the elder of an AYhlJI; . cult.
UlAPYAlllhlllbJ K, agricult ural; .". WA· AYb IC· l) to move, pass lintr.l ; 2) to he
PYAlll bIJl h lFb l agriculture. moved, shifted ; 3) to get in the wrong place;
AYbIJl-AfiMAK, sec All MAK,. 4) (of nomads) te move to another place.
AYbIMAC residentts) of the same AY b IJl . AY bl cn AJlbf 1) variable, transitory, tran-
AYblJlllblK, rural : of art AYbIJl. sient. cbanging: ... EnC ero p rotat ion ;
AYblP I) heavy; 2) hard, difficult, distressing; ... MAFHA figc rative mea ning; ... CYM-
3) calarnitous, disast rou s ; 4) painfuJ; .. . MAJIAP lfin./ carry-overs ; .. . TO K ! tech.1'
)l(AFllAA difficult situa uo n : ... KE3 hard alterna re current; ... m AMA Irna th.1
times ; _.. MIHE3111 balanced, self-posscssed va riable (quantit y); Kbl3blR T Y
(man); . .. MdCEJIE difficult problem, com- challenge (red) banner; 2) Igram./ name of
plex quest ion : CAJl MAKTh I !sport'/ 1\""0 tenses: ... OCb I llIAK present-future :
heavy-weight ; XAHca lamitous situation , . .. 8 TKE H llIAK customary past.
disastraus positia n ; 8 HE PKdClfl heavy AYbICflACTAH without chan ge.
indu stry ; AJl f bI ;;>HEJ1 pregna nt AYhlCfbIn in turn; by turns. in shifts.
woman. AYbICfbIP· 1) to exchange; 2) te move,
AYhIP &011· te weigh /intr./. shift Itr./: to tran sfer elsewhere Itr./ ;
AYbIP TAPT- to weigh /intr./. EKIHllII KhI3METKE ... to transfer to
AYbI PJIA. I) to become heavy, dumsy, ether work.
sluggish; 2) te become un beara ble, oppres- AYhlCfbIPY tra nspos ition, rearrangement.
slve: 3) /6g./ la be otfended, te resent. AYblCTblPbJn see AYbICTbJn.
AYbIPJIAH- I) to become heavier; 2) la AYblCT bl Pb Jn K,OJO see AYb ICTbIPY.
become awkward. slow, obese. AYbIC·TYfUC mu tual excha nge ; mutual
AYb IPJJAT- 1) to make heavier; 2) to over- account s.
la ad ; 3) to aggravate : 4) to co mplicate (as AYbICK,AH A,[I,AM madrnan , lunatie.
the exposirion of an idea). AYbIT I) camel saddl e ; Ispec., local SWI
AYhIPJIAY rather heavy. dromedary pack-sa ddle : 2) /Ioc al WCI place
AYbl PJIhIK I) weight ; 2) difficulty ; 3) where a noria is installed .
panderability. AYbITKbl- to reel. stagger, tu rn from side
AYbI PMAJlblK, see AYhIPTnAJlblK.. to side l intr./ ; te ûucruate. wever, hesita te.
AYhIPChIH- I) to he burdensorne, trouble- AYbITKY lastr.1 pert urb ation, dlsturba nce ;
some to a ne; 2) te feel pain; 3) to be lfig./ aberration .
offended, to take oûeuse, to resem. AYblTKYnhIK. a nomaly.
AYbIPT· to cause pain. AYbITKbl llI unsteady, wavering.
AYbIPT flAA painl ess. AYbIK a little : just a bit.
AYblPTflAJIblK 1) laad, burden; 2) adver- AYbIK· AYb IK from time te time. now and
sity, hard ship; 3) na mral cala mity. then.
AYb lPTflAJI bIKC bl3 pai nless. AYKAT I) food. dish; AYK,AT ;}3fP dinner
AYblPT n Ay m b lJI blK painlessness . is ready; 2) prc pert y, possesslons. Iortune :
AYbl PTfl AK. /loca l SEI I) narrow strip of J) position. condition .

-,\YKA TIAH· AlllbI

-,\YMTI A H- I ) te hav e a meal ; 2) to become A lllYJ1 A H· to be a ngry , imtated.

prospero us. AllIYJlAHblO KA J]- to flare up , blaz.e up.
AYK.ATTb l prosperous. weil-tc-do . AlliY.J lb! violenüy, severely.
A YFA UlbIK- ( 0 go hunring. A llIYMEH in a fit of enger.
AYFAH Afghan . AllIYllIA H hot-rempered . cbole ric .
AYF hI H immigrant ; fuginve . refugee. AllIYIlIAH,llbIK ho t te mper.
A YFbllli shaky. Alfl b f.Jl- I) ro o pe n /intr./ : 10 unlock oneself;
A$EPl1Cf swindler, rcgue. to he opened, un locked ; 2) to clear, brightcn ;
A~J-UllA bi ll , poster. placard . 3) to he disclosed, expc sed ; 4) to he bared ,
AeJ>OPl13 M a p ho rism . uncovered ; 5) to come to light, he revealed ;
AlI>PHKAH African. 6) to break, burst (as an abscess): 7) /fig./ to
AcPl1lUKC affix . become expe rienced, to develop, to grow.
AX ah! oh! AIllbIJlMAC cheerless, gloomy, [oyless .
AX ~ p- to grieve deeply, sigh heavily. AllIbI H A godparent (form of address).
AXI1 K AT see AKbIl1 KAT. AllIbIHFAH indignant, disturbed.
Am h ungry ; ... Ke3D. IJl IK greediness, AllibIT- I) to itch; to gna w (of caustics);
avid ity; . .. 9 3EKK E o r ... KAPh IHF A o n 2) to acidify, make so ur , ferment ; K bIMhI3
an ernptystcmach. ...~ ... to mak e koumiss (b y fermen tation);
AllI- to open , revea l, unloc k, uncover. dis- KAM b IP ... te leaven dou gh; bAJl ... to
co ve r; to ferme nt (of wine. erc.): )K01l ... Î ferm ent honey.
to openapath. road; to break a trail: AID b IT ATb IH ferme nting, fermentative.
KeHIJl ... to amuse oneself 10 have a AllibITbIJIMAFA H KAM b IP unleavened
good time ; CAYAT ... (0 liqui dat e (a bo lish, 1 do ugh.
eliminate ) illiteracy : y ftJ.;,b I ..... ro dri ve , AIIIbITbIJlY sec A IIIb lTATb IH.
away sleep. AWbITKA H turned sour (fermented).
AIlIA J) pitchfor k ; 2) bifurcated: ... 6Y- AIII b ITKbJ leaven.
TAKTbI forked. AllIb IK I) o pen, uncovered: 2) clear, bright,
AlllAJl bl bifurcated . forked.
light (o f color) ; 3) evide nt, o bvio us. un-
AlliAM A C1 I) pad un derlining thc pac k-sadd le
ambiguous, undisguised ; 4) disti nct. Jegible;
for oxen and camel s ; 2} child's sadd le.
5) aud ible ; 6) co lo rfu l, exprcssiv e ; 7) bare,
AllIAPUJ b lJl bIK h unger, fam ine.
na ked, unp ro tected : 8) notlceable, visible,
AlliATY RK. !zool. j a rtiodactyl.
conspicuous: 9) public, accessible: 10) !fig./
AillK93 grec dy, avid.
clo ud iess; AYA FA info the o pen; ...
AllIK93LU K greed , greediness. av idity, in·
BA r D H flat ca r ; :>KY36EH affably,
satiability. cord ially ; ... :>KY3AI affable, amiable, co -
AllI K9K jloca l SEj vegeta bles.
d ial; ch eerfu l, [ovial: ... KYH clea r weather;
AlliHA friend, acquaintance (perso n).
. .. nrKI PJlI inte lligent ; ...COT pu blic trial;
AllIHAJlbl K ecq uaintance (rela rion).
. .. XAT postcard : ... KO PA enelos ure for
Alll nA3 see ACnA3. cattle; ... K,bI3bIJI redd ish purple ; Ke3I ...
AllI n AJl b I open ing ; one whicb o pens ;
well-informed ; KDJlbI . .. generous, liberal.
TEPE3 E French window.
AIII b IK- l ) to famish , starve ; 2) 10 gel hungry.
AlliTA H caused by hunger ; ... 9Jl Y starva-
AIII blK..A, Y b I3 idler, gawk. doafer, gape r.
AUJbIKA YbI311bIK loafing, gaping about.
AllITbI·TOK.Tbl hal r-sta rving.
A lli b IK- MA MbIK /Ioca l W j hinge, joint.
Am TbIK J ) fam ine, hunger ; 2) poor barvest.
A IDb iK TAH-AW bIK open, pla in, definite,
er op Iailure.
A UlY I) opening, discovery; FbIJlMI1 ... evident; visible, obvious.
sciennfic d iscovery ; 2) anger, indignation; A llibIK TbIK cloudlessness; brighmess lo f
... KE PH ErEH furieus, ragin g; .._ CAK- colcr).
TAMA ft TbIH kindly, amiable. A llibIFY I) famine; 2) hu nger-stri ke.
A my liAC- to restrain one's ange r. AlliKAPA K greedy, avid.
AIDY AT floca l WC/ a grass grcwing on A IDKAPAKTb IK gleed, greediness, avidiry.
solonchaks. A IIIKbIIII /locaI N W/ key.
A llIY AAC /chem.1 alum, silver nitrate. A IUb I acid, sour ; ... TA C alum ; . .. men

{boL! wood-serrel (Oxalls ): ... Illl E K small AJlKCbI3 I) legless ; 2) witho ut result, futilc,
intestine. ineffectual, unsuccessful.
AIIIbVlAY sourish. AJlKChI3 KAJJ.nbIP· to lea ve, abandon wilh-
A3POJlPOM airport, airû eld. out result.
A3PO nJIAH airplane; .. . TACblMAJlbl A.RK,TA- to com plete, finish; to bring to a
air transport. conclusio n.
A3POfiOPT airport. AJlKTAIiAK ta ble ware ; dishes, plates.
A3POWAHA aerosleigh. AJlK,T Aïl- la be completed , finished .
AlO bear; ... 6AJlAM Ibot.1 elder(Sambucus). A.RK,TAJIMAflTbIH endless, perpetual, ever-
AlOAH Ilocal SEI poreh . las ting.
AR· te spare, take care of, have mercy on, AJlK,T AJIY completeness.
take pity on. bc so rry for. ARKTAlIFAH finisbed, co mple ted .
AJl JtAR jKEP patch (plot) of land . AJlK,T AH· to rise, stand up (of larnbs, colts,
AJn 1) frost ; YC KIPIK .. . hard frost; 2) clear. erc.).
AR3)]. b I KYH frosty day. A.RKTAH WAn· to ac t qu ieûy, slealthily ; to
ARJI dela y ; rest, respite, ha lt. inj ure (someone) by cunning .
AJlnA- to cherish. AJl K,T A n UIhI K - te co mplete.
AJlJlJl.A- to walt, delay, stop. AJlKTAC coruempo ra ry : nearly equal in age.
AJlJI.QAY halt, rest. ARK,TAY completion, conclusion.
AJlMAA merciless, ru thless. ARI(TAYIIIbf lfig./ boss.
AJlMAATBtH pi tiless , ruthless. A.RK-TOFbI3 [hi st .f fine for min or offenses
AJIH ctear, evident. weU-known . provided for by ancient Kazakh commo n
AJlH- to spare on eself; to take care of ene- law .
setf. A.RKllIhI persen serv ing koumiss la guests.
ARH6AA fu lly . AJlKKA IiAC· l) la rise, get up; te get [ 0
AJlH6AA I crE- to work hard . one's feet : 2) 10 reco ver, convalesce; 3) to
AJlHbIW pity ; pitifully. reestabl ish o ne's positio n; 4) [0 become
AJlHhIUITbl pitiful. economica lly strenger.
ART-XAJlHC Irel.1 dogma . AJlK,KA liACTbrp· to put ene on his feet ;
AHY p ity. la restore.
AJlYJI bI dear, valuable, irreplaceable ; ... AT AJ1 KKA IiAChlll - [ 0 be trampled upon ; to
good (tho roughbred) horse . be crushed.
AJlYCh13 merciless, ruthIess ; .. . KHIM A.RH 6VllKIfl horse 's pace, fest er than walk,
working clotbes. slower than trot .
AJlYChI3LJ;hIK, mercilessness, ruthlessness. AJ1 HJl,A n at a wa lking pace.
ASlYllibIJIhIK, sym pathy, plt y, mercy. A.RFhI ACnAHHAH KEJl· to he braken to
AJlYIIIbIJIbIK, K,hIJI- la be sorry for ; to pieces ; to he smashed .
take pity (co mpassion) o n. A..sIFhI AYbIPJIblK, pregnancy.
AJlK, 1) foot, leg ; ... 6ETI instep ; ... CAY- ARFbI )KOK, legless.
CAF hl toe: .. . eTKEJI ford ; 2) bo wl, AJlFbfHA )l(h IF b Jll· 10 fall at so meo ne 's
cu p, d ish ; 3) end, consequence, result ; 4 ) feet ; jfig.{ to entrea t ; la apologize.
last, la tter. A .R F hI HA lli EHIH to the end ; till the end.
A.SlK [;AC- la visit. AJlFbIHllA I) later, afrerwards. su bseq uent-
AJU, C03- I) to stretch one's legs: 2) / fig.f Iy ; 2) beneath, below, do wnstairs ; AKhIP . . .
la die. ûnally, in the end. after a ll.
AJl K, TIPE- / fig.f to resist, o ppose. AK, 1) white ; 2) honest, pure (irre proacha ble);
AHK,ACTh l passageway, th oroughfare. innocent, guiltless ; 3) /med./ wall-eye.
AJl K,ACTh l ET- /fig./ to trample on, to defy , cataract; 4) milk, dairy products : S) egg
Bout, scorn. wh ite ; ... AJITbIH "white gold ": 1) eetton.
AJl KKMI3 / Ioca l NW/ narrow fei t strip 2} pla tinum : ... A HL(h I3 / bot./ eleca mpane
covering the lowe r part o f KE PErE (sec), (Inuia) ; ... IiAflllI ElliEK /bo t.{ (Anemona
AJlK KH IM foot -wear, shoes . boots. nemorosa): ... 6 All blK /zool./ 1) beluga,
AJlKChI- I) la rernain without results ; 2) to large white st urgeon (Acipenser husa) ;
Ieel worse (o f sick persen), 2} white salmon: ... IiAJl UIb IK wh ite clay,
kaoli n : .._ b03 sec AK60'3 ; . .. 6 0 PA H AKK9H lJUIIK rnagnammity, generosity.
SDOW storm : ... )KbIMTAY /bot./ daisy, AKMAK fooi , blockhead. dunderhead, do lt,
chamomile (Ma tricaria): . .. )KY3,UI wh ite- stupid, foolish : ... EAC A.SlKKA TbIH-
faced , fair-skinned : K9liEJI EK IzooLI blIlITbIK 6 EP MEC Iprov.! a foolish head
cabbage bu tterfl y ; K9 M IP h ydra- gives th e legs no rest .
ejectric power ; ... K9HIJl see AKK9HlJI; AK,MAKTAH· to be foo lish, stupid .
. .. MAJl horses (collectively); MAR AKMAKTA HA Ioolishly.
lKOJIhI lastLI Milky Way ; OPb IC AK MA KThIK foolishness, folly, stupidity.
Byelorussian ; OT meadow grass ; AKMAKIllbIJIhIK see AKMAKTbIK,
.. . n ATIllA Ihist.! maies ty (tsar's ti tle); AKHAE AT Ilocal EI sart of mellcw, white.
,.. CAPbI,.. AKCAPb l ; ... CEJIEY,.. melen.
AKCEJIEY : ... ChiP whiting, whitewasb ; AKnA or AKUA AY ûoca l EI kind of seine
.. . CYflEK,.. AKCyflEK; .. . TAJI white used on large rivers.
willow ( Salix alba ); ... TbIlllK,AH ermine, AK n A K,YJIAK inattentive, absent -minded,
stoat ; .. . ill b IKKA H,llA at th e time when forgetful.
dairy products become available (spring) ; AKnAH lobs./ Ja nuary.
... IPIM IIIIK po t cheese; .. ' KOT Izool.l AK,nAP /local EI large tea cup.
white tai l ea gle ( Haliaetus al bicilla) : .. . AK,n AJI floca1 W I field under grain culture.
K~PA A lbot.! a plant of Umbelliferae AKCA· te ti mp; 16g./ to lag bebind (in werk).
fami ly. AKCAM TY C- to limp, hobble.
AK- 1) ( 0 flow. stream, run ; 2) to teak, AKC APhI I) blond(e) ; white-Iaced: 2) light
percola te ; 3} la ru n out, peur out. bay (color of horse) ; 3) Izool.l hen-harrier.
AKA6A {local SE! I} branch of a n irrigat ion AKCA T- to reduce to lameness : /fig./ to cause
can a l; 2) irrigared field. da mage (to work).
AK,AY spotlage. refuse, scrap. AK,CAYCAK /ÎI on .1 fine gent leman .
AKE AATAJl floca l WCI snowdrift. AKCA K lame .
AKBAC 1) Iloca l SWI a kind of arenicolous AK,CAKAJ1 I ) respected person . elder, senior ;
grass ; 2) flocal SEI a hoof disease of horses. 2) /hist./ head of a clan .
AKSAC TOJIKb IH billow, roller. AK,CAKTbTK lameness, limping .
AKliE J1 IJI open-bearted, indulgent, without AK,CEJIEY /bOLI feather-grass (Stipa pen-
guile. nata).
AK,EEJ1IJI.U1 o pen-hea rted, go ed , natured . AK,Cb IJ1T . to grin ; la sho w one's teem.
AK,li03 1) light gray ; 2) light bluisb gray AKC b IPA· to feel a Ionging for dairy food.
(color of horses) ; ... YY1 yur t covere d with
AKCb IPF AK Ibot. / white heUebo re (Veratrurn
new white felt .
AKli03AT tsssrt na me of two stars in Ur sa AK,CYAEK 1) aris tocracy ; 2) a kind of game.
AKS8K EH /zool./ Saiga Tat arica (a species AKCY AEKTlK a ristoc ratie : aristocracy,
of antelopc). nobil ity .
AK,rBAPJUU I White Gu a rds (Russian AKTA I) cast rated: ... AT gelding (horse) ;
co unterrevolutiona ry army}. .. . TAflbIHIII A gelded bull-calî; 2) noeal SI
AK,)KAJI bay (color of horse). she phe rd 's meal .
AK)KAPK bIH jovial, gay, cheerful person. AKT A- I) to bleach, whiten, whitewash; 2) to
AK)I{EM ET white meat (po ultry, veal, etc.). clean (graio); 3) to j ustify, excuse, acqu it.
AK)KYP EK I) good, kin d, good-na tured, AKT A6AH·I1I'i6PbIH jlbI /hist./ "Great
well-dispo sed : 2) Ilocal EI a medicinel herb. Calamity" - tbe invasion of Kazakh steppes
AKJ1bIK I) Izool.l a species of golde n ea gle ; in 172 3-1726 by the Ka lmyks.
2) expe rienced. wo rldly-wise, strong. AK,TA'ATbIH bleachi ng, whitening.
AKKe AJIEK n oca ï EI inner white coa t of AKTAJl- I) to he bleached, whitened , wbite-
wbeat seed . washed: 2) te he justified, acquitted ; 3) to
AKK9 HIJI o pen-hearted, candid. fran k, up- he compensated, repaid : to pay for itself.
right, honest ; magnanimous , generous. AK,T AllY wbitewashing.
AK,K9H IJIllEH· ro play al being gene- AKTAJIb In IIIbIK.- to be acq uitred (in court).
ro us. AKTA P· I) 10 look for samething; 2) to


ransack, rummage, dig (in to) ; 3) to take o ut ; AK,hIJl DEP- to give advice, counsel.
4) te pour o ut. empty, overturn. AK.blJI )KET-ta un derstand ; to conjecture
AK.TAPhIH- to dig tin to) ; to ran sack. righ tly.
AK,TAPbln IiITIP- ro have ra nsa cked, AKhIJl KIP - te come te one's senses ; to
rummaged . ccme to see reason.
AK,TAPbIn unax- I) see AK,TAP bIn AK,bfJI CYPA- to ask, seek advlee or counsel.
EITIP· ; 2) 10 ha ve lo o ked th rough (a boo k). AK,blJI VflPET. te give advice, counsel.
AK,TAPbIn T ACfA- 10 throw about, pull AK,hIJI r e l1 adviser, counseilor ; d irect or,
about. instruct or .
AK,TAPbiD lll b IF Ap- to piek out. pluck out. AK,bIJIJIAH AJl,ACK,AH unbalanced , extra-
AK,TAY justification, acquittal. vagant.
AK,TA YWbl (house, sign) painter ; Jfig./ AKblJI,lJ.AH )KAJ- to lose o ne's mînd .
protec tor. defender. AK,bIJljlA H )l(A3FA H rnad. crazy, cra zed ,
AK,Th iJl w hitish. insane ; u r- balance d.
AK,Tb I JIbI Ko rt la rge Rock of sheep (pre- AKblJIJlAC wel l-wisber.
dom in antly whi te). AK,bInllAC- to consu lt o ne an o ther; to take
AK,TbIPAH /local W/ a kind of fish. counsel tcgetber .
AK,TbIPHAK, see AK,CAYCAK. AK,bIJlJlbl clever, intelligent, wise: p ruden t,
AK,TbIK I) white ness ; 2) rightness. innocence ; sensible. rea son able.
3) last, Jatter, float, te rminal. AKhIJI)lhIJI b IK prudenee. wisdo m.
AK,TbI FbIH .llA in conclusicn, finally. AKh IJlJlbIChIH· to co nsider on eself wiser
AK,IlIA mo ney. coin ; KAn HTAJI bI than orbers. to sho w olf one's kn owiedge.
financial capital; .". CA JlY deposito invest - AKhIJlCh13 madman, luna tie, bra in less.-
ment ; .. ' COF AT b l H y fi mint ; 2) whitish ; AKblJIChI 3LlAH. to go mad: to lose o ne's
.. . EET whi te-faced : .. . KA P first sno w, senses, reason.
new- fallen snow. AK,hIJlCbI3LlhIK mad ness. insanuy, extreme
AK,UlAJl A f'1 Aff b l n fine, assessment. foolishn ess ; folly, lac k o f sense.
AK UlAJlAff T8Jl E- to pay in cash. AK,blJllllbl see AK,b lJlr e fi.
AK,lllAJlA H- to receive mo ney ; to have AK,hlJl hl paying. requiring paymen t: .. . IC
mo ney ; to grow rich, weahhy. Ilegal! civil suu ; .. . ICTE P 3A H b l civ il
AK,lllAJlbl (persen) with means. hav ing mu eh cod e.
money . AK,blJlhl TAi1b l3 short-witred.
AK,UlAM twilight, d usk. AKbIJl bI HAH AJl AC- to go mad , te lose
Al<JIIA ChI3 1) pennil ess. poe r, impecumous ; one's rea son . 10 go out of one's mind.
2) frcc (of ch a rge). AK,hIJIF A KEJI- to come to one's senses.
AK,illACblJ.ll;blK, lac k, sho rta ge o f mon ey. AK,hIJI FA Cbl HMA HT blH foolis b, a bsurd ,
AK,llIAFA M \:'K,T A)I( impecunious. unreaso na ble, unwise.
AKllIblJl whitish; ... KeK lilac, violet (colo r); A K,bI M floca l SEI niche in gra ve in which tbe
. .. CA Pbf crea m-colored , light yellow ; body of the dead is placed .
.. . KA H Imed./ leucemia . AK,blH poet, bard.
AK,llibIJl L{AY whu ish . AKbIHJ];bI K poe try. poe tie skül : /adj.!
AKbI pay, payment: .. . Ta JlEY rewa rd. poetic.
com pe nsat lo n. AK,hIP I) result. co nsequence, end of so rne-
AK,hui Ka 3 with p ro trud ing eyes. lobste r- thin g; 2) 10bs.1 ma nger, feed ing rac k fo r
eyed , exoph tal rnic. cattle ; 3) Iloca l WI enel osure for cattle ;
AK,bIMJl A H - to sta re: to o pen the eyes wide. 4} Ilocal Nel glade, clearin g, leeslde.
AK,hlffKAT I) truth, fac t, verity : 2) rig ht , AK,LlP- 10 shout ; to raise the vake.
co rrect ly : .. . lIIbIHJlblK, absolute truth. AK,hIP A5IFbl cornpletely. ab solutely, en-
AKblJl mind , intellect, reasen . sense. unde r- tirely, totally, wholly.
sta nd ing ; ... HECI wise, j ud icie us, cleve r; AK,bIP MIFbl HJlA or A Kb lP CO l-1b lHJlA
.. . KI PM ErEH fooli sh. stupid. unexperi- finally, a fter all, as a result, in the end.
eneed ; ... T IC wisdo m too th. AKbIPAfI- to sta re (at).
AKblJl AfiT- la give ad vice ; to make listen AK,bIPAn lobs./ October.
to reason. 10 bring te o ne's senses. AKbIP· MIFbl see AK,b IP AR FbI.


AKbl Pbl H slow QUlC t ; qur etl y. gently: ... AHCAY WbJn blJl hIK thirst , eraving. stre ng
FA H A quietly, witho u t a wo rd. gradually. desire.
AKbl Pbl HllA later. afterwa rd s. su bseq uently ; AHChI3 dull, stupid, obtuse, brainless: back-
EH ... finalty, alter all. in the end. wa rd, ignoran t ; reckless, Ioolhardy.
AKbI PhI HllA· to slow down. calm d own , AHCbI3D.A acci dcntally , by chance, in-
linger ; te come 10 a sta ndstill . adve rtent ly, une xpectedly.
AKh IPbIHllA n q uietly, gen rly: by easy AHCbI3D.hIK ina nemion , carelessness,
stages, gradually. thoughtlessness ; rashness, rec klessness, fool-
AKhlPhJHDhlK, slown ess, sluggishness. ha rdiness, folly.
AKbI PbIHbIPAK. quieter, slowet. A f\CbIPA - sec A f\CA -.
A K b lP b l n 6 AK bJP· to shout ; 10 how l AI-{TAPb IJl · l) to be disturbed, to rm enred by
loudly. expecta tion : 2) to be at a loss ; to he dis-
AKblPbIn )KIEEP· 10 begin to shout; to concerted .
utt er a sho ut. AH;TAPbIJlbl n KAJ]- to be a t a foss, dis-
AK,blPbIn c o a n s . to raisc o ne's voice. co nce rted.
AK bI Pbln KOM - 10 rate ; to scold loud ly. AH,-TAH GOJl- to he puzzled , pcrple xed: to
AK hl PFb l last, f inal, conclusive. wonder .
AKblChl3 (ree of charge : grat is. AHlllbf I) hunter ; 2) /adj./ hunt, hunring.
AKblK TAC a ga te. A H WblJl a rde nt bu nter ; lo ver of the chase.
A K3 M l1 rPAHT "White" emigr é. AHWblJlbIK hunt. hunting.
AHllIblJl b lK KOP:iKbIH game bag; Iö wling
AKK,A iK A3- to make a clean copy.
bag .
AKKA.JIA I) wall of snow: 2) cbildren's play
A Hbl3 AK d ry wind.
wit h snow-balls.
AHh IP- l) te stop for a wh ile /intr./ ; to cease
AK K Y swan. doing so meth ing.
.A..KK YEA blond. fair-haired .
AHbIPA n KAlI- 10 beco me deserted , desolate.
AKK,\:"EAlllA KbI3 fair-Iaeed girl.
depop ulated .
AKKYJl A 1) bay (color of ho rse) ; 2) in vain, AHblPbln KAJ] · to he taken aback .
to no purpose. 3) part icu larly. AH.bJPb l n K,APAn KAJI· to gaze in
AKKY MA H tea-kettle.
lli cD consciousness, mind, intelligence;
perpl extry. erft VIJl) ;' /
A I-{ ~ mout h. throat , larynx. qv ~·-J.~
intellec t; ah'i1~ima l ;_ ,,_. HIJ hunting AtLK,A }Çç[]- to feel grea t thirst. c)b
dog; ... TEPICI skins, hides. furs ; )l(bIPT· AliKA Y_ I) sim ple ton, duffer; 2) simple ,
KbIW -: .. beast of prey ; 3) {Iocal Sj tract artless, guileless, unso phistica ted.
of la nd dissec red by smal! gullies ; tract of AH,KAYJl b lK a rt lessness, simpl icity, naiveté.
tilled land. - to spread /intr./. pervade (of an odo r).
AI-{ AY JlA· to hunt wild beasts.
AHJlA. to understand, to guess.
AHKbl n- to be wide open ; to yawn, ga pe.
AH.KblHbl n T 'iPhJn K.AJI- 10 pause in
Al{llAT - to let kno w, explai n, eluci da te. pe rplexity .
Al-lUA YCbl3 by chance, accidentalty. In- AHKbIJl Ll.A- 10 spee k lo udly, distinctly,
advertenrly, unexpectedly . clearly.
AH,UAY Cbl3L1.A sudde nly, u ne xpec ted ty. AHKbIJl !I,AK o pen-heart ed, ca ndid. frank .
AH)lbl - to he o n the watch for; to lie in wa it AHKbln EC- to blow pleasantly (of ....-ind).
fot ; to he in pursuit of. Af\K.bJn )I(A fl b iJl - see Af\KbI . ,
AH.lIhln :>KYP- ta ha ve det ected a n ani mal AHKhIT- to emit, exha le (an odor); SJlE I{LII
(in hu nti ng). . .. /fig./ ta sing loudly.
AH.!l.hln OTM P- or AHJ],bln T YP- to wait AHF AJI Impru den t, ca reless.
for ; to He in wait for ; to he o n the watch for. AH,FAJlAK. /Jocal W/ eye orbits.
AHJI.hlFAH expectant , wai ting , marking AHFAJI-C AHFAJl ADAM careless persen.
time . A HFAJl,.!lbIK lac k of order. of syst em: dis-
AHCA - to thirst for, yea rn for ; to burn with orderline ss. ne gligence, carelessness.
desire. AH,F AP va Jley.
Af\CA n -CAFblHbIn ü TbIP- '0 be im- AHFAP. re un dersta nd, su rmise, gather.
pa rient (fo r), to wait with impatlenee . AHFA PT - 1) to give to un derstan d ; to imply,


hint ; 2) te wam, let know in advance. AFATAA /affectiona te fonn of add ress 10
A H;F APFbIm clever, quick-witted, intelligent. one 's uncle c r te an elder/.
AH.FhlPT careless, impru den t, hasty. AFATThIK, hastin ess, rashness ; irregularity,
AIiFbIPTTAH- to display ca relessness, im- maccuracy.
prudence, hastiness. AFAm tree, wood , timber ; ... AYbl3 dull,
Al{FhIPTTbIK carelessness, imprudence. obtuse, sfow-wined (unable to talk: co he ren t-
hastiness. Iy ; .. . AFhny timber ftoatin g ; .. . .[{Affblli~
AFA I) uncle; 2) elder brother ; 3) elder, J],AY lumbering. lugging; ... En' plan ting
eldest, senior ; .. _ FhIJlMH KbI3METKEP of trees, affcrestaticn : KECYllIllumber~
senior scientiûc wo rker ; 4) form of ad dress jack, wood cutter; K8MIP charcoal ;
ro an older ma n ; 5) /6g_/ large, great, th c .. . MAA'bl Iamp-oil, lowgrade olive oil;
grea ter part . .. . TlnrIW saw mill ; ... llIAffh lPbl wood
AFA-EK E I form of ad dressr old ma n, old resin, gum ; ... WEIiEPI carpenter; .. .
cha p, my boy. "'CTAlIbIK eHEPI carpentry : .. . ",erA-
.4.F A R lJform of addressf unc1c. Cbl see ... lIJE 6 EPI ; ... eclPYlIJl cultiva -
AFARhl H bro the r, rela tive, kinsman, kins- to r of woods, sylviculturist ; KEMEJII ...
folk. ship timber.
AFA AblHJlb l A AAMAA.!' brothers by AF AmTAP /consu ./ scatrolding; ErIJIrEH
blood. ... Iorest planta uon s.
AFAAbIHD.bIK rela rionship, kinship. AFAlliTbI wooded.
brotherhood. AFAWWbI carpenter.
ADAM /obs./ highness (title).
A FA fl bl H Ulh lJl ad here nt o f thc system of
;t J nep ot ism. AFRen 110<31 Cl thill.
-i / AFAftblHWbIn bI K nepotism ; ind ulgent
beha vier to rela uves.
AFY stream, ee rrent. flow, cou rse ; leak .

AF h l3- I ) to conduct, let through (c. g. water) ;

AFAnAn WhIK· to overcome, conque-,
2) to extra ct by distillation ; K93.LUH.
mas ter a lland everybody,
AFAJI h IK senlort ry. ACAChlH ... to shed tears .
AFbI3Y disti llatio n.
AFAJlhIK. ET~ l} to ha ve odds in o ne' s favor ;
2)tO enjoy the right of seniority. AFh In· to peur out, rush out / intr./ ; to
appea r in multitudes, throngs.
/ AFAP· I) to grc w white ;(2) towhiten one's
AFhIn-TEnn plenty; in abundance.
face ;(3) to turn gray, become gray (of ha ir);
AFb[J1illblH English, Englishman.
4) to bee;omeclear, clean, p ure ; 5) to da wn,
AFbIn llJb lHAblKTbl CYlOlIJl A nglo phil e.
to grow light .
AF b l M flow, course, cutrent (of rivers) ;
/ AFAPAHD.A· to a ppear whlte: to dawn ; to . .. EKntHI jet , spray, stream : /fig./ trend ,
glimmer. tendency; /pol./ trend, tendency, inclinat ion;
/ AFAPAHll,AFAH whitish . dll.Elil1ETII ... trend in literature.
( AFAPT. to whiten Itr./, whitewas h, blea ch ; AF hI Ml1AFh l /adj./ current, presen t-dav.
/fig./ to enlighten . ed ucate. AFbIH flow (of water), current, strea m ; .. . CY
AFAPTY enligh tenment, education ; . .. :>ICt- runn ing water.
MhICbI ed ucational work ; XAJlhIK ... AFhIHlI.hl rapid, swift, hea dlong, fas t-
Khl'3MET KEPJTEPI educa tors ; wo rkers in ·-iiowIng.
the educatio na l field. AEbIHblKYIlITI AT a very fast horse.
/ ~~m hI I) whitewasher (painter) ; 2) in- AFhIn bIT- te ha ve flowed o ut.
structo r, teacher. AfhIn KET· to flow out.
I AFA PTbIJT FA H /text./ bleached. _ hln KIP· to flow in ; 10 discharge into .
! ~fA Ph l n K8PIH- to look white;_ ~ s~ow AFhtn TAY~hIJT - to ha ve flowed o ut.
~f!ite . poured 'uut.
AF Pbln OI:f,Y /text .' whitening, bleaching. AF hin TIPF AH WEllJEH excellen t orator.
A f:<\Pb IHK,b1 pal e. whitisb. AFbln illbll(. to flow out ; to ha ve its souree
AFA PFA H pare : texl./ bleached. (of ri vers) .
AFAT tho .',ughtless. -
-- - - - -\ .hasty :- has
- rily, ill- F bln KYAblJT- to discharge into (of rivers).

,.,. )r '-J

co nsidered. . \. AFblC see AFbIH .

- .~
...,~\" 38

;;:Y- ./' ". ~ \Y Fr.-
. 'P
. .
FhIT,. l) t e unc o. untasten:(1) to unharness: AhA I ) aha!; 2) /a ffirm a nver.

IJ) la lel go ; to locsen. release." -- / AhJlA- to excla im " ah" ,

Ah ahl ; .. " D.E-. ... ~p- to exclaim "ah" , (Ah b1JîAY rnoaning.
- J Jç':._/ I; , ) t"

EA l interrogative particle/ : see also SE, Fl A, 6A3 cellar, vault.
OE , MA, ME . 6A3 6 1PEY somebody ; some, certain (peo ple).
6 A EKE H? really? is that so? 6 A 3 KE W· I) to lose hope; 2) to have a n
6 A liA grea t-grandfatber ; 6ASAJ1 A P!\1h13 aversio n.
O UT ancesters. 6A3A base, foundati on.
6 A liA Y KAK- o r 6A6A YJlA - ro moan, 6A3AP market.
graan; !O be restless fro rn pain. 6A 3AP Jl A - to go to ma rket.
EA6blH sleek horse. SA3APJlbI /adj./ 1) market ; 2) (of a place,
6A6hlHA K EJIrEH aged, matured (of wine, loc ality) with a marker, hav iog a ma rker;
etc .). 3) weil-fed (of ca u ie) ; 4) /fig./ a u ractive,
IiA6hIH!1A in time, on time, cpport unely. nice-loo king.
6 Ar A)K luggage, baggage. 6A3APJlbIK, gift, present.
6 A ..'lA I local S/ lar ge herd of cat tle. 6A3AP Cbl3 )K EP marketless loca lity.
6AllAJlFbIP damn you! 6 A3APCh13 M A Jl cattle of infer ior q ua lity.
EA LlA J\t al mend. 6A3A PWbI o ne who goes re o r returns from
6 A.L1A M 60)]- /Iocal/ to be subordinate. the market. -----
6A.aAH A I) ihist./ coat o f mail , chain armor; 6A3.D.AH - to deteriora te.
2) / bo r.j fentil. 6 A31IAHbln KET KEH ET ro tten r neat.
6ALlAH ALtAH lar ge (of cerea l grain ). 6A3ELI. AYPYbl /med./ exophthalmi c geiter .
6ALlPAH Iloca l SI cucumber. 6 A3 J1C basis.
6Allh 1PAfI · J) te be wide-cpen (of eyes): liA3HA lobs./ dis play of excessi . . .e familiarity
2) to appear la rge (of eyes) : 3) to sta nd o ut to a relative or Irtend.
sha rply. to be notabie (in respect la size) ; 6Aff I) /adj.! rich, wealthy; 2) /fig./ abundanr :
~) Ifig.1 to beco r ne clear, evident. 3) the rich. the wea lthy; 4) /So viet terml
6AllhiPAK or nA)lbIPAH Jarge-eyed, kuJak ; 5) lobs./ master, landlord ; 6) /conv./
_ gcggle-eyed. busba nd (in this sense used o nly with
6AAC duty, ta x. possessive affix).
6AÄ< ET- to cry ou t, to shout. 6Al1 TEPEK /bot./ aspen (Pcpulus tremola).
6AACA brcrber-in-law (hus ba nd of wtfe's 6 AH· SAH o h! ah! (interjectio n expressing
siste r). displea sure).
6A)f{AJIAK,TA- or 6A)KA Jl A H.llA- to sho ut ; 6AflSA HJlA - to shout, yell; 10 express dis-
to set up a ho wl. plea sure.
6 A:iK-6AiK repeated sharp yell, cry. shout. liAH IiAl1W hlJI grumbling, peevish.
6A iK-XAH A custom -ho use. 6Af1liAJIAM fault -finding or noise to dist ract
6AiKbIJI):lA- to grurnble, growl : ro make atten tion.
no ise. 6Atf6AJlAMDA- to make noise to distract
6A)KblJ1UAK, peevish. gru mbling ; bawl er, atten tion.
nc isy persen, grumbler. 6 A lÏ6ATIllA lobs.' master ; liron./ fine
6AAChlP motley, variegate d, parti-colored (of gentleman .
textiles). 6 AH.6ATlllALtAft TYP- to live in luxu ry.
6A;KbIPA~1 - to be la rge, buiging (of eyes).
nA;.KbIPA HbID K,APA - to loo k with wide-
6A 06b fHA 6A P- to see into, go into:
penetra te.
open eyes. 6Afl6I WE see 6dH 6I WE.
6A7tKbIPAH.1lA- to sta re and make noise. 6AH!lEP6 IC /Iocal Sf kind of mille t.
liA fll(A YC h13IlA

&AH Jl A- I 1 to bind. tie. ue up. anach: 2) ro 6 Al1n AKT b i ET IK winter boo ts wa m o ver
wea ve. tWISI : 3) to dre ss la woun d) : 4) to feit stockm gs.
train (h a rses) : 5) t e fatte n t catue) Itr.l ; E.Al1n A H : . .. )KOPFA goed arn bler, pacer
61 to sepa rat e (mares) Ie r milking : ï) te (horse) ; .. . MI H EJ quiet , cou rteou s charac-
aim trifles. etc.) : S ) to ereare o bstacles, to ter ; ... Ce 3 co urteous, polite word.
hinde r ; KO;1 .. . /fig./ to tie ha nd a nd foo t : 6Aff n AH,LlA- to pace . amble.
Ydn E ... IC negotia te ; 6E..1 .. . to make up 6A HPAK /Ioca l W/ I) banner, sta nda rd ; 2)
o ne' s mind. prize o n races.
6AHJl AM 1) bunch (of ûowers, etc .), EAf1CAJI pea ce, ca lm, quiet ; ... TAn - to
bo uqucr: 2) conclusion, inference. ded uctio n. q uiet down .
IiAJ1Jl AH· to be attached; Ka3 ... to become S AJ1CAJl.Ubl quie t, even-tempered, self-
dar k ; T IJl . .. to mumbie. rest ra ined, self-possessed.
IiA i1Jl AHACT bIP· to tie, bind, fasten to- EAI1 CAJl D.blK. co mposure, self-control.
gelher : l a cement. SAHTA6A foo t-cloths.
6 Al1JlA HlllAK captious. fau ltfinding. liA ffTAJI three-year-old tilly.
liAJÏlJ1AH lIlAKT b IK captiousness, o btusive- 6 A I1TA K I) wide, spaclo us. vast ; 2) a large
ness. a mo unt ; very mu ch, many.
S AHJlA H b lC conneetion. relation; ." op- 6 AHTE C E /Ioca l SEI la rge hoe, matteek.
FAH ,UAPbI lia ison agencies, communica- EA HlIl b In ideologist of the bo urgeoisie.
tion agencies : .. . K~ PA Jl.!lA PbI means of SA }l bI - J ) ro grow rich ; 2) to set (o f suo).
co rumunica tion. liAfl hl lih lH A li AP- sec liAfl lihlHA liAP-.
EA ffn AHbIC- 1) to a ssociate (with); to be in 6 AJ1 b l3 TAn · ro quiet down lintr.l ; to enjoy
co ntact {with}; ta bc in corresponde nce, to onesclf; to he ha ppy.
exchange letters ; 2) to cavil. find fault ; to 6 Aft b iM rease n. intellect . sense.
bother. EA}1b IMnA· to explai n, interpret.
6AMJ1AHbI CCbI3 I) un related. discon nected, EA ft b IMJJ.bI intelligent, sensible.
witho ut co nneetion . incoherent : 2) lack of IiAl1b IM,Ub IJI b lK, intelligence, intelligibility,
conneetion . of contact ; ... Ce fiJl E M pith iness.
/gra m./ disconnected. incoherent sentcnce. EAl1bln see liAflhlM .
6AI1JlA HbICCbI3.l1bIK lack of co nne etio n. SAl1:bI nCb I3 uninteUigent, senscless. un -
incohere nce. accounta ble.
6AfiJ1AHbICTbI I) connected , rclated: 2) in EAftblnCbI3.IlbIK insensibility, apathy, in -
con neetio n with . differen ce.
EAJ.1:JlAC.: EEJl EAA.JIAC· te act e r decide liAfl hIn ThIJl hlK sec li Afl h l Mllh lJl hlK.
joint ly, in concert . 6A11: bIP see EAft b IPFb i.
6Af1.JIA n liE P- /loeal W/ 10 take sernething liAl1bIPFb I indige nous , native, a bo rigina l:
in ad dino n (to a th ing bought); to ta ke ... )KEPrIJlI KTI old residen t, old-timer ;
some thing into the bargein. ... MAJl bome-b red cat tle.
SAI1JIA}' I) bind ing, tying: 2) string. tie, EAftblT- to enrich ; Imet./ to co ncen trate Itr.l.
lace ; 3) tetber ; 4) pack ing (acrion): 5) resulr, 6AflbilY <f:lA6P I1KACh l concen tra ting milt,
consequence: 6) sta te of being bound by d ressing plan t.
w ord . 6 AI1K A- I) to watch , o bserve : 2) to notice ;
6AAJlAY.n b l I) a ttac hed. tied to. lied up. 3) t e he ca utious, wa tch ful ; 4) to pay
bound up ; 2) exact in fultiUing promise. tru e a ttent io n ; 5 ) te test . t ry (streng th ora bilities).
to o ne's word. EA(r K,AA AJTMA H KAJ]- to pay na a tten-
liAilJlAYCb13 I) free, unbound , untied ; 2) tion; to fa il te notice.
inco nsta nt. unstead y, irresolute, wavering. 6 Al1 KAJI- te be found, me t with. encountered.
liAflJl AYhlW noca l EI kerchief. &Af'JKAMACTAH inadverten tly, acciden-
EAHJlblK wealt h, fortune, abundance, goed: ta lly.
Iproverb/ IlE H CAYJ1hlK - J OP liAflJlhlK EAffKAn KAJl - to notice.
healt h is the greatest wealth. EAf1 J<,AY o bservation, inspeet ion. examina-
EAJ.1:HAJlA· to clarify, ascertain, look into, tien , survey.
investigate . liA ffKAYCbI3JJ.A ina dverte ntly, un awares,
6AAnA K, feIt boots, feit stock ings ; /adj'/ feit. through neglig énee.

I 6AllK,AYChl3JJ.bII(

6AllK,AYChI3JJ.b11( lack of watchfulness ;

carelessne ss, ina ttention.
6AHKAYllIbl observer.
6 AJI ACh13 childless.
6 AJI ACh 13AhI I( childlessness.

6AJIAChlH· to co nsider a child ; te rrear as a

6AMK.AYFA 60n- to he visible. child.
6AHK,AFbIIII o bserva nt, watc hful. ca retu l. SA Jl AY CA j bo t.1 a kind of succu lent coastal
ca utious. grass.
6AMKAFbIlllThlK watchfulness . keer mess 6 AJ1AYbl3 wax ; ... lllAM wax candle.
of observa tic n, prudenee. 6AJIAYhl3.QA- te wax : te polish with wax.
6AllFA see saars, IiAllAYbl3.UAJlFAH wax paper ; c il clo th.
6All FAM6AP see nAlfFAM6AP. SAJ1AYbI311hJ waxed.
&AJ1Fbl3/zool./ barn owl. 6 AJ1AllI A childishly.
6Af1'F~C poor devil; heipiess persen. 6AJlA· l1IAHbI childr en.
6 A KAJl E5I groceries. IiM A ·UlAFA children ; fam ily.
6AKJlA)J(AH eggpla nt. 6AllAlllhll( I) loo p of a bobble: 2) /Ioca l EI
6AKTEPl10JlOr bacteriol ogist. saplings of coniferous trees.
6A KTEPH OJlOrJ.1..SI bacteriology. 6 M AK J) rrouser (e ne leg of tro users) ;
6AKTEPl10Jl OnIJlJlhiK bac teriological . 2) loop. noose ; 3) leaf of a grassy plan t ;
6A KTEPI1J1 bacteriurn. 4) leg (of a bird) ; lll hl HJKhl P Ifig.1
6AKTEPl1JlChI3 steri le, aseptie. blood-sucker, exploiter e K,AHnbl execu -
.6AKTEPHJl Chl3,UAHUbIPY steri lizarion . tiener.
6AlI 1) honey; . .. AillY sorcery , Iertune- 6AJlAKlIAP breeches. wide trousers.
telling; ... 6AYhlPCAK sweet native pa try ; 6 AJlAKnAH n ocat NW / ra nle for keep ing
... KAPAFAA fbot.! cedar pine (Pinus a way birds and sma1J an imais.
sibirica); 2) ball . dance; 3) {Ioca l W/ smal! 6 AJlA F AT scolding, a busive.
irrigat ion diteh . 6 AJI AFATIA· to scold, abu se, criticize.
EAJ1 Alli- to te ll Iertunes. 6AJIAFAT llIhIJl quarrelsome (man).
SA]] AlllhIT- to brew mead . SAJ1EbIPA· I) te perspire intensely ; to
6AJlA child, infant. Iittle boy; ... 6AFYWbi languish from heat; 2) to become damp (of
child's nurse ; ... A<Acr AH since childhood; plants, hay) .
. .. K,APAYlllhl see . .. 6AFY lll h l ; I(Oll ... 6AJU cP fortune teller; sorceress.
ado pted child ; orsa ... foster child; 6AJlrEPJlIK sorcery: ... ET· to teil fortunes.
Erl3 ... twins ; caEI ... ba by. 6AJlD.AI1 ea3 cou rteous speech.
6A11A· t) to evaluate, estimate ; 2) te eq uate, 6AJI.Jl.AK. I) crutch ; 2) sabe rhllt ; 3) (finger)
adjust, co mpare ; 3) Iloca l EI to lose o ne's rin g; 4) /local SE/ large knife.
strength . 6A Jl J],h l 1) honey-producing, meltiferous ;
6AnA SAK- o r 6A11A KA PA· to take care 2) /fig./ sweet, fresh (of water, etc.); . "
of a c hild; to look after a child. SAPMAK. th rifty hostess ; .. . 1)~Jl A K
6A11A K b l.ïlblfl AJl- to ad opt achild . spring with c1ear (dr inklng) water .
IiA11AJlA- to pr o pagate, multiply j intr./ ; 10 6AJI.Jl.b13 I) younger sister or younger sister-
sprou t j int r .j (of plants). in-law (wife's sister) ; 2) brother-in-law
IiAJlAJlAP EAK,lllACbl kindergarren. (wife's brother).
6AJlAJlAY )l(lrIT youngste r, yout h, teen-age 6 AJl,UbI P slirne. sludge, ooze. mud ; /bot.1
boy. algae .
SAJl A11h l with ch üd, with children: jpro verbj 6AJIAbIPAK. K83 blg-eyed.
6 AllAllhI vil 6 A3AP. 6AJIACh13 Vil IiAJl,UbIP·IiAT nAK balderdash, nonsense.
MA3AP "large family - a fair, chlldless SA11.ll,blPJl A· to talk inarticulately: ro
family - a gra ve. ot mumbJe , mutter.
6AJlAJlbIK 1) childhood ; 2) chiJdishn ess, 6AJID.hIPJl b l overgro wn witb algae and
nai vet é. water plants .
6A JlAMA equivalency , equ ivalent. SAJI"abIPF AH Ibot./ a plan t with succulent.
6AJlAHC Ifin.1 balanee. sweet stem .
6 AllAHC lKACA· Ifin.1 to balance. 6 AJ1..'lbIPFAH iKAC jfig./ fine-looking
SAJIAnAH nesrling, fledgeling; brood. ha tch. yo un gsters .
6AllA n A Hh IM la tf./ my child. 6 Afl ET ballet.


&An KOH ba lco ny, porcb lull) tended : ... A\:A C rine-looking yo ung-
6AnJlA.J A ba llad sters ; ... w en green grass .
IiAJlJ10 H carbo y, cylinder {for acids, gasest fiA Jl F b IP see EAnrE P.
&AJlnAK fzool.! suslik tspe rmophile}: Euro- ----sA f\.t . SA M /bo1./ dandelion Ff araxacu m).
pea n an d Asiatic ground squirrel. _ _6h MIiYK bamboo.
6AJI nAH jp rerev./ yo ung squire. SAH A see M A H A .
6AJlnAH· IiA.!lnAH 6AC- or &AllnAH)lA. EiAHllEPOJlb !po st.! w ra pper for printed
to walk beavily, clumsily, a wkwa rd ly. ma tter.
6AJ1nhIJID.A- 10 mumbie ; to grumble. IiA HK ba n k.
li AJTTA ) axe; 2) knave, jack (a t cards) : IiAHKET ba nquet.
... :>KEJlKECI head of an axe. SAHKHP banker.
6AJTTAJlA- to hew, chop with an axe. 6AHKHOT bank note.
~AJlT AJlAC- /fig./ 10 fight. ~AHKPO T bankrup t.
6AJITA MTAn naü o nal Kaza kh game ("l ook 6AH KPOTIbIK bankruptcy.
fo r an a xe"). bAn I) care (o f someone o r so mething);
6AJlTACAn axe-hand le. 2) training (a horse, h uoting bi rd, etc.) :
EiAJlTA Wh I 1) a xe-maker; 2) carpenter. 3) in time, o n time ; 4) suita ble conditioris.
EiAJlThI P calf of the leg. fiAflTA- 1) 10 fa tten Itr.1 (cattie) ; 2) to tr ain
6AJIThIPJIhl1) hav ingthickcaJves ; 2)strong. (a horse, hunting bird. etc.): 3) to cook
EiAnThIK Baltic . skillfully.
EiAJlYAH at hlete, wre suer ; TYAE ... streng- 6AnTAH- to keep oneself well-g roorned.
est wrestle r. 6AnTAD Ce fi JlE- to ta lk ceremoni ously,
EiAJIlliEEEK see EOJlbWEBMK SAflTbJ 1) fattened (cattle) ; 2) trained (ho rse.
EiAJI llIhlK clay, dir t ; . .. vA mud-hut, earth- ra cer ) ; 3) well-p repared tfood) : 4) well-
hut . tuned (m usica l instrument).
6AJ111IbIKTA- I) to soil , ma ke dirty ; 2) 10 EiAnWhln 1) one whc tend s weil (a horse,
trample down ; 3) to d aub with clay, dirt . etc. ) ; 2) one who co oks well .
EiAJl llIhIK,TAH CA.JIFAH vA ad obe P 1) is, there is; 2) tha t wh ich is on hand ;
EiAJI llIhIKllI h l /zool.1 sand -snipe, sandpi per. existin g, avaü a ble ; 3) a ll, the who le of.
IiAJlblK fish; .. . AYJlA- to fish, angle; S AP · to go; to ride.
... AYhl casting ne l, seine: ... MA R fish S AP S OJl - te be ; te exist.
oil; ... YCfAY fishing, angli ng ; .. . YCfA· EAP S OJl FA Hb l but ; in all .
Yillbl fisherman. EAP KY ill lMEH with all power; with all
6AJlhlKKe3 Ibot.1 forget-me-not (Myosotis one 's might.
palustris). SAPAEA H d rum ; .. . COK-, ... K.AK· to
6AJlhIKTA · te fish, a ngle. bea t the drum.
&AJlhIKIllhI fisherman. 6 A PAEAH UlbI drummer.
6AJIhlKllIblJlhIK fishing. 6A PA6AP adequate.
6AJ1KAI1M AK bo iled so ur crearn . 6APA·I>APA I) a little later; 2) continu ing
EiAJlKAlli 1) marshland; 2) well red. to walk.
6AJIKOPFAChl H Ilocal SE, boLI a reed -like b APAK sback, h ut.
pla nt. 6 APAH bleek (co lor of horse).
6AJlKhI~ I) to mel t, grow so ft ; 2) te shine, EA PAK a breed o f dog .
beam (of face); 3) te be delicately colored IioA PSAPJl A· to drive o n, spur on (a horse).
(of face). 6 A PDA M /1oca l EI rich. weal tby.
6AJI KhIT· to soften, mel t Itr./. 6APEKEJInE good! fine!
EiAJlKbIFbIllI fusible, low-melting. easily SAP)f(A ba rge.
melted (of metals). 6AP)f(hIfi· ro become stout, hea vy.
EiAJlK~ PA A /bot l a reed -like plant . IiAP)KhIK stout, fleshy, heavy.
EAJlFA bammer ; ACnAJl hl ... d rop weight ; SAPH TOH baritone.
moa ... blacksmi th 's hammer . 6 APJIA· I) 10 check , verify; 2) to a scertain ,
6AJlFACA n hammer-ha ndle. clarify ; 3) to find oul, make inq uir ies ;
IiAJlFAWbI hammerer , hammerman. 4) ImiLI te reconnoiter.
6AflFblH welf cared for ; well-groomed : care- 6 A PJl An 61Jl · to find o u t; to worm ou t.


SAPJlAY reconnaissance, intelligence . 6APhIC I) ;zaal.l snow leopard: 2) direction,

IiAPJlAYllIbI sco ut, reconno iterer. destination, term inal; . .. CEnTIK Igra m.;
6APJl bI ·)I(O K.T bI insufficien t; insignifican t. dative-directlonal case.
bAPJIhlK 1) all. everyt hln g, everyone: 2) SAPbEP harr ier.
property, belongings; 3) o f every ki nd; all S A PKbInLlA- to shou t or scold loud ly.
a nd every ; .. , :lKAFb l HA H th o ro ugh, all- liAP KhIn!lAK. noisy person ; bawïer.
round. comprehensive: .. _ )l(EPJ],E every - li APK,h IH sand-bank, shallow .
where. liAPK,bIPA· to raar. howl; to shout lo ud ly.
IiAP Jlbl K,- te become winded , to get th e 6APKbiPAYbiK see 6APKbIJlLlAK.
he aves (of ha rses). SAPK,hIT velvet.
6 APJl hi FbI I) gross, total: 2) in all, alto - S APKbIITAft velvety .
gether. IiAPFA H CA H b IH fart her and fanher.
fi A P ~f A H lo bs.! o rder, co mmand : decree, GAC I) head; 2) cbie f, head, senior ; 3) head
edi ct. (a f ca nle ), loaf (of su gar) ; 4) head (e.g. of
IiAPMAK fingcr, toe . match); 5) beginning (e.g. of year): 6) end
6 AP MAKTA ft sma lI; size o f a finge r. (e.g. of streef) : 1) upper part. top (af
6APM A Fb IH T I CTE- l fig./ (0 regret, he mounrain, etc.) ; 8) /gea gr'/ a. height, eleva-
so rry. tion; b. river head, upper reaches (of river);
SA PPH KA.JA barricade. 9) fo re wc rd , preface. introd ucrion ; 1O) /mus.;
IiAPP H KA.llAJ1 A- to barricade. bass, basso ; 11) /adj .; chief senior, prin cipal,
BAPTb IJln A- to make a kn ocking noise . f irst, general ; ... AffH AlI Y giddiness,
SAPXA H bare har te. dizziness ; .. . A3ATIb i F b I pe rso nal Iree -
6 APWA all, c·verything; .. . EJ) the who le do m ; ... AP b IK, main irriga tion ditch ; . ..
populario n. SAJlYAH stre ngest ....'restle r, very stro ng
6 AP h IJl llA- ro shou t loudly ; to sco ld lo udly. wrestler ; SAPMAK th um b ; ... Sdfif' E
&APb IMTA plunder, Ioray , ra id ; lesp.! first prize : )KAF h l /geogr.; u pper ; upper
driving awa y another clan's cattle in a n reaches, riverhead; :>KOK blindly: .. .
in tertribal feud. KAHT sugar-loaf: KI1IM headgear ;
SAPb IMTAJI A· to plunder ; /esp.1 t o dri ve .. . KIJlTl /mus.; ba ss clef ; K8TEP rE H
a way e ther clan's caule in an intert ribal ad ult persen, grown man; CEKPET AP bI
feud. secretary genera l ; CVf1 ErI skull,
&AP b IMTAJl AC PYJlA P /h ist./ feudin g cJans . cr an ium ; . .. TOFbI'3 Ihist.1 fine for grave
S AP b l MTAlll b l o ne engaged in IiAPbIMTA cr imes provided for by anctent K azakh
ra ids. brigan d , robber. com mo n law: co rnpnsed n ine heads of
S APbIH A'sH..I A· to share one's belo ng ings cattle , includin g a ca mel; .. . UlTAIi gen eral
wit h th ese in need . staff; ... WY LIA woel from head of camel;
6APbI HWA I) as much as possible, by a ll ... KOJl IiACUlhI co mmander-in-chief'; ...
rneans. in every way po ssibte: 2) fu tly, in a KI MllE P highe st autho ritles.
plenty. in abundance ; 3) of fuU length (o f IiAC- I) 10 suppress, rest rain : 2) to ctush, run
rnan's stat ure). over ; 3) to step. stride : 4) to tread upo n, step
6 APbIH WA )f(Y rI P- to run as fast as e ne o n; 5) to stand up ; 6) to become covered
can . (as by rust. etc.) : 1) to become dirt y, so lled :
6 APbIn :.KET- to reacb, ca tch up. o verta ke. 8) to become cloudcd : 9) to o utweigh , exceed
6 A Pbin KEJl- to ta ke a sho rt walk ; to ta ke in weight ; 10) to rub, plunder ; 11) to knead
a short ride, to go and retu rn . (daugh and cla y}; 12) to becom e overgrown
SAPb i n KIP - te drop in. visir; to drive (into ), (with weeds}; 13) to hatch (eggs); 14) to
la e nt er. Rood (with water); I S) to pur.Jay, set . affix.
IiAPbI n C ~ PA - to add ress onese lf (to). at tach (as a sea l) : 16) to print. type; 11) te
SAPbi n T,\:,PFA H highly, extremely .. . KY full (feit).
genurne sco und rel. IiAC AJl- lbot.; to have formed ea rs, spikes.
SAPbin UlhI K- to drop in on the wa y ; ra li AC AJUlhIP MA- to give no rest ; te give no
call, visit. re spite.
6 A PbI n KA l1T- to ta ke a short walk ; to SAC liO;1- te d om inate. to be at the hea d.
take a short ride : to go a nd return . SAC JKE· te he a n ho nored guest.

6 AC 6ACfh IK-

IiAC J.1 . tel bo .... O n C"50 head ; 10 sub mit ; u- to lead an arm) : 4, te enter int o. begin (a
obey an order. conversa non . 6 0 11.'\ '" to set in l io lr.!, he
S AC C AJl · 10 rhro w so me thin g a t eac h other. established : te aseend the throne .
6A C TAPT- I) fbo t.! 10 fo rm ears, spikes : E.ÄCTAII - to begin . sta rt. se t in lintr.l.
2) 10 avoid. evade, etude. EACTAJJY emergence. fo rmatio n, c rigin.
EA C K Oe - to co nfer. con sult. EACTA MA beginning. underta king; ... ETIK
6AC A A fH- ( 0 ma rk out , st ress, underline. shoes with new vam ps.
liACAJl AMA HD.bIK an archy : lfig./ disorde r. EACTAH firsrly.. from the beginn in g.
confusion. liA CTAH-ASl K wholly ; from heginning to
6ACAJI KA instruction , advlee. end.
IiACAT Iloca l WI wide sea bay . EACT A H KElil IP- to endu re. bea r.
IiAC-AR K or IiAC -AJlFbl 1) alpha end liA CT An from ; beginn ing with.
omega . a and z ; 2) as a who let wholly : /tig./ SACfA n :>Khi Pl1A Y lll hi first sin ger of a
logtcal conneetion. cb o ir.
IiAC61 Jl rI AT train ed horse. 6 ACT An )KISEP- to begin. sta rt , es ta blish,
6 ACliY3AP Jl bl K di so rder, outra ge. fo und Itr./.
6AC K e 3 6 0 11- 10 loo k after, keep an eye o n. EACTAn :>K IE EPYlll I pioneer. init iator.
6ACMA ha ir dye. EACfAn JKY PY WI leader, boss ; init iator,
6ACMAKAJl A lead ing a n icle, edit ori al. pioneer. trail-bl azer.
6ACn A I) stai rs, staircase, stairway: 2) EACTA nKbl initia I. prima ry, ori ginal ;
publishing hou se; 3) IlocaJ Wel footboard fermer, previous.
and hand rail of a hay-b inding machine ; liACfAPT- re re fuse. decline, evade, avo id,
4) /Ioca l SEj hook. bolt. gate valve. elude .
liAcnA KYJl AK CY / Iocal EI cluster of S ACfAC J ) contemporary ; 2) perse n o f like
irrigation dit ches waler ing the sarne field. mind .
EAC nAJlA- to climb the stairs. I>AeT ACTh iK 1) contcrnpora neo usness: 2)
EAcn AJlAT· I) te adva nce. be on the agreemen t o f opinio n.
offensive; 2) to give "no re spi te. EACTAY I) so uree (o f a rlver): 2) /Ioca l SE!
EAC n AJl.IlA K J ) step of stai rs ; 2) stair case. spnng.
sta lrway, lad der ; stairs. EACTAYWhl I) leader (person) ; 2) leader
EACnAJlLlAK,TA- to climb the stairs. (animal. in a herd).
EAcnAHA refuge, shelter, sanctuary. f)ACTAYbl riverhead, upper reach es.
EACnAHAJlA- to tak e she lter from bad EACTAYbllll 1) elemen ta ry, initial , primary ;
weather . H ' MEKtEn elementary schoo l; 2) jgram.!

IiACnAHAC bI3 witho ut shelter. h omeless (of subj ect.

men). EACTAHFhI 10bs.1 pa rty a rra nged by a yo ung
EACnAC83 pre ss, printed wo rd . hostess for her cont ernporaries o n the
EACnA XAHA printing ho use. occasion of the depa rture o f o ne of the
EACnAlil b l bandit ; politica! terr orist. elde rs.
EACnAlllhIJl hlK, bandi rry ; po litical terr or- 6 ACfMOH bastio n.
ism. li ACfbl I) basic. pnncipal, chief, main,
EACnAK calf yea rling (5-12 rnonths old ). par amounr. lead ing ; 2) cu nning. a rtfuJ; old
BACCAJl - to surprise. take un awar es. fox.
IiACCAJl Y at tack , assa ult. liA CT h lJl bIK supremacy, dominatio n, prio-
liACCEfn-1 I) reservoir ; 2) {geogr.! river rity.
drainage basin ; d ra ina ge a rea ; 3) coalf ield s. EACThIP- : ACTh IKT b l li AITbI P- to thresh .
EACCh13 head less ; Ifig.1 foolish, abse nt- liAcrb IPMA I) bu tto n o f ove rcoat ; 2) fas-
m inded, fo rgetful ; d iso rderl y, un d isciplined. tening o f teather belt ; 3) shed , hangar.
EACChl3 yfi fa ther less family. 6AeThIPMAflAT- to overta ke. ca tch up,
SACCh 13Dh lK Ifug.1 anarchy , di sorder, con- reacb.
fusio n. EACThlPhll( pole, rod fo r ho ld ing hay on a
BACTA at first, in the begin ning. at the outset. cart; l fig.! bribe.
SACfA· I) to start, begin Itr./ ; 2) to esta blish, EACfhIK leade r, chie fta in: ch ief, d irecto r-,
venture. un derta ke ; 3) te lead, he the leader; li ACThIK,- to becom e accustomed .


IiACThIK,ChI3ll.bIK, anarcby. 6ACK,A 1) ether, strange, foreign, alien ;

6ACfbIK,TbIP- 1) to train, schoo l, habitua te ; 2) besides, except o save, apart, separately,
2) to break (a horse). with the excepri on .
6ACfbIFblPblJlY nighuna re . 6ACK,A KY H TY . to be o vertaken by mis-
6AClllbl ch ief, lead er, chieftain ; leader (berd fonune.
animal): OT PJUl advance guard , 6ACK,A-6ACK,A separately, apart.
vanguard. 6ACK,AJlA- to separate /tT./ ; to shun; to
6ACllIhIJlAP to p circles, ruling circles, upper keep away (from),
st rata (of society), lead ership. 6ACKAJIAH- te be separated, detached ; to
IiAClllblJlblK, leadership ; ... ET· to hea d, keep onese lf away (from ot hers).
6ACllIhIChl3Jl.bIK, anarchy. IiACKAM egoism; selfishness.
6AehI A WhI K something beyen d doubt. 6ACK,AMbIH K93JI,E· ro pursue only mer-
6 ACbl EOC Iree, unwanted (o f man). senary a bjectives.
liAchlliAJ..1nhl one's own ; personal ly o wned. IiAC KA P- 1) te possess, own : 2) 10 manage,
liACblliYTIH irretrievably, irrevocably. co ntrol, direct, admin ister . govem ; 3) to
IiAChIJl · 1) to calm down , quie t down, sub- dominate, take the lead .
slde, aba te, die a way, settIe down ; 2) to EiAC KA PY governing, administering. ma-
bush, become silen t ; ARKK,A . .. 10 he naging.
trampled down. 6ACK,APYCbI3;:J;bIK anarchy.
6 AChIM I) p ararno unt, chief, main ; abs olute ; 6 AC K,APYWb f administrator , manager;
2) stre nger, greater, more ; . .. 60]] - to authorities ; .. . gKIM,ll,EP admini st ration
overcom e, prev ai1 ; la dominare, prede mi- (personnel).
nate (over). be at the head ; ... KenIIIl)lJK 6 AC K,APYb IH A 6EP- ro en trust.
overw helrnin g majority. S ACKAPYbl HJlA Fbl ent rusled (to).
EAChIM,UhIJ1h lK, preponderance, domina- 6 AC K,AChIH - 10 avo id, shun. keep- away .;
tien, sup remacy. (from).
6AChIMD.bIK preeminenee. supremacy. 6ACKAThIP- to impo rtune, plague, annay.
liAChlMEH irretrieva bly, Irrevocably. 6ACK,AThIPF h IIII import unat e, plaguing.
6AChiMEH S EPIJl r EH irre trievable. trre- 6ACKA WA o therwise, differently, unu suaUy ;
vocable. ... AMT KA H UA in ether words.
6AChIH- to neg leet, disregard, igna re. 6ACK,AK sheep's illness caused by dearth o f
6ACbIHAH A.RFbIHA ,ll,EflIH from "a" rad der .
la "z". 6ACK,hl initia l, first, chief principal ; .. . gft-
6 AChlH,ll,A 1) at, on, near ; 2) at first , at the rE first prize; ... 6YbIH /gram./ initia!
beginning; 3) in advance, beferehand. syllable ; . ., KE3,ll,E at first, in tbe begin-
IiAChIH,UhIP- to loosen discipline. mng.
IiAChIn All· 1) to master, possess, ow n; 2) to 6ACKhlH Imil./ occuparion .
seize by force, take away, capture, occupy, IiACKhlHlllbI aggresso r, in vade r, plunderer.
co nquer. 6ACKhIHUJblJlhlK, aggressio n, plundering.
SA Chln AJlY ImiLI occupatlon. pillage; .. . CARCAT policy o f aggress io n,
6A Ch ln AJ1 YlllhI invader. aggres sor. expansion.
usurper. S ACKhIIII see IiACnAJID.AK .
6AChIn EHY invasicn, in trusion . S ACK,hIWTbJ ste p ped : having steps.
EACh ln KET- to tread upon inad...ertently. 6A CK.~ P home-spun woolen ta pe tying to -
6AChin KIP · to invade, intrude. -..s; ther yurt framewerk.
SAChIn 03-to overtake, outdistance. SAT· I) to sink submerge, drown, he im-
6AChIn WbIFAP- I) to print, publish (a mersed; 2) to rail (in ro), tapse (inta ), sink
baak, etc .) ; 2) to hatch (chickens) /tr./ . (in to}; 3) to st ick, sink (in mud); 4) to be
IiAChIn IcrE ATI H Ittx:h.1 ruiling, felring. digested (rood) ; 5) to pertu rb, dlsturb.
SAChIP EOJlY purulent inflamma tion o f depress ; 6) to set l intr.! (of sun, moon,
eyes. sta rs) : 7} to die o ut, go out. become dim ;
6 ACbIHKbI chief, domina nt, prevalent ; 8) to exert influence (used in negauve only};
CeA]] EM {gram.1 principal clause. 9) to date. risk; ::.KA HFA .. . to hurt badly ;

~ A TA liA Y bIP

OnFA .. . tö be plunged in tnought : üJDKA- b AT bl PJlbl K I) hero ism. co urage; 2) Jadj./

FA .. . [0 be sausûed wu h la a t. prey : hero ' s. beroic.
KbIJblKKA .. " to cnjov oneself for one's I>ATbIPC hIH · 10 s.....agger ; to play the he ro.
beatt's content . 6A TbIPbIJl· ro he submerged. sunk .
EiATA I) first charner o f Koran ; 2) blessing . Ii AT b] Pbln All - to dip, plu nge Itr./.
benediction; ... AJ1FAH blessed : ... liE P ).' b AT b iC west. occident; .. . EBPOnAJI blK
blcssing, parring words. west ern Eu ropeen (persen o r country).
b ATA li Ep· te bless : to approve . te give 6A'rsicr AFhI western .
co nsen t. SAThl CTblK relar ing 10 w estern Eu ro pe.
b ATAJl AC· to give each e ther a solemn 6 AT b lClli bIJl pro-western .
promise of mutual assistance. 6A TbIHKbl concave.
EiAT AJI bOH j mil.! batt alicn ; ATKbllllTAP bA ThlH.Kb iJlbi K concavity.
.. ' r ifle bat talion. EAffJIAHbIC ... com- _ 6..:-·',"-! K A H hollow, de nt .
munication battalion . 6AY 1) st ri ng. tace, tape. ribbon; 2) sheaf;
IiATA PESl Imil. & teehn./ ba t tery . 3) garden. o rchard ; ... 6 AHJlAfiTh lH
6A TAC IlocaJ SE! place ove rgrown with MA lli l1H A sbeaf-binder ; . .. KdCI6 1 MA~
pr ickly bushes. M AHbI ga rdener. hor ticult urist ; K A M bIT
liATACblH EEp· 10 wish w ell to a depa rt ing ... t ugs.
persen. 6 AY 6 A fi Jl A- 10 bind shea ves.
liATAFA I local W j fishe ry (place). 6AYAP blK i loca l SI sma lJ irrigation ditcb .
~ATE C sec IXlTEC. 6 AY-óA K lli A garden. vegcta ble garden ;
EATQH Jong laaf of whit e bread. farmstead .
6ATn A Iloea l SW/ a species of sa nd -Iiza rd. EA Y KE c n E YPb l ha bitual crim inaJ; re-
6ATnAH old measure of weig bt . cidivi st.
I>ATnA H D.AH ver y hea vy. &AY)] A· to bind (shea ves).
6 ATn AHCbJ - to be co nceited . 6 AYJl Y - 1) to t ra in ; I~ bring up; 2) tra in a
I>AT nAK swamp, mar sh, bog, m ire, qu agrnire ; hunring bird.
mud . 6AYJl b IK )KI n rope for binding sbeaves.
6ATnAKTA· 10 stic k, sin k in m ud ; /6g./ 10 óAYPA- 1) to assirnilate. mast er: to make
become ent angled, con fuscd . oneself fa milia r wit h: 2) to exen intlucnee
EATnAK,TAH· te become bogge d down. o n someone.
IiATnAK,ThI boggy, swampy, rnuddy. &AYPAn d KET· te become familiar ....·ith ; to
get to knovv.
6ATnAKKA Te CEM corduroy road.
BA YPAM slope. slop ing. decliv ity, foathill(s),
6ATPAK hired man. Jaborer.
foot. base (of hili, mo untai n).
6ATCAt1bI striped silk fabric.
6AYllI b I sheaf-binder ; gardener, horti-
IiATTAMA /Ioc al N El dry d ung used for fuel.
cultu rist.
GATfAC· 1) to stick together, la be glued EAYllibI JlblK bon iculture. ga rdening.
loge ther (of sheets o f pa per, etc.}; 2) 10 GAYbl311A· to sla ught er (canle. etc.}; to cu t
thicken (porri dge, etc.). t he t h roat.
6ATbIJl brave, ccurageous, valiant, beid, 6A YbI311AY throat ; ... KY"UA Iath er-in-law
daring ; Iearless. and b rothers-in-law ; closest relarives o f
6A ThIJl,UA H· I) to da re ; 2) la pretend to he bride o r bridegroom .
bra ve. 6AYbI3llAYbIH A H KhIC- 10 ca tch, ta ke by
6AThlJlLlbJK cou rage, au dacity, bravery, the throat.
valer, dari ng. b AYblP I) liver : 2) blood relativets). brothers
6ATbJJl CbIH· to display courage . and sisters : 3) slo pe, foothill , base of
bA ThJP hero ; a ebival rous kn ight o f Kazakh mountain ; .. . KI1I3 pièce of feit under girtb
epics . of pack camel ; ... KVPT intestinal wa rms
bAThlp· 1) to su bm erge. immerse, sink Itr./; (in cattle) : KA PA .. ' ca llous, cruel man.
2) to t hrust, pJunge Ilr./; 3) to d ig in to, drive 6AYhl P S AC- te become accustomed, to
into (with tee th , cJaws). make o nese lf familiar wit h.
6ATblPLlhlH CE MCEPI hero 's sword. liAYbI P )KA3- to gallep at full speed .
6ATbJPJlAP )Kb1PbJ heroio epic. fiA YbIP T A PT· 10 have p ity, to sym pathize.


SAYbIP,l\AK, 1) Ilocal WI meta l heelplate; IiAJIYChI- I) te slow down. slaeken lintr./ :

. 2) flocal WC I breast-girth of a saddle ; 2) to becom e sile nt, gr ow q uie to ,
3) Ilocal SE! decora tive strap o n the ha ndle 6AR Y ChIT~ I) to slo w down Itr./ sligh tly;
of a whip. 2) to lower sligh tly c ne's voice.
6 AYbIPJl A- l un translata ble verb signifying 6A R F bI past, bygone ; long ago, in remote
strong, intensive acti on / ; A TIbl ... to d rive times.
on (a horse) lashing. IiARFbIllA in bygone days : in days of yore.
6 AY bI PJl An K.AT- to freeze th rough ; 10 IiAJI FbIJlAff as before, without change.
freeze 10 the bo ttorn (of lake o r river). IiA RFh I.QAH of yore, since old da ys.
6 AYbIPJIAn YUIY lav./ le w-level ftigh t ; 6 AR F blCbIH,l\A f! sec 6 ARFbl,l\Afl.
hed ge-h opping. SARFblCblH lUA see S AR r bl,l\Af! .
IiAYblPJlAC blood relative. ~K: 1) luck, goed fortune, happ iness ;
6 AYhIPJlAC- I) 10 become related ; te beo 2) ga rden. vegetable garden .
come int imate with ; 2) 10 fraternize. EAK,. I) to loo k ; 2) 'to scrurinize ; 3) to care
6AYPJIA CfblK, blood rela tio nship; fra ter- for, tend, bring up (ch ildren); 4) to mise
nity, brot herhood. (cattle) : 5) to look after. keep an eye o n,
SAYb IPM AJl courteo us ; kind . sympathetic. wat ch over ; 6) to wa tch Ie r, tie in wait Ie r .
SAYbIPMAJl lJ.bI K kindness, sym pathy ; BAK, ET~ to raar. bellow, sho ut (fro m fright,
co urtesy. blo w, etc.).
SAYbIPC AJ<. patties fried in suet. EAK TAJlACTbI P- to compete.
JiAYblPbI H A H n<APA· to be well trained (of 6AK,A frog.
harses). BAM SA C "hort. sbort-necked (pe rse n).
S AX bIT sec SAKbIT. EA KAJ(A fi llIYR A ~ te make an up roar, din,
6AUIAH roes. no ise.
SA llJAHJlA- to det ermine, cla rify, investigate IiA KAÏ1 I) ankle-bo ne, talus of horse ; 2)
th oro ugh ly, e lucidate. Iloca l EI spoke (of a wheel}.
BAlliAK nocaï W j watermele n seeds. IiAKAI1IIlblK, pas tern.
SAUJnAf! sec SAIUAf l. 6A M I1 K,~ PT ho of disease (of sheep and
B A lIIbI P -Ii~ W hIP with a crackl ing so und (as goals).
at ripping). fiAKAJ1 /loca l WCI sh ort (of ma n).
S!>IUI()CPT Bashkir. SAJ(,AJITAI( sec SAI(AJ1 . ~ ------.....
SAIO sunset. SAKAJllIIA K Idim./ ankle-bone. talus of
EAR I) flocal Cl stem (of sun tlower, etc.) : horse .
2) jloca l W j grum bler, restless man . SA K,A H pole used for lifting feIt roof-secrions
BARflbIW lbot./ coltsfoe t (T ussilago o r in sett ing u p a yurt.
Petasi tes). 6 AK,AHllAfI )l(I r IT strong yo ung man .
IiAR HllA- to teil. sta te, narrare. set fort b, SA KA H WA sho rt pole .
repo rt . SAK,AYbI3 lIocal SEI mantI e of kerosene
IiAJIHllA MA report, a dd ress, leerure. lamp .
SAR HJlAMAlIIb I spea ker, lecturer. SA K~IiAK. Ibot.1 dandelion (Taraxacum).
S ARHJlAY XA T memorandum. report. BAKn A /Iocal SEI kindergart en .
liAR HJlAYIUbI e ne giving a rep ort. exp lana- SAK,C bI sorcerer, q uack, shaman . .
tions. 5AKCbI·I>AflrE P sorcerer, sorceress, q uac k,
BAR H1l,AY bIill Igram./ pred icate. Iertune-teller .
SA .RHJlb( constant. co ruinuo us, unch anging. 6AK,C b IRbIK so rcery, quackery, fortune-
stabIe. telling.
IiAR HC bl3 uns table, inconstant, variable . IiAKT AJIAC rival , com petito r.
I)AJlY 1) slow. q uieto still : 2) depressed, bAKT AIDb I berd sman, shepherd.
d lsp irited, joyl ess. EAKIlIA garden erehard. vegetable garden.
S AR YflA- to slow do wn, slaeke n. a ba te lintr./. melen-field ; ... llAKblJUl APbI cultivatio n
S AR YJl A H - see SMI YJ1A-. of cucurbitaceous plan ts: .. . )f{EMIC garden
SARYflAT- I) to slow do wn. reta rd o del ay fruits.
Itr./: 2) to lower (on e's vo icej. 6 AK WAJI b iK garden district ; loca luy rich in
6AJ1Yfl b iK slo wing down. retarda tion , dela y. gard ens.



5AKWA Wbi gardener. ma rket-gardene r. bA FACb I3 pr icelc ss. m vat uable.

truck-farmer. E>AFACb lH AP3AH LlA1 - to lower the pnce.
EAKllIA lllblJl b lK gardening. vegetable rais- 6 AFACblHA K E.m C ~ to bargain.
ing, cultivarion of cucur buaceous plams 6 AF!lA P 1) directio n flowards). purpose-
EAK -WA K, uproar, dm. hubbub. fulness; 2) inlaid we rk. embossed we rk .
6 AK WbICI- (0 sta rc, to look anennvely. SAFL!.A P K,O H.Ub IP- te inla y. emboss.
fixed ly. &AFDA PlIA- to reûect, weigh /fig-l. try to
6 AK,hIJl A- to observe, c heck. inspeel. understa nd. considcr.
IiAK,hIJl AY observatio n. &AF3bJ liI PEYlIEP some, certain (peo ple).
EiAKhIJlAYC bI3 unchecked. uncontrolled: 6 AF3bI Y A KbITIA sometimes.
negleered. unca red for. 6AFJ1AH 1a mb bom in early spring ;
6 AKbiJl AYC b 13Jlb iK neglect. .. . jKACfAP /6g./ fine-loo king healthy
fjAK,bln AY Wb l inspeetor. controller. youngsters.
6 AJ<,hJnnA- to blea t ; te croa k. 6 AFY supervision . superintendence, care .
6 AK.bI J1,UAC- to say far ewell, take leave of a 6 AFYJ1 b l MAlI well-tended cattle.
dyi ng person . t.T' ..t,.~ 5AFYChB neglected, unattended, unchecked.
/. \ $AK,hIP t) copper ; 2) metal bucket. pa il ; liAF YIlI b l supervisor ; S AJ1 A chil d's nurse ;
:;. '< p>~ 3) p oer fellow, un fortunate person .
MA J1 ... shephe rd; y f1 watch man;
:,...... ~\,_l: b A Kh f P- to howl, shout , cry out; te weep Ce3 ... gossipcr.
of:' loudly ; to scold)oudly. ? 6 AF bIH - 10 obey , comply, subrnit ; to he sub-
" 6AKbIPAA· 1 )J..~bu.lgel(of eyes) : 2) , fig.j to o rdinated to .
~ gel inro a hcpeless pos ition. ;;.'~ 6AFbl H b lWTbi subord inate .
<.: 6AKhiPAYbiK camei that frequen tly .t:~~~s. 6AFb IC- to educa te. loo k afte r, ta ke care of
.. liA KbJPA W metal di pper. scoop. somebody, jointly with o thers.
\ liA KhIPAWT A- to scoop with a dipper.
5AFb IT direerion. cou rse. trend , te ndency;
(f li AK b IPA lli T A n e lIW E- to meas ure a
... T A5 Y orientat ion.
volume. .6AFbJTC b I3 un scru pulo us. unpr inc ipled, in-
\ SAKb l PlIJbl coppcrsmith, brazier. brass-
discreet. ir responsible ; ....·itho ut definite
we r ker .
..!' liAKblPWblJlblK po verty, need.
EAFbITCb l3,UbIK Jack o f pu rposefulness ;
y':. liAK.bIT happiness. lfig./ ta lka tiveness, indiscrction .
- ,; EAKbITC bI3 unh appy, miserable.
EAFbJTT A- 1) to select a course of action :
" I>AKbITCb13)lbIK, un ha pplness, misfortunc ,
2) to put (sorneon c) on a right co urse. in the
calamity. disaster. acc ident.
righ t direerion .
,/ liAK,bIITbl happy. fortunate.
6 AFbIIllTA - to intend (fo r) tu.t. to destine
'I 6AKbITbl HA fortunately, luckily.
(for. tol : to devo te. to dedicate.
6AKK~MAP go-gener, time-serve r.
E AKK~MAPJlblK setf-serving. tim e-serv ing.
EA h A P ea rly spring; .. . En Cl 1) spring
6 /\,f' A prlee. cost ; mark (in school o r a t wo rk): sowing ; 2) so wing on unirrigated la nd.
a ppraisal, evalu ation : .. . )KETnEMTIH ex- 6 E sec bA.
pensive, priceless ; eJI H lllK ... se lfcost . 6 E&EJlE· 1) to wail, moa n from pain ; 2) /6g./
6 AFA KEC- or 6AFA K,OH - 10 appra ise. to lose o ne's tem per.
evalua re. 6E6EY KAK- see 6 E6 EolE.
6 AFAJlA- sec 6AFA KEC-. EEr E MOT hippo pota mus.
~YW bI JI bl K. underestimation. bEllE cle ver. lucerne.
/ liAFAJlAC eq uivalent (in pr ice er cost). of 6EJlEll autho rit y.
eq ua l value. liEilEJI.UI au tho ritative.
I liAFAJIbl val ua ble, expensive ; hbe ral . lavish. 6 E.llEJIllIJ1IK authoritativeness.
SAFAH o r liAFAHA I) pillar. post. pole, EED.E JIM EH authorita tively.
stake ; suppo rt ; 2) sup po rtin g post in yurt. liE.UEJII A PT· to become autboritative.
liAFAHA recently. 6 ED.E JIJH xoa. to defame, derogate, dis-
6AFAHA llAH liEPI since. since then . cred it.
IiAFA HAFb l recent ; afore-men tio ned (pre- bED.EnIH CAJlbJn autboritau..'ely.
vionsly referred 10 ) ; that e ne. 6EJlEJIIH TYCIP- sec EEJlEJl IH lKO i1-.


liEJlEP I) design, patte m , o rn ament; 2) im- SEI pugnacio us fello w, bully ; unruly, dis-
print ; 3) relief. orderly.
Ii E.D,EPn E- to ad em a surface with designs, 6E Ï\.6ACT A lfig./ anarchist, anarchica l.
drawings, ornamentation . .6EJ1: EA CTbIK unrul y, disorderly.
S EJlEPJl I figured, pauemed. 6Ef16AK. poe r fellow, wretch ; unfo rtu nate.
6 EJlEY I) raceho rse ; 2) sterile. barren. fruit- unba ppy person .
less. 6EA 6 1T q uiet, calm In.! ; pcacable, peace-
6EJlEYJl IK sterility, barreness. lo ving.
S El1IPEA. to loo k a ngrily. 6Ef1EI1TI K calm. q uietoca lmness ; peacable-
6 EJKIH Ilocal EI saddle with porrune ls in the ness (peaceful disposition).
front and back. I>El1l>lTIlI l nI K peace ; . .. CYl1rI IlITI K
BE3 tanat./ gta nd ; ... AJl K, bowl ma de of peacefulness (peaceful disposition ).
kno n y wood ; ... 6Yl1 PEK 1) pe rsistent, 6 E(1ó \:,?)I(A Iloca l SI va in. ungrounded , in-
stubborn ; ca llous , cruel (of man); 2) rast. opportune.
cap able of grea t end urance (horse) . 6 Ef DKA ft inconvcnicm, a wkwa rd . uncom-
6 El- 1) to reno unce, disav ow; 2) to tese (as foetable.
appetite) ; 3) te fa ll o ut of the habit (o f). 6 Ef! MA3A grum bler; disturbing tro ubleso me.
1iE36EH spring balance, steelyard. q uarre lsome perso n: caviller, import unate
6 E3 IiEH.a E- to weigh with a spri ng bal ancc; ma n ; ... 60 nFAH dist ut bed. agita red
2) l fig./ to he grudging. persen .
E.E36EHCI3 t ) weigh tless ; 2) /fig./ wa steful, 6Ef!M A 3AJfA . 10 dist urb, plague, a nnoy.
improvid ent. extra vagan t. 6EftM A JlAn / Ioca l S. SW I care-free : original.
6E3rEK fever. ma laria : .. . !IdPI q uinine: 6E l1HE I) image, figure. shape, ferm . a ppea r-
_.. MACA /zool./ Ano pheles ; ... ~crA - to an ce ; 2) mark . sign. distinguishing fea ture.
have a fever. cha racteristlc.
6E3rEJlnEK Izool.1 Microns tetra". 6EH.H EJlE· to o utfine. depiet, illusrrare .
6E3rEH having fallen out of the ha brt. 6EH.H EJfEY rigure of speech ; allegory.
6E3JlE f1 resilient, stro ng (of ph ysiq ue ). 6EVlH EJl I figurative ; allego rical ; as. like ;
6E311I P- I) to plague, annoy : 2) to fill with '" Ce3 tigure of speech. .
disgust . 6EftHEC n A,UA M plain. ill-favo red, un-
6E3E- l) to ad em, embellish , decora te : 2) to co mely persen .
ma ke teeth or notches with a file. 6EH.HECI3 MAJl unma rked, unbranded
bE3EK design, pa ttem; . .. K.OHD.h fP- to cat tle.
print (3 pat tem) ; ... Vnn CI stencil. 6Ef1 H ET torture, torme nt, sulfering; ...
6E3EKTE· I) to ado rn, embel lish (with T A PT- to sulfer, endure to rment.
designs); 2) lfig./ to disp lay great un- SEHHETCI3 withou t torment, trouble, diffi-
easiness. ag ita rion . culty.
I>E3EKT EfI K-OJl.1lbI·AR K-K-A n 'p\1 A· [0 6Ef1HETIEH - te en dure tormenr : to he in
ru sh madly ; to go a t full speed. difficu lties, trouble.
6E3EJlrEH splendid , magnificent . 6El1HETTEH A PbIJl· to free one self Iro m
.6E3EH - to adorn oneself; 10 be cdorned. to rt ures.
bea utified. SEH H ETII IC difficu lt matter. hard jo b.
GE3En ceans, to ta lk eloq uently . 6 EAH ET K.O P one wbo is tortured.
6E3EP. to look angrily , wrathfully {a t j. 6 EA H EY J) eppearanee. face. figure: 2) wom
&E3EY 6ET frcck led. spo tred . peck.m ar ked o ut, o bsolete.
face. s Efl HOPM A n abno rrnal.
6 E3E H.O.E- to ru sh, d as h about. 6E A n APTHR non-pa rty {persen).
6E3In JlE- to wail incessantly, moan con- sen run I ) untroubled, care-free. serene,
tinua lly. tr an q uil ; 2) unnecessary, supe rtlous ; 3) ir-
6 E3 InD. EK impa tient . responsible : ... AYb l3 peet, unduly fa mîliar :
I>E3IJI.1lET : lfig.f ;J H.1ll 6 E3 IJl llET· <0 sing ... AYblJ KICI use r o f vulgar words ; . ..
a so ng in fast tempo . CeJ unnecessary. irrespo nsible ta lk...
6EffAnA Iloca l SEI grumb ler; restless pe rsen . SEftCAYAT iKyprEH K Iel vagran r. ho bo.
6El16AC lfig.! a narchist, anarchical : Iloca l SEf1CA YAT :.KyprEH TVf"1 E stra y camel.


ó EHCARC ·\ 1 Indifferent In polit ies. 6 EKEM streng. ha rd. solid . steady.

6Ei1CAR CATT bl K indifference to poli tics. 6 E KE Mll IK streng th. hardness, sohdüy,
6EflcEMlil Tnursday. sta bility.
6EfiTAl'l /local SEi sic klish. wea k. E EKEP I) invem io n, fancy , fictio n ; 2) con-
liEI1 TAPAn neutral. impartial, unbiased. un- fusion . d isorder : 3) useless. una va iling ;
prej ud iced : dismterested ; indifferent. im- 4) in vain . uselessly . 10 no purpose: 5) Itech./
passree. running a machine with out a loa d ; ... AMT-
IiEI1TAPAnT blK neurralny, impart iafuy, to tal k nonsense : ... SOCKA irrationally,
leek of prejud ice : disinterest edness ; in- senselessly . to 0 0 purpose ; .. . )fCtMbIC
di fference. impassivny. JCfE- ... .. ltec h n./ 10 idle, ru n a ma chine
IiEI1XAfiAP uninfo rmed, ignorant. with out load ; .. , Ce3 lie, Ialseb ood , idle
EEMllIAPA poer fellow, wretch : belpless. un- talk , nonsense.
fo rtunate pe rse n : .. ' TYJI lobs.! wido w. IiEKEPrE te 0 0 purpose: ... KET KEH vai n,
liEM lliAPAJlblK helplessness ; ind igence, in va in, useless, uselessl y.
wan t ; /fig.! wea kness. irnpo tence . liEKEPJl EH bEKEP irraric nally. senselessly.
ssmn I) charactcr, disposition, tempe r ; to 00 purpose.
2) wish, desire ; KIWI . .. coun eo us, civil, 6EKEPJIIK I) uselessness : 2 ) ineffectiveness.
deferential. 6 EKET 10bs./ l ) sentry post; 2) relay stat io n,
EiEMIJl.UI co urteous, civil. deferential. stage-coach station .
EiEt1IJU KEH- to sh ow civi lity , co urtes y. 6EKETllJ I lobs./ superintendent of rclay
Ii EfUJl I KEltEl1 10 feel weü. station ; sta ge-coach service operator.
EiEft VU T A P miserly, avaricious. 6 EK3AU A {obs./ noble (belo nging 10 no bilityt.
6 EfU JII TAPblJ1- to be miserly, spa ring.
liEK3A TIbIK nobihty, nobleness.
SEH IM inclined : incllned to. disposed to. 6EKCUJl pr omissory no te.
6 EHJ MllE- I) to inc line, bow , bend ; 2) to fit.
IiEKIJl· 10 he confirmed, sanctioned. 10 he
adapt, acccmodate. adjusr: 3) to subject (to).
strengthened .
EE i1JMD.EJ1rIW readily a daptable. com-
ó EK IH - to be st reng thencd, fixed : to set in
pliant ; easily infiuenced .
(of wea tber).
6EJ1I MD.EH- I) ro be inclined (to); te lean
EiEKIH IC Imil.l fo rtificat ion, bastion.
(towards) ; 1) to adapt ones elf ; to adjust
on eself (to). 6EKI PE I zooL! a f ish of the sturgeon famil y
6EI1:IM IlEH D.IPY acclimatization . (Acipenser stellat us).
6EH JM.lU I) adron . dexterou s. resourceful: GEKIT- 1) to confirm, rati fy, sanctio n: 2) to
2) pleasant, u rban e ; 3) ca pa ble. strengthen ; 3) to loek, taste n. cla mp ; 4) to
6EMI M,llIJl IK I) adroitness. dext erit y, re- hob ble (a horse) .
sourceful ness : 2) civility, urbanity : inclina - IioEKlTK IW dev ices that fasten parts of
t ien (for }, attraction (t o). machinery. etc . (e .g. screws).
6 EWIT to mb. grav e. EiE KJT n E sec IioEKITKI Ill .
EEAun paradise. 6EK ITY bobble.
GE11:KAM I) ca retree. ca reless: 2) negligent , 6 EKITJ lI· 1) 10 be confirmed ; 2) to he locked.
diso rderl y. IiEJI I) walst. sma lt of the bac k; 2) back, body
bEn KAMJlbIK unco ncern. ca relessness. neg- (of anima is) ; 3) mountain pass : mountain
Iigcncc. ridge, range ; 4) billoek . mound; 5) Ifig.1
6EHK~T IIoca l WI refrigerator. co ld storage support ; 6) /Iocal W/ spa de; . .. KYPEK
plant. spa de: . .. OMblPTKACh l lanat.1 lumbar
IiEl1 FAM see IiE I1KAM I. vertebra ; .. . K~ .nA futher-in-law : bro thers-
IiEl1FAM Jl blK see IiE l1K.A MJl bIK . in-Iaw.
6EK I) nob le (belon ging to nob ility) ; 2) com- EEJ1 : . .. AC- 10 cr oss rhrough a mountain
ponent of many ma le proper names; J) pa ss ; 10 cross o ver a mountaio ridge ; . ..
very. EA l1lIA- to decide, make up on e's mind.
EEK I-Kl - I) to become establisbed, fixed ; resol ve ; 10 make a firm decisio n: .. .
2) to become strengtbened : 3) to get 6AftJIAC- to ma ke a joint decision; to act
strenger (of health); to gain strength ; 4) to togeth er ; 10 act j ointly ; . . . SY- to make a
be confirmcd. sanctioned. ra nfied. firm decision : ... Kep· to consider so rneone


as cne's suppo rt; .. . K 9TEP- 10 rest, ta EEJlE H,1 S AP AT resu ve, capricieus horse .
obtain arespite. JiEJl K Y Jl JlI entirely, definitely.
IiEJlAFA ll I) axle-t ree , axle of a cart ; JiEJICEH · to train o neself for wrestling; /6&./
2) nocat EI ridge of a roof. to manifest energy, display activity.
6EJ1 6EY belt, sash, girdle. JiEJlC EH.Il.1 I ) active; 2) o ne of the mos t
IiEJ16 EYJl E- 10 gird , gird le. active members (as af communist pa rty).
6 EJ16EYJlEH- to gird oneself. 6EJlCEHDIJlIK acti vity, manifeslation of
6EJ16YAP belt, sas h, gird le. energy.
6EJlrE TAJlH- to put one's arms a kimbo. 6EJ1 CEHE ac tively; ... KATb lCYMEH with
6 EJl rI sign, mark, te ken, cbaracteristic ; pers onal panicipation.
notch , dent ; Jgeod ./ sta ke, boundary ma rk; 6EJlC13 AT weak, feebie horse.
.. . 6EPY signaling, signaliza tion. IiEJlYAP wals t.
6EJ1rl CAJl- 10 mar k; 10 ma ke a notch. 6EJIIH TA..RH· to pUL one 's a nns ak imbo.
liEJlrI xon. to mark , designat e, la bel, make fiEH see M EH and M EHEH.
a notch ; fgeod./ la place sta kcs. fiEH EH sce MEHEH .
SEJlrJ xoasm lllb lK,- to mark a lf. lay out. 6EHTTE- o r liEHTTEn x o a . to screw up,
SEJ1rIJlE- to mark, designate. Jabel. mark elf. serew on .
lay out , dene re. register ; 10 set. define, 6EHTII techn.• adj .f scre w, spiral. worm.
determine , fix, assign, a lle r: igeod./ to place 6Ep· te give : te give o ut , issue. deliver ; to
sta kes. give a lf ; ro give away ; to submit (e .g.
6EJlnnEH r EH detennined, esta blis hed, applica tion ); to serve tfood ): 10 grant,
fixed. assign ed, rnarked down , recorded, co nfer upon : to give away (in game). give
registered. up ; j deser ./ a fter the gerund o n A. E. JÏI of
6EJ1rIJlJ I) marked, noriceable, conspicuous ; the ma in verb . it impacts to the la lter tbc
2) known , familiar ; 3) significa nt. prominent. no r io n o f I I) inc hoativeness , o r (2) repe tlrive
well -kn own. eet ion. o r (3 ) conti nuous action. as :
6EJlrI C13 I) unknown, unfamiliar : 2) in- (l) K,AWA SE P /imp.1 ru n away a t once ,
de ûnite, uncertain. (2) ;KA3A SEPE,Ur he writes often.
6EJlrICI3 SIP )f( EP.QE so mewhere. (3) APbIK,TAH liEp· to grow thin (from
GEJlrICI3,ll,IK uncertain ty. indefiniteness. da y to da y) ; aû er gerun d on blf], I n . n o f
vaguenessv obscurity. the main verb . it signifies an actio n carried
SEJl,ll,E- 10 aim. take ai m, point. on for the benefit of ano ther persen. as
SEJl.Il.EME /cul./ fille t. tenderloin. OK,bIO SE p· la read a loud to someo ne,
6EJ1)],EM WE apro n. CYA PblO 6Ep· to give te drink ; in im-
GEJl.llEC· to wres tle, struggle. perative afte r the gerund on A, E. 11 of tbe
EEJl.llEY rope (usua lly of sheep .... 0(1) en- main verb it may mea n "cnly", "j ust":
circli ng yurt fo r fastening felts to frame- A H T liEp· just talk o n (don't do anything).
werk. GEPrI /adj.j nearer: o n this side (of a river,
GEJlJ].EYJlE- I) to enci rcle yurt with rope etc.).
to fasten felts to framewo rk; 2) fig./ to 6EPrJ C n better : not inferior ; of better va lue
draw a line around (something). or quality.
6EJI.Il.1 I) stre ng, powe rful ; 2) basic, funda - 6EPLlEH K E Berdan rifle.
mental. 6E PErEH genere us, o ne who gives.
SEJlJ].1 6EKE M SY b l- to make a firm IiEPE KE I) benefit . goed: 2) un ity co nco rd ;
decision. 3) prosperi ty: 4) Ire L/ grace.
SEJI,UIK belt . sas h, girdle; saddlestrap ; Ita: h./ 6EPEKEJlI I) econo mical, tbrifty; 2) cba ri-
shaft. tabi e : 3) beneficient. beneficial ; 4) nutr itious.
SEJlEC hili. mountain pass ; /fig.j o bsra cle, JiEPEKECI3 J) uneconomical , wasteful; 2) un-
harrier, difficul ty. adjusted, uno rgan ized : 3) inaccura te. ....a re-
6EJlECfEH- la rise grad uaUy (af terrain). Iess. Inco nstan t (of man ); 4) useless. un -
GEJlEH, tende ncy to shy; restiveness. caprici- reason abl e. unproducnve (o f wo r k, erc. ) :
ou sness (a f harses); . .. Arl- to he startled. 5) not nutritive.
frigh tened ; to he restive. capriciow (af liEP EKEC I3D,I K I) diseo rd. disorder ; ~) in·
ha rses). :Iccuracy. ca relessness .

6 ET n
6EPE KET see IiEPEK E. eenser enee. bo no r ; . .. A:>KAPbfHA KA PA-
6 EP E H highest-q ualuy steel: lfig.i wise. MACfA H d isrega rd mg tbc persons in-
glo n o us. renowned . volved : .. . AJl D.bJHAH facing, full face;
6EPE PM EH e ne who gives. .. nEPllE yashmak : ... C Y HErJ cheek-
6 EPEC I de blo bone ; ... dJl n ET I fea tures (of (ace).
6E PECI JII ind ebted. liET A W- lobs.! to In trod uce bride to bride-
6 EP;.KA I\. this side (of nver. e tc.I. groom's parer us.
li EPME H bere (in rhis direction), neare r. b ET fiAKTbIPM A- to preven t (so meone)
6EPM EHD.E I) recently. in t he recent pa st ; from talking or giving explananon s.
2) la ter on . bET )Kb IPT · to put (someone) 10 shame
6 EPH E Imus.1 frets. rudely.
IiEPH EJl E· jm us'/ 10 tune UP. anune. b ET bYP- to pa y attentio n Ho). ta ke notice
6EPTI HJl E see 6EPM EHJlE. (of).
fiEPY givin g. presenting; deli very, d istributio n. SET KO H- to move towa rds somethin g.
SEPf from, since the , d uring, in the course of; EETAJl D h l in vai n. a imlessly.
hither, here. liETAJlbl C lfig.1 d irec tio n, course .
fiEPf KA PAH. hither. here (in Ihis direction). 6ETA IIJAP lobs./ song sung o n introduetion
6 EPIJl E see 6EPMEHJlE. of bride 10 brtdegroom's pa rents (remo val
liEPI K I) sla bje. stro ng, durabl e, resistan t : of yashmak fro m bride 's face) : .. . A HT- to
2) staunch. steadfast, firm, unwavering (of ho no r ne wly-weds.
man) ; 3) hardy, of grea t endurance. vitalit y liET-liETIM EH se pa rately, wit ho ut o rder,
(of do rnestic anima Is); "." LIO eTh lK streng disunitedl y.
friendship. 6ET Ii): Pb IC turn .
6EPJ KTT K strength, sta bility, en d urenee . bETEr E / bo LI a grass (Festuca sulcata).
6 EPJn · I ) tO be given ; 2) 10 give o neself up E>ETErE~ll )KEP place o vergrown with
(to) : 10 be a ttracted (by }: 3) to give up, Festuca sulcata (a grass).
surrender ; 4 ) 10 be de vo ted . EETEP worse than ; mo re than .
6 EPIJl rE H devored. loya!. SET)i{ Y3LlIK Iloca l Ee l gift, present .
6EPI JlrEH.aIK devorion, de vo ted ncss. loyal- IiETKE IiAC- la say direc üy to one's face.
ty, fide lity. 6ETKE CO K - to put (someone) to sha me.
liEPIn liITI?- to deplete, exha ust . bETKE ): CT AP the best, the most outstanding
EEPJn )KETKI3liEY deficiency in delivery. (perso n).
liE PIn TYp· 1) to serve ; 2) to lend. f> ETK EH mo unta in sJo pe.
!iEC five. f>ETOH co ncrete.
SECA CnAn universul. many-sided : tho- 6ETO HllA. to tr eat wit h co ncrete; 10 lay
roughl y, in detail : . .. K fCl jack- of-all-trades. concrete.
bECEHELIEH fjEJlnJlJ well-kno w"Tl. long liETOHllbl /adj .1 conc rete.
known : known te everybod y . EETO HlUbl concrete werker .
SECEY five (gro up of). IiET-OPAM AJl to wel.
!iECEY·fjECEYllE H C A H A- to co unt by SET n AK, sco undrel (swea r-wo rd ).
groups of five. 6 ET n E-bET face-tc- face.
fjECEYJlE- 10 do something in grc ups of S ET n EP)lE veil; lo bs./ ya shrna k.
five. 6ETcn shameless, unscru pulous, inso lent,
6ECEYJI En by fives ; by groups o f five. cynical.
6EOKbIJIJlhIK or 6 EClKbIJIJlhIK lKO- EET03!!1 K shamelessness , unscrupulousness,
CnAP five-year plan . insolence.
liECfEH EKI two fifths ; SECfEH YlU SETTE- I) to ta ke a eertam direction . to head
th ree fifths. for ; 2) to number pages ; 3) /fig./ to d isplay
IiECTI in the tifth year of life (o f ani maIs). resoluteness. coura ge,
IiEcri K group of five. SEITEH AJl · to co ntr adie t ; 10 ta lk rudely.
SECI K crad ie. 6EITEC- to mee l face-to-Iace: lfig./ te sta rt
EECIHIIII fifth. to fight .
SET J) face ; 2) layer ; 3) surfacc ; 4) direction ; 6EITECY J) clash, coll ision ; zjconrromaoce .
5) side: 6) pa ge (of a bock , etc.); 7) /fig./ 6Ern AFAPT- to whit en o ne's face.


liETl Alllh lflFAH A):lA M shameless man . SIJUrIMEH at o ne's own diseren on.
EET! EAPJlCb lflFAH bu ll-faced. EI1MA3A ET- to grumble, growl. mutter.
EET! E"-JlJlCb IMAfi cean s. 10 talk freely, EJ1HûKJl h binocul ars .
without co nstraint . SI1HT ba ndage.
S ETI WIMIPIKn ECfE H unceremoniously; SJ.1 HTIE- to ban dage.
off-hand, SI10 f PAlP l1.sI biography.
SETI KAfn . 1) 10 step bac k, retreat ; 2) 10 6 110JIO f biologlst .
give up a previous inten tio n. 6t1ûJIO r l1.R biology.
EETl KAPA shameless, dishenest. 6 J.1 n A3 dandy, fop.
EETl MEH JKYPYWIJlIK rec klessness. SHnA3,UbIK dandyism.
6 ETIMEH KET- (0 act willfu lly, arbitrarily. 6J1nbIJl 6AC- to strur.
SET IMEH KETKEH neglec ted , uncared fo r. 611PJKA exchange : stock-exchange.
6 ETIHlll E by oneself; at onc's OWIl discretlon ; SJ.1 PlO3A tu rquoise.
in one's own judgment. 6 UT louse.
snu sce n EW. S l1TAPAn see 6E n TAPAn .
6 Ellln EHT beshmet, caftan, quilted jacket. 6HTTE· to become lice-infe sted.
6ErnnEHlTI K MATA fabric for quilted s tr rrt lo usy.
jackets (beshmets). 6J1YAK,hlT prematurely, ino ppo rtunely.
IiE K~T I local W/ caretree. light-hearted. EI1IIIAPA sec EEflIII APA.
6 H 1) da nce; 2) /hist./ prince ; 3) Ihist.{j udge ; 6 UlllAPAnAH · to live in po vert y.
4) lo bs./ orator ; 5) la dj'/ imperiou s, 6HlllAPAJlblK. help lessness.
authoritative, commanding; 6) king (in 6 J.11111 da neer.
checkers) ; ... MEKi EJi! school of dancing. EHm sec mijn.
n H):lAfi wb ea t. SH.sI3bl I) elegan t. graceful, fine ; 2) /fig./
6J1,llAH bI K 1) j bo l.1 couch grass, quack co urteous, polite : ... )l( YHD.l K.OA fine-
grass (Agro pyron repens) : 2) /zoo l./ kind of woole d sheep.
hawk . 611Jl3blJIbl K I) elega nce ; 2) court esy.
IiI1)l1H, /hisl./ judgè's rees ("Ie gal expenses") poli teness, urba nity.
provided for by ancient Kaza kh com mo n 6 11>1JIAfi gloves.
la w. 6J.U IJl AffWhI glo ve-rnake r.
IillE mare; .. . S AflllA- to separate milch 6 l1IrIPEK tal ler, higher.
mares from the herd ; . .. SAY beginning of S J.lIK I) high. tall , sralwart : 2) lfig./ gran d.
mare milking season : IiYA3 . .. mare in foal. majesüc: 3) heigbt. elevati on.
6HKE I) slster -in-law (husban d's sister); F;I1IKCI H· te con sider to be high, in-
2) woman (respecrful fa rm of add ress). accessible.
fjHKEW elder busba nd' s sister. 6 J1 IKTE - to rise, tower ; to beco me high.
fiIlJ1 E· I) to dance ; 2) to administer, go vern : higher ; to grow tal l, ta lier.
3) 10 pos sess, be in possession of. 6 11IKTET- 10 raise, ele vate.
6I1JIEn·TOCTE- to rule, exercise do minion ; 6 J1IKT IK height, al titude, elevaric n.
to manage, co ntrol . direct. 6 H KA M untro ubled , ca re free.
6l1Jl En·TeCTEYlll l lo rd, rulcr, master, 6 11K,ACAn a kind of silk fabric.
sovereign. bos s. 6JIl1HAAiK fmiI./ blinda ge, shelter.
IiI1JIET tic ket . Sn J1HA A)f(,UA- Imil./ to blind.
6l1JlETCI3 ticket less passenger. stow-away. EJIOK I) 1'"" h.1 block . pu lley ; 2) Ipol.! b loc .
SHJIEY I) adrninistration, management (ac- SnOKAD.A bloc kade.
uon), administering, managing ; 2) o wner- SJIOKAD,AJI A- to bloc kade .
sbip, pro prietorship. possession. SOlibIPA. to beco me dishevelled l of hair.
6H Jl EYWI ruler, sovereign ; a uthorities. etc.).
6 HJlJH1û H billion . SOfAP non- lrr igabl e (of la nd).
611Jll rJ sec EI1!ll H . 60 rA PA non-irrigable arable la nd.
6l1JlIK I) power. autho riry ; 2) diseret ien. 60,UAM /local EC/ e ntra nce-hall.
judgment, disposal : iKYPf I3.. te ru le. 60 .lIAH 60n· to become a subjec t (of a
reign. .....ield power : K'tMAP am bitie us, country); to he na turalized .
oower-loving. aspi ring 10 power ; el 60)f(b l rein s.

603 60 1l A P

D0 3 I) gray. pak : light-gray teelo r ot norse t . GOHJlAl11) lengthwise. a long ; 2) during, in

2) Ibot.! featber -grass (Snpa permataj anc the course of : 3) a lways, con sta ntly, con-
otber va neu es of fearher-grass : ... TA.l tin uo usly, perma nently, uninterruptedly.
/bot./ ..... hHC wille w , Hun ringt on willo w : soanxn deep dow n. deep into; ... )KYp·
.. . T OPFAH I zoo l.l spa rrow ; ... lllbIM· la go or ride along by the side of something ;
lllbl K IzooLI bullfineh. . .. KA PA· to loo k at se rnething stretching
b03A a beverage made Irom so ur milk , out o ne's neck.
Ei0 3A M b i K gray. 60ffJl AT. to drive in. la ha mmer in (as a
003AM b IKTA Y grayish. pole in tbe ground).
S03Ap· 10 turn gray ; to grow pak , fade: 10 EOYlJIAYb IK capncious, restive (of ha rses) ;
beco me o r appear white. /fig. of ment o bstinate. wil ful . capricieus.
6 03APT- to eause to fade; to make pak. 6 0H1Ih i tall.
EOJAPblHK b l faded ; having lost freshness. GOYlPA {Ioca l SEj reed mat.
603APb lH Kb lJJbiK pallor. paleness.
60 HC AJlA /loca t S' to Irigbten : ro threa ten ;
Ei0 3APFAH pal c. pall id. a nemie.
to dislik e.
603AK SC< 603A PhI K Kh l.
bOf1T~ M A P a mulet, cha rm .
6 0 35 A JlA lad. young man.
60H IlJA K lall .
Ei0 3,!1bl )KEP fea tber-grass steppe.
6 0M bl I) lengtbwise. along; 2) du ring, in the
S03.llb l :>KblJ1Kb l herd of horses chie ûy
white o r gray . co urse of ; 3) a ll. rhe who le (as a ll year, tbe
who le yea r).
ó Q 31l1A gra yish. wh itish.
6 0HbI H K Y AJl An length wise. a long.
6031lJA TOPFAH /zool.j lark.
003FAH A grayish . GO Mb IH A d uring, in tbc co urse of; EH
Ei03F b iJl gray-whn e, pallid. lengt hwise , aloog.
bO H I) bod y, C'w bo le bod y" ) ; 2) stature. 6 0l1 b IH AH from.
figu re ; 3) height ; 4) extent, length, stretch, liOfi hI HJlA I) at . a long, nea r ; 2) during, in
cxtenslon. co ntinuat ie n. d ura tion; .. . liAJl A· the course o f.
/folkl.! to excusc o nesclf, to a bstain, to 6 0J1bI Hjl;AFh l at , near. alon g.
shirk ; ... li EPM E~ 10 resist. withstand : 6 0 JÏl b IH IlIA I) according to, in pursuance of,
.. . IiEPM EA TIH inevira ble : ... )KAC bIp· in co nform anee with, o n the basis of, on the
to avoid , cvadc ; to hide o neself : .. . KYME3 grou nds of ; 2) because of, on account of ;
dandy, fop ; CAKTA · la be careful, 10 3) in conneetion with , a pro pos (o f). :
bewa re of; TAPT· to be pru dent , 60n · I) to beo 10 exist: to he present, be o n
cautious, circu mspcct ; ... TACAJI A- te hide ha nd , be avai lable : to tak e place ; 10 stay,
o nesclf' : to lie in hiding ; .. . TEHEJILJ,IK reside: to continue ; ra remai n ; to he going
K AJI- 10 he co ncelted : ... TY 3EY carriage, on ; 2) to ha ppen, have ha ppe ned; te occu r;
bea ring (of a perse n) : .. . YI1PET. to 3) to become ; la come a bo ut ; te be accom-
beco me accustomed ; to become weil versed pIished; to a rise (of a possibility ; 4) to find
(as in a jo b); )KbiJI sonu thro ugho ut the oneself; 5) ro visit ; freq uent ; 6) to be ready ;
year ; KICI so nu of rhe height of a laux./ to be : /descr./ after ger. o n bin , In , n
man . signities te rm ina non of act ion : A I1ThIn
W H.ilA as soo n as ; liA PFA H .. . a t thc b 0 11· la finish speak ing; after pa rt. on
moment of arrival. FAH . r EH sig nifies simulatio n : ~11K.TA .
óO A.ilAK. bachelor, unma rr ied ; /Iocal E/ FAH DOJI- to pretend te be sleeping; after
wheat o f sece nd year's erop (of last year's part . o n AThlH , ETI H sign ifies decision :
so wi ng}: . .. MAn barren cattle ; .. . KoR EA PAT bI H EOJI· to decide to go.
ca strared ram more tban 1 year old . SOJIA for, fcr the sake o f; because of;
óOJtKET - to gro w up ; to become adult. .. . I>EPC JH let it be 50; ' " TYPhl n ha ving
óOA)f(ETKEH miss (term o f add ress); a chance ; .. . KAJlCA ir, un fo n una tely, it
Kh I3 yo ung lady, miss. will ha ppen; . .. K.OR P MA E KEH ha rdly,
sonxor boycon : ... JKACA· to boyco u . scarcely ; OllAH . .. K9PM ECI H a t a ny
son nx. te sink in wate r (reaching the rate it should ne t happen.
botto m); to go o r ride alo ng by tbe side of OOJlA.llbl is possible.
something. IiOJIAP enough .


liOJlAP·EOJlMAC a very small quantity of OOJlbJMCbl3 weak, langu id, inert, du ll, in-
something . capabl e, incompetent; Insigniûcant, smal!
SOJlAP MA EKEH no t likely, scarcely. (a s of amoun t); Jgra m./ negative (fo rm}.
hardly. 60nb1MC bl3,Ubl K inca pacity, clumsiness .
SOJlAT steel: /Iocal EI eye pupils ; /fig./ str e ng. SOJlbIn T~P· 10 be, exist, appear ; to take
ûrm , hard ; ... KYJlThlH 3ABOD. steel place , to be held ; re go to see, 10 visit.
foundry . 60Jlbln WhIK,· to hap pen, occur ; to turn
60 JlAThI H I) possible ; 2) used to beo out ; 10 result ; to prove to be ; to ha ppen
&OllAlllA K furu re, tbe future. co ming years. to beo
DOJlAWAKTbt 60 J1:iKA· to predict, foresee. S OJlhln K,AJl . te happen. occur: 10 occ ur
GOn·S DlIA hl /Iocal EI ea rly ripened water- une xpectedly.
melen. S OJlbl n S T- to take place.
SOn 6hlP lan guid . inert , inactive ; wea k, 60JlhiC lobs./ I) volosr ' (small rural
flimsy; net dura ble (of fab rics). admlnistra rive district) ; 2) elected chief of
OOJ16 bI PA- to become languid, ine rt, in- vo lost '.
active: to Iose strength: 10 fall into pieces SOnhIC· to ta ke so meo ne's pan ; to stand up
(of fabrics). for sorneone.
GOn.llbI enough! sto p: EOJlhICT bIK ladj.1 volosr'.
60Mb1P- to gel tired, ex hausted, 10 strain S OJlhlllEB H3M bclsbevisrn.
oneself to lhe utmost. EOJlhWEBH K bolshevik.
60 Jl)l(A·- 10 suppose. surm ise, assume ; 10 SOJl h WEB UKTEH.UJP· 10 bol shevize.
fo resee; to guess, conjecture. IiOJl b WE Bl1KTIK l adj./ bolshe vik.
60JDKAJl suppos ition. assumpt ion , hypo- SOJlbWEBH KUJE in a bolshevi k marmer.
thesis ; o rientation .
IiOJlFA H I) pas t p. o f SOJl- ; 2) fact, true
60JDKAJlllAY hypothesis.
story ; .. . KY HL\E• ... WAKTA KYHL\E
60Jl)KAllD b l co ntemplated , ass umed , tent a-
when an o pportu nity arises .
live ; conjectu ra l. hypotbet ical; pre lim inary.
60JlFA H,Uh IKTAH in view of, whereas :
6 0 Jl JKAMnA3 prophet, seer.
ow ing to, in co nsequ ence of.
EiOJl)l(AM CbIJ l fig.' nea r-sigbted (lacking
IiOJlFAHWA I) while : 2) very, h ighly,
foresight) .
ext rem ely.
EiOJDKAM Cb13.llbIK Ifig.J nearsighted ness
IiOJlFAHbr a ll, in all ; TEK .. . in all, al.~
(Jack o f foresigh t).
tc gerher.
60JlJKAT - to give a n op po rtunity to foresee .
60JlFAHFA KS PE nam ely ; because it is,
60JlJKAY I) intention ; 2) p red ictio n, pre-
just becau se it is.
dicting ; 3) predetermination, pre destination:
... CS3 propbetic words. SOJIFAP Bulgari an .
60JlJKAYWbI soot hsayer, seer, prophet ; SOMSAJlA- to bomb.
as trologer. SOnCA threat, menace. blackmail.
60Jl)l(AFbl1ll pro phetic. IiOnCAJlA· la threaten, blackma il.
EiOJlMAffJlbI it is impo ssible . SOnhl P Iloca l SWJ I) dung; 2) ee rral ma de
EiOJlMAllI bl insignifk an t, unimportant . of d ry dung mixed with stra w.
EiOnMA FA H.LlA f1 as if it never occu rred. S O P ch alk ; . .. ó AC so ft chalky soi l.
EiOnMbIC being. existence. S O PA Ilocal EI gra nary.
EOJlCA : ... EOJlAP possibly; EOJlCh IH liO PA ~ to he stormy (o f wea tber).
O K, a ll right, so be it ; KIM tlA whoever 60PA3t1 A fu rrow .
it may be ; na matter wbo it is; K.AJIA A ... SOPA311AJlA· to ma ke furrows.
AA a t all costs, D O matter wbat ha ppens. 60PAH storm , gale, whlrlwind ; .. . COK· to
6 0Jl Y I) being. beco ming ; 2) enough ; it is rise, be rislag (o f a storm); A K ... sno w
en ough . storm: KA PA ... sa nd sto rm .
SOJlYbl MY MKJ H feasible, po ssible. re- SO PA HlIbl KhlC sto rm y winter.
a lizable . EiOPAChlH ground wind ; .. . KA P snc w
SOJlYFA TIU CTI pro bably. mus t be o drift ; ... KYM drifti ng sa nd s.
SOJlb lMlIbl I) energene (o f man), streng (o f 6QPAT- to ra ise (as by wind, storm ): T 'Of'lbl -
horse) ; 2) I gram .! positive Iform) . PA K ." ro mise d ust.

60P6AC 6 PAI(W1 1

OOPJiAC languid, inert ; ... TOnhIPAK. EOCATIhIp· to force to empt y; to force 10

meUow, loose, light soil. let free.
60PJJ.AHA Iloca l NWj large wave, roller. 60CATY lcosenlng (of soiJ).
OOP.QAK.bI fattened Ier slaughter (of cattIe). JiOCATblfl :lKIJiEP- to liberate, let Iree, set
liOPJlAK.hIn A~ to fatten cattle. [ree.
WPJKY IlocaI NWI see 6 0PCY. IiOCAJ-{ languid, sluggish, weak, enfoebled.
OOPJlA · to whlten, bleach, whitewash. EOCA.H.LlA· to weaken lintr.l.
WPJlA T red calico. IiOCAa.AAY weakish.
OOPJlAK. calico. infenor grade. 1iOCAll,.l:(hIJ( weakness, enfoeblement.
WPMbI lIocal EI oom. EOCAFA thresh old.
IiOPIlAK, light, mellow, Ioose soil. liOCnA {local EI embroide ry.
WpnbIn .nAT- to turn UP. to Joosc:n (of soil). liOCTAH Iree an d easy; natural.
:&OPCAK,TA- to move in slow trol. 6OCTAH.U1I K. Ireedom, liberty ; [ree will.
DOPCAH,.!:{A- to run clums ily, awkwardly. DOCTAHIIIhIJI hIK idleness, leisure.
6OPCY- 1) to become stale ; 2} to deteriorate, OOCT h JK 1) emptlness, void, vacu um; 2)
rot ; to start to rot ; 3) to soften. idleness, lelsure ; 3) weakness, sluggishness;
WPChII( badger. 4) simpliciry.
WPY lIocal WCI see 6 0PCY. liOCKA vainly, to no purpose, for no thing.
60PIDA jerked mea t; 110«>1 SW/ IIea. uselessly ; ... EMEC not without purpose.
6 0PWAJIA- to cut meet imo pièces for 1iOCK,A CAH.QAJJ. to waste one's time.
jerking. liOCKhIH refugee, fugitive.
:&OPhUIl debt, indebted ness; obligation, duty. liOTA baby camel; ... Ka3 with pretr y eyes
OOPhlWTAH ~ to borrow ; to become in-
(of wornee only).
fiOT AJIA- to give birt h (of camels).
EOPbIUJTAH hl n KAlI· to run into debts. EOTAJlAT-lo tend pregnant she-came l.
I;OPhI m r h l debt or. liOTAJlb l IHrEH pregnant she-camel.
EOTAM caressing expression (my litt le baby
IiOPblW K,A IiA T- 10 run into debts.
ca mel).
EOPh IK, heap, pile; flocalj I) INWI lower
6 0TAC see 611T11C.
branches or ro o ts of sweet f1ag (Calam us) ;
BOTAK,AH caressing fo r EOTA.
2) l Eef pool with putrid water; 3) fEl device
60TTAIIIhIK. /local WI pota to.
for pulling out a seine from under the iee.
EOT.K,A 1) porr idge, grueI ; 2) chopped straw,
EOC 1) empty, without a laad; 2) free, no t chaff; 3) 16g./ confusion , medley, mess.
engaged ; 3) vacan t ; 4) o ne having a day off; EOqKA barrel, cask .
5) Janguid , sluggish; 6) /fig./ ab surd, foolish; EOqKAIDhI coope r.
.. ' IiEJlIiEY unen terpri sing; ... rYJI EOJl ~ to paint, dye.
sterile flower ; .. . OPh IH vacancy, open ing; liORJI· 1) to he pain ted; 2) to get dirt y, soiled.
... Cel idle talk; ... YAI(11T time of EOJlMA I) tinted, ret ouched; 2) Ifig.1 false,
leisure ; . .. K,hIJlJI illusion , day-dreams . sba m, artificial .
SOC- to leave Ierever a long-oecupled place ; EOR MAJlA ~ to veil.
to sca tter luur.l, liOJlH- to make up lintr.l.
DOC K,AJI. to be uninhabited ; not to be liORn JiIT- to finish paint ing or dyeing (of
frequen ted. so mething).
liOC KAJIF AH )KEP waste land . OOJIY paint, dye.
6OCA- 1) to be empty: 2) te become Iree; OOJlY I<,OH- to tak e the paint well.
3) to slacken; 4) to grow weak ; K,OJI ... to OORYJIbl painted, tinted; .. . MAJl Ifig.1
have Iree time. good, fattened cattle.
OOCAH- 1) (0 make o neself free, become free ; liOJIYIIIhI painter, house-pa inter ; dyer.
2) 10 give birth, be delivered of a child. bOI<,TA- to scold, ra il.
DOCAHb ln llIblK- to escape, break away. EP AK spoilage, defective prod ucts, factory
OOCAT· I) to empty ; 2) to Iree, set Iree, reiects; .. . )l(ACA YIDb l spöilage prod ucer.
make Iree, liberale ; 3) te let out; 4) to hand, EPAKTA- to condemn as de fective.
deliver (as merchandise, etc.) ; S) to allot EPAKTAY reieetio n of spo ilage.
(funds) ; 6) to loo sen (soil). liPAK,lIIhI sorter.

6PAK,WbIn 6blJIAfl

IiPAK.IDbIJl spellage producer; bad werkman. 6YnLIK air-hole.

liPAK,K.A mbI FA P~ to have condemned or liYnblK,- to sutfccate lintr.l ; to pant.
rejected as defective. EY JlhIFY asthma.
EiPEJEHT tarpaulin. EYJlhBAP boulevard .
liPl1rA,UA brigade. liYMA bundJe.
liPHrA,Ll,I1P brigad ier. EYMA3EM fustian.
BPJ.1J1bJlHT diamo nd. BYPA male camel.
6PHTAH British. 6YPAK beet (single of beets).
SPltTAHJlbIK. Briton . E'YP)KYA TASbl bo urgeo isie.
6POH3A bronze. 6YPJK YA3HRJlbII( I. dj./ bo urgeois.
6POH3AJIA· to brcnze. 6YP)l(YAJnR WbIJl partisan of bourgeois
6POH.a armo r. ideology.
6POHR 1i~3Ylllbl armer-piercing . 6YPWblK vershok (2t inches).
6POH.R.JIAHFA H armored, iro n-clad. 6YPbIn roan ; KAPA ... dark roan.
6POHJlJlhI a rmo red , iron-clad. 6YCAH· to perspire .
iiPYTIO gross weight. BYCYP ca nccr .
SPbJH3A goat- or sbeep-milk cheese. EYf rubble, rubblesto ne.
6Y steam , evaporation ; .. . 6YPK,hIPA- 10 6 YY pack ing.
curl, wreathe (of steam) lintr./ : ... )KUiE P· 6 Y<t>ET I) sideboa rd , cupboard . 2) buffet ,
to o pen the steam (in stearnbath); .. . refresh ment bar.
lllblFAP- te evaporare Ilr./. to emi t steam. EY4>ETWI bartender.
IiYAJ pregnant (of animais). BYXrAJlTEP hook-keeper, accountant.
SYA3 611E mare in faal. 6yxrAJlTEP HR book-keeping, accountancy.
6YA3 ChIAbIP cow with cal f. EYbI- to tie, tie together ; te pack . AllIY ...
6YAJI,UbIP haze, mist. te cho ke with ang er.
6YAJIllbIPJIAH- to become hazy, cloudy (of 6Yb13 IIoca l E/ bran .
weather). IiVbIH I) joinl, hinge ; 2) generation ; 3) /gram./
Sy,nA buneh, bundie. syllable.
6YAA-6YAA pile, heap. liYbIH- 1) to suffocate, to be stra ngled ; 2) te
GY,llAH cross-breed, hybrid : mongrel (of gird oneself.
an imals only). liYbIH,llA- Igram./ to break into syllabies.
6Y,UAHllAH- to he interbred. liYbIHJl.hI EEKIT- to sta nd firm .
6 YJl.AH,UAC- to interbreed linlI./. 6 YhIH,UbIP- 1) to stra ngfe Itr./ ; 2) to girdle
BY.ll.AHJ];ACfblP- to interbreed Itr./. Itt./.
BY.lI.AHJJ.ACThlPY hybridlzatio n. 6YbIHb l TAIO . 6YbIHbl Wb IFY dis -
6YIlAI(-6YIlAI( IIIbII(- 10 belch (of steam loca tio n (of a joint) .
o r smo ke). IiYbIPWh IH three-year c ld he camel ; yo ung
BYllAK,TA- I) to wreathe (of steam or camel-sire .
smoke) ; 2) to come in ûocks, to throng . 6 YK /bot./ beech (Fagus).
6YllIlA IlIHI Buddhism. 6YFA AAHAJl- to turn into stearn l intr./ ; (Q
BYD.KA boo th, stalI, sentry box. evaporate linl./.
6YD.KAllIhI rail road guard . óYFA AAHAJl,UbIP- to turn into stea m Itr./ ;
6YK /bot./ beech. to evaporate Itr./.
6YKET bo uquet. 6bIlI.b l M /loca l SWI stout, fat , corpulent,
6YJlA- 1) to steam, evapora re tu.t; 2) to plump.
disinfect by steam. óbDK- to increase, spread /intr./ ; to team,
EYJlAH- to evaporate lintr.l ; to he formed swarm.
(of steam ). 6 bDK-óbDK ET- to biss.
IiYnATY eva poration. SbDKhln hissing.
BYJl AY eva poration. óbDKbIJl)l,A- I) to hiss; 2) to ferment.
&Y JlKA HAH laaf of bread. libDKblHA- 1) to increase, spread lintr.l ;
6Yn KAmbI baker. 2) to teem , swarm .
EynbI steam - /adj. / ; '" J>eJlME steam roo m S bUlAfi I) so, thus. this way ; 2) from (o f
(in bath-house). time).

" )',' d", '; .'

">:" ,~.

EbIJlAi1 EI3

6hlJlAH TY P~ lintcrj./ out of bere! gel o ut : 6bIP)Kblft . ro wrinkle /i nt r./ ; [ 0 become

JibIJlAI1.uA without tb at . wnnkled, folde d .
6hIJlAHWA AHThIn TYP· la ta lk merely IibIP)I(hlI1T- to wrinkle o ne's face; te fonn
Ier tbe sake o f talking. wrinkles.
JihlJIAAmA Al1TKAHllA in e the r words. IibIP)Kb IMbIn -ThIP)KbIH- to wrinkle luvuJ,
6 b IJI A l1W A :lKAK,ChI co rnpa ra rively welt . IibIP)KhIÏ1F AH wrinkled : bETJ . .. o ne(with
EbI JlAMblK slo p; thin pomdge. a wrinkJed face.
lihIJlAnhIT thrifl1essness. 6hlP)I(hlK. wnnkled .
JihIJU;bIPA- to so ften lintr.j. IihlPIlJ· to ger overcurdled (of sour rnilk) .
EbIJLllbIPJlA- 10 babble (of chil d) . IihIPllJhIn TEPJI E- te sweat , perspire.
ErIJlabIP-EbIJIabIP Cei1JlE - see EbIJl- ShIPK-ShIPK KAHHA- to bcil (o f porridge,
abIPJlA-. etc. ).
S blJDKh IP sl uggish, awkwa rd ; blunderbea d, IibIPKhIJl .ilA· to boi l intensely: te gurgle
dunder head. wh ile boiling ; lfig./ te ja bber.
6bIJDKhiP ET overcooked rnea t. IihIT-illbIT ladv./ into sm ithereens.
IibIJl)KhIPAK nonsense, balderdash. SbIT-mbIT SOJIhIn ladv./ into smithereens,
IiblJlTbIP last year. to pièces, to fra gments ; utte rly.
JibIJlThIPFhJ last yea r's . EbIT-llIhIT EOJlb In T APA n KET- 10
6bIJlTbIPFbI.llAA as in the last year. scatter in all di ree nons lintr.l.
6bIJIllibIA· to become flat. 6bIT-WbITbl IDhiK- to smas h into smi the-
reens, to pièces .
IihlJlWbIfthln OThlp· to sit c1 umsily.
EbIThIPA small sho t ; ... MblJ1ThI K sh ot-
EhlJlWh lJl squelching sound.
gun, fowling-pi ece.
IihI JIlllhIJllJ,A· to squeJch .
IihI ThI PA- (a di sperse. scatter /intr. / ; to fall
IibIJIllIbIPA · lO so ften lintr.j: to gro w soft,
ro piece s ; 10 splin ter ; to get di smembered.
pulpy : lfig./ 10 gTOw'n flabby, to beccme EbITbIPAl1 separ a tely, disu nitedly.
libIThIPAH21bI d iscon nected . broken, d is-
EbIJIllibIPAT· to soften lu.t. j ointed ; shanered ; scattered .
IihIJlWbIK. p us in eyes.
IibITbIPAn helte r-skelter ; in all directions .
EbIJIbIK. confusion , mess, disorder, chaos ; EbITbIPATbIn sec Eb ITbIPAfL
red tape ; . .. )f(~MbI C tangled affair.
,E bIT bIPAI{Kb I see EblTbI PAHabl.
EbIJlbIK- te be in disorder ; to be clogged up, SbITbIPAHKhlflbIK, di sconn ectedness.
blocked up. plugged up . EhITbIPJlA- 10 crack lintr./; to crac kle.
6bIJlbIKTbIP- to throw into diso rder ; to EbITbI C- to ge! mi xed ; to gel ent angled .
agitate (water). IibITKhIJI sino us dep reesion .
EhIJlh IKKA H IC intricate afîair. EhIK,ChI- to smoke , emit smoke ; 10 smaulder.
EbI JlK-EbIJlK ET-, EbIJlK, ET - 10 gurgle. EhIKCbIK. coal gas, fume s: ... l..l I C bad
EbInKhIJ1UA- to shake, quiver /intr.l ; to smeU; . .. KI el Iscom./ demure pers en ;
gr ow ïriable, mellow, unstabl e. . .. YPhI thievish.
EhIJlKbIJlD.AK shaking. sway ing. EbII(hIP- /Iocal EI see EbIPW-.
6hIJl FA· T) to smear, soit, diny ; 2) to shak e IihIKbIPJIA - 10 team, swa rm ; to appear in
up , stir up , 3) to chum (bu tter ); 4) to drag masses.
alo ng (tr.); 5) te a llocate ; 6) 10 defec ate (of IiblKbIFAH in mul unides.
an imais). 610lDKET budget.
6hIJlFAJlA KT A · 10 rock, swin g, shak e lin tr./. 1i1OPO b ureau.
EblJI FA MA mash . IiIOPOKPAT bureaucrat. red-tapist.
6bL'lFA H · to become solled. smeare d. IilOPOKPATU3M bureaucratism.
IiblJl FA H bI W d in , mire ; Ifig.1 banality, :6IOPOKPATI A H- to becom c a red -ta pist, a
vilen ess. pedant.
6 bJll FAH b TW ICTEP unsav ory affairs. lilOPOKPATTbIK bureaucratie.
'6bIJlFA n TACTA- to dirty , te besmear. 1iK>Cf bust.
EbIJlFAPhl leather (for Ioo twear); . .. EnK EIAJIAfi see EIl.llJlAl1.
leather sboes. lilDE rope muzzJe for camels.
EhIJI FAYb IID chum staff. 613 aw1; ... Ky fl phIK pin-taU du ck.


BI3 we; .. _ TYpAJlbJ about us. EIJII M C13 ignoramus, know-nothing.

BI36EH with us. 61JIIMCI3,[(IK ignc rance, Iack of edu cation.
BI3.u;E at us, with us. SIJIIH - I ) to he cognized, revealed ; 2) to
BI3.IJ:lKI our, ours. come t o light ; 3) to be discovered, brought
IiI3J::uKIHE to us; to our house. to light.
B13.LUH. our ; .. . APAMhI3)],A among us ; JiImn AJl- to find out, to leam .
.. _OPTAMbI3JJ.A among us. 6 1JIIn Ke p· to try to find out .
6I3Jl.I1-{IlIE. 6I31l1E in our way; in our 6IJIln lib ll<,- to caU (on someo ne) and find
opinion. out (about something).
EIJI see run. JiIJIIn K,AJI - te find ou t ; to become infonned
BIJl· I) te kno w; 2) te understand ; 3) to leam ; accidentally.
4) to thlnk, believe. suppose; 6APbfn JilJIln K,OA. to find out; to get prelirninary
to drop in and find out. infor mation.
JiIJIrEH.LUK informat ion, knowledge. 61JlI C acquainta nce (person).
ElJIrEHCI see EIJlrIlllCI H. SIJIlC- to associa te with .
IiInnJ.. 1) to notify, info rm ; 2) to teacb, li IP one; a, an; any, so me, a certain; APK,A
explain. bundJe (of firew o od), faggot; AChlM
6Innp. liIJInm weil informed, expert. ET one pièce of mea t ; .. . ATfAM )KEP
IiIJlrIlUtIH- to show bimself weU informed ; qu ite nea r ; . .. ATThl /adj'/ one-horse- ;
to pose as an expert. . .. AIThlK, OPbiH one horse stall: ...
smruucrursa know-all. AYbl3 MbIJIThIK, e ne-barrel gun ; . .
1i1JIrIUITIK Informatlon, knowledge. AYbl3 Ce 3 a \few words; .. . AYb l3)1.AH
IiIJIJ(IP- I) to let know, inform. cornmunicate, unan imou sly; . .. AYbI3.QbIJIbIK, unanim-
natify ; 2) to express. ity ; ... EAftJIAM b undle (o f firewood),
61JIJUprUII expert in teaching. faggot ; . .. EYf[IP,llE H frorn one side ;
EIJUIIPMEfi steaJthily. .. . 6YPTIK the leas t quantity; -.LlE not
IiIJIJUPYilll spokesman. at all, not a bit, not once ; quite ; )KAH .. .
IiIJIE- to grind, sharpen, whet. TdH EOJIhIn in a friendly way, amicably,
BIJIElIK br acelet. unanimously; . .. )KAPbIM one and a half;
6IJlEK forearm ; ... CYAE K rad ius bone. ... )l(ACAP a year-old child ; .. . )KAK,TAH
61JIEK ChlIiAH - to roll up the sïeeves. from somewhere ; ._. )KAK,K,A to some-
6lJIEM pièce of sheep 's tail fat cu t off where ; ... )KEP r E to somewhere ; .. .
longitudinaUy. )KEPJlE I) so mew here: in a ce rtain pJace :
BIJIEM,[(E- I ) to cut (fa t) into long pièces ; 2) onee ; .. . )KEPD;E ,UE nowhere ; ...
2) la hold (a lash) in read iness Ie r striking. )J(ETIJIIK /adj.; week, weekly; ... )f(OJIA
IiIJIE-TVPA intentional; iotentionaUy. a t once ; .. . :>KOnbI for the beginn ing ; ...
BIJIEY whetstc ne. JKOJlFA see .. . JKOJl bl ; ... JKOJlFbl
61J1EY KAl1pAK, see 6IJl EY. (given) but once ; . .. 3A MAH.LlA formerly,
BIJIMECTIK Jack of know ledge, Ignorance, onee; once upon a time ; sooner or later;
want of skill. ... KE3JlE once, one day, once upon a
BIJlTE wiek. time ; .. . KEJlKI see EIPKEJlKJ; ... KICI
EIJlTEJ]1 MblJITblK fuse rifle. somebody, someo ne, a man ; ... KICIL11K
SIJITEJII mAM kerosene lamp. /adj'/ one man ; ... KYHI once, once upon
6IJlY cognitio n; acquaintance with; knowl- a time; .. . Kelll )KEP disrance of one leg
edge of. of nomadie movement ; .. . MAFHAJlbl
ElJlIK I) kn owIedge; 2) shaft; 3) IlocaJ SI syno nymous; ... ME3n n,llE simultane-
ridge of roo f; 4) IlocaJ EI axletree. ously; . .. MofiblH JKEP /Ioca l SI lan d
BOOM knowiedge, education ; ... liARJILIFbI measure (approxima tely e ne quart er of a
store of kn owledge ; .. . TE OP HJlChI /phil ./ hecta re); .. . MYllIEJlIK /ma th./ monomial;
episternology ; )KOFAPhI ... university ... H ~ PC E some th ing; ... HdCIJI of the
educatlon ; OPTA . .. high school education ; sam e tribe ; .. . OPhIH,llbl single-seated :
T9MEH .. . elementary school education. ... OT ATbIM )KEP disrance o f a rifle-sho t ;
IiIJIlM,[(r educa ted, well Informed, versed in. . .. OTbIPY,llA at a stretch; a t e ne sitting ;
BIJIIMnA3 man of leaming, schola r, savant. nIKIPJII K agreement of a pinion ;

6I P 6I PIh."TIP-
harmo ny of tho ughrs . ... PET one time. IiI PLlEH -El Pr E grad ual iy. the fan her the
o nce; .. . PET "- A H A o nly once ; ... C EP~ mo re.
MEY llEH at one stroke; ... Ce 3Cn un- IiI PLlEH·E KI a s ; In pro por tio n 10; step by
reservedly. witho ut objectio ns : "." TAJI step.
we n a single blade of grass ; ... T AKTA Ii IPLlI - )K A P b l~1 Llbl so mc, some kind o f, j ust
)KEP Iloca l EI land meesur e (approx imatel v any .
o ne q uarter of a hectare : .". TYJlErEH &IPEH·CAPAH single, the on ly e ne; seldom.
K"tC o ne-yea r old bird : ... TYPJ1 1 1) ho mo- &IP EY I) o ne. o ne piece ; 2) someo ne.
genou s, uniform, mo notonous ; 2) of net a IiIPEY-M IP EY somebody, someone.
high q uality ; .. , T~TA M width of a clenched IiI PEY llE none of them.
fis t (measur e o f len gt h) ; .. " YA KbIITA IiJPEYIH D.E none of you .
cnce. o nee upon a time; at the same time : IiIPA(AKT bl o ne-sided: unilateral.
.. . YAKh lITA nA never ; ... YAK,blTIb I IiJP iKAKTbl.lbIK o ne-sidedness.
simulta neo us; ... YbJ C han dful; .. . UIA· EIPjKOJlA irrerrievably. irr evoca bly :
MAJlbl ho mogeneous, nearly the same ; )1(010 eradica tion .
.. . lllAK,TA o nce, once upon a time ; EIP)I(OJl ATA I) irr evocably: tota Uy, en-
. .. lllEPIK one qua rter ; ... K,ASATfhI tirely ; once and fo rever ; 2) wholesale .
onc-sto reyed ; _. . KAfiTA o nce ; ... KAft - IiIPKEJl KI uniform ; mono ton ous.
TAPA single. single-stage; K,ATAPJlbI IiIPKEJlKIJlIK uniformi ty : mon otony.
/ math./ simple (number); KO PA xoa IiIPKePM E ostenta tio us : Ier sho w.
Rock of sheep ; . .. KOe )KEP Iloca l S/ lan d 6 1PflE C- ro unite l intr./.
measu re (approximate ly one hectare ; .. . / o IPJl ECK EH united .
K.blJl,UbI one-stringed ; ... K"tWAK. arm- , b l PJ1 ECfIK unio n, a ssocia tion.
ful: bund ie (of fire-wood); ... FA HA o nly, ( Ii IP.JI EcrI PY u nity.
o nly o nce ; . .. JWEKTI single-str inged ; 61PJlECY see 6I PJl ECTIPY.
... S31 solo, a fon e, lonely, by himself ; / 6 IPJIEC l n togeth er, jointly, in concert.
KAHbI ... consa nguineo us, agna tic. IiIPJlJ ·)I(APhIM single. solitary ; rare .
ElP C93rE KEJ]~ to come to an agreement ; EJPJlIK unity ; unit ; o ne (figu re) ; bad mark
ro find common languagc. (in school).
EJP lllEK EOJI- /loca l S/ to unite, associa te EIPJlIKTI united ; (ac ting) in co ncert .
{intr./. IiI PH EWE several , so me.
liJPA3 I) somc. someone; 2) sufficicntly, muc h 6 IPOTAJlA irrctrievably, irrevocably .
enough . EJPCAPblHilbJ mon oton ou s ; of the same
IiIPA311AH SEPI sinee somc time ago ; for type; trite .
some time. lil PCAPbl H.J.bIJl b iK mon otony ; ba nality.
EIPA3,UAH KEf U H some time late r. 6 IPT AJIA i1 conside ra blc. significant.
EIPTE-6IPTE lit tle-by-little.
EIPTE C omo genous .
EIPAYbI311AH unanimously.
SIPAYb I3.Ltbl una nimous.
EIPTEKTIJlIK ho mogeneity.
IiJPAYbl3.LthIJIbIK unanimity.
fiIPTOFA stro ng (of rnan' s build) ; /fig./
EIPAK but, however .
sedat e, steady : mee k (of rnan's cha racter).
E IP~AK tb e same: ... PET (g iven) only on ce.
liIPT):'FAH cross-breed of a d romedary and
li lPrE in co mmon, jointly, toget her ; a Bactrian camel.
T"t PYWbl roo m- ma te. 61PTYTAC indivisible whoie.
lilPrEJIEC l n togethe r, jointly. lil PhlHFA f1 bornogenous, ide ntica l; uniform ;
EI PjIEH identical, equal, a deq ua te; level with ; mo no tonous.
... liOJ1~ to equal, to come up to : ... K,bIn - / 5 1PI o ne of t hem .
to make eq ual. EIPIry unit}', acco rd ; uni on .
liIP.LtEHJIIK eq uality, sameness, identity. IiJPJrIn pooling (severa l pers on s') resources.
JiIP)lEME som ething, a nything. EIPIK · to unit e lintr./.
SIP)lEH at o nce, at o ne str oke, simulta ne- IiIPIKKEH joint , co mbined; ... C93,UEP
ously. Igram./ compound wo rds.
IiIP)lEH ·IiIP tbe o nly. BIPJKTIP- to unite, j ein, co mbine Itr./.


6 IPJKT IPY unity, accord ; union. 6VrEJlEKTE- to he disq uieted by stings of

SIPIMI3 ene of us. gadflies (of horses); tfig./ '0 fidget.
SIPlH-SIPI SACnAJIATblH, SIPlH-SIPI 6 y n n sharp turn .
TOCnAA. vying with each e ther . &YrIJl- to bend lintr.l ; to bend down .
6 IPIH,lU:n ene by one. &VrIJlrEH curved .
6IPIHE-6IPI mutual. &YrIJlIC sha rp turn.
6lPIHEH 61PI 03A chasing each other. SYrIH tcday.
SI PIHlIIl Iin ' ; ... JlaPElKE tmalll.t first SYrlHrE mEAIH up to the present. until
power, first degree ; ... PET for the fust now .
time. IiVrIHrI rodey's.
SIPlHlIII)lEH lint, first of all . IiYrIHrI KVHJJ.E at present.
JiIPIHI3 ene of you. liYrIHn TA H.IJ;A next time ; in a linie time.
6IPK,A.3AH !zool.l pelican (or cormoran t). anon .
61PK,AJlhlnTbt uniform. even ; normal (of liYrIH):{I K Ier today (a q ua ntity of serre-
course or quality of we rk). th ing sufficient for today). ,
SIPK,LIJlbiP more o r lees. 6 VRJJ.E camel's bridle (rope).
BIPeHKEA: mono tonous; of tbe same type. 6YA pEK kidney; ... EET with a pudgy face;
6 IT- to end, termlnate lintr.l. come 10 an end; ... li~ P- to he in sympa thy (with somebody) ;
to heat, close lintr.1 (of a wound); JiO AFA to intereede (for somebody).
SAJlA ... to become pre gnan t ; )KAFbIn " . 6vA I IzooLI tarantula. phalange.
to have heated (a stove, etc.). SY AI P I) side; 2) roundabout, devious (of
lilTE· 1) to plug, stop up ; 2) te cover; 3) to road, erc.): S IP ... c a AJIE- to talk only
nail up, close up, wan up ; 10 close tightly. in one's own favor.
BITEJl- I) to he blocked up (with snow, sand, livAIPnE· to lash the sides (of a horse, etc .).
etc .) : 2) to he nailed up ; to he tightl y c1osed. SVA IPJlI of large capecity (of vesse ls, etc .).
61TEJIIn K,AJl . to he blocked up (with snow, Sy t}:I PC13 sideless.
ete .). SYK- to bend , fold Itr.' ; te hem.
SITEn KET· te block up (with sno w, sand, SYKESEll shawl.
etc.). liVKEH hunch-backed.
&ITEn TACfA- to close tightly. 6VK nEJIE- to ho bble a skittish mare whüe
iilTEY I) closed on aU sides; 2) cow-shed : milking her.
.•. )KAPA bru ises. EYKTE- to fold, to rail up ; /fig./ to conquer•
BITU· to he narrow as a slit (of eyes). to evereome (the enemy).
BITnEATIH I) everlasting , perpet ual: 2) ir- 6YKTEJI- to be folded, ro lled up.
reparable, inconso lable. 6 VKTEME bent, folde d up.
IiITnEC irre para ble, inconsolable. SYKTEClH fold .
BITIK Ka3 narrow-eyed. 6VKTETIJl - to be in t he process of being
BITIK WLIK,K,AH having brought a goed folded ; to be ben t.
erop (of cereals). 6VKTIPME !zool.! white tail golden eagle.
El11M agreement, covenant ; annistice ; ... liY KIIIEHJl,E- to stoop ; to imitate a hunch-
)KACA Y conclusion of armistice. back in one's movements.
lilTI n K,AJl. to end lintr.l ; (0 he sperit. SYKllIH · to stoop ; to bend down.
used up. 5 YKllIIK hunch-back.
lilTlP· I) to finish. terminate Itr.l; 2) to spend, 6YKIJI all ; the wbole .
we up; 3) ro recon cile Itr.l ; 4) to settle 6VKIJllIVHJ.1EJ1IK ladj.' world, wo rld-wide.
(quarreIs, etc.). unlversa l,
ompEnH graduating (of stu den ts). SYKlflOJlAI<Thl1< ladj.1 all-unlcn ;
Iim py EMTHXAHbI final examinatie n. KOMMYHI1CTIK (SOfl b lIIEBI1KTE Pl
SITIPYlllI graduates (of students). n APTI1S1Chl Co mmunist (bclshe vik) Party
6mpYlIIIJlEP co-graduates. of the Soviet Union; .. . JIEHIHllIIJl
6ITIC· te he reconcüed, to make up with ; KOMM YHI1CTIK lKACTAP OJlAFbI
to settle a co ntroversy peacefully: te ma ke l.enin Young Communist League of the
mutual ccncessions. Soviet Union.
SvrEnEK horseff y: gad fty. SYKInPOCCI1RflbII< All-Russian.

6YKIJlXAJl blK.Tbl K. 6YJlblP

&YKIJl XAJIbI K,TbIK na rio nal. nat ion-widc. 6YPKEK clo udmess : cloudy, o vercast.
óYKIP 1) hunch-backed. buncb-beck : 2) 6 YPKE ME I) latent, sec ret , camouflage ;
croo ked. curved. 2 ) far into the di sran ce .
6YKIPEH- (0 stoop; 10 bend {intr.i, 6 YPKE MEJ1 E· [0 disguise. camo uflage, veil ;
IiYKIPEfirEH curved. to hush u p.
6 YKI PEH,LlE- 10 unitare a huneh-beek In 6 YPKEH - ro cover o neself, wrap oneself up;
o ne' s mo vemen ts. ro get co vered .
6YKIPChiMAK slightly stooped . 6 YPKEHlli IK I) cho ke of a samovar ; 2)
6YKIW I) slightly stooped ; 2) kno bby. clo udy. overcast .
6YJlflHlllIJlIK I) destructie n. dev astat ion. 6YPKEHIIll CI3 /fig./ clo udless.
ru in, ravage; 2) distu rbance. disco rd . 6 YPK EHIlliC IJDIK lfig./ clo udlessness, $C -
6YJlll IP- I) 10 spcil, destroy, demolish, renity .
ra vage ; 2) 10 trample down the grass. 6 YPKY sprink.ling.
6YJll11prE loop o n th e handle o f a whip. EYPKIJI· 10 splash oneselî: to spray oneself.
6YJlLUPfEH berry . 6YPKI M spray.
6YJ1 LUPrI Iloca l Wl lbot.! cockle. 6 YPK IHDI spray, splashes.
6YJllll Pfl W wrec ker. saboteur. t rou ble- 6YPKIT Izoo1.1 golden eagle ; CAJI- to
ma ker . hunt WÎth a n eagle .
6YJlJ1JPflWTIK destructiveness." 6YPJIE· f10cal EI to goffer, pleat .
6Vn.UIPY destruct io n, de molition, ruin . 6YPM E fold, pleats.
6YJ11l1Pln AJ] - 10 injure, hun, damage . 6YPM EJlE· te pleat (a dress).
6YJlK ET- J) 10 shake lintr.l. tremble, shiver ; S YP M EJlI pleated (of a dress).
2) 10 issue a gurgling so und . 6 YPCEH KAK,- to shiver with co ld.
6Y11K ETE KAJl- to shake up, asunder lintr.!- 6 YPCE HJlE· ro shrivel fro m co Jd.
EiY JlKJn a horse 's pace (faster than walk, 6YPCH- to shrivel : to SlOOp.
slower than trot). 6YPCIrYHI la dv.1 tb e da y after tomorrow.
6YJlKIJl,UE~ 1) to run by pace called B'r'Jl- 6YPTIK : SIP 6Y PTI K IllAIll ahair.
KIJl; 2) to gurgle (of boiling water). 6YPllIIK I ) nap (of velvet, etc .): 2) bud;
6YJlIK I) discord, collision , conflict, con - 3) co ne (o f a tree) .
fusion ; 2) mutiny, revelt , uprising, in- 6YPllIIKTI 1) fleecy ; 2) IboL/ lanate.
surrection : .. . EiAJlA nau ghty child ; ... 6YPJ needies of a coni fer.
CAJlYlllbl rebel, insurgent. 6YPIKKIW sprayer.
EiYJlIK CAJl- I) to eause commotion: 2) to 6YPI C shrunken , stooped.
revolt, rebel. 6YPIC- I) to shr ink /intr./; to get twisted ;
6Y J1IK IllhlFAp· see 6Y J1IK CAJI -. 2) to nar row l int e.j; to shrivel /intr./.
6Y JH KC13 serene, tra nq uil. 6YTKIJI all. the whole.
6YJlI KCI3,UIK serenity, tranquility. 6YTIH I) all, whole, complete ; 2) fit, service-
EiYJIIKlllIJl trouble-maker. a bie ; ... CAH jma th.1 whole number,
6YJIIKWIJlIK mut iny, revelt , insurrection . integer.
ÓYJIIH· 1) to spoil lintr.I, deca y. become 6YTIH.llE· to ma ke whoie.
unfit for use ; 2) to become destroyed, ruined ; 6YTIHD.EH I) a ll, the wbole : 2) entirely,
te coltapse ; Ifig~1 to become excited. wholly, un dividedly.
6YJlI HY destrucrion ; da ma ge. 6YTIH.J.En EEP- to repair.
6YJlIHllllJlIK I) ruin .devastauon : 2) mutiny, I;YTIHlUK wholeness, integrity ; 16g./ een-
revelt, insurrection . sent, accord, unity.
6 YP needies of a co nifer. 6 YTIHIllIJlIK see 6 YTIHJlIK.
6 YP- 1) to stltch pleat s ; 2) to seize prey (of I;~ this, that ; ... llA also ; ... KIM ? who is
hunring eagle) . that?; HE? w bar is that?; .. . )f(AK. this
6yprE ûea. side ; )f(AKTA o n this side.
6yprE3 /bo t./ sno wba ll tree (Vibum um I;YLIAH from thi s, from here ; . ..liblflAI1
o pulus). hencefon h, from no w o n, in the future,
6 YPrEH see 6 yprEJ. after th at, lat er on; . .. KEI1IH a fter tha t.
6YPK· to spray , sprinkle. splash. 6~LIbIP I) buiging, convex, pr ominent ; 2) un-
6YPKE- to co ver. even, coa rse, ru gged; 3) speekled. pock ed.

