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4/17/2019 Social Internet of Things

Objects description
The total number of objects comprehends a total of 16216 devices, of which 14600 from private users and 1616
from public services. Every object is described in the following form:

id_device id_user device_type device_brand device_model


id_device:  device ID;

id_user:  owner ID of the device (we indicate the municipality with 0);
category associated (code) to the device; device_type codes are explained in the public and
private devices’ sections;
device_brand:  brand of device, ranging from 1 to 12;
device_model:  model of device, ranging from 1 to 24.

Objects profile
For each object category (device_type), the profile defines the set of possible services offered by each category as
well as the possible applications that each object category is interested in, i.e. the possible set of applications an
object could request. Objects’ profiles are described in the following form:

device_type id_off_service id_req_application


category associated (code) to the

list of offered service ID (from 1 to
list of application ID (from 1 to

The file “Services and Applications description” shows and describes a possible set of services and applications
(with their respective ID) which are available in our Smart City scenario.

Private devices
Each user owns a certain number of devices, based on the ownership report of the Global Web Index
2017calculated over 50000 users. The following table shows the devices used in the network and the probability
that a user possesses each device.

Device Mobility Ownership (%) Device_type

Smartphone Mobile 91 1
Car Mobile 55 2
Tablet Mobile 40 3
Smart Fitness Mobile 22 4
Smartwatch Mobile 5 5
Pc Static 84 6 1/4
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Printer Static 53 7
Home Sensors Static 15 8

Mobile devices are carried with the users during their movements, while static objects are left in the users’ home.
The number of private devices is 14600.

To simulate the users’ movements, we rely on the mobility model called Small World in Motion (SWIM); the
parameters used for this simulation are shown in the following table:

Number of users 4000

User perception radius 0.015
Simulation time 10 days
α 0.9

Since SWIM only considers a unitary square as the area of interest, all the objects’ positions are scaled down to
this area.

The file private_static_devices describes the static objects using the following form:

id_device x    y


id_device: device ID;

x: x coordinated of the device;
y: y coordinated of the device.

Each user (and his/her devices) alternates movement states and rest states. The file private_mobile_devices
describes the information about mobile objects and the coordinates of the user during the rest state, using the 2/4
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following form:

timestamp_start timestamp_stop id_user x    y


timestamp of the beginning of the rest

timestamp_stop: timestamp of the end of the rest state;
id_user: user ID;
x: x coordinated of the device;
y: y coordinated of the device.

Naturally, mobile objects, of the same owner, have the same position of the user.

Public devices
The following table shows the public devices available in the city of Santander.

Data Model Description Device_type

Point of Interest Specific point location that a user may find useful or interesting. 9
Environment and
Object responsible of the environmental and weather monitoring. 10
Transportation Vehicles, taxis or buses. 11
Indicator Digital signage to display information. 12
Garbage Truck Collection and transport of waste products. 13
Street Light Street lamp to illuminate roads in the city. 14
Parking Location designed for parking. 15
Alarms Security supervisor or traffic monitoring. 16

These devices, which are all statics with the exception of the categories Transportation and Garbage Trucks.

The file public_static_devices describes the static objects using the following form:

id_device: device ID;

x: x coordinated of the device;
y: y coordinated of the device.

Each user (and his/her devices) alternates movement states and rest states. The file private_mobile_devices
describes the information about mobile objects and the coordinates of the user during the rest state, using the
following form:

timestamp_start timestamp_stop id_user x    y


timestamp of the beginning of the rest

timestamp_stop: timestamp of the end of the rest state;
id_device: device ID; 3/4
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x: x coordinated of the device;

y: y coordinated of the device;

event_time are measured in seconds and refer to the time on which an event has occurred.

Adjacency Matrices

According to notions of Social Internet of Things (SIoT), nodes establish social links and create social networks.
We propose for each relationship and for SIoT network the adjacency matrix produced with our parameters. As
follow, we depict relationships and their parameters:

OOR (Ownership Object Relationship): type of relationship defined for objects owned by the same user. About
public static devices, objects will create a relation only if they are in the communication range of each other. We
use three different technologies: LoRa (around 1500 meters), Wi-Fi (around 400 meters) and Bluetooth (around
40 meters). Public mobile objects don’t create this type of relation.

POR (Parental Object Relationship): relation created among objects in the same type, model and brand, only if
their distance is greater than a two threshold: 2 or 2.5 km.

C-LOR (Co-Location Object Relationship): if static devices (public or private) and private mobile take contact
more than 13 times (number of meetings), can create a co-location relation.

SOR (Social Object Relationship): this relationship is based on three parameters, that are the number of meetings
(N = 3), the meeting duration (TM = 30 minutes) and the interval between two consecutive meetings (TI = 6
hours). The relation is created between private mobile devices.

SOR2 (Social Object Relationship): a variant of the SOR called SOR2 is created to connect the public mobile
devices. In particular the relation is between public mobile devices and users’ mobile objects. The parameters, as
in the SOR, is set as follow: N = 3, TM = 1 minute and TI = 1 hour.

SIoT: completely SIoT network is created with the combination of all relationships (all relations with an
operation of disjunction OR). 4/4

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