6Y.l\hIPJlA· 6YJIT

6~AbIPJlA. to make uneven, rugged. BYA p AT I) wavy, undula ting ; 2) billy terra in.
B'VJlhIPJIbI coarse, uneven. B~ A pb I K. command, order; ... BEP- ro order,
6YtlbIPMAK, I) hillock, mound ; 2) Imed.1 prescribe: ... JKyprI3· to rule, reign , wield
tubercie. power ; ... PAA Igram.1 irnperative mood .
SYJlbIPMAK.TAH- to become coarse , un- Ii~ApbIK,-)l(APJ1bJK. instruction, direction.
even . IiV"APbIK.II1bI e ne who gives orders.
6YJKhIP speekled. pocked, pock-marked, Ii~AbIM o bject ; consumers' goeds : any
coarse. manufact ured art icJe; .. . CAJ]- to ask
BY:>KbIPA /Iocal SE! ring set in the shaft-bow somebody for something.
of a cart (part of hamess). IivAbIMTAA a needed arti cle.
SY)I(b IPJl A- to make speckled ; to make Ii~ HbIMmA trin ket, knick-knack.
pock-marked (of small-po x). Ii~AbIP- to order, cornmand ; to give orders.
BY3- 1) to spoil Itr.l; 2} to destroy, break, Ii"t11bl Pymbl one who cornma nds ; lobs./
ruin Itr./; 3) to Infringe, transgress Itr.l; sovereign.
4) to blow UP. blast; YCltlE ... to rail 10 E ~ftbIK- to shrivel; to become stiff with co ld.
keep one's word. IiYll this; ." AA also ; ... JKAK, this side ;
6Y3AY calf ... )l(AKTA on this side ; ... 3AMAHJl:A
6Y3AY6AC I) Izool./ bullhead (ft,h); 2) /zool. l now , at present ; ... 3A MA H,LlA F bl the
scorpion-like arachia. presen t ; . .. KEJ rE )lEfHH unt il now , up
SY3AynA· to ca1ve. to the present.
SY3AYUIbIK, lobs.' pieces o f soa p given by Ii~Jl tex riles. dress-mate rials.
the hostess to wa men who belped her in EVllA well-groomed, soft.
soa p-boiling. 6~llA - I) to faam a horse by fast riding ;
SYlAK,hI brawler, rowdy, ruffian, trouble- 2) to weep , shed tears.
maker, pugn acious fellow. 6-vnAfi see 6bInAfi.
6Y3AK,bIJIAH- te make a row, an uproar : 6-VnAfilIlA see EbInAfiUIA .
to br a wl. E~JlA H /zool./ moose.
Ji:vJAK,bIJIbIK, disorder, outrage; scandal . EYJlAH-TAJIAH bus üe ; robbery.
tr ouble-making. IiYJlACbIP plaster; blistering plaster.
EY3Y1I1bI trespasser , transgressor, infrin ger. 6YJl AY steam-bath cu re ; KYH . .. sun-bat h.
BY3YillhlJlbIK, breach, trespass. violatien. 6~JlA K. spring, source; /med.' scrofu1a;
transgression. KYllAFhI ... scro fuleus.
BY3bIJl- 1) te deteriorate, decay, rot ; 2) to EYJIAl-{ playful, frolicsome man ; . .. K,yfI·
get destroyed : 3) te burst, explode lintr.l; PhIK, slow trot.
4) to be rescinded, repealed, revo ked. BYJIAl-( ET- to appear sudde nly.
6Y3bIJlV 1) destructio n; 2) explosion . E~JIA HJ].A - 1) te swing (of a horse's tailj ;
6Y3blJlbIn KET- to fomicate. 2) te wriggle, twist, dangle /intr./ ; 3) to
IiY3bIJlFAH d issolute, licentious. gri mace .
6Y3bIlIFA HJlb IK. perversion . dissoluteness. BYJlIiYJI nightingale.
li'VJbIn )KAPbIn KIP- to burst into . EYll)lA. 1) to he spa ring; 2) to sell for a
6Y3bIn KIPIn ypnAY burglary. good price.
BY3hlK. 1) fomication ; 2) spoiled; 3) un- BYJI,n AH- 1) to put on airs; to swagger ;
disciplined ; 4) dissolute, profligate, lewd. 2) to balk (of man).
BY3bIK,T bIK. 1) excess, o utrage; 2) im- E~Jl.n.bI dear, valuable ; ... MAJl well-fed
marality, debauchery, lewdness. caule.
6Y3bIK,TbIK,K,A CAJIbIH- 10 Iornlcate. E~ll)l b I P misty, obscure, indi stincr; dark,
6Y3bIK.Wb IJIhlK, immorality, debauchery , dusky.
lewdness. Iiyn .QbIPA- to get muddy; to he indistinet .
6Y"AAA camel's bridle (rope, ried ta the EYJl.ll.bIPhIK, /zool./ sand-grouse.
wedge fastened in camel's nose cartilage). BYJI)I(bIMA- to remain un changed.
6~fiPA curl, curls; cur ly-headed ; wävy, un- BYJDKb ITn A- oot (0 diste n .
dulating. EYJl Cb l3 free of charge. grati s.
6YfipAJlA. 10 curl /tr.l. IiVJIT c1oud; /6g./ sponge: K,APA ... thunder-
BYApAJIAH- to curl / intr./. cloud ; YmnA .. . fleecy clouds.

6:>:JlT 6:>:P b IM

6~J1T ET· to dash as ide. 2) to mean der; 31 to be screwed up ; 4) /6g.1

6'\'JlT AJlAK ladj .1 indirect. zigza g. 10 wee ken lintr.!.
b~JITAJlAKTA· 10 dodge, sp in. & AH winding, meand er.
6YJlTAJIAKKA CAJl . to shirk. IiYP AJlAI{LI,A- te twist , wind lintr./ ; to
6 YJlTAP- 10 make a sharp turn ; lfig./ 10 mean der.
shirk, swerve. dodge , spin. óYPAJlT- to starve Itr./; re sta rve 10 death
6 YJITAPTn AY WAPAJI A Ph l lieg.' means Itr.I.
of suppression . IiY PAJlY tums and twists.
6YJlTAPbiC turn from the raad ; lfig./ loop- S YPAJlK,L1 stray, hom eJess (of animals) ;
hole. roundabout way, sub terfu ge. str ayin g, wandering, without kith e r kin (o f
6YJlTAPhlCC bl3 unreserved, unco nditio nal. men) ; alien.
6YJlTAPFbllll ene who knows how to make E\,PA MA la dj./ screw. propeller, spiral;
a sha rp turn (of harses ); one who does not being twir led, twisted : ... 3E P galloon .
keep his wo rd, evesive. shifty, dodgy (of braid.
men) . IiYPA MAJIb l /a dj.1 screw, prope ller; spiral .
IiYJlTAK vacillation, wavering; ... IKOJ] twi sted, windin g.
winding raad . óYPAHJl.A screw, prope ller.
EYJlTAKTA- I) to hesitate, waver ; 2) to SYPAHllAJIbI I) ladj./ screw, propeller ;
shirk, evade ; 3) to dodge about. 2) teteph on e dial.
6YJITCb13 c!o udless. 6YPAHJl.AMAJlbl /adj./ screw, propelle r.
6YJlTChl3D.b IK cloudlessness. 6VPAHllAHbl BI1HTfE- 10 screw up a
6'tJlITAH - te becorne clouded . screw nu t.
6YJTTTbi cloudy. SYPAn KIPr13· to screw in .
GYJlTbU1- I) 10 sulk , fro wn; 2) to swell /intr./. IiYPAn WbIFA P- 10 unscrew.
IiYJIThln,ll.A - I) 10 move fintr.! ; 2) to lo unge, Ii\,PAn KATA HT- ro screw in.
loaf, hang about; 3) 10 slip alf, escape. I»)'PAY or S YPA Y AFA W a stick serving
o YJl WbII<. Ii~J1I.llblI< ET muscle . for wind ing: or twistin g so metbing.
Ii~Jlb I K, /l oca l Ne/ edging of a blanket ;
ó ')"PAf{ ugly, missbapen. de formed.
6~- PAH S EJl wu h a slendc r walst (o f women).
/loc a l WC/leathcr cus hion.
6:>:JlbIK AI1AA- IlocaJ EI 10 farm . SVPAH K03bl lamb wit h crooked legs.
IiVPAHJlA- to coil . wriggle, twist, wind,
o'tJlbIK,TA· to hem. edge (a blank et, ctc.).
meander lintr./ ; to writhe, squirm lintL/ ,
o'tJlbI HFhI P haze. mist , screen.
IiVJlbIH-I;YJlbIH /loc al SEI m ultiangular
l>ypnITA · Ilocal EI to bo re, driJl.
roo m or house.
EiV PMA indirect, ro undabou t ; metapho rical ,
6\'JlK,- to ma ke broken movemen ts.
figu rative ; Se nM E service room;
S\'JlKbIH a kind of silk Iebri c.
... ce3 figu rative word; YH sec . ..
SYJIK,bIH- 1) 10 twitch. rush about, try 10 60JlME.
break away ; 2) 10 jurnp up. 6VPMAJlA- 10 dist o rt, de forrn. misrepresent,
SYJlFA- to wave (one's ha nd) ; o Ae . .. 10 pervert.
shake one's head . 6YPHAFbl KYH I the day before yesterdey.
S\'JlFA I<. loa fer, good-fo r-n orblng . &YPTAW / med .1 a bladder disc ase .
liYJlFAK,TA· to roek. swing. reel, stagger 6:>:PTAI{-6:>:PTA I{ ET- sec 6 :>:PTAI{.UA- .
{intr.l ; /6g./ to put o n airs ; 10 flirt. 6YPTAH,llA - to s ulk, fr owri, ' sco wl lintr.!.
6:>:JlFAI{ sec 6:>:JlFAK. ÓYPTbIA. ro sul k.
6YJlFAHJlA- to d angle, sta gger. sway l inIL/. 6Y PY /Ioca l WI indirect . roundabout, ir-
li\'JlFbIH sable. regula r.
6 :>:Hbl se<: M:>:Hbl. I>~PllIAK I) peas, beans. kidney beans ;
6:>:Hbll{ sec M:>:Hb ll{. 2) hail ; 3) loops o n woelen lether ro pe for
Eyp· to turn Itr.{ ; 10 turn asid e. turn away ItL/. lambs ; 4) IlocaI EI maize.
liYPA- I) 10 screw, screw up ; 2) to twist, 6YPWhI /prof., mining{ bo rer, drille r.
spin Itr.l; 3) to bere, drill; 4) to wind up Ii~PblJ1- te tu rn , turn about lintr,l,
(a watch or doek). E ~ PbIJl bI C bend , turn , winding, curve .
IiYPAJI- 1) to co tt, wriggle. twist, wind /intr./ ; 6VPbI M curls. tress .

61!PhIH 66KCE

&VPbIH formerly, ago, before; .. . OOnFAH 6 \<!(A buil.

remote past, 6 \<MPA people, messes.
6\<PhIHJlA befere. 6YK,APAillbIJI PECnYIiJlHKA democratie
6YPblHHAH long since, since olden times. republic.
BYPblHFhI farmer, late, ex-; ,.. 3AMAHllA 6~K,nAIIT AA ene who acts stealth ily, in an
formerly, in olden times; ... KE3,ll,E in underhand way .
olden times; ... YAK,hITTA formerly. 6Y KJlA HTA H1IA- to act stealthily, in an
SYPbIHFbUI.A formerly, once upon a time . underhan d way.
IiYPhlC 1) irregular, negative ; 2) inward IiYK,TbIP- 1) to ro t /intr ./ ; 2) te choke (as
~d ; 3) beam, jotsr, log ; 4) {Ioca l W{ a samovar); 3) to ÎDtimidate ; to cow.
girder, mam beam. EYFA3 strai t, sound. na rrow.
5YPhIill 1) angle, corner ; 2) pepper ; .. . SYFAJlbl K, lasso; . .. CAJI· to lasso.
8JIWErUll goniometer, angle gage 6YFAH to this (dative of 6YJI).
SYPK. ET· I) to fla me up; to burst into 6YFA HA /aoa1./ co llar-bene, clavicle;
tlames; 2) to issue a gurgling sound. K,ABhIPF A upper rib.
BYPK,AH image o f Budd ha . 6YFA Y fet ters, iro ns, ma nacles ; /fig./ yoke .
IiYPK,ACbIH snowstonn. 6YFAK, I) double ehi n ; 2) goitre, wen.
BYPK,AK. light snowstorm. 6YFhi deer.
BYPK,blJIlI.A. 10 bubble, bo il, swirl; te se6EK infant , baby.
gurgle. se6EllIIK 1) fanat.f uvula ; 2) II<>eaJ EI
BYPK,.LIPA- 10 come in flocks . camlage of ear's lo be.
SYPFhl bore, 0011. auger ; ... BhllllKAChI• ser.aE strange, foreign, alien; . .. Ce3
... MVHAPAChI derri ck ; MAillHHA /gram.1 indirect speech ; .. . XAH Ch inese
bcrer, auger, drill, perforator ; K,V,lJ;blFbI emperor.
bore hole, drill hole. &erE- to dam, dike ; /fig.f te o bstruct, delay
6YPFbIJIA- to bere, drill . keep oft'; to cut off the raad ; te bleek
6\<PFhlJIAn TEC-, 6\<PFhIJlAn !(Al- see someo nc's way.
61!PFhlJIA-. 69rEJ1· to lag lintr.f; to remain ; to he
SY PF bIlIAY boring, drilling. retaincd; to stop o n the way.
&YT I) thigh (of men), ha unch and s hank. JierEJlT- to detain, dela y, keep oft', check,
(of animais) ; 2) pood (meas ure of weight, suspend Itr.l ; te brake.
36 Ibs); 3) /Iocal NW & SI post , pillar. sercH loss of hair from the ta il (ha rses'
support; esp. INWI supports of a water- illness).
raisi ng windlass. S9rET dam, dike, weit: po nd; /fi8./ obstacle,
BYTA bush, shrub. impediment, hindrance ; ... îKACA- to ba r.
EYTA· to hew, hack, chop Itr./ (of logs, lire- block up ; to create obstacles ; to frustrate
wood). (a pla n) .
Ji~'T AllA- to cut twigs or shoots. 69rETCI3 unimpeded , unobstructed, un-
6\!TAHA {loca1 NW{ I) defect ; 2) young ha mpercd ; freely, without hind rance ; .. .
shoots of trees. KIPY unhindred ent rance.
JiYTAHAl( bough, branch, snag. SerEY dike, dam.
6\!TAHAK,ThI knotry (o f wood). S9rEYCI3 ceaseless, unceasing, non-stop.
1i~TAY clearing of woods for cultivaticn. SerEYln obstacle, hlndrance, ha rrier.
JiYrA K branch of a tree. twig ; knot (in wood); S9rIPESAC 110cal NWI small ches t for food
.. . TYbIPI stump (of a branch of a o r chinaware.
tree). OO.llEHE {zool.1 q uail.
JiYrAK,TAH- te ramify lintr.I, branch out. Be3 chea p eerton doth.
SYTAK,TAHY branching. ramification . seK. te overeet.
6 \!TAK,ThI bran chy. 69KESAA /adj.{ down (shawl or searf).
EYrAKIIlA small branch, twig. sprig. sheet. 1i9KEH /zool.! saiga (Saiga tatari ca, kind of
6~ K- I) to stoop, bow /intr./ ; 2) to hide antelope).
oneself, co nceal o neself; to keep quier : SeKEC /Iocal SE/ mead ow ; grass for making
3) to he cooked to a mash , beiled to a pulp ; hay .
to boil soft /intr./. 69KCE !a nat.! seat, posten or.

b6KCEP- ballbEillE

69K CEP· 10 tear nr.t: (0 e vereome. o ver - lie JIlliEKT lH 6 e n i M I Ima th.j denominater .
power (an adversary t. óSJll K part. fractro n
1i9 KTE P slope, declivity. fooi of a hili. Se JlI M part, Iracti on : secrion, department ;
OOKTEp· 10 strap on ûoad 10 a sad dle ) : 10 OKY SenlM I depa rtment of public in-
load, pack /tr.l , stru ction: ~KEP I ... military unit ; arm}'
69KTEPrI Izool.l I) sta niel (common unit.
kestrel): 2) ring-rail (female o f hen -harrier). 6 e JIIMlliE su bdivision. su bsecnon.
S9KTEPIHillEK I) la oa1./ sacrum (of a beJ11H ~ to divid e lintr./ : to he d ivisible; to
ho rse) ; 2) pack strapped to the saddle. separate lintr./.
baKTEPIHllIEKTI AT horse with a streng 68JlIH6EATlH inseparable ; ... CAH Imath.1
croup. ind ivisi ble number.
6911- 10 divide, detach, separate /tr./ ; 10 E8Jl IHSEY WIJlIK Ima th./ indivisibility.
separate (a part trom t he whoie ). 58Jl JHnlll Imath.1 dividend.
1i9nnJiE- 10 separate (a part fro m the OOJl IHrJ l1ITlK Imath.1 signs of divisibility.
whoIe). 68JlIHni Irna th./ q uotient.
S9nrI W Im ath.1 deno minate r. divisor. EeJIIHEPJl IK j math./ multiple.
OOJlE cousins on ma ternal side (children of WJIIHYIIlIJIIK bEJIrIJIEPf see b6JII H-
sisters). rmrnx.
lienE- 10 swadd le Itr./ ; 10 pu t a child 10 t h e 6eJlIH In KAlI· to tear o neself away .
cradle. 6eJlIn AJI· to separa te, detach Itr.l.
6 9 JI E- :>KAP M AM entirely. sernn AJlFhlChl3 inse parable.
69JlEK I) part ; 2) e ther, differe nt, partlcular, 6el IJn EEp· 10 distribute, allot, apportion.
separate ; 3) apa rt , separately, part ieularly; 68JlIn K ET~ to int errupt. break off.
4) besides. excepto with the exceptio n o f. S8Jnn ·IiSn In at ran do m ; haphazard .
EeJlEK lll hlK- 10 separate lintr.l ; to get S8 Jlln -SS JlI n T e n EY pa ymem by instal-
detacbed. ments .
beJlEK·1i8Jl EK separately. apart ; witho ut E9 JlI C separation (of pari fro m the whole).
coordi nation. S9Jl IC - to div ide linlr.l. share ; to div ide Itr.1
b6JIEK -CA JIA K. triû e . jointJy with others.
1i8 nEKCJH- to shun the o tbers: to keep S8JlICY d ivision .
away from the e thers. 68PLl.EK winesk in.
b6JIEKTE- I ) see b6JIEKCIH-; 2) 10 sePEK Ilocal W 1 pie .
separa te Itr.l. s e PEKI unceremonious.
1i8JlEKTEH- l) to separate lintr.l ; to get 68PEHE bea m , log.
separated : 2) to he broken into parts; to he SePTnE rasb . erupr ion, pimpl e ; .. . C Y3EK
divided into pa rts . /med./ typhus.
E8JlEKTE n at retail. 68 PT IH · to swell : to swell o ut.
E8JlE H· /fig.1 te get somet hing in abundance. Ee PI wo lf.
b6JIET- see b6JIE-. 6 8 PI 6 ACAP wo lfhou nd .
S9JIKE loaf of bread, roll. 68 PIK ha t.
OOJlKEIIII baker. 6SPIKlll l hatte r.
S9JlME room. 6eTE KE kidney.
S8Jl MEl1 undlvidedly. 68TEJlKE bottJe.
S8JJTJPJK wolf cub ; jfig.! sha rp-to ngued; 6 8 T EH I) o ther, allen , stra nger; 2) besides,
110cal SEI apoisonous herb. apart. exce pt.
IieJl Y separation (of part from the whole): 6SWKE ba rrel.
Igen. & rnath.1 division . ba bCEK /zool./ hocpoe .
beJlillEK part, share, fraction; allotment, IklblCEK / 1= 1EI see IklbCEK.
QUOla; sepa ra ted part ; ... CAH Ima tb./ lklilEH.lU /1= 1 NWI I) large. ta l (of men );
fraction. 2) goed .
S8J1IIIEKTE- to d ivide imo pans ; to break Sd,JEYW Bedou in.
down, split up tu.l. ballIK evertin (disea se of sheep).
S8J1mEKTI frac tional; ... CAH Imath.1 gf16EIIIE or fidf161WE lady (addressing
fractional number. wo rd}: {hist. / senior .....ife.

saars 1) races ; 2) prize in races; . .. AJl- te liaPlliIP 1) though, bo wever, nevertheless ;
receive prize in races; .. . ATh! race-horse; 2) it is all the same.
... OPH hI racecourse; hippodrome. IXJPI MI3 we all.
saarsrs K,OChIJI- to take part in races. IXJPI MEH with all.
JX)9EK EOn- to ptease Itr.l; to play up to, IXJPI HI\E all /acc . of &<lPI/.
be officieus, be obsequious . gPIHE te all (of them) : . .. KAHblK om -
g AlIIElllEK / OOt./ l ) snowd ro p (G aJan thus) ; niscien t.
2) buck-eye dai sy (Adonis vem aJis). IXJPIHEH from all (of them) ; ... APTblk..
IidKI folding knife; pock et knife. .. . )KOFAPbl a bove all.
baKJe I ka l WI shoe -po lish. &<lPJH EH CbJnblPbInbJn 1(AJl- 10 be
IXJllrEP see &AJIrEP. left without anything.
1X)J1,l{EH- to swa gger, baast ; to be capricious. IiaPIHI3 you aU.
~n.E rrusfcrtune, tr ouble, disaster ; scourge. I>dC sta ke, wager, bet.
~nE )KAn- te slander, calumnlat e, defame. lidC CAJl., ... TlrIC-, .. . TIK,· to bet, wager.
EaJIErE ~mhIPA- to get into trouble. IidCE that is what was expected! sa it bas
~JIEKET mischievous ; naughty. turned out! that is how it ough t to bel
Eé)nEJ11 1) harmful, no xious, pem icious: DdCEKE competition; '" KVPEC struggle
2) long-dra wn-our. between co rnpetitors.
6dJlEH whatever . .. ; wherever ... ; .. . )KEP- IidCEKEJlEC compentor.
LlE so mewhere . ·· . &é)CEKEJlEC- to ente r into co mpetirion, to
saJl3AM balsem, balm . co mpete.
IidmAMD.A- [0 embalm. IXJCEKE WI see IXJCEKEnEC.
baCEPrEH hoar frost in warm weether after
~nK" perhaps, may be ; more likely : tru ly
fidJlKIM pr o ba bly ; perhaps, ma)' beo fX}CEf{ ladj.1 catm, aba ted ; .. . IiOJl- to
a ba te, quiet down linu./. --
SdJlCIH· to balk (of man ).
JiaCEli..QE- to abate, q uiet do wn, subside
GdJlI bravo!
EdPEI Itech.1 Ilocal SEI metal boring dev ice.
~CEHJ:UK slackening, slowing down .
ba PEKEJl,uI very good! (exclamation of &é)CEf{ClT. to weaken Itr.l.
approval: so metimes expresses regret). SaCEH;CITY wea kening.
IidPHEK I local SE & NWI tea-kettle. SdCTEC 10 argue, dispute, ~age r, bet.
g pl a ll, the whole: ... blP it is all the same ; SélCIPE Iloca l Sj destined for, intended for.
it makes na difference; it does not matter ; baTEC batiste, cambric.
... KanTEH Ken more and more ; 5 c)TEI-{KE shoes.
... OCbt-Al<, all that is o n hand. GaTIP Iloca l EI unleavened pan-frie d cake.

BArOH rail road car ; street ca r : ... )KY PrI· BEPC1>b shipyard .
3YllI I street-car dri ver. BECTJ..16lOJIb entrance hall; lobby.
BArOHET KA dump-car. BET EPAH veter en.
BA3A vase . BETEPI1H AP H:.R. vete rinary.
BA3EJI H H vaseline. BE.SlJl KA wirm owing machi ne.
BAKA HCI..UI vacan cy, opening. B3BOl! jmil./ pl atoe n.
BAKAHlThI vaca nt. BM3A visa; ... CAlI· 10 visa, 10 gram a visa.
BAKU.HHA /med./ vacc ine. BU311T visit. caU.
BAJIJOTA currency.
BH HEr PET mixed vegetabte sa lad .
BAHHA bat h, bathtub ; ... b~JlAY ba th lu b ; BI1HT screw: pr opeller.
... &8JlM EC I bathroom.
BHHTûBKA rifle.
BAPBAP barbarian .
BI1HlTE· 10 scre w in ; to screw up.
BAPBAPJ13M barbarism.
BI1CM YT bismuth .
BAPEHhE jajn .
BI1TA MI1H vitamin.
BAPMAHT version.
8ACCAJl vassal. BKJIA ll deposit o
BACCAJIlIbIK. Jadj./ vassal. BKJl A.UWbI depositor.
BATEPChl3hlK Jmar./ wa ter Jine. BOlIOKA4KA water to wcr, water p um p.
BATT jtech.J watt . BOLl.OnpOBOLl wa ter condu il; wa ter su pply
BAXTA /na uL/ watch . system.
BE,UOMOCTh list, register, reco rd. Bü EHKûM military comm issar.
BE,UOMCTBO govemment department . BO :>KATb lf"1 guide.
BE,UOMCTBOllbIK de partmental . Bû KAJIbllbIK vocal .
BEK CEJlh pr om issor y note; bill of exchange. BO K3AJI railroad stat ion (in a large city).
BEJlOC J1 n E.ll. bicyclc. BOJl EWSOJ1 volley- ball .
BEHTJ1JlRTOP ventilator, fan . BOJl H OPEJ breakwater.
BEHTJ1llRUHJI ventilation . BOJI bT /lech.1 vol t ; ... ..aOFACh l Jphys ./
BEPMH:llI EJlh vermicelli. vol taic a re.
BEPCfAK werk beneh; joiner's bench . B0 11bTMETP Itech./ vo ltmeter.
BEPCfKA Jprint./ imposition, form . B011b~PAM Ichem./ t ungsten.
BEPCTKAF A CA )] - Jprint./ to Impo se. BbIB ECKA signboa rd.

rA /a bbr./ hectare. rEKTOrPA<1> hectograph.
r A&APHT /tech./ clearance ; clearance gauge. rEKTOrPA<1>TA 6AC- 10 hectograph.
r ABAHh port, harbor. r EH EPAJI /mil./ gene ral .
r A3 gas; . .. nAHA gasproof shelter ; rEHEPAJII1CCHMYC generalisslrno.
TAPTKhllll gas mam, gas conduit; r Eo r PA<t> geographer .
TdP13)]J 3AT gaseous substance. rEOrPA<1>l1jJ geography.
rA3):{A- to aerate . r EOr PA<1>\1jJJlb IK. geographic(al).
r A3)1.A1lFAH aerated. r EO,l:J:E3H>I geodesy, geodetics .
r A3Llhi aerated ; gassed. fEonor geologist.
rA3ET newspaper ; KYH.ll,EJUK ... daily rEOJlO~ geology.
paper; K,A6bIPFA . .. wall ne...spaper. rEOJlOnljJJl bIK. geological : .. . 6APJlAY
r A3ETillI journalist ; newsman, pressman ; geological survey.
. .. &AJlA newspaperboy. rEOMETPJ.UI geometry.
r A30JUfH gasoline. rEOMETPl1jJJlblK. geometric(al); ... Hl-
rA30METP gas meter. WIH geometrical figure .
rA30H lawn. [CPn coat of arms .
r A3nAHA see r A3 nAHA. rEP&APHA herbarium.
rA3ChI3AAHJlbIP-lO degasify. rEPMETHK hermetical .
rAAKA nut, female screw: KIJlTI nut r 116 PI1J1 hyhrid.
wrench, monkey wrench. r l1rAHT giant.
r AJIEPEjJ gallery. n l r HEHA hygiene.
r AJl QllI overshoe. O fr HEHAJlhl hygienic.
r AJlCfYK necktle. r l1J1POrPA<1>l1 jJ hydrography.
r AMAK hammock. fl1JIh 3A /mil./ car tridge case, shell case.
fAPA)I( garage. rH MH anthem.
fAPAHTI1J1 guarantee, security. fl1 MHACTI1KA gymnastics, callisthenics.
fAPAHTI1.s1JIA- to guarantee. rl1 HEKOJlOrl1jJ fmed.1 gynecology.
fAPAHTI1J1Jlhl /adj .' guarantee. rl1nH03 hypnosis.
r APMOH accordion. r l1nH03)lA- to bypnotlze.
rAPMOHliJlJlhl harmonieus. rl1 n H0 3Whi hypnot ist.
rAPMOHIUICbI3J1blK. dissonance. flfnOTEJA hypothesis.
r APMOHlIIhl accordion player. fl1nC gypsum; plaster of Paris.
r APHEU /measure/ peck. rl1nCfE· to plaster, to treat with gypsum.
fAPHH30H garrison . r IlTAP guitar.
fAcrPûHOM epicure, gastronomer. B1TAPlllbi guitarist.
fACTPO HOMHJI gastronom y. r Jl I1UEPI1H glycerin .
fAYEHUA ho witzer. r Jl0 6 YC globe.
fAYhAP precie us none . r JlIO KOJ A glucose.
fAffiA hash ish . f OP l.fHUA mustard .
rBAPLlM5I /mi l./ guards. rOCnl1TAJIh hospital.
rBAPJU1R:llIhl guardsman . f OTOBAJIb H>I case of dra wing instrurnents,
rETEMOH hegemon. rPA 6LlA j locaJ E/ rake (hand or mechanical) .
rEfEMOHHJI hegem on y. f PABEP engravet .
rEKT AP hectare . r PAJl YC de gree .

rPAMM ran
r PAMM gram. .. . lllA WY blossommg ; ... WEHIiEP
r PAMMA Tl1KA gramma r. gartand. wreat h . .. . WO F bl lbo t./ raceme :
rPA M MAT Jtf KAJl blK grammancal . ... ecnsaru- JOOt./ cry ptogamous ;
rPAHATA /mil.! grenade. sne u, bo mb. OCI PY KdCI61 Roric... ltu re.
rPAH KA /print./ galley-proo f slip. FYJ1UE- to plan t flo w ers ; to beflo wer.
r PA<1J earl , co un t. rYJ1UErEH ûowe n ng.
r PA~J.1 K graph, d iagram . rYJUlEH- to bioo m.
r PA<lJHK A graphic 3.I'U. rvJlEH n rn flo rifer ous .
rpA<lJI1 H carafe . water-bonle. deca nter. ITJl):LEHETI H blossoming ; l fi g.1 very
rpA~ThI K earldom ; county . healthy .
rpH.M ma ke-up ; grease-paint. rYJlJlEHY blo ssom ing .
rpH. MillI make-up man . rYJllllK û o wer garden ; pa rterre .
rpl1nn /med./ grippe. influenza . rYR.!lIH TAJKbl /bot'/ corolla.
r pY3H. H Georgian . F'YJlC13 IboL; cryp togamous.
rYliEPHA TOP ge vernor . r YJlI )KOK I, dj'/ see r v n cn.
rY6EPH HJl pro vince. ITMn "plop" Ionoma topoeia of plopping) .
rYllOK ho m , siren. whistie. r YP6 IK Ilocal W/ va riety of me lo n (la rge,
fYMAHIBM hu man ism. dark brown ).
rYMAHI1CT hu mani st. r Y PJlE- to coo.
rYMAHI1TAP /adj./ humanita rian. ITPC onomatopoeia of crash.
rYlJ1 whistling (of wind). ITPCIJI boom. ru m ble. crash.
fYIJlllE- to whistle ; 16g./ to bowl. rYPCIJl .!lE- to rumble lintr ./.
fJp weigh ts. rYPIR out butst .
rYJl ûower ; ... AH AJlblFbl lbot./ pistil; rVPIJl ll.E- to spea k in a deep voice.
... KIHDJrJ lbot./ receptacle ; ... C A6AF bi rVd witness: see also KYA.
IboL/ pcduncle, pedicle : .. . T03AHbl /bot.1 rePI than , rather than ; in cernpa risen with.
pollen; ... T YF APb l sec: ... KIHllIrI ; ran Iloca l W & SI ru mo r.

AA see aJso J1E and, alsc, too; neither, nor ; 2) to talk at randen, te talk haphazardly.
even, even if; <ver. ,lJ,AJl,lJ,A barrieade.
)lASbiJl drum, tambourine ; call, appeal, .llAlI)lAJIA· 1) to Ience. blee k up, shield :
signa! ; lfig./ tumor, hearsay, common talk; 2) to hide, to shut off
. .. VA Ilocal SWI small , travelling yurt JlAJI-Jl.AJl 60JI· to he in rags, in shreds.
(ten t). JlAJI·.l1YMhIH mbJFAP- to tear into shreds.
,lJ,A6h1 Jl TAPAT-.IlA6hIJlIUAIU- to spread J].AJlbIA· to infîate, expand, spread lintr./.
a ru mor. AAM- to develop linte./ ; te grow l intr.l.
D,A6bIJl KAK· to beat a drum; to beat alarm ; .llAM SAJl pants.
to sound alarm. llAMY development, growrh; 6ERSIT
t1ASblJID.A· to call , summo n, notify ; to give reaceful development.
signais. JIAMbln halt, respite, short rest .
JlASbIJlLIAT· te spread a rumor. JIAMblJI 6EPME· to perturb, disturb.
J],A6h1JIlllbl drummer. )lAMhln)lA· to stop and rest; to take a rest.
,lJ,A6b1P lo ud talk . D.AMhIJI!lAY halt. respite , short rest.
AA6bIPllA- to talk löud ly, make noise. JIAMhIJICbl3 continuous, incessant, un-
,IlA6hlPllAMAH noise lessly. ceaslng ; /adv,f without sto pping (talking):
)lA6hIC Iame, reputation .
Jl.A6hI CCh13 nciseless. JlAMbIJIChI3JlblK, disturbance.
Jl.AfnKY kind of vodka.
!lAM bIT· to develop : to further ; Tin .. . to
develop (a chïld's) power of speaklng.
JIAl1:hIM continual, incessant.
JIAHA I) pièce, specimen ; 2) /adj'/ wise, of
JIAft h IH ready, in readiness; ... EOJl· to he
genius, brilliant (of man), great (of we rk).
JIAfihIH)lA. to prepare. store up, stock. D.AHAJIbJK, wisdom. genius ; ladj.1 of genius.
AAfihIHD.AJl- to get ready; to prepare one- brilliant, great.
self. IlAHIlAllCY conceit.
JIAHhlH.llAY procurement, purveyance. IlAHhllUnAH see IlAHAJlhlK,.
Jl.AAbIHlIhIK training, preparation, prepar- JIAHbJlllnAHJIhIK genius (quality).
edness. JlAn-,llAnA Ilocal SI 1) very even or flat;
,llAJlA field, steppe, prairie ; ... KYCTAPbl 2) wide expanse of the sea.
steppe bird s; )l(A3hIK ... plein, plateau; JIAP gallows ; /locaI NEl girder, main beam
Ifig.1 spaciousness: MblfUIAft .. . bare (esp. of a water-raising device).
steppe ; KYJlA ... limitless steppe ; K,YJlA· !lAP· 1) to hit (a target, etc .) : to touch; 2) to
3blFAH K,Y .. . desolate steppe. exert a wholesome influence.
,lJ,AJlAH Ilocal SEI I) an teroom . lobb y, hall ; JlAPA separate, individual : ... IC Iclerical/
2) a kind of white fabric. personal business.
,lJ,AJlA-eOFhIC COT h l eourt-martial. JlAPAJlhIK, personality, individuality.
)l.A nAKTA- to ftutt er (of clothes). JlAPAnbIJl individualist .
JIAJIAFAR Iloca l ECI a kid bom in the Iall. )lAPAK, /loca l S & WI tree Ia ny kind plantcd
JIAJIDA o r .LIAJI BAR woelen. triecru hat. by man).
JIAJISACA 1) offer, pro posal ; 2) pretext, ,lJ,AP6 A3A gate.
pre rense, exCU5e. )lAp)lA A huge, enormous ; ro bust .
.IlAJIBACAJlA. I ) te su ppose , co ntempl ate: .llAPHR large river.

.llAP~' llAHK,oflJlblK

DAPY me dicme : .. . )J{ACAYllihl ph armacist : .il,AYblnnA3 1) smal! d rum used in fa lconry ;

druggist. 2} jzool.i stormy pet rel (Pr ocella ria pelagica).
.oA PY -!ldP MEK medicament . drug. D.AYbIC voice: ... EEp· to vote: .. . lllhlFAP·
D.APYJIA· te trcat , cure . MAY silence .
)),APYJIA H. 10 be t rea ted : 10 undcrgo a cure . Jl.AYb ICC b f3 silent, mute, voiceless ;
Jl APUJbIH I) cinnamon ; 2) Ibot .! Mar anise ,Ub lI> b IC /ling./ consonant .
(lIIic'ium an isat um): 3) lbot. diuany ,UAYbICTA· to pronounee loudly .
(Dictamnusj. .L\AYbICTAn aloud ,
D.APbIJlD.A - I) to shout. yell ; 2) 10 prod uce .L\AYbICTb l /ling,! vowe t: ' cc llbl6blC
crackling sound (of c101h, pape r, etc. when vowel so und .
being torn ). llA YblCTbln APllbl H YHllECYI vowel-
)lA PbI J1 ,UAK bawler, noisy man . harman y.
)J,APbI M.!l.AY /obs,J /Iocal SE;' medicanon. .L\AYbICTb ll{ 6IP.L\Ef1m n equality of
trea tmen t. votcs.
D.APhl Hllbl gifted , ta len ted . Jl AYblCbl 30P scnoro us.
llA PhIHD.bIJl hlK. gifted ness, talent; geni us. .QAYb ICh l HA Il1AP voiceless.
bri lliance. ,UAY b ICh IH AJl · to deprive of the right of
D,APb IH CbI3 ungift ed, u ntalented . voting : t ö defranchise.
.QAPbIHCbl3,UblK. want of talent. .QAY bIC KA CAJ]· te vo re, 10 ballot.
JlA Pb lT- to le t hit, 10 let to uch ; (0 allo w to Jl.AYbICKA CAJlY vot ing, poll.
come near ; to allow 10 a pproach. j],AYbJCKA TYC- to be put to the vote: te
AAP K,AH Ilocal SE/ I) expert, mast er; te a ca ndida te for election.
2) honest, friendly, considera te man . ,UAYb ICKA KOM- to put to the vore.
!lAPFA AC- 10 hang (of ma n). D.AXA a kind of fur co a t.
DAe jlocali I ) IS Ej basin, wasb-basin. tub ; Jl.AJlP ready.
2} fEf instructlon. guldance. llAJl PJlA- to prepare lu.t , equip, fit o ut.
)!ACTAH epic poe m. D.AJlPJlA H· to prepa re {intr.l. equip one self
!lACTAPK,AH table-cloth. get rea dy.
)],ACTAPKA H bl MDJl hospitabie (home). .QA RPJlbIK tra ining. preparat ia n ; readiness.
,llAT J) enrnity, vengea nce ; 2) jloca l E. SE I nA K 1) spot , blot , blem ish ; 2) scar, lesion.
applicatio n, petition, req uest; co mplaint. 3) imprint; 4) /loca l EI ju st, exacüy ; ... CAH
JlATA date . Imath./ odd number.
llATAJIA· to da te. Jl.AK,A Ilocal WI see ,UAXA.
llATTA- 10 ba rbo r revengefulness ; to nourish D.AKnbIPT beginning of so me even ts ; move-
enmity. ment around som ething; rumo rs ; jfig'/
,llAY la w suit , Iitigation . st amp. cliché.
D,AYA med icine. medicament; 10 b s.1 ba lsarn : .QAH I) tambourine ; 2) l poet'/ see Jl.AHK..
lfig./ method . mea sure. .QAHD.AMA flocal WI conversation, tal k.
,llAY·JlAJlAEACbI3 indisputably, un- D.Ali·.lI.Y l-l. r öw, disturbance, commotion .
questionably. )IAH-D.YH EOlI · to get perplexed: not la
,llAYJlA- to br ing a suit ; te litigate , sue. know wha t la do.
.llAYJ1 AC- to a rgue, quarrel ; to litigate. nAHK. glöry, fa me, reputa tion .
)l,AYJlA Ylll b l pretender. .llAKK T APAT- to make famous ; to extol ,
llAYJlhI deba table. eulo gize. bcla ud.
,llAYP h IKnA - ro yell. sho ut; to talk loudly. llAHK o r !lAI-{Kbl Il1bIK,- I) to be reputed :
)],AYP hIKnA noi sy. ba wler, squaller. to pass for; 2) to become famous.
JlA YChl3 certain, îndî sputable ; indisputably, .lIAHK II1 bIFAp· to make fam ou s.
ter certain, by all means. JIAHKA HE SOlI- to acq uire fame.
llAYChI3-DAMAHCb l3 indisputabl y, un- JlA HKCh l3 I) inglorious, ignomi nous. in-
ques tionably. fama us; 2) un known , obscure.
DAY -lllA Pd ispu te. discord ; la wsuit. Iitigation. D.AHKCb l3,Ubl K, infamy, ignominy ; o b-
)),AY IIIh l see Jl.AYJIAYIIIb l. scur ity.
.D.A YbIJl storm. D.AHKü H liron.1 cock-sparr ow.
JlAYb violen tly, sto rmy . .L\A HK,Of1J1bIK whimsy.


)lAI-(.K.TA- to announce, proclaim. llErEHMEHEH all the same ; whatever may

D.AHK,ThI farnous, glorious; great ûgu re (o f he said .
man) . .l\ErMEHT I) Ilocal SE! belt decorated with
AAH.Kbl )KAAbIJI- 10 he announced ; la he silver : 2) flocal W j valuable (decorated )
proclaimed. sword .
D.AHKhIH )f(AA- see .l1AHKTA-. JlEnlll /locaJ SW/large wave, bille w.
JlAHK,blH WhIFAP- to extol excessively. JlE.llEKTE- to walk with hasty steps.
JIARFAffbJP IlocaJ W/ large accumulation llEllYKTHB deduc tive.
of sand . ll.E)I(YPHTb ET- to he on duty.
JlAl-\FbUI beaten (track ), blazed (trail), even ):{E)I(YPHhIA /adj./ o n duty.
(road). .l\E3EPTIIP deserter.
JlAHFbIJlD.AH- to be vell-trodden, even (of llEJEPTI1PJlblK. desertion.
roa ds). llEJH Hct>EK UJ.1Jl d isinfectio n.
llAHFbIPJl A- or DAHFblPlIAT- to drum. D.E3MAn Ilocal SI fiat iron .
.llAFAP /local E & SE/ large bag. .nEl1T IH so-called. un der the name.
.l\AFAPA I) large bag ; 2) Ilocal EI large .l\EllIHIlIE lIocal SEI small bag.
woeden bowl ; 3) /Iocal S/ wash-basin. Jl.EAIH to, up to, until.
.l\AFAPAMfi bul ky, large. .l\EKA6Pb December.
!lAF.aAP- to beco rne perplex ed . L{EKA!lA decade,
.!\AF.!\APM Afi unceas ingly (of talking). .l\EKE6IP see .l\EKA6Pb.
Jl.AFJl.APY difficulty, co nfusion. ( .aEKJl AMAl.{HR declamation.
tlAFJlAPbIC crisis, sragna tion ; hopeless / ,j.{EKJlAPAlJ,HR deelaratie n.
situa tion . , JlEKOPAUHJI decoration ; scenery jtheatr'/.
tlAF!1h l habir : .. . 60 AhlHIllA automatl- JlEKPET decree, edict.
cally (of rnan 's movements, etc.). !1EJl6E I) rems: 2) a disease of ha rses;
3) averun (disease of cattIe).
,lI,AFJlbInAH- /fig .1 to arm oneself; to team, .aEJISETAn Ilocal SEI crazy, insane .
exercise, acquire habits ; to get accustomed. AEJlliEUI I coachman.
.LI.AFtlbIJlAH!1blP- to train ; to inculcate
habits tu.t. ,.·D.EJIEf AT delega te.
DAF!lbIJlAHJlbIPY automaticn. !lEJIErAUI1R delega tion.
D.EJILl.AJI broker, agent.
):(AFLl.bIJlAHY development (educa tional). Jl.EJl)],AJllJ.bIK CAY LlA sale on commission :
llAFJ],bIJlbI habitual, usual, ordinary ; a uto- brokerage.
matic. .n;EJIEH..ll:E- to pucke r, bul ge, stick out.
ABQPRH nob leman. /( JJ;EM breathing, breath ; . ,. AJlY I) breathing;
ABOPRHAblK, nobility . deep brea th; 2) hal t, short rest.
JlE sec llA. f JJ;EM AJI- I ) to brea the, to ta ke a breath ;
/ LlE~ 1) to speak, talk, say , teil; 2) to cal l, to I 2) to rest.
name ; 3) te intend. 1 J1,!;M liEP- to inspire.
JJ;EliET debit. / LlEMAr Or - demagogue.
D,EBH3 motto. AE MAJI- to sigb breat he.
.QEf5IP patience. / lJ,EMAJiy rest. '
JlEflilPJlI ladj.! patient. .D:EMAJIhIC halt, rest ; ... KYHI day otf.
JlEf6IPCI3 1) imp atient ; 2) disturbing, / .llEMAPKAUI1R demarcat ion .
alarm ing. I JlEM6E-,UEM Iloca l SEI fro m time to time :
D,Er61PCI3JlEHY disturbance, alarm. now and then. ~ ,I .
lIErllAP !Jocal WI very good, excellent. LlEM6EJIlliE thick-set ; stocky. \" y
LtErEH wild goat. .ru; MllE- to help; to lend a hand. .
JIErEH so-called, und er the name, nick- .ll.EMEK then ; weU then ; so .
named . ll~ EY help, assista nce.
.llErEHD.E R j ust, exactl y, j ust as e ne would I !1EMOlil1J1 l13AUHR demob ilization.
Iike ir te beo , AEM0 6 11J1 H3AUI1RJl AHFA H demobilized.
!lErEHMEH bowever, though, nevertheless ; / JIEMOKPAT dernocrat.
but, for a ll tha t. / JIEMOKPATJ1J1 democracy.

1l0 EPA
llEMOKPAITA H- to become democ ratized . llECfEJ1E- 10 co unl by tens ; to cOUO{ by
JlEMOKPA11AHLl.bIP- to dem ocratize Itr./. bundJes.
llEMO HCfPAUHR demonstrati e n. / llETAJl b de ta il.
LlEMnUHr du mping. 1lE<1>Eh."T defect.
JlEM el 3 lifeless. II E<1>I1UI1T deficit.
lIE Mlry sbo rt ness of breath. .ilE Hr Efi level.
DEMIK- to suffer Irom shortness of brea th ; .ilE l-{rEJIllEC j local 'AJ I ) of equal slze:
to suffeca re lintr.! ; 10 be ast hmatic. 2) of equal age.
llEM IKnE short ness of breatb ; asthma. llEllrEH E I) /Ioca l W & SW/ sharing in
llEMI Kn EJIJ asthmatic. equal pans (he purcha se a nd cons umption
llEHllE I) te master. to overcome ; 2) to of rood; 2) / Ioca l Cl /med./ reu matism.
co mplete the largest pa rt of a cenain we rk . JlE llME HT see llEn I EHT.
llEH E l) body (o f man, etc.} : 2) thing ; .DEHK I1- to c1am ber up; to seem to be large.
3) Iphys. & rna th ./ bod y. solid, sub stance . D.UA;l EKT dia lect.
.. . EH IiErJ manua l Iabo r ; .. . KEJI I>ETI D.I1AJlEh..tl1KA dialeetics.
build, frame (o f body) ; ... UJblHblKTbIPY .DU AJlEh.t IJII K dialec tical .
sport, physical cult ure. D.HAJJO r dialo gue.
llEHEllErI TYK body hair. 11I1AMAT dialectica l ma terialism.
lIEHEJl J sticky, thick-set, tall . l U1A M ETP diameter.
LlEHECn incorporea l. n UA n A30 H diapason: ran ge,
D.EHCA YnhIK. health ; CAKT A. ta ke care lU IBA H I) sofa . ottoma n : 2 ) /o bs.; an thology
of (one's) health ; CA KTAY care of of Iyric poe ms.
pu bhc heaJth. 11l1BEPCA H T saboteur .
llEHI CAY healthy. l U1BE PC l1Jl diversio n. sa botage.
.lI.En ger. of L{E- ; lin the poshion of the D.I1BH.J.EH .ll dividend.
concludin g word of a clau se eitber indicates 11I1BI13HOH squa d ro n /mi!./ : ûonlla /naval/.
tha t th e preceding wor ds arc a direct n l1 BI13 HJI /mil./ div ision .
quotauon, ar serves as rhe conneering word 11I1D AKTH KA did actics.
between t he subordina te (preccding] and UHD.AP appearance, featu res (a f face).
main (following) clau ses of a sentenee r. IU1D.APJlA C· to sec each o ther.
.QEn O lrr.l depot , engine ho use, roundho use. DJ.1ETA die t.
,aEnYTAT representarive. delegat e. D.I1KT A TOP dictat or.
,aEP KE3IHlIE well-timed (to the point) ; In LII1KTATYPA dictat orship.
time. oppcrtunely: in d ue co urse . JJ:l1nJlDM diplom a ,
Ll,EPfiEC sepa rat e, indepen dent, specia l. D.l1nJlOMAT diplornat .
llEPrEP see ll ~ P lrEP . D.HnJlOMATI1Jl di plomacy.
,aEPE /Ioca l NW / watering through Ior cante. DJ1PEKTl1BA inst ruc nons. d ireenons.
.LI:EPEK fact, dat a ; news, tidings. 1l,I1PEKTOP dircctor.
.LI:EPEKCn /adj./ abs tract. .llI1PEKUI1..R boa rd of di recters. man agement .
.LI:EPEKCI311I K abstraction. ,UI1Pl'DKEP /mus.! con du ct or, band master.
DEPEKTI /adj./ concrete. based on Iac ts. .llI1C KYC CHJl discus sio n.
,UEPEH /Iocal SE/large. tal! (of trees). lH1 YA HA I) God's foo i. bllssful, beatl f ic ;
llEPE Y without delay, immediately, at o nce, 2) possessed, insa ne ; 3) beggar. mendicant,
instantly, suddenly; une xpectedly. wa nderer ; de rvish: 4) crank. eccentric.
.l{EPMEH E /bol./ sent onica (Artemisia ma ri- ,U11C1lT EPUT diphteria.
tim a). ,lU II P ME H miJl ; ... TA C millsto ne.
lIEPT illness. disease: ... JKA6 bIC- to fall iII ; LU11PM EH W I miller.
to be taken Hl. lU1 K,AH o r lU 1KA H Ill bi egriculn mst. culti-
LlEe - to co me to a n agreement. vator. tilter.
llEC EEPrEHUE o pponunely, luckily. l U1KA H lDh IJlbIK. agri cu lture. famung.
.llECE OP- /Ioca l S Et 10 reap. ,UO E AJl 1) c1umsy ; 2) crudely mad e object.
llECEPT dessert . n O EAJlLlA I1 c1umsy (of ma n); crud e (of
llECn OT despo t. thing ).
.JECfE 1) ten; 2) ream of pa per. .aOEPA see 1l0PEA.


.A03A .AbI6bIP!lA-

; .A03A dose . !lOPOK.Tbl MblnTblK. Ilocal EI single-

.n03AK. Ge henna . Ioading gun. '
l1030P patrol. .uOC friend.
)),030PllIhI sco ut. .uOC·)KAP friends.
Jl.O:HhlP lasb, heavy whip . ----- .u.OCnAH
-_ ..
see Lr~ Ul nA H .
llOMblPL(Aft thick . crude, unpohshed, un- Ll,OCTAC- to he friends with: to make friends
couth. with.
/ llOKTOP I) ene who has a doctor 's degree; .ll.OCTbIK, friend ship.
2) ph ysician . .D.ûT {mil./ pill-box ; concrete blockhouse;
I JlOKTOPJIbIK. medica l profession . permanent emplacement, bunker.
/ ,UOKT PJ.1HA doctrine. lIOTAUI1R subsidy, subvention. gram.
/ JlOKYMEHT docume nt. .uOUEHT assista nt professor.
):{OnA H /Ioca l NW/ I) inconsta ncy, in- .ll.OWAJlA Iloc<tl EI a kind of be rry .
sta bility, unsteadiness; 2) Inconstan t, vacil- ,ll,OK,TbIP see ,UOKTOP.
latin g man. llû H,hI3 J) pig, swine; 2) /Iocal SE, bot./
.uO JlA HA lbot./ hawthom (Crataegus). / sedge-like grass; ... )KhLnbl year of tbe
:rJ:...9llIiAfJroughly, in tbc rough ; apriori . tY swine (twelfth year in twelve-year cycle).
.l{OJlIiAPJlAn roughly, coarsely, in dra ft !lOFA shaft -bow (in hamess).
--rorm. .... ~, ?:r J:<- ....~~;... , cf.,;..--0 )l.OFAJI obtuse; ... Ii'VPbIlli /math.1 obtuse
. ~'-' ,uO JlD.AH- 1) to bubble, boil, swirl ; 2) to he angle~
~ ho t tempered ; 3) to he enraged ; to have a D.'lFAJlD.AH· ro become obtuse; to become
c:./.» fit of anger, to flare up; 4) l fig./ to storm bow-sha ped.
(of sea). )l.OFAP- l) to unhamess; 2) to finish.
uY,:rj/ .o;QJJ) to ruffie Itr./. nOFAlII ring-shaped roll (bread ).
j-:? .n.O.JlllAHfAJI furieus, raging. .o;PA MA drama ; dramatic.
~()JIYK leathern bag made from whole skin. I Jl.PAMAJlACfblP- to dramatize.
. ,~ ~IJAQJ1 h(J l) obstinate ; 2) hot tempe red, ~Jl.PA MATYpr playwright.
U ,:l)J'& irrita ble ; 3) furieus, raging ; 4) violently. ....!lPAn th ick woe len c1oth.
stonuy; llocal S/ violen t storm with hail ; DY I) storm, tempest; 2) streng nolse, hubbub;
flocal W/ lc:~her vessel. 3) outburst.
llOJlhIJlh IK. I) obsti nacy, hot tempe r, , !lYAJl.AK Izool.l bustard (Otis tard a).
irrita bility; 2) fury, ra ge. I Jl.YAKEP sorcerer, wizard.
n O MAl1A- to roll, slide down lintr.l. AYAJI high walt; fence, hedge, enerosure.
A9!vLA-!.I~ H. to turn somersaults. ~ -
- ~" - ban , ram part.
llOMAl1AHhIn KIp· to roll in lintr.l. 1 JlYAl1AYlllhIJlbIK sorcery, witchcraft .
!lOMAJlAT· to wil , roll down Itr.l . / .AYAlIAK. see .AYAJJ;Af<..
!lOMAllATblf'l KIP rI3- 10 roll in Itr.l. , !lYAHA SC<: !lI1YAHA.
Jl.OMAJIAK, ball ; a round object. / .D.YliJU1KAT duplicate.
OM6PA or !lOM6bIPA dombra (native t:!~t!.1JlAt1- to become dishevelled.
Kazakh musical instru ment ofthe lute class). \)\>8r.fl.AP I) two-stringed d9?1bra; 2) di-
i .D.OM6PAUJbl or Ll,OM 6 b IPAUJhI dombra J
shevelled, tousled (of hair).j; ,u,tJ'
E YJlhIEt\ I) dromedary's hump; 2) Ihist.1
••:. p) )l.OM6b1K,- to Ireeze (hands, feet, etc.). )!'-J helmets of Kazakh knights. ,r

)l.OM6 blK,T brp- see tI.OM6hIK-. )J.YJv1d.!I uproar, clamor. J~"\' .... /c./r-"
!lOM6 blK.TbIPbJn AlI- see !lOM6 bIK.-. .AYMAJ:I.A~! busy~animaled.
.AOMHA nsur blast fumace. !lYTAP I local S & SWI see .AYMP.
---lt'''; non bali; playing bali; sphere. { JlYUIAP_I?9 11; to he subjected, to undergo.
J . f llOP6 A l) nose-bag, reed bag ; 2) sma ll bag, Ll,YUIAP_er - te subject, to exposé.
small sack ; 3) knapsack. schoo l-bag. )l.YIlIAP K,b IJl· te throw intc.
JlOP6AJIA· 10 ta ke by filling a small bag. I D.Y blJI.ll A - l)to make noise, to make hubbub ;
JlOP6AJ1An e J1 111E- to measure by a bag. 2) te itch.
.aOPMET Ilocal SEI plun der , pillage. ravege,, ;.;.llbr libIP rapid inan iculate talk.
JlO POK, Iloca l EI bullet . r )l.bI 6bIPl1A- te talk fast and indistinctly.
76 7>
!Ib l 6bl C 1lYPCE

/ .lban J6'~'eIC," ec
' Ohuon .d . vo ice: ... liEp· to respond . znarsx 1) trunk, stum p, bloc kwood; 2) pile,
... . curbsto ne ; 3) hitchlng-po st.
llbl6b lCC h I3 soundl ess. nl H.KE po wer. strengt h, energy ; . .. K.Yp. to
,:1,r nbl3 h 10 burn (of painl . be deed- beat.
J '--1 .llbIM moi; tu re, humidity ; ... )IO TK,bIW tlIH,KECI H K,YPT- to exterminate.
l teeh./ hy grosco pic, absorbent ; . .. )fO ' T - ,UJHK I1- to clamber up .
KbJW MATA absorbent eotton . V ' )') D.Yfi A PA hybrid. ,.J.. , ~
1 11bI M q uite. entirely : too ; A 3 toa little ; llVSlP trarnJ'Uig.
.. . )KOK there is no thing ; TAThIPMA ,UYSIPAJlK. /loca l SEI ear ly bom caJf.
10 give noth in g to ea t. / jI Y ~!P.ll E - 10 patter; to c1atter.
-1 D.bIMD A- 10 meisten. to damp /tr.'. lIYll A MAn do ubtful. dubious, una uthentic.
.., .n.h1MD A H- 10 grow damp; 10 becom e damp. DY D.AMAJlD.A H- to doubt.
" ,.ah IMllhI hu mid. damp, moist. / nY~ bla de .
1 D,hIMl1hIJIhIK. h umid ity, dampness, rnc is- lIYi1 C EH6I Mo nday.
I ure.
JlYKEH sho p, sto re, workshop .
-1 l1 bI MK hI Jl bumid, da mp , mo ist. ,UYKEH llJI sho p keeper.. .
" l1 bl M K h IJl!l.A H- to beccme da mp. h umid . D.YKEPT I) !Iocal SE! SCISSOrs; 2) /Iocal NW/
~ Ll.hIMKbIJl,Ub IK h umid ity, dam pness. mois- n yven'Y EI1
...... stupi • crazy.

ture. . ,llYM butt end (of a gun).
PAn /Iocal W/ la rge, th,c~ (of trees). ,UYMEIJl /local SE/ see llYMEIJl E3.
hIPAY: Jocal W/large, huge, thick . JlYME IJlE3 parboiled, half-bak ed.
r'/J!.~bIJlllA· ro uner a coarse tremulous llY MllI Iormidable, po werful ; ... Mh IJITbI K
sound. . gu n witb large bun-stoc k.
f llh IH b IJl.DA -. or llhIHFhIJID.A· to nng, to jlY M n y I) explosio n. blast; 2) influence.
utter a jangling sound. to strum. ):«J llY M n IJl du lI knocking sound.
~ .!lhI HhIJl.nAT· o r ~bIHFbIJI.nAT- to stru m. LlY Mn IJlllE- to produce a dull knocking
·'llb IH F b IPJIA · to n ng. ' so und.
/ (1hI~ /Iocal W/ la rge',.huge. enormou s. ..,-;~ ~J; dogmarist ; uncrit icaJ reader.
ilI[Ef /Iocal SE/large.....'de. )]YHH E I) worJd, universe ; 2) propeny,
}lIK ·n IK ET· see JlIKlJI,UE-. estate ; .. . JKY3l the globe , the whole world ;
.Zl,IK IJl.llE- to hurry. basten, rush 11r. /: to .. . K~MAPgree dy.a vi d ; ... K~ M APJI bI K
,I harass, pester. grëë d i n e ~s~ avidi ty. -- ,
;" .J!!l!..[.EP I} need. want; 2) streng wish ; / ,UY H I1E r E KEJlY birth .
fer vent wish . /!IY H I1EJKY3IJl IK ladj./ world, wo rld.....-ide.
I .uJ Jl ~ eloquent; o rator; gas-bag. universal .
DIH religion, faith ; .. . E~3AP aposta te: JlYHUEK,OP self-inter ested . greedy, av id.
... TYTY religion. deno minanon ; ·.:.:....I YTY ; JlY P CIJIKIHT- 10 stir, stir up /tc./.
EPKI HJ..QIJII[I religieus libeny ; ... IJlI MI JlYPI;1 bin oculars. terescope..;",,;
o r .. . FblJI blM bl the ology ; ... \'crA~ ! ' Jl y p.ui1 - 1) to bristle up. tb becorne disbe 4

" " d
reI rgro n, enormnatron.
. . ';I"f< 1
-- ,
elled ; 2) to bulge (of lips)'Jo I,,! ,,) u:;.
.J .;.
I DI HJ:-J;.}~PI KTI Jllli .'re~ ./. to lerance. )lY PE corporal pun ishmen t; bircb r~ ; .2\<'
JU Hr E KAPCh l amireligious. . .. COK.- to birc h. -:-:f.vV-
)lI HllA P Irel./ bellever. / .u.YPK J.H I) time (as a n;u!tiplicative ~:ord);
)lIH HEH 5E3rEH apostate. . ~ 2 fl(;~n ~Y~!l v o. / ~;;" ~,Ç' ~ :f ";,i
JlI HCI3,D, IK unbelief. atbeism. / ..u.Y ~~IH.:D,YPKIH fro m time to time;
; llI H llJ IJI Ire!./ l) believer ; 2) pilgrim. periodical ly.
llIHW IJI,D;IK l) religio usness, piety; 2) pil- llYPK IPE- to ru n fast a nd with tr am pling.
grtrnag e. !IYPJIIKKE H /adj./ disturbed, agitated .
DIHI1 A.UAMD.A P dergy. ,UVPfl ll\.i(P- to agi ta te /tr./ ; 10 disturb.
LlI PllEKTE- to sho vel (from cold). ,UYPC o r ,.aYPC-D,YPC bang! /onoma topoeia
LU PIJl vibration, shak ing. shivering. jatring. of crashing sound/.
AJ flD~- to shake , shiver, vibra te, jar. llYPC ET· te fall with a bang.
.uil{ /Iocal NW/ elevation. hili. JlYPCE KO.Sl EEP- l) to faU upon somebody ;

,lJ,YPCIJI ,lJ,;}H

2) to o bject categorically, peremptorily. ,lJ,61-\EC I) hili, biIlock. mound, knob ; 2) !a dj .!

JlYPCIJI tramp of horsc's feet. convex, buiging, rel ief embossed, promin ent.
Jl,YPCIJl)lE- to sta mp, palter, claner. l1eHECfll)hilly, uneven; 2) co nvex (o f glass).
JJ:YPCIJ'I,llEY beat, tramping. .n9HECflK co nvexlty, bu lge.
.nYHrI Pill EK flocaJ SE! secend stomach of .n9H,ECn-o A:bICfhl Iphys./ convexe-
ca ttIe. concave.
.D.Y I-{K jc no ma rc ooe uc wo rdt bang! .n.e H MEH ladv./ alon g the u pper path; along
,l{YH K ETE TYC- to fall down with noi se. the upper ra ad .
.QY I-I,KIJI noise, rumble. .n.df1EKTl consistent .
.nYHKIJI.llE- 10 knock ; to drop with a bang. .lldf1EKIIIl /gram./ apostrcphe.
j{VH,IIIE jlocal EI translator, interpreter . D.~fnM always, con sta ntl y.
AV3AK, tra p. sna re , net. .ll~f1IC flocal SW/ sha meless, unscrupu lous ;
Ll,Y Pb IC true, right , correct ; autbenric ; wicked , perfldious.
positive. .llé)JI exact, accurate, fitt ing; JUS!, exactly;
!l.YPbICfAY adjustmen t. ., . KEJIH.llE in time, o ppo rt unely : ... TIIO
JI.YPhICTbIK, correct ness. hit.
J]) .'PblCh I in ea rnest, seriously. .llaJl.D.E- to elucidate; to o bjectify ; to make
A YPb IChlH.LlA rather, more likely: indeed . m ore preclse.
D;YPb IChIPA K more acc urately. .llé)JIA EY adi ustment.
D.VmnAH enemy. u -, < ~ ..... ll~n.llI3 / Iocal W & SW/ a nteroom, lobby,
Jly mnAH,Ubl K. I) enmity, spite, anger, entrance-hall .
malice, a nim osity ; 2) Jadj., a gr-l vermln. pes t. D.~n ,lUK exactness : correctness, concreteness.
LtVWnAPA Ilocal SEI meat dumplings. Aé>JI,lU P /Ioca l W/ /obs./ silver mo ney.
llYFA prayer (text): ... K.blJl Y prayer D.~nEJl argument, proef reason, motives ;
(action). ... )KOK /a dj ./ unproved.
.aaJlErE loops on the uppe r feit piece of ll,~nEJ1,l(E- te prove, mcrivate, argue, reason.
yo urta. A~nEJI.U E ME argumentatio n.
L{9 KE A' huge, ea ormo us ; giam. A~REJlJl.E P KEJITIP- to argue, reason.
Jl9KE T big kltchen knife. !ldREJI.llEY argumentation .
.119 KIP 1) coarse, c1umsy; 2) dolt , blockhead, ,l(d REJILU con vincing , conctusive: we ll-
dunderhead; 3) blunt (o f a knife, etc.) . gro unded, weighty.
.lleMKE I local W/ corr al, enclosure . .llé)JI EJICI3 prooûess, unfo und cd, unsubstan-
.n9 HE)KIH t hree -yea r-old cow. tiated , grou ndless.
n9HEH K,011 three-year-old ram. ll,dJIEJlCI3J].IK unfoundedness, unsubstan-
.119n exactly, to the po int, opport un ely. tiatedness.
.a.enTE- to a im at. .a.dJI M E -ll,~n lite ral. word for word, exact ;
.a.e PEK I 1) rode, unpolished, uncouth ; 2) exactly.
vulgar, trivial, indecent. .n~JI CI3ll,IK incorrectness.
JI.9 P EK IJI E- to simplify ; to vulgarize. 'udM taste ; ... TAT- to he entertained; to he
,lJ,6PE KIJlEYIlII sim plifier, vulgarizer. invited to a dlnner.
.n9 P EK1JIIK 1) lack o f tas te ; tastelessness ; lldMA EH- to become tas ty.
2) barbarism. ,U~M .u EC mess-mate.
,lJ,61-\ hili ; !geogr .! he ight ; ... lKEP hill y ll,dM,ll,l tas ty, agr eeable, pleasant, n ice;
country. ... Ce 3 /fig./ sapid. agr eeable wo rd ;
,lJ,91-\6EK block of wood. . .. TAF A M groceries.
Ll91-(rEJIE- to turn, revolve, sp in. roll /intr./. ,lJ,<lM E hope .
,lJ,6 I-\rEJlEK wheel, ci rele; circular ; ... ,lJ,<lMEJlEH- to ho pe.
ChI3h IK, circle, circumference. ,lJ,;} M ET- sec ,U<lMEJlE H-.
)l.9HrEJI EH- to tu rn around, whirl . spin, ll,~ MC i 3 tasteless.
revol ve, rotate. ,lJ,<lMCI3,lJ,IK tastelessness.
)l.9 HrEJlET- /fig./ to hunt for somebody. 'ud MWIJl A UA M epicure.
.119 H;rEJlETY ro ta ring. tuming around. D,é)MI )KOK /adj,j tast eless.
,lI9 H,rJJI smal! eleva tio n. .ll~H seed , grain , pit; ... TA3APTKbIW grain
Jl9 HJ U hilly, uneven . cleaner.

i1;)HllE· ll;)Y IT

.1d HllE- 10 ma ke a ha bil o f frequemty lld PTTE HLU P- to inspir c. animat e.

calling so rnewherc . nd PTII cbee rful. joyous. buocant . passio nare .
.l;;JHDE H- to npen (of grain). ardent.
..adH.m grainy. gran ular, havi ng a kemel: !IdPY JW der vish.
.. . ACT bi K cereals, brea dst uffs. .adPJ medicine. pow de r ; MbI.1 TbIK,. ... gun-
lld HEKEP so lde r. a ma tga rn ; bond . tie: ,'fig..{ powder ; TYTIH Cn .. . smokeless powder ;
intcrmed ia ry. broker . ... iKHiEPY iniecuon ; .. . CAYb lT powder
!ldHEKEPJl E- to tin : te solder. bag. po wder flask, powde r hom. poucb :
lld HEK EPWI solderer. tm smirh . . .. We nTEP med icina J herbs; ... KA M-
ll;)HIK· see i1;) HllE· . nAChl Imi!.1 po wder magazine.
)ldH IKTIP· 10 d raw inw . 10 involve in itr.f. ildPIrEP physician: pha rmacist : AYLlAH-
lld nTEP copy-book . exercise hook. ,Ub l K ... district physician.
il;)PrIP sec i1;)PlrEP. ll.dPI.,UEPMEH llYKEH I drug-sto re.
lld PEJKE rank. deg ree : Imath.l powe r; ,U;;) PIJlE- 10 disinfect .
... DEp· te confer a rank. !ld PJnTE- 10 eul ogizc, extol. belaud, exalt ;
lld PEiKEJl E Y Imat h.f Invol ution. ... (e JlEH M EH) to sing a so ng of praise.
D,d PEiKEJl I of a definite degree er po .... er. lld PlXA H A phar macy, drug store.
D.d P ET X A HA lavat o ry. n d PI-K,A6blK, wafe r.
ll;)PMEH ene rgy, power. D.d C Ilocal SE! most ed vanceé .
ll;;'PME H.U1 streng. po v. erful , en ergetic . D.dCTY P t ra di tio n. cus torn .
Lld PM EHCn powerless. impo tent, belpless; lldCTYPlH.D.ErI manner, Sl~ :~.
lfig.! una rmed , defe nseJess ; jfig.{ ba n krupt. nar patien ce.
lldPM EHCl3ll lK weakness, bclplessness. LldTT IKEM IJocal SE! name of a game (with
lldPT passion. aspi rauon. desire. enth usiasrn. knucklebones).
L1~PTE Iloc al WI sha û (o f a ca rt). lldY giant.
lld PTC 13 passive, apatbctic. sluggish, inert. lJ..dYJl ET lobs.{ rich. weahhy.
lldPTCI3LlIK a pa thy, ine rtness. LJ.dYlP epoch, era , pcriod .
lldPTTEH - to be inspircd. animatcd : to have !1dYIT nooi. t praying man tis.
a Ionging fo r.

E wha t? what then? what about it? un der crop; HAYK ,AHbl sowing
E~ lauxiliary verbl to beo campa igu.
E6lIE:fI dexterit y, skill, kn ack. ErICT IK field, plo wed field, corn field ;
E6JlE Am I) dexter o us. adroit, promp t ; 2) ... )KEP arabie lands.
evasive, shiûy, dodgy. EryJ1I )KEP plough ed land.
E6,QEfiCI3 clumsy, sluggis h. E):lEH floe r.
EIiEJl EK IboLI a weed (Cerat ocarpu s are- E)laY IP fairly much ; eo nsidera bly.
oarius). E!UPE I1- to stare .
EIiEJl EKTE n li A C~ to tro t with small, q uick EllIPEMT. 10 o pen one's eyes wide .
steps (of ho rses). .. l' ~" ElK):lEME see IIDTEME.
Eli I )KOK, KIel clumsy man. E)KEr EH a sort of cheese .
EBPO nAJlA C- 10 becom e euro peanized. E)KEJ lrI ancient. prehist orie. primo rdiaJ ;
EBPO nAJlh l K, Europe en. ... .a.OC old friend .
EBPO nAlIIA in the Eu ro pean way. E:>KEJ]!lEH I) very lo ng ago; since o lden
ErLlE elderly . da ys ; from time immem oria l; ... KEJlE
ErE- to saw ltr.i ; te smooth with a file. )KATK,AH dllET an ancient custom:
2) usually, as a ru le.
ErEII KEC· to saw ltr.t,
ErEP if; in the case of; in case . E)I(EJIE- I) Igram./ to spelI; 2) 10 explain in
ErEP):lE see ErEP. detail.
ErEC to dispute , a rgue, wran gle. E:>KIK Igram./ spelling.
El/<IKTE· see ElKEn E- (I ) and (2)
ErEC1lP~ to quarre l, instiga te, inerte.
ErEY file; ... 1<,"fiP bll( ral . E)KIPE- to stare ; to loo k with bewilde rment
orfrigh t.
ErEY nE- 10 file (wo rk with a file).
E)KI PEI-UlE- to stare a t anyb od y persistently
ErJKE fi-TED KEfilH 6lnM Efi !adv.! blind -
Iy_ an d Ihreate ningly.
EDKE A~TEr)KEHI HE )KET· to go in to E3 I) chatterer, ba bbler; 2) absent -rrunded ,
details. a patheric.
Em o r ErI3 SAnA twins. EJ· I) to press, press out ; 2) to crumple;
EnJI- 1) to be so wn (of corn, etc.) ; to he 3) to oppress ; 4) 10 knead ; 5) to d ilute :
planted (of trees, etc.): to he cul tlvated : CbIJl ... to difute ink ; K,AMb I P ... to
2) 10 inocula te, vaccin ale. kne ad dough .
EnJI rEH sowing . E36E a kind of drink; . .. KIel lfig./ cha tterer,
ErIJI- TEnn s o nsm lKbInA - 10 so b. babbler.
ErIH sowing:s ; stand ing erop ; .. . .llAJlA Ch l EJ6En E· to press, rumpie , cru mp le; l fig-l to
6eld; ... ErYilIInIK agriculIure ; .. . O PA- twad dle , pra te, taJk idly.
TLIH MAmM H A reaper, harvester, harves t- EJrI 1) o ppression, yo ke : 2) ladj.1 kind, goo d ;
ine machine. 3) eherish ed, sacred ; .. . HHET good
EnH EK- to farm. intent ion.
EnH.lI :IK plowland . EJrIJI IK In.! good, goodne ss, good deed,
ErnIII JI plowman , tille r; farmer, cultiva to r, virt ue, act o f kindness ; ... ET- to do goed ;
agricul turi st. to be a benefact or: te render a service .
EnH.D lI)U K agriculture , farming. E3rIJl IKTI beneficial ; well-w ishing.
Ene sowing (actio n); . .. KEJlE MI acreage E3-EJ 6 0 Jl - to be rum pled, crump led .


E3Y IJ pressure. o ppressio n : 2) tips. mo ut h's pre tenti e us. bizarre: ... 8 3E H APAJIh IF h l
corners ; ... TAPT te smile . int erûuve.
E3Y WI c pp resso r. E KlrE rwice. dou ble.
E3Y WIJl JK pre ssu re, oppress io n. EKI-EKI-D.EH in twos.
EJ IJl· to be oppressed, emsbed. EKI JIEH · to increase lintr.!.
E3I JlYllll the o ppressed . EK IJl IK rwo : deuce.
EJIn :JKIEEP- to soak. sleep, d rencb /tr./. EKI HllJl secen d .
Eft 0 , oh! helle! EKIHllJID.EH seco ndly.
EK- I ) to till. cultl vate (rhe la nd); 2) ta csow, sxm unnea sece nd time. repe a tedly : late r
plant : 3) 10 in oculate, vaccinale: lllElliEK o n, hencefort h, in future.
. .. to vaccina le. EKIH IH SIPI either or .
EKEH ' pa st p . of the ver b E· , to bel. EK ITAllAH o r EK I-TAJlA i1 I) vaguely;
EKE H UlE /Iocal SEI small bag. 2) d oubtfully, no t likely. bardly, scarcely:
EK EY two : . .. 60Jlbl n tadv./ together ; the .. . KE3 EH crucial mo ment ; ... KOPTbIH-
two together. .llb I doubtful co nclusio n.
EKEYJlEn lad v.! th e { W O ro gether . EKl KAli AT p regnan t ; ... SOlI· to become
EKE Y I MIJ we l WO ro gether . pregnant.
EKIKA IiAlThIK pregnancy.
EKnE no t wild. cultivated (plant).
EJ1 1) people. nat ion . tr ibe; 2) po pulation ;
EK n ETJ H EH prone; face d own wa rds.
3) coun try, land ; 4 ) .'fig.! friend ; .. . I>AC-
EKn l H I) gust, rush (o f wind. etc.I ; 2) tem po :
KAPY reins of govemment ; ... 6 l1JIEY
3) a rdo r ; 4) fling.! accent .
sec ... liAC KA PY ; ... KE3Y j ou m cy, tra vel;
EK n IHD.E- I) te rush, rush forwar d /intr./ : . .. M AHAH LI enviro ns: ... K,OPF AY
2) 10 dis p lay energy: 3) te increase th e defencc o f th e co unt ry.
tempo (of werk ). EJI rE ta dv.,! ho me. bomewards. 10 tbe native
EKnIHlll I) gusty (o f wind ) : 2) rap id, im- land .
petu ous : 3) !adj./ shock ; 4 ) shock worker ; EJlrE3EK I) prompt. swift, dexterous,
5) {Iing.! accented ; ... d C K EP Imil.f shock sens itive ; 2) o bedien t.
troo p s. EJl IU H liA Cbl chief of a tr ibe.
EKn IHCI3 Iling. / u naccented , unstressed. EJl E· I) to sift. sieve ; 2) 10 not ice, pay
EKn JH I )KbI n D.A M rapid , impe tuo us. at tention. react .
EKTIP- to inocul a te /Ir./. EJI ErEH lineal SE & EI sec J1Er EH .
EKllJE· 1) 10 sift (gra in) ; 2) te select, piek out. EJl ErIIll anentive. ca refut. t bo ug htfut.
EKWEJl - 10 be selected: to he so rted out, EJlEK sieve.
p icked out. EJl EH,UI siftings. bran.
EKJ twc ; .. . AHn blK, {a dj.1 two-mon th ; EJl EC spec tre, phanr om, ghost , appannon.
bimonthly : .. . A PA distance : .. . A' K, EJIEC K8PI H · to have hallucinatio ns.
!adj ./ two- ho rse; .. . A R K )Kon dirt road ; EJI ECfE- I) te reeall . recollect ; 2) la he seen
... S ET! A HA PllA H red check s; .. . S8nIn vague ly, to a ppear diml y.
by halves, in ha lf; ... lidClH E ladv.1 at an EJl ECfET- I) to reeall . recollecr ; 2) 10
exo rbita nt p rice : .. ' EHLlI MATA do ub le- ma nifest, d isp lay.
wid th clo th: .. . ECE twice , twice as much ; EJl ECfETY I) rep rod uetion (action); 2)
.. . ECE KE MIPEK ladjJ ha lf ; . .. lKA Pb IO ima ginat ion .
by halves. in half ; ... )KAC AP ladj./ t wo- EJl ECfEY 1) reco llection. remi niscence : 2)
year ; . .. )KA KT A HD.A murua l: )KAK,ThI vision. phantom.
bilareral ; Ifig.1 d ouble-fa ced; )KAKKA EJIE CfEYWIlI IK halluci nario n.
llA )KAK, ladv./ in a d raw ; '" )KETIJl IK EJlEY attentio n.
ladjJ fort n lghlly ; ... lKb lJlLlb l K. ladj.1 EJIEYJl I 1) conspicuous, no üceable, vîsible;
two-year: ... )KY311In I K perfidy, treachery ; 2) deservin g attention. worth no tice.
. .. K IC IJl IK two-seated : .. . KY HD.IK /adj./ EJlEYPE - 1) to he excited; to he o n t be alert ;
two -day : .. . MY WEJ) IK Imath.' binornial ; 2) to rage. to bchave violent ly.
... PET twice, two fold ; ... T YJl8rEH l(\ ' C EJI EY PErE H u nruly.
two-yea r o ld bird ; . .. KA 6AT twice. double ; EJIEYCI3 1) incc nspicuous : 2) nol worthy of
... KAT see ... KASAT ; . .. ~ lIITbl fanciful, attent ion .

EJlEYUlI EH.l\lrI.l\E

EJIEYillI sieve . EML{EY medica! treatment.

EJlEH a tt ention . EMEfI Ibot.1 oak (Quercus); ... JKAflFAFbl
EJIEH. KbIJIMA- to take no heed of. acorn.
EJl EfI-AJlA!U\A early at deybreak . EM EC oot, no, none (negat lve ferm of presen t-
EJlE HJlE- to loo k bac k: rearfu lly ; to exarnine future pa rtici ple of the detective verb E·
cauti ously. to beo
EJDKIPE- ro he over be iled (of meat, etc.): EMJl E o rthogra phy, spelling.
to he moved , toucbed, to grow soft (of EMnEA- see EflKEA-.
heart). EMTIEHJ].E- to walk fast, stooping and in-
EJl KEJEP IlocaI SE! sieve. creas ing speed.
EJle n uninhabited, deso la te, sparsely settled. EMCEK see EMUII.
EJlT- 10 he doped (by smo king narcotica) : EMTMXAH examtnation, lest; .. . AJl ATbI H
16g./ to become stupefied, to listen in KOM HCCI1.R exami nin g comm ission;
ecstasy. AJlY UlbI examiner.
EJlTIPI lamb skin; .. . EePIK lambskin cap . EMXAHA dispensary , ambulato ry.
EJl TITKlm r A3 laughing gas. EMillEK breast, besom; ... '6AnACbI un-
EJl Y fifty; . .. JKb lJl.lU>IK./adj.1 fiûy-year-old ; weaned child ; ... T IC milk-too th: .. . ICY
quinq ua genarian. Imed./ mastitis; ... "tWbl nipp!e, teat,
EJlY,!LErI see EJl Y JK blJ1)\b1K. mammilI a.
EJlYIHlllI fiftiet h. EMIIIEKTEH A Ab IP- te wea n a chüd.
EJlUII ambassador. EMIlIE KTEC I) foster-brother ; 2) /adj.1
EJlWllliK 1) em bass y; 2) mediat ion . uterinc.
EJII finger's wid th (measure of lengrb). EMllll physicia n, qua ck.
EJllfc rI H excita bte. E MIIIIJlIK quackery.
EJlIK IzooL! roe deer . EMI3- to rear, nurse, suck le Itr./.
EJlI Kn E entbusiastlc, pro vocat ive, easily EMI31K (baby's) pacifier.
carried away. EMIH- ro wheedle, so licit: to look pleadingly.
MIKTE- to imita te . EM IH-EPKIH I ) freely, without co nstraint ;
EJlI KTI P- I) to excite, stir, rouse ; 2) to 2) en ough, plenty, to one's heatt's co n-
persua de ; 3) to en tlee. seduce, tempt. tent.
EJlIp· I) to rage, 10 behave violently : 2) to E MI PEH - to display maternat tendemess ; to
rave, be delirious ; 3) /co nv./ to fool. care ss tenderly.
EJIIPrEH violent, unruly ; ... )Kbl EH 1) earma rk (on ca ttle's ea rl ; 2) wîdt h,
violen t lunatie. breadth; ... D.AlIA large field. wide steppe.
EJII PrEHlUK violen t uproar. EH- I) to enter, co me in. drive in ; 2) to enlist ;
EJTIP ME I) light-minded, t bought less: 2) 3) to take ro ot ; 4) to dream; KYWIHE ...
violent, raging. to come into fo rce; to go into effect.
EJlIPMEJII passionare. EH CAlI- to earmark (cattie).
EJl IPT· /fig./ to dope. EHn3- 1) to bring in. introduce ; 2) to include,
EJIIPTn E /fig./ narcotics, do pe. insert ; 3) to incu lcate, instil, implant; 4) to
EJIIPIn violently. drive in, ha mmer in ; )f(AH,AJlbll( ... to
EM 1) medica ment, medicine, remedy : 2) /fig./ introduce inno vations : 3AM ... to pro-
ab so luteîy, co mpletely. mulga te a la w: TYJETY ... to make an
EM· to suck ; to suek in, absorb. a mendment.
EM EOJIbln IIIhIK- te turn out la he EHrI3Y / trx;h./ lead-in.
bene ûcial. EHr I3Ifl - 1) to be brought in, submitted,
EM K,O H· to be bene ficial (of medicine ). introduced ; 2) to get included.
EMrE llE )KO K, a bsolutely not. EHll.EA MA TA whole (uncut) pièce of c1oth .
E MD.E- to tre at (medicalJy) ; to cure, resta re EHl(ElllE I) if so, in that case, rhus ; 2) /par./
to health / tr./. it appears, fellows, tums ou t.
EMllEJI· I) to undergo a treatmen r; 2) to he EHJU l) now, at present; 2) bra ad, wide.
cured , te reeo ver. EHll.lrI next, fut ure. coming. ensuing ;
EMLlEJl l n )KA3hIJl· to he cured, te reeover. ... )KbIJlUA , .. . )l(hInhl next year.
EMD.En )KA3· to cure. EHJUrIJlE next urne.



EH,il, l rdPI I , hencefort h. from now on , in E n T I 1) adrou . clever. quick : 2) carefully.

the future : 2) next time. later 0'1 . tienee - econornical .
forward. EP I) sad dle: 21 man. husband; 3) bere .
EHD.l K /gec gr.r la tirude. valiant . brave. manly ; ... A,UA M daring
EHllIP. 1) to bri ng in. ca rry in, lea d in . fellow; ... A3AMAT adult man ; ... )f(lflT
int roduce• 10 incl ude; 2) to widen a shirt brave go )' : ... )f..;Y PE K'T1 co urageous, brave,
wi th a n inset. val iam : ... OPTAC b l middle-aged man.
EHJlIPE Tf K· to sew in, to stitch in. Ep· 1) to fellow tu.t: 2) ro thaw, melt , men
EH21 IP ME inset (o f a dress) : insertion (in a out , dissolve j tntr'/ ; Ce 3f E ... la yield to
text }. persu asion or provocation .
EHE 1) mo the r-m- la w ; 2) mother (of a nimais). EPSE HJlE· la move, be in morion /intr./ ; te
EH E KE I) mot her- in-law (caressing word) : turn; te rotale /intr./ (of a smalt o bject, or
2) /zool. / bu ffa lo . an object seen from afar) .
EH EJl EC 1) /a dj.j ut erine : 2) offspring of one EPoM· te become conspicuous: 10 project,
mother (of a nimais) . stick OUI /intr./ .
EH A(AP J ) apa theric, indifferent. careless. EPfE Ill b lt..:..· to marry (of a woman).
negligent ; 2) hesn aring ; 3) /6g./ anemie. EPfE lllbl Kn ·\ FAH unmarried (of woman).
inacuvc . EPr E llJ bfKKAH d l1EJ1 married woman.
EH)f\A Pfl b IK apathy, ind iffere uce. ca reless- EP r EiKEHJlI dwa rf, pigmy.
ness, negligence . EPrEHEK or EPrEH IllEK /Jocal SEI doo r
EH)I(A PMA ene a nd a half width of a pièce ro a eerral.
of clo th . Ep r Uil /adj./ yielding, nol independent.
EHen 1) narrow. tight ; 2) without an ear- EPllEH Af! Pb lJl · to divorce (from husba nd).
ma rk. EP,UIH nACht pommel.
EHTEnE· la rush ; ro push each e ther. EP21 IH KAnTAJl saddlc tree.
EHTEJlEC· to rush somewhere togetber with EPEn e I) dispute, altercation. wtangle:
ot hers : to crowd . 2) st ubbo mess. o bstinacy.
EHTI r y short ness of breath ; pan ring. EPEn c· I) la argue, dispure. al tercate: 2) 10
he obstina te, to balk.
EHTI K· to pan t ; to he short of brea th .
EPE)K E rule. stature.
EHT I Kn E sec E HTl r y.
EPE KIll E especially, particular ly.
EHTl KTl P· I) to ca use (someone) to pant :
EPEKIllE.1 IK peculiarity.
2) to override a ho rse.
EPEH·n APAH /Ioca l SE! early in the
EHY entering ; coming into ope ratien.
EHWI Ihist./ sha re in inheritance ; share of EPEnAHlocal E & SE/ much. toa.
fatber's estate d ue to a son separating from EPECEK teen-ager.
pa re nta l houschold . E PECEKTE H· to grow up.
EHWI All- to receive tne apportio ned sha re EPEYIn strike.
from Ia ther's estare. EP EYlflllll Jl EP strikers.
EHlll l SEp· la give the apportioned share to a EP)I{ET- see EPECEKT EH-.
son scpa raring fro m Ia tber's househo ld. EP)I(ETK EH grown up, mature.
EHllJlfl EC Ihist./ adopted child. EP)KYPEK fea rless , intrepid, hercic.
El-l lf] KET· to ru n into: to cut into. EP>KYPEJ...iWIK fearlessness. intrepidity.
En I) dexterity. adapta bility : 2) master stro ke; EP KE pet (of man); molly-coddle: .. . Kb I3
3) o pportu ne moment. pet girl. \
Enel3 clumsy. aw kwa rd. E PKEK I) male (man) ; 2) male (animai);
En TE · I ) to ga in : 2) to manage to do some - 3) /loca l ~ W/ kind of grass ; ... APA dro ne;
lhing a dr oitly. ... 6 A.J1A boy ; ... rn OIlJ K.A baar, male
snr aacn clu msy, awkwa rd, sluggish. pig.
EnTEn cau tiously, skilfully ; AJl F bIH,Ub l .. . EP KEJl E· I) ( 0 luxuriate, indulge in laziness ;
I>AC walk with caution. 2) to pin one's hope on .
En TE n ·EnTEn gr ad ually . EPKEJl ET· ( 0 pel ; to stroke.
En TEn ·EnTE n KAHA slowly, ca utiously, EPKEJlI K pening ; over-indulgence.
ca refu lly. EPK EM icaress.,l my dear.


EPKIH Iree; free and easy ; ... OHJlbI ïree- EPYJl IK treat arranged. in ho nor of kin or
thinker. neighbors who oome later te the same
EPKIH.!lE- I) 10 feel free, easy; 2) to he a summer past ure.
Iree-thinker ; 3} to he entitled rightfully. EPYlllI follower, disciple.
EPKIHJUK Ireedom , liberty; will, free rein . EPlII I saddler.
EPKIHChl· to ta ke liberties : to he wayward ; EPIK I) Ireedom, Iiberty ; possibility: 2) pelt
10 he capricieus . tanned at home.
EPKIHWE in plenty, in abundance, Ireely; 10 EPIK- to be bo red: to become infuriated fro m
one's heart 's content ; ... TYP! !mil. oom- idleness .
mand l at eeset EPIK Alll- to enjoy onesel f, a muse o neself ;
EPKIHIDlflIK sec EPK 1Htu K. to make merry; to have mee time.
EPJlE- I) to distingu ish ooeself; 2} ro defeat, EPIK .liEP- to allow, oo nnive; te shut o ne's
win a victory ; 10 overcome; 3) to prete nd eyes.
10 he brave. EP IK liEP ME· lfig./ to curb, restrain.
EPfli-EAflllbl or EPflI-3Afl b m Tb I hus- EPIKCI3 involuntarüy, aga inst one's wUI,
band an d wife ; consorts, pair. co uple. willy-nilly: .. . ICTETETIH )fCt Mh IC hard
EPJlIK hercism, bravery, courage; ... Kep· labor.
CET· 10 display courage ; .. . CAJl T beroic EPI KCI3 K6 HDJ P· to force, com pel, o blige.
spirit, heroie trad ition . EPI KCI3.LlE- to force, co nstrain , compel; to
EPM EK I) pastime. amusement , entertain- coerce, put pressure on.
ment. fun: 2) buffo, butfoonery; .. . ET- EPIKC13t\EH by force.
to play the foo i; .. . KMJl. to am use ooeself, EPIKCIJ..EPIKCI3 willy-nilly.
to make merry . EPIKTI Iree, unfeuered ; /0.1 volunteer;
EP MEHE JOO1./ a kind of wormwood .. . ')KYWbl extemal student.
(Artem isia). EPIKTI Jl IK sovereign ty.
EPHEY edge. - . EP/I /KIHE H AA py Ileg./ imprisonmen t.
EPe] 1) indecent, improper. obscene ; 2) EPIMIDIK sec IPIMIDIK.
strange : 3) / Ioca l EI bad, unattractlve ; EP1H li p.
4) very, roo: ... KblJIhlK indecorous acti on . EPIH WyniP- to cu rl one's lips ; to feelor
EPCIJl I-K.APCb IJl b I hither an d thither ; back show disgust for .
and fort h. EPIHAIK rope bit (of abridIe).
EPCIJlIK indece ncy. impropriety. EPIHLlIK nsrssrcrAP Iphon,f lablal sounds .
EPT· I) to lead ; to let so meo ne follow one - EPIHA JKT E· to put rope bits o n a horse.
self; 2) to d raw into . EPIHIDEKTEH- 10 be lazy.
EPTE la dj. & adv./ early. EPIn >KYPY escorting.
EPTErEH AT mo unt (horse and saddle). EPIn KET~ to melt o ut (of fat, butter. etc.).
EPTEn tale, fable . EPIT- to melt, c1arify (fat, etc .) /tr.j; to smelt
EPTED.E before, formerly, in old times . /Ir./.
E PTEK A'f1TKbIlII master storyteller. EPITKEH MAfi bei led bu tter.
EPTEJII -KE lU ladv./ day an d nigh t, morn ing EPITnE all oy, fusion .
and even ing, twenty four ho urs rou nd ; the EPI TIH!1I Ichem./ solutio n.
d oek ro und. EC 1) memory , recollection ; 2) mind, intellect.
EPTEH tom orrow. sense.
EPTEHrE tom orrow, ne xt morning. EC- 1) to twist, spin; 2) te row, paddie ; 3) to
EPTElUl /a dj.1 I) morning; 2) tomorrow, of blo w violently (of wind) ; 4) to slash. rip .
tomorrow; ... AC , or .. . TAMAK breakfast. EC KET- to rave.
EPTEI{MEH in the moming. ECAJlAH furie us. ragiog.
EPTEHHEH SACfAn beginning with te- ECAII AIUlAY possessed .
morrow : from tomorrow o n. ECAllAlUlbl1( madn ess.
EPTrE- to saddle. ECE time (as o ne time, so many times, erc.).
EP1TI AT saddled horse. ECES I HD.E as. in the capecit y of.
Ep·l'YPM A H harness. ECEJiI H,LlE n in the shape of.
EPY I) thawin g; 2) a short sto p in no ma ds' ECEJiIHE H at the expense of.
traveling cycle. ECER- ra grow up.

ECEh: as s. donkey. A Jl A III teil beforehand, wam ; A W Y-
ECEKT El1 iderog.j ass . MEH to grumble.
EC EK K YPT Izool./ wood lo usc. ECKEPTY nore. foot note, comrncnt.
EC EH happily, well. all right ; AMA H- ECKEPT Kllli mon u men t, memorial.
healt hy, sa fe. E C KEP YllIl ~lI K kin d ness. conside ra non .
ECEHllEC- ( 0 greet en e an other. ECKI cld . worn ou I. decreplr.
ECEHilJ K well-being . prosperity : good health . ECKI-K'tCKbI rubbish. jun k. scra p: o ld
EeEn account , calcu lauon: Imal h.{ problem; clo thes, trash ; '" SA3APhi j unk -ma rke r.
... MA llU1H ACh i calcularing machine ; EC KIP- I ) ro fall into decay ; 10 become
... CAIiAFbl arithmetics; .. . m OT aba cus ; di lapida ted ; 2) te wear out (of c1othes);
. .. FhI J1bI Mbl mathernaties. J) 10 beco rne stale (of bree d): 4) to fade•
ECEn AJ1PbI C- to set t le mu tual accounts. to wither.
ECEn liEP- to report. ECKIPrEH la dj .' co rnrnonplace, tnte. faded.
Ee En mhIFAP- Ima th.' to solve a probl em. ECKIll1E in th e o ld way .
ECEnen coun tless. innumera ble. EC Kl lli ln conservanve.
EC En TE· I) to co unt. calcula te. take info ECKI IIJIJIlU K conse rvausm.
account ; 2) to rh ink , sur mise, ass ume ; 3) te ECn EJlJ KEM E row-boat.
bear in rnind ; 4) 10 take so meone for ECCl3 unconsciou s. forgetfut ; reckless. fooi-
so meone e lse. ha rdy: ralher silly.
ECEnrrnW MAllJl1HA arithmomete r, cal- EC C I311EH· ro ra ve.
culat ing machine. ECCI JlllK rnad ness.
ECEn TE~1 EJ1 un accounta ble. EerE DOny in view of.
ECEnTEH WbIK- to be struck Iro m a list. ECTE C AKT A- to remember.
ECEnTEn WbIFAPY calculation . ECTEH T AH- to rave ; to be deliriou s.
ECEnTEC- 10 ta ke sernet hing int o co nsidera- ECTEH T AHY delirium .
t ion ; to red o n with so meo ne's opinion or ECHUI P adult.
posit io n. ECTY ear, hearing (sense).
ECE n TEY calcu lation. ECn reaso nable, sensible. prudent. wise :
ECEnn ladj./ coun red. ta ken into co naidera- consciou s, clever.
tion , disco un ted . ECTIJlIK p rudenee . wisdom.
ECEn W J b oc kkeeper. accountani ; lobs.! ECY b lo wing.
wea tberman ; It ~ h./ meter, calc ulator. ECY CnOPTh l rowing (spo rt).
ECEn W IJl eco nomical, thrifty . ECYAC In sene. p sychopat h.
ECE n-Kblt1 CAn bookkcepi ng, accountancy. ECY rn twi sted .
fCE P light -minded, light-headed , hasty, fool -
ish .
ECI AYFA HllblK, loss of co nsciousness.
ECEPJl EH - 10 ra ve ; te fooi a bout , la p lay the
fooI. Een I) no rnan's. uno wn ed: 2) un inhabited,
ECEPRIK stupid, idiotie. desola te, sparsely sett led; 3) negligently;
ECEPCOKTAH~ to rag e, ra ve. .. . MYJl IK Ileg./ pr operty in abeyance.
ECEPCOKTAY possessed . EC IK d oor, entra nce. wic ket-door, wicket .
gate ; .. . K AK- to knock a t rhe door.
EC EHnPE- I ) to wea ken / io t r./ , get tired ;
EC In what a pity (used only in a sentence ).
10 be in depressed s tate o f mind ; 2) to be
ECln· to curl, twine li nt r.!.
neglected (of a sca r or wo und ).
ECIM name ; !gram.1 n oun, subst antive.
ECKE AJl- to take into considera tion .
ECIMllIK /gram.! prono un .
ECKE TYCIP~ to recall, recol lect .
EC I M lUE / gram.! participle.
? EC KE K oar, paddie. ECIHE- to ya w n, gape.
~ ECKEK CAn loom of an oar.
ECIP- t) to be a ngry, irritated ; 2) 10 get drunk..
ECKEKIIfI ro wer, oarsman .
EC IPKE- la sym pathize, regret ; to express
ECKEP- te pay at te n tion . take into considera- regrets ; to put o neself in somebody's place ;
ti on ; to have in view. 10 extend benefactions.
ECKEPT- J) to remind; 2) te wam ; 3) to ECI PKEYlIll benefactor.
repro ve someone for somethin g; AJlllbl H ECIPTKHII alcoh ol, alcoh olic drin k.


ECIPIKTIK intoxication ; sta te of irrespon- E1UK,.AAJlA llJblKnAfi uninterruptedly (or

sibility. staying in aplace).
EelT· to bear, leam ; 10 gel to know . -. EillK,AHllAA. none what ever ; al all.
ECITTIp· to bring bad news. EIIl K,AIIlAH ,= EIIlYAK,bITTA.
ECITY see ECTY. EH I) the very, the most ; 2) highty, greatly ;
ET mea t ; ... !1AAhlH,UA Y mea t packing ; ... AnJlbIM EH for tbe most part, mainly;
.. . COBX03b I mea t pa cking sovkhoz. ... AJl FA m a t tbe beginn ing ; Eon -
ET· to do; to make. M A CA at wo rst, at the worst; é)YEJlI

I ETE R· to ga in weigh t ; to pu t o n weight. in a dvance, befo rehand .

ETEK I) skirt, hem of a skirt, hem of a dress ; El-{EEK 1) la bo r, work ; 2) /an at./ fonta nelIe;
2) footh ül, piedmont ; ... ACThl stealthily, ... AK,bI sa lary; ... ET- to work; ...
covert ly; . .. KIP men struation. 1dPTI6I la bor disci pline ; .. . K,AllI. I local
ETE I<: Arï- to widen lintr.1 to develop. NW/ to be lazy .
ETnETIHE H prone, face downwards. EHEEKKYH working day .
EH,EEKTE- to crawl, creep.
ETen thin, lean, skinny.
Ef\bEKTEH- to work, toil.
EITI sto ut; well red (of cattIe).
E$ EKTE n llIbIK,- to creep ou t. crawl out,
ETillI butcher.
drag onese lf o ut (of men).
ETI OR 3 MAJI em aciated canle.
EH;1iE KIllI we rk man , werker, laborer.
ETI T IPI {fig.f irnp, EH6EKIIIIJI ind ustrious, diligent. ......... ~~
ETIK shoe, boot. EI-IEE KIIlIJlAIK diligence.
ETIKWI shoema ke r. EHrEJEP,UER very large, big, huge; lank y
ETJe / gram ,f voice (of verbs). fellow.
ETJCTI K {gram .{ ver b. EHKEW· to bend lintr.I, to stoo p.
EW a l all ; no t a ; ... A>lHIiA H ready fo r EH,KEA T- te be nd, bend down, incline Ilr./.
anyt hing . EHKEY slo pe ; gentl y sloping terrain .
ElliSIP nothing. ne t any, no ne ; witho ut any ; EHKln.aE- t ö cry sobbing.
.. . MIYCbl3 ru thlessly : ... EOJlbmCblH EI-IKIIIl see E I-IKEY.
by no means; .. . KYLUKC I3 without a ny EHJIIK floca l SEI an herb with a la na te stem
dou bt ; H<lTIlKE IIlbIK,nMiTblH an d red roo t.
fut ile, ineffectual, unsuccessful, vain. EHPE- to sob.
EllIK I goat, she-goat: . .. TAJl kind ofwillow EHCE strengt h, power.
(Sallx caprea) : ... TYElTf ga at Ruif. EI-ICE- {Iocnl NW{ 10 he bo red .
ElllKI M riobody. EH.CEP- t } te reduce, lessen /tr./ ; 2} 10
EllIH é)PCE nothing, not a [hing. com plete something; 3) to pull o ut, tear out ,
EllIT EME nothing. snatch o ut; to tear into pieces.
EIIlTEI-IE see EIIl TEM E. EHI C / Ioca l EI lo wlan d, depression, cavity.
smv AKbIT o r EUJYA K b lTIA never, valley.


/ )KA ~A.t'~ bl. wild, sava ge ; 2) .si~ple.:v plai.:'. )KAS bI H /local SE,! I) wild. untamed rcanle );
pnrruuve : ... A)],AM ba rba rtan ; .. . XAH- !J10desl , shy (ma n); 2) horse's colla r.
J YA H wild bea st; .. . KY C wild bird ; IY~ ")KA 6 bI PK A- 10 be dejected. dishca rtened.
. ~ PEK wild d uck. ,%", ( )KAI>bIPKAH- to fee! sad ; to troublc . both er
)f\A6At'1 b IJlAP troglodytes. Jimr,f .
ïKA6At'l blnblK /li!./ barba rism . )KA6hIPKAH;Kl. l sad. cheettess. downca st .
iKA6ACADMA hut ; inco mp lete y ur t (feit iKAlihIC- I) 10 stick lintr./, ad here, d ing;
tent). u.\, 2) to grip, gra sp. catch. seize: to ca tch bold.
:iKA6AFbl I ) wo el of spring sbeer ing ; 2) colt .•; IKAli bJeTblP· to stick Itr./. glue, paste : to
,<'w"! o r filly in its first fall. --<' glue u p, stic k up, seal up.
~ :iKA6AFbIJlbl li J.1 E ma re befo re her spring :>KA6bICTbJPbIJl · to be glued up. pasred .
shed ding of hair. :JKA6bICbIn KAT- te freeze to .
JKAliAFblJlbl KOfi sheep not shea red in 2KA6 b IC K,AK I) viscous. sticky. gluey,
spri ng . ', > '1 ~ "}_ adhesive : 2) impo rtunate.
>KADJlb!K I) medium, means: 2) eq uipmem. )KA6hICK,AKTl.IK stickiness, adh esivcness.
o utfit. ou tfitti ng, arrangement : 3) reserve, , :JKA5 b IC KbIW adhesi ve. stieking.
reserve stoc k, supply : 4) inven tory. 'l",r' ''-' :JKAli blK. I) co vered, closed, Iocked : 2) roof
~AIi']bIKTA- I) to suppl y, equip ; 1 ) 10 feit pièces of the yurt; .. . AP6A van,
pro vide with nece ssa ry equipmem : 3) to covered wagon ; p ' 2Kb U) brD bfÇ closed
arra nge in goed o rder. (private) meeting.
)f(A6 D.bIKTAJI· 10 arm oneself. JKA6blK,- to gro w thin ; to become ema clated.
)f(AE.llbIKTAJ1 FA H armed . to become d isheartened.
)f(AIi,!J. bI KT AH · to he prepared . supplied. )f(A6bI KKAH l I emaciated. thint Zj saddened,
eq uipped. depressed, dispirited.
)f(A6D.bIKTAY Jfig.1 armament. )l(A6 bIKTbI P- to exbaust /tr./ : to wear out
:;+;:AliJlbIKTAYW bI furnisber. supplier. pro- Itr./.
vtder . )KAD AY tbin, cmaciated, pale ; Ilocal SE!
JKA6Dblfh l /rnil./ personal effects. irrigation diteh.
2KAEY feit bla nket for a ho rse o r a camel ; JKAil AfA O o rdinary. unprotec ted : ... AP6A
lfig./ a bad horse. chassis of a cart ; ... )l(EP flat, treeless.
ÎKAIiY JlA - to put a bla nket o n a horse or a terrain (unpro rected against winds); .. .
ca mel. WAnA H light clothing - robe o ver a shirt.
iKA6YJl bl covered with a blan ket (of a horse iKA1lY witch-craft , sorcery.
er ca mel) ; covered, proteered. closed . iKAJlbl I) sorce rer ; 2) /loca.l SEI sec iKA3bl.
lKA&YCb13 opened, no t closed : without a )l( bl KbIJl · I) to entangle lu ./ : 2) to
blanket (of a horse or camel). practlce witch-craft.
iKAliblJl · 1) 10 be locked, closed ; 2) 10 start )l{NlblJl blK 1) perfidy, slyness ; 2) sorcery.
JL!-.g.DLwork in friendly spirit.... ----- magie.
)KAE b IJlMAJl b l Jadj'/ closing (a uto marically ~- I) 10 dispe rse. c1ear up l intr./ :
or otherwise). 2) to improve (of o ne's mood ) l intr.l ; to
)l(A6bIJlY winding up (of a n instinnion's assume a cheerful au.
activities). I )J )l(NlbIPAHKhl more cheerful, more jovi a1.

.1 . ) )l(A,! Ioreteller .
)f(A5 bIJl FAH closed, covered .
)KA S b IJlF bJWeasy-lo-c1ose. r )KA3 summer.


:>KA), 1) te write ; (2) to unfold, unbend, )l(A3FhIP Y accusatlon, charge, rep roach.
straighten ; IJ) to err, he misteken ; 10 miss )l(A3F bIP YW hI accuser, reproacher .
the target ;@) la cure . )l(A3Fh~ PhI spring (season) ; in sprin g.
)l(A3A punish men t, penalty ; .. . TAPTTlAF AH JKA3Fb lT'tPbI M see JKA3FbIT'tPbl.
unpunish ed . )I(A3FhIT "tPF b I ladj.1 spring.
)l{A3A SEp· to punish . )KAR I) situaticn, position , co nd ition ; 2) place.
lKA3AJlA- see JKA3A b EP-. spo t ; 3) term, da te ; 4) Iightning ; 5) simpie,
:>KA3AJ1AYlll bI OTP~Ll pu n it ive sq ua d . pla in, e rd inary ; 6) free of c harge; 7) sim ply,
)f(A3AJl bl gu ilty . with out defin ite purpose; 8) slowly, qu ietly,
:>KA3AChIJ unpunished . calmly, serenely ; ... KYHll.EP wee kda ys ;
)l(A3ATAffhIM acc idental ly, casually, by lfig./ prose of rhe lire ; ... KenIK cartage :
chance. ... HAMA3 sma ll rug for prayer ; .
)l(A3AFA TAPT· 10 punish : to inflict a CEnTEY Igram.! simple declension ; .
penalty. TA PT Khllli Iightning rod ; ... dHrIME
JKA36 A wriuen , in wr iting ; _._ dLlElil1ET unpretentious tale.
written lirerature. )KAR- I) te pasture. graze itr.l : 2) to unfold ;
:>KA3liAA" T A H· 10 recognize without error. 3) te spread. disseminare Itr./, propagate ;
)f(A3D A - nearly to do. -, 4) to sprea d out, lay, hang (as clo tbes.
:>KAJ,llA A (dwing) the whole summer. pictures, etc.) Itr.l.
)j(A3AAY nea rly, almes t. )KAR A TT A- te stro lI, walk leisurel y.
/ >KA3)],bIrY HI in the summe r. J1CAR :&AP Ilocal EI stre ng, finn , soli d, durable.
/ )l( PhI n AJlJlhIP- 10 o rder by ma il. )KAR:&A PA K,ATl ) carefree, placid, oo m-
)KA3Ab IK /adj ./ su mm er; .. . 611.llAA spring, pleeent. good -hu mo red : 2) placid iry, co rn-
I summer whea t ; .. _ En H sprin g sowin g; placency, good hu mor .
... KHIM summer ctothes. )KAA :&APAKATT AH - to q uietly enjoy o ne-
/ )f(A 3MbI Ul fa te. self.
/ :>KA3Y lette r, writing, handwritin g ; pa per )f(A R6A PAK,ATTblK,placid ity, compJacency,
(docu ment ) ; ... crOJl bI desk . good humor.
)KA3YllJhI wri ter, clerk, scribe. )KAAJlA Pb f affable, friendl y, cheerful, gay ;
:>KA3YllIbln b l K writer's werk. ... WbIT Bokhara chintz.
)KA3bJ pack-sa ddle (ca mel's). )KAAJlAPbIfl b IK cheerfulness, gaiety, mem-
)KA3b Lll- l) to stretc h o ne's legs and arms : ment; Iriendliness.
2) to reeover. convalesce. JKAflAA J<sad dleless; .. . lIlAHA sled ; AT K,A
)lCA3blUMAA AV p y incu rable discase. )KAAJ];AK MI H- to mount a horse without
)KA3bIflT- to cure. a saddle.
'}KA3bJflY sc bering. )I(AVIJ];AKTA. to ride without a saddle.
)KA3bIflYWbl su bscriber. )KAA-)l(AnCA P 1) substance. essence, gist ;
)l(A3bIfl·Jl3bIfl- to reeover . 2) circu mstance; 3) situa tio n.
)KA3bIM accident . )KAVIlIA~ I) to set up a sum mer camp; to
)l(A3bIn Afl- to ma ke an excerpt. estivate, to pass the summer; 2) to tend
'}KA3bIn K.OA- /m a th./ to Inscribe. canle ; 3) to use a ho rse fo r ridin g in sum mer ;
)KA3Me· to co rrespond (with ) ; to be in 4) to arra nge in good o rder; 5) to slow
correspo ndence. down.
)l(A3bJK, I) gu ilt ; fa ult, offense ; 2) plain . )KAAJIAH - I) to set tle. establish o neself:
lowland, pla tea u ; J) flat, even . 2) to cal m. quiet down l intr.l .
JKA3blJ<Cbl3 gu ütless, innocent. lKA R Jl An ART- to ta lk calmly.
)l(A3bIK.CbI3.llhJK. guiltlessness, innocence. )l(A A.nAC- J) to get sen led ; 2) to be re-
lKA3blJ<TbI guilty. co nciled ; to make peace.
)l(A3bIK.ThIK, J) plane, flat surfacc ; 2) plain. iKARJlAcrb IP- 1) te dlstribute: to pu t on
)l(A3bJ-KbIChI all year ro und. righ t places ; 2) to co mplete. bri ng to an end ;
)KA3FA CAnbIM in spring. 3) I fig.1 te destro y.
)l(A3FbI ladj '/ summer ; :>KA3FhI KYH )l(AA:nACTbJPYllJhWbIK o rgani zatio n of
YJbIH WnA,l1bI a summer day is long. public services .
)l(A3FLIP- to bla me : to accuse. )KAAnAT- I) re graze cattle on summe r


)f(MiJlAY :.KAJl6AJlAIUlA·

pas tures : 1) to distribure. pu t on right iKAHb IK- la pause , q uie t do wn l inlT.!.

pla ces. )KAflbIKT bI P- to stop for a while Itr.l; to
ACAfl J1AY sum mer ca mp ; summer pasture . quiet d own tu.t.
iKA f1Jl h I co nvenient, comfo rta ble. cozy ; )KAfiKA- to gore, bu n .
suita ble, favo rable: . .. iKAFDAI1 favorable :>KAHKAJ1 · to sway (of gra ss o r trees).
condi tions ; IiYJl MA f A H ... that suits me. JKAHKAKTA- or )f(AA KAHJlA- to p ut o n
JKAH MA I) Jadj ./ fiat, even; 2) bed shee t ; airs, la plume onesel f.
J) Ilocal WC I table c10Ih : 4) Iloca l WI )f(Afi KOP 11<>ea1 WC I sec
carpet, rug; 5) rolle d dou gh (naadjes) ; )KAMFA- /locaJ SE/ I) to gather, col leer Itr./:
... E A 3AP second-hand mar ker ; ... CAV,UA to arnass in one place : 2 ) to arra nge ; 3} to
retail trade. pu t (a room) in order.
)KAHM A-WYAK KY H warm, sunny day . JKAfiFACT bI P- see )f(AlIJlACT bIP- .
)l(AMH A· I) to shine, glitter ; 2) to he )KAJI 1) mane ; 2) layer o f fa t unde r a horse's
deco rated ; te he nicely put in order (of a mane ; 3} crest o f a mounta in o r hili ;
roo m) ; rVn f VJl ... to ftourish, blossom rnountain ru dge ; 4) ea mlngs. pay ; .. . AK,b l
out. see )f(AJlA Kbl.
)f(AA HAT bI JlFAH brilliant, splendid . )l(AJIA false ace usa tie n. calum ny, libel.
JKAYl H Ali K AK · { O show alf; ro seem 10 he JKAJlA · la lick.
Irien dly, a ffa ble, gay. :>KAJl AH · l) to lick oneself (of anima is); 10
)f(Afi HAIUlA- I) sec )f(AlI HAI{ KAK- : lick one's Iips ; 2) I fig.1 to he greedy.
2) t o shift (of eyes). JKAJlAn TAYb IC- 0 < JKAJlAn-)f(Y KTA ·
JKAHHAFA H shining, b rilliant. to lick clean .
JKAHnA- I) to tram ple, crush. tree d down ; )KAJIAC- ; AYbJC )KAJlAC- to hob- nob.
2) t o destroy, an nihilate . lKAJlAT- to co at with me ta l; KAH ... to beat
J&CA f1n AK. I) ladj.' flat, gently slo ping ; b100dy.
2) flat d ishes ; ... )KAF A.."IAY sloping coas t. )KAJIAY banner, standerd.
)l(Af1.PA · I) to he scanered. strewn ; to he JKAJlAY K9TEP· /nav./ to boist flag.
u ntid y ; 2) to he ex term lnated . killed. )f(AJl AXO P see )f(AJlAKO P.
iKAWPA H I zoo!.1 ga zelle (Gazel la sub- )l{AJlAK I) crac k on tips (caused by wind ) ;
gutt ur osa ). 2) healed wound on a h orse' s back (beneath
iKA l1 PAT · 1) to scatter, d isorder Itr./, t hro w the saddle); 3) beker; 4) Iloca l EI sa line
about ; to Ieave to he in disorder ; 2) lfig./ to marsh, sol enehak .
tea r in to p ieces ; to disembowel. )l{AJl AK-)KYJlAK K,APA - to glance around
)l(AJ1PAH. KAK- to beam with joy. hastily.
)l(A l1PAH.LlA- to smile j oyfu lly. )l(AJIA KOP ca viller, slandered , ca lumniator,
JKAl1 CA H, bra ve fellow . pettifo gger.
iKA fl lllA lad v./ fo r na special purpose. )l(AJIAKOPJl blK ca v ilIing , slandering .
:>KAf1 U1 bI JlbIK q uiet , calm. )f(AJl A KTA- see )f(AJl AIUlA- .
JKAÏ1lI1bI J1 b l K,TA- a t the usual time ; on )KAJl AKbl salary, wages.
week -days. )f(AJI AI-l I) the onl y ; 2) naked, nude ;
)KAÏ1 b ln· I) to stretch, sprea d. extend lintr.l ; 3) Ilocal NC/ gîrder, main beam : ... AR K
2) 10 o verflo w /in tr./ ; 3) to graze. pasture barefoo r. ." IiAC with u ncovered head .
lintr.l. )KAJl AHAUI naked , nu de ; /fig./ lea ûess.
)f(A fibI JlMA flood -plain ; _._ CGllJlEM )KAJIAHAWT A- to strip, denude, rip alf.
Igram./ extended sentence. )f(AJlAHAWThlK, nud it y, nakedness .
)KA fl b IJlbI M pastu re ; common pasture. :>KAJIAHA R"K tra mp. vagabond .
)KAff b IJl b rn )KAT- to sprea d, widen l intr./. )KAJl AHA R"KKA on tbe bare feet.
jKAf1.b lJlbi C see JKAMbIJlhIM . )f(AJI AH.QA- to he greed y, avi d .
)KA H b IH I zool.l shea t-fish. )l{AJIAH-)KAJIAH ET- la he thru st o ut fo r
:lKA Mb IH, )KAMbIHA H, or iKAl1blHj],A a mome nt (of the ton gue) .
a bout, or, conceming. )l{AJlfiA-)K\' JlIiA ra gged .
)KA A b In )Kl IiEP- to spread. widen Itr.l. )f(AJISAl1 Ilocal NWI a kind of bead-
)J(AflbIPAK, I) later, soo n, anon ; 2} lea su rely, dress.
a little slower. )f(AJl6AJlAIUlA- see )f(AJl 6 A KTA· .


)f(AJ]liAP- to entreat, beg, implore; XAJIhl- )l(AJl n -)I(AJl n ET· to Rap wings repe ated ly
Hblfl- ... to entreat insiste ntly . (of birds).
JKAJ]&APhIH- I) to appeal. eaU fo r help ; iKAJln03 /locaI sW/ horse-cloth, blanket.
2) to entreet. beg, implore. )f(AJlnbI /adj'/ general. universal, gross ;
)f(AJl6APbIHYlIIbIJlblK, begging, im ple ring. . .. AffTKAH)l,A or .. . AllFAH)l,A in
JKAlIEAK.TA- to he servüe, toa dy. general; ... EC IM /gram'/ cernme n noun;
lKAJIIiAHi\A- see lKAJlIiAJ<TA-. .. . IKb lWHbIJlblC general assembly: .. .
JKAn6AFAVI I) torn, ragged ; 2) woelen IHJlET epidemie. ep izootic. pla gue.
hood. jf(AJInbIJlA- to generalize; to ta lk in general
lKAJlIiPA- see lKAJllibIPA-. terms .
'JKAJ16bI3 Jbot./ mint (Mentha) . )l(AJlnbIJl)lA- to flutter in the wind; /fig./ to
JKAnlibIP dishevelled (of woel); loosened (of display extreme scrvility.
ha ir). )KAJlnbIJlLl,AYIIIb fJlblK. servility , cringing.
)KAJ16hIPA- 1) to flutter, fly, beave. sway: )KAJl n bIJ1.l{AYb IK /Iocal SE/ fuel producing
2} to become dishevelled. to come loose (of large, bright flame (reed s, etc.).
hair.) )KAJl n hIJIbIK universality.
lKAJllibIP-)lCl'Jllib IP see lKAJlIiA-lKYJlIiA . )KAJlT : ... SEP· to make a rast unexpected
:>KAJlEbIPAT· I) 10 tear, tear off': 2) to let turn ; !fig./ to suddenly retract a promise ;
one's ha ir down . ... S,\,PhlJl· te dash aside, to make a sharp
iKAJl6bIP~K hanging down . turn ; ... ET· 10 flash. flare up. take fire.
)KAJllibIPUIAK, lana t./ psalterium tt hird )f(A JlT AP· I) to da sh aside ; to make an un-
stomach of ruminants). expected turn ; 2 ) to escape some thing by
)l(AJlJl.A- I) to bire, employ, rent ; 2) te d ing turning aside ; 3) /fig.! to eva de, elude, shirk ;
to a horse's mane ; 83EHHEH AT )KAn- to avoid a difficully.
llAn eT to swim acro ss a river holding to jKAJlTAPY deviation, digression.
horse's mane. )f(AJlTAPbln KET- to dash aside.
:>KAJlLI,AMA hired laborer. )KAJlTAPbIC I) turn ; 2) rneans to avoid
)l(AJlllAMAJl b l /adj'/ hired , renred. something; su bterfuge.
)f(AJJJ1AH-.l) to he hired; 2) 10 reeover (of )KAJlTAPFbIUJ evasive, shifty, smart .
men ) ; 3) to become fattened (of le). )KAJlTAPFbl WTblK evasiveness, shiftiness,
)f(Anj1AHJiA civü (not ccnscrip-ed) employee sma rt ness.
of the army. )KAJ1TAK irresolu te, indccisive. evasi ve;
)f(An.n;A HY I) hire, rent, employment ; timid, timerous.
2) obesity. )KAJlTAKTA- to look back timidly, with
)f(An.n;A HYlIIhI applicant for we rk. ap prehensio n; to cast recurrent glances;
)f(AnjJ;AHY lDhIJlblK, hire, emp loyment. /fig./ to act carefully, to ta lk with caution.
lKAJlAAY leas e. )KAJlTAK,TAYllIbIJlbIK, timidity, irresolute-
)l(AJlJlA YIll hI employer, tenant, lessee. ness, lndecis iveness: laek of Independenee.
)l(AJlMA- /disd./ to eat greedily. )KAJlTAK,T AFhHD irresolute, lndecisive.
)l(AJlMA-)I(AH rapid ly, pro rnptly. instantly. timid, timo rous.
)l(AJlMAH- to display greed. )KAJlTAH, cloudJess (of a winter day).
)KAJlMAYbI3 I) glutron . voracious ; 2) /fig./ :.KAJlTAIUlA- see lKAJlTAJ<TA-.
miser, usurer, sha rk. )KAJlTAl{AhIK irresoluteness, indecisiveness.
)KAJlMAYbI3LlbIK gluttony, voraciry. timldiry.
jl(AJlMAHJI.A- to display greediness ; to fall )f(AJITAH,-)KAJITAH KAPA· te cast furti ve
upon the food . g1ances aside.
lKAJIn ET- or lKAJIn ETE TYC- 10 rail )l(AJ1T-)I(~JlT recurrent flashes (of lire.
instantly. lightning) ; :>KAH -)f(AFbIHA .. . KAPA-
)f(AJInAff- I) lO become flat; to he ûanened ; to cast quick side glances.
2) to grow stout. te put o n weight (o f )f(AJlTbIJlllA - to shine, glitte r, spa rkle,
man.) glea m ; 10 twink le.
lKAJlnAJ< flat; ... IiEJIi\EY sash, flat belt. )KAJITblP I) lustre. glitte r. gloss ; 2) shining,
)l(AJlnAKTA- to try to show good will. brilliant; 3) c1ear (weather); ... SAC bald.
lKAJl nAIUlA- see lKAJlnAJ<TA-. )KAJlTbIPA· to shine. glitter, spa rkle.

lKAJlTblPA YblK lKAMblJl bl Ul

) T b IPA YbIK gleam. gloss. reûecnon . ETlCfIK ... co njuganon aûtxes : Ka n TI K
)l(A JlTbJPAFAH I) sbining, brilliant : 2) ... affix o f plu ralit y: CEnTIK ... case
splend id. endings ; CEn T IK ... if\AJlFA HY changes
)f(AJlTbIPAFbIW shining, brillian t, accord ing to cases ; Td ~· E.J1 m K ... posses -
)f(AJlbIH flame : {fig.f ardor. sive affix.
)KAJlbI H· 10 irnplore. iKAJlFbl3 one, o nly. soluary. lon ely; ...
)f(AJlbIH Wb lFAP- to cat ch fire. gel in- 6 ACfb i witho ut a family ; .. . Ka 3 ODe-
fta med ; 10 ignlte lintr./. eyed; ... FAHA /a dj . & adv./ only ; )KATIA
JKAJIblHllA· 10 ftame. blaze ; 10 catch fire, ... qu ite lonely, complerely lonely.
10 ignit e lintr.!. iKAJIFbI3A.R:K 11\0 ;1 Iootpa rh ; na rro w patb,
)l(A Jl bIH .ll.AY burn lng, ignîti on . narro w trail, na rr o w walk .
)f(AllhIHD.AFbIW easüy heated (o f a kettle lKAJlFb13-AK see lKAJlFbl3 FA HA.
or pot ). )KAJlFhI36A C solitary: Jo ne ma n (.....ithout
)f(AJIbI H LJ.b l fiery. flami ng ; ".. CdJlE M fam ily).
wa rm gree ting. :KAJlFhl3D.blK, solitude, loneliness.
)f(AJlbIHYWbl solic itin g, imp lo ring; peri- JKAJlFbB·iKA PbIM some (reople). some-
uoner. ones.
JKAJlblH bln c~p:\ n AJ)- to so b out (asking )KAM IJoca l SW/ wash-tu b.
for something). )KAM sugar-beet refu se ; Iloca l Sf bowl, dish ;
)l(AllbIHbI WThl dependent (of man). Iloca l W/ deep hole, depressio n.
jK A Jl bI K - la get ured . J+:AMA- to mend ; to dam.
IK"AJI b IKTbl P- to pester , bother. bo re. OKAMAH I) /adj. & ad v./ ba d; 2) bad ly.
)KAJIK,AY lazy man , idle r, loa fer. slacker. strcngly, heavily ; .. . jKAnAJl AK, /zooJ.I
)l(AJl KAYJlA H- la be lazy. idle. bam o wl; ... CA Pb l fzool.l buzzard .
)l(AJlK,A YJlbIK idleness. )KAM AH Ka p· to disrespect. dises teem.
)I(AJlI(AJlK soft turne r : slime (with d iarrhea) ; jKAM AH KYAH · to rej o icc greatly.
icho r. . )l{AMAHAT bad ne ws ; bad reput a tion. bad
)f{AJlKb I solitary. so le, onl y : . .. ECIM name.
jgra m./ proper noun. )KAMAHJl.A · 10 find fauh (wuh ) ; to censure,
)f{AJlK,bl H ûame. detract.
)f{AJlFA- 10 add, anac h. fas ten ; . .. All- 10 )KAMAHD.AC· to detract cach other. eensure
rent, hold on lease ; AJlYlll bI lease- each o ther; 10 mak e a row . to brawl.
hoi der, lessee ; )J(YPEK to have a bite to )f(AMAHJl.AT jvet./ anthra x (d isease of
ea t ; K,O J] ... 10 prese nt. hand, serve, submit, borses).
transmit . pass o n. )f(AMAHJl.AY detractio n.
)f(AJlFAMAJlbl TI JlLlEP agg lutinanv e lan- )l(AMAHJl.AFbIllJ faultfinder.
gu ages. )KAMAHI1.bIK, evil ; everyt hing negative.
JKAJIFAMAJlblJlbIK fljng.; agglutination . )f(AMA H· )I{Y MA H Hd PCEJIEP old junk.
JKAJlFAH I) lie, fiction, Iab ncation, falsity; )l(AMA HUJhIJlbIK, ob scenhy, indecency, dis-
2) vutgar, rough ; lfig./ sho rt -lived , decep rive. honesry ; everyth lng bad.
delusive. )l(AMAY patch.
:iKAJlFAH- 10 become lied , to joi n : /Iing./ 10 )l(Atl.1AY·)f\ACKAY parehin g. mend ing.
be attached as an affix. )f(AM AFAT society, pubhc ; gatbering. as-
JKAJlFAH A'lT- to lie. sembly ; wife.
)f(AJlFAHTblC a woelen hood . jJ(AMfiAC th igh, hip ; (sec also )KA H IiAC) .
iKAJlFAHlllbllia r. deceiver . lKAM IiACT An sideways. sidewlse.
JKAJlFAHUJbIJlblK falseness. falsity, men- )l{AM6bI gifts to parents an d rela tives o f the
da city ; /n./ irnaginary. bride.
iKAJlFAC I) contlnuation , extension. sequel; lKAM6bIJl /Ioca l E/ fortifica tion .
2) fo llowing, subsequen t, ensuin g. JKAMnAH.D.A - to express sineere feelings.
iKAJlFAC- 10 j ein, adi oin: to he bound JKAMnAHJ].AC- to oompa re notes.
tog etber, tied together ; to take pan in. )KAMilIbI blanket.
)f(AJlFAY 1) continua tio n. extension , sequel, )J(AMbIJl- to cover o neself u p.
ad di tion, supplemen t ; 2) fgram./ ending ; JKAMhlJlhIW cover, bla nket.


JlCAMhVlFLI veil, co ver. )KAH)l,AH- I) to co me to Iife; 2) to beoome

)KAMhIPA~ to he admitted to ewes or cows anima ted, inspired.
for sucking (o f lambs and calves) . :>KAHtI.AHJlhIP- I) to brea the in; 2) to
)f(AMbIPAIl CeAnE- to talk simultaneously animale, ins pire, revive Itr./ .
(of a group of peo ple). )l(A H)),AH Y revival, rebirt h.
)l{AMhI PAT- t e admit lambs or cal ves to )l(AH!I.APM gendarme.
th eir mothers for sucking. )l(AHJlAC close friend.
)KAH 1) spirit, soul ; 2) living being, man ; )KAH,Uhlliving, live, lively; . .. 6 AClllbIJIhIK
3) side ; 4) sense ; ... )Kon life ; .. . K.AHbIC lively leadershi p; ... CY PET projector.
shafi braces, traces (o f ha rn ess) ; ... KhI A:- JKAH,ll bIP· ' o buro Itr.l ; /fig./ lo ûre, inflarne.
HAATbIH hellish (pain, etc.). )l(A HJlhI K living creature; /loca1 SE! 1) ewe ;
)KAH as s.n. see : )KAHbIHA H, )lCA HhI H,nA . 2) small ca nl e (sheep, etc.).
)KAH· I) to bum /intr./ ; 2) to catch ûre, get )f(AH)f( AJl I) quarrel, dispute, scan da l ;
infl.amed, ignite lintr.! ; 3) to strop (a razor) ; 2) lIocal NWI rings for padloekt ...
to sharpen, grind (a knife, scythe); 4) to Ill bIFA P· to commit excesses : to commit
turn (on a !athe). o utrages.
)KAH BAK- to take care of oneself iKAH)f(AJ]llAC- to argue , dispute ; to
)KAH TAPT· to Intereede for someone ; to q ua rre l; to brawl.
plea d for so meone. iKAH1KAJlW b lJl squabbler, brawier.
JKAHA see JKd HE. :>KAHIKAJI K,O ft brawler, sq uabbler, scandaI
ilCAHA- to go by ; 10 go past. mon ger .
JlCAHA3A mem orial service; requiem. )l(AH)KAJl F A 6EflIM scanda l monge r.
)l(AH-)l(AHYAP lzool./ faun a.
)l(AHAMA /adj'/ side, lateral, adjacent; in-
:>KAH·:iKAK la dv./ ro und, around.
direct, oblique ; .. . .n;anEJl Ileg./ circum-
)l(AH)KA KTA everywhe re .
stantial evide nce .
)KA H)KA KTAH fro m aU sides.
:>KAHAP l) lustre. air, appearance ; 2) la dj ./
)l(AH·)KAKT bI th orou ghly, in detail.
fuel; .. . MAfiliQ uid fuel.
JlCAHAPJIAH- to brighten (of eyes).
)KAHP genre.
JKAH APJlbI I) good-looking ; 2) burning (o f )l(AHCES Ul dashing. daring, dare-devil,
despera te.
)KAHAPTAY volcano; ... I(~ CbIFbI vol- )l(AHC E6 lJUlIK I) vitali ty, tenacity of life ;
canic eruption; CeH6Er EH ... aetive 2) despera teness.
volean o; Ce HrEH ,.. extinct volcano. )l(AHCbI3 lifeless (dead), heartl ess; /6g.1 spy.
)KAHA C- to border, to he adjacent; to )l(AHCbI3D.AH· to atro phy.
approach each other, draw together, draw :>KAHCbI3.ll.AHFAH atrophied.
near. )KAH ChI3D,bIK lifelessness.
)l(AHACThIP- to bring into contact. )KAH TAA. to Iie o n one's side.
)l(AHACThlPbln ART- to pr esent a related :>KAHTAJlAC· I) to he in great hurry ; 2) to
fact plausibly. werk with excessive strain: 3) to to ss l intr./
)l(AHA CY contact, touch, drawing together, in the agon y of death.
approach. JKAHT AJlACY /fig./ agony.
)l(AHAT raccoon. :>KAHT APT· to sympathize with someo ne ; to
)l(AHAIUhIP the nearest ene. favo r (someo ne).
')l(A HAJlP one who evades difficul t or dirty )KAHTAK I bot./ cam el's tho m (Alha gi
werk. cameloru m).
JKAH6AC laoaLI thigh, hip, pelvis ; :>KAH-TdHIM EH by body and so ul; with all
CYAEK pelvic bones. o ne's heart a nd soul.
)KAH6 ACTA- to lie on o ne's side. )KAH Y I) bu rn ing, combustion ; 2) razor strop.
)KAHEACLt CAJl hIK. (bist.1 cap itation, poll- )l(A HYAP animal . living being.
tax . :>KA HY APJIAP ~JlEMI fau na.
)l(A H6AYhI P stope. :>KAHillbl· to sq ueeze out, trample down.
)KAH rEWTI dashing. daring. dare-devil, )l(AH WhUl· to be pressed in.
madcap, desperate. :>KAHWh Ul FAH hollow, dent.

;.KA H IIIhln
JKAHlll hIn WbIFAP· la sq ueeze out. lfig.1 all hands' j o b ; .. , ):'M T bIJl- to rush
ACAHll1bln KAKTA· /te{;h./ to rolf ; 10 mil l. in a crowd .
:.KAHWhIn KAKTAY /lec h.J ro lling. iKA n -JKA HA bran d nee,
iKA HW bIn KAKTAYll1bl rolle r. A\:AnOH Ja pa nese.
:>J..:AHbl AllJbIMAfiTbIH hea nless ; In-
)l(AnnA hu t. sbed : tempora ry weethe r
different. apathetic .
)f(AHbI AWblMAYlUblnblK heartlessness.
JKAnnAH ladj./ mass . com plete, universal,
)KAHbI KhU1 HAJI · 10 he exha usted : 10 he general .
tir ed out.
JKAnPAK. see )I(A nhIPAK .
JKAHhU1FAH l adj./ turned (o n a lathe) .
JKAOCAP 1) place of j unctio n o f two obi ects:
)KAH bIH AR MA- la do one' s best , sparing
2) yurt's roof feit pi èces.
no pains.
)l(A nCAPJIA C adj acent .
)KA H blH CAJl A ICTE- ( 0 put one's soul
into on e's werk. )KAnChi P· I) to glue. stick, paste , stick up ,
JKAHbIHA H from: near, at, by ; past. stick r ound. pas te all o ver Itr./ : 2) /fig.1 to
put blame on so mco ne else.
JKAHbIH..lA by, at , near, around, about.
)f(AHbIn KET- 10 bum do wn, bum away. JKAnChIPh IJI- 10 stic k /intr.!, a dhe re, he
glued . bc pasred.
JKAHbln T~ PFAH shining, brillia nt.
JKAH b leThJP- jloca l EI 10 incite, insrigate. JKAnChIPh lJiFhIlli adhesive, st icking easily.
set o n. )KAnTAC !Ioca l SE! neighbo ring. adjacent.
)f(AH b l lllTA. ro rumpie, c rumpl e, press, JKAn hIPA H- to sit with tbe back curved .
sq ueeze repeatedly. )KAnbIPAAFAH y B house w ith Jow ceiling.
)I(A H h IK.· n oca l WI 10 hurry. JKAnhIPAK. I) Ibo l./ Jeaf ; 2) scra p (of paper).
JKA HK,AnbIC trace (o f harness). shred (of materia l) ; 3) slice (o f bread o r
)KAHI(AJlTA sidc pock et. meat).
)I(A HK.h UIPJ1h lK. selûess. )KAnbI PA K,Cbl3 leafless.
)I(AH FA fiAT- to inflict severe pa in : 10 exen )KA n bIPAKTA· te crumbJe ltr.l ; to crumb,
streng negau ve inûuence. to chop int o sma ll pièces.
)KAHFh lill In ftamma ble : ' " 3AT combustible :>KA nbIPA K,TbI AFA lli deciduous tree.
material. JKAnbIP-)JC\ 'nhI P· to begin to hus tJe; to
)KAH FhIWTbIK infiammability, become animared .
)KAn partiele. inten sifying the meaning of JKAn bIPh IJi- to he felled. braken tbro ugh,
words beginning with the syllable . trampled down (of gra ss) : to be wrinkle d.
)KAn /local SE! cellar . store-roo m for JKAn bIPhlJI FAH hollow , den t.
vegetables. etc. )f(A n bIPbIJI FbIllI eas ily crum pled , ru mpl ed,
)KA n - I ) te close. loek, cork, pl ug ; 2) to wrinkled.
liquidate. wind up ; 3) to imp rison; 4) to )l(An K.hIlll I) lid. cove r, ca p; 2) bolt. bar,
graze (cattle) tu.t, pa sture (canle) IIr.l ; to slide plate.
send the canle (0 grass. )KAP I) o rder; 2) c1iff, crag ; steep bank , coasr .
:iKAnA 1) offence: 2) oppress ion, torture, slope; precipice ; 3) Iriend. comrade ; 4)
torment : 3) cow's manure ; ... Kep- to he husba nd, wife. ûance, fiancee; 5) Iloca l
offended : ... llIEK- to be tormenred. W & WC! wall.
to rtu red, ACAP- I) to erea ve. split Itr.I, dissecte to cut
)I(AnAJjAH·;KAJlFhlJ or )I(A nA·)I(AJI. open, ti p up ; 2) to blast, blow up Itr.l ;
FhI3 the only, so hta ry. 3) to cu t teet h, tee the lintr./ ; 4) to he weil
lKAnAn /local WC! pad underlining a provided roe: to be well su pplied.
camel 's pack -saddle. )KAP CAJI- to p ublish, promu lgat e. ar mounce.
)KAnAnAK I) Izool.l owl; 2) large snow :IKAPA wound. scar ; scre. ulce r ; ... TAH,hIW
ûakes. bandage.
)f(AnAJlAKTA· to fall in ftakes (o f snow). )l(APA- J) to fit; to be beco m ing ; 2) te match,
;.KAnAJ1AKTAn T\, P· see )I(AnAJIA KTA. suit ; 3) to correspond, confonn ; 4) to beo
JKAnAH ,LlA..i1A or JKAnAH TYJ un- weil tra ined ; to loo k smart.
inhabited steppe, wilderness. ;.KAPAllJjhI good, well, right, OK.
:lKAnATAPMAFAfI aU a t once; in a crowd : JKAPAt1ChIH lintcrj.J bravo!

JKAPAlI· JKAPh illK,AYIllh illbl K,

JKAPAJl· to arise, emerge, originate .fintr ./ ; 6KAPEAHM - to please excessivety; to play

to be:conceived. Uilt. ftat1C,r.
I' )l(APAJIA· to wou nd, inflict a wound. biêAP6hI m to slt wit h th e back curvOEf:-~ .,....Ó . ':
; ;.9
f )l(APAnAH- to he wounded. .-)KAPft)H slang.
/ )KAPAllAHFAH wounded. 5KAP)I(APl a popular wedding so ng.
/ )f(APAJIAY injury. lQïêApM open, pu blic : .. . W JI- 10 beoo me
:>KAPAJlh l see )l(APAHAH F AH. known, to he publis hed; ... KbîJl- 10
:>KAPAJI FAH see )l(ApAJlAHFAH . publish, te p romulgate.
?lCAPAMllb l ti!. good for s , valid fOf,-suita ble. JKAPJ.iRJlA- to ma ke known, to give pu blicity
)l(ApAM nbIJIbI K. jit~ _va1idi ty. suitable- (to).
nesa. )KApHJlJlAH- to he announced, pr oc taimed,
I JKAPAMCAK flartere r, adulator, toady, lick- published, promulga ted.
spittle . iKAPHRJlAY publlcation, proclamarion. de-
l )KAPAMCAKTAH- to ftaner. cou rt , fawn clara tio n, promulgation .
upon, curry favor. JKAPM.sIJlAVWhI announcer, herald .
JKAPAMCAK,TAHYIllhIJIhlK, fawnin g,gro v- JKAPHJlJIhlK, publicity.
elling, obsequ iousness. WAPJIbnpoor person.
)l(ApAMCAK,T AHFhIlli o bsequious, flat- )K.\ .PJlh l·)f(AKhI6Aff the poor (collectively).
t <nog. )l(APl1hJ l1AH- to become POOI'".
r JKAPAMCbl3 I) spoilage: 2) unfit, worthless, JKAPJIblJI hl K, poverty.
usetess: J) indecent, obscene . r'/.3 . ~PJ lbIKl I ) co mmand, o rde r; 2) decree :
I JKAPAMChl3.l1bI K unfitness, worthlessness, . ". 6 Ep· to o rd er.
uselessness. )KAP MA I) groa ts ; 2) IlocaJ NW. SW/large
)l(APAHTbl /Iocal EI co vered wagon. irrigat ion diteh .
)l(A.PAHbI 6 Afl JlA- to bandage (a wound). )l(APMAC- to cling, to ca tch held.
\ )l(A.PAP sec )l(A PAftJI.hl. )l(APMEI-{KE market. fa ir.
öK'AP HPJ, s ha re . ----
_'Jv.. uJ } ; l)f(ApAC· 1) to conform, correspo nd, he JKAPHAJIAC ha h ld
v -- 0 ' , ~ becoming. Suil (o f clo thes) , match (of 5 . re 0 er, partner.
z.; clothes) ; 2) te make ce, he reconciled . 5KAPH AMÄ\pos te:, placard; Ibist.! a nnounce-
\ .pea men t, pr om ulga tio n.
)f(A~ACTbtK con formity, accordance, oom- I. )l(APHAK. see :>KA PH A.
I pliance. .
)l(APACTbIKChI3 un~omlOg (of clothes).
.t"QKAP'IAD crag, cliff roc k.
)KAPT AcrbI )KE P rocky terrain.
I )fCAPAÇTbIKTbI becoming (of clot hes).. . :>KAPThI half; . .. APA1I peninsula ;
) 6KAPAT ~ Q) te a ppro ve; Cd> to use, utihze; )KIEEK half-silk ; .. . CAFAT half an hour ;
~ove, like, co nsider fit ; @ te create ; .. mE EH half-cl oth.
@) to tra in a ho rse for races. . AP'fhIEAC Ihist.1 hard Jabor convict.
~PATY 1) app roval: 2) usage, use, app~ca. a quarter.
non: 3) love, sympat hy ; 4) creauon ; )f(APTbIJl A- to hal ve eut in two.
S) training of horses for races . )J(APThIJl AA ladv.1 half, by half.
)KAPAThIJI· te be created: to be fit for )l(APThInA Y ladv./ half-end-half in two .
something. ~~(~ l"J.KApWA IJocal SEI rye.
:>KAPAThIJl b JC nature, character: '" EAff - )jCApruAY Ilocal W! eurta in.
JIhI TAPb l natural resources. 1KApllIbI pub lic ener, messenger, hera id .
)l(ApATblH miL! explosive~ )l(APbIJl- to break, burst , expl ode, crack,
:JKAPATKAH God (creator). ~~ clea ve, sp lit !intz.l.
JKAPAY I) tralned (of hc rses); 2) skinny race - WAPhillAT h lij' exp losive .
horse. ACAPbIJIY explosion.
:>KAPAK, weapons, arms, annament. )l(A Pb IJlb l see )l( A PJlbl . ~
:>KAPAK,AT wound, injury, tra uma. @ pt mlQ} I) to endow, be nefit Itr./,
JKAPA~TTA- to wound; to inflict wounds. ! jesent with gifts, extend benefactions :
\RA~fAID. to feel weü. 2 to pardo n. forgive; !reLI 10 absolve sins.
JKAPMIAHFAHabll( state of being armed . PhIJIK,Ai'lThJH see JKAPhIJIK,AFAH.
2KAisÄÏàIickspitt le, hange r-o n. ACAPb IJl K,AYlJl b IJlbIK 10b5.1 benefaction.


iKAPb IJl KAFA H be neficia l. cent ; .. . )t\Y3D.1 Incndly . affablc. radiant.

JKAPh lJlKAFb lW bene factor. beam in~ - -
H\"A Pb IJlE b Uil explosive: easily spli t (of - P K i,-'- H b TM tce ress.t m y dear.
wood) ; ... 3AT ex plosive m at erial. A<APKh IPA ro stune, glitter, spa rklc /intr./ ;
IKAPh lM I) half; 1) half-witted, craz y. ·- /fig./ 10 disnnguish o neself,
Ä AP hIM ·)KA PTbI half-way : little ; sm all JKAPK h IPAT· to gloss, polish.
q uantity. JKA PK,b IPAY aureole, radian ce, glittering.
iKAPhI Mtl.A· to halve, to cut mlo two. JKAPKhIPAYbIK spa ngl es.
W A Pb I!ly. d \..U'-''': lKAPK,hIPAF A H brilliant , splendid.
!1KA Ph l M )f(~ cripple . JKAPKhIPAFhl llJ capable la glitter, la shine.
JKAPbIM :>KA Hllh IK disableme m. injury. JKAPKLIPAFbl WT b IK a bility la glitter, to
OKA P b IJl / local Nel nex t yea r. shine.
i;Pb:D...2KMK- la cut through /tr.' . )KAEEAK..t ·inter colt-ski n coat.
b Pb d races, contest. competition ; DKA P F hIIII / tech./ fuse, ign iter.
A JlAHbl or )KAPbI C )1(011 1,1 hippodrome, )f( A C 1) young; 2) age (o f ma n, et c.}; 3) tear,
race-c o u rse , ra ce-track. tears ; 4} Ilocal \V/ wa ter, moisture ; .. . '-<.:.<
)l(APb IC- 10 run (ta ke par t in a race) ; to Afi b lPMACb l difference in age ; ... liAJlA I

corn pete, centend. child; ... fiOFY fres h manure (dung); "J: ~
)f(APbJ CY ce ntest. competition . . .. ET fresh mea r: ... )i(lrIT young man ; -:;'3>
OKA P bn \. 10 sale, sa nate, sa tisfy. ] ... KEJllE ladv./ in youth ; ... IllA MAChl
QKÄPblIbIMaW satis factory: considera bJe. age; ... K,bt3 liu Je girl.
:>KAPbITbI M Cbl3 unsa risfactory. ÎKAC 1) to soften Jintr./ (of mctals) ; 2) to be
I>KAPhl Kl t) ligh t. Iigh ting , itlurnlnatio n ; ./ ' dejected, cast do wn ; la Iose heart , despa ir ;
2) /adj'/ ligh t. bright, lum in o us ; 3) crack, ... to become timid .
cle û , fissure, sllt, sp lit, erevice. chink , slot; JKAC AJl · to sbed a few tears ; to begin to cry.
4) l adj.f ha vin g a c hin k, crack, flssure ; JKACA· 1) to live, thrive; 2) to create, p roduce.
5) hernia : .. . SEPrJ UJ rA3 illumin a tin g gas: make, co nstruct; 3) la la a d, charge (as a
. .. KA P.hIH /Ioca l E & SE! Iallow land ; gun) ; 4) to depiet. po rtray ; S ) to con clude :
~KO H bI3 glow worm . 5) jloca l \Vi 10 do (a job).
. . - -
~ACA.@ AJl:- to h o ld o u t,
JKAPhlK, EEp· to turn on the light.
)KACA Jl- to bc m ade.
W<APbIK~CdYJIECJ j)glaomy, cbeerless, joy-
less. )KACAMb IC overgro wn.
)f(APh IKTA H· la beco rne Iighter, brigh ter ; r JKACAH· 1) to dr css up tuw.t; 2) to prepare
- a girl's tr ousseau. j .tJl;
to dawn .
)KACAH,Ubl artificial ; ~ .. EMEC natural.
JKA PhJK,T AH.llb IP· 10 light, illurnina te: to
JKACAHllbIP- to dress up Itr.l ; ( 0 ado r n,
ma ke ligh t, te make br ight.
decora te, embellish.
~ P bI KWAK chin k, sm altcrac k. sm a ll fissure.
:>KACAP- 1) to become yc unger ; 2) to turn
IKAPbIK,I.llA K,TAH- to c rac k, bUTSt, sp lit green ; El P ... EiAJI A year-old child .
/intr .1. )l(ACAPY I) rejuvenati on : 2) tree planting.
)f{APK, ET- to flash /intr.J: to begin to sparkle. )f(ACAC- to live together.
JKAPK,AHAT Izool.J ba t. )f(ACACbIH loog live !
)f{AP K-)f{A PK, ET- to bra nd ish (arms). i JKA CA Y I) fum iture ; 2) Jabs./ dowry,
JKAPK,·)f(YPK,- to flash linlr.l ; seintillate. trousseau .
sparkie. )KACAYJl h I 1) well fumished room or yurt :
JKAPK,b lJl sparkling, glit terin g. flashing. 2) lobs./ weal thy bride.
)l{APK hIJlllA- I ) to shine, flash, spa rkle, JKACAYPA - 10 water (of eyes).
glitter, gleam /intr.f. 10 scintillate; 2) te ACACAYCbl3 10bs.1 dowerless gi rl.
brandish (a rms). )f(ACAYIDbl o ne who p r oduces something.
lKAPK.bIJltlAT- see lKAPKJ,IJltlA- (2). JKACAY b IJl I local WJ I) watchman, guard ;
iKAPK,h IJlDAFblW ca pa ble of spa rkling. - 2) specia l messen ger. t ' J U l:
gleam ing, fleshing. )f(ACA-Jl IDA- to pass o ne's life.
lKA ~~hUi. bri ght, ligh t, lumineus, radian t, JKAC!;\I<;'.../obs.J armed for ce, a rmy , militia .
beam ing, shining, brilliant; IfigJ magnifi- JKACAKTAH· to arm lintr ./.

- - -- - - - - - r

)((A YJ1AC ThIP-


)l(ACf A· or :>KACTAH- to put sometbing :>KATfAIl All· to team by heart . ~

/ under o ne's head (as pillow) . :>KAT fbIK flit.1 barbar ism.
)KA TThIK ,- I) to exercize {intr.!. train onesetf,
JKACT AP young people; the young.
:>KACf AFbi Al1bIP MA difference in age. acquir e experience; 2) to get acc us to med.
I JKAeT bl year-ol d child .
)KA TIbIF Y excerc ise. tra ining.

, )l(ACT hIK, I) youth ; 2) pillow, pa d ; JKATb in ThIHb lK,· to ha ve a compl ete rest
ThiCh i pillew-case; ... lfIAK, youth. (in bed).
:;-\ _ :>KACY point, spike; J.1HEH IH )f(ACY bl a JKAT bln IlII EP /6g./ parasit e.
~ \. needle' s point. )l(ATbIPK,A- to shun (someb ody), to keep
/ )KACh In green. away from, to Ceel shy.
" _ / )l(A ChIJIJ lAH- te beco~ green, turn green. )KATh IPK,A FbIW unsoci a ble.
,..l; z-. » JlCAChIMbIK, /local / malle. )KATb IC lying, idleness.
f' \: )l(ACh IP- to hide, co ncea1. - :;;,;1 )KATb IC CE n T IK !gram. ! loca tive case.
} - l; )KACb IPVill hl concealer. )KATb IK, I) slantin g, sloping ; low slo ping
)l(ACh lPYllI hInbIK,conceal ment, barbor ing. coast; 2) smooth, even, fluen t ; weU ro un ded
)((AChIPblJl- 10 be hidden . (of speec h); 3) tfig./ po lite r ... MlHE 3
JKAChIPhlH secret, coefide ntiaf ; myste rie us, gentle di spositi on.
enigrna tic ; secretly , surrept itiously, confi- )KATK.A liljUn An- to leam by hea rt .
dentially ; ... JlAYh lC 6 EPY secret ballo r; )KATK.A AJI. to remem ber.
.. . ChIP.secTet,' secrecy. )l(ATl (hIJ.. to p ut to bed ; Ifig.1 to knock
/ )KACb IPhIH- to hlde lintr.I, hide o neself. do wn, to hit a nd throw d o wn.
:: / JKACh IPblH XA li AP liEP- to inforrn con- ~ )l(AY I) enemy, foe: 2) lage.j pest, vermin .
'" fidentially. ... TOPF AA buntin g (bird).
dl.· j.-! :JKAChIPhIH6 AK hide and seek (play), iK AV- to fall (of precipi tatio n).
-1 )KAYA n answer .
y~ I )KACh iphIn 1(0fi- to hide tu .t, n.
ol )KAYA n All. to interro gate, questio
~ t I )lCAChIT coeval ; of the same age.
.. )l(A VAn liEP- to answer .
J v' )KACh IT- to incandesce, make red hot.
.. )f(AY An KEP IIeg.1 defe ndan t, res ponden t.
JKAChIK, 1) lean (of meat), not nouris hing ;
-l )KAYA n KEPn IK respo nsibilit y.
2) timld , Indecislve, not energe tic, weak-
1 )f(A YAnK EPJl IKCI3 irresponslble .
willed ; 3) lcw-gr ade (of metals. etc.).
:>KAChIK,TAH - to becom e timid. .. )KAY An KEPJl I KCI 3.UI K irrespo nsibility.
JlCACbIK,ThIK, ind ecisiveness, timidity , lack .. )l(AYA nKEP CI3 sec JKAYA n KEPll iKCI3.

~c~- 1) to lift one's hand against ; 2) to f )l(AYA nKEPI IIIJl IK sec )l(AY AnKE PJlIK.
.. )I(AYA nCbI3 unacco untabl e .
scare awa y, frighten away. a
f a id :10 be rimid 1 )l(AYA n-TEP rEV Ileg.f q uestio ning (at
)((ACK,AH - to •tear, d rea d , be a r I , I •

)f(ACK,AH,UbIP- ro inspire fear. tri al).

)l(A CKAH IDAK timi d, tim oro us., ind ecisive. " )f(AYA nTbl responsible.
JKACK,AHlllAK,ThIK, timidity . .. JKAYA nTbIJ lhIK responsibility .
1 :JKAYAnK,A TAPT - to call to accoun
t ; to sue
)KAT 1) memory ; 2) stra nge, foreiga ; strange r, in court.
/ forei gner, alien ; ... EJlJlE in a fore ign
country. 2. JKA Y.[{h I 6Acn AJIAT- to a rtee k the enemy
)KAT. 1) to He down, be lying do wn; 2) to be withoüi"giving him any
respite (any brea th ing
situated : 3) to stay , live, sto p at ; 4) to time).
belon g, relate, pertain ; Idescr.1 after the 2 )KAYJ lhI P- : O K, .. . Imil.1 to o pen ûre:
gerund on A. E, n
of tbc main verb impart s . .. Ka3 /adj.1 with beautif uleyes (ofwom en).
courageous, bold .
to the latter the no tio n o f continu o us, un- a )l(AY) I(YPE K brave,
2 :>KAYJIA- to fight ; to he at war ; to ca rry on
finished action.
)KATA TI All- to lea m. war.
)KATAK, 1) burrow, hole, den, lair ; 2) place 1 )l(AYJ lAn AJI- to conque r.
for sleeping, nigh t shelter; 3) skull-c ap; 2 JKAYJ I An AlIY conquest .
4) lobs.! sett led po pulatio n. 1.. )l(AYJ l AC- to q uarrel ; to be hostlle ; to he at
)l(A TAK.XAHA do rmitory , ho stel.
ATTA - to learn by h eart, to memorize. 1 JKAYJ lACThIP· te instigate ; to stir up

lKA YJlAY lKA K.hIHllbl K

bostilit ies between t he o tbers ; 10 pr ovok e a tri an g le . etc. t: 6) rgra m.r perse n : ... )KYHJ
war belween et her coun trics. o r ... CAkA.l side whiskers ; ... C Y H:EK jaw.
2.. )l(AYJIAY iron scoop for cooking. )KAK- I) ro set fire ; to light, to ignite Itr./ ;
iKAYJlbIK I) enmity. a nirnosity : 2) head- 10 burn tu . . heat (a sto ve); 2 ) 10 smear,
d ress of marri ed wcme n (of white calico). grease, d ub. spread tas butter on bread) ;
)l(AYPA· 10 Ireeze / intr.!. shi· J'o;;E- 10 coat.
JKAYPhI H /a oal'/ scapu la. shouJder blade. :>KAK liOJl - la side (with someo nej ; I)AJlAF A
)f(AYPbIHllb J broad- shoulde red . ... to stand up fo r a child.
l..)KA YChI PA- t o strive for conq uests ; 10 kindie iKAKAT Iloca l SEI income, retu rns.
enmity<r;.tv::~· )KAK-)I(AK 1)0 11- lintr.! to break up into
1.- )f(AYTAHD.A- to look around with dis- groups (of men).
a ppointment. )KAKCAP- to impra ve /intr./.
z )KAYllJhl · )KAJlAMD.A has tily, h urriedly. )KAKCAPT- to impro ve Itr.l.
'2 )I{A YbI3 villain. scoundrel : rnalicious. per- )KAK,Cb l /adj. & adv .! good, weil ; beneficial :
nicious, meao, perfidious. decent ; lfig./ rich (a bundant) ; .. . HI1 ETfI
z :>KAYbl311bI K evil, evü deed. villai ny, wel! d isp osed ; PAf1MEH magnanimo us-
mean ness, ba seness. ly, genero usty: T IJ] EKTI well disposed;
)l(A YbIH rain . foul weet her . _.. r i PM b l C XAJlbl p ros pe ri ty.
z- )KAY b IH r EP ImiLI soldier; iadj./ battle. JKAKCbI3 Igram.! impe rso nal; . .. ET ICTIK
belllcose . efficien t in fight ing ; ... )KOJlJJ;AC impersonal verb ; .. . C e AJlEM impersonal
co mrade in anns; ... PYX fighting spirit sentence.
z. :>KAYbIH r EPJUK I ) I mil./ hero ism. co urage, iKAKC b IJIA- I ) 10 accept as being good :
bravery ; 2) fighting efficiency, comba t value ; 2) to arrange in goed orde r.
... IiEJl rI war deco rat ions ; ... ~}JI PJlIK iKAKCblJlA O bcneficially.
readiness for act ion. cambat prepa red ness : )KAK,ChIJlhI K /n./ goed; lo bs.; benefact ion;
..... s a ssr i YWIH" "Fa r Merit". good ness. vir tue .
)f(AYhIHllbI KYH hu mid wea the r. :>KAKTA· to sidc witb, intereede fo r ; to ta ke
iKAYblHCbl3LlblK ..... an t of rai o. dr y som eo ne's part ; to defend someo ne, ro
weether . drought. exculpa te.
)f(AYbIH-W AWbIH precipitation.
)J{AKTAC- to tak e some one's part ; to stand
JKAYbI H-llIAlll blH LJ,bl KY H foul wea ther.
up Ier someone ; 6 AJlAFA ... to sta nd up
JKAYbIP scar on a ho rse's back.
for a child.
)l(AYbIPbIH AW- to pract ice so rcery: to teil
iKAK,TAY window [amb .
fortu nes.
)J{AK,TAYIllbI de fendcr.
)f(AYbIPbIH K,APA· te teil tort unes.
)l(AK,ThIP- to a ppro ve.
)f(AYbIK- to be hosfile.
)KAKllIA brackets, parentheses.
:lKAYFA M IH EP AT battle steed.
)KAKbI Iloca l SEI see )KAPF A K,.
lKAYK,AP see J1(;JYhAP.
)KAK,bIH near, by, beside. to ; near relati..'e;
)KAYK,ACblH IboLI dcg's toot h violet
... AHHA1IAllA near, near-by: ... APAJI,A
(Eryt hronium den-canis).
)KAJI rump of horse; lower part of back of nea rest in time ; ... .nOC close friend ;
anima1s. . ... JKE PLlE nea rby, close by. a r hand ;
:JKAJlJl b IK diaper. .. . lKEPllEH see .. . lKE PllE; .. . MA f-UlA
JKAJl Y pedestria n; ladj./ foot ; ladv.1 o n foot ; see .. . lKE PllE.
... IiOPACblH dri fting snow: ... KlCI JKAK.hIH llA nea rby, close by, at hand ;
pedestrian; ... dCKE P infant!')" infa ntry nea rest in time ; recently, of late, Iately.
soldier. )KAK,bIH LlA· to approac h, te draw nea rer
)KAJl Y JKYP- te walk. lintr./.
lKAJIYJl A- see ;KARY J1(Y P-. :>KAKbIHLlAC- te d raw rogethe r /intr./, to
;.KAJl YJlAn af001, on foor . become close friends ; (Q become related.
)l(AJl YIll b lfl b iK lack of ha rses ; lack of )l(A KbIH,llA.CfbIP· te draw nea rer Itr./.
mea ns of tra nsportation. )KA K b IHll4.FbI ladj./ near, neigbbcri ng.
iKA K I) side ; 2) land, co untry ; 3) cheek ; )l(AKhIHJlbIK neemess. pro ximlty: relati on-
4) bow (weapo n) ; 5) Imath.f side (of a ship. kinsh ip.


JKAK,hIHHAH 60JllKAFhIW Ifig.1 near- XAH,FhlPblK, 1) echo; 2) anvil support.

sightcd (lacking foresight). )KAfA J) share, coast, beach; 2) coUar ;
JKAK,hIHHAH K6PrIW near- sighred (nf K.OPFAHAChI coast defense ; AJIMAJlhI-
eyes). CAJIMAJIhI ... attachable collar; T IK . ..
)l(AK,hIHChlH· to consider to be near (of stand-up collar ; KAAhIPMA ._. turn-down
distance o r Idnship). collar ; K,bICfbIPMA . .. do uble coUar.
:>KAK,bIHbIPAK, nearer. )KAFA,llAH A.H- t() catch by the throat.
:>KAK,KA 'Yp. to slap in the face. lICAFAJI smudgy, dirty; KAPA .. . KOn
)ICAI(VT precious stone (ruby or sapphire). black -bea ded sheep with stripes on tbc
lKAH Ilocal EI large clod of clay (as u.scd in cheeks.
tbe con struction of ad obe huts and corals). )l(AFAJIA- to ride or walk along a coast ; te
)I(A}{A new, Iresh ; AJIhIHFAH new importune, bother. pester; )f(AC 6AJ1A-
draftee. recrui t ; )f(b Tn new year ; .nArt ... to bother as a child .
.. . FAHA j ust, just now. )KAFAJlAA: lengthwise, along.
)l(AHAllA j ust, just now; recently, of late. iKAFAJlAC· te ca tch ene an other by throat ;
lately; ... FAHA just now. to ûght.
)l(A}{AJ],AH again, an ew. )KAF AJl AY I) stri p stretching along so me-
)KA}f,AJlAH )f(9HD.E- to res tere. thiog; 2) coast, litt oral, co astal zone.
)I(A}{AJ1A- 10 renovate. :>KAFAJl T AA /zool./ kestrel.
)KAJ{AJIAH- to become excited . )KAFAJlhlK, material fot collar.
JKA.llAlIblK, news, newness, inno vatio n. )KAFAChI3 bo undless.
)I(Al{AJTh1K,TA FAHAjust.jusl now. )KAFAChl3J1blK. boundlessness.
)KA}f,Ap- to be renovated ; to revive fintr.l. )KAFJlAA I) condition, circurnstance ; situa -
)I(Al{APT· to revive {tr./. tlon. position ; 2) environment. mil ieu ;
)KAJ{APY revival, rebirth. 3) 16g./ atmosphere.
)l(Al{AlllA in a new fashio n ; in a new way. )KAFJJ.AA: TY. to favcr.
)l(Al{AWbIJl innovator ; ad vocate of innova- iKAF.L{Afu1hI favora ble, co nvenient.
tions. :>KAFJ1AAChI3 1) unfavorable, inconvenient ;
)KAf{AillbIJllI,bIK, innovations . 2) awkward position.
lKAH6hlP or lKAH6hIP-lKAYhIH rain. )f(AFJJ;AffCb I3.rtbI K. I) incon ven ieece, tin -
îKAl{libIPl1bl rainy ; .. . 6YJIT ram cioud . favcrableness ; 2) disorder, unsettled state.
lKAHCA Ilocol SWI fillet of sheatfish. lICAFJlAH I locol E & SEI a kin d of trunk for
)f(Al{,CAK, 1) inventlon, ficti on, fabrication; luggage.
2) error ; 3) erroneous; erroneously, by :>KAFY rubbing in.
mistake. - )f(AFbI CEM6EA unceasingly (of talking).
)KAH,CAK,TAH- to err; to he mistaken. make )KAFbIJl- to be lit ; to be heated (of stove,
amistake ; to he wrong. oven, etc.).
:>KAl{hIJ]- I) to err , to he wrong ; to make a )f(AFbIM.QbI pleasant, pleasing, agreeable;
mistake, be mistaken; 2) to go astray, to he favorable; harmonieus, melodous, euphonic.
confused. :>KAFbIMnA3 lickspittie, ftatterer, adulator.
:>KAH,hIJI,llbIP- to draw (lntc something); to )f(AFbIMnA3.QAH· to fawn upon. ftatter,
lead astray, confuse , tangle, mix up). adulate.
:>KAH,bIJlTnAill tongue-twister. lKAFhIMnA3!lAHJlhiP- see lICAFhIM ·
:>KAH,bIJlbIC error, mistake. blunder. nA3JlAH-.
:>KAHbIJIbIC- to err; to he mistaken. mixed :>KAFLlMnA3)]blK, rawning, flatter.
up;' 10 lose ooe's way. )l(AFbIMChI3 unpleasant , disagreea.blc, un-
:>KAHbIJIbICChI3 unerrmg, faultless . attractive.
)I(Al{K,A splinter. )l(AFblH· to excel in ftattery.
lKAHFAJlAK I) absent-minded, forgetful, JKAFhlHA towa rds, in the direction of.
disorderly; 2) rake, loafer, scapegrace, )l(AFLIHAH from the side of.
good-for-nothiag ; em pty-head. :>KAFbIH):{A· at the side of.
)I(A}f,F Al<. nut ; TYAE . .. walnut. lKAFhiC Ilocol SWI I) coast, sbore ; 2) place
)KA}{FAPT- to renovate. designated tor a eertam purpose.
)l(A}{FblPTY or :>KAHFbIPY re-creation. lKAhAHHAM heli.


)I(E.10 eat ; /fig./ : fiIP EY.Ul H AKhICb l H . .m il. e ne-man reconnarssa ace ; ... &AC 10-1
10 misappro priate one's earmngs ; T A .HK . indiv id ual : ... MEH WJK proprietor ; .. .
to he beaten ; KA ft F b i ... 10 grieve ; WAPYAlllhlJl blK ind ivid ua l (privately
KA M ... to take care of: te look af ter. o wned ) farm .
lKE6E I local WI fish-hook. JKEKE -::+:EKE without coordinauon .
ACEbE I1 f requent. )KEKL "lE· 10 separate, Isola te.
)KEIiEJIEn ASUUlA- 10 walk at a bris k pace lKE KE H /boLI sed ge (Carex].
(of horse) . )f(E KEYlC dagger.
:A<E6PEI1 jew. :>KEKEllIE 1) separately, a part: sin gle-
)l(EEiPEfUJl archangel . handedly: 2) individ ual farmer ; 3) Igram .f
::;KEliIH CVT mil k o btained by frequent singular number ; ... TY P,UE singly .
m ilking. )KEKK I trained carriage horse .
lKE6lP NlAM bribe tak er. lKEKKe PIHIWTI see lKE KCYPbIH .
)l(Eli! P SAJlA boy who wears out his )l{EKK9 PJHllllTImK an tipathy .
clothing quickly. )l{EKITE-)KEK du el.
jf(EJiIP EY3AY calf ihat chews ev·eryt hing )l(EKCEMIiI $ unday.
that he gets in rus moulh. JKEKC YPhIH I) nas ty, un plea san t, repulsive,
:JKEEIPJlE- to cold violently. ha teful, odious ; desp icable, despise d; 2)
:;KErEH corroded, eaten away. villain. scound rel.
AErY harnessing (action) ; ... é)63EJl.lI.EPI )l{EKCYPbIHllbIK in fam y, vilen ess.
ham ess. JKEK11p· t o o rde r (so meone) to hamess (a
)KErYJlI AP6A horse and cart. horse, erc .).
)KEn Imed./ I) lupus ; 2) tuberculosis. )l{EK IP- to sbo ut.
)l(FILlIEH :lKE- to teat up, gnaw, underm ine. )KEKIPl n AKhfPY a single cry, sho ut, yell.
Ä\tTI3-- J) to give 10 eat; to reed (o f ca ttle); )KEJI wind ; ... ARK switt-foo ted ; ... &E3EP
2) 10 enable to ea t. to allow to cal ; 3) l fig.j see JKEJl6E3EK 2 ; ... IlHl PME H wind-
to let oneself he insulted . mill ; .. . ECY puff o f wind ; ." )KAK, wind -
)KEnJl · to he barnessed. wa rd, weather side , fuif ; ... KE ME sa iling
)lCErIJlETI H AT draft horse, ca rriage horse. boat ; .. . Ka3 a n opening in yu rt's lattice;
JKErI lli man with good appetite ; glutt on; . .. TAPTA P air-hole ; ... TI1I PMEH see
/fig./ self-sceker, grabber. .Ul1IP:\1EH ; K,YMA ... fair wind ;
)KE)lnI /o bs./ December. KbI3bl.J1 . .. dry wind : e K nEK .. . strong
:JKEJI.EJl urgently . spring wind.
:>KEllEJlJl.E- 10 h urry. rush /intr./ ; (0 make )KEJl · te tr ot ; to rid e at a tr o l.
haste. )KEJI KAK- t o be weatbe r-bea ten.
)KE)lEflllEC children bom at the interval )KEJI K A KTbIP· to air.
of one year . )KEJI K Y· to la af, to idle.
)KEJl.EJln ET~ to hasten, hurry. rush /Ir./ : )KE1JAR K ubiquitou s.
to urge o n. :>KEJI6A Y rope tying WAH,bIPAK tsee) 10
)KEJ brass. weights on the floer of yurt .
:>KE3llE bro ther-in -law (elder sister's hu sband). )KEJI&E r Eff with coat un buttoned ; wit h coa t
:>KEJThIPHAK. witch with metal claws jmyt b.j. over the sho ulders.
:JKEI1.UE a shirt o pened in fron t. )l{EJI6E3EK I) gills; 2) ca rnel's nose cartilage.
lKEfi pE H see lKAfiPAH . )l(EJ] 6 Ef-ClE- to rusrle , sway, beave .
:>KEHTIH JA /lA M :>KEl1TlHI eatable (art icle )l{EJI6YAJ Imed.1 extrauterine pregnancy ;
of food). ... 6011- Ironv.1 la be reassu red; to he
)KEK I) a steppe bird (O ris orientalis): gtven a hope .
2) / Ioca l SEI o tterfur bat . JKEJ16 IPE- ro fly, flutter, wave lintr. /.
jKEK· to bamess : /fig./ to draw in, enroll. )l{EJIrE b \.'"3bIJI- /geo l.l to weather, to erode.
enlist nr.l ; ATTbl AP&AFA .. . ro barness )l(EJlrE )KYiKIJl Y Igeo l./ w eatherin g,
a horse (in to a carriage) . er osio n.
)KEK Kap· te bate, dislike, he ill disposed to : :lKEJIrEPT- te air. ventilate , refresh ; MAJ]-
te come to hate. D,bI .. . to send ca ttle to th e leewerd side
:JKEKE separate, indlvidual : ... &APn AY o f the pasture.


)ICEJlrI3 stormy summer weather. JKEJlIKIlE11EY possessed, raving.

)f(EJInPT. Ilocal wC! to winnow. )I(EJIJKnEJU passionate.
JKEJJnw, lKEJlnW AT trotter. )l(EJlIKTIP- to incite, en tiee.
)I(EJ].lI.EH· to he excited ; te he carried away. JKEJJIM glue.
lKEJlAEH K.AFbIC JKAK. leeside. :>KEJlIMD.E- to glue , gum. paste. ce men t.
)l{EJl):J;EHAIP- l) to excite, srir up , incite, JKEJlIMD.EH· te he smeared with glue.
elate, carry away; 2) to instigate someo ne )I(EJlJM,UEn :>KA nCbI P- to pas te in.
(to a frivo lous ac tion). )l(EJlIM)J.I gluey, stic ky, gummy, viscous,
)I(fJl)l.ET- I) to vent ilate, air : 2) to rise, adhesive.
become stro nger (of wind) . )f(EJ1IH udder .
)KEJIJ(ETK llll 1) ventilato r, fan ; 2) ai r hole, )l(EJ)IH- to he ea ten.
air vent, little hinged wind ow. )KEJI IHrEH co rr oded , eaten a way.
)f(EJ]JIETY airing. )l(fJUHJl.E- to accumulate mil k in udd er (of
JKE1IJl.I win dy; lfig.! excited . cow before ca lving).
:>KEJl,UIKWE jloca1 SW/ sm3.11 horse blanket. iKEJ1IH)U wit h large ud der.
::KEJ1E )KOPT- te trot )f(EJJIHY ea ting up .
JKEJlE K I) silk veil o f the newly wed; 2) )l(EJIIC trot.
Iloc:al NWI a kind of grass. )l(EJllC- to put trot ters in a race.
)KEJ1ETKE vest. )f(EJlK,AIiA3 moderate. not too ho t (o f
)KEJIEY curtain, screen ; )KAflFA H summer weat her); ... AT brisky horse ;
smoke sëfêen.
)I(EJlE1-{ man's outer clothes.
... KI CI ene. who is easily carr ied away .
)l(EJIK,AMbIK, sa iling baal.
:>KEJ1KE /aoat./ ocelput. )KEJISKnE empty-head .
JKEJlKEEAY hanger (loop o n garmen t). )l{EM I) grain; 2) feed in genera l. forage :
)KEJlKEJIE· to strike the back of so meo ne' s 3) bait.
head . j6ipeyrel )KE M 6 0 n - to be deceived, duped.
iKEJIK EJIE n K,Ybln llIhl K- to push out, )f(EM rE 6AHnAY fatter ri ng (o f canle).
throw o ut, chuck out. JKEM,llE- I) to rear , bring up, nurse ; 2) to
JKEJJKEJlIK see lKEJlKEbA Y. fatten Itr./ (o f ca ttle).
)KEJlKEH saiJ. IKEM,UEJl - to he rea red.
)l(EJlKECY Iloca l SEI second (in the seaso n) IKEM .Ll.EJ1rEH fauened, well-fed .
watering of the fields. IMaIlDbll )l(EM.LlEY fattening (o f cart lel.
)l(EJlMAR race -camel. lKEMEJIEK ncce! W/ see WAW6AY .
)f(EJInYIllI fan. )l(E MnA3 vomcious (of catt le).
lKEJImnW see lKEJlOYIW . )l(EMCAY er op, craw (of birds).
)l(EJlnVl UE- to fly, flutter, wave, sway. )l(EMTIK carrion .
heave lintr./. )f(EM1ll9nUIJ Imil.l forager.
iKEJln InD.EK thoughtless. ûight y, light- 16ipeyrel )l(E MIH iKIEEPM E- to refuse to
minded . flippant. he duped.
:JKEJInI H· to cool , cool off lintr./ ; 10 he :;.f(EMIC fru it, fruits, results ; ... IiEPY fru it
refreshed. ventilated, aired. hearing ; .. . EEPETJH /adj ./ fruit ; .. .
)l{EJInI HmEK I local SEI cu rtain . KEnTIPrIlli fruit kiln; .. ' )f(b1(t HA Y
:JKEJlCI3 windless ; ... KYH still weather. fru it barvest ; ... CAEAFbl /bot./ ped uncle ;
)l{EJICI l Ui K windless weather ; cal m. ... WA PYAWb lJI b lF bI o r .. . eCIPY-
)KEJI I rope stretched on piles fo r tying yo ung WIJlIK fruit-growing, borticulture , porno-
horses and cal ves ; ..' TOKCAH lo bs./ logy.
November . )l(EMICC13 fruitless, sterile: resultless.
)I{EJllrVmlRIK excitement . )f(EMICTEHY fru iting.
)f(EJIJrIH,KIPE- to rage. rave. )KEMICfI ladj.1 fruit , berry : lfig,f fruitful ,
)KEJl IK excitement, hysteria. fertile.
)l(EJIIK· to he an gry, irruated : 10 beco me )f(E MICTI TAC " Sto ne of Fer tility " o f
excit ed . Kazakh legend s.
)KEJlIKnE tbo ughtless. fiighty, light-m inded , )f(EMICTll1IK I) Iert ility. fecundi ty : 2) Fruit-
flippant. fulness.



:;.KEMKOP vo racio us lof cattfej. /KEPJl ECTJK 11 associauon of fellow-

JKEM KOPJlhlK greed. greed iness. votacity. countrymen ; 2) IhistJ o rder of preeedenee
voraciousness. tin ranks, ceremon ies. etc.).
:.KEH.nET execunoner. :.+:EPJJI I) natives. a bo rigines ; 2) ta ndo wner,
:JKEHT kin d of s....eetmeur (made o f curds, landlord.
sugar and buner). :>KEP:1 1k..I EJ1 nati ves. a bori gines.
)KEn · to milk a cow fo r the sece nd time: )KEPCn landless .
d uring tbe day . )KEPC n ,UI K lack of (a ra bie) land .
)KEn xoa. to eat , ea t up (eat so mething JKEPCIH- to become accli ma nzed .
com pletely). iKEPC IH.DIp· to acclimat ize.
h.:EP J ) land, ea rth, sou : 2) the earth (pla net), iKEPCIH.DIPY acclimatizat ion.
globe ; 3) cou ntry; 4) place: 5) distance ; )KEP-O" ATIAPbl topo nym y.
6} surround ings, medium ; ... A P &A / local E I iKEPTeJlE Iloca l S & NCI mud h ut.
pri minve le w cart wit h thick. woeden wheels ;
iKEPllIIJJ one able to be qu ickly o riented to a
.. . A fi LlAY t ülage: ... AJl M),PT Je rusa lem
artichc ke : ... ACfhl cave, va ult : . ..
)KEPillIJ1UIK ab ility to beco me oriented to a
AYJlAPblJlFA H exiled pe rso n : )KY3l
terra in.
- - - the un iverse: ... 3AHh i land cod e ; H Eel
)KEPI )KOK !adj./ la ndle ss.
landowner, landlord ; ... MAtibl naphta,
)KEPI :iKOKTbiK Jack of (ara ble ) land .
crude o il; 0' _ MdCEJl IC I a gra rian pro blem ;
iKEPIK ca price. whi msy , fancy.
... CYA PY irr igan o n ; ,.. CYAPY :JKyOECJ
irrigation system ; ... C YJl A H.LI.b I PY see )KEPJK 6011- to displa y a stre ng ta ste for a
.. _ CYAPY; ... CYbl !Ioca l EI ûrst (in the certain dis h (mostly of pregnant women).
seaso n watering of üelds : ... TAHY :.KEPI HE iKETKI3- to d o something properly;
orientat ion to tbe loca lity ; ... T hIH.A OTY to complete an act io n o r affa ir.
manu re. fert ilizer ; ... ThJ H.Afi T KhIlli Jf\:EC see )KE3 .
fert ilizing ; ... KO)KAChI landowner, land - Jt:EC· to ea t to gctber.
lord ; ... K03FAJlY eartbqua kc ; ... Kh IP- :iKECI P wi dow.
Th lChI eerth's uppe r strat um, soil, tu rf; )KET- I) to reach . anain: to get to: 2) to
sod: . .. yfi mud -walled hu t ; 6 ECKYHAIK suff ice ; AKblJl ... to guess correct ly;
... the d ista ncc co vercd in a five day ride. 1>011 ... to come of agc (of giris) ; Ka3I ...
)KEp· I) to lose the habit ; to get o ut of the to he sur e, cer tain ; MYPATKA to
habit ; 2) to feel disgust. bc disgusted: to attain thc coveted aim ; TY61HE to
display fastidio usncss. break , finish ofî. ruin. des troy : K,YbJ n ...
)KEP AYA A P- to ba nish, de port . to catch Up. o verta ke ; 8 111 ... to master.
)KE P )KEKEH,UE- /local SE/ /intr./ to settle. )KET CAH blH see )K ET! C A l1bI H .
JKEP T e fl KEP/C Kb/J] - /loca / SE! see )KET E 1) junction of blade and hilt (of a
JKE P AYIlAP-, sword , etc.) ; 2) ladv.1 fundamentally, in
A(EPAFA lli woeden plough . detail .
JKEPJ]En JKY P- sec JKEP :>KE KE HIlE-, 'JKETE OHJlA H· to med ita te upon : to ponder
JKEPrIJIIKTE H,UIP- to ma ke the language over.
of the na tives the o fficia l la ngua ge of the )KETE YFhl H- to grasp. understand ; te sec
country. into.
JKEP rIJIIKT/ local. JKETEK I) pole. beam, sha ft (of a ca rt );
)KEP)KY31 ;l IK !adj.! wo rld, wo rld-wide. 2) cattle led by a ro pe : 3) horse led by the
un iversat. bridle.
)l{EPKEH- to feel disgust. be squearnish. JKETEk."T E- I) to lead by hand . bndle, rope :
JKEPKE HlUP- to provoke disgus t. 2) (0 be a leader (of a gro up, o f masses,
)KEPKEH WEK squeamish, fastidious. etc.).
iKEPKEH WE KTl K squeamishness, fastid i- :n.::ETEh."TEn )l(YP· accornpaoy, te escort.
o usness. JKETEKWI leader. instructor; co mmander.
)f(EPKE:-i IW disgusting , loa thsom e. iKETE KIIII Jl easily led by a rope or abridie
)KEPJlE- to bury. (of horses and cattle).
)l\EPJlEC fellow-countrymen . JKETEKllIIJlIK leadership .


)KETEJlE- lead by hand; to lead by abridie ){(EH:- to overcome, prevail, beat, defeat, win
o r a rope (of harses and cattle). a victory.
lKETEJIEn lKYP. to lead . )l(EI-(rE sister-in-Iaw (wife of cide r brother).
)KET EPn IK suffcient. :>KEl{rEA: fonn of addressing to tbe wife of
:>KETECI3 KIel dull man; incompetent man . the elder brctber or to any wornart elder
:JKETE.Y seven (group 00- than tbe speaker.
)KET EYl MI3 we seve n rogether. )KEH,C I3 K H JM sleeve less jacket .
:>KETKEH mature. :>KEH,Y overcomin g; victo ry .
)l(ETKEH,ll.I K mat uri ty. :>KEH,YWI victor.
)l(ETKI3- I) to bring to, deliver to, fumish ; lKEIUJl light (of weight) ; ; easily;
2) Jeron./ to import ; 3) to distribute in such .. . MIHEJ d lssofu te, bcen tious: ... MIHE3-
a wa y as te satisfy everybody. LU flighty man.
JKETK'IJl IKCI3 insufficien t ; insufficiently, un -
lKEIUJI - to be defeated .
:>KEH,IJlrEH vanquished, defea ted.
JKETKIJlIKCl3.LllK deûciency, shortage, in-
:>KEH,IJl,QE- to relieve onese lf o f.
sufficiency, im perfection.
ACETKIJlIKTI sufficient; sufficiently, satisfy- :>KEl-lIJIJ1ET- to rel leve, ease.Iighten , alleviate.
ing ; in plenty. in abundance ; ... TYP):{E )KEH,IJl,llETY relief alleviatlon, lightening,
eas iLg.
in plenty. in abundancc.
:>KEH,IJl,llIK I) Iigh taess, easiness, ~
lKETK IJ1I KTIJIIK sufficiency.
alle viat ion , easing, facilitat ion. .:--
)I(ET K I H IDEK young man in his late 'teens.
;KH \llI E- see lKE!\IJl.llE.
)l(ET n IC seventy. JKEH,IJlE R TY lightening, easlng, allevie rion .
)l(Em ICIHllII seventieth . lKH\lJlTEK light, net heavy (of o biects) :
)KEr n eno ugh! stop ! lightly dressed ; lfig./ light-minded , thought-
)KEJTlKTIp· to im prove, perfect, develop. less , gidd y, Ilippant.
)l(EITIKTIPY improvernen t, development. )l(EH;IJlTEKTIK light-m indedne ss, giddiness.
)l(ETY attêinment ; A)KAj] .. . the approach ûip pancy, ftightiness .
of the hour of death . )l(EH)JITY lîghtening, easing .
)KET I I) seven; 2) week ; . .. GAcrbI A):{AM JKEl\IJlY defea t.
mo nst er ; ... 6ACThI MIJlAhAP /myth./ lKEl\IJIY111 I<OJlIlAYIIIbIJlblI< defeatism.
hydra; ... CAAbI H weekly ; ... !(APAK,IIlhI JKEIU J1YIIII defeated .
)K~nJ1bI3 laste.! Ursa Major. )l(EH,IJlIC defeat .
)l(ETIK ca pa ble, gifted ; expert. adept, skilled, )l(EHJMnA3 victorious , tr iumphant.
competent. )l(EH,In All- /fig./ te con que r (to make an
)KETIJI- 1) te ripen; 2) to reach perfection in important achlevemenr).
something ; 3) to he intelligent. )KEl-un AllY conquest (action) ; achievement.
)l(ETIJlrEHJl,IK ripeness, maturity. )KEIun lUblK,- te win a victory.
)KETIJl )],IP. to breed, te bring up . )KEH,ln IDblFY prize, winnings, gain (in
:>KETIJlY ma turity : C AR C H ".. politieel spo rts, games, etc.).
maturity. )KEH,In llIblFYlllhI v ictor.
)f(ETlnIK seven (the figure) ; group of seven. )l(EH,IC victory ; victorious.
:>KETI M o rpha n ; lfig./ unfortunate ; without )l(EH,IC- to vie with ; to compete with.
ki th or kin. )l(EH,ICKE )KET- to win a victo ry.
lKET IM -lKEC IP o rp han ed. )K1i,nE /OOt./ o leaster. wijd olive (Elaeagnus
)KETl MCI3,UIK insufficiency, imperfection. angustifolius).
lKETIMCIPE · to feellonel y. lKJ.I,JlEK berry.
)KETIHm I seventh. )KH,ny falling o ut. sbeddi ng (o f hair, wool).
)KETJe- to ripen (o f fruit); to a rtain , to reaeh. )KliEK I) coast, share ; 2) coUar ; 3) edge,
Jl\."ETlCKEH.llIK success, attalnrnent. edging, bo rder, trimming.
JKETICnErEHJlI K defect. deticiency, fa ult, )KIiEKTE- to edge, trim.
imperfectlon, deficit, sho ncoming. lKHEKTEJI· to be edged, trimmed.
JKETICY ri penin g. lKH EKTEY edging, trimmi ng.
ACEH sleeve ; ... TY&I arm-hole. XHEH 1) ne pbew o r niece o n the female side ;


2} gr andson uhrough daughter) ; ., ' K bl3 lKoflFhl lli destroyer ; AB MAlJ.J.1.H Imil.l
gra nd -daughrer (through da ugbter). fighter aircraft ; . .. OK I mil.1 destructlve
)Kl1PEH so rrel (of horse); red (of hair j. fire ; ... CAM OJl ET 'a v.f fight èr, pursnit
)l(HPEH· 10 have an aversi cn ; to loathe ; ( 0 ai rplane.
be sq ueamisb. lKon J) road. way: 2) st ri p . stripc; 3) Ima th..
:iK HPEHlUP- to ro use di sgust. wr iting, etc .j Iine ; 4) directlon : 5) me thod .
JKI1PE HY feeling o f d isgust ; feeling o f mode; 6} rule , custo m : 7) time (in counting,
Ioathing. etc.) ; 8) fate ; .. . IiEPMEY prohibition ;
)IG1PEHUIEK fasudi o us, squearnish . ... 6Y3bl11Y season of ba d roads ; ...
)KHPE H lUEKTIK fasti diousn ess. squea mish - 6 'iJbIJl F AH KEJ im passability of roads ;
ness. .. . )l{YrI luggage; .. . K8prE H KI CI
:tl 01PEHllll I) mu ck ; 2) loat bsome, abomin a- poli te person ; ... Kep CETK llli 'K,):PAJl
ble, derestable. d eclin ometer ; KepCETYlli l gulde :
)f(HPE HI lli Ti 1) fasti d ious ; 2) antipathetic , . .. TAIiY lfig./ way o ut ; K,AFA3 a
re p ugnant. pe rmit to travel ; JlAHFb lJl beaten rood.
jf(H PE H IllITIK fasridious ness , anti pa thy. we ll-trodden raad, blazed trail : )l(AJlFhB
jf(H PKEH lllEK Iastidious. AR K, ... footpat h: KE PYEH ... caravan
iKHPKEH l llITl nasty. trail ; KYPE JKOJl lfi g.! artery ; CYPJlEY
JK l1T- ro fall o ut (of hair. wool ). . .. Iootparh; TAC ... surfaced raad ;
jf<l-Ul HrEP imperialist. K,APA .. . di rt road, coun try lan e ; YJIK EH
)K11J1HrEPJlIK imperiaiism . ... hi gh way.
JKl1 l I) frequ ent ; 2) th ick , dense ; 3) often , )KOn IiE P- to give way, let pass ; /fig.1 to
frc quently . concede .
)Kl1IJlEH - to beco me mo re freq uen t. )1(011 li EPME- not to give the op po rt unity.
)1<J.1 lJI ET- to mak e more frequent. )K011 C lJlTE· to direct . conduct.
)f(l1IPE K mo re freq uent ; t hlcker, denser. )KOJlA· 10 ap proach luvr.t; to come near,
)l( I1IPKEH- to he squeamish . d raw near.
)l(J.1 IPK E H rJ WTIK fastid iousness. )l(O.rIAfi casually.
)Kl1h AJ Ileg.f mo vable prope rty . )l(0 11AT· 10 admit, te let COOle; to allo", 10
icaxHa! iKH hAJ,UAPbl pro ps, stage pr o pe r- come, to approa ch.
ties. )f{O Jl A Y app roach . approaching, d raw ing
)l(HhA H world. universe . nearer.
JKHh A HTE3 travelIer. )KOJI AYllIbI travelter. wayfarer.
)K06A project . rough m a ft. :>KOJl A Ylllbl.J1A· I) to leave : to se t off, start
)K06AJlA· to plan, sketch. d raft ; to make a n a joum ey : 2) to travel, to ma ke a long
outline. trip.
iKOIiAJIAY planning. projeering. outlining. h.:OJlAK smal! stripe ; stri pe d .
drafring. :>KOJl6A PC or )KOJl 6 APbIC tiger,
JKOJbI Ilocal SE! le w, ro und tabie. ::f(OJl6AC lllhl guld e ; leader ; instr uct or .
)1(011 · I) to destroy, annibilate, exterminate ; )l(OJlEACWhIJl h lK, guidance, leadership.
2) to annul, cancel. abroga te ; 3) to over - )f{OJl 6J.1KE Ipo1.1 fello w tra velter .
come gradually. )l{OJl.ll.A· to direct. fo r ward, d ispa tch; . ..
)l(OO b IJl - to be de stroyed . a nnihila ted, T YC nEMTIH /adj.• r.t.1 throu gh (ticket o r
hquidated, annuled, cancelled . commun ication).
)l(OAbIJlMAATbI H eternat. )KOn ,nAMA direction .
ACOO h lJl M AYlll h lfl h IK. eternity. )l(OJlD.AC I) comra de. co mpa nion ; 2) fellow
)l(OWbIJlCbIH away w'ith , down wit h . traveler. satellit e.
)l(Of1b IJlY d isappearance. )l(OJl D.ACThIK comradeshi p; d J IJl
lKO O h In lKI6EP- j fi g.1 10 erase. friendly jo ke.
JKOWKhlH J) ruin ous , disastrous. destructive )l(OJl D.AY directio n.
2) shatte ring. sta ggering. dec isive (a blow. )l(On,Ubl ap propriate, o ppo rtu ne. co rrect.
etc.): .. . OT b1 /mi1.1 destructive fire . )l(OJl.ll.blK, Ileg.f legal share.
)KOJ1:FbB)lbI P. to force o r oom pel someone )KOJl·)I{011 striped.
10 destroy. )l(OJl·:>KOPA custom, rul e, trad itio n.


)l(OJlChI3 1) the seaso n of miry roods ; )l(O PA WbIJI one who ho lds to old traditio ns
2) unlawful, lawless. or prejud ices.
JKOJl CbI3J1bIX I) season of miry reeds : )f(OPAlllblJI.D.hIK. adherence to prei udlees.
lack of passable roods ; 2) tactlessness ; )KOPT· to go a t a gentJe trot ; te go at an
3) lawless ness. easy trot.
JKOJlWbl passer-by. )f( OPT A 1) pu rposel y, intenticnally ; 2) for
)l(OJUllbI 6 AH on the way, in passing, spite.
incidentall y. :>KOPTAl<, geode trot, easy trot.
)l(0 11h1 )KO K, Jack o f good roods ; impass- )f(OPTAKTA· to trot ; 16g.{ to adapt o neself
ability of roads. to, to ma ke u p to.
JKOJlbl M vR /Iocal SE & SW/ small camping )f(O PTAK,T bI trotte r.
yurt. jKOPTYhIJl I) Ihist.1 ra id. inroad. Ioray;
)l(OJlbIMEH by mean s of. 2) rob ber, bu rglar. high wayma n ; 3) in-
)l(OJl b IK,- to meet, meet o n the road fintr.l ; telllgence, reco nnaissance.
to gel together, to sec each ether. )KOPTYhIJllll hI I) Ihist./ burgla r. robber.
JKOJlbIK.J<.AH passer-by. highwayman ; 2) inteUigence age nt. sco ut.
:>KOJlblK,TbIP- to meet /tr./. )l(OPY interpreta tio n, supposition, solv ing a
)f(OJlbIH IKOllChIH .Ll.EY parting wo rds. riddle .
)l(OJIblFY meeting (corning together o( [WO )f(OPYUIbI tortune-teller, seer, fcreteller,
o r m ore peop le) . sootbsayer.
)l(OJlbIFbIC- te sec each other ; to keep up JKOPbI MAJlsec JKOPAMAJI.
friendly rela tion s. JKOP bIMAJIJlA- sec JKOPA MAJlJlA-.
JKOJIFA UIbIK.- to leave ; to set o lf; to start )f(OPbIK, carn paign; military expedition.
a [ourne y. JKOPblK,lllbI campaigner.
)KOJIFA Wh l FY departure. )l(OPblK,K,A llIh lK· to set off in a campaign.
)KOM j locaJ SEI suga r-beet refuse. )KOPFA pacer, a mbler; . .. )KYPIK pace.
)l(OM APT genere us, liber al. a mb le (gai r o f a horse).
)f( OMAPTTAH4 te become gene rous; to have )KOPFAJIA- I ) la pace. arnb le (of horse);
a burst o f generosity. 2) to creep, crawl (of insects ; 3) to fawn on
)l(O MAPTfbIK generosity . somebo dy: K,~PD;Af1 ... to please /tr./
)KOH I) spina l co lum n, backbo ne, spine; escessively.
2) pla tea u. table-land ; 3) steppe (pasture). )l(O PFAJlA n llJ b I K~ te creep out, ( 0 cra wl
)f(OH - to pla ne, squa re, chip, hew, scra pe ou t (of animals).
(of woo d, etc.). :>KOPFAJI AC- to race at a pace.
A<OHA sma ll squa re swea t-cloth for horse )f(O PFAlllhI tra iner o f amblers.
(under the sa d dJe). )KOC- 1) to move in force. in block : 2) to
)l(OHD,A- to lash so meone' s back. flow fast and profu sely.
)f(OHD;hI broad-backed. )f(OCA ochre.
)f(OHhin TErICTE· to pla ne. JKOCnAP plan.
:>KOP - I) to guess. suppose, conjecture , )f(OCnAPD;AH TbICKAPbl nol pro vided
assume ; 2) to interpre t, explain. construe: for by a plan.
TYC ... /o bs./ to interpret dreams. )l(ocnA PJIA· to plan.
)f(OP A custom; /local SW/ companion, )l(OC nAPJ1AH- to he pla nnee .
fellow-traveler. )KOCnAPJIA Y planni ng.
)f(OPAMAJI suppos itio n, surm ise, ass ump- JKOCnAPJ1bl /adj./ plan .
tien. hypothesis. conjecture. )l(OcnAPChl3 unpl an ned .
JKOPA MAJl A - sec -JKOPAMAJlJ\A. )KOCnAPCbll UbI K abse nce o f planning.
)f(OPAMAJIDA- ro suppose, surrnise, 1,.'00 - )f(OcnAPWbI planner.
jeet e re. guess; to pres ume, assume. :>KOCThlP· to dri ve (a horse , etc.) fas t.
JKOP A MAJlJlA H F AH hypothetica1. )KOCY 1) mass migration. mass flight ; 2) Ias t
JKOPA MAJI.tlAY hypothesis. an d profuse flow.
)f(OPAMAJI llhJ prcblemat ic. co njectural. ACOChIJI. to become brighter ; to beco me
hypothetic . more co nspicuous.



)KOTA rnou r uain rang e: row o f hills : eleva - KAPKblHllA ver)' inte nsive : .. . K b lC bIM
uon, hilI. high pressure : Y31K feit covering the
)KOT A D,A H high as a mou ntai n range. roof o f yurt ; e HIMlll high ly pro-
if\OTAJlA- to ride u ren a ro w of hills. d uctive.
iKOTAJI An al ong th e upper pa th : a long the )KOFAPblllA above, o ver, upstatrs. at the
uppe r road. top. o n top. higher ; ... AVlTbI JlFAHll.Afi
:iKOJO I) dest ructie n. exterrni natio n. annihila- as stated a bo ve.
tion ; 2) annulmem, ca ncellation, abrogatio n ; iK OF APblJl A - 1) to rise, rise a bo ve, go up,
3) gradual gening rid o f. asce n d; 2) te proceed to the seat of ho nor.
)KOR I local SW/ bed (in ga rd en). )KOF APhIJlAT· 1) to lift. raise, increase IIr./;
iKOJl H 110cal EI very big, enormous. 2) to pro mo te, champio n : 3) 10 give a place
:..KOK, no, not, there is na t. of hon or ; liAFA . .. to increase the pri ce.
)i(O KTA· 1) te di scover a 1oss; 2) to he sad o ;.KOFAPb IJlAT Y raising, promot ion , ad-
to grieve ; 3) to lam ent for a deceased. van cement.
iKOK,TA H óAP- insignificant, negligeable. JKOF APb lJlATYlllblJl bIK we rk ing o ne's
iKûKTAH SA P Kbill- to make use of a way up by a ny mean s.
worthless th ing . /KOFA PblJlAThIJlFA H ca reeris t, climber ,
lKOKTAH 63rE trifles . go -gen er.
)l(OKTAY lobs./ lamen tati on . )KO FA PblJl A Y rise, raising. prom oti on, up-
iKOK,TAY AIitT- 10 lam ent for a deceased. lifting.
lKOKTbI- 6AP,llhI AflT- or lKOKThl-6AP- )KOFA PblJlbl K I) ma gnitude, degree (of
llhl CeJ K hlJl- te talk nonsense. pre ssu rc, etc.); 2) pitch (o f so und, vcice).
:iKO K T b iK poverty, need . :;.KOFA Pb IPA K, higher .
)KOK WA j loca l S. o bs./ old unit o f weight )KOFAPFbI 1) higher , upper ; sup reme ,
(cir. five po un ds). su perior; 2) ab o ve-mentio ned ; 3) ruling
iKOKIllbI seeker (of a lost thing ). cir cles ; .. . EPJ H uppcr lip ; . .. )KAFbI
;KOKWhIJlhIK sce lKOKTh IK. (geo gr .J upper; ... MEK T En university
)f(Ol-lhIPbI WK,A or )KO Hb l WKA clever. level schoo l; . .. WEK apogee.
Jucerne. :lKY· 1) to wash, launder ; 2) to tou ch .
)KOHKA or )l{AH.KA splinter, shaving. approach, come ncar.
)KOHKAllA- 1) to reduce in splinters ; 2) to )KYA (ba LI wild an ion (AlIi um) .
litter. lKYA3hl /loca J SE / see lK0 3hl.
ACOH,FbI /local SE. tech ./ plane. )KYAJlll.bI3 Ilocal SEI lo ng, thick needie.
:>KOFAJI out of here ! off with you! IKYAH fat . st out. plu mp , thick-set ;
)KOFAJl- 1) to vanish, d isappear ; 2) to be KAPblH fat-bellied.
lost, to be missing ; 3) to be a nn uled, lKYAHAH - see lKYA H,i:lA-.
cancelled . )f( Y AHJlA- to grow fat, sto ut.
)l(OFAll CbIH Jet hi m perisb! let him d is- )KYAHllAT· to thicken Itr./. to make thick,
appea r! Iet him go away' fat , sto ut.
)KOF AJlT- to lose. )l(Y AH LlblK sto utness, corpu lence.
)KOFAJITY annulment, cancellatio n. )KYAH ThIK sto u nsh, plumpish.
JKOFAJlFAH ladj '! lost . )l(Y AHbIlll co mfort, co nsola tion .
)KOFAPJlA- sec )KO F APbIJlA ·. )KYAC q uieto mild ; uncompla ining, sub-
:>KOFAPhl 1) height; top, upper part ; 2) high missive. resigned .
(in quality), considerable, significant; 3) jKYAC- to beco me qu iet, mild. tame.
ladv.! high. o ver, a bove. up, up w ards; )KYACfhIK, humbleness, mec kness, hu mility.
4) u pstream ; 5) Imus.! higher; ... )laPE· )l{YACbIT· to subd ue. cu rb, quiet tu.t,
)KEJlI OKY O PH b I unl versity level school ; pa cify.
... )KU IJl IK jadj .' hi gb-qual ity: ... MaPTE- )KYAChITY curbln g. ta ming, pacification .
IiEJII lobs.1 highne ss (titie) ; .. . npOBAJIhl )l{YAT- to co nso le, quiet tu.t, am use (a child).
!a dj ./ high-test, high-quality, sterling; ... )KYATYD.lbI comforter , con sole r.
CAnAJlbI ladj.' hlgh- grade, high-q uality : )KYlI bIP- to give to laundry.
... T6J1EHETIH highly pai d; .. . WhIFhI- )KYC A· to he qu iet (of cattle).
HbI3! (co me in) you are welcome : :.KYCA H /bol.l wormwood (Arten;.-isiä)'-· ~ ·
105 . , » : ::... _•• /

....:.:> . -
JKYCAT· lKbIJlAYbl K;T b ll<

)l(YCAT- to let rest, give a rest (of domestic JKblll HAK,TA - I) 10 gather. celleer Itr.l ;
animals). 2) to man : 3) to sum up. add up, total.
JKYY was hing. laundering. )l(hIHHAKTAY synthesis.
)KYhln · to he wasbed . :lKhIAHAKThI J) accurate, puncruat, 2)
:>KYbIM AY boyco n . assorted, ma tebed . selected, pieked ; 3)
JKYbIH- to wash oneself. thrifty, previderit .
)f(YhIH,Ubl slaps. )KhIAHAK,ThIJlhIK accuracy, punctua lity.
)l(Ybln TA3Al1A- 10 wash Itr./. )l(blfiHAFhl altogether, in all : sum total.
)l(YbIPJlA 1) nearest in time ; 2) receatly, JKblAblJl- see JKbIAHAJI-.
lately, of late ; 3) 5000, in a short time. JKbIAblJlblC see JKb lll HAJIblC.
befere long. )l( b IAhIJlhIC- to ga ther . assem ble, get to-
)l(YbIPM AlUlA in the near future . gether, meet lintr.l.
)l(YhIC- I) to approach each otber, to dra w )f(blfihl H big gathering, big assembly, big
nearer each o tber ; 2) to launder rogether. crowd .
)l(YbICY rapprochement. jKbIffblH- I) to gather. assemble, get to-
:>KYbIT- to Iet co me near, to a1 10wtoapproach. getber lintr.l ; 2) to prepare for, get ready
)l(Y b lK, 1) near, nea rby, at; 2) toward, by lintr.!.
(of time); .. . )l(EP)],E near, nearby; ' .. Ke 3 JKbIAbIHTbIK;T AY see JKb IAHAK;TAY.
near-sigbted ; Ke3,UIK near-sightedness ; JKhlflhlP- I) to compress, condense, contract.
AJlAHFA jKEPllE nea r the square ; co nstriet Itr.l ; 2) to make raids (of clothes) ;
TAH.FA :>KYhlK, toward the momin g. 3) to contract lintr.! (of sna kes. etc.).
)l(YblK,TA- to approach lintr./. dra w near. )KbIflhIPMA twenty.
)l{Yb IK,TAH K8prUil near-slghted ; myo pie. :>Kh Iff bIPMAHlIl h l twentieth.
)l(YbIKTAT- to draw nearer, to appro ach /tr./. )KblfihIPhlfl · I) to condense, contract lintr.! ;
lKYbIKTAY nearer, closer (of k.nshi p). 2) to get co mpressed; 3) to become folded
)l(Ybl K.TbIl<. neamess. proximity. (of clothes).
)l(YbIFbIPAK. nearer . )Khl ffblC· to help to gather.
JKbIGblP ripp le. JKbiAhICfbfP- I) to colleer and put in ene
)l{bIfibIP-)I(bU;bIP tic. place ; 2) to do (tbe room ), to put (the room )
)l(hlfiblPJlA- to stir, mo ve lintr.l ; 2) to in order.
twirch (of the face); 3) to swarm , teem . )f(hIfl year ; ... 6AChi beginning of the year ;
)f(hIEhIPJIAT- te stir, move Itr.!; to ca use a ECE61 chro nology; MEJrIJlI
slight irr ita tion (o n skin). season of the year ; ... CAflhlH every year ;
)l(hIEhIPnAY tic. . .. CA HAY see ... EC EGI; ... 1dYJIlrI
)l(hIfI · I) to gather, colleet Itr./ . piek up; aU the year round ; ... K,YCTAPbl migrant
2) to accumulate Itr.!. store up. birds.
JKbIll)lAIUbI t1oca1 E & SE. obs.1 I) tax )KhIn· to warm up lintr.l. to grow wanner.
collector ; 2) accurate. carefut. thrifty, )f(bIflA· 1) re grumble. to be peevish : 2) to
provldent. weep, cry, sob.
)l(hlfIHA- 1) to gather, collcct ; 2) te gathe r )f(hlflAMChIPA · to whimper.
pea ple together, convoke ; 3) to recruit ; )KhlnA H snake : .. . EAJl hIK. eel ; . "" K,YPT
4) Iphys.1 to accumulate ; KOP ... to intestinal worm .
accwnula te, sto re up, stock up. )KhIJIAHEAC shelJ decoration o n a girl's
)l(hIAHAJI- 1) ta gather rogether. assembie plait.
lintr.!; 2) te prepare for lintr.l. )l(hIflAH· WAJl H reptiles, reptile-Iike
)l(hlfIHAJlh IC meeting, assernb ly, sitting, animaIs.
co nference. )KhIJIAIl All- to sob out; to have a goed ery.
)l(blAHAC- 1) te ga ther jointly with e thers, JKhIJIAC- to weep (cry) rogethe r.
colleer joi ntly with o rbers Itr./: 2) to help JKhIJl AT· to make someone cry ; te reduce to
to co lleet. tears.
)f(hIfIHACfhIPbln KoA:- to put together . iKhIn AY I) grumbling; 2) weeping.
)l( h IflHAY I) colleerion {actio n}: acc umula- )KhlnAYbI K 1) grumbler ; grumbllng: 2)
tie n ; 2) recrui ting; K.OP ... accumula tio n. weeper. cry-baby : whining.
)KhIVl HAYUIb I reeruiring agent. :.KhlnA YhIKThl K peevistmess.


JKbI J1 A f"b I1lJ JKb l M bl l1blC-

)l(hiJlAFbIW sec :>Kh IJl A Y b IK . )f{b IJl T b IPAT · I) 10 illurninat e, light up ;

lKbl JlSbl CKA J ) /zool./ embryo (o f a nima lsl; 2) to make glossy {by polishing).
2) premat urely bo m c hi Jd . îKbIJlThIPAYbIK. I ) shining, ghttering,
:>Kh IJlnA- 10 spend years. glossy ; 2) spangles.
JKhIJl LlA M I) agile. rast, swift ; 2) qu ickly. )KblJIThIPAK span gles. trinkets.
ra pidly. swiftly, pro mp tly ; .. . &AP- te dan )f(b IJl ThI H ET- to flash .
oul. )l{bIJIThIH -lKbIn T bI H. ET- to fuss about.
h::h IJlil.A M,llA H· to hurry, hasten lintr ... fawn, flin .
iKhIJl llA MDbIK ra pidity, q u ickness. )f(bUIY wannth, wa rm ing.
lKhIJl)IA H-JKhIJIFA Irom yea r 10 year. )l{blJlbI warm ; .. . )KY31U KIe l Iriendly.
:>Kh IJl )lh IPF h l /Ioca l N & NC/ dev ice fo r affabJe man ; ... Ce3 kind word , n ice word .
draggin g hay ricks towa rds the stad (in AChIJlblJIbJK warm th .
harvestin g). )l(b IJl b IM J) u nfrozen pa tch of water in the
iKb IJID.b IK yea rly, a nnual ; . .. MEP EKE m id st of ice : 2) a man-made hole in the iee;
a n niversary. 3) ed dy, whirlpool; 4) la dj.{ reticenr,
lKhIJDKb l- ro move slo wly (in tr.f. secretlve, sly, cun ning ; 5) Iloca l WI large
iKbIJDKbI MAJl- to slide in an d o ut. seine.
)KbI J1 )Kbl~ AJIbl mo vable, sliding ; ÄCh lJlbJM llJb l lldM slak. unsavory, un-
liy ÇfPE K l med.{ ûoating kidney . pala ta bie.
IKbIJDKblT- 10 move, shift Itr.l. /Kh IJl h IH · to wa rm o neself, to get warm, to
:>KbIJDKb IHKbIPA- to mov e still more j intr ./. warm up ; 10 he wa rm ; to be heated (of a
JKhIJ})Kh IFhIlli ea sily mova ble. stove) .
)f{bIJl MA- )I(bIJl yea rly, every year. :iKhIJI b IC· I) to m ove slowl y linl r./ ; 2) lO
lKb lJl MAH agi le. a drc it, dexterous, nim ble, hi de o neself; 3) 10 lea ve /intr.1 un noticed .
brisk. pro mpt, swift ; lfig.{ fidgety. )f(h IJl b IT· to War m, hea t Itr./: )f(A F b l n ...
)l(hIJl MAH.LlA· I) 10 m ove pro mptly ; te to ha ve bea ted (a sto ve, etc.).
bustl e, fuss about ; 2) to ha ve a gay , sm iling )f{bIJlb ITbIJl_ see )f(hlJI hI H· (of a sto ve).
appeara nce. )f(hIJlKbI horse ; horses. collectively : . ..
eCIPY llll ho rse breeder ; . .. e CIP YllJIJI IK
JKh IJl M h Ifi· I) te smile ; 2) to become even.
h orse b reeding.
smoot b.
)f(h IJI KhllUh l 1) groom , sta ble-ma n, shepherd
JKb IJl MbIPA I1- see JKbIJl MbJI1 .
of h orses : 2) jzool.l woodcock.
JKhIJIMbrK, thaw .
)KhI.J1 F Astrea m, bro ek , river in a ra vine ; gully.
JKbIJJO·)KbIJJO ET· I) to move swiftly ;
)KhI M track, foot priru, foor step. trace : tracks
2) to he slippery; 3) to d isp lay q uickness of game .
an d dexter iry : to be reso urceful. )KbJM)l,A- to go o ne's o wn way.
JKhIJlOOC I) resou rceful, brisk, nim ble,
)f(h IM.ll.AC· to be f ined to each e ther (of
ad roi t, dexterou s, sm art ; 2) evasive. shift y ; details).
3) kn a ve, ro guc.
)f(hIMLlACfhIP· to fit to each other (of
JKh IJl OO Cfb IK, resourcefulness, nimble ness, details).
briskness. )Kh I M· )f(hI PT I) silence, hu sh ; 2) a bso lutelv
A{hIJl n b IJl!lA· J) to slip out ; 2) to p lease q u ietly, noiselessty : 3) lfig./ peace and
hypoc rit ically. ha rmony.
lKblJln b l 1{ see JKbl JlnOc. )f(h IM-)K hIPT s o n - to become absolutely
JKb IJl T /1= 1 W/ see JKb IJl n Oc. q uiet ; to become silent.
JKh LHT· jKhInT ET- te spa rkle, twink le. lKb IM n b Ift· to bec o me even, smo cth : lfig./
shi mm er, glimmer, gIeam. to feign Innocence.
)f\bIJlThIJI!lA- to shtn e, glitter, sparkle, iKbIM n b IH T- la trim, smooth ; 10 remove
twin kle, shimmer, glimm er. roughness.
A\:bIJI T b JP lustre, g loss ; la dj .1 glazed ; A\:bIM h n 1· 1) to smi le, gein; 2) to shrink.
... Ke K SO J1A T blue steel, bu mished steel. contract l inlr.l .
jJ\bJlIThIPA· I) 10 sh ine, glitter, sparkJe; )f{b I M bl fi T· 10 compress; to ca use to shrink.
2) to glimmer ; 3) Ifig.1 to shine (d istingu ish :iKb IM bn1h IC- la sm ile together with or a t
o neself). the sa me time as o tbers.


)KbIMhlH SIJIJl.IPME- 16g./ to cov er one's" out; )KEP .. . to plough, to till the land.
traces. lKhIPTAK,T A- or JKbIPTAHJlA- /""'m./ 10
)l(LI MbIp· to bend Itr.l. Iaugh taetl essly.
lKhI MbIPA>I- l)to be bent; zjsee lKhIMbI>I-. )l(hIPTY tearing into pietts ; )KEP ...
)l(h IMbIHJlA- 1) to twinkle, glimmer (of plo ughing, tillage.
stars) ; 2) to smile slyly. )KbIPThIJl· to he cul tivated .
A<hI M hlH-:>KbIM hIH, ET· to sm ile, grin. JKbIPTblK, to rn ; /prov./ JKbIPTbIK, Y>I!lI
JKbI MbIl{ KAK,- sec JKblMb Il{-lKhIMbIl{ JKEJI TA6AP, eTIPIK Ce3!II lIIhIH
ET-. TAEoAP wind will find a torn yurt, truth
)l(hIMK,bIP- 1) to piek up ; 2) to hide ; wil! exposé the lie.
3) /fig./ 10 steal. JKb IPT K,bllII beast of prey; ... AflYAH!lAP
)l(hIH 1) devil, evil spirit ; 2) rumination; /zool./ carnivora: ... K.~C bird of prey.
... lllAJ1 FAH unbalanced, extravagant; :>KhIPTK.hIUlThIK rapaciousness, predatcri- /
... K,AK,K,AH see ... UIAJIFAH ; .. . ness.
~PF AH possessed . JKbIPlIIhI see JKbIPAY.
)l(hIH):{AH· I) to go mad, rage, rave ; to get )l(bIPbIJl - I) to be du g through ; 2) to break,
enraged, furio us; 10 be angry, irritated; tea r /intr./ ; 3) to rip lintr./.
2) to bccome rabid, atfected with ra bies )KhlPhiM strap at the end of saddlegirth.
(of animals). )Kh l Pb lHLl,h l world ly-wise ; experienced.
JKb IHJlAHllbIP- to enrage , infuria te /tI./. JKhIP bIH,UhIJlbIK experience, profk iency,
)fChJ H.n:AHY madness ; /med./ hyd ro pho bia, skill, knack.
ra bies. /a'j3bIHaHI )Kb lPbln EoEp· /idiom./ to give
:>KhlHJJ.bI insane, possessed : un balanced, the shirt off o ne's back.
extra vagant. )KhIPbIK full of holes ; dug up.
:>KhIHJl.hI K,bIn. to enrage /tr./; to infuria te. JKbIPK,bIJI,LlA- see JKb IPTAK,TA-.
)l(hI HllhIJlblK, mad ness, lunacy, insanity, )Kb l PF A woman head dress ad emment.
fury, rage; extravagance, wbimsy. JKb IPFAn ; b IPFAn -JKbIPFAn KEJI- /o bs.!
)l(hIH.D:bIXAHA insane asylum ; hospita! for to COOle loaded with goeds (of bride' s
mental diseases. arrival).
JKbIHbI 6AP KIel possessed, mad . )KLIT - ta flee.
)l{b IH bIC I) sex ; 2) kind. race. )KbITbIP- to hide Itr./.
JKhI HbICC bl3 sexless. )KbIK- te ove rturn . knook do wn.
)J(bln j intensifying part iele preceding words )KbIl-{FbIJl Ibot./ caragana (Halim odendro n
beginning with )KhI/. a rgenteum).
:JKhl n ·)I(hIJl Ll;AM very fast. )KhIFA feather on the hat of a girl.
)f(hln-)I{hIJlhI very warm. )l(bIFhIn· te fall down ; to he thro .....n do wn.
:JKhlnbIJlllA- /fig./ make Iast mo vernents ; '>KbIFbfJ1T- to drop, to let fall.
/fig./ to act smartly. '>KhIF hI JIY or )Kh iFb Inh iC fall, downfall.
)Kb In b IJIbIK Ka ) o ne who blln ks quickly. iKhIF blC- to knoc k down together ; to feil
JKbInb lfl hIK,-JKbIn blnb lK, ET· to blink toge ther .
quickly. )l(IEEK silk ; silk fabric ; .._ )KIn silk thre ad ;
JKbInblnbIK.TA- or JKblnbInbIXTAT- 10 _.. I1IPY silk spinn ing; ... OPAfITbIH
blink. eH!lIPIC silk-reeling mill ; ... TOK,A>I-
)Kh i P song ; legend (in verses); lay. ThlH <I>AEoPI1KA sük-weaving mill ; ...
)KblP- to dig throu gh, ra dig across ; la WAPYAllihIJl blFbl senculture ;... K,YPTbI
scratch. {zool./ silkwonn (bombyx); ... K,~ PTbIHbII{
)Kb IPA guHy, ra vine . ~P bIFhI gra in (silkworm eggs) ; )KACAH-
JKhIPAY bard, minstrel. narrator of folk tales . Ahl .. _ arti ficial silk ; TAJl :>KIEoEK see
)KhIPAK. faro .. . JKIn .
)l{h IPA KTA far olf ; in the distance . )l(IEE KTEH as silk ; /fig./ polite.
)Kh IPAKKA into the distance, into space. )KIEoEKill I silkworm breeder. sericu lturist.
)l( h IPJlA- to sing ; to improvise. )l(IEEP~ to let go, to send. send away: /med./
)I{bI PJIAH- to be praised in song. to inject ; /descr./ after gerun d on bin, In, n
)KhIPT- I) la tear, tear to pieces: 2) to pull of the main verb indtcates a rapid beginn ing

)I(1 6 EP) lKY3-

or devetopmeru o f the acti on cxpre ssed by JKIHI WKE P- to grow thinner.

tbe fermer )J{1H,IlllKEPT- to make th inner .
JKl6EPY admission. len ing in, inta ke. )l(yrEH brid le.
)l(I6Y rha win g. JKVrEH.JE· to brid le ; /fig./ torestrai n, to curb.
)KI6JT- to soa k, sleep, d rench, wet. moi sten, JKVrEHllEJl · (0 bc bridled .
damp Itr.,. )l(yrEHllEY lfig.! rest raint . cur bing,
)KlrEH I boLI reed (Scirp us). check ing.
jKJrEP wil! po wer. per sistenee. lKyrEH HIH AYbl3.LlA F b l bit o f the bridle.
)KlrEPJl EH- to become animated, inspirited; )Ky rEHCI3 unrestrai ned, impetuous , im-
to become energenc, persistent. puls ive: lfig./ undisciplined .
:lKlrEPJII str eng wüled, resolu te ; eoergetic, )l(yrEH CI3.llEH· te co mmit excesses : to
persistent. enterprising. co m m it outrages .
JKlrEPJl l.rIl K inspirat ion . ent husiasm ; )KyrE H CI311IK e xcess , o utr age; lack o f
energy, pe rsistenee . resrr ai n t. of discipline ; dissol ute ness,
)KIrEPC13 inactive. unenterpri sing, irresolute. lice n tiousness.
in decisive: weakli ng. :>KVrE H CI3.llIK ET· to com rnit o ut ra ges, to
)KIrEPC1311E H - to lose willpower ; to become comm it exce sses .
irresolute. inert. :.+::yrEP] com.
iKIrE PCI3..lI K lack of willpower; lack of tbe JKY rIH· te sit cr oss-Iegged ; j fi g j to worship,
spirit of in iria tive. admire.
iKlrIT you th (person), yo ung man ; fine A{YrJ H Y genuflectio n, kneeling.
fello w. JKVrI P- to run .
JKIrITIIK youth (age) ; /fig./ courage, )l(y r lPrI lll /sport ./ runner.
bra very .
)KYrI PE fluently.
)KIK J} face t ; 2) Itech.f joint, junctio n ;
JKYrI PMEK rtoca t S/ name of a disease.
3) stra tificatio n. jKYrIPTE fluent ; fluently, superûcially,
II<JKTE· to c1assify ; /gra m./ to coniugate. cursorily.
)KIK TE.n· to be classified ; to become strati- )KYrIPTI n fluent ly.
fied ; Igram) to he co njugated. )KYrIPY run, running, course.
)l(IKTEJlY /gram./ conjuga tion.
)l(YrIPIn /adv.1 r unning; )I(YP· to f1ee ;
:.K JKTEH- to become dismcmbered.
... KIP- to come runn ing; lIlbi K· to ru n
o ut , to ru n u p.
)I(IJl,LU K I) camers halter (woelen co rd
)l{YlIPIC run, runni ng; running about.
attached to MYPbIH.llhIK, (see) ; 2) swea t-
clo th pu t un der the sad dle. )KYrIPIC· 1) to compete in running ; 2) 10
)f(IJI EK colo red shawl of a bride . rush a t each ether (in fightin g).
)l(IJll K ma rrow bene: ... MA ObI marrow. )l{YrI PIWTE P /tech./ runners (oflocornotive).
)I(IJlIH WI K shin. shank ; YJlK EH ... CYl1EK )KY.!I.E · to grow thin ; to get exhausted,
tibia bon e ; KIW I ... CY HE K fibula bone . become emaciated . be worn ou t. run low.
)KIn rope, cord, twine, string. thread ; IKY LIErEH wizened.
.. . li AC n AJl.LlAK" ... &AC K,bl lII ro pe :>K Y.!I.ET· to exhaust, emaciate , starve. wear
la dder. out Itr./.
)KIn - to so ften lintr./ ; to grow soft, to grow )KYJlEY pale, palc-face ; e xha ustion. emacia-
pulpy. tion, extenua tion .
)tunAPKAH /adj./ cord , ro pe, st ring ; )KYllEY Jl IK exnaustion, emaciation , ex-
.. . a HlllPIC I rope and co rd manufacture. renuarion.
)l(InCbl· to so ften lintr./ slighûy, to melt ; :lKY)ld / Ioca l S & SEI very : quite : too ;
to pe rspire. excessivel y.
iKITI far-sigh ted; Ka 31 ... sha rp-s lghted. ::.KY3 I ) hundred; 2) face ; 3) one o f the
)KITI JlI K shar pnes s. K a za k h tr ibal divisions ; :tJlbl .. . Great
jKIHJWK E thin ; Imus./ high (sou nd). H orde; OPTA ,.. Middle Horde : KIUII .
AC IHIWKEJlE- to make th inner; /fig./ [Q talk Little Ho rde; 4) sharp po int, blade ; .
in hin ts. I>ACb I centurion, captain.
jKIHIWKEJIIK thlnn ess, fineness, subtiel)'. )KY3- to swim.


o)KY3JI.EC- to face each other ; to confron t )l{YP- to move lintr.l. go, ri de; ATnEH _.'
each otber. to ride o n horse back ; )f(AJ{Y . .. to walk ;
)l(YJErE ACbIP· to realize, carry out, pu t K9 JlIKIIEH .._ to ride in cart ; Idesa.1
in praetree. after the gerund on hIn. In , TI of tbe
JKYJErE ACK,AH personlfied . main verb indicates commuity and rapidlty
r- )KY3Y swi mming. of the action expreseed by the latter.
)KYJIK ring (for lbe finger). ~Ym~ to direct, carry out ; !tech.' to
r- )KY3IM grapes; ... AFAllIhl grape-vine ; switch on, to turn on ; MOTOPJIhI ... to
... m-lliI viticulturist ; ' . . Eno vineyard; turn on a motor ; nOEJ.LIbI ... te drive a
. .• CA6AFLI sec AFAllILI ; ... lllAPA- train.
Bbl gra pe wine; OCIPYIIIIJIIK viti - ~fJ:13y" lteeh./ irtduet ion. a drnission, lead
culture. ID.
e JlCYJIHWI hundredth. JKYPrI3YlliI the individual in actual conrrol;
" )l(YJIn ladv.1 (by means of) swimming. ~ thc boss.
:>KYJIK,APAJlblK vile act; dirty trick. :>!Cypr13In- 10 he put into motion or into
JKYflE system. actioo ; to he sent; 10 he installed.
JKYAEK Ilocal SEI beds in which some )!(ypntlJIl! traveller, passer-by .
technical plants (cotton, etc.) are planred . lKypnW lmar./ high-speed, fast.
)l(YOECI3 un systematic, unmethodical, hap- JKYPnWTJK Imar.1 fastness; ladj.1 high-
hazard. • .- sp;;èd, rapid.
)l(YAECI3LUK Jack ofsystem ;1 äck of rnet hod; lKYPLlEK sec lKypnm .
ha phazar dness. JKYP)l;EKTIK fluency.
)KYAKE nerve.
J!D1'-.1IJM-6AP,lJ;LIM shaUow person .
)l(yAPIK Cast. swiû , quick, rapid; swiû- JKYPEK heatt ; AAHY, .. . AAHYWLI-
footed; /mar.1 high-speed; {sport .! runner. J1LIK, nausea; AflHLlTAT LlH nause-
JKYAPIKTIK Imar./ high speed. ating, nauseous ; AK, ... soft -bearted ;
c )f(YJ( burden, laad, freight, baggage,luggage ;
K.t\PA ••• infam ous, vile, loa thsome .
... ABTOMAWIiHACLI truck; TA- )l(YPEKCI3 coward, cowardly.
CMlTLlH BArOH Ireight car ; TA- ) f(Y.PEKCHi - to be rlmld, to be afra id.
CAATbIH nOE31I freight train ; TA- JKYPEKTI brave, courageous.
ChlMAJlbl pack tra nsport; ... TI1EY
JKYPE KTIJI IK bravery, coura ge.
Jaading; ... TYCIPY unloading ; K.ûJl .. .
lKYPE KTI ~ )l.E I'!!Il~nE C I , med./ angina
hand luggage. peetcris. ~- -
lKYKKE .APHAJl F AH AT pack hors e.
JKYPEKTI H; ~OrYJ hean r"~ J.t ; pulsarion of
o)l(YKTE· to laad ; /6g./ to con fer , best ow; to
the heart .
impose upon (a duty); to hold responsible
for (a fault, a guilt); to charge with a JKYPEJIE- la squa r: to begin to llmp (of
commi ssion; to oblige /tr./.
v)l(YKTl pregnant. )KYPEJIEA: S HJI E- to dance whi le crouching.
o )l(YKTI son· to become pregnant. ~ movemenl, motion: walking, gaing.
r lK'OITIK or lKYKTIJliK pregnancy.
riding, driving; departure.
JKYKIIII auendan t of loaded cart. JKYP IK..AT race horse.
)Kynrn sma ll glen, small delJ. )KYPl n KET· la leave, move. quit; to set oû,
JKYH woel, hai c (of an imals); body hair ; set o ut.
cloth (wooJlen ma teriai); ... APKAH rope JKYPl n KETY departure.
of camel woot: . .. IiACK,AH hairy; ... )l(YPIC 1) walkmg, pacing; 2) ga ir (of a ,
HIPY woo t spinning. borse) .
J!CYB CA6A- to card wool. JKYh YT lew ; .. . .lUHI Judaism .
)KYH TAPÁ· or )KYH TYT. to comb woel, 5KYsAA-1onsart. spo use; pa ir. co upie.
:.KYH TOK,- to weave wool . )KVSAH- la console oneself; to be com-
lKxmIE- '0 sbear (a camel); Ifig.1 to rob, ----rorted.oonsoled.
fîeece. JKY6AI:!L\LI!'- sec lKY6AT-.
<KY H)l.E~ or lKYH-JKYH hairy. ~~A HbIm comfort. conselanon.
JKYHHEH 6ACLIJIFAH ladj.1 feit . )KVS A H h IWCb l3 disconsolate, unco nsolable.


6AT" to console. ccmfon ; to am use (a )l(YMCAY 1) softening ; 2) charging with
child). commisslons.
)l(YliATY comfort, consolation. )l(YMCAX, sen: ba ckboneless, weakwilJed.
JKVliATYW bl comforter, ccnscler, )I(~MCAK.TLIK, sortness; backbonelessaess,
~PhlK. fist. woakness of will.
)l(YJ(hIPhIKTA· to hit with one's fist. )KYMhUI- 10 sb ut linlr./ (of eyes); 10 under-
)j{~.llLI PhlK.TAC- la have a fisl 6ght. take something in concord wiLb orbers.
JKYJl- 1) Co pull (ears, etc.), p ull o ut (teeth, )l(YMLUIA in batmony, in concord, unani-
etc.); 2) 10 plud; 3) 10 piek (fruit. ûowers, mously ; /fig./ all bands' job.
eec.); 4) to weed. JKYMhIJl.):{LrP· 10 mobilize !u.l ; la aim al.
)K~JIA TAPT- te pull in, draw in. )KYMhlJlU.hIPT- la fo rce to andertake serre-
)KYJIllbJ3 star. lhing in concord with others.
)l{YJtnhl3.QAH- to be stu dded with stars )KYMhUIFAH closed (of eyes, etc.).
(of sky). J1(~MbIP I) sec )j{~MLIPIIIAK,; 2) round;
)j{~J)JJ.hl3CbI3 starless. 3) smcoth, well-fed, satisfied (of cattle);
)l(YJIMAlIA- to pul l out, pluck. ... TAC pebbles ; ... K.YPT intestinal worm.
)l(VJIY weedi ng. )KYMhIPJIA- 10 make round.
)l(VJIhIH spinaJ oord . )l(YMhIPJIAH· 10 become round.
JKYJlbIH bIn K,AJI. 10 teat oneself away; te )j{~MbIPTK.A ega.
break a way. )KYMbIPTK,AJIA- 10 lay eggs.
)l(YJIL l n AJI· 10 puU o ut, to tear o ut. 10 )KYMhIPTK,AJIAT. 10 enable to Iay eggs.
snatch o ut. )KYMhIPDIAK. secend slo mach of cattle
)l(YJIhln KAJ]· 10 hitch up ; 10 je rk up. (reticulum).
)f(YJlhIK. vamp of a sboe. J1(~MbIPLIK, sec )j{~J:lbIPbIK..
~JlbIK.- sec )j{~J)K.- . )f(YMhIC werk, Iabor, occupa tion;
)l(yJIbIK,TA· 10 sew vamps (0 a shoe. EEPYIDl employer ; .. . KH IMI working
~J1K.- to pull , tug. clo thes, overall; ... KYH] we rking day ;
)l(YJIK.Y pulling ou t. ... MAJlhI dra ugh t animals.
)j{~J)K.bIilA· 10 pull repeatedly. )KYMhIC TACTA- 10 strike .
)f(YJIK,hIJlAC- 10 come to blows, to get into )K'YMhICChI3 unempJoyed.
a skirmish. )j{~MbICCbI3J:lbIK. unemployment.
Jln:'JIK.bIH- 10 rush fo rward ; to break away ; )KYMhICTA- 10 process; 10 treat.
10 long for ; 10 jump up . )KY MhICUl hl werker, workman ; .. . KYlIII
)l(YJIK.bIC- 10 start fighting each o ther. Jabor, hands, manpower.
~M- to clench Ifingers) : to close (mouth, )J('YMLICllIhIJlAP TAn werking class.
eyes); Ka3 . .. /68./ 10 decide, make up :JK'YMbICllIbI-TIJllliI werkers' corre-
one's m ind . spo ndent.
~A J) Friday; 2)weck ; .. . CMI LIH weckly. )f(YMbICIllhI-llIAPYA 9KIMETI werkers'
~MAJlAK. sheep dung. and peasant's power.
)KYMAPJIA- 10 crumple, rumpie. )KVMhICK,A K.A6IJIElTI in werking con-
:JKYMAPJlAH· 10 gel crumpled. dhion , able-bodied.
)KyMAK,\ paradise. )K\:'n I) even number ; 2) intensifying syllable
~riddle; allegorical. for words beginning with )f(Y.
)KYMIiAK.TA · 10 speek allegorically. J1(:\'TIAP m usk ; ... TLlmK,AH /roo!./
~MCA- I ) 10 soften Jintr.!; 2) 10 spend ; muskrat.
3) 10 send o n an errand, la give a oom- )l(Vn-)f(YMhIP pe rfectly round.
mission. )f(YJl-)KYJ(A very thin .
)KYMCA'AT- 10 soften Jtr./. Jn'IITA· 10 pair /tt./.
)KYMCAJ]- I) 10 he spent; 2) to he sent. ~nbIHbI uncomely, plain (of man) ;
)KYMCAp· 10 soften lintr.l. modest (afman's appearance); .. . KillMJJ.I
JKYMCAPT- J) 10 soften Jtr./; 2) 10 locsen poorly dres:sed.
(tbe soü). :JK):"PAFAT clan; distant relationship.
~MCAPTY Ioosening. )j{~pJJ.Afi Wil- 10 lose: la be deprived of.
~MCAT· sec ~MCAPT·. )j{~HAK. /gram./ suffix, affix.


Ac; .. ..... ;; t e, . ,.'JE g . ''*''."., l(; ,I •. 'SO'f)&=..1'l't't' , O.f ,.., 0' ~_::;OCJP:<aji'." _,'*+41>'.5 9_ > w . ~.. *?, .... . 5(. ' Sb. P . 4411 *" siJ.. . "5 '"

)l(VPT 1) people, nati on; 2) comm unity, not up to much, o rdinary; 3) suita ble;
public ; 3) camp, ca mping site. 4) corr ect, correctly; 5) preferably.
)K:VPTIIlblJIhIK, comm unity, public. )l(SH.ll.E- to co rrect, repair; to put right,
)KIT 1) frost after thaw ; 2) catastrophic loss adjust, direct ; to arrange in good o rder,
of cattle a fter winter Ircsrs. )KSHllEJl - to get right, to get adjusted, te
)K'YT- I) to swallow ; 2) to pull in. suck in; imprav e /intr.l .
3) to a bsorb. )K8H,UETTI P- to o rde r la arrange, a djust,
)l(YfA- I) te lose cattle in winter Irosts ; co rrect.
2) lfig./ to feel a sha rp de ûc iency of so me- :>KaHJl.IK- to get accus tomed .
thing. )KSHE- to go (by horse, train, etc.).
)f(~TAY im po verlshmcnt caused by lo ss o f )l(eHEKEH casuaJly; )K011 ... in passing,
catt le in winter fro sts. o n one's way.
)I('YTY swallowing , ab sorbing ; absorption . )l(SH EJl· to leave, set off, set out.
)l( YfblJI- to be pulled in, sucked in; to lapse )f(SHEJlT· to send, dispatch .
into, sink into. )KS HEJITY sending. dispatching.
)IC'lThIJIAT b IH ladj./ suctio n. )KS H·)l(OEA rules, instructlons .
)l(YTbIM swallow, mouthful, sip, gulp ; )l(SHC 13 objectless, abstract ; tho ughtless,
SIP .., CYChIH a mouthful of beverage . basty (of action. deed); tactless, dis-
JKYThIH -l) 10 swal1ow ; 2) to he very hungry. honorable (of man).
)f('YTKh13· to let swallow; to jorce 10 swa llc w. )l(SH C I311IK I) disorder; 2) diso rderliness,
)KYfK,bIHIIlAK 1) throat ; 2) Adam 's apple. untidin ess. chao nc sta te; 3) tactlessness ;
:>KYTflA j local W & SW/ fishing hook . 4) dishonora bleness.
:>K'YK,- te he co mmunicated (of diseases). )KSHI HUE about , conceming.
)I(~KA thin ; light (of c1o th in g) ; .. . T AKTA ft )KSHIHJlErI rela ting to.
veneer, plywood . lK6HI HEH see lK6H I HllE.
)I( ~ KAJIA · to thin. make th inner. )f(8 prErIHEH front the cradle.
)I( ~ KAJI bI K thinncss (of pa per, fabrics, etc.). :>K8pr EK dia per.
:JK ~ KAHA /Iocal WC / remna nt, rest , re- )KeTE11 cough ; KeK .. . whooping-cough.
mainder, residue. AeSTEJT- 10 cough.
)K~K,A p. to become th in; /fig./ to lose weight, iKSTEJlT· to cau se coughing.
become emaciat ed . :iKSTKYPIK slight cough.
)KYK,APT- to thln ; to ma ke thin. JoKSHK- o r iKS HKIJ] · to set alf, set o ut; to
)KYK nA /Iocal S & SEI thin pancakes. mo ve (en rna sse) .
)l( YKnAJl bI con tag ieus, infectieus. )Ka linterj./ no w, now then, weil, eno ugh .
:>KYK,TbI P- I ) to infect; 2) to so it, smea r. )l(a 6 1P o ppression, violence, coercion, con-
)f(YKTb IPbln All - to catch (a di sease) , to straint, offence : ... Kep· to be oppressed ;
be infected. .. . K bIJl· to offend.
)l(YKK,bIW 1) infec tieus, cc ntag ious ; 2) )Ka6IPJlE- te offend, o ppress.
smeari ng, soitin g. )KaEIPJl EH· I) to be o ffended, oppressed;
J1(1<'FA HA /Iocal WC! see lK1<'KAHA . 2) to take offense, to reel hu rt .
)KYFY infectio n. )l(aEIPJlE Hll IP- to offend.
)KYFbIM nutritio usne ss. )l(a,ll,Irel1. I) fraud (man) , deceiver ; 2)
)K ~ Fb I M.u bI nutritle us. ûatterer ; 3) perfid ious, crafty, cun ning ;
J1(1<'Fb I MllbIJlbIK see J1(1<'F bI M. thievish .
)KYFbIH lefro vers (o f food o n sides of )l(aJll rSffJIEH- to flatter ; to be cun ning.
vesse ls). )f(an lref1JIIK I) ffattery, cajolery ; 2) slyness.
:JKYFhIC- to cavil, ca rp, nag. cunning.
)l( YFbICT bI P- to bring together, to bring lK<lllfiAFb lcrA · /local/ see JKAIlJlAC- I.
into contact. iKaft IIIA simply ; for no specia l reason .
)KYFbICY I) ca vil: 2) rapprochement . )l(aM EIJl lllE lIocal SW / smal! warerrnelon.
:JKaKE I) /ba t./ linden (Til ia ); 2) wisp of )f(;;) Mlll IK coac hma n.
bast. pièce of bast ; bast ma t ; ... KASbiK )K;;)HJl.IK smal! ani ma Is.
IOOLI alburnum, sa pwood. )f(aHE and, aga in.
)Ka H 1) direction : 2) /adj./ co mmcn. pla in. iKa H E,U E moreover. still mo re.

11 2

JII.-;)PDEM help. asslstance. aid: ... SEPY· JK;}PMEHKE /n./ fair.

WIJlIK charity, philanthropy. lKdYKEM./lE· I) to tear into piecea; 2) to
JK~PJIEMlIEC to help each other. • skin, dress (meat),
JK;}P./lEM./lEcnK ;}lIEYMET mulual aid )lQYKEM,lI;E.TI. 1) to be tom intc pioces;
society. 2) 4 /'0 be beaten thoroughly.
~PJlEMJ1ECY rescue, assistance. }IC~YhAP sec alsc rAYhAP precieus stone,
JK;}P./lEMWI I) assistent, aide; 2) subsidiary, Wamood.
auxiliary, assisting; 3) philanlhropist . )l(f)IIIIK box, case, drawet.

/ 3A6ACfOBKA strike. reserve. spa re, duplîcate; .. . 6eJlWEKTEP
/ 3AIiACfO BKA )f(ACA - to strike, ro go o n spare parts.
strik e. / 3ATIAC )KAC A· 10 stock .
/ 3A6UJlJI ~ K l / iocal WCI high-quality pen- ,/ 3ATIACfAFb l /adU reserve. spa re.
knife. 3AnOH / Iocal W/ apron.
1 3A 6 0 A !min.1 face, cut, drift. 3ATIbI 6011 · te feel burdened by something.
/ 3A1iOft Wh l miner ; coal-hewer. 3ATIbI Kbl.rl- te be re / Ir./ , ann oy.
/ 3A6 b1T AJI- jloca l WCI to ma nage , ad- 3An bI PAH gall, bilè.l";" \ u
minister. 3AnbIC bon- see 3AnbI s o n •./
, J ABOA plant, factnry; . .. K'tPAJl-A<AbbIK- 3AP t) sobbing, wee~n g, wa.i1ing; 2) aim,
TAPbl plant eq uipment ; _._ 9HLlIPICI desire : 3) / iocal W/ fragrance (of ûo w ers) .
plan t production . 3AP EOn· to be in dire need.
/ 3ABX03 labc.! head of the economie division 3AP )KbIJIA · 10 wee p bitterly.
~Soviet agency).
3AP I1JIE· or 3AP KA K· 10 toss / inlr./.
I (J~o r 3A.llhIHllA by na ture, essentially.
grieve ; to sink imo despair.
3AEM loan . / 3A PAP ha rm , da mage, 1055. deficit.
~ Jlocal SE/l lUmidity, da mpgess, mo istu re; / 3A PAP KEJtTI P· to damage.
tH!..fPJQ.._~ampt moist. / 3APAP K ep· te suffer a loss.
; 3Afl T YH see 3dfiTYH. / 3APAP11 AH· la suffe r a loss, a calamity.
/ 3AMbIn wife.
3AP APJl AH6AH KAJl . [Q su rvive. remain
3AflbIP Jlocal W/ hurnaneness, humanity. unharmed.-
/ 3AKA3 order.
I 3APAPJIbI harmful, damaging.
j 3A KA 3 DEP. to order.
, 3APAPC b l3 harmless. inoffensive : ha rrnlessly.
03( !<- 'lAKll.J local WCI ho nest. //
13A PAPb i )KOK safely, all right.
;, pledge. !/-(yJ)
/ 36KJI M~A CAll- to mortgage. pa wn .
3APAT Ilocal WCI riek of hay.
3AKOHlIIhI jurist. l.-. 3AP,ll,An results (nega tive).
/ 3AJl hall . / 3APJl A. I) la sob, weep biu erly (with
O<2d'L 1AJlbJl (see a lso 3A PAP) damage, loss, lamentati on) : 2) to complain, grumble.
(J- 7. L"".l deficit. / 3APJIA H· to grumble, complain.
o-z",lSI2 3AJl ADCbll witho ut a ny losses.
/ 3APJIAT - to ca use to grieve; te ca use to weep .
:;p.\ \'d 3Ano r 1) 5jeposil, pledge, security: 2) /gram./ / 3APJl ATIMp· to cause depriva tion. distrees.
voice. / 3APJlAT Kb13· see 3APJl ATTb IP-.
3AJIO [ KA CAJ]· to pledge, mort gage. / 3APJIAY biK tearful; ... K03bl a la m b which
SI)l,,,,", 3AlIbiM sly, evil, mean . ~ ':""""; blea ts incessantly.
sO'\ / 3AJlb IMD.b IK villalnly, craft, eunnin g. 2 / 3APR b l sado
~ . 3AJIhl W swindler, c bea t. • 1. 3APnbI Iloca l WCI see 3APA An.
1 3A M A H I) time : 2) e poch, era, times; ~ PJ H TAe:I· to cxhausr oneself by suffering.
... AKblP Doornsday, Da y of Judgment. 3APhI K to get tired. fat igued ; to be bored.
I 3A MAHL(A: 6A .R F b l ... in ancient times. 3A PJI.Q cha rge (o f riffe. etc.) .
/ 3AMAHlIAC conlemporary. 3APRIIKA cha rge, loading: exerciscs.
/ 3AMAHbl H.llA in due course ; o nce : in the JACT A BA gate.
past. 3AT I) ma rerial. substa nce. matter; 2) object.
I 3A nAC supply. stores. provision : 'adj.J thing ; 3) 'Iocal W/ somerbing; ... ECIM


Igram. / ncun : ET!!E- Ilocal WI to do 3AFbllITAHY injury, damage, bann.

nothing, 10 he idle; to 100. 3AFLIJITAHFAH lame, crippled.
lAYAJl I) DOOD, midday; 2) midday beat; 3AFblTlTLll< mutilation ; pbysical defect.
3) ladj./evcning; 4) catastropbe,loss. 3BEHO I) Iinlc ; 2) section, group, team;
lAYlA /zoo1.1 cock-chafer. .. . IiACK,APYlIIId see 3BEHOlllLl
lAYnA- to flow in a torrent; Ifi&./ to rush. s.0'~""3BEHODIbl group or team leader.
3AyJlAO)I(AH. to bum furiously . s o. l~f/; 3Ef1IH J) apthude, intelligence; 2) aIlcD.tion,
3AYJlAT· la pllop fast, ~()Iyp.t/f comprebensioo.
JAYLIK wisb, desire. 3EAIH CAJI· to pay attention 10; CO taJce
} AYhIJ<..CAI!A delight, enjoyment. notlee of. }.}
3AYLIKTA. to give pleasure; to cbeer, 3EitIH TAPAJI· to beoome absent-minded.
gladden Itr.f. to make merry . , ....~..v..-' 3EAnn"E AJI· to comprehend, grasp,
3AYbIK,TAH· J) to want, wish, deslfe some- perceive.
thing; 2) 10 take delight, enjoy. 3EAIH,l(I capable, gifted, intelligent,
3AYhlX.lllhlJI a lover of gaiety. 3EÎfIH,lJ)J1IK aptitude, brightness of mind,
JA"IET 1) part payment, instalment ; 2) test. giftedness.
examination. v .::.J.P. 3EHIHC13 incapabJe.
3AJI to na purpose. in vaia, idly, at random. 3E.AIHCI3.QIK inability, incapacity.
3AJI KET· lO go to waste. ;/'".»\: 3EKY sbout.
3AJI K).IJI· to waste. 3EMEIJI woven hand-bag or basket ; suetcher.
lAK,IlLl /local EI a boy's plaything (catapult). Iiner.
lAKhlM injury, darnage, harm; mutilatioo ; 3EHHT zenith.
conrusion. ~) 3EHHTml ant l-aircreft gunner.
lAK,bIMl(A- te damage. tnjure, burt, impair. ~l) ~Uenttonj 2) galJoon, gold or silver
lAK.hIMDAH · to he injured, bun. Iace o r braid .
lAH law ; ... liOAbIHllIA legally; in accord- 'lEP C,IUl- to pay attention to; IQ take
ance with the Iaw ; ... EPE)KECI statute; notiec of.- - - - --
... lK06AChI bill:draf~ law; ... lKOJlhI 3EPrEP goldsmitb,jeweUer.
Iegal means, legal way ; ... jKYJIH,AE sec 3EPrEPmK goldsmith's professioa, jewet-
... IiOAhIHmA ; .. . MAMAHI,I jurist; lery.
... TaPTIEl law and order; . ."7 Wb IFA PA· 3EPE nccat WC, obs.1 nose-ring.
TbIH legislative; illbIFAPY @lIJffi 3EPEKgifted, clever, intelligent.
legislati\'e ~; lIIbIFAPVWhI legis- 3EPEKTIK talent . resourcefulness, com -
lator; FblJIbIMbl jurisprudence ; HE· prehension .
n3n basic lew , constitution. 3EPEH, AJU<. I) large cup er bowl ; 2) /locaJ
lAl{ lIlbIFAP· to pass a law . /r leo .,.,..~1l- S & W/ omamented cup.
3AHAA. to cbserve eustoms. .//" z ().. ~ JEPJlE· to trim or hem with silver or gold
3AHJlAP )KblAHAFbI code of la w, stature braid or lace.
bock . 3EPJlI edged witb gold or silver lace.
lAHJlACTLIP· to legalize. SI,t 3EPlTE:. to investiga te.
3AH)lhllegaJ. Jawfu I. 3EPTIEY investigation, research-exploratioa ;
]AHJlbt E~3YUlbl wrongdoe r, infrin ger of ... )K~MbICbI research werk.
tbc law. 3EPIK· to he bored.
JAHJ],l:.IJlblK Iawfulness, legality, co nform - 3EH giddiness, dizziness.
ity with tbc Jaw; regularity. 3EH,BIPEK cannon, field gun ; .. . AThICY
lAH.Cbl3law1ess. artillery fire; . .. CfAHOn gun-carriage ;
3AHChI3D.bIK, injustice, iniquity, lawl essn ess. ... K,OAMAChI ordnance depot. ordnance
3AHlllbi jurist. stores.
3AH.WbIJI adherent of the strict observance 3EH,EIPEKTI :x:'KEP artillery.
of Iaw. 3EHliIPEKTlH AYbI3bl gun bon:, gun
3AH,FA ZW'tII:J;H lawful, rigbtful. muzzle.
3Al{FA I!!!Y lawless, iniqultous. 3E.H,.EIPEKTIH, OFhI shell, missile.
3AH,FA K.APCbI illegal . 3H\IiIPEKIIII artillery-man, gunner.
3AFhlnTAH- to become crippled. 3EHn IiAliA /myth./ protector of catue.


•. .. _ , . ... po- ·pa co. ' V_· i • ." '" -' _" Ri• .'ES '0',," ;;4. _.•.. " -.. A''- . >. ; ,I-' !,OU" . ' .Uf i . _ !li&.4!'W ' .~ Q4iiP. i ' S G. 4 . ' ' ' ' ' . #:4 pi'

3E~UP tall, buge, enorm ons. 3b1M-3b1R )KOK, DOn· te vanish, disa ppear
3HHHET / Iit./ decora tion , ado rnment,
rl 3bIMbIPA-
witho ut a trace .
to run
like an a rrow : to rush
3HH HETT I decorated , adorned . beadlcng ; to roll /iotr ./.
3H nA flit./ elegant , svelte : ... sonnu 3bIM bIPA Tbi n with force (as of throwing a
gracefu l, with a lovely figure (of wa men bal! with force).
oo ly). 3bI MhICfAH winter.
JHPAT"", 3bllèlPAT. Jbl MK,AflbIM see 3b IM ·JbIJl.
3HR Jlbi educa ted persen . 3bIHA or 3HHA adultery.
3HR H see 3bBIH. 3bIHJI.AH prison. jail, dungeon .
3ûHA zone. 3bI P AftHAJl- to whirl quickly, 10 spin / intr./.
30HT or 30HTI1K umbrella. 3bl P ETIn e TE mhl K- to whistle past with
300JlO nUI zoology. noise like an a rrow.
300JIOnUIJIblK, zoological. 3bIP·3bIP )l{yfIP· to run without loo king
300nAPK zoo. back.
300TEXHWK zootechnician,livestoc k expert. 3bIP-3bIP KAllI - to bru sh asid e.
30P 1) large , big, strong ; 2) /Ioca l SEI strength, 3bIPJl A· to run quickly, rush hea dlong; to
power, energy. galle p.
3OPAH- to become la rge ; to get larger, 3bIPblJ111A- 1) to whirl quickly, spin /intr./ :
. - increase /intr./ in dimension or significa nce ; 2) to whistle (of a n arrow).
to he promoted. 3hlPbl JlllAYb iK top (toy).
)QfAI1T- to enlarge, increase, heighten ns.t ; 3blP K ET· to pound, throb (of the heart ).
to promote. 3bIP Kb IJUlA- te thro b (at the tempies).
30PAATbIJlDMf increased , enlarg ed . 3bIP K,hIPA to rush headlong; te tear along.
30PAT /locaI W CI n ek of hay. 3bIPK,A HA- sec Cb IPF AHA· .
3OPllA- re force , vlolate. Tape. 3bIT bea t it! get out!
3OPJl AH - to strive. 3h lT - to lea ve in a hurry .
30PJt AY rape, violatie n. 3blTA JKe HEJ' - te leave in a hurry, to skip ou t.
3OPJlhlK. vio tence, eenstrai nt. lhUIH injury, dam age, loss.
3OPJthlK.-30MfibIJthIK violence. l hUIH ET- I) to intlict dama ge; 2) to suffer
3OPJlblK, lIlhIfl violator. ra visher. aloss.
30PMAH /Ioca l WC & W, zoo l./ gopher, 3bLSlH KE:.11Tl p· to cause damage .
earless marmot. 3bIRH Kep- or 3bIRH TAPT- to suffer a
3OPTA6AHAA- Jlocal SE/ to persist; to he loss, a damage.
stubbo m. 3bHIHbl )KOK, never mind !
30PblK,· to be winded, tired out (of ho rses). 3bIR HllA· to injure, damage ; to inflict aloss.
3OPhIK,ThIP. to ride hard; to tire out (of injury .
harses). 3h1RH.Qbl ha rmful , injurious, disad vantage-
30PFA with difficulty ; hardly. ous.
3Y 10nomatopoe Îc word - for a buzzing sound /. 3blRHKEC saboteur ; pest.
3Y ETIn eTE WblK,. to dart. to flash . 3blRHKECTIK sabo ta ge.
3YAJtA Iloca l SI sma Jl pièce of bread. 3bUIHChlJ harm less, innoce nt ; without an y
3Y-3Y humming, buzzing, drone. losses.
3Y-3Y ET· to hum , buzz. i Vf JblFblP ûax : ... MAWbl finseed oil,
~,'•.n::J:M- te buzz pas t; t~ . 3bIFbIPflAH · ro become furious; to ûy into
J~ to do something quic kly. a rage.
'lYflAThm OK,- to read quickly. 31J1 weight,load, bur den.
lYbln lonoma topoeic wordl whisrling, 'lIn lIEl1 HaPCE a heavy thing.
buzzing. JlnlIEH I) te grow heavy; 2) 16g./ to assurne
3YbInL{A. I) to whist ie, howl (of wind); an a ir of impo rta nce.
2) to fly rast (of birds) ; 3) !fig./ to chatter 3(111 SAP Ce 3 sernething said with a hidden
incessantly. meaning (as an expression of discontent or
3bIfipAT cemetery, graveyard; ma usole um . rhreat).
-- -;-pulchre. 'lIMllAPA emery.


3IMIPET emerald. 3dPEJlJ\ER a minute fraction; H;:;}PCE

3IHET see 3HHHET. insignificant thing.
liPKIJLQE- see 3hIPK!>IJI,IlA-. laPCD ncn-toxic, harmless.
3YJlLIM insidious, perfidious. JaPY nea:ssity, need; ura:=ot.
3YJIhlM,llhIK. I) insidiousnees, perfidy; 2) laPI CLIHFAH CY Wlltf at room tempera-
violence, coereion: 3) ev:i1, evil deed; 4) 11=.
trickery. JaY /local SE! talI, high .
JaSlP,.., lK<lSIP. JaYEH /local WI faIlow (field oot lilIed for
laATYH olive. a lC8SOD or more).
JaK /local SEI humid, damp, mois\.
JaymM talI, high.
JaKTEME /local SI the: fint (in the seascn)
watering of a field.
JaYIMMEH suddenly, accidentally, by
laP poisen, venom. eêeece.
laP IllAIll- to threaten. Jal{r- /locaI SI to mam, rcve, loaf, lounge
JdPE alom. about.
JdpE.lI,EA tioy, insignificant. Jaf\f1I) negro; 2) /locaI SWI stairs, stalrcase ,
JdPID I) poisonous, venomous ; 2) threaten- ladder.
ing ; . . . )f(EJ] a piercing wind.

H tanning, dress ing (of a skin ). 11 EJlIK ET- to mana ge, command; te be in
H- I) to be nd, curve, incl ine, tilt, Itr.' ; 2) to charge.
get soft (o f udder), te let milk run (of a HEM):\EH- see I1EJI EH -.
cow when milked) ; 3) lfig./ te become HEM):\EHY see H EJIEH Y.
genero us. I1El-I /local EI uncared-for, negleered (ch ild).
UEiA ccurtesy, pcliteness, good breeding. HEPOrJIHl1> hieroglyp h.
HEiAJlbl poli te, civil, courteous. UECI3 ownerless, uno wned ; ... MYJIIK Ileg'/
I1rEP· te co pe with ; to mas ter. escbeated p roperty.
nrl good, kind, helpful, useful ; well, better. H3 E- te nod .
(6ac) urn- te subd ue. 113EH I boLI a kind of wo rm w ood .
HrtJlIK good deed. worthwhi le underrakin g. J.13En KEC· te cu t by pressin g down (with a
HrtJlIKTl bene ficial. d ~1I knife).
HD.EAJl ideal: higher aim. nKE M inclina tion fo r ; dis position to ; ability,
HJlEAJlHJM ideali sm. suita bility.
H,llEA JlHcr idea list . I1KE M,llE· l a adjust, adapt.
HD.EAJlHcrIK ideelistic . I1KEM.llI cleve r, capable, sk illfu ll.
l1,llEOJlOrI1R ideolo gy. I1KEMJlIJlIK deftness, agili ty.
I1,llEOJlOrI1RJlbIK ideolc gical. I1KEMCI3 clu msy, awkwa rd .
IUIAH I local SEI a medi cinal plant.
H,llEJI idea .
I1Jl E· I) to ta n (Ieathe r) : 2) to knea d (d a ugh) ;
HA EJlJlbI ideological ; high-principled .
3) to pu dd ie (clay).
I1D.EJl ChI 3 unpr inciple d.
I1J1EH6 ErEH raw (hide) .
H}JJ10M A idiom.
MIlEHrEH TEPI ta nned Ieather.
l1Al10MAJlbIK idiomatic.
(6 ipey re) J1J1En Arl- to bend cornpletely
someone else to c ne's will.
one milk ing yield o f (a mare's) milk o I1Jl EY I) ta n nin g, 2) knea d ing; 3) ant -hill.
HE land lord, master, owner, possessor.
I1Jl llI03 J1.s1 illusion .
HE SOJ]- to own, possess ; to be the owner; HJl Jl H) M I1H ATO P illum ina to r.
MAJlFA ... to be the owner of the cattle ;
I1J1JlfOMHHALll1R illumination.
to look after rhe cat tle. HJIT H<I>AT see IJITJnAT .
HEK chin; Iower j aw: .. . ACfhIHLJ;A n ot far, 11111 furr ier, fur dresse r.
near (right under one's nose). I1Jl IK · to yield to persu asio n.
(6 ipeyre) HEK APT· te lean on someone ; to @EK} be nt, cu rved ; .. . M 'tPbIH hook-
try to obtain someone's suppo rt . nosed .
MEKTE- to try te obtain someth in g with HMEH· 10 feel sh y ; to be a fra id.
so meo ne else's help . HMEI-UlE- to stoop; to walk with a Sloop .
i-IEKTI ....ith a wide chin. I1Ml1- l a bend, bow, stoop lintr.l.
HEJI EH · to appropriate : to seize, take I1MMHrPAHT immigrant .
possession. / I1M Ml1r PA U HJI irnmigrat ion .
HEJlE HY possession : a ppro priatio n. mi s- / I1M MY H l1T ET immunity.
appropriat ion. / I1Mn EPAT OP ernperor.
11E.I1EHYWI possesso r. / 11 M nEP J.1AJ1 H 3M impe rialism.
HEll IrlH EH WblFAPY requisiricn. ... I1M nE Pl1A1UI CT imperial ist.
HE.i1IK po ssession. propeny. estate. " l1Mn EPHAl1l1CfI K imperialjsnc.

I 18

I HMTIEPM empire. / HHTEPHA.UHOHAJH1Cf internationalist.

~ HMnOPT import. imponation. '" HH41'EKI.UUI infection.
/' I1MllOPTTbIK. TOBAP imported goeds. / HH41'JlJIIIHJI inflation.
HHBEHTAPM:3AIDUI making inventory; " HHlm armpi:llining of a shirt ; dress-preserver.
.» taking stock. / H!)llO)l.POM arena, bippodrome.
r: HHBEHTAPnA- te make an Inventory, 10 HPE zigza,z. bend; winding, sinous, tortuous;
take stock. notebed.
/ HHBEHTAPh inventory (list); stock . HPEKTE- to draw a zigzae ; to make •
/' I1HBEPCHJI inversion. notcb.
/' HH"ltEKC indeX. I1PEJIE/tlI.E- or 11PEH,llE 10 coll, wind; 10
r HHJJ.J.tKATOP indicator. become zipag; to crawl (of a snake).
/' HH)l.YKl.(HJl induction. / HP PH r AI.J;IDI Irrigatlon.
/ I1H)l.YKUI1RJIbI inductlve. / HPPl1r AUI1RJI b IK, ladj.! irrigation.
I HH)l.YCTPHJI industry: AYbIP ... heavy / I1PI M see HlPIM.
industry; )KEHIJI ... light industry. / HCK YCcrno art, skiU.
»: "IillYCTPI1J1RAHLlbIPY industrializatioo. / I1CJIAM Islam. Mohammedanism.
ffiliEl needle ; ... K931HEH 9TKEH)l.ER / HeIlAH Sponjard.
"'InT an agile, nimbie fellow; . .. WAH· H@ I) 10 held rnilk (of a mare or eow
mATbIH )KEP )KOK overcrowded; ... unwi1ling 10 give milk); 2) ltig./ 10 be
KAn needle-case. encouraged..
li1î:!j;). 10 bend Itr.l. HCIHAIP~ I) 10 cause (a mare or cow) to
J.1HEJIlK dragon fly; IlocaJ SW/ wooden hold milk ; 2) lfig./ to encourage someone.
needle for weaving ûshermen's nets. I1Tdog; ... AYPY see I1TAYPY; .. . EAJIbIK,
HHEJlIKTEfi KAT· 10 get thin; 10 become see I1TbA.1bIK,; .. . EYJI)l.IPrEH /bot.!
emaciated . red bilberry, Ioxberry (Vaccinium vîtls
/, HH)KEHEP engineer. idaea); ... JKH)l.EK a medicinal plant
__ HHJKEHEPJIIK /adj'/ engineer. (source of atropine); ... )l(hlJIhl name of
, I1HlKI1JI see IHlKVI . a year in twelve-year anima1 cyde; .. .
/" HHI1UHATHBA Initiative. MYPbIH !bot ./ wild rose, sweet brier
r HHKACCATOP collector (man). (Rosa canina); ... TIC canine tooth;
r HHKYIiATOP incubator. . .. K,AMDIbI wbip .
/ WHKYfiAU H.R incubation; ... KE3ElU lIT APK.ACLI KhIJlHJ],A at the world's end .
incubation period. liTAPIIIhI sycophant, hanger-on; apologist
/ I1Hc n EKTOP inspeetor. (of a bad cause).
r H HCTIiH KT instinct . HTAPK.A J) sfope , pitch (as of a roof); 2) a
", HHcrPY KT OP instructor. roughly built hut.
/ HHTErPAJI /ma tb ./ integral. I1TAYPY !m:d.1 riekets.
I1HTErPAJlO,hl /adj./ integral. IITbAJIblK .'z001.1 seal.
: I1HTEJlnEKT intellect. HTEJln /zool./ falcon, gerfalcon, kestrel.
/" l1HTEJIJlEKTYAJlhJIhIK /adj./ mtellectual . HTEp· to push, push away .
, J1 HT EJI n HrEHT intellectual. HHTEPMETfE· (0 push slightly; to push
,. . HHTEJlJJMrEHUJ.1.R intelligentsia . away.
/" MHTEH,ll,AHT commissary; supply officer. I1TEPIn lKIEEP- see I1TEp·.
I HHTEH,ll,AHTfhIK commissarlat. IiTEPlil KIPn3- to push into, shove int o,
,; l1HTEHCHBTI in tensive ; . .. TYP,UE in- slick into /U.I.
tensively. HTIKY A {boL/ a kind of wild anion.
, " HTEPBAJI Interval . I1TM'IPblH see I1T M'lPblH.
,.HHTEPBEHT interventionist . I1Tbl3 /locaJ SEI smalJ plot of arabIe land .
,. HHTEPBEHUJ.UI intervention . MTKOHAK lklcal Ee. bot.1a specie of weeds.
,, " HTEPHAT school; boarding HlllAPA I) sign, symbol, s~ jp13I;. 2) allusion,
schooJ. allegory; .. . K9PCETY signalling ; ... cel
,." J.1HTEPHAUI10HAJI The International. allusion, hint. allegory,
MHTEPHAU,HOHAJl.J1hIK. international. IfI]]APA K,hIJI· te hint, imply.
; J.1.HTEPHAUHOHAJll13M internationalism. HlDAPAT /lit.! sign, symbol, allusion.

1l1ll1 • ., J.1~
HIJl.I currier, Ieather-dresser, tanner. 111 te spin (wool, flax, etc.) : to ga the r in a
l1UIA /local W, interjeetien warning of a pile ; to dri ve to o ne place (ca ttIe).
d'äriger/. I1IPr EH )KIn yam , thread.
I1hl K I) shoulder. uppe r arm; 2) j local W/ I1I PY spinning.
order, system. HI PIM I) ~n d (in a river) ; 2) whir lpool ;
HbI KTA- to lean aga inst som eone. S IP ... )KYH one spindie of woel.
I1blK,Tb l broad-shouJdered . HJC I) smell, odor~carbon monoxide ;
I1bIKKA CAJf- ta pu l sernet hing o n o ne's . .. CEJIMI sme U, sense of smeu: CACb IK
sboulder. . .. stench, putrid smell; x orn ... fragrance,
Hl KAH - to he processed a nd ready for use pleasant od o r ; M ~PHbl ... 6InMEl1T IH
(of tanned leather) ; , fig.1 to lie dorman t for KIC I ignoramus : know-not bing.
a long time . I1I CKE. to smell .
11] KA HFA H IC a matter which has la in HICKEJl E- to sniff; to smell repeatedly.
dorman t for a long time . MICKEY ruJ M I sense of sme U.
111J1- to be nd , stoop /imr .i , HI CfEH- te stink, smell bad ; ( 0 begin to
HJlInm pliable . spoil (of food).
H.IJlMEJII flexible. pliable. Hl cn smelling; xorn ... Iragran t, aromatic :
U? HIH shoulder. .. . CA6b IH toil et soap.
tI I1I HAF AlII beam, balance sha ft. l·n e TH· to get carbon-mo noxide poisoning.
ti HIH)l;I broad-shouldered. HIC-K,O H b IC fum es, st inking odor.

HIHl /locaJ NW/ term , season. H;;) yes.

;1 KAJiEJlh cable. I KAIOTA cahin (in a ship); state-room.
/ KAE I1HA cab (of a truck); cac (of an j KBA)];PAT /n. and adj.1 square.
elevator); cockpittof airplane); dressing box . / KBAJ]H~HKAlUiJi qualiûcaticn. t
KAliHHET study, private office. / KBAPTfl 1) city-bleek; 2) quarter of a rear. ~ l 'I (} Y
/ KABAJlEP mem~r of an order; partner (in / KB HTAH l.l.1tJI receipt. o:l.ó r t
) dances}; bcy-friend. /" KBOPYM quorum.
KABAJlEPHCf cavalryman, treeper. _ I<:!!i.E jlocaJ EI larob bom early in the season.
KABAJIEPI1J1 cavalry, rnounred troops. KE6E)KE woeden box for rood supplles ;
/ KALlPi l inn e1; cadre. ... KAPhlH jderog.' pot-bellied.
~Am ~_ Ibtreasurer. KE&En AJlhIHFAH m sifted Oour.
/ KA KAO cocoa. KEl)EK 1) bran; 2) /local/ burrow of a hare;
c KAJl EH,llAPb caJeoda~. J) /lncal WC! bed bug .
/ KAJlR I1f"PA<PI1J1 calligraphy. KE6EKTl \'H whole meaI.
KAJlOPHJI ca lory. KEl)EH stack (of hay, etc.),
~K~m oversh~. . KEliIH shroud, cerement.
/ KAJlb KA I) tracmg paper; 2) /ling./transla- KE&Iune t . hr d
tion laan. I~ 0 wrap m a 5 ou .
". KAJlhKYJIJlI..J,MJI calculation . KEbI~IK cl~th for a shroud.
KAMOAHua . ('I lal ). KUIP dry, dried up. stele (bread), meagre ;
/ . ..IJI campargn mn., SOCt , etc., .. . )l(Ep acid land .
rKAcc;:::~;t~dldatc. KE6IPJIEH- to dry up /intr./. withe r .
~MIn. /lit./ quite, exactly. ~~Ica/l:: :;'Cer.i / hoe:. f h I
KAHMKYJl vacation. ......,.._" spo eo a w eer.
~ KAnMTAJI capital. f KE.:IJ~f1 poer, .impecunlous, penniless; poot
"KAI1MTAJl M3M capitalism . devil, poor thing .
, KA n MTAJIMcr capita list........ \ KEl1EAJIEH. 10 grow poor ; to become poer.
/ KAn MTAJI MCTE P tTAlibI; class of capr- 1 ~E..1ERJIEP the poor.
talists. CKEJlEfUIlK or xsnsanunnc poverty,
"KAn MlY'Jl Jl HT capitulator. poemess.
)<AP AHTIlH quarantine. KF U.Épn obstacle, barrier.
~ I) map ; 2) playing card; ... ChI3YIIIbI KEJlEPOCU freely; without bindrance.
carto grap her ; ... KYMAP gambIer. KE..lIP-EYAbIP rcugh, uneven, coarse.
KAPTAmbl sec KAPTA KYMAP. ;..~~ ocaI SW/ iotentionally; o ut of
KAPTAFA TYCIP- to draw a map. ' ' obstinancy.
~'KAPTËJIb ~rtel. KEJKErE occiput, back of tbe hcad.
"KAPTO rPAt1>l1.JI cartograpby. KDKERgt) /Iocal SW/ obs./ taxes and duties.
KAPT--'lll potato. ( KEJKIM sadd1e c1oth.
KACQ\ cash; cash box. cash register. .KEd(IP capricieus, obst inate.
KAJMOr catalogue.
KATErOPI1B category.
KA""«ÎiE,ll,PA chair; professorship.
J<E)lCIPJIEH- to he capricieus, naughty (of
child); to be obstinate.
KE)I(IPJlIK caprice, whim, obstinacy, stub-
KAmABA /Iocal C/ light sleigh (for two borness.
- pe rrons). KE3 I) anhin (linear measure, zg incbes);
KAIIIA.rEP /Ioca1 W/ poker. - 2) moment, time, occasion.

KEJ Eo n - 10 mee r; 10 run against, 10 run ) ~E ClI H AE behind .

'/ across . l KEfiI H,UI hlK,nAn IlingJ regressrve as-
. ,;'YKE3J],E at tbe time of; ~ sudde nly ; similation .
.?KAC ... in yo ut bful age ; con ... at that / KE O IHI PEK slightly backwa rds; a Iittle later.
mo ment. ~ ,KEfn n facial features.
H KE311E- 10 measure with an arshine. ' KEl1 lnKEP type, pers onage.
l-r'J ~ .Y1 KE3J1,EI1COK acc iden tal, ca suaJ, by c ha nce . KEfn n CI3 un congenial ; ugly, deforrred,
)A' ~ ~vK E3ll.E M E fab ric ; yard goods. I monster.
~ , : • •/ KEJLl.EC- re mee t {intr.!, mee t each otber. J KEfnnC13LII K deforrnity, uglln ess.
KEJD.EeTIP· to arrange to meet ; to meet ~ KEl1 I nTI pretry. han dsome ; congenia l, sym-
accidentally. pathetic.
'fl,KE3Jl IK poin ted sma ll knife. KEI1IC grief, chagrin, anno yance, discontent .
J ) KEJErEH a babitual loafer fro m one aul / KEflIT- to irrita te, annoy .
(ca mp) la anotber. ~.P , -P KEK offcnce, resentment, vengean cc.
KEJEK C f) turn (in successio n or priarity) ; -KEKAJ]· to reve nge.
~) relief (a f guar d , etc.), shift (o f a wo rke rs I! EKI;: t o speak ironica lly ; to deride, la
team); Q) bejn gon duty,_~çtt. Ç-J -- (~I ' mock at.
KEJEKEI1 Ilocal EI a kind of coat (with o r KEKE fI- la p ut on airs ; to give o nesclf
without sleeves). im porta nce.
KEJE K· KEJE K or KE3EK nE·KEJ EK by KEKEC lH iro ny ; wicked gibe .
/./ turns, in turn. KE KECl HII E· o r KE KET- la make malicieus
~~ KEJEKCn out o f turn . -, remarks ; to hu n by words.
KE3EKTE E011 · te be o n duty. KEKETKIIII rnalicio us, spiteful, unfriendly,
~KJ'ÉC- to altem ate, take tums. ...=;.f ho snle.
I ~, KE3E KTI next in t urn ; next on the schedule. ( KEKElli tongue- tied, sta mm erer, st uuerer .
? 11
KEJEKlUl /adj./ duty : on duty : .. . ,UaPlrEP ) KE I<EIUTEH~ 10 stamrner, stutter.
doctor on du ty. KEKElUTIK stammering, stutteri ng .
KE3EKUlIJII K duty. roster, ....-atch: TY Hr l ... KEKUA· to bal k; to be o bstina te.
.. night du ty. KEK CE elderly.
u' ;./ KEJEH~ te aim a l; to conceive a design. KE KC n charita ble, good -na tured .
, /KEJEP- to dry up and peel a lf (of Iips) . KEKTE- to ha ve a grudge agains t som eone;
... . KEJEPME /Ioca l WC I stretch of dry la nd te be secretly revengeful.
I between two irrigated plo ts. KEKTEH · to take offense: te rescn t.
, ': 0) K,E3EH; 1) a long stretch of time ; 2) eleft, co l, KEKTEHrIIII to uchy.
U /, JJ. crevasse ; ~UI ~L.'. ~.:. . initia l period. , (~EKTI ladj.1 o ffended; onc who secretly
KEJI KEJIrE H.LlE when opportunlty a rises. t-s"; ' contemplates a revenge.
KE3 IK Iloca l W. med. , o bs./ typhus (or KE KIll W rancorous, revengeful, vin dicative.
typhoid fever). KEKlll lfl .LlIK rancorousness, revengefuHness.
KEJIK _!<EJIQ.H la curse; word o f damna- KEKIJl tuft o f hair ; foreleek Ihorse's).
- lic.n/. -- -~ KE KIll,UIPIK la teral forehead stra p of a
KE3l(~flP bll( /zool./ a species o f steppe bird . bridle (heads ta ll).
JS..Eft. _o~J\I;ft!ilr so me, o ther. KE K lll l K /zool./ sto ne pa rtrid ge.
KEft EIPEY see KEA 6 IP. KEKIP o bstin a te, uny ieldi ng, selfconscio us.
KEA 6 IPEYllEPI some of them. KEKIP- to belch .
KEfiJtE sometimes. KEK IPE / OOt./ a kind of grass.
~iürTm, bot-tempered, cho leric, irritable. KEKIPEft - to put o n airs.
KEAIH I) alter, a fterwa rds , later, in (o f KEKI PE AT~ to look down on e's nose .
future time) ; 2) lad.v.! back ; COJ],AH .. . KEKIPT- to cause oneself to belch .
afte r rhat. KEKIPIK belc h.
KE HIH AftTAJl. to say later. KEJ]· to come, arr iv é, reach: te be fulfilled;
KEA IH COl(~ la fall behind; to lag behin d. to be with in on e's powers : Idescr./ to wisb,
KEfI lH K.AMT- to return lintr./. des ire ; AJlA _.. to bring with ; AJlh l n ...
KE MIH KAJIhln KO n · to fall bebind . to bring; SA PbIn .. . to go a nd co me back ;
\ KEfH H rI last. rece nt (o f time); back, h ind. )f{AJlY to come walking, afoor :



JKYn PIn ... to come running ; YlIJhln _. ' KEJlIOM agreement, treaty, contract.
10 come flying, by plane. . J KEM 1) less, worse; 2) without.
~§.J J) outward eppearance, face u KEM· te domiaish, deercase linte./.
features. figure; 2) stature. () KEM6AFAJI /1oCal SW/ cripple, weekling .
KE.1IbETCI3 plain, bome ly, unco mel y. ~ KEM.QIK Jack. want. sbortage.
KEJI];E1TJ ladj.1 stately. ....-ell-shaped, ban d- -r KEME ship, vesseJ. beat, steamer, steamship,
some, impressive. Hoer; .. ' 6ACT'b1FL1 captain. master (of a
KF.Jl.I"EH newcomer, visitor. ship) ; ... )l(ACAY &hîpbuilding ; ... JICYP.
KEJlJJ:EK /locaJ W CI ear of a cereal plant. n3Y navigatioo (art and proCession);
\ J<E!IE~ or KEJIEMIDK mockery, sneer. ._. JlCYPEITH navigable (river, eec.),
'; gtbeoJoke. . .. )l(VPETIHJUK navigability, navigable-
)' KEJIEME)I(,l:lE- to gibe , mock, banter• ness; ... HEel shipowner ; .. . TACLIMAJILI
Y chaff. i.J ~ 'V; \.,\)~ water transport; _" KATbIHAChI naviga-
i KfJlECI next, following, subsequent; ,_ . tion (action).
)KETI):{E on the next week. i KEMEJlIK ladj.' ship, ship's.
'<; KEJIEWEK tbc future ; ... )KbInLi next year ; -i KEMEP wasbed out shore .
in the next year. KEMEm spacious, capacious.
lr KEJIEUIEKTI BOJDKA· 10 fo resee, 10 -fl<E MEm l sailor, seaman .
envisage. ;ft KEMEIUB' 53g<: (man), g<:IDUS (man).
KEJIEIl: /Iocal EI bacbelo r. ' KEM Ell:rEPRlK wisdom. genius (quali ty).
KEJICAn pes tle. ~'~ 'l"" r KEM3AJ1 sec K,AM30JI.
t KEJlTE 1) sho rt ; 2) Ilocal SEI a typhus type t\P_M:J1EK ODe with a prolruding lower jaw.
discase of short dur at ion . e KEMM KEM gradually.
I KEJITEK I ) sec KEJITE (I); 2) Ilocal W CI KEMnIP old woman ; grandmotber; ...
sec KEJI.QEK. lllYAK. Indian summer; .. . K,AYblH
l KEJlTEJIEH· to get sho rter. /locaJ SI a kind of water melon (ripening
KEJlTEJIEY shortish. late , sweet, with hard rind).
~ KEJITI P- 1) 10 bring, Iumish, deliver; 2) to t': KEMnlPAYbn tcess, pincers, plien.
quote, cite; 3) 10 ajjow 10 come; )KEJUJI· 0 ICEMnIPK,OCAX. or KEMnIPIHlli. K.O·
JUK ... 10 Iighten , make easier, facilitate;
MbICAJl ... 10 give an example.
CAFLI rainbow.
o KEMCEI-lAEM lolwist one's tips (as Ier 1
oKEJ1Y arrival , coming. ,y," weêi)ing). - . z,.... ~ ;:,
KEJlI mortar. ~ KEMCIH · to consider on e unworthy ; 10
.KE.1IIM):{;;>Plllocal SEI red pepper. co nsider ooe Jower than somecne else.
t .KEJllM -KETlMl Ken m bospitable home o KEM CIT- 10 degra de /tr.I. bwniliale.
(frequented by many guests). (J KEMT- 10 brea k otr pièce by pièce; la bite

~ M CEK allen, stranger, newcomer. o!" pièce by pièce; to nibbTe. êJ-t

o KfJUH 1) sister-in-lew (brother's wile); oG<EMTAP~O!!lcast. unfortunate, pariah. \L ~""'.:- ... ,,"1-
2) daughter-in-law (son's wiîe in relation te
ber father-in-Iaw). .-----
e \ièE M TAPJIh~ want. need .
0 lCEMTIK omission, shortage. defect . hiatus.

èJ KEJlIHMKEnmIK young wo men . OKEMY lfig./ atrophy. )9 -.Yf.1>

j KEJlJH UJEK yo ung wife: young wo rnan . I KEMllirnl n )l(0K, irreproachable.

~ KEJlIn·KETIn lYPATbIH no n -resident, ~ KEMilllIDK defect, sbortage, deficiency.

part-time (o f servants, etc.). ~ KE MWVU KTI defective, defici ënt .
~ KEJllC arrival, coming (acti on). KEMIK marrow bone ; soft parts of bones.
~ KEi1îë; to negotiate ; to come to an agree- 0 KEMlpM to gnaw. u~ ?
- ment. 0 ICEMIC or KEMICIlK defect. deficit,
KEJIICCI3 unsuitable, not conforming. . deficiency.
KEJUCCe3 negotiations. a KEMITMI) to reduce, diminisb.fessen lintr./;
KEJllcn confonning, suitable, befitting. 2) to take a way; 3) to abase Itr.l. neglect.
KEJDCTIP- 1) 10 recoociJe Itr./ ; 2) to fit iu.l, 0 KEMITIJI- to decrease, lessen lintr./.
adept, adjust. 0 KEMmJIrEH Jessened.lowered.
KEJIlCIJlMto conform; 10 he in conformity. CKE~, J ) mlnerals, ere: 2) mine; .. . AJIK,AEbl
KEJlICIJlrEH coordinated, concerted . mlne-fields; ... EARJI:bIFbl mineral re-



sources ; . .. K,OPbl Jgeol./ deposit, occur- riek of hay ; .. . AFA11I see KEPErE (1) ;
renee, layer , stratum, bed. .. . Ka3 KaDIP latticed brid ge.
KEH.L:U ore-ricb. KEPErECIHE K,APAT- to destroy, to ruin.
KEH!UP hemp,jute ; hempen fabric ; . .. )l;;}HI / KE PErIH illË asinuch as necessary.
bem pseed : "." MAAbl bemp-o û. .I KEPErIH lll E AJI- to tak e n et mo re tha n
KEHJU PI KECI Jl · to starve lintr.l. neces sary.
KEHE lick; JKEP ... rnite. I KE PEK ladv.1 needed , necessary .
KEH EH or KEH Ef1 T a playing bone. / KEPEKC I3 unnecessary.
KEHEJI- to receive full satisfaction . / KEP EKCI H ~ to ho ld necessary .
KEHEn linea . / KE PEKTI /a dj.j needed, necessa ry .
KEHEP upper edge. corniee. I KE PEMET miracle ; miraculous ; ... YJlKEH
KEHET suddenly, momentarily, une xpectedly : t oo big. - -
... 9 JlIM sudden death. KE PEH A Y lazy, sluggish.
KEH)KE 1) the y ou ngest child. the last bo m ; KEP EHA YJlhlK laziness, sluggisbness.
2) last-bo m young (of do mestic animals). KEPEY /rocat w. obs./ disagreeme nt . dis-
KEHT town . city; .. . XAJl townsmen , sen sio n. disco rd , q ua rrel.
townspeo ple. KEPE YET bed, co uch.
KEHlllI miner. KEP ElllI / Ioca l E, o bs.! med ia tor. inter-
KEn- to dry, dry up ; to gel dry. mediary, go -between.
KErr E /loca l SE! l) hut ; 2) cattle-fence, corra l. KEP EH deaf.
KE nEJIE· rloca l NC/ to age, grow u p (of KE PEH. IiO Jl C b IH a curse (" Iet it be your
lambs). la st meal").
KEfiEill nccai Ei skull -cap. KEP EF A P no t o n the way: o ff (the road ) :
K En KEH ladj.! dried up , w'itbered. fa r (from the roa d ).
KE ITT E· 10 press in ; ro put o n wit h effort. KE PJKH · to get obst ina te: to persist.
KErrTEJl· to sq ueeze o neself intc . KE PKI rlocal SE/ hoe, matroc k.
KEITTlP· to dry, te d rain Itr./ ; SATITAK,TbI KEPM E I) ro pe (str etc hed on the ground ) for
.. . to drain a swam p : KIP .. . to dry the .' lying horscs: 2) Iloca l WI a b! g or receptacle
linen . forkeeping various things.
KED TI PrIW d rying a ppa ratus : )f(EM IC IS-EPM Er E T YC · to get into Iro uble, diffi-
fruit -kiln . cuities.
KE nTIPY drain a ge. KE P;...tEK I) so urish ; 2) d ye root.
KE n TI Pln r EH A\:E MIC dried fruit. KEP HE- to pour ou t (of pus fro m a wound
KEnlJI guarantee. gua ranty, warranty; bail, o r of water o verboard river sho res).
bond . KE PHEJl Iloca l SEI chim ney, fun nel (of
KE n IJI EOJl- te gua rant ee, warrant, 'louch sa mova r, etc.).
for. KE PCEH / Ioca l/ I ) /WC & SI large wooden
KEn IJlrE All· to bad for. bowl; 2) / W & S/ kumiss cup ; 3) /W/ wash-
KEn I.JID.EC: AftHAJlA .. . mut ual guara mee. t u b : 4) /W I counte rs of boots.
KEnIJlLUK see KE n IJl. KE PT- to ma ke a cut, notch, dent.
KEP l) /adj./ ba y, chestnut (color of ho rse) ; KE PTA PT n A conserva tive.
2) swaggering, boastful : 3) cc nservat ive. KEPTAPTnAJl bIK conservausm.
KEp· to st retch, straighte n. KE PT E Ilocal WC! 1) feeding rac k ; 2) fence,
KEP5E3 dandy, fo p. encl osure ; ... AFAW to lt-gate, ba rrier.
K EPEE3D.E H· to dress sma rtly; to play the KEPTElll o verha ng, cornice.
dan dy. K EPTI K mark, notch .
KEPEEllUK sma rtness, da ndyism, fop pery . KEPY EH caravan; . .. SA ChI caravarr's chief;
KEPn Ilocal WC/ post, pole, pillar, support. - .. . )1C'f JILIbI3 mo ming star; ... CAPAH
KEPn W stretcher. tambo ur, [ace-frame. ca ravanserai , inn.
KEPJIEHD. E- ro put on airs. KEPY EH UII carava n anenda nt : ca ravan
KEPE a curse, damna tion . gu ide.
KE PE K,"tJI A W meesure of length (span of KEPWEH /Ioca l SEI a d iscase of ho rses.
two strctched a rms). KE PI backwards. back.
KEP.§rE I) yu n 's lamcewc rk: 2) / local EI KE PI KET - to rerrogress; to fall imo decay.
~j: ----
KEPI3 I) Ilocal EI off(the road) ; 2) Iloca l SEI KEcnE JIEK IJocal WC I rafters, struts.
u ndergr ound wate r rondui t with wells. KEC n EJITEK stock y (of men) ; short,
KEPIK swaggering, boastful. trunca ted (of things).
KEPU l- 1) to stretch , extend ; 2) to drag on KECT E I) embroi dery, need1ework ; 2) ta ble
/iirti J ; 3) to stretch ooeself; 4) /fig./ to put (sta tisticaJ, etc.).
on airs. KBeT E TIK· to embroider.
KEP~Ç- to argue, dispu te, quarre l.
KEeTE JIE- to embroi der ; to do appliq ué
KEPlJ lIK stu bborne ss, o bstinacy. werk.
KEPIM 1) wonde rful, marvel lous; very good; KECT EJIEY embroi dering.
2) /Iocal WI very ; 3) Iloca l EI white clay: KECT EJII embroidered .
... A,1\AM dandy . KECfE illI embroideress.
KEPIM CAJI hot dry wind. KECT IPY castrat ion . emascu lation.
/ KEPIe d ispute, contro versy. KECf IPIJIr EH AflFh IP gelding.
/ ~C. to argue, d ispute, quarre l. KECT IPln )1<I6EP- to castrat e, geld.
I K.ÉPIC fIP. to let argue, quarrel ; 10 give KECY cutting, operati on.
cause Ier arguin g; to give cause for a KECIK ladj./ cut.
quarre l. KECIM IcoUoq .{ judgem ent, sentence.
I KEPIC IH llIE on the contra ry; tbc ether
way. KECIM )],I exact, final; ... ce3 final word .
/ KEC~ 1) to cut, cut a lf; 2) 10 cross (the river); KECl n ART- to say fir mly,
irrevoc ably.
3) to fix the punish ment ; to condem n to. KECIP barre, evil.
/ KECE 1) tea-cup ; 2) acr o ss (path o r course, KECIPJII hannfu l, injurio us, dele terious.
at a tangen t) ; ... K9J1)l,EHEH, across, KET· 1) to go. depart ; to move off, move
crossw ise ; .. . ChI3 bIK, tran sverse line ; away lintr.l ; 2) to set off, to lea...e; Idescr.1
... KAP snoWdrift. a fter gerund on -b lff, -Hl, -Il of tbe main
KEêEI fPiece . lum p, clod , d ot ; {1oca1 WCI verb ind icates that the action expressed by
brick ; . . . TA C pebble, sma lJ sto ne. the latter bas been directe d outwer d (from
KECE K JlAK,T hIP· to throw pebbles . the subject) if it proceeded in space, or into
KE CEKT E- to attack (with stones, etc.). the fu ture from the given mo ment if it
KECE JI 1) illness, disease : 2) harm, evü, procee ded in time , an d that it is now
o bstacle : 3) sick man , dlseased, parie nt. tenninated ; 3) after gerund on -A , -E, -A:
KECE Jl SOJI- to become a burden ; to becom e of the main verb indicates tbe rapidit y of
an obstacle. the action expressed by the Jatter ; &:VPhI-
KECEJ I,1\EH - <0 raU iU. Jlbl f'l .. . to ha ve stepped aside; )KYPI n ...
KECE JIIU J ) sickly, unheal thy, morbid : to set alf; KFJlI n ... to drop in (and go);
2) sick man, disease d, patient . CIl-un ... to have leaked, seeped out ;
KECE P : KECE P 6ACh IHhill F A HA llIhIFb In ... to have left ; eTIn ... to
K,AM bIH OHJIA - te ta ke care of oneself have passed, he over.
ooly; to he egoisti c. KETn EH hoe. matroc k.
K ECEP TKE lizard . KETIK Ilocal SI coop, chicken-coop, ben-
KECK EK 1) small stick tied to camel's house.
M~Ph I H.ubIK (see) to prevent him from KEYLlE breast, chest; torso, trunk o f a body.
chewln g alf the bridle rope; 2) smal! stic k KEYE Ilocal SE, bo t.r purnpkin, squash,
tied to a sbeep's neck to pre v ent it from gourd (Cucur bita).
scratch ing its scar or wound . KEYE K I) hollew (of a tree): 2) see KE6EK
KECK IJIE- to cu t into pieces. (2).
KECK J]1EC- 1) to cut serneth ing into pieces KEYCAH,L\hlK, Ilocal WC /large trunk.
j ointly with someb ody else ; 2) Ifig.1 to KEYIM TAPT- to fall (as o f twilight).
assert o ne's rights, to de fend one 's rights. KEYIP T /Ioc:û SE & S) mat ch (lire produc lng
KECK IH features of face. physi ognom y, device).
figure. KErn I) evening; 2) ladv./ late.
KECK IHJI.I handsome. KE lliE yesterday ; .. . KEIDT E ladv.1 last,
KECK JHCI3 ill-look lng, homely . nlghr ; . .. KYH)l;I3 yesterd ey.
KEcn E noodle s. KEllIE n of yesterd ay.
KEcn EK barrel, vat , tub. KEllIE YIJI ladv./ late.



KEillKE in the evening. KI1Jl see KbU!.

KEllIKJ ladj.! evening ; ... AC or ... TAMAK, KHI3 feIt ; .. . 6ACYlIlhI fuller , felt er:
suppe r. . .. MOHlllA /Ioca l E/ temporary (tent)
KElIIIrm late. bath house; .. . YA yurt, nomad's tent.
KElIIIK- to he late. KHI3 6AC- te fuIl, 10 feit.
KElliIJl jlocal EI bachelor. KIUK /zooL/ wild goat (Ca pra sibirica ) ;
KElIIlP- to pardon, excuse . . .. OThI lbot./ zizip ho ra.
KEIIIIPIM amnesty. KIU)]- to be bein g dressed.
~broad . wide ; .. . ssarnm co ur teo us; KHI M clc thes, clo thing ; ... Tl rVWI tail or;
..~..:..:..._~~M wid e , o pe n steppe. .. . IJlr ll11 peg, m ek ; KltlIJlrEH ... wem -
KEHEfi- to wide n /intr./. to become vast, out clothes.
spacl ous . , KHTM KH - to dress o neself.
KEl-lEfiT- to widen /tr./. 10 ma ke wide, • KHTMA IK / Ioca l SI a linea r meesure.
sp acious. ' KH I M-KE WE K garment, anire.
.!'EtiEC.councîl, conference. \I,? · KI1I MH IH ACTA Phl linin g of clothes .
~- to consult , confer. • KI11MlllE K see KH MEWEK.
KE H,ECWI councillor, ad viser. ~ Kl1l MlIIEH without having u ndressed .
1:.;: ~ÈHR:TIIlfE- to utter abrup t loud soun ds. ' KH IH - te dress oneself, to put on onese lf':
y: ', KEf{KIJILJ;En K,YJI - ra laugh lo ud ly. )f(hIJI h I . .. 10 dress oneself wa nnly.
\,) KEI-{C E institution , o ffice, chancelle ry : / KH IHllIP· to dress, clo the (sorneo ne else) ;
6bllIbIFbI red ta pe ; .. . Kbl3M ET KEPI la put (o n son.eone eist).
d eck. _KU IH ln AR · 10 get dressed ; to bu y an outfit
KEIK EWl lI.iUK red ta pe. of clo th es.
KE l"I,CIP IK bridge of (he nose. _KJI A CC class (in school); classroom.
KEH,lliI JlI K I) freed om, libe rty : 2) spacio us- ~ KJlACC H K classic.
- Dèss, roommess. / KJIACC H<t>l1 KA U H R classificarion.
KElUllIJH K b EP- to release, liberate, set (ree. /' KJIACCl1U113 M classicisrn .
KEH.IP;::J;EK windpipe; .. . TAPAMbI bron- / KJlH EHT d ient.
~bes. bro nchi. - K1U13MA ene ma .
~ tl!f'.u_~ - to eat one's till. ..- KJlJ1 M AT elima te.
KEIUCT I K space. ~ KO AJl I1UH R coal ition.
-KEIUT- see KEI-1EI1T-. - Ko n n EKT I1B association, collecuve.
KJ.1- to do o n, pul o n (clo rhes, ha l, eye- - KOJ1 JIE KT I1BTEH,UIP la collectivize : to
, glasses , CiC.) ; 10 d ress o neself. ar ta ch peasa nts to kolkhozes.
:,. KI1TB- to put (a d ress, etc.) on so meo ne else. " KOn X0 3 collec tive farm .
1 <:
.' ;j' :
KI1LJ.LPM EJlE· to force one's way th ro ugh
(the crowd).
- K0J1X03LIACThI P to unite peasan rs in
kol khozes.
\)' ..KltKIn )f(IH capricieus. - KO llX03LIACThi PY col!cctiviza tion.
K!!!Qn )f(EHJIEH- 10 be naugh ty, capricieus. ~ KOJl X031llhI ccllec tive fa rmer .
I KMJlO kilogram. / KOMAHDA /m il./ commando order ; de rach-
/ Kl1n OBATT kilo watt . men t ; Ina v./ crew; Isportl tea m ; lfiremen 's/
I KI1JIO METP kilometre. .('1 brigade.
d; KI1J1IK. I) to med dle with ot ber peo ple 's _ KOM AHLJ.AJl b IK K.YP A M eo mma nders.
-t\} I business ; to interfere in o ther people's - KO M S A:ftH combine harvester .
corwersation : 2) to ru n against se rnething. - KO M EH.llAHT co mma nda nt.
KUJI TKKIIU tease, b ully. . KOMHCC AP commissar ; comm issioner.
KH MEJIE- l) 10 p ush ; re pus h a crowd a part : ' KO M HCC H R commissio n.
2) to interrupt an in rertocutor foresta llin g KO M liTET comminee.
the end o f rus story. KO M ME HTAPUH commentary.
KH ME lIIEK ol d-fa sbio ned o ld women ' s hea d- KO MM Y HA commune.
d ress (o f white ca lico). - KO M MYHl1 3M comrnunism.
! KI1HO movies ; moving pictu re rhea rre. - KO M M YH I1CT commun ist.
KI1TIH a horse's pace (small steps): - KO M MYH J1CT n APTH' R"Cbl co mm un ist
)f(OPFA amble (i n sma ll steps ). pa rty.


~ KOMMYHI1CT nAPTl1l1CblHbll{ MY- KO PPECn O HJlEHT reporter (newspaper's).

WECl member of communist party. KPH3HC crisis.
KOMMYTATOP commutator, switchboard. KPH CTAJIJI aystal.
KOMMIOHHKE commu niqu è; officia l com - KPHCTAJl)lA H· to crystallize : to bocome
munica tion. crystallized.
KOMnAHl1l1 company. KPI1CTAJI.!Ibl or KPI1CTAJI.!IbIK. crys-
KOMnAPTl-UI communist party. tallino . #

KOMnAC compass. KYA wüoess : .. . 0031 evidence . "y

KOMnEHCAlUUI compensation. kYAJ1AH,.q~IP. to witness.
KOMnETEHUJ.UI competence . KYAJ1AHJ{blPbIn BEp· to have certified ,
KOMnnEKC co mplex; group . witnessed, testified.
KOMnJlEKT outfit, series, set. KYPOPT health resort .
KOMn0311TOP composer. KYPC coarse, track, path.
KOMnPECC Imed.' compress. KYPCAHT student ; officer cadet.
KOMCOMOn Young Co mmunist League . KYPCl1B italic type.
KOHBEHEP conveyer. 11 KYPhEP messenger. couri er, express.
KOHBEPT envelope. J::",; J JS.YIJl,[(E- to make a hubbub.
KO HBOf1.l11bl escort . ,7 KYIJItJ,EC· to make a hubbub ; to lead a
KOHrPECC congress. noisy, diso rderly conv ersatien.
KOaUYKTOP conducto r (rail road's, etc .). KY~ see KYA.
KOHCfHTYlll1Jl constitution. KY~nIK testimony, evidence : ... KAFA3
KOHCfPYKTOP constructor. documentary evidence.
KOHCTPYKUHR struct ure, formation. KY~mK IiEP- to testity.
KOHCYJI con sul. KIIiIPTIJ:L..~i ndeci sive man.
KOHCYJIbTAUHR consulta tion . KIIiIPTIK JKYPIC slow, tim orous pace .
KOHTAKT contact. KI6IPTIKTE- or KlIiIPTIKTEH- to feel shy.
KOHTEKCT co ntext. KlIi IT /local W/ gram storage.
KOHTIiHrEHT contingent. KI)],M- to feel hurt, to reeent.
KOHTIiHEHT continent. KIJU ho t tempered; touchy.
KOHTOPA office, bureau. KI.QIP- I) to linger, tarry, he late; 2) to stop.
KOHTPAIiAH,D.A smuggling . KI,lUPIn KAJl- to sta mmer, faIter ; to he
KOHTPA,ll.MHPAJl rear adm iral. delayed .
KOHTPOJIEP controller, inspeetor. super- KIJJ.IPIC I ) delay, halt , stoppage; 2) hindrance,
visor. obstacIe.
KOHTPOJlb control. checking, Inspeet ion. KI,ll.IPICCI3 unceasing, ceaseless.
KOHTPOJIbCI3 uncontrolled, unchecked. KI,lUHJIE- to furne ; to he on one's high horse.
KOHYC /geom./ cone. KIJlIH.·KIJUH ET- to walk with finn, quick
KOHI1lMCKAUMJJ confiscatlon, seizure (by steps.
authorized agency). KDKIH- 1) to he angry ; 2) to threaten.
KOH<J>JUiKT co nflict. KDKIHln KA PA- te loo k threateningly.
KOH'hIOHKTYPA conjuncture ; com bination KDKJPEH - to frown , scowl ; to he indignant.
of oircumstan ces. KDKIHJlE- to have a grudge again st some-
KOOnEPAUMJI cooperation. body.
KO Pl1.!10P corridor. KI3METKEP see K.bI3METKEP.
KOPM~EfI coryphaeus ; leading figure, a KI3METIUI see K,bI3METlIIl.
leader. J KIJlEll- to look weak ; to look sick.
j<O POR b king . KIJlErEA: contin uous, solid ; ... M~3 brash,
,, g)PQ~ kingdom. mus h, sludge (ioe); . .. K.AOMAK. tbin
KOpnyC 1) large building ; 2) hull (of a ship) ; layer of cream.
t 3) Iramework ; 4) /mil./ army corps ; KIJlErEAREH- to become covered with a
5) military school. thin 1ayer of something.
KOPPEKTOP /print./ proofreader. KJRE M carpet, ru g ; TYKTI ... f1eecy rug ;
KOPPEKTYPA /print./ proo f pages ; proof- TYCK,A VCfAMTbIH ... Gobelin style
rea ding. carpet.


! KVlEMillE sma U rug. KIPHE jmed.j a stomach uilment .

I KIJIEMlliI carpet maker. KIPnI hedgehog.
I KIJlETIllI floca l EI storekeeper. KIPfl Ill,Ell )KbIfIbIPbIJl~ to br istle up; to
L . KlJIKIJIJJ.E- to overfill. display an unfriendly attitude.
KIJIMH· see KIJlEiW·, KIPfliK eyelas h.
1 KIJIT 1) key; 2) solution (of a riddle, etc.) ; KIPfliK K,AK,K,AHIIIA in an instant.
, ... E~PhIJIbICbI sharp turn. KIFnIlli brick; .. . 3ABOJJ.bI brick-yard. brick-
, KInT CAJI- to loek. I field.
t KIJITnEH Alll- to open with a key. 't
./ KIPCI3 clean. '(>~\;f
, KIJlTTE- to loek. I,:, KIPT crunch, crackIe. 'f"-QJr.
, KlJITT I locked . ~I!/)) ' KIPT H- to grow dim ; to gro w dull .
f KIJlTIlIllocksmith. <{)~ . / KIPT ·KIPT ET- to cru nch, crackle .
"Kl M who; . .. EünCA AA whoever it may beo KIPT IK dot of sour milko
I!S!!:!A guilt. i'Ö PTIJln E. to crunch, crackle.
, KIHAJl A- to accuse. KIPTIJl,lJ.EK crunchin g, crackling.
iKîHAJî11 guilty. !f ob,,}<. 1 KIPllI EH; easily soiled.
I '!Q!I 1.U.K 1) navel , umbil icus ; 2) csnt~T; , k!5IPIll I /local SE! wash-basin.
<t~ ... T EMIP !tech./ ma ndrel ; .. . IIIEllI E ~'l KIPW IK smalt stain of dirt ; t)1in coating of
o midwife. dirt. y-:s. Y ))·d / :/
KIH,llIKTEC uterine. KIPllIIK llIAfl - to get slightly soiled.
I KIH8 see KtHA. KIPlllJfl,aE- to crunch, crackle.
I KIP 1) dirt; dirty; 2) dirty linen ; 3) weight KIPJK- to jein (a cracked wooden vessel or
(of balance); ... .6ACKAH dirty, soiled ; J cask) /iotr./ .
. .. :>KYATbIH MAIllI1 HA washi ng ma- ;) KIPJn TAP dep endent.
chine ; ... )l(YATbIH yfi laundry; . .. 1 , KIPIn TAP bOfl- to find oneself in slavery,
:>KYATbIH 8H EJl laundress ; .. . )l(YY bonda ge, captivity.
IJ washing. .1 KIPInTAPJIbIK, depe nde nee.

;; I KI P· I) to enter, eome in, penetrate ; 2) to join, ' KIPIn TAPJI b IK,K,A TYCJP- to enslave.
, enlist; /descr./ after gerund o n -blff, · IfT, -Il I KIPI C I) entrance ; 2) inco me: p . CAfl bJF bJ
of the main verb indicates me rapidity of IJ income tax.
the act ion expressed by the latter. - i 2 KIPJC - 1) to sta rt , set a bout; 2) to interfere.
KIP .60JI- to become dirty: to become soiled.v - intervene.
7- }(I P6 11· to look exha usted , sick. KIP IC OE preface. introduetion.
; KIP6IK thin layer ; thin coating o n the surface. I K ICE smail lea ther bag.
.S KlPrI3· 1) to bring in, carry in, lead in ; 2) to KICE H iron ho bbles ; fetters, shackJes.
) '~I J/ let in, allow to ente r ; 3) to appoint (to KICEH)];E- to hobble (in iron fetters) ; to put
office, etc.). into iron; shackle.
KIPrIm see KE Pnm. KICE H)];EYJI I 1) in iron hob bles (horse) ;
KIPE carrier's trade. 2) fettered , shackled (man).
1Kî'PE AC1)J;A- or KIPE TAPT- to be a ( KICI man .
carrier, a cabman. I KJCIJIIK humaneness.
I KIPEKEIll carr ier, cabman, driver, carter. KICIMC IH· to think too much of himself
/ KIPEP )KEP entrance. ïKIC IHE- to neigh .
KIPECIJlI·IIIbIFAÇpIJIbI varia ble, cha nge- / KICIHEC- to respo nd by neighing of horse .
~abl e, incons iant .-·- , KICIH EY neighing.
KIPEllII see KIPEKElli. I KITAn bock.
/ KIPJlE · to get soiled, dirty. I' KITAn oAe- to print a boo k.
/ .!S.!?JIEH /local SE! wash-basin . / KIT A n 01<.- to read a boo k.
j KIPflEH· or KIPJIEn K,An- to get soiled , I KITAnX AHA library.
dirty. I K!T~nIlIA booklet, pamphlet.
! KIPJlET- to soit, dirt y, contarrunate. rrq W crunch, crackle.
I KIPJl I dirty, soiled. KITIPJTE- o r KITIp·KIn p ET - co crunch o n
I KIPME /hist./ newly corne, alien, immigrant I the teeth.
fro m another clan . /;t, KIIIl KE HE smalI, little; la dv./ a Iittle ;

. .. TOFAH grove , small wood ; ... KAKnA eppearanee befare ente ring a contest.
garden gate ; .. . K,OPFA H fort (smali KY3 au turrm. fall: K,OH,bIP ... late fall with
fo rtress). dry and warm wea th er.
J KIillKEHTAJ1 hu le, smalI. KY3A,EY autumn pasture ; autumn stop-ove r
KIm I yo unger, smaller. ïess: ... .6El1IJ1 on the way from summer pastures to winter

i " respectful, civil, courteous. pollte, obliging ;
... ~
Y n /hist./ younger wik r
quarters (of nomads).
KY3.nIfYH I in the fall.
KIWlnp!M comparatively smalt. 1/..\"':.1 KYJ,llIK ladj'/ fall, autumn; ... SH,llAM
KIIIunEHIn see KIWI SEMIn. ./'j , winter wheat; ... EnH (all scwing.
/-kIm l n ER In lU K modesty, courtesy, civility. KY3E /local WI I ) ewer, pitcher ; 2) fastener
J KIIDJPEfI- 10 lessen , dirninish lintr.! ; te or band of saddle- bag.
become sma ller. KY3E- to shear, fleece.
KlillIPEHT- to lessen tu .t, diminish tu .t, KY3EK I) see KY3 .ll:EY ; 2) season for
reduce ItI .IJ '1 shearing young harses (spring): 3) time for
KVb} tub. i~ ')~j ' ,1/, autumn shearing of sheep.
KVSI J{E MAR abundance, plenty ; plethora, KY3EM autumn shearing of sheep.
superabundance. KY3EM All- to shea r sbeep in the fall.
KY61P conversatien in a low volce: speakin g KY3EH /zool.l poleeat, ferret .
in an undertone: IlocaJ W/ coal (in small
lum ps).
KY3EP nocaï SW I winter raad running over
the ice of a frozen river or lake.
KY S IPEK IlocaI SW I see ,llAJISA H . KY3ET guard, watch.
KY6IPJlE - to speek in a lew voice : to speak
KY3ETllil watchman, sent inel, keeper ;
ind istinctly.
KEM E guard ship.
KYJiI PJlEC- te converse in a low voice.
KY3EY shea.ring, Beecing; JKhInKbI
KY61PTKEJl I a disease of fingers and locs
sbearing young harses ; TYAE ... spring
(purulent abscesses).
shearing of camels .
KYEI WI cooper.
KYM 1) tune, melody ; 2) state, condition ;
KV){E /Iocal SW & Cl shock of sheaves. 3) care , auendance ; .. . CAH,llhIK, piano.
KY)l.E )KIn rope lied te a foreleg of a mare
K Y M ~ to burn , bum out, bu m down /intri ; •
while she is being milked.
KYAEJIE- to tie a mare's leg while she is /fig./ to disappear, perish. .....&.'-~()')"j
KYl1 TAPT- to sing a so ng. V '
bei ng milked.
KYM EEHlI,E. 1) to stir, move /intr./; 2) /fig.1
Ky.nEP hope ; ... C Y Iloca l EI abundance of
water. to do something leisurely, to linger over
KYtl,EP Y3· to lose hope ; to gel into despair.
details indec isively.
KVMEEH)l,EC- to do something leisu rely with
Ky.nEP Y3rEH hopeless.
KYAEPI Ilocal EI I) stre ng, dura ble; 2) hardy,
someone else.
KYMrE.-CAJl- to tune a musica l instrument.
end uring (of ca nl e) .
KY)]JK do ubt.
-K"YRr EJlEK hot-tempered, restless, fussy.
KY,LlJKen doubtless. KY Wr EJIEKT EH- to he nerveus ; te ger
KV)l,IKTEH - to doubt. excited ; to get irrttated.
KY,llIKTI doubtful. KYJ1rEJIEKTIK hot tempe r, irrita bility.
KY,llIP 110011 EI see KE,ll IP·S:V,llb IP. KYfU1J. to bum ; to cause burn ing pain.
KY.lUPEf1. to bend, curve lintr.l. KYMJ!IP- I) see KYHnl- ; 2) 16g./ 10 ollend.
KYl1,Ll.IPn lmed./ malignant anthrax.
KYJUPEAT- to stick ou t, th rust out Itr./.
KYJUC ladj'/ bent, hunebed. KYRE I) moth ; 2) carbon blad , soot.
KY,llaH 110011 EI small bag. KYHE3 dandy.
KYE "'" KVA . KYffEJlI,EH. to dress smart ly; to show a lf.
KY:JKI)AH huge; something huge. KY:A.EJIE- to cover with ~t . ....;>
KY:JKIn En cenns. to talk Joudly; to speak KYI1EHTE J) yoke (for carry ing water in
with fervor. buckets); 2) /tech.1 beam, shaft, bascule.
KYlKIPEÎI- see KY,ll IPEM·. KYl1.EY 1) betrothed (man), fiancé; young
KY)l( IPEHT- see KY,llIPEHT-. husband ; 2) son-in-law (dau ghter's husband)
KYJKIPEA IC- to assume a frightening or brctber-in-law (husband of elder sister).


KYI1EYrE TI rEH o r KYI1Ey r E IIIbll(- KYJInllI a merry person ; someone who is

K,A H married woman. easi ly amused.
KYI1 EYrE TlUO or K YI1EyrE IIIbIFY- KYlIJI.IP- te ma ke so meo ne 1atJgh:
WblJlbl K (a woman's) marriage. KYlIllIPE- to be co vered with blisters."
KY A3EJ1- I) 10 Iall into decay ; 2) to go KY Jl LUPrI Iunny. d ro lI, comical: a joker.
through di.fficulties ; 3) to he in bad condition KYnars m see KYnrnn.
(of an ernerprise) or in a sta te of crisis (o f KYJIKI laugh; la ughter.
capitalist coun tries ooly). KV11K! K,b IJI- I) 10 make someo ne a laugh ing
KV03EJ1IC breakdown , gra ve co ndition. stock ; 2) 10 la ugh a t someo ne.
KYI1KEHTAI1 /zooLt kestrel. KVlIKIJI I O AbIH merry game.
KvAKI uncomely ; pbysical ly undeveloped KYJI n APA SOJI- 10 he braken into pièces.
(o f men). KYJl n A PACbl ursrx- see KYJl nAPA
Kv All EH- 1) 10 put o n weight ; 10 fa tten EOJl -.
lintr.1(o f canïe) : 2) ( 0 live in plenty (o f men). KY nnA PWA ... sec KY.n nAPA .. ..
KVAJl EY ru t, hea t. KYJl-TA.HK,AH 601I- to be smashed into
KV IlJII I) weil red. fatrened (ca ttie) ; 2) welt- pièces, smithereens .
10 -<10 (men). KYJI TE I ) tuft o f ha ir ; 2 ) wisp; part of a sheaf
KVHME hood of a can. (of reaped wheatï.
KVAM EJII A P6A covered wagon. KYJlTEJl EH · 1) to beccrne ûuffy (of hair) :
KyApE· to go to ruin ; to colla pse: to become 2) I local WCj te dress well: to assume an
wortbless. a u rac tive e ppearanee .
KvA PEK l) no t durable; 2) /fig.! pessimis t. KYJl TEJl I flulfy.
KyftPEKTI K l) Iack of strength, fragility ; KVJlTIJl llE- to appear (of tumo rs, bliste rs.
2) pessirnism. étc .).
KyftPET- to ruin, destroy. derno lish. KYJlUI E ca ke o f unleavened dough.
KYftCE- 10 ru minate, che w the cud. KYJI IMllE· re srnil e.
KVH CI3 l) untrained (o f horse. hunring bied, KYJlI MCIPE- to srnile slightly.
etc .) ; 2) deprived of goud care, underfed (of KYJlIMIC· to stink.
ca ttle): 3) being und er inadequate co ndit ions. KYlI IH KeKKE Y WbIP- ro destray com-
KVACI3Jl EH. to grow worse; to get in to
difficulties. KYJUC- to la ugh .....ith e the rs.
KY f"1 CI 3.11IK need iness ; lac k of adequate care ; KYlIa EI /Ioca l SEI kind of sma tl melon (wit h
lack of required co ndit io ris. thic k, m ulti -colored skin).
KYM A H do u bt, suspicio n.
KY HT ca re : work pro vidin g the mea ns of
KYM AH JlAH · to doubt : to suspect.
su bsistenee. souree of inco me.
KYMAH Jl bl do u btful, suspicio us.
KY J,) TTE- 10 take care of.
KYMAH Ch l3 givi ng na rise to dou bt.
xvnun singer of folkso ngss. KYMEE3 do rne, cu pola: .. . TA M ma uso leu m,
KYHIK I) burn, scald: 2) /fig./ grief, sorrow .
tomb, burial-vaul t.
KYl1:I H- 10 grieve ; to he sad.
KYMEE31U dom ed .
KY f}' IHIlli grief. sorrow.
KYM EIP du ll sound .
KY fU H IlliTl so rrowf ul. gr ievous, sa do KY MEI PJI E- te em it d ull sounds.
xvam :.KAH- 10 have a temperature : to be KYMn /o no matopoe ic word t plop.
KYM n ET· l a plop ; te fall wit h a plop.
KYH IC cud. chew .
KY Mn E ft / Ioca l WC ' a kind of ro be.
KV HIC K A MbIP- 10 ruminate. to c hew the KY Mn IJl llE- to plo p.
cud. KYM IC sil..-cr.
KYKI PT sulphur ; mat ches. KY MI CTE- te silver-plare.
KYJI I) asbes. ei nder : 2) a d iscase o t sheep. KYMa HrE UIb IF A P· / Ioca l SE! to acq uit.
KVJI- la laugb. KYH I) sun ; 2) day : day of rhe mo nth ;
KYJIAnAPA bash lyk. wa a ien bood . 3) time . times. epoch. occa sion ; -1-) wearber ;
KYJI EI PE· to he covered with blisters. 5) /fig./ life: KY P KIPEY thunder;
KYlIrl3· to ma ke someone laugh ; to amuse . ... Ke3l o r ,r l-Phf sun beam: ... PA H bl
KYJI rlH ashy. ashen rcolc rï. wea rher: c.-\ n bI H dailv. everv dav:


... TYTbtRV solar ecllpse: WAnAFhI KYH;::}JII criminaJ, delinquent.

dawn, daybreek, sunrise ; lIIYAFbl Kyn /Iocal W/ large, doe, hole (in earth) ;
sunbeam. depreesi on .
KYH 6AT· (0 set (of the suo). KYnPE IlocaJ W1 bran.
KVH Kep· to live. KYIlCIPEff- to inûate, swell ; to try to seem
KYH K9PCETnE- te harass, persecute . fat, stou t.
KYHA guilt ; misdemeanor. KYnTI DOJ!· to overeet.
KYHAJlhI guilty. KYllIIIEK bub of a wbceJ.
KYHAPA in a day's time . KYTlI topcoat lined with sheep or camel
KYHAChI3 guiltless, innocent. êeece of spring sbearing.
KYHLAThIC I) west; 2) sunset. KynlJlJ],E- to rumble.
KYHliAFAP sunûower ; .. . MAAhI sun- KynIJID.EK idJe talker, windbag.
flower oû . KYP)].EJlI cornplicated, complex , compound;
KYHLAFhIC sec KYHSAFAP. important, significan t ; .. . ETICTIK com-
KYH&OAbl the wbole day. pound verb ; ... KYPblJlblC capital con-
KYHliYPhlH beforehand, prematurely. struction.
KYHrEfI sunny side or southem side of a KYPE /locaI SW I young of an ass .
mountain ; southem slope of a mountain KYPE- to rake up, rake together, shovel up.
range . KYPEK spade, shovel ; ... TIC incisor.
KYH,llE every day ; daily. KYPEKTE- to remove with a shovel; to rake
KYHJlE- te envy ; to be jealous. up with a shovel.
KYHJlER KYPK IPE- to inspire fear. KYPEKllIE shovel, scoop.
KYH,llEJlIK sec KYH,llE. KYPEC struggle, wreslling.
KYHJlEJ1IKTI usual, every-day, current (of KYPEC- to fight , struggle, wresûe.
work) . KYPECIllI wrestler, fighter,
KYHlI,EC riyal (of wamen only). KVPECIH K,AP snow pilcd -in a heap.
KYHJlEC· to he jealous; to compete . KVPETAMbIP la nat.1 artery.
KYH.QECTlK jeaJousy, rivalry (of women KYPEH. dark -red (color of borses).
only). KYPKE booth, stall, hut.
KYHlI,EYl1llJlIK envy. KVPKETAYbIK, turkey.
KYHJl13 ladv./ by day, during the day . KYPKEIDIK small hut .
KYH,1l13rI ladj.1 daily. KYPKlJI I) thunder ; 2) hoarse cough.
KYH,ll,lK I) daily (of werk end pay); 2) for KVPKIJI):{E· to wheeze.
one day, one day's ; 3) umbrella; ... A3bIK, KYPKIJLUEn )K9TEJl · to cougb hoarsely.
ratioo; .. . )KAJlAKbI pay by the day; KYPKIP sec KYPKIJI (I).
... )KEP dlstance of day's travel; .. . )f():." - KYPKIPE- I) to tbunder; 2) /6g./ to inspire
MbIC da y labor. fear .
KYHEJIT- to exist. KYPME /loca t EI vest, walstcoat.
KYH)KAPA o il-ca ke. KYPMEn 6AHJlA- tO tie with a special knot.
KYH)KIT sesame ; soybean . KYPC lonomato poeic wordl sharp abrupt
KYHHIH IiATYbl sunset. sound.
KYHHIH WbIFYbl sunrise. KYPC ET- to ro a r; to thunder.
KYHHIH W~FJIACbl sun beams. KYPCIJI roar ; thundering sound .
KYHWblFhlC easr. KYPCIJlJlE· 10 thunder.
KYHlllIJl envious. KYPCIJI,UET to produce thundering sounds.
KYHllJlJllllK envy. KYPTE Ilocal WCI jacket.
KYHKbIRP I local SEI end of the da y. KYPTIK J) snowdrift ; 2) /Ioca l SW I a kind
KYHI svrur tod ay. of flat cak e ; .. . KAP deep new snow.
KYHI IiVrlHrE D.ER IH up re this day. KYPillEKWI pot ter .
KYHI EPTEH tomorrow. KYPIllI rice. .
KVHI KEWE namely yesterday. KYT - to attend. serve Itr.f ; 10 take care of;
KYH IJlrEPI beferehand. to tend canle.
KYHI-TYHI day and night ladv.l. KYTIP crackle.
KYH;::} crime. KYTIP-KYTIP ET· or KYTlPJIE- to crackle.


KYT I PJlEK crackling. K 9 r EPY mould.

KYTIPJl E flTln lliAflHA- 10 chew with KEH"EPllIIH Izool.l pigeon.
cru nching so und. K 9 r EPJ lll jloca l SW/ smaU meadow.
KYTIC- to attend togetber ; 10 attend 10 xe rin an- bl uish ; light bl ue.
jointly wit h so meo ne else . K 9 n Jl.ll I PJl EH - to look blue ; ro tu rn blue.
KYTYllil nurse . KellE Ibol.l sedge (Carex) .
K y rn I ) force. strength; 2)difficuh y, beaviness ; Ke llEK I) l inea l SE/liltie child; 2) {Ioca l WI
... )K ~MCA Y application of farces; clumsy, slu ggish ma n .
XETEK WI ._ . dr iving force ; KYATThl K9)KE soup ; thin porrtdge.
powerfut for ce . Ka3 1) eye ; 2) eye (of a need le, etc.), eyelet,
KYW C AJl - io s t rt ve . opening; 3) sp rin g, so urce ; 4) Jfig.' super-
KYlli TY C- 10 susta in hardship. vision. care ; .. . AJlLIh lMh l3LlA before
KYlliAJIA I) lbo L! aconite (Aco nitum); (somebody's) eyes ; .. . AlllbIn JKYM-
2) aco nitine (poisono us aIka loid). FAH llIA in the twin kling of an eye ;
KYIllEA- 10 st rengtben. intensify l intr./ ; ... 60JlY humbug; .. . )KOK, blin dly ;
Mh lK,TA n ... t o intensify pow erfully. ... Y llIbl H.UA fa r off, in the disrance.
KYWEft T- te strengthen. intensify ftr./. Ka3 A(A 3b ln KAn· to l ose sight of.
KYIDEfi TKIlli intensiûer, amplifier. K a3 IiAAnA· to hypnotize.
KYIllE ftl n KET- 10 become srrong. K 9 J IiAtfJI AH- to get dark l intr./ ; ro draw
KYlliEH- to ma ke an etTort ; 10 force oneself. to a close (of a day).
KYllIC 13 wea k, Ieeble, impotent. Ka] )KACh I H 6YJIA - to sbed tea rs .
KYWCI3L1I K weakness. unpo teece . K9J )KET· te he co nvineed . to feel certain.
KYWTE- to fo rce, cern pel . eenstrain. K aJ )K~ M · to clo se one's eyes ; /6g./ to
KVlliTEH· 10 try, strive. decease, d ie. pass awa y.
KYmT I st rong, powerful . KeJ KIPn1· to gro .... dim; 10 Iose lustre
KYllITiJlI K power, might. (of eye s).
KYUIIrE H /zool./ cartion ea gle. Ka 3 CVJ· to loo k a vidly.
KY WIK puppy ; yo ung animal. K9J TAPT· to twitch o ne's eyetids co nvul -

I KYlli IKTE- to whelp. cu b, p up .

KVlli-K YAT po wer - energy.
KYH,rJ P11 E- to resound, rin g.
sively : l fig./ te att ract a ttentio n.
Ka] TACAJl A· 10 loo k asid e.
K a3 Tl1 f I3- to inflict bad luck by a look; to
KYHrI PT vague , o bscu re . give t he evil eye .
KYH,rIPTTEH. to darken /intr. : to become K a 3 T IK· to look avidly.
obscure; to become vagu e. Ka 3 I JlI H,QI P. la close one's eye s ; to have a
KYH,rI PTTI K obscureness. vaguenes s, dim - nap ; ra da ze.
ness. K a ] Kb t.rl- to unde rtake som etfung as a blind .
KOlillJ K I local W/ thin, ema ciated lam b. Ka3 K,hl C· to wtnk.
K9liEH- to gro w, increase /intr. .. Ka 3liE·K9 3 /adv./ tete -a-tete : rogether 10
K9 liEH rl W / math ./ rnultiplicand , private.
K9liE HT· to increase. enlarge I tr./ ; 10 K 9 36.EH 6 0Jl)KA ~ to est imate by sigh t.
multiply. Ke3rE K9PI H6.E· no r to fall under some-
K9liEflTETIH CA H Imal h.! multiplier, bod y's eye.
factor. Ke 3rE TYC· to arrest attenti on ; to he
K 9 liEAT Y m ultiplicat lon ; .. . KE CfECI striking.
/math./ multipl ica tion table. Ka 3f E lll AJI h IH· to arrest a ttention .
K9liEftTI R - ro grow, mcrease /intr./. K 9 3rE I Jl M E· to disregard haughtily.
KeSEilTl JlrEH or KeSEilTIJlET IH CA H Ke 3r EJIllEK l inea l WI small bowl.
/math./ multip licand . Ka 311E· /dir. & fig./ to aim.
K 9 SEATIHI U / mat h./ pr oduct . Ke311EY sighr (of gun ).
K9 6EJIEK butt erfly. K031lEYllIl /m il./ gun net.
K 9 &I K foam. frcth. Ka3,UIH A ffM AllAFbI eye o r bits.
K961HECE mostly; Ier t he most part . KOlUIH AJIMA Cb l eyeballs.
K9rEP· 10 tu rn blue, grow blee . beco me K 9 3,lU H A Fb( white o f the eye .
blue, K93DJ H, iKACfbfFb l ev elids .

Ke3)lll{ KeHIK -

K(3)lll{ KepYl eyesight . KeJI la ke.

xesma K,AEAFhI see Ke3)l!l{ lKA- K9JlJ].EHEH 1) transversal. cross, cross-eut ;
CThlFhI. 2) across, aga inst.
Ke3)lll{ K,APACbl cornea. K9JlE M slze. volume ; "". 9 Jl WEY IlIITEPI
K(3)l1l{ K,APAIllbIFbl pupil (of the eye). volume measures.
K930flHAK small pa tch of land ; smaU area. KaJlEl{KE sbadow.
K63CIJ eyeless. K6JlillE or K9JllllIK small Iake.
Ka3I AlllblJl~ I) to become sensible; 2) to K9JlI K 1) ho rse and cart ; 2) means of
become literate ; 3) to gel rid of a misfottune. conveyance; ... AT draugh t-horse .
Ke3I KeK blue-eyed. KeJlJK-APEA TPAHCnOPTbI or KeJlJK-
K631JUl PIK or Ka3InAIPIK eye-glasses. nEH TACY cartage.
K93KAPAC look, glance ; /fig./ view, o pinion; K9JII KCI3 horseless.
world outlook. K9M - la dig in. into ; la bury.
Ke3;}flHEK see Ka3lfl)lIPIK. KaMEE !local SE! I ) dry d ung used for
KeflJlEK shirt. coating ou ter walls of houses; 2) frying
Kafl]IEKTIl{ ETEr! hem (of a dress). pan.
KeK I) sky , heaven ; 2) blue (of sky, eyes, K9MEnHcn unassisted.; Chl PTT hIH
paper, etc.): 3) green (of grass, leaves, hay) ; without ou tside assistance .
4) gray (color of cattle an d harses) ; 5) gras s, xe MEM throat, larynx.
herb; 6) vegetables; 7) blulng. K9MEK help, assistance.
K e K A HA apple -gray (color of ha rses). K9M EK EEP- to help, give help .
KeK IiA3A P vegetable market. K9MEKEM liE3~EP I tonsiIs.
KeK: '" EoORY blue color ; . . . lI,dPI copper K9MEKTEC- to give help.
sul fate; ... )KAJI K,ACKbIP old wolf; K9 MEKm I llIESEP apprentice.
.. . :>KI1EK horizon ; ... KanTEP p igeon ; K9MKEP- to border, edge, fringe.
, .. KYMIiEJI sky, firmament; ... Ka3 or K9MKEPME bord er, ed ging.
... K93,n1 blue-eyed ; . .. OT grass ; ... K9MKEPY bo rd ering, ed ging ; fla nge.
CAFhI3 lbot./ kok -sagyz (Taraxacum kok. K9 M IP coal , charcoa l ; .. . KEH OillA FhI
sagh yz); .. . TAMhIP /a nat./ vein ; ... coal mine ; ... KdClliI coal mining industry ;
illbIIibI H Izool.l homet ; .. . é)J1EMI sky, ... CYTEr! carbohydrate ; .. _ lIIbIFAPY
firmament. coal mining; .. . K,AEAThl coalbed; . ..
K9KAJIA chatterer. KA3YllIhi coat miner ; . .. KbIlliK,blnhl
K9KIiAYhlP lanat.1 spleen. carbon dioxide.
K9KE lobs./ March . K9MI PTEn jchem.j carbon .
K9KEÎiTECfI vital ; ... MYME vital K9HlilC unassuming, unpretentlous, modest.
interest. K9HliICTIK unpretentio usness, modesty.
K9KEl1IHE K,OH. 10 percelve, comprehend, K9HrIrn meek, tractable, resigned..
grasp. K9HrIllITIK tractabi lity, res lgna tion, mee k-
K9KEK Izool./ cuekoe . ness.
K9K)I(AJ] wolf-hound . K9H.aI P- to talk (someone) into.
K9KjK9TEJ1 Imed../ whooping cough. K9HE 1) shabby. secend-hand (of things):
K9KnEK low, coarse grass, used as fuel. 2) experie nced , worldly-wise ; battle soldier :
K9KPEK breast, chest, upper part of body; 3) ancient; ... .QYHI1E anc ient world .
l6.g./ da ring, courage, pride. K8HEK leatbern pail for tbe milking of'mares.
KeKCEPKE 6AJlhlK. /zool.! pike perch . K9 HEKTE- to pour do wn in torrents (of
K9KTEM spring (scason). rain) ; to pour buckets.
K9KTEY spring pasture and sta nd. K9HEP· 10 he shabby, th read bare (of
K9KTIKEH Ibol.l cornfiower (Centarurea). c1oLhing); to lose o ne's cclor, become pale
K9K lUE /local SI a sort of melon (large , with (of man).
green skin and soft, hut tas tetess, pulp). KSHTEK thic k (of Iips).
K9KIII1 or K9KIlIIJl bluish . K9HTEPIm obed ient, pa tient, uncomplain-
KeK IPE see Ke KTIKEH. ing, su bmiss ive.
KeKK,ACKA IllErIPTKE /zool.r Iocust. K9 HTI- to bulge out; to stick out (of lips).
K9KKYfAH lzool.j stork . K9HIK- to become accustomed, to submit.


Ken much, man y, rnultitude, a lot ; Kepn3- to sho w.

6EJlrIJll jmath.' mu1ticiphered ; )l(b IJI- K9 pr Uil sharp-sigh ted , perspicaclous.
,llhll( /bot./ perennial (plant) ; MYIllE K9 pr I IIITI K sharp-sigh tedness, perspicacity
Imam.1 polynomial; .. . MdHD,I significant ; K9PE according to ; judging Irom.
.. . MaHM EH significantly ; ... HEKEJlI KePErEH see KeprIW .
polygamous ; ... HC)Y6EITIK lagr.f erop KePErEH Ke31 lKl T! far-sighted.
rota tie n system ; . .. OPblHLlhI mu lti- KePErEHilIK perspicacity .
seater (airplane, etc.) : .. . TAHATIThIK, sec Kap-)f(EP a ll so rts of things.
... H;JY6ETIIK ; ... YfiJ1( /bot./ poly- Ke PlKYIH see KOPlKhIH.
gam ous. K9PKEA - 10 become prerry, bea utifuJ.
KSnEYPblW Ima t.' po lygun. K9PK EM bea utiful, pretty, elegant ;
KenEA lamb bom in a late lam bing period . eH EP art.
K8nn E woelen wadd ed cafta n. KePK EM,ll EH - see Ke PK EH-.
KenPE /local SE! bridge. KePKEMilIK beaut y.
KanTE- I) to do some th ing jo intly with K9 PME exhibition .
o thers ; 2) to act as a group aga inst o ne K9 PHEKTI conspicuous, notabie.
persen. K9 pn E quilt ; ... KeK a ftergrass.
K9 nTEr EH great nu m ber, mul tirude, man y. Ke pI1E-lKA CT bIK bed ding.
K8nTEH I ) old . of long standing, lon g Kepn EJI,ll EC /local SE! or Ke pn EW
established ; 2) lon g ago . ! Iocal W! see KE H)KE K03hl.
KenTEHrI see Ke n TE H (I). KePCET- 10 sho w.
KSnTEn · K8 JlE MD.En together, co nj ointly. K9PCET K IW Index , ind icator, poi nter.
K8nTEY a bit too much. Ke pCET M E see KePM E.
K9nTI K mulntude, grea t quan uty : m ulti- K9PCETY de nun cia tion .
plicity, plura lity ; fgram./ plural . ~
1 K9PCETYllJi info rmer.
KamD E !gram .' plural. plural number. K9 PCEK bl3A P easily carri ed away . entice-
KemlllK pille w. cushion ; pillo w of a sadd le able.
/local W/ ; ... T bIC pillo wcase, pillewslip. KA PTE woma n's q uilted ee tton dressing -
KSnllll Jl soc ial we rk er, pubtic worker ; gown.
... AflA M sociable ma n. KePTbl lllKAH Izool./ mole.
KanmlJlIK I ) ma ss, multitude ;'2) majo rtry. K9 PY Imil.l review.
Kemp bridge: ... AY3hIH,llA Fh I 6EKIHJC Ke pWI neighbo ur : ... EJT,UEP neighbouring
brid ge-bea d. coun tries.
Kemp~ to faam, froth . K9PW I OT bl p. to be a neig hbour of.
KenIPrIlli foamy, frot hy, effervescenr. Ke pWIJl EC neigh bou ring.
KanIPlllIK fo am , froth. K8PlIII JTECT I K or K9PllIIJl IK neighbour-
KempWIKTEH - see xerne.. hood.
KsmPlllIKTEHl n KEJT· to begin la fro th, Ka PI t ben : in co mpa riso n with ; as compa red
foam . with .
Kep grave ; I fig.1 blind ; .. , TAC gravesto ne ; KSPIK I ) bellows: 2) bea uty. elegan ce.
... KA 3Yill bI gra ve-digger. KaPIK SEP- 10 sbape : ro mak e elegant •
Kep- I) to see : 2) 10 expericnce, go through , beautifu l.
endure: 3) to try ; 4) to co nsider (someo ne) K9PIKC13 ill-looking. homely.
a pro voker (of somerhi ng) : )KA KChI ... 10 KSPIKTEH - to acq uire a n attracuve ap pear-
love ; )KE K ... 10 ha te, distike. a nce.
Kep OOJT· re becom e blind. K9PI KTI pretry. bea uuful, elegant (of persons
K9PrEH,U1 courteous. well-bred . ha ving a nd thi ngs).
good me nne rs. K9PI M I) Iloca l WC. sv« un pleasam, un-
Ke prEH..'lIJTIK cou neousness. civility, good anracn....c : 2) /Ioca l EI. goed. no t bad .
breeding. K9PI MLlI K a gift p resenred a t the show of a
KSprEHC I3 I) disco urteous . ro ugh. ill-b red. bride e r o f a newly bo m chüd.
having bad man ners ; 2) sha meless. impudent. • Ke PI H· (0 COOle in slgbt, r o a p pear.
KaprE HCn,UIK discourt eousness. rough- Ka PI HE openly . manifestI}'. o bviou sty. in
ness, un rnanner tine-«. îII breedin g. braad daylight .



KePJHIM disrance of visibility. Ke llIIn-K,OHh In lKYPETIH lKEP area of

KSPIHIC appearance, loo k. sight, view : traveling of a nomadie tribe.
panorama, d isplay, manifestation. KellIIP- l) to m ove Itr'/ fro m ODe place to
K9PJC- 10 see each ether, meet each other ; another ; 2) to force to pas s to another place
to shake hands ; 10 embrace. (of no ma ds) ; 3) 10 ret ype. 10 recopy.
KOC (utt ered repeatedly) JeaJ) 10 a she-camel,l. Ke WI PM E excerp t, co py, dupllcate.
KacE 1) beardless ; 2) I !ocal W I sand spit. KelliIPYlIII copyist, typ ist .
KOCE- to stoke fire . K9llIIPIn )KA 3· to copy, recopy, retype.
KaCEM lea der. K9llilPl n )KIEEP- to fo rce to Jeeve the
KgeEM,llIK ma kings of a leader. occupied place (o f nomads).
KOCEY poker. K9H 1) dung ; 2) /Iocal WC/ winter camp (of
KOCJK J) wild carro ts ; 2) I local WCI j amb. nomads).
door-post . KelUJl 1) moed , frame o f mind; 2) atten tion;
KOCI Jl - or KOCIJIT- 10 stretch one's legs. 3) wish, desire: .. . KOrnTbl K complacen t
KOCIJlln iKAT· 10 lie with stretched legs. mood, goed hu mo r ; A K ... AllA M good-
KaTEP· to lift , raisc. natured man.
K9TEPnlll ho ist, lift, elevator. KelUJI AHT· to presen t condolences.
KeTEPEM MAJl ernaciared cattle. K9HUJ EaJl· la give considera tion.
KeTE~ME -help given 10 a racehorse al the KeHIJI bnbIJI· to feel upset.
- finish ; ... K,AilhiC saddle girth. KeH.UI K9TEp· to cheer up tu.t,
K9TEPMEJlE· to give help ; lfig./ to inspire , KeIlIJl CYPA· to cal l o n. visit.
cheer up, encourage. K8 f{lJI K.AJ]. re lose interest ; 10 get dis-
KSTEPMEJlEn )KIEEp· (0 encourage. appcinted.
K9TEPIJI- 10 rise, revel t. KeHIJI xon. 10 showatt en tion ; to take care.
K9TEPJJlIC reve lt, rebellion, uprising. K9HInrE )l(AK,nAftTbIH /fig.1 tasteless.
K8TEPIl-lKI· to raise a little ; to lift slîghtly. K9HIJl.llErJ)lEf! successfully, as wa s wanted .
KeID nomadie wandering ; .. . )KEP ODe stage K9lUJID.EH - 1) to co nceive a des ire, feel a
of a nomadie trek (fro m ene stopping p lace wish, take a liking to ; 2) 10 cheer u p /in tr. /.
to another) . K9lUJlJlEC sympat hize r.
Kern · 1) to lea d a nomad's life ; 2) to move to KeH;IJlD,l happy, interest îng .
anothcr place; Jl.YHJ.1EllEH . . . to pass KeHIJl,lU EEKIT- te qu iet d own /im r./ ; to
away, to deceasc. 10 die. rega in o ne's oomposure.
KellJEACbl leadcr of a nomadie travel. KeHIJlCI3 disma l, cheerless, gloomy : j oyless.
KellE st ree r ; ... 60Mb' along t he st reel. sad , bored.
KalllErEH nom ad . K8l-{IJICI311EH· 10 be bored ; te feel upset.
KallEP I) 110cal WCI axle of a ca rt; 2} K9IlIJIC131UK cheerlessness. beredom.
/Iocal SW/ bub of a cart's whee l; 3) Iloc al W/ tedium .
right of wa y. K8HIJllII EK good-nat ured. tru stful: gullible ;
KarnE T sprouts. seed lings. sym pa thetic.
KeU.DKEHEKEA hastil y, hu rriedl y. KeI-{IJlllIEKTIK goodness. respo nsiveness.
Ke WK I l) /Iocal E/ snowslide, avalan ch e ; sym pat hy, good-naruredness.
2) /Ioca l SW/ anchor. KeRIJlI AK henest. upright.
KemKIH landslide ; ... M~3 sliding block o f Ké)rEITE· Iloca l SEI to cover, pro leet from
ice ; ... KAP snows llde, avalanche. water, dampness .
KewnE sec Kern ; MY3 glacier. Ké)!lE AJl· to request fro m the bridegroom a
KemnEJl I no mad ; EJl o r ... TAftnA gift for the yo ung Iolks in bride' s A Y h lJl.
nomadie tribe : T~PMb I C nomadie Ké)llErE A C· to he useful ; to he used .
mode o f life. Kd llEJIE· /loca l SW/ 10 intend for, la
K e m n EH o r K8WnE HWI /Iocal SE, o bs'; dedicate.
semi-nomadie. KdJl.IK hazardo us, da ngero us. vague.
Kerny no ma die wanderings. KdllIMnllEH p roperly, as it becomes, in th e
jeeurm )KYPETIH EJl nomad ie t ribe . ri ght way.
KeUJln KOHY nornads' camp. K;;):)KEH /Iocal W/ reincoa t.

K;}Yh AP

Kan /Iocal S, med.1 mange, scab: mangy, KdeEK I) /Iocal WI herd of harses; 2) run ,
scabby. school, shoa l (of fishes).
KaM6EJlE· /toca t SEI to embroider. KdeJn trad e, occupati on, profesaion : . ..
KaM EK Ilocal SEI unripe watermelen. L(YKEH I workshop.
Ka Mn I T caramel. candy. KdClnOJJ.AK. labo r un ion .
KaHEft / Iocal WI thin, emaciat ed. KdClnOPhlH or KC)C l nOPHbl en terprise.
KaH YA I local SEI embroidery . K;}Cm WIJlEP OAAFbI see K;}CmOAAK.
KaPl old, old man ; ... m ElliE grandmother ; KaTEK- Ilocal E & SEI to weeken lintr./.
... K'iJIAK A,ltAM erud ite, experienced fade. withe r.
man ; ... Kbl3 I) o ld maid; 2) /OOt./ forget- KalliEK /Iocal S & SE! straw; ined ible part
me-nor (Myoso tis). of ha y.
KaPIJlIK old age. K;}Yh A P T A C see r A Y h A P TAC.


JlAEAfi or JlABAH land slide, snowslide , JlAIlblJl,D.A- 1) to blaze ; 2) to flap one's

avalanche. arms slcwly (like wings).
JIAIiOPAHT labo ratory asslstant . JIA O blJlllAYblK Ilocal EI ûoa r (of a seine).
Jl AOOPATOPH.sI la bcratory. JIAOKOfl /local SW I I) Har; 2) be bbler,
JIAIiO PATOPIUIJI blK ladj'/ la boratory. twaddler, windbag.
Jl A)K way, mean s, method . JlAC dirt ; dirt y, soiJed; unsanitary.
JIA)K)lA- to do something utilizing the means JlACfA· to soil, smear, stain .
availa ble. JlACfAH- to get soiled, smeared, stalned .
JIAA silt, sediment, sludge; /adj./ turbid; JIAY horse and cart ; l bist./ transportation
. .. CY muddy, turbid water; lexpr./ .. . fum ished by the people to officials visiting
CY AAH IiAJIblK. AYJIA- to catch fisb on official business ; .. . MIH- to ride in
in muddy water. carts su pplied by the local population.
}IA M EOJl· to get rnuddy, to grow turbid JlAYA3bI M pos t, office, posi tion.
(of water) . JlAYJIA- to bum f iercely (of a bonfire).
JlAI1JlA ~ to muddy, stir up (of water). JI AYPEAT laurea te.
JIAI1JlAH ~ to get muddy, turbid (of water). JIAYillhI dri ver, carter.
JIAA CAH; fou l weather . JlAXhIT vault, crypt.
JlAHhIK, J} suitable, appropriate; 2) in n AIIIh IH Izool.1 kite.
accordance with; in conformity with . JIAllibIK, hut. shanty .
JlAMbIK, Kep- to consider suita ble, worth JIA K kid.
attention. nAK,- to get lost; to leave the herd and
wander a bout (of cattIe) ; lfig.! to lose one's
Jl A Ah lK, TAn- to find suitable, wort h
way, to take a wrong turn (of a man ).
nAK,A Izoo1.1 sheatfish.
JlAAhIKTA- to adapt to Itr.l ; to set aside
JlAK,An hearing, rumor ; .. . CG3 rumor,
for, intend Ier.
JIAAbIK,TAJl. to he destined for; to he
JlAKAn TA PAT· to sprea d rumors, to
adapted to.
JlAff b IK,T b l suitable ; deserving worth , atten- JlAK,nA KICI superficial, unprincipled man.
tlon. JIAK,IlA ce3 un fou nded , groundless remarks.
JIA fl M T IlocaI WCI suitable, fit. JlAKTA- to bear young (o f a goat).
JI AK vam ish, lacquer. JlAKTbIP- to thro w, toss.
Jl A KT bI Iacquered, va rn ished : patent-leatbe JIAK.bIJlJlA- 1) to dangle, jol t ; to be shaken
ladj.l. up ; 2) to put o ut, overflow in a mass (witb
JlAMA fi JlA· /Iocal S E/ to mix. mix up, pressure).
entangle. Jl AH; Ivet.1 epizoo tic.
JI A M nA lamp. JIAH; CAll· /fig,J to cause bann ; to arouse
JIA O AC I) Ilocal SEI shed: 2) IlocaI WI displeasure, dissatisfaction.
mud-hut. JlAFbIJl TA C ruby.
Jl An K O n- to throw onese lf into the attack ; JIES I3 wo rd. hint, allusion.
to attack en masse; to mob. JI Er AJIbnbI legal.
Jl An KOlO Imil.l attack . JI ErEH I) was b tub : 2) /Ioca l SE/ large bowl,
JlAn-JIAn )KA H· to flicker, to bum with a dish .
waverin g ligh t. JI ErEH AA legend.


JlE3AE very quickly : insta nta neo usly. JUI M I1T lim it.
JlEK-Jl ErIMEH rnultitudes, huge numbe rs. JU1 P J.1KA lyric poetry.
JIE KCH KA voca bulary. n11P I1KAJlblK, I. dj./ lync.
JIEKCHKorPA<P lexicographer. JIHTor PAItlHR Iithography.
JlEKCHKOrPA<f:l HRlexicogra phy. Jl06JIhl·1) 10 nausea te: to prod uce vonuting ;
JlEKC HKO H lexico n, dic tionary. 2) to have a foreboding of evü : 3) lfig./ 10
nEKTOP Iecturer. reade r. vacül at e ; 10 retrea t.
JlEKTOP HA teerure bu reau . JlOnt KA logic.
JlEKU H R lee rure. n O n l KAll bIK logical.
JlEKIP- Jloca l W/ to increase j intr.!. Jl O)f(A box (in a theater ).
JlEHl1 HH3M Len inism. n OT !mar./ sou nding lead .
JlEn puft'. breath ; force tmo vemenr) : JIOKCh I. to feel nausea .
blCT bl K ... hea t. JlbIn E'FHl quic kly, swiftly. promptly.
JlEnMAH /loca l W j kerosene. JlbIn -Jl hIn )KAH · (a bum uneve nly lof a .
JIEnTI iKEJl a breeze . lamp).
JlEnTI CeHJlEM /gram./ exclama torv sen- n srx I. dj ./ ruil.
tence . Jl blK ETIn sec Jl bIn ETIn .
JIEn IJlLlE- to hurry, rus h a head . JIh IKCh J· to sink , settle.
Jl En IJl LlEK I local WC! smal l ke rosene lamp Jl hIKC h lT· l a lcwer (a weighr).
(wit ho ut a chi m ney). JI hI Kh IHbJ n TOA· te eat to full sat isfacr ion.
.HEn lp· to speak basu ly, excüedly, witho ut Jl b IKb lfn· te fi11 something to the br im, to
th in king ; to gel excited : 10 fly iruo a rage. the limit, ( 0 overflowing.
JlE nIPM E Kiel braggart. Jl blK.hIJl,aA':. to he filled (wit h liquid).
JIE n lPME cel empty, meaningless \vords. Jl bIKbIJlLlAT- sec ,1 b IK b IflT-.
JTW&EPAJIliberal. JlbIKbl10 10 the limit ; to o verflow ing .
JlJ,1 6 EPAJlLlA H- ro become a liberal . Jlyn ET· to miss a bea t (of the hea rt ).
Jl HliEPAJlObIK liberaJ views. Jl y n Illl1 E· to beat more quickly (ofthe hea rt ),
JU1 6EPAJTjl b ll( [CTE · to play rhe liberal : neK stud-camel.
to display Iibera lism. n 8KET Iloca l C & SE/large knife .
JU 16 E PAJl H3 M liberalism . Jl8H n Iloca l SE! face towel .
JI '1 KBi1l1ATOP Ipol./ liquida tor . Jl d 33AT pleasure, satisfac tio n .
JIi1KBI1LlATOPJlbI K /pol.! liquid at ionism. J1;:lPE H /Ioca l S/ sma ll bowl o r cup.

I MA /interrogat ive particlel see DA. ~ Ai1LlAJ1A: I) to change (money); 2) to
MAr A311H store. pulverize (stone) ; 3) to crumb; 4) to cut
( MArl1CTPAJlb 1) bighway : 2) ma in (wate r, into smal l chunks (meat) : 5) to ftuff (woel).
/ gas, etc. ). MAflAAJ1AD çe0JIE~ to speak f1atteringly.
,M Ar H l1T magn et ; ... TOJlK,Y bI electrica l MAflJl,AJlAYexchange .
/ storm. MAfI ,ll,AH plain; field of actio n. front .
....MAM KTA· to praise , loud, glorify. MAilJlAHMFbl APMllR ImiLI field army.
.MAJlA KTAY pralsing, louding, eul ogy. MAHK EH E IOOt.1 cas tor plan t (Ri cinus).
MA3A rest, peace, calm, co mposure ; good MAfUIA- to oil, grease ; to smeer, spread;
mood. to whiten, white-wash ; MAIIH1HAHhI ...
MA3AJlA· te disturb. trouble. disquiet, to oil a machine; YA ... to whlte- wash a
perturb. house.
MA3AJIhI so lid, str e ng, staid , sedate (of man). MAAJlAH- to fatten /intr./ (of ca nle).
MA3 AP grave , tombstone, mon ument; ceme- MAHJlAYllIhl grea ser, lubrica tor.
tery ; Ihist.1 grave of a saint . MA'AJIhI /adj./ fa t, greasy .
MA3ACb13 resuess, disturbing; long-d ra wn- M Ai1JIh~ napkin.
o ut. M Afi MAï<Xn clu msy ; bow-Iegged ; <!) lobs./
MA3ACbI3AAH· to worry, bother linIr.l; to youn g c:amtl (taboe word).
.: he upset, disappointed ; to beco me dlstur bed. MAA'MA HnA- to hobble. toddie ; la stumble
MA3AK moc kery, sneer, gibe . alon g.
MA3AK ET~ or M A3AK,TA- to scofî, mock, MA0 M b iJl mon key.
jeer. gibe (at). MAHMhIJI,UAH- to ape.
MA3AK,WhIJl scoffer, mocker. MAHTAJIMAH I) very streng , untiring (of
MA3M ~H content, essence. substance. matter ; horse); 2) versed (in), experi enced (in) ;
table of contents. 3) unreal ized deslre : 4) vexation , an nayan ce.
MA3M ~HD;A- to state, set forth . expo und. MAAmA:C1:KAFhIm ch um . ,. J
MAfi I) fat . grease, oil; 2) May (month) ; MAAmoJIn bl /loca1l skimmer, ladle. :...\~\.?
CAPhl butter; TOl-{ ... fat, suet, lard; MAfibIP- '0 bend lu.l.
KAPA ta r; . .. AfibIPAThIH 3ABO.Q MAA bIPhIJl · to bend lintr.1 (mos tly of
oil factory ; ... lllAl1KAY K~I1;I bu tter- me tal o bjects).
maki ng ; .. . llJAM candle: .. . WhIFA~ MAMhIC- 10 bend oneself or itself.
PAThlH OPbIH oil-factory ; .. . KAPAFA'A MA'AhiCThIP. t o bend Itr.l.
silver fir (A bies sibirica). MAfih lCKAK flexible, pliable. easily bent.
MAR EAC- to fatten, get fatt ened . MAilK,AH nocaI SEI I) pile, hea p ; 2) brick -
\M AO.!lï\ID ,mali <bin..; ,mali, pe tty ; (Z) soft , drying pla tform in a brickyard.
mild, gentIe; smoo th; . .. AKlliA small MA0KAHllA- I local E & SEI to winnow
change; . .. )KYH soft woel; . .. C e..1 (wheat).
w courteous wo rd ; ... T~FAA: underb~h. M AKJl EP broker.
,'" undersrowth: ... lIIYME small things ; MAl<JIE PJl h lK br oketage.
J.:,<7 ... K.~M fine sand ; MAn· perfectly soft.
! • • MAJI ca ttle. do mest ic animals : hl). ... h o~
MAfiD:AA EP- to he touched, rnoved (of (cqllectively) ; J<,APA ... ça mels, cows and
emo tlon s). sheep (collectively): lePT D'D IK.- ... four
MAfiJlAfi lKAK - (0 be highly useful ; ' 0 be kinds of cattle: harses. carnets . cows, sheep ;
very nourishing (of grass), .. . a3hfFbI forage ; ... GaF)' cattle tend ing ;

.. . fia KKa H Iiarra shepherd boy ; ... êaryur u MAHJ lAM festerin g sores (cattie) .
herdsm an ; ... ;.r:aDbUIblMbI pasrure ; ••_ ;.KaB- MAH, llAT manda te. warran t.
,[lid /aJl3M/ on e who loves an imals ; .. . MAH EBP ma neuver.
K~i6i cattle-breeding ; ... COIO slaughter of MAH E BP :>KAC A - to maneuver.
cattIe ; . .. COJIT blH JlCCp sla ughter house ; MAHC A n career.
_.. wapyawbUlblFbI cattfe-b reedin g ; ... xopa MAHC AnKOP career- rnan, go- gen e r, pusher.
ca nle-sbed , farmya rd ; ... KblPYs la ughter of MAHCAIlK,OPJlblK. pushing (0 get ahead.
ca ttle ; . .. enisri epizootic. ca ttle plague , MAHT (Chin .) meat dumplings.
. .. ecipyu ri cattle-breeder. MA PA3 see MEPE 3.
MAJl- to scoo p. ro f adle ou t ; 10 dip Itr.1 MAPA1l maral
immerse Itc.t. MAP.QAH /Iocal SEI reed mat.
MAJIA ba rrow. ; .), I;. MAP.l lhlM strength , force.
MA JI AH hired werker . farmha nd ; servan t. if~\ MA Pll bI r;Ülbl
ta U and strong (fellow).
MAn AI1J1b IK con ditio n of being a hir~ I " . MAPJ] ,bIMbI KEM.I
TEY AT feeble horse.
werker . ~1AP)I(AH coral .
MAJlA KA ft winter cap . /' MAPl1 AM AHA Mothe r of God .
/ M An )].A H- 1) to gro w rich; to provi de one- .... MAPK CI13M Marxism .
self with canle ; 2) to tru st, to believe . MAPK CI1CT IK Marxian , Marxis t ladj ./ .
lM An u Ac K y pblO OTbIPl. to sit cross- MAPT MaTCh .
legged . ~ M APillA JI marsha l.
J ;;'Ip ./ MA.Jl ):{bt rich wirh cattIe; prosperou s.
MAPK A ear ly offsprin g (of cattle) : esp, a la mb
( MAJlM A fermen t for the tanning of lcather . bo m early in the season .
/ ' MAn- MY Jl IK cattle ; personal property. \.&1 A PKAî1} 10 grow up (o f animai s).
1 A.[ICA ~ ene w ho takes good care of cattle. ./ M APK~~-1 tbe deceased ; late .
>1.. M AJl TbfK- 10 slick in mud. a be g, o r 5:' OW. / MAC d ronk (no un).
/ MAJll lI bl herds man, shepherd. / MAC SOJI- to be dronk.
M AJl llI b [- or MAJl lllbIJlA- to dip ltr.l / MAC K bIJl· to ma ke so meon e drunk .
re peatedl y into a liquid. MACA rnosqu ito ; }(A PA ... ma la rial mos-
MAJlb I H- to dip lintr.!. dive, sink ; to gel qui to .
dirt v. MACA l1: PA. I) to ta ke liberties (with) ; to
) MAMA I) mothe r ; 2) breasts (of moth er); be unduly familia r ; 2) to give o neself a irs.
3) 10bs.1 sta ke, post. to be ha ugbty.
MAM A-,UAH A Ilocal SE! deceit. cu nning. MACA l1PA n KET- te be overly fa miliar.
MA MAllb lHIIIb lJIblK KblJI- rlocal SE/ IO MA CAHP AY /fig./ dizziness ; TA6 b lCK A
he eunnin g, to deceive . ,y ,...,..-~ •• • dizzine ss with success.
MA MAH specia list. MACA Jl A- to save o neself Irom mosqu itos'
MA MAHLlAH - to specializc. stings.
MA MA HJ],b lK, speciali ty ; 9HllIP ICI1K MACATIAH - see MACAi1PA •.
professional q ualifica rion ; profesaion. MACATIAH YllibI JlbIK, conceit, selfsa ris-
MAM bIP lo bs./ Ap ril. ta ctio n.
MAM blP I) obese, fat ; 2) pender ous a nd MACA TbI silk, velvet.
c1umsy from-~ (of wild ducks and MACA XAHA mosqu ito curtain .
gcese who ca nno t Ry in the fall). MA CAK. I) ea r (of grain ) ; spike (of grass) ;
MA MbIPLlA. to drag one' s feet while wa lking. 2) arrow-head .
MAM biK down ; feather bed . MACA K, TEP- to gather grain after rea ping ;
~t AMblKTbt downy, Ruffy.
to glean.
MA HA rece ntly. MACA KTA- see MACA K TEP- .
MA H ALJ;A H SEPI Irom that time (forwa rd). MACK A mask ; lfig.' feigned semblance.
MA HAn Ihist./ feudal lord s (arnon g the MACK A PALl masquerade; lfig.j hypocr incal
Kirgh iz an d part ly am ong the Kazak bs). a ppearan ce {preren se).
MAH AT /Iocal \VI money. roubI e. MA CKI1 PO BKA )K.ACA · 10 mask ; to dis-
MAHA YPA- [0 be in a sluggish and dro wsy guise.
sta te. MACK YHEM aleo hotic. d runka rd.
MAH A F bl recent ; of that time. MACK YHEM .ITIK alcobolism.

-------------------~--_ ._- - --- - ------- -- - - --,


MACCA)f( ma ssage. MAUlhIKTA H- to acq uire habits, skills :

M ACCA)f( )KACA- to ma ssage. OKYFA ... te master Ihe process of
MACTAH· lfig.! to gel drunk (with JOY. readin g.
e tc.). MA R I) stock lof hayt, riek (of heaves) :
MACfEK horse of a Siberian breed . 2) she-ca mel.
MACfEP skilled werkman, foreman, expert : MAJlJIA - to stac k (bayl.
... )Kap,UEM WIC I apprentice. MAj{HA All - /Iocal SEI to receive .....ages or
MACfEPCKOft workshop, studio . salary.
MACfh lK drunkenness, intoxicated co n- /' MAKAJI proverb, saying.
dition . MAKAJlA a rticle (in newspaper, etc.).
MAChiJl burden, sponger, parasite. / MAKAY 1) slc w-w ined. stupid, blockhead ;
MA Ch iJl SOlI- to become a burden . 2) tongue -tied.
MA Cb liUlA H- see MACblJl 6 0Jl-. MAKJI ~K creature : living being.
MACbIl(,- 10 gel drank ; K,YAHbllll K,A MAKnAJl velvet, plush, velveteen .
/fig./ to he overjoyed . MA KC AT aim, in tent je n. wisb . object,
MAC K,APA sh am e, disgrace. purp ose.
MACK,APA EOJl · 10 bring shame upo n one- MAK,C ATTbI having a pu rpose ; purposefut.
seJf. MAKTA cotton ; conon fabric; wadding.
M A CK,APAJl A · 10 put to shame. ... ErYmIJlIK eetton growin g ; ... )Kbl A-
MATA fabric, c1oth ; KA JlhlH KATIhl HA~tton pickin g : .. . MAHbl cotton-
materia l for outer c1othing. seed o il.
MATA- to ho bble harses. MAKTA- to co mmend. praise. lau d.
MAT ACThIP- to tic ha rses rogerher by their MAKTAJlbI eo nen /adj.f, q uilted /adj.!.
legs for prevenring t he m Irom running away. MAK,TAH bragging, bo ast ing.
MATEPI1AJI material. MAK,TAH - 1) to bra g /intr./ ; 2) re be proud .
MATEPI1 AJlJlblJ<. I1rIJIlKTEP material MAKTAHllIAK, braggart, boaster.
MAKTAHllIAKTblK I) bragging, van ity,
M ATPOe sailor, seaman .
vainglory ; 2) boastfulness, arrogance ; 3)
MATPYIllKE (I<>cal EI a kind of herb.
swaggering, co nceit .
MATillA /local EI ma st.
MAKTAHbIW pride.
MA YEAC I) sluggish, sha bby; 2) slow-
MAKTA C- I) to eulogizc, laud, extol; 2) to
witred .
praise o ne another .
MAY.6ACTAH- to become sluggish, inert .
MAK,TAYpraising.lau d ing ; .. . KeTE PET IH
MAY6ACThIK, flabbiness, sluggishness: slow-
praiseworthy: .. . KAFA3 ho nor cer tificate
witted ness.
(for excellence in studies).
MAYChl M season of the year.
MAYThI woolen cloth ; :.. 6ACATbIH MAK,TAYJlbI 1) fore most. pr ogressive : 2)
)f(EP fulling mill : TO K,b IAT bIH lauda to ry, eu lo gistic: 3) liron./ mueh
MAUlHHA wo ol-weaving machine . prai sed .
MAYbl3jlAfI Ilocal SI hu ge, big . MAK,TAYFA T"' PATbIH see MA J<.TAY
MAXA6bAT lo ve ; dH I love-song. MAK,TA UIbI
ee tton grower .
eo n e n gro wing.
MAI<)/Jl good, fine /adv./ .
MAXPA ihist.! bride-money.
MAUIAK j10cal S, SE! gra ss, ha y. MAK,YJIJlA to approve. agree.
/ M AlU H H A. machine. _ ~~ MAFJl Y MAT knowiedge, Info rmation. dat a.
MAllII1H AJlAHD.bIP- to mechanize. :/' souree ma terial .
/ MAllIl1HAJl AHFAH rnec hanized . MA FJlYM ATChl3 ignorant, inco mpetent.
/ MAlIII1HA-TPAKTOP CTA H U I1J1CbI ma- MAFJl'lMATfhI Informed. versed in, well
chine and tracto r service and supply sta tion. educa ted.
MAlIITAC- IlocaJ Ei to come together, to MAFHA meaning, sense, content ; .. . EEP-
unite iintr.f, to come to an agreemen t. to interpret. construe, explain.
MA lli bl she-ass. MAFHAJlAC synonymous (te ).
MA IIIb lK habit, practl ce, exercise. MAFHAJlhl pithy, significant.


y...:~/ M AFHA Ch I 3 senseless, nonsensical, absurd, 1 MEfIIPlMC13)l.IK heartlessness, cruelty,

insipid . ferocity.
~;" MAF H A C bI 3.u b l K. senselessness, absurdity, I MEKEME department, administra tion , in-
nonsense. stitution.
, ......4MAH 1) environs, vicinity ; 2) limit , bound; IM EKE H I) residence, location , whereabouts,
:; Cl 3) as se rvice word is used only in o blique abode ; 2) !Ioc. SE t
cases, see I MEKEHJl.EH· 10 ha v e permanent residen ce;

MAH,AR sec MAR to acquire a ho use. etc . : to senle some-

Y--' MA H AAhl HA close upon (of age). where.
y ........ MAHA fi h lHA H fro m, abcut, around. , MEKTEn school, educa tional institutio n ;
>_ MAHA AhIH,!{A by, near. • &ACfAYhlUJ .. . grammar school ; OPTA
)' MAHbl HA by, nea r, a round . _.. high school ; )l(OFAPF bl ... institutio n
)' MA H.bIHA H fr om. of higher learni ng (college, university).
y ,.t'I. MAHb lHllA about, ro ughly, ap proximately. MEKIPE (or 6EK IPE) canüaginous fish.
MErE)f(I H female (of wome n collectively). MEJlillU- I) to stare (at) ; 2) to sta nd like a
) <t(tlt MEllEY ho pe, support ; .. . KhIJl· to cherish tone ima ge.
hope, to Jean . MEJIIill R ussia n sheep.
.» ~ EllPECE /hist./ Moslem ecclesiastical j MEMJl EKET sta te, co untry ; . .. 6AHKICI
school. state bank : .. . 61OJl.)f(ETI state budget ;
ME)f(E bo undary, bo und . WET ... foreign co untry .
MEJKEJIE- I) to draw a boundary line : 2) to / ME MJl EKETI IK of the state, stale's; ~
set up boundary markers. ... MEHUIIK sta te pro pert y ; ... -CAYAA
ME:iKEJlEY survey, land-surveying. state trade; ... WEKAPA state border ;
... K YPbl flhl è state regime.
MEJflJl season, time ; ... -ME3rIJl Irom MEH I) {pers. pron./ I ; 2) {ronj./ _a_nd ;
time to time.
3) /post pos'/ 'ftitOJ. !?Y' in.
M E3r1 JlCI3 untimety, not in time. m- MEH EH see MEH.
oppo rt une; .. . YAKblTIA at an in- MEH MEHJl:IK co nceit, a rrogance, presump-
opportune time.
? tien, hau ghnness: ... d YEH peremptory
MEfi JlIHUIE I ) to overflo wing, te satiety, to ' to ne. ':;';
one's heert's content ; 2) the very. MEHMEHWIJl braggart. ~1)
ME fi MAH guest . MEHM EHUIIJlJl:IK bragging, presumption,
ME~ MAH.LlOCTbIK hospitality. conceit.
ME J.1M AH XAHA l ) hotel; 2) lboo k./ guest ~EHCI HEE- to neglect, disregard , trear with
ro om. fJ seorn .
ME OPAM holiday, feast, festival. ~,gHçltL6EYlll!Jl!.K neglect, scom , scomful
. ,... MEMI3 raisins. dried gra pes. attitude. Y I
X MEA IJT inclinat ion, wish. desir e. _ MEH lUIK ~~....,;>o
property. .:.r " , ' z, '."; J "
M E n lP Iiking (fo r), benevolence, good will, ~~HllIJ KTg- to set aside (for), earmark (for),
( MEMIP6 AH /book./ merciful, charitable, single o ut, ap portion, (about pr operty, use).
benevolent. amiable, polite. obliging, affec- MEHIIIJ KTEfJ. to acqu ire pr operty, get
tionate, tender. possess io ri""(of).
MEfiIP6A HD.b lK, Jbook./ mercy, charity , MEHIIII KTI o wn. "
c1emency, pity, favor. MEPrEH shooter, snipe r. ~\V ,1
-1 MEfi JPI M favo r, grace, mercy, co urtesy, pity. -MEPE3 I) syphilis; 2) osseous tubercu losis.
,,(MEfu PlM.LlEH- 1) te take pity (0 0), become MEPEH (good) leek, ha ppiness, joy.
co mpass io nate ; 2) 10 express cernpassion MEP -EKE"holiday, festival, Iête.
(for) : 3) to beoome am iab le, polite. , EP KFJIE· to celebrate, hold celebrations.
) MEA IPJMLII compasslonate, amiable, polite, MEPJI:\1 date , term (time).
obliging. MEP3 IM,U1 I) temporary. seasonal: 2) speci-
1 MEH IPIM,UIJlI K compassionateness, pitiful- fied as to the time of fulfillment .
ness. L_~ fP U,U J.1 A H meridian.
"'" .\1 EH IPI MCI3 hard-heart ed. calleus. heart - MEPT accident ; .. . 6OJI. I) to die. perish (in
less. pitiless. me rc üess. an uneq ual fight): 2) to undertake something


which is bey ond one's stren gth an d peri sh : Ml1Jl mile .

y e(t' \< . .. K,hIJ1- to d isloca te a bonc. / M l1H A /mil.. nav ., mine .
y", cl.\$ M E PTl K 1) disloca uon (of a bene), 10 dis - ; M I1H AJl h l AT AKA mine attack.
local e a joint of one's leg ; 2) fracture (of a / MVJHYT minute.
bone), to break o nc's bo ncs. / MI1H YlTIK min ute iadj '/. short lived.
!~,~,tI,. M E PTI KTI P- 10 dislocare a bone. transient.
MEPYEPT pearhs). / M I1PAC heritagc, inheritance.
L.."l"1 EC ) bag mad e from a whole skin of a gaa t ,/ MI1 PA CKOP heir.
,Uioi'l-l-l or sheep ; 2) /fig./ ponderabie, i ilj"'"' (of r MMCAJ] sec MhICAJl .
animals): . .. K,APbIH /scorn ./ pot-bellied. / MI1CfMK mystic.
glutton (of a man). , MI1YA I book.j fru it.
MECTEK (Russian) peas an t' s horse. . MMYAJl b l fru it (-bearing), fruit- jadj.(.
~ ~ ETA J1JI metal. , MJ1<P m yth .
METAJllllbI metal worker. ) MH<1l0JIonUI my th ology.
MÈTEf1 /Ioe. W/ smal! bucket. -' , Ml1et>OJIOr l1J1Jl bIK, rnyrhological.
/ METO,llJ1KA methods. / MilI3 see MEJ113. .c>
/' METO.ll.OJlOfl1JI methodology. ; MOE l1JI 11 3AU I1J1 mobiliza ti on.
/' METO.ll.OJ10fl1J1JlblK, metbodological. / MO EHJIJ13Al...I.IUIJlA- to mo bilize.
/' METPo n OJIl1>1 metropolis, mothe r country. / MOM mode .
METlH I loc. EI kind of hoe. / MO~EJIb model, pattem .
/ MEXA H J1K mechanic. MOI1HAK, I) camel's neck . skin of camel 's
/ MEX AH MKA mechani cs. neck ; 2) isthmus ; 3) a dog's name.
/ MEXA I;H1KAJl AH.ll.hIPY mechanization. MO t1b IJI j boLI b ird ch erry (Prunus padus).
/"MEXA H I1KAJIb IK mechanical , mechanistic. MOf1bIH I) neck ; 2) isth mus; 3) braided
Vr". MElli lobs./ stove, ch annel, split strea m, bayou : ... )KAP

MElllEJI persen with pa rulyzed legs. EE PME - 10 be lazy ; ... )KIn collar with a
MElllEY I) helpless, cripple; 2) backward, lea sh ; ... O MblPTKA neck vertebra.
" I retarded, extensive (of system of economy). MOHbIHC"tH- to obey unquestioningly.
r MEIlIEYJlEH - l a become helpless, unable to MOHbIHC4'H Fb l lll o bedien t; unquestion-
I work ; to become a cr ipple. ingly d utiful.
1 MEllIEY JIIK helpl essness ; loss of working MO l1bIHThIPb lK, yo ke.
ability. MOJ1bIHlllAK. sec MûHlllAK,.
MEIlIKE~ glut ton, insatiable. (Món! 1) rnany, much . a bund an tly ; 2) wide,
MEIlIKEl1JlIK glu ttony, insatia bility, greed. ~, spacious, ample.
MEIlII H I) see MAYlMbIJl ; 2) 10bs.1 the 'lo-6:~M@ A _cemetery, graveyard ; grave, tomb.
name of a year of a twelve year animal cyc1e; MO fl A}.1 · I) to breed lintr ./; 2) to abound
3) water-bug. (in), to teerIl (';Vith)~ j
MEIlIIT mosque. "'-Q MQ.JIJl,A mulla'W~
MEllIap.ll.aH- to weaken lint r./. grow thin. MOJIJl,hlK abundance, plenty.
MEIC sec MEen3. /"Mö1îE KYJIA molecule.
MEH. birth-mark, male. ;,; ~J.1~J111 bI K molecular.
MEH,r EP- to master, team. M OJl TA Ktdoek-tailed ladj'/, truncated ladj.I,
MEH.rEPY management, administering. bd-w l'-- -"êiiOP"Ped- off; ... MYMI3 ChIl1bl P a ccw
MEH.rEPYlllI manager, chief. . with blunt hani.~ -
MEHJ(E- to grow weak, to get tired, to { MO MAkÄH -see MOMbIH.
exhaust oneself t..:1 Q MblH mild, __quie t; mode~ , meek.
MEH.nYAHA Ibot./ henbane (Hyoscyamus). mÛMJ?:!!!Jl~I K modesty, meekness.
MEH.3E- 1) to consider something advisable: MOM ~!HCbIH - to pretend to he modest, to
2) to give a definite opinion in conneetion seem to he meek.
with something, ) MOHAPXJ.1Cf mo narchist In./.
MEH,IPEY dull , stupid man. / MOHAPXJ1JI mon archy.
MEHlPEYC to pretend to be dull. / MOHA PXJ.1JIJIhIK, monarchist ladj ./.
"'M KseceJ~1.bî fCl )j,nd 2).) / M O HO n OJl I1CT monopolists, large-scale
MI1.llAH ,llAJlA barren steppe. capitalist (Sovjet usage of the word).


M DHOnOJIH.R monopoly . _~ bIJI K,~Y JIjtlK, the cond ition of being deaf-
MOHOnOJU1JVlhiK monopolistic. exC!u- mute.
srve. M hIMAH see MEHMAH.
M O HT.A)I( asse mbling, mounting. / M b I H A ):(A M j ust Iike that ; ... KlCI very
MQ HTAHbl I) pretender . hypocrite ; 2) goed ma n.
malic ie us, insid io us. p Mbl HAY here , rhere. there is : .. . HE? wha t
MOHTAHblC- to pretend. feign, play the / is this?
hypocrue. to ma ke malicious rem arks, to he J MbIPJA I) gen tleman. land owner, master,
spiteful. nobleman, lord; 2) ladj./ generous. IiberaL
MOHllIA bath. " MbIP3AJIbIK, generosity.
MO H WA Ulb l ba th-house au endant. " MblP3AC- to sho w c neself genereus, lobs./ 10
MO HllI A K bea ds. ma ke o neself o ut to he a nobleman.
MOHillAK,TA· I) to decorate with necklace : \ Mb lPC ET- 10 chuckle: ...·MhIPC KYJI- to
2) 10 pour out rapid ly drop by drop . ' Iaugh tbrough one's nose.
( MO HFOJI M ongolian. ~ b IK undersized (of a man) .
)'wfOPAJl b moral. MhIPbllll I) zinc : 2) tombac.
/ MO PAJl b .a b IK mora l Jadj'/ . / MbIC I) copper; 2) yellow copper ; EPI ·
~Op.r KETETllLl(I CI stubborn man . TETI H lABO.a copper foundry ; KEH I
MOPT C b IH- to b reak easily and aU at once copper o re : ... KOPblT AT b l H lABOD.
lintr./. / copper smelter ; .. . KYRTbl H l ABOn
MOPThIJID.AK. fragile . frail. bnnle. ,. capper foundry.
MOCbl tripod fo r a boiler. I MhICAJl I) examplc ; 2) Iable.
/" MOTOP motor. / Mb ICAJIllA- I) to resort ofren to examptes:
/ MOTOPJ1bl motor !adj.!. 2) to speak all egor icall y.
..-- MY3 blKA musk . / MhICAJ1h l for exam ple.
~ MY3blKAHT mu sician. , MbICfAH putfball (Coperdon gemmeturn).
MhDK · I) to chatter ; 2) to pester (with), ,. MblClll b f braz ier. coppersmith.
- bOther (with). / MhIC hIP TAYbIFbl Gu inea hen.
Mb DKblJl muscular pain . /" MhICblPJl bl K Egyp tian.
MbDKblH; bothersom... boring (wit h one's / MbICh IK ca t : .. . K ~H PbIK /bot./ a kind af
charter). weed.
M bl3bIJl~In:-C~I3 ~.[I· to behave modes tly MbrCKAJl la bs./ zolornik (measu re of
and politely. weight).
~~bÜi)ó) brain, cerebrum. rnarrow ; qua g, MbICK.~LI,A- to weigh in zolotniks .
,. ~\I swamp. bag . b1 bICKb[]J mockery, sneer, gibe : ... jiDJl .
V Mb n'fJl AY C A3L1,bI >KEP swampy place. to become the subject af mockery: .. . ET-
MbnlJ1bl reasonable, sensible, intelligent. to mock, jeer. -
~fsè. MbI CKb lJl llA· to mock, tease, ma ke fun of.
MbIM CbIJ bra inless, stu pid. MhIJI licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ;
MbIJl)KAJ1A· to cut into pieces, mince. TA Mbl Pb l licorice root.
MblJJ)KA·MblJl)KAChI lllbl K 10 he cut inro , MhlRYJlAY la mew.
! pieces, chopped. Mb IK small nail with a head.
\ MbIJl )Kb IH chatte rer. windbag. Mbl KTA· to (asten.
r MbIJI)Kb IHllAT- to allow to cha tter. MblK,TAn EAfIJIA- to tie up tightly.
t MblJl )Kb l l-UIh lK chat. gossip. MblKTbI strong, durable, solid.
MbIJIT h IK gun, rille : .. . LIa PI gunpo wder; MblKThIJlblK strength. dura bility.
... KEHllI rI rille caliber ; .. . MAMAHhI Mbi KUIb lfl · to bend lintr.!. bow, stoop.
gunsmit h ; .. . WA n n AChI cork (of a gun) ; Mb lKb l H side (af a man), gr öins.
.. . KYJlAFhI cork (of a gun); TAHK Mb lKbI Hb l HA TARH · to put one's anns
E'i3A P .. . anti -tank gun ; KOCA Yb fJ a kimbo .
double-barreled gun. tMhl KbW short perse n. undersized, dwarûsb.
MhIJlTb IKTA· ( 0 shoot. fire la rifle). I Mbl H thousand : .. . JK bl.l TOJlY one
~ deaf-and-dumb. deaf mute. thousandth armiversary : .. ' )f(blJl,ahIK


millc niu m ; KAPAfl b l sec M b I H · MIPLtl H OFb lHD Afl I fi g.1 sha rp. ca usuc .
.l\AFAH. bui ng uongue).
MblHJ].AFAH thousand Ispeaking of num - \1 IC E Tn· 11 to a bsta m. refrain ; 2) 10
bers measured in th ou sa nd s). suffer, end ure.
MblHblHWbl tho usa ndth. MIHrI PJl E· to m uner. spea k Ind istin ctly,
MhlFhlM I) stre ng, solid , firm ; 2) liron.! big, M YIi AlIA i book.f l I despite, sud denly,
weighty, impressive (in the mean ing of contrary 10 expectarion ; 2) fortunatel y. by
" would-be" or "self-styled"). tbe way.
MI3AH lobs./ Oc tober. MYrELlEK cripple.
M IH I) short age. deficiency, defect. ro ugh ness ; M YrE,UEl(TE H· 10 become a cripple.
2) to gel on board of or enter or mo unt a M YrED.E KTIK d isa bleme nt .
means e r conveyance (ship. horse. train, MY M E expectarion , hope, wish, inte rest.
etc.) ; .. . TAK If./ to look for or find ou t MYDJlErE iKET - 10 get one's wish.
deficiencies. MYD.lIEJI EC th ose having a cernmen
/ MIH 6 E a platform from w hich speeches a:... interest (i n something).
given, d a is, stage , scaffol d ing. MYlUlEJl l interested; TI KEJlEfJ .. . d irectl y
/ M IH rEC - I) to mo urn double (for example, interested (in so mething).
on a horse) ; 2) to heap one upon an other M YD.ET short time.
lintr./. MYD.IP· to fal ter, sta mmet .
/ MIHr I3- to sea t someone on a horse . MYD.IPM EH OK..· 10 reed ffueml y, smoothly.
MIH)lET I) problem. task , objec t; 2) d uty. MY)K · la gnaw rou nd .
obligatio n, debt ; ... ET· 10 make it some- MY 3LIAP b i hornet.
one's duty to do something /tr./ ; ... KbIJl - MYi1n hom ; KOWK,AP ... I) sheep's h om :
to make it incum ben t (upon), 10 oblige Itr./. 2) a kind of o rnament .
MI H,llETIE see MIH ,llET xun. MY I1: I311E. l) to bun: 2) /fig,f to at tack. to
MIHJlEITEME obliga tion . dri ve o ut.
MIHJlEITEH· la pledg e oneself, to take on MYfinl1 l horned .
obligat ion s. MYffI3 C13 hornless .
MIHD.EITI obliged /adj./ : ... óOJ! 10 have MYMIC I) cape. promontory ; 2) rivet
an obligarion 10 someon e co ncernin g so me - penin suIa ; 3) cosy nook .
thi ng . M YK moss ; ... EC· 10 get co vered with mosso
MYKTI mo ssy. moss -gro wn.
M IH)lETIH ATKAPYWbl acting (di rect e r.
erc.) . MYKI insuffi cient ; .. .·T A Kb l just barely.
MIHlIIP- to put so meo ne on horseback. MYJïÄff b l M hum bie, meek.
MY Jlf'E, to sit in thcu ghtfuln ess.
M IHE I) Ipa rt ./ the re, bc hold, there is, there
MY J1UE very. ~ . i;,
now ; 2) 10 eliminare defects of objects. to
level an uneven surface; 3) /ftg./ to exposé MYJJfEM absolutely, finally . co m pletely.
or elim inare sbo rtcorn ings ; 4) Icol./ to
~1YJljKl deficiency, defect, tro ub le .
criticize. TI KIJ per fect. exact.
y MY JU K pr operty, estatc .
MIHE3 I) character ; 2) cond uct. bebavio r ;
/ M YM K1H po ssiblc, possibly, per ha ps. per-
... EJrEWEJl lrI tra its o f character . missible.
MIHE3.llE· to describe. to cha racrerize .
/ M Y MKIHl1 IK possib ility, cha nce . o ppor-
M'IHEJ,a EME summa ry of c ne's moral char- tuni ty.
acte ristics; ... liEp· to make a description / M YMKIH lll IJl IK po ssib ility, t be req uisit e
of so meone's mo ral an d in tellectual trans. cond itions.
MIH EKEfI see MIHE . MYCIH tigure.
MI HEP )KAK lef! side . MYCIHlll sta tely-, well-p ropo n io ned (of a
MIHET· I) to take away, take off, shorten: persen' s sta tu re): ... Ce) figurat ive ex-
2) to break otf one linie pièce after a no ther. pres sio n.
MIHC13 irreproachable, without a defec t. MYCIPKE· 10 sym pat bize wnh someone in
MIHI sec MIHE jpan ,f. misfort une: 10 pity ; to help during mis-
MIHICKEP well trai ned ho rse (fo r rid in g). fo rtun e.
MIP I) e mir ; 2) gentleman , Mr. , the m as ter. M vconn- I ) jco lJ./ helpl ess. mca pa ble:


2) homeless, oeed y ; 3) / boo k./ wanderer, / J~~:YPAT aim, wish, object.

tra veler. / / MYPA~ 2KET.- to achleve one's aim.
MYCanIPJlIK J) lhook.! ho melessness, need ; I M\'P:>KA chimney.
2) tco!.1 heJpl essn ess, incapacity. I M ~PCAT see M~PW A .
MYTE bed bu g. /' ~ :(PT m_ou~_tashe .
MYTTdft lM swindler. /" MYPTTbl with a mou stacbe, whiskered.
MYUlE I) part of the bod y, lim b ; 2) member MYPblH I) nose ; 2) sno ut; 3) 1geogr.' root-
(of a po litica l party, union , govemmeot / hili; 4) jgeogr./ ca pe. prom ontory; ...
agency, scientific organization, etc.) ; 3) part K,A HA Y nose- bleed: TAHK bI ... snu b-
of the sentence ; 4) a borse-race prize nose ; KbIP ... straight n~
presenred by girls to e ne of the co ntesrants MYPUIÄt eisure.
at the occasi on of a holida y; 5) /matb./ J MYPbl HLlb l big-nosed.
,rM YPbI HD.bI K I) wed ge stuck in nose
MYWEJl (kir an imal chronclogy sign ifies a
cartilage of a came l to which the br idle is
pertod of 12 years).
auached : 2) sma ll tineb- pin (of a cart).
MYDIEJlE- to cu t a carcass to pieces. / M'YPbIHC bI3 noseless.
MV mEJlIK that which refers to mernbershipj
MYCAT blP sal ammon iae, amm o nium
... JKAPHA mem bership dues .
chlori de.
MY lIIKE R ussia n cow .
/ M YChIJl M A H Mohammedan.
/ M \:'3 lee : .. . KETY d rifu ng ice. debacle.
/"/ ~ Y Ch I D M A H .Q b ( K Mohammedanism.
/ M ~3A K KAP neve , firn.
I M\"3.llA· to beco me covered with ice.
f.;" Y(MX_XIlT ocean ; COJITYCTIK MY3Jlbl
Arctic Ocean .
freeze .
M\'K,A- 1) 10 be de feated, conq uered, ann ihi -
/ M \'3J1AH cold (Iike kc).
lated ; 2)10 blun t(of cutti ng meta l too ls}/tr ./.
/ M\'3D.A H O I1FAH TECIK ho le cut in the ice.
MYK,AJIhln KAJl· 10 beco me blun t.
/ M\'3LlAT. to cool greatly ftr./. to freeze /tr./.
, M\'3M K I) granular snow; 2) g lazed frosr . MYKAJIT- 10 make blunt.
sheet jee. MYK,AT.1) to defeat, win a vicrory. break the
/ M~311bI icy, very cold : ... 6Y JlA K. spring resista nce o f an adversary : 2) to o ffend (self-
with very eo ld wa ter. estee m).
M \' HAH petrole um. rock-Dil, crude oil. M\'KTA)K needy : .. . 6011- to need, to he
mineral Dil; M ~H <\ PAJl A Pbl oil hard up .
derricks; .. . TAPT KbIlli pipeline, oi l pipe ; MYK,TA)K.QbIK need , need iness.
... lIIbIFAPY oil productio n; .. . K,OfIMA M~l«TA)I()lb[ l«l«A TYC- to be in grea t
oil tank ; ... eHL(IPICI o il irtdustry. need (of).
MYHAAllibl o wner of o il-wells, oil irtdus- MYK,TA)J(CbI3 fairly well-to-do. financia!Jy
tri alist . secure.
/ M\'HAH 6AC K A besides this ladv.l ; ... MYKhlJl hornless (o f a cow).
CO H, af ter this. MVK,hLRT o rderly, punctual , industrio us,
_\ ;;. M\'HAP mirage. haze , sult ry air. mist, fog in care ful.
u hot weatber. M~bIR TTbI K acc uracv, punetuality.
\, <,> M ~ H A PA 1) tower : 2) minaret; .. . K \'.llbIK ~
MVH\I) melancho ly, sadness, sertew. ennui :
warer-tower. . 2) request.
. ~ \ I~ M"tHAPJl A H· to be enve loped in a light M YHAH- I) 10 sorro w. grieve; 2) to resen t,
v smoke or haze. feel hurt .
\.-\-' j> M\' HAP11b I cloudy, overcast. foggy. MYHAHT- to sadden 11c./. offend.
u ". M~HA PT- see M\'HAPJlA H-. MYHJl.AC a sha rer of joys, an d grief, o ne who
". M\' H.ltA here . experiences commo n sad ness o r grief with
/ M\'HLlAA such. since. for tbe reasen that . ethers.
/ .'-1. Y Hbl this {accusauve case of 6\'11). MYHJ1bl I ) sado so rrowful. moum ful;
\1YHbI H (genitlve case o f 6Y1O . 2) melod io us.
\ f \' PA I) legacy. beruage. inherita nce: MYHCbl3 well-to-d o.
~ ) mo numen t trnern onal). MYFAlIIM teacher.
\1 Y PA r EP heir. ~liill i ransparenl . limpid. clea n, clear,

p ure ; Ka 3 16g./ brigh t (bea uu fu h eyes ; Ma.JIJ M well- known ; .. . ET- to inform of. to
M en- absolutely transp aren t. make kn cwn .
M9J1)1JPE- to be transparent. c1ea r, clean . MaJlIM D.E - to infortn, a nnounce., publish .
Men"- to look pleadingly, to look expec- MaJlIM):{EME stateme nt . no tification, in -
ta ntly at so meo ne, somethi ng . forma tion . report.
M9JITIJInE- I ) to tre mbie slightly, ( 0 gleam MaJlIMLIEH- to introduce o nese lf.
(of eyes) ; 2) to overfili /in tr./. MaJlI M ET knowledge, inforrna tio n, intelli -
MenIIIEP limit, de finite quantity. gence .
MeJIlllEPJlE· to del ermine the limit, to MaJII llI sheep (of Russian breed).
est imate. M a MJlE agreement , transaction.
Mep 1) seal : 2) cusps on molars ; .. , &AC- to M a H meaning. sense.
affix a seal . MaHllEC having tbe same meaning ;
MaH K - 1) to rush, dash aside, 10 shy (of Ce3D,EP Igram.1 synonyms.
unri dden ha rses) ; 2) /fig./ te beco me angry,
MaHJll meaningfuJ, p lthy, significant .
(0 he obstina te.
M aHEP pa tt em. design.
M9HlPE- to low, moe. M a H EPJIE- te decorate (with a design ).
Md 1) here, take (it) : 2) Jexclama tio n of
M dHEPJlEn OK· to read express ively.
MaHCI3 meaningless : .. . Ce3 nonsense.
Md,ZI,EHI1 cultured , cultural.
MaHTl d um plings.
Md)l.EHI1ET cult ure. civilization ; YJlTIhIK.
M<JHIC sec M<JH .
. .. nationa! culture.
MdJl.EHI1ETCI3A IK want of cult ure, ig- ManEJlE· 10 ta ke ca re o f so meo ne a uen-
-- norance. ti vely, zealously.
Md)J.EHHETII cu ltured, cultura l. civilized . MaPMEP ma rbie.
Md)KIiYP constrained, forced; ... ET· to M aCEJlE q uestion, problem .
fo rce. MaCEJlEH for example.
MC):JKJl IC confe rence . session, sitt ing. M a CJH1XA T I book.f cou ncil. a d vice. ap-
Md:>KHYH half-wined. Ioollsh. cra cked, pr ova l.
God's fooI. M a CI soft leather boots.
Ma)KHYH)l;IK madness, Ioolish behavior. MaTEK !Ioc. W/ J) dandy ; 2) drunkard .
Ma3 glad, sat isfied ; ... SOJl - to he glad ; Mé)TEJl proverb, saying.
. .. M aMPAM SOJl- to rel oice, to become MaHrI eternal, eternally.
glad. M<Jl\rn;AK,h1ll for ever .
MaM EK rennet. Mé)HrIJlIK etemity, etema l; ... IC unending
M~JlrYH evil spirit. business.

HABHrAU1UI navi gation In. & a dj.l, HA H,Qbl PY assurance .
HAlI,AH ignoramus, kno w-nothing. HAHlllhI bake r, one who sells bread.
HA D,AH.ll.blK, ignorance. HAHbl M faith, trust.
HA)KAF AHlight ning. HAHhlMnA3 tru sting, eredulo us.
HA) 1) coq uetry , finica lity, mineing ma nners ; HAHFhllll t rust ing, cre dulous.
2) ca pri ce. HAHFh lLDTblK rrustfulness, credulity.
HA3AP a ttenti on. gaze ; .. . CAJ1 to pay HA P dromedary.
a ttention . HAPA3bl unsatisfied, d lspleased ; .. . IiOJl- to
HA3D,AH- to flirt, to indulge in ca resses. to be dis pleased.
give o neself airs, pose, clown. HA PA 3b lJl b i K pre teosio n. d issatisfacnon.
HA3JlbI delicate, effemina re. eoddled (of a discontent ; . .. 6IJUllP- to sta te a grievance,
ch ild) . 10 express d issatisfact icn.
HAJ,Qb IK affect ion. finicalness. HA PJl hl K, courage, fortitude : ... Ke PeET -
HAA3A lance. spear. to disp lay courage.
HAA3ArEP skilful spearmen. HAP hI H a d ish made o f finely sliced ' meal _ "
HAf1JAJlA . to pierce with a spear. an d dough with broth .
HAf13AJlAC - ro stab o m: another with a spca r. HAPbIK marker price, value.
H Af13AFA f1 light ning. HA C sloven. untidy, slo venly. un sanitary.
HA ft3AFAJÏlJlbl Ii'VJlT th under cloud, HACAT Jo bs./ LaU (of a man ).
HAf1K,AJl- to whirl l intr ./ uselessly around HACATIAH - I) CO be suscepn ble to ûat tery ;
som ething ; 10 stay too lon g. 2) to swa gger, 10 be very conceited .
HAll· 10 gr ieve, suffer, regret . HACA TIhlK setf-conceit . swagge r, boa sting,
HA J1 0r tax: ... C AJl to ta x. bragging.
HAJl hIPJlbl K tha t a bo ut which it is wort b HACHXAT ad monition. precept . d ireerion.
grtevmg. HACfhl K untidiness, slovenliness .
HAMA3 prayer, blessing, benedieno n . ... OK- HAC hI EiAH I) a so rt of chewing tobacco :
to pray, offer prayers. 2) sn uff; ... AT to place "nacu öaä" (I)
HAMA311IhIJI devo ut. pilgri m. beh ind the Ups or under t he to ngue.
HA :-'1bIC I) ho nor ; 2) sharn e . HACbIP F A UIA n - I ) te have comphcations
HAMbiCChl3 dishenest. dishonorable . set in; 2) to lead to ba d co nseq uences.
HAMhICfAH - I ) 10 be ashamed (of), to HAYA I) gutter ; 2) wa tering tro ugh ; ' J ) a
shame l in tr./ ; 2 ) to be di spleased (with}, to tr ough conveying water fo r a water-whcel
ta ke effenee . (o f a mill).
HA M h ICfA HllhIP - to wound someone's HAYAT sugar-candy Isugar in crystals). lum p-
honor, 10 shame Jrr-f. 10 mak e someo ne sugar.
as ba med . HAY6AHWI baker.
HAMbICTbl henest. conscient ious. blame- HAYPY3 /obs'/ Feb ruary .
less; ... K,OJllIAH liE p· to disgrace c nese tî, HAYKA H campaign (a s sowing C., harv esti ng
HAM h ICKOP to ucbv to ne who prizes his c .. etc.).
ho no r). HA YKAC I) illness ; 2) sicklv. ailing ; ) xick
HA H bread ( ba ked ). persen.
HA H- 10 believe. HA YKA CfAH· to be ili.
HAHA H!l b l K, igno ra nte. illiteracy . HA U110HAJlH3AUl1 R national ization .
H.At.Hnhr P· 10 assure. persuade. convmcc. HA UHO HA Jl U3AUIt RJlA - 10 na uo nahze.

HA U I10 HAJIJ13AUH.R.JlAHFAH na tiona l- HEM EPE gra nd son urom sen): .. . A n A-
ized . KAPhlHllA C fust eousin (woman) ; ...
H AWA opium-like narcotic prepared fr om AFA eldest (first) eo usin (man); ... IHJ
he mp f lowers. yo un gest (first} eo usin (man) ; ... Kbl3
HAWAP wretched, poo r, weak ; . .. AT jade grand daughrer (from sen).
(horse) ; ... MATA fabric o f inferio r quality. HE M E PEJlEC ODe who has blood rela nves
HAWA PJIAH· to become worse, to become in tb e third generatien .
wea k, to go Into declin e (of econo my). HEMECE or.
HAWAXAHA " nama" de n. H EMEU German /n./.
HAlllAWhI "aarua" smoker . HEMK,YPAA.,Uh l I) ind ifferently, in a
HAK exacüy, [ust. slips hod mar mer, carele ssly : 2) secondary,
HAK,AK 1) innocent, inn ocenrly ; 2) va in, in sign ificant , minor.
vainly ; bé)JIE slan der, ca lumny , unjust HEM KYPAMllbIJl b IK carelessness. negli-
at tacks ; DdJIE )KAn· 10 slander. gen ce , indifferent attitude.
H AK,AKTAH in vain. to na purp ose ; ... HECEn u rine.
Ky A rEH,UEP victim s o f a slande r. HECI1E cred it, debr : ... Ca3 /fig./ gossip.
HA KTbil) exactly: 2) real , ge nuine, concrete . H ECI1ErE· AJJ to borro w.
HAK,Thlnhl exact, concrete, real, definite. HETKEH what sart of. whic h.
fioal ; ... )KAJIAKbI real wages. HEUlE how mueh ; ... AJlYAH va rio us,
HAK,h In legend . di verse.
HA KhIC decor at ion , inlaid work ; ... K.OH ~ HEII.IEHUJl whic h (ene).
AbIP· to inlay. HE WEY how man y ; how much ; óA PJ1blFb l
HA K.hICfA· 1) to decorar e wit h designs ; .. . how many (much) altoge ther.
2) to carve, 10 inlay. HEillIHilll see HEill EHilli.
HA KbIIII see HAKbIC. HEFAMEblJl unk nown. Indefinnet -Iy}. doubt-
HAK YPhlC abnonnal. ful(·I,.).
HAK,~PbIcrAH- to become abnonna l. H E F~ PJ1 b IM msofa r as . as Iar as. inasmuch as.
HAF AllJbI relatives o n tbe mo ther' s side ; HI1ET intent ion. purpose. pla n ; A PAM .. .
.. . AnA femal e rela tive on t he mother' s perfi di ous design ; E EPI K ... unwa ver ing
side ; .. ' ATA gran dfa ther on the mothe r's p urpose .
side ; AFA oldest uncle on th e rnot her's H t1EITEH · to intend : to plan to undertake
side: llIElliE grand mot her on th e so methlng.
rnother's side. HH ETTEC pcople. having the sa me in-
HAFhl3 I) real, the very, prese nt ; 2) clean, tent lens.
pure ; ... AJlTbl H pu re gold . H J1ETTJ one who has some sa rt o f intention ;
HErI3 I) basis : 2) principle. A I<. ... he nest. fair ; )f(AY b13 ... iJl-
HEr13rJ I) fundamental. basic; 2) of intentioned .
principle . HOJlb zero.
HEr l3.ll1 valid, so unded, well fóunded , HOM EP number.
moti vated . HOM EP COK · to num ber.
HErJ31HAE on the whcle. basically. JO HO M EP Jl E- to n umber.
pri nciple . HO \1 EPJl E Y numeration.
HEA aYIP q uite a bit , co nsidera b ly. HO MI1H AJl norninal .
HE fi TPAJlI1TET neu tra lity: . .. YCTA- to HOPMA norm, rate. Quo ta ; TajKPl1fiEJl IK·
remain neutral. C A HA KTbIK ... expertmental sta tistica!
HEKE marriage, wedding. norm .
HEKEJlEC- to marry. H OPMAJlA · to standardize, to ration.
HE KEJl ECKE H OOJl- 10 he married . HOPM AJl AHFAH sta ndard ized. f ixed . ra-
HEKEJll TY P Mb IC married ure. marriage . ti oned .
! HEKEH-C A5IK, rarely, rari ty, here a nd t here. HOPM AJlAY rate setting. ra tio ning
HEKECI3 celibate, un married : ... TYFA H HOTA 1) /dipl./ note ; 2) / rnus./ note .
EAJlA natura! child: . .. TYPYllJbr room- HOTbI /m us.1 mus ie (written or pr imed sco re
mate, lover. o f a musica l compo sitio n).
HEJlIKT EH why. HOK,TA halter.


HOK,TAJlhi haltered (animal). HYCK,A original /n./. specimen; to show,

HOFA A Tart ar. instruct, to show with the hand.
HOFAJ1A wall-eye dlsease (of animals). HYCK,AY instruction, indicatio n.
HY 1) untoucbed, virgin (vegetation) ; 2) HYCK,AYlllbI instruc tor.
trucker; .. . TOFAA thicket, virgin forest. HYCK,AYlDbJnbIK instrucnng.
HbICA HA I) target , aim, goal. object ; HYI<,- to poke, to push slightly with tbe fist.
2) sighling; 3) congenitaJ physical defect . H8rEP /hist./ suite. rerinue ; court serva nt.
HblCAHAIDbl gunner. H8 MIP sec HOM EP.
HbICA HAFA AJI · to aim. H8MIPJIE- to number.
auc x n sec hIH CA n . HOCEP dow npeur.
HbICAnCb13 1) unscrupulous, sbameless ; H~nI K J) th in ; 2) weak ; J) elegant. reûn ed ,
2) greedy . delicat e.
HblCAnTbl meek, modest, con scientious. H;;}3IKTEH · to beco me thin, weak.
HbICAThlP j MYC ATb IP/ sal arnmoniac, H;;}3IKTI K l) thinness, slirrmess: 2) delicacy,
ammonium chloride. fineness; 3) elegance, refinement.
HbIlliA HA sign, ma rk. o men, bad omen. H;;}K a kind of pear.
HblK. stre ng, solid. H;;}JI horsesboe .
Hbl KTAll- to become st renger, to con- H;;}H cumbersorne. huge.
solidate. te consolida te o ne' s hold . H;;}n Cr desire, appetite.
H hlFAn sec Hh lK.TAJl . H~P I) no urishment, snack, edibles, victuals;
Hbl FAÏ1T to con solidate. 10 ma ke stronger 2) satisfactio n, pleasure; .. . TAT· to have a
ftr.l. to fasten. bite to eat ,
HblFbl3 streng. firm, solld, com pact, de nse. HaPECfE baby, infant.
HhI F b I3LtA H- ( 0 become compact. dease. Hapnl nourishing. nutritious.
HIn bluing. H;;}PCE thing, object; SI P ... something.
HYKTE point. period. HdCIn I) pare ntage, Iineage, progeny,
HYKTEJlI YTIP semicolon. descendants ; 2) race ; 3) generat ion .
HYP light, ra y, beam; .. . WAW- to shine, HdCI Jl ,DEC kin sman.
radi a le. HaTIDKE result. consequence.
H\'PJlAH~ to be lighted, te radiate . HaTH)f{ECn fuule, witho ut result.
H YPJlbl l) radiant, beaming. brilliant ; H;JTlDK ECI3Il IK [utility.
2) beautlful, handsome.

OJiA 1) barrow, mound, tum ulus ; 2) cho lera ; 0 3blC race, co mpetitio n, to take part in a
.. . AYPYhI epidem ie of ch olera . race, to Ir)' to surpass one an o ther in
06AJl I) it is a pity ; 2) offens ively : 3) sin. we rk, etc.
06AJ1CbIH - to ta ke pity. 03bICfhIP- tO o rgamz e horse races .
OEJl HrAUH!l /fin./ bo nd. 0 3bIK o ne who is in front, one who is in the
OSJl b IC pro vince, terri tory . front ranks.
OJi03 J) string of loaded carts ; 2) lmil./ 011 I) thou ght, idea ; 2) hollo w, cavity:
transport, train . 3) lewlan d. depression; 4) oh !; 5) to cu t
06PA3 /art.1 image. thr ough, bo llow o ut, ma ke deeper ; 6) to
06PA311bl figur ative, picturesque : ... TYPllE engra ve. carve ; ... EH 6ErI men ta l werk ;
figuratively. ... )KEP lowland ; ... nAPACAT intellect,
0 6PO K' tax . rnind ; . .. dFEKETI imellectual pu rsuits ;
OIiCEPBATOPHR observa to ry. )KAJlAH .. . a bare thou ght.
06UU1HA rural community. OfU;AI1 o h, o h!
OIiMP I) glutton , insatiable ; 2) va mpire. Ofi&A11JIA· to com plain loudly.
OJihIPJIhlK glut tony, insatiability. O I1S AJ.1JlAT · to cause to shour out. raar
06bEKT obj ect . loudl y.
OlibEKTI1BTI obicctive. unb iased ; ... TYP- O fUlAJlA le wland .
.LJ.E obj ectively. oAllAFhI imagi na ry.
OSbEKTI1BTIK objectivity. impartiality. OA,LlAFb lllA H (t o do so mething) properly ;
OJl,AK union, association. ... E M EC un successful. vain .
OJJ.AK.T AC allicd , ally , associate. OAJlbI M holle w.
OllAKTAC- 10 entcr in an alliance (with one OHJlA- te think ; AJl.ll,bl ·A PTTb l ... to
another), to conclude an alliance (with one think of the consequences.
ano ther).
OAnAH T YC - to meditate for awhile. ::/
OllAFAA Jgra m ./ interjeetien .
OfiJlAMAf1bI HllIA rashly. ·" ,/t J
OAJlA MAY lllblJlblK reekles snees. \ . ,,, -
OllblPAA to look , displaying sco rn , hostility;
OHJlA MAFAH )f(EP,LlEH unexpectedly"
to sta re.
OllblPAMA to give oneself airs. 10 be on OAJIAH- to reûect. po nder.
the rampage. OHJlAH)lbIP· to puzzle . to ind uce to become
O:>KAP a rroga nt, im pertinent, rude . thou ghtful.
O:>KAPJlAH to become arrogan t. to trea t OfiJlAHY medi tation , reflection.
(someone) rudely. OAJlAHbIJlFAH well consid ered .
O:>KAY woeden scoo p, woeden ladle. OMAHbJn-TOJlFAH · to reflect, ponder.
O:>KbIPAA to sit clumsily. ollrrAn 6A:A.K,A- to consider, to thin k o ver.
03AT a dvanced, foremost. headmosr ; oanxn TAn- to dev ise, invent ; .._lYP- to
OKYlllhI honor student. spend a linle time in reflection ; .. . TY P-
03ATTbIK lead ing /n./. outst ripping. MAcrAH not inten ding, hastily;
03JibiP usurper.
036bIPJlAH to encroach, to usurp.
llIblFAP- to devise, contrive ; . .. K,APA- to.
think (of, about), guess, hit uPèn:---
OA1IAC- I) te think abo ut somet hin g to-
036blPJlLIK usurp at ion, encroachme nt:
JKACA to encroach (upa n) . gether ; 2) to discuss, consi der. excha nge
03bJn KET to leave bebind , to o ut-dista nce. opinions.


oCl nACY PETJHD.E in the order of di s- become thoughtful ; 2) to medi tate, ponder ;
cuss io n . ... T YC- to ea U to mind, to reeal f .. . 1llOM-
Oil ,'ATTbIP- see OilJlAH.IlbIP- . I) to lo se oneself in drea ms , be lost in reverie ;
O ClJlAY med ita tien , reûection . 2) to meditate, ponder, be lost in thought;
o än sr 1) reasonable, so ber-mm ded: 2) one .. . KAJI- to become th oughtful ; ... K,AJI -
who has a determ ina non , desire ; 3) ru~ JlhIP- to puzzle, pe rplex, abash so meo ne.
(coun try ) ; )KEP ro lling country ; I OKKynAHT occupationist, invader.

...- Kb l PJlh l )KE P uneven, rugged country. OKKynAUH.R l ~ i l. l occupatlon.

OHM A- ï)ca~~g. Jtec h./ threadin g ; 2) deep OKPY[ dis trict. ..J ): ~...-;!> ~-</
pit ; . .. 6 A TKAK deep swam p . . OKT.RE)Pb Octo ber.
Q H M AK thimble. 0 11 he, she, it, rha t ; .. . :>KAK,TA o n tha t side.
OHH A· I) 10 play t v.) : 2) te amuse oneself OJlA~ sa . t bus ; ... fiOJl M AC A ot her.... ise ;
gumbol. j oke. fi 0 11F AH KYH.aE in that ca se;
Oo.HAJl · J) te bc cast or dra wn (as o f lo ts) ; ...-6Y11A f1 th is way, tbat way. and evcry
2) to he presen red. s hown , p roduced (a pla y). way.
Ol1 HA n AWT- to say in jest ; ... AJ]- to pla y OJlAP t hey .
. ; / ~ bit . te he frisky ; . .. Ä\I6EP- to p la y. <QJIA.!;J, inea pa ble .to do a~ythin~, ~I~.msy~
;:;- O l IHA T- I) to dra w lots fo r a laan o n (he û JlAKTbI K ina bility.
govcmment lo ttery : 2) to tread (on), to OJl )KA booty, spo üs. ~
advance, auack: iKAYF A AT- .. . to auack OJl JKA)'lA · I) la procure•. obtain. acq ui re.
an op pone nt . ...;,.'t./ ;? ea m : 2) 10 plund er . .:;;./~
OHHA YFA K IPJe - to sta rt to pla y. OIT)I{ AH- see OIT)I{AITA-.
O H HAK o pen placc where games and ûJllKAFA fiAT- ro be full o f 1001.
entertain ment ta ke pla ce ; Kb IJ ... place ûJl Kbl I ) nor closely holding on , nol tightly
whe re you ngsters mee t and play ; K:tJI A H fitt ing, dangling. hanging loosely ; 2) ne t
... place wh ere wild asses gather. filled, no t full.
O HHAKT A · CO play, frolic , romp, jokt DJIKblRAH · I) to wo rk loose, gel loose (of a
O H nAT lowl and, lew place, depress ion . ma ch ine, erc.) : 2) ro lo wer, go down (of the
o rtnA H /geo gr ./ hollew. le wland. tempo of wo rk).
OflnAHnA Y iKEP sligh tly lo wer place . û11KbIJlblK, I) a loose fitting of e ne object
o f l nblPb l M ·A H good gra cie us: la a nother ; 2) inferiority. inadeq uacy ;
o a.n ncn- idea . notio n . 3) ga p, break .
OC'I PA H destructien . ru in; .. . KbIJl - to û Jl K,b IC blll - I) not to he co ntent (wi th);
dcst roy. 2) to consider beneat h on e's digni ty.
OI1 ChIPA- to suffer great damage, Jasses . OMAPTA bee hive.
OClCblPAn KEM · to grea tly decrease. O MA KA marking of the border belween two
OClCblPA F A H 3bl.RH irreparable damag e. plots of la nd by the co nstruct ion of an
onun.ut rhinker . embankmen t sepa rating them.
O Hb f H I) p lay, game; 2) pran k. joke, run; OMA KA T'\:"PFb13- 10 const ruct an embank-
.. .·CA YbIK ent ertainment , a musem ent; ment showing the bor der between two p lots
.. . E M EC na joke; .. . K YPAJl b l m usical o f la nd .
instru men t : .. . -K Y 11KI fu n, amusement. O~lAKA C- te fall head over heels.
OH b l HC h IJ witho ut jo king, pe rfectly seri- ûMSbl K AP snow drift.
o usly. OMIibIJlA- to get st uck in a deep snow d rift.
Oil b l HW b l K toy. OM PA Y see O M b IPAY.
O OhlC I) co ncave; 2) ro break, cu t ioi nû y OMhI p· I) to brea k o fî; 2) to dis membe r, to
wit h so meo ne else : Q) to go no t d irec tly, divid e in pa rts (a carcass).
but by a langer route. - - - OMbI PAY breast, chest. bust. bosorn :
onux I) ice -hole (man-made) ; 2) mark on .. . A.L1.-\ M assert ive. pushing person.
t hc ea r t of a nimalst . OMbIPA YJIA- I} to push th ings out of th e
OCfKA CT A- ro go . avoidi ng a meeung wit b way with o ne' s chest ; 2) jfig.,l la sto p at
so meonc. nothi ng (0 fo rce one's way.
onxun hollew. O Mbl PA YHAn Ke TE p· la lift (a \\ d ght)
OftFA E)A T- I ) to beccme a bsorbed in rho ught. wit h ones cbcsr .


O Mh IPA YJl AT· re press wnh the breast o f c " II IOJI1U H.R o pposincn
one's horse. ( 1111 IOJJ1U lt Rn blK. o pposirio nal
OM h IPA YJI b l K breasrpla te. pec roral breast- ( 1111 IOP'T YHHCf opportUniSt.
piece (o f a ho rse). C ' 1111t ) IYfY~ l~ CfI K o pport unist {adj.!.
OMhIPT KA verteb ra. spina l column; I H l i J1 K opncran . cpncal.
CY I1EKTEPJ spinal colum n ; APK,A ( 111 1 H K A o pties.
f 111111 MH CT o p timist.
spi na l column.
OMhIPTK,AJIbI )f(AHYAPJIA P vertebrates fJlII li MHCTIK o ptimism,
0 11 10111 · 1) 10 regre t (some thing), to pit y ;
OMhIPTK,AJlhIJl AP vertebrates Izool./. ]) ro be vexed, 10 bem oan.
OM h IPTKACh l3 )f(AHYAPJIA P inverte- (H 11 ,1 1', to pull o ff, 10 pl ay havoc, te destroy,
In blo w up ; .. . -TO n b IP bustle, tunno il ;
O MhIPTK AChl311AP invertebrates Izool./. " .l o n bIP DOn· te start fussin g about.
OH ten ; ... AllTbl sixteen: ,_. AJlT hI.llA H f JII I,II'''1K toothles s.

SI P ene sixtee nt b ; ... AJl T b l H Wb l six- ( Jl l h i K rcg rct. pity ; . .. jKE te regrei biuerly.
teen th ; . .. liA Cbl foreman ; ".. S EC f itteen. ( '" I) pit, d iteh; 2) ImiL! trench, dug-out,
... IiECIHlIIl fifteent h ; ... ElP ele ven : wolf.h o le; J) d a rk-red col or (of a nima1s);
.. . IiJPIHlIIl elevem h : ... ECE APIThIP~ 41 10 reap : .. . KO-'lH see ÛPKO-'l H.
to increase tenfold ; .. . KYHLUK ren-day ol'A- I) 10 envelo p, enfold, wrap up , tie up ;
la dj./ ; ... COM ten rubles ; ... TOFbI3 ]. ) l1o. porll 10 gi ve a back-heel (in Kazakh
n ineteenth; .. . TOF b13hI HIll b l ninetee nth : WI'c..t lin g).
... TaPT fo urteen ; ... T6 PTIHllII four- OI'A" I) loe k of ha ir ; 2) possib üity, spare
teenth : ..• IlJAMAJIbI see O H UlAK,Tb) ; mue.
_.. II1AKTbl ab out ten . O I'AJI . I) CO wra p, cover o neself up ; 2) to
OHA H Iro m tbe re, from him ; .. . CO R after wmd o ncself (round); 3) to fall into a net ;
tha t, later. ... J w retu rn ! intr./.
O HUA there. OI'AJIY tra dc turnover .
O H,ll.bIK, ten (as a round number) : fJI'A Jl h IM race co urse.
CAH J],AP even tens. ol ' A JI hl M ,ilbl a d roi t, agile.
O H HA H SIP one tenth . f ll'AJlFA H wou nd ladj'/.
O H IIIA 50 mueh ; 50 man y; no l very ; .. . Ken (}l'A JIf-b l o bstacle, h ind rance, b rak e.
E ME C not 50 mueh. (W AM b und ie, bunch , package, skein, hank,
OHIllAMA see OHIllA. wl'Ur r ing 1 0.1, co verin g In./.
OHhIHWhl tenth . ()" A M AJI handkerchief, kerchief towel.
OHFA TA PT A te (as Iar as) ten, rill ten. (,,'A Mll bl cxciti ng , eloquent .
on- to eat up, gorge, swallow. OI'AII- to wra p o neself u p.
onA 1) powde r ; 2) Ia ühfulness. loyalty : OI ' Allhln.KbIMTAH- to wra p oneself up .
... )KAK,- to powder . ( ) "A f-I JKEP ER gre enhouse.
OnAJIA- to powder. (WA CA H very , to o mucb .
OnACh13 I) trait o r ; 2) double-deale r. Of'ATOP o ra to r,
O nACb I3.Llb l K, 1) tre achery, betrayal: 2) ( JI'A Y pack ing, wra pping, ba ndaging.
f JI' A K I) sickle ; 2) harvest. harvesting ;
dou ble-dealing ; 3) craft, insid iousness.
o n AT dea th; ... SOll- to pass away, to ." AA rno nth o f ha rvesting ; WAJl Fbl
decease ; ... SonFAH the deceased, the .•'}~ lo4:ythe ; KOn .. . sickle.,J" ,'
departed. vo l'A K lll b l harv ester, rea per .
o n EPA opera . O "J'A H organ ( part of o rgan ism).
O nEPAJlhIK opera ladj'/; operat ie. (JI'rA HH KAJIbIK organic.
O n EPATI..UUI !med ./ o pera tion; ... )KAC to o " JIA I) cen te r, seat ; 2) Ihist.1 Khanat e
o pera te. he ad q ua rters .
O n n A I) ma rsh, bag ; 2) swampy, marshy ; (J f' /IAJI b l gregarious.
O I'j1AHJ].A- to jump up clumsily.
3) snow drift ; ... )KEP mudd y, swam py
O l' JlEH o rder (ba d ge o f d istinetion ; organiza-
OIUIAJIA- to get sruck in a ba g or in a sno w n o n ).
dri ft. () I' JJ.EP warrant. o rder. writ.


OPHrHHAn originaI . OPbI HJl,bl K, chair, stool .

OPHrl1HAn,Ubl origina l /a dj .{. O PbIH ChI3 Ina ppr o pr iate, un timely.
OPKECfP e re bes tra. OPb IC Russian .
OpnA- J) to dig a hole o r trench; 2) to d rain OPbICWA in Ru ssian, in a Russia n manner.
by mea ns of a d iteh . OPFAK see OPAK.
QPMAH Ioresr: ." MAMAHbI sylviculturist, OC- to cut, te wo un d , to scra tch deeply (with
torester . . .. nEPICI , folk-Ja re! wood - fingernails o r claws).
goblin ; .. . ecl PY fo restry, sylvic u ltu re. OCAJl wea k.
OPMAH Cbl3 woodless. OCAJlLlA H- 10 grow weak .
O PMA H Wb l Io rest ranger. OCAlILlhlK, wea kness.
O PHA - te settle, take up res idence, co nso lidate OCfiAK,T A· 1) 10 o bta in from someone ad-
one's position. mission o f sernething in a round about way ;
OPHAJIA C- ( 0 gel a place, settie / iolr.!. find 2) to achleve one 's purpose by means of
a job. Intim idat ion.
OPHAJIACTbIP- te placet arrange, dispose. OC bl this ; .. .· A. K o nly thi s, that is a ll ;
senle ftr./. .. . KYH I a l that time.
OPHAC- see OPHAJI AC- . OChIDAH from thi s ; .. . 6ACTAn sta rring
OP HATY bu ilding, structure. from this ; ... KEH IH after this.
OPH blHllA to the po int, o pport unely. ocun xn thus. sa, in this rnanne r ; .. . ET ln
OPHbIK- to becom e certa in (tha t). thus .
OPTA I) middle /0.1; 2) mid dle ladj./, a..'erage ; OCbl HLlAfl such. that scrt o f; D.dJl ...
3) nor ruil (of a v essen: 4) surroundings, exactly such.
cm/irons. midsr : ... FAC b l? the Midd Je OCh IHD,AODA with such occurrences, at the
Ages. time . when .
OPTAD.A in the mid dle. üCb lHllJA how man y, ho w much , 50 ma ny,
OPTAft- to di minish, decrea se. sa much .
ûPTA;lbIK center, central. OCblHblH a J I th is very.
OPTAH )f(lJlIK rhigh-bone. femur ; .. . KOn OCK,bIP· to sno rt (of a ho rse).
middl e finger. OT I) fire /gcn. & mi1.!, conflagr ation ;
OPTAH UJbI [he middle o ne (seco nd of three 2) grass ; .. . AJlMAY misfire; .. . Alll- te
child ren). open fire (begin to shoot) : . .. AFAChI head
OPTAUIA I) avera ge. midd le ; 2) ln termediate, of family : ". :>KAK· to light a f ire : .. .
inte rstiti a l; 3) med ium ; 4-) fair (an evaluation )f(AF Ylll bl sto ker, furnaceman; ... KEM E
in an ed uca tto nal instit utio n) ; .. . llIAPYA steamship ; ... CAJl- te set fire (to ) ; .. .
rniddle pea sant (m oderately weil-ta-do). Ca HAI PrI llJ fire-extlnguisher ; ... T~TAT­
O PTA K general. comrnon ; DdPIM I3rE ... to kindIe a fire.
com mon to all (of us) : OPTAK .. . in two, OTA· to weed.
balf-and -half OTA5AChI head of fam ily.
OPT AKTAC- 1) to share w ith someone OT A A ~ to be overgrown with thick grass .
(sad ness, happiness) : 2) to portion out. OT AJl- to flash, blaze up , break out (fire},
OP<1l0rPA<PHJt ort hogra phy, spelling. OTAH native coun try, fatherland ; . .. K,O P·
OP<1l0rPA <1l H5IJlbIK orthographic(al). FAY MHHUCfPJllrI depart ment of
OPblH I) place; 2) jo b, we rk, post ; ... A11 - defense.
to occupy a place; .. . 6ACAP see OP b IH- OTAHLlAC compatrio t.
6 ACAP ; ... I3D E- to look for a job. OTAP I ) flock of sbeep ; 2) rerno te pasture ;
OPblH6ACAP su bstitute. 3) co lony : .. . EJl LlEP colonial co um ries.
OPb JHllA- to execute, fulfill; IeTI . .. to OT APEA lobs.! trai n.
co m plete the we rk. OTAPJlA~ to colo nize.
OPbI HLlAJIATbl H K AFA J l leg-f act of OT APW b lJl co loniahst , colonizer.
exec utio n. OTA Plllbi JlD.hlK colonizarion.
OPb lH DA YllI b l executo r, perfo rm er: COT OTAC· to live logether (of matrimony).
KA PA Pbl H ... baili lf. OT AY I) weeding ; 2) a ma rried couple living
O Pb l HDbl I) a pp ro priate. n rnely ; 2) ha ving apart from busband's pa rent's fa mily;
a pla ce. 3) yurt o f you ng pec ple.



O TA lllhI horse doctor, Carrier. OKA golden o r silver Iace , gallo o n. braid .
OTAJ<, weed s. OKAllA· to sew on lace o r braid .
O TAFAChI I) courteous address to an older OKAJlh l embroidered w ith bra id.
man ; 2) Ihisl./ the elde r of a yurt. QKAn ho le (in a road j.
O T HOCMTEJl b.D.l K relative ladj'/. OKAChl :>KOK. lfig. expr./ there IS nothing
OTPJlll lmil ./ derachment. deta il. special (in bim. it).
ûITA· I) (0 graze , pasture {int./ ; 2) (0 ta lk OK,)KbIJlAH mytholog ica l snake.
nonsense. OK,nAK, /zoo l.l bittern .
OITAT to reed, let graze. OK,CY nausea .
OTTEn oxy gen. OK,Ch IT. te feel nauseous.
O TIhIK. I) feeding-trough; 2) match (to make OK,TA- to load. charge (a gun, etc.) :
a fire}; 3) lobs./ flint ; ... TA C flint.
... -TEKTE some times, now and then .
OTh 13 tltirt y.
QK,TAJI- 1) te he loaded (of a gun) ; 2) to
OTb l3 b lHW bl thirtieth .
threaten with so met hing. raise o ne's hand
OTbIH firewood, Iuel: ... )KA P-to chop wood.
against somebody.
O T b IH IllhI,UPO BOCEK wood-cutter, woods-
man . OK,T A Y rolling-pin (fo r dough). beater (for
laund ry).
OThIP- I) 10 sir, sit down ; 2) to be located;
O K,T bI loaded (of a gun).
3) Idese r./ after gerund o n -blfl, -Hl , -Fl of
OKTbIH-OK,TbI H fro m time to time .
the main verb indicates the durability of the
OK,Y l) stud ies; 2) education .
acti on expressec by the Jatter. As : 0 ..1 s iran
OKYJlblK, rextbook.
OIU>lIl orsrp - he is read ing a bock .
OTbJPhIn WblK,- to serve o ne's sentence. OK,YlllbI I) pupil, student; 2) reader (person).
OTblPhlC sin ing (witho ut doin g anyt hing), OKWAHTAff I) leather pou ch for sho t ; ?
10 take seats. 2) Ihist./ bandelier.
o ThIPbI Klllbl setlied (as opposed to n oma die). OK,IllAY lonely, solitary, separated.
O TbIPh lK.Ul hln h IK. senled way of Iife (as O K,lliAYJl AH- to avoid, sh un.
opposed to nom adi c). OK.bI- 1) to read ; 2) to leam , st udy.
OThIK,- to begin to feed on grass (of younger OK,hIH FA case. incident.
animals). OK,bIMAFAH unedu cated, igno ram us .
OTK,A U1h l.1\AM .1\h l firepro of. OKbIMAFAHll.bI K, lack of education .
O<1>I1l.\EPofficer. OK,bIMblCfbl educa ted, scbola r, lea rned.
Oq,I1I..1,I1A HT walter. pe rson .
OIllAK, bearth, fireplace. OK,hIMblCTblJlbi K good ed uca tion, cult ure,
OIDAFAH burr, particularly agrimony (Agri- civilization (as applied to a pe rso n).
monia) or bu rdock (Arct ium). O K,hln AJ). to rea d a little ; .. . SlTIP- to read
OW AFAHHbl H MAH bI burdock oil. to the end, to finish rea d ing ; ... llIbIK,- to
OIO decoratlve pa tte m , design, orn ament. read through.
OIOJIA- te ma ke a design, to embroide r. OK.bIPA I) ûaw, defec t; 2) gadfly (of cattle).
OIOJIhI embroidered, figured, pattemed. OK,hIPJIbIK, fi t fo r readi ng.
OlOllihI engra ver. e<-O K bIC suddenly, unexpecredl y. ca relessly.
01OK, pit. O K,hlT. to teach , instru ct.
ORJ deepening. O K,b IITh IP 10 give to someo ne to read.
OJlJ.lI,AY less deep. O K.bITYlli b l teacher .
OJl 3h IPAJ<, deeper. O K,hIFAH AJlAM educat ed persen .
OJlH- to wake up lintr.l. to a w a ke. O H I ) success, good luck ; 2) facade, right side
OR T· to wake up Itra nJ. to awaken. (of material) : 3) right ûocauon) : 4) te
ORY reality, wben o ne is awake. succeed /v.l ; 5) to lose color, fad e tv.l,
OK. I) bullet ; 2) arrow : ... AF Am shaft, pole, wither ; .. . )KAK, right side ; .. . )KAK.K.A to
beam ; ... lKh IJlAH see O K; lKh IJIAH ; the right (of) ; .. . iKAFbI face , front ;
. .. lYTJ<.hIm cartridge clip, iron ring ; . .. TAPAnKA to the right side ; .. . K,On
IUAflThIPblM )f(EP within shooting dis- right hand.
ta nce ; mOHTAA cartridge belt , OI{Af! easy.
bandolier. OHAflJIA· I) to make cornforta ble, COD·


venient ; 2) to ma ke easier, facilitate ; 3) to ... TYP- to he prepared (for so rnet hing), to

put in o rder. be in readin ess.
OH,Afl nAH· 10 become easy, to straighten OH.LIAftJ1bI proper, appropriate, suita ble.
itself out. OHJlAff Cb13tlbl K inconvenience, discom-
O lc\AI1J1AT- sec O lc\AI1J1A- . fo rt, diffi cuity.
O HA ffJlb lK co mfo rt. convenience. OH.D,AH ChI 3DbI KKA 'IUJhIPA· 10 get im o
O HA ffCb l3 uncorntortable, Incon venient, un - an aw kward situa tio n.
co mfo rtably. OH.LlAJl - to improve lintr.l.
O l-{A ftC b13,UAH. to beoome uncomfortable, OH.llbl good, excellent, decen t, pro pe r;
te go wr ong, to find it difficult. ... ·COn ,ilb l right a nd left, topsy-turvy.
OHAÏfCbIlUAHnbIP- to ha mper, embarass. Ol-{TYCTI K south; ... EATblC sout hwest ;
to ca use so meo ne tr o uble. .. . lIIblFbIC southea st.
OHóAFA H good-fo r-no thing, stu pid, co n- O l-{K,A H right- ha nder ; ... AC b IK the right
fused . a nkle-bene of a sbeep. used for games .
O HSAFblP adamnation, malediction tIiteral- OHFA- to the right.
ly : M ay yo u not he luckyl). OHFA K. fading. fadable.
OH)lA- ro repair. co rrect. OFAH re him. te u.
O HJlAfUI AHb ln O Tb IP- to sit co mfo rta bly ;

nA {n E. MA-ME. bA-bEI {particIe In- nAJlAY pilau, pila f (sort of stew).
dicat ing a question ï. n AJlYAH see b AJl YAH .
nA oh ! nAJlYbA deck.
nABHnbOH pavilicn. nAJlh TO overcoat.
n AM /Ioca l W, SI herd of cattle. n AJIhTOJlI K mare rial. suited for an overcoat.
nAll.AWbl floca l SEI herdsman , shepherd. nAMtPJlET pamphlet, la mpoon.
nA.!lruA see n ATlIIA . nAf\.t.H:THMK monument, memo rial.
nAfK ration . nAH A 1) refuge, shelter ; 2) /tig./ defende r,
nA>KA see li A)KA. protecto r.
nAl1DA a dva nta ge, beneû t, gain, use, pro fil; nAH AJlA· J) to take shelter ; 2) /fig./ to loo k
... son. to a ppear, show up , ( 0 occu r, to for patrona ge, proteetion.
(Ol m ; . .. CEPIK on cooperat ive basis; nA HAJlb l protec ted, sheltered (fro m bad
... KhIJT· 10 acquire, to gain. weather).
n AHJIAKYHEM mone y-gru bber, selfish nAHAChI3 I) not havin g shelter, unprotected:
persen . 2) homel ess, sbelterless, neglected.
nAM)lAKYH EMD,JK self-interest. money- nAHEJlh side-walk. footway.
grubbing, profneering. n AHI1KA pa nic (alarm, con fusion).
nAff)lAJlAH- to take advantage (of) , to n AHI1CJ1AMI13 M Pan-I slarnism.
exploit , to profil (by) . nAHOPAMA pa no ra ma.
nAllUAJlAH YFA )KAPAM Jl.bI utilizabie. nAHTlOPKI13M Pan-Turkism.
nAff,llAJlAHbIn KET- to award (to), to nAnl1 POC cigarette .
confer (upon) ; .. . KAJl- te take advantage nAnKA I) pape r-case, file; 2) cardboa rd.
(of), appropriate. nA P l) pair ; 2) /conv./ eq ual (for example, in
nAA,D,AJlAHFbllll one who cleverly uses strength).
sernething in his o wn interests: pushing, nA PA l) group ; 2) part , sha re ; 3} bribe; 4) to
intru sive person. unstitch, rip; ElP ... )KEP patch of lan d.
n A l1Jl AJlbl pro ûta ble, a dvantageous, useful; nAPArPA4> paragraph.
. .. KEH)lEP economie minera is. nAPA,U para de.
nAii.!lAC h I JKOK. useless . nAPA)];OKC pa rad ox.
n Aft .uACh l3 pr ofirless. nAPA311T pa rasite.
n AfiJlAF A AC· to prove useful, to become nAPA3111TIK pa rasitism.
a capabl e, helper in a fam ily ; .. . ACAThIH nAPAJlA · to divide into smal! pa n s.
fit, suitable, goed for, useful ; ... AChIP nAPAJll14 para lysis.
utilize. nAPAJlH4 COK.- to he paralysed.
nAft.!lAK.OP see n Aft.!lAKYH EM. nAPAJl JlEJlh parallel.
n.-\.fl·nAH / intel'jection indicating delight or nAPA·nAPA KbIJI· to cu t into smalt pièces
surp risc/. (of paper, fab ric).
n Afthl M see bA ft h l M. flAPACAT reason, mind, inte üigence, com-
n AftbI Mn A see bAfthIM.!lA. prehension.
n AH FAMIiAP prophet. nAPACATIbI I ) quick to comprehend,
nAKET 1) package, parce l. envelope: 2) pa per sensible, sobe r-minded ; 2) reasonable, clever".
bag Ie r pro visions. n APAWhIn bribe-taker, grafter.
n AKT pact , international agreeme nt. nAPAlOT parach ute.
nAJIATA charnber, ward. TIAPAllIlOTWbl parachute jumper .


nAPAK,OP see n APAlllbUl. nATPl10lTbl K, {n ATPI10 T H3M{ patriot-

nAPAK,OPJlblK, bribery. ism.
ITAP)lA 1) strengt h ; 2) speed (of a ho rse). n ATPOH cartridge .
n A PHK wig. nATPOHTAlli bandelier, cartridge belt.
n APK park . nAT Py n b patrol .
n APKET parquet. n ATCA see nATWA_
n APK ETTI parquet ladj.l . n AT W A monarch, {sar ; T YC h l Hll. A
nAPJlAM EHT pa rliament. under the tsa r.
nAPJlAMEHTAPU3M parliarnentarism. n ATlllAJIb ll<' I ) mcnarchy ; 2) kingdom ;
nAPJlA ME HT!:P truce eev oy. 3) tsarism .
nAPHI1 K ho rbed . see d bed . n AlPOC enthusiasm, inspira rion.
n A PO BO l Iocomot tve. nAUM EHT pa rient .
nA PO DJ LR parody. nAUMCS>H3M pacifism.
nAPOJl b password. pa role. nAm son- te beccrne wel! kno wn ; ... K,blJl-
n APOM ferry(-boat). to ma ke public.
n APOM lll hl ferryman. n AIIIAK, Ilocal W/ ea r (of cereal plan t).
n APO XO.ll steamboa t ; ... TYC· to set fort h n AK,hIP poor, indigen t.
(on ly of navigatio n). nAK,hIPWhIJlbIK poverty .
nAp· n APJ1An by pai rs . nAH haughty, arroga nt.
ITA PC hl Persian. nAHJlAH - I) to gîve o neself airs ; 2) 10 be
ITAPT A desk (a t school). squeamish ( abou t).
flAPT E P the p it / thea tr ./, rhe stall {thea tr./. n AHCb IH- see nAH,I:lAH-_
nAPTH 1A H partisan, guerilla . nAF AJI I local SI o uter skin of ee tt on seed .
n APTJ.13AHD.b IK gue rilla way of warfare : n EJl ArOr teacher.
. .. ET- to lead a guerilla werfare. n E.llAr O r H KA pedagogy.
nAPTl-UI part y (po titical). nE.llArOrHKAJl b lK, pedagogict al).
nAPTI1.R .l1A GAP party /adj./ ; ... )KOK non- n EJl AH T pedant.
party man. nE.llAHlTb lK, pedar ury.
ITAPTH ËP pa rtner. n EH3A)f{ view , landsca pe.
n APYAn C bl3 Iight-hea rted, careless, in- n E0 3A:>K.uh fK, landscape painter.
atte ntlve . nan tn see DEI1 IJ1 .
n APb I3 dogma, renet. nEI1IJ1.ll1 sec bEI1IJ1.llJ.
ITAPhlK distinc ticn, di fference. nEH.llE see DEH.llE.
n A PbI K,C b l3 indifferent. n EHCVlO HEP pensio ner.
n A CM A see 6 Y M A. n EHe llJ ,.. pen sion .
nACn O PT passport ; . .. T IP KET- to register n EP.uE l) cu rtai n: 2) veil ; 3) act (in a play};
a passp ort. ... K,YP - to pu ll down the curta in(s).
n ACn O PT n EH K,AMTAMACbI3 ETY (in- n EP.llEJl E- see n EP.llE K,n-.
tro duci ng) a passpon system. n EPLlECI3 with out curta ins ; .. . CeWJIEC-
n ACCA:iK passage, a rcad e. to speak frankly.
n ACCA)f\WP passe nger. nE P3 E HT / boo k.1 child .
n ACC I1B l) Iba nk./ Iiabilities ; 2) la dj.j nEPM EH o rder, command o
pa ssive . n EPH E see SEPHE.
nACC lIJ BTIK passiveness . n EP PO H I r. r.j pla tform.
n ACTA paste. n E PCO HAA<: c ha racrer, person a ge.
n ACbInll.-\- Iloca l SWI to estimate roughly. nEPCOHAJl pe rsonnel.
n A TAT A P Iloca l EI powder-ûask . nE PCnEK TI1BA perspective, view, pros pect.
nATEHT pa tent. n EPCflEKTl1BAChl3 having 0 0 prospects.
n AT E HlTl pa tent ladj./ . hopetess.
n ATE<I>O H gramophone. n EPIUJT E an gel.
nATHOC tray. n EPFAYb l H I) symbol of e verything evil :
n AT P~ 1APX pa tria rch. :2) / nist.! Pha rao h.
n ATPI1APXA T patria rch)' . n EC C H M H 3 ~ pessimism.
nAT PHOT pa trio t. n E CC U ~1J 1 cr pessimist.


nEefP lobs.1 clerk . nOJl KO BH HK colonel.

nETJ.1UH.R petition . 1l0 fl lOC pole.
nETHE scandal ; ... ALI,AM qu arrel er, nOMEW HK landed gentleman.
brawler. n OPT port.
nEtfATIA· to p rin t. n OPTPET port tau.
nEtfATb seal , stamp. press ; a 8 H r EJlEK ... nOPTet>EJlb brie fcase. po rtfolio.
circu lar seal. nOCTbIH Iloca l SEI fu r coat.
n EW oven, stove ; .. . )KAFYWbI stok er ; nOl.fTA post, ma il, post o ffice; ... A PK,hlJl bI
... K,bIn to become conceited . AKIDA ')f(I6EPY mon ey order ; ... MA P-
nHAHJ.1HO uprigh t piano. KAChl sta mp ; ... TACYIlIhI mailman.
nH,ll,A I) victim, sacrifice; 2) jloca l SI main nO'lTAJlbOH see nO'lTA TACYIIIbl.
cord for tying ceule. IJoca l SE/ see n Ol.fTA MT post office.
M YPbl H.L\bIK,. nOllJJH1HA d uty, customs.
Ill1fllOJUl pill. nOiliTA l obs.{ se< nO 'lTA .
nHMA feit boots. n03311J1 poetry.
nl1 0HEP pioneer. initiator. n03MA poem.
nI1PAMl1Jl.A pyramid. n03THKA theory of poetry.
nHPAMl1!lAJlb pyramidal. n 03TI1KAfl b lK, poetictal) .
nl1CfOJlET pistol. nPABO righ t. law ; ... FblJlblMbl j ur is-
nUCTOH percessten cap, piston. prudenee.
nl1TOMHHK nursery. nPAKTI1KA pract ice.
n11.SI3 wild onion. n PAKT~1K AHT pro bationer.
n H.R3b I JI)J.Ul3bl / 1) delicate. thm . soft (of OPEJ HllEHT president.
fab rics) : 2) /6g./ polite, courteo us. npE3HllH YM presidiu m.
nl1.RJlA 1} tea-cup; 2) lamp-gl ass. n PEficKYPA HT price list .
nJl AKAT placard , poster. nPEMhEP prime minister.
n JlAH plan . nPEMhEPA /theatr. 1opening nigbt, première,
nJlAHEP glide r. new prod uction.
nJlA H ETA plan et. n PEnAPAT preparatie n.
nJlAHTAUJ1.R plantati on . nPH3MA prism .
n JIAHlllET plane tabie, sketching boa rd. nPHMHTHB prim itive.
n JlAT<1JOPMA platform. nPHMYC Etna stove.
nJlAI.J.LI.APM spring-board, ba se. npl1H Ul1n pr inciple.
n JlAUKAPT reserved scat ticket , berth [tr,i , nPHHUHnCI3 unprincipled.
nJlAll.{ cloa k, mackintosh, rai ncoat. nPHHUHnCI3 LUK unscrupulousness .
n JlOM6A I) filling (in a too th) ; 2) seal, stamp. n PHHu,l1nTl fundamental , of principle.
nJlOM6AJlA- to fill (a toorb), 10 seal . n pl1HUl1 nTIJlIK matter of principle.
norOH sho ulder-stra p. nPHCTAHh land ing place, doek, wharf.
nOJ{BAJI basement . cellar. nPOEA trial, test. standerd (conceming the
nOJlnOJl KOBHHK lieu tenant-colone l. co ntent of preci ous metals), hallmark.
n OLlnOJl h E cella r. /fig.1 secret activity. n POEAJl h l with a standerd, with a hallmark.
n O.L\llil1n HI1K hea rin g. n POIiJlEMA problem.
n O E3D. tra in. n PO EJl EMAJl hI problematic(aJ).
n 0 3MUUJI position . fiPOBOKATOP provocateur, stoo l pigeon.
n03I1UJ.t.SlJIbI position ladj.l. nPOBOKAUI1J1 provocation. ... ')f(ACA- to
noasn lobs./ train . provoke .
nOJlUrPAet> polygraphy, polygraphi c. nPOrPAMMA program.
nOJlHKJlHHHKA pol yclinic. nPOrPECC progress.
nOJlMTI1KAH intriguer, politlcian . nPOrPEClllIJl progressive.
nOJlHTPYK politica! instructor (in Ihe npOEKT project, design, draft; ... :JKACA· to
Sovjet Anny). plan. to design.
n OJlHT3KOHO MHJI politica! economy. nPO:>KEKTOP search light, projector.
nOJIMUI1J1 police. IlPOKAT hire, Itech.1 rolling.
nOJlK regiment. nPOKJlAMAU\1J1 leaûet.

nblCblHA. to rot , stew, to perspire intensely
nPOK Y PATYPA prccura tor 's office.
n POKYPOP public procurator. (of man) .
nblCbIT. I) to make strong ; 2) to make fit.
n POn ETAP proletarian .
n POJlETAPHAT proleta riat ; .. . JUIKTA- n bICbIK, I) (of man) lively, sma rt, expe ri-
TY PAC bI dicta torship o f the proleta riat. enced. wor ldly-wise, prudent. calculating ;
n POJl ETAPJlAC· to become proletari an. 2) (of a ccrd, thread) rigbtly wound :
n POJlOr prologue. 3) ladv./ neatly, pu nctua lly ; 4) to turn th e
n POnArAH JlA propaganda . spindie, to spin.
nron xr AH lll1CT propagandist. nbICbIKChlH- to rep resem oneself as
nPOn EJUlEP propeller. experienced.
nronosunoa xnnux I ) proportion al ity : nbICbIKTA- to repea t, to practice; e T KE H
2) propo rt ionaf. CASAKTb f ... to repea r a id lessons.
ru-ono eu a s proportion. n bICh lKTb IK accuracy, punctuality.
npOnYCK 1) ad misslon , pass, pass wor d ; n bIeKhIP· 1) to snort, sniff: 2) to give o ne-
2) omiss io n , la pse. self airs, to loo k do wn upon someone, to
nPOC n EKT I) avenue ; 2) prospectus. pay na attention te so meone.
n POTE3 prosthetic appliance, artificial limbo n b lC KblPbIK an ülne ss of sbeep.
nPOTO KOJl reco rd of proceedings, minutes . Il bl lll- to cut, to cut out (in tailoring).
n POTOKOJl llA· to take the minutes, to nblillAK knife ; .. . A(Y31 blad e of a knife :
reco rd . .. . CA6bl handle of a knife: WA nnA . ..
n POTOflJlA3 MA pro toplasm. pen knife.
nro~ ECC I1j1 occ upa ricn , pro fession . nbIWA KT A- to wound with a kn ife.
n P041ECCO P pr ofessor . nbllllbln,UA· to hiss. to puff (qu ietly).
n P04lI1Jl A KTI1 K A preventive inspeetion. n bIJIJ see nHJIJ.
lmed./ prc pbylaxis. mAJl A see mUIJlA (I ).
npOl!>HJlAKTl1 K AlIbIK, prevent ive, /med./ nlKIP opinlo n, thougbt , idea ; .. . AJl b ICY
pr ophylactic. exchange o f thoughts.
n POtPltJlb profile. n lKIPJl EC person holding the same views.
fi POc1>OPf trade-union orga nizer. nlKIPJlI reason able, calcula ung.
n pOLJ.EHT percentage, interest.
DIJl elephant .
n pOLJ.EHTC13 bearing na interest. nlc - I) to botl. cook /intr./ , bake /intr./ ; 2)ripen
npOLJ.E HTII lnte rest-bea ring. (of grain a nd fru it); J) to sha ke up (kumiss);
n pOLJ.ECC process, trial, legal action. 4) to become skilful, acquire proficiency.
n CI1XOJlO rl1J1 psychol ogy. nICKEK a mixer (for the sbaking up of
n CHXOJl OnUIJl b IK, psychologic(al). kumiss), churn-staff
n Y5Jll1Ul1CT publicist, pam phleteer. nlCTE pistachio ; ... A FA llI b I pistachio tree.
n YSfll1 UI1CTI1 KA publicism .
nlCTEK see nlCKE K.
n Y,QAH see 6Y,QAH.
OI CY ripening.
nYJlEM ËT machine gun. niCIP. I) te boil (foo d), te bak e (breed}:
nYJlEM ËTWI machine gun ner.
2) to temper (metal ).
nbIJlAH see n Jl AH. Il Illl- te cut, cut out (in tailoring). castrate.
n bI PA,QA dr opsy.
nbIPT /onomatopoeic word/ snoring; nIllJEH I) hay ; 2) cut (pa rticiple or gerund
ET l n )l(A Pb IJl · to split with a crack . from the verb n IW- te cut) ; . .. MA mH·
nhIP bl n.UA. I) 10 snore, to sno rt; 2) to emir HACbI mowin g machi ne; lllASY
soun ds simila r to tho se o f flapping wings. mowing, baymaking. hay-ba rvest ; . .' UlA6Y
nblC /onoma topoe ic word / whistling; 1) to ME3n n l ha ying time ; .. . KOPA hayloft.
become tempéred. to acquire a ha bit, to nllllEH.aI K 1) mowing, hayma ktng; 2)
pra ctlce ; 2) to he tigh rly rwisted (of co rd, meadow land .
rc pe, twine); .. .·nbIC ET· te prod uce a m lll E HWI 1) mower ; ~ ) haying machine.
frequent whist1ing so und . m IllKEH AT see nrume.
nbleTAH / Ioca l E/ one of saddlegirt hs. nJ IIlME see nnune.
nsrcun pu ffing. m w n E gelding.
nhICbl Jl,UA· to wheeze, to spea k hoarsely. Fl llll l}! tigure tman's).

n lIllIHlll well-composed, anractive. beaunful n;)JlJlEH· to grimace. to put on airs .
(of a figure). ndllE rrusfortune, tro uble.
nrmlHCn uncomel y. ple in, unattracuve. [l;)JlEH some, some kind of, that sart of;
n YTYHJlE- see &YTIHJlE- . ... KAll.APJlbI so man y, so much .
n\'J1 see &\'J1. naJlErE ~lllbJ PA - te get int o troub le.
nYJl /local SE! money. naJlEHI1Ef1 not such. as; nol SO, as .
n\'J1Chl3 see &\'J1Chl3. naJIEH -ndeTEH this an d that, something
nYPCAT I) poss ibility; 2) time. leisure. or ether.
spare time. naJlEXOP miser, skinflint.
nYT 1) pood (mea sure of weigb t = 36 Ibs) : nam (exclamation of approva l).
2) id ol. naH I) acad emie subject : 2) scien tific
nYTXAHA sbrine. discipline.
- n YTKA TA6hlHYWhI heathen. pagan ; naPEH)KI veil we m by Moslem women in
... TAIihIH YW hlJlblK paganism. publ ic (yashmak).
nymnAK hid e erom the leg of a beest. ndPMEH strength, force.
nVlliblK snub-nosed . ndPYAA an xiety, trouble.
nafiEK /local SE! hay-mead ow. ndPYAH ChI3 careless, inatteat ive.
n;JKCE lo wer part of body. nac bad (of a subject), mean, ba se (of a ma n).


PAS<flAK werkers' Iaculty, werkers" high PAKATIbl T\' PMbIC pleasan t Iife.
scbool: .. . OKYlII b lCbJ student o f a PAKM ET thank you !; ... An T- to thank.
co llege for wer kers. PAKb fM mercy, cha rity, grace : ... ETIH.IJ
PAS<I>AKWbl student of werkers' faculty. be gracieus (kind) !
PA,lU1ATOP rad iator. PAKbIM.!lbl mercifut. cbarita ble. ec ru,______
PAll,Hf1 radium. passionare.
PAll,H KAJI rad ica I. PAK blMA bIJl b JK mercy, charit y, com -
PAQHO rad io. passio n.
PAll,HOAKTHBTI radi oact ive. PAKbl MC bfl merciless, ruth less, piriless.
PA.!lHOAKTMBT JK ra dioactlvity. PEA KT HB rea gent. reactive .
pAD.110rPAMM A radiogram . PE AKUMR I) reectio n fchem./ ; XI1 M H5I-
PAD.MOCT AHUI1 ,H ra dio starion. Jl b lK ... chemica! reaction: / physJ reûex ;
P..4JU10Y3EJ1 ra d io broa dcasting and ce- suddert change ; 2) reac tio n I p0l./.
ce lving unit. PEA KUH RJlbl K reactio nary.
PAIU1YC radiu s. PEAKUI1Rlll b lJl reacuonary .
PA3bI IP bl3A, PI-I3A/ ag reeab te, sa usfied. PEAJlH3M realisrn.
PAn I) sta te, condition ; 2) fortune ; 3) mood . PEAJl ll CT real ist.
frame of mind , appea ra nce of feeling ; PEA JlllCrIK realistic.
4) mood /gra m./ KYH PAnbI weather : PEAJlb.aJK reatity.
A YA PA Abl elimate. PEBH3HR inspeetio n. revisio n : . .. IKACA -
PAAJlAH · t) to clea r up (of wea tber ) : 2) to to inspeet. re revise. ro ca rry o ut a revision .
tre at affably. PEBI1'30P ins peet or.
PAnJlAC· 10 bc reconciled (with). to re- PEB MATH3M rheuma tisrn.
concile oneself (r o) . PEBOJlIOUHOH EP revclur io nary.
PAMKA frame. PEBOJUOUHSI revolu tion .
PA MKAJl A· te fram e . PEBOJlIOUHJlJlAHD.bIP· te revol utionize.
PAn o PT report; ... S Ep · to report. PEBOJlIOUHJlJl blK revolution a ry character.
PAC tru th, truthful ; .. . AHTKAHblM PErEHT regent.
tha t which I sai d is tr ue. PEr Jl A ME HT regulations. time limit : ...
PACbJHL{A in reality: IiEJlrIJlE- to regulate.
PA CTA· to certi fy, 10 a ttest, 10 confirm. PE rPEC C regress .
PACTAJl · to be certiûcd. to he confirmed. PE r PECT I regressive.
PAClIIbIJl trut hful. PE;IA KTOP edito r : IiAC ... edi tor-in-chief' :
PAT I1<I> H KA U IUI ra ufica tio n. iKAY A nTbl '" cditor-in -chief
PATI1<flI1KAUH }lJI A· to ratify. PE.!lA KUlUI ed itorship. editoria l office.
PA YlllA H light, bright, clea r. PELlAKUIU U1A- to edit .
PAXA T pleasure, amusement. PE)KHM /Td PTl n / regime ; A PAKl.IEEBT IK
PAUMOHAJlLI.A· la rat ionaüzc. to st rea mli ne. .. . Are kcheyev regime ; YH EM lIIrnnl K
PA U HO HAJlLl,bl ra rio nal. Td PT ln L .) policy of economy.
PA U UOHAJl I1JA UU}I ra tionalizatio n . PE3EPB reser-vcts): PEJ EPBT ErI dC KEP
PA UI IO HAJl H3 M ra tionalism. reserve troops.
PAK,AT delight , eni oymcm : .. . r.::8P- to be PE3EPBTl K reserve.
delighted ; . .. TAn /6/. te be in btiss. PEJ E PBYAP reservo ir.
PAKAlTA H· ro be delighted. PEJ EH KE I ) ptece \' ( Indi a-rubber used roe

rubbing out wriung errors; 2) rubberized T All j E/- to be ab le (0 find a wa y out of a

tape or rubber thread ; 3) rubber. situation ; PETI KEJlD.I a suitable oppor-
PE3ML{EHUJIR residence. tunity, occasion presented itself ; PEn
PE30JlJOUl1JI resolution. KEJI rEH.QE opportunely, by the way ;
PE30HAHC resonance. PETI SAP ap propriat ely.
PEKJlAMA advertisement, pu blicity. PETc n disorderly, inadmissible(-y).
PEKOP)l, record. PETCI3.llIK disorder, disorderliness.
PEKOP.ll.IIIbI record-helder. PEITE- to put in order.
PEKTOP rector. head of a uni versity. PETIEYlliI regulating, adjusting.
PEJIbC rail. PETTYIill regulator.
PEM OHT repairts). PETfIK ordina1 ; .. . CAH ECIM ordinal
PE M O H TIA- to repair. to refit, to recondition. number.
PEHEr AT renegade. PE <I>EPAT paper, essay.
PEHErATTbIK desert ion . PE <I>JIBKC reflex.
PEHÄC· to he offended, to feel hurt, to grieve . PE<POPMA reform.
PEH)f(l rIrn touchy, qui ck to take offence, PE<I>OPMAJIA- to reform Itr.;.
grumbling. PE<I>OPMATOP refonner.
PE fDKI C· to quarrel (with). PE(J>OPMAIllbI reformist.
PEHJKI CTIP· to set at varianee. PEU,EH311R review, no tice (theater).
PEH)I(IT- to offend, to hurt so meo ne' s PEH,K IPEllJ 1) color ; 2) flawer ; 3) aspect,
feeli ngs ; to pain, to grieve . farm, condition, view.
PEHJK ITYlllI offender. PEH,Ken pla in. homely, ugly, hideous,
PEHTA EEJlh!l.I paying, profitable. deformed.
PE H TA EE JlblVK profitableness. PEH,KTI beautiful.
PEH T r EH roentgen. POJIb role ; illEillYWI ... decisi ve role .
PErIAPAUWR reparation . PY family, kin , clan, family name, tribe,
PEnAPAUJ.1RJlbJK, reparation /adj./. generation.
PEnATPI1Au,MJI repatriation. PYJIA C of the same tribe .
PETIE PTYAP repertoire, repertory. PYJlbIK, KOFAM clan, large family.
PE D O PTEP reporter. PYJI h rudder, helm .
PE n PECCI1.sJ re pression; .. . :>KACA- to PYX spiri t, breath, spectre: PYXhIH KaTEp·
subject to repression . to inspire, te encourage; PYXbI TYC- t 0
PETIPOD,YKTOP loudspeaker, reproducer. lose heart, to ha ve the blues.
PEn pO,ll,YKUH5f reproduetion. PYXAHM ecclesiastic; ... TIJlEK ecclesiastical
PECM.H official ; ... /XA ó AP, KAóAP/ requirement.
official news. PYXAHHET clergy .
PECn YóJII1KA republic. PYXAHIJIEP clergy .
PE c n YEJII1KAllibI republican . PYXT A H· to he inspired, to feel inspire d.
PECfOPAH restaurant. PYXAH.llhIP- to inspire, to encourage.
PECYPCTAP resources; .u.YHI1E )KY3IJIIK P ~KCAT permission ; EEp· to permit;
... pe aceful resources. ... ETI H,I3 ! Permit!; KAFA3 permission .
PET 1) time (as o ne time , etc .); 2) row; PbI3bIK subsis tence .
3) order (arrangement of something ; p~ very.
4) going out, outle t, exit; 5) occasion, cause, pgCYA in vain, wrongfully ; .. . KblJI- to
fo unda tio n, base , rest ; PETKE CAJI- to spend, to waste in vain, to squander.
put in o rder, to regulate ; PETKE KEJITIP- PacYAJIA- I) to expe nd for nothing ; 2) to
la put in order; 6} possibility ; PETIH disgrace .

CA APA In.' plai n. Same as CAPA. / C AS b IPC b I3 Irnparient, unrestrained.
CA6A I) large tea ther bag for processing a nd CASh IPCbI3.lJ,AH Mto lose patience, to he
~~g kumiss; 2) Ifi g./ l~yeJ . liJ"9.j t ; 3) /fig.' I very uneasy, to he amuous. .
standard, norm (2f_~n.~y iorl; CA'p~ f CA 6hI PCbl311blK, impat ience, Jack o f re-
~ç;tOO:verstep the limits (of decency). straint.
CASA- I) t o beat, te strike; 2) to card wool; CALlAK, bo w (er bo w a nd arrows in tbe
)KYH ... to ca rd \\'001. qu iver) ; ... OFhi arr öw ; . .. TAPT- to -sftoot -c-
CASA3 daring. bold, fine fellow. with a bow.
CAIiAJlA· to Iall (of rain). CAllAFAH KET EfH H ,\fy da rling! M y
CAIiAJlAK I) tousled, dishe..elled {of hair) ; belo ved!
2) shaggy-hai red (of wool). CAAC,UA devo uiness. piety.
CA6 AH I) plou gh ; 2) ploughland. ploughed CAJKhl H sagene - a rneasure o f lengt h (7 feet) .
field ; 3) straw.
CA3 l) clay ; 2) marshy swamp : 3) rune ;
CA6AHllIbi ploughman .
4) jgram./ Into na no n : CA3b lHA KEJI·
CASAY stick fo r eerding wool. TIPln O K- to read with eloquence ; . ..
CAIiAY!lAM!) ch o ke, selected ; 2) lea n, wiry . KAJl WbIKTbl )KEP q uagmire.
CA6ARK, a sta nd fo r CA6 A (see 1).
CA3A punishment.
CAIiAK, 1) trunk (of a tree) , ca re, stem ;
CA3AH see CA3.
2) lesson ; 3) task , quota ; 4) p ivot; 5)
CA3AH car p.
measure of length for thread (arm-sprea d) ;
ElP .. . )KIn one arm-sp read lon g thread; CA3AP· I) to becorn e d umbfo unded ; 2) te
... GEp· to tcac h. grow gloo my, to dar ken (of ma n's ap pea r-
CAEAK,TA- to thread a necd le ; vtH E ... to ance).
thread a needlc. CA3.ll.AH- te bccor ne miry, to become
CAliAK.TA C I) close ne îghbor ; 2) classma te: swampy.
3) linked, lied, connected ; .. . CeH.rIEM CA3)J.AY marsh. swamp.
/gram./ com plex subordinated sentence. CA3.ll.hl 1) cla yey. miry ; 2) fine, thrilling,
CAEAK,TAcrbIPM to bind, to tie, to link , eha rming (o f m usic) : 3) expressive.
to conneet. 10 tie up , to link up . CAHJl /CA HJl b / M10 rise, to climb up , ro
CAEAK,TbI AY PY exhausti ng illness : an ill- gQJ!p. ;.,." ."t••"
ness co nnected with anothe r Illness. iÇA[}j ráv ine. gully, dale, dry river bed with
"' J ~ CA E A KTbl HHE threade d needie. pebbles, river bed, gorge, sba llow, shallow
.jY" CASbIJl- 1) to perspire pr ofusely (of h orses) : plaee, pebble, sto ne, eo bble stone ; 2Lready;
to become lathered : 2) 10 go o ver ro, 10 3) abundant ; 4) wort hy, dese rving. /
dodge, to evade. CAftJl.AYhITI ) c hoice. selected : 2) ~~r:~!!~_. jt{:'
y'! CA6bIH soap. CAHliA. J) 10 choose, te elect. to select, to
r CAEbIHJlAM10 soa p. b alk>t ; 2) 10 equ ip. to pu t in o rder, to
~ CAEblH WbI soa p manufacturer. man age. 10 prepare . to ma ke ready.
' CA6b1P I) pa tience, self-co ntrol , self-restralnt ; CAfiJlAH· I) te eq uip oneself, 10 gel rea d y,
/ . 2) season of miry roads, miry, muddy ; 10 prepa re o neself. 10 gel eq uipped, to be
... ETM 10 have pa tien ce. pul in orde r ; 2) to he elected; CAfUIA H·
/"CAEbIP11 bl parient. restrained , reserved, X~-tLKICl representa nve : CAft AAH"FAH
quiet. YEK IJl delegate.
~ CAEblPn blJl b lK pa tience, restramt . c A AnA HYWhl candidate.

C AflJl AT . CAJlJlAPbl HA H

C A ftJl AT- 1) to let choose. to let elect ; 2) to tax es), to ap praise, 10 det ermin e, 10 evaluate,
compel to equi p sometbing well. 10 de ûne : CAJl blK ' .. te assess a ta x :
C AOn AY electi on s, bal le t, choice : .. . A)]~ 9) to make a bed : TeCEK .. . to ma ke a
llb l HD.AFbl "iKbl il HAJlblC pre-electoral bed; 10) 10 listen ; K\'JlAK, CAJl bl n
"îTièeting ; .. . EP KI suffrage ; . .. KY HI
ThIH)lA- to listen attentively; 11 ) 10 grasp,
electio n day : ... n PA BOC bl sulfrage; 10 strike. to set in motion ; )fC(DbIPblK,-
C A l1n AYJl bl 1{TACbl ball o t (ha ll) ; C Afi - IlEH li lP .. . to strike with the fist ; 12) to
JlAYFA TYC· 10 he pu l to the vo~ mediale ; APAFA Klei ... 10 resort 10 the
-ru n (or elect ion. mediatien of a th ird pary ; 13} 10 put, to
CAAJlAYWbI_ elector, veter: CAAJlAY· place, to set, to lay , to Iay down; OPHhIHA
- lIl biJlAP TI3IMI polls, elec toral polls. .. . to put in plece: KAnK,A .. .to put in a -
CAHJlbl 1) setected, chok e , fitt ing ; 2) im- bag: 14) EH ... 10 eannark the cattle ; I S) \:J,;\...3-'
posing , im pressive, reliable ; 3) ravined .
CAfi MAH equlprnent, o utfit, Imp lem en ts,
t ools applian ces, fittings.
dH .. . ' -0 sing ; 16} ACbIP ... to gambol,
t o frisk ; 17) 10 ap poi nt, 10 no minale; 18) as
a he lp_ing verb it expre sses (he un expected-
CAAMA-CAM exactly, eq ua l, fitti ng. ness of tbe action; KePE CAJlA light
C AApA - I ) 10' sing (of birds) ; 2) /fig./ IO talk fiere. as soon as he saw;-KEJiE-CAJIA on
e loq uc:ntly. o ne's amval .
CA fi pA H wal klng, ta king a walk . \fOOOAJl A 1) span Ibetween fingers): 2) arm (o f a
CAHPAH,UA- I) to take a walk ; 2) 10 enjoy . river) ; 3) spur (of a mo untain range);
CAtlPAHFA- J ) 10 go fo r a walk ; 2) 10 go 10 4) fork (oCa roo d, etc.} ; S) branch, branching.
a festival. bifurcation.
CAH-CAllA gully, dry river bed, va lley. CAJlAS AT good /n./.
CA ATA H devil. CAJlAJI bl 1) tall (of a man) ; 2) lon g (o f
CA f1b13 see CAR3 . finger s).
CAflbI3JlAH- see CMI3Jl A H-. CAJIAM /CA 6 A HI straw.
C A Mbl H link-word conveying th e meaning of : CAlIAYT amnesty .
out of,.i!!, still, .~~E!!, ~ ~rom ; ~AJlAIÇ 1) sloven , slatt ern, negligent , careless,
)KhIJI ... fr om year to year ; KYH ... every
'day, d a ily. _ . --- ._- - - --. - - disorderly ; 2) without economy, witho ut
CA AbJC jousting, fenclng tournament.
CAflblC- 10 jo ust, 10 fence.
~JiAK:Chij l ) to become sloven, to beoome
Slattern, to be ca rcless ; 2) to be inaccurate,
CAflblCY sec CA I1blC.
to he unpunctual .
CAl1blCYIllbJ fencer.
CAJIAK,ChIT- to neglect.
J CAAK,AJl,UAH- I ) to become co rru pt , to 1CAJI
,I)J/ bëCo me depraved ; 2) to become giddy, 10 L:. A~TA- 10.dka ngle,( lo ha~g dO\lr'O,)!o be
beco ûi t: 3) te look f t -- t- 'î I 0 , - hangtng, to suc out 0 f Doe s tongue .
mh c rppanr ; ~~? r, 0 ral .:-- CAJIAK,TAY sJightly sloven.
sea rc f o r .
CA MFAK-O wild sheep (Saiga tatarica); CAJlAK,TblKsloveoliness, untidiness, negleer.
J long pole; 3) to mbstone..... ~ ,, ~ , !oh . ..... U'jo:-.\....... pa relessness. lack of order. .
~~ 1) raft,lo gging timbers ; 2) silly, (absurd) CVIAI{ hang..10 be hanging, todangle,
man ; .. . AFbl3Y ûoatage of wood : . .. CYFA to .he Ioose (of o bject s), to be un steady (of
KETKEH who is no better o lf th an at the obiec ts).
sta rt . CAJ1li hI P~ s : u ggish, inert, ftabby ; ...
rCAJf.. 1) te build (a nest), to build (of a road) ; !2P.:gred . ....--~
~JI . .. te build a raad; te build, te erect, CAJ16bIPA· I) to beoome sluggish, 10 become
to rai se ; 2) 10 sow, to plant ; 3) to bree d; inert ; 2) to sink, to Iall, to go down , to
4) 10 sh ow , te direct ; )KOJlFA ... to sh ow ha ng down (of twigs).
the roo d, 10 put 0 0 the roo d ; )K9HrE .. . CA1IEbIPAK, da ngling, leafing.
10 show di rect ion . 5) to d isplay, 10 show ; CAllliblPJlbtK sluggishness, inert ness, ûab bi-
EA3APFA ... 10 display (goeds) o n the ness .
ma rket ; 6) 10 organize. 10 co rrec t, 10 mend, CAJIJI.AP consequence. sequel, unfavora ble
10 repair, to adjust; 7) to hunt ; K..~C .. . 10 conseq uence, unfavorable result .
hum with a hunting bird ; 8) to assess (of CAJUIAPbIHAH conseque ntly, owing 10,


because of, on account of, on thc stre ngth cence ; 2) luxury ; 3) festival . celebration.
of, in virtue of. CAJITAHATIbI I) brilliant. magnificenr;
CAJIJJ;hIP din, roar, ra tüe, clash, crash . 2) luxurious, splendid; 3) Iestive, gala;
thunder. 4) solemn ; ... Mé}:>KIJIIC 3AJIhI assernbly
CA.Jl)], h [ p~ rY JIJl.IP great noise . hall ; ... )l(bIAbIJIbIC ceremonial meeting.
CAJlD.bIPA· 1) to rattle, to roar, to rumble ; CAJITAHATIbIJIbIK I) magnificence : 2)
2) to break down. to grow weak . re lose luxurious ness ; 3) solemnity .
strength, to get tired. CAJITAK dirt, dirty.
CAJI,Llb IPJIA- to roar, 10 rattle. to rumble. CAJlTAKTA- te soil, to make dirt y.
CAJlllblK lobs.1 chivalry. CAJITNi 1) witho ut aload, y itb out luggage;
CAJIMA I) noodles ; 2) yo ke ; 3) ornamental --2) bachel o r ; ... )Kll"1T bachelor.
ribbons deco rating the interior of the yun . CAJlTbIK-/.dj./ mora!.
CA Jl M A K, 1) tax ; 2) weight; weightin ess, CAJIY struc ture, edifice, erectio n, building ;
Ióad ; 3) jfig.{authorit y; YJlEC CAJI MAFbl ... MAT EPH AJID,A PbI building matcrials.
specific gravity: ... EJllllEYIWTEPI mea s- CAJlYlllbI builder.
ure s of weight. - --- CAJIIlIbJ raftsman, woodfloater , timber
CAJI MAKTA- to estimate the wei ght, to - ftöätér."
. determl ne the approx imate weight. CAJIbJ unpeeled rice .
CAJl MAK.TAH- I) to become hea vy ; 2) / 6g./ CAJlblM I) pineh ; 2) good luck, success:
to become sta id, to become respectable. 3) post position signifying direction in time,
C AJl MAK.ThI l) heavy, weigh ry : 2) sedate. by; GIP ... TB a pinc h of salt ; )f(A3b IM . ..
serieus (of a man ). staid. by spri ng.
CAJI MAK,T blJIbfK ponderousness, bea vi- CAJl bIH· I) re he under con stru ction , te he
ness. gravity, weigh tiness. built; 2) to give oneself up to, to indulge in;
CAJlMAK,TbIPAK heavier. stead ier (of a C AJI b lHbl n -)I(AT KAH YH building
man). un der co nstruction.
CAJIOHD,bIK ladj.1 sa lon. soc iety; CAJl b lH K,APAYIIIbIJl blK, apathy.
" TIJID,EP" salon. language. C AJlbIHLtbl depos its (e.g.. of leaves, twigs,
~AJfrl; slap. smack: . .. ET - to ru mble. to erc., on water surface).
f.llO own. J';:-' CAJlbICTbl P- to ce rnpare . te colla te. to
CAJl n A Ct · [0 dangle, to hang down. . j uxta pose.
CAnnAKTA- to drag, ro t raü. to walk CAJIbICfbIPMA comparative: . ., C AJI MAK,
slowly . specific gra vity. ~
<2.AJIn AlJ, ha nging, dangling ; .. . K,YJIAK CAJI bI CfbI PM AJIbI cornparative: ... ME ·
lop-eared. to move clumsily. TO n. compara tive method• .. .-TAPHXH
CAJI n AHllA- see CAJI n AKTA-. METOn. co mparati ve-bisto rica l men.od.
CAJl n bI lo ose-hanging. C AJI b ICfbl PbJJI - to he ccmpared , to be
cxnnu nr. I ) to han g down, te sag ; 2) to juxtaposed .
swal low everything that e ne is to ld ; CAJI- CAJl blK duty, tax : !9.!'IC CA.!!bJ F bl in-
nbIflFAH AJIAM blunderhead. dunder- co me tax ; ... MSnWEPI ta x assessm en r:
head . ... CAJIY taxa tion ; .. . T 9 JIE YIll I rax-
CAJI n bIJlLJ;A· I) to lou nge about , to loa f payer; ... KAFA3 ta x form {leaf).
about , to dangle, to fuss a bout. to hang CAn blK. /F/- to feel tired, to feel weak.
loosely: 2) to run ; C AJI n b Ul llAn :;.KEJl - èA:n w H Kb l somewhat loosehanging.
tçrun at a trot (of ho rses). CAJlK.AM I) spoiled. pert : 2) windûower.
~ I) custom , tradition. dlsposinon : an em one.
2) ladv./ witho ut a lead , withou t luggage ; CAJIK.AMA AH- to become spoiled, to be-
3) ladv.1 on horseback : 4) rider, horsernan : co me pert.
ATKA .. . to mou nt a horse : .. .-C A HA CAJI K,AP KYJIA W double sagene - a
ideology ; ... A TTbl ride r, horseman ; ,.. meesure of length.
IiAC bl solirary , lonely; ... )KYPJC j n .1 Ci\lIK.b JH '} cool. coolness ; 2) light breeze
riding ho rseback . ... MIH ETIH AT riding - in hot weather; ... CY cold water ; ... Tl·no
horse, I~JCokf(înthe head): .. . KAPA. [ 0 trea t
C AJITA HAT 1) briüiancec.s p lendo r. magnifi- someo ne sco rn fully. -------

C AJl K b IHJlA- C An TA- K,hIHllA- 10 cool do wn, to grow cold. with, to he co nside red : 2) 10 he sma ll-
C AJlKhIH..1lA rxsuu refrigeraror . mi!!d«l.
CAJlK,hÎ HD.AY t} so mewba t cool; 2) cool- CAHAC h O unconscio us, unreasona ble.
ness ; 3) ca relessness, negligénee. ~HA~lIbIK. irrespcnsibleness.
CA..ryEAH ~ E PJ1EB at o nce. without rhyme ~T intellect . intelligenee, rea s~ n ~.
o r reason, for no rea sen at all . ' memo ry .
~~- 10 enter in to a rguments, to CÀ HAYJÏhI I) coumed, calculated, computed:
co nt ra d let. 2) outstanding Jof man).
CAJIF hIPT /h ist.! tribute .
CAH AJ<. I)statistics ; 2) census; .. . FblllhIMh l
-C A"M.AJftë'"m p le ( part of the head).
statistics: ... ~lllCI statistica! method.
CA MAJl light breeze: .. . )f(EJI cool breeze. CA HAKIIILI statistician.
CA MAJ1AL1A A {a dj.' bright. brilliant, dazzl-
-ing,Cho1Ce;select. CAHll,AJl 1) fire place. hearth (a pit in the
ffoor of a room. wbere a fire is placed for
CAMAJlDA · to be aired, to be ven tilated .
hearing} ; 2) sandals; 3) woeden stand Ier
CAMAP large woeden bo wl, large cup for
an anvil: 4) absurdity .
kum iss.
~A M A P K...A Y sickly. apathetic. indifferent. ~L\~l.: 1) to loaf, to lounge . to hang
CA MAPK,AYJl AH - to become apathetic, to a bout, to ra am; 2) 10 nearly fall; 3) 10 rock.
lc se th e desi re for something. to swing; 4) te faint.
CA MA Y b l P samovar ; .. , KOM · to boi l wa ter CAHLJ,AJlA- I) to he a larmed , 10 he disturbed:
2}tOCh--aik-r. .
in a sa rno va r, to be31ä sa mo va r.
CAMfihIPJlA - to talk loud ly. CAH,Uh l outstanding (of a man).
CAM nbIJl.UA- 10 talk lo udl y and distin crly, CA Hll, b l PA· to rave. to he delirious.
to ma ke a hubbub. Çb Hllh IP.'\!Ç. gibberish. delirium . nonsense.
CAM CA part y. CAH,UblPAK,TA. to rave . re be de lirious . to
CAM CA· to üoc k. to thron g, IQ come in an talk n onsense.
unendi ng strea m (of a crowd t: CA MCA n CA H,Ub IK tronk (Iugga ge}.
TYp· 10 sta nd in a mass (of a crowd) . CA Hll. bIKllIA sma ll tronk , chest. casket .
CAMhl PChIH I ) Ja rch tree (Larix) : 2) ced ar CA H I1T AP~lbIK. ladj. / sanitary.
pine (Pinus slbirica) . CAH Cb13 innumerable . count less, numero us.
CA H I) thigh . haunch, hip , hi nd leg; CAD Inl J) handle, haft, heft, grip . kno b,
2) nu r nber. q ua nt ity : 3) acc ount. hili. pikestaff lance, shaft, eolor staff; 2) Imil.1
expcnse. cal cula tio n : CA HH b IH CA n A F A file. llne . co lumn. rank . formation ; bAJIT A
AH HAJlY b J co n ver sio n of qu an tity into C AE b I axehandle ; ruuuxx CA S b l hand le
q uality ; . .. ECI M Igra m./ numera l; ... of a knife ; ;.;..:... T ~ PY Imil./ stan ding in a
il\IJl IK fem ur bo ne ; ... PET more tha n lin e (a t drill ) ; CAn TA H Ill bI F Ap· to quit
o ncc, repeatedly ; ME H CAF A H ... PET the ra n ks : ... Ill bl F APY Im il./ withdra wal
AC11Th IM I sp oke to yo u m o re tha n o nce ; from the line : ... EOn - la abate. to come
K,YPAMbl q uant ita tive ma ke up . d ow n, to lull.tö fade away, to quiet down,
CA HA- I) to thl nk, to sup pose, to imagine, te te rm inate, to expi re, to eome to an end;
to consider ; 2) to calculate, to compu te, to .. . K b Ul · 10 end. to ter m inat e, to spend
co unt ; J) to apprec iate, to appraise : 4) to (money): ... AJl T b l H nugget (of gold).
int end . 5) to re mem ber. CA n las an intensifying partlcle/ : ...·CAJl-
CAH A th o ught, consc iousness, sense , memory. Kbl H very cold : .. . -CA Pbl q u ite yellow.
rea sen. intellect ; K,OFA MD.hlK. ... p ublic CA n A quality; ... K,:tPAM b l q ua litanve
co nscio usness: . ..·C e 3I M consciousness ; ma ke-up.
------KW· to beccme co nsciou s. CA nAJI b J qualüative. of full value.
CAHAn- to he counted , to he co mputed , to CAnAJI blK short . light whip.
he calcul ated, to he estimated . CA nAP wa y, road , joumey, travel ; ... lllEry
CAHAnhl conscio us th inking; ... TYPD.~ travel ; ... WblFAMblH 1'11 set ou t on the
~O K,Y..:- to read conscientio usly. raad.
CAHAJIhlJIhIK consciousness. CA nACh13 lew q uality.
CAHAC- 1) ro coun t together, to consider cxncun. te hang (of a long board).
~, to take into acco u nt. te reekon ~ beft, te fit on a handle.


CAnTAMA (o r) 6 AflnAK,Thl ETIK winter CAPHA- I) to maan from pain ; 2) to lamen t.

boots wem with feit stoc kings. '-toDeWail, to sing moumfulIy.
CAnTAH - ImiLI to draw up, to assume CAPHAY b lK whiner, grum bler.
formation . CAPn see CAPhtn .
CAn TAFb l dCKEP /miLI pertaining to the CAPn A H ho no rary clot hes.
drilt ~fiöjj=-t o he rired out. to he ex-
CAnT bl equippcd with a handle. hausted;-~E ... K b IJl- te tire o ut, to
CA n T hHIK, /CAn ThI AR~ ladle, scoop, exhausr.
cup wit h a handle. CAPT townsfol k of Central Asia; . .. ET a
CA nIPHP sapphir e. better saddle of Cent ra l Asia .
CA nbl da gger, curved sw ord. CA PT·Ct PT lo ud noise, ra n le.
C AObIP- to shake up (a Iiquid). CAPT bIJl roar, ra nl e, lo ud noise, crash, crac k.
g O bIPn b lc.. alarm . anxiety. CAPThIJIlIA- I) to knoc k lo udly ; 2) to sbout,
CA n bI PY deca nta uon o f ko umiss. to spea k loudly, to ma ke noise, to mar.
CAnbIPYJlhI KblMbI3 decanted ko umiss. CAPThIJl !lAT- I) to knock loud ly; 2) ro ra ar.
CAn blPbln- to be sha ken up (o f liq uids). CA PThlJlJlAK, /n./ rat tle.
CAnbIPb IJl bIC· to become mixed . ~ see CA Ph IWA.
CAn bIPhlnbICTbI P- to mix, to put in dis- CAPUIA T AM hl3 /o bs./ Septembe r.
order. CA PhI- to urina te (of dogs).
CAP so ng; ." Ä\EJ1JC rapid tro t ; ... )l{OH CA Ph l I) yellow: 2) pale; 3) light bay (o f
steppe: .. . UJAJl H scorp ion. harses) ; ... )lAJlA dry steppe; )KEP
CAP- to go a t a rast tro t. loess : ... C I6 1WIK TOPFA H la rk; TAll
CAPA field; ~9Jl well-trodden ra ad ; wille w CSa lix vitellina): ... TOnbJPA Kday ;
..~ TIJ!IK earmark (Io ngitudinal cut). .. . ThImKAH ea rless ma rmo t, suslik ; ...
CAPAft I) ba rn ; 2) Ihist./ palace ; 3) whole llJY H A K tom tit , siskin.
(physical) complex of a man; KEPY EH ... CAPb IAPK,A 1) the a rea of the Aral-Irtysh
caravanserai, Inn : AKbI H b I poet water di vide, the steppe of tha t a rea ; 2) /fig.!
wide ste ppe.
laureat e. ---
C AnAJlA - to select. to ch oose, la piek CAPblIiAC )l(hIJl AH grass snake.
CA Phl li~FA yellow thrush.
CAPh DKIJIIK AT well-train ed horse.
CAPAJl A TAf-( dawn .
~ JI. to wait lo ng, to wai t painfully.
CAPAJl )KAH sout hernwood (Artemisia
CA PhIJl L1A- to bubble, to cb urn, to swirl, to
ab rotan um), sage bru sh (Artemisia pani-
CA PhIJTh IK, I) yel1owness ; 2) ste ppe over-
CAPAJl )Kh IH species of shrub.
grown with fea ther grass.
~ examina non by experts, a ppraisal,
CAPbl M A A butter.
ratin g, selection.
CA Ph llvICA""K, garlic .
CAPAD.WhI ap praiser, expert. CA PbIH_ I) tun e, melody ; 2) dir ect ion .
CAPAn IIIh lH horseh air face net protecting CAPhIn hoof a nd mo uth disease.
"-·-the eyes against sun and dust.
eAPblcY I) Iiquid pus; 2) whey of sour milk.
CAPATA H I) /o bs./ Jun e ; 2) May beetJe. CAPhlllI A yellowish .
~K miser, stingy man . CAPb iK I) sheep of Russian breed; 2) wem
ÇAPAH.Jl.A H. I) 10 he stingy ; 2) la becom e ou t, tbln, skinny: 3) pale. pallid.
stingy"""":" CAPbIKJF/- to flo w o ut, to run o ut, to squeeze
CAPAMgK sringiness, avance. o ut.
CAPA f-(CLI- to become stingy. ç~PJ,::J) to drain cornpletely, to d rin k te the
ëAPliA3 /hist./ warricr, soldier, fighter, last d ro p ; 2) /6g./ to squeeze o ut everyt hing.
insurge nt. rebel, volunteer. ÇA PKALlAH woman of abou- tbirty.
CAP.ll.AJ1A boundless steppe, bo undless CA PK,OI{hI:l May beet ie.
space. CAPK,PA. see CAPKhIPA-.
CAPJlAP / hist./ cbief', leader. CAPKb IJI . I) to grow sha llo w. to dry IIp lof
CA P)KA bow omamenled .....'ith inlaid we rk. a river), to run d ry (of a weil; 2) lfig.! to he
CAPlKhl H see CA)Kh IH. exha usted, to be spent. to wear oneself o ut.


to exba ust oneself; 3) /tig./ to calm, to quiet. CATAPM AH vendo r, dealer.

C APK b IRl1A· to seerhe. 10 boil rapidly. CATI1PA satire.
~I-L J) remnan t, remainder; 2) residue CAT n AK dirt .
(of liquld in a vessel}; 3) lfig./ surviva ls. C AT n AKTA. ro sou. to make dirt y.
remnants. CAT n AKTAH- to get dirty.
C APK,bIPA- l) to rumble, to make noise , to CATfbIP- te offer for sale.
flow with noise, to gurgJe ; 2) 10 squea k, to CATIhlK j adj.1 for sale, to he sold .
yelp . C A TY sale, selling.
C APKbIPA MA waterfall. falls, cataract, CA TYillbI salesmen. vend or. seller.
~roari ng stream, rapids. CAThl stai rs, staircase. sta irway, step (of a
CAP K,bIT 1) leavings ; 2) gift, presen t. staircase).
C APFAA- I) re wait fo r a long time; 2) to CAThIJl· 1) to he for sale. to sell /intr./, Io he
turn yello w: 3} 10 fade, to wither (of grass); easy to sell (of merchandise); 2) lfig./ to
4) lfig./ to he sadola grieve; KYTE-KYTE . .. betray, la selJ out (of a person).
10 he weary with wait ing. CAThlJlA- 1) to climb up o r do wn the stairs ;
CAPFAllllAK I) pr une ; 2) oriole; 3) tulip ; 2) to change, to replace: 3) lfig./ lo talk or
4) buttercup ( Ranuncul us). to ac t co nsistently; AT CAThIJlAn
CAPFhIJlT yell o wish , beige; . .. llIAlUTh l MIHIn )KET- 10 arri ve after baving
blond man. changed horses o n the way.
C APF b IP- to make a long voyage . 10 suffer CAThIJIATbIH ladj.J intended for sale .
Iro m traveling. CATbIJlY betrayal, treason.
_CA PFLIIJI see CAPFbIJl T . CATb IJl Yllib I trai tor, mercenary .
CACKY3E H polecat, fou mart , fitchew.
CA Cfhl p· to disturb. 10 disq uiet, to drive on ,
CAThlJlhI /adj./ stepped. led ged, terraced ; '1
. .. TAY ledged mou ntai n, terraeed mountain.
to urge on . CATbIJlbIK. /adj'/ ph asic. by stages.
CACYllih lJl h lK co nfusio n, embarrassment , CAThIMCAK. t) merc hant, dealer; 2) market.
CATbIH· to sell one's belongings .
CAC hJ· 1) to putrefy, to beco me rotten , to
CA TbIp·CVTbJP cr uekling. rat tling, knocking
rot , to decompose, to stin k ; 2) 10 he taken
aback , to be pu zzled, to he perplexed, to
CAThlPJlA· to clatter. to thunder, to crac kIe.
he embarrassed, to be confused, to he per-
CATbIC- to tradc, to sell.
tur bed; C ACh In KET· to beco me rotten,
CA TbIlli- to trade, to sell.
to putrefy ; C ACh lFA H ET putrefied
CATKbIH traitor , bet rayer .
CAChiP knuckle-bone s (game). CAY healthy; ... SOJl ! G ood-byl; .IJ;EHI
CAChIT- to spoil/tr'/ . bodily hea lthy.
CAChIK stink, steneh, bad odor. stinking, CAY· to rnilk.
ma lodo ro us, putrid, fetid, putrefied, ro tten. CAYAJl- to recove r, to recuperate .
CACbIK KY3EH see CACKY3EH. CAYAT read ing an d wri ting ; ... MEKTE6f
CACb l K KeKEK hocpoe. elementary school; CAYATIbI AillbIJl-
CAC bl K, KYPAA a plant of tbe ca rrot F A H Iiterate.
fami ly. CA YATChB I) illite rare: 2) ignoramus.
CAChIKThIK. bad odor, stink, ste nch. CAYATCb13D.bIK illiteracy.
CACK,AJlAK Iussy, fidgety, hasty. CAYATIAH- to become literate.
CACKAJIAKTA- ro fuss, te he taken aback, CAYATIAHD.bIP- to make literare.
to lose o ne's self-possession. CAYATIbI lite rare.
CACK.AJl1lbIK a variery o f wild duck. CAYAIThIJlhlK literacy.
CACKAHD.hIK co nfusion. embarr assment, CAYAA trede, commerce; M EMJlEKEITIK
petplexity. hurry, ba ste . ... sta te commerce; KOOn EPATI1BTIK ...
CAT- I) to sell ; 2) l a trade : cxrsm AJl- cooperative commerce; IWK I ... inland
to buy; CATbin AJl Yllibl buyer; cxr sm trade, home trade ; . .. )KVMbICb l co mmer-
AJlYlliblJl bl K KY ATbl purchasing power, cial ope ra tions : ... <!lJl OThl merchan t fleer;
purchasing ca pacity; CAThln AJl Y pur- EeJlllIEK ... retail trade ; ... KAnHTAJIbI
ch ase ; CA Tbl f'I liEp· to sell. trade ca pital ; KeTEPME ... whoIesale

CAYJ:\A. CA KA ft -

tra de ; ChIPTKhI ... foreign tra de ; ... -C AT· CAY b lT t) dish ware, co nta iner, vessel,
TbI K trade, commerce. receiver ; 2) coat of ma il. armer: C b
CAYAA- 10 bu m brightly. inkwell .
CAVllArEP rnerchant. dealer , trader. CAYbITIbI K EM E ba ttlesh ip.
CAYllAJl A- to trade, 10 evaluate t he CA ' b lTTbI nom.n armered train.
merchandise (fo r purchase). CA Y bl K,en terta in ment, a m usemen t ; . .. KEUlI
CA YD.AJlA C- to bargain. play, pe rformance, evening pa rt y : .. . y ft:
CAYJ:\bIP· SC< CAYJ:\bIPT- . /Y WI/ theater.
CA Y,UbIPA- I) te peur with tinkling ; 2) to CAY blK, j Fj- to reco ', 10 coalesce, to
clatte r, to clang, 10 jingle, to ja ngle : C AY- recuperate: C AYblFbl n K ET- to reeo ver.
L{h iPA n K YJl A· to fall down with to recupera te .
jinglin g ; CAYJ:\b IPA FA H lIlAJl lfig.' CA Yb IK,Tb IP- to samt a te . to brin g to a
emaciated old ma n. healthy sta te.
CAYD.hIPllA - te ri pple, 10 murmur . CAY blKllIblJl de vc tee of am use men t.
CAYJlbIPJlA- t o talk loud and ceaselessly. CAYFA / hist./ war booty er /hu nting! ba g of
CAV,Ub IPT- I) to let herself he milked (of game.
COWS, etc.j : 2) to help to milk o CAXAPA steppe , plain .
CAYJlA- I) to peur (of gr am , etc .) ; 10 pour C AXH A stage; CAX HAFA lllhl K- 10
wit h force. te peur in to rreats (of ra in) ; appear on the sta ge.
2) to make nolse. to he noisy ; 3) to he CA S{ coolness. ch ili : CAJHIA O Tb l p· to sir
eloquent. in th e shade.
CAYlIAT- I) ( 0 sp ill ; 2) to pour (grain) CAR libl P calmness, stillness. q uietness.
incessantly : 3) l fig./ to ride witho ut sto ppin g. CAR li b IPJl A H · to abate. te q uiet down. to
CAYJlbI ladj./ milch (cow, etc.). weaken. to sub side. 10 ebb. _________
CAYJl hl K, I) healtb : 2) shee p mo re than th ree CA..î 3 I) s ballo w: 2) / fig./ shallow. s uperticia t.
years old ; .. .xoa sheep. CA R3tl.A H - te shoal, te gro w sha llow. to
CAY\-fAJl fresh ku miss. become shal low : CA.R3D.A H bl n KAJ}· to
CAYM AJlA- te ta ke gradually and by smal! beco me s hall o ..... .
ponions. C A.RJIA- I) to refresh o neself. to id le Iaway
CAY PY see CA Y b IP. o ne's time); 2) j fig.j to he unde r someone 's
CAYCAK, finger o r toe. prot eerion .
CAYY milking. CA..R:JIbl shad ow, shado wy.
CAYbIJl· to give milk . CARCAT polities, policy ; li AFA CARCAT b l
CAYbIJl)),A· to spo ut , to gush out, to come price po liey; H H)),YCfPHRJl AH)),blPY
in flock s, to throng. CA..R:CATbl industrializatio n policy ;
CAYbIM milking, yield of miIk {interval XAJlbIKAPAJlbl K ... international policy ,
between two mil kin gs}. foreign poliey ; WAP YAllI b IJIbIK, . .. eco-
CA YbIH I) In.1 milking; 2} banquet, feast ; no m ie polit ies; ~JlT CA.R.CATbI natienat
3) ladj.1 milch (cow, etc.): ... Af1T- to policy.
armounce the forthco ming fest ivities (usua lly CARCATlllhI politician.
relarives sbould appear hearing gifts) ; CA SICAT lUhIJl po litician, int rig uer.
... liHE m ilch ma re ; .. . MAJl milk er (a cow CA.RCH politica!; . .. MaCEJlE po litica!
or any ether animal that gives milk); pr oble m ; .. . CAYAT b l 6 A PJl h lK pol itica l
.. . CbJA blP milch cow . literacy.
CAYblHWbl milkmaid. CAR T llJ b l hun ter of bird s.
CAYb l P cro up, crupper (of horses). CA ..R:X AT vo ya ge. l ourney, travel.
CAYbIPJlA· to strike a horse's crupper. CAJl XA TlUhI tra veler.
CAYbIC- to help to milk (ta king part in the CAJl K, geldings or yo ung horses kepi in a
mîlkings). separa te be rd .
CA Yb lC I) sca bs. mange ; 2) dirt o n ewe' s CAK watcbful , p rudent ; . .. E; O~1 - 10 be
udders . ca reful.
CAYb ICfAH - to get co vered wit h dirt o r CAK,A 1) tronk (of a tree ); 2' round risso le ;
scabs. 3) elderly (ma n); .. . r t P blP draft horse.
CAYh IC KA H rnagpie . CAKAfi - I) to become nu m b Iwit h cold). to

grow stiff : 2 ) ( 0 freeze, 10 co ngeal. to C AHblJlAYCbl3 I) unerly da rk, ignorant
soli dify . (of man) : 2) {fig.{ unco nscientious.
CA KAD. AH l adj .J selected tof a man ); .. . C A tt CAI{b IPAY see CAIiPAY.
ready for a nything. CAI{bIPAY K.YJlAA see CAI{PAYK.YJlAK..
CAK.AJJ bea rd . CAHKOfl a ee tton Iabric.
CAKAJIllbl J) beard, bearded man : 2) grown CA HK,hIJlllA· to bubble, to so und lo udly
up, elderly man. a nd clea rly.
CA KAP I) salpeter, potash , lye, caustlc : C AFA t ) estua ry, mo uth of a rtver ; 2) foot of
2) mea l before da wn. a mo untain; 3) joint of blade and hilt (of
CAK,AP· 10 become elderly. knife, dagger, etc .).
CAK,APA wide steppe. Sa me as CA PA. CAFAJlA- I) to he weil situa ted (on a river
CA KA T ni ne-year-old horse. bank , etc.): 2) to go in up to the hilt (of a
CA KA Y l) dumb , mute: 2) /veter./ strangles. knife) ; 3) lfig./ to loo k for proteetion.
CA K nAH sling. CAFAH I) dative case of thou ; 2) tureen,
CAK-CAK KYJI- to lau gh loudly. basin .
CAK,C h IH- to he careful, to fear. CAF AHAK the ends of the bars of KEPEr E
CAKTA- 1) to pro leet, to gua rd , 10 pr eserve, (see) .
10 keep. to hold ; 2) to a wait, to expect . 10 C AFAT ho ur, wateh, clock, o 'clock ; ... TIJII
watc h for somebody, to he on the looko ut ; han d of wa teh o r d oek; ... CErl3.ll EH
AChIPAn ... to bring up the rear ; EEC M HHYT KETn five minutes pas t
lJ,EHCAYJI hIK ... 10 ta ke care of o ne's eigh t; .. . CEr l3LU CO KTbl it struck eight
health; Ke3DlIi K.APAllibIFbIHDAH ... o'cloc k ; ... TAM A a whole hour.
to che rish as the ap ple of o ne's eye. CAF A rur sr wat oh maker .
CAKTAJl· to be taken care of. to he kept , CA FAK l) angle formed by the neck and
10 he pro tected, to he safe. chin ; 2) peduncle, frui t stalk . graft , eu n ing,
CAKT A H- to beware, to he ca refu l, (0 he on stal k, ha ndle, stern's top (of cereal grasses) ;
one's guard aga inst . CAFAFblH AH JnIH· to be caugh r red -
CAKT A H,llbI P- to wam, to ca utio n, to handed .
proleet, to pr eserve. CA FbI C b IH- to be given hope , to he hopeful.
CA K,T AYJl b I to be in custody, to he in CA F h I3 I) ter, pitch : 2) chewing-gum ;
keepin g, to he under pro teetio n. 3) ru bber plant.
CAKTA YlllbI bod yguard ; EEPCfE CAFblM mirage.
guardfan an gel. CA FbI MD,AH- to loom, to be seen through
CA K,T l1R H moroeeo (leat her). a haze .
CAK,TbIK, wa tchfulness, care, ea ut ie n. pru - CAFhJH - I) to th ink over, to tbink , 10 ponder,
deuce, sa ving, preserva tion, econo my : ... to co nsider ; 2) to miss, to long Ier , to he
KA CC AChI savi ngs ban k. bored .
CAK IlIhl wa tchma n ; ... KEME station ship. CAFhlH blW languor, longing Ier, yea rn ing
CA K,hU1HA 1) ring , amulet; 2) migra ine. for.
CAH,UA K, {a dj'/ beuer, best, select , ch oice. CE6EJl E- to trickle, to drizzle.
CAI-f.L{AKT AH· te be distingu ished for CEEEn reaso n, ca use, occasion, ground ;
qual ity. ... EOn· la fu rther, to promote, to co n-
CAHJIA Y In./ hearing . t ri bu te .
CAIiPAY deaf. CE6EnKE P stimulus ; ... 6011- t ö motlvate,
CA H PA YJlA Y so rnewb at deaf, hard of to become a mouve.
hearing. CEEEn C f3 without cause. witho ut reasen .
CAIiPAYJ1bl K dea fness. CE6EnT I ce usal , ceusanve , ha ving 8 basis ;
CAHPAYC - 10 pre tend to be deaf. con ... for that reason .
CAH PAYK,:VJl AK mushroom . casanun see CEDEn KEP.
CAH blJl AY chin k, slit, slot, gap , ape rt ure. CEEYWI sower ; T):K,hIM . .. sowing machine,
opening ; CAIiblJlAYbl IiAP ADAM seed er, seed drill.
conscientious ma n. / CErl3 eight ; ... K hlPJIhI I) octa hed ral ;
CAH b IJlA YJlb I 1) having a n o pening, 2) lfig.{ jack-of-all-tredes.
having a crack ; 2) conscientious. / CErl311.IK figure eight , eight.


./ CErI3K9 3 walst, small of tbe back . CEKIJI b.ll.EH- to become similar, te he

- CErI3IH WI eighth. similar, to assimilate.
_CEJ· to feel, to team, to recognize, to smeU, CEKI P- to dance. to jum p, to leap, to spring.
to scent, 10 understand, to guess, to suspect ; to jump u p, te leap up ; APb lKTAH ... 10
BIPllEH .. . to feel a t once . jump ac ross an irr igar io n "di tch : CEKIPIn
./ CEJrIW qulck-wined. Ingenieus, sensitive . T~P· 10 jump Up. to lea p up .
CE3rIlIITIK intuition, sensitiveness. CEK IPrIlll 1) jump-rape ; 2) jumper (sports-
CEJlUp· 10 hint, to let someo ne understand. man).
CE3Y (sense of) to uc h. CE KIPTn E ma ligna nl an thrax (af sheep).
CEJI K suspicion. CEKY HT see CEKYHi!.
CEJIKTEH· to suspect. CEJI stream. to rre nt. spring ûoods.
CEJI KTI suspicious : ... CEKIPEP a guihy CEJIEEC- 10 he lp ea ch e ther.
mind is never at ease . CEJIEiECY mutual ai d.
CE3 1M feeling, sense ; M YIIIEJTEPI organ s C EJIEEY help. aid, a ssistance.
of sense : CO K bl P instinct. CEJ1El In.1 the sic k, /a dj '/ sick.
CEJIM IU sensitive, quick-witted, ingenious. CEJI.UlP flimsy (of Iabric), thin (of ha ir),
CEJIMWIJI see CEJI MilI. sparse: .. . &e3 gauze: ... TOF AH spa rse
CEJIH- to realize, to percei ve. fo rest.
CEJ IH Y realization. CEJI.aIPE- to beco me spa rse. 10 get thin, 10
CEllrEJIi!1 dragon fly. thin out.
CHi CEM 61 see CEllCEH6I. CEJI E turban.
CEllc EH61 /obs./ T uesday. .:EJIEIiE kitchen kni fe, sa ber ; ... n b IillAK
caan trainer (one wbo prepares ho rses fo r large kitc hen knife.
races). CEJI EH vitla ge.
CEJIEY feathe r grass (Stipa pennata) (a nd
CEJ1:IJI · I) 10 walk. 10 stroll, to saunter, 10
ot her vari et ies of Stipa genus).
rambte, te prom enade ; 2) to d isperse, to
CE JIK ET- to dder , to sta rt, 10 wince .
clea r away , to thin o ut.
CEJIK-CEJIK ET- 10 sha ke incessa ntly, 10
CEflIJI KYP- 10 a rr ange a promenade.
shiver incessa ntly, to trem bie incessantly.
CEAIJIT- to disperse. la clear away, la thin
CEJI KIJI.aE- 10 sha ke, to shiver, te trembie.
CEJICOK, ind iffe rent. inert . passive.
CEK one -year-old ram .
CEJICOK,Tb IK ind ifference , inertness.
CEKEKTE- I) ta leap while wa lkin g; 2) to CEJIT ET- see CEJIK ET · .
shake, to trembIe , to he jolted. C EJIT EH,LI,E· I) to become light-minded : to
CEKEM AJI - te suspect . become giddy ; 2) 10 fidget ; 3) to shy (of
CEKEM.llEH - te suspect. ta doubt. harses).
CEKET clumsy (ne t agile), rud e. CEJl TE t{-C EJITEH, fidgety, thoughtless,
CEKEIUlE- see CEK EJ... E-. fli ghty ; CEflTHI-CEJITEHI )l(OK AIlAM
CEKnIJ1 freckles ; ... EET freckled face . earnest man.
CEKnIJI.llE H- te he covered wit h treekles. CEJITI1A· to pro trude, to jut o ut. to stick out.
CEKP ETAPb secreta ry. CEJl KOC see C E_K OK.
CEKCE HIHllll eightieth . CEM- to with e r. te fade. to dry, 10 get d ry,
CEKCEYIJI lOOt.1 a desert tree (Haloxylon to d ry up. 10 a tro phy.
ammodendron). sa xaul . CEM61 see CE HhI.
CEKCHH- I) to bristle (a f hair); 2) to stick CEMCEP swo rd, sober. dagger, yatagha n.
around (of ma n). to han g about . CEMhJl farr-ily .
CEKTEH- 10 doubt, te have a suspiele n. CEMI3 /adj ./ fa t, wen-rec. o bese.
CEKTOP sector . CE MI'3.aIK o besity, fa tness.
CEKYH.a secend Idivision of time). CEMIK f1a bby, d ricd off, .....ithered.
CEKU HSl sectie n. CEMI P- to put o n weight, 10 grow sto ut, la
CE KIJlUI as if hke. sirnila r, resem bling, grow co rp ule nt (of a man) ; 10 fatten, to
similarly. Iikewise, in like manner ; AH gro w fat (o f canle), to be fat, to be greasy.
moonlike. CEMIPT. to fatten (o f ca ttle).


C E M IPT Yllll e ne who fattens bis cat tle. C En T EC- to help each ether, 10 share with
C E MI PlIl EK"", lIl EMI PlIl EK. eacb ether.
C E M Illl KE sunûower sced. CEnTEY twisting (a ro pc o r twine).
C EH th o u. CE PIiEH,llE- / CE P 6~ H.ll E-1 1) to sur, to
C EH - I) to believe. to trust. to rely; 2) to be move (of something small}; 2) to swing
empty (of nuts. rnelons, etc.). (arms), to gest iculate.
C E H6 EYllliJl IK distrust. CE P6 Hlt- to stick o ut, to project. ro pro trude .
CEH61 Saturday. CEP r EK 1) prudent, sensnive, cautious, care-
CEH 6 IJl unpa id werk for da ys o ff and o ver- ful; 2) Iively, brisk, cheerful ; ... 0011- te be
time; CEH6IJlIK 9TKI3- te organize un - prudent, to he sensitive.
paid werk on Sat urda y o r o ther days off CE prEJ(T1K 1) care, eau tien . prudenee.
sensitiv ity ; 2) vivacity, liveliness, animation.
CEHrEH convinced, persuaded.
cheerfulness, courage.
CEH rIP see 3EHrIP.
CEH rI III tru stful. gullible. CEPTI- to be refresbed . to be relieved.
CEPTI T- to refresh, to relieve. to alleviate.
CE HrIIIITIK trustfulness, credulity.
CEPE measure (thickness).
CE HJlEJl- I) to ra am. te loaf, to lo un ge
CEPEM- 1) te protrude. to pr oject, te stick
about ; 2) /fig./ to und ergo a tryin g expert-
ou t, to j ut out; 2) to extend, te expand
ence ; K~ n .. ' to lounge about a lot.
(about a long or tall o bject or ma n) ;
CEHDJK thy (YOUT). thine (yo u rs) . CEPEll m )KAT KAH 6Y KIM? Who
CE H,UIP· l) to assure, to persuade, to co n-
stretched that?
vince; 2) te force to trust. C EPEl{l{E- I) to jer k, to twitch : 2) to dan gle
CE HE vestibule, smal! entrance hall, passage.
(of stg. small).
CEHEK - J) pitchfork (with two pr o ngs) ; CEPEHJlET- to srir. to mo ve, to dang Je (of a
2) see CE HE . chiJd's Jegs).
CEH TJlEPb Septem ber. CEPEHKE matches.
CEHY credo. cteed. religion. CEPKE castrared goa t, a lea der be-goa r.
eER ! accus. case of Ihou. CEPKEW kid in his second yea r.
CEHIKI thy (your), th ine (yo urs). CEPKE llI l baby-ga at. kid.
CEHI M faith , co nfidence, certitu de, trust, CE PME - to wave, to flap ; K,AJlA M ... /tig./ to
cred it ; ... IiIJlll IP. to exp ress co ntidence; wri te.
... K,AFA3 power of an omey, lett er of CEPMEH- to swing (one's arms) ; CE P-
attorney. MEHl n KA J]- to swing tone 's arms).
CEHIMD.I faithful, loyal, relia ble, trustworthy. CE PHE )l(ACA- to join togeth er t o arrange
CEHIM.lUJT IK reliabiliry, rr ustworthiness, a dinner.
loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity. CEPn ~ to fling, to hurt, to toss, to make
CEHIME H with you . sha rp moveme nts ; )KAYJlbI ... /mil./ to
CEH IMcn unreliable, unt ru stwo rthy. thrust back the ene my.
CEHJMCI3.lUK unreliablene ss, untrustworthi- CEPn EP lining of coat, Rap, skin .
ness, distrustfulness. CEPn IJI- I) to disperse (o f mist); 2) to be
CEHIMI )KET- to ma ke certain, to he con- tbru st back. te be fo rced back (e.g. tbe
vineed. to satisfy o neself, to he satlsfied . en emy).
CEHIM I )KOK, uncert ain . CEPCEM 6 1 Wed nesday , a lso CAPCE H6 1.
CEH IHlll E in yaur opinio n. CEPT oath, vow, promise.
e En I) usc. benefir ; 2) as a n intensifyin g CEPTIEC· to pr o mise o ne a no tber, te ma ke
part icIe to word s begin ning with CE; a firm agreement .
...·CEM I3 entirely fat. CE PTII /adj'/ swo m , affinned o n oa th•
e En /6/- I) to sow, to seed ; 2) to wa ter, to sripulated : ... Ce3 oath.
irrigate. to splas h. te sp rinkle, to add; CEPY pa rt of native loom.
Sy.aAft ... te sow wheat ; CY CEn KIW CEPYEH walk , stroll, saunter, ramble,
funnel , watering can. sprinkler. pr omenade, excursion .
CEnTE- /gram./ to decline. CEPYEH,UE- to stroll. to take a \\'3.1k.
crnTEJI- /gram./ te be declined . CEPI knigbt.
CEnTEJl Y /gram./ declenston . CEPJK comrade. companion, fellow-traveler,


CEPIKTEC participator. CMPEKTEHlII P· to thin, to thin o ut, to

CEPI.KTEC- to form a n association, re un ite. ma ke sparse, to ma ke rare.
CEPIKTIK organiza tlon , fellowship , associa- CHPEhi l K rarity. curiosity.
tien. CIlPET- sec CIl PE KTEHIlIP-.
CEPInIK no bleness, magna mmity, generosity. CMCA chintz, ee tto n (p rin t).
CEPmn E spring (coil) ; CEPm nEJlI CHCTEM A system : d JlEY M ETII K c a.
MATPAU mattress sp ring. CTEM AJl AP the socialist systems ; KAP-
CEC sign , sound. TO'lKAJI b l C llcrEMA Hb l JKo l1- te
CECKEH· I) to fear , to become frigh tened, abolish tbe ra tio ning system: KA HA Y
to apprehend; 2) to start, to ûinch, to wince . C I1CT EM AChI system o f exploitar ion :
CECKEH.QIP- to frighten, to scare, to JKAJlIlAJIbl EIiI;EK CIlCTEMACb l
intimidate. system of wage tabor ; OTAPJlbI K Ckt-
CECKEHUJEK timid, irresolute, indecisive, CTE MACh I colonia l system ; /KEP CY A PY
besitating. C I1CTEMAChl irrigation system .
CECCHE session. Clt1R black.
CET - to cu t slightly, to not ch, te clip. to trim. CKEJIET skeleto n.
CETIK 1) /adj'/ slightly cut ; 2) too thJess. CKEnTI1K sceptic.
CETIJ1- to rip, 10 he cut. CKEnTI1UH3M scept icism.
CEYIP sec C<lYIP. CKPl1 nKA viol in . KA sewing machine. CKPI1HKAllihI vio linist, fiddler.
CEIJI 1) promen ade, stroll (festivity), entertain - CMETA estima te.
ment, am usement ; 2) deifting ice. C MOJIAJlA· to resin, to tar, to pitc h.
C E l{ ice f1 oe , bleek of ice ; ... :JKYPY drifting C MOJlAJl hI resinous.
lee, ice nee . CH A l1 nEP sniper, sha rpshooter.
CE H,n p high mountain ranges. CHAPRD lmil .{ shell, projectile, missile.- -
CEH.CEI-( la mb's s kin. CO t bat, abbrev. o f con Idem . pron./ ;
CEHIP I) dense fo rest ; 2) foothill ; 3) ca pe; .. . :lKEP.llE there. in that place.
4) a peninsula on a river. eOI>AJIAK I) ro ll, bund ie (stg. twiste d in the
CH- to urinate. fo rm o f a pipe) ; 2) un leavened bread ;
CHrAPA ciga r. 3) /adj'/ sluggish, slack, inert.
CHr HAJl m bI signa ier, signa lman , bugler. e 0 6 An AKTA - I ) to felt rwooü : 2) 10 roU up.
CHKIC guest. to twist.
CIIJIE- sec Cb Il1 JIA-. COI;AJIAKTA H- I) to he fe!ted (of wno l);
CHMMETPHR symmetry. 2) to be rolled up, to be twisted ; CO I>A-
CI1M<bOHMR symphony, cymphonic. wool.
CHHOHHM synonym . CO I;b IK pod, legu rne.
CIlHTAKCIlC syntax. COBET soviet, counci l; ... OJ],AFhIHbII{
ClIHTAKC HCT IK synt act ic. synta ctica l. K:VPAn lIhl KYllITE PI armed forces o f
C HRTEJ syn tbesls. the So..i et Unio n : PECn YI>n I1KAChI
Cl1nA trea tmen t, cure. Soviet republic ; UIAPYAWbIJlhl Fhl
ClIPAK see CbI PAK. sovkhoz, sta te farm ; ... 9 KIME TI so..-iet
CHPE- to thin , to thin o ut, 10 become spa rse, au thority, sov iet po wer; COBETKE KA C
to grow thin {er rows a nd files o f me n), 10 ladj'/ anti-soviet.
decrease, to di minish. COBElTEHJUP- to sovieti ze.
CI1PEK thin, sparse, rare; .. . KEJlETIH COBETTEP O,n:AFbI the Soviet Union.
K,OHAK, rare (rarely coming) guest: . .. COBETfIK ladj'/ soviet.
TOFAH spa rse forest, thin forest ; .. . m A m COBX03 sovkhoz, sta te farm .
thin ha ir. CO,n:AH ICO HA HI since the time whe n.
CMPEKCI- to thin, 10 thi n o ut. te beco me CO.llAH liEPI since tha t time.
sparse. CO.llh IP 1) lease, bully, miscb ievous ma n o r
CHPEKTE H- to thin, to thi n out. to become child: 2) hann, damage, mean tric k.
sparse. COLlb IPJl A H· 1) to play mean tricks. [ 0 be

COllblPJl b ! CO Hn hlP

naugh ty (Of a c hild ) : 2) to ha nn. to damage, COJl&h i PAi:l- ro bccom c sluggish, to become
lainjure . ine rt <of man).
COllb l PJlbl mischievou s, nau ghty, pugna- COJl!lAH fro m thc left side.
cio us man: . .. T l1f1- to exen a harmful COJl n AT so ld ier.
effect, to have a ba d inftuencc. COJlMA sho rt ness of brea th (of a horse ).
C0 3- to stretch o ut, to extend . to stretch; C OJlTAK lam e (on o ne leg), lame ho rse.
AR K ... /fig./ t O die. CO Jl TAKTA- 10 hobble, t o Iimp slightly.
C03 AY PYbl gon orrhea . CO Jl TYCfIK no rth, nonhem .
C03AH leggy. sban ky. COJl YK astbm a. shortness of breath.
C03hI Jl · I) to stre tch. to stretch oneself to COJllIIb llI left-winger, leftist ; . .. Y KJlOH
sprawl , to lengthen ; 2) /6 g./ to do o ne's left-wing devi a tio nist.
best , to try. COlI h IK 1) quick ened brea thing, pantin g
COJblJlMAJlhl v1SCOUS. (fr o m heat. fatigue) ; 2) sobbing ; COJIhI-
COJblJlFblLU easily stretcha ble, easily ex- F hIH EiAC. to t ak e a res t.
tensible. COJI h IK,T A- 1) to breatbe quickly, 10 pant ;
C03blMllhi I) ea sily stretchable, eas ily 2) to so b : COJl b l K.T Án )l(bIJlA- to weep,
extendi ble; 2) /fig./ urbane, well-m armered ; to sob.
... )KYH long-stapte woel . COJlK-eOJl K ET- 10 rock forcefully, to
con. I) to cut , to sla ugh ter (canle), to skin ; swing.
2) to undress; 3) /6 g./ to subject to crushing COJlK,bIJI llA- J) te roc k, to swing, to sb a ke ;
cr iticism . 2) /6 g./ t o hesitate, to he indecisive .
- - CO M race, breed, origin, iIIustri ou s race, COJlKbIJlD.AK J) resilient , elastic, springy,
fami ly. ûe xible, sup ple; 2) /fig./ un steady, un stable.
co änxx T IC man with buck -teeth . sha ky.
COAtlbIH - to protrude, to project, to jut out . COJlKbIJl D.AKTbIK hesitat ion , instab ility,
CO Mb lJl d ub. cu dgel. un steadiness.
co ïrun- to he slaughtered, to he sta bbed, COJ1KbIH!lA- I) to surge ; 2) to ad om
ro he butchered. oneself ; 3) to shake /intr./.
COAbIJl )lA- to club, to oudgel . COJlFA to th e left.
COl1:b IJlllAC- to fight with clubs. COJlFbl H 1) ûa bb y, flaccid, sluggish ; 2) pale,
COMK,AH brawler. pallid , colorless, withered.
COI1K,AH CA J]· see COI1K,A HAA. . COJlFbIH!lAH- to become pale. to grow
COI1:KAH.u A. to brawl , to ma ke a row. pale , to fade, to wither .
COftK,AH llhI scanda le us, daredevil. bully,
COM 1) ro ubie ; 2) masslve : ... AJlThIH
rowd y.
n ugget (gold) ; ... )KInT m uscular (sturdy)
COJl Idem. o r./ 1) that . that one ; 2) Jeft ;
fellow ; ... T EMI P block, bar , pig (of iron),
... )KAK the left side: ... )KAK, KAH AThI
mo ld, ingot.
/mî1./ left wing, left flan k ; . .. )KAK, T A on
COMA J) sum ; 2) money (a good amoum).
the left side; ... JKAFblHAH TYp· to he
in a bad m ood (te get up o n the left foe t): COMJU,IX /adj./ rouble.
. .. KE3JlE at that time ; ... TAPAnKA to COMCA sec CA MCA.
CO H A gadfty, horseûy.
the Ieft side ; .,. K.OJl left hand .
COJl· 1) to d ry up , to fade, to wither, to COHA H K EftlH a fter that.
d roop, to grow pale; 2) /fig./ to become COH AH CO H after that.
emaciated. COHAP newl y fallen sno w.
COJl A'f1 so, th us. CO HA Y (the o ne) there, (the one) over tbere.
COJlA MA 'f1 h IM E H all belon gings, every- CO HllA there , at tha t place, then, at that
thing which is; ... liEPIII he gave him all time; . .. llA still, nevert beless, however.
the bel o ngi ngs. COHAAAA sec COHAA A A.
COJIAK recta ngula r cut, rectan gular dent, COHDAYI 1) suc h: 2) a nalcgical.
car mark (o n ca ttle). COHD;AFhI be ing tbere, of th at place , of!ha t
CüJIAXMI lefthan ded persen. time.
COJIAHllA- to lean o ut (of a window). CO HAbIXT AH ther efo re.
CO Jl n h l P sluggish, inert . COHnhIP ram red .

COHY 1) vrrgm snow; 2) untouched place the Iike ; C OPTIA F A lll b lFA PbI the best
[grass). crea m of the erop.
COHbI 1) acc. case of con (tha t); 2) un- COPTA H; fCOPTAH; )KEPlf salt ma reh , dark,
to uched, un broken, virgin ; )KAHJIAY strongly a lkalin e soil .
untouched summer pasture ; IIIA6bIH - COPTAHIlbI saline, brackish.
ll.bIK, untouched place in the meadow ; COPITA- to sart, to classify.
.. . K,AP deep , newly {allen snow . eOPTTAYIlIbI sorter.
COHbIJIAY more or less unto uched (nor COPITbI Jadj'/ of a certa in qua lity, of a
mucb used). certain shape .
COHhI MEH 1) ladv .! in a word. consequently, CO PhIMhI3FA see COPbIHA.
th us, sa then ; 2) with him, with rhat (this) ; eOPbIHA unfortunately; : .. . K,APAff un-
.' . IiIPrE wit h that ; . ,' K.ATAP at the fort unately.
same time . eOPhlK, fFf- 1) to stream do wn (of water
COHllIA sa much , sa many, that much. fro m a wet object) ; 2) to sta mp o ut ; 3) to
COnAI1- to take an oblo ng, a va l shape. tread, to tramp le through ; 4) to dry up
COnAK, o blo ng, oval. gradually.
COnAK,TAY somewhat oblong. COPFAJlA- I ) 10 stream, 10 flow in a stream,
COnAKillA see COnAK. la stream do wn, to dri p, to fal! by drops,
ro d rop, to dribble.
COnAI-IJl:A- to lea o out.
COPFbl3- to let suex .
CannA warrn Tartar cap. COPFhIlli KA FA 3 blotting paper.
COnbI see cvrrst.
CO CA Hbl I) pale (of col or); 2) untrodden
COP 1) cruel. fate , doom; 2) to rment, torture,
(of raad ).
disaster. calamity, failu re ; 3) saline soil,
COT cou rt , court a f justice ; , .. OPHhl court ~
salt marsh (dark, stron gly alkaline soil),
house ; XAfl h lK. COThI peop lc's tribuna1;
satt take; .. . T~3 salt, marsh sa lt; COPbI
,.. )ICtMhICbI legal procedure ; .. , KEC JM I
K,AMHA- to fail: COPblH k A MH AT- to
court verdict, se nte nce, jud gment,
tire out , to exhaust.
Ma lKIJI IC I session of the co urt:
COP- to draw o ut, to extract, to suck, to
TEPrEYI jud ici al inquiry, in que st ; ... IC I
suck ou t.
lawsuit, litigauon : ... K,OPFAYbI legal
COPAH clumsy,
defe nse; COTfb IH AK.TA n IlIhIFAP-
COPATI hardly no ticeable trace, hardl y FAH YK IMI acquittal ; COTTbIH ursr-
noticeable sign (of a road, etc.}. F h IH hI Jlawf casts; COTfAH Ii4'PbIH
COPA TI! COPATI! call to a camel req uesting K,A MA Y imprisonment befa re trial.
him to drink water. COTAHAK see COn h IP.
COPATITA- to drink water (of a camel). COITA· Jlawf to try.
COPAKbI awkward, clumsy. eOITArï- Jlawf to be tried .
COPAK,bIJlAH- to become clumsy, to COTfAC- la Iitigate.
become awkward. e OITACfbIP- to com pel, to litiga te.
COPAK,hIJIbIK awkwardness, c1umsiness. COTIhl flawf defenda nt.
COPAH, kind of grass growing on saline soil ; eOTK,AP pug nacious persen, bull y, sq uabbler.
.. . )KEP saline soil. C OTK,APJlA H· to he pugnacious, to become
) COPA1{)l;A- to protrude, to project. to jut out. a squabbler, to become a bully.
COPAJ{ll;AY in-toed, clumsy . COTKAPJIhIK, p ugnacity, proneness ta braw-
COP,1\AYT /CO P,1\AYhITh I/ salt pa n. ling, proneness to wrangling.
COP):{bIPT- see COP-. COQl1AJl):{bIK, socialism.
COPJIA- to live in poverty, to he in distress, CO Q H.AJI H3 M socialism.
to fail. COUl1AJU1CT socia list.
COPJIAT- to cause harm. COUI1AJll1CTIK socialistic ; ... flAPTl1R
COPJIbI poer, po or thing, wretch . socia list party,
COPM AK,TA compress of camel woo l soaked COR )f(YA fbot./ AJlium flstulosum .
with ho t salt water. C05lY 1) a toath pick; 2) conifers' need les ;
COPMAH,1\A i'l see COPJl h L 3) splinte r ; 4) small wooden stick fo r sewing
COpnA soup bro rh: .. . MOpn A soup and felts together.

C D K. jt,, - I) 10 thresh : 2) 10 eall o n the way, CO F bl M canle for winte r slaughte r ; ... MAn
10 visit . 10 d ro p in ; 3 ) 10 beat, 10 st rike, to catüe for winte r slaughter ; ... IiAFblThl
kn oo k : 4) 10 fo rge ; 5) 10 kill (cattle) ; 6) 10 time of ca tt lc sla ughter.
CUl, 10 th rust, 10 sla b ; AeTbI K, ... 10 COFb IMLlA · to sla ugh ter catue fo r winter.
thresb : AK T b l KT b J .. . 10 thresh; aHrJME COFb lC battle. fight, war ; ... IiIJllllPY
. .. 10 converse. deelara non of war; .. . MAH,llAHhI battle.
COKA plougb , woeden plough ; ... IiACb l field ; .. . M I1HH CfPI minister of war;
(he is) scluary. ... Ml1 HH CT PJIlrI ministry o f defense ,
CO KA H- to tower a bo ve orbers. war departmen t ; ... TYfKhIHhl priso ner
CO KAmbl ploughman . of war ; ... <t>J10ThI na vy ; ... XAYbrnThl
COK IlA I) dry du ng (fuel): 2) hol lew. bu mp, threat o f war ; K,hIHMhUIllAPbl
ru t (in road): .. . Yl1 adobe ho use. military actions ; é)PEKETI military
C O K,IlAK foc tpa th: ... )KAlI foo tpath . o perations; .. .-TEW3 4>J10Thl navy ;
COK,TA I) blood sa usage ; 2) up rooted grass ; . ..-TE H 13<I>J10Thl Hh IH MH HI1 CTP mrI
COK,TA.ilA 11 iKI r IT tall fellow. ministry of the navy, navy depanment ;
COK,T AJlAH - ( O uproo t, 10 eradieare . VJl b I OTA H ... Grea t Fatherland War;
COKTAJl bi large, considerable, solid. relia ble. . .. KAXA PAMDhIn hl K fighting efficiency,
COKThI P· I) 10 bring, 10 bring ro, la lead la ; fighting ability, combat value.
2) la o rder somebody 10 make, 10 orde r COFhIC- to fight, 10 wage wa r. to beat e ther.
somebody 10 prepare : 3) 10 force someo ne COFblCY Whl belligerent.
10 beat. 10 fo rce someone 10 st rike . COFbICK~ M A P milita nt.
COKTbJ K /F/- 1) to ru n against, to das h COFY PJlbI M so far, sa much ; .. . )KAK ehI
against. 10 ru n into. to collide, 10 conflict; so m uch the beuer, all the better.
2) /fig., to find fault, to cavi l, to nag. to carp. CTA HD.APT sta nda rd.
COK,hIP blind, blind man ; ... I>OJl b ln KAJl- CTAPllIhlH the elder of t be ao ul.
to go blind; . .. C E31M instinct ; .. . CO K· CT AXA HOBThlK /a dj./ Stakbanov.
nAK path covered with sn ow. CTAXAHOBllIhi {a dj.! Stakhanovite.
COKbIPAl1 · to go blind . CTEHOrPA<1>IUI stenogra phy, shorthand.
COK,hIPJlbtK blindness. CTEHOrPA<1> t1JVl b IK jadj.j stenogra phic,
COKblPTEKE Igamef blind rnan's bu ff . sho rt hand .
CO KKA mo rtar. CTI1X l1Jl eleme nt.
COKK,AH )KE P surf, breakers. CTI1X J..1 JlJl b l eleme nta l.
COK,Kbl I) j obs.j club. cudgel ta ncient CTPATE f11 51 strategy.
weapon); 2) beat ing : 3) j fi g.j blo w, thrust, CTPATErU5In b IK strategie.
stroke : ... bEP- I) to repulsc : 2) to sack. CY I) wat er ; 2) river ; .. . ACT b lH watersbed .
to raid . to loot. water divi de ; ACTbl HllA FbI TAC
CO H, J) end ; 2) postposition co nveying the submerged rock ; EACATblH llI Al>bl H.
mean ing of: a fte r, later, aûerwards, then . !lbl K flo od -plai n, water-rnead o w; . .. IiACbl
the reupon. in order that : .. . KAJl . to be bea dwa ters, so uree of a ri ver ; .. . EoACKAH
la te, to be o vcr d ue, to fall behind, to la g )KEP flo oded a rea; ... S ETI water surface.
beh ind ; COHbl HA TY C· /fig.j to pu rsu e, lin oral. riverside, ri ver country . str ip of
to chase , to be after ; OKYllb l l-{ CO l-{bIH A la nd a lo ng a ri ver ; .. . SOC1bI HllA (In the
T Y C- jfi g.j to give on eself en drelv to stud ies. riverside: . .. Ll, l1I PMEH wat ermill; ... EM I
COI{PA see COl{hI PA . hydropathy. water cure: EMXAHACbI
CO H,hIHAH after. hydropa thic d ispensary ; )KAHA KHiM
CO l-{b lPA lad v./ late. later. brand-new c1ot hing ; . .. )KAFACh l sbore,
COH,Fhl I) hind ; 2) poster ior ; 3) 1:lS! . lat er; coast ; .. . )KOJI h l AllibIJlY opening of
... Ce3 epilogue, last word. na vigation; ... )KhIJlAH water snake :
COFA H da tive-di rectional of COJ1 . . .. )KbIP FAH )KE P wash -out, erosion :
COFY abuse, insult (ha rch words ). ... Ol1 b1Jl FA H )KEP place wasb ed o ut,
COFh IJT- 1) to be bea ten. ro be ûo ggcd . to be we m o ut by water; .. . CEn Kl ill .... alering
whipped , to hit , to strike; 2) te be coined. ca n. funnel, sprin kler; .. . T AnlllblJl 11Fbi
COFh lJl F A H villain. sco undrel, rogu e, lo w water, shall o wn ess ; ... T APTKblill
swi ndter . water pipe, aq ueduct ; ... TAC· ro over-


flow lintr.1 (of nver); ... TACY spring, wate r tank. well, pond : MY3 .. . ice hole.
high water ; .. . TAChIH reser voir, cistem; CY Abn judge.
... TACK,!,IHhI overflow; ... THIPMEH CYJJ.blP rustle. rustling .
see ... AHIPMEH ; TO RbIFY ûux, CYAbIP-CYAbI P ET- '0 rust Ie.
affl uence, high tide; lIIAIIJhIPAH· CYA b IPA- see CY,[lbJP-CYAbIP ET -.
.Ll,h lC h l spray. splas h, spatter; .. . Illbl- C YA bIPRA- see C YAbIP-CYAbIP ET -
FbIChI source; ".. KAftTY ebb, lo w tide; CYA b IPRAK, !adj.! rus tling.
.. . KOHbI3bl waterbug ; ... 9nIllEP CY3Y11· la fall do w-n, 10 aba te.
water meter. water gau ge ; .. . 9TKI36EC CYJlA- I) la wet, 10 soa k ; 2) la irrigate:
KASAT impervious (to wate r) stratum ; 3) to lie o n one's side.
CYJ],bII-( AJlFhI mouth o f a rive r ; CY,Ilb lH CY JIAH- to get wet, to beco me wet.
6AChi sour ee of a river ; CYLlblH 6ETI CYJIAHUh lPY irr iga rio n, wa ter su pply.
surface of the wa ter; C Y.llbI l{ EOl1hI the CYJlAC- to live rogether o n the same rive r.
main part of t hc ri ver: C Y):{h1 )I(An hl· CYJI.LlA- to hiss, to ma ke noise.
JlYbt overflow; CY.ll.bIH K9S91O flux. C YJl JI.AT· to make noise.
increase, affiuence of water ; CY,Ub IH CYJI bl damp , wet, watery ; KerEJl water-
TAPThlflYlO reû ux, ebb. subsiding of mea dow, ûood-plain : )KEP locality
water; CY.llbIH TACYbl ûood, o verflow; supplied with water.
CY)lbIH, K,YlOY ban k , of the river ; CY n h lK I) / reg.' bit of abridie ; 2) ra incoat :
CY,llblH KhIPbl river bank ; AYb I3 3) hand towel .
... drinking water ; AY h IJ CYllb 11-{ K.~ ­ CYMAKAî1 cha tterer, ra ttler, rutnor-
to take ree much, fancy, to be too easily mo ngerer.
carried away ; iKYPE rI M ... ETE TYCfI CYMAHJIA· 10 ta lk. tast. 10 have a glib
my heart missed a bea t; TYPFhlH ... tongue .
sta gnant water; CY FA &APATYFYH CYMEH EMLIEY hyd ro pa thy..... ater cure.
iKOn path of the ca nle to water; )KIIiEK CYH · to offer orte's hand, la sba ke han ds. - -
Kl1lM ... -CY ETED I the silk clothes cyn o tter.
rustled. CYPET picture. drawing, image , portrait ;
CY- to coo l down, to become cool, la grow ... CAJl· to dr aw; CYPETKE TYCIP~ 10
cool, 10 coo l off la get cold , la cool down . photograph.
CYAfiT Har. CYPETIE- la depicr, to picture, to portray,
CYAfiTIAH · to become a liar. ro repr esenr, 10 outline, to descri be.
CYAJI- I) to evaporate, to dry up (of a river) : CYPETTEJl - to be depicted , to be portrayed,
2) to stap giv ing milk (of a cow); Ka3l ... to be o utlined, 10 he described.
to lose o ne's eyesight. CYPETIEM E picture, image. represcnta tion,
CYAJIAC settlements situared on the same descr iption, sketch .
river. CYPETII illust rated.
CYAnMA a3EH interminent river, d ry üo CYPET Wl artist, painter.
the end of tbe sunune r) river . CYPET WIJI devo tee of a rt .
CY AJIMA c h u1hlP cow whlch sla ps giving CYC· I) la com e untied. to co me loose ;
milk. 2) to slip, 10 slide.
CYAJIT~ 10 wean a child. C YCA· I) 10 be thi rsty, to thi rst for; 2) /fig./
CYAMA gossip. prattler. la cra ve for , la desire stro ngly.
CV A P~ I) to water, te give la drink ; 2) to CYCAJI· te he t hirsty.
irrigate, 10 temper, to harden ; AT ... te CYCA Mh lP ftr tree.
water tbe ho rses ; ErI H . .. to irrigate the CYCAP marlen.
cro ps; KYPhIlliThl ... to temper steel. CYCAT · 10 cause tbirst .
CYAPMAJl hI irrigated. irrigable: ... iKEP CYCE K bin, co m bin, crib.
irrigated land. CYCY ~ /CYY CY ~/ I) to move : 2) to have na
CY APh lJI- I) to he given la drink ; 2) la be suppo rt.
irrigated : 3) to he hardened . to be tempéred CYC YPA· la th irst for (a fter).
(of metals). CYC b13 wate rless, a rid, a nhyd ro us, dry :
CYAT I) blade ; 2) wate r trough, watering .. . AH;FAP waterless valley, dr y bed of a
place (for stoc k). basin. reservoir, cistem. nver; . ErICTlK non-irriga red fields.


CYChl3ilb iK Chlf!

CYCbJ3.U bIK dryncss, aridi ty. 6 AH b ln KJPJC · to undertak e some thing

CYCb IJlD.A· to rustie linlr./. resolutely.
CYCblMAJlbl frieble, free-ûowing, toose : C bIIiA HllbI P- to ma ke so meo ne roll up the
.. . :>KI n ropc which is difficult to tie. sleeves.
CYCh lH beverage, drink , refreshing drink ; Chlli AF A part, sha re.
... KAH- 10 quench the thirst. Cbl li.llbIP rustIe .
CYCh IHA A· to d rink. to quench the thirst, ChlS,nbIPJIA· to rustIc.
to d rink a refreshing beverage. Cbl lib13FbI pipe, reed, fife.
CYTEn hydrogen . ChIS b13Fh IillhI piper, reed player.
ChI6bIP whisper, whispering.
CYYAP- te wate r.
CYLD bl 1) wa ter-carrier ; 2) water transport CbI6b lPilA- see C b 16b1PilA-,
worker ; 3) water reservo ir. ChllihI PJI A· to whisper.
ChI S hIPJIA C- to converse in whispers.
C Y llIbIJI swimmer .
CYh } A3 a rid , an hydro us, free fro m wat er, dry. ChIlih IC rumor, hearing. report.
Chlllb IP- I} to skin an animal; 2) to bark a
C YbIJlAA- I) (0 rustIe lof tree leaves) ; 2) 10
tree ; 3) /6g./ to dart by, to sweep past,
sink (o f hea rt ).
to sweep th rcugb, to go fast.
C YbI H- to cool, 10 cool ofî, to gel cold , 10
ChIJl.hIPT- I) to let sweep by ; 2) te whip,
grow co ld.
to lash ; lKblilK.b lFA Cblilb lPThill
CYhI P m armot (woodcbuck). steppe marmot.
Ii~F AJI b IK, CAJ1- to lasso ha rses driven
C Y bIP- 1) to pull out. 10 draw out (o f nail s, at full speed into an ambush.
etc.), to e xtrac t (of teeth): 2) to win now
C bID.b IPbtn - to he skineed .
(gra in ).
C b lllb IPbl M T Acn A lea ther strap.
CYbI PTn AK pièce of material from wbich
C b lilb lPb l M K.A6bIK bark st ripped olf
thread f OT scwing is pulJed o ut. trees .
CYbIPb IJl· te he pulled out, 10 he d rawn o ut, C b l3 dampness, hu rniduy.
to he extra cted : SYTbl CYb IPb IJIA )KEJl· -C h 13 witho ut.
to ru n rast (of a horse) ; CYb IPbIJl A C bI3· I) te write, to draw c to sketch, to design,
Ce AJlE- to talk (smoothly ). to speak to trace; 2) /6 g./ te elude, to eva de, to
fluently. shirk, to run off, to run away.
CY bIC· ro grow cold to each other, to lose Ch I3AT crack, cleft , fissu re, fracture, crevice,
interest in eac h o ther, to lo ve eac b ot her chink , split, scratc h, notch , abrasion .
na langer . ChI3L1.A- to ache .
CYb lT urgent , pressing. CbI311AT· to ca use pai n, to hurt .
CYblT· to cool, 10 chili, ( 0 cool off. Cb13.LJ;AY bIK a bscess, boil, pain s, aches.
CY bIK. l) cold ; 2) /fig./ stem ; . .. TIr n 10 CbI3!I.bIK welt (o n shoes).
catch col d ; ... TO PFA l1 sparrow: Cbl3YJlbl lined, ruled .
X ALA P ba d news : CYblKK A Te31MnI Cbl'Jbl.rl- I) to he Hoed, to he ruled (of
eCIMAIK Irost-hardy plant. paper, etc.) ; 2) to he traced, to he drawn,
CYb lKTAY chilly. to he wrÎtten ; ACfhIHAH Cb I3bIJl FAH
CYFhIJl · 1) to interfere witb otber's affairs; underlined ; VCTIH EH Cb I3bIJlFAH de-
2) to he put o n (c1o thes , etc.). to be put in. leted, crossed out.
C <t>EPA sphere . Cbl3bIK line, bou ndary, mark, dra ft (draw-
C hE3 convenrion, meeting ; n APTl1.R CbE3J ing), Iine, dash; KeJlA EMEH . .. horizontal
conventi on of the commu nist party. line ; T IK . .. vert ical line .
C b ló A· to smeer, to soil, to dau b, te d irt y, ChIJhI KTbI lines, ruled .
to pairu, to oil ; Ce3liE H . .. to sco ld, to CbI3h IKlIIA short line, dash .
call na mes . C bI3Fh IJl A· to trace , ro delineate, 10 unde r-
cusxn adjacent, co nt iguous, neigbboring ; line seve ra l times, to c ross out wit h several
... -CAJ1TAH ADAM lonely man, sol itary lines .
man . Cbl3F bI W rule r (d rawing instrument).
C b l IiAI1:J1AC neigh boring. adjacent; C b Il1 gift , present, rewa rd, premium, prize,
EYPblWTA P /ma th./ adjacent angles. bonus; . .. KOHAK honorary guest, guest
C h IEiA H· to rel! up o ne' s sleeves ; C bl- of ho no r.

Cb IJ1- CblJlTA YlIlbIJI

csra. to go in , 10 fit in. 10 fiod place, 10 have Cb Il1 hlK, (used o nly with the po ssessive affix)
"roo m Ier. pbyslo gno my.
Cbl ii):IAHtlA- 10 walk rast. cu a sixcsn ugly, a f unpleasa ot a ppea ra nce.
ChIAD.bIM- 10 be meager, 10 be Iea n. Cb ll1.K,bIP 1) wizard, so rcerer ; 2) witchcraft,
C h l l1:.a.b IP- (0 hol d, to contain . so rce ry; AD A M wizard , so rcere r.
C blilE3 sec Cb El. conjurc r .
c b u1:nA- I) 10 ma ke a present, to give, 10 Ch U1.K,bIPJl A. J ) 10 bewi tcb , to cast a spell
grant, 10 presen t, to rewa rd ; 2) te respect , upon; 2) to enmesh, la en tangle, to deceive .
10 esteem, 10 show respect, to show estee m : ChlflK,hIPJlAY sorcery, wuchcra û .
3) to tre a t. to entertai n with rood a nd dri nk, CbIHKbI PJl b l false, magie, bcwitching.
to regale. C bIHK,b IP Wbl conjuror, j uggle r ; 2) wizard ,
Chl AJlAY donarion. presentation. so rce re r.
ChH1flhi respected , estecrned . hon o rable, CbIÏl F b 13- sec Cbl il,[1LIP-.
honorary . Cb îJl - I) to rem o ve (a n ulcer , a so re): ~ ) Ia
Ch l fiJl blK, donation , present. gift. prem ium. stri p (Resh fro m bones): 3) Ifig.1 6 IP,J EY·
prize. bonus. ..lIH EiETIH ... to shame. to pu t to shame.
csmnx. 10 st ro ke. 10 caress light ly, to touch Cb IJI A H · I) to srnea r, to da ub, to a pply a
slightly. coat (af clay, etc .) : 2) to rub, la massage.
c hu1nAJlA· 10 grope for ; c buï n A.1An C bIJl A H· to preen oneself, 10 smarten o ne-
)f(yp· 10 grope one's way. sel f up , 10 ad em oneself, to clean o neself',
C blil nAJlA KT A- sec C bliln AJIA-. C b lJlA Y massage ; ... 6AJl lllblK, clay wal l characte r, nature, type, cha racter- plaster; .. . MAft I hisl.1 oin l ment applied
istic, (rail, property. quality. ra newly-born babies.
Cbuï n AHJlA. I) 10 tarry , 10 dally, [0 C bU1AH dandy, fo p, dressy woman, coq uette.
hesitate : 2) 10 wag the rail. C h lJlA H.Ll.A· to he a dand y, to he a fo p, la
C b H1: PA K I) {aoa1./ tib ia . shin. shank ; dress sma rt ly, to fli rt .
2) one-quarter o f a ca rcass (o f cattle}. C blJl6hIP sluggish, apa thetic. milksop. so fty;
... )f(AH;5 bIP drizzle, drizzling rain .
CbllÏlPA K,Th l long-legged, ta ll ; ... MbIJ1-
C bIJl 6 bIPJ1A . te act sluggishly, 10 mum bie.
T b lK gun with a rest ; MbUl TbIK,ThIH
to dra wl, to procrastin at e.
C h IHPAFbI rest for ancient huntin g-gun.
CbIJU;bl PJlbI K ap a tby.
C bIO h IM ho lding capacity, cu bic co nte nt.
ChlJl,ll,blP rustte, mu nnur, ripple ; ... CeJ
ChIHbIMD. bI 1) roomy, spaclo us. ca pacious ; emp ty ta lk.
2) well-rna n nered, urba ne ; AKbIITFA . .. C hIJI)lb IPA. to so und, to ripple, to murmur,
persuasive. inte lligible, perspic uous.
10 pu rl, to gurgte, to rustIe, to ring.
Ch IHb l MD. blJl'b iK ea sy disposition . pleasan t- C b IJl.JJ.h IPAMA ripplin g, murmu ring. rus-
ness. tling.
ChI lÏlh IMC bI3 unaccommodating. q uarrel- Cb IJl L{b IPA K ranle .
so rne, ill-man nered , bad d ispos ition. CbI Jl ,[lbI PJl A- sec C b IJl,[l bIPA-.
ChIHhIMCbI3D.h IK un sociability. quarrel- CblJl.JJ.bIPJlAT. to jin gle, to strum.
sorne dispo sit ion .
Cb IJl,[l bIPJl A Yb IK sec Cb IJl,[l b IPAK.
C h llÏl bIH. 1) to hope ; 2) la resort la protee- C bIJl,[lbI PMAK sec Cb IJlnbI PA K .
tien: KYllH HE ... te resort to bru te fo rce. C bl .rlf'l ET · 10 Rop down, 10 ru mb le. to fall
Ch I C1 h IP. 10 strip, to strip alf, 10 peel, te down.
skin, te fîay. Cb lJl n b iJlLIA. to sq uelc h.
ChIff bIP cow: ... ET I... ETI ..' beef ; ChIJl n b lH frie ble, cru mbly, Rabby, flacci d .
M Anb1 (co ws-m ilk) butter: ... KOPA ChIJl T- to ho bble, to limp slightl y.
cattle-sbed , cow barn. CbJnTA Y I) ca lumny ; 2) rea son. cause.
ChltlbIPlIIhl cow shepherd, herJ sman . pret ext, pretense. excuse ; O PblH!lbI . ..
CbIl1blC· to get o n (with som eone ) : to gel plau slble p rerext ; Cb lJl n A n b l .. . plausi ble
alo ng (with sorne body). pretext.
Chll-ÏhlCflAYlIIhlflblK unsociabilit y. C bInT A Y PA T· to find an c xcuse, to find a
C h u1 h lCfh IP_ I) l fi g.j te eliminare con ûicts : pretext.
~) to fiod room for . la la d ge. 10 hou se. Cb IllTA Ylllbl ll simulatar.


Cb lJI Tbf · C b lll b l Pb l Hil b l

CbIJlThl· to tim p s light ly, to lim p fro m time Cb IHA n mercu ry, qu lcksilver.
te time. ChIHAT- 10 su bmit so mething ro someone
CbIJIT blK. hobbling, lim ping slightly. for eval uati on .
ChIJIK. ET· ro fa ll flat. to (all as if sho t. CbI HAY UJhl exa mi ner, tester , inve stigato r,
ChillY /med./ o pera non. an alyst , expert .
C h IJlK.ChIJlK !o nomatopoetic word! (rip- Ch IHAK test, tria l, exa rnina rio n.
pling. rustl ing, ringing): .. . KYJ]- to laugh, CblHAFbl1ll see CblHllI b L
(affect edly) ringingly ; . .. AF b in )KAT· to CbIH A FbIIllTbl K. see C b IH Wb IJIilb l K..
ripple. to murmur (of wate r). CblHllbl see C b l >lK.T b L
ChIJl KhtJlD,A· ro gel loose. to gel shatt ered, CbIHUbIP· to break .
to dangle. ChIHCbI3 uncomely, pla in, insigni fica nt.
ChIJIK,bIJl D.AK loose. sha n ered , dangling . Ch l Hlllb l cri tic. expert, co n no isseur.
C h IJlKbH1 - to sp rawl, to lie flat. Cb IH IllbIJlD.bIK I ) sincerity ; 2) critica!
Ch In KhIM I) plucky fellow, brave chap ; attitude, d iscriminal o ry attitude, criticism .
2) see C b IJIAl{. CbIHbIK 1) broken ; 2 ) frag ment, splinter ;
Ch l M 1) wide tro users ; 2) wire: .. . TlKE- .. . )l(Y3ill modest (of a persen}: TE MIP·
HEK J borET wire entanglement, wire ,ilI H C h l H b lFbl scrap iron .
o bst acle ; .. . KJ.1 H- ( 0 wear wide trousers ; ChI HhIKThIK rimidity.
... TEM IP iron wi re ; . .. JKEC coppcr wire ; CbIHhl KlllhI bone-sener.
... T APT- to stretch the wire. Cb IH F AK IC h IH F b IW/ Iragüc, briule.
C b l M AK postposition signifying : like, nor Cbl fl in tensifyin g partiele for word s beginning
un like; TOPFAH ... like a fores t ; KeJ] ... with ; ... -ehlJlilbI P very liquid, very th in,
like a lakc . very wa tery.
Ch lM IiAJI rag. c b l nAl1 b I I) pre tty, elegant , refin ed, grace-
Chl MSA T sta teliness, shapelmess : .. . 8 HE PI ful , beautiful; 2 ) pol ite, civil. courteous ;
sculptu re ; .. . eHEPI WICI scul ptor . .. . TYP pol ite form o f add ress (u sing "yo u").
C b l MEA TCb l3 pl aln, ill-lo oking, coarse. Cb InAflbl rEPW IJIlKseeCbInAÏlb IJI bl K..
Cb l MEATTAY sculpture, carved image. Ch In A H b IrEPUI IJI I K sec C h InAf1 hIJlb lK.
C b I MEATTbI well-shaped. well-proportioned . Ch l n A H b I KI WI pohte per son (ma n).
p retr y. stately. Cb In A Hb InhlK co urtc sy, civility, politen ess.
CbIMn b l f1· to lose eve rything. to be left CbInAJ1bI C- l) to stand 0 0 cer ernony; 2) to
wit h no thin g. seem 10 he po lite, to seem to he co urteous,
Ch IM nbrn.QA · to fty fast; C h l MnbIJInATI to seem to be civil.
)f(Y P· wa lk fast or easily . Cb In A TTA · te depiet. 10 describe, to
Cb IMCh I3 wireless ; ... T EJI ErPAIP I ) wire - chara cterize, to sketch.
less telegr aph : 2) liran./ u naut bentic ne ws, ChIn A TTA MA description, c ha racteristic,
groundless ru mors. sketch .
Cb I H~ to brea k, to go to ruin, [ 0 bocome CbInA TI AY ar gumentation .
ba n krupt, to bc bre ken, te break u p, to Cb InCbIK see cu su c,
break in pieces, to cleave, to split. to crack. Cb In TbIF b l P I) lea n. ga unt , meager, thin ;
C b l H I) a ma n's figure , outward a ppea ra nce : 2) /fig'; sly, kna vish.
2) tria l, test, criticism, resea rch. explora tio n, Chln b IJI.n.AK · I) to tal k Iast ; 2) to move Iast.
experience ; ... CA FATTA in the hour of Chl n b IJIllAK 1) q uick, pro mpt , efficient ;
tria l; . .. TAC sto ne image . 2) rattle .
Ch l H A wed ge. Ch l n b I HD.A· to he lively, 10 fuss. 10 bustie
CbIHA - I) te critic ize ; 2) to in vestigat e, to about (of hostess).
explo re, to try, to tes t, 10 examlne. to CbIn h IP- to sweep {the floor), to clear awa y,
o bserve, to expl ore. to ma ke observations. to brush off, te rak e o ff, to ta ke away.
to wa tch . CbInbIP A in success ion, one after the ether.
Ch IH AJI - I) to be subject to criticism ; 2) to Cbl n hIPTKbI broom .
he tes ted , to he tried . CbI nbIPYIDbl ûoor clea ner.
CbIHAJI A- ro wedge in, to d rive a wedge. Ch In b IP h IJI · to be taken a wa y, to he re-
C b IH AJlAC- to squeeze in , to wedge in. moved .
C h l HAJI FA H tr ied-out, well-tried. tested . CbIn b IPhiHilh l ru b bish. sweepin gs.

csmu ru x ChITbIH.IlA-

Ch In h l Pb l K, skinny, scraggy, erna ciated, thin . ChlPTK,hl /adj ./ o uter, exteric r, external, 0111-
ChInblPFbl W whis k broom, broom, besom. side, outward ; , .. T Y P( appearance, out-
ChIfib lC Iron (o f horse's tail). ward appearance ; ... ICTE P MUHH:CIP-
Cb In bIHJlA- see CbIn b lJIJJ.A-. JU n ministry of foreign affairs ; . .. ICIEP
C bIP I) cinna ba r, vermilion. oc her ; 2) paint, MI1HI1CTPI minister of foreign affairs.
color ; 3) secret, rnystery: .. . AJlAbl PMA· ChIPlllbIJl D.b IK /Iit./ lyricism.
not { O betray a secret . (Çb IPhI Jl j to pass by, to give place .
CbIP. to stitch, to quilt, to sew to getber. ~ C bI PbIJlllA whèëï..e,' i1öarseness- :-
Cb l PA I) beer ; 2) the heel o f a boot; ; C hIPbIJlJl A- I) 10 rippl e, 10 munnw (of
3ABOD.bI brewery ; ... K,AH HA TY bre w- water); 2) 10 wheeze /intr./ .
ing ; ... KAfl HATYlIlb l brewer. ;: CbIPbIJlll.AK, husky. hoarse.
Ch IPA H far d istance, place far away (rem ote). --ChlPhlM negota tio ns.

Ch IPAK, tall, long-Icgged (of horse). ChlPblK, pos t, sta ke, lo ng, bifurcated post
C h lP6A3 I) 3-4 months o ld fat la mb; . used för suppor tin g the yurt in tim e o f ba d
2) !adj .! setï-possessed. _I }o ...w eether.

JChIPLlA . to po lish.
Ch IPL{AH, bare, wit hout vegeration.
C h IPJ1AH ADAM Ifig.1 ill-disposed man.
Ch IPJlA· to paint , 10 vamish, to Iacqu er.
3~vi ,,~ ...çJ~JlKJ F!- to slip, to slide, to roIl [as t l intr.! ;
3<111m.# ChlP F h lM AFY strea m, current.
Ch IPK.hW D;A· to snore.
ChIPK,AT sick man, illness, sic kness. ailment.
ChIPJlAH· to he painted. sick eendition .
( ChIPJlAC- I ) to he ecqua imed , 10 he a friend Ch IPK,ATTAH - to he lll, (0 be sick, 10 be
o f; 2) to co nfide secrers 10 eac h ot her, to ailing, ro ache.
share o ne's innermost tboughts. Cb IPK"A~ sick man.
CbIPD AC Iriend, confi dante. CbIPK,A YJl AH- see C h IPKATTA H-.
Cb JPDhl !adj.j painted : ... Ce3 (ACfA Pnhl ChlP KA YJl hl K, sic kness, ilIness.
ee3: allego rica l) figurative word. Ch IPK,b IJl· to a dva nce, to m ake headway , to
Chl PMA see C b IPM AK- move forward .
Cbl PM A 6 0 PAH sno w-storrn. ChlPK,hIPA- te ache, 10 break.
ChiPMAK I) (paddedl warm jacket ; 2) jadj .! ChiPFA· to be slippery. u--';,y
qullted. ChlPFA earrings. /
ChIPHAC'I acco rdion, reed , pi pe, fife ; ... CbIPfAll A. to glide o n ice.
TA PT· to play the accor d io n. ChlPfAll hI K lobe o f the ea r.
Ch IPHA I1Wb l accord ion player, reed player, ChIPfAH A- 10 slip, [0 slide, to roll, [ 0 roU
~ trumpeter. down.
~ I) ou tward ap pca ra nce, exterior, ChIPfA H AT - I) to ro ll, to whe el, to slide,
extcri or part":'"" up·per, back ;q] hillock, J1i.l!;_ 10 glide /tr./; 2) jfig'/ to shelve, to put off.
3) bun, back edge, head of an ax, the side ChIPFA HAK, 1) slip pery ; 2) skat in g rin k;
opposite th e blade on a knife or ax: ... TEn /li /- to slide on a slip pery surface ;
4) /geogr./ heigh t (geogr .), elevati on ; .. . KOHhK HM El-I . .. TEn /li j- to ska te :
KH IM street clothes ; '" li EP- to dis dain, UIAHA MEH ... T En/Ii!- to drive in a
to sco rn. sledge.
C h IPT·ChIPT lono matopoe tic wordj {imi- Chl PFAYhIn pole, re d , po st. staff, sta ke ,
la ting crunching , crackling). pieker.
Ch l PTA ladv.! o ut of doors . Ch l PF h l MAJlhI extendible, extension -type
Ch l PTAH I) lad v./ on the o utside. on the (e.g., slid in g-door).
exterio r, ex terio rly, out wardly ; 2) lad v./ Ch IPF h IT- 10 set in m otion vigoro usly.
without seeing, by correspondence ; .. . Ch IPF b lTn A !adj./ cursory, fu gitive.
OK,bIn - 10 ta ke a correspondence eourse : C h IT- 10 press, 10 squeeze out ; jKA PA HblH
3) name for a dog (wolfhound ). AY3 b IH ... 10 lanee(a wound o r a n a bscess).
Ch IPT b InL{A /o nornaropoetlc wor d / ü mi- to squeeze o ut pu s from a wound or an
la ting the cla n er o f a cow's booves). a bscess ; aPE H ChIThlJlhIM llIhlK- ! fig.!
C h l Ph lJl UAY d a tter of co w's hooves. 10 get rid (of so mebody) with dirficulty.
ChIPTK,APhl o ut of. outside. beyond ; ChlTAJlA- 10 cast a glan ce.
ICfEH ... KAJl . to rema in. Ch lTh IHL{A- 10 be agile. 10 he nimbie.

C bJT blP C IJl KI H-

C bITb lP cruneb. crack te. crea k, crack. C b IH F b A- J) ro emir a me tallic so und,
ChlTbl P.1A- to cruoc h. to crack Ie. to crea k, la ring: 2 ) la ech o , 10 re so und .
(0 crack / intr./. C b IFA fiJl A- re S:7Ject, to sart , 10 piek o ut;
e bLR in k. ATfhI Ch IFA.J.fJl A n MIH· 10 ride o n a
cus CAYbIT inkwell . setected horse.
ChlRK a ppearance, exterior. o utwe rd appear- Cb IFAJIA · 1) to spy, 10 peep. (0 look throu gh
ance. a hole; 2) to ta ke ai m, 10 sight ; 3) 10
C hIR KThI I) handsome, bea utiful ; 2) ladv./ examine, ro su rvey ; ChI FAJIA n A T- to
as th o ugh, as iî, like , not un like. seemingly: ai m, 10 aim and shoct : CblFAJIAn KA PA-
3) Jadj.{ simllar. like . /6g./ 10 look (as sun fro m behind clc uds).
Ch IK /F {- to press OU I, to force out, to CblFAJIAYUI b l I) peeper. spying persen ;
co mpress, to sq ueeze, 10 press. IO weigh 2) one who aims.
on /tr./. CbIF bIJI· to be pressed. te be sq ueezed, to be
C b JK AK mockery, sneer, gibe . cro wded o ut, to be sq ueezcd ou t, to be dis-
C h IK A K,TA · 10 tease , to mock.. 10 gibe, to placed.
jeer. to deride. to scoff, to ûout, to ridicule . ChIFbIJIbIC- to become dense. to ja m, 10
C hl KAK UIb lJl sco ffer. mocker . crowd into.
C bl K,nA a product prepa red by (he p rocess CbIFhIM.!1A- to sq ueeze out , to clu tch In
o f pressing . one's f ist : .. . ~cr A- /fig./ to be vcry th irsty .
C hIKnAJlA· to prcss, 10 sq ueeze. to damp, Cb IFbI H)lbl oi l-ca kes.
to grip, to fe s ten (repeatedly) jtr.!. ChIFbIPAfI · to loo k sq uin ting.
. CbI KPA - 10 he bad ly JIJ (see C h IP K,AT -). CI- to ente r, to co rne up 10, 10 approach.
cu xcu rt. I) to screw up o nc's eyes ; 2) (0 CI6EPJIE· 10 turn grey, la sho w grey : TAH
ligh t d imly. CI6 EPJIEn KEJl - to dawn.
C h l K,Ch l51 K,APA- 10 loo k wirh screwed-up CISIP KY3EH I /zool./ kolin sky .
eyes. CIEIPKI sec C b In b lPTKbl.
C bl K,TA- : JKbIJlAn -C hJKTA· (0 cry biuerly. CJEI PT KI see ChIn bI PTKbI.
la gr ieve . c rranr. sec C bIFAJl A-.
ChJKhIJl color. CllllK u rine.
Cb lK b '-1.llb l see Cbl llKTbl. en you (po lite for rhou).
ChlK,h JJlbJKTA· la gibe , la mock , to lau gb CI3EiEH with you .
merri ly. Cl'I f'E to you (da tive of you) .
CbtKbfP 1) /ra rej ou twe rd appeara nce: cnnE with you, al you (lo cat ive o f yo u).
2) creak. sq uea k. CnDEH from yo u (a blative of you).
ChIKhIPD.A· to crea k. 10 squeak . CI3LU you (accusarive of you).
Ch IKhJP,UAYhlK, 1) the wooden door of a Cl l UEP yo u (pJura l, poli te f erm).
feit hUI (yu rt) ; 2) squeaky, creaky, sq uea king. CI 3D.EPIIIE in your o pinion, acco rding lOYOU ;
crea king. ... KAJIAJlAH'? What do yo u think of. . .'?
CbJKh IP-C b IKhIP ET- 10 creak . 10 squeak. What is you r o pinion o n . .. ?
CbIK b IPJl A- sec C bIKbJP.llA-. cnzmuur sec CI3.llEPllIE.
CbIKhIPJlAYbl K sec CbIKbIP.llAYb IK. eiK- to copula Ie.
ChlHAP one o f a pa ir ; ... /KAK /adj'/ o nc- CIJl A- sec C b l ftJlA- .
sided, o bstinate. Cl.ïl Sl Iate autumn, first snow .
CbIH,AP E3Y sec C bll-\AP JKAK. crnen. la he e xba usted, to brea k do wn, 10
ebJHC- to bewail , 10 lamen t. te weep as a be done up .
part of weddi n g ce remony (of the bride) . CIJlEKEfI saliva .
C hIHChI - 10 maan pl aintively, la scream, 10 CIJlEKEftJl E- 10 slo bber, to drib blc.
shriek ; Cbll-\CbIF A H O PMA H /fig./ dense C IJIEKEl1Jl I slob be ry, driveling.
foresr : C bII-\Cb lFAH MAJl lfig./ abun- CIJl EM remnam. sturnp: ... )Ion small cut
dance of cal tie. of rope.
ChIHKbIJUlA. I) 10 smile, to la ugh slightJy; CIJlEYCIH lynx .
2) la emit a ringing sound; ChfHKblJI UAH CIJlK- to shake out, to shake .
KV Jl- to la ugh resoundingly. CIJIKI JlE· 10 sha ke.
C b l H F h l P 1) cla ng. dank; 2) echo . CIJI K IH - to sha ke onese lf la rou se o neself


CIJlKIC- /fig./ 10 qua rrel. CIH,JII younger sister (in relation tothe elder
01lTE- I) 10 wave the hand, 10 wave, 10 sister but no t te the brother).
brandish, 10 make a tb rea rening gesture ; C IHY assimilation (of food, etc.).
2) 10 give directi ons, re give Indications, 10 ClIUJI see C lIVII.
direct, to sho w, to indicate, to point 10 ; C IHIML{1 easily digestible (of roods).
K,hlJlblW . .. 10 brandish a sword. C IHIP. I) 10 seize, to retain , to held back;
CInTEY EC IM,UIri jgra m.! demo nstrative 2) to take in. 10 imbibe, 10 abs orb. 10
pr onou n. ass imilate, to digest ; 3) to instill, to in-
CIJlTI alka li. lye. cu lca te ; 4) to appropriate : S) to deserve. te
CI.I'TI CAJI- to alk a lize. men t ; E H S EK .. . to earn a rewa rd , title,
CIJITI,ilEH TbIH- to harden into sto ne from etc. by o utsta nding we rk.
rage Ito ûy into a rage). CIH IP I} tene n, sinew: 2) bo wstring ; ... T A C
C lJl l KnE overcooked meat. a gate .jaspe r ; ... C0 3bln y stra ined m uscles ;
CIJl IMTI K garba ge, refuse, waste. ' .. TA PT h lJl Y o r ... TyfUJlY cra mp.
ClJII MTIP I) junk . lum ber ; 2) lfig./ bo ther. spasm.
trouble . CI H IPJ1( sine.....y, stringy, wiry.
e In d T- to Iarigu e, 10 tire, 10 weary, to CIHJ PYllI l I) o ne who ass imilates, o ne who
exha ust . absorbs ; 2 ) ap propriator.
CIJl b Ta - to indicate, te point to, 10 sho w. ClffiCTIP· 10 assirnilate.
C I:\1lp· 10 d rink without ta king brea th. CYJiE I) short fa lse rib; 2) lo m, filet (meat).
C I H- 10 ask. 10 implore. CY6EJ11 !adj./ w ith fatty loins (of sheep) .
CIHTE6lP September. CYlieJl e· la interfere with anorher's aftai rs.
C lOA- see cbnï n A-. CY rI PET see C YPET.
C lOAfUjA- see C bIH n AfUj A_. CY rIPET C AJl - see C YPET C AJl -. --------
CIprE muzzle to p reven t calves a nd foals CY3- l) to srrai n, to filter ; 2) te bult. ro go re ;
from sucking. K83 lH .,. {fig./ te cover /tr./ .
CIPrEJlE- to pUI o n a muzzle (on a ca lf. foa l). C Y3EiE po t cheese. so ur skim-milk, stra ined
CIPEK ra re. so ur mil k.
C lPEC· I) to cram , to fill; 2) te leam by rore : CY 3fI fine sieve, srrai ne r, filter.
3) /fig./ to persist o r insist on having one's CY3 EK high fever, typh oid , typhus ;
own way. 6ePTnE .. . typhu s. spo tted fever.
CIPEH,KE mat ches : ... KA6 bf match- box. CY3EKI I) seine ; 2) skimrner , casti ng ladle .
C IPKE 1) nit : .2) vinegar; CIPE HKE CY CY3 IK small sa usage.
KOTEPM EH)l l /adj'/ irritable man . CY3 IJl · I) la be filtered , to se nl e o ut. to
CIPK EL{EI1 /fig./ tin y, very smalt. precipitate ; 2) to plait. to bra id (or a
CIPKEJlE· te become infected with Iice. hors e's mane and tail ) : CY31Jl In KAPA-
C IPKIP E· I) to d rizzle (of rain); 2) to flow /fig./ te stare, to loo k fixedly.
slow ly. CY3l C- to bun each ot her .
CJPI 1) tenaci ou s (of life), of great vita lity ; CYH. to caress, te kiss, to lo ve.
2) cou nter (o f boo t er shoe). CY llTEH ,UIK lo ve.
CIPIHK E see C IPEl-IKE. CYffrI3- 10 let kiss, te a llow to kiss.
CIPIHK I see CIPEl-IKE. cvnmr. to force a kiss, to force to love.
Clpa pro ba bly, seemingly, apparently. CYftE- to lean agam st, Ia rest on . to give a
CIPa CO JlA H a pparently, seemingly, rhus. suppo rt , to pr op up, to su pport.
C IH· I) to find roo m. to go in, 10 fit in; CYfIEK I ) bo ne; 2) clan . big family, race.
.2) la soa k in la the eart h (of wate r). 10 be farnily (including the ancesto r), extraction.
a bsorbed, 10 soa k in; 3) la be digested (of o rigin ; CVffErJ IiOJlAT stre ng (of man ):
rood) ; 4) la pene trate. .. . C IH r EH !adj./ deeprooted. invererate :
CIl{S IP. 10 blo w o ne's nose. cvnsr r T A YIP ~1 ATA du rab le ma reria l.
CIH EIPJK l) snivet: .2 ) i OOL! kind of steppe wear-resisting fe bric : .. . ; KAK b IH blo od
gra ss. relanve ; ... ICY imed./ ca ries.
CI HJU see C IHJlI. CYflE KCI3 bo neless.
C UUI IP· 10 ab sorb. 10 di ges r. Cy ff EKTEC rela tive.


CYl1EKTf l ) bony : 2 ) rhick. den se. close C YI1I HW present grve n fo r bringing goed
(o f fa bric). nc ws.
CYMEJI tu mor, swelfmg. pi mple . wart . CY MI H Illl joy, gla dn ess. dei ight, rapt ure.
CY I1EM span between the tip of the th um b CYfU H IWC13 cbec r less.
and the lip of the linle finger (meas ure of C YfU H IWTI j oye us, j oyful, gla d.
lengt h) . C YMIP poimed. conical. co neshaped ;
C Y HEM)lE- 10 measu re with a C VI1:EM (see). S): Ph IW a c ute a ngl e.
C Y l1: E MEJl post, pillar. prop. suppon . CYflIpnE- to sba rpe n, to make conical, 10
CY.HEH- to lean upon. ta pe r do wn Itu.
CYf1E HE PJI IK reliab le (man). CYMIC- to lo ve one an cthe r, to kiss.
CYHEH IlU support , bac king. CYH IC nEHIlJ InI K /lit./ love. love relations,
CV f'lEY prop, suppor t. a morous.
CYWEYWI patre n. protector, suppo rt er. cvn s n. 1) te lean o nesetf o n; 2) to hope.
CYHKE- te smear. to daub. to spread. to CYJIn towel.
pamt, to ro b ; CVflKE n KET· lcoll .' 10 CynllE 1) skeleto n ; 2) lfig.' ba g of bo ues,
stea l. not hing but skin and bones.
C Vft KEJl- to touch. to bru sh a gains t, to cynllEP skeleton .
kn ock aga inst, 10 ru b onese lf, 10 rob agai nst. CYJlE grippe.
ev a. 10 rub against. to louch. to brush Cyn IK leech ; Cyn lKWE COP- to exploit
a gai nst, to knock against. someo ne (to draw blood like a Ieech) ;
CyffKI Mlll pleesant. at tr acuve, nice-looking. CY n lKllIE K..A.tlAJl- re thrust oneself
comely, amiable, obliging. upon, 10 im port une. t o weary o ne, to
CYJ.-1K I~1D.1J1 IK comeliness, pJeasantness. exaspera te. 10 he a burden (to).
CVft KIM C13 un pleasa nt, a ntipa thelic. CYM6E see CY M61.
C Vfl K IM CI3JlJ K unp leasantness. inspiring CYM61 ramrod .
aversion. CYM 6 IJl K,APA lllA lliTb l black-haire d (of
CV I1MEH cr ewbar. women o nly).
CY M EH)),E- te werk with a cro wbar . CYM6IJlE 10bs.1 A ugust.
C YM6IJlE- to load a gun .
CYMPE- to drag, to d ra ggle ; CYl1 PEn
CYME IJl I M bl JIT b lK ImiL! m uzzle loader.
KEJ1TIP- to drag in, to drag a way :
CY M EKTE- see CY M EH.D.E-.
CYMPE n KET- ro drag, to drag along, to
CY MEJIEK 1) icicles ; 2) icicle-shape d tass les
lag behind, 10 cra wl, 10 creep lintr./.
on a bride's ha irdress.
C YMPEll E- to drag,
CYM EH,.U E. to trail after somebody .
CYWPET- to dr ag.
C YMn I1M. to cut a poor ûgure, to he
CYÎ1:PETnE la rge wineskin. big leather bag gloo my.
for kumiss, large TOPChlK. (see). CYMIP E I1- to frown .
CY I1 PEH..UE~ te ta lk nonsense, to c hat ter, CY HAET circumcision .
to blab. CY P- 1) to furrow, to ma ke Iurrows, to
CYM PIK white root of reeds. plou gh; 2) to scra pe, to rub; 3) to plane ;
cyHC IH. te admire, to he delighted with, te 4) to drive ahea d (a herd, etc.) ; 5) to act in
he e nraptured with. vario us ways.
CY HT- la do this way, to act this way. CVP comed beef. /a dj'/ cu red of mca t,
CY H TE·CY CtTE /adv.f acting thus, grad ually. seasoned (of wood ), ripe (of cheese, etc.).
CYI1TCE JlE /a dv.f notw ithstan d ing, never- mature ; ... EO M,UAK o ld bachelor; ...
theless, st ill, even if sa. men silo, Io rage, seasoned hay.
CY ATl n th us, in thar way. CYPrI scraper, plane (ins tru ment), joining
CYJ.1IKTI favori te, belo ved . da rling. plane.
cvarn. to rejoice Imtr./. cy pnJIE~ to cut, to hew, to trim. to plane.
CYI1IH- to rejoice, to he gla d. 10 be delighted, CYPrIH persecution. o ppresslon, exile : ...
to be enrap tu red linlr.l. Ke p- te he persecured.
C YI1I HLlIP- te reioice. 10 gla dden . to move, CYPET picture : .. . CAJl - to draw, to ta ke a
to touch Itr./. picture ; . ". CAny drawing ; ... eHEPI
CYA.I HtlI PYIlI I relo lcer. pa inting.


CYPETlllI a rtist, pai nter. CYJlY beauuful, lovely. pretty, handsome

CYPEf{ I) appearance, featu re, characteristic; (about a woman).
2) cala mit y, epizoot ic. epidemie d iscase o f CYflYJlA· to adorn , re beautify, te decorare.
cattle. CYJlYJlA H· to grow prettier.
CYPEHCI3D.IK d ullness (o f co ntents o f a CYJlYJl blK beauty.
book, report, erc.). CYJlYblPAK prettier.
CYPJl E· to season , ro ensile, te drycure, to CYJlhI oats: K,APA ... / bo t./ wild aars
smo ke (o f meat, etc.). (Avena fat ua ) : .. . )f(APMAChl oatmeal ,
CYPJl EH· te become seaso ned (wirh age) oat groots.
(of dried mear), ( 0 cure mea t by aging and C YJlbIK, bridle ; ... JAT 10 tie mononress ;
drying it. ... TYCY synco pe.
C V PJl E Y pat h. foot parh ; . .. )1(011 narro w C 'i'M sly, cun ning.
road. CYM EJl EK villain, scou nd rel.
CY PME an timon y. CYMhlPAff I) o ne who embodies all the evil
CYPMEJlE- te apply a mimony (as) cosmetics. qualitles o f a ma n; 2) / myl h./ sym bol of
CY PMEJl I ladj.{ pencilled , om amen red (eye- disaster.
brows a nd eyelasb es). CY HA P hunt.
CYPT- ( 0 wipe , to smear, to grease, to sprea d ; CYHAPlll b l h unter.
CYPTIn TACTA- to erase, to rub, to wash C \' n a strengt hening partiele to words be-
laundry._. ginning with C:).' ; ... ~ C Y P greyer, gloomier ;
CYPTIH- to wipe oneself, to dry o neself. 6 ETI ...·CYP 60Jlbm KETTI his face
CYPJK calfskin, ca lf leather, soft lea ther o f darkened .
high qua tity. C'tnhl aseene. hermit.
CV Pl H· to sturnble. C~ P grey. pa le; AFAW / bo t./ surnac
CYPIHW EK AT stumblin g horse, a horse (Rbus cannus) : JKhIJl AH viper.
whicb stum bles often. CY PA- to ask, to beg, 10 inquire, to question.
CYPIC sma ll ho rse. ~ PAJl . to he asked, to he Interr ogated.
CVT milk ; AHA wet-nu rse ; ... WEJlE K CYPAM CAK, begga •.
milk pa il : K,OPEKTI )f(AHYAPflA P o r CY PAM CAK,TAH· 10 beg.
... K,OPEKTIJIE P mammals. CYPAM CAK,Tb lK, begging .
CYT EO· to begin to yield more milk (of all C"\" PAH - to usk, to ask fo r lea ve, [Q ap ply,
females of milked domesticated an imais). to beg (for alm s). ~ __
CYTTEH· to ripen (of ears of cereal plants) ; C~ PAnhIJ1 crucl, fierce, ferocicus; .. . ATblC
CYTTE H In KEJl · to ripen (of ears of /miL/ lomado û re. hu rricane fire .
cereal pla nts). C"' PAC· see CYPACTbIP·.
CYITI /adj '/ milk, milky, milch, producing C YPACTbIP- to quest io n, to make inquiries.
much milk o CY PAT· te force 10 ask, to order to ask.
CYTTlrEH Ibot.1 spurge (Euphorbia). C~ PAY question s, inquirles, Interrogations.
CY HrYWr diver. CYPAYChl3 /a dv./ wilhout leave, wit ho ut
CYH r YIP go ed diver(swimmer); .. . K,A H"hlK. pennission .
submarine; .. . VAPEK peehard. CY PAY llIbl pet itioner.
CYH rI I) lance, spea r. pike; 2) soot, larnp- CVPAK, inquiry, interrogation ; .. . K,AFA3
black, carbo n blac k. questio nnaire.
cva un. to Iiquidize itself, to become liqui d, CY PJlAH- I) to grow pale, 10 grow ashy:
to d ilure. to ra refy, to thin, to become ra re . "2) 10 become ferocious, to assume a
c:t AblK /adj'/ liquid, ffuid, thin , rare ; .., threatenin g eppearenee.
AilAM /0011./ o ld fox ; .. . 6 0TKA thin CYPhI appearan ce, look, figure, a spect ;
po rrid ge, sou p ; ... 3AT Iphys-l liquid, ... KAli. to fall morally, to degrade .
liquid su bsta nce. CYPbJn la dj./ selected, choice, very bes t.
C'YfthI KTAJl - to dllute, to thin, to rare fy. C'YPhlnTA. 10 select. to ch oose. to assort,
CYAhI KTbIK, liquid su bstance. liquid state. la sort : CY Ph l n TAn AJI- to piek o ut the
CYJl A~ to stretch. 10 lie stretched o ut. best.
CYJl AT- to th row do..... n, to knock do wn. to CY"PbInTAYllibI sorter.
fall. C"' PK.bIJl see CYPF b IJl T.

C YP KbIJl )lA H- c~n llA

CY PKbIJl IlAH- see C YPJl A H -. C9 J lll E H.ü lh eloq uence. talkativeness.

CY PK,bIR scoundrel, swindler, rogue. Ce HJl E- to spea k, to ta_Ik , to spc ak in pu blic ;
C~PF bIn T grayish . somewbat pal e. K,l' P .ilAJlAFA Ce HJ1EM to ta lk. idly.
C\c'CfA H· to frighten intention ally. to scare Caf1JlE M Jgram .{ sente nce : ... M YWECI
intentionally, to ass ume a fr ighte ning jgram.( pa n of the semence ; iKA H .. .
appeara nce. simple semence : KYPMAJlAC .. . com plex
C'tCTbl awe so me, fo rmi da ble, impressive. sent ence.
C~Cbl 6 AC· to inspire fear . c 8 î1J1EMnA3 see C8 3WEI-l.
CYK {F{· I) to hide ; 2) to p UI in ; 3) 10 p ut CeAJl EMWE (gram .{ phrase, expression .
thr ou gh , to push th rough , to thrust through , c efl:Jl EC- to converse, to agree witb .. . to .. ..
to fo rce thro ugh; K,On ... /fig./ to stea l, to 10 a rran ge ....-it h .. . 10 . . .• to talk wit h , to
pl under, 10 embezzle; Kon fo refinger, speak with .
ind ex f ingor. coanscvun interlcc utor.
CYKnA bolt, ba r. c e ft TI n ladv./ thus, in that way.
~K,nAJ1A- to shove about, to st uff into CeK millet.
d ifferent places. eeK Ir/- I) to rip , to rip ope n ; 2) to rep roach.
CYK,CbIP a variet y of wijd duck. to blame. to censure, to sco ld, to rep rove,
CY KChIP.ll.AW handsome or sta rely a s a wild to a buse.
d uek. C9KET rud e ma n.
CYKTA H- 10 loo k enviou sly, (0 envy, to feast CeKEJlET clurnsy. rude.
o ne's eyes, to he attracted . C9KCEYIJl species of plant (H alcx ylo n
CYKTAHD.hIP- to a ttract, to entiee . ammodendron), (Arthrophyt um a mmoden-
CYK,TAH YlllbI one who ad mires, e ne who drum), saxaul.
is éàvrous. e ak"TE- to pound millet in a morta r.
CYKKOJI see C YK KOJI . Ce Jl mear j uice .
CYH.KAP faken. ceJlEKET clumsy.
CYHKAP CAJl Y falco nry . CSJlEKElTEH- to beco me clurnsy.
~H.FAK, I ) faJcon; 2) ta ll but nor imposing, CS Jl EKETIlK- clurnsiness.
tall (of man). e S H· to go out (tire), to die out (fire ), 10 be
CY FAH A K 1) greedy, voracious ; 2) pu shing extinguished .
(of a man). CSH nIP· te p UI ou t, to ext inguish .
CYFAHAKTAH - 10 be greedy. CSHIUPrIW choke (o f a sam ovar).
O:'FAHAK TbI K I) greed, av idit y ; 2) pushing. CaH.UIPYlllI extinguisher ; aPT .. . fo rcma n.
CYFhIH- to pounce greedily up on the food . CeT- te rip, la und o, to unpick .
Ce n Jl- to get ripped (of a seam). CaTIJl- 10 get rippe d, to come undc ne .
canc reprima nd. reproach . blame; ... 6EP- covsrsamx prediction, foretelling.
to give a re primand . C;:l61 infa nt, ba by; .. . li AJl A infa nt .
c e nc- J) 10 scold one another, to abuse C;:l6 13 carrot.
e ne an other ; 2) to help to rip. c~î1r EJI gad fly.
ca3 word, speech; AYh13lliA .. . spoken edHKEC cortespo ndin g.
word s : )KA3ymA wn tten words ; e;:lHKECCJ 3AIK inadeq uacy, d isc re pancy,
JKEPrJlII KT I C831lEP local dial ects. dispanty. nonconfonnity.
ce3 liA FYW h l gossip (persen). C;:lI1KECT E- to brin g intc conformity, to
Ca 3 EPM EflTI H irrep roachable. co mbine .
ce3LUK dictiona ry. C;:lI1K ECfEJI- te co nfo rm , to ma tch, to
C93,UIH AflTblJlYbI pronuncia tien of a correlate, to correspond .
word . C~f! KECfEH- see C~ f!K EcrEJI -.
C9 3C13 1) silen t, speechless ; 2) unconditio naJ, C;:lI1K ECfI K conformi ty, correspondence,
absolute. un reserved1y, un questlo ningly; accordance.
... )f(YPE liEP ETlH (AJIAM) resigned . C~KI plank -bed .
Ca3CI3,UIK unconditiona lness, ab soluteness. G)Jl a li ttle, somewha t, slightly, IighUy ;
C83YAPJlbIK see C8 3II1EH)lIK. . .. )f(AK,ChIPAK, a little better ; ... F A H A
ce3mEH. eloq uent, talka tive, chatterbox, hardly , almost, nea rly.
babbler. C;:lJI,UA smal1 turban.

187 ..

c~nE M greeung, salute. CdITI luck y, successful, fortunate, effectiv e,

Cém EM AflT- to send greetings . happy.
CdJIE M DEP~ to greet. CdT! TY CnErEH un successful.
CaJlEMD.EM E present, gift. QYIlErEH see CA YIlArEP.
CaJlEMD EC- to greet, to exchange greetin gs. CaYIlEr EPJIlK see CAYIlA r EPJIl K.
• C'd H l} mn ket ; 2) elegance, grace, refinemen t,
~ being elegantly dressed, luxury. CaYEf B H. foreteller, soothsayer , prophester.
~ edH.o.E- to ade m, to deco rate, to dres s up C;;:}YEr eftJlIK Ioretelling, fo recast ing. pro-
tu.t, phesying ; ... I( ~ P- to prophesy, to foretell,
~ CaHAEH· to d ress UP. tu smarten. to preen ( 0 forecast.
~~ oneself lintr.l . CdY KEJl E I) old-fashio ned headdres s of a
..)./ Cd HAE HLUP. te adem. to decorat e, to make bride ; 2) /fig.! la mp-c h imney.
I- , auractive. CdY;lE ray, beam, radiance, au recle, hal o ;
"<./ QHIlEHYill l dandy. ... TY C- to shine, to bea m, to radiat e ;
ti'-ei: caazn dress y, smartly dressed . T AH CAYJlECl gleam of dawn.
I ' '.J caHn lK ademment . decoration, sma rtness CdYnEJII rad iant, gleam ing.
~ (in dressing). C~YJlEM laff.1 "little light of mine" .
Ca PMA- see CEPME-. CdYJlET 1) surface grandeur, port ent ousness ;
caPCEH 6 1 w ednesda y. 2) parade; ... e HEPI fine art, imitative art,
CdCKE late morning. .... architecture. ... e H EP MAM AHbl archi-
coc x sn nc TA MAK. lunch . tect.
CdT good luek, good Iertune. co nvenient Ca y JlETII majestic, grand, luxurie us. sump-
moment, opportune moment. ruous.
CaTEH satin. CdYPIK staltion (no t used as a sire).
C~HCB unlucky, unfortunate, unsuccessful. CdYIP !obs.! April.
CCJTCI3,aIK failure, Jack of success.

TAAK chair, stool. " TAliJI MUA tabie. .-
TAEiA 1) frying pan ; 2) malicieus jo)'; / TAEY ta boe. ban. rU
.Q"'llIllAHFA .. .. nOCK A KYJlKI TAE.l!!@§i. big family.
EiOJlMA Don't make your enem y happy TAIibI Jl pas ture with the grass cropped o r
and you r friend sad o browsed off (ea ten up).
TA6 AJlA- to feel mal icieus joy, to rejoice in TA6hIJI- I) to be, to he located , to be found ;
someone else's misfottune. 2) to find tbe right thing to say; 3) to walk
TAEAJI.QPbI K see TAEAH.QbIPbIK. fo~ a Jon g time , . '5'.1$ ' - -
TAEAJI.Qb IPbIK see TAEAH.QbIPbIK. TA:E bI@ I) to wötship ; 2) /6g./ 10 respect
TA6AJlMA· to fai l to find. - • highlr-:i ~n-'TKA .. . lobs.1 to wo rship idols.
TA6AH 1) sole of Ioct or shoe ; 2) a place T AEihIHYlllhlJlhlK a dmiration, wcrshi p.
submerged in wa ter in spring , sprin g ûood- Tft~EgÇQ} earnings, income, pr ofu, receipts :
plain; 3) !!!reshing.ftoor space ; 4) basis, @ achievement. success.
foundation. base ; lll AHA TA6AHbI TAEè!,Ç.- I) to meel togeth er, te come across,
runner ; .. . 6AJlbiK Izool.l crusian (carp), re en counter. to ûnd eacb other; 2) to make
bream. o rJ", Ol o .... do. pea ce ; 3) 10 j e in toget her lintr./: 4) to find
TAEA l-J.l!A the re and the n. its mothe r (of a la mb).
T AEAHM - 1) to persist, 10 tak e a firm stand, TAEblCKEe able to earn a living .
to hold one's ground; 2) to measure with TAEblqgr. 1) 10 ma ke peace (enemy
the foot. factions); 2) 10 cou ple (e.g. a ewe with its
T AliA H~- to strengthen. to consolidate stg. mate).
TAE AH.QPbl K. see TASAH.QbIPbIK. ./..1 TA EhIT coffin (case).
T AEA HJThI firm, sta bie. TAIibITillbI grave digger, co ffinm aker.
TAli AH1!bIJl hIK firmness, stabilit y. TAlibiFAT 3EPTTEYllII natural ist.
TA 6 AJ-UlhIPb lK. threshold , thresho ld of the TA)K corona, crown .
door of the feit tent. ':''':''-'Y; ,.2,- ,::'0 TA)KAJI 1) th e An tichrist : 2) a fright , a
TA6A ~ un stable. /", scarecro w: 3) furieus, violent ladj·l.
TAbAHÇh13.n.bIK Insta bility. TA3 bald pa tch, bald, bald fr om scabies,
TA6AK 1) dish. cou rse ; 2) cup (mug) , large mange, mangy.
cu p ; 3) shee t (paper steel). TA3A irreproacheble, heal thy, clea n, E.ea~
TA6 AK TAPT- 10 entertain a large number tidY: honest , tra nspa ren t. limpld. obvious;
of invited gues ts. CYTrEH AK.. C Y.ll.AH ... most he nest (of
TA6AK.T~D ET TAPT- to serve mea t (in a man); ... KAH arterial blood ;
large dishes). K8HIJl.UI AJlAM bonest man .
/ T AEAK:~ Eon- to eat together with T A3.d-M- to clean .
someone. T A3b1lAJj- to he clean ed, 10 he ev,uated.
/ T AliA~ food server, one who serves food TA3AJIAVillM clea ner, clean ser,
fro m a dish. TA3Ä{lAFb!!!J,.- to he able 10 clean, to c1ear,
TAIiA~- to he attached to, 10 he faste ned to purify. te rectify, to scrape off
te. TA3~!J1l means, tools for cleaning;
/ T A6EJlh tabie, time board. lI.dH ... gramcleaner.
/ TA6EJlhillI timekeeper. TA3MbI1S, cleanllness, nea tness, fineness,
/ T A 6HFA T nature. cleamess, bealtb.
/ TA611FM natura l, unsophisticated .
TA3AP- J) te he in good bea lth, to get well ;

2) to he stro ng, to be dura ble ; 3) to be made TAHFAK,TA- to avoid , to evade, to speek

clean, to he clea nsed, to be clean ; 4) to evasively.
become stro nger ; S) /fig./ to beco me fumly TAK CA fixed pr ice; ' . . IiEJl riJl E- 10 fix
estabIished, to grow rich. pnces.
TA 3~· te clea n. 10 brush. to comb, te / TAKC H taxi.
purge. I TAKT I) /mus./ time. rneasure : 2) cycle (of
TAlA... PTY W\>1 sec TA3AJ1AYWbi. engine) ; J) tact.
TA3bPTKbIIJ,l sec TA3AJ1AFbIW _ / TAKT HKA tact ics.
TA3ACbI H- to seem pure. re seem honést. I TAKTII KAJl b lK tactlc /a dj '/.
t r;.. bf,Co-V m3&~"""')) fine. smalI ; 2) low, inferior, ~n. / TAKTHK A Chl3 tactless. ,
t.!.-A~greyhound. borzoi (Russian species) or TAKIA a smalI, round ca p. -:i,)
Russian wolfhound, foxhound, beagle, a TA]] I) /bot./ ~ (Sa lix); 2) a Iittle bow
breed of dogs (used for hunting. who by ;;'.... on a girl's _plait: Jj fi~r: pièce . thing, trick :
scent find tbe animal) ; .. . )f(YrIPTY l..~ ~lP .. . mAm IdIm.1 hai r, fila ment ; DIP ...
hunting with hounds, the chase. !!fen one blade of gra ss.
TA3bIFbIP llT short-balred dog. TAll· 1) te he exhausted. to tire: 2) to faint,
'1,. I)- ~alt in his second year (spring); la lose consciousness : 3) to he caught un -
é 2) dawn; 3) püe, bale; DIP ... MAKTA aware and he struck speechl~s.
bale of eetton. ~ steppe (an extensive plain}.
\J::' TAA- to slip, to glide ; IKOllllAH IIiAFhlT- TAJlA· to dest roy. lo .a nnihila te. to p lun ~e r .
0' TAHI TA A..abl lfig.! he lost his way. ra tear, 10 tea r ro pièces, ro argue, to bite.
t> T~ A.~ r n one-year-old bull. ,,\: to ûght.
I . v,TA R1IAK, o ne-yea r-old camel. _ J - T AJIA~ a number, several. ra ther a lo t.
...>~ ~ ---:: - -- " " TAJI AH - to be thick.
T~~:;d~ H E mare with a nu rstng foaJ one T~.M A IÇ~- to buy like ho t cakes.
, -, l+'A - -r;nA ~l 'd TAllAH- to be rob bed, to he plun dered , la be
\0 l/ __ tl _ ~ c ra ..... . bi ( b ct )
J - AîinAK shallow, superficia l. ut en e.g ., y a og .
I TA ~ n " "A ' k ibe -
~~~. Ia la e h rt res with, to lee
- ' I TAJlA H fortune. success, Iate.
TAJIAH.TAPA:IK ro bbery.
ree. . .. . TAJIAHLlbf fo rt unate , successful.
p.- {\ ~.-, TAA CAJl - -- to avoi d, to act indecisively. TAJl AH T Ia Ien t .
00>,..':-":1::) TAA ~. 10 co ntradiet. to get into an TAJlA HTC bf3 medi ocre, untalented.
argument. TAJIAH TT bl tatented, gifted.
s.,,\ tI' •
TAAT~JJt\ ~. 10 walk bow-Iegged .
TAJIAH TTbIJl bIK natura l endo wment, gifts.
t'", 'CTAJl@. I) dema nd, request, desire, requisi-
TAATAHJlA. see TAflTAlIAHJlA-. J -< tion ; 2) purpose. initiat ive ; 3) suit (law),
t5~ TA AbI- to slip, to make a misstep. .-"'\:: claim.
"'\ 7 ~A.~ ~ ) sha llow,. sha llow water ; 2) {fig.; ) ? TAJ1~I1!<EP I) aspiring, full a f init iative :
") / ~ ...h~ supérficial. dull-~IUed (of a ma n) ; "?\\~\;) 2) pretender. "aspira nt, plaintiff, the
e3EH a sballow nver. petitioner.
'J...\,t .....j TA Ah I3LlAH- to get shallo w. . f \)( _ •• J\.;: TAJ1@ OO lacking in init iatlve, withou t
~.t-, lr- " TAIlbI3!1bIK shallo wness. ? r purpose.
\., t , ,,, TAAh IH- re he ashamed, ta feel timid ; TAJl AnTAH- I) to crave to feel a wish or
a ll TAA bIH~D.bI he was no t asharned, c3~;-,"'an ~ge; ~i) to seek. to 'pretend to, to la y
he was no r timid . .1)'-:- :<. d aim to : 3) to display initiat ive.
TAAhIH UIA a one -year-ol d calf. s~"". ~~. TAIl6.!JTbI aspiring. striving, yearning, fuU
TAA KAPJIA f1 )fCIrIT adult, a grown djigit 'i)--: of Initia rive.
(skilled horsema n). Yf~y"~TAJl nTbIJlblK. purposefutness, aspira tion ,
TA AKAK Indecisive, vacillating. / inclinatIon .
TA AK.h l sloping, fla t : .. . MAHDAA with a 1,)\ T~ I) argument, debate, discussion.
sloping farehead . t.h ~ dispute ; 2) suit (law):-"'lZ- ";'-:.s'./ ..
,,(1...... ~"f TAA~_ ta slip. . ~.,-.f-/ TAJl AC- I) ta dispute. to a rgue, ta q uarre l
) TAfiFAHAK, see TAA FAK. J 'p (witb);ll la lay d aim:ll ta fight , to t,,:n~c
TAAFAK slippery . (e.g.• of dogs). "';1-- "f


TAJIACC b l3 indisp utable. mdisputa bly. meces. 10 crus b. 10 destro y, 10 pound . to

. ~ TAJlAY )) plun der. robbery ; 2) Imed./ make smalt.
/ erysipelas. malignant a nthrax (in ho rses) : TAJlKAHnA Y devast ation, ha voc.
J) ugly face. a fri gbt : . .. T l1f1· io suffer TAJl K b l 1) tarm ing, pressing (a hide whieh is
from malignant anthrax (o f ha rses). being d ressed. for exarnple) : 2) device for
) T AllAYlIIbl ro bber. ba ndit. burgla r. pressing hides. a brake : 3) discussion. study
u TAJlAK I) spleen ; 2) divorce : 3) pa rade (of a problem).
4) pr opagation ; ... ET· J) to agree la TAJIKhlJ1A· 10 ta n skins .
divc rce (o f a spouse) ; 2) lo bs.! to reno unce. TAJlKh IJlA C- to ta ke pa rt in the elaboration
10 rep udiate. an d discussion of some questio n.
Y\..> T AJl ,ll.A · I) to separate into buns ; 2) /fig.( to TAJI K b InD,A - I) la press (a hide in a bra ke,
an alyze. to dissect . for example) ; 2) to analyze, to disc uss, to
..,;,j,\> TAJI,Ll.AHrbIlli analytical. elaborate.
} y\:>TA JlD.A Y analysis ; rPA M M ATHKA JlbIK, TAJl K,hIJIhl ta nned lea ther.
; ." fgra m.! pa rsm g anal ysis. TAJIFA· 1) to be legible ; 2) la be discrimi-
TAJl Llbl p· I) t o exhaust, to reduce to a state nating, to be exactlng, to be scrupulous, 10
of unco nsciousness, t~a LOU~; / 2) 10 choose the best.
tbicken (feit with c1oth). v;~ p;:;-' TAJlFAMAf1Th IH indiff eren t ladj .j.
TAJlD. b IPMAlli thin, delicate, slight; TAJlFAY Jlbl lIIbl PA l1 Igram .j comparative
EPECEK teenager who has nol become degree .
physica lly srronger yet . v-rV):J TAJl FA YC bJ3 indifferent (a dj.. short form),
TAll MA :>KJr IT a weak djigit (trick rider). it doesn't matter, it's a ll the same.
TA J1MA TYC (high) noon . TAJI FAK., desire, whim , eraving (in women at
TAJlMAf1 tirelessly ladv./ . the beginning of pregnancy).
TAJlMACfAH tireless ladj.j . TAM I) wall ; 2) ho use ; 3) mud hut Ilocal
TAJlM AYCbIPA- 1) to he taken a bac k, to term) : 4) buria l ground ; ... yf1 stone
tose one's composu re : 2) Ifig.1 to freeze ; house, brick ho use.
lKY PErJ M TAJlM AYChI PAn KETTI TAM· to drip, to fall in drops.
my eyes are clouded. TAMAH postpos itio n denoting towa rds, in
TAJlnAK. th ickset. stock y, of sho rt stature the direction of.
(ma n) ; ... b AC- /lKAJl n AK bAC-/ flat- T AMA llJA ent er tainment. amusement, show ,
bead (de rogatory). spectacle, rema rk a bJe, fine, spec ial: ...
TAJl nbIH· 1) to tr y to walk (of an infant) ; C~llY EKEH (it seems) very beautiful or
2) to werk for a purpose or towa rds a fine.
cert ain goa l; 3) to try 10 free oneself from TAMAlIIAlllhlJllo ver of spectacles o r sho ws.
ca ptivity . TAMAK, 1) food, nourishmen t. meal, dinner,
TAJlTAK, straig htened, smoothed o ut, spread; dish, course; 2) throat (sla ng), gu ller ; 3) hair
wide. J-s;r, .o. J on the camel's neck ; .u bAY coüplmg strap,
~ ' TAJJTAHJI.A· I) to wal k with one's legs wide thongs of a ho rse co Ua r Ipl./ ; ... EE3
~J ' a pa rt ; 2) Ifig.1 to bc complacent, to bc self- thyroid gland; ... KE HE- ro hint at plees ure
suff icient, smug, or presuming. or diepleasure by a "hem" sound (after a
TAJlTYC see TAJlMA TYC. meal) ; ... CY fresh water; ... CIHlPI
.f TAJlWhI K,TbI 3AT fibro us stuff (ma teriai). digesti on; ... HIJ· to tak e nourishment;
TAJlbiC a smalt bag of hide. ... vA restaurant.
TAJJbIK,· J) to get tired; 2) to he th irsty, te TAM AKT AH S El- to tese appetite.
thirst for. TAMA K,TAH K,AJlllb l he has sto pped
TAJIbIKC- to he semi-conscio us. eat ing (from illness).
TAJIK,AH oa tmeal, oat flour, ho me-made TA MAKCAY voracious, impatient with re-
groats, gri ts , rood (thiek porridge) tnade of speet to rood .
groat s : KYJl - SOJl- /fig./ to he bea ten to TAMA K,TA- to catch by the throat , to
a pulp ; TAC- bOJlhJn AillYJlAH- /fig.{ s trangle.
to get violently angry; .. . K,bIJ1· /fig.j 10 TAMAKTAH- to feed (oneself'), to eat .
crusb, to destroy . TAMAKTAHil,hIP- to feed .
TAJIKAHJ].A- to pulverize, to smas h to TAMAK.Tbi one who bas a good a ppetite.


TAMAKlII A necklace, beads. TAHbIJl- te he recogn lzed, to he subject to

, ---{ T A MBA scat. analysis, to become known ; )KA3YhI
TAMSAJl pan ts . )l(AMAH EKEH TAHbIJlMAJ],bl it was
TA MEH,rI Y3IK feit covering the grating of written carelessly a nd it wou ld he impo ssible
a feit tent. to try to read it.
TA MCAH· to smack one's rips. TAHbIMJ).l1 k.n o~'O, .....ell-known, familiar.
. "
TAMThIK. rggs, ta uers . ;..I_/o...., ~ TAHhlC an acquamtance.
TAM-lYM rarely,-infreq uently. sometimes, in TAHhIC- to ma ke Iriends witb, to mak e the
an insignificant amount. acquaintance of; ME H ICn EH TAHb IC-
TAMYK sec TA M\' K,. ThIM I'rn familiar with the case, I kn ow
TAMlIIhl drop. a bout tbe ma tter.
TAMlllhIJlA- to drip, to dribble. TAHhIcrbI P- to acquaint with , to introduce
TA MillbIJlAT- to pour by the drop. 10.
TA MbI3 J uJy heat, heat; CAPIlIA ... summer TAHblCHbIK acqu alntance. retatic ns,
(very ho t tim e). familiarity with.
TAMb l3- I) W peur o ut dropby drop, ro drip ; TAHblK famiJiar.
2) t o kindie th e ûre.
TAHhIF hl llI who lea rns easily (with a good
TAMbl311bIK splinter, erop, chips, kin dling
visual memory ).
wood; . .. AFAll a chip or splinter used fot
ligh ting .
TAn j 6/ 1) class (of society); 2) imprint, print ;
3) hea t. warmth ; 4) exactl y, just; liECIK
TAMbI3hlK (Fomes pinicola).
l'AMhl3 Fh l sec TAMhl3hI K. TA 6 bI KETn ErEH /Iit./ (He still has the
TAMblJDK- I) to ge t ctou dy (o f the wea ther); merks of the erad ie on him ). inexperie nced,
2) to he h umbie o r mild. very young, still wet behind the ears ; . ..
TAM bIP.J) (tiend, co mrade; 2) roo r . ö) blood COJl.QAO ju st sueh ; ... e OJ] j ust this ;
vessel ; .. . :lKE M. C planrs with edible root s; ... )f(AYhl class enemy .
... CA6AK rh-izome; -.:.:- KcYPYc y cramp, TAn / 6/. I) to find, to find a way, to find
spasm, convulslon : ... ~crA~ la check the a ppropriate means; 2) to get. to proc ure,
put se. to acquire ; 3) to earn a living ; 4) to guess a
TAMblP-TAHbI C friends and acquainta nces. riddle ; 5) to ma ke a discovery; AKh IJI . ..
TA MbIP.LJ;dPI medicina l root. to find the right way out; liAJlA .. . to give
TAMbI PJlAH- I) to he friends ; 2) to put out birth to a child; ... 6 EP~ to auack, to
root s. threaten ; .. . 6011- to meet accidentally , to
TAMhI PJlAllI. to he friends. bump int o unexpectedly; )KAH;AJl b lK,-
TAMbIPJlblK, token of friendship (gift). TAP ... to make new discoverles.
TAMhI PllIbIK. friendship. /' TAn·TAK,b IP comp letely bare (without vege-
T AMhIPbIH :>K:VJlY uprooting. tation).
TAMXK heli. TAnA Irying-pan. (S~ TA6A .)
TAM FA bran d, mar k (on cattIe). TAilA- to trample something.
TAH- I ) to deny, to refuse, to give up. to TAilA3 topaz.
deny oneself ; 2) to identify, to recognlze : TAnAJllow. short (a rnan's height).
OH AJ1TK,.A HhIHA H TAHllh l he re- TAilAJlTAK. undersized.
. yf tra cted (went back on his word). TAnAl111IA undersized.
../ TAHA I) !!l ~r-of·pearl; 2) young cow. TAnAHllIA pistol .
TA HA- I) to exploit ; 2) to cut. to slit, to clip. TAnJKhlJlMAYl never a bsenting oneself,
to prune. ever present .
rAHAn size of a sq uare of area . plot of TAn)f(bIflM AATbIH ever present , never
grcun d. a bsent.
TAHAY nostril. TAnChl 3 c1assless; ... K.OFAM classless
TAH AY KAK IF/- Ifig.1 10 suffocare, 10 be society.
short of brea th. TAn ChI P- te entrust . to han d over, to
TAH,llA- [0 cbcose, to elect. to select. deliver, to entrus t for safekeep ing, to
T AHY cognition. commission, to c harge with, to mortgage.
TAH hl- to recognize , to learn, to kno w. TA nChlPMA instructi ons, co mmisslon , job.

T An ChlPY lllhl TAPT .

T A nChI PYllIb l boss. foreman ü he ma n TAPA H- to do onc's ha u . 10 ha ve o ne' s harr

gîvi ng inslructions). done ; 2) lfi ~./ to fix oneself up .
TAnT A- to trample, to ha mmer, to werk, TAPA n side
to spoiI, to tra mple down (i.e .• crops) to TAPA C- I) to comb stg. toge the r ; 2) to pan,
ham mer ou t, to flatten (iron). la separa te. to branch alf, to radiate; 3} to
TAnT AC· 10 sepa ra te into special gro ups. get divorc ed. to disagre e, te dissolv e.
TAnTACTb I P~ t o classify, to group. T APAT - to spread . to disperse. to disstpar e,
TAnTATKb l3- to force. to tra mple (throug h to sca ner, 10 thro w about, 10 spend, to
a third persen). . dissol ve, to melt, to undo, 10 dismiss ;
/ TAnT hIPT· to force to find stg. (throu gh a TAPA Thln )l(UiE P- to dissolve, to undo,
third person ). to disperse. la dismiss ; TAPATbln IiEP-
TAnT hIK class ladj./ : ... IiA3A class basis. 10 dis tri bete. te dispen se.
TAnll lbI loss. deficit, insuffic ient, meagre . TA PA TYWb l sprea der. dispen ser.
insigni ficant. TAPA Y J) spur of a ridge ; 2) tributa ry (of a
TAnll ibIn AH - to becorne insignifica nt or river); 3) region. realm; 4) sectio n, ebapie r.
scarce. TAPA K, combo
TAnW bl nbIK.l ack, sbortage, scarcity. TAPA MH cockro ach.
/ TAnblP-T~ n hIP ono mato poeia fot a heavy TA PA KK~1·1PbI K sand go pher.
trampi ng. TAPE AH· to be diligent.
TAnK AK competitive song. T APIiA KA frog, toad .
TAnK,h13 see TAn" hIP. TAPE AFAH mountain marmor.
TAnK bIP reso urceful, shar p, quick- witted . T APEb lfI- to stick out.
TAnK ,hI PJlbl K. reso urcefulness. TAPE J]KA pla re.
rxnxsnu sec TAn" h1P. TAPI1 X hist o ry.
rxnx uurr u« see TAn" hIPJlh I". TAPI1 XI1 histor ically.
TAP cra mped, light , na rrow, thi n, fine ; TA PI1XllI l historian .
... >KEP lfig.f ligh t spot , difficui t positio n, TAPJI AH gray (cclor of a horse ),
difficul t circum stan ces : Illfl ... A)1AM TAPJlA Y I) virgin soil ; 2) a rnead ow with
envious man ; TE PICJ ... AD.AM irritabl e grass of vari ed colors.
man; VA ..., Ch IPT KAP Where cao J go? TAPJI bl K tightne ss, cru sh .
!Iit.! (it' s crampe d in the ho use bu l snowin g T APM AH white with yellow circles . like
outside). a pples (colori ng of a horse) .
TAPA - I) to scratch, ta comb, to harrow. t ö TAPM AK. I) point, station , item, parag raph ;
turn (hay), to ra ke ; 2) expand , te multip ly. 2) branch (large). divisio n, o ffshoot .
10 spread, 10 disperse, la scatter. TA PMAK ll AH- la blossom out, t ó o pen (of
TAPA 3bl I) Orion (constell .) ; 2) scales. plants).
balance ; 3) !o bs.! the end of summe r ; TAPM AXTA HY ra mifica tion .
the fro nt legs (of harses,
4) somew ha t thin; TAPA 3hl HbIH Ka31 TA Pn - to figh t with
pan of a balance or scale; TAPA3bIHb IH. ca mels ).
OFbl langua ge of scales; TAPA 3bIHh JH T APnA H rr APnA H/ wild horse {Equus
KOJlb l the bea m of a balanc e ; TA PA· Prjeval sky): . .. AT a horse tha t has n' t been
3bIFA CAJl - to weigh . bra ken in.
TAPA ft- la get narrow, 10 get tigbt, to get TAPe knoc k. bang ; .. . ET· 10 knock, to bang
crampe d . la udly, to po und .
TApc· T~ PC cruekling.
TAPA JlFbl stirru p strap .
TAPA M branc bing, ramification . TAPC blJl bang. crash.
TAPA M-TA PAM ram ified, sepa rating into T APCb IJl )lA- to ba ng, to crash.
ban ds or stri ps, branchin g alf o n all sides. TAPC hIJlLlA rat tle, ra ttling.
TAPA MD.A- to un wind (for example, a rope), TAPT- I) la dr ag, to pull, to haul, to drag out,
la extra ct, la derach fibers (i.e., a tendon ). to he a carrier ; 2) 10 delay; 3} to smoke :
TAPA MD.AH · la ramify. to branch o ut o n 4) to offer a gift or enter tainment ; 5) to
weigh ; 6) to move, 10 advan ce, 10 make
alp si
lA h
M '
· C d ) b . . one' s way towa rd s : 7) 10 jein, 10 tie ; 8) 10
TA ten on, SlnCW, owstn ng, vem
fiber, lacing. assume an aspect, colo r or farm, to he like

TAPTAP T , 1"; flA

someo ne: 9) to experience, 10 live through. l 2) to become narrow; 3) lfig./ 10 sr;,..ut, to

10 survive; 10) to ea ll to acco unt , 10 make grudge, 10 be stingy.
(someone) an swer fo r ; 11) 10 play (a TA PhLnT- to d ry up, to ma ke light o r n ~ cow .
musical inst rum ent) ; 12) to castrate, to geld : TAPbiK chr o nology.
KOn b l MHAH pull me by the hand ; TAPbi K /FJ· to he sad, to grieve. [0 -ce m
APK,A HM EH to drag witb a lasso : need, 10 need, ro suffer.
K0 11 OK. ".. 10 sboot from a bo w: )KYK TA PK,A- I) to part, to sepa rat e, 10 he div...- A ...ed.
(KIPEf ... to he a carrier ; ... ! TAPT ! G o to disagree : 2) te disperse. to scatte-" (fo r
away! ; TA PT b in All- to tak e away, to example, o f a cloud).
am puta te, to wean ; Ch IP lfig.' 10 find TAPKAJl . to he disemangled. te he ..." tied
out a secret ; ChI PJIbIK. to present a (of rope or ya m ).
gift ; TA1lhIAA TAPh I3h lFA ... 10 we igh TAPKA.C· 10 part, 10 sepa ra te. to d i~e:e·
o n a scale; IIIb lJl bIM ... to smoke to bacco: to brea k up, to sca ner, la untie. ro- dis-
A3An .. . 10 suffer, to he torme nted : entangle.
COTK,A . " fleg.f 10 sue ; AHbI n .. . la TAPK,b In)lA· fderog.f to lau gh wüdlv a nd
pay a fine. loudly, to guffaw.
TAPT AP lan drail. TAPK,b In)lAK, /derog./ one who guffa W"'~
TAPTAP EEH.HET KE unfort unat ely. TAPFAK. /zool./ jack-snipe . csteppe bird
TAPT rIA 1) the front saddle-girth : 2) swampy. T APFblJ1 tiger col or (o f ca tt le)..__ ,--_C7J
- .vne~
marshy area; 3) sliding drawer ; .. . 6AY TAC stone : ACblJl ... gem. preci eus l .. en '
/m«: h./ brake, brake rod, tra ce. dK ... limesto ne ; .. , liA YblP p Î t ;'~ ;
TAPTY I) weights (fo r scales), clocks : .. . &EK beads, rosa ry : ... IiyA, PEK rr ,
2) cra mp, convu lsio n: 3) donation, giving , hardy, e nd uri ng (of harses), ha rd.h~fted
presenting. gift ; TA&A K TAPTYillhl (of man ) : .. . )l(OJl a paved higJ'l- .ay;
offering ent ertainment (a course) : KD J h l .. . )KYPEK 16g.{ heartless ma n (hu .... ' of
T APTYllIh I gelding lam bs. sto ne): .. . K8M IP fK8M Y Pf coa t -
TA PTbIJI- I) 10 d rop . to reeede. ro a ba te ; K8MI P KEH OWAFhl coa l mines -
2) la be drawn, la he at tracted: COTKA ... CAJl· 10 vote ; .. . CAJl Y ba lle t, po ll, .o ce:
la he put on trial. TA6 AK plate; .. . TY3 roc k ....ut;
TA PTbrnY shoaling, shallowing (getting WA 6 YllIhi stone-cutter ; ... Wb I FoJ···AH
shall ow). (zooLI m id&e."" gnat : .. . K,AJ FAH q u.-· ry,
TAPTbIM.Qh l I) pleasant, well-mannered stone -pit : .. ' K~ M hl / K.Y- MY/ sand"t;;..;.oe ;
(man ) ; 2) streng, ha rdy. ... Yi) a sto ne ho use, a brick h~~~;
... YCAT Kbl 1li ma chine for brea king ~,. Nne
TAPTbIH· I ) to resisr, la back Up. to pull
(stone crus her ). L.:. ~
against t he reins (i.e., of a camel); 2) 10 TAC: -If iö- bea r. to co nvey. to tra nsfe-" W
a void, 10 shirk, to not take pa rt; 3) to he haul ; 2) la overflow, to spilt ove r the .•~ge ;
afraid 10. t
3) /fig./ la get co nceited, 10 get too bi'}' .o r
TA PTbl HIlIAK I) lazy (of anima ls w hen they one's breeches; TA Chln dKET. te ,:._ (ry
are slow to respo nd to the rein) ; 2) indecisive,
, id ( f away :
ce 3 ... to gossip .
um t 0 a ma n). TACA shade, screen, cove r.
TAPTbI C· to a rgue, Ia srru ggle, to luigate. TACAJIA - 1) to sha de, 10 cov er, 10 c o n c~ ,·d;
10 light. 2) la hide one self bebind something, to !rOOk
TAPThlC fight, clash . skirmish : TAJlAC-.. . for refuge.
litigation of sides. TACAJlAH. to co ncea l onese lf, 10 hide ~ ""'J.nd
TAPTKbIJlA- to dr ag, to pull. to de lay, to someone. b~ heltd
pro long. / TACIi AKA fzooL/ turt le, tortoise .
T APTY JlA H- la ma ke peace. I TAC 6 AYhI P a ha rd man /Iit./ (Iiver of "r,.,......,.:) ·
TAPWh lJl bl K sbc rtege, lack : K8 HIfl stm ~1è rosa ry.
TAPllIbIJlb lFhI /fig.1 envy, jealousy. / TAC K8 MEP co al.
TAPbl 1) Jbol./ millet {Pa nicum miliaceum) ; /TACK9 MIP 6ACCEH H [ coal ba sin. d al
2) a dish prepa red Irom millel t fried millet. '" f ields.
but nol kasha}; .. ' bOTKA miUet gruel. <'::: J AC n A ta pe (belt, stra p) lace of d r~"<O'...,;.d
TAPbiJl· \ ) to shrink. ro dry up , 10 shrivel :
leat her fo r scwe
~'i > f: ll

194 (/'~

TACnAJlA· to sew with a co rd or lace of TATY friendship , friendty, peaceful.

dressed leather. TATYJlAC· to mak e peace .
TACnAJlbIK K AÜblC dressed leather Ior a TATYJl ACfhl p· to rec oncile (op ponents).
lace (strap). TATYJlACfbIPY1IIb1 a rb iter, referee, go-
TACnAill jzoo1./ tadpole. r __ between.
\ ;"v \
,1) :"- >T A CTA -_ to throw, to cast.
(J / r <- TATYJI hlK friendshi p. peaceful, friendly
~ \)TACTA l1 hard as rock. ('vI relations.
J TACTAM : TAJlK, TACTAM lKE P an in- TATYJI hIK,IlEH TYp· te live peacefully in
significant distance [liL! (th e distance a friendship.
;Ylr. stick can be t hrown). TA ThlM AJI with an aflertaste, spoiled (of
TACfAMA EAY ta pe for the doormats of a kum iss).
feIt hut. TAThIP /TAThlP lKEPI san marsh.
TACTATK,hI3- see TACTATThIP-. TAThlp · to treat, to en tertain.
J'>/ T ACTAK rocky, stony place. TAThIPAYhlH steppe grass, prairie grass .
)U / TAcrbl stony, rocky . . '1 TATYJIA · to consent, to CODeur.
y'v TACThlPK,A H tablecloth. .y . TAY mountain, mountain(s) ; )KAHAP ...
.s- /" TACY overland transport, transport by land. volcano; TECIK .. . fai ry tale mountain:
/ TACYIIlbl Ierryman ; )KYK ... cabdriver. ACKAP ... the highe st mo untain ; 113EEK
carrier, drayman; ~T---,-=--,-_mailman. TAYJIAP mountain range ; . .. AJIK,bIMbI
IAçmbI bricklayer, mason. foot of a mo untain, foothill; ... EAChI
y TAChI- (f) to he vain-:tQ grow conceited ; helght, elevation, top of a mountain; ...
~ ,.-:i ':® to accum ulate; Q) to rise, to increase (of EeKTEPI foo thills; . .. ETEn foot of a
,):~...", water); @) to overflow, to transport, to mountain ; )KAH l. IJIl.I Mhl alpine
remove, to take across, to carry, to convoy. meadows ; ... )KhlHblCbI rock Iayer. rocks,
TAChIMAJl I) transport. moving, trans- mineral beds ; KE3rJ W mountain
ferring; 2) fgram ./ division into syllabies. climber ; ... MACfEP mine boss; . ..
TAChIMAJI)),A· 1) to tr ansfe r, to transport, CA Fb l3 Ibot./ ta wsaghi z (Scorzonera taw-
te take across; 2) /gram./ to divide by saghiz) a ru b ber-bearing plan t ; ... CIJIEMJ
syllables (in writing). spur (of a ridge) ; ... TAPMAF b l SP Uf (of a
TACbIMAJI.Il; AY transport (transportation). ridge) ; . .. TACKbIHbl mountain stream
moving, transferring. or torrent ; . .. TEKE wild goat; ... TECIFI
TACbIMAH transport, moving. ca ve; . .. TaEECI top of a mountam ; . ..
TAChIH · to transfer, to move one's things. ... IIIhll{hl peak ; . .. K,hIPKAChI table-Jand.
TACbIP din, th under, c!atter (of harses). / mesa; ... Khl..RChl hillsid e, slo pe; ElHK ...
TACbIP·T~ CbIP loud, frequent clatter. high mountain; bOPJlbl .. . /geol./ cretace-
TACbIP A llAM /fig./ a baaster, a braggard . O US mountain; KAP sn owcapped
TACbIPAH- to swel1 (of the stomaeh), to mountain.
protrude, to bulge (of the eyes). TAYAH patience, endurance, pcrseverance.
TACbIPAHJlA· /fig./ to he co nceited, to TAYAnIIIblJl a pilgrim.
swagger . TAY AP go ods, merchandise.
TAChIPJl A· to ring ou t, to pound (of a TAY.llAH AK,K.AH li~JIAK. moun ta in
streng clatter or beating, to resound, to stream, brook.
thunder. TAYAbI )KEP mountainous co un try .
T AChlPKAf1. puffed up, conceited . TAY,UblH. EAChI top of a mountain.
TACIQ>IH 1) high water, overflow; 2) /fig./ a TAYl1.blH, EAYPY foot of a mountain.
co nceited man, a man who ha s put on airs. TAYAhl1-\ ECHECI see TAYAh II-\ 6AYPY .
TACK,bIH)),A· /fig./ to he conceited, to he TAY):{hIH. ETEn foothill .
vain, to he puffed up. TAY,UhIH )KOTAChI spur ofa ridge.
TAT /TOT, TOAI rust. TAY·KEH KdCI61 mine Industry.
TAT· 1) to try, to tast e (food or drink ); 2) to TAYJIbI mountainous.
sweeten; 3) to have an aftertaste, to go bad. TAYCAFhI3 see TAY CAFh13.
TATAP Tatar. TAYCTA- to shout, to make noise.
TAlTbIp· to let (someone) have a taste; TA YCfA C· to shout at each ether, to dispu te,
.Il;AM ... te treat, to entertain. to quarrel, to argue.


TAYC YJl · to run OU4 to finish, to die, to TAKJ lhIP see TAFJl bIP.
come to an end, to termin ate, to expire. TAKJI A K, competitive so ng. declam ation,
TAYll IhlJl mo untai n climber. recitan ve (pu blic read ing o f a certain type
TAYb ln AflT· to talk seuse. o f litera rure in verse).
TAY bIC· to end, te finish , 10 exha usr, 10 TA K,n A K,T A· to speak a rt iculately. to
spe nd. declaim . /
TA YbICb IlI· to co me to an end, to terrninate, TAK,C hlP mister. master , gentlem an , sir.
to run le w, te run short, 10 dry up. TAKT A 1) board. plant. slab; 2) bed (of' pla nts
TA YbIK, hen, chicken ; .. . AChlP AYllih l or flo wers).
poultry -breede r ; ,.. AChIP AYUIh lJIblK, TA K,TA llIA H brick tea (tea co mp resse d in
poultry -breed ing ; ... e CIPYllJIJIJK see shape of a brick) .
... ACbIP AYWb IJlbIK . TAX,T Afilhi n board. planking .
TAYbI K,TblH , EAJIA nAH bl chicke n. TAK,TA f~ TIJl ET IH 3AoO. u sa wmil l.
TA Ybl K,UJbl pou ltry-breeder. TAK,TA H TI Jl ET IH MAW HHA sa wm ilt.
TA YKblM ET adversity. results. afterm at h, TAK,T A HJl A- I ) 10 cover o r trim with boards .
conseq uences ; TAYK,bI METI H TAPT- te la lay (a floot) ; 2) Ifig.1 to srnoot h. to
reap the fruit s of one's act ions . fla tten, to sp read .
TAYK~.LlPET name of a marsh bied (of the
TAKT A K Iw oLI woodp ecker.
snipe family) , co rnmon sni pe. T AKYA aseene. asceric ism, sta te of sa nct itr..... -
TAYF">'IlPE T see TAYK ">'IlP~T . (boliness). -
TA W KblP see TAWK bIJl. TA K,Y AJlbiK asceticism.
TAllln bIK, rosa ry. TAKb IJl-T\C KhIn a meagre a mou nt of so me-
TAWK blJl high dilf. thing, sbortage, insufficiën t ladj.I, sca nt
TAJI· to prop up; KYH óATY FA
ladiJ. ,
K,AJl.l lbl close to sunset. TAK,hIJl.LlA· I) la speak loudly ; 2) to knock ,
TAJiH - to hope , to leao on, to lean upon; la chauer t teeth).
6Y ftIP . .. to put one's arrn s akimbo : TAKb lJlllAK APEA cart o n a woode n raad .
KYH o ATYF A TAJlH )]bI a little time TAKh IJl.lIAK KICI cha rterbox (man).
remairre d befare sunset. TAKb IJlllAT - to knock, to hamme r ; oJPEY
TASlH bIW I) door-ja mb . doo rpost : 2) EC IK TAKh lJlLlArsm T\cP someo ne's
su ppo rt. knocki ng at the door.
TAJlY prop, suppo rt; MAfA H ... OTblPLlbl TAKh IM rhe inner part of the th igh, inside
he sa t nea rer me . of tbe knee joint ; TAKb lMFA EAC-
TAJl K I) fathom (7 f t.) : 2) cane, stic k ; .. . I ) l obs.! la piek ou t a horse fo r o nese tr; ( 0
TACf AM )KEP distanc e one ca n throw a receive the horse intended by one's fat her ;
stick (close) ; o l PLlEYLII H TA R f blH 2) to grip un der the knee (in tric k riding) .
COK- to defen d someo ne : . .. )KE· te he TAK,b IM)lA- 10 press, to foll ow close ly a fter.
beaten . TA Kbl P-T ~ K.hI P cnomatopoeia for rum -
TAJlK TA- I) to beat with a stick, to flog blin g, a crash .
with a slick, te beat ; 2) to measure so me- TAKb IP AT a horse with sca bies, a ma ngy
tbing by the sagene (ol d Russian measure barse.
equal 10 seven feet). TAKb lP oAC hairles s (bald).
TAK, I) odd numbe r ; 2) thro ne. TAK,hIP >KEP grassless land.
TAK IF/- 10 at rach, 10 pin. 10 faste n, 10 hang, TAKb IPAH- to be denu ded (o f vegeta tio n),
to sew, Ia bu tton o n; aCEK ... 10 give false la be barren .
info rmatio n about someo ne : TAKT AH TAKb IPLlA- see TAK,bIPJlA- .
T A H - 10 be depose d. TAKb IPLlA H- see TAKb IPJl AH -.
TAK,-T~K scarcely, hardly : ... )l{ETTI it was
TAK,h IPJl A- l) la tram pJe the gra ss, Ia ma ke
scarcely sufficie nt. bar e, to de nede . to strip: 2) to clean out.
TAM I) pièce of cloth; 2) heel. to pu rge , to rem ove.
TAKA · la mo ve in close, to come alongs ide o f. TAX,h IPJl A H - I) 10 becorne naked , to becom e
TAK,An · la ap proxim ate, Ia ap proach , to he bar e ; 2) to ear up the grass: 3) 10 beco me
moved ctoser to so merhin g, to rest ta gainst flat , to beco me even.
TA K b IPUIA K salt ma rsh .

TA K.b IPbIn TErEIll

TAKhiPbin tbe me. to pic. There' s nothm g la he surprised about.

TAKblPblnTbI about. o f ; CO.rl ... abcu t TAHKAJl · (a he a mazed, la he su rp rised.
this. TA HKhl lurned u p, pug (of a nose).
TAJ<,blPb l n lll A sub-to pic. TAHKbIH · I 1 ro he turned up (of a nose) ;
TAKb iC I) twig, the curve in the slem of the 2) te he CUI sho rt (of a moustache) .
pu rple willo w: 2) /fig.' man making eau stic TAH,KhlJl D.A· I t to pound, to rumble (for
rem arks. example. of a cart) ; 2 ) /fig./ la speak in a
TAH. J) dawn, daybreak , sunset: 2) the back loud booming voice.
part of the thigh; 3) lace: .. . AITb I it is TAH,F b IIll TAH,bIllJ 1) swaddling..c lo thes ;
daylight ; .. . liIJlIH- to begin 10 dawn ; .. . 2) the tape which ties tagether the parts af
I>03Ap· to dawn, ... CA Pbl moming, dawn , the grate of a feit hut.
daybreak, dawn, sunset ; CEPI daybreak ; TAFA a ho rsesboe .
. .. CdPI dawn, sunset; CdPJJ1E before TAFAYl bIHD.A.. to ap poinl.
daybreak : .. . lIIonn AHbI moming star ; TAFAHbIHD.AJl. 10 be appointed, ro be
TA HD.A ear ly in the morn ing ; TA HJlb l ass igned .
K9 3EiEH ATbl p· to spend the nigh t until TAFAJlA· 10 shoe ( a horse).
mo rni ng ; TAHJlhI TAH.FA KOCY a ll TA FAJlAH- la be shod (of a horse).
night lo ng ; ATThl ... AC hIP- to put a TAFAJl b I shod.
horse to rest until mo m ing; 9CEKKE .. . to TA FAH 1) pigeo n ; 2) trivet. an diron;
stander someone: TAHAJlD.bIHJlA at OWAK. andiron , tr ivet .
dawn. TAFAH bIlli post. pilla r, suppo rt.
---.TAH- to bind, to tie together. TAFJlbIP fate.
TAH KAJl - to he asto nisbed, to wonder, la be T AFhl J) again; 2 ) wild ; D.A aga in an d
surprised; K,AJIAPJlbIK something again , more an d more ; AD.AM {6 g./
surprising ; KAJIAPJlbIK IC a sur- unsociable. shy man (a " wild" ma n) ; . ..
prising affair. EACKAnAP etc ., and sa fo rt b, and sa o n.
TAl{ KAJlY defea t. TAF h IJl A H· la ru n w ild , to grow unsociable,
TAH6A I) no tcb , groeve : 2) sca t : 3) brand, to beco me sby.
mar k (on cattle); ... 6AC- 10 brand, to TAFbi nhiK. shyness. wildness, unsociable-
ma rk . ness.
TAI{EAnA- 10 bra nd, la mar k. TAFbICbIH ·TAFbl again and again . more
T AHJIA- to cho ose, 10 elect, to select, to piek a nd mo re. and sa fo rth.
o ut, 10 take away; TAH.UA n AJl · to take TA F b IC h IH-TAF bI Jl AP erc., an d sa Iorth.
the besl (fo r oneself). and so on .
TAHJ].A H pala te ; .. . 6 E3 A EPJ glands, TEIi Er EH AT a ho rse who kicks.
tonsüs ; K,~C . .. /a rt./ name of one type of TEEEH snow-co vered pas ture ; getting grass
design. from un der the sno w.
T A HJ].A MA JIbI the best, choice , select. TE6 EH [rEDEH J.1HEI a large lon g needle .
TAHJlAH· 10 he surprised, te he a mazed , to TE 6ETEH (embroidered ) skullcap.
he deligh ted , la admire. TEIiEllilK kn oll. billoek.
TA HJlA YlIbI 1) select, choice. picked ; TEEIJl- to he trampled.
2) lfig.' ad vanced , superior; ... Wbl PAA TEIiIH grass under snow, winter past ure when
/gra m./ superlative degree. livestock (usually ha r ses) dig up roo ts fro m
T AHEPTEH moming /adj./, earl)' moming, under the snow.
early in the moming. TEIiIH- 1) la stri ke wit h the hoofs (of ha rses) ;
TAHEPTE H rJ moming /adj'/. la kick ; 2, la spur, la urge (a horse) o n.
T A H,EPT EHrIlII K moming. TE6IPEH - te sur, ( 0 move.
TA HCbIK. rari ty, wonder, rare, very desirabl e. TEliIC- la kick (af harses).
TAH,Ch lK,T AH- to have a streng desire. TE BPAT ûld Testament.
TA H,Y bandaging. TEr EH E a big waoden bow l (cup).
TA H,bIPK,A- la he astonished al some thing, TErEPllJI K /locall wheel.
la he curio us, la display curiosity. TErE Y P IH I) grip, cl utch (a f an eagle) ;
TAH,b IPK,AH - 10 he amazed, la be astoni shed; 2. lfig./ st rength, fo rce.



TEn 1) Imed./ lupus (a skin disease often TE KTECTlK uniformity, membershîp in tbe
mistaken fo t small pox, leaving scars on the same species.
face) ; 2) Imed./ tuberculosis; 3) o bviously. TE KTl weil-bom.
TEn O ff M A K probable, in facto TE k.JIJlfK gentiIity.
TErn )f(EP a Ieat her thimble . TE KillE I) draver, box, case ; 2) cube ; 3) row ,
TEnH flat co untry, plain. layer.
TErIC (ree o f charge, gra tuito us. (ree. wirhou t TEKWEJl E· ( 0 put rogether in rows or layers.
charge. TE KIPEK gaJJop, skipping movement.
TEnCfE- to level. 10 smoo th o ut. to even up . TEKIPEKTE· to gallo p, to jog.
TEnCrIK plain, a flat surface. evenness, TE)] a young anima! nursing Irom bath bis
ûa tness, smoothness. equality. own and an otber mother.
TEnCIHEH to the last man, one and all. TEJ). to accustom a suckJi ng to another
T E)I(IPE prayer, mother .
TE) I) we r k bench: 2) a stand fo r bending the TEJT WE llfE wet-nurse . ..-....
stick s form ing the grare of a feIt but ; 3) (ast, TEJIErH I 1) neighbo rhoods; 2) hat ;
quic kly, soon ; 4) even, flat, smooth; TEHI3 broad o verflow, unbounded expanse
5) equal fa dj./, all. of sea.
T El-T E3 Cast, q uickly. TEJlErPAMMA telegram .
TE3!lE H befere long . TEJlErPA<P tele graph ; ... IiArAHAChI a
TE3)lET- to quicken. to speed up. ro telegraph post.
acceler ate. TEJlEPCEK vein under the knee.
TEJ,UIK speed , rapidît y. TEJlE W H telephone ; ... CfA HCA C hI a
TEJE lIlYllA hair o n the belly of a ca mel. teleph on e sta tion.
TE 3EK d ung ; fuel of d ung and straw in the TEnMIK an infan t taken a way from his________
sbape o f bricks ; ".. TE p~ I) 10 galhet dried- mor her. an infan t who is weened . ----
o ut dung (fuel o n the steppes) ; 2) jderog./ to TEJIMIP· to state, ro look fixedly, to irnplore,
fall behin d, to lag. to loo k expectamly.
TE31 brake red, sha ft brace, trace. TEJl n E K a Ta tar headwea r (small, round
TE31PEK quicker /compar,/. embroidered ca p) a litt le ca p made of hide
TEftTEPE a fur coat with the fur outwards. o r clorh .
TEK 1) breed , race, species, origin ; 2) /geol./ TEM breathing, breath.
roc k ; 3) niche, recess ; 4) only, in vain, to 00 TEM E KE /TE MEKI/ tobacco ; . .. CAYblTb l
purpose. jusr as soo n as; TEKTEH.TEKKE tobacco- box. snulfbox ; .. . 4:lAE PHKACbI
in vain, to no purpose. to bacco plant or fact ory ; ' " KAJlTA
TEKAn EP pride IAra b.j. tobacco DOuch; .. . eryI.!!! tobacco plan ter.
TEKE wild goat. meuntam goat, a gaa t tobacco cultivato r ; ... 9 rYlUlJIIK tobacco
(male) : ... CA KAJl heavily bearded. cultivation .
TEKEKTE. to canter. TEM PETK E j med./ shi ngles .
TEKE MET felt edged with a design . TE MIP iron ; ... )KOlI railroad: .. . )KOJ]
TEKElliJK a ma le kid (one year old) . K9 nJPI railroad bridge; ... )KOn TAChl-
TEKCEP· Ta investigate, to verify, to check , MAJI hl railroa d transportatlon : ... )KOJl.
to a nalyzc. lUbf railway man ; .. . KYPEK jro n spade,
TE KCEPT. to ma ke investigation, to cause to shovel ; ... K,A3h1K Pole Star (iro n stakel.
verify, to make check , te make anal ysis.
TE KCE PT KIJ- see TEKCEPT-. TEMIPJl E· te encircle. to ba nd, to c hain with
iro n.
TEKCEPY research, test, examinauon, analy-
TEMfPJII encircled, girded, chained with iro n.
sis of a case o r an atfair.
TE MIPUJI blacksmu h; TEM IP llI lHlH O P-
TEKCE PfJT. to be investigated. to be in.
Hbl forge, smithy.
spected (an affa ir).
TEMIPK,A3blK. se< TEMIP K.A3blK..
TEK C EPYWI eeren er. examining judge.
TEKCT text. TEHTE K I) a sheep with evertin (a disease of
sheep) ; 2) playful, mischievous child, dis.
TEKCTOn O r e ne wbo studies texts.
o bedient child ; 3) fooi : . .. 6011- to he
TEKTEC un iform. of the same species o r kind.
naugh ty, ro he mischievous. to play tricks.

TEHTEKTl K prank, misehief investigate. u, explore. te look into a matter,

TEHTPd- 10 wander. 10 rave, IC tramp, 10 to carry out an inves tlgauo n .
jeave a lon g-inhabited place. TEPrEY consequence. investigatio n ;
TEHTlP· se< TEHTP<J· , ACTbIHllAFbl AllAM a man under
TE HTl PE· see TEHTP<J·, invesugation : TEPrEYD.ErI ADAM sec
TEHTlP<J· see TEHTPd, TEPr EY ACT hlH.!lAFbl AllAM ,
TEOPI1J1nhIK theoretical. TEPrEYllII /Iega lj invest igator.
TEn I E{- I) 10 trample ; 2) to close, 10 cover ; TEPr<J. see TEPrE·,
3) 10 get grass from under tbc snow (of TEP.!lIK see TEPJIlK.
cattle): 4) 10 kick (of harses); 5) 10 swell, 10 TEP.!l<J- see TE P!lE-,
co me 10 a head, 10 break out (of an a bscess): TEP E 5« TE PI.
KOHh KJ1 . .. 10 ska te. TEPEJE window ; ... AJl wind ow sill :
T E n an intensifying sylla ble in wo rds .. . 6 0 CAF ACb l windo..... jamb: Ke l !
beginn ing with -TE ; TEn-TErIH very windo w pane ; ... KA K n AK j KAJ<,·
cheap. nAFbl, . .. KAK,nACbll sh utter ; .. .
TEnE an int ensifying partiele. TETIE·TEH )l{AK,TAYhl wi ndow fra me; TEPEJEHIH
co mpletely level; TEnE-TEH,D.IK absolute K631 see TEP E3E K631 ; TEPE3ECI TE1'\
equality. with equal rights.
TEnEH,JlE- 10 r ide en old nag (t o move TEPE3Ellil glazi er.
slowly). TEPEK 1) tree, wood; 2 ) poplar (Populus) ;
TEnKI- 10 kick ; OHhI1'\ TEnKICIH.!lE AK. .. . l bo t,j silver poplar.
Te 36EJlI he co uldn't tran sfer the blarn e TEPE1'\ I) deep : 2) ifig,! deep, pith y ; 3) abyss,
(fro m himself). chas m ; ... iKb lPA crevice, crack , fissure :
TEnKIJIE· to kick. . .. KOll a deep la ke; ... G3E H a deep rtver.
TEnCEH )l(EP flat country . TEPEHJlE· 10 get decper .
TEnCIH- I) 10 inspire fear, 10 bcha ve ste rn ly; TEPEHJlETY cavity , deepe nl ng , rece ss .
2) 10 stamp, 10 trample. TEPEHJIEY ho llow, depression. deeperung.
TE n TE K a light handwoven material. TEPEi\JlI K depth.
TErrTEm llil an examining magi strale. TEPEi\JlInIK depth .
TEnllIl laces . tates Ier tying. TEPJIE- ro pers pire, to sweat .
TEp· 1) te pec k 10 bits; 2) to gather. 10 co llec t ; TEPJl Er UJl sweaty.
3) to set up (in printing), te compose, to TEPJUK swea tclo th, thin feh unde r the sadd le.
conect : 4) 10 weave yam on a loom ; ~Pln TEPME collapsible, prefabricated, combined;
TEPY co mposition, typesetting (prin ting). ... OIO omamentation (for exa rnple . on a
TI:P swea t, persp iratio n ; APAM .. . DOJI· 10 pal ace) ; ... Ce3 style in poe try .
work in vain ; A ITbl l-{ TEPI H AJI· 10 tra in TEPMMH term .
a horse Ifor the races); KAPA TEPrE TEPMJ.1HOJl ont.Sl te rmi nology .
TYCfl he was exhaus ted (he was sweating TEPMl1HOJlOntJVlbl rermi nological . re-
profusely): .. . llIblK j F j· to swea t, to Ierring to term inology .
perspire. TEPPI1TOPJ1,R territo ry.
TEP6EJI· 10 rock, to swing, to move, 10 not TE PPI1TOPH.RJI territorial .
sit quietl y. T EPPOP terror .
TEPIiEJ1IC rocking, swinging, oscilla tio n . TEPPOPJlhIK terro rist jattr./ .
TEP6 EH· I ) to be angry ; 2) to move bere an d TE PPOPIll bl terrorist.
there ; 3. to swing. T EPC man ure. dung.
TEP6ET- I ) la rock. to swing; 2) to mo ve TEPC AFhl M whirlpool.
here and there. I, TEPCEK Achilles' heel.
TEP6I1EC13,D,IK bad educ ation (lack of TEPCKEft north side (of a moun tain),
education, lack of manners, rudeness). northem slope of a mountain range.
TEP~JI· sec TEP6EJ1-. TEPCKEH sty in the eye.
TEPIXlH . see TEP6EH· , TEPTE shaft, side.
TEPIXlT· see TEP6ET·, TEPlllEH sweaty.
TI:.PrE- to searcb. 10 conduct a search, to TEPllea ther. skin, hide ; TEPICI r A P AJ],AM
e xarmne, to view, 10 loo k aro und , to jfig./ unsoc iabl e ma n, quick-ternpered ma n ;


TEPll \En TH-
... TEPCE K unfinis hed leathe r or hides ; KeK gray with apple-Iike marks (color
... KI1IM llIE 6 EPI furrier , leather dresser . of a horse) ; TE H6In ·TEH6 IJl mottle d
TEPJA En I;OPT n E rash. colo r of hair or an animal) .
TEPIK calendar. T EH,rE a coin , ruble; ... K,OTbIP /col1oq ./
TEPI HIll : lKbl AbIHl lb l-TE PIHlll collaps - venere al disease .
ible, prefab ricated, collect ed rem ains of TEHrE JlIK e ne ruble note . serne thing th at
someth ing. casts o ne ruble . i
TEPI C wrong. irregul ar, the wro ng way ; TE H;r EP· to balan ce, 16 eq ualize.
. . . AF b IM see TE PC AF bI M ; ... KET- TEHrI 3j1E n ~P hlC sea battle.
ro go the e ther way. to go in the opposite TEHJl,E - I ( to equalize, te ma ke ident ica l :
direc uon ; "._ nIKI P deluslon , error ; . .. 2) to la ad, to burden , to pack thin gs in a
TYCT IK north; ... KhIJIb lK Iault, sin. package (feit bag).
TEPIC KEH see T EPC KE ft . TEH.L1EME /math./ eq uatio n.
TEPIC KEH see TE PCK EA . TEHJJ.EC equ al (in strengt h, In posuio n, in
TEPIC fIK I) North; 2) irregu larity , stubbo m - a ge).
ness ; .. _ SAThI C Northwest ; .. . llIbIfD IC TE H.ll.EC - to he equ alized, to be leveled . to
Northe ast. compare wuh someone in strengt h.
TEC- to pierce, to perfo rate : iKAPA HhIH TE HJJ.EC TlP- to level. to put o n the sa me
AY3 blH ... to o pen a woun d ; OK TEOn footing .
enl the bullet went all the way throug h ; TE H,UECJ )K OK, witho ut equal.
TE C El<AP AA KAJIb InThI /fig./ he loo ks TEH.L\ EY equatio n.
stead ily. TE l-iJUK irnparu ality, equallty, equ uy, j ustice,
TECE mOT manee k. picka xe. corner plate eq ual ity of rights; . .. Aïl - {po l.I to achleve
(Callah a n's). equal rights : Ileg./ to achlev e justice.
TEC KIllI chisel, po int -tooi, drill. a uger bil. TEH,llIKCI3D.IK inequa lity.
TE CnWX rosary. TEHll a- to make even or level.
TE CT IP- see TEC KI3-. TEH,E- I ) to put o n an equa l fooung, ro make
TE C IK I) ca ve, cavern , pit ; 2) bole, perfora - even ; 2) to cernpare witb, to parall el.
tio n, perfa rate d, full of holes, ladj.l; TEHE n - I) to equal : 2) to rega in what was
T8 6 ECI .. . A)].AM expert , skilled ma n, ene lost.
who kno ws a foreign Ianguag e. TEH,EY co mparison.
TECIn · to ha ve holes. TEHE YCI3 incomparable, withou t eq ual.
TE Cl PEfi- to sta re (with eyes buiging ), to TEHK IH1- to tie stretch ed ou t, to lie o n top of
look boldly. so mething (of massive, enorm ons objects).
TETE ITETEJl EC I{ side by side, alike , similar T EH,C En- to totter. to walk unstea dily ;
(fo r example, in age). AHK,T bI TE H,CEJ1E 6AC- to sta mp
TETEJ IEC eCI<E H I;AJIA llAP ehildren of r hythm ically and smocth ly.
the same a ge. TEI{C EJIllIP· see TEIlC EJIT-.
TETJK I) con ceptio n. idea, mind, intellect, TEH,C EnMEJU te sha ke rhythmicall y a nd
reason , sense: 2) mecha nism, any shaft on smoothl y.
which someth ing revol ves ; 3) means, method . TEH;C EJlT· to make to tter o r .....o rk uns teadi ly.
TEXH I1KAJ lhlK, teehuical. TEH,C I3LlIK inequa lity.
TElII E unit of la nd mea sure (2.70 acres). TE H t )KOK, incomparable, withou t equal.
TEH I) bale, package ; unde rwear a nd e ther TEH,I3 sea; ~ IllAH·TEH.I3 bound less sea ;
things in a felt bag ; 2) an equal. equ al, a like; OHbl ll blJIl MI YIIlAH -TEI{I3 /fig.! he
.. . 6 AF AJlbr eq uivalen t; 6~PhImThI possesses braad knowiedge; ... Afl v AH-
eq uiangu la r (triangle): .]aPE)KEJU ,llAPb t marine an imais ; ... )].El-{r E HIHE H
adequa te ; . .. )KAPA , A<:APTbIChl ItlE l{r EAIH AEH/ I;HIK Tln heigh t above
exactly half ; ... MAFH AJl hI eq uiva lent, sea-leve l: ... )KAFA C bI seasho re, seacoast :
syno nymo us. ... KIPME CI gulf ; ... CYbt sea wa ter ; . ..
TE I{I;E-T EI{ perfectly equal. K.OflH AYbI a curved seas bore : ... KO~1 ­
TEH6 E-T EHllIK full eq uality. Tbl Fbl bay; TEHI lUE ACY PY nav igctio n.
TE HEIJl colo r of a horse (gra y with spots TH - I) to achieve. to get; 2) to fall to o ne's
like uppies ). molt led. speekled (of a horse) ; lot ; 3) to conc ern. to louch ; 4) to marry to


gel married (of wamen); 5) 10 fall upo n, 10 T0 3 l) faam (on a horse) ; 2) birc h ba rk.
drive away ; AYbI3 ... /fig./ 10 taste (rood) ; Tû3· 1) to come to a n end, to expire, to
O H bII{ M AFAH nAHIlACbI TMIlI /fig.} terminate, to peri sh ; 2) to wear ou t, to
it profited me ; KYHEyrE ... /fig./ to marry, decay, to weaken , to deco m pose ; 3) to split
to gel rnarried ; ATbIMHbIH, APKA- into chips. ro grind into dust ; 4) to fall into
CbIHA EP TMIl I /fig./ the sad dle has faction s (of a tribe) ; 5) to disperse : 6) to
rubbed my horse's back until it is sore. scamper about; T û3-T03 sorn.m KET·
Tl1rEHI private. to disperse. to scatter in all directions.
THrI3- to touch upon, to turn to; )KEP.Ll.EM T03AK, heU.
.. _ jfig./ 10 help ; 3bUIH ... /fig./ to inffict T03AH, dust; ... TYC- to get dusty ; Tû3AH,
inj ury ; TIn ... jfig./ to reproach. to insult; xon. see T03All TYC-.
KOJl . .. to touch, to strike ; to mortify T0 3AHJlA· to rise (of dust) .
(wo und). ._\ Tû3A H)J.AT- to rai se d ust.
TI1E- to laad, to plunge, 10 immerse. T03AHJ],bI dusty, co vered wit h dust.
Tl1EK 1) bolt, slip-bolt ; 2) button; IlIIL{EP- T0311bIP· 1) to wear o ut ; 2) to drive away .
.Ll.Jl"" TI1En the fasten ing of a tripod: T03bIFbI lKETKE H Kl1IM completely
J]OMEbIPAHbIH TI1En string support worneut c1othes.
of a dombra; TI Jl,D;E ... )KOK A Yb I3)],A T0 3F bIHIlA- see T03-T03 J;OJlbIn KET-.
)KI1EK --)KOK. Il it., (a tongue without a TOJFbIIll weak, not strong.
button, a mouth without an edge) a Ioose T0I11 ) wedding feest, festival. banquet, feest ,
tongue. feasting, wedding; 2) clay ; . .. )l{ACA- to
TMEKTE- 10 button, 10 do up, 10 clasp. arrange a feast or a ba nquet.
TI1EKTEJ]· 10 button oneself up ; to he TOM· I) to be sated, to be full, to he satiated ;
buttoned up . c1asped. 2) to bore, to annoy.
THEJl· to be absorbed, to be su bmerged, to TûfI·)KbH1bIH feast , banquet.
be loaded. TOfILI.bIP. te bore, to annoy.
THEH· to load (to paek household artic1es for TOfiJlA- to feast, to arrange a feas t.
a nomadie trek). TOMTAp· 1) to bend (tbe en d of a nail), to
nu- see TH~ . rivet ; 2) /fig.f to check, to halt (so meo ne).
TMTTEH tiny , wee. TOH.TAP rebuff rep ulse.
nno attaek, assault. roar APbIC resistance.
THIJl - toetouch something ; to he touched ; To fi b IM prcsperity , contentment, ab undance,
to be starred . sufficiency: TOfibIMbI )KOK, insatiable,
THIM.ll,I advantageous, Iavorable, positive. greedy.
nUPMEH mill. TOHblMCbI3 see TOHblMbl lKO K.
Tl1IPMEHlIII miller . TOJ1bIMCbI3LI.AH- to bec om e greed y or
nnc necessarv, obligatory ; .. . EMEC it insatiable.
should not . .. TOJ1bIMCbI3LI.bIK, greed, insatiability.
TJ.nC-l) to attack, to assault ; 2) to he obliged, TOHbIH· to fatte n. to feed (on).
to be bound to ; 3) to scold, to chilI. roar AH IllA ro th e point of safety; T A-
TI1ICfI necessary, obligatory, prescribed. MAK,ThI ... )KEH,13 Ea t your nu:
pro per. TOMFbI3- to feed to sat iety.
TMICIHIIIE so far as necessary, acco rd ingly. TOJl· I) to he full, to be fi lled, to become
TOIi see Ton. fiUed, to fill onese!f; 2) to he fulfilled;
TOEAH ASlK bow leg (with a congenital OFAH OH )f(AC TOJI)l,hI he is ten years
defect). old.
TOIiAPC- 1) to freeze, to be co vered with TOJlAC· to stop pouring (of raio).
frost, to he slightly frozen (of the ground) : TOJlAcrA- to stop pouring (ofrain), to clear
2) to get dry , te dry up. u p (of clouds), to stop raining, te abate
T06PAK, see TOnPAK,. (of wind) . to slow down.
T OEh IJIF h I lbot./ spirea (Spirea filipendula). TOJITYP- see TOJlTbIP-.
TOShiK, patella, kneecap; K,O.RH . .. name TOJITbIP· I) to fill, to fill in. to occupy;
of a grass. 2) /Ioca l/. to carry out, to accomplish ; 3) to
TOB:YPWY K hind leg (in cattle). fill in (for example, a fo rm) ; AY3blH

20 1
TOJlYJ1h l TonTA

TOJlTbIPA CeJlE- 'fig.! to speak with an te bulge (o f tbe stomach). to get infla ted,
a ir o f impo rta nce o r ceremo nio usly, to state to swell.
uneq uivoca lly o r un amb iguousl y. TOMnA AT. 10 sulk.
TOJlYJlhl ren, filled. TOMnA HJlA· to wa lk. to run lof a ..ery
TOJl YK sec TOJl hIK. sma l! ch ild).
TQJIh l co mplete, full, plump : Jl b l K .. . TO M nAK I) hilloc k, knelt : 2) a sweJl ing on
jammed, stuffed to overflowing. the body; 3) p ro minent, buiging ; _.. EET
TOJlbIC· I) ro gel plu mp ; te fill o ut ; 2) to fuJl·faeed.
ripen (o f grain). TOMnAKTblK pro tuberance. bu iging.
TO JlblK thick , sto ut ; KenllIIJlI K TOMnbIH- to sit (curted up).
ab solute mai ority, absolute plurality. TO Mn hI JlllA- sec TO MnAH.IlA-.
TOJlbIK j Ft- to get plump, to get stout. TO M n hI JID,A K elas tic. resilient.
TOJlblK,TA YbIW !gram.; object. TOM n b lnD,A K· te rebou nd. 10 co me back
TOJl b IKTbIP. to su pplement, [ 0 add to. (for example , a ba li).
TOJl b lK,TbIK plenitude. completeness, stout- TO:"1CAPT· la o ffend.
ness. TOMCbIPAft · to becom e sullen, la fro wn,
TOl1 blfb l MEH fu lly, com plerely. te sccwl, to loo k gIoomy, to look angry .
TOJlblFb lPAK more complete. sto uter. TOM bIPblTK,A soup Ier drinking, thi nned
TûnK- I) to rock, 10 bend. 10 stoo p ; 2) lfig.! with cold wa ter.
to vacilla te, to waver. TOMFYJlY K a sma l! billoe k above the water.
TOllKbIH wave ; _." 6\.'H PAC bl white-caps TO H fur co at, sheeps kin coat ; CEH.€ EH.---:-:--:----
(white ha rses o n wa te r) ; ... :;KE P surf, fur coa t made from the hides o f un sheared
brea kers . lamb s ; Kbl3 bl." ... velvet dressing go wn
TOJTK,blHLlAH· I) to (of waves) ; 2) /fi g.' (wo man's) ; KblPblK nA ... fur coa t made
to be iridescent, te interp lay, to in tenningIe of shea red lam b.
(o f co /a rs). TOHA· to ro b, ro rob on thc high way.
TOJIKhIH)],hl wavy, rippl ing. TOHAJl· to be rob bed.
TO Jl FA· 1) to twist , to turn, to curve ; 2) la TO HAY ro bbery.
sing an epic sto ry in verse. TO HAY lIIbI band it. robber; TO HAYlUbl -
TOJlFA H": to vacillate , to hesitate, to think nAP WA EYblJIh l an attack by ba ndits .
over, re co nsider. TOHhlH AHHAJl lI blPhln KI1- I) to cheat,
TOJl F AH A H full moon. 10 be a do u ble deal er; 2) to put the fu r coa t
TOJl FA HY med ltat ion , reû ectio n. on inside o ut.
TOJlFAT· to have la bor pains (of a wom an TO OPA a sma l1 net (fot fishing).
giving birth). Ton I) beap, piIe, a big heap, a mass ; 2) a
T OJIFAY so ng of pra ise. grou p, crow d: 3) herd , flock ; 4) detachmen t.
TOJIFA K. J) delivery, child birt h. labor pains: TO n· an intensifying sylla ble in words
2) /fig./ ripe , im minent ; AYPYh I labor beginning witb TO- ; TOn·TOJI hIK per -
pa ins. ' ectly fuU, complete .
TO MAJl A- see 1I0 MAJl A-. TOn ) constellation.
TOMAJl A H· sec .lIO MAJlA H·. ronxn pastem (o f a horse).
TO MAJIAT· te rail, to ta ke for a ride, la TO nAnA H; iIIness of sheep.
wheel. TO n A H n husk . chafî : 2) flood , de luge ;
TOMAJlA K IlIO M A Jl A K I I) round ball, .. . CY Rood .
ba li o f th read ; 2) lump, clo t, piece. TOnAC I) sluggard, boo by, dunce, d ull, a
TOM AJl AKTA - see 1I0MAJl A K,T A-. dull ma n, brai nless ; 2) /fig./ unresourceful,
TO MA P I) a sma ll lulloe k in tbe marsb ru de, rough (of a man).
(swamp) ; 2) stu mp (o f a tree), bleek, thick TO nACfA H- I) to become du ll o r torpid ;
log; .. . EO RY name o f the root of a plant 2) la rc ughen. to become rude .
used for dye. To nAcrblK, dullness, bluntness. rou ghness .
TO MA FA ccwl fo r a hunr ing bird, a small TOn O r PA<1>H.JlJI hlK, tc pog raphic.
leat her co wl pu t o n tbe head o f a golden TOnCA hinge (for exam ple. of a doo r).
TOnCAJlA- to Iaste n a hinge (to a door, erc.).
r O M n A fi · to pro trude. te sweJl (of a tumo r), TO nTA hee p. pile, mass.

TonTA· to class ify. TOP Y- to be on the wa rch fo r. 10 lie in wan
TonTAH - 10 crowd . 10 assc mble in e ne pla ce, for, la lie in am bush .
to grou p. TOPbl brown red bay tcolor of a horse) ;
TOny Jl- 10 crowd. K,APA JKIrIT dark -haired persen.
TOnYPJlA- see TOnyJl-. brunette.
TOnlllY a bu tton . TOPbIK / F/- 10 despair. ro lose e very hope,
TonWbI humerus (bene). to he pessi mist ic.
TonUlbIJIA- to suppose, 10 coniecture. to TOPhlFY desperate positlon.
have a ten tative or approxunate idea of TOPKA silk (cl o th), Ibe most valua ble silk ;
something. TonhIPAFb I ... 60nCbIH ! Ma y thy
TOnllJhlK side o f the ches t. bones rest in peace JliLI (There is eartb for
TonblP 1) crow d ; 2) stam ping, cernmo tion ; the gra ve and there wîll he sük fo r the
ToA-TOnbIP feast: onurcronsn- departed} ; ... K EHDIP ftax .
!iOn · te be con fused, to he in a state of TOPFAI1 small bird , general designatio n for
turmoil. small birds ; 603 ... lark ; CYblK, scil ; K,APA ".. cbem ozem, sparrow: K,A PA . .. sta rling.
blac k earth; ... CAJI. to cast a handfu l of TOPFYH silk stuff.
dirt (on a grav e when taking leave of the TOC- to wai t (for}, to expect ; fiAJl AHbl
dead) . ta held a child for some time, to sit a ehild
TOnbIPAK- Jfig.f te take one's leave of the on a pot.
dead. TOCAn J) a layer of Roa ting reed s o n the
TOnhIPJlA- to crowd. ( 0 th rong, 10 walk in lake, deposi t of plant debris on tbe surface
a cro wd, of the la ke : 2) scu m o n the sides of a rneta l
TO n bI PJIA- to produce tra mpling all 10- pot; COPilAH h IH TOCAbbl foamy
gether. deposit on the surface of sou p.
TOP net seine , fish ing net, noose, snare : .. . TOCAH har d of hearing.
CbI3bIK,Th I !lAnTE P notebook with TOCAHC· I) to beco me hard of hearing ;
checked paper ; TOPFA TYC- to fiod one- 2) la appear unusua l o r new (although tbls
self in a desperate situa non. was o nce known }.
TOPAl1little pig, sec kling pig , young wild pig. TOCTAFAH small woeden bowl or cup.
TOPAJl - 1) to get welt: 2) to gain weight ; basin, bowl.
3) to accumulate. TOCbIH suddenly, unexpectedly.
TOPAJlCAK horse's fetlock joint. TOCblHHAH from the f itst.
TOPAn cross-raad, crossing, j unctio n ; TOCbIPKA· to he aloo f, la keep to on eself,
TOFhl3 lKOJl,llhll{ TOPAEhIH,llA 11il.1 to he tirnid (in the presence of strangers).
where nine roads meet. TOCK,AYhlJl I) arnbush ; 2) obstacle, ba rrier .
TOPAI{FhI /bol.1 po plar (l'op ulis). T OCK,AYhlJID.A- l) to He in wa it fo r, to
TOPJlA - 1) to co rk, to plug; 2) to cloud; ambush ; 2) to bar.
3) to o verstitch the loops of a shirt . TOT (fA T , IlATI rust ; ... bAC o to sel
TOPJlAH, growing co lt. cov ered wit h rust.
TOP JlAI{- sec TOPAJl-. TOTYK- sec TOT hIK-.
TOpnAl( two-year oid calf, yea.rling calf'; TOThl peacock.
J)~3AY -TOpnAK young af the horried TOTbl KYC parrot .
ca ttle. rorsrsaua vit riol.
TOPCYI1 - to swell. TOTbIK. l) oxide ; 2) sun bum , tan.
TOPCbIJlJl.A.~ I) to get a ngry and show dis- TOTbIK IF/· 1) to rust. to get covered with
pleesur e by grumbling and mo tlens (of a rust; 2) te gel ta nned ; 3) to grow black .
man) ; 2) la make a dull no ise (of an object). TOIOT- to sa tiate.
TOPCblK, Jeather bag . TOJlTfA· to sa tiate, 10 ea t Iightly, have a
TOPCblKTAfI plump, bloo ming, in good snack, take a bite.
bealtb (of a baby). TOJllTAH- la he full or sated .
TOPTA sediment or resid ue aûer melting TOK J) sa tisfied, reple te: 2) barn or specia l
butter (or crearn). place for thres hing ; Am KAJl,IPIH ...


IiI JlMEC A man who is rull doeso't under- ...-H1PY <l>A6PItK textile milI; .. .-ItIPY
stand a hungry one . t1»AEPMKAChl textile mill.
TOK,- l) to bind; 2) /fig./ te assimiIa te, to TOKYJI I) stump (of a tree); 2) candle-end.
d igest, te realize ; 6HJIJIAA: ... to tie gloves. TOK,YJI.ll:A· to knock. to hammer.
TOK IUlEK large intestines. TOKYJI.lIAT- se< TOKYJ1!l A-.
T O K,Atf- to si! high er. TOK,Ylllbl weaver. texule werker.
TOKAJl the youn gest wife; ... Chl HbIP a TOKllIbIJlblK see TOKTbIK.
co w without homs ; TOK,AJl K,AThIH see TOK,bI- to weave.
T O KAJl. TOK,hIJI,UA- to make a rum ble or a d ull
TOKAlli ITO F AllIl dry, ring-shaped roll. noise, to disturb with a rumble (for exarnple,
TOKMEfnJI uninterested, shcwing no deslre. of a cart).
T OKM EflIJlC- to display a lack of interest TOK,bIJ1UAT. to beat with a mal1et.
in so mething. TOKhIJlj],AK woodpecker.
T OKnAH :l<EJ11K f)/(IJl IKj u1na (bene). TOKhlM cover unde r the sa ddle. sa ddle cloth .
TO KflAK I) rattle. beetle; 2) a clout on the TOK,hIMA tissue, c1oth, Iab ric, textile ; .. .
head. 9 HEP K,XIEI tex ti le industry ; .. . WAP-
TOKn AKTA· to beat or so ften sernething EAK, wattie fence ; ... lllETEH wattte fence ;
with a mailet . ... 4lAEPJ1KA C hl textile plant.
TOK,PA- l) to await ; 2) to graze on the same TOH· 10 Ireeze. 10 gel frezen .
spot. TOl{ Irozen geau nd ; ... 60JIbln K,AJI F AH
TOKPAT- to stop. TOnPAK, frezen earth ; ... MAA grease,
TO K CAH t) ninety: 2) q uarter (of a year) . fat bacon (hard), me lted lard; ... M o A blH
TO KCA H blHWhI the ninetieth. thickheaded ; ... T EP IC man with a difficult
TOKTA- te come te a sto p, to stop. to stand. cbaracter, hard to get along with.
to become : :lKAChl TOKTAFA H AJlAM TOHA3- I) ta thicken, to set, to salidify, to
elderly man. be slightly frezen ; 2) /Iocalf to shiver
TOKTAI1ThlH OPblH quarters (temporary), slightly.
stopping place. TOl{A3bIFAH ET mld meat.
TO KTAJl- to be s to pped, te be held up; TOHJI,bIP- to Ireeze.
T O K,TAJlMAfi JKYPE EEP- to go without TOHY chilI.
stopping. TOHK,AJ1AFAC- to sornersa ult.
TOKT AllY stop, sta tion. TO FA see Ai'l bIJl6AC.
TOKTAJI h lC I) stop, station; 2) delay. TOFAH I) wooded area, forest ; 2) meadow.
TOKTAM solut ion, decision (conclusion) ; TOFAl1- te get sated, te became fu11.
EI3 .ll:E ElP ... IiOJlhln E.ll:I we concluded . TO FAf[ MAH,hI undergrowth (in a wood).
TOK,T A MACTAH lncessan tly, without a TO F Mi!lbIH AJlAHb I g1ade , clearing.
stop, ceaselessly, withou t dela y. TOFAfl!lbll{ AJlAI{Kbl meadow, clearing
TOKTAC- to stop toge tber. (in a wood).
TOKTAT· te stop (someone). TOFAfl!l b ll{ llIETI edge of a wood.
TOKT ATIbl P· to force someon e to sto p TOFAflJlbl wooded.
(through ano ther person). TOF Aft ChI3 treeless.
TO KTATKbI 3- see TO KTATTb IP-. TO FAACbl3 )KEP woodless land, site.
TOK,TAY stop, halt. TOFAH 1) ditch ; 2) pond , millpond, dam .
TOKTAYC hl3 non-sto p, ceaseless. TOF AP· te unh arness .
TOKTbl a lamb towa rds the end of its first TOFAlli see TOKAlli.
year, a larnb more than six months cld. TOFYC- se< TOFbIC-.
TOK,TblK. sar iery, repletion. TOFYT- see TOF bIT·.
TOKTbIlllAK pet name for a lamb toward TO Fb l3 nine.
the en d of its first year. TOFbl3 K,'i MAJlAK, the name of a game.
TOKY - to weave . TOFbl3.D.blK /co nv./ a ninc , the figure nine,
TOK Y woven clo th. fabric ; . .. crAHon the nine.
loom for weaving; .. . lPA EPI1K textile mill ; TOFbI3bIHlllbI ninth.
... b lCTAHO Fbl see ... crA HOfl ; TOFbIH rim (of a wheel).

TOFhIC - ro gather in one place, to meet with. TYHWYKTYP· to stran gle.

to encounter. 10 cross, to interbreed . TYMA relauve.
TOFhIT reservoir, storage lake (in running TYMA PE<llJIEK C unco ndit ioned reflex ;
water) where sheep are batbed in the COKbIP bom blind.
summer. TYMAJlA· to press. to sq ueeze, te crush, to
TO F bIT- to ba the sheep (by forcing them to strangle.
swim ac ross a river). TYM AJI AC related , near relation.
TY J) standard, banner; 2) barren female; TYMAP EOHY /boL I rhubarb (yellcw co tor,
3) barren (of a nimai s) ; ... 61lE barren (a painr).
fa t mare); .. . ChlPTbl middle of the back; TYM CA barren femaJe.
... ~cr AYllIbl standard bearer. TYMCbIK. cape.
TY- J) 10 be bo rn; 2) to rise (of the sun) ; TYp. I ) to net go further, to stop; 2) to he
KYH TYb:n KEJl E :IKAThIP the sun is present, to he locat ed; 3) to cast; 4) to
rising. stand ; 5) to stay, to live, t ö dweil.
TYIiYP a hut on a little island . TYPA· to chop, to cut into small pieces.
TYlI.bIP· to bear, to give birth (to). TYPA strai ght, direct fadj ust./, up right ,
TY)f(YP- to make a nc tch. directly, openly, really. exact ly ladv.l ; just;
TY)I{YPYM slas h, cut, noteh . ... EOJI · to he j us t ; ... CbI3bIK, stra ight
TYA· 1) to feel; to have a presentiment ; 2) to line; H ' K,APCbI,UAH MA6YbIJI a frontal
listen ; 3) to notice. at tack.
TYi1bIK, l ) blind a lley, cul-de-sac, dead end; TYPAJlA· to get weak.
2) co vered place, sheltered place. TYPAJl. bI concerning. regarding, about , of.
TYflKAP gyrfalcon. TYPAJIbIK veracit y, tru th, justice.
TY AFYH white falcon . TYPAKTbI steady, permanent, co nstant.
TY3 salr : .. . KEHI salt-mines ; . .. CAYbIT regu lar, unceasing.
salt-cellar, salt shaker; . .. KA3AH salt TYPAHFA paplar (Populus).
works; _._ I(AflHATATbIH 6HJlIPIC TYPAFAfuIA· to drive away, te dispe l.
sa lt wo rks. TYPMYC way of life, customs.
TY3,nbI COPMEH OPhIH a medica l m- TYPTYPJlA· to wake, to prevent from
stitutio n for mineral-mud treat ments. sleeping.
TY3AK, cu nning. TYPYMTAH sparrowhawk.
TY3,nA - to salt, to pickle, to com . TY PYC- to stand toget her.
TY3,ll.AH- to be salty, to he saIted. TYPYW firmn ess, hardness.
TYJI E P ITY JI EP rEKI a widower. TYPYXTAH {zooL{ ruff.
TYJl K,ATbIH a widaw. TYPFYJ- 1) te settle someo ne on land ; 2) to
TI'JlA· to rea r up. in a n attempr to throw help to stand up ; 3) to lift. to raise.
the nder (af a horse), to go mad (of a horse) TYC 1) o pposite place ; 2) kno wledge.
TY JIAFAH TOJIK.bIH /fig./ gulf, abyss. TYCWbl CY fresh water.
TYJlAF b Illl a skittis h horse that basn' t been TYT· 1) to bold, to snatch, to seize, to catch ,
ridden. to grab, to grasp, to keep, to contain ; 2) to
TY JlD.AH- te be a ngry. glue, te paste, to stick.
TYJl.llYK, widowbood , TYTA· (fYTAH·, TYTAC·I to ca tch fire, to
TYJlnAP a batt le horse . sta rt burning.
TYJIbI e JIKE highlands. upland. TYTAM th e width for four fingers .
TY JlFA 1) mister, gentleman, mast er; 2) body; TYTAH· SC< TYTA ·.
3) figu re (of a man ) ; 4) chief ("boss" ), T YTAC- I ) he near, to he close ; 2) to fonn a
supe rio r, commander. whole ; 3) see TYTA· .
TYH- to settle (of liquids) . TYTAT· to set on fire.
TY H,UYP dam, dyke . TYTTY K- te stutter.
TYHl1YP· l) to ruin , to destroy, to ex- TYTYJl - to he held. to be kept, to he caugh t.
terminate; 2} to 611 up (a hole, a pit) ; 3) to TYTYW· I) to hold together ; to seize each
co rk, to plug. other ; 2) to fight .
TYHYK )KACbIJI dull green. TYTYK.- SC< TYTIYK.-_
TYHW YK.- to suffocate. TYTK,blH captive, prisoner.


TYYPAJIA- 1) ( 0 catch, to tie in wait for t HAFAH AJ],AM a peny man (who worties
to he on the watch fo r ; 2) to resist, to o ver every kopeck).
o ppose. TbI3bIJl,llA- 1) to feel unbea rab le pain (Ie r
TYIDA a goat in its second spring. example, from bee-sting): 2) 16g./ to run
TYlllAPJIAC- /'1.; to meet, to meet together. fast, to tear along ; 3) to ho p, to ju mp along.
TYblHtlhl {gram.1 derivative. to gallep.
T YbIPflbIK, feit co vering the lower cylindricaJ Tb13h lJUIA itch, itching.
part of the feit hut. ThIJIK,AT- 10 qu iet do wn, to subside.
TYbI PblJl- (0 senl e th ickly. TblM quit e, entirely, toe.
TYbIC I) fam ily, clan, ancestors, relative ; ThIM-ThI Ph IC deathlike silence, hush, silent ,
2) origin, derivation. extraction: 3) able- notsetess: ... 60n · to fall silent, to utter
bodied, hard-werking member (of a society no t a word.
o r family); TY bfCh IH 6InM El1TI H with- TblM AY co ld in the hea d, hoa rsei-ess.
ou t relat ives (no r belonging to any clan). Th IMA K. a warm Kazakh head -dress (with
TYbICK,AH o wn, na tive, relative. large earlaps and a sho ulder strap).
TYbICK.AHtlbI K relarionship , kinship, TbIMblJlUhIK Inau t.1 calm .
a lliance. T blMbl PCbIK o ppressive hea t. hea t.
TYbICK,AHChI 3 witho ut relatives, family. TblMblK calm.
TYIOP- to cut in, to en grave. ThIH see ThIHbIC.
1YlOPYM incislon, cut, slash. TbIH· 1) te cal m down. to rest , to ta ke a rest ;
TYlO K v iscera. 2) to brea the; 3) to sto p (a t the end of a
TYlO K.TAH - to he Iocked , to be locked in. sentence) ; 4) to die away, to co me to an end ,
to he sbut up . to expire. to die.
TYKhIM seed , fru it. TbIHJlb lP· 1) to put an end to an affair ; to
TYHlllbIK,TbIPATbIH rA3 asphyxiating, see a ma tter thro ugh to the end ; 2) to quiet,
su ffocating gas . to calm : 3) to fulfill a task .
TY HK AT- to dri ve. ride, travel all night. TbIHbIMC hI3 ceaselessl y, incessan tly, in-
TYI-{FYT fits t-bom, cessant. nrelessly .
TYFA H EJI na tive la nd. ThIHhlC I) breathing spe U, respite, brea k;
TYFA H KYHI birt hday. 2) lire; 3) Igram./ pause : TblHblCbI
lYF A ll a dry , ring-sbaped ra il. TAPbin· to ch oke, to suffocate :
TY FY H AYPY hered itary illness. AJlY,llAH K.AJ'FAH breathless, Iifeless ;
TYFYP I) a fema le who does net bear children ... li EnnCI Igram./ punctua tion mark ;
an y more; 2) support for a huntlng-bird. ... )Kon bI trachea . windpipe ; .. . MYllIE-
TYFbI3· 1) to deliver, to assist at the birth JIEPI respiratory e rgens: TbIHblCbl
of (an imais); 2) to create. KEI-{EfI· /fig.1 to reeerve a resp ite ; Tbl Hbf-
ThIA· 1) to fo rbid ; 2) to dissuade ; 3) to CfhUl .LlEMIKn ECI Imed.1 bronchial
retain , to keep, to detain; 4) to q uiet, to asthma.
ca lm, to soothe, to repress. TblHb11ll q uietound isturbed, witho ut tro ubles,
TbIA n hI:A- te get smooth (from polishing). peacefulûy), calm ûy), bappily ; healt hy.
TbUl n hIJl smooth , even, polis hed : DOPAH Tb IHb IWCb I3 uneas y, restless, boring .
lKOJl.LlhI rsm.Thll1nhiJl ETIn KElTI TbIHbIIllC bI3.a AH- to become upset ; to fuss.
the road is covered with snow, snowed onder TbIHbIWCbl3.UblK. anxiery, fussiness, alarm-
(d urin g a snowsto rm). ing condition (positio n).
ruaru« co ndition, sta te ; Tblf1hIJI· 1) te TbIHbIlliT AJI attention (mil. comma nd).
quiet down, to ab ate, to subs ide, to be silent; ThIHhIIllTAJI- see ThIHhIIDTAH-.
2) to stop doing ; 3) to pa use, to stop, to ThIHhIlliTAH- to calrn down. to settle.
end; ;}IiIlE H ThlflThlFhI lKETKEH TbIHbIWTblK,. tranquility, a quiet, peaceful
EKE H TbIflTb lFhIM lilTI) he is com- co ndition.
pletely exhausted, we m out. Tbl H b IWhl H AJl- te dis turb, to ma ke finish.
Tb lft blM interdictio n. limit, end. TbIHb IK· te rest.
Tb lA bl M CAJl· to forbid, to prohibit. TbI Hb lK calm, calm (wea ther) ; .. . M ~XJ.fT
T blff blH· 1) to suppress ; 2) ra stuff. the Pac ific Ocean.
Tb lfl bIH l) squirr el : 2) a kopeck ; .. . CA. TbIHbI KThI P· to give a rest.

Thl R H AK TA-

Tbl n b lP ETnE· no l to su c: 10 stand dead TbiPTb lft - to lose weig ht . 10 get thin ner.
sti ll. ThlPTbIC wrin kle, crease . fold .
TbJn bI P-T bl n b lP ET- la stamp o nc's reet; TbIPTbJC- l) ta writhe. 10 sq uirm : 2) /fig./ to
to tra mp . try . to str ive.
TbJ nbIPJl A- I) te je rk rbe legs. Ia sta mp the TbI PThlK I) a hcaled wou nd. a sca r ; 2) ro ugh.
gro und ; 2) /6g./ to display initiarive, energy . pockmarked. clums y.
Tb JllJbIPW- I) to sur ; 2) to get upset. TbIPTbIKTAH- I) to get rough ; 2) to wr it be.
Th lnbIPWbJH- J) to get upset ; 2) to trample ThIP.bIC· I) 10 pro lest (act ively) ; 2) to try,
the ground (for example. a horse bitten by a to endcavo r.
mosquito). TbIP.bICY 1) zeal, assiduiry ; 2) cra mp,
ThIPA- 1) to die l intr. / : 2) 10 fall dow n, to spasm, con vulsion.
faint. TblPblCKAK J) assiduous. diligent ; 2) stu b-
Tb lPAM 1) accura te. neat : 2) ready to give bo m, persisten t.
serv ice. Tbl PhIK weak, feeble. thin , skinny.
T b IPA lliTAH - I) to t ry te help someone ; T bIC I) o uter ; exterior appeara nce; 2) besides,
2) 10 be neet. 10 be nea t and well-dressed . in ad dition , beyond , above : 3) ab nonnal ;
Tbl PA llITblK I) willingness to help ; 2) neat- Tbl CK A llIbIK,T.b1 (he) went o utside ;
ness, cleanliness. ... K H IM /C b IPT KJUM I outer garments .
Tb IPAHllA- 10 ffounder. ra il, wallew. ThlCTA- 10 cove r, la wra p. to upbolste r, to
TbIPAF Afi CAJlbln KAIll- 10 run pell-mell ; make a co ver for something ; TOH ... to
ThIPAFAflJIA-ThI PAFAflJIAO KAW - mak e a cover for som ethin g.
T b I (they) fled in disorder ; (they) ran TblCfAJlFAH IWIK coat witb a fur lining
pell-mell. (a covered fur coat).
Th l PfiA IUlA· see ThI PfihI IUlA-. ThlCThI with a co ver (of clothing); ._.
T bJP6b l"fl- J) 10 stick OUl; 2) 10 unravel, te go KITAn book with a co ver ; IWTI -ThICTb l
to pièces : 6011 bl TbI P6bU"tFA H 6 1PEY bOll - to infiltrate some circle (in order to
(scom fully) What a dump y Iinle man ! tran smit information, secrets) .
T hI P6blfl FA H lllEn low (sprea ding) grass. TblCfbIK MA TA suita ble ma rerial for a
TblP6 blK sho rt of stature. co ver (for a fur coat).
TbIPlib IHD.A- J) to wave the arms and legs, TbIChI jKOK IIlIIK "uncovered " coa t (sheep-
trying 10 get up or crawl lof a n infant); skin or an y fur without clot h over it) .
2) to flounder, to wallow : 3) /fig./ to TbIC.bIP rustle. crackling sound.
endeavor, to strive for something. ThIC.hIP J1A· to mak e a cra ckling, ru stlin g
Tb IP)f(h lfi - te frown , to get sullen; KA6AFbl noise.
TbIP)f(blJI KAJIbInTbI He's in a rage. T bICK,AP bl o utside, especiall y a part Irom,
T b IP)Kb l H,D.A· to express displeesure by besides, beyo nd : 93I HE THECID.EH
means of facial e x pression ~ apa rt Irom what was owed him.
TbIPM A rake, bar row. ThIC Kbl upper side, top side, extemal.
TbIPMAJlA- to harrow, to rake . TbIT /bo t./ larch (Larix sibirica ) (a partienlar
TblPMA JlAY harrowing. species).
TbIPH A· l) to comb; 2) to scratch; 3) to Tbllll· to defecate.
scribble: 4) to ra ke /tr./. ThllIIKAK d iarrhea.
T b IP HA cran e (bird). T blIllK,AH I) mo use; 2) lo bs./ name of a year
TblPHATIMP· to force someone: 10 scratch (according to the o ld K ezakh syste m of
(through a third persen). chranolagy using tbe nam es of ani mals).
TbIPHAYhllll rake. ThllOCLl3 ilt-bred, spoiled .
TbI PHAK.. 1) nail ; 2) claw, talon; . .. AJID.hI ThllOIllhI prohibiting ; guiding.
the beginning of someth ing ; undertaking ; ThIJIHAK constancy, stability ; OHblH
.. . OT Y ha wkweed (Hieracium pilosella). Ce31H):(E ... )KOK he is cha ngeable ; you
Th l PH AKTh l I) sbarp-clawed (of an eagle); cao 't believe what he says.
2) (fig.! preda rory. ThlRHAKChI3 /adj./ variable. unstable .
TbIPChI A. to bc: swollen and elasti c tfor ThUI HA KCbl3D.hIK instability, inconstancy.
example, of tbc: beUy of a came l). ThUl HAKTA. to see someth ing tbrough to
ThIPChIJllI,A- to squeak, to creak . the end; to get results.


ThIJlHAK,TAJl· to he co mpletely finished; TbIF bI3 I) compact. solid, de nse; 2) tight,

to become stabie . narro w; 3) urgent, special, extra .
T b IJl H AK.TbI stabie, constant, cocscientious. TbIF bI3AA- I) to con den se, th ic ken, to 6ll to
TbUlHAKThIJlblK. sta bility, constancy, overftowin g ; 2) to basten, to rush, to urge on .
conscientiousness. ThIFbI3llAJ1 · 1) to get tight ; te ere wd, to
T b l K, IF/- I) to stick int ö, to thrust into . to ja m ; 2) /fig.' te hurry, ro rush .
drive into: 2) to conceal , to hide; 3) te TbIFbl3.LlAH· see TbIFb13JlAJI·.
squeeze, to press ; 4) to stuff; 5) 10 shake TbIF bl3)lbIK I) compactness. dens uy, tigh t-
down. ness : 2) haste, urgency.
ThI K,-TbiK a constant, rhythmic knocking, T bIF bIJl- I) te bide. to lurk ; to be th rust in ;
tapping ; .. " )l(YP- to walk with a tapping 2) /fig./ to choke ; 3) to he squeezed.
noise (fro m one's heels) ; A.R'FhtH . .. IiAC· TblFblH I) plug, cork ; 2) Ice block in river .
te wa lk treading (t he ground) firmJ y. T b IFbI H- to hide, to co ncea l.
Tb IK,n AJl A- 1) to hide, to secrete, 10 put TbIF b lH lIIbIK see TbIFbI H.
aside; 2) to thrust in, to sbo ve under. T bIF bIH)l;A- to cork, to 'p lug.
ThIK,ChIP- to drive (in ), to drive ioto a TbfFbIH.llAJl- to be co rked. plugged ; te he
cu l-de-sac. shut up.
ThIKTA- to cave in, to co rk. te plug. to fil l. TblFblPhlK 1) stand, support; 2) haven ;
TblKblJl frequent (not powerful) noises, 3) side st rcet. a lley.
knoc king . T b lF blPlIIblK see TbIFbIPbIK.
TblK,btJl )l:A- 1) to produce, utter a noise ; Tlry sewing /n./ (cccupa tion).
2) 16g./ to speak in a ri nging voice . TI r YJl I sewn, st itcbed , Iaced.
TbIKbInllAT- te knock (no t violently). n ryJl l KMIM ready-made d ress.
TblKblJlJlAK jay. TI r YllJ1 tailor.
TbIKbIP cruneb. crunching, crac kling. rrrvun KA TblH seems tress.
TbIKbIP.QAK J) sla nderer; 2) res tless person . TIrIJl· I) te be stuck in to ; 2) to he sewn.
ThIKbIPJlA · 10 cru nch. TInH MAlDHHAChl sewing-machine.
TbIK b IPJl AK see TbIKbIPJlAK.. TIrI HllII tailor.
TbIH I) strong, brave ; 2) virgin soil; . .. )KEP TlrIHIIII dftEn seamstress .
virgin so ü. TIrlHIllIfll K ETY tailoring trade, tailor's
TbII{ TblH)lA· 10 spy. trade.
TbIH T bI HJ1AY ea vesd ropping. TlrIC I) sewing (occupation); 2) seam.
TbIHAA· to get stre nger, to have a rest. T Il- to thread, to string ; K,ATAPJIAn . .. to
ThlHAftT- to afford an o pport unity to get construct in rows; K9TEPIJlICillinEP
stro nger ; ATbIM)lbl Tb lHAfIT bl n 6AfiJlbIIl AT· AfiFbIPJlAPblH T I3m
AJlJlblM I gave my horse a cha nce to An.ll bl The rebels took the rich man's horses.
gather his stren gth ; JKEP ... to fertilize TI36E chain ; ... TAY JlAp mountain chain ;
the land (soil) ; ;KEPJlI TbIHAfiTY some thing threaded or strung; KYM IC
fertil izing. AK,UIA TI36ECI strings of silver ccins /Iit.!.
TbIHAHTKblIII ferttlization . (threaded silver coins).
TblHJ],A- I) to listen te, to o bey, to listen, T136EK I) row, file; 2) chain ; TA Y TI3EEK-
to lis ten attentively; 2) to hear (a report, TE PI mo untai n chain .
comrnunicanon). TI36EK·TI36EK MO HIIIAK str ings o f beads
TbIHJlAJl- 1) to be heard, to be analyzed (on lhread) {til.{ (strung beads).
(a t a meeting) ; 2) to at tract someone's TI 36EKTE- to string, to thread ; to align, to
attentio n. stand in rows (in file).
ThIHJrAYillbI hearer, listener. student. TI36EKTEJI- to be strung, threaded; to stamt -. ~ .
TbIl{lIIbl spy. in rows (in file); )f(bUI
""'" ..~ .
TbUlllIblnAP yAbIMbI spy orga nization. KAft Thi n JKATblP the migratory birds are
TbIHIIIb IJl blK, espionage. fiying in (wbole) ä oc ks.
ThIH,FhlJl bIK,ThI sound, conscien tio us, care- TI36EKTEC· see TI36EKTE.H· .
ful TI3EEKTI strung, threaded.
TblHFbln b rK,T blJl bl K conscieunousness, TI3E EJIE- to string, to thread .
carefulness. Tl3rtH reins, bridle: MEHIH T I3rtHIM


CEHllE EM EC D on' t teil me what to do! TIkJE- I) to set upri gfu . vertically: 2) 10
(I don' ( depend on you ). stra ight en out.
113n H.UE- /fig./ 10 check. 10 hold back, ro TIKTEC- to grapple, afte r straightening up .
rein in. , TIKTIP- to have (something) sewn .
TI3JlE:': TYffE HI TI3D E- to hobble a camel TIKlllIJI steep, sheer , ve rtical : ... KIel a
by tying tbe front leg, be nt at (he kpee , to harsb persen.
the nec k (fo r exarnpte. in shea ring) . TIKlJI.EH- 10 Casten one' s eyes (o n), to
TI3E knee ; ... 6 YK tri- ftil.l (10 bend tbe state at.
knee), 10 subm it, 10 abc)', 10 capitulate ; TIKIPEl1:- J) to stan d o n end, upright ; 2) to
... I»YKTlP- to put (someone) on his knees. state at. 10 fix one's eyes on .
T13EJ1E - te leao aga inst so meone's knees ; TIKIPEH,D.E- 10 att ack (som eo ne) furio usly
TI 3EJ1En OTbIp· to sit on the knees . (with one's eyes sta rt ing out of one's head).
TI3EPJlE· to press with one's knee; TI3EP- TIJl 1) to ngue. lan guage ; 2) pri nting device ;
Jl E n ~p- 10 sta nd o n the knees ; TI3EP- 6HEP AJlllhIK.hl3hIJI ... fProv./ Elo-
JlEn AT- te shoot Irom the knee. quence is the highest fOnTI of art ; . ..
1131- 1) te push in, to sbove in, 10 thrust in; AJlFbIW o bedient, industrious, carefu1;
2) to loek, to loek in. 10 loek up, to bar. .. . liAl1:JlAH · 10 mu mble, 10 speak thi ckly
TlJIJl- 10 he tbreaded . [0 he stru ng, 10 sta nd (of speech); ... SAfiJIblFhl richness of
in rows. language ; .. . 3EPlTEYMI linguist; ...
TI3I M list. m rlJ- te cu rse, to score: TI3I3Y
TlH see TH -. offense In.l; ... XAT a recelpt ; KATnA-
TIHIH see Thn1hlH . I } to be silent ; 2) 10 be still ; ... F hI JIbIMbI
rnuc must. linguistics, philology ; .,. dKEJl - /mi!.1 to
TIfIlC· to be o bliged 10 iv-i : to owe, to beleng . take a prisoner.
TIH JCTI he must, he is o bliged, he owes. TIJI- 10 cut , 10 slice. 10 cut in st rips. to c ut in
TJfi ICTI- see TI HIC-. ban ds .
TII1d- to la ad. to load a cart. TIJlA3AP inattentive, unconscientious.
TIK- 1) 10 sew lvl: 2) to put to place; 3) to T1J1rJ JlE- see TIJlKEMIlE-.
thrust into the ground : Ka3 TI K frl- la T1J1rIHE see TIJllIIIK .
stare (at). to Casten one 's gaze (on someone); TI Jl nPACll telegraph.
so a r s T I J.:: frl· to name a prize (in horse - T1Jl.ll.EC~ I) to talk for the last time (with
racing) ; TA n CbIPA T IK· to sew in; 10 someone .....-ho is dying); 2) to have a talk
stitch in. with someone ; to talk a little , to hav e a chat.
T IK a precipice, a venical cliff (or near ly TIJl,rU sharp-tongued.
vert ical), steep slope . sheer, vert ical, straight; TInE- to ask, to beg, 10 wish, to wan t, to
... )KA P steep sho re : TI n -TIK abso lutely req ues t ; Hd n CI M TIJIEMEf1.JlII have no
vert ical, sheer, straight up and down ; desire .
MIFhIHAH ... T\'PhIn Ch1l1J1Allh l he TIJlEK wish. request, inte ntion .
received us co rdially : ... MIHE3,llI KIC I TIJlEKTEC sympatheric /n./, well-wisber .
a rode, qui ck-tempered man . TIJlEKTECTIK sympa thy: solidari ty : be -
TIKliAKAft 1) stubborn, obstina te: 2) sharp. nevolence. kindness.
TIKE I) strai ght, direct ; 2) vertically, sheer. TIJlEKWI w ell-wisher. sympa the tic persen,
TJKEYI. jintr.! to stralghten out ; 10 stra ighten sympat hetic .
up ; 10 become straight, vert ical . Tl Jl EH- I) 10 ask Hor), to apply fo r, to sta Ie
TIKEJlEH irnmediately, di rectly ; ... AfiT· 10 o ne's wish; 2) to ask for al ms, to beg;
speek openly. Irankly. directly ; T1KEJlEn OJI COFhIC MAHIlAHhlHA 631 TI-
KAPA- look stead ily. JlEH ln KETKEH He wem tc the front
T IKEH {TI KEH EKI prickly bus bes. thom, voluntarily.
thomy, splinter ; TEMIP TIKEHEKTEfI TlnEHlliEK beggar .
like an iron barb (said of eaustic remark s). TIJIEHlli lJlIK begging. cad ging.
TIKEHIU co ...ered with burrs. spikes, thorns. TIJIEPCEK I) shin, sha nk : Ach illes' heel;
TlKEHE th om. 2) la rsus (of a bird).
TIKEHEK see TIKEH . llJlKEM-TVlKEM cut into pieces, cut into
TIKEHEKTI see T IKEHIlI. small , thin strips .


TIJl KEMJ1E- to cut into smal! pieces (rhin lean on , to lean aga inst; MAFA H TIPEJlIll
strips). T~PFAH EWH;)PCE )1(01< /lIg./ I have
TIJlKEMtlEH - to be cut into small pièces or no objection ; TYMCbIFbI TACKA TI -
strips . PEnlU /lit./ (the scythe has found th e
TJJlMA P sha rp-tongued. expressive. eloq uent. stone), an irr esistib le force has met an
TIJlMAllI j hist./ (office) translat or ; clerk. immovable objec t.
TIJI ME /med./ erys ipelas (name of a disease). TIPEH- 10 lean on, te be supported by.
TIJlMalliTd- to translate. TIPE C- to press o ne ano ther (in comba t):
TI Jl CI3- 10 spea k awkwardly, without /fig./ to vie with someone, to bri ng suil
command of the language. against , te argue with so rneone.
T IJlCl'l du mb. m ute, a route ; OT nEH CY - TIPEY sec TIPEK.
.. . )l(AY fi re and flood are na tural celam- TIPEYIW sec TIPEK.
it ies . TIPK E- I) 10 fasten (10), te hook (on), to
TlJIIllI correspondent . tie (on), to tie to each ether (of ho rses) ;
TIJ1WIK 1) a small tongue ; uvu1a ; 2) / mus.! 2) to register, to nc re in a book, 10 write
reed . down in a bock.
TIJlIK I) cut, slash ; 2) a mark: on the ear
TIPKEC- to slick te, to cling to each o ther ;
(o f cattIe); . .. K YlIAK, (cattIe) with a
slash (mark) o n the ear.
the com bina tion of wo rd s in a sentence.
TlmK~ to wish, 10 want, 10 desire, 10 inspi re.
TIPKEYJU I) Iastened, ried. a ttached ;
TI Jl IM I) p ieee ; 2) slice of bread .
2) regis rered .
n mMlI E- 10 cut, 10 slice into small thin
TlPKEYllII I) co upler ; 2) registrar.
strips, small pièces, slices.
TIJIIH- to be sneed. cut , sJit. TIPK;)· sec TIPKE·.
TIJI ;)· sec TIJI E-. TIPCEK /anaL/ shin.
TlMICKI a n insinuating persen . TI PCEKTE- la fellow o n (somecne's ) becls
(relentl essly).
TIMICKIJIE- I) to rummage. to search for ;
2) to sniff at (o f a dog). TIPlllIn IK existence, life.
TIH warp a nd woof (weft) , (tbc threads TI PI living, natura l, Iively, vivid ; KE31HIH
ex tendin g len gthwise a nd crosswise). TIPICI H,UE d uring (his) lifetime; TIPIJl.E
TI HT· to sea rc h: to fumb le ab our , to rummage, YMblTnACnblH I sha ll never forget (to
to look for ; to seek , la make a search . the end of my life). ~
TIHTKI3. see TIHTTIP·. TIPI,UE l1 in a living state; alive.
TIHTIIP· to force to , to permit a search. TI PIKY l\UC mercury, quicksi lver.
TIHTY scarch : TIHTY,UEH COH, after the TI PIn· 10 live, to he alive, to come back to
search. Iife, to rise from the dead.
TIHTYllIl searchin g ; one who is conducting TIPInT· to animate. to revive .
a sea rch . TIPInIK life, time o f life, spa n o f life.
TInTI even; quite, at all ; ver)' ; entirely, Tl P!WIJIIK life.
comple tely. TIPél- see T IPE · .
TIHTIn · to be undergoing a search : to be TIP;)J1 · sec TIPEJI· .
subjeered to a searcb . TI C too rh: TICI 6 ATn AJ.11lh l beyend his
TIH TIH - to rumrnage, to fumble a bout. power ; A3Y ... /a nat./ molar ; KYPEK ...
TIPE· to prop up, to suppo rt, to back up, cutter, chisel, incisor ; ... EMXAHA dental
to strengthen. to bunress ; KEPEYETTI clinic; llI YKYb illi toothpick ;
KAlibl PFA FA T IPEME don't move the llIET KECJ toothbrush ; K,AKKAH
bed to the wall. AUAM an ad ult...a mature persen .
TI PEK /TI PEY. TIPEYIW/ pos t. pillar. TIC- to meet, to meet roget her.
suppo rt, mast. TIC E- to cc me ou t, te fall o ut (of ba by reetb ).
TIPEKCI3 witho ut a pro p, suppo rt, /fi g./ TI CCI3 I) tooth less ; l ) ifig./ duit. stupid.
graundless, witho ut founda tion. obtuse.
TIPEKTI well-founded . reliable : ... Yl1 TICTE· to bite : 6A P ~I A F b I H ... to bite
building co nstructed upon piles. to ne's) finger, la express regrer.
T IPEJI- to be suppo n ed : to rest against: to TICT EH· I) to clench (o ne's) teeth : 2) /fig./

T" H.AhIP-

to gel angry (with so meo ne), to ûy into a TY l1bIK TA Jl· to find o nesclf in an impasse ;
ro he shot up in serneth ing.
rage .
TICTE C- I) to büe : 2) to fight with teeth, to TYl1h IKTAH - to becom e mtract ablc .
figb t by bit ing ; 3) /fig./ 10 quarrel (with). nYlb IK,TA HYllib IJl b IK reserve .
TICTE T- to permit to bite, nibble . T VHbl KTbJK ret icence : shyness.
TICfE TKI3- see T1CfE T-. ~I1FbI H IzooL/ scaven ger- hawk .
TICTEYIK I) to ngs, pincers : 2) bitmg (of a ITJl a ffEJl a widow .
horse). ITJl KAJI · to he wido wed, to becom e a
TICTd C- see T1CfE C-. widow (said only of a wo man ).
11TIP EH- to trem bie, to sbake. ITJlA · to he shy (o f horses).
TJTlP KEH- I) to be squeamish about, to T YJlA 6 0 Abi CQ M he ha s a strong build.
shrink frorn, to shiver (from cold). TYJlA EoAblM th e en tîre body .
TITIPé l- 10 trembl e. to sha ke, to quiver. TYJlD.AH - J) to take on a m oum fuJ aspect,
r n. see TM- . a funeraJ appear ance, to grieve (about the
T Y sec TY- . dead) ; 2) /fig./ to show displeas u re about
"NJKh IP· I) to trim the sharp end of some- so methin g in one's face.
thing ; 2) Ifig.1 10 sum up , to conclu de. TYJln A P warhorse : fast horse, a runner .
T\C)K hIPhIM conclusio n, rounding off TYJlh lM women's bra id (o f ha ir), woman 's
TVJKh IPhIM ,UA- to formul ate. plait.
T~J]bIMIlJAK. sma l! braids.
T'V)K hIPhIM Abl conclusive, decisive, per -
em pto ry, ca tego rical, allowing of no appeal . T YJlbl n chuchelo. a ca lf's hide, stuffed with
T ):,] salt ; TAC . .. rock salt, sodium chlorid e ; straw which peo ple stand in fro nt o f a cow
COPll AH b l1{ rvsu lKEHIJI EKEH il when they rnilk her (when calf is away er
appea rs that the so up has no t been salted : dead) ; n'J1bI nTA fl sons m CEMI PIn
IT3bJ JKEHIJl A)lAM an inoffen sive man ; KETJn n he's become very fat /lit. / (like
... KEH sa lt mines; ... KA3A H salt works ; a stuffed hide).
... KAMH ATYH bIH 3ABOJ{ salt works : TYJlF A I) to rso , upper pan of body ;
.. , KAEA TbI sa lt layer ; ,.. K.AYlHATY 2) suppo rt , co ver, defence : ce3 TYJI-
salt makin g. F AChl /gra m./ wo rd for mation.
TY3A K, J) snares, snare, nocse , net ; 2) am - 'n:'.nFAJIbl big, ta ll, stalwa rt .
bush ; 3) deceit , fraud ; ... K,~P- I) 10 set lYJl F ACbI3 amo rp ho us.
snares ; 2) /fig./ to pur someon e in an T~ M A basin, reservo ir,

awkwa rd po sition , to shadow someon e. TY M A H fog, mist ; A K ... (white) fog.

T ~3L1A - to sa lt, te pickle . T ~MAH .llAH- IQ he concea led by Iog .

TY3.LlA Y lli b l saher (ene who sa lts meat , fish , TYMA HUbl foggy, envelo ped in fog.
erc.). TYMA P amulet , charm .
T ~3.!lbJ sali. sall y ; oversa lted: ... ET salt T YMAY cold. chili.
beef; ... CO P-MEH EM IlEY to treat by T~MAYPAT· to ca tch a cold .

minera l mud; ... CY sal t water. T YMAK winte r ca p.

TY3!J.hlK. sa uee, tuzl uk (a sa uce prepare d for T"iMC A· giving birth fo r the fitst tim e
berbar mak, the Kazak h nat ional meat dish), (mostl y of animal s).
a sal ted sauee covered with fat ; TYJnbl F b l TYM ChlK muzzle . sno ut (of anima is), beak.
il\OK Ce3 empry ta lk. bill, toe (of a boot).
TY3C hIJ CY swee t water. TYMh lJlJlbl PblK a mu zzle (fo r cal ves).
n'3FA CAJlF AH ET salt bee f. TYMblJIJlbI PbIKT A- to rnuzzle .
TYf1blK I) cul-de-sac, dea d end ; 2) dam, TYMh lill cross-b reeding o f an argam ak (a
kind o f ra cehorse) and a Kazak h m are .
dike, 'heir ; 3) a fold (in material) : 4) /fig./
TYH · J) to sen le, p recipita te (for examp le, o f
reticen t, sullen, in tracta ble ; . .. PAYI /gram./
infinitive of the verb; TY Yl b IK,K,A water) ; 2) to clog (of th e painful sens etion
when the ea rs are stoppe d up) ; KYJlA FhlM
KAMA Jl- to get int o a difficuh sit ua tion (an
ITHh In KETT I my ears are clogged.
T~HIiA sed iment ; sedirne ntary ; ... KAP new-
TYMb lK,TA- te barricade, bar , Ience in ; to
make impassible ; )l{In TIH ~WbI H to fallen snow.
al the end o f a thread. T~H)lbIP- to precipi tat e (a Iiqu id).
tie a knot
rtHlKhIPA- TYr-

TY H )I(b IPA. I) te get cloudy, o vercas t ; TY PblMTA I1 Izool.l merlln (a hun ting bird
2) to frown, to he sad, to he thoughtful. of the falco n species).
TY HIIJbl K, IF/- to choke, to suffecare . ITPbl n horseradish.
ITHW blK,TbfP- to stra ngle, to choke, to ~ used only in the possessive case ;
stifle. I ATTbIH, TYP K,bI the length of a ho rse's
T~HbIK rransparent, pure (o f water). J? body ; ARKTbl H, TYPKbl t he len gth of a
TYp . I) to stand, to rise, to get u p ; 2) to be .J? foot ; ap 61P MdCEJlErE .D.VPbIC T Y P-
""îöëated, to be ; 3) to live, to inhabit, to FhlLlAH KAPAY the correct a pp roach to
dweil ; 4) ( 0 live together (of man an d wife) ; every pro blem.
5) to cost ; 6) to keep one's word ; 6EPI K r iPFAH dCKE P reservist.
TYPA 6 111- to remain standing, to he ld o ut; .J.ITPF blH aborigines ; .. . EJI local inha bita nts,
DHbt HA H TYPJlbl he was lucky ; TYKK E natives; .. . CY sta griant wat er (not ru n ning).
TIPMA fl.ll. bI it doesn't cost anyt hing (a f TIff-W~ abode, quarters (tem pora ry).
tr ifling thing) ; KAHll1A TYPAllhl I-jow \ T~ PFbl3· I ) to display. to exhibi t, to ex pose,
_much isj Q -~ - - - to pro pose, to represem ; 2) to placc, to
T~PA (ro g (in a ho rse's hoof). erect, to raise (cons truc t) ; ) ) to understand.
TYPA· te crumble. to wake.
TIPAJlA- I) to wear down the frog (o n the , T 'iPFb Illb IKT bI constant. permane nt,
hoof of a horse), te begin ro lim p; 2) la regular.
stand in the way, to he in the way : )) to T'iC 1) the opposite side : 2) directio n .
go straight; 4) lfig./ to sulfer a loss or a • :,,) ) kno wiedge, menta l capacity ; 4) time :
failure : T't PAJlA n KAJl - IfigJ 10 mar k J ... KEJl · 10 meet. encounter. to corne
time. across ; ... TYChI HA H from all sides, o n
T~PAJlAC- to mee l, to meet together . a ll sides : TYC iiÀ:TY C exac tly o ppo site ;
T 'iPAJl blK. j ust jee. T~C1?f~:L1fAFI:~.1 o pposite me, op posed to ----
TIPAT b lH MEK EH a Caucasian villa ge. me ; a C h t TYCTA on this side ; CO BET
i\ )j >T'iPA K residence, q ua rters, stand. post. OKI MET I n Chl HM in the Soviet era :
r ' TYPA K,Cb13 unsteady, unstable. during the period of Soviet rule .
r TY PAKCbl3LJ.AH· to become unstead y. T'iCA· to put hobbles (o n the fro nt legs of a.
wavering (of a pe rse n) . ho rse) ; ATTbI TAP blPAK .. . Ma ke the
" T'iPAK,C h 13.lIh lK, Inco nsta ncy. c hange- hobble a Iittle bit shorter on th e ho rse !
a bility. TYCAll - to he confused. entangled (in the

~ \ J-' )o TY PAKTA · I) to choo se a perma nent proces s).
residence ; to live in a definite place: 2) to T~ CA M hI C hobbles, shackles. fetters fo r the
decide, to resolve. to stop short . legs of a horse .
H ~PAK,T bl steady, stable ; ... ÛK,Y KY- T ~ CAY bobbles. fette rs for the fron t legs ;
PAfl b l sta ndard textbook : ... d C KEP 't3b lH APKA H, KEH. TY CA YFA CAl1-
regul ar anny. la do sernething witho ut hurry ing; to put
tJ T'i PA KT hlJIhl K sta biluy, con stancy. a lf. to sbelve.
ITPllAYCbl3 sec TI PAKCbJ3. TICAK a lamb after his sece nd spring.
~Q IC mod e of Iife; TI PM blCM TYcnAJl I) supposition. pr ognosis. fo recast ;
!!!§JK / F/- to get ma rr ied. .' , 2) allegory, allegoricaJ.
I TYpn AHb l rough, coarse, clumsy. J!I;-t:1 (.,lrT 'tCn AJl n A- te make a supposition ; 10 gi..e
1 TIPnAAbI Jl AY lllbl vulgarize r, popularizer. a forecast.
I T'ipnA f1 bIJl h IK roughness. coarseness, TYCTIAH a sign on the raad : ra ad sign.
c1umsiness. v"'" T~ crA C I) contemporary: 2) (directl y)
T'iP TIA H wild duek (a variety). ,.,R opposite.

'!I..\:,p n b T sha pe, ferm, appearance, physi- (T~ CKA H a relative: T'tC KA HJlAP rele-
ognomy, figure. tives.
-: npn ATC bl3 unenvia ble. pl ain, homel y (of T~CKA H.lIh IK /TYh IC K AH.l1hIKI rela-
the figure o r face). tienship.
"f n pnATTAC of the same shape or type, TYT- I) to bold . to keep : 2) to catc h; )) to
alike in facial ep pearanee. extemal appear - spend, te spend all (one's mo ney) : EPl ll
ance. K6 PCEK. KAlIlP .. .. ACT bl KEPCEK.


K,AJ],IP .. . Be than kful for everytbing! ~llIbl Iresb . Sw eet. insipid. vapid : . .. CY
TYT AFAlli l A FAlIIbll I bol.l mu lberry tree sweet wat er.
(Mor us). lYlIlKblJITbIM having little flavor .
TYT :JKEMICI mulberry . TYJlHADAfi accura te , neat. punctual.
TYTAM a measu re of jength, equa l 10 thc regular , co nscientiou s.
wid th of the pal m (the width of a cle nched TY..R K 1) sheep ; 2) ncw -bo m ; 3) birth :
fist}; APA M3AHblH, K,\C llPbIFbl S IP ... 4) hoof; APTblHnA .. . K,AJlnbl MA?
murder will ou t. /fig./ Does he have a successor"; AUlA
ITTAH.QbIPFhI m ignition device, ignition lY.sIKTblJIAP IzooLI Artiodactyla ; AT
charge. TY.sIFbl H TAA bACAP (prov./ the young
T\'TA H -1) to catch fire. 10 Rare up ; 2) lfig./ to generation reptaces the aid .
flare up. to inten sify. TYKMllAC relative.
TYrAHD.bIP- 1) to kindle, 10 arouse ; to light TYK,bIJll) root (of a hair). stump (of a hair) ;
Up. 10 catch lire ; 2) /fig./ to incite, to sti r up. 2) cigarette stub, cigar butt; 3) remainder,
ITTAHJlb lPYlllbl instigator. residue.
rtTAC ,solid, continuous, en tirely, every- TYK,b IM I) posteri ty. younger generati on :
where, wholly, the whole, undivided. 2) seed, seeds ; 3) /bio!.1 species; 4) clan , kin,
co mplete, compact , dense, indissolubl e ; family; .5) race, breed, stock, variet y:
TYTAChI MEH as a whoie; wholesale. ... CEEY sow ing; ... CE 6YMJ, .. . IIlA-
T~TA C- 1) 10 adjoin, 10 join , 10 be adjace nt lllAThI H MAIIII1HA sowing mach ine.
to, 10 bo rder upo n : 2) to gel dense o r seeder, seed-top, drill- plough ; ... IIIAWY
compact. sowing : ... IllAillYlIJbI sower In.l ; ...
TYTACY fusing , splici ng. coalescence. KYAJl AY heredity ; . .. KYY geneal ogy,
lYTACThI K. community. ped igree.
T\CTAT - see TYTAHnbIP-. ~KhIM .nAHY impregna rion. fen ilization.
T\'TTbIK jF/- te stutte r ; to touch upon . TYfKblHFA AJlY I) ca ptivity: 2) arrest.
lY1Th iKnA sta mmeter. sturterer ; ton gue- TYKblMDAC kinsma n. tr ibesman . of the
lied . sa me speci es (of animais).
TYTbln- I) to be held, caughr ; 10 be ca ught T~KbI MDb IK 1) seed , semina l; 2) tribal.
red han ded ; 2) to be eclipsed (of the moon T VK,bIM-TE H I /bio!.1 family.
and the sun). lYK,bIP· to let one's head drop.
r tThlH· 1) te hold on, to hang on ; to snatch T VKbIPT- I) to forc e (someone) to bend hls
at something ; 2) 10 spend, to consume, head dow n; 2) /fig./ l a restriet too mucb .
to use. te diminish, to decrease.
TYT bl HY 3ATIAPbl con sumer goeds. TYHFbIf'lbIK deep (of water). abyss. chasm .
TYTbl HY KOO nEPAUI1J1Ch l co nsumer ITHFhlC Fungus, Tunguz In./.
cooperative. TYHFblW f irst-born.
TYTbIHYillhIJlAP consumers. ~FAH relatio n, relative.
T\'TK,A small hand, handle, arm (of a chair ), TYFAK, hoof.
crank , knob, penholder , brace lobs./ NFhl P I) wo rk horse, ho rse of mediocre
support. quality ; 2) a support Ie r a hunting-bird to
TYT K,bIH prisoner ; TYTKbl HFA All · to su o n ; DJl orn TYFbIP!lAH TYCIO
ta ke prisoner, to capture ; TYfK,bIHll.AP ITPFAH iKO K, he still hasn't aged very
)l(bl lÏfbIJlfAH JlA rE P concentratien much (of a man ) ; he still has so me m e in
camp. hlm.
TYfK bIP 1) viscous , oozy, swampy, tenacious ; TY6EK peninsula.
2) retai ning , holdin g, delay ing; ETKE ... TYIiTE- to stit ch (books) Iv.l.
AT a hardy horse , e ne with grea t end urance. TYIiIHDE a l the bottom, in the end , finally.
T ~TKhIPJlbI K viscoslty, stickiness. TY6IP I) back (of a book) ; 2) stub (of a
NTK,bIIll potholders, oven-tongs Ilit.1 check, etc.); 3) stump (o f a tree); 4) Imath.,
(special relt bags for lifting a hot kettle by gram .1 root, radical ; ... TAIiY evolution ;
the lugs) . Irna th./ extraction of a roo t ; .. . KAK IF/-
TYY see TYY. to uproot stumps ; TYlilPrE )KEK IF/· to
lYW né)PA small boiled meat d umplings. hamess to tbe shaft; TYIiIPrE JKEKKEH

TY61T TYl1IHill

AT shaft-horse: TY6IPIMEH KATE ir- )1(J n Tl .. . to tie a Iittle knot (at the end of
regular in the roo t; TYIiIPI MEH K.YPT· a thread).
to tear u p by thc:root, to destroy completely; TYHnW mortar.
TY 6lPI H )Kyn y uproo ting; TY6IPIHE TYHnillTE- te bea t repea tedJy with tb c ûst ;
K,APA· to loo k a t a roo t; 10 look a t the KAIlKA "'Hilbl TYl1rIllJTEIl TOJI-
shaft. ThIPll.hIM (he) poured flo ur int o a bag,
TY 6 IT goat fuzz, Ruft' (u ndergrowth of fine filling it ( by pressing it în ) unt il i ~ could
hair ). bold D O more.
TY IiIITE- to ta ke thc: fine hair from a goar TYHllEK a whole piece, a whole heap.
or clea n the Cuzz Irom the baie; EMKI TYflilEKTEH . 10 bunch.
TY ó IITEn )KYP tbc: fine bair o n tbc: goa ls TYHE camel: . .. 6YPlIIA K bean s ;
has risen (shedding is beginning). )f(AIlbIPAK a type of grass ; .. . )f(A ~FAK
TYIiITTI fl uffy, downy . }AF AUlb II l bot./ walnut tree (Juglans
TY6YJlilE- /T Y6 YJIil <J-/ to stamp. regia) ; ... A(YH I camel's hair, woo t: ...
TY6YP YJlE- /TYSYPYJld -! to stamp. CYTI camcl's milk - milk of a camel;
TYrEJl I) Ima th.' integer ; 2) undivided, aU ... TAYb lK turkey ; . .. T IKEH /bot./
wholly, cornpletely, in full. c:ntirely, the commo n th istle (Carduus) ; z... _ ~MA FAJlA
whole. albatross: ... lDEH jbot./ thistle (Carduus) .
TYrEJ1,UE- 10 check, to count. TY HEWI the d river (leader) of the ca mel.
TVfEJlDE H- 10 be checked. co unted. TY I1ME button : TYflM EilE flil I TYflE-
TYrEHilE- see TYrEJIilE-. ll.Eft ET· to ma ke a mo untain ou t of a
TY rEC- to spend all cne's money, 10 spend rnolehill jlit./ (eleph ants fro m a fly) ;
(all), 10 exha ust. TY ff MELlEfi (the size of a) butto n
TYrIn nor only - bur, net ooly - even. (insignificant , trilling).
TYnW rnorta r. TVHM En E4 to festen buttons. to butto n up.
TVre H1!.E- to survey. exa mine. TY J.1: HEK l) name of a sto mach disease in
TYreC- te finish, to com plete. canle : pest, cholera; 2) seed o f a plant.
TYrec yJ1 ~ 10 be o ver, 10 cc me to an end, TYflH EKTE- to he forrned. to ap pear (of
to terminate. fru it).
TYll.8Jl- to reeove r. te get well, to put o n TvflHEM E /med./ maligna nt anthrax (in
weight. humans).
TY 3 I) exterio r, extem al appearance ; 2) plain. TYfl PE· to sta b, to pin ; C83SE H .. .-/fig~/ to
field. speak ca usticall y. to castigate.
TYHPEYIW hairpin. tack , stud.
TY3E· IT Y38 -1 to settIe (qu arrel, affair) ; 10
TYHCI K sensation, need: TYHCIKTI Ken
arr an ge, to straighten, to restore; EET . ..
K8prEH AllAM a perso n who has
to make o ne' s way (toward), to adept a
suffered a lot ; TvflCIH· 1) feel (to have a)
co urse ; AK,h IMAK, 6:\:3YFA EAP, TY-
pain ; to be in bad spirits, to feel low;
3EyrE )KOK. A fooi can only spoil, but
2) to feel the approac h of labo r pains.
canno t mend .
TVMTK IJl do ubt, anxiety abo ut something ;
TY3EJl . 1) to imp ro ve ; 2) to get weil, 10 gel indecisive. dependen t.
plumper ; 3) to straighten oneself to stretch
TYfiTKIJl AEH. to besitar e. to he u ndeci ded,
o neself.
to loo k back in do ubt, to be distutbed.
TY3ET- to co rrec t ; to mend. to repa ir. to
TYfl IJI- pass. of TYI1-. KA6AFbl . .. to
straighten .
fro wn : IM EK r va rnv I med.j volvulus ;
TY3 ET KIM master, expert.
TY3Y straight, direct; .. . ALlAM an upright, mea t is stuck in (my) throar.
veraclo us, just pe rso n ; )KI 61 .. . iK lrlT TYfllH I) /bol./ tu ber ; 2) knot ; J) /fig./
a Isteady. good) rider. kemel, basic idea , nucleus ; A F AlllTA H ...
TY3Y." I}< upnghtness. fai rness. jusnee. T Yfir EH WESEP a master craftsma n :
TY3e. see TY3E. . ... rvn. to tie a kno l.
TY36T· see TY3ET-. TYl1IHll.E. [0 tie a kno t.
TYH- I) 10 knock, to strike ; 2) to po und TYJ.1I HD.I kno uy. in kno ts; /fig./ difficult [0
(grain) in a mo rtar ; 3) 10 tie in a bu ndle: scl ve, co mplicat cd. difficult.


TYH IHlllEK nodule, sma ll kn ot. TYH night : .. . O PT ACbl rnidnight , ...
TY i:" IP crumb. grain , granuIe. OPTAChI AYA after mignight : ... 0 1'-
TYl1I PJl I J ) granular ; 2) lfig.f clever. in- TACblHAH KEfUH afte r midni ght ; " .
telligent. OPTAChlHnA at midnight ; .. . KATb!n
TYJ):IPTnEK clot (in curdled rrulk, or in the lKYP · to ride a ll nigh t long ; TY HnE at
blood). night. by night ; TY HI soa u a ll night
TYl1 JPTnEKTE H- 10 dot, to ge l lumpy. long ; lKAHliblP TYHIMEH lKA Y.1\bl i.
TYl1lPllll K small bead, globule . rain ed all nigh t long ; )KETI T YH nE in
TYHIC- 1) 10 ram each ether (of sheep), 10 the dead of night ; KYH I-TYHI day and
bult ; 2) 10 clash. 10 col lide, 10 bum p into , night : OKbIFAH-KYH . OKhIMAFAH·
10 run across. TYH Ip rov./ kno wledge is light . ignorance
TYK down. fuzz, fluff. woel . bod y ha ir, na p. is darkness.
pile : )l(E PJlIH, lYrI /fig./ a straw : rvurr night ly ladj.!.
6ETIHIH TYrI illhlFhln bristling. angry; TYHD.JK (JYH IKI feit. cove ring the srnoke-
... )KOK there is nathing; ... TA CfA- 10 opening of the feit hut.
fade, 10 shed ; TACTAY shedding (on ly TYH E- ITYHe -! to stop ov emight, to spend
of animals) : ICTE MEY inactio n, idle- (pass) the night.
ness : TY KKE ACnAfI,UbI com pletely TYH EK spe:nd ing the nigh t, lc dging for night.
unfit ; TY KKE ~PMAffJlbl it doesn't TYH EME epidemie. plague.
cost an ything ; T YKKE TI PMAMT bIH a TYH EMEJI k urruss which has stood fo r
trifle. forty-eight hours.
TYKn lP a reme re corner (locati on), remote- TYHE P- [TYH9P-1 I) to cloud over (o f the
ness. rem o te (of a location), corner. sky) ; te impend. to approach (of a threaten-
TYKCJ1 J1 - 10 bristle, 10 gel angry. ing cloud) : 2) lfig./ to frow n, to scowl .
TY KCl3 bald . smooth , with out nap; TY HEPT- jTYHePT-/ '0 scold.
KIJlEM pa lace ru g. TYHET- to sett le the herd for the night (in
TYk.lE- [TYKT9 /- 10 shell. the pasture).
TYKTE H- [TYKT9H/- 10 get shaggy, 10 TYHEY lodging for a night , place to sleep
become tw isted (o f the nap on the right side ove r the nigh t ; ... YI1 an inn , a lod ge.
of tbe cloth). TY HEYn /T YHEy r YH II of th a t time ;
TYKTI ûeec y, ha iry, with a hairy face. wbat was then. or no t very lon g ago :
TYKTeH see TYKT EH . 6AP MA? Do you re r nernber what I said
T Y KIP- jTYK Y P-j 10 spil Iv.l. then?
TYKIPrJW sp it toon. TYHI K see TY H.1lIK.
TYKIPIK s pit tle, sputum . TY He· "" TYHE· .
TYKI PI H- to expectorate. TYHep- see TYHEp· .
TYKYP- sec TY KIP- . TY HePT- see TYHEPT-.
TVJIE - ITYJIY -/ 10 shed bair ; ro moult. Tvff 161 I) root (of a plant or a tree);
TV Jl EK 1) moul ted (of birds); 2) pas t the 2) fo undation, basis. bo ttom ; 3) bush ;
first yea r (ofthe go lden eag le) ; 3) new-born ; 4) earth, ground, soil ; S) gen us, kind (root);
)l(AC . .. the young generation. 6) nea r, around, under; A FA WTbIH
TYJIEH TY PT- te force oneself upon : cou rt TY6I HD.E under the tr ee ; Y f1,UIH TY·
disaster. 6IHtIE jJKAH hIH.1\A/ by the house.
TYJ1KI ) fox ; 2) sly, m iscbievous : ... b9 PI K Tyn in tensifying partiele for w o rds beginning
ba t of fox fut ; . .. JWIK fox-Iur. with IT-; TY n -TYrEJI who lly, entirely.
TI'J1 KIJI EH· to fla ner, to use cu nning . Tyn E- rrvn9-1 ro d rive o n. to urge on .
TVJI IK Jive stoc k (of all kind s) ; TaPT to hu rry on.
M A Jl four species of domestic animals : TynEK pike, spee r.
horses, camels, shee p an d large. ho rned T y n KI redicat. fundame ntal, ultimate ,
catûe ; Ta PT TYJIIrI CA H prospe:rous. au tbentic ; ... AT wheelho rse, shafthorse.
ITJ1Y- see TY JIE -. Ty n KIJll KTI constant, in varia bie, etemal,
TYME bu tton . substantial, solid .
TYMEJlE- to butl o n. TY nCI3 1) very deep, fathomless. ab yss,

2 15

ch asm ; 2) /fig./ do ubtful. untrustwort hy, to set in ; 6) to he displaced: AP ~FA .. . to

unreliable. part , to tear; )1(011 .. . to he Iaid (fo r
TYTITE- ITYTITe -1 I) 10 bind (a hook); example, a sledge ra ad) ; CYFA to
2) to put in a bottom ; 3) 10 ram; 4) to bathe 1'0'./, to take a bath; KOJIFA /6g./
finish . 10 com plete ; K ITAn TYITTEYllil to he caugh t ; AThIMHbIH. ARFbIHA
boo kbind er: UJEJl EK TYnTEYWI tin- C~JlbI TYCfI my ho rse ale too many
sm ith. oa ts and began (0 limp.
TYnTEH. te put o ut shoots (of plants). TYC 1) col or, coat : 2) hillside ; J) noen ; 4) a
TYnTETKI3- I) 10 send (a book) to be cross-breeding of a male dr o medary and a
bound; 2) to send (a pot) to have a benam female with two humps ; S) d rea m; . ..
put in. K9PJ1I M I had a d ream ; TYCI K,Alll· to
TYTITe - see TYTITE-. turn pale; TYCI 6Y3blJl· to ch an ge
TYP type , form (ornament. design. em- co untenance: TYCIMDE K9P,UIM I saw
breidered trimming, decorarion). it in my sleep ; OC b IH b l A HT KA HL{A
TYP· I) to turn up, 10 roU up ; 2) 10 raise OHblH TYCI };\.'3bIJlFA H jKOK. he said
slightly; 3) to lift hem of dress ; 4) 10 roll this, without any embarr assme nt at a ll
up one's sleeves ; KYJlAK .. . 10 listen for, (without any remorse): WAHKAA: TYCfE
10 fiod out about , ro inq uire : T YP CAJI- high noen: .. . AYA /TY CfE H KEH IHI
see TYPJlE-. aftemoon.
TYPE H ploughsbare . ) TYCEM};I Mo nday.
TYPJlE- rryp CAfl-. TYpne-/ te mark the TYCKI dinne r ; . .. TA MAK. dinner ; ...
design (in milling pattemed feit), to em- YAKhlT dinner time.
broide r, 10 mend.
TYPJlEH - {fY pneH ·/ 10 assume vario us
TYCK I11IKTE at noo n.
aspects o r forms 10 change a ppearances ;
TYCKIPY sneezing .
Ce3.aIH TYPJl EHYI Jgram.f alteration
of a word (in a scntence). TYCKIPIK sneezing.
TY PJIEC mono tonous. TYCCI3 colorIess.
TYPJII diverslûed : IiI P .. . mo notonous ; TYCTE· to recognize (ani mals), by externa t
distinct lve, peculiar, strange, so-so. signs ; t ö select by co lor, by coat (Iivestock).
TYPJTIJTI K varie ty, d iversity, difference . TYCTEH· /TYcrS H·/ to sto p Ier a rest. to
TYPJl9H· see TYPJlEH·. have a bite to eat. to sto p in for avisit.
TYPM E 1) rrimrning aro und the hat ; TYCfE H KEH IH see TYC AYA.
2) prison ; TYPMErE OTblPFbl3Y im- TYCTEHrI afte m oon .
pri sonment ; TYPM ELlErI AL{AM the TY CTEHI C a stop for lunch at noo n.
prt soner. T YCT I colo red ; ... METAJll1AP no n-ferrous
TYPOI rasp (a coarse file deepiy incised wit h metals.
sep ara te notches). TYcrI K breakfast, lunch.
TypnlJlE· to rub o r file wood with a rasp. TVCfe H- see TYCTEH-.
TYPC n I) colorless ; 2) l!ing./ amo rp hous. TYCIK I) misca rriage, a bortio n, fetus;
TYPT· to push ; KE3rE .. . to point o ut and 2) lo w-shouldered horse.
ca l! attentio n to deficiencies. to incite. TYCIM I) gam. receiprs. inco rne. return
TY PT KI a pus h, a jolt ; .. . };O;1· to he a pro fit ; 2) erop.
go-getter ; ._. )l( E· to he persecured. TYCI M,UI I) profitable. advan tageous ; 2)
T YPTKI11E· I) to nud ge, to shove, to irnpel, harvest.
10 ind uce ; 2) l fi g.j to survive. TYCIMCI3 profitless.
TYPIK a Tu rk; TYPI KHEH Turcoman, TYCIH· {TYCY H·/ I) la give way, to let
turkma n. have, to yield, to ab ate. to co ncede, to he
TY PIH· 10 rail up the sleeves. the hem of a inferior to, to cede : 2) to understa nd :
d ress. 3) (0 thlnk, to reneer. 10 lea m well, to
TYC- 1) 10 desce nt . to come down, to dis- master ; 4) to ha ve an aversion to, to dislikc;
mounr. 10 alight. 10 dismount fro m horse . S) to sink, to fall, (0 go down : 6) to hear ;
to fall. 10 co rne ofT; 2) 10 stop; J) to eest : 7) 10 guess.
4) to remember. 10 reeelfeet ; j ) Ta ensue, TYCIH6ECTIJ.;: misundersta nding.


n'CIHEEY MIJl IK Jack. of com prehensic n. TYlIl KIPT· to provake sneezing .

failure ro understand. TY lliKIPIK sneezing.
TYCIHnM qulck, shrewd, qu ick-witted. TYWKY P- sec TYWKIP-.
sharp. TYWKYPT- see TYWKIPT-.
TYCIH,UIP - te explain. TYllll CY fresh water.
TYCJ HlI.IP rIUJ ab le 10 explain well, to TYHKIPME millel groei. porridge.
int erpret. TYHIn - fTYHYJI-! to lose hope. to renounce.
TY CI H,U,IPME expian ation, elucidation. to say goed bye. fo rever, la deny , te reject,
TYCIH Y understanding. to stop thinking of.
TYCI HIK idea, IphiJ./ conception. expla na- T9 SE I ) ceiling, ro of; 2) upper part, top
tion. part; 3) kn oll , hili, mound, summit, vo lca no ;
TYCJH IKCI3 incomprehensible. unintelli- SACfbI H TaSECI /a oa1.1 s inci p ut , Clown
gible . (of the hea d): OH hl1{ Te6ECI K eKKE
TYCI HIKTI I) intelligible. com prehensible; )KETT) he was in the seven rh bea ven (Irom
2) quick , sharp (of a perse n). j oy) ; Te p,IIIH Te6ECIHE Whl " thank
TYCIH IC explana tion . you, you 're very we1come !lic ! (ta ke the
TYCIHIC- to invesuga re, lO negotiate ; to pIace of honor); KA Jl AHhIH TaSEeI
arrange fo r. KEPIHLIl the city can be seen.
TYCIP- /TYCYP-! to lower, to let down , out , Ta SEK nigh t pot for ch ildren.
to lower, 10 sink, to drop, te let fall ; ACKA T9SEJI a white ma rk: o n the Iorehead (of a
... to let d own : jKYK .. . to unload (goOO5); horse) .
OPHhlHAH ... to dismiss Irom work ; Ta SEJIlIlPIK the cross stra p of abridie,
CAJIMAK ( 0 shift the burden. weighr: drawn light across the Iorelock.
C YPE TKE to take a pho tograph ; Te SEJIE- to hit on the head.
KOH AK ... to receive guest s ; TYC IPln Te 6E!JEC figh t.
TACfA- to throw out , to rejec t. to disca rd. Te6E!JEC- [Te 6 E!Je C-j ' 0 arran ge a fight ;
TYCYH- see TYClH-. la fight with.
TYCYP- see TYCIP-. Te6EJIECKIill a pugnacious man ; a fighter.
TYT· 1) to separate, to comb ; 2) to quarrel, Te b ET I) a male dog, a sbeep dog, a shepherd's
to live quarreling. to argue; 3) to pinch, to dog; 2) a pperue.
pluck, to tear ou t, to tear up, to pull up ; Te 6 ETTI appetizing (appealing to the
4) to seiz.e, to suffice. appetite).
TYTE· !TYT8 ·! I) to smoke, to stea m; Te 6 ElIlIK a hummock, a small moun d, a
2) to rage . billoek.
TYTE-TYTE· 60JI· to get Iuzz y (of wool); TeOOJIeC- see Te6EJIEC-.
to he tattered, torn (of clothes). re rs PEK sec TeHEPEK .
TYTEJIEH - to get fuu y, to get Irayed. to TerY embroidery.
break, to tear. T9nn - /TeIl'11-1 la expand, to o verflo w,
TYTET- /TYT9 T·/ 10 smo ke. la be spilled . to spin; CYhl T8nnMErE H
TYTKIM ca rding, com bing. KOCfJOM !fig./ a completely new o utfit.
TYT IK 1) smoking pipc ; 2) tru mpet ; 3) smal! TerJW see Te 3IM,Il1.
pipe or tube ; 4) reed (Scirpus) ; 5) ûerce , rervJI- see rertn. .
fercc ious. Te l- I) to wear well, to last ; re pr ove sturdy
TYTI)] - to be disbevelled . to be carded (of and practical (of clothîng) ; 2) 10 suffer, to
woel, fine woel). endure (adversity).
TYTlH smo ke; ... )l(OJIbl smoke-stack; '" Ta3rIlIITIK patie nce.
MVPJKACb I pipe. tube. T83IM self-control, endurance, patience .
TYTIHLlE- to smoke, to steam. Ta 31MAI 1) patient, lo ngsuffering, ha rdy ;
TYTIH,ll.ET- la srno ke, to cover, to screen 2) stocking (mat erial).
with smoke. Te3IMAIK patience.
TYTI HC13 smokeless. Te 31MAIJII K patience.
TYTe- sec TYTE-. TeK crigin, descent.
TYTaT- see TYTET-. T9 K tr/- I) to spill Itr.l. 10 pour out. to
TYWKIp· [fYW KYP-! te sneeze. pou r alf, 10 spill o ut ; 2) Ifig.1 to em broider.

T611 T6 CEJI-

Ten cub, yo ung, offspri ng, descendan t, honor); .. . AFA clrairman . presiden t ;
generation . issue. posterity, increase (of T6PrI b6 11M E parlo r, sitting-ro c m,
ca ttl e). recept io n-room .
TenUE- to bear fruit. TaPE I) jiran.f chief (official}; 2) jhist.j
T8Jl E· to pay, to ma ke up a foss, 10 pay ari stocrat, nobl ema n : 3) gentleman, mister ;
da mages; on T9JIEY T9.1E n Wbl KTbl 4) white bone.
he paid a fine. T6 PEJlEH- IT6 Pe1l6 H-/ to be filled .
T8JlEMnA3D.blK, ability to pay. Ta PElDIJl bureaucra t.
T8JIEH - rrSJl8 H-/ to be paid, sett led. T8PEillIJI.ll IK bureaucracy.
TenET· IT8 n 9 T -/ to o rder to pa)' . TaPKJH relatives (of a married woman).
T611ETKI3- see T611ETIIP-. TSPKIHllIIJl favoring her own parerus and
T8JlEITlp· 10 force (someone) 10 pa )' relati ves (said of 3 ma rried .....o man ).
(rh rough a rbird person j . TS PKIH.ll E· jobs.{ to set o ut for the hom e
T9 J1EY I) the ranso m (rede mp tion) of of her relarives, fo r the pu rpose of receiv ing
prisoncrs ; 2) payment, contributio n. gifts (caule, valua bles) (said af a married
TSJlEym the payee. woman) .
T9JlEYCn gratis. without reward : witho ut T6 PlIE- see T6PlI ET -.
remunera tion , co mpensation. TOPJlET· to pass to the place of ho no r (of
T9JlEYlllI the pa yer . guests).
T611EUI KAFA3 bilI. T8PJl8- sec T8PJ'lE-.
T8MEH Jcwer part. bottorn pa rt , le w, TOPT fo ur ; A MAJl /math ./ the fou r
bottom , down, do wnwa rd, lew (bad) of a operatio ns: ARK,TbJ four-footed :
persen : ... )KEP 10w placet depression ; ECE in fo ur ; iKAP friend.
T9M EHn lo wer u nderg rou nd: TSMEHrI T8 PTli AK thickset , stoc ky.
EPIH lower lip. T8PTEY the four.
T8MEHJtE down , lower. TOPTEYJlE· to ma ke- somct hing; a ll four
TSMEH,llE- to Iall. to go down, te deseend. roget her.
te lower, to abate (of the water-level of a TO PTEYJl En all four (togeth er) (of people).
river). T8PTEY I fou r persons togethe r.
T8M EH D IK baseness. meanness. TaPTKIJl sq uare, quadrangle.
T8MEHH EH fro m below, from the bottem. T 8 PTIEH jC A HA Y j· [ 0 co unt in fours.
up . T8PTT IK 1) the figure four ; 2) tbe four of
T8MEHWIJlIK mod esty. (hearts, etc. ): 3) team a f fou r ha rses; 4) four
T8MnE bumm ock , mound, kno b, pro- out of five: 5) a fo ur.
tuberance. TSPTIH lIII fourt h.
T8MnEWTE· [0 th rasb (to beat some one). T6Pe1l6H- see T6 PEJlEH- .
T6MnEUIIK see T6MnE. Te e· to come down. to dismounr , to alight.
T8 Mn ElIl Iki I )KEP h ummocky place : a TOC I } breast (dim . form used for meat) :
place co vered with mounds. chest, bosom ; 2) tbc anvil ; 3) 1geogr.j beighr ;
T6M6HA6- see T6MEHAE -. ... A fl bIn the front sad dle-girt h.
T9H- I ) to attack; te fall upo n; 2) to ap proach, TS CE· {fOCS·j to spread.
ta drive close; 3) to rejo ice about something, T6CEK IT6 CEM, T6CEHIUI, T6 CEK
la he glad about sernething. OPbIHj bed. bedding, couch, Iea therbed.
TOH,UIP· to guide , to direct, to bring near. mauress, litter; intended Ior bedding (a rug.
TO n groei. po rridge, cereal . feil).
TSnE· jfig.j incessantly. TOCEK I) material which is (drawn tight) a t
TenE· to stri ke (someo ne) where (he) has the edge of a trap ; 2) skeleton, framework ;
already been hit; ATbIH TenE n E>I PEY T6 CEK TE bAC, 6 PICfE M AJI K O-
KEJlE )l(ATbIP so meo ne gallops, whippi ng CblJl bICK,AH :>KAKhIH close neighbo rs.
his ho rse re pea redl y. who are related .
Te p the place of he llor in a room or yourtta TeCEK :lKAJ.1MA sheet.
(usually o pposite tbe door); TSPJUH. T6CEK OPbl H sec TOCEK .
T8 E>ECIHE WbIFbIHhl3 tha nk you, TOCEK lIIAM hI night -light.
yo u' re very welco rne (ta ke the place of TOCEJl· 1) to he spread; te he laid: 2) lfig.! to

TeeEM T<lPTlnen·

acquirc thc habit : OKYFA ... ro lea m . to TeI-lepeKTe - sce Te HEPEKTE-.

master. reading (te acquire the ha bit of rasar ap peutc.
reading). TCJlKPIEE rr<llK I PEE. T<llK I PI EEI ex-
TeCEM see TOCH :. perience.
TOCEH- ITece H-.' 10 make a bed (for T~)KPIEi Ef1b l j bl/CT AH CAC b l experi-
oneself). mental statio n.
TeCEHIW see TeCEK. Ta)KPIliEJ1t experienced. skilled ;
TaCET- (feCe T-! 10 order 10 mak e a bed; )I()::MbIC skilied labor.
te have a bed made . Té»KPII>ECI3 inexperienced. un skü led :
TeCKER 1geogr.' beighr : the slope of o r side n.~nEJ1 a pri ori.
of a mountain ; meuntam side. TaJKPIEE CJ3LUK Inexperience.
Teen:- 1) 10 act. to control by force ; Ta)l(I K Tadzhik.
2) (scom fuUy) to rule. te commando in a ~)KIM lobs.j a sign of respect, esteem:
dictat orial way. KbtJl- to greet . by mak ing a curtsy o n one
TacrEK br oad-chested (of a man). knee (about a woman).
T9CfIK J ) the breast (in meat) with bits of TCJlKIPIiE see TCJlKPl IiE.
skin a nd grease; 2) woma n's artiele of TCJlKIPlIiE see T<JlKPl IiE.
clothing covering chest. raïrrnc tboughtless, ffippam, giddy, unable
TecrIKTE- to cu t out .Yo remove tbc breast to restrain oneself.
- rat fTecTIK). TdKAEliAP conceited, presumptuous ;
Teee- see Tee E-. haughty, prou d.
recea . see TeCEH -. TaKAliliA PJl AH- to get conceited (about).
TeeeT- see Te CET-. TdKAliIiAPll bIK. conceit, arrogance, pre-
TaTE dir ect, stra ight. shoncut, nearest way. sumptuo usness.
T8TErE jIle n.ErE/ running kno ts on the T~JlKEK KbIJl- to make a fooi of, to lead
top feit of thc felt hut through whicb is by the nose. to make a langhing stoc k of.
passed the KYJlllPEYIIll. T~JlIM training.
T8TEJlE- IT 8 T8.'1 8 -{ to walk. (to ride) TdJlIM-TaPEiH E train ing, edu ca tion .
across coun try, to go straight ahead ; TaJIIMCI· to stan d on ceremony. to br ag, to
T8TÇJIEn A'C1TKAHllA speakin g frankly boast.
(openly). TaH l) body, substanee; 2) like, in th e same
T8 TE H extrao rdinarily, specially, unusually. way; JKAH·TaH IMEH- to start on so me-
T8TEH11lK singularity, uncommonness. thing, giving one self up (to it) entirely.
T8TEHLUE extraordinary, unusual, excep- Tan intensifying particIe for words beginning
tional. with Td-; Tdn-T~YIP very hand some.
rorene. see TeTEJlE-. beautiful.
TeI-l6EKill I- to writhe from side to side, the TaPJKIMAillbI interpreter .
whole body shuddering (from severe pain); TdPEI1E edu cati on , upbringi ng, breeding.
to suffer ago ny. TaPliI1EJIE- to educate, to rea r.
TeH.llPEK see TeHEPEK. T;)P6I1EJIEH· to he ed uca ted, to he brought
TeI-lEPEK rre r EPEK, Tef\llPEK, r ou. up.
PEKI neigbborhood, subu rbs, enviro nmen t, TdPGMEJ1EYllI l educaror, tut or.
surr oundings, around circle, circurnference. TdPl>l1EJ1I educeted , well-bred.
Te HEPEKTE in tbe neigbborbood, TaPGI1ECI311I K Jack of breeding, bad
TeI-lEPEKTE- rre I-lePeKTe-1 10 lou nge marmers.
about, to go around. TCJPIiI1EDlI see T<JPIiI1EJ1EYWI.
TGI-lEPEKTEn ûoca ted) in the neighbor- TaPTE shaft.
hood . "TdP'TIn o rder, routine ; rule . principle,
_T8 l-{K EP. to tu rn upside down , to o vert hrow. discipline. regime ; .. . OPHAT- 10 establish
T8HKEPME whea t gruel, ponidge. o rder ; TdPTInKE CAJI - to discipline ;
r8HKEPlJI· to turn over. to turn upside TdPTlnKE IllAKbIP· to caU to order;
down. KYH TEPTI6I agen da (order of the day) .
TeHKEPIC revol ution. TdPTInCI3 undisciplined. disorderly, un-
Tef{PEK see TeI-lEPEK. regulated, irregular.

"rnPTInCI3IlEH- "rnI{lPI

TdPTInC13AEH· 10 become undisciplined, T;:~rrrlmK sweetness .

10 eause disorder, to disrupt a routine. TaYEKEJl risk ; COK,hIP ... adventure.
T ;:;lPTInCI311IK lack of discipline, disorder. T;:}YEKEJICI3 cowar d ly.
Td PTlilTE· to put in order, 10 set in order. TaVEKEJlmllI risky, dangerous, spec ulat ie n.
TaPTl nTEJl- 10 he put in order ; la he TaYEJlD.E. to devot e to, te dedica te to, to
regulated . initiale into, to consecrate, to destine for,
TdPTlnTI discip lined, regul ated, pu t in o rder. to set aside Ier .
"rnPI3: OHb H{ "rnPI3IH 6AflK.A!lb1 M TaYEJllll depe ndent. belonging (to) ; ...
explained his intention ; made his intention K.AJlbln !gram.! possess lve fonn o f a word.
c1ear. T<lYEJlIlIJllK /pol./ dependen ee.
T:3PI3Jl.EH - to rese mbie, to becom e like, 10 T;:;WEfl CI3.lUK independenee.
he similar to som ething. TaYJlIK one whole day, twenty-four hou rs ;
TapJ3llEHJUP. 10 asslmilate. KY H ... ar ound the d oek ; )l(bIJl ... a ll
TaPl3llEHY ass irnilatio n. yea r ro und.
TdPI3LlI as if, sim ilarly; like, similar 10. ldYIn village sorce rer ; a q uack healer
TdCIJI met hod, way, mode, means, skûl, (fc rmerly, herba tist or coni uror) .
kna ck. TdYlnTIK so rcery, quackery.
TaCIJI):{E. I) to use, to adept e ne metbod TaYI P better. ne t bad, mo re than sa tlsfacto ry:
e r anoth er ; 2) 10 resort to cunning. .. . KEp· to love, to caress; .. . T~P· to live
TaCIJllllIJl l) able to U5 -~ some met hod or without povert y (need); to live co mfo rtably;
an o ther ; 2) /fig.! agile. adro it, clever. smart , to be well-off
tricky. Ta YIPJl EH· to improve. _______________
TdCIJlK,oJ.1 a skil led persen, clever, adro it. TdYIPJl EH.LIIP- to ge t better.
TalTI sweet ladj./: sweetness, splce : ... ~ H EPTEH in the early mo rning ; early in
EMEC tasteless. the mornin g.
TdTT InEH· to beco me sweet. Tdl-{IPI God ; ... TAFAJlA the most high
T;:}TT I JlEH):( I P~ to sweeten, to make (som e- God (supreme).
th ing) sweet.


Y polsen : ... )KIT- to swallow poison ; ... YA K,TbJK pettiness. trivialit y, meanness.
)K~TK,AH nüJlCAH, )l,A don' t imagine YA K lllb IJl small-minded, petty.
that you are invulnerable, all-powerfuU; YAK,bIHFA event, incident, occ urrence,
)laM] Y.QA I1 ADlbI very bitter (like occ asron .
poi son); TlJlI Y)lAI1 he has a eaustic YAK,b Jn prope rty of a mosque.
tongue. YAKbIT time (to go) ; mom ent, period, da te :
Y : Y· DlY noise, racket, d in; Y-lllY EOJl - to ... K,A H WA IiOJlJl.hI'! Whal time is il'!
make a norse, to set up a clamor. YAK,bIThIH.ilA TAnChIP· 10 appear in
YA) KEUJ· to renou nce everything. t ime ; CEHllE PrE K03FAJlAThIH . ..
YAAbIM melancholy, sadness ; , .. )l{E- to )KETrI h 's aIready time for you to set o ut ;
grie ve, to be sad; ... -K,Afi Fb l sedness, ... 03.nhI P~ to spend time; YA K blTblHAH
suffering, anxiety. AC h l p· 10 e xceed the time limit ; a pYA-
YAWbIMn A· to grieve, to suffer, to worry, KhlTrA alwa ys ; KAfi YAK,h ITTA when;
to tr ou ble oneself (to), te he afraid, to take YAKbIT.YAKbIT fro m time to time; al
care o f, to trouble (about). times ; 93 YAKblTbJH,lJ;A in (good) time :
YAMhIMllAH - to grieve, 10 he sado o pport unity.
YAfihIMI\AFhI lIl see YAfihI MlIlhlJl. YA K h lTC hl3 inop po rt une, not in time, o ut
YAAhIM.ilhl sad, grieving, melancholy. of p lace , untimely, p rematurely.
YA A hl MChI3 Iight-hea rted, careless. YA K,h IT WA tempo rary, for the present, Ier
YAMhIMChI3.U hIK, lightheart edness. a while; ... ElTl M arm istice ; .. . TOKTAft
YAf1hlMUI hIJl uneasy, troubled, anxious, T YP wait a little ! ... K,b13MET AT-
worried . KAPYllibl tempo ra ry acting (government,
YAJ1:bIMWbIJl,L{bIK, deieetion . concern, un - etc.I : ... YKIM ET provisional government.
easiness, tr ouble. YAFhlPAK sma ller, finer.
YAn A fa ithfulncss, Ioyal ty. YKA3 dec ree. edic t.
YAT- te break, 10 smash, to grind, la YJlA- la poisen.
cru m ble, /tr./ to chop ; OThJ H ... te chop YJlAH · 10 poison oneselî : to he po isoned.
wood. YJlAn ·UJYJ1A- to raise a racke t. sho ut ; to
YAK, smalI, small-grai ned, small things. ma ke a d in, to cry loudly.
trifles ; .. . AKlllA M )KO K I don't ha ve YJlACfhlp· I) to tie, jein ends with ends :
a ny small t hings ; ... ·TY(f EK small thi ngs, 2) to put ri ght. to adj ust ; to mend.
rriûes, small change. YJl ART d istrict , co untry.
YA K,Cb IH- to co nsider something (10 he) Y JlA K,- te fall (down ).
sma lI, peuy : la trea t scom fully. YJl h l poison ous, ca ustic ; .. . r A3 suffocating
YAK,TA- I) to ma ke small. te pulverize, to gas ; .. . r Ala AP poisono us gases.
break, 10 reduce to fragments; 2) to change YJlbIKCAT perm it, permission .
(mon ey); YAKTATI TACfA- 10 reduce to YMAllJTA- 10 cru m ple, to tousle, to tatter,
fragments ; to cut small, to pound ; O H 10 rub, 10 grind with the pal m.
COMD.hl YAK,TA n nEP· change ten YMAK,-llJYM A K wbolesale. in a body, in a
rubles; IPI MAJl,L{APbI H YA K,TAn hea p, in a crowd .
AJl ,Uhl he excbanged his larger caule Ie r YMTA· to make smalI, 10 pulverize, 10 brea k,
shecp and goat s. to smash 10 pieces.
YAK,TAH · I) to become sma lI; 2) to get YHI1BEPMAr department store.
worse, 10 degrade (of strains of cattle). YH I1BEPCI1TET unive rsity.


yp- YdK IJI

y p. to put, to place, to set , to est ab lish. YK,AJlA - 1) to rub with the palm; to give a
Y CTAB regulations. massa ge ; to soft en Ieather by massaging it :
YTonJUi U topia. 2) to tri m with lace.
YTOnlUIJTbiK Utopia n. YK,AJl AH- te rub oneself briskl y ; to he
YTon HRlIlbIJl / YTO n H Cfj Utopian. kneaded, rubbed, massaged ; to he cr um pled.
Utopist. YKAJlAT- to give a massage .
Y bI3 colostrum; biestings ; KAlllnAFAH Yd,LJ;E persuasion ; agreement, co mpact ,
KAllibIPAbIM Yb13bIHA KAPA T- (10 promise: Yd ,n EC I H All- to take a word,
force to walt for biestings of a dry he ifer), pro mise to secure agreemen t on something ;
te reed with hopes ; . .. K,hIM bI3 first spring Yd,nErE )KET· to fulfill one's pro mise .
kumiss . . . . bOMhlHlUA according te the promise ;
YbI3D;AH- to ripen (of an ear of gra in). accord ing to the agreement ; 6Al1Jl A-
YbIJlfl.bIPbIK, roe, ha rd roe ; cavtare: ta negot ia te : to contract; 6EP- to
.. . lIlA IllY spawning (of a fish}. promise.
Yb IJDKbI · to be delicate, la ving, pleasant. YdnEJlEC- to agree, to arrange. to negotiate,
YhIJlY appearance of a disease in th e mouth to come to an agreem ent.
of a chi ld (stomat itis), Y;,:}ll,EJlI promised, agreed ; ... KYH.llE on
Yb IC handful ; hollow of the hand ; BIPE- the agr eed day; ... ALlAM a man who
Y,U IH YbICbl HUA EO)] · to be in so me- keeps his wor d.
o ne' s pow er (in someo ne's fist). Y;,:}L!.ECI3 nor fulfilJ ing one's promise. no t
YbICTA - te ta ke in handfuls. keeping one's word .
YbICTAT- 10 forc e to take in bandfuls: 10 Yd LlECI3LUK inco nstancy, carelessnees.
permit someone [ 0 ta ke so mething In Y;,:},ll,ElUIJl true to one's word; p unctually
handfuls. fulfilling one's promise.
Y bIT ant idote. neutra liza tio n, binder , Y;,:}LJ;EllIIJlLlI K loyalty la one' s promise.
adhesive ; YblTblH TATI IE/- to find a word . I

means: AY3bIHb IH, YbITbI GAP he Yd)l( reason, ca use, way , method, mea ns;
persuades anybody. Y;,:})KI H TA n j'S /- ro find a way, metho d :
YbIK, sticks, forming roof o f a yurt; .. . GAY HE y a)l{SEH KEJlilIHJ 3? for whár-r-c-.
rope fastened te the lower part o f YbIK, purpose do you come?
for at taching to the gra ting. Yd KIn dep uty, rep resentative, agent.

4>A 6PH KA factory . <1lHH AH Chl fina nces, money.
<l>A EPVlKAJlbIK, industrial, manutacturing. <t>Jl O PA flo ra .
4>AIiPH KAllibI manufacturer, factory owner. 4>J1 ü T flee L
4l A 3A pha se, per iod. <1>OJlhKJI O P fo lk lore.
4lAKT Iact. c1>OHEM A pho neme.
4lAKTOP fac to r. 4>OHEMAJIhIK ph o nem ic.
4lAKTYP A invoice, bil! . <1>OHETl1KA pbonetles.
4>AKYJl bTET faculty, department. <l>OHETJ1KAJIbIK pho netic .
4>A MI1JUUI family na me, surname. <bOHorPA<l> ph onogra ph .
<t>APl1 CE HJlI K Ph aresism. <1>OHTAH fountain.
4lACOH Iasbion, style . "'OPMA ferm ; lUAPYA lUbI Jl bIK.ThIl{
41ATAJl H3M fatalism. CO Ul1AJU1CTIK <l>OPMACb l socialis t
4lA TAJIUcr fatalist. forrn of econo my .
4>AWU3M fascism. <I>OPMAJlAbIK formal ; . . T'iPFbIMH
<t>A WHcr fascist. KAPAY forma l approach.
4lAWH CTEH JlIPY fascistization. 4l0P:-'1 AJlHJ M fo rma lism.
4lAWl1CTJ K fascist j adj .j. IPOPMAJIH Cf fo rma list.
<t>EJl EPAJ1H3M federali sm. l1>OPMAJI hI K HJM equipment, clothing.
4lEJlEPA J1HCT federali st. uniform .
4>EJlEPAUJ1.R: federatio n. t1>OPM A T size.
4> EJl EPAU,I1.R:JlblK, federative. federal. ct>OPMAUHJI formation. structu rc : K,O P-
4>EO,D,AJl feudallord. FAMAbIK. "'OPMAUHRJlAP soeial
"'EOAAJUlbIK feudal . struct ure .
(J>EOAAJlI1 3M feud alism. ct>OPM YJlA form ula .
4> EPM A farm ; KOJIX0 3Jl.b IK ... collecuve ct>OPT fo rt.
farm. ct>OC<1>OP p bosphoro us.
4> ETHW fet ish . c1>OC<t>OPHT p ho sphorite.
4>11311KA pbysics . (J>OTOrPA <1> pho tographer.
IPH3HKAJlbi ph ysica l. 4>OTOrPAtJlI1Ji p ho tograph y.
<b H 3110Jlor 11Sl p hysio logy. <l>OTOrPA(J>J..1.s1JIbIK pho tographically.
<t>113KYJIhTYPA ph ysical culture. <t>OTOTEJlE r PA<l> phor otelegraph.
lP U3KYJlbTYPAJlblK ph ysical cult ure jadj.'. ct>PAKU UR fract ion.
spo ns j adj'/ ; . .. 3AP.sIJlKA :JKACA- to do <1l PA K U I1 JI~l b l K frac tio nal .
gymaastics. IPPAHU,Y3 F ren chm an .
4>HJI HAJl branch (office), subsidiary. (J>POHTOBHK front-I ine so ldie r.
<t>HJ10 JlOrHR phil ology . c1>yr AC fou gasse , field charge, lan dmi ne.
4>HJIOJIOr I1RJlb IK ph ilological. <1lYHKU HR lunetion .
<t>l1JIOC O<tl philoso pher . <1lYT60JI socce r.
<t>J1JIOC041I1>l phi losophy. "'YTEOJl Her I"'YT EOJl lUbII soccer-player.
<t>J1JlOCO<tl J1RJl b l K. phil osophical. <1lYc1>AfiKA jersey swea ter.
"'HJl b M film .

XA6AP DeWS, info rmati on , communication ; warra nt, power of attomey; ... AJl bICbIO
report , message; XAfiAPhlM )f(OK, I don' t TYP- to cortespond lintr./ ; .. . THECI
have informatlo n, I don' t know ; ...·OUIA P NlA M add resses; . .. IK,AT/ K,AFA3
news, Înformation ; ... AJ]. te recei ve news, notepa per, letter paper.
to inquire (abo ut); to want to k -iow; .. . >CATT AH· to lea m to read and w'rite.
EEP· te Inform , to notify, to let know. XATAChI3 fa ultlessly.
XAfi APJIA· to no tify, te inform, to give XATEJI IK fallacy, error.
info rmatio n. XATIA even. _
XAfiAPJIAH- to receive news, to be no tified. XATilibl clerk, scribe, secretary {technical). ---...
XA BAPfl AHJlhI P- to inform , to norify. XA YlnCn safe. secure.
XAfiAPC hl3 unkno wn, o bscure. uninformed, XAY l n CI3LU K sa fety. security.
unawar e (of), without news ; All .. . )f(OK, XAKbIHllA of. a bout, concemi ng.
BOn.Uhl his is missing. XlfM l.o1J1 chemistry .
XAB APCh l3LlhlK o bscurity. XH MJU IJl bl K chem ica!.
XAfiAPWhl heral d, messenger. XH PYPf surgeon.
)(A)I( pilgrimage. XHPYPfHJI surgery.
XA )f(ET necessary: indispensabie. XH Py pn f JlJl blK surgical .
XAC1YAH,UAP Afl EM I fauna. XJIOP chlo rlne.
XAJI.AXYAJl health, Iife, position, ma terial xnosJIbl chloride.
co nditi on. XJlO PO<llOPM chlo roform.
XAJl· )f(AA position, situatio n. XOKKEH hockey.
XAJlhIK 1) people: 2) po pulation ; .. . COThI XOP cho rus ; ... 6A CK,APYWbl leader of a
people's court ; .. . YllI lH publi c. chorus.
XAJlhl K,APA intern ational. XOlli J1 IC aroma, fragrance .
XAJIbIKAPAJlb lK internatio nal; ... )KAF· XOlU HICfI aro matic. balmy a ir. fragrant.
.ll.A W internat iona l sltua uo n. XPECfO reader. read ing boo k.
XAJlhl KllI blJl blK, na rediem /po!./. populism. XPJ1CTHAH .lU HIM)),Ert A [];A M Christia n.
XAJIKbl A3 scan tily populated. XPH CfJ1A H)),bIK Christian ity.
XAH Kh an. prince. XPO M chromi um.
XAH.ll.b IK, khanare. XPOHI1KA chro nicle.
XA H b IM woman. XPOHOJl Of l1..51 chro no logy .
XA PA MKA HA harem. XPOHOJl Or UJlJlbIK. chronologica l.
XA C pec uliar to, correspon ding (to), proper XPOHOM ETP chro nometer.
( to). XPOHO METPA)f( time-keeping, timing.
XAT letter. writing ; AIIlbl K. ... postcard, X"I" PMET see K"I" PMET.
readin g and writing; ... JKA3bICbIO T~P· X"I"K"I" K right.
te be in co rresponde nce with , to exchange XYK~KCbl3 disfranchised persen.
letters ; KAn ... subscriptio n. signed state- X~K ~ KbI IiAPJl bl K competence.
me? t. receipt, written promise ; CE HIM XY)I(PE cell.

l...lAP113M tsarism . l..{HBI1JlH3AUI1JlJIhI civilized.
UEHXTAY3 arsenal, armory. UI1K JIOH cyclone /rnetoor.l. du st extraeter.
UEJUHOJl03A cellulose, (paper) pulp . Ul1 KOPI1î1 chicory , succory.
UEMEHT cement . UI1 JI H H!lP cylinder. drum . cement works. UI1H K zinco
UE MEHTfE- to cement. UMHKTA . la zincify.
UE H3YPA cen sors bip, eensure. UI1 H K O rPA~M jJ zincogra phy.
UEH3YPAJlb i censoria l. U I1PK circus.
UEHTH EP centner (SO kilogramm). UI1PKYJlb co mpass (fo r d ra wing). dividers ,
UEHTPl13M centrism. calipers.
UEHTPOCOlO3 Tbe AIl-U nion Con sume rs Ul1 CTEPHA cistem, tank .
Association. U I1TATA quotation, citation .
UEX works, plant department. trade union. U I14>P ûgure, cipher.
U I1BHJUfJAUUR civilizati on. Ubl FAHLlAP xemr gypsy camp.

l{APTH3M chartism . 4EMnHOH cham pion.
t.t::K check. 4EPBOHEl.{ ten-rubles gold pièce.
lffiM OnAH tronk , suitcase. l{HH~ M A Chinese In.l. the Ch inese.

> '"
WA IWEI I) Iword· fonn ing. affix.1 Iike; WA Gb IW· 10 fight . <..?- >
similar to : 2) for the present, while, until; lllA6bI K time of mawing hay ; hayma king.
3) instead of. . ., it would he better 10 .. . mowing . $ .\9;
lIlAAP chaff. UI A6 ~JIllA· to ga llep. '->'f.\:";
llIAIiAJlAH)lA· I) to bark f iercely at so me- IIlAllbIP extrem ely q uick-ternpered ; inclined
th ing (of a dog) ; 2) to cry out. to quarrel toward con1!..ict. ;;, v. ;;~
violently with ene another. 10 swear UlA)I(bIPKA 11 mesentery.
strongly. lIlAH tea ; IDA fI F A WA KbIP· 10 invi te to
lllAIiAH I) shepherd; 2) slow, lazy, sluggish ; tea. :.r '
> V>-
J \../ :\.-0
lll AO. / WA I·, 1) to wash by pouring water <5
3) a lazy hor se.
lllAIiAHlI,A· re slow down, to linger, la he over so meth ing: 2) to rinse the mouth;
slow; la become lazy, slow, sluggisb . 3) 10 wash aw ay (fo r example, earth)
lIIAIiAHllAT· 10 slaeken the pace, to redace thereby fonning a ravine : 4) to rinse. to
speed . swill . ~ ~
U1AI>AH)lbl K. sluggishness, laziness. illA H lll EWE K Corydalis ranun culus. <; (..~ 'f\ "
IIlAIiAPMAH special. lllA ï1H A- I) to bit e to death, to worry the
llIAl>AK spo ke (of a wheel): ... 6 AJl b i K life ou t of. 10 tear (to pieces); 2) la chew ;
bream (small fish). smaJl fry. b IP lUAH HAM ET ch unk of boiled meat
lllAIiAKTA· to pierce a swelling with som e (which one could ta ke in one's mouth).
sort of sharp instrument (needle, sharp lllAHHAMA ea table. (edible) ; an a rtic1e o f ~ eJ n ,; ~ )
knife) te cause bleeding with incislons. food .
UlAIiD,AP yellow with white tail and mane lllA l1HAC· I) te bite. to bite ea ch other, to ';'9 ' 1\ ;: ~
(ho rse). fight ; 2) to grapple (with), to quarrel . ~ h
lllAI>Y t) cutt ing of timber ; 2) auack. assau lt ; WAI1HE teapot . ~ . . .- .....
3) mowing, haymaking ; 4) coar-tails. UlAl1nA· l ) la tra mple down damage (for
lIlAEYJlllIbl special, express messenger . example, rneado w. com f ield) : 2) to cause
lllA6YbIJl attack . offensive, invasion ; raid. co nfusio n. tunnoil.
gallop ; iKAJl n b l .. . general offensive ; lllAHTAH devil; ... TAJlFh l cotton thi stle ;
KAPY Jlbl ... anned a ttack ; .. . )f(ACA - common thistle( ûnopordon ). plumed rhist le.
la attack ; la assault. llIAI1XAHA teah o use. IJ ~
lllA6bIH baymaking, meadow. WAftbI delicate. fine silk. <J? >

UlAl>bIH · 1) to rage. to rave. 10 storm : 2) to lIIAJ.1bIJl - la he rinsed. to be was hed o ff; V L-- u L
stea m (ru ssian bath). K8 HIJI ... to be disappo intcd (with some-
lllAl>bJU llbI haymaking. thing) ; :n<Y PEK ... 10 be taken aback ; 10
WAl>blHllbl K meadow . become frightened: la grow rimid .
UlAIibIPlTAH· la he cloudy (sky). lllAJ1blHDbI shops.
illA l>blC bçrse race. running (of a horse IIIA l1blP / IIIA IP/ I) tree resin; resln derived
race). from trees, colophony ; 2) sma rt, forward.
lIIAl>blT I ) desire. wish. ap petue ; 2) in- busy, quick, prompt. efficient .
spira tion . lllAflhIPJlA- to get Iat (excessively).
UlA6bITIAH · I) to reveal a strong desire : llIA l1bIPllAH· to get covered witb resin ; to
(0 do something with pleasure; 2) la have a cover oneself with resin.
good appetite. WAHbIPJI AT· to drive to great obesity (of
U1 AS b IlTbf a ppetizing. a ram ).

lllAI1K,A- m AM

.:.)'-!? lll Al1:KA- I) 10 churn bu tter ; 10 stir kumiss : lllAJl n h In ,a AT- 10 splash (water).
2) 10 sha ket 10 rock, 10 swing, 10 move. ~t?~ ", UlAJIllJ bI K I) dirt , filth, mud : 2) pool,
shake up; 3) to rinse (linens). :.7-.' puddie.
...)V: llJA Vl KAJl- I) 10 roc k, 10 swing , 10 move ; m AJl hI un h usked nee.
2) 10 be rinsed. Y \..- llJAJI bIMD h l l) stre ng. slurdy ; 2) agile.
:.;>"':: WA fJ KAJlT. 10 sha ke (a litUe). quick. clever.
-..:7 UIAf1KAC- (0 quarrel : 10 measure o neself WAJl~IÇ sla nting, oblique, squinung (eyes ).
j~' (with), 10 fight (wirh ), 10 wrestle. - Obiiquely ; AITbI ... EPEJIE- 10 hobble a
~.., ..v llJA fJ KA KTA- 10 rock. (0 sha ket 10 shiver, horse; .. . K a3 squ int-eyed, cross-eyed ; . ..
u 1 ,~ to tr emb le. CeJl E-t"àSPêak de fiantly, aggressively.
' )0 lllA H KA H.L1A. 10 wa lk with an air of 1IlAlIbiK ail me nt, d izziness. fit (o f mad ness).
importance . lllA JI b iK- te go mad , to be mad .
IDA H KOP a lover of tea . UIAJIb JKTA- I) te smi!e (of a child) ; 2) to
tJ"--' IllAJl· I) te eat a litne grass on the move (of live in clever,
\- canle): 2) ( 0 tri p someo ne up unfairly in a IllAlJ K- I) to bend aside, to devia te, la
...; '.1"..- ': fight ; also /fig./ ; 3) to strike with one stroke; digress ; 2) to rest o n one's laure ls.
1_)~;.JJ 4) to slaughte~ ; 5) te tie a rope o r ~ord WAll KA ft- I) to move away : to depart ; [0
~ t\f:;" around the ,c lrcumference . of sameth mg; wirhdraw; la deviate: l a come a lf; te pass
v- t , 6) la ca tch ~lght of, la no nce. to observe: away (die) ; 2) to leao back.....ards ; 3) to
~ \./:~ 7) to sound 10 tbe ears. stick o ut one's chest and sta mach . OJI
. '. ",? m AJIhJW r rrv s~i~1 method of ëlnD.E K,AH,aA ff sonun lIJAJI K.AJi
. . ':Sv-" IIJAJI I) o ld, old man , ... ) gr~y, gra~-halre~ . K.AJJ bInTbl he gat co ncehed and gives
0'\ ~ ha lf (.....~y!, yn~ecld~sI. mdetin.lte; bimself a irs.
.....:.:.:-....n JC KEH iKYMblPTKA soft -boüe d illAJlK,AC bIHA H : CAJI . to thro w
Jl "AJl b I V h If
lll eAgg
. "~
,. . . r .
w ay po ICY, impertecno ns.
V 'l (wrcstling); ... TYC· la fall o ver backward:'
ECiK ... AllI bJJI,a bl the door opened wide ;
unfinished design . . MEH OCbl Hbl AHTblIl E,alM, on
WAJl A n beverage (a mixture of wa ter and TYCTI h I Id hl th t h fused
"I k) ... w en to rm a, e re
\ t'\\ so ur mi 3' v ûarly.
S' )~J J ) )I UJAJIAYbl KO Yl large, greasy ram. lil Jlv Jl backw d I
J " lIIAJl' FA ' " h 11 (
~~ s a 0..... per~on not ~arrymg
. A " A A· to move ackward a n topp e
over backwa rd ; to lean bac kwards.
the ma tter to .co mpletla n; carrymg o ut WAJI KA t\rl /WAn KA H/ tum ip.
work perfunctan ly); ... Ill lhI FAP MAJl A P lIlAJl v' H lil v
hack work ; hack prod uctio n. n.,.n. see . An ."AM. .
WAJI IiA P tro users, wide tr ouse rs. lllA JlK,A P a big la ke ; ... Ka JI big lake:
j \.,..; IllAn®>IP. I) [0 o tfend ; 2) to despise, to lllA n K,A K, stretched o ut (of a ma n) ; leanirïg
/~ disd uin. (thrown) bac k.
WAJI ,a Y AP restive, j ibbing. hardmouthed (of lIJAJI K,AK,TA· I) to ~alk with a ?e's head
a horse) : spoiled, undisciplined . thro wn back ; 2) to grve oneself airs, to get
llIAJI )],h IP· to let a horse rest and eat a bit , conceued .
(along the way). Jt/
WAn I(AIVlA· see IlIAJl KA KTA· .
illAJl .llbI PT · see lllAJl.nhJP· . lll AJl FA i1. I) la the side, not on the way :
'G-J~\....- m AJl2!CA JÇ, I) restive. rearing. unb roken 2) facing (of a coat) lapel,
.» (ho rse) ; 2) spoile d. naught y (of a child). lllA Jl F hI scytbe ; m en MA UIH HA H b ll-{
, v.v lIJAJl {KAK,Tb- I) te be naughty, to pla y, ro mA~FblChJ scythe (blade) of a mawing
;) play pranks, la indulge o neself; 2) ta he machme .
affected, IDA.rJFhJH Alpine grassta nds. high grass.
. I\.<t v UJAJl2fL~!'-TtJ- la spoiI; to pennit pran ks. hay-euuing.
IllA~f1. to sil with an impo rtant air. lIJAJlFblUJ bl .
() I

'\.:9 _1!!..yI MA_ chalma - a kind of turban fhead- lUA ~ (used o nly in the possessive fo rm) tba t
dress wa m by me n of Eastern natians). whlch causes offence; OHbfH IllA MbIHA
. llIA nnhl lavÎ ng ta talk slan der (of wa men). TH ME Do n' t offend him !
__,A .....!I.k\ll n hlll splash (of water). WAM candle(s) ; lamp ; MAft candle;.u

. ,--IIIAllnbln.llA· to ripple. to bab ble. ... MAH bl steari ne : ... KOHFhlllI candle-


stick ; ll1AMHb l1i KAJl n AF hl la mp- WA n l) flank of horse. groin ; 2) zap

shad e. {o no ma topoeia f: ... EEP- 10 seize q uickly;
lIIAM A I) tea-residue ; 2) app roximare size ... A J1hlJl the hind (back) sad dle-girt h.
(value, magnitude). approxima tely, ab ou t, WAnA WOT a Iittle axe (hatchet ) for fire-
size, visua! evalua tion ; 3) strength, power, wood .
possibility, o ppo rtunity, mea ns ; M ~H hl lllAnA Jl AK banging. sla mming, knocklng,
ICTEy rE OH blH llIAMAC b l KEJlEP sla pping. splashin g.
ME E KEH? Will he be able 10 do th is work? IIIAflAJlAKTA- 10 spa nk ; KOn ... to
(does he have the capabilities1); lllAMA M- applaud .
HAH KEJlrEHWE te the exten t of my IUAnAH dressing-gown, house ro be, overalls,
strength ; lliAMAJIAH Tbl C without oriental robe.
meesure. without bo unds, measureless. lliAnAH lllAH on ly in one robe.
lIIAMAJlA- to detennine approxima tely (the lIlA n AlIlOT IIil An K hII choppe r.
size of som ething): to estimate visually : lllAIlAK horiz o n ; glo w; TAH lIlAn AFbi
I>AJlA, CE H ... boy, don't overdc it. deyb reak.
lllAMAJIA C isometrie, equigraphie, equi..,- lIlAnnA 1) coc k (of a gun) ; 2) pen-knife : .. .
alent, (roughly) ident ical. nmAK poc ket-knife : ... IJI rEK trigger.
mAMAJlbl approximately, a bout a litt le lllAIlnbI cleaver, ch isel.
limited, na rrow-minded , mediocre , none IllAnPAIil crcss-eyed ; ... MIHEJD.I AllAM
100 clever (men). man with an unbalanced cha racter.
UlA MAChl3 infinitely, too. WAIlPAmTAH. to look aslan t ; to loo k
IIIAMllAJ1 candlest ick.
lliAM.LJ.AH. to take offense. to he hun, 10 ~n~Áirrrhl K. squint ; stra bismus.
take so mething as an insult, to be o bstina te
(of a horse). lllAIlTAJlbI peac h ; ... AFAllibl pea eh tree.
lliAM,llAHllhIP. to speak causticall y; 10 LUAnThIp· 1) to ma ke a horse gallop: to
wound someone's self-esteem. go fast ; 2) 10 force, to strike, to hit ; 3) to
llJAMllAFAff athlete : llIAM,llAFAfi b IK couple a staltio n.
8HEP athletics. lliA n ThIPY IDlA n T PYI coup ling of horses.
UlAMbIPKAH. to be thirsty (and quench lIIAUThIK /F/- to f ly into a rage ; 10 swear,
one's thirst). to rage, to rave.
lIlAHA sled ge, sled . llIAIlTh I KThIP· to put someo ne in a rage ;
WAH)].. to tie (a cord, rope around); to wind to force to swear (rave). ~
a cord o r rope around . mAnIlI· to spring, to jump, to 1ea p ; to gush ......-:y
UIAH.UbIP gre in. out (of a foun tain ).
lllAHlll· IWAH UIb l-1 to slab, 10 break, te IllAIllllAH quickl y, prom ptly, adroitly; .. .
slaughter, to kil!, to split, to knook, to OKY fluent reading. ).i:l 0 0 Jl
hammer, to prick, to sting, to stic k (into) , illAnIlIAH,LJ;A - to hu rry, 10 basten.
10 drive (int o). to run (Into), to pierce. to UlAnmAHJlAT- to basten, to speed up, to -; "?
wound someo ne (witb words). force to hurry, to basten, to spur o n, to vy
UIAHUIAK IIlIA HUIK AKJ drago n fly. urge o n . ~ \ '=".Y' .
mAHUIY puncture, perforat ion , cleaving, llIAnlllAH,LJ;hIK quic kness, speed, agility, - cP')~ \f'
splitting, colic. pro mptness, efficiency. fluency.
IUAHWhI- see lDAHW. . ,;.. ~":' lllAIlmhI MA CY fountain. _~j? /
llIAHlllK.AK, Set lllAHIlIAK,. ? .,. lllAnKAH ET gro und meat. .:...- I t/J; 'f
IllAHblUIKhI a trident Ier chipping (splin t- llIAnKhllIA- to chop.
ering): fork. lllAnKhIJIA C- I ) to skip, to jump, te gallo p ;
llIAHbIlUKhlJIA- to pu ncture, 10 prick , te 2) 10 fight with swords.
pierce. lllAIlKhIH a race horse .
IDAn· to raid, ro b, to gallop, to cut, to slash, llIAnKhlHmbl bendit. ~ 'f' 'b
to mow, to bew, to beat, to strike , to hit, lllAnKhIHllihIJIbIK raid, robbe ry. Vl; >
to attaek, to assault ; ACKA MEflJIlM llIAP I ) ball, spbere ; 2) whetstone; 3) ca ttle
mxnnxänsr (l have) no appetite ; tracks in differe nt directions, trampled-down
K8HIJI .. . to have a deslre. places; mAPFA TYC- to be baUotted; . ..

v /
TE MIP briule meta l (iron); ... K.OAtl.hIH WAPllIbJ 1) square ; 2) ...!loo n time ;
ET! meat o f an old ram . BOAJlhl sho rt and stocky.
UIAPA I) a big woeden bow l (for meat) ; IIIAPhIJlLJ:A· to shcut, to howl furio usly .
2) eye-socket. orbit of the eye; Ka3I IIlAPWbiJlbIK KEJlEM quadrat ure.
UIAPAC hlHAH WbJK,TbI his eyes feil lllAPlllbUlbI K 8 n WEYIlll TEPI sq uare
out of their soekets. (he) became frightened . measu res.
llJA PA fl K8JrE- to hit the rîght na i! o n llIAPhiK grindston e, whetstone : . .. KEliIC
the head . leather sandals ; bad foo t-wear ; .. . KA APAK,
lllA PA HA caul, amnion . grindsro ne.
lIl APA n wine. beverage ; uAJlATAY" llIAPbl I<,TA· I) to tumabo ut in the sky, to
lllAPA6bI "Alata w" (a pple wine). soar high in the sky ; 2) to become con ceited .
llI APAC b 13 without issue. bopeless. IlIAP KAT red silk scan.
'~...~o- lllA PA C h l3Llhl K bo pelessness. IlIATI) joint of pelvis bones ; 2 ) happy.
WAP6AK, fe nce. ya rd. hurd le. UIAT· to babble non sense ; UIATn A H
lllAP!l.AK, an te. OTblP D on't babble !
~jJo.i UIAPRA- to go a ll over, te visit everywhere. WATA iIIegitimate child (out of wed loc k).
UIA PJ1AH- to gel fat, to he wa lked over. II1ATAC disram relat ionship, kinship.
llJAPn- to singe. lll AT AC· I) to be confused. to lose on e's
lllA PnhI layer of fat (on rbe stomaeh). senses. to entang le on eself, to get en tan81ed,
lllAPnbIJ1· I) to be envelcped in flames ; to to get co nfused: 2) to quarrel . to fa ll ou t
bum, to sco rch : 2) to suffer some sort of with .
darnage. lllATA CfbIP· I) to Impfca te, lO confuse,
lllA PT t) contract, treaty, rerms. demand, to mud die; 2) la q uar rel.
co ndition ; 2) sha rp sound, crash, crack; lllATAC K,AH.llbI K mad ness. insa nit y.
. .. )K ACA · te conclude a treat y. lllATAI<, intricate b usiness scanda l: f ..
lIIAPT· lII~PT see lIIA PTn A · IlI ~ PT. UIblFA P- to start a scandal.
lllAPTnA · W~PT T8 6 EJl EC · to sud denly lllATAK· 1) to communicat e, to get into
start a brä wl. co ntact , to have ro do wit h ; 2) to unite,
WAPTCbl3 uncond itional. to joi n, te com bine ; 3) 10 enta ngle o ncseff..-----....
WA PTAC- to arrange, to agree. la conclude to get enta ugled.
an agreemen t, trea ry. UIATHA· I) to crack, to hit ; 2) to get an gry.
WAPTTbl co nd itional . UIATfiA K, non sense, absurdity, scr awl (on
WA PTbIJlLJ:A· to crash ioudly, to crack paper).
lo udly , to raar loud ly, to crack. to break lllATfiA K,TA · 10 ma ke sc raw ls (on paper),
with a no ise. to wr ite o r sa y something absurd. senseless.
lll A PT bIJILJ:AT· to produce a loud crack . llIATTA [•• to be gay, to reioice.
crash, roa r . lllATTAH.QbIP. to make glad. happy ; t e
UIAPTbIJI KE 61C1 shoes. cause j oy: to cbee r up Itr.l. \... /
IlIAPTb IJILJ:A K MAft melted but ter . llJATTb l K gladness. merriment, mirth,
IIIA PYA I) peesan t. farmer, agriculturist ; gaiety.
2 ) economy (farm) ; 3) affair . bu siness, llJAThtn· to be involved in so me sort o f evil
ca use, deed ; IIIAPYA H, 6 0JlMACbIH business ; ro enta ngle onesetf to get en-
H's none o f yo ur business. tan gled .
Ill A PYA WblJl b IKecon om ics, eco nomy farm : lllAThIHA· to berst, to break, to crack.
KeMEKlllI .. . subsidia ry economy ; IKOC- llIATblP tent, roo f; . .. TAJl Hh lIlIh I rafter.
n A PJTbi ... planned eco nomy. IlIATblPAIli see no n s u .
WAPWA- to weaken , to grow weak , ro get UIAThIPJl A· to crack. 10 creak, te chirp,
tired, to lire . to weary . to [a bbe r, to rumble (of th under).
WA PW A TA Mb l3 lobs.1 July. lll ATbIp· llIYTbIP shar p crack , crash. roa r.
WAPWAMAfi witho ut fa tigue. IlIAT hIC confusio n. mudd ie, mess ; CVA EK
WAPW A MACTA H indefatigable. .. . KIC IJl EP people. having family ties .
llIAPIllAT- to wea r o ut. ro exbaust . to lire, lllA ThIC· ro e ntangle o nesel f : to be entangled.
to fa tigue. UIATI<,AJl pass, gorge. defilé.
IllAPllI AY wea rine-,s. fa rigue. n redness . WAYhlH homed canle .

lll AW · WAF bLlblC-
lllAllJ · I) la sprinkle, to strew. te sow. to piece ; :!l naked. bare ; K bl3blJl ... co m-
pla nt. la scan er. fo spill over ; 2) to sq ua nder. pletely ba re (of the yc u ng of amma ls j.
to waste. to dis pure. llJAKAJl jackal.
/ lllA W hair ; .. . MA Hbl burdocj.. oil : ... lll A KA P IAD..AMI 1) despe ra te : 1 ) mischic-
TAPA3 hairdresser, barber. vous (man ), da re-d evil.
UlAW TY A pEYIM h airpin. tack.. brad . llIA Kn AK coc king-piece . flint. steel : .. . TAC
mAW A horse's Ietloe k. flint.
IIlAllIAYJl AH- to repulsc, to struggle. to WAK,n A KTbl M b lJl Tb lK a light flintloek
sepa ra te, to get detacbed , IQ seclude oneself, m usket.
to break o ff. UlA KPbl M verst 0 ,500 fee t).
WAWAK brush , ta ssel, fringe. llIA KTA· la limit, to restriet. to d innni sh.
lIIAlIJ AK,TA- to border with tasse ls a nd to reduce: A5I F bIHJJ.bI KEPn EHE
fringe. WA K,TA n C0 3- ro cu t o ne's wat according
lllAWA KTAH- to look like a brush. tassel. la the clo th.
lIIA lllA KT b l 6AY Iringe. WA K"rbl (word used a fter card inal numhers)
lUA W6A Y rib bo n. twisted in plaits ; WAllI· abou t, approxima tely .
6AYbl H Ke TEP- 10 worm oneself into llIAKllIA snuft box .
the fa vo r o f; to fawn (upo n). llIA KllIbI · to jingle. to stru m, to k nook.
m A WPA- jllJA Wb lPA-j to sp rinkle, to LlIAKlll YK clang, d an k.
lÎ spJash. to spa uer, la scamper off, to crumblc, lliAKbIJl D.A· to sq uea k, la crea k, to crack ,
to disperse (of ca nle), to straggle. te crack Ie. to crun eb. te give a knock . la
lllAlll PAT- IlllAlIl bJPAT·/ te sp rin kle; to tap, to rap.
spla sh; to spatter. llIAKblJl D.AT· to knock . la cbatter. to pound.
lllA WCbI3 bairless. / llJA K bIP. 10 calt, to invit e. to cre w:
WAWTAPA3 sec llJAlli TAPA 3. ..~ KOH AKKA ... to invit e as a guest.
mAllJTbI ba iry. "'bi
't.~ . . llJA Kbl P..1A - to dank . to c1ang, to gru o ne's
UIAlll Y gifts, brou gb t 10 the wedding festiva l. ,( teetb.
UIA Wb l AFA PFA H gray-ha ired. "Il~~ , 1lIAK b lPT · te fo rce to call , to force 10 mvn e :
WAlIl b IJl- to tire o neseJf out; to he exha usted: to cal! thro ugh someo ne.
ta spend a ll one ha d. / llIAK bJ PTfbIP- la ca ll (someone) through a
UIAWbI PA- sec llJAllJPA- . person .
lIIAllIbI PAT- see IlIAllIPAT· . / llIAK,bI PY call . appeal. irrita tion, sum mo ns.
lIIAWhJPA HllhI spray, sparks. drop s, cha llenge ; .. . KA FA 3 no tificati on .
splas hes. F IIIA K.hI P·W ~ K b IP cru neb. cr ackle, cras h.
WA$lH I) sço rpio n, crawfish ; 2) sha rp- / llIA K b lPb IJl. to he ca lled, in vited .
tong ued ; O HbIH-T IJl I ... he spea ks o nly , IlIA K b IPb IJl YWb l o ne who is called.
causucally. iJ,ju' I summoned.
WAK IF/- 1) ro strike fire Ifrom a flint) : WAK b lPh IM verst; ... ó 4 f AH '\ C h l mile-
J!2) to sting (of insects), to bite (sna kes): sto ne.
3) to c rac k (o uts) ; 4) to brea k a bone ; I lllA Kb IPb IC- to cal! (summon) on e a nother ;
5) to co mpl ain ; 6) to hammer (o f bloo d in to invite o ne ano tber and guests.
the temples) : 7) to hurt someone' s feelings; lllAFA rave n nestling .
\ tY H ... 10 lament one's Iate: 6AKAA - lllAFAJl A seagulJ.
lllA F b JH A llEfll H ... (Ihoroughly ; the lllAFAJl AllA H total ty whi te.
smallest detail ; to investiga te someone's IlIA FAT bl H iKbl JlA H vipe r.
ecuon s. behavio r). to exam ine in de ta il. lllA F b lJI 1) road me tal (gravel. bra ke n sto ne,
WAK I) term (time) , age, time, peri od (of 8 etc.) : 2) crescen t-shaped sa nd d u ne.
rnonihs, da te. etc.): 2) hard ly eno ugh , just WAFbiJl · I) 10 be reftected. to reverberate.
enough; 3) suitabJe, fit(of d o thing) ; KEJl EP to have an effect (on); 2) to dazzle, 10 blind
... . a Ch i ... . 9 TK EH ... fut ure tense. urrita te) the eyes : 3) to he bro ken int o
present tense, past ten se : iKAH 6 AC bl HA pièces, to smash into pieces ; TAYbl ... to
lll AKKAH D.AFb} MeIlIEPJ per head , per fail, te be disap pointed .
capita . llIA Fbl nblC reflect ion .
lllAKA I) small có~'çoin, a quan er ko peek llIA Fblflbl C- to ma te (bi rds) .
,j':l - 23 1

mAFblJlhlCY m EI<rTEH

lllAFhIflbICY 1) reffection , rever bera tion , IllErEJlEH- to stick ; to stay much 100 long;
repulse ; 2) maling of birds. te he Jong delayed.
WAFbIM (1egal) appealed complaint; appeal, llJErEH framework of a weU.
complain t, denunciaticn, infonnation lUErEHJJ.E- te strengtben tbe watts of a well
(against ), stan der, ca lum ny; . .. APhl3 (legal) (with a framework).
appealed complaint; compla int; .. . AP bI3 w ErEP- te strike off, 10 knock off la ded uct
DEP- 10 a ppeal (Ia w); .. . COTbl (highesI) from an account, to subrract, to deduct,
court of appeal ; Co urt o f Cassati on; la take away .
KA FA3 (l egaI) appealed co mpla int. m Er EPT KE sec IIIErIPTKE.
lIIAFhJMnAC calumniat o r; sJanderer. w Eri H- I) to move backward; 2) to release,
WAFbIMbI 1) tauletale. sneak ; 2) prosecuto r, to give leave (of abse nce).
plaintiff. lIJErl HLUP- I) to force to go backward ;
UIAF b IH I) no t big, limited, scanty ; 2) 2) to force to release, give leave (of a bsence)
suitable, proper (of clo thing); " . IiAC small '0.
family . llJErIHY retrea t (dig ressio n, devia tion).
UIAFbIH.llA- to fit, to suit, to a dapt, 10 make lIJErI HlIJE K irresolute (of a ma n), restive,
(some thing) to size, to spe nd, to use some - j ibbing (of a hors e).
(hing econo m ically. m ErI H m EKTE- sec m ErlH-.
UIAF blP I) gre y (of the eyes of a man or a WEriHIC retreat.
horse) ; 2) (t a ll) weeds. WEnp grey (of the eyes of-à man).
, mAFblPblM sec mAKbIPbIM . mErIPTK E I m Er EPTK EI "",ssho ppe"
~I)'à~,~ WAfbl C- to q uarrel. focust.
,:,.. ~~ \~h' llIAFbICIbIP- 10 bri ng about aQuarrel. IllErJ PllJl H e' m (tree simila r to bornbéam.
'; ' "''(tl/;) to sla nder, to defame. 10 calumniate, to Ulmus densa).
set (o n), to hound. mEIlEP hobbl e (Co, ho rses ).
Jo m A/{ d ust; m A /{b IHA IJl ECTIPME - to llJE.UIPEl1· 10 stare (a t ).
~ leave far bebind. to outs trip. m EAIH to, up to , un til.
WAHAPAK, /UIA H b IPA Kj woeden ci rcle WEK Ir/- I) 10 ha nd, 10 measure, ro try on ;
fo rmin g the smo ke opening of a yurt. 2) to smo ke ; A3An ... la experience
, lllA H.rbIJI ri fte. torture ; CAI1AP .. . to travel ; llIblJIbIM .
y. lllAtUlAK, dusty pla ce. to smoke (tobacco, a cigarene): KAAFbI .
',:1'., ", m A /{b IJl IlA- /m A /{K.bIJl AA -/ lo st rum , to to know so rro w.
./ j~::J j ingle, to mak e a noise ; UIAH.K,hIJI):{AO WEK 1) bo undary ; bo rder, limit ; 2) viscera,
,'f' YP- 10 back loudly; mA /{K.bIJlAA O intestines, internaI orga ns; 3) doubt,
/, CeJl E- 10 talk loud ly. sus picion; ll1EKTEH T blC excessive: ...
mAl-\bIPAK. see mAIlAPAK.. KEJl TI P- to doubt: .. . K.O fl b IJl MA FA H
UIAH.K,AH shining wblte. MOH AP XlUI a bsolute monarchy (00-
lIIAHKbIJl,lIAK. loud, stentoria n. limited) ; .. . K,OAh IJlFA H MO HA PXI1 .sl
UJAI-{FhI skis ; ... TE6YM I skier ; llIAHFh I- limited monarchy.
MEH )l( A Pbrcy skiing. lll EKAPA boundary, bound .
WAH,F b llll bl skier. lll EKAPA,llAFhI eCKEP Iron tier guard.
mAl see m x n . llIEKAP Afl b lK fro ntier /adj.l ; border /adj'/ ;
lIJAIJlA- I) to drink tea ; 2) to fatten exces- ... 6AFAHA a boundary sta ke.
sively. llIEKAPAllJhl Irontier-guard.
mAI P sec m Afl p. mEKAPAillblJlAP a fronuer
WE&EP I) foreman , master (craftsma n, detachment.
expert) ; 2) ta ilo r. WEKE brain cavity (cra nium); place a bo ve
lllE&EPJlEH - to specialize (in) ; ro become temples: UIEKECIHEH KA PA- to loo k
the mas ter (of a craû, erc.). down o n (someone) ; K,bIJhiJl .. ' EOn· to
1llE&EPJIIK I) a bility, skill, hand ieraft. trade: fight fiercely ; lIIE KEJlE to hit o n the .... _.
2) tailor's trade. head (cbeek).
llJEEEPXAHA worksh op. WEKEP sugar ; K, ~M .. . granulated sug ur .
llI Er E nail; ... '& YPFhl small bore r. gimlet. llJEKKI sca les, ba lance.
WErEJlE- to nail. llIEKn EH materia l of carnel's hair.


llIEKCJ3 I) rneasureless, bo undless ; 2) with- UlEPMEHD.E- to walk wuh flat ulent sto mach.
out a doubt, undoubtedly. ro be pregnant.
IUEKCn DIK I) immodera teness ; intern- llIEPMl1il- /mEPTl1f1-1 to swell, to s tick o ut.
pc ra nce ; 2) endlessness. infinity. llI EPT- I) to play (Ior exampl e, o n tbe dorn bra,
illEKTEH· 10 doubt, to sus pect. a mus ical instrumen t) ; 2) to snap (one's)
illEKTEH,UIP· 10 arouse d oubt , susplcion. fingers.
IIIEKTE C adjacent , connguous (to), neigh- WEPTIlll - see U1EPMW l -.
boring, to be adjacent (to), 10 have a llIEPTY snapping the ûnger, playing on the
common border; te he contiguous to. dombra.
mEKTI 1) limited, scanty, final ultimate ; llIEPm E MIiI lobs./ Wednesday.
2) doubtful , suspicious. llIET ed ge, border, borderland . outskirts, un-
WE KI Jl,UEY I K hazel nut ; ." AFA llihI bazel- fami liar, strange, foreign ; . .. EJI fore ign
n ut tree (Corylus avellana). lan d (beyond the bo rder) ; .. . EJIJUK
illEKJC- 10 squabble (with ); te enter into foreigners ; llIETfEH KEJlrEH th e newl y-
conflict. co me, foreign, alien ; llIEITEH KEJIrE H
IIIEKd Jl d ' te strike o n the bead. KI CI the newly-come, Ioreign er, alie n ;
lI1EJl I) thin laye r of fat (hypodennic fa t) : WETTEH TACY impo rt : U1ETKE
2) wall-eyed : Ke3I H ... KA nTA FAH he llI bl FA PY expert .
gives himself airs . llIETKI ext reme, the last.
lllEJI ,UE - 10 scrape th e remain ing (fat) fro m lllETEH fence.
thc hide. llIETfET- to Isolate.
llIEJlJlEH · to grow fat : to fatten (cattie). IIIETid- to put to sha me, to o ffend.
IIIEJl EK bucke t, pail, milkpai l.
UlEUI- I) to decide ; 2) to untie, to undo. to
IDEJlEKTE· te meesure in buckets; to po ur,
allow. la resolve. to echieve.
to draw (wa ter, etc.) in buckets.
llIElliE mo ther, grandmo ther.
illEJln EK a thi n, flat cake, coo ked in fat.
llIE lliEK I) flower ; 2) srnallpox.
IllE M candle.
lliE MEl /obs./ Sat urday. llIE mEKTI variolic. variol ous.
illE MI Plll EK cartilage , gristie. llIE lli E H I) eloquent ; expressive : 2 ) orator.
lllEMIPiliEKTEH · ro tu rn into gristie lintr.l. lll EWEH,ll,IK eloquence. e ranon.
IDEH J) rank, grade (ran k) sho ulder strap, llIEIIIEH C- to pre tend to he a n orator.
epaulet; 2) time; 3) place : EI3,U IH yB: llIEllIY solutio n (of a qu estion).
K,All A ~bIH OPTA WEHJHA E o ur house mEIIlYllIl he who unties or undoes some-
is in the center of to wn; TYC IllEHIH,.QE thing ; decisive (momen t),
at noo n ; lll EH HEH IIIbl K,KAH )Ky fl pl K llIEllliJl - to he un dressed.
jum per or fast horse, kn öwing na equal: illEWI H· 1) to und ress ; 2) to dare to do
Oll IlIE H IH E )KYb JTnA.llbl he did n't let somethlng: llI EllII HrEH CY,ll,A H
(a nybody) approach him; on OCb I TAHbIHIiAC to the resolute (da ring'?)
IlIEH,UE EOJlCA KEPEK on e must nolhing is fearful.
suppose, that he (it) is in the enviro ns. llIElllIH ,ll,IP· to undress.
IIIEHJlEC neighboring, adjoining, nearby. lIIEH nea r place, close. near .
mEHE- to offend someone wit h eaust ic lll EHE>EP circurnference, hoop, 'circle.
remark s. llI EH IiEPJl E- to pu t o n a hoop (as c1ot hing).
m En barricade. barrage , o bstrucrlon ; .. . lllEH r EJl I) stre ng hand ; 2) paw, c1aws of a
K~ P- to construct a barrier.
predatory bird ; 3) thomy reed .
WEP grief, sorrow, melane holy, depressed WH I) mats of shaggy grass covering the
condi tion. chronic, long time iIlness; .. . latticed part of yurt ; 2) ro ugh sha ggy
TAPKAT- to dispel sorrow. -grass (Lasia grosr ia splendens or Snpa
lllEPKEY e'hurch ; .. . M~ HAPACbl steeple, splendens).
be ll-to wer. llH1.llEH quilted gown .
lllEP...TII smalI. 1lIl1E che rries ; che rry tree ; ... AFAlllbI
illEP MEH)lE ashamed, disgraceful, depressed. cherry tree, cberries.
IDEPMEH pregnant; WEPMEH· IIIEPM EH. mM E l-nEn! 6AA.JlA· to tie a kn ot, which
ET- to mov e c1umsily (of a portly persen). is difficult to untie.

1 233


WMEJlE H- to he tightly lied, te enta ngle unclea rly, several so unds ; 2) to play pranks,
oneself; to gel tangled up. 10 be naught y, to treat o neself (to) .
WJ1EJl E H IC- to gel tangled into knots ; la WO JllKA K. see WOJl lKhll{.
become com p licated. lIIOJl JKAKTAT- to let so meone he na ught y.
W H KI raw . uncooked . unr ipe. green (of WOJl :>KA H pet, Iavcrite. spoi led trerson).
fruit} ; u nd ressed . raw tfo r exa rnple, hide) . WOJl )KbI H lisping.
u nfinish ed: .. . TEP( ra whide (leather), ski n, lIIOJl )Kbl H..QbI K lisp ing.
hide (ra w) : WI1KI'3AT raw material. 1lI0 nnAH I) Venus (plan en : ~ ) wo rnarr's
WU K IJlI K im rn a tu rity. unripeness. im per- name ; 3) daw n : .. _ ÄCY.1D.b lJ morni ng
feetie n. star.
llUtJlAH purse. WOJl TA H·W OJl TAH· 10 walk (af a smaJl
W l-t M A ft di so rder ly con structed Iines. ma n); [0 mo ve. (0 stir (of short ma n).
WHMA fIJl A· to d ra w confusedly. WonTAHllA· te he d ock tailed.
WHMAf1 AT - 10 fo rce (perm it so mc bodv) (Q WOJlTbU1 T- to doek a rail. to sho rten.
hatcb, sbade. cover with drawings in a WO .1 Y review. su rvey, reconnoitring. ex-
di sorderly fashi on. pl oration .
WUMA C1 J1ATTb IP- [0 fo rce rthro ugh a WO M· ro di ve.
persen) to dra w in a d iso rderly way. WO M6 AJl I) mangle t for iro ning line n );
UH1PA T - to sp in. to t w ist [ 0 find . 2) fat, mas sive.
lll H P A K, Sec' WbIPA K,. WO M&AJl A· /W O :o.U;Y·/ te stick in the m ild .
llll-I PA K chee rful. lively, quick, ad ro it. WO M bIJl . 10 ba the (o neselï ). 10 take a ba th.
UIMPA K,TbIK quickness, agility. chee rfulness. WO M bIJl.llbI P· la ba rhe /tr./ ; 10 givc a
llH1 PEK q ua eter. bath (t ö).
WI1T- IWIT-. WUIT-! to he wet , to he WO M bl Jl MA ba thhouse. bathing-place .
so a ked. to void . te urin at e. WO M b lJl Y bal hing. ~ __
WHl H aftergra ss . afterm ath. WOHA fiH A agrimo ny (Agrimo nia ). bu rd ock.
WI1IH.!lA· grow o ver with gra ss. )l(O H)f(AP l) tall. high; 2) big sho t. b igwig,
1lIl1 f P pasture . where the grass has been boss.
ea ten : .. . WET fur thest fro nuer . WO HTAf1 cartridge clip, cart ridge belt.
WMIT eet to n sced. lIIonA H shepherd. sheepfarme r, herdsr uan,
WJ.1KAH absce ss, boi!. co wboy.
WH K b ln.QA. to chee p, peep (o f nestlî ngs), WOn AH ATA name of the myth ical pa tron
to sq uea k (of a ca rt ). o f sbeep and goats.
WI1K,bIJl.QAK sq ueaker : ... A PSA squea ky WO n bIJl )],AT· la kiss ; to give a smack ing
ca rt. kiss.
WOLlb IP see WO P. WOP gr owth.
lUO.!lb IPA f1 . ro swell. WOPAJlA· to be lucky ; [0 he happy ; 10 do
rn o LlbI PA f1 T- to cause swelling. someone goe d, to be good to so meone .
lUOLlbIPMA K b um p, lump, co ne. kemel. WOPA F ATA f1 pike.
1lI0 H HA K la met la me persen . IllO PJlAH · to fo rm (of a growth o n the body ).
1lI0 f t H A H n A- to Jimp. IllO PT ûatly, poin tblan k ; KEC- to cut o ff.
WO ft b IH cast iro n ; .. ' EP JTETJ H 3ABO,ll to chop alf, to sever ; Cb IH · to b reak
smelter. iro n works: . .. KO Pb JTAT b IH into at o nce.
'lABO)], cast-iron foundry; iro n foun dry ; WO PTA H p ike.
... K \' RT b IH 3ABO.a cast-iron foundry. WOPW· to splas h (of fish) ; la sla rt. la flinch,
WO ft b IPbIJl - to su lfer frorn sciatica ; to !imp to j ump up, to ru n u p.
o n bo rh hind legs. WO PKA K ine xpe rie nced. c1umsy.
WOJl · 10 su rvey, to view, 10 review. WO PKA KT bl K inexperie nce. clurnsiness.
WOJl A K crippl ed. maimed . dock-tailed . WOT I) hoe Ifor culnvating aro und trees);
sho n : ... KE WE alley. lane. 2) abacus ; ... O PA K a sickle for fea t ber
WOJl A KT b lK sho rtness. grass .
WOJ1 :tKA H.!lA · I) la lisp (o f a ma n with a WOTA lauiced side of a cart .
speec h de fect ) ; to pro nounee mcorrecny, 1lI0 TKA a bru sh for pain ring ski n tlea the r).

wow- llJbJ S bJ K.

wow· 10 beco me inflam ed, 10 swell t o f :1 WO FbIPJl A N- to accumutate : 10 he gathered

gland) . in a he a p.
WO llAJÏI- I) 10 jut OUI , 10 protrudc. 1(\ IllO FblPMAK I) assem blage. small grou p :
stick; 2) to be gathered in a cone-sbapcd 2) crust. rin d , bark .
bee p : 3) 10 be funn y, 10 bc comical. lllOH KAI1- to squat , fo lding rhe hin d paw s
urorux ar . 10 put some thing on end. 11'" under him self tan animai).
gather something in a cone-shaped heap. WY noi se.
WOlliAK haystack, riek , poi nted; . .. T AC lllYAK glitt er , sh ine. a ureole, radiance. ray
the Khokan d saddle. of sunlight: KY H -LUY AK sunny side .
UJO lIIA KTA- 10 be restles s. fidgety. WY AK,TA - 10 ba sk in the su n.
w OwAH· rn O Ul A H ET - fo be frivol ous, LD YIiAT so ur camel 's milk.
extremely light -headed . WY 6 YPT n A bead s. neckl ace .
WO UIA H)lAT- to make frequent sho n Ill YD.A camel ha ir ; long hair fro m the unde r-
movements with somet bing ; 10 mo ve side o f the nec k an d on the legs above the
sometbing often. knees of a camel.
m Oll Y- 10 fea r, to become frightened . WY:.KYK, sausagc.
W O WYT- 10 frighten. LDYJl A- to roar. to belle w. to bowl. to shout .
IllOlIl bIH- 10 become frightened {unexpect ed - to Cf} , to make a ncise, to be no isy.
Iy, witbout cause). llIY JlAT- to force to make a noisc. la raise a
WOW bI HDbIP· 10 Irighten . 10 ccw. noise, racket.
WO WKA j lll YWKA j pig , swine ; . "' SAK- WYJl .lI,A- to shout.
TA WhICb l swineherd ; IKAH F A K. . WY JlYK, sca rf.
acom; ... eCIPY WAP YAW blJl b l Fbl llI Y MA K I) shea ï, bu nch, cupola ; 2) couplet.
swinebreedin g ; WO llIKA HbIH. A36A HbI sta nza .
pig; UIO W KAH bI H ETl pork ; m O W KA- WY MA KTA - to coil a cope.
HblH KblJlbI bri stle. llI YPA M good or greasy fat , rk h piece (of
WOK I) bush(es). brushwood . shru bbery, mea t, etc.}.
shru bs, gr ove ; 2) small brush. pa inting llIYbln no ise.
brush, tassel ; 3) ho l coal; li JP ... rvn lllYbI Jl!lA. to make a noise, to shour .
bouquet of flowers ; ... T An dense willew WY bJnD.AT- to force so meone to ma ke a
grove. noise , to cry o ut.
lll OKAJlAK localit y, covered with sma l1 WYhIJlL\AK, noisy. boi sterous.
mounds. lll YK,AHA K small mo u nd; sm all hillock .
WOKAKTA . to go at a gallop; to skip along. lll Y K,A H A KT bI )KE P hu mmocky place.
WOKnA P cudgel, club (with a th ick end) ; W b l liA P muln-col ored. motley. mixed .
b lackjack , arm ts), weapon(s) ; IiI PE y r E II1bJIiAK, ditch.
KOn . .. Do n - 10 he (blind), a fooi in llIbIliAKIllbl di tch-digger.
someo ne's h ands. II1bIS)f(bJH,UA - to he very anxious. wo rr ied.
WOKnhlT shabby clotbi ng. ra gs. to fuss.
WOKnhITIA Jl · 10 be extremely wem o ut; Illblli)f(blH,llAT- to force so meo ne to sti r:
to become di shevelled. la fuss abour anxiously.
WOKPAK, pa ce, gait, light gallep. Ulb lSblH fly; lllbI6bIH· lllIPKEI1 swa rm
lllOKPA K,Thl movin g at a slow gallop . of m idges; lllbI6bIH -lli IPKEf1 60JlbJn
uroxru « withers. APA FA TYC- to intereede fo r someone;
WOKY- to pec k. ... )f(A H b l )l{AThIP (he) is ha rdly alive ;
WOKYMA / WOK h I MAj scattered scabs. W bI EbI H- K V I1BH EOJlbIn W AYbIn
WOKYP st urgeon. KETII ( he) da rted q uickly .
WOKillA bu ndle . buneh ; CAKAJl llIbI6bIH,UA- to fan off flies .
po in red linie beard. lllbIliblPJlA- to swa rm (with ); to teem (..... it h).
WOKbl po inted hili. knoll. peak , spire. lllhI6hlPTKh I whip, lasb .
pinnacle. LUbJlih l llJ a year-old kid (goat).
WOKhi P st urgeon. llIhl6hIllI h iK wagtail.
WOKh IT· to go at a galJop. LDb llihlK, smal! t wig ; (long) thin switch .
WO FhJP grou p, mob, assemblage. (lo ng) dry b ranch , b irch (red) .


•1.,r, lllhIBbIKTA- to whip, bea t with a switch, WbInKblflAAK slightly wet (damp) place.
'~f. ~rod . m blJlFI1 / HJI PH/ everywbere, completely,
'wbl~ to suffer, to endure. 10 undergo, to entirety, exclusively, sole ly.
- bear:-;ustain. stan d. Wb lM K,APA very black.
, ') Whm A M pa tience. . endurenee. Wbl M turf; ... CA3A b l JKEP peat bog ;
.("l Wb lD.AMl1bI panent, of great enduraoce. ... TEJEK pea r; ... TE3EK ElHEP KdCI 6 1
p Wb t.l{AM,UbIJl bIK tenacity, self-con rro l, en- peat indu stry; ... TE3EKT I JKEP peat bog;
durance, pat ience . IDbl MAAC JKEP sod, turf.
<? Whl.llA MC h I3,Ub IK imp at ience ; lack of IlIbl Mllbl sod , turf.
self-control . IlIblMllI· 10 pinch , la nip, to nib ble.
(J lll b DK6Afl d rawing, design. IlIhlMllIY pînching.
Wb DK· 1) to ba ke in the sun: 2) to melt (of llIhlMIlIYblP lo ng pair of to ngs, long
c-: Z. fa t, lard, tallo w) ; KYH lll bDKbln T4' P pin cers .
this sun is ho t. IIIbl M·lllbITbIPbl K, co nfusio n. muddle,
U1bDKbIK, cracklings (h ard ch un ks beiled in mess.
melt ed fat). llIbIMUJbIJIA· to pinch (repeatedly), to nip,
lIlb liKb il{ d ia betes. to nibble.
UlbDKFhIP· to to rment, to cause pain with Wbl MW b lK go ldfineh.
wo rds ; 10 fry, 10 melt (b-iner, fat. lard , UJ bl MblJUl blK cu rtain .
ta llo w) ; Ill bDKF bIPFA H MA A melted Whf MblP- lo turn (a roun d), te twist, (ar ound).
butler. U1 bl MbiP I) sma rt, sha rp, pen, busy ;
Wbl f1b lPWb iK twisted tbread : on ..' 2) solid, stro ng, stu rdy; ... AFA IlI box -tree
ATbl n jKeHEJlJ]1 l fig. e:<pr./ he look an ( Buxus).
imperuo us step. lIIhI MbI PJIA· I) to sta rt to boil. to gurgle ,
lllblf1 bIPlIIb IKT A- to spin. te whirl, to to boil slowly; 2) to flo w (of a spring);
twist. 3) te get th e shivers.
WblHbIPWbIK,TA H- ra be t ....'isted (of lllbI MbIPJlA H· to prod uce a fa int noise .
thread, cord, rope). WhtH IllJh l H ADA MI be nest. a n he nest
IJIb lO K.A1;l abscess, bo i!. man , real, verita ble. true : WblHhIH l IDInI bazel-hen. ArITKhl3~ to fo rce someone to teIl the
/ UJbmA- to moisten . tru th ; llIhIHbIH.D.A really, in reality.
/ llIb[J1 A H· to be moiste ned . ill blHAP plane (tree) (Platan us).
IDbInAH Wb lH see WbInAHIDbIn. llIblH AlIIA K the Iittle finger, little toe.
,, ~ wash- basin. llI bIHAJlK cup.
llI bl JIAY moisten ing ; ... C 83AE P Igram./ lIIhIHllA- 10 be serious.
link-werk. llIh IHLlhlK reality, validi ty, tr utb.
WblJIAY b illi o uter ke rchief. IlIhIH)KhIP chain: .. . EAJIAK blood sucker,
llI b IJI6 bIP lo ng reins (for tet hering a horse) . exploiter, parasite.
U1 b lJI Eb lPJl bl AT a ho rse led by Ihe reiris. llI hI HTAK I) Iittle finger ; 2) Iittle toe ;
WbInllbIPA- IW b InA b IPfl A-1 to ring, 10 3) elbow .
ji ngle. to d ank. lIJbIHTA KT A- to lea n o ne's elbo ws (o n).
Wblfl A bl PflA- see WbInllbI PA-. llJhlHbf I) glas s ; 2) po rcelain, china; ."
WbIJIllbIPJl AT· to clang , to ring . ARK cup; ... 8HJl.IPICI glass înd ustry ;
r lll blJI n blJl AA- la rum ble. fall down, to Wb lHblAA H ICT EJlrEH blllblC glass-
squelc h linlr ./. ware.
llIhmWhIJiLlAT· to walk , squekhing in the llIhl H bl K IF/- to become tempéred .
mud ; to smack o ne's lips. llIblHbIKTbIP· to temper, to stre ngtben.
tllblJlllIblJiLlAK sq uelching. llJblHblFY hardeni ng, chilling, hardiness.
lUb lnblM (to bacco) cigare ne , pipe ; ... lUbInAHJlA· to wag the rail.
TAPTY 1... WErY/ smoking; .. . K,AFA Cbl Wbtrl b ln.D.AT- I) to lasb, to whip, to beat ;
n ee pa pe r. 2) to fill la the edge.
r WbI Jl KhIJlL{A. 10 splash in rhe mud, la lUbl nbl PnA- to swarm.
squelcb in the mud. U1 bIP : OFA H . "" ElTn EHLlI he did n't get
/ WhtJlKbIJljJ.AT- to splas h. wcll; on 613AII-I Wb IPbI Mb13Abl &\C-

IIlbIPA· IIlb ll{blJl n A.

3bln KETII he shanered our gaiety : lliblT- : KA6AK, ... to kni t one's bro ws.
... AAHAJI· to rotate, to revolve: 6 AChl H IIlbITA K a wo man's beaddress, ornamenteel.
. .. AftHAJIllbIP· to set somrone's hea d IlIbITPA a sma ll süver orn ament .
spinn ing ; . .. KEIiEJIEK AAHAJLUhJP · W bITbIH · to fro wn, to he overcas t.
to spin a to p. WhIT bIH A- to crack, to clap. 10 hit. to
lllhIPA- (0 give light, to shine. bUTSI ; WblThIHAFA H )KEP crack ,
m b IPA splinter, chi p, sfiver . split 10.1.
mhIPA A look , aspec t. appearance , exterto r, WbIThIP I) crack , crash, crackJe; 2) a kind
o utwerd (look, view, appearance), Iacial of grass.
features. WbIT b IPJl A- to crunch, to crackle, te rus tle.
llibIPAA JlbI I) beau tiful, kind, nice ; 2) sister WbITb IPJlAT- to ca use a crash. crack,
in relation to her brother's Iatber-in-law. crackIe.
IlIb JPA MbIT- to recognize, to discern . lli bITh l PM A dense wood. thick, dense
illblPAK I) candle, light , lamp ; 2) heavenly sh ru bbery.
body ; 3) darling. llIbI ThIP MA H thlck, dense shrubbery,
IDb IPAFbl M my darling, my dear fellow. thicket, dense wood, co mplex 16g./ ; invclved
Illblf'nA- to chi rp. (for example) business.
illhlPMA- to tie together, to link, to wrap, WbIK dew .
to ra il up. to screw up . IllhI K, IF /. I) to cllmb (u p), la ascend; 2) te
illbI PMAJl - 10 gel tangIed (of th read, germina te, to sprout , la shoot ; 3) to co me
strin g). to a head (of a n abscess, festering sore) ;
mbIPMAJIA- te tie together , 10 bind . to 4) to disfocate, to sprain ; S) to overteke,
wrap up, 10 turn , to roll up. 10 ca tch, to surp rise ; 6) ro pr oject, to ju t
illhlPMAy n bl K a bit of quicksilver lfig./. out; 7) to ad vance, to perform ; 8) te go
illbIPMAYblK bindweed (Co nvolvulus), out, la aligh t, to appcar ; AJlbIn . .. to
hop, rape . take o ut. 10 dr ag o ut ; AFhin .. . to have
m h JPn hl ma tches, chip, sliver, splinter. its so urce; )t(VJlbI n ... to dra w o ut, to
llIhIPT ET- to crash. 10 crac k, la make a dr ag o ut, to pu ll out ; YCfIHEH ... to
noise, to cra ckle. surprise ; )l(OJlPA lUbIFY depa rture.
IDhJ P'TbIJlllA- to cra ck, to crackle, to chirp, IIlhIFA KEJI· /6g.1 to spring from now here.
10 ja bbe r, la knock, la hammer. IDhIK,TA- to drizzle.
lli h IPIIIA spruce. WhIKTbl- to he moist, to he dam p .
ill hIPllI blK marsh, swamp, moor, fog. llIhl K,-lUbIJlAY precipi tation .
IIlbl Pb lJlAK loud. llibIKllIhIT cheekbone; mammiform appen-
llJbIPhlJl llA· to sha ut loudl y, to laugh dix of the temporal bone ; . .. S E3l parotid
boisterousfy, to chirp, to twitter, to cheep. (gl and) .
lll bIP bI JlJI.AT - 10 force to chi rp , 10 twitter, WbIKbIJI b lK,TA· (0 scream, 10 chirp, to
to cheep. chatter.
llIhIP bIJl llAYbl K cricket (insect), chirper, UIbIK,hIP)),A- (0 creak (of a cart) ; to squeak
twiuerer. (of a cart).
lllbIPblH ju ice, juicy fresh (of fruit). gelatin. WhI K,hIPJlA· to gnash o ne's teeth , la cru nch,
meat-jelly. 10 crackle.
UIblPhlH juicy. lUbIKbIPJlAT- to cause grinding of teeth.
lllhIPbl W [ uice, sap, fru it juice. crackling, crunching.
illbI Ph l K calrn, tra nq uility, composure. WhIK,K,AHh f private.
IlIhJ PK A- to st rike up a song, la start to llIblH, 1) ringi ng; 2) clitr, summit (of a
sing loudly. mounta in) ; 3) lfig./ summit.
llihIPK,b IPA- to whlmper, to snivel, la Wb IH,rPAY K V.Qh lK, a deep weil, a n
complain; to ripple, 10 bab ble; la begin to a rtesian well.
yell, to cheep, to peep. lllbIH,AA. to sharpe n (a scythe).
UJhl PFA bait, lure, entleement. IIIbI HJ],bI )KEP rocky co untry.
II1hIPFAJl - to lciter, to linger, 10 he la te. IIlbll{PAY sec IIlbll{blPAY.
10 delay. llibIH,hIJl dank, cla ng, tinkling.
lUbIT chintz, ca lico (print), cotton print. IIlb Il{ bIJl,l\A- /lIlbII{K bIJUlA· { to produce

llIbl H b lP AY

a ringi ng ; ( 0 tinkle, 10 dank. to ring in UlYliAJlhI do ubt ful, suspicious .

the ea rs. IDYóEPEK a rag, clothes, milksop ;
lIIbIHblPAY / llI bIHPAY/ deep well, preci- óEJISEY sash, gird le.
pice , aby ss. lIIyrEP splinter, squab bler.
llIb IH K b lllilA· see llIbIHblllL\A·. LDVÎ1TIH juicy , sappy , rich.
lIIblHFbl P· to scream lou dly, to shriek urv ün s I) bult of an axe: 2) neck fat fro m
lou dly . an animal.
IlIblFAHAK gulf bay: .. . CYflE K ulna UJYI1 KE loek of hai r, tuft of hair. .....oo len tow .
bene. WVfU Jl· to dart downwe rd {for example , of a
lIIbIFAP probably. hunting bird) ; to dlve, to swoop .
mbIF AP· l) to publish ; la proclai m ; 2} to llJYMIP. to lift up. to break, to bully.
elirm nate, to exclude : 3} 10 waste, to speod, WVfiIPKEJl EC- to carrY on an intima te
to expend ; 10 exha le; 4) 10 ca rry away ; conversa tie n.
5) 10 compose, 10 write, to invent , 10 teil lIIYMYHlUY1I8- to bring good news.
stories ; 6) to discharge. to dismiss. 10 space; WYMVHlllYlIST· 10 send goo d news.
7) to let ou t, 10 set free, 10 emu : 8) to tu rn IIIYJIEK the spout of a tea-pot.
out , to evict ; 9) 10 take o ut, to pull o ut. llIYM EK I) tap, faucer: 2) spo ut of'aco ntainer.
to ex tract, 10 steal: 10) to force to c1imb UlY MEH.l(E. I UlY Me H,UE-/ to be tired, to
UP. to force to aseend. IJ ) to lead o ut. te he weary.
fo rce 10 lea..'e ; ,l:lAJlPlIAn . '. to turn ou t, llIYMSHL\E· sec llIYM EHilE· .
to gra duale Itrans./. 10 prepare for life (of IIIYPEr Eil teal ; llJYPIF EH yftPEK teal.
stud ents , etc.); ECEnTEH .. . to strike alf llJYTE I WYT SI snipe .
the list; K,APAP ... 10 make a decisic n. WYHI PEK bollow, sunken.
Wb lFAPMA we rk, labor (industry, pro- WYY- la wind around!.
ducti on), co mposit ion, work. lll~IiA· to walk single fil e.
DJbfF APT· to force to lead ou t, to order to llIYfiAlI earthwonn.
lead o ut. llIYfiAJI· to drag. trail lint r.1 aJong the
llIb lF b l M!l.hlJI b IK prod uctivity, erop capa- gro und ; to move in file; to run (afte r).
city. lII'tfiAJl AH sluggish, inert, une nergetic (of
lIIblFAPYlIIb l a utho r, compiler, write r. a man); long (of c1oth ing), long, tiresome
lIIb lFAPbIHD.b I ded uctio n. (of speeeh).
illblFhIM I) harvest (good) erop; 2) a streng llI'tfiAJlAH.UA- to move sluggish ly, wilhout
brew (of tea). energy , to dr ag, to he dragged.
illbIFblMD.b l 1) good year (for crops}: lIIYfiAJlAH)J.AT~ to ma ke something long.
2) germi nable ; 3) stre ng (of tea ). llI'tóAJlT· to mak e something lon g, to drag
lIIhlF b l MllbIJIbI K. strength, richness of tea , so mething behind o neself ; to drag along
broth, etc. the ground; to spee k tiresomely.
IIlhlFbI H expenses, expendi ture , loss. W'tóAP pitted, speekled. pocked, peck-
II'blFbIHllAH- to spend (a great deal of marked ; ... TbIlli KAH chipmunk.
mo ney). to spend a ll one has. Ill 'tSAPJl AH· te appear rnany-cclo red ; 10
IIlhlF b IHllbI unprofitab le, detrimentat. he gayly eolored; to become motley, gay,
lllbIFbI H!l.bIH · 10 incur loss. many-colo red .
Wbl F b IP I) windlass (co nstruc tion for I1I YÓAPT· to speak much .
irr iga ting f ields, con sisring of a pum p. or a DJ'tóAT kumiss, made Irom camel's milk o
bucket and crank), large iro n disk with a lll'tEAT· to drag on the ground ; to cause one
groeve, adjustable for the hfting of water to follow another.
fro m a weil). III'tEAThI Jl· I) 10 follow o ne another ; 2) 10
lllblFb iPUIb IK, hoop. ring (iron). he dragged alo ng the grou nd.
lli b IF b lC J) tbe East ; 2) exit, ou tlet. issue ; llJ'tó y PT· to lie, to teil a lic.
3) rising, outcome. resulr. expenditure : lII'tó b lP· I) to put ene behmd the other
EJlDE PI East em na tions. (single file); 2) to talk unceasingly.
Whl FblHKb I :>KEP j ut ; projection. UI't S bl PblHllbI va grant, restless, unjustly
UlYSA doubr. suspicio n. forced to go (walk ).
UlYSAJl A H- to dou bt. t ö SUSpl." Ct. UI't)JA )KIn a thread made of carnel' s woel.


llIYJIblK stocki ng. w e Jl llE- /W8 Jl,Ua ·/ to tbir sr, 10 crave.

lliYJIK IFt- to shake its head (of a n an imai): m e JIllET· ro cause hunger.
to nod (of a man ). Wa J1LlEY a stre ng desire 10 dri nk.
WYJlFAH· to w rap up the legs in (001- W6 Jl .ll6 - see W6 J1.llE-.
c1ot hs. We Jl EftT watertess area . semi-desen .
llI YJIFAY strips of clot h wom inslead of rn 8 JlEftlTEY a steppe with little water.
stockings . llIaJlMEK bottle, vial. glass. po t; ... T A K,·
WYM.llbIK crime . T A JtillA tile .
illYHAK, withou t ears. Wa JlnEK fiat cake or Intter.
illYHAKAl-1 hypocrtte. cbeat, swindle r. 1I18JlYPKE- to tbirst. to crave .
WYHTI1- 10 have its tail dock ed (of harses . 1lI8MEft. to bend, to stoo p, to co wer.
erc.): to he made short; to become scanty. lII8MEJlE shock (of whea t, CiC.), riek (of
llIYHTHT- to shotten, to cu t aff. hay).
UIY PA - 10 wirmow grain . W8 M EJl EJ1E· to pile in shoc ks, to pile in
~ IUYPA ft bett er part of something. ricks.
llI'1PAI1J1bl the best, fertile, fecund ; ACA 1lI8M EH locse-banging.
.. . )KEPJlEP highly fenile land . W9 MlllI ladle, scoop.
W'IPbIJl llA- 10 gru m ble, 10 ru mble. 1118MIllITE· to ladJe out.
llIYPK,hIPA · to begi n la neigh at tbe sighr llIen grass, hay ; .. . )KEP mea do w; ...
of the foal <of a mare) ; ( 0 begin to neigh CYPJlE 'lT IH WY Kbl P silo; .. . U1A6A-
when dan ger present s itself (of a horse). TbIH MAIIII1HA mowi ng machine.
W'IK- 10 peck . to bite. lllen-IllAJIA M deb ris. ru bbish .
llI YK,AHAK, hummock-covered. llJ8nlIIEK dry branches. brus hwood .
lD'IK,Y- 10 rumrnage (in), 10 dawd le, to peck. 111811IIHllIE tussore (silk) .
10 piek, to tin ker. unrae Ka3 blue-eyed.
lllYK,UJblA. to fix one' s eyes on somethiog; IllI .llEP 1) hobbl e. ebains. fetters; 2) tripod .
to persistenûy strive to do somet hing. UlI,UEPJlE · to hobble (a horse) .
lllYK,bIH· to busy oneself with something; llIIKI MAft fat . tallew.
investigating, delving into the deta ils. llI IKJPEf1:- 1) to he a da ndy, to show off to
lIlYKbIP /WYHKbIP/ washout. erosion, flaunt; 2) to plume oncself.
be g, pit, hole. hollow, cavity, depression, lIl IJl white partridge, willow-pta rmi gan, hazel-
fou ndation pil, rainwat er reservoir. hen .
llIYK,bIPJIA· to make a pit, hole, dcpresslon. llllJUi l1- to become leao .
WYMKblP see WYKbI P. llIIJI;J:E 40 hottest summer day s ; June.
WYMKbIPJl A- see WYKbIPJlA -. llII Jl EK mountain ash (Sorbus aucupa ria).
U1YMFbIJl deep. llIIPKIH (word used for expressing sa tis-
IlIYFA clo th , woelen fabrlc : ... SA CATblH facti on . pleasure) : used iron (fig. 1), ex-
:>KEP fullery, fulling mill, pla nt for fuJling cellent , wonderfui, marvellous, (yo u) poor
c1oth ; ... <1>A6PMKACbl clo tb manufac- (hing.
turi ng plan t. III1PY rotting. putrefacti on .
lllYFblJI suddenly, hastily. q uickly. IIHPIK ro tten. pu trefied. ro tten stuff, mo uld.
W~Fbl JI LlAH · te busy onese lf with some- WIPIH j uice, sa p.
th ing; to epncentra te on some thing ; to WIPlT- to let rot.
study so mething. IlIIPdH- to stretch o ne's legs ; to be idle, to
lIlaSEPE great-grandson, great-grand- do nothing.
daughter. llIIJII1R hip strap a nd breech ing in Russian
WarEP· to force to lie (down) ; 10 kneel (of hamess.
a camel). II1IJlTE blame, reproach , eensure.
mem- splinte r. 1lI1JITE- to reprove, to rebuke, to repro ach .
llle )KE chick en, ch ick. IlIIJlTEP I) lace ; 2) wiek (of a keroseee
maK Irt- 1) to sit down, te senle. to sink ; lamp) .
2) to kn eel (of a camel). llIIJITaJld- 10 make a rem ar k , to repriman d
maJI I ) desert, steppe, plain , without water,
waterless ; 2) cataract, wa ll-eye ; 3) thirs t . WIJIIK reed , rush .


mIMIPKEH· to shudder, to get irritated. m;;)iiHE teapot ; m ;;)iiH EKTIH mYMErI

llIIMIPKE HYIDIJI IK irritability. tbe spo ut of tbe teapot .
IITJH)I{IP chain. nrax !mEK! doubt.
UIIPAK candle. WaKIPT student of a Moslim ecclesiastlca!
nuPEH- 1) to sprawl (stretching out o ne's school; successo r, disciple.
leg); 2) to pJume onesetr, te put on airs. m anKEM·WAJlbI C skirmish. colfision.
UIIPKE A plan t Io use, aphid , midge, goal. conflict.
lIII PEKY church. manT"- to hang arou nd (of a man).
WIPI· to rot, te deca y. m aVI.1I):{E- to bark Incessamly.
UIII{TEJI Siberian (yeUow) acacia (Caragana maYIJI.lI,ET. to lease a dog.
arbo rescens). WahEP lawn .
IDlI-{KIJl,[{E. I) to speak in a thin, sq ueaky,
voice; 2) to neigh (of a faal).

h IEbIP·)KhlEhIP confused, irregu lar mo ve- bl3FAPJlhi 1) terri ble, fierce, fea rful, d readful
ment ; .. . ET- to romp , to be busy, to fuss. (of a man); 2) Irosty.
bIJib1P-Cbl6hIP whisper, quie t ee nversatie n. hl3FA PChl3 ADA M man with gentl e
bLllPA- to go to pieces, to scatter. to spill ; ebareeter.
to divide into, to get divided. bI3FAPChl3 )KEJI light (non-piercing) wind ,
bIJl.bIPA· to disperse (ink), to get scatter ed. bIAhIK sho ulder.
10 dissip ate ; OJIAP blD.hlPAn TAPAn hlJl- 10 hang , 10 han g up, 10 suspend.
K E1TI They dispersed in various directions. bIJlA)KCbI3 desperate, hope less.
bl JlblPAY disintegrate. bIJIAI1: silt. slime, m udd y, tur bid, cloudy,
bl):{blC vessel, plates and dishes, kitchen dull; .. . CY muddy water; b lJIAAM EH
utensils. EM}:lKHTlH OPb IH mud-baths: b IJlAf!-
bDKli bIC- to quarrel, to swear. 10 swear at MEH KMJl.EY treatment with m ud ba ths.
o ne an o ther, to argue. bIJlAC dirty,
bDKJIAFAT en deavor, effen. bIJlAY cart; . .. UlbIFA-TY FY H )KEP mail
sta tio n.
bI)KJlAFATTAH- to endeavor, te try.
blJlAK. kid (goat ).
bIJKJlAFATrbI assiduous. diligent .
bIJlAH epidemie, pestllence.
bI3- 10 sew.
hIJID,hlA dep ression, valley, low place , slope.
bI3A I) vexauon, d isappoi ntment, offence,
bIJILlbIAJlA· 10 come down , 10 lower, to
wrong, ang er, spite. biuemess ; 2) subsoil
sink, to descend.
bW.llhIM -)J\:bIJlllbIM adrci r, agile. nim bie.
bI3AJIAH · 10 be vexed, annoyed ; to bemoan
(something), 10 get angry (with so meone).
surrAH sole.
bIJIhIH- to hang , to be bangin g.
hI3AJlAH):{bIP- 10 tease . 10 mak e (someone) hlJlFbI KA PA jet black,
an gry , to an ger. blJlFhlfi eo nsta ntly, always, o ne, excl usively.
b13AKOP to uchy. quick to ta ke offense. blJlFAll mo istu re. wet, damp, h umid .
irritable. bIJlFAJILlb l wet, humid, moist, damp ;
bI3JiA narrow ribbe n, sewed with a thread APTbIK. .. . JKEPJlEPI KEn IiOJlATbIH
of twisted wool (belonging 10 yo urta), AY.l{A. HD,AP areas of 100 mueh molsterring.
ribbon for braiding tbe hair, woven of h l M I) sign, sym bol, signaI; 2) mimicry ; _..
cclo red silk twisted tbreed . KAK /Ft- 10 signal, give the signal, to wink
bl3libI PAf! hamess. (a t).
b13hIJI- 10 sew rogethe r. to be interlaced , to bIMJl.A- to give a signal by mimicry. 10
interlace fintr./,I 10 be sewed rogether. wink (at).
bl3b1J1.llA- 10 whistle. to sing, 10 whine. 10 hIMhIPA concessions, conciliation, recon-
buzz, to hu m, 10 d rone. ciliation: bIMhlPAFA KEM- to come to a
b13hn-I, wh isde, singing, wblne, buzz, hum ; reconcillat lon .
whlsperin g expression of dissatisfaet ion on hIH)I{b1K 1) quiet, gentle, nor bold or
the quiet. courageous ; 2) untracta ble.
bl3blJVlA. see bl3blJl}:lA-, hlHCAn small satisfaction,
hl3FA P I) slem appeara nce. severity : 2) bIHCAn Ch13 grasping. unsatisfied, greedy .
piercing ccld. h1HCAnCbl3Jl.bIK greediness, avidity, Jack
bnFA PJIAH~ 10 become terrible, to inspire of self-conrrol .
fear. hJHCAnTbI I) abst inent, temperate, Iru gal ;

b IHT A bl cnATT AR-

2) mod est, unp retenuous. hlPhJ~blH ET· !fig.' 10 cbserve the dut y
bIHTA diligence, industry, zeal, initiative, of co urt esy (according te custom ).
passion for something ; .. . xoa. to become hlPbIM - to undert ake something, for exa mple.
interested (in); . .. xoasm OK,- to study 10 give something in rneagre quantity.
zea lously. bWbIM ·)I(~I ~blM rags. .:.. .(
b IHTAJlA H- to scek, to strive, 10 show hIPbI MWbIJl I) superst itie us: belleving in
inltianve, zeal. ; c.:,- J~ omens ; 2) Ifig.1 o bserving tr adition (for
hIHTAR bl full of initiative, having a passio n propriety's sake).
f OT sernething. bI PbIMW blK cu rds (boüed fermented milk).
bIHTbI3AP I) thirst, era ving. impatient I2IPb@ fate, lot , happines.s, best , good
expec tatlon, passi on (for something); 2) fortune; CEH IH bIPbIChJH 6AP· AY
tense, co ndition. state. ll,EMMIH! you are lucky!
bI1::lIhI ~AK co nsent , co ncord, uni ty. fJPhfCThI:,suceessful, hap py, Iort unate.Jucky .
unanim ity, collaboration: .. . )KACA- to j) ~IPhî}ÇS wül, liberty; 6~n IC MEHI H
come to an ag reement, to arran ge things. b IPK,hIM tlA EM EC the affair is out of my
bIHThI MAKTAC- to colla borare. to come han ds.
to a n agreemen t a nd to conclude an a lliance. hIPhIKChl3 unwillingly, under co mp ulslo n :
hIHTbIMAKTACfbIK co llabora tion. ... EriC tgram./ passive voice.
hI HTh IMAKllI b In · to strive for unity. blPbl K,Thl free (in cboice).
concord. bIPhIH· )I(h IPbIH lee k of coordinates, dis-
hIHThIK IF/- to be short of breath. to brea the or ganiza tion, trou ble, long-drawn-eut pro-
with difficuJ ty. ceedings; .. . I;on y lack of a greement.
bI HThIK pa ssion. stron g desire to possess harmony, co ncord.
something ; ... 6011 - to have a strong hIPK, /F/- to sit down (o n a ho rse) : bIPK,bI -
desire, passion. HA )f(1 6 EP- to leave se rnething to so me-
hIPA 6 AT ruin s. one's disc retio n ; ATKA hlPFbIn MIHJlI
hIPAC / P~CL t ru th . toj ~ mp on a horse. ~
I!"IPA~~I hl.PA I-:( 60J1~ to he in bliss ; ( 0 feel y ~I P'=A~ to roc k, to pump, to move some thing
free. first to one side. then to the other ; te swing.
bIP6A K, WAHA sled, sledge. hIPFAft honeysuckle ( Lo nicera) : MO ff H bI
hIP)KAl-{bIP)K.>\ ~. to laugh stup idly, hIPFAMllAfi he has a neck like honey-
to make races. suckle (slender).
bIP)f(AH.llA. - to laugh stu pidly (showing bIPs.A1l1 to rock, swing ones elf to move
o ne's teeth) , to scoff, banter. oneself; te move /intr./ , now to one side,
h IP)f(hlfl- 1) to gape (o f a wound); 2) te now to the other, now forwa rd, now back-
grill; 3) /6g./ to lose every thing ; ward.
bl P)f(bH1 h In KYJI· to grin fro m ear to )'1 ~ PfA- I) rhythm ; 2) hook, harpoen ; .. .
ear. WAH A depart iog sledge . J 7:!
hJ :el({h!f!T · to sho w (bare) one's teet h. ...._~ bIPFAK,TA· to hook; bIPFAK,TAn )l(Y11·
bI P3A sec PA3 hI. ~ H""-",...... to pull out with a hook.
hlP3AJ1AC- see Pl13AJlAC· . "J'~ .-1"" hIPFbI- to j ump, to jump up, to gallep.
hIP3AJIbIK sec PI13AJIhIK. ~"f _ 1 GIO root. lampblack , srno ke, fume ; ... CAJI
bIPC-b IPe·ET- see bIPCbIn,lJ.A- . ';,.:',t.·)\ '(3Po. I IeTA!- (0 fumigate; VArE ... CA n - to
bIPCh U1 . sec hI P)I{b U1-. fumiga te a house (Ier purpo se of d is-
bIPCb In pa nting, brea thing with difficulty. infection) ; ... EOJI- to be covere d with a
f bIPChIJI AA - to be out of brea th ; te pant. _ t el1ow film (from srno ke) : to be smo ked .
bI P!!I~ te jump ; IlIErIPTKE bIPMbin '6l.0 - to ger warm Ifor exam ple, wate r); to
Tr'Cf l the dragon -ûy jumped up ward : become hot.
K93lHEH iKAC b IPllJ h ln · hIPYb ln hl CM OJIA tar, piL t rJ.:.'; .
KETTI tears gushed from the eyes. / bICn AT pr oof eviden ce. agreement; demon-
yV') bIPhIn,UAC· (scornfully) to quarrel, to stratlo n.
argue . to grumble. to growl (of a dog). / hlCnATTA· to prove, (0 dernonstrate, la
to sna rl. to belch . argue. to confirm.
bIPhIM belief In omens. superstition: / bICnATT AJl. te he cc rro borated.

bl cnATIbIJlMA F AH bI I-{F AI1JlAH .

/ bI c n A TTh I Jl M AF A H unproved. blKnAJl assimüauon. mfl ucncc : h IKITAJlLl

bICPAn 10 5S, needless expenditure, squander - T H· 10 influence ; KEfll HD.J ... regress ive
ing ; ... Eon· 10 he was ted: ... :>KACA· 10 assimilation; IJIrEPJHl lI ... Igra m.! pro -
squander, 10 spend (something) 10 no gressive assimila tion.
pu rpose. biKnAJl}lbl Influential : hav ing a large
,/ ble ehl hot ; ... TY CKEHn E when the hot influence.
season comes. h IK,TA- ( 0 reek shelt er (fro m bad weather) :
hICChIJlA- 10 get soft, 10 stew, 10 be stewed 10 move /intr./ windward (in the d irection
thoroughly. of the wind during a snowstorm - of cattle);
bI~- 10 sm oke Itran.l. 10 fumigate. 10 turn away from th e wind ; lfig.f 10 lean
,/ MCTAJl· 10 smo ke lintr.l. 10 beco me cove red on someone.
with 5001, 10 he fu migate d. hlKTAChlH see bI K,TbIH .
/ h ICTA HCA station. b lKTbl MAJl pcssible.
", bICfAT b UI artiele (of law). bIKn1MAJlUbIK TEOPI1..SIC b l theory o f
/ blCTbIK see biCC ht. probability.
/ bIerbIJ<, )KEJI dry wind. bl KTbIH proteered (from bad weather) place.
/ bICTb U( TA Msee bl CCbIJlA -. shelter.
hICTblKTbIK heat. bIK,TbIPMA special shelt er on the open field
;' bICllJbl kn owieg how to werk smok ed skins for rhe pro reetion of canle during a snow -
(fro m whie h leather dishes are mad e). storm (smaUpoles aredriven in to the ground.
'" bICbI- la become hot. from which felted material is hung).
bICbIn M I) la acquire a habit ; 2) !fig./ la blKTbUIP wish, will. desire ; 93 bIKTbUI -
gr öw th in; KE n T I KEPln blCEbilIFAH PbIMEH of one' s own free wîll; ... EEpM
A)l,AM a ma n who has seen much: an te give vent (to something).
old hand . bIKTbI.5IPJlbI free, u nrestricted.
~' bIChIJl)lAMla hiss (for example, a sna ke); bIKllIAM I) porta ble, com for table . con-
.... 10 emit a whistling no ise (while breathing) ; venient, ~ rt une; 2) sho rt .
to breathe with di fficulty; to be short of ""'" ~ to abrid ge (for exarnple. text)
breath. ,+cP- la shorten (c1othing) .
b IChIP- to move Ilran.'. to press, crowd. 10 blK bIJlAC attention ; bl KbIJl ACbl TY C· la
ra ke o u t. 10 clean out, 10 row. look at rentively (a t) ; ... KOCfMla fix (o ne's)
hiChIPblJIbIC· 10 crowd /intr./ , to clu ster , at tention.
10 be sq ueezed ; EKI Ki el hI Ch IPb l· bIKbIJlAeTAH- to have a desire. to feel
,,~.Jl h l CCA , ElP KI CIKE OPblH BAP (if (a wish).
y,,I01l two cro wd one a not her, ro o ne ther e will blKbIJlAeTbI at ten rive, d iligent, industrio us.
he a place), about a necessity la give help favorable.
to ene another . bl KbIJlAeThInbI K benevolence, favor, zeal,
/ b lC b lTM10 warm (up). ro heat. diligence.
bICK,AR K, smart deale r, unsc ru pulo us ; biKbiJlbi K, biccup : ... AT- I) to hicc up;
AJlAM unscrupulous man . 2) to be in ago ny.
b IC K,b IJlA · to rub, to massage (the body). bi KbiK, biccup.
blC KbIH color of the face. hI H,-JKhlH. many veices. noise , d iscordant
h IC K b IPMto whistle. to ring. 10 whi ne. singing. polypho ny ; . .. GOJIM to make noise
hJCKbI PhlK whistle. by tbe use of many nc ises - polyphony.
bITKbl Mto come o ut in a grear gush; to dash hlH,bIPAH· I) to moan. to sigh. to graan ;
away, 10 gallo p at full speed . 2) !fig.' te stretch lazily.
bllllKA? wardrobe, book case. bIH,hIPC· see bIHblPAH M .
bIillTAH trousers. bH·{blPillAK 1) packsaddle ; 2) saddlestra p.
blllIKbIH Mla be in an agonizing condition. blHK.hIJI graan . ma an; ... Cb IH K,h IJI
bIK Jeeside: sheltered pla ce (for bad weather). diseased con dit ion of the feet.
bIJ( IF!- I) te go do wnwind (esca ping from bIHKbIJIll.A Mte maan, la graan.
bad wea ther); to escape Iro m bad weather ; bl H,FAft 1) comfort . co nvenie nce, oppor-
2) /fig-! la step back, to retreat, la give up tunity; 2) direction .
o ne's posuien under pressure. ~t!:{fA ll-lllt. H- to be ad apt ed, adi ust ed (to):

hll\FA HJIhl
hlFhiCT hiP.
10 he directed toward s a Iavora ble end; blFblH -WblF blH expenses, casts .
bItif.AJ1.[IA!f.f!!?~ a favora ble direction bIFbIH AhI departu re, deviations ; BI1D.A:A.
was given to the affa ir. hI F b IHD.hl Ch l depart ure of the wbeat
bIHFA AJl bI comfo rtable, co nveni ënt, adept- which goes away in the direct ion of the wind,
able, accom modating. blF'bIP annoyance, irk someness ; .. . OOJ1- to
bIH.FA fi ChI3 inco nvenie nt, uncom fonable, ~et""to shu n; .. . KhJJl · to pester, to
unadap table. unacco mmod ating. bo ther. te bere.
bIliFA fiChl3)].blK, discom fort. inee nven- ~l&I C,: 1) to more, 10 shift. to step aside.
ience, unadap tability . 10 avoid : 2) f6g.{ to he tirnld, 10 qua il, 10
bIFAl1:'Ch IFAH the selected on es. step back. to retreat ; hIF~IChln'-o.ThtP·
bIFbI·)l(h IF b l 60]] · to Iuss, hustle , 10 he 10 crowd Jintr./. to be squeezed.
in d isor derly mo tion. hIFbIC ThIP. to move /tra n./. to shift.

3BAKYAIU U l evacuation . 3 KCfiPOn pl1A U l1J1JIA · to expropriate. to
3BAKYA UI1RJlAH- to evacuate. dispossess.
3BAKYA lll1RJIA H FAH evacu ee. 3KCnpOnpI1AUI1J1JIAYH- '0 he ex-
3 BOJIIOllH R evolution . prop riared.
3 BOJII01l11RJl b i K evolutional. 3 KCTEH Cl1BTl K extensive : .. . ErI H WIn I K
3r01HM selfishness, egoism . extensive agricultu re.
3 r0l1CT egoist. '3KCTEPH student allowed to ta ke examina -
3 r 0 J1CTIK selfish, ego istical. ti ön withou t regularly atten d ing school.
3 K BA TOP equator. 31lEBATOP elevato r.
3 K Wn A )f( I) carriage ; 2) crew. 31lEKTP electricity ; ... llIA M elect ric lamp.
3 KOH O M l13M eco no mism. 3JIEKTPJlEH!!IPY electrification; e H!!I -
3 KOH O M l1K A economics. econo mie srruc- PIerl ... electrifca non of production .
ture. 3JlEKTPOCrA HllH JI elect rio power station.
3 KOHO M I1K AJl bi K eco no mie: ... 6AH- 3JIEKTIP )J(A Pb l Fb l electr ic light floca l SI.
JI A HblC econo mie conneetio n. 3JlEKTIP JlAMnACbl electrio la mp. light
3 KOH O M I1R economy : CASlCI1 ... politica! /10<31SI.
economy ; ... )f( A CA - to econornize. 3JIEMEHT element.
3 K OH OM l1RJIbi economical, thrifty. 3M6JIEMA emblem.
3KOH OMH RCb13 unec onomical. extrav- 3M lUIH pocketbock. Ieather case . purse
agant. {10<31 SI.
'3KPAH screen . 3MOUl1J1JlbI ernotion.
3KCKABATOP excavator. '3CKA,llPA squadron .
3KCnAHCHJl expansion. XKA,llPOH squadron .
3KCnEJl.I1u,11.R exped itio n, dispatch office. 3TA)l(EPKA book stand, what -not .
3KCnEPl1MEH T experiment . 3TI1KET etiquette .
3KCnEPT expert . 3TI1MOJlOrl1..Sl ety mo logy .
3KCnOHAT exhibi t. 3 1l1EJIOH 1) line, wave, echelon ; 2) train.
3KCnOPT expo rt . '34>I1P ether.
3KCnPOn pI1A UI1.R exprc priati on .


.R. or. ~ day nursery, creche.
.R KI1 or. ·J:lFHiJ. that is.
JlKOPb anchor, armatu re. JlhY)l11 Jew, Hebrew flocal Sf.
JlHBAPh Ja nuary. .R: hY.LU1J1 IK Judaism /Iocal Sf.

16JlI C I) tempter. debaucher. seducer ; InrEKT E· 10 do up. to button up. to hook
2) freLI dcvil. up , to buckle, to cat ch.
DK.IllhAT KhlJlY zeul, diligence. IJlrEk.iEH- to he do ne up. to be bunoned
13· to sew. up, ro be hooked up .
13 tra ce, foot prints, tracks ; I3IHWE by fresh IJlrEP rI front, anteri o r, located in front,
tracks; n m CYhlTn AH n LIE KEPEK it forward, p revious, fermer, a ncient ; . ..
is necessary to look along the fresh (hot) J AMAHllA in a ncient times.
tr acks ; OnA P I3rE TVCTI they camc IJl rEPI- ahead ; to (go etc .) ahea.d = to im-
across the trail (track) ; niH )KAC bIp· to prove ffig.' to im p rove, lintr.1 to he success-
no t ree tracks, to conceal, keep something in ful.
secret ; I3IH 6AC· te follow someone; IJlrEPI in fro nt (00, before ; .. . IiAC - to
- 6IPEYJ1.IH I3IH E TIC· to pe rsec ute go forward; ." KET- to succeed. to prosper ;
som eone : to pursue someone. IiIPEYAEH ...• IiIPEYAE H KEli lH better
J36EC lime , calx ; . .. TAC limeston e. than some, worse than o rhers ; IJl r EP IPEK
I3n see EJr!. OTbIPbIHb13 sir-down closer (to the placc
I3)]E· to look for, to seek: CEHI I3,UEYllll of honor) : IiI3A1H AlTAPbl Mbl3 OJI AP-
fiOnJlbl MA? Who bel ieved ab ou t you? tllKIHEH ~J1Jl.E KAfUl.A . .. out horse s
I3,llEr EHrE·CYPAFAH two boots are a are much better than their horses.
pa ir. IJlrEPI.LI.EH since olden times.
I3Jl.EH - I) to fum ble ( in, abo ut); to rummage IJlrEPIJl ET- to increase, to im prove, to
(in . about) ; to loo k Ior, to search for ; push, to move forward.
2) to sollelt (fo r), to petiti on (for }, to IJIrEPIJlI bIKfl AJl /ling./ progressive as-
trouble a bout so mething. similatio n.
~l1lEtl Yl.ll1 I) age nt, solicite r. intercessor ; lJIrEPlnlK movement forward pr ogress.
2) a man s triving fo r some thing. searcher, IJlrElliEK catch, peg, hi tc h. tu gger .
sceker. lJlrEWE KT E- te h ook .
I3)lECTIP· te take measures in a sea rch for IJInJ- sec IJIAl P-.
- so mething ; to give aid to someo ne in a IJlrIP tena cious; ca re hi ng (of a hunter of
search. bird s).
Q )l.EYlUl seeker, sea rcher ; AH 13JlEY- Lllf'Hll pe g, rac k, stand, ha nger, ca tch. hoo k .
UnnE P hunt ers for (wild) bea sts. IJlJ],I1P- to ha ng, to han g up , suspend .
BCn traceless, without a trace ; IJ.ÇI!- lJl E-CAJI A imrnediately.
TYCCn no thing has been heard of. _ mE-MAJl A immed iately, by fresh tracks.
nUI I pathfinder, a man ....'ho knows how to -. IJIEC- to follow somebody c1osely, to ta ke
ilistinguish. recognize caule by their track s airn ; YJI KEH AEPrE IJIECm KElTI K we
(by their hoo fprints). followed the elders ; OJI MAFAH IJIEC E
@ I ) to ha nd, to we igh. ro hook, to catch; AllMA)]bl he did n't have time to fellow
et 2) to he poli te ; Inln KOH- to ha ng, to me; OHblH JKA3YblHA KaJ IJIEC-
(;t L weigh ; K8JrE . .. to notice. : IJlln All- n EHJU he writes very fast (there is no
to ca tch up ; to snatch: to piek up ; on time to Iellew with the eyes) ; M~H.QA
he immediate ly picked up my wo rd s. IJlECJn KEJlD.IM but (he) came here on
JJlrEK c1asp, buckle, hasp, butto n fastening. the cart of the col lective farmers ; AT bIH
"I 247
IJi ME lP!

)l(EJIriP EKEH. EJ3.UI IJlEcnPETl n IHIlliEK (term of end earmen t), brctber,
EMEC your horse is a trotter; it's no use linie brother.
for us to run afte r you. . J_Ç<~Q~~15 idleness, s lo t hf~l n~ ,,~
IJl ME see IJlMEK. / ? 1E. ~.':5. man er. ='-"/r_ '-" ?, dx
IJl MEK Joop, buttonhole, stitch, hin ge. hoo k. IP- -to deteri orate, (0 ro t;-r;; deco mpose. 10
boat hook, gaff . - disintegrate. to break down, 10 turn sour :
IJl MEKTE· sec IJlrEKTE-. IPIn-llIIp· 10 rot. te putrefy. ,
IJI MEJlE- to couplet Cas ten loops. IPr~_J ) foundation; 2) tower part of tbe
IJl n IEj- to move lintr.l. just a tiny bit, 10 go lau lee of the yurt ; 3) bY...l. ..l!~r; _" KI1I3
at the slowest possible rate. narro w detached felring for covering t be
IJlTUnAT artentlon, benevolence, goodwill, lower pa rt of t be latt ice of the yurt (of
courtesy, kind ness. the outside) ; IPr E HJJ;I AYMK. ~
InY a gift, presenred by fiance to the rela rlves I lit.1 (ma ke your ho me aIfttj';fart he;-a way
of the bride o r by t be b ride to the re lat ives from us), I don't want to have anyth ing in
of tbe f iance . cornrnon with yo u. -
IJ1YD.E 61PEY no w an d then . IPrEJl l fundamental. capital , streng, power-
JnynI : Kl1IM ... TYP the clothi ng is fuI (ofa peop le).
henging. IPrEJlIK see IPf'E KJ.1I3.
Jn IK Irl- I) te fall one's lo t, to find oneself IPE- to cut, to skin {an animai); IPEnCOH-
to let o nesel f (do so meth ing), to find time /fig.1 to criticize severely .
(for}; 2) to have time to find. to succeed in JPK- I) to deta in. to retard , to delay; 2) to
finding ; KOJlblMA Inl K n B 1 KETKE- refra in from something ; KAp)f(bI ... to
HI H KAPAWb I h's a shame thar he di én' t econornize means : TYf1E _ li'tf1...P..AC~I H
Ial l into my hands. IPllÇKE ~L)J(9K, t be camel wäs led by the ~
IJU K I) cavü, ca p rious, o bjec tio n. aceusa tie n. bridle (witho ut delay).
rep roach (undeserved); 2) tie, conneetion. IPKIJ] - I) to pause; ro he suspended; to be
fami ly tie ; TEK .. . AY,UAPFbIC b I KEJll n hal ted : 2) to prick onesel f, to gat her. to
OT b lP He only wants to shift the blame f1.o w rogether in one place (for example,
to ot hers; ... )f(AJlFAY Igram./ ending of wa ter) ; 3) to feel shy, to sta nd o n ceremony ,
the genitive case. to he as hamed; on C931H IPK Jn MEM
IJlI KTE CTI K mutual tie. A ATTbl he spo ke his mind, wieho ut
JJlI KTlp· I) to co u ple. to hoo k, to catch ; heslta tion .
2) to catch . IPKIJI,ll,E- to be friab le, to he loose, to be
IJlI KTl Pr Ilil tenacious. thi n, delicate ; 0 11 IPK IJlD.En AT )l(Y PE
JJII M st ud ies, teaching. AJlM ALlbI th is fat man (grown very fat )
IJl I M3 C IJH M rags. could not rid e horse back ; IP Kl n Jl.EK
IJIIH· to catch (o n) /intr.l. t ö han g lintr./ ; fria ble, loose, thin , delica te, qu ag, qu agmire.
K.OJlhIHA DKJl.EME IJIIHEEM )l(YPAY IPKIJI!1ET- to shake (of a wineskin, fiUed
he is un lucky ; AYbl3FA to ea rn for with kumiss).
oneself au thority ; C9 3rE 10 he the IP KIHLlJ CY water, which has flowed
subject of conversa tie n. . together. ~ u-:;:
In IHJC- to he coup led. te catch (on) , lintr.! to <J: PKICJfo ld or tuck, formed on the ma ter ial
gel enta ngled , to get eon fused; li IPEYMEH li'p when sewing ; uneven spots, fonned by an
IJlIHJCnEA A<A Hh IH A )f(YP don 't beo uns kilful twist o f the thread ; cord, lasso.
co me attached (to anot her). IPKICTEH- to~fo rmed (o f folds, tucks
IH den . haunt, la ir, bu rrow, ho le; IH IH E o f ma terial). <St .--::I..~
CY K,'tA bIJllI.bI j lit.1 (h is burr ow is IPKIO H see JPKIC.
f1.ooded with wate r); he has no place la go . IP KIT fermented so ur milk. from whie h
IH'uET ep idem ie disease, ep izootic pestilence. K.Y PT is brewed .
pla gue. JP MEK CYT curdled m ük.
IHnET- te tr ace la wild a nima I). IPI large, Iarge-scale. grear , major ; IPIJI E Y
IH)I(- sec RHjK-. lar ger ; IPIPEK larger ; ... 6AJIbIK salmon ;
IH jKY peart. ... CA Y.QA wholesale trade : .. . CAY,UA-
IHI younger brot ber. r EP wholesale dea ler ; ... KAPA MAJl


cattle; ".. e H.llIPIC OPHbl Iactory. ICI~EP111 K business a bility, act ivity, effi-
fP IK· I) to become frightened ; 2) ( 0 stop. ciency, energy.
IPIKTE- to sart, to choose. l Cfl lf'T spi ri tts), alco hol.
IPIJl E· to enlarge, to ma ke large ; YCAK ICC I3 inert , passive, idle, indolent; . ..
AKllIAHbl ... to exchange for larger CA HllAJI· to idl. <.
den omi nation s (of money). lCCI311I K inacrion .
lPIJlEH- 1) to become large, to conso lidate; terE· to do, to make ; ICT EH Bl.ïl- to kn o w
2) te become proud, to get conceited (to how 10 mak e, d o ; ICfEn AJl- to make ;
t urn u p one's no se). ICTEn llIhIFAP· 10 manufacture, to
IP IJTEH.QIP- to enlarge. produce ; ICfECEH·TICfEPCH{ if you
IP IJlE HJl.IPY enla rging (on). werk, yo u will eat .
IPIJTE Y Ima th./ conversion, transforma tion. lCTErIM efficient, ind ustrious.
IPI M lll IK curds, co ttage cheese ; .. . 3ABOL{h1 lCTEH llIblFAPY annulment.
cheese factory ; . .. KAflH ATAThIH )KEP JCT EC comrade in werk.
cheese dai ry ; b I? I PI Mill lK a linie ICTECTI K collaboration .
slice of cheese. ICT EYMI executor, ma ker, does.
IPIT- te dec ompose, to rot , te throw into JCTIK TEMlP spit.
co nfusio n ; IPITIn-IlIIPIT- to spoil /tT./; ICI K inffation, ederna, swell ing, tumor.
AftPAH 'iftblTCA IP lTKEH. TE PI ICIH- 1) to swell, la inflate ; 2) /fig./ to he
HJl ECE IIlIPITKEH na matter wha t she co nceited, to fancy one.self.
undertakes. no th ing succeeds for her. ICIH llIP· /fig./ 10 fatten ca ttle.
JPITKI I) ferm ent (for milk, so that it wilt ICIH.KI swollen. pu tred.
curd le); 2) lfig./ disorder, discord ; ... CAJI · ICI'd- 10 work.
to decornpose, to ro t, 10 throw intoconfusion. ITdP· push away.
l PIH pus, matter. l llI bowels. guts, abdo men, stomach ; inside,
IPJ Hl1.E· to suppurate, to fester. 10 discharge the interior; COf1FAH KO AllbII-l IMI ·
pus. HEH MAM. KEn TYCTI from the slaugh-
IPI H,ll ET- to cause suppu ration. tered sheep pro vided much inside fat; . ..
JP UiLl.EY abscess, festering sore. Kl1lM linea, underdothes, dr awers. under-
IPIHJU purulent, Iester ing ; .. . ICIK purulent, pan ts; .. . nhlC- to he bored ; ... CY3EK
ma tt ery a bscess. typho id fever; ... TAPT- to show a feeling
IC affair, business, occupation , studi es; ... of a lliance (kinship) ; TbIHbIJlbJ
)KY3IH)lE actuall y, from a practical point con stipation ; . .. KYl1· 10 he displeased
of vie w. in fact; ... )KY3IHE ACbIP- to (with), to he vexed (by), to he irritated ; ...
carry o ut. realize, to put into pract ice; e TY diarrhea; lllIlH llE insid e ; IllIlHE on
SYJl MEHIH. ICIM EMEC thar is ne t my the inside: IillKE CA K,TA- to conceal
atrair; (it doesn't concern me) ; . .. )KYP· wickedness: IUII 6 Y3bl K ADA M man
rI3YlllI clerk ; ICKE car: I wish you with a n ulterio r moti ve; IillIM YJlAA
luek in your affairs ; 6 11r E JCIH TYCn E· AllIh lJlbl I was very disturbed (angry);
CII{, XAHFA KYH II{ TYCITECIH Don't (I) feit it (some experience) deeply; lilllH.
look for j ustice fro m a j udge ; from a khan. 61J1CIH ! know a nd keep süent! IWTlH
pit)' ; ICI TYC· ro be dependent (00 some- IiY3blJlYbi indigestion .
thing): ICK E CAJl Kb lH KAPAYWbl in- Illl - to ea t, to drin k ; TAMAK, . .. 10 eat .
active: JCKE CAJlKblH K,APAY· IlliEK bowels, intestine ; AIIIbI ... small
lllhlJlblK, ina ction . intestine : TOK, IlliEK large intestine ;
IC· 10 swell. nOMbblPAHhlH lllIE rI string of a
l CEK 1) swelling, tumor ; 2) gelded ram dombra (musical instrument) ; lIIlEK·
(two-year-old). KAPblH bowels. intesüne.
ics à. 10 trust, 10 rely upon. IWKEPl inside; ... KIPlH.13 he went inside
ICEn account. bill. (the house).
IC KE K (pair of) tweezers. IWKHI M undercïothing.
ICKE KTE · to pull o ut, pluek with tweezers IWKI inner ; ... AYP YJl AP inte mal diseases:
(fo r example, hair). ... CAPAH bowels, intestines; inte mal
JCKEP businesslike, efficient, acnve, energetic. organs ; ... CYAA P inland waters; ...


lcrEP M MH MCfPJlI ri Ministry of In - IUITI 1) capacio us ; spacio us: 2) pregnan t (of

temal Affairs ; EJlJIH{ ... XAJlhI intem al an imaIs).
condition of a country. IWI intside), interlor.
lMKI3- to accustom /tr./ 10 hard dri nking ; IllllK f UT coat.
te give to drink . IWIMnA3 see IWKIM .
IWKIJl IK alcoholic beverage. IWIHAPA specifically : by the way.
HlIKIW ha rd dri nker, drunka rd ; KAH ".. IIIlIP~ re give to drink. \
/6g./ pa rasite. extortionist. I HKd P fervent desire.
IUITEME nothing ; .. . llE 60JlFAH JKOK, IHIP twilighr, dus k ; .. . d JlET I H,LJ;E;
no thi ng ha ppened. APA ChlHJIA in the evening, at twilight.


KA6AP- to rise (of dough) ; to swell, to form K,AIihIPWAK,TAH- to he covered with a

(of a blister, lump) ; AnAK,A HbIM KA- thin layer (of iee); to he covered with a
I>APhIn K,AJlLtbI I rubbed a sore place thin scab (of a wound).
on my pa lm. K,A.GbI PFA ]) rib, edge ; 2) wall; K,AlibJP-
K,A6APC bI3 D.bIK state of being unkn own . FAMA svn.m OTbIP- to feel keenly.
obscu re. to pit y (sorneone); K,ASb IPFAHMEH
K.A6A PIllbl I) orderly uo a n offce r): KEHEC think ca refully!; ... rA3ETI wal!
2) messenger. ncwspaper.
KA6AT I ) layer, stra tum; 2) row, time; KA6bIPFAJlAC· to equal, 10 ride side by
3) floor, story ; EKI .. . érf1EJI /fig./ pregnant side, to align.
wornan; E KI .. . :>KInnEH TIK tri· to KA.GbIPFAJlbl I) fat, well-fed (o f caule) ;
sew with a double thread. 2) str ong.
KASATfA- to pile in tayers ; to flake, to KAEblPFA Jlbl PA K stre nger.
peel off. KAI>blC· I) to beoome flat ; to be ûauened
K.AIiAITAC· I) 10 Rake, 10 peel olf: 2) /fig./ (for example, of metal o bjects); 2) to cotte-
to în terfere. spond 10, to conform to, to fit exact ly.
K.A li ATTbl so mething in several layers, K,ASbICY /gram./ adjoining.
rows. K,A6b1K bar k, crus t, husk , rind, peel, fruit
K.A 6AK, 1) eyelid; 2) tavern ; 3) edge of the skin, shell, cover, jacket, shell of a nut.
ba nk, sho re border, edge of something; K,AEIJlETCI3 talentless /adj'/ ; dull, inept.
IiYrI H KA6AF b lH AIllb lK KEPIHL\I K,ABK,A3 KYPMACbI box tree (Buxus
I see th a t today you are happy ; .GIPEY,UIH; sempervirens).
K.AC b I ME H KAIiAFbIHA KAPA · 10 K,A.ll.A 1) post, pole, landmark, long stake,
fee! de pendent on someone; K,AEAFbI pieker : 2) nail . stud, peg ; 3) sta ke used Ier
:>KA libI K /fig./ angry, gloomy . tying ha rses.
KA6AFAH angry (ofa dog) . KAJl.A- J) to dive (something) in ; to stick in ;
K.AIiJlAH IKA6 b IJIA H/ I ) leopard ; 2) lfig./ to thrust ; 2) to sew; Ka3 ... /fig./ te state.
fine fellow, good lad . KAJJ.AJl- I) to he driven in, to be stuck in,
KAER ET abiJity. to pierce; 2) to be sewed; 3) to fix one's
K.A6JIETTIJlIK ability. eyes on ; 4) to display persistence : to take
K.A6bl3- to fan (the fire). a great interest in, te display insistence;
KAlibiJl AJl - to take, to agree ; TdYE KE'-lI KITAnTAH K8 31H AJ1bIPMAJ1 K.A .
KA6blJl AD.AM he is lucky. .llAJlbJn KA JlhInTbl he doesn't move
K.AlibIJIAH see KAIiJlAH. his eyes from the book (he became en-
K,A6blJIDA· to a pp rove. grossed in readin g).
K,AlibIJI,UAH· to he approved . accepted. KAliAM step, und ertaking ; K,AD.AMhIH
KAlibIJl,UAC- ( 0 approve, accep t jointly. KAMblPJlbl 60Jl CblH I wish you luck
K,A.GbIH · J) to cat ch fire, to nare up; 2) to (good joumey).
choke, suffocate . KAJl.AMliA- te pace off, to measure by
KA6blP grave ; ... óACbIHJJ.AFhI TAC step ping off.
tomb sto ne ; . .. K,A3YIllbl grave-digger. K,AJIAYEAC punch (for punching holes in
KABbIPIlIAK scales (fish, etc.); ... MY3 iron).
I) thin Jayer of iee ; 2) sludge ; .. , TAC K,MAK pound.
cock le-shell, mussel. KAMK,TA- to weigh in poun ds.

KALlAli-K,AJlAli K,AJblK,TA-

K,AJlAli-K,AJlAli : Nl K,TbI ... b AC- 10 KA3AHllIA smaU cauldron , small boiler.

stamp one's feet, to step unh esitat ingly. KA3AHWbl t) male cook (chosen to prepare
K..AUAFAllA· to lest, to exam ioe, to follo w. food for an mei during a jaurney); 2)
KALlbIPRbl sec KALlIPnI. boilermaker (an expert in tbe manufacture
K,AJll MrI / K<:lJlI MrI. K<:lJlYIn rI/ usual. of bo ilers, cauld ron s).
nonn a!. K A3AYTY mosso
KAD.IP respect. esteem. dignity. virtue, value . K,AJ AK, Kazakh (Cossack); .. . AT Idzakh
hono r ; )l(YPTllI blJlhlK, AJLUbIHllA KA · (Cossack) horse ; .. . O PbIC Kaza kh (Cos-
Dl PI SAP (he) is held in high respect by sack): ... aHI Kazakh (Cossack) song.
the co mm unity. KA3AKYAP one who is a master of tbc
K.AD.IPJTE- to res pect, te show respect , to Kazakh (Cossack) lan guage and who knows
value. the life and customs of the Kaza khs very
KA.UIPJ1I estee med , respected. valued; well.
~ETAn!lAP precie us metals. KA3AKWA in Kazàk h, Ka zakb.
KAUIPIJlIK respect, esreem, value. K,AJ Ali IIl 'tliK,blP !IIlYliK,YPb l/ recess,
KAD.I PCIJ of litt le value. holle w. deepening .
KAllIPClJ.ilEH· to lose respect (for). KA3liA 1K,A3b1 Mbl Pf toe partienla r . carping.
KA )t( pilgrimage. K,A3liA KEH fossil.
K,AJK- to grow week . to get tired . KA3 6AJIA- to bere, to wear out, with wo rds
KA )KA- l) to ru b, 10 polis h, to grate; 2) 10 (with one's carping).
wear out by rubbing togerher ; J} /fig.} to KA3.llbIPT- to force te dig (through anotber
speak rnallclo usly. to be ma licieus. persen).
K,A)I{ A T prayer. K,A3MOftbIH with a (bea utif t,n neck, Iike
KAJKET necessa ry : necessity ; TIPillIJlIK tha t of a goose (of ha rses).
K,A)I(ET I necessity of life ; it sho uld be
K,A3HA treasury, pubJic co ffers, ric hes ,
done; e ne ought; HEMEHEr E ... ? Wha t
for? .. wealth.
KA3HAfl blK, fiscal . publîc expense, bureau-
K,A)f(ETIIJIIK necessity.
cratie, tr ite, bana l.
KA)I{bI· l) to tire. to get tired: 2) 10 Iie, to
KA30TbI creepin g green grass, flit.1 (goose-
teil lies ; 3) to becom e ben t, to become
crooked .
KA3Y un de rm ining.
K,A)KbIP persistenee. energy. obstinacy.
K,A)KbIPJlAH - to persist (in), to be obstinate, K,A3Y R bl dug up; OHblli KEPI ... {fig., lit.!
(his grave is dug); misfortune awai ts him.
to display fo rtitude.
K,A)KbI PJ1bl persistent, stubborn, energetic. KA 3bI I) abdominal fat (within) of a horse
KA)f(bIPJlblJlbIK energy, o bstinacy, per- or camel; 2) special dish ; J) sausage;
4) jud ge, arbitrato r ; K,A3bIHbU-{ K,bIP~
KAiKblPC bI3 wea k, unenergetic. sluggish , TbICbI a slice of meat from (a specia l disb) :
wea k-wille d, spineless. a slice of sausage meat.
K,A3- to dig. K,A3bIMbIP toe particular, carping, quarrel-
KA3 goose (do mestic): ... T): P- to stand o n some.
one 's Ieet (of a chi Jd); ... O'Ib! larkspur, K,A3bIM bIPJlAH · te become carping,
delphinium (Delphi nlurn). quarrelsome .
K AJ-KA3! TOn-TOn! (sa id to a child when K,A3b1 MbIPflb1K quarrelsomeness, nagging
teaching him l a wa lk). In./. ee rping.
KA JA misfortune, 1055. disaster ; bOn - K.A3bIC- to dig join tly, to help somebod y dig.
I... TA n ·/ to die ; te pass away: TABY K.A3bl K I) post, pile, sta ke; 2) Ifig.1 soul
death. (the central persou in some Sart of under-
K,A3A.nAH . I) 10 sulfer a disas ter ; 2) 10 die. taking o rganizatio n) ;K,A3bIKTbIH ~ m bl H
KAJAR bl sec K,APARbl. WbIFAP· to hew. to trim a stake : .. . KAK-
K.A3AH I) la bs.1 September ; 2) boiler, kettle , to dri ve in a sta ke.
caul dr on : .. . W ~ HK b I P bollew. K,A3bIKTA- 10 tie sernething to a srake
KA JA H.J.bIK, a dobe or brick stru cture ; dr iven into the ground ; to fasten se rnething
(hearth for placing a ca uld ro n). with a sta ke, which has been driven into

KA31 PrI K,AI1Thln

thc groun d I for exarnple . a yur t during a KAf1PATIhlJll.IK energy.

storm). KAffPAITl.I energene.
KA31pn the present. KAffPAYl.llll whetsto ne. grinds to ne.
KAli - to sew (fcr exa mple. the hem of a KAHpAK. grind stone, whetston e (Ior scythe.
skirt) wit h a smal! sritch. axe, etc.}; .. . TAC grindstone, sha rpeni ng
KA H such a, whic h. stone.
KA n. JKA KTAH? from whe re? KAI1PAH I) a slanting ban k (gentle slope) ,
K,A ff-K.AACh IChI any, eac h, every . ban k, shoal , shallow: 2) hard, sa ndy soil (in
KAAM the bo ttom of a river, lake).
K,Af1.UAH fro rn where ; KA YbIn ... bOJlCA. KAAPAH.llA- to run agr ound.
KA TEP CO HA H flit.! (Whence doubts, K,AI1 PhIMllhl lK,Afl hIPhIMllh l/ kind,
thence also danger) : if you do ubt something goed.
then veri fy it , as one o ught . KAftCAP persiste nt, detennined, stubborn ;
KAI1)lAFbI being Ioca ted some wbere ; KIM with astrong wül : insisten t.
IiIJlE.!lI K,AflIlAFhIHhI AflTh tn QThIP-
KAflCAP RAH - IK.A ft CA PC-1 to insist on
F AHbIH? who kno ws, what he is ta lking having on e's own way ; to display resolution
abcut? and firmness, not ro deviate fro m one's
K,Afl JlA piek ( miner's). 0 ","'0 way .
K,AflJlA see AflJlA . Kr'\HCAPJl hi K. persistenee . insistence. firm-
K,AAMAK cream, sour cream; a sweet di sh
ness, resol ureness.
(thiek, boiled sweet cream). K,AflCAPC- see K,AflCAPJlAH-.
K,AJ.1 M AK T A- to ta ke o ff the cream ; to
KAfiChI whicb.
ski m milk o
KAfiChISIP YA K,l. llTA sometimes.
KAH MAKTA H · 10 farm (o f cream); 10 he
cov ered with a layer o f sour cream (of milk).
KAMT- to return ; KAftThIn AR- te
KA fi MAKT h l with som cream ; rich (of
take back ; KAf1Tl.In IiEP- give (it )
back; Afl T K,A H hlM HA H K,AflTnAfl-
KA l1 MhIK- to be timid; to quai l ; to stand
Mh IH I won't take back my words:
off ceremony; to refrain (f ro m).
LlYHI1EJ],EH K.Af1TTl.l (he) passed away.
K,AJ1HA- 1) te boil, to seethe : 2) to becom e
hot : K,AH h l M K,A fl HAn KETTl Ifig.1 I KAMT- fKAJIAA ET- I what to do, ho w to
went into a fury ; I go t ang ry: K.AI1H A- act, wha t to undertake ; KAHTCE LlE
F AH CY boiJing wa ter. IK,AHTKEHLlE lJ.EI in any case, under
K,AHK,AJ1A- to be ex tremely upset; 31.1- any oircumstances.
FhlPhI KA}1 H A- to be grea ûy irrita ted. KAfiTA 1) aga in, back, backwar ds ; 2) on
K,Afl HAP IK,A fl HA P Ii\CJl A K,1 souree. the contrary ; 3) repca tcdly , several times ;
spring, we llhead . ... K,03FAH IlAY JKAMA H, ... WA n ·
KAI1HAT- 1) to boil; 2) /fig./ to get angry, K AH )l(AY )KAMAH there is nothing
to lose patience; S IP K,Al1HATl.IM IIIAÏ1 worse than a repeated competiti on; suit ,
enough tea for o ne pot. discord; .. . KYP- to rebuild, to reorganize,
KAHHAFA brc ther-in-law, husband's to reform.
bro ther, wife's bro ther. KA.l1 TAJ],AH again, anew.
K,Al1PA- 1) to sharpen, to gn aw, to prey Kr.\l1TAJlA- to repea t, to do somethia g
u pon , to secr ete ; 2) te hound . to urge o n, repea tedly,
to egg o n, to incite, to instigate. KAfnARMA CY 3EK recurring typheld
K,AMPAH Alas! he sorry , pity: ORAP)lbIH, fever.
OChl JCIHE MEH K,AflPAHMhlH lam KAfITAP- I) to return; 2) to bring, drive
surp rised at their actio n (used with tbc ho me (to fit. adj ust), te d irect (to), to seed:
n uan ce o f surp rise, grie f, ch agrin}. 3) to co mpensate (for).
K.AHpAT ener gy, boiling force, intensity. KAftTA-K,Al1TA repeatedly, severa l times.
K,Af1PATKE P wrestler. st ruggler, figh ter. K...o\MTn AC which can not retu rn; which
KAl1 PATIA H- to ga the r st rengt h. cannot recur (irrevocable, irreparable).
K,AHPATTAHLll.IP- to cheer up , to en- KAI1Tl.In EEPIJlM EfnIH irretrievable .
coura ge, to inspi re. irrevocable.

M fi ThIC K,A.1

M fl TblC KICI I KA fi TbI C MAJI! pen y MAFAH KAfibIPFACbI KA flbl CbIIl

perse n ; cattle o f littJe value. )KYP he condoles with me.
K,AflThIC Eon - to pass away, to die. K,AMbIC strap, belt, rawhide strap ; ... AAhL'l
K,Afi Illbl 1) scisso rs (pair of ); 2) Jfig.f a belly-stra p of rawhide ; .. . 6EJI6EY
contr adictory . belt (leather).
K,AfUll b IJI A- I) 10 cut with scissors ; 2) lfig.j K,AfthITY coupling of camels.
to twitch its ears (of a horse). K,AMhIK boar. /
KAfl lll b lJIhIK comradiction. discrepancy : KAMhlK,mbl boatman, ferryma n.
Iack o f correspondence. KAHbII-I bireh (Betula): KAfibIl-lbl l-l KA·
K,Al1b13FAK da ndrutî, scurf. libIFbl birch bark.
K,ARhI3 FAKTAH · to be covered with KA fl K,AA- I) to lean back; to seule back.
dandruff, scu rf. te bend (of the bod y), to b ulge out; 2) Ifig.1
KAHb lH wife's relatives ; ... ATA husband to assume a pro ud pose ; KA ftKA ff~
or wife' s father ; AF A busband or wife's l K,A rt KA l1b l n T 'i-PI Get out o f here !
elder brother ; IH I I E HE I hus band's KA f l K,AHT - to dr ive out. to thro w back. to
younger brother ; .. . cnvu husba nd's bend back Itr./, to stick out. to over-
you nger sister ; ... 6 J.1KE wife's elder sister. emphasize ; liA Chll-{JlhI KAft KA fnnAH:
KA ft h iP shallow /n./. shoal. TY3Y T~ P stand stra ight.
KA fth lP- to train (a hunring bied). K,AR K,AKT A- I) to wa lk wit h one's head
KAf tb lPn A- to run agr ound (of a vessel). thrown back; 2) Ifig.1 to excuse onesclf :
KAftblPMA l) - refrain (music); 2) with a ;'} to find it difficuJt.
lapel (fla p) ; . . . JKA PA turn-down collar. KAfl KAH.!lA. see KAflMKTA•.
KAAbIPM AJlA- 10 drive. to exha ust, 10 call KA H K,hl turned -up. bent upwards:
a halt. [0 stop (for exarnple , a berd of n h IllIAK, shavin g-knife, planer (tooi for
borses). planing. seraping otf ).
KA HblPYJIbI nATlllAJIbIK, limited (con- KAI1KblH. see KAflKAH-.
stirutio na l) mona rchy . K,AJ1Kh IJl AH - to be turned up.
MfibI PYCb13 n AT IIlAJl bIK abso lute {un- K,AHFhl sadness, sorrow, grief, misfort une.
Iimited) monarchy. mishap ; MEHU{ YWIH ... ;.KEME don't
K,AMbIP IlIA K little pcbbles. bother about me ; ril manage witho.n yc u:
KAHb lPllIh I beggar. beggarly. poverty- ... IiAC· to grieve; ... liACKAH un-
ridden. co nsola ble.
KAl1 b IPWhIJIAH - to become impoverished : KAffFhIJIAH - to he sad, to grieve.
to fall into po verty. K,AHFhIJl AHLlhIP- to sadden, to grie....e.
K,AflhIPWhIJIAH.Q.bIPY irnpoverishment, K,AftFblJlhl sad, poor creature, grievous .
destruction, ruin . KAMFbIP- to grieve.
KAl1hI PWh IJIhI K, poverty, beggarliness, des- KAMFbIPT- te look after. to take care of.
titution. to attend (to).
KAH b IP b IJI- 1) to be turned down (of a K,AHFhIChl3 ca refree, un tro ubled .
eonen: 2) lfig./ ro re nder as sista nce, to be KAMFbICbI3,UbIK carelessness, serenitv,
a be nefacto r (to). light-heartedness.
K,Afthl PhJnhIn- to glance backward . KAlI- I) to fall behind, (0 he slo w, to lea vc
KAfibI PbIM good ID.' . alone ; 2) to rema in ; ALlAMChl3 .. . to
K,AAbf PbIM Jl,bI without spite, without anger. becom e desolate, to become depopulated :
K,AHhIPhIMChl3 piriless, soulless, Iifeless. AJIhin (te. take and) leave, a bandon;
KAfl bI PbIM Cb13Ab IK laek of sympathy, APTIA to set aside (fro m e t hers };
inat tentiven ess (to the needs of e thers). GdJIEr E to bring troubles on onese1f;
K,Aflbl PM b I beggar, beggarly, poverty- KEllIl rIn to he late, to he behind
ridden. schedule : KEPbI n . .. to see: KEHIn .. .
K,A f.i bIPbIM lllbIJI,UhI K mercy. to take offense, to fee l hun : Cbl Hbln .--
K,Af1hlC- I) to bend down .intr.J, to bow to break, ~.slT K,A ... to find ooeself in an
down. to stoo p ; 2) lfig./ to be sympathetic. uncomfortable position; .. . liAP- to he
co mpassionate, to experience. go througb, pe trifled. 10 he stupefied .
end ure. to display anx iety, go throu gh : KAn small birthmark.

KM A· 1) 10 pla cc. to pu t. 10 raise. to Iay ; KAJlllhIP· I) to calrn, to soothe. la quiet ;

2) lo bs./ 10 take sernething fro m a frien d 2) la leeve. te give up. to a bandon ; 3) 10
(for exarnple. a good horse. a th ing) ; 3) 10 emit, to leave o ut.
set ûre 10 ; 4) to chcose, 10 select. 10 elect ; K AJI1lb IP.1 A - ro thunder, to cla tter, 10
5) 10 provide. fumish, supply ; KAJlA- ru stle.
FAHb IHLlbl AJl choose what yOU like; K,AJl ll.hIK t ) remain der. residue, di fferen ce.
MAJlA3Vl HIlEPIlE HE KAJl AF AHblH remnants. vestiges ; 2) Imath.1 remainder (in
TA6bIJlA)lbI in the stores there is (every - d iv'ision).
thing) one might want: KIPn UlJ .. . to lay K,AJDKA mea t d ish (which is prepared fo r a
bricks (to buiJd) . woman recen tly eonfi ned chiJdbirth).
K,AJ1A city. to wn, village ; .. . A.!lAM b l KA JI;.I(AK I) windbag. idle ta leteller; 2) joke.
ci tizen, to wn sman, city-dweller ; ".. MAHhI jest, trick.
su burb; KAJlAH bl <lCKEPMEH K,AMAY KAjJJKAKTA·l) to roll over. to tumble over.
siege o f a rown. to he unsteady (of an unbroken horse);
KAJl AH as , Iike. ho w ; . .. I>OJICA D.A by 2) to tal k nonse nse.
a ll means. KAJlJKhIHKOt1 a charterbox and j oker. a
K,AJlAflllb l tin . jeste r.
K,AJlA H b fJlA. 10 pl a te wit h t in; to t in . K,AJl)KbIPA· 10 grow weak , to get vel)' tired.
K,AJlAJlblK. townsman: city -dweller ; city, K,A Jl JKhIH jo ke, jest, amusement, fun.
lawn ladj .; . K,AJ DKhI H EAC joker, [ester.
KAJlAM penho lder ; KAJlAM bl JKYl1PIK K,AJDKbIH,llA- to j ok e. t o [est .
knowing how te use a pen (written la nguage) K,AJl lKbIHWbIJl sec K,AJllKblHiiAC.
silfuUy. K,AJlMAK Kalm yk (Kalmuck).
K,AJlAM nblP pinks, ca m a uons (Di anthus) . K,AJl n · to cut into th in slices Irom tbe top.
K AJlA M K,A C 1) with thin eyebrows ; having KAJIflAK cap, har.
black brows ; 2) fem inine name. K AJl T slyness. craftiness, fra ud, deception ;
KAJlAM"'llI pen . __ _ ETKEHilE lKA3bm TACfA write.
KAnAT dressing-gown , hou se ro be. an when you ha ve the time .
o riental robe. wom by men. K,AJIT-KYJlT just hardly, hardly.
KAJIA YJlbI foremost, adva nced . honorable, KAJlT A J ) pocket; 2) pu tse, sma ll bag. sack.
honorary, di vided among o thers ; elect. K,A JlTAPbIC 1) turn. bend, curve. change ;
elected persen, favorite. 2) side sireer. lane, alley.
KAJlAYlll b I (so methi ng) chosen (for one- K..AJ1TAKTA- la ru sh in con fusion from side
self) ; TAC ... (st one me son , bricklayer). to side.
KAJlAlU Kalatch , white bread; K,AT b I H- K,AJl TAHJlA- la rush . 10 hurry , to fuss, to
K,AJlA lII IcoU.1 wa men. f idget.
KAJlAK, I) scoop. du stpan ; 2 ) chum-staff'; K,AJ1ThI)1L1A- te rock. to bi: unst eady, to
3) wing, pinio n. arm; KYJl ... woeden shake, ( 0 trembIe.
(small) shovel for pa nn ing gold . K,AJlThIPA- 1) to shake, to shiver (from
KAJIAK,AH net tle (Urtica). cold }: 2) /fig.j te tremble (from greed).
K,AJlAK,TA - to take with a shovel or scoo p. K,AJ1ThIPAY chill , shîvering fever.
KAn IiAJl AK prevemive, precautionary, fussy, K,AJlThIPAYbJK J) person sensitive la cold;
fidgety, o bliging. 2) greedy, stin gy ; 3) ilJ with paralysis. palsy,
KAJlBAJlAK,TA- 1) la Iuss, 10 fidget, to paralyzed, palsied.
rush about ; 2) jfig./ te treat so mebody (to K,AJlT K,b l I) float; 2) Ifig.1 ulterior motiv e
someth ing ). (susplcious).
KAJl6AJl AHilA- sec K AJl 6 AJlA K,TA-. K,AJl TK.h IChI3 without an ulterior motive.
K,AJIBAK spoon . K,AJlYIH sow-thistle (Sonchus).
K.AJJBA H-K,'YJIliA H. in a hurry. bastily, K,AJlIIl bJl1:- to set against ; to push (like a
fussily. bull or ox).
KAJ15bH1- ro ha ng down, d roop (Ie r K,AJlIIlhIJlilA- I) to shlver, to shak e ; 2) 10
example, of a wide brim of a hat). fall completely apart, to he greatly upset.
KAJlBbIft ha rdly sta nding on on e's feet . K,AJIm ·l(A..1ll1 ET· to shlver (from cold) ; to
K,AJlBbIP metallicûask .canteen, tin can, ftask. shake, to he beside oneself (from rage).

K,AJIbIH Llbl K. M MWblJlA.

K,AJIblHLlbI K. bride. everyday affairs ; XAJlblKThIl-{ KA Mbl H

K,AJIbIn I) shoe-tree, las t model; fa rm; )f(E- to loo k a fter peo ple.
2) position, situation, con dition ; K.AJl- K,AMA beaver (fur).
n bIHA KEJITl PY restoration , renewal, K.AMA- I) to surround, to encircle ; te
restate men t, reha bilitatio n. besiege, to lay siege to; 2) to dr ive (ca ttIe)
KAJIbl n TA- to auach, a foon o r shape ; to into an enclosure ; 3) to a rrest, to impr ison :
stretch o n a last. 4) to irritate (someo ne), to get on someone's
K,AJIh IIDAJI - 1) te go into a usual , norma l nerves.
situatio n; 2) to reac h a definite postn on . KAMAJl I) R a m (constellation); 2) !obs .!
standard situation. Ma rch ; 3) bastion, fortress, fo rt barricade,
K.AJIbInTAH· see M JlbInTAJI ·. forti f iceticns ; K,AMAJl}l,bI svasm xn.
K,AJIbInTA H.n.bIP- to cul tiva te, inc ulcate. to take a fo rtress by an at tack ; K,A MAJ1}l,bl
te str ive fo r the cultiva tio n of certain ha bits. KO PFAY defense ~~ a fo rt ress ; KA MAll-
KAJIhl n TAC- to consolidate o ne's ho ld ; to llbl a CK EPM EH KAM A Y siege of a
strengthen. to he made legaL fo rtress.
K,AJlb lnTACATbl H accommod a rin g. K,AMAJI- I) to he dr iven Into an enelosure
K.AJl blnTACY accomrnoda tio n. (of canle): 2) to he arrested ; 3) to be
K.AJIbl K. IK.AJlK.! IJ pec ple ; 2) backward surroun ded, laid siege to (of a Iortress}:
(op posi te - û3SE K). 4) to assemble, gat her roget her.
K,AJIb IK,TA- to soar, to haver (of birds), 10 KA MAJl A- to crowd (of wait ing peo ple) : to
flutter. huddle togetber, to farm a herd (of ca rtle) .
KAJlbl H I) stout, thick. d eep ; 2) brushwood. KA MAn 'tCfAY battu e (hunt), ra id,
u ndergrowtb. thicket ; .. . A F All th icket ; roundup.
... KEHEn a coarse tissue ; sa ck..c loth. KA MATIbIP· I) to force to arrest an d
sacking ; , _. MAJl bri de-mo ney lobs./ ; imprison; 2) to force te dr ive (ca ttie) ioto
... OP MAH den se forest ; .. . K,A3b1K an en elosure.
AF AUI J],YAll pa ling, stoc kade. K.AMAY siege : ... KA nnbI sta te of siege.
K,AJIb IHJlA- to become fat, thick. KA Mó A I) ba rn , depot, storehouse. granary ;
KA llbI H,ll bi K I) stoutness, thickness : 2) fox-hole.
denslty ; 2) lobs.1 fiancee. KA MLl.A- to prepare.
K.AJIK. see MJl blK.. K.AMllA H- to artend to; to take measures ;
KAJl K IFj- to swim on the top of a liquid ; to ta ke precautionary measures.
2) to remo ve, to ta ke awa y: 3) l fig./ to lack KA M30JI steeveless coat.
depth; 4) to daze, to slumber ; COPflA HblH, KAM nA O· to swell.
MAAbIH KAll KbIn AJl· to rema ve the K,AMCbI3 well-to-do, secure, carefree.
fat (from asoup). KAM ChI3· to be well-to-do; to he secure.
KA JIKA J) a shed with a slo ping roof; a KAM ChI3L1.AH · to be well-to-do, secure,
sloping roof, prejeeri ng fro m a wall ; a insured (against something).
penthouse ; 2) ca nopy, dias ; 3) blindage, KA MCbIJ,UA Hllb lP- to insure (against), to
shelte r, dugo ut: 4) /rrûl./ cove ring, scree n, ensure, to safeguard.
covering detachment. shield: 5) nam e of a KAM Ch B!1AH llb IPY insura nce, insuring.
melod y. K,AMCbI3J],A HY insurance, insuring.
K,AJlKAJTA- to pr oject, to corne, to scream . K,AM C h I3)J.hl K, insurance, insuring, carefree,
K,AJlK,AM {fig.! an affectiona te, indulgen t untro ubled.
address. K AM Tb l- to intercept , to borrow, to sna tch.
K,AJ1K,A H I) helmet. shield: 2) lo ngitu dinal KAM TAMA guaranteeing, securing. en-
uppe r part of the body of a ca rt. suring.
K.AJl M HCb 13 AP6A van , hearse. K,AMTA MAChI3 gua ranteed, insured, se-
K,A1IK,hI fi hardly sta nding on o ne's legs. cured. sa tisfied, con tented, well-to-do ;
KAJI K h ! MAJlb I KE n IP pontoo n bridge. ET- to guara ntee, to secure, to ensure.
KA JIF AHhl rcmaind~r. rest. K,AMUIAT otter, beaver fur.
KA M care, tro uble. concern , sutfering, sad - K,AMlil bI whip, whipco rd, lash, riding whip.
ness; EAJlAJl AP TYPAJ1 .. . iKACA- to ero p; .. . )KAK right side.
look after chi ld ren ; TIPMIJl IK K,AMhl I(AMllib IJI A· to whip, to bea t with a whip.


KA M b l P K,A HTAliA-

K,A M h IP 1) d o ugh . paste; 2) peninsuia on a o f th e grat ing o f a feit hut Iyurt):

river ; cape ; prome m ory. KA Hb JT.K,\.'!\PbIK re latives (assistants) ;
K,AMb IPJIA- 10 glue up, to stick up , 10 KA H AT- K ~ M P blK,Cbl3 /fig ./ lonely, soli-
sm ca r wit h dough . paste. ta ry (witho ut re latives) : . .. K,AK. I Fj~ te
K,A Mh IC reed (Sci rpus) : ASlK small fl a p (its) win gs ; AH H AJlA l1bIH KA HA-
Bash kir cu p. T blM my darling; AJl T bI ... Y f1 nomad
KAMblCTbI Ke )] take . grown o ver wtth tent m ade of six sect ior is o f gra ting;
reed s. ~III A PF A K,AHATbl lKü K lfig.' he is in
K,AMh ITIA- to put a hom collar (o n so me- a hurry, to get ready to fty.
thing) . K,AHATChD without wings, wingless.
K,AM b IT horse-colla r. yo ke ; . .. liAY hame KAHA TTA C neighboring. resid iog In a
strap, tug (pa n of hamess); KAMbIT- vicin ity, neighbo rhood, neighbo rs .
JlOFA bamess . KA HA rru 1) b irds ; 2) wing ed.
K,AM b IT UIb I ham ess maker, sadd ler. KAHAY llIbl exploiter, op presso r.
KA M b IK, IF{- to bc sa d. to gr ieve, 10 feel hurt . K,AHA Y l.Dh IJl bIK expl oitation, o ppressio n.
KAM K A brocade. KA H AYb Iill b lJ1 AP TAEhl class of ex-
KAM KOP chief, p rotector, pa tron, guardian, pleiters.
tutor . KA HA F AT satisfaction, conten tment with
KAMKOPJl b IK patro na ge, guardianship, liul e, pleasure ; ... K..!\Ph IH TO HFh13AP,
ru torage: K,AMKOPJl bIKKA All - to lo ok K,AHAFATCb 13,[lb lK, lKAJl Fbl3 ATIhI
after (someone); 10 take under one' s COMF b flAP /lit.! {if you sat isfy yourself
patronage. with a linie, you wiJl be always sat isfied,
K,AMKOPC ostematious solici tude. even if you sla ugh ter yo ur o oly horse).
KA M KOPCh l3 homeless, negleered {left to KAHAFATTA H- 10 sa ti sfy o neself with
one's self'). lini e, to be satisfied, to content o neself
KAMK,O PC hnnbIK negleer. K,AHAF ATTA HA PJlblK sat isfacto ry .
K,AMK,OPlllbI chief, patron, tutor. K,AHAFATIAH.llbIP- to satisfy, to content.
K,AH - 10 que nch one's thi rsr ; EO JlYbI ... to KAH AFATChI3 greedy, covetous.
he pa inted well; W RYbl ... paint ed weil ; KA HAFATCb nD.b IK greediness, im em per-
CE3r E ... to elu cidat e (u nderstan d) every- anee in coe 's dernands, coveto usness.
thin g th oroughly : WA l1 F A ... to qu ench KA H AFATlllblJl sa tisfied wi th liul e. modest
one's thirst with tea ; X"H K b IM KAH.llbI (in one's demands), abstemio us, temperate .
I h ad a go od sleep . KAHD,AH wha t , which, what so rt.
K,AH 1) b lood : 2) mi ne ; 3) kh an ; KAHbI KAH,ll.Aftbl EOJlMACblH whate ver it may
KA C he is hostile ; KA H b l H IMIH E beo
T A PT- to gr ow pale (from anger ) ; K AH· K,AH,lIAJlA bedbug.
)KOCA son- I) to he blood-stained ; KAH,UEH pug dog.
2} to be bea ten ; 3) to wea r o ut ca ttle by K.AHD.hI full-blooded , sa nguineo ns. well-fed,
ras t driv ing ; ... AllY bleedi ng ; blood - pJump; ... 6AJlAK, execu tioner ; .. . Ka3
lenin g; )KbI n AT~ to he red uced to bloodthirsry.
poverty: )f\YP Y 1... )KYPYII circu lati on KA H.llb IP· to satisfy someo ne's th irst ;
o f th e blood ; IKYT - to he in grea t desire.
sorrow, gr ief; KETY hemo rrh age; . .. KA HA- I) I O oppress, to exploit ; 2) to flow
M A fI ,[lAH battlefield ; . .. T A M b lPb l bl ood (o f blood).
vessel; TAPA.J1YbJ cir cu lati on of the K,AH)KAP dagge r.
blood ; TYKIPY bem o pt ysis ; ... TYHIP- K AH COHAP newly fallen snow .
lllIKTEPI blood corp usc le: .. . KAKblPY K,AHCbB.1 AK ana em ic.
hemoptysis ; ... Kyfl blood transfus io n ; . .. K,AHCbIPA- to bleed profuse ly; to he pallid.
K Y l1bIJl Y hemo rrha ge; .. . KY MA P bl ood- KAHT sugar ; llIA KnAK, .. . lump sugar ;
thirsty. ... 3ABO..lbI suga r refinery ; ... CA YblT
KAH AJl · to be o ppressed , exploit ed . 1... KAffHATY j suga r-refining In./ ; ...
KAHAYIIIbI exploited. Kbl3blJllllAChI sugar bee t.
KAHAT- te stai n with blood . KAHTAJl-\- I) to he covered with bru ises;
K,AHAT I) Imil.1 flank, wing, side ; 2) part 2) to t urn red , to blush.

K,AHTenC slaughter house . K,A n bI unexpectedly, unawa res, by surp rise.

K,AHWA ho w much. K,AnbIJlbIC see K,Anbl. \
KAHlII bIK biteh ; ... K,ACKbIP she wolf. K,AnhIflbI CfA hastily, in a fidgety way.
KAHbl A3 anaemic. K,AnbIC bIH TAn {6{- te catch a moment
KAHbI A3DbI K a nem ia . (la find a means).
KAHbl JITbIP sheet iron , steel o r co ppe r. KAnblfl-K,Y n b IJl in a hurry; hastily.
KAHbIK : ~ffKh[CbI .. . he had enough K,AnK,A gate , gates.
sleep; he had a good sleep ; 50.R YbI . .. KAP- to bum , to scorch, to cauterize, to sear.
brigh tly decorated ; XAIiAPFA KAHh I K- KAP J) sno w: 2) upper part ofthe arm (hand) ;
nbB we are well versed (in). forearm ; AKllIA ... newly fallen snow ;
K,AHIWEP I) paraslte, extortioner, blood- KYPTI K ... sno wdrift; ... 6AC- {6g./ to
thirsty ; 2) rnurderer, assassin . reach the age of one (of a dog) ; EPI rEH
K,An I) lid. to p : 2) poe kel; J) (carrying j case ; )KEP tha wed island of ground : ET· to
4) bag ; 5) Oh! Alas! ; ... baJlE M oh ! alas! croa k, te ca w; ... iK lmK ulna ; C Yb l
KAn / 6 /· I) to qui t ; 2) to grasp, to seize. spri ng (season) wat ers.
to grab. to carry awa y; 3) to snatc h (with K,APA I} black ; 2) black (color of horse);
the teeth) ; to bue: KA6YFA ill A KhIP · to 3) livestock: 4) silho uette, a pparition ,
invite (young ma rr ied women) te a quilting spectre : 5) dry , piercing ; 6) {6 g./ reading
bee. and .....rit ing ; 1) jfig./ someth ing negative :
KAIlA close, stuff}' ; ... EOJl - to bother. ro 8) mauming ; 9) guilty ; ... AfAlli alder
get up set, to be pai nted, to grieve. (Alnus); ... AHD,b l3 elecampane ; tal!
KA nAJIAH- 1) ro become close. stulfy ; tansy l bol.l (1nula ); ... 6AJlblK IzooLI
2) to live (through), to survive. tench (a (Tinea tinea) ; .. . 6 APbIK,
KA nAC ca ge, coop, cell. saltwort (Salsola ) : ... 6 AY b IP cruer, hard
K,An EJlIMLlE immediately, momenta rily. ma n ; .. . 6ET sbameless, dishenest (corrupt) ;
K,AnEPCI3 carefree, lighthearted . .. . 611D,AfI rye : .. . 6Y J1UI pr EH bleek-
KA nCAFAA I) ta U and thin: 2) gorgc. berry ; blackberry bush ; ... 6YJlT I...
ra vine, ca nyon . 6\:'Jl blT{ thick: clou d : ... LlAYbIfl gale
KA n ChlP· te j öin, to unite ends. la sq ueeze: witho ut rain ; ... )J(APblC races without
K,A n C b IPA KYMA KTA· la em brace prizes : ... )J(ACbfJl da rk green; .. . )l(A j{Y
heart ily. witho ut a horse (horseless, a bout a poor
K,AnCbIPMA see KA nTbIPMA . peasant) : .. . )KEIl a piercing wind: ...-)KEP
K,AnCbIPMA oven fork. black ea rth ; . .. iKon unpaved raad ; .. .
KAnTA- I} to measure with bags; 2) to sew. :>KYPEK fi.erce; .. . Ka) black-eyed ;
la make clotbcs, to upholster ; 3) la put a KYPEH; crimson , blood red ; ... MAJl live-
pape r cover (on a book); 4) to fill (o ut). sto ck (except horses) ; .. . METAJl):{AP
to pa ck, to Rood, to peur: 5) ro mo ve with black meta ls ; ... OT salt grass (grass o n
a large ma ss. sa lty soil) ; .. . n Alli camel o r dr omed ary
KAnTAn I ) a lo ng gow n with a turn- down (ta bo e} ; ' " CAJl F bIH {bo t.! sedge (Ca rex):
co llar ; 2) slcpe. hillsides ; 3) saddle-tree; .. . CAF AYbI3 {obs./ August ; ... CY
AK ... {AT{ a ho rse with narro w bands of stagna nt water; ... C YbIK, a dl, Irost ; ...
white ha ir in the place s where the belly- CYWEK low c rigin ; ... T All fbo t.{ willew
bands are pulled tight. (Salix nigrica ns) ; ... TA HblFA H {o bs.{
KA nTAnD,A- to go, to ride in rows. literate: ... TAYblK {zool./ thrush; .
K,An TAnD,bIK part of the back of a ho rse, T EPEK black pop lar (Populus nigra) ; .
o n which the saddle fits. TOPb I bay treddish-brown): dark reddish
KA nTECEP mouse ( Mus mu.sculus). brown (color of a horse) with blac k ma ne;
KA n T b IP· to force ro bite; la bite (badly. .. . T OP FA H. {zool.{ starling; .. . llIA UITbl
o r all ove r) ; I1TKE ... to set a dog o n brunette ; ... WAFAH ta te r maple {bot./
someone. (Acer ta taricumj : .. . KA PFA {zoo L{ roo k
KAnTbIPM A me ta llic tus ually silver! buckle (bi rd) : ... K ~MbIK {bOL{ buckwheat
or c1a sp fo r o uter clo thing. ( Fago py rum esculentem) ; AJ1bICT A S IP
KAnIlIAFA f1 deep ravine. gorge . f\ EPIH ELlI there's something black
KAnMblK bag. in the distance ; EPrE,UEH ... KElliKE


llEfUH frc rn mo ming to late at night ; K,APAMA ·KAPCbl texactlyj opposite, d ia-
CE HI H E ... SACbl n OTbIP'? What's metrically opposed.
rna kin g you feel bad? ; IPI . .. la rge domestic KAPAMA-K,APCbIJIbIK contrast , opposl-
animals (cows. ha rses. carnets) ; l el ,., he is non, antithesis.
guilt y. I<,APAMAH tar.
KAPA· 1) te look a t, to inspeel, to turn one's KAPAMAHJlA· to tar, to smea r with lat.
a tte nti on (to ) ; 2) to belong ; 3) te wai t for. K,APAMAl1mbI taf worker.
to expect ; :lKEPrE ... to he ashamed; KAPAMbIK I) {bot.{ weed, weeds ; 2) {med.{
IiY FAH KAPA MACfA H despite th is. german measles (a childhood disease).
K,APA EAYbIP Izool./ hamster . KAPAH. to look aroun d (on bo th sides).
KA PASAIP AT crossing of an argamak (a KA PAOT coarse grasses (fo r example, worm-
race of ho rses) with a Kazakh mare. wood, alhagi and ot hers).
KAPA rEP dark bay, brown (col or of h arses). K,APAO liAHK,A· to look ar ound.
K,APAD.AK rnawed island o f gr o und; thawed KAPA nAl1b IM ordinary, plain; FA HA
patcb . AT pl ain (werk) ho rse .
K,AP A)I(A T re so urces. capital, finance s. K,APAIlA J..1hIMnA usually. at the usual
K,APAff I) accord ingly ; 2) in accordance ti me.
witb ; EYJJ.AH APbI in the future, K,APAP resolut ion , deelsion.
henceforth ; )KA ChIHA depending on K,APAPJlbI steadfast. constant. permanent,
the age ; on EA3APFA KErIl he went regular, unceasing.
toward s the bazaar; 3A MAHh IHA . .. - KA PAPChI3 irregular, variabie, inee nstam.
3A HhJ, TOFAH b l HA .. . A HbI /lit./ as tbe K,APAC- to help, to give sup port .
times a re, so are its law s an d customs; K,APAC stagnant wat er , pond .
KAPAH . K A PAHKE3IM TAJU lbl I be- K,APACAH /med./ malignant an thrax (name
came tired. waiting ; as tbe Ie rest is. so are o f an ep idemie disease in cattle).
its beasts. K,APACTbIP· to investigate, to try to ûnd .
K,APAft- (0 turn black, to sho w blac k; KAP K.APA~TO nPAK. blaek ea rth.
KETIn , )KEP KAPAffLlbl the sno w has K,APAChIH living aceommo dations, shelters
th a wed , and the land has "turned black": (where ODe can take cover in bad weather).
KA e night bas come, it's KAPACe3 prcse.
genen dark : KEHIJl .. . to be offended; 10 K.APATA H /bot./ b lack willew.
beo disa ppointed ; K,APAMbIn K,AJIhln · K,APATO Phl 1) dark bay ; 2) swarthy. dark-
nuu J completely forgot. co mplexione d , brunette.
KAPARJIA ~ to expect , to look back, to look K,APAY I ) review; 2) examination of a case
around (in expectation of something), to study o f an affair arialysis of a case ; 3) d is-
Hoger (expecring so meone). henes t. unconscientious: ... A,llA M a
KA PA HJIAC almost ide ntîcaJ, sirnilar close stingy pe rson. .-; ' .'
(in dimensions, quality, etc .). K,APAYblJT I) guard, wa tch; 2) sight (on a
K,APA K EC EK 1) Lenten; 2) lean (no n-fat). weepen or instrument); K,APAYbIJIFA
KAPA K VA E I) Izool./ moth ; 2) Ichem.1 male, AJI- to sigh t. to take aim; .. . KAPA- to
gram. molecule ; 3) 5001. guard , to wa tcb.
KAPAKEJlEHKE a whole day, twemy-four K,APAYblJ1!lA· to watch , to guard, to
hours. proteet.
KAPA11- ( 0 be co nsidered, examined. K,APA YhIJlW hl sen try. guard , watc hman ;
KAPAJlA · J) 10 soil. to smear; 2) 10 accuse. form erly, a mem ber of secre t police in
10 stan der . Tsarist Russia ; ... dCKEPJlEP esco rt,
K,A PA JIAH· 1) 10 be slandered ; 2) /fig./ 10 convoy.
di sgrace o neself. I<,APAUl EPI K {e H PIK{ AFAUlbl 1) plum ;
K,APAJIA YMbl I) someone who soi ls. 2) plum tree.
smears ; 2) Ifig.1 a slanderer. K APAWA yurt, an old feit hut.
KAPA.I1TbIM da rkish, rather dark. I<,AP AUl APYA / K.APA lIIA Pb IY A/ peesant.
K,APAJlbl I) mourning; 2) so rrowful . K,APAWAFA3 wil d goose.
K,APAJlhlK I ) blackness ; 2) jfig./ di shonesty; K,APAWEKIl EH pea sant .
malicieus in tent. K APAWbIK pu pil (of th e eye}.

KAPbl H):\AC
K,APA llI b IFbIM my dear. K,Apn - I) te seize with the mo uth (us ual ly
K,APA llib IK, bindwe ed. co nvulvu lus (a weed). about a camel) ; 2) to bite o ff a bu ge piece ;
KAPA K AT black curran ts . J) 10 full (feil).
K,APA K,OW K b I dark-b ro wn. KAPC AK IzooLI vul pes co rsak (a spec ies of
K,APA K OUI K bIJ1L\A H · to t urn dar k-brow n . fo x).
K,APA K,yn P bIK IK,A PA K,y n Pb IK,1 Izool./ KA PCAH eve.
gazelle (G azella su bguttu ro sa ), roe -deer. K,APC b I anti-, against, contra - : KIM ... ? who
K,A PA K,YPT a large poison ous spider. is opposed?; .. . AJI· to meet; ... ART- te
K,APA Klllbl I} stu ffed bied o r anima l: object; 60 n IllibIKJ· to come o ut
2) scarecro w. a gainst : ACAK 1) o ppo site (co ntrasting,
K,APAK y f\P blK, sce K,APA K,yf\ PbI K,. o pposin g), side ; 2) enerny, fee ; ... WA -
K,APAK,Y C ca rrion-v ultu re, ca rtion-e agle. 6YbIJ l coumer-anack.
KA PAH,.U A- te be hardl y visible , 10 show K,APC bIJlA C- to resist, Ia o ppose, 10 q uarrel
blad " in the d isrance . w ith, 10 co ntrad iet .
K,APA HFbI I) dark, dar kness : 2) pris on; KA PC b IJl bl K resistan ce, o bjectio n; ... ET-
6 Y11 ICfIH. Y AK,blP bl H E MEH TbIHA - n EI1TlH withou t protest, without murmu r,
ThIH bf MA F AH . .. how thls affair will resigned, uncom plainin g, mee k .
tu rn out, I d on't know: .. . TYC to gel dark . K,APC bIJl blK,C b lJ resigna tio n.
K,APA H,F b lJlA - to darken , to o bsc ure . K.A PT eldest, elder, old. old man.
KA PAH F bI Jl A H· ( 0 gel d a rk . KAPT A I) large intestln e of a h orse (a tas ty
K,APAH.Fb lJl b l K, darkness . dish, when cooked ); 2) map.
KAPA FA n ~ I boLI pine (Pinus silvestr is): K,APT AH oldish, elde rly.
K,A PAF H. H H EC I conifer ous nee- K,APT AH - grow o ld /'0'./.
dles f bo t.f, aceros e leaf. KAPT On po tato.
K,APA K,A T a type of reed . KAPT TbI K cld age .
K,APA FYC M b lrthl ce rebellu m. K,A P Y weapon (s), arm(s) ;_ CbIH KAPY bl
K,APA 8 K n E the na me o f a ca nle disease. weapo ns o f crincis m: -)KAP A K --arma - r-'-"
KAP6 Afl AC bu stie, confus ion. uphcav al . ment ; arms, weapo ns ; w)KA PA K MM-
KAP 6A.f1.A CT bI K fuss. bustle. fuss iness ; H HCTPJl IrJ Minis ter o f armament; .. ..
haste. :lKA PA K KO HMAC b I arms depot.
K,AP&bl3 waterm elen. K,APY Jl A H- to arm oneself , to eq uip onesel f.
KA P)KLI fu nd. fina ncial resources. K,APYll AH.llb IP. ta arm, to eq uip.
KA PJKb lnAH- to obtain. to get money tthe KAPY Jl bl I) armed . equi pped ; 2) stro ng; . ..
necessa ry means ). KYWT EP MHHM CTP1U rJ m inistry of
K,APHR (the) eld er . armed farce s.
KAPJl bl sno wy ; .. . 6 0PAH snowst o rrn, KA PYC bl3 I) un a rme d, withou t weapo ns;
blizzar d . 2) w eak, irnpota nt .
K,APll b l K, 'Ft- to ,get h oarse. KA PYCbI 3LlAH LlbIP- to d isarm.
K,APfl bJ F AIIJ swallo w. KA P WA.llAI1 young, un der age (o f a pe rsen),
KAPM A· to ca tch, to snatch . to pluc k; to sho rt; K,APUIALlA HbIHAH from infancy.
dra g, to pull, carry off, to gra b, to grasp. K,APlI IbIFA ha wk.
K,APM AJlA· to seize. to feel, to recogn ize by K,A Pb l old .
rhe Ieel. KAPb l- to bum o neself
KAPM AH- to lo o k for a way ou t (of a K,APh l3 debt. duty, [aan, credi t.
situatio n .....hich bas arisen), to look for KA Phl3LI. AH · 10 have mo ney owed to ooe.
suppor t from so meone ; KAPM AHFA H K,AP bl3.llAP debto r.
KAPA n KAJlM A C (ada ge) No thing ven - KA PbJll b IFAW swallow .
tured, nothing gained ? K,APb IM·KA T b JC rela n on, co nneet ion. tie .
K,APM A K fish ing-red , hoo k, fishhoo k : .. . K,APb IH belly, sto maeh ; KA PbI HbI M
CAll- 1) to fish. to a ngle ; 2) lfig.! to explore AlllTb I j6g.1 I fee! like eating so metblng ;
the ground ; to loo k into , to find OU I ; .. . K,AP bI HbI TOK he' s fu ll, satisfi ed: ...
C All Y an gling In./. C Yb I gastri c ju ice.
KAPM AKJl A· to angle, to fish ( \~i th rod ). KA P b IHDA C bro tber o r sister ; AFA A bI H -...
K,APO PM AH property .
rem ote relatives.


KAPh l HJlA crbl K KATAP

K A Pbl HLl A Cfh l K relat io nship . kinship. the sun went down an d it began to get dark .
K,APbJ HLlAW peneil . KA C- I) to co mbo to scra tch: 2) /fig./ to affect,
KAPbi C a meesure of length (the disrance 10 o ffend: )f(EJIKECI H ... te regret , to
between the end s of the thumb and the pit)", /Iit.! (to scratch the back of the neck).
midd le finger when spread apart , a q ua rter K ACAM oath (the swea ring in).
of an arshm j. K..-\CAnTA· to cu t a carcass into small
KAPbi C· I) to be contracted (Irom a cra mp); pieces: to process a car cass Iike a bateher
to he cra rrrped ; 2) to resist, to pro test ; (skilfully).
lKAFhI K.APhIChIl1 KAJlJlhI he has a KACAnIIIhl {KACAn/ butcher.
cramp in his jaw; )KAFbi K APb ICK AH KACAP beggar.
AD,AMllIA YH D.EME1UH You' re as quiet KA CAKAHA 1) with rnalicious intent .
as if ycu had wa ter in your mo uth. maliciously : 2) on purpose for fun.
KA Pb IC n A stubborn (o f a per sen) . KA CAKbl harrnful, pe rnicieus.
K,APbI CTA· to mea sure with tbe thumb a nd KACA KblJlh l K harm.
middle fingers sprea d apart . KACI1ET I) dignity, self-respect. merit,
KA PbIK /Ft- J) to suffer pa in in the eyes, worth ; 2) property, quality; 3) use benefit.
caused by the glaring sunlight reflccted by KACJ1ETCI3 1) disadv antageous, useless;
snow ; 2) to darken . 2) un worth y.
KAPbiK, bOn· to receive sometbing In K,ACJ1ETCIIUIK wort hlessness.
a bunda nce. K,ACHETfI I) co mpletely worthy, wort h
KAPbIK ET · to pro vide a ruil amount of while: genero us ; 2) saint.
se rnething (to give so mething in abunda nce). KACKYH E~ wrecker, sabote ur, malicious
K,APK, JF/- to j ump o ver ; A TKA K,APFb l n persen .
M IRUI he jumped o n the horse. K,ACKYH E lvt A IK sabotage ; evil intention.
K,APK,APA heren . K,ACKYHEM IllIJI saboteur.
KAP-K.APK KY J1- see KA PKhIJlJlA- . K,ACnAK dregs at the bottom of a kettle of
KAPKbIn.llA- I) to guffaw, to laugh lo udly; milk.
2) 10 croa k (of a crew). KACChI3 witho ut eyebrows.
K,APK bIH I) speed , rate, time, tem po ; KACfAC- to quarre l with each other; to be
2) speed (o f a ho rse). a ngry wi th each other.
K,APK bIHLlAT- to increase the tempo. K,ACfAYhln smut, rust (a disease of cereal
K,APKbIH,UbI )KYMblC pressing werk . plants).
KAPFA cro w; AllA ... eraw; ):3AK .. . K,ACfb IK I) hos tility, enmity, crime, sabo-
{V l A K! rook. tage; 2) spite, anger, wrath.
K,AP F A· to curse, to damn. K,ACbI at . near.
KAPFA H · to swea r, to vow. KA CbI )KOK without eyebrows.
KA PFb I co llar. dog collar. KACbIH · to scrat ch oneself.
K,A PF b l· to jump lv.l, K,AChIHllA near.
K,APFblSA Y lobs.1 a gift from the pa rents KAChIK spoon ; EKI APAMhI3 MAftJlhl
of the bridegroorn to the parents of the KACh IKTAH we a re very friendly with
bride (bcfo re the wedding). him.
KAPFbIJlbI TA3bI a hound (ba rzoi) with a K,ACIPET grief, sad ness.
collar. KA CK,.A. I) with a white mark (striped on the
K,APFbIC damnatio n! damn! (curse. im- forehead); 2) /co lloq./ unfortunate, poo r,
preca tion ). m iserable : K,APA .. . AT brown (of a
MC I) eyebro w: 2) /geogr./ height, rising horse ) ....ith a bald spot ; ... IiAC /fig.1 baJd
ground; 3) ban k o f a big river ; 4) embank- (of a pe rsen).
ment, heaped ea rth (brou ght from another K,ACKhIP wolf.
place) ; S) rampart ; 6) enem y, hostite, KAT letter (epistle).
inimicaJ; ... n EH K93,UIH APA C b l l-lD,A K,AT· to harden .
insta nta neo usty, in a flash, in a twinkling ; K,ATA error, mlstake.
K.AChIM.QA near me ; 6AChlKAChl HJlA KATAll cruel, stern .
SOn,UbI he att ended, taki ng a close KATA.Jl.L{bIbl K cruel ty.
interest; KY H IiATbln, ... KAPf'lFAHlI,A KATAP J) chain of mountains ; 2) row, /mil.l


line, Imil./ fonna tion; .. . Chl3bIK pa rallel. K,AYbI3 pod, legurne. ear, spike (of wheat,
KATHAC co nneetle ns. relati o ns . com, etc.), busk (of grain).
KATnA P stra tum. KA YbI3LlA. to hus k.
KATIA · 1) to put in layers ; 2) to do often, K,AYbIM people, na tion. tribe t community,
to ma ke often . co mmune.
KATThl hard . stre ng, crue l ; _.. SO PAH K,..o\YbIH mele n. muskmelen .
snowsto rm ; .. . )KEJI stro ng wind ; . .. 3AT KAYb IPC bl H feat her (of a bird) .
solid; .. . n ICKEH iKYM bIPTK,A hard- KAYblPT has ty. urgent, in haste , urgently,
boiled egg; . .. WAóh IC ca reer (Iull speed ) ; sharp ly.
... KyAbIH waterspeut. KAYbIC lobs.! Nove mber.
K,ATIbIJlbI K cruelty, tc ugbness, stingi K,AY bIC- to meet, to jein, te agree , te
KATYJlA H- to become severe, threa tening coincide ; KYH KA Yb ICT bI the sun has
(o f a persen) . set ; gene down.
K,ATWbI scribe, deck, secreta ry. K,AYl n danger. threar.
KA TbIJUIAK, iKEP surface covered .... Îth KAYln Cn safe. safely.
ripp les ; shifting, vacillating surface. KAYlnCl3ltEHJIIP- to Ieel free fro m danger,
KAT bI H wife, married woman; .. . )I(~M bI - ma ke secure; to tosure . aMI P.lU KAYln-
Cbl pea sant woma n's business, job ; . .. C13.LIEH,UIPY life insurenee.
a CEK peesant w o men's gossip: KATb ff:lbl K,AYIn CIJllEH D,IPIJI- [0 be insured.
aJlrE H a widowe r. KA YlnCI3JIIK sa fety; ... COBETI Securi ty
KATMP· to freeze. to chitl . Soviet (special detachment).
KATbIPMA ca rd boa rd, canon: ... )l(AFA K,A YInCIH- to fear, to a pprehend.
starched colJar. KA YInTE H- see KAYIn CIH·.
KATb le - to take part in, te ha ve a share in. K,AYInTI dangerous, risky.
K,ATb lc n Aft T b IH ind ifferent (one who IS KAY FA bucket, tub.
no t tak ing pa rt ). KAIlI. to run awa y (from), to avoid: AJlhIIl
KATb lC n AYWblJlbIK indifference. . .. XA EAP j6g./ rumors, hearsay : AT
KATb i K 1) thick so ur milk, a ferme nted milk AllhIn KAiliTbI the horse bolted ; ETI
dish (sour milk with bo iled milk}, clot ted KA IlIK,AH EKE H (it loo ks as if) he has
cream ; 2) seaso ning (for soup). grown thin ; T H rn · K,AllI bIn in snatches.
K,AT KA K the first autumn frosts . at odd mo ments: T YCI .. , to turn pale (of
KAT KblJI I) jgeogr.{ t urfy, sodded gro und ; a persen): y HK bl . .. te suffer fra m sleep-
2) severe violent illness. lessness.
K,AY las t yea r 's grass: uncur (high) grass . K,AlIIA- to cut do wn, to chop off; to puncture
K,AYAn a dish of lamb an d rice. a boa rd with a chisel.
KAYAWA K Ibot./ bo ll, pod. c?o KAWAH when?
KAYllbIPJI A. te rustt e. " K,AlIIAHHAH S EP I beginning when? from
K,AY..'1A. to sha a t up, to grow furiously, to what time?
spro ut (o f a plant ). " KA lIIAH F b l a ncient. old, long-esta blisbed.
K,A YJIAT- ta develop, to grc w vigo rously . :;'t K,A WAP two-yea r-old celf
KA YJI b I dec islon , j udgment pronounced by 1 • K,AIIIAY ch isel.
the co urt, resolutio n : .. . AJI jillhIFAPj- to " K,AllIAFAH e ne tha t is rearing. ro run a way
carry o ut resolut ion; la resolve, ta decree. I (usu a lly of a ho rse).
K,AYMAJlA· [ 0 surra und, encircle : jKbIJ'-.,"~ ~K,AIllY l ) ccupling. pairing ; 2} ffigh t .
KbI H bl K AYMAJl An ~CTA- ta ca tch . ",_K,AWbIP mule.
ha rses (by surrcunding them ). 't t
.v., KA llI bIPT - 1) to co nceal. ta hide : 2) 10
KAY EC ET unpleasan t news. . ,/i J confuse, em broil: to enlan~e ..J
K,AYCA- l) to d ry o ut, to crack (of a dis h) : ,,\i' K,AIllbIK dista nt jadj./. Y'1
2) to get loose (fo r exa mple. of the teethl; ? K,AllJbIKT A· IQ reeede. te move from .
3) jfig•. to fa ll into decay, to ruin . KAillb lKTbI K remo teness. aloofness.
KAY Cb IP. I) la crnm in. to push in ; 2) to KA llIKbIH fugitive, runawa y, desener.
place e ne fla p o f a garment o n an o tber . KAR3 j zoo l. / ba rbel tfish j: a long-bo rned
KA YChIPhIH . S~ KAYCb IP- . beerle (Agapa nthia dahlü .

~6 2

K,A.R.Y I) short a ge. def iciency, damage. for sahing an d drying; 2) te bamrner ,
breakage : 2) crac k. ere vice. ûa n en, hammer ou t (metal); KAK,TAFAH
KAK I) a swee trn eat made of fru it or berries ; ET d ried . cured rneat.
2) water hole ; . .. EEn· to divide in equal K,AKTbI K ,Ff· la bump against, to strike
parts; ... )KAP· 10 cut sernething in ha ll/es; (against) something.
.. ' jKEP a dry, barren place; KATIbl K,AK,TblF h lC~ to gel into a figh t, to clash .
JKEPrE .. . T)c'PAP /lit./ (a po nd farms on KAKblfl- sec KAKAfI-.
hard ground) ; Irugality is a guarantee of KAK,bIAT· 1} to stand something o n end;
accumulation . 2) to force (someone) to stand without
K AK IFj- l) 10 knock, pound ; to knock a t, movin g.
la bang. crack . slap, clap ; 2) 10 pound (of KA Kbi jUIA· to talk loudly and incessanüy.
the hea rt ) : 3) to hammer , to drive in. to KA.K,blHJlA a bou t.
wedge. 10 hammer in (a nail , stakel; 4) to K,AK bIP~ to spit, expectora te.
snatch , ca tch, gras p; 5) 10 let Iall , 10 shake KA. K bIPA ~ to rip along the seams, to be torn
o u t, 10 jolt ou t ; to shake alf; A PKA F A .. ' lengt bwise. to burst at the sea ms /v.intr./.
(0 slap o n the back (in the se nse of a p pro va l) ; K,AKb IPAT· to tear along the seams (for
6 AFbln . ... 10 rear carefully, solicito usly; example, a dress) .
to nu rt u re, grow, ra ise ; ~ HnM E H I H .. ' KA KbIPbI H- to be expecto rated.
OPTACbI H!lA SOJ1UbIM I w as there K.AKblPbfK phlegm. sputum, moisture, wet-
from the beginning to the end and I heard ness.
the whole conversatien (with my 0\\"T1 ears) : KA HEAK jbo1./ eryngium. tumble weed .
AATKAH.ubl T E3 K AF bin AJl ~ to grasp KAHlKblF A sa ddle-ba gs.
(th e meanin g quickly ). K,AHC- 1) te crack. to dry out (for example, a
KAKA· to rage (of a hard frost) . cask o r barrel) ; 2) to give off an acid un-
KAKAA- I) la curve back . to o ne up high ; pleasant smeU.
10 aseend to a height ; 2) /6g./ to th row
KAHChlflA · to squea l. to yelp (of a dog).
o ne' s head back in a haughty ma nnet. to KAIITAP lobs.! Decem ber .
assume an arrogant pose. KAHTAP· I) to leave a horse sta nding; to
KA K,AAT- 1) to bend (the body) back ; 2) to
cool off, tieins the reins to the pommeI of
lift sernet hing up high, 10 raise something
the saddle : 2) jfig./ to hold up, delay, detain,
high. make someo ne exhausted waiting for
K,A K,AH to choke. so met hing.
K,AK,A C 00 the side. o utside, beye nd (every-
K,AHTAPblJ1 - {fig./ to be fo rced to remain
th ing). lnac tive.
KAK6AC JbOL/ puff ba ll (Lycoperdon gigan-
KAHblflTAK light tin weigh t) , slight, thin ,
ticum). delicat e. keen, su btle ; ... HAH toast.
K,A K nA arc h. vault , are, gates. K,AHbI JlTbIP tin . tinplate, sheet iron .
KA KnAJ1A ~ l) 10 urge 00 (fo r exa mple, a
KAHbIJlTbIPJlA - to cover wit h tin plate.
tlred horse) ; switching the neck a nd the
fla nks llgh tly ; 2) /fig./ to distract (so me- sheet iro n.
KAHbIPA- to become empty, to empty, to
one's) a ttent ion.
he completely empty .
KAKnAII trap. KAH K /F/- l) to ferment, to wander ; 2) to
KAK,.nAW bl I) a trapper; o ne who sets
barely walk (of an aid horse).
tr a ps skilfully (a hunter whc catches wild
animals wit h traps) ; 2) gatekeeper. porter, K,A H KA skeleton.
KAH.KA O· to be cumbersome, to over-
whelm because of size or volume.
K,AK,n AK coverting), lire co ver.
KAHKY a malicieus ha lf-hint; iron y.
K,AKnAK,b IJl a ki nd of game with knuckle-
bo nes.
KAIIKblfl . se< KAHKA fI- .
KAKCA - I} to repeet over and over again, KAHKhlJl cackling, gaggling (of a swan or
to repe at in a tire some way ; 2} 10 bleat go ose).
ince ssantly (of a sheep): 3) to ache severely KAI-{K,bID,A' to gaggle, oaekling.
(for exam ple, teeth). KAH,FbI· to move to another place (of
KAK,TA. I) to cut (meat) into small pièces nomad s).

K,Al{FhI6AC \ Koii
KAHFhlEAC a restless, fidgety perse n, K,O,UbIPAI1- to bulge o ut , to stick o ut, to
vagabond, tramp. j ut o ut, to pro trud e.
K.AHFbIIiACTAH- 10 become restless, to K,O ,Uhl K foal of a K ulan (wild horse), young
Team about am on g th e villages (aimless ly). ass .
KAHFb IP- 10 wander, to roam (aimlessly). K,OJKA I ) prop rietor, owner, master ; 2)
KAFA)I(Y dismissal , discharge. aliena tion, Mohammed's descendant ; 3) Ihist.1 na me
confiscation. of a clan o r tribe .
KAFAJKYJl AH· to keep aloof (fro m atfairs). K,OJKAJlA K, 1) uneven , irregular, rough,
KAFA3 paper ; . .. AK.UIA paper money. ragged ; 2) dirty-faced, smudgy.
KAFY 1) clear, windy weathe r; 2) ban, KO)J{AJlhIK, the right of the owner ; property,
prohibition; 3) persecution. ow nershi p; ... ET, to have the use of.
KAFblfi)lA /lit./ law, TUle. KO )J{A f'lLl;A- to rule over someone, to
KAFbIJI thin new snow. dominate someone ; to show o neself the
KAFhIJI- I) to bump, to strike, te hit (agains t), master of the situatio n.
to pound, ro knoc k. to chatter (teeth); KO)J{hIP 1) rough, ne t finished smoothly,
2) to he driven in. ( 0 he wedged in; being crudely made; 2) pined, pockmarked.
driven in. K,OJKbIPA - I) te fall olf in the milk yield.
KAFbIJlEJ vivacio us, lively, bright. smart . to give Jess milk (bccause of a Iack ol
KAFbIJlY being shaken o ut. fod der).
KAFbIH,UbI pneumon ia (lnflarnma tio n of KOl- J) to flare up a gain, to return, to
~e Jungs). becomc ac tive again (a bo ut a disease) ; 2) to
KAFblP I) co vered with dirt and ba rden ed be carried away, to show a keen interest in;
(fo r example, a saddle-cloth) ; 2) punlsh - 3) to be excited, to get irri tated ; AJlFhI-
men t. HblK lKEJll K03bIn OTbl P he wanled
KAFhI C- to clas h, to strik e o ne another. to tak e a walk (a strolI) ver)' much.
KAFbICfbIP- /6g./ to seek o ut. to try to K,03A raw eetton . eetton woel .
fin d. K,036A- to throw down.
KAFhIT- to tease (verbally), to chaff', to K03,llA- 10 lamb.
provoke . K,03hI 1) lamb ; 2) lamb skin ; 3) wing nut.
K,AhAP anger, fury . thumbscrew.
KAhAPJlAH- to ger angry, to tiy int o a ra ge. K03FA- 1) to move, to stir, ilate. to
to get furie us. waver ; 2) to excite, re a ro use, dlsturb.
KAh APJlbl terr ible, furieus, a ngry . to touch .
K,Ah APMAH I) a strongty built ma n ; a very K,0 3F AJI- to move. advance; to sur ; t
strong ma n, an a thlete; 2) hero, valiam . begin to move.
he roic ; 3) character, a persona ge. K.03FAJlMAtiThI H M YJU K real esta te.
KAhAPM AHllhIK bero ism. valer. K0 3FAJI MAJI b i M VJlIK movable property,
KOIiAJlJK- I) to feel sick. to he nauseated, personal prope rty.
to vomi t ; 2) to begin to stir ; to begin to K.03FAJlhlC movemen t. revelt, insurrection ;
bustIe ; 3) to qu ak e (of the heart). lDAPYAJl AP K03FAJlbICbl peasan t
K,OIiDhlfl case (a smal1 woe den box with a mo vement.
l id, for holding different kinds of in- K0 3F A Y CAJI - to sum ulate. to give impen
stru rnents). to .
K06Y a smal! ra vine, opening into a lake . K03FAYbI llJ mo to r, engine.
K06hIJ the na tioo al mus ical instru ment (a xoa. I) to let go 1'0'./, to Iree, to releast .
stringed instrument with a bowl , a Kazakh 2) to suppose : 3) to o rder; 4) to allo....
violin. 5) to leave, to abandon.
K06hI 3111bl a musician play ing the kobiz. KOA shee p (in the genera l sense), ram; .. .
K.O,UA- to fit supports under the load on a 6 AK,K.AH )f(Ir IT shepherd's dog , sheep-
camel's back. do g ; shepherd; .. . liAFY sbeep-brecd ing :
KOllAC 1) ya k ; 2) bow-Iegged (with legs .. . ET I munon. lamb ; .. . TAC boulder :
Iike a yoke) ; ... T Y HE a camel, whose . .. YCTAY sheepraisi ng ; .. IIIAPYA ·
front legs a re crook ed . WblJlblFhI shcep breeding; ... K,OPA
KOllA HJIAn JKYP- to step clumsily . sheep pen ; KOflD.bIH )l(YH I sheep's wool .

KOH60ilLlbi xonnsmac,
KOM.EOJltlhI futile, ineffect ive. something .. . CAYCAFbl finger ; . .. TYMA MAil
which temains without aûer-effects, co n- home-grown taille; •. . IDAnAJlAK,TA- to
sequences. applaud; lIlAIlAnAK,TAY applause ,
KoRMA I) bam. granary. depot, store- c1apping ; illAThIP umbrella ; K.OA-
house ; 2) lfig./ birthplace: CY KO HMACbI to sign; 9HEPWl craftsman; 9HEPI
reservoir . trace, profession, occuparion ; JiIPEYrE
K.OHHAY I) crack. erevice. fissure ; ra vine, KOilWOKIlAP Wil· 10 become a blind
ca nyon, gorge; 2) bay, haven ccve, gulf. tooi fnr someone etse: KOilL\bI~ 6ACbI
K,Ofiillbl sbeep-dog, shepberd. wrist of the ha nd; K,OilL\bII{ KOCIlACbI
K,OfibIH I) embrace ; 2) bosom; 3) lfig./ lap wrist.
(of na ture). K,OJlA bronze.
KOAbIPTnAK, sour milk mixed with fresh K,OJlA- to go down. to deseend.
milk o K,OJIAAJlA- to designate, to select" la
JC.OAK.bIH nankeen (cloth), a firm yellow o r choose, te consider suitable.
buff material made of Chinese eetton. K.OJIAfUIAH- I) 10 intend la, 10 he about
K,OfiFA bowl. to, to prepare for, te un derta ke ; 2) te be
KOll 1) hand, wrist, ann ; 2) for eleg (of put in proper order.
animais); 3) army, /mi l.! detachment ; ... K,OJIAiVIhl acceptance, admissible, suitable,
TYMA IATI home-grown fborse): xonsr ap propriate, appointed, destlned.
AillbIK KICI hospita bie person; xonsr- K.OnAHChl3 inconvenient, uocomfortable,
:>KOJIbI ~ 3blH (persen) who bas every inadmiss ible, clumsy, bandy-legged.
opportunity ; liyn MEHlH, KOnblMHAH K.OJlAflChOJl.bIK. inconvenience, unsuit -
KEJlMEfflll this is not withi n my power; abiluy, unaccepta bihty.
I am not up to tbis; OCbIHhI ICTE K.OJlAMTA buming ash es, hot asbes.
CEHII-\ KOilbII-\HAH KEJlE,!U roa K,OJIAIlAffChl3 awkward, clumsy , slow,
you (familiar) are quite able 10 do this ; sluggish.
K,OilLlA 6APLlbI I-\ KNUPI lKOK we do KOJlAY lameness Cm the front leg), in a faal,
not va lue what we ha ve ourselves ; . " wben he is exhausied, driven too hard .
CYK. jF/- to lay hands (on), 10 attack, K,onAJ-{ m Am with thick black hair (of a
assault ; CYbIK .. . KIPMECIH so that na woman).
ODe win dare 10 1001 (publie pr operty) ; K.OnAH.CA I) au unpleasant smeU of sweat
. .. )K~MCA- la use brute force; OHhUI: Irom tbe underarms; 2) a growth on the
._ . ACTbIH.QA hi s conduct or under his inner side of the front leg of a horse (above
authorhy; _.. ~llI bIH BEp· to help ; the knee).
61 PEyrE ... lKAYil bIK, 60il- to fall K.OJlIiACUILI captain, general military cblef
un der someone's inûuence ; to be someone's K.OJlJlA- I) to support, to patronize; 2) Ifig.1
instrument ; ... 1<.01-1- 10 sign, la subscribe, (0 beat soundly, te intliet blows.
to add la ; K,OJlblM THMEH.QI I haven' t K,OnltAH- 1) to me, make use of; 2) to
any time, I have no time, J haven' t got fellow, to use (as a guide); TI1ICII mAPA
time ; V3- to break ccnnection: MAJ]· K,OJIMHJl.hl (he) look apprcpriate meas-
)].AH KETEP~ to lose (o ne's) Iivest oc k: ures ; 6Yil . ..-6 AFAH ;)LlETlM EL\! thls
K,OJlbl BAP)KbIHPA H witb fieshy han ds ; was not my pr actice (I was not used to tbis};
K,OJlMA-K,OJl from hand to hand; ... KEJlMErEH unsuccessful.
K,OilbIHbII-\ 6EPEKECI 6AP economlcal, K.On,u.AHhlJI - I) 10 adept oneself to ; to he
thrifty ; KOilblMLlbl KAfiTAPMA don', u.sed for a guide.
refuse (my request}; K,OJlbI TYCKEH K,OnltAC- I) te carry sernething together ;
TAA Ic al (yearling) stallio n, Iimping o n his 2) to fight, to deal blows (to each other).
foreleg ; KOfiLlblI-\ ... ETI lamb (fro nt K,OJIJlAY 1) suppo n ; 2) armpit (ofan animaI).
section); .. . K8T8P- (10 raise one's hand ), to K,OJl)J.h1 DOJl- 10 he stolen, abd ucted
vote; ... APAMAJI pocket-handkerehief; . .. (walked).
ACfbIH,QAFhJ subordinate In. and adj.l. KOJDKA3DA manuscript.
..• liAJIA adopted child, Ioster chiJd; .. . KOJl)l(Ef- to attaia, te achieve.
6AChI military chief; . .. )l(VKillI porter; K.On[ - to drag (for example, of
. .. )KYMblCbI physical work, hand work ; loose shoes).


- :; .

K,OnCbI3 witho ut an ann ; with out a hand. sho uld be modest ; .. . ACb l liEp· 10
KûJlTYMA home-grcwn cattle. entertain guests ; .. . 60 n · te pay an
K.OJlTblK. I) gulf, ba y ; 2) armpit ; 6 1P extended visit: 10 visit for a while ;
... nIlliEH half an annload of ha y ; lllAK,bI P- la invite guests ü o an entertain-
61PEYJjJ H K.OJlTb IFblH bIH ACfb lHA ment).
KIP- {fig./ to be unde r someone' s protection . KOHAKACbl food for the visita r, the gues t.
KOJITbIK,TA- I) to take (sorneone's) arm, K,OHAK,TA. to stay with, to be on a visit ;
to slip one's arm through (so mebod y to go for a vistt, to pa y a visie
else's) ; 2) / fig.j to support so meone. K,OHAK,WbIn hospit a bie.
KOJlTbI K,T AC- [Q go arm -in-arm with each KOHAFA spending the night, rood fo r a
o ther. guest.
K.OJlK.bIJl ilA· sce K.OJl nbIJl ilA-. KOHlIb IP- te keep a guesl overnig ht, to put
K.OJlFA6bl C help. a hunting-bird (on one's wrist) (upo n goicg
KOJlFA 6blCWbl a ide, helpe r. ou t to hu nt), to setde, re esta blish ;
KûJl FAHAT I) a "sponger", a rela nv e wbo (KE3EK) ... te pr int (a design, pa rrem. etc.
lives in the house as a ha nger -on ; 2) mino rs o n a fabric, etc. ).
(wuh respect (0 thei r parems ). KOHlIbIPMA bui lding on, a superst ructure.
KOJlXAT receipt , voucher. painti ng (o f KOH)KbU1- to mount, ro take a seat.
walis, etc.). KOHY pla ce la stay fo r the night : night-
K.OJlUIATbIP umbrella . lcdging.
K,û JIK,A lanat.! aorta; "'" e A J] · to ask (a K,O H bIMA bI suita ble, proper, appropriate.
friend) to give yo u somcthing; HE K011- KOHb IP fallow-bay (color o f a horse).
KAH 6AP? What do you want (to receive KO HbIC I) a village (au l) stoppmg-place
as a gift) from me? wirb a pas tu re ; 2) place for spending the
KOJl8HEP trade. p rofession ; "._ KdCI6 l night ; 3) forests ; .. . AYL{AP- to lead a
cot ta ge industries . nomadie life ; to wander. to be a noma d.
KOM I) pièce o f feit whic h reptaces a sa dd le te migrare.
on a double-bumped ca mel : 2) fat back (on KOHbICfAH · to senle: to find a job, 10
a camel) ; ... lllAlll- te get fat (a camel). establish oneself.
K,OMAKTbl large, vo lum inous. KOHbICTAC adjacen t, neigh bo ring, ad -
K.OMAFAH voraci o us, gluu c nous. joining (in land-tenure).
KOMAFAftllAH- te be very hungry , to wa nt KOHbfCTACThlK neighborhood .
la eat ba dly, to di splay gluttony. KOHbIlli top o f a bo ot.
K,OMAFAffnbIK, voracio usness ; a strong KO I1- 1) to place, l a put , te set: 2) [0
desire for fo od . sto p, to b rea k off, to p ut un end to ;
KOMAAn - to be sa dd led (of a ca mel). to cease ; 3) te strike, to hit ; 4) to bu ry,
KOML{AH- I ) to get fat (o f a camel) ; 2) to te inter; WAlI.I to let one's hair
gel wings read y for f li ght (o f a bird). gro w lo ng ; K011 Sign ! K,VRAK, .. .
K.OMnbIH- I) [0 be di stinguished by tall to listen tu , to heed ; OJI KE PE KO I111hl
stature; 2) Ifig.1 te put on airs, to p ride he no need rig ht awa y; 011 IiITlPMEA
o neself Iupon so mething). K,OAMAfllIbl he won 't stop un til he has
K,OMC hl H- nol to feel sympa th y ; 10 fai l to finished .
sho w sympathy, lik ing. KOnA lake o r area cover ed with reeds.
KO MhlT clot bes (all patc hed) . KOn AnbI Ken a lake ov ergro wn with reeds,
KO M bITTA ~ to put d iffere nt pa rehes on (ene sedg e.
after anothe r), to patch up. K,OnAP- to twist out , to wrench o ut ; to turn
K,OH· 1) to sett le down for life ; to sett le up side down , to swing a round : to d ig up,
perrnanen tly ; to live, ro dweil , ro stay: to up root, to eradieare.
2) te pass the night, to spend the night ; K,O n APbIlI- /6g./ l a advance, to m e, to
3) to deseend. to co me d own, to perch (to aseen d as a whole . en masse.
earth), to lan d (of bird or plane) : 4) /fig./ KO nAH.UA- I) f irst to go up an d then to
to rnount a horse. co me do wn in (o ne) place (fo r exarnple.
K.OHAK. guesr : K.Oil L1A H :.KYAC when rid ing horseback) ; 2) /6g.' [ 0 be in a
liEPCEH DE, iKE ft 6 EPElIl a gues t disturbed co nd ition.

KOnCbIT- {O [Urn ms ide OUI, to hoe . tu rn . KOPJlhlK I) injury , oflense, insult. torment
Iocs en (the soil). vexa rion: 2) disgrace. humiliation . •
KO P J) supplics. reserve, resources ; 2) rund. K,OPCY H· I) to diminish, to curtail, to lessen.
stock. reserve ; funds; 3) yeas t, Ieave n . to ma ke smaller : 2) to humiliate. to hum bie,
ferment Ier kumiss: 4) base , basis, to abase.
founda tion : ... 60Jl · 10 descen t. to go KO PC b IJlllA- to grunt.
down. to sink, to fall. KOPTnA /zool./ stu rgeon (fish).
KOP· to guard , to proteet. KO PT b lHLIhl EAJlAHC significance ; con-
KO PA I) bread, Ioa f, co rn ; 2) a living; siderable balance .
3) ya rd, court, pen, enelosure. penning, KO PT b IHD.b IC b13 without result. furile.
enclosing ; 4) herd, ftock. KO PT b i K cret in, degener are.
KO PA 6A so ur, spoiled (of milk or kumiss K,OPY ~ to defend .
which has stood fo r a lon g time). KOPYK· to fea r.
KOPA3 /d TElll / coc k. KOPYKTYP- frigh ten.
KOPAJLIAH · to be on o ne's high ho rse. to KO PIll A· to surround, la inclose, te barricade.
put o n a irs. KOPlllAJl- to be su rrounded. enclosed (by a
KO PAJl b l MAn berd animais. fence).
KO PA MCAK quiver (for arrows). KO PWAY blockade, fence. enelosure .
K.O PAn box . case ; ches t, tank . bod y ; KOPhlJl snore, sncring (of a persen).
ho using; cha mber ; co mpa rtment. KO PbI JllI,A- to sno re.
KO PA n T b I supplied with a case, wallet . KOP bIH· to he ashamed . em barrassed
kna pseek. (beca use of one's deûci ency), to fear.
KOPA CAH smallpo x. KO PbI C silt, sediment, sludge ; slip (in
K,OPAYCbI3 negleered. cera mics): ... KbIJl- to turn ups ide down,
KOPAll ill-favored, unenviablc (in a ppcar- to play ha voc.
ance) , insigntûcant , un reliable. KOPb lT- 1) to conc lude, to iafe r, to reaeh the
KOPA llICblH· 10 fee! shy, ashamed (because conc1usion; 2) to melt, to smelt.
of a shoneoming of some sort on one's KO PblTY conclusion .
o wn pa n ) ; to eonsider insufficient. in- KOPblTYlIIhI founder (expert , foreman).
sign ifica nt. K,OPb lTbIHD.bI co nclusion .
KOPA llI T b lK plainness, insignifican ce, 10· KO PbJK reservanon, preserve : KOPhiK·
sufficieney, deficiency. KAHFA KOC KEPIHEIII (adage) Every-
K,OPA·K,O n ChJ estate, farm, any co untry thin g is frightened ro a frigh tened man.
house with adjoining buildings an d gar den. KOPhIK,nAHTbIH fea rless.
KOPD.A I ) reserves. fund s. sto cks; 2) pile (o f K,OPK- to fear.
remnants. leavîngs of hay, st raw, etc.). KOP K AY KACKblP Izool./ hyena.
KO PAll. bI having reserves. th rifty, provident. KO PK AK coward. cowardly: K9l .. . KOlI
KOPEK sca nty nou rishment , diet necessary EATb l P (adage) /lit./ (Tbc eye is a coward ,
to exist, minimum subsistenee . CVT but the han d is brave), Iabor triumphs.
KOPEKTIJlEP /zool./ mamma l. KOPK,AKTbIK timidity, fear.
KO PE KT EH· to feed (on). to ta ke a limired KO PK,b IHlllA K co ward.
a mo unt of rood. KOPKbl H bIlII danger .
KOPE H):(l recovering, filling out q uickly ; not KOPKbIH bIIllCb l3 safe. harmIess.
fussy about feeding (of cat tle). K,OPK,bIHbIW Chl3D.bIK safety, security.
KO PJKh IH· to sit, la sit (so lemnly) ; (clamber- K,OPK,b IH b IIIITb J dangerous, frightful , fear-
ing up in a po mpous way). ful.
KO PJKb l H (carpet) saddle bag with t.....o KOPK b IPA· to spea k boarsely. to croak.
compartments. KOPKblT· to Irighten, to terrify.
KO PJKh IHAYa square, in o utline simil ar to KO PF A· la ta ke care of. to look after, te
a saddlebag. administer, 10 go vem, to rule, to surround
KOPJl A· to humiliare, insult - la sbame, with a wall, to depe nd, to gua rd against.
disgrace; to treat con tempt uous ly. K,O PFAJI A- I) to esca pe, to seek shelter. to
KO PJlAH- to feel humiliat ed, offended, to he take cover (from bad weat her) : 2) te he shy,
angry , to he out raged. ashamed, to he afra id.


K,OPFAllAT- I) JO frighte n, to inspire Iear ; K,OCAJlK, /zoo!./ jetboa.
2) to oppress; 3) to cover, to shelter . K,OCA K 1) sheep tied rogethe r {nec k to neck),
K,OPF AJlAK, see K,OPF AHWA K,. during milkin g; 2) /fig./ m ates, compa nions,
K,OPF AJlA K,TA- see K,O PFAJI A- . partners ; 3) a team of two animai s ; 4) a
KO PFAJI A K,T h IK, cowardice, vacilla tion, in- line, row of sheep 0 0 one cord .
dec isiveness . KO CAKT A· to tie one sbeep te anothe r by
KOPF A H fortress, de fen se bas tion, bulwar k, the neck.
fortifica ricn. suppor t abutrn ent. stronghcl d ; K.OCK JH.llJK a disease o f youn g carnels .
... ,UAJI) lA defens e constr uction, erectio n, K,O Cn A m ixtu re.
work s. K,OCn AK. o ne breed of camel (a ca me l
K,OPF A H· to de rend ; to derend o neself, to hybrid ) : a crossing of the fus t crossin g of
guard against, to prolee t onesel f a gains t. ca mel s (d ro medari es) and a two -humped
KO PF A HD;A- to tr eat fortificat io ns, to camel (Bac trian).
surro und someth ing with a rampa rt . KOCT A- to app rove, to support.
KO PFAH JlbI surrou nded, encircled by a K.OCT ASAH /mat h./ trape zium.
rampa n fc rtificat icn. KOCf AC cohabita nt.
K,OPFA HCb l3 I) neglec ted, unsu pervise d: K.oer AC- to say goed- bye, to take leave .
2) defe nseless. K,OCf AYJIJb I o ne who appro ves, says " Yes".
KOPF AHCb I3,Ub IK, defense lessnes s. K,OCY /ma th./ additio n.
KO PFAH llIAK coward ly, timid, fearful . K,OCll IbI con voy, escort on a jo urney; .. . sA
KO PFAH bIMnA 3.L1.bIK, d efense ca pability, Ileg./ co urt assesso r.
potenrial. K,OCbI11- 1) to meet, to come to gether, to
K,O PF A H b IC defense , self-d efense . be introd uced ; 2) to increase, to be added .
K.OPF AHbIW defense, support, proteetion. to be join ed, to be put togeth er ; ICK E
K,O PFA C h IH fmeL/ lead ; ... 3A BOJlh l iead .. . to be brought into action, into o pera tio n ;
foundr y. TAY TAYFA K,OCh IJlMA fiJlh l, AJlAM
KO PFAC bIHllA - to fasten so mething, with AJlAM F A K.OCb IflA.1l.hI moun ta in does
__"lead (to so lde r wit h lea d) . not meet mountain, but man does meet
K,OPF AY defense. ma n.
K O PF AYillb l law yer ; defens e attomey, K,OCh IMlIIA sup plement, additio n ; surplu s,
counse l for the defens e: defend er, protector. add itiooal.
KûC 1) a small (mova b le) yurt, which KOCb lHJlbJ /math.f item, compo nent.
wo rkers live in te mp orarily ; 2) (the) K,OT AH pen, sheep pen.
aggreg ate of agricu ltu ral tocls. do rnestic K,OT A P· 1) to shift. mo ve so mewhe re etse:
animal s, and werker s: 3) flock (of sheep); to interlay , to reset, to trans pose. to set to
4) pair, t win , double , twofol d; KOPbIK,- (music) ; to put to o much ; 2) to dri nk all
K,AH F A ... KEPIH E1U fea r ma kes the up at a gul p ; 3) to peur out, to pou r from
eyes big; .. . illbIK,Tbl pl oughin g has
. .. to . . . ; to decant , to transfer, to transfu se.
begun (o r ba rvest in g) : .. . AYh13 d ouble- K,OTA PhICT hlP - see K,OTAP-.
barreled gun ; A Y h 13 M h InTbl K, K,OTb IP itch, sca b ; mange ; ... 6011- to get
double-barreled gu n; TI C teeth which mangy , to get sick from mange.
have grown rogethe r : K.ATb JH AJlY K,OTb lPflAH - to get man gy, to get sick
bigamy : . .. YH a small feit-h ut for travelin g ; fro m mange .
... YbIC hand fuL I<ûIIl 1) good luck! good-b ye! 2) a cry to a
K,OC- I) to comma nd , to o rder, to instruc t, sheep (d uring milkin g);
charge ; 2) to put togeth er, to jein, to add ; KEJIlI I HI3
welco rne! yo u' re welco me; YAKb IlTA
SA C . .. /fig./ te ga ther. togeth er, to SOnbJ H,bI3 I wish (you) the best o f
assemb le, te consult. everyt hing.
K,OCA togethe r, jo in tly, in commo n. KO lIlAM ET ap proval; a flatte ri ng reference:
K.OCA flK, b I /adj/. s pace , reserve , su pple- .. . KEPCE T- to honor , to give a banque t
mentary ; .. . Gen M E passage. in honor o f (so meo ne).
K,OCA PJIAH - ( 0 pa ir o ff, to accom pany each Kû lIlA MElTE- to a pprove, to boncr, to
otber. show honor and respect .
K,OCA Yb l3 MbIflT bl K dou ble-bar reled gun . K,O UIA K,Ail lamb.

KOlliA KAH , . KYAJlA-

KOW A KA H Iittle lamb lafT. dim .1 tfor larnbs) . KOHCY· to stink. Jt,?y
KO lllTA, C ~ to say go ed-bye, to ta ke one's KOilbl3 beetle.
lea ve KOHbIJITMIK : ETIrIH .. . KII!! I he put
KOIlI Wb l werker who takes ca re of the his shoes 00 his bare Ieer.
pa ckho rses. I(OHbIJlTAK : )I(~KA lllAn AH .. . K HiM
K,O lll K AP m oun tain sheep, ra m ; .. . M YI1 I3 a thin summer dressing-gown , cool , light
tbe ho m o f a ram. d othin g.
KOIIl KbIJI dark -brown. KOHhUlT AKC- to he cool, chilly.
KOID K bI JIllAH- to take on a dark-brown K OHbIP light brown (of hair); bro....l l (of
colc r. to turn dark-bro wn . t he colo r of materiai) ; dark grey (hides of
1<,010 thick , dense. Iivestock) : .. . )l;AYb IC baritone; )KEJI
KOI011- I) 10 he left tvt; 10 he released, to gcntle br eeze; ... KY3 early fall; C AJl·
let o ut ; :t) te t hicken. Kb IH the cool (for exa mple, of evening),
KOIORAH- 10 thieken lintr.!; 10 become coolness ; ... YI1 PEK wild duck (a vari ety).
thick. KO Hbl PAY littl e bell, bell, /bo t.I bluebell
K,OlOnAT- to thicken , condense: to make (Campanula); ... C A PAT ala rm doek.
th ick . K,OHbIPoAC rebel, insurgent.
K,OlOJI.UYP- 10 make thick. to m ake dense . K,OH,bIPJlblK, a local plan t cover, conslsting
K,OIOJlT· to make t hic k , 10 ma ke de nse . ma inly o f wormwood grasses.
K,otOJlbi K thi ckn ess , den sity. .K,OH h IPCAJl K b IH coolness, the cool, cool.
KOlOPTn AK, mixture o f k umiss a nd miJk . KO HbIP C rhere is a smell of burnin g.
~~lq H ~:.:::; vi1: KOJl H b l rabbit : K OHhlPChl a sm ell of (something) buming.
)f{Y PEK cowar d. KOH,K,Afl- to he tumed up 100 much, to
KOR Hlll blK I... AYPY/ epil epsy. turn up toe much (of a nose).
K,OJl H· K,OJlThIK, hand -in -ha nd . K,OFA /OOt./ cattai l, reed m ace : {bot. / swee t-
, ' \ j KO K - to be ,sc~!!~ d . d iscormected. in- flag (Typha), (Acorus calam us).
Y co herent ; 10 he in a chao tic sta te, a sta te of KOFAJIbI a place overgrown with cattails.
) chaos. / KO FA M o rga nizatio n, society ; ... AfibIn-
KOKA H- to stick out, to protrude ; to stand TA ymblCbI public prosecutor ; ... T AHY
out am ong o thers ; KOK,AHbIn ATKA FbIJlbIMbI social science.
O T blPbICbl H K,APAWbI look how clum- K,OFAMD,ACT b IP- to socialize; 10 col lee-
I . .
sy he is on a horse! nv ize.
r..,ût<,AK T A- 1) to be on o ne' s high horse , , K,O F A MD.ACTbI PY collecuvization . sociali-
to put on a irs ; 2) to threaten , to menace. za tion .
KOKA HllA- see I(OKAKTA-. , K,O F AMD,ACfhI PbIJl- to he collecrivized ;
KOKTbIK se< KOKbIP. to he socialized.
K O KbIM d ust ; sma Jl thi ngs , de tails, trivia, I KOF~M Ll.bIK public, social, co mmon; .. .
particles (of fuel, mad e of dung). 6 AI1 JlblK social richness, wealtb.
KOK,bIM ,lI,A· JO spray with du st (from fuel ; K O F A M W b IJl soc ially-consc ious pe rsen; de-
in tbe ferm of bricks made of d u ng). voted to public act lvities.
KOKhl MLlAJ]· to he cov ered with d ust from / KO FAMWbIJlD,bl K, comrnuni ry, public
dung bricks. o pin io n ; an inc hnation to .....ards public
KOKhi P 1) partic les. scra ps, shreds (put te- ac tivities.
gether in a disorderly way); 2) d ung, K,Y- to pursue lv-l: to drive a w ay ; to send
manure. away ; K,Ybl n )KET- to overtake . to catch
KOJ(,hI PAH - t I) stan d on end (for exa mple, up with ; AKbl ... to sue, to bring su it
o f the hair o f the head). a gain st ; L\AY .. . to litigate ; IllAPYA ...
KOKhIP JlAH - to be littered , o bst ructed ; to to dev ote onesel f te ho useheld affairs.
he blocked up ; to crowd (together) in a KY 1) swan : 2) pale, dried-up, wit.bered (of a
d iso rde rl y fas bion. plant); 3) Ifig.1 old fox, sly, running ; .. ,
K,OK,bIC disorder, chaos. oAC skull (canl e, Iivestock) .
I ' K,OKbIT- I) to confuse, to fetter; 2) to fitte r. KY AllA- I) to pursue, h un t down, persecute;
I,)) ' ? KOH,Aff · to put on weight, to fill o ut " 2) to testify : 3) te drive away ; to dri ve,
I KOHPAY see KOilbIPAY. to cbase.


K,Y AJl hl wit ness In.'.
K,YAH- te be hap py, glad , 10 amu K,YPJlAT - I) to surro und, 10 enc
se o nese lf, ircl e ; 2) 10
10 ha ve run . ada pt.
KY AH Jl.b IP· to glad den , 10 mak K,YPYT- 10 dry .
e hap py. K,YPFA - 10 gel dry , 10 grow dry
K,YAHT- see K,YAH.D;hIP· . :...---'""
K.Y AH blW jo y, gla dne ss. K.YChIP- I) to twist, bind : 10
sq ueeze, 10
KY AH b JWC h l3 joyless , unh app y, puc ker, to com pre ss; 2) to sew
sado hope - to getber
tess, des ola te, dre ary , disc ons olat (one par t of clot hin g te ano ther )
e. ; 3) /mil.{
K.Y AH bIll iTbl glad . joy fuj ; to close .
. .. ME PEK E K,Y CbI PbI n· l) (O he com pres
f ête, festival. sed , twis ted,
K,YAP- to with er, dry up (o f bou nd; 2) to he sewn toge ther ;
a pers en) ; to J) {mil.! 10
turn yellow , to fad e (of gras s). close.
K,Y APT - [0 dry , wit her ; 10 KY TbI H-K ,YT bIH ET· te bus tie
shrivel ; to abo ur in a
consu me . /fig .j 10 was te. self-sat isfied way .
K,YAPbIl-(K,bl somewha t pale K.YTbIH./l,A- to bu stte , to sho w com
(of the face) ; place ncy.
yellowed, fad ed (o f grass) . K,Y Y 1) tind er ; 2) a sly pe rso n (o f
wam en).
K,YAT forc e. energy, pow er llit.! (a witch) .
; KY AT bI K,YY4 te pur sue. to persecute.
KA MT - to lo se one 's stre ngt h
{to age ). K,Y YAP- to turn pale .
KY AT ChI 3 wea k, feeble, listl ess.
K,YYH A- to rest (a bou t harses) .
K,Y ATChI 3Jl b l K, wea kness, im
po tenc e.., . 1.>. Ky mX AH A slau
KY AT IA- to sup po rt , to sho w ghte r In./ : sha mbles ; aba t-
sup por t. te toir.
enc ourage , to com e to someon
e' s defense. K,YIOK,· to run away.
K,Y AT IA H- to beoome stre ng,
powerful ; to KYlOK, arm or ; shell.
su ppo rt, to rei nfo rce.
K,YAT IbI ene rgetic, st reng. K,YbIP · to fry, to ra ast ; An 1llh
ICb l H ... to
K,Y AT Tbl nhl K a sign of stre ngt finish (alf ), to destroy , to give the
h. ene rgy . co up de
KY AR K, with na rrow feet, slen grace ; 6HllA ftb iKT Aft ... to
der feet. terr orize,
KYAK,bI a wit, a "co rne dlan " llil.! (like a gerfalco n).
: . .. AJl AM K,YhIP ):{A K raas t (meat).
buffo on , jok er.
K,YAK,bIJ lA H to joke, to ma ke KY bIP lllA K, dali.
jok es. KY bIP bJn · to shri nk, con trac t ;
KY AH arid ; fade d (fro m the to dry ,
sun), b um ed shri nk.
o ut (o f grass ).
K,YbIC ernp tiness, voi d; exc ava
K,YBAC - to turn aro un d, to spin tio n, cavi ty,
, to revc lve holl ow of a tree .
Ky .nA JIA- to persecu te. to
su bjec t to KY blC T A- to holl aw out , to
pers ecu tio n. mak e an
K.Y..QAJIAH- to be persecuted . excavat ion .
K,YJIA JI A H Yll ibIJI h lK, persecu KY bIC TA n- ro excavate, te dig
tion . out (ear th).
KY JIA JlA Yll lb I persecu te r. KY hIC fAH - I) to feel guil ty:
2) to feel
K,Y.Ah lPT- to ha ve (som ea ne) awk war d.
pu rsue d. K,YblK, lan at.l gall -bla dde r,
K,y fI. to da re 1'1./. blad der ; ...
KY JIA H- to he j oyful. T'tThI JlY urin ary (ob stru ctio n
or with -
KY JIb lK I) slyness , cun ning, Irau holding) .
d, dec epti on : K,YICK,AK, spas m, cra mp .
2) a yo ung mar e foa ling fo r the
fus t time ; K,YK,hlJI so mewhat pale , colo rles
.. . ·C~M JlhIK slyness and trea che s, yello wed
ry. (of gra ss).
I<,YHA- te rest (in orde r to
acc umu lare K,YK,bIJI.LIAH- to bec om e pale,
stre ngt h) ; AY HA n-. .. to bre athe to turn pale
freel y. (of the face ) ; te fade. turn yellow
K,YHA K chee rful, playful. (of grass).
KY PA - to dry ou t. KY H lan at.1 rect um , anu s.
K,YPAft I) !boLI a plan t o f the K.Y FhI H persecut ion. pur suit ;
um belJiferae ...·C YP rJH
fam ily ; 2) /bo t./ orache o r persecu tion . purs uit.
goosefo ot KY Fbl H.nAY persecut ion .
(At ripex o r Che nop odium ); 3)
IOOt./ reed ; KY F b lH IU b l persecutor.
sa ltw ort (Sa lso la ka li or Salsola
ruth enica }: K,Y ;3Jl A H):{bIP- to test ify, to attest. to
. .. CbI lih l3 Fbi pipe, reed- pipe . bea r
witness (ta) .

Kb l6b l)Kbl H.1l ' . KbllbVL'lb l

K,bl &b DKh IHll A- I ) 10 fce l shy, asha mcd : Kbl'3 D. bIPT · la cause (something); to wa rm.
2) to move uncenainly, indecisively. give wannth.
Khl &bl P slow movemen t ; . .. ETKE H )KAH K b I3.Llh IPh IH· to get warm , t o wa rm one -
)KOK n e t a single (living) soul ; .. ,.)Kb IEbIP self.
)J(ypr EH AllAM scurry ing peo ple : K b13,Ub IH KYHEY bridegroom.
K b IJl · .. . woel (tbe ha ir of an ima is) . Kbl3MET 1) o ffice, post, employmem :
KbI 6 bIPJl A. l) 10 move slowly; 2) to swa rm , 2) se rvi ce, la bor , work ; .. . 6EPYMI
teem . employer (one wbo gives work) ; .. . 00J1-
KhI 6 b IPJlAT· to move slowly; AJl KTh l MEe l study, o ffice ; .. . ICTE- la work .
KhI6bIPJl AT bi n IiAC· to walk slo wly, K bl3 METK EP emp loyee, clerk , we rker.
sca rcety mo ving o ne's reet. lab orer ; AFA F hI J1MH ... sen io r scientific
K,blll. bIP- to ride around, te wander. to roa m we rker.
ab o ut, to wan der in, search of se rnething. KbI3M ETTEC colleague. fellow wer ker.
to loiter, to ta ke a wal k, to ride a bo ut. Kbl3M ETIlII employee, cler k, wer ke r, serva nt.
Kblt\bl PM A see K b lt\bIPFbIW. K hIJMET-K,AP servani.
KbI.U bIPT- to tr an sfer fro m o ne to another. KblTIEKE hermaphrodite.
Kbl,UbIP Y promenad e, ta king a walk . stroll K h l3 Y heat ; . .. AD.AM hot-te mpé red (ex-
tst ro lling), Iesnvuy, pa rad e. cita ble) persen.
Kblt\bl PblMnA3 see Kblt\bIPF bIW. K bI3YJlAH- to get hot, to flare up, to get
KbtllbI PbIM nA3JI.bJK tbe ha bit of roa ming angry .
abo ut idly. Kbl3YJl bI ho t, retai ning heat fo r a long time.
K,bI.I1bIPFbIIll idler; som eo nc who likes to K bI3YJl bl K hea t ; ardor; K,bI3YJlbIK,nEH
wander aroun d (o n sear ches). A JÏlT h In CAJ1.Ll bI M I spo ke ha stily, in a
KbDKAKTA. to loo k close ly. to a bserve fit of anger.
w it h suspielen. KbI3bIJl1) red ; 2) rosy, ruddy (of a persen);
KbDKb rn,UA- to fizz, effervesce (of Ierme n- ... AT a horse's hide (red dish ligh t gre y};
ta tian) ; :>KYPErIM K b ... IiAJIbIK, Izool.1 salmon (Sa1mo sater):
I ha ...·e beartbum . . .. 6 AllI Persian , lranian ; .. . OYPhIill red
KbDKbIPAfI · te loo k askance (at someone) ; pepper ; ... D,~ PI pepper ; :>KAKYT
to he angry wit b (someo ne). ru by; ... )KEJl sba rp wind; )I{~J11IbI3
Kbl3- te hav e a tempe rature: to become ho t ; OP .LlEH I Ord er of Re d Star ; . .. CAHbI·
K b I36A JÏI Ce3.nE· to spea k, without PAY KYJl A K, Ibot.! aspen mu shroom
gett ing angry. (Bole tus rufus) ; ... TA)] 1) Ibot.! ash (tree)
Kbl3 I) da ughter ; 2) girl, linfe girl. yo ung (Fraxin us) : 2) IboLI willow (Sali x): . ..
girl ; ... 6AJ1 A a Iittle girl; ... ~3ATKAH· T A PA K,AH coc kroach; .. . TO PhI light
lIAFhI TOl1 wedd ing. brcwn (bay ) (ho rse's hide) ; . .. mME
Kbl3AJl A K lini e girl. cherr ies, a che rry ; lbot./ a cherry tree
Kbl3A MbI K Irned.1 German measles. (Ce ras us avium ) ; . .. lllM E A FAillhI {bo t.!
K bI3A P- I) to bl ush , to get red ; 2) la he sweet cherry tree (Cerasus avi um); ...
rea dy, brewed (of tea). Wbl PA AJlbl red -cheeked ; ... K AHATIbI
KbI3APAH.UA· to he a ng ry ; to he nerv ou s. 6 AJl b IK Izoel.! a kind of sturgeon
Kb I3APAH.UAC· to q uarrel, to argue, to (Acipenser stella tus) : . .. K,APA KAT red
" get hot " . currants ; a Ibot" currant (R ibes rubrum) ;
K.b13APT - J) te redden, to ma ke red ; 2) to ... K,YPAO lbot./ Ke ndyr, In dian hemp
sha me, to put to sham e. (A pocynum ca nnabinum) ; ... K.~PT lmed./
Kb136A exci ta ble (afa pe rsen ); hot-te m pe red ; warms, helmin th, intestina l worm; ...
excite me nt . ~CKE P soldier in the Red Army ; red army
Kb13,UbIP- 1) to warm ; give warmth : in- sold ier.
candesce; 2) to excite, aro use, prova ke ; KbI3blJlD.AP the Reds.
3) to fry : 4) to inca ndesce, to make bu m ing K bI3blJlD.AY redd ish.
ho t. Kbl3hlfl D,hI something predo min antly red ;
K,h13,UbIPMA instigati on ; .. . n EIlI furnace .. .-)I{ACb IJI.D.b l attracting attention to
.r ifor heating). o neself beca use of (o ne's) scarlet red color.

K.hI3bI Jl MAfI I(blflChl1(

K,hI3hI nMA M SOJI· to he winded (of an l(bIAMAJlbI ECIK a door made out of
exhausted horse). pieces of board .
K,bI3bI JIIIIA I) meas les ; 2) beetroot, beets ; KblflMbIJI movernent , motion. action;
Ibot./ garden bee t (Be13 vulgaris); K.AHT JKACA - to act.
I( b 13bIJIIIIAC bI Ibot.! SU"", beet. KblI1 MbIJIllA- to move, to stir, to act, to
I(bI3bIJl ,K KEP lo bs.! Red Army man. operate.
K,bI3 blK, interesting, a musing , d ivert ing ; K,bIfi MbIJlJI.AT- to stir, te mo ve, to force
ladv.! in teresting, funny, di verting, a musing ; (someone) to act, to hasten, quicken.
MIHE, K,bI3bI K ! stra nge ! K,blflMblJICbl3 immovable, rnoti cnless.
K.hI3hIK IFt· to get inte rested in, to show K,bII1MhIJIChI3,UblK im mo bility, inacti vity.
inte rest, to take a liking to , to acquire a KbU1MhIH,UAT- to p ut in mo tion , to set in
tas te fo r; Kh l3bl KKA EAT- to fuUy enjoy mo tion. te ca use to mo ve.
"onesetï. l(bl fl MhIPT- to put in motlo n, to set in
K.h13bI KChl3 uninteresring, not amusing. mot ion. to cau se to move .
KbI3blK,ChIH- to get interested in. KhICIHA ~ te torment, to torture.
K,hI3blK,ThI int erestin g, funn y, am us ing, KhH1HAJl- to he tormented, to he over-
diverting. worked, to find o neself in a difficult positio n.
K.hI3bl K,Th IP· to cause interest, to excite KhU1 HAJl T- te to rment, to pu t som eone in
inte rest, to enco urage, to stim ula te. a difficult positio n.
Khl3 h IK KbIIli {someone} wbc has become KbIHnA HJlA- la he shy, to he ash amed , to
slightly interested in. who ha s acquired feel awkward.
somewhat o f a tas te for . I( bl fl n A KT A. see I'blflnAfU\A•.
Kb13FAJI!lAI( I) Ibol./ tulip (T ulipa ); K,hIHP A- to he bro ken, to he des troyed , to
2) Ibol.l lily (Lilium); 3) Ibol.l poppy he smashed 10 pièces.
(Papaver), poppy seed s. KhU1. PAJl A H,.!l;A- te grim ace. to walk wit h
K.h13FAJI!lA I(TA fI red, fresh (as a tulip). a lim p, to ho bble.
K,bI3F AH· to envy, (0 be jea lous (of) . K,bIHP A MAT fault. guilt.
K.bI3 FAHlIIA K, envio us, jealous. Kbl ApAHY instructien.
K,bI3FAHIIIA K,T bJ K envy. jealousy. KblflpAT· to destroy , break, smash Up.
I(bI3F blJl bl l(C b l3 see K.h13b II(CbI3. smas h to pieces; 0 11 )l(~M hlcrbl Kblff -
K.hI3FbI JlbII(Tbl see Kb I3bl l(T b l. PATbIn ICT E!lI he wo rked as necessary,
K.h13F bIJIT reddish: ... -CAPb l orange the way he had to.
(color). K hl (}PArvursr destructive.
KhI3FblLU jzool./ peewi t, lapwing. K,bIHPATbIJl - to he destroyed, sma shed .
K,bUI- 1) to risk, to date, not to spa re; 2) to K,bU1.PAH; I ) an affected person, poseur ; 2) a
graft ; 3) to adjust, ade pt (of wood en congenital physical defec t.
obi ects): 4) to fix price ; 5) to cu t, clip, pare, K.hlflpAfU\A- to hobble.
trim, prune ; 6) to sbarpe n, stress, em phas ize ; Kblfi c An number .
7) to move. decfine. deviate : )KAH ... to K b H1cAKTA- to bow, bend, te sway, to
risk (offer) (one's) life ; ATb IHJlbI KblA· wa lk unsteadily .
CAl\ MAFA H M IHYrE b EPE TYP if K,blflCAK,TAT- to rock, to sha ke.
you don '( min d, give me yo ur ho rse fo r a KhIH CAH;' to bend, to indine , ta gel
sho rt ride ; JKOJl!lACTAP b IH I(blflbln cro a ked .
KETE AJlMA,Uhl he decided not to part I(blflCA fU\A - see I( blflCAK,TA•.
from his frien ds. I( bIO CA H)lAT- see I( b l flCA I(TAT-.
KhIM sheep's manure . KblfichIH o pport unity, occas ion, ca use,
K,hIfiAAJIA- to cut something with a d ull basis. theory ; I( b IflCb IH b l KEJlIn I(AJI-
object (for exam ple, a d ull knife); T ICI - )].hl was fa rced to speak.
MEH KbIM,ll.AJIA n Y3 In TI he inter- K,hIfiChIH ,UbI with a system, based.found ed,
rupted in a sharp ma r mer, in a sna ppish way. probablevli kely.
K.hIfl3!lA.~A· see K blfl!lA..ï A· . KhIAChIHChI3 unsystemat ic, un methodi-
K.hIfl MAft hI 1) special type of pitch or tar ca lly, witho ut foundation, gro und less.
(tar pr epared in a pnmitive way and used Kb lOChIK I) croo ked, curved, bent ; 2) /fig./
as a n cimment for sheep mange). stubbo m , na ughty, ca pricie us persen ; ...


K blClCblKTbl K KblJllKAKTA -

CbI3bl K. curved lme : .. . TYf1E hyb rid KbI H K A. PJI AH - to bc st ubbom ; la gel
from a ma le (ca mel) and a Bactrian female. insolent.
KhIft CbIKTbIK stubbo mnessvobstinacy. KblHKAPJIbIK persistenee. stubbornness.
Kh!flT ETCE at e..'ery tri ûe. KbI H KAHJlA- I) to rock, to toss. to to tter
Kbl AT bl K l selï-respect. pride : 2) hindrance. (from pain o r a hea vy la ad) ; 2) Ifig.1 to
KhuITbI KTAH· 10 be offend ed, hu n: 10 wriggle . to grimace. to bc a ffected .
persist. 10 bc obs tinate. KbH1K a cry, shout (of many voices ).
KbIHhlJI- I) te be tumed down, to be Iailed ; KhII1KYJIA- to cry out (many voices).
ftunked in an examination ; 2) 10 he cut u p. KbIMKhI ff· to get bent, to bend, bow: to
10 be sh redd ed, 10 he bent, 10 be curved: be on o ne's last Iegs.
KACbl Kblfl b lJlFAH with curved (cres- K bIHKhIJID.A- to ma ke m uffied or choking
cent) eycbrows ; Khu1:bIJlbln C Y PA im- sounds (Io r exa mple, o f someo ne who is
ploringly: te urge ntly request. suffocating or cho king) ; K h U1 KhlJI.ll. An -
Kb n1hl M a sma Jl un it o f land. meas ure . ursmxunnx. 10 breathe hoarsely and
KbIl1 bIH I ) co mplica ted, compl ex; 2) groeve, with difficulty.
slo t (in a door) ; ... liOJI.ll b l it became KbJHKhIM crumbs (of bread) ; small frag -
difficul t ; .. . K Ep· to consider difficult ; ... rnents (of someth ing); ... ·CbU) K btM J)
XA JJ calamity, distress. crumbs. etc. ; 2) tew, hem p fibe r.
K,hIMbIHJl.A . te gel difficult, to gel complex, K bIH KbIMJJ.A. I) to cru mble, to chop; 2) to
complicated . litter.
KbIl1:bIHllA C- to meel, 10 fit tögether . K,bH1F AW 1) no t on the way (off to the side,
KbI H bI HllACfhI P- to adiust. to adapt, to off the track) ; 2) croo ked, curved, bent ;
fit. .. . KAC arched (bea u tiful) eyebrow s.
Kbll1FA WTblK J) curvature, crookedness :
KhIM h JHDA T- to hamper. 10 complica te. to
2) 16 g./ contrad ietie n. discrepa ncy, Jack o f
make difficult .
unders tanding.
KbH1 bI H.IThI a rafter.
Kbl t1FbIJI bIK scanda l; ... CAJI- to create
KblClbl HilblK difficulty.
a sca nd al. la kick up a fuss, to raise a ro w.
K.hH1bIHCbIH- to find it difficult.
KbIl1FbIP- to invi te.
KblA b IHllI b lJl blK, difficulty, embartass-
KbtJl a ha ir, a strand o f wool, a thread ;
borsebair ; ... )KAJI mane, crest ; .. .
KblMbl P edge. limit, bo rde r ; ... LlJ bf FhlC
TA Iib IHD.A (of a trai ned horse) well-kepr
the Far Ea st ; )c'llJ bl.K,bB1bI Pb l ïKO K,
(in p ro per sha pe) : ,.. K'-'C H Pb lK, Icol !./
the la nd is endless .
ho rses.
KhH1:bI PIll bI K, boarfrost , sleet : ... T AC
K bIJl - to make, to do.
fla t pebbles.
KhU1A Y untouched, untapped, unpolluted;
KbU1 h IPllJbI KTA - to set in, fa ll (of haar-
... K,b IJIA Y K,AP snowflakes fallin g in
frost. sleet).
ca lm wea the r ; . .. TYC nErEH AT a ho rse
KbIJÏl bI C- to unite, te be un ited, joine d,
which is com pletely un tamed, which has
fast en ed roget her.
never been rid dert at all .
xunuc Igram./ ag reement. KbIJIA YJI A· to fall slowly and infrequentJy
K b U1h ICfb IP- to make co herent, har- (o f sn ow); KAP KbIJIAYJlA n T '-'CP it is
monious; ... Ce fiJIE· te speak coherently. sno win g a little.
KhI A h lK 1) cut, sectio n ; junction, j o int ; K bl...'l A H 1) a white coat (horse); 2) l6.g./ a
2) scraps; KSJIHI H KbIClblF blM EH coquette, a fashion-plat.. (o nly o f a woman).
KAPA)lbl /6g./ he looked ask ance. KbIJlAHllA- 1) to ligbten. to turn white (of
KblY b IKJlA- see KbJCIbIKTA -. the dawn); 2) to SITUt (of a smartly dressed
K h lftLI KTA - 1) 10 bend , to cut o bhquely: woman ).
2) to o pp ress. K b lnllA.ft ...ery thin , /lit./ (lik e hair).
K b IMKA -)I(hIHKA put together in a di s- KblJlLI. bl a smalJ pot with a handle.
o rderly way , left as fallen, ill-assernbled . K bI J1llhI P· to force to mak e, to force to do .
KbH1KAM· I) ro have a very poer look , KblJIJKA K negligen t, carelees.
appearance ; 2) to he obstinat e. KbIJI:>KAK,TA- to play the clown , to joke,
KbH1 KAP o bstina te. stu bbo m. to indulge in inappropriate jokes.

K,hIJIJKbIl1 - KblHlUA6EJ1

KbIJDKh lft- I) 10 faU down. to dr op tbc way tendrils (of a n ear of com) o r bones (of a
e ne has rallen; 2) Iderog./ to d ie. 10 'croak'. fish); . .. AFAlli conifero us tree; . .. TOFAf1
K,hJJ1)KhIP o bstinate, inflexible, unyielding. {bo L{ co niferous focest; acicular wood .
KhIJlMhU1 - to he very thin ; MOft H bI KbIJl K bIJlllA- to gurgle. to he o verûlled,
KhIJlMhIfl bln KETInTI his nec k ha s o verflowing .
become thin (so he has lost weight). K,bIJl FbI H- I) to choke. suffoca te: to be
KhIJlM bIC crime, cri minal effenee. guilt, asphyxia ted. smothered ; 2) to expect to he
Iault, misdemeanor ; ME HIH CAF AH treated.
K,hIJlMbICbIM JKAKnA,1lbI? Whal have K,hIM -K,b lffFAID bustIe, con fusion , co nfused
I d one to you?; 3AHbI to comm it a movement. mu ddie.
crimina l offense; IC Ilawl criminal code. KhI M -KYbIT joyful ncise, co mmotio n, bustIe.
KhIJl)KbICTbI crim ina! case , criminal, cul- K,bIM6AT valuable, expen sive, dear ; .. . 3AT
pri l. felon , guilty ; ... IC criminal a ffa ir. precious t hing, valuable thing, jewel, jewelry.
KhIJlM h l H.Lt.A- to make eyes, 10 flirt. K,blMfiAT fA- to value. to ca re for ; to rise
KhIJIfl- to be finely sharpened o r finished . in price .
KhIJInhIJI.llA- to be upset, disturbed . K,bIM6ATTAT· to rise prices.
K,LIJlTAMAK, 1) Imw. .1 a ngina pecto ris ; KbI M6ATTbI see KbIM6AT.
2) ca ncer (of the tbroen. K,h IM6ATW bIJl h IK high nr tces. expe nsive-
K bI Jl TA HA K, a bal r, a thread, a stra nd of ness . -~~-----
wool, a b lade of grass. ~ !- K h IM Cb IH· te sbrink, to co nt ract; ro
K,hIJlTAHAKCbI3 lbol./ awnless. hes itate : te feel co nstrained.
KhIJlThU1- 10 just show the ti p tfor exa mple. K h IMThI- I) to ache; 2) to hold back, to pull
of the first growth of grass). up; ATTbI!-\ IlEJl 6 EC IH KblMTbIn
K.bIJlTb Il1T- to thrust o ut, to show furt ively. K,O n switch the horse lightly with the reins.
KbIJlThlJlLJ;A- to be barely visible ; to sho w
K,hI MT A- I) to wra p up, to muffie up; to
onesetf co ver ; 2) to tuck in under. to draw in ;
K.bIJITbIRllAT- to thrust out. to barely 3} {fig.{ to con ceal, 10 help to co nceal.
KbIMTAH- ro he wrap ped up. to be covered.
KhlnTbIH.L.lA- to be care fuJ. to ma ke
K hl M hl3 kumiss (fermented ma re's milk) ;
flirt ing, coq uett ish rno tions.
... ASlK, our fire kumiss; ... KYPOPThl
KbIJlllIhl K, hair, th read, stra nd.
clinic fo r kumiss trea tments ; .. . Q)I{AY
KhIJlllIhlKC h l3 without a hair Idowny .
scoop, ladle for kumiss.
ftutfy) ; .. . 6 HJl.AW awnless wheat.
K,bIMbI3)],hIK, sorrel, doek (Rumex).
K.bIJlDlbI KTA- to clean (fuzz) from the hair.
K,hIMbIPAH thin, watery sour milk (a drink).
K,hIJlIllbIK,TbI fibre us, with a prevalenee of
hair (or wo e l). K,bIM K,bl- I) to carry olf, la haul away, to
KbIJlbI 1) a strait ; 2) han dle (of a pail ). lead away; 2) to conceal.
KhIJl bII1 sla nting, oblique. cross-e yed, K,bIMKA a little bit. scarcely.
sq uintin g. Kb! H shea th, scabba rd.
KbIJl hI MChI- to flirt . KblHA I) henna (a planI from which dye is
KbIJlblIll curved sword.isabre (a steel swcrd o bta ined); 2) lichen ; ... TAC K,A 6ITEP
of Dam ascus) ; .. . 6 AY swo rd-belt ; ... (sayi ng), " Henna gro ws on roek ."
TA PM AFbI swo rd-b üt ; KblJlblllIThIH KbIH A- to clesp stro ngly, to en velo p c1osely,
TYfK,ACh l sword-hik, hilt. to grip tightly; to make close fitt ing.
KbIJl hIlliTA- to slash, te cut with a sword Kh IHA MA 6 EJ1 wirb a graceful, supple waist
(sabre). (o f a woman).
l<.billbIK I) politeness : 2) pluck. co urage, KbIHAMA 6 EJ1nIK ee rset.
va le r, bravery: 3) patience. end ura nce ; Kh l HAn sca bbard, sheat h.
4) acti o n. deed, disposirion. nature. K bIH AC- to a pproach.
K, blJlbi KTbI AlIA M a man of goed Khll-DKbIJl · to he pained, te he vexed.
cb a racter . K,bIH)I{b IJlT- to vex.
K.bIJl KA H I) / 00 1./ awn ; 2) ncedle (of a tree) ; K,bIHbIP Chl3h lK a curved (bre ken) line.
3) bone; the sma l! bones in a fish. K,hlf-lIIIASEJl a slender walst, with a slender
KbIJlK,AHllbl with a bone. bones : with supple wa ist (of a woman) .

K h llllhlJlllA- KhI PhIH_

K,hllllbIRllA- (0 bc tem bty upset ((0 su as q ua lity : Khl3 blJl >K16 EK red , bright
if o n pins an d needles). red silk ; Kh13hlJl lKIEEKTEO 603-
KblllJhInbIKTA- 10 blink , 10 win k at, to 6AJIAJIAP bloo ming yo uth.
loo k blank, un derstan d not hing. KhIPHA- 10 polish. to make srnoo th, 10
Khllllh lJlhlKTAT- see Khl lll h IJl h IKTA -. scrape olf.
K,hlllJhlK op pressed, uncouregeous. K hlPC AY lazy .
K,bllllbIK,TA- to feel shy, confused. K bIPCA YJIAH- to gro w lazy, te get lazy.
KbIP· 1) 10 ruin, to destroy, 10 annihilate, 10 K.bIPChI3 loafer. idler, without initiatlve.
kill, (0 break ; 2) to plan e. 10 shave off, 10 KhIPChI3Jl.AH- to loaf, 10 Iose one's
scrape alf. initia tive ; to sink into indifference : to he
KhIP I) high bank ; 2) steppes ; 3) crest of non chalant.
the mo untain, mountain rid, mountain KbIPChl3.ilbIK inactivity, id leness, apatby .
range ; 4) (slightl y) elevated area with K bIPC h IK, misfort une, cata strophe, calamity,
pastures an d areas under culti vat ion ; bad luc k, failure.
5) cud gel. club ; 6) Imath.' facet ; Ken Kh IPCh l K.T A H· to persist . to he wilful.
JKAKTbIHbIH. K b IPRAPb l facet of a KhIPChIKTbf unlucky persen, unfortunate;
polybedron; Ka3 K,blPblH CAJl· to loo k stub bo m , wilful.
a fter, to keep an eye on; ... APK,A {aoat.1 KbIPT AUAM cbatterbo x, babbler.
spina t colum n, backbone : .. ' )KEMI C wild
KhIPTbU1- I) ( 0 get angry, to pout ; 2) to he
frui t ; . .. M~Ph l H ..a b I witb a straight oa se ;
stunted , to he un dersized . ....-
... K9PeET- to threaten ; ,.. WbIFAP- to
KhIPTbIC shell (of a nut), bark, crust ,
cut (to make face ts by grind ing), te acce n-
cortex, turf ; upper ernst , top layer (of earth),
tuate, to emphasize (of speech).
so il, humus.
KhlPAH 1) adroit, deft, a lert. gras ping ;
2) epithe t for great peo ple ; .. _ K APllIbI FA KhIPThICfAH- to develop (of fotd s, wrin-
the best talcon (killing .....ithout a miss); kJes), to he cov ered wit h a hard layer. to
hav e a ha rd crust.
TA Y KhIPAHbl Izool.l moun tain eagle.
K,bIPAH jJhIK. I ) farsightedness, perspicacity. KbIPThlCThI a m ultitude, turfy, soddy.
saga city; 2) ad roi mess, ag ility, vigilan ce. K,bIPYAP a multitude, a mass .
KhI PAT 1) hili. mound, high steppe. billoe k. KblPWb l- to cu t off, ch o p. sever, to bite off
plateau , table-land ; 2) Jgeogr./ be igh t , a ny Kh lPIllAI{K h l I ) mangy, Iousy : 2) Ifig.1
area of hills o r mo unds. caus tic ; 3) jade . Rcsinante, a wornout, old
Kh l PA Y hoarfrost. horse.
K,bIPAYJl AH - to be co vered with frost. K bl PWb IH )KACTAP blooming (picked)
KhIPAI{ see KhIPAT . you tb, yo ung peo ple in the full bioom of
K,hIPAFh J Iar-sigbted, warchful, alert . vigi- yö ut h.
lant ; .. . Ka J sharp eyes. a sharp eye. KbIPh JJILlAT- te wbeeze . to speak hoarsely,
K,hIPAFhI JIh IK vigilance. alertness. watch- to get hoarse.
fulness. KhIPh IJl D.A K hoarse. wheezy.
KhIPJKbHi-to be very smalI; to he sho rtened . KhIPbln,UAKThIK hoarseness.
K.hJP)KhJ RT- 10 oontort, 10 sho rt en. KhlPhlJlhI C a f ierce, vio lent struggle ; a
KhIPnA- to finish the ed ges, to ed ge ; 2) lfig./ battle to the dea th ; mass des truction .
te offend , to castigat e : TEPT K,bIPJl An K,bIPh lJl b ICfb fP- to incite, 10 urge to
)KOHD.b l he planed {it}, makin g a fo ur- m utual an nihila tion .
sided fonn. KhlPhIH o bliquely, as kance. sideways, side-
K,bJPJIbI CUL walk ; J.1TJ :>KYrIPY failure, mis fo rt une,
K,bIPJIblK step pe a rea; ... )KEP an a rea bad luek; KEJlY Ifig.1 bad luck, mis -
with ara bIe land and pastures. fortune; K,APA- to look askance , to
.K.bIPMA low steppe plant s (grass ); .. . disl ike, to be repulsed, to feel revulsion (for
CAKAJI wuh a sha ved heard (no bea rd ). someone) ; ... ET- to go thro ugh sideways ;
KhJPMAH Ihreshing-place ; .. . IiA ChlHD.A K b lPb IH A H sideways, edgewise, o n edge ;
in the tbresb ing-p lace , o n the thres hing- KhIPblHAH )KAT- to lie o n (its, o ne 's)
flOOT . side.
KhJPMb13bl red . red silk of the finest K,hIPbtH- to sbave, 10 ha ve a shave.


KbIPhIH)l.A· to go up to , to approach, side- KblCAFA itching, scabies (in a camel).

ways, te go by a ro unda bout way. KhlCnAK constra int, embarrassment ; KhIC·
KbIPbIHnbI wha t was scraped eff; IWEK- n AKKA TY C· to land in a di fficult
T Ui KhlPhIHllhICh I a thin rat, position .
KhlPblC TblWKAH memb rane scrape d fro m K,b ICnAK,TA· to consrrain. to embarrass. to
the intestine. oppress, to force.
KhIPb llllTAP wa r (military), loo t, booty, K,hIC PAK, a drove of young ma res.
plund er ; prisoner of war. K"hICTA- to pass the winter. to bibemate.
KhIPhlK see Kh IP K. K,blCTAft the whcle winter lon g.
K.blPhIKAJlK see KhI PKAJlK. K,blCT Afl- to he in need.
K.bIPhIK6YhIH see Kh IPhlK 6Y hIH . KbICTAT. : MAlI .. . to set up winter
K,LIP bI KTbIK shea rs (for shearin g sheep). quarters for livest ock .
KbI PbIKTblKWbl a n expert at sheari ng K,blCTAY mu d hut, winter quarters.
sheep. KblCTAK kishlak (a village in Centra l Asia) ;
KbIPbIK SYblH I) a ca te rpilla r ; 2) IboL/ village ; ... 6 AChi elder of the village .
borsetail , ma rc's ta il (Equiseturn). creeping Kb ICT hIP- to jam, pinch. te grip with tongs,
trailing grass. te push in, to squeeze in Ibetween rwo
K,hIP bIF b IJl b IK fa r-slghtedness. things) ; to insert , to lay.
K,hIPK forty : ,.. A SlK fzool./ eent ipede . KbICTb JPb Jfl· to poke one's nose into ; [0
Vt'1EK October. intrude ; to he jam med.
!(hIPI(. 10 shea r, to cut off: KOM Kb lPKY KbJeTblK an a mount, sufficient for tbe
• sheari ng sheep. whole winter.
KhIPKA /geogr.! a slight elevation . table - K,bICY itching, sca bies.
land. mesa, plateau. KbIClllhI potter.
K.bIP KAP /figJ sheep : .. . K66 Eft CI H (a K,bICb J11- I ) to he pi nched, squeezed: 2) ro
greeting) Let rhe domestic sheep increase ! feel strained ; to find oneself in a difficult
El P ... Tû KT b l a lam b from tbe last position : J) to suffer the dea th agony .
lambing-time. KbI CbIJlWAH, a difficu It case, (a) critica!
KhIP KY the shea ring of sheep. condition .
Kb l PKbrnnA· to have a raule in the tnroat ; K,hIC bI JlW AHJl bIK, haste, diffic ulty.
to choke, gas p for breath. KblC hl flhI C a difficult situa tion.
K,hIPKbI HWbl fortietb. Kbl'Cbl M damp, clutch, suppression, pressure ,
K,bIPKb IC· /fig./ to be hos rite to each other ; at tack , cha rge ; / phys.1 pressure , com-
to qua rrel with eac h e ther. pressten - .. . IKACA. to ex:ert pressure ;
KhIPK,bI CYWbl 11 bIK discord . dissension. AY AH blH Kh ICh IMh [ atmospheric pres-
K,bIPK,\: JIA K, scu rvy. sure.
K,bIPFAYh l11 phea sant. K,bIChI MWbInbIK suppression, clutch. em-
KhJPF h B1 /zool./ sparro w-ha wk. bart assment. constra int, difficult. difficult
KbI PF hIl1 LI AJ.l: T I1~ to destroy. 10 shatter. circumstances. rep reesion.
K,hIPF bU1:.K,ASA K 6011· to be at war, to KbIChlP I) a barren mare , a steriIe mare :
quarrel. 2) barren. dry , steriIe ; K,hlC b lP 611E sec
KhI PFbI3 K irghiz. . K,blC h IP : ... EM rE H TAft a yea rling ;
KhIPFbllll currycom b, scraper, trowel. foal, still nursing ; .. . CAY· to milk dry
KhJC- te press. to compress, to squeeze. mares ; ... C h ift bIP sterite cow .
/6g./ te drive into a co rne r, to put someone KbICbI PA- te be barren. sterile (of a mare).
in a ho peless position ; Ka 3 ... to wink a t. K,bIC b IPAK young mares, just released into
KhJC winte r ; KhICbl·)f(ACbl summer and the herd and ne t yet having foaled.
win ter. K"hIC b JK ûanened. fla t. narrowed, screwed
KhICA H na rrow: LIAYb lCTb l Llbl6 blC up : ... Ka3 wea k, weak-sigh ted {eye).
/lin g.f narrow vo el. KhlC KA short. brief: C631lI 1i Kh ICKACh l
K.bICA HjlhI K sce KhiCAIiWh lllhl K in a word, in one word, in short. brieûy
KhICAHlllblJlhJK a cramped posirioa . spea king : ... A.R K short-legged : . .. 6AKA fJ
srraitened circumsta nces, inconvenience. re- AT ho rse wu h short pastems {sign of
strict ion . st re ngt b) .


Kb lCKAJl bl K KbIHKbIJlIlA -
K hICKAJlbl K l) snormess. msurfioency (10 KbIR Jl A- to mo . . . e a long a slope, to walk o n
lengt hl : 2) lfig./ lack of o pportunity; KOJ] a winding pa th.
KhIC KAJlblF bilack o f heir (in the fam ily) KbI 5IJllll bI Jl drea my, pensive , d rea mer.
o r msuffi cient matena t opportun ities. KbUIJlbHi a bnormal, insa ne ; a ma n ca rr ied
Kb IC KAP. 10 grow short . redu ce. decline. he a way by unreal d rea ms.
cancelled by, tlghten . cu t down. contract , KbI5I M ET KYH J last jud gment; Doom sda y ;
/math./ be ca ncelled by. tbe day o f j udgment.
KhIC K APT- to shonen, reduce. curtail, d is- Kb LSlH a lon g way off', disrance. a remote
contin ue ; ... T IJtIH lll! Be quiet ! place ; re mo te, distam. far-o tf; on K.blSlH·
K bIC KA IlJ I K b l W K A IIJl langs. pmcers, HA H KEPEnl he sees from a distance
pliers, in brief. in sho rt . (far-sigh ted ).
KbICKhl la dj./ wint er. KbUI HA T insidiousness ; misuse.
K,hIC KhI W press, vice. KhI.SlHATCb13 he nest. fair. conscientious.
KhiCKb lllJ6A KA crawfish. KbJR H ATTA· to sla nd er, 10 accuse so meo ne
K bITA fi a Chinese. unj ustly. 10 gossip a bo u t someone.
KbITblP crunch, cr ackle . Kbl RHATlllbIJl dishenest. unscrupulous.
KbJTbI P-KblTbIP crunch, crackle. cr eck ling. swindler.
K blTbIPnA~ te cruneb. 10 crackle. KbIRHATlll b lnllblK, di shon est y, un con -
K,hIT bl PJl AT- to che w something with a scientiousness .
crac klin g noise . KhIJlHK ECKI T9SEJlEC ûe rce fight ; violent
K bITbIP)lAT- tic kling. struggfe .
KbIThIKTA- 10 tickie. K b IR n AT phy siog nom y. a ppea ra nce, facia l
K blTbIKT A H · I) to fear tickling. 2) lfig./ (0 aspect, fea tures.
feel hu rt , to take umbrage. KhiR P cucumber.
KbIThlKllIblJI ticklish, delicate . KbIR K, sed ge (Ca rex ), rhc nam e of a gra ss
K.hIT b IF b l KEJlllI it t ic kIes him. (growing in sa ndy sci l).
K,hIT K,hIJI ,UA- to eackle. KbHIHKbl I) tease, bully ; 2) diso bedienr,
K,bIIlJ porcelat n, chin a, brick. bull y.
K,hIIlJ- 10 itch . to scratch oneself. KblH,PA,U- to he o bsti na te.
KbI IlJT h I streng. KbIHCbl - to sq uea l, to yelp, ta ho wl.
K,h Illih IJl- to itc h, to scratch oneself': to get K,hIHCbl...' l- squ eal. yelp.
sour, to tu rn sour . K b l HCb t11 t e sq uea l, t o whine .
K,hI llIh iMA itch. sca bles. K,b IH,CbI P 1) croo ked. cu rved ; tilt ing side-
x snuxxur see KbIC KAW . ways ; 2) stubbo m, self-willed.
K, hfIlJ K bI JI ~ to call. K,bIH b JP KA PA ~ to be hostiIe, to loo k
K,hIIIIK,hIJI somewha t scur with a ranci d askance (unsympa thetlcally).
taste; so urness. K bIHbIPA fI - I) to get croo ked. bent on o ne
K,b Illi KbIJID,AH · te ox id izc, to gel SOUT. side ; 2) {tig.! 10 persist. he stubbo rn : 10
K,hIllJKbl JID,AHllhJP- to o xidize. insist on o ne's o wn way.
K b llllKbIJlIlATbIJlFA H TAJlKA H malt. K.b Il{b IPA A b JC- to pa rt co mpa ny ; each
K,hIUlK,hIJ1TbiM so mewha t sour. insi sting 00 his own way.
K,b IUlKbI P- to sc rea m, to q ua rrel. to scold ; KbIHb IP)f(AK a conceal ed. indirecrly put
to Insuh each ether, to abuse each e ther, deman d ; a secret claim.
to swear, K bl H.bI PlKAKTA. see KblH.bIPTK-.
K,b UO finishi ng, l rimm ing (hem an d flaps of Kh IHhIPTKbI- to approac h so methiog
a fur coat). ccvertly, by a circ ui to us ro ute.
K,blIOJIA- to fin ish, trim materia l (hem an d K b l l-(K b Ifl I) begging. wheed ling ; a tireso me
flap s o f a fur coat). man ; 2) whirn, a ca pricie us dema nd (of
K,bllOJlA CY co mbina tion . children ).
KbHI 1) slope, hillside, clitf ; 2) distarn K bIHKbIJ1 D,A- I) to beg . 10 whee dle, 10
co un try, far away ; 3) obliq uely; ... )KOJI a gru m ble . to an noy with repeat ed re quests
road cut ring through sernething ob liquely fo r o ne and the sarne thing ; 2) to he
(for example. a field). ca pricio us, te make a ca p ricieus demand
K,hIJlJl d rea m, daydream, fa ntasy. (of chil dre n ).

K. ~A
K.~f1KhIJl JKhI·
K. ~ A
T AJI willew (Salix) . K,Y)]I PET Ilit./ omnipotence.
K,Y6A pale yellow cclo r, ligh t yellow hide K.~lK-K.""'.A< K.AflHA- 10 swarrn (with).
(of a co w ). K,Y:lKhIHA- to swarm , teem (with).
K,Y6A TAll /bot./ a spec ies of willew {Salix) . K,Y:lKbIPJIAH- to get excited , worked .
K.'ISA KAA. AT a horse of a ligh t bay color. K,YJ peak, cra g, cliff.
K,'IliJI AHAM A cernpass. K,Y3 FbIH 1) raven ; 2) Ifig.1 Inexha ustible.
K,'I 6bDK hIK sca recro w, a fright. KV H- 1) to po ur, to pour in , te spill out, to
K.Y 6 bIJl- I) to change, to reform ; to be overflo w; 2) to faU, to go down; )KAHB bIP
change able. incons tant ; 2) to irri desce (to K,Vl1bln TYP the rain is pouring do wn, it
ta ke o n ano ther as pect). is pouring rain (as if from a bucket ) ;
K.Y);b IJDI{· 1) to he incon stan t. (0 change MEMJ lEKET KE ACThIK. K.~n (OT)
o ne's wo rd, decisio n; 2) to modulat e (o f TAnC hIP- to give up wheat ; the sta te.
the tones o f the voice) : K,YSbIn)l(b ITbIn K,VI"1: M A casting. rnouldi ng, cast; . .. DOJIAT
CAH PALthl /6g./ he sang with modulat ion. cast (smelte d), steel ; ... llIOHb IH cast iro n,
K,'I6bI JlM AJl bl stea dy, chan gea ble. pig iron.
K,'/6 bIJl bIC ap pearance, phenom eno n, chan- K,vf t M AK oladya (a kind of thick pan -
ge, alterat ien . cake).
K'ISb IJIFbI lli cbange able, inccns tant , K,Yff M b IHllA . to move.
changi ng (quic kly). K,VAP hl K, tail, pos terior, hind; Iatty tail of
K,'ILlA matchm aker ; kinsma n (fat her, da ugh- a sheep ; AK ... IIIAti /fig./ tbe best grade
ter o r so n-in-Iaw). l,1 of tea ; KAHAT~ childre n. descen dants.
K," ):{AH tjGod ; 2) "t he very best", the best
of a ll poss lble; APTH JlJI EPH ..SI - 0Cb1
posterit y ; K,blJl Ifig.1 a hor se.
K ~ ft PhI KTA- to seize by the tail: )KbIJl ·
KYH n CO F h lCThl H K.~llA fl h! 16g./ K.h1Hh l K.~nPhl K.TA n ~CTA· 10 catch
a n illery is the god of mode rn warfare ; a horse by the ta il while riding anothe r
K'tJlA H bI KO HA K unexpected (uninv ited) (o ne way of catching ha rses among horse-
guest. breede rs).
K ~JlA t1 AHA mo ther of G od . K.~f1 Ph lK.ThI fat-tail ed : lK ~J1.Qh ll
KYJlA H T AFAJIA The Most High, supreme co rne t. falling star.
God . K VWblJI- to be poured . po ured in ; /geol.l
K'tJlA HC b l- to place o neself above ethers. qui ck, loose, slidin g (of sand).
to put o n airs . K,Vl1b IJI mouth, estuary, junction (of rivers).
K,YJI AA CbI 3 an atheist ; the godless; godless , K,\:'WbIMllJA K, lanaL/ sacrum .
infa mo us. KYMb I H waters po ut, sandsto rm, whirlwind,
K~JIAHCb13Jl.bIK a theism, godless nees. torna do ; llJ blli bIH -... very qulckl y.
K~!lA ff[IJ b IJl devo ut, pieus. K.YHbI H. lo bs./ to bathe, to ta ke a bath.
K~LlAJIAC- to becom e related through the
K,'tHb I HJlAT- I) to raise a sto rm; 2) to fly
rnarriage of their chil d ren. like an a rro w, to gallop very quickly.
KY.QA JIbIK ma tch-ma king. K.~f1 h1H.QhIP- 10 bathe.
KYLlAHLIA I) match -maker : 1) adopte d K,Yff.bIPllJbl K, I) the last sectien of tbe
brc tber . sacru m; a sho rt tail ; 2) lfig./ hanger-on .
K YJlA HJlAJ IbI- to be related through the K,\:'l1bIPllJbI KTAH - to adapt oneself; to
marria ge of their children. fawn upon .
KYllA HJlPA brothe r-in-Iaw (tbe husban d of K, ~ H bI C K.AH strap which passes under the
the wite 's sister). rail of a horse (crupp er).
KYllA llJA Svat' ya (a young kinswoman of K,~RbI C KA HJlA . to fasten a cruppe r on a
the groom o r bri de), bro tber-in-law. horse.
K.~.QA FA fI see K.~.QAFhlfl . K~f1KA singed head of an animal (Iivesto ck),
KYJIA FblH I) god parent (m other of the (Ier pre pa ring a dis h).
bride o r groom ): 2) matchmak er (female ). KY H KAJlA K disbeve lled. crumpled.
K,YDJIh l exactly, neither give nor ta ke, as is. K,Y AKAJ lbl :.KEP new, vi rgin so il: black
K~JIbf l1 - te fty (to gallop) Iike an a rro w. earth.
K ~ .D.bI K a weil ; .. ' CY weil water ;
K~A. K bIn)l{b[ - te be changeable. to change
UJEr EHJ the framew erk of a well. one's mind often ; to flirt.


K YJl sla ve. servani CAJl- to listen 10. o bey, pa y atren tion :
K~JlA- t ) to rum ble down, collapse : 2) {fig.! .. . TYp. to listen te anent ively: K,YJl AK-
ro rum ble. pour down wit b grea t force (of ThlH K\:'PbIWbl H KA H,ll bIP· to have
the swiû course of a river): 3) {fig./ to fa il heard a lol. plen ty (o f) ; K )'JlA K,TbIH
(for exarnple, in exa mi nations ). n EPJlECI /ana l.{ ea rdrurn, ty mpa num.
K~J1 A I) h ide ( horse) ; 2) dun, light bay (co lo r K)'JlA K,Cbl3 ea rless. with out ears.
of a horse ); ... AT greyish horse; .. . 11 Y3 K YJIAKTA H- I) to he notified ; 2} lfig.! to
dese rt . sem i-dese rt . put o ut shOOIS, the first runners (of a
K,YJlAAbI H a spec ies of hu nting bird (o f plant) ; KY H K'tJl AK.TAH.llbI lfig./ a
tbe hawk family). da rk circle has formed around the sun .
KY l1A3- I } te stan d erupty : 2) to he vas t. K):'JlAKTAHlIhIP- to armounce. to publish,
spacio us, limitless ; v fJ KYJlA3b l n TY P to not ify, to deciare ; K\."JlAKTAHJlh IPY
the ho use is standing empty, is ten antless )KA3- to write a no tice . an no uncemern ;
ü he a bsence of the people wh o o wn it is K 'tJl A K.TA H.ll bI PY ;K I6EPIJI.llI no tiee
feit). was sent.
K~"" Jl AM A steepness, precipice. slope. K,VJlA Klll bIH Us han ka (a warm cap) .
K YJIAMAJlbl I) stee p, precipito us ; 2} sla nt- K'tJl.l\bI P see III'tHAK..
ing, un even. KYJlll.hIPA· 1) to move q uickly on a n in-
K,'Vl1AH onager, wild 3~ ; Przheval'skij' s c1ined plan e, to rail (d own) ; 2) to fall
ho rse pony. in to deca )" (o f a farm).
K,YJlAHlllbl m usician. K,YJl Jlbl K, slavery, sla ve ; K,YJlJJ.b lK,K,A
K,YJlAT ravine, go rge ca nyo n. TY C IP- to en slave, to enthralJ ; KY l1JlbIK,-
K,YJlAT - 10 k nock dow n, 10 overt hro w, to KA TYCl PY enslavement, enthrallment ;
fa il. KYJlJl, b IKKA CAJl Y enslavemen t.
K,YJlAIll a meesu re o f length (the di srance KY Jl,llb l K,C b IJl hIK piet)", devo umess. servil-
between t bc ends o f tb e a rms extended ity.
horizontally to t be sides) ; K,YJlAlllhIH KYJDKA mountain. wijd goat , sbee p.
)KAHbt n KAPCh l AJl - 10 receive with K,~Jl HEJlE HY IllIJ1 IK sla ve-o wning.
o pen arms ; TlJl K,\ 'Jl AW-K,YJl AW lIlbI· K,'VJlM AK Ibot.1 ho ps t H umulus lupulus}:
F AlIbi he does net ca re if he hurts (some- .. . e C IP Ylll lJl IK ho p- raisin g, planting.
e ne) (with what he says}. K,YJlnbJ TAC tombs tone (usu ally a a -sided
K,YJlAIllTA · I) to r nea sur c with arms ex- sto ne with an inscript ion givin g the patro-
tended; 2) (fi g./ te do. 10 act, to un dertake nym ic, sum ame and the years o f birth and
some t hing with all one's might . ernployin g death o f the decca sed ).
all one's re sources. K YJI n b IP· i ) to change colo r, to assume
K,YJlAK I) ear ; 2) t hc peg on a st ringed
d iffere nt hue s : 2} lfig./ to be renewed, to
inst rumen t ; 3) t he handle on a kettle ; EJ1
revive. to improvc .
K,YJlAFbl EJlY /lit.{ (t he people have fiûy
K YJIOhlPM A )KIEEK taffeta .
ears); you can' t hidc anything from the
K YJlllI hIH - to show rea diness, willingness,
people (the masses) : aCb l AHTKAHbIM
to he completely read y fo r act ion.
.ll'tPbIC 60JlMACA K.'tJlAF bI M.llb l
K YJl b l H colt in his first yea r ; .. . )l( APFAK
KECln SEPEnlH !lit.! 0 '11 have my ears
o uter garment ; (fur coa t) made from the
cut o f, if th is isn'{ so ); CAJl n AH .. . IATI
a men grel ho rse, a ho rse o f mixed breeds ; hide o f foal.
K, ~Jl h I H.a A - to fa a l.
CA Jl n A l{ ... /K ICII io p-eared (limp);
K~nhIH.nbI wit h a nursin g faal (o f a mare ).
K,b IP ... co mplete exh aust ion o f a sys tem;
o rga nis m (beca use of malnu tritio n) ; KY· K.YJlbIHM A K. /dim./ foal .
K ~Jl hln loek. padloek ; .. . CAJl - to fasten
Jl bIH K.A PA ... 6OJI.llbI ' he foal is (ha lf-
grown) (h 's time te sta rt milk ing the mares
with a loek ; .. . TA C to mbston e ; . .. TAC
to prepare the ku miss) : Y3blH
:JKA3Ybl insc riptio n o n the to mb.
/XA S A P/ ru mors ; .. . GAY rug , rope ; KYJl b InTA- to fasten with a loe k , padloe k.
...•M'tPbIH KECKEH.llEI1 /lit./ (as if the K~Jlhl nTAJ) - to dent, to shu t up, to " d am
ears an d oase were cut a lf); as if in the u p" , to refuse to spea k.
grave (o f silence) : the sitenee of the grave ; K,YJIb lnThI fa stened with a loe k.

"'tJlbIK K'tHTIA-
K,YJlblK, 1) conduct, character ; 2) cunning, stone ; 3) sand hill, sand dune; 4) gunstock.
artfulness; 3) sulpbur. brimstone. K,YMLI.bI sandy (of soi!); ... )KEP sa ndy
I(VJlbIKCbI3 (persen ) o f bad character . place; .. , )1(011 sandy rood ; .. . TO nPAK
K,YJlbIK,Chl3.U hI K Impatlenee (o f character. sa ndy loam (so il wlt h 60-80 % sand).
co nd uct).
K,YMblPA POl, earthenware : a wate r ju g,
K'iJl b lKTbl of good beha vior, arniable. pitch er.
socia ble. KYMblPAlUbl potter.
IÇt Jl K b l H /med ./ pharyn x, throat, gullet ;
KYMbIPCK,A ani ; .. . EEJT slender, with a
K 'tJl KbIHbl )l(A MAH greedy.
was p waist (of a wo man); .. . H11EVJ ant
K,YJlFA H A syphilis.
KYJlFAHAllAH KA.llAJl- (0 bite (d ing?)
like a ïeecb. K,YH blood-price, payment Ior killing or
K,YM I) san d : 2) /chem./ silica: AY3bIHA maiming; COMHblH K'tHbI the rate of
the ruble : ... )KETnEflTIH AT an in-
... KYï1bW.abl he kep t quiet (they forced
val ua ble horse ; ... All· to take revenge for
him (0 he silent): .. . TAC sa ndstone ; "..
the blood of someo ne who ha s been killed .
TOnPAK d a yey sou. a rgillaceous gro und;
K 'tHA misdemeanor, fault.
".. Ta liE the dunes ; ... WE KEP granu lated ,
fine sugar. K 'tHA)I(bI H three year o ld heife r.
KYMAHI ) eenue. placid horse ; 2) a Turkma n K.'tHAH col t of two or th ree yea rs (c ld) :
bo rzoi ; 3) lobs.1 a fantast ie dog fro m which ... A TA H a gelded camel in the third year ;
0 0 kind e f animal cao esca pe. ... K,O A a sbeep two o r three years old :
K,YMAYlT sa ndy ; ... iKE P sandy loan Isoil ... e rl3 you ng bull (cal f }, three or four
co ntai ni ng 60-80 % sand}. years o ld.
K,YMAJlAK pellet (sheep o r camel du ng}; K YHAHIlIA an affecnona te di minutive term
TOFbl3 ".. nanona l game ; .. . CAn - lobs.1 for a young domestic animal.
to te il fo tt unes {by choosi ng pebbles, grai ns. K'tHA PJlAH· to give a larg e yield of milk
etc .) : SIP ... SIP KA Ph lH MAHllbl (o r livestock) : la becom e fertile, rieh (of
WIPITEI U (sayi ng) o ne pe bble will spoil so i!).
a whol e wineskin of butter ; campa re with K,'tHAPJl bl )KEP fertiIe land.
Ru ssian : a spoon with ta r will spoi l the K'tHAPJlbl Cb l C'l bI P a cow that gives a
cas k o f ho ney. lot of milko
K'tM AJlAK,Wbl to rtune-teller. K,YHAP11blnbIK fertüi ty.
K,'tMAH ewer, jug-shaped vessel, water-jug, K,YHAPCbI3 )KEP barren ground .
pitcher for wa ter. K,~ HAPCbI3 I HrEH a fernale ca mel that
K,'tMAP stro ng desire, passion. excitement ; doesn't give milk o
EAK. ... career ist , cJimber ; K,A H ... K,YHJl,A K, I ) a hea p of children's belongings ;
parasite: blood thirsty ; ... 60n- to feel a 2) workbe nch : 3) gun -stock .
streng desire ; te give on eself up tö , K,YH,[(AK, TA. to swaddle (a baby).
K,'tM A P11 AH- see K,'t MAP E011-. K,'tH,UbI valuable .
K,'tMAPJlAHLI,bIP- 10 arouse a stre ng desire. K.'tHLl,bI3 Izool./ a lte r, beaver.
K,'tM APJlbIK a wea kness t for). a pre- K,YH,UbI3LI.bIK, pa rt over the hoof (i n a
dilection: attraetion towa rds something horse).
excitable ; ho t tempéred . KYHCbI3 mferior. of poer qu ahty; ... KET-
K,'tM APnA3 excitabl e. bo t-tempered. to waste, la be in vain, to be wasred.
K,'tM APT- la he a ttracted to . 10 ha ve a K,'tHCbI31lAH deprecia tion . devaluation .
wea kness Ier. K,'tHT ca re, attention. co ncern . d iligence ;
K,'tM APWbIK, a wild cerea l pla nt in rhe ... ET· to pay a ttention.
sand dunes (with a bro wnish grei n). K,'tHTCbI3 carefree. untro ubled. unco n-
K,'tM A K, a sa nd area . cemed ; witho ut econ om y, witho ut calcula-
K'tMIlAY hops. tie n, ina nentive, inaccurate.
K,'tM IIAVbIT sand y loa rn Isoil with 60-80 % KY HTCbI3.lI bI K inattention. inen ncss.
sa nd). slu ggishness.
K,'tMllAK I) a rgillaceous so it. clayey soil K't HITA- I) la try, endeavor ; to be interested
(soil with sa nd a nd 25- 50 ~~ clayj: 2) sa nd- ün). ca re Ifo r), re pa y a ttent ion Ho ).

K ~H rr h lI ) tboughtful. careful ; 2) auentive. oneseJf with the means of producuon.
concerned . painstaking. KYPAJlllA HY M l1 H ~1 CT PJll n Ministry of
K\' HITbl nbIK J ) solicitude, ca re ; 2) allen- Artnament .
tiveness. co nsciemiousness, ca refulness. KYPAJlD.h l I ) a rmed : 2) possessing the means
KYHTbI H· 10 be of le w sta ture. a dumpy of prod uction . ' " KYlll armed farces; .. .
perse n. Ke TEPIJl IC anned revol t ; insurrection.
KYHThICtT· 10 reduce. to diminish. 10 K YPA.;lll,hIJlbIK a sta te of readiness,
curtail. 10 shon en. preparedness.
KY Hbl C humpbacked. K,\,PA}]Cbl3 I) unarmed ; 2) without thc
KY HbIC· te huddle UP. to hem and haw , 10 means of production.
writhe en d squirm. KYPAJlCb1311AH- to be deprived of weapons
KYHh IK IF/- 10 gel accustomed 10 ; 10 (of product ion).
acquire a taste- for. KYPAJlCbI 311AHY d isarmamen t.
Kyn v ery well! All right ! O .K . !: .. . 60- K,YPAJIChl311hIK mildness, meekne ss.
JIA!lbl O.K.! Fine ! All rig ht! Goed ! K\,PAM compositio n. structure.
K,yn (as a n intensifying participle) : ... -KY K\, PA MA co mbined, compound, joining,
dea d whit e. combin ing, uni ting, j o ined , united ;
Ky n b UI covertly, secret la dj '/. -ly ladv./ : ' " AMEPJ1KAHbl f{ ... lIITA TIA PbI US A;
A BTOP anonymous au thor ; Kyn bUI,UA .. . /K \, PA K. KE Pn EI patch wo rk quilt .
AHTAPMblH 1'11 teil you in private K YPAMAH KAn IEo/- to receive nothing,
<confidentiall y). to be left with nothing.
KynhUIJIA· 10 say se rnething pri vately. KYPAMAJlhI sewed fro m scraps, compound,
KYP- I) to raise, construct, build, erect , set, joined, combined .
form, draw up ; 2) 16g./ te set e sna re, to K,YPAH the Koran,
intrigue ; 3) to decline, perish. waste away ; K,YPAH)lhI agglo merate.
T4'3AK, . .. to set a net (snare) ; KAMTA , .. K,\'PA C· to help to complle, form, gather
to rebuild ; dHrI ME ... to converse. so met hing.
K:VP I) Izool.1 panridge, blad grou se : 2) a KYPACTbIP· to foon (something) from
......001 strip or band used for fastening the sepa rate scra ps: to compile from separa te
seam of the garter, in a yurt, etc. ; 3) fat. pa n s. bits,
weil fed, Ian ened, fatted ; 4) o nly ene, ooly , K,YPACThIPYUIbI compiler, composer,
empty, ba re. with nothing ; .. . AHhlJl gatherer.
belly-band woven ou t of waal; .. . AJlA- K,YPACThIPbIK- to be compiled, formed,
KAH wü b empty han ds, ernpty-handed ; gathered .
... AJlAKAH OTbIPMhl H J have na KYPAY repai ring, mending. linle patch ;
money; K AJ}· 10 remain w ith out a ny- K I1JMI K,hIPhlK, ,.. o n his cIothes there
thing; KOJl unarmed (empry-handed): a re forty sma ll parebes .
.. .-K\,PJlA an (appeal) to ho rse with the K\,PAK 1) pièce of material, sewed from
aim of sto pping it. various scraps; 2) reed ; . .. K\,PA- 10 sew
K\,PA- 1) to patch , mend, gat her. to sew logethe r various scraps (fo r example, for
something from different rags, patcbes ; a q uilt).
2) la compose, gat her, assemble; 3) to K\,PAF bIT- to feel thirsty .
fa rm ; 4) to wnte, to je in. K,YP&AH sac rifice, vicnm ; )KOJlbIHJl.A
K:VPAEoA Ierment for milk . ... I>On AHbIH I am ready to sacrifice
K,:VPAJl a rms, implements, tools, mea ns. myself for yOU.
weapons, equipment, ordnance; .,,-CA I1- KYP6AHJ:\bIK K.0l1 sacrificial lamb.
MAH instruments, tools, ord nance : K,\,P&AK,A frog, toad.
TACT A· to be disanned, dismantled. K,YPShl eoeval (pe rs on), equal, a perse n of
JÇiPAJl - to be assem bied, composed of the same age.
d ifferent litt le pièces, pat ches, to aceumulate. K,YPfibIJlAC coevals.
K:VPAJlAJ1 J) a period of time (15th- 20th I(YPIibIJJ.blK friendship of eoevals.
o f May), rainy seaso n (middle of May) ; K.YPDAC eoeval.
2) female 'Wild goat . K,YP)lACTblK friend ship of coevals.
K YPA Jl ,llA H· J) to go armed; 2) to equip KYPllbIM pla ce where river disappears in


the sands; .. . :>KEP land which quickl y K YPbIM AAH· to he sooty, to he smo ke-
soaks up mois tu re ; ... KIel thirsty persen. blackened.
K~PMA date (Ph oenix); . .. AFAWbl d ate K'tPbIC- 10 sbrivel, to cramp lintr.l.
palm . KYPhI CTA Y rheumatic pain.
K~ PM A JI A · to surro und, to drive Itran.1 KYPbI CTbIP· see KY PbICTAY.
into a blind alley ; )KblJlK,hI Hb I KYP- K,YPbICY cramp, spasm.
MAJIAn YCfA capturing ha rses by K,YPblT- to destroy.
driving them into a blind alley (fence o r a KYPbITbIn· to be dest royed .
natura! ba rrier). KYPbllll white steel ; K,YP bIWAEH E hard,
K,YP MA JIAC - to make a m utua l pledge. ha rdy (of the bod y) ; ... 60 flAT Besseroer
K,YPMAJIAC /gra m./ co nneetion of single steel.
sentences with one a nother by means of KYP b lK Kuruk (device for ca pt uring un-
subordina tes or coordinates : . ". CeAnEM broken borses); . .. CAn· to th row out a
Igra m./ co mplex scntence. "kuruk ", to catch (a horse) with a "kuruk".
K "r"PMET respec t, honor; ... K8PCET - to K~PbIKTA· te capture unbroken harses
respect (to sho w one's respect). (with a kuruk).
KYPMElTE- t o hono r, 10 respect . KY PblK,Wbl he who knows ho w to use a
K,Y PM ElTE H- to be bonored. to be respected . kuruk skil fully.
KY PMETII honored, respected. KYPKblJlTAA small bied.
K't PM ETIIJlIK bcno ra bleness. KYPFA- to dry (up).
KYPCA- 10 surround. enci rcle. envelop . K\'PFAH AFAIII dry.
KYPCAY hoop. K~PFATY d ry in g ; JiAT nAK JKEPIlEPllI
KYPCAK, belly. stomach. a bdo men. .. . dryi ng up of swam py land.
K,Y PCAK,TAH- 10 ea t. K,"iPFATbln· la be dried up .
K'iPCAK,TA HLlhIP- I) la feed ; 2) te ma ke KYPFAK d ry ; ... Ce3 JiACA YblPT em pty
pregnant. wo rds grow quickly dull: ... )KEP (dry)
K~PCAKTbI expectant mother . land ; ... llIEP hay ; K,YPFAKThlK a ridity,
K~PT worm, Iarva . d ryness, drought, lack of water.
K,YPTnA bel uga . white stur geo n, great KYPFAK,IIIbIIlbIK see K YPFAKTbIK;
sturgeon. KYPFAKIIIbIIlblKKA Te31MIl I eCIM·
K,YPTTA· l ) te beco me wormy ; 2) to free of .lU K pla nt which requires Iittle water.
worrns. K),PFbIP ; O H, K YPF b IP! Be darn ned ! curse
K,YPTTAfi tiny ; insignificant. word.
K,YPlTAYblW sma lJ plat e for extracting KYC bird: AH AYJlAHThlH ... hunring
worms (in wormy sheep). bied ; )KbIPTKbI W ... bird of prey:
K,~ PTTAFAH xoa a wo rmy sheep. TYA E . .. ost rich : ... CAfl4 to hunt with a
KYPblnTAH congress, co nvention; hunring-bird; I1T-... preda tory (b irds) ;
Md)l(lnIC I lobs.1 Co nstituent Assernbly. KYCfb IH MA Mb lF h l bird's down ;
K,YPTYJlTAH bird (Aegithalus). KYCTb lH YI1KblC b lHIlAI1 light sleep ;
KYPT· K YM bIPC K,A insect. ... ACbIPAY po ultry raisi ng; ... AYJIAY
K,YPY a trophy ; .. . )KEP (dry ) land ; ... OT Kd CI 6 1 fo wling ; . .. )f(OJI h l Milky Way ;
ha y. ... OMHAK rnaring place (o f birds); .. .
KYPYW b J buiJder ; K.AK,nAH ... tra pper. TeCEK teather bed ; ... WAPYAWbl·
K,YPllI rais ins. currarus. nbIF b l breeding of bir ds. peultry ra ising ;
KYPbI dry ; ... JKEP (d ry) land. KAHAT dispatch ; e C IPYDJ I
KYPbTn · to he bei ng built ; te be under MA MA H fowler.
const ructio n ; to build for c nesetf K,Y C~ 10 vomir.
K~ PbIJlbIM stru cture. KY CA melancholy, ennui, longing; .. . son·
K,YPbIJl bIC building ; co nstruction ; la he sado to grieve. building materials. I( \ ." CAJI bl melanchol y. sado grieving.
K,YPbIJlFAH construction jadj .; . K,YC6ErI train er of hunring birds, one who
K,Y PbIM soct. sernething black ened with Ioves to hunt with hunring birds.
smoke ; ' " KU I3sha bby (smoke-blackened}: K"iCTbIP· la he t he reaso n for vc ruiting (o f
tbic k feit (of a yurt). se rnet hing sickening) ; to vomit.

KYCY KYlli h IPfl A H_

K~CY vomi ting In.!. K\,T b IPTY llibl insugato r. firebrand.

K~ C b IK vomuing. KYTb l PY ra bies . ma d ness. rage .
K ~T luck, ha ppiness. goed for tune : ... KOH - KYTbI PbIH· see KYT b IP -.
10 be happy, to be fortunate. K \:'TKA P· to save, 10 liberar e. to Iree, to set
KYTA I1- to get accustom ed {te a place). free . to re scue. to help : 6ACh IM D.bI
K YTAI1 T- to give an opportunity ( 0 beco mc 6 ;)11EilE H KYTK APll b l he rescued me
accu stomed . from misfo rt une .
K ITAH se rvan t. K\'TKA PTIhIP· ro sa ve, rescue. free (th rough
K,YTnAH dog' s name. some persen).
IÇiTChl3 unhappy, unlucky, unfo rtunate. K,YTK,APYlllb l deliverer.
KYTIbI lueky, fortun ate, beneficial. K \'TKA Pb IC- 10 save. rescue. free , j ointly
a bun da nt, happy ; YA . .. SOJlCh l H I con- to help.
gr at ulate you on your (ne w) house ; K~ lII · to lo ve. to like.
SOn ChIH A I1T- to co ngra tula te. KY lliA K. an a rrnful . bosom ; K,YllI AFhIH
K,YTIbIK,TA· to co ngratulate, to greet . )KAlO with arm s o utst retche d.
I(YTY Jl - 10 ûee , 10 gel free , to make o neself KY llI A K,T A· to ernbrace, to tak e in one's
free . arms, to ta ke an armful .
KY ThI small j ar, pot , tincan flash. canteen . KYIlI A K,TAH · te be embraced : to em brace
K,YThIJI- to gel rid o f. one a n other.
K,YT blJl,Uh lP- te help o ut, ( 0 rescue. ta K YlliAKTAT· te perm it to ernb race , ro
libera le, (0 serve. permit to take an a nnful of se rnething.
K,YT h IJl T. to hel p gel rid of. KYlllTA P having an inclina tio n in love;
K,YT hIJI b IC detiverance. 6011 - la fall in lo ve ; la ta ke a great interest
KITb lM YIIIThI I was very muc h a frai d. (in ).
K,YThIP- I ) to fa ll ill (wuh psychic disorde r) ; KYmTAPJIAH · to rail in lo ve ; la di splay a
2) 10 be violent. wild . stren g desire.
K,~ ThIPT· 1) to infuriate; to drive into a KYIlIbI PJI AH - to move. act with imensit y.
ra ge ; 2) /fig./ to hound , [0 urge.

I FA >KAfibln no ta bie, remarkable, rare. / FAllib lK.TbH<' amorousoess, love.
/ F AIKAn mlracle, wonder, ma rvelleus. sur- I FI16 ~TmbIJl pilgrims, devotee .
prisingly, wonderful, miraculous. r:QW IKQlW (a partiele which adds the sense
F A)f(A n TA H- to be surprised, to be am azed . - of completion a nd affirma tion to the
/1 FAflCA n Af1FA M 6 AP Jesus Ch rist. utterance); All A ATCA 6 0 J1FA Hbl . ~
/ FAf1CAHbIH AH ACb l Mother of God. If he says 50, that;~nti;-eiy)differe nt.
FA A b ln unexpectedly, suddenly; ... ooJl· / Fbl6PAT model, pa ttem . exa mple (bookis h);
/ to disappear suddenly, te he m issing . .. . AJ1· to tak e an example.
F AJ1blM scientific. I F bU1HbIBAP January.
I [AH A IKAHAL2l1ly. i ust. FblJlbl M science: F bIJIMl1 TA:>KPIEE
/ FA n y a pology, excuse, forgiveness ; ... scien tific experiment; FblJIM I1 3EPT·
ET lIU3 Excuse me! Forgive me!; ... CYPA- TE YWI researc ber. investi gat or ; FbIJ1MH
to beg forgiveness. IIIbI f APM A scientific wor k.
/ F APMOH acco rdion. Fb IMAPAT building, ed ifice.
j F AC b lP age, century . D:'PJ]bIM (postposition) just Iike.
FAlU blK, in love ; ... 6011- to fall in love. EXPbID custom.


YliIPJII ·MYIiIPJII family. to break ; Y3IJlA! -KECIJIAI~flIThI he

YrIJI r ll11 see YrIJIMEJII. said o nce for all.
YrIJl MEJII easy to grind, easily cru mbled. YJIJInM fragile.
YrIH JU sa wdust, filings. Y3IJl IC intermission. interval, space.
YrIT agitat ion. \ t 3IMl a smaU pièce.
YrlTTE- to agita te, 10 admonish. YJI H)!I fragment, extract.
YrITTEYllII /YrITlll I/ agita tor , tutor, YA. to am ass, to put in a heap, to accumulate,
teacher. to sta ck (hay): yffrEH )J{EP earth heap;
VrITIlII see ynTIEVIDI. YO rEH TAC stone heap.
YJlE- I) to become strenger , to inten sify ; YfI 1) nomad's tent. yurt, house ; 2) woma n;
2) to gather speed (of a borse). YM)lE at home ; Vl1llEn located in the
YAEMEm growing, increasing. house ; DJl IiA3AP,QAH YflIHE svnn sr
Y)lEP· fYIl8 P-/ 10 mlgrate, stopping for tbc YAIn dKEJll n TI at tbc bazaar he bought
night halfway; YLIEPE KEM - to migrate forhis ' f~ffiily-many textiles ; . u Ai1!:!A- " .. ;r
(unexpectedly, early in the rooroing) . JlAChI farmstead, country esta te: ...u'
ytlEPIM 2~25 kilometers. SACMPMAChI ho use management; ..
Y.AET- to develop, to grow str enger, to EAFYlIlhI one who guard s a house ; .. .
inten sify, to increase the tempo (of the HECI bea d of the household ; . .. KIO
werk). woman; . " MAl{A HhJ place belon ging to
YJUT hocpoe. the house ; ..' CAJI- to build a house; ...
YA6P- see YAEP-. CAJlATb IH AFAIII lum ber ; ... CAJl YIIIbI
Y3- to tear, to tear to pièces, to strip olf, to )J{YMbIClliblflAP building workers; . ..
break apart, to tear off to pluck, to inter- ChIP h lFhl a pole for lifting the "Koshmas'
rupt, to suspend, to sever; K.OJI ... to sever when construcun g a yurt ; ... TIK Irt- to
a tie ; Y3EEt! rA3ET-)KYP HA AJI- set up a )'UIt; ... l IDI household articles;
AbIP bIn TIPAMbIH I continually re- ... K.DRH rabbit; ... K\' pouItry; YA A! I{
ceive ncwspaper and magazines. AAHAJlAChIH!IA ar ound the house ;
Y36EJIE~ to tear orï; dlven a Iînle a t a time. -Yiiiiiii TE6EO-;oof; Yf1.D.Il-{ mAThIPh l
Y36 M I severing ladj.l; tear ofî. roof. - - - -~ -
Y36ECTEH uninterruptedly, incessantly. •.. [ Y"fI~ to f0'o.~ - ! <!....put _ip,to a hea...E! .p ile. Jo_
Y3JtIK unsurpassed, remarkable~ foremo~t' _: ~1 - force te gather im oapile.
:.. ..c03~bIK. uneven, not uni form, witb ~~ tWr- see varn., _
m~erruPtloDS ~ ... -coaaux ICTE- to work..\, ~/hist./ district bead, chief »\3,.,.
with breaks, mte~lon. 1 yt:ffi3tJ.E - to gather lintr.' in one place (o f ")I \ä " .
Y3.rUKCI3 unceasm g. I '( a llerd of horses) to pro teet themselves
Y3 " IPT. to force to interrupt. sever, take a " f ~Ili dJIj '
"' ) rom es. ga es.
break , ~, tear off (throu~ some persen . \YflEf~ Ie' COJITI'crIK . .. N orth Pole .
Y3Ef{n surrup ; .. . EAY stllTll:P stra!'. . \ Yl1EJI ~ ,
DIK 1) interruption. break,. mtermlssl~n ; ~fl:EJïB. y. be turned ver (of canle) : in
2) narr ow part ofanver ; 3) nver connecung ._ _ to 0 .,
t I k . 4) thick felt covering yurt; such a way tha t they are not m a goo d
5)wo strai
a .es, .off'
t," :so un d ; 6) ragged,tom , . .
posmen te get up W1ith ou t ou tsid
51 e help .
alienäièdUrom), -cut off (from). YilEH June.
Y3IJI fY3Y Jl /- I) to disappear ; 2) to tear, Yf!EIU<I I) verdure. shoots; 2) maple (Acer).
;.\p.-J "'
Y/lKE- YJl KE/l-

" (j; \ VA KE· to m b, to polish, to grind; CAEbl H ..• v Yy fUHJlI ba nk, emba nkment, hili, heap.
~d' to soap, to lather. 'j 'dy f1: IP herd of ha rses, ûcck, crowd , society ;
Y d'\ Y€IKEJl E- to ru b ( W O t~ings rogether. YI ~ YAIP-X.~J ~ :JKbIn Kb I man y ber ds of
/' Yl1JlEH - to gel marned ; YHJIEHrEH harses; ~. ~ EOn· te beco me good friends ;
married . , ~ to gel accusto med.
/ YHJl EHD.IP- to ma rry alf, to many to Ó >{'~ yfIl P- to turn ; on ATKA MIHY rE he
YHJl EC- to come together, to meet. to he in ~ hunts o n ho rseb ack ; KA MlDbI 10
c~.....1~rrespond with one an c ther ; threaten with a whip . ) ;,5,
,)!(~ M b[CLbJ) OHblMEH vanecrn , .y I1I PJlEC- 10 beoo me good Iriends, 10 get
I crEy r E 6 0 Jl A o ne ca n wo rk ~ accustomed.
contact with him. J? Vft IPJlJ MAlI herd .
'" v 'j l#-rS1"... IY AJl EC IMD.1 suitable, appropTiat~, right. " VA IPJlI K I) inq uisiriveness ; searc hingness ;
# YftJlE':IMOJ not co rrespo nding, ~- , " ) ~) conviviality, socia bleness.
coordinated. ~ YHI PME circle, soc iety, group (ho bby).
~v Yl1 JlI having a house ; married, fam ily ladj.{; " Yfl IPCEK I) accustomed [ 0 his herd (of a
.. .-KYt1JlI A AM a man who has hIS horse) ; 2) lfig./ socia ble, co nvivial.
....# -y"pVfI,. ~wn home. '" VfUPIJI- to whirl around lintr.I, to revolve.
"'I ; _ I YHME-iKYff ME 6011- to crowd. to bunch - YK Irt- [YlIKE/- to mill, to grin d, to rub,
'.Yx, ~ , Vlt MEJl E. to crowd, to bunc h. \J1Jp~ to crumble (bread).
)'<"""::.,....l,.~ Yf!:M EJl EC- t~ bunch , to crowd. . u~ l YKI eagle o wl . Vfi"
, - - - YJ..)PEK duck , CYHJIYIP ... poc hard , ... YKIJlE- t eroan to maan to sigh
.~ TV' I Cb[K d k billed UI u I w'î- v3 \'d . _ _
J . c groan, , .
+ I~ UC - I • J
.?7_ :) - - YKI " , f . d . Ar.IT
-oy y "n PEH · 10 get used to so meth·ing ; to 1..-
........ome ?"')9P.
I ." 1 sen ence 0
JU gme nt .. . },I - t ö
' illblFAP
accus tomed ; to leam so met hing; C n.llE H ann ounce t e sentence ; ... - to
CA 6AK Y fl PEH CEM ,!\En ElUM I pass sent ence. .
wan ,e d I0 con su[I WH' h you. YKIMET power, au thority, . government;
Yf!: PE H WIKTI ha bit ual usual chro nic (of AllAM.llA PbI a uthon ty, a ut?on IJcs.
"11 " --~ -- - YJl6IPE- to be tender, delicate, refined,
an \ n~SSJ. . graceful.
, YAPEH.IC.. to get wed to. o ne .a not~er , to Y JIEIPEY thin.
enter rnto ano rmal rela tionsh ip with one '~JJ I f
. J )J .l..J..)e:~a m p e a rm' pa ttem .
an o ther ; not to stand on cerernony with - '. .
one ano ther ; yf1 PEHIC EHI H accommoda - YJl rIJlI demo nstra tlve, model /a dJ.f, exem-
tional: YH PEHIC KEH accustomed jadj'/, plary; .. . MEKTEn model scho ol.
one who is accusto med: VfI PEHICY y n rI P jYJI r y p/ - to have time, to he in
accommoda tion. ' / ~ _ time; to reach .
'" y(1 PET j Vfl p8 Tj. to teach, to tra in . -Y/ -;:~ ) YJl rIPT- to prepare (for). ..
Yf!:PETYMI instructor , tra iner, tamer, YJl LlE MEH 6YJlLlE the most expensive silk.
teacher . YJI LlIPIK jYJl LlYPIK/ l} roe, caviare;
.; Yf!PETI JIr EH d C KE P regular troops, drill 2) pole for stretc hing, spreading o ut lillen ;
rroo ps. 7 3) special shelf (in the yurt) for dishes.
vacn hom eless : ", -K YI1C I3 hom eless . U ;JJ.! YJIEC sha re, plo t of land ; pa rt , share,
Vf!: T- to buro , to sco rch ; 6AC .. . te burn po rtion lo t; ... AJI - to receive a sha re;
the head (of a ra m). YJl ECI ME Tl1rEH I that whlch feIl to my
vt VAT /On AH ET /- to ac t in such a way to do lo t. .....
this. YJl EC- t ó divide am o ng o neselves ; YJlECIIT
""T YfIT In -6 vf!:TIn anybow, hapharzardly, with AJT· to divide among oneselves.
difficulty. YJlECfEC sharer, o ne who has a port ion.
;;1",; Yft:TKEHI because. YJlECTIP· to dis tribure, to allot, to give ou t.
,3t"'~H YfnnECE o therwise. YJlKEA- l} to increase, re enlarge, to extend ,
tpfs ~a YflTCE .llE 10 ll A H ETC E D.EI all the same, to grow in size; 2) to grow old, [0 ma ke old,
in any case, nevertheless. te make look a id ; 3) la grow up (o r work) ;
ev YAIlIIK Iittle house, hevel. hut. 011 iKYMbICTb I iKA KC b l rcrsanr,
::Iu~~' YJ1UL- 10 accum ulare . O Jl YJl KEf1.U I he wo rks well, he grew up
V) \ \ , .,.r- W IM I) hili, heap: 2) o rga nizatio n. (o n werk).
'j IJ " ,~
)" 286


YJI KE RT- I) to rarse . elevate ; 2) to increase . YHE M econ o rny : .. . Kbl .rl- to eco nom ize.
10 extend , Co en lar ge. YHEMLlE- to econorruzc . to ta ke ca re o f, la
YJlKEfiTKI llI Ulbl H b l magnifying-glass. proteet . ,
YJIKEH high, tall . big, large, buge. great . YHE M.l1l eco ncmical . thrifty. J !i'/
grown-up, ad ult. bigger, older; on MEHE H YHEMCI3 unprodu cu vc : uneco no mica l.
YJI KEH IPE K he is older tha n I; . _. ATA Y H EMW In econorrucal : fru ga l ; cautious
grandfather ; ... 6AlllAM big toe ; ... man .
.l1VAll billow, roller, bank. share ; . _. )KOJ] YH EMlUIJlD.IK ab ility to enco urage eco-
bighway, large rood ; ... TAM hiP aorta ; nomy.
. .. illEWE great-grandmotber ; ... é})f(E YHEMI a ll the time , always, co nstantly.
grandmother ; .. . Yl1: eld est wife . YH CI3 silent, silence. stülness . noiseless,
YJlKEHllIK beight, senio rity (according to soundless. mute, voiceless.
age); ... )KACA- 1) /fig.! te place oneseff yn property, possesslons.
above e th ers . to give o nese ff airs; 2) jfig.' to Yll- (in tensifying syllable added to words,
encroach, relying on o ne's strength. heginning in V) ; yn-YJl KEH very big.
y nn EPllI EK heart with the a orta and all the huge .
fat (usually of a horse) in a prepared fonn, YP heap, pile.
a tasty di sh. \ y p, te blow. to ba rk .
YJlnIJll1E- to he scolded ; to become Iria ble, YP )KAHA brand -new.
crumbly, Ioose, light. yprEJIEK timid, timorous, sca rem onger.
y nnIJlD.EK downy, ftuffy, too se. fria ble, alarmist.
crumbly, light. mellow . ypn3- to provoke (dogs) to bark . to anROY
YM6ET lcoll.f moham medan . a dog.
Y ME help ; ... CAJl- organize help. y pr 13.ll1 p- sec YPrI3-.
YMIT hope ; ET- to ho pe, to pin one's YPEI1 spirit, soul; Y P E ~ IH -~lUbIP- to
hopes (on) ; ETYrE IiDJl MAfl TbI H inspire fear ; YPEI1 I K AM - to get panicky.
hopeless; ... KEC- to despair (of) , to lose YP EI1JlEH · to get pan ieky, te become great ly
hope ; .. . Y36E- not to lose hope; Y MITCI3 a frai d.
desolate, d isconsolate , cheerless, dismal , YPEH seed, grain, fruit , progeny, posterity,
dreary, hopeless ; YMITCI3,lUK pessimisrn, generatien .
despair. hopelessness. Y PK trl- 1) t o he (becom e) frightened; 2) to
YM ITTEH · to hope, to cherish hope. dash to the side .
YMITTI cherisbing, hope somethin g. YPKEK I) fea rful, shy ; 2) lfig./ unsoci able ;
YH soun d, to ne; .. . lllblF APMALJ:bI he ... AllA M unsociabl e persen.
kep t silent ; ... KAT- to give tongue ; YPKEKTI K fearfulness. timidity.
K,ATnAcrAH silently; taci tly; .. .-TYH YPKEP Pleiades (constellatio n).
)KOK not a sound ; YH J a lUTI ~ii YPKlT IY PKYT/· to frighten.
silen t; .. . KOCY_accof[lpaniment. YPJlE- to blow (of the wind ).
YlI.f!El fYHJleï-"" to voice, to eaU, to give YP OE-Typn E to usled, d ishevelled (of h air).
VOIce, to summon, to respon d, to comment ypnEK dis hevelted ; . .. o Ae shaggy (with
(on). disheve lled ha ir).
Y ME~ E.:CJ: EH silently, tacitl y. ypnl1- 10 bristle up. to to usle, to sta nd on
YHD;EM EC taciturn, silent. intractabl e. end (of hair) ; AlUY Jl A H b In lUAlIIbi
speechless; gna t, midge. ypnl1ln KETTI be became very angry
YH.QEMEY silence, stîllness. {lit./ (bis hair stood o n end).
YH.QEMEYlUIJl IK siJence. ypm,HC· to stare in frigh t.
Y HJ{EC in keeping witb , in ha nnony with . YPnIK young golden eagle.
Y HJl.EC- to give tong ue to ene anorher. YPCEK herd of a nimais.
YH,llECfJK 3AHbI /gram./ rule of harmon y YPIKTYP["JlU scarecro w.
of speech so unds. YPYK· sec YPK·.
YH,L:lETnE- to force (soroeooej jo he silent . YC- to freeze , to suffer from ccld, to shiver.
YH,llEY -appeal, proèiamation . - - YCKI I) borer, brace and bit , drill, auger ;
YHJ::(l fY H)lIJl IK/ Hindu, Ind ian . 2) upper.
YH,lJ.e· sec YHilE·. YC rr/ lOp, head, summi t, beigh r; YCKE up,

upwards ; YCTIHlIE o n to p of something; YCl'T. to get frostbitten; bAJIA :&APMA-
VCfIHEH from above, from the top. on FbIH YCITm AJIbmTbI tbc boy',
top ; VCTJ-VCTIH E o ne after another, in finger ga l trost bitt en.
succession. YT I K.YT. <I>EBPAJI b l (Fe bruary) o Id oa me.
YCKE big awl . YTI K iro n (for pressing).
YC KIJl E· to bore, to drilI , to perfo rate. YTIP comma.
YCK IPIK AJB ha rd frost . YlU- sec eur-,
YCT sec YC . YIII three ; YWTEH S IP o ne third ; .. . AJl K,
YcrE adverb. )KOlI country ra ad ; EC E th ree times.
VerE· to add, to pour so me mo re, to increase. tri ple ; ... )l{EPJlE three times three ;
VCfER ta ble. . .. PET three times; Y III S~PhI Il1 tri angle.
YCTEJl- re be added, poured in. YlUEY·YlUEY in threes.
YCTEM rul ing ladj'/. prevaiIing, pre- YlUEY 111 three .
do mina nt ; )f(AYllhIH KY lll IHEH 6 13- YDJEYI (they are) three (tog etber).
.!lI1c\ KYlUI M13 ... EOJIbm lU bI o ur YllJ EYJlE- to act rogethe r in a group of three.
farces proved superio r to tbe enemy' s. YIIIEYJlEn the three togerber.
VCTE M.lIIK supremacy, nrecormnaoce, ymEYMI3 three rogether.
dictatorship. domin ation; .:~ . )KyprH- to Y lliKEJI schoo l.
bring about suprema cy ; .. . O PHAT- to vnncrn triangle.
achleve supremacy. YWTlK three.
YCTEME ad dition , augmentation, increase. YIlII H for, for the sake of.
VCTEM llI lll dictat or. Y DJ IHIlJI third; ... KYH I of the day befa re
yen top, upper part. yesterday.
VcrUf /OCh IJl AH ETlnj thus, so , in this YH,r y mine, underm ining, sap.
marmer. YH,rlP cave, cavern, trench ; .. . YA: hut.
VCTIPT I) fugitive, runaway; 2) plateau ; cabin, shack.
3) /geogr./ height. YH:rI PJl E- to make a deep excavation.
VCTIPTIH superficially: ... K.APA- to rega rd YH,K I r!- to mak e a pit, ho le (by borin g);
superficially ; te treat supe rficially. te make an excava tion .
YCTI Ic\r! YCK I upper . YH,IJI. te loo k fixedly, to srare, to peer ;
YCfI -ycrI HE always bigger and bigger, K ITA nKA vanm o rsrr . te become
co ntinually, Incessanüy. engrossed (in reading).
YeI - ta freeze, te shiver. te congeal ; YCI K YIc\IP sec Y urt P.
AJI,IlbI (i t) froze: M IFb IM,Ilbi YCIK YH:IPEJ1- to gape, to yawn: ûHbIH, OPHbI
Ill AJl Jlbl my foo t got tr ostbitten. YH,IPEfIm TYP bis absence is feit.
YCIH- to get slightly frus tbitten. YHIPEK KEn ma n with sunken eyes.

288 .
~I>AH- see YAH-. YI1KhIC b IPA- to talk in the sleep.
~ ,ll,AÎ1bI al ways, perrnanentl y. ~fi K.blmbI Jl sleepy.
Y )KbI M uni ted. ~11:KhImhIJ1,ll hi K. sleepiness.
Y)l{bIM,UAC· to uni te, to be unired. V" VIFAP- 1) to m ak e an esüma tc : 2) to decid e.
Y)K,l],AH co nscience. approve.
YÄAAHAb I houest. YMF APbIH,UbJ decis ion , approval .
Y)I(j],AH C b I3 dishonest, u nscrupulous. YMFAPbIC- 1) to make an esti mate collee-
)t )K,ll.AH C h I3)lbIK,dishonesty, uns cr upulous- tivel y; 2) to deeide together.
Y 3A - 1) to separate, to go away far ; 2) to
Y II so n., .
YJlA P me unt am grouse.
beeome long. YJI AC- l fo lloweach other unin terruptedly ;
Y3AH- to become long. 2) to develop ; 3) to become complicated .
Y3A I1IThIP- to prolong, to make someone :'iJI ACfhIp· to continue .
prolong. ~J1 n A fluffy, so ft.
Y3AMT- to make langer. :'tJlT nation, na tio nali ty.
Y3AMAl1 soon. YIIT AI>AP abomasus, one of the stomachs of
Y3AP- to become Jonger, to last Jonger. a ruminan t ani mal .
V"3AT- to delay, to postpene. YJlTAH sole of thc boot.
V"3AThIJI - to he delayed, postponed. :'iJlTAH1J.AT- to o rder a ne w sole .
Y3AK. 1) distant, remote; 2) long, Jasting. ~J1TA H1J. bl compact, den se ; well-organ ized.
Y3AK. m bI JI (running) long distances. YJl T APA K inner sole o f a shoe.
Y3bI H long, high . YJl TAP- to fix a new sole to a sh oc.
~3bIHllbl K, length. YJlTThIK nat io naJ.
Y 3bIH lll A oblong. YJlTIIIhIJI natio nalist.
Y f1nAJlA- to crumple, to disheve l. YJl hI great .
V"H nAJlAK crumpled, dishevelled . "YJlFA H - to increase. to become la rger.
Y.HbIT- to make sour , to make co ag ulate "YJIFAHMAJI hl en larged.
(miik). "YJIFAHT· to make bigger.
YVlb IM organ ization. )! M CbIH1J.hIP- to gi ve hope.
YMbIM)J.AC- to be organlzed. )!MT b IJI· to move ah ead.
YJ1 b Hv1 lUhIJlLl,bIK. the state of being well YMT bIJI/ll b IP· to ma ke advance.
orga nized . YM Tb IJIT- to rush ahead.
YI1 b IC- to become lumpy (hair, fur), to cu rl, "YM bIT- la (orgel.
to lie down (grass). "YMbITIbIP- to m ake forget.
YMbIK, 1) woollen stockings; 2) swamp. "Y MbITbIJIM AC unforgettable.
YH K,A C commensurate, suitable. "YH flo ur.
YHK,ACIbIK, proportion. :YHA- to he liked .
Y JÏl K,TA. to sleep. :lCHAM,ll.hI liked , pleasing, who pleases.
YHK.TAT- te put to sleep, to make sleep, to :YHAM Chl3 not liked , unoteesant. disgu sting .
let sleep. YHAT- to approve, to he sympathetic with .
YMK,bI sleep. YHTA· to b reak to smaU pièces, to powderize.
~fi K.bIJIbl sleepy. :YHTA K powder, crumbs.
~ fi K,bICb13 sleepless. ynAH gain, winning.
YMK,bICbI3)J.bIK. insomnia , sleeplessness. yp. to beat, h it , thrash .

'tPAH 'tFbIH./lbIP.

~PA I) excrescence ; 2) thrash ing-Iloor. () ~ lllhIH- to appeal (blisters o n the lips).

YPAH slo gan. public add ress , pass -word. -+ YillblP- to mak e fly; to winnow.
warcry. o 'illibIPA· to meet, enco unter
YPA H,UAC to respond . o 'tlllhIPAT- to enco unter. to receive (a person).
YPJlA- to stea l. -l 't WbIPT · to ma ke fly ; te m- ke winnow .
'tPJIAH · to be sto len. ... ~WbIPFhllll l ) a person skilful in winno wing ;
'iPJIAT- to make stea l, to send thieves, to 2) k tte.
o organize a rhe ft. o"t lll b l K I) blister o n the li p ; 2) end o f t hread .
'tpnAlTbIP- to o rgani ze a thert th ro ugh a of" 'illi KAn A K light-minded. incon sistent.
third persen . easily changing his mind .
'tPJlblK, theft. -t 'tlllKAJIAKTA H- to ac t imprudenrly .
'iPJlbIK,TAC participant in a the ft. + YlllK,AJl A K,TbIK ligh t-rrunded ness, Impru-
'tpnAK, generation . descenda nt. dence.
7~ 'tPCbIC- to quarrel. -I YlliKAPbl light-mindedly, imp rudently.
'tP'f the mouth ca vity . -I Ylli KA Ph lJl b IK imp rudence .
~;,) "I 'tPTfA- to take a full mouth of water. C YWKbIH spark.
11 YP1TAM one gulp. -'t 'i WKb IH,UA- 10 fly (sparks).
Ij "tPlTAT- to gîve e ne gulp of sernething to o YllI K,h lP quick, rast (horse); findi ng his wa y
drink . (persen) .
YPWblK I) spind ie ; 2) sjstri-booe . o "tllJKbIPJlbIK quic kness .
c YPbI th ief. 'iJl nest.
., 'iPbIH I) to collide, to hit se rnet hing. ru n inro "t51n- 10 be ashamed , 10 be timid.
o~ something; 2) to quibbte. 'i.Rn A - to ma ke a nest. 10 breed.
1 YPbIHD.bIP- to ca use a co llisio n. YJlJIAT- to give the bird a chance to mak e a
Y "tPbIHWAK q uarrelsome, pro vo king qua rrels. nest.
~ YPbIC qu arrel, battle. fi ght. ).'..RJlT - 10 mak e ashamed .
" 'tPbICKAK, sco ldi ng, chidi ng. "tJlJl IllAK tirnid, sby.
u(,l ( VCAK, fine. smal!. 't RT shame.
u'V" < 'tCAKTA - to' rnince , cru m ble. "t JlT Chl3 shameless, impudent.
( 'tCAKTAJl- re he mineed. 'tJlTChI3D.bIK sharnelessness, impudence .
( YCA KTA T~ to make mince. @ID ) so ft (wool) ; 2) mod est. lim id (persa n) ;
I yerA artisan, smi th. 3) vo leed (consona nt).
\ 'terA - to hold , a rrest ; 10 spe nd . "t Jl H.!:tA . to be voiced (con sonant).
I 'ter A{i teacher. "tJl H.!:tAT- 10 make vo iced (a con sonant).
\) 'j) , VCfAPA razor. ~JI....tll1 b J K tirnidity, modesty .
'iCfAT- to ma ke held. to make arrest. ~ to be similar, to resembie; 10 he
YChIH. 10 make a suggesticn, to suggest . fulfilled as it should.
'tCbIHhIC suggestio n. offer . "tKCAC resembling, similar.
~ \1- 10 win. YK CACfblK simü arity, resemblance.
'Y YTfhIP- to ma ke the e ther win, i.e.. [0 Iose . Y K CAT- to find something simtla r. to regard
7" \'ThIn· te lose in a game. I
as similar, find resem blance.
3' YTLlnh iC loss in a ga me. Ji YK bl n C h l3 inaccu ra te. inattenuve.
~ \'ThI C ga in. 'tKblnTbl accurate, at ten tive.
, 'tTK,b IP rea dy -wit red . YK blnTblJlhl K accuracy. arte nti veness .
o ~ sharp end. point. "t HFb i an o pening for a handle (e.g.• a x).
-t 'ï!U- to tly. "tHFbfJlA- to artach a handle.
YillAH llrnitless, vast. ~EMMI idea.
ot 'tmnA flying ; a Iight-minded persen . YFh IMllhl understand able : understanding.
oYWTA. to sba rpe n, 10 ma ke poi n ted. YFhiM ChI3 unimelligîb le ; un inteüigent.
" 'tUITAJI _ to be sha rpe ned . YF h IH- to understa nd.
o vt1ITACY un ion . YFbIHLlbIP· te explain, make understand-
O'tlliTAT- to make sha rpen. a ble.

erEft unrelated , step- (adj.(, related by dis play bosulity or an unfriend ly attitude .
marriage, not by blood; e r EftA HA ste p- e3rEp rE HIU K inte rval, recess, chan ge.
mo ther ; .. . S AnA stepso n ; .. . WEIliE e3fEPrI W cbangeable, unsteady.
step mother ; ... KhJ3 stepdaughter ; .. . )'JI 93fEPn lllT IK cha ngea bilit y, variability.
stepson; erEftdKE stepfather. e 3rEPYWIJIl K see eJr EPIWT IK.
erEl1CI· to feel the Jack of a paren tal rega rd 8 3r E PIC reform, change.
for o neself, ta miss one' s pa rents. e 3f E PICCI3 without a change. without a
e rEHCbIH · to treat as a no n-rela tlve (of a break .
stepmother or a stepfather). 8 3r Elli E specia l (es pecially), o therwise, an -
ern ox; e Jl EH,LJ,1 JKEPJlE ... C EM IPE)ll. et her way.
e JlIMJlI JKEPJlE MOJlJlA CEMIPEJlI 93rEIllEJl IK quality, peculiari ty, difference ,
(saying) : Where there is new grass, the ox distinction : 8 3r EW EJl In )KO K, imper son -
gets fat ; where there is much deat h. the a l, without personality tfaceless).
m ulla h gets fat. 9 3EK i) hearrwood. n ut kemel, grain in
e n 3Ill E a you ng bull. spikes ; 2) valley. stream. rivu let (sometirnes
9)KET stubbom, persisten t. drying up ); 3) breast an d bclly la na t.(;
9JKElTE H- 10 per sist. 10 he stubbom ; to viscera. internal o rga ns, core, hea rt 16g./.
sta nd cne's ground. bearr : Af A IllT b lH easri heartwood
9:>KElTIK persistenee. stub bomness, oh- e3ErIM TA Jl I was gening hungry.
stinacy. e 3EJlE H· I ) to overdo it ; 2) to argue an d
9 3 self; e3lM I, myself, 931H yo u yo urself dispure (brea king up, splitri ng a pa rt).
(famiiiar); e31 he himself; 931ME (to) me 93EH river ; ... AJl A6bI nver valley; ...
myself ; 931 H E (to) you yo urself (fam iliar); AJlKACbl floa d pla in ; .. . APHAChI
e3lHE ( to ) him himself ; ...· 9 31 they river bed ; ... 6 0Mhl riverside, shore, bank ;
themselves (among themse lves); ... ·e:n · ... )KAfACbI sbo re ; CAJl AJl A Pbl
HEH by himself; StJIlnMEH (at) river system, netwo rk ; CY river wêter,
one's own discretion; 3A MA Hh IMhI3- wa ter from the rivet : CYbl river water ;
DA in our time, nowadays. e3EHHIH Aff HA11MAChl wind ing of a
e3APA among ourselves, yo urselves, them- river, river bend, a bend, a cu rve of a river ;
selves ; ... )KdPD.EM mutua l aid ; ... Cbl H 93EHHIH AMPbl Fbl branch of a rive r ;
self-crit icism. 83E HHI H A PHA Cbl bed of a river , ri ver
936EK Uzbek. bed ; e3EH H II{ IiAPJlblK, AJlK,Alibl
936ETIHJlI K dri ft, laissez -faire : (tech.( river basin. basin of a river ; e3EHHIH
gravity feed. 6 AChI sou ree of a river ; 93EHHIH CA F A
93fE ethe r, special, d ifferent (from others) ; JKAf h l the lower reaches of a rive r:
011 9 3rEM13 E MEC he is known to us, EH E H H IH KYHbl 6 AChi estuary, mo uth
he is not a st ranger to us (he shouldn' t be of a rtver.
tumed away) ; ... YAK,bITTA (at) an other e 31 (he) himself ; ... TIJIEH rEH volunieer
time, a d ifferent time; 83fEJlE H KePI in.l ; e31M 1 myself'; 9 3I M grapes ;
than ot hers ; 93fEPEK somewhat different , 83lM JlIK I rny o wn.
in a d ifferent way . e3IMCIH · to take liberties wit h, to permit
83fEJlE· difference, distincti on , isolari on . o neself to take libert ies with so meo ne else
e3rEP te change, te refo nn. (o n the basis of goed rela rio ns).
e3fEPEK- io act as if to ward s a stranger. ro e 31Mlll E in my own way.


e3IMllJln enIMlIII

93lMWIJT egotist. selfish, egotistical. 8nfEH Iifeless. (the one) killed In.l. killed
93IMWIJlUIK egotis m, selfisbness . In. o r ad j '/ .
931MB (we) o ursetves. SJlEKCE co rpse, cartion. impuritles ; K Y-
S3IH 9 31 SA C KAPY self-governmen t. jlb l l(T bl li TOnblPAFblH APllJ
93lHJlI K SA FA cost . eest price. KEPEK the well needs to be cleaned o ut.
931HE All Y acquisition. SJlEPM EH a specu lati ve (persen), a ven ture-
931HWEJlIK ongi nality . some (pe rse n), a person who utilizes every
93IH IKI his own. opportunity (even at the risk of hum ilia tio n).
931HW E in his 0 \\-11 way. enEPMEH.n,I K ut ihzarion of every o ppor-
931HIH him bimself Igen. or ace./. -tu n ity -to achieve o ne's goal.
931H lobs.! th ysetf yourself. SJlET 1) spoiled meat from livestock that
e ~ PIK apricot , aprico t tree. di ed o r were killed a long time a go ; 2) ulcer ,
eïlTKEHI sec Y ÏITKEHI. abscess ; 3) bo tbed.
9 KC I- sob : 8 KCI n JKbInA· to Cf)' (sobbing). eJI EH I) / bot.1 sedge (Carex) ; grass tba t
e KClrlH oAe - to calrn down and stop pro vides sca nt no urishment, e.g., sedge :
sobbing . 2) so ng, poe m ; ... AfrTY singing ;
9KCIJl so b bin g. A f1TK,hIW singer.
9KTE61 P Octo ber. S Jl EH,llET· te sing a song, to sing.
9 KTEM impericus, aurhor itative. assertive. S JlEHWI singer.
9KTEM D.IK .-asse rt iveness. aggress iveness. SJIKE p rov ince. real m, o blast .
9 KlIlE hee l : IiUI K . .. ET IK high-heeled e JlKEJIIK regio nat. terri terial.
shoes : ... 13 o rigina l direc tio n, initial course. e JInE K.AP dry snow.
9KlII EJl E- to follow someo ne closely, to e JlTI p· to kill, 10 destrcy.
shadowsomeone;O,UA M EHI9KmEJlEn OJlTIPM EKllil DAJIY a tte mp t al assassina-
KEJl E )l(ATbIP He walks righ t o n my tien.
heels too. 8 JlTIPY murder. assassination .
9KillEJTEC KI el a lmost the same (a perso n) . errrmnr aa killed, assassi na ted.
S KlliEJl I K mat eri a l for a heel, heel (st ocking). 8nUJ E- to rneasure. to wcigh, te measure off,
SKIn representati ve . dele ga te. plen ipo tentiary, to try o n, to fit.
deputy . 8JlillEM meesure. rneasuring ra d, standard,
SKIM dict at orship. criterion. dirnensio n, meter, dose;
SKIMET power, au tho rity ; .. . 60JlMAY- 6IPJl I r a unit of mea sure.
WblJlhlK. lack o r a bsence of authority. e nWE H· ro be mea sured .
anarchy . eJIlll Ey cn bo undless, measureless.
SKIH reproach. censure, blame. enWEYIW rncasu re, sca les, gaug e.
SKIH· te com pla in, to regret, to feel remorse, e n l co rp se, with out so ul, callous, heartless,
to rep en t. dead.Hfeless : in combina tion with 6~l1bIM
SKIHYWI a repent ant, rem orseful person . = raw matcrials ; ... lOr llH1K I liYl1hIM
exravnnnnc sec e KI HIllJ. KEn KE PEK I there is a large dernand fo r
8KIHIC- to m utuall y regret . raw ma teria is; .. . TACHFAT inanimate
8KIHUll repentan ce, regre t. na tu re, still-life.
SKIHIWTJ a n noy ing, pit iful, sorry. a pit)'. SJIIK I) co rpse, the decea sed, the depa rted
a nuisan ce. 2) lan d slide (at the bo ttorn of an o ld wall).
SKIp· J) to moo (of a co w) : 2) lfig./ to so b S JlIM death, decease , demise; S JlIMHEH
(of a person). Y..RT KYlllTl (saying) : Sham e (disgrace) is
8KIPT- Icoll oq./ te do somet hing eas ily or more bitter than dea th; .. . A3A6hf a gon y;
lightly. ... )l('AllA Cbl deat h sentence ; .. . JKET IM
en- to d ie. to sink, te fall , to perish ; epidemie. plague ; . .. )KIT IM dea th and
S nfEHWE as long as it is poss ible, to the so rrow.
last drop of blood. eJIIM CIPE- to be balf-dead o r feeble. to
8JlAPA the in terv a l of time between the end look pitîful in the extre me, te be wretchedly
of the preceding an d tbe beginn ing of the poer.
coming (1unar) month. e nIMTlK see e n EKCE.
SnrE mountai n strea m or river. eJI I M WI 60 JI- la be beaten half ro death.

e Jl YY ePKE W

eJlYY epidemie. 9HI M D.I prod uctive. efficient.

9 MIJLnIPIK breastplate fastened 10 the e H I M ,UIJII K prod uctivity. out put. efficiency.
saddle and saddle-girth. a HI M CI3 unprod ucnve . inefficiem . nor pro-
9 MlJIllIPIi\.'1E- to put a breastplate on a ductive, of smalJ efficiency; .. . )KEP sterile.
horse. barren.
eMIP Iife, existence ; 9MIPIH,UE \' M bIT- 9HIMcnnEH - to becomc unproductlve o r
OAe he will remember his whole Iife long; meffi cient.
.., IiAJIH autobiography ; ... !iMHM 9HI M CI3lII K unproductiveness. ineffecuve-
autobiography ; soau (for) Iife, ness.
(one' s) whole Iife, all (one's life); .. . a H IC prod uctivity.
)f(Y3IHllE in practice ; ... CVP· to live, an KE I ) lung ; 2 ) offense, inj ury, resentment,
10 exist, 10 gel along : 9MIPfE KA)I(ETfI chagrin, dist ress ; C EH.llE 9 n K ECI EA P
act ual, urgent. K9PI HE.llI (it de velo ped tha t) he bears
9 MIPJl IK vital, etern al, everlasting. you a grudge. bas a grudge against you ;
9 MIPI H UIE one's whole Iife lon g. always. . ..-A Y PYb l cons urnption, tuberculosis ; ... -
e H· 1) to increase, to gain weight, 10 rise, fiAYblP liver, pluck : ... -HA3 grudge ;
to succeed : :!) to turn out weil; 3) to he ...-CA K TA- to bea r a grudge, to harbor
fort hcoming. to have success, to he success- resentment ; .. . TAJI AYPAYb l pneumonia.
rul ; )KYMbIC a Hn l the we rk is SUcce5S- 9nKEJl E- to he offended, to be displease d.
Culi ; 9 HliE HTI H Jl.AY a lost lawsuit. anKEJl ErllII touchy, quick to take e ffenee.
a Hnl P· I) to reeover. to collect; 2) to en KEJl ErIWT I K tou chiness, susceptibility
carry out (prod uction), to produce; AP - to offence.
ThI K e HRI PIJIY overproduction . enKEJl ET - to wound, to offend, to injure.
9 HD.IPl n All- to collect a tax. e nKEJII offended, bea ring a grudge against
e H..aIpnm KYlliTEP productive force. someone.
9 H!lIPY 1) tax ; 2) manufacture, elabora tion, e nKEWIJI see e nKEJlErI W _
output. e nKEWIJli\IK see e n KEJlErI WTIK.
eH!lIPlllEK /ana1./ pba rynx, throat , neck. anTE- to klss.
9HJU PIC product ion. enterprise; ... AHAP- a p 1) height fgeogr./, rise, slight eleva tion;
XH.JlCb J anarchy or production ; 2) herd, drove of ho rses : 3) pro ud, rnajestic.
K~ PAJ1bI mea ns of production. ap- 1) to plai t, to weave, to bra id; 2) drift
e HtlIPICTI K-TEX H I1KAJl h I K EA3A pro - ap art , to disperse in rhe pasture ; errE
duetio n. technica! base. C Y C): PE- /fig./ to help someone risc.
e HEEoOHbI ElHI>OMbI alwa ys, constantly. 9PliJrI W reproducing quickly .
9 H ErE model , example. e p r 13- 1) to drive cattle to past ure ; 2) to
e HE rEJl I model /adj .I, exemplary. raise fledglings.
9 HE P art, trade, profession, occuparion; ep,UE- to move upstream, to ascend .
WE6EPI artist, paimer ; 9 HEP6ET a rtist, e ptlEK duck .
tra desman. one who has a trade o r occupa- ePE J) shackles, ho bbles ; 2) shelf ; sbed, a
tion ; 9 HE PKACI n industry : QTbI H shelf (on four posts) fo r d rying K.~PT (see );
9 HEPKACI6J fuel industry ; MA IIH1HA ATKA ... CAJl- to put hebbl es o n t he left
)KACAY 9HEPKACJEoJ machine-building fron t and left rear legs of a horse : ... KM I3
industry. a large pièce of feit.
eHEPJlI trained , educated, having a specia lty. a PEJlE- to put hob bles o n the left front and
eHEPnA3 see e HE PJlL left rear Iegs of a horse.
e HEPmll1 a lover of a rts and erafts. aPECKEJI rough, clumsy. unacceptable, in-
9 HI K harves t, erop, goed erop, a bundance, excusable.
productive, a bunda nt. 9 PECKEJUlIK clumsiness, unsuitabiIîty.
9 HI M erops, product, prod uction, ou tput, e PKE H posterity ; 9 PKEH I H, eCCI H! May
goeds : T~TbI H YeH I M I con surner goeds: you r tribe increase (f1o urish)!
.. . Af1bIPEACfAY trading of goeds, 9PK EH,UE- to develop, to tlourish .
excha nge of goods; ... EEPY fruit hearing; 9PK EH,UET- to develop, to increase, to rise.
e H I M H l iI e31HtliK EAFACh l eost of ePKE H.llEY develo pment.
prod uction. 9PKEIIJ camei's hump ; AJ1bIP ... two-

e PKEWTEH · er.
humped camel ; ePKEW·ePKEW Ifig.1 spread, to he disposed, te be arranged :
toothed, with teeth; .. . WYAA bair o n the S CIn-.. . la grow and develop.
humps o f ca rnels. ePlllEJIEH - to be furieus. to fly into a rage .
SPKEWTEH - I) 10 rise and fall in high SPlllITYllll someone who is en larging or
billows o r ro ller s ; 2) to exten d in c hains de velop ing sa mething.
(range o f mouma in s). 9PIK d ried aprico ts, a prico t, ap ricot tree ;
SPKEKIPEK pro ude r, presurnptuo us. self- . .. AFAlll b l apricot tree.
sump tuo us. 9PIM weaving, bra iding; KA MlllblHbIH
8 PJlE· to aseend. 10 rise, to develo p. 9PIMI Jeather part of a lasb, SPIM -SPIM
SPJl ET· l) to walk (ride) upst ream (along the tam to pièces, ruine d: Ka HJIEn SPI M-
share of a river), to mo ve ups tream ; 2) ro ePIM his shirt bas turned imo rags ;
occupy the place o f hon o r. ...·I) YTAK descenda nts, posterity. genca l-
8 PJl EY lifting, aseen t. rise, development, ogical tree.
upli fu ng. e nrbu siasrn. ePI MWI see e p YWl.
aP ME K AMbl W wo ven whi p (la sh) ; TePT S PIC t ) pastu re near a Caucasian village :
a PME KAM b lWb l four-sided whip (wo ven cornmon pasture; 2) /fig.1 relatives o r close
of fou r leather tho ogs). friends with wbom it is still possible to visit
SPMEK I) cobweb ; 2) cloth mats ma de of and sta y fo r a while: :lKIrITTIH IiIP
camel' s woel: 3) lobs.1 to tal equipment e PICI - KM l blH )KYPTbI Iprov .l .
consisung of a p rim itlve Kazakh loom with S PICT E- 1) te set o ut fo r the pasture , to
the yam ; " . K~p · te a rrange or to place arrivé at the pasture ; 2) to u nroll, to unfold,
this benc h. te display o neself. to spread .
S PMEKWI spider. SPICfE tkeeping j livestock with someone in
9PM EJl E- I) 10 cllmb, to cla rnber , to haul on e ca mman pas ture.
o neself u p; 2) to wea ve a ba sket. SPICfET - ro unroll, to devel op.
ePHEK model . SPICfETY un ro lling, u nwinding.
e.eD. j'6 /- I ) te pr opa ga te, to breed; 2) a ppea r SC- to gro w, increase, la enla rge, t ö extend,
in abundance, to occur. to multiply. 10 develo p.
ap O E K a scarf, a kerchi ef. OCEK gossip, scandal. stander, calumny ;
flflll pasture. " ...-A..SI HFA EP- te become a n o bject for
6rOlH udder. ~\ gossip ; ".. AAT~ to gossip. to te il ta les .
e.e:r 1) pa ul; 2) fire; 3) excuse ; . ". CeHLllp· OCEKTE· te gossip. to slander.
to put o ut a lire ; ... nEH CYTlJICI3 eCEKTEY WI see OC EKWI.
)l(AY flit./ fire and water are mu re enemies, 9CEKllll gossip (female).
water and fluid are natural catamlties ; SCEK llllJl ga ssip (ma le).
ePTTlH. O PHb l pawl . SCl1 ET behest , last will, di recti ons, ad mini -
eFT. I) 10 cover: 2) to look, te look in, to tien, precept.
loe k up. SCI1 ETT E· to admonish.
9PTE· to set fire te , to make a fire, to build eCI1 ETTEYlllI tutor. mento r.
a lire. S CK EJl EH fruit ful, growing quickly.
e PTEH- to bu m (do wn). to catch fire ; eCKEnEHJl, IK fert ilit y, ability te breed
SPTEHrEH )KEP the ru ins o r rubble q uickly.
after a lire. S CY gro wth, increase, development.
9 PTEY WI1 an ars onis t. OCIM increase (of livestoc k).
9PTEH green grass grow ing in a n a rea which S CIMLUK pla nt ; .. . MAlbl vegetab te oil ;
has been burned. ... T AHY bo ta ny; .. . lllI PlrI humus;
9PlTE- to set on fire, to ligh t. OCIM J\lKTEP AJIEM I flora.
9PlTEH - to burn (o f forests a nd meadows). eet p· to raise. te cultiva te. 10 develo p ;
9PTTElll- bumed mea dow. ACbl PAn ... la bring up the rear.
9 PY weeving. ST~ I) 10 pass. ro pass by, 10 ga by; 2) to
9PYJU woven, braided, wicker. elaps.e (time t: to be o ver ; 3) to ffow, to
9PYIlH IS PIMlll l1 ma king some thin g by run (of water) ; 4) 10 pa ss o ver. 10 pass
braiding, saddle-maker, a master al braiding. through, ta crass ; 5) to be converted. to
SPlll - I) ta de\' elap , to inctea5e, 10 grow, to turn inta ; 6) 10 esca pe: 7) 10 die; llYH H. E·

, tJl.EH ... 8) to he sb arp (of c ultjog o bjeo;s) ; eTlPJK lJI1 har.
!.-'O' 9) to he po pular , ( 0 he salable (of goods) ; a:ïE sky. heaven. firma men t.
j;t:l O) to ha ve an effect ; 6AcrA H 9 TKEH ..~ to die, to go ou t, 10 become exrinct.
YAKbUIFA past evenr ; 9TKE H WAK re'
to die dOwn.l~ he obhterat~. to ~ crossed
ot/gram.1 past Ieme ; OHhlH cell 9 TEII.l out. to he q uret. to lapse mtosllencc:. (0 '
Vf his words have an effect (people listen to come to an end , to cease 10 cxist.
rum). ':>' ew a nger. wrath. vengcance. hostilc,
eT tanal.' gal! bladder, bi1e: ~l; . )l(EJl,LUH -n;alicio llS, wicked. fond o f something,
9TIH llE 9TbIPMA don t sit In a draft. suscept ible te so mething ; 011 ME M IM E H
~;n: .very. completely, toa; ... · M 9 TE es- .. " he hates me; 011 TAITIrE .. . he is
~ pec ' a ll y. 100; S EPI K peremptory, fond o f sweets. \,
" catego n cat, a llowi ng na a ppeal; _." )KAK- eWAJI. to revenge onesclf', 10 a v enge. Ói:. ~
e b i above reproach . .lrreproachable : ... em n EH JlI feudin g. to have unfriendl y lJV
TEPEH fathomless. withou t a bottom. rele nons w ith sorneon e .
BTE- to ca rry out, to fulfill, to d ischa rge (a 9IlI nE HAIJll K enmny. hosulity.
d uty , o bligat ion), to payoff, to liquida te elliTEC fcudi ng with som eo ne.
ind ebtedness, to refu nd expenses. 10 just ify e llJTEC - to be al loggerhcads wit h. to bc
expenses o r labo r. . quarreling with, to be feuding with. .
e T EK hem of a d~ss, skin. . e lllTECTIPY IlIl instigato r, agent provo- ~
eTEJl· 10 be repaid. to he reimbursed, to cat eur someo ne wbo seis e ne persen
he paid off in full, .to he fulfilled. agains~ a nother.
eTEY ransom o f pnsoners. e Ul~CY Ul IJ1 J "- f h '1' h 'I
eT v~ c n ,lor dc, passage,
nassaae. crossmg.
vcrossi I. .' . . . . . sta te 0 osunty. osu e
re auons.
eTKEH the past ; .. . )l{bIn last year. eWTI sec e lll n EHJl I. .,
eTKI ~. I) to pass through, to let through, to enrrnc sec elllnEl1'Dln lK.
admi r: 2) to cross a rrver ; 3) to leave o ut,
to skip, to miss ; 4) to sell ; 5) 10 thread a e LUY~I1 a bsa lescent: "
need le: 6) to live, to survive. 10 exist ; eW IK trl- to he funou s,. t~ rage. . . "
7) Ifig.1 to pierce {with words) : 8) te exceed, BIII IKTIP· la tease . to . Im~te, la m ent:". '\
, .
10 he o verd ue to Iose (time) ' 9) to ha nd in
10 return, to yield. to turn over. to rent, to
. elllI p·
10 era se.
to put o ut, to ext inguish . 10 cr oss out , " J
_. "
deal; 10) to pass (a n exarrunation, test); ~} prIlU eraser. J,i/
KYH ... to live, to exist ; TEMIP )1(011- ~ 1) front pa rt ; 2) aspect. ;lppearance'i
)].APJlbIH n OEJA e T KI3 Y K,AIi11ETI countenancc. facial color, hu e, tin t ; 3) right
carrying capecity (o f the main) rail way lines. side (of rnaterial): 4). realiry : eHJM IiE .
9TKIHllI :>KAH6blP rain with Ihunder. ---ITÇIM 6E? rea lor In a drea m"
eTKJP 1) sharp : 2) smart, fo rward , 16g./ r~ an ot her, e ther, the rest.
d aring. eHrEP· 10 p ut someone of so methin g in
OTK lPnEH· I) la gel sharp ; 2) to he da ring. fron t o f o nese tf on the sadd le ; AT Ye n·
e T KIPn IK a udacity, decisiveness. HE H 9 HrEPIn dKET- while rid ing a
eTnEJl I transitiona l, jgra m.1 tr ansities. horse, 10 seizc a per son sta nd ing on th e
a TII )f<I rIT agile, dexterous. ground and carry (him, her) off.
BTY pa ssage. • ,. .,.. .... .. <f!:I-® 1) la prepa~e, to 130 ( a sheepsk.i~ ) ;
eTIK shoes, boots (wilh hard1$'~"'S). 2) to work . 10 cultivate, 10 treat, to fertili ze
eTIM demand (Ier goeds). (so il); 3) 16g./ ro correct (a te t) .
eTIM.ll1 n salable, popular, curren t (of e HJlEH . I) 10 he processed, to be c1eaned of
goeds) : 2) capable o f having a n effect ; f lesh (a hide); 2) 16g./ to pu t on weight,
ce31 .. . his words make an impression. 10 get beller.
e TIMCI3 unpo pular, un salable, nol In 0 H.nEC- having the sa me aspect o r co lo r;
dema nd . similar, Iike, mon ochrome.
eIlH- te enlreat, la ask, to beg. ~ I) having a red appearance, a good
e.:[llj~ petitioner. color in the face (handsome. allrac tive) ;
EU.ll:IlW request. 2) processed, tan ned (a hide) .
fUJPIK deception , fraud, lie, false. 1. eHEJ.a slimy deposit on Ihe inside (o f a pot).

8 1c\E3AI 8 1c\IP

~~,gl 1) to be covered with slime, scum knocking everything in o ne' s way aside.
(of a dirty pot). 8.HCD 1) unsigbtJy, ugly (of material) ;
IDigm /e HfElll/ wind pipe, esophagus. 2) pale, faded , withered, gau nt (of a person).
~ entirely, everywhere, only . 8 1c\U1EIc\ sec 8 Ic\KEJ1.
8H;KIJlD,I- 1) to moo or bellew only (a CO\\! eHI P 1) the hem of a dr ess ; 2) a woman's
w h()"hä; lost her calf) ; 2) to bowl, to wail . ~dice (breast plate, with embroidery or ,.-
to sob. silver coins or omarnents sewn on) ; 3) lfig./
~ M E HAE- to pus h forward. to push envlro ns, su~ou,,!-dinp.
thro ugh, to force o ne's way through,


~ exclamarion of response ; .. . AErEHlIlE / ~.uETIE H - 10 gel accustomed 10, 10 acq uire
instantly, in a moment. tbe habit.
aE)lE H I) Iully, co mpletely, perfectly, )))lIJl right. true, just, justtce, equi ty.
absolutely : 2) very. " a ,UIJlJUKj ustice. faimcss, truthful ness. equit y.
dbJlEPA d rawer, box. case. a ,UI JlETCI3 unjust ,
ao'3EJI 1) blink ers; 2) accesso r ies, saddle and a lliJIETC131UK inj ustice.
a ppurtenances ; yf1 a63EJlllEPI hou se- " a n InCn .m K iniustlce, unfairness.
held o bjects. / a,UIJl lil IJl IK justjee. fairne ss.
aS3EJl WI saddler. a,a,lJlIK impartiality.
a fiI rEP )KACA- to cau se tr ouble. a,UIJlITIIJllK justice.
a liIrEPJlE- to disrurb, 10 upset. a.uln padding alcn g the edges of the skirt .
a6IrEPJIEH · 10 he upse t, to he distu rbe d, a ,UlnTE- 10 sew tbe padding along the edges
10 fuss, 10 bustie. of the hem of the skirt.
;}IiIrEPlIIIJII K anxiety, agitation, a nervous ~Jl IPEC address.
state, a distutbed condition. ~ I ) method, mea ns; 2) craftlness, slyness.
a,lJ,Elil1 litera ry. aAICllIIJl able to use differen t methods
~,lJ,EliI1ET lirerature. /derog.1 resorting to various trick s.
~D.EI>J.1ETllI I writer, ma n of letters. aDlCWIJ]DlK 1) custom o r practice of
~.nErU on purpose. intentionally, deliberately, ado pting suita ble method s in com ba t ; 2) the
especial ly. skill an d cunning to resort te tricks.
a lWl'-H elegant, graceful, beautiful, fine, a iKE. gra nd mother. cl d wo rnan /dim./.
ha ndsome, bea uty jn ., masc.l. '7 ~)KEnTAYIP becoming, pre sentabie, decent ,
allEMJn..E- to decorate. l goed.
~nEM I Jl EH . I) to become beautiful or ' a )l(En XAHA lad y's roo m, men 's roo m, rest-
pleasant ; 2) /fig-/ to fix one self up. room.
a llEMJJll_K grace, elegan ce, beauty, an a)K HE old woman .
anrac rive a ppearance. a iK YA AÄYA joke, gibe.
a J].EIl counesy, po litness, decorum ; a)KYAJIA· to deride, la chaff.
/ CAK,TA- to c bserve the rule s of propriety. a)KY AllIbIJl scoffer, jo ker.
a,UE nCI3 ill-bred, unm annerly, indecent, un- SUUl jo ke, farce, foolery.
,/ seemly, crude, rough, immoral, irnpolire. ~3IJIIlE- to cbaff', to banter.
anEnCnJlEH - J) re pr ove to he impelite fn lJI ll EC- to swap jo kes, to chaff one
/ -or indecorous ; 2) to permit oneself to he another.
disagreeab ly ru de. a3ID lIIIll joker, wag, scoffer.
aJlEnCI3Jl IK ill-breeding, lack of rnanners, ~ a3IP J) ready ; 2) while; ... );011- to he ready ;
/ crudeness, ru deness. >- W ••• TAMAK. dish, course.
aJl.EIlTJ poli te, well-bred, cou rteo us. I;:'y~ a3IPrE for the present, meanwhile.
/ ;:;)!lEIl TI11JK politeness. co urtesy, good breed- '< a 3IPn E· to prepare, to trai n.
t ing. good rna nners, good ed ucation, good ,< ~31 PnEH · to prepare o neself, to get prepared ,
beba vior. to get ready for, to get set for, te make
dLl,ET habit , c ust om. tradition ; .. . -F"-'PbU1 ready, to do so mething.
/ ancie nt legal pnnciples, bases, customary, -< a31pnIK prepararions ; K,bICK,A ... winte r
established. preparations.
;:)):(ETIErI customary, established . x a31PIDE in the meanwhile .
/ 297 / 1"
;lJPET ;lP

/ d '3PET mister, gentlema n. master. strength ; CAJI· to cause a disas ter o r

I a ft:
I) cry of ap peal ; 2) weil! calamity ; llibIFA P- to cause (a) disaster.
,~ 'Ia ~J] E. to proc taim, to make public, to aJlEKTEH- to ha ve trou ble, te be tormented.
~ bring to general attentio n. a JlEM I) (the) world, universe : 2) banner,
~ af1rIJIEH- to be mad e public, to he brou ght standa rd.
te general attentio n. aJlE ~t ET miracle.
j'-t aAEJl wo ma n, wife; ... All- to get ma rried aJlEM l 1II pattern s, designs, stri pes , ta bs ;
(of a man) ; .. . A JlY marriage ; a HEJl,llI H .. .-K YJlAMhIW varicolored, motley.
nu KHIM wornen's pants; a ft EJl I SA P dJlEM IIIITE- to decorate wnh pa tterns o r
married (of a ma n). designs.
I •
.1'1/ d HHE K glass, the glass, glasses, spectacjes ; ~J1E YM ET I) organizat ion, society ; 2) the
I > ~J' z: 3ABO,Ubl glass works. public, public opinio n, the peo pJe.
.r a UHEK TE- to gla ze. a Jl EYMETIIK social .
d HHEKlIII glazier . aJln EHIllEK swing In./.
" a ATEYIP howevcr, neverth eless, be that as armer aspect, appe arance. ./
it may, anyhow . dJlnEillTE- te cheri sh, to rea r, te bnng up
'J a ff TK EH M EH never theless, despite, O(}( . solicitously.
withstanding, in spite of. (a JlCI3)weak, impotent, defensetess.
.., a HT n ECE ot herwise . a JlC I3A EH· to beco me wea k .
'l a ATCELlE never tbeless. fo r a U tha t.' aJlC l3!l.IK weakness. impo tence .
aK lime. r;JnCiPEJ to weeken. to be de prived of o ne's
aKE father ; ... -WEWE parems ; ... -lllElllE strength.
:/KOK. without family o r re latives; . ". d JlCl PEME not to overstrain o neself
TAFhlHA M,\,PArE P hèir to the throne. an CI PEME to torm ent. to cause (so meo ne a
"." ,,( \ ~o bring. -.... .', ..;..J lot of) trou ble. •
1' < .... a KEJl I H· to be brou gh t. to be led.
.... l\ aKET· to carry a way, to ta ke away.
i' 1
d n CI PEY ato ny .
~ dJlI still. till now, .....hile.
'til' a KETAfi /aff./littie fat her. anI iKET- to o verpower. to ma ste r.
aKEJlIHY import. imports. a Jl l.llE still.
a KI M rul er, ch ief, head, boss. adminis tra to r. aJlIHW E as far as pcssi ble.
a KI M llilJlIK administra ti..e ; &eJlIM anmns the alphabe t. ABC.
administra tive division. élJlI CIH -.dJlICI H frequen tly, from time to
êJ strength, forc e. powerJ

aJlIiETfE Of course ! Certainly ! d M I P ed ict, order ; ... ET- to o rder.
a JlrI that (one) jmasc. a nd ncu t./ th is o ne
~ .- ~
~ tune. melody. song; ... CA Jl Y singing ;
/masc. and neuL/. d HLlI 6E3IJ1Ll.ET· to sing a tune at a
a n rInE recently, not long ag o, j ust .. . brisk tem po.
a n rr,[( EJÏI the sarn e. êH1J yo ungest brot her.
aJl3E or . a HT EK I ) ha rdly, slightly, ina ppro pria te,
aJl!lE· K IM someone, a cenai n someo ne, indeco ro us.
someone un fami liar. aH lllEftl H 1) Iree, without cha rge ; 2) simply,
aJlllE· K,AIIIAH lo ng ago. merely, so-so.
a Jl,UEH fro m tha t time (on). d Hlll E ~1IH A E usua lly, o rd ina rily .
aJl,llEH- to become streng or po.... erful , to @HI1ÎIJsingcr ; ... K 'iCfAP so ngbirds IzooL/.
become pr osperou s. a nEp· I) to buy for another o r for someo ne
an,UEH YAK.h ITfA a fte r a long int erva l. elsc ; 2) te serve, to help (with food, a coat,
a Jl!lEHEWE several , a few, mo re than ene, erc.): a OEPI O T'iPYlU bl wai ter. waitress.
severa l times, repeat edly. a n EP 6A K.AH da shing fello w.
aJl! U po werful, stre ng. well-off', prosperous. ;ln!PEJ! April.
a Jl!ll-.dJlA I lulla by; Hush ! anCEITE in a n insta nt. instantlv. in o n time.
aJlllIJlE- to sing te sleep. to luU . anTE week.
a JlEK tro uble(s). care{s), torment ; .. . 60;1 - (} P each. every ; .. . K A lli A Hn A always ; .. .
to perish: a JlJH IiJ1Jl M Ei EH ... he TYCTI pol ychro matic, m ulticolo red : a p·
pcrishes who does net know his own S IP an y, every, each ; élP61PEY everyo ne.


;)PIlEflI M <lWEJlEfIJlE-

t aPJlEtuM a lways, constamly. MEKTEn military schoo l; ... COT coun

I aPEKET action, activity. endeavor ; mart lal. m ilitary cou rt ; .. . YCTAB military
ron MAA 6EPEKET SOJIMAC (saying): regulation. ...-...------.-
nothing ventured, no thing gaihed . dCKEPJlI K o f the a rmy, betenging 10 the
f a PEK ETCI3 inactive. army ; ... M IHD.ET military service (obliga-
a PEK ETCJ3,ilI K lack o f acti viry. ~ ... dra([~ _. -
aPEKETTE H - 10 act, 10 endeavor, 10 try, 10 tàCMYllI K~ an eighth.
begin on se rnething. 0'î"dCIPE I) steel of the highest quality ; 2)
aPEKETTEC associa te, accompllce. _JrJ..:v. raward.

a PE l{ hardly, wit h d ifficulty. ,J,;,;o'~dCI P EJ1 E · 10 hyperbolize flit. l.
Î a pI1HE certainly, indubitable. undoubtedly. ya CI PEJl EY hyperbola /liL/.
. a Pl farther , there and; .. ..IjEPI)lE H COH ~' djd P ECE especially, in particular.
aftel" some time, after a while. d TEW cock, roos ter.
/ ~- to he lazy, to be bored . dTKEHW EK merry-go-round, carousel.
/ ~P I n letter (of the alp ha bet}, print, type; d TKEHlIlEK TEn IEl- to ride on the
EAC ... capital letter ; ... TEPTISI alpha- merry-go-round.
bet ical order; . .. TEPyml typesener. ? ~TTErE H AH Alas! I regrel that.. . u n-
é)PKEJlKJ uneven , regul ar. . - fort unai ëly.. .. It' s 100 bad th ar, .. 10bs.l.
/ ;}PKJM every o ne who, anyoee who. ~TPET see a Tl PET.
, ;) PKIM HIl{ each has. ;)TTEl{ see ;) TTE rEH Afl .
~ aPKIMrE (for, to) each. ~TlPET I~ TP ETI detachment IrrtiJ./.
/ ap.nI -SEPnl there an d back. \., .::-~, ~Y Yes?, I'm Hstening.
/ ~ M EH farther, there. 1,~ a YE the sky, the beavens. the firmament,
/ a p K,A WA H alwa ys, constantly. sky, a ir; ... D,A fibInb l air-raid alarm ; .. .
t ~E~ beautiful, elegant , fine. KEM ECI air ship ; .. . n OUTA air mail ;
\ acEM,D,E- to decorate, to adom , to put in .. . ~ PbICbl air combat; a YED,E ~ lll Y
""8OOd condition. ., ~\ aviauon .
t acEMLlE H- to fix oneself up, to become.J -' aYE3 accoustics, part, mot if, tune, melod y.
sympa thetic, to become a ttracnve. aYE3D,l K aco ustic.
I aCEMD,IK elegance, bea uty. J~ \ a YEJIrI primary, o riglnal, eIemental.
\ a CE MnA3 1) fond of showing off ; see ' a YEn )I E ûrst. in the beginning.
Ke pCEFbt3A P. .' ;:}YEJIJJ.EH fro rn the very beginn ing.
/ dCEP im p ression, influen ce : ET- to have aYEJlrIJJ.E the ûrst time, originally.
a n influence, to influence ; FhIJIhI MbI " aYEJI I from the beginning. at first .
ma them atics. ~ J ~.::?r"· u l1 aYE H see AYAH.
é)CE PnE H· J) to have an impression, to (. fi)YEC] given (to), curious (abou t), keen on.
Im press itself ; 2) to he arou sed, to he c aYECfEH- to he a ttracted to something, to
Inspired, to get excited. he passionately interested in something, to
dCEPnl sensitive. he curie us about.
dCET July lobs./. C d YECfIK desire. curiosity, inclination, pas-

dCKEP fo rces, army, warnor. soldier. sion, at tracti on.

infantry ; .. . liA ChI commander, military dYKEM address to a cow.
cornmander; .:..::.1!\~ IiJThfr:;!illI soldier's /J>t dYJl ET descendants, posterity.
equipme nt ; . .. Ta K- la display one's ,:",ld Vn I1E holy, saint.
forces ; ... K,APY·lKAPAFbIH bIH Ko A- d ynIK - to speak loudl y.
MAC b I ar senal; .. . K~ PAJIb IH )f(ACAH- dVnIJlllEK swamp bied.
ThIH, O PbIH arse nal ; d C KEPr E WAKb I- d YPE berber, troublets), care(s).
PhIJlAThlH )KAC drafring age ; dCKEP· d YPE- to fuss, to worry : . .. KhiJl- to
.D,IH O PHAJIACY bI disposition of military disturb for nothing.
formation. dYPEn E· to torment, to disturb, to wcrry .
dCKEPH rela tin g to the arm)" ; ... SenIM aYPEJIEH- to worry about, to he dlsturbed .
milita ry formation . .. . !IdPE)KE rank,~ @"IIl.ïi) if this is se , in such a case.
grade ; ... )f(ETEKIIII military instnJ.êtàr;-'(; d lli E KEM decoration, mosaic, design.
I1H)KEHE P milita ry engineer ; .. ' V? aillEKEA n E- to adom .
. V"' 1l1'
auranaam a o '" aarvrnx
Y: <lDlEKEfiJll adomed ,_decorated .
c\ <ll-{rIJlE H- to talk loudly and hea tedly,
amEfiIH sec d HlllE I1IH. excitedly.
Z~'i aillKEPE openly, obviously, publicly, nati on - " a H rI M E co nversation, discussion, account.
ally. d HnMEJlEC~ to talk with someone, to
alliKEP EJl E- to reveal , to expose, to bring converse witb.
ou t, 10 ma ke known. ~ \ a HrIMEUlln someone who loves to talk o r
J l.j" aH; d YEJl! first of all. .,,' to teUsto ries.
, ' 1.1' al-UlnE- to make noise. ') ~IK I ) ca reless : rash ; 2) name of a
'" ' ~ . _,.... . game.

/ " .. ' "
/( , ;. --,' : ~- ; ."
I." ~/ oe . , '"


h DKPA Hegira. h YJ.\hlJ.\ hoopoc ' zool./ .

- ... """ _..-- .
. .



Uralic and Altaic Series

7. KRU EGER, JOH N R••.kfu!iash ManuaÎ) Introduction , Grammar, Read er, and Voca -
bulary. 1961. 285 pp. 15.5 x 23 cm. 120,-
8. BOSSOS, JAMES E. , Buriat Re ader. Superviscd and edited by Nicholas Pop pe. 1962.
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13. American S tudies in A/taie Lin uistics . Edited by Nicholas Po . 1962. 3 p _
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J8. SJOBERG , AND RÉE F. , Uzbek Slructura[ Grammar. 1963. 170 pp. 14 x 21.5 cm.
19. SWI FT, LLOYD 8 ., A Beferenee Grammar of Modern Turkish. 1963.284 pp . 15 X 22
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