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6217 W. Southgate St. · 928-587-1633 · LinkedIn Profile · Twitter/Blog/Portfolio

Ms. Figueroa
Senior Portfolio
Tolleson Union High school
9801 West Van Buren St.
Tolleson, AZ


Senior year came by fast and is coming to an end very quickly. There was a lot of
struggles during senior year. There was grades not being put in and things were not
getting done and stress was just overwhelming. In some class's things were all good like
in English. Every other grade was alright but when I could not play sports that did hurt
but it was for a better purpose. I had a lot of weakness in writing. I did not understand
the proper way to write in MLA format and it still kind of messes with me.

I have learned how to properly write in MLA format. Learning from the reflections and
revisions have really improved how the writing process should be done. My papers have
improved, and they stay on topic and do not go off course. The feedback that is received
has really help improve it by giving back information on what I have missed. With the
papers being full of information and facts about how they support the main idea they
end with great success. I have improved from barely putting any information into it to
putting everything that is needed into them.

I have had many accomplishments in many classes but have improved in English the
moments. I was very shocked sophomore year when my English teacher had said that
some of our papers were looked at by what type of papers, we had turned in. I had
written a paper about videogame violence and how they influence everyone in a way. I
had said that videogames have a bad influence on a person because they are weak
minded and cannot behave the way they are supposed to. It was a very interesting paper
because I also play games but know the difference on what is real and what is fake.

The entire portfolio seems just a bit too much, but it was up to the teachers. If they had
the senior portfolio be like where we get old papers and see what we had improvements
on what we had done in the past. If the portfolio had something to do with the past,
then things would be way better. Talking about previous events and how they have been
through so much and that the progress of improvement is shown. The portfolio being 6-8
pages long sounds like something a university high student does for fun. It seems like we
are writing another senior paper.

Mt future goals are to focus on the main object of the paper and make sure I use
information that is used. To learn from my mistakes and correct them the first time and
not continue the same mistake repeatedly. They will always be remembered, and MLA
format will be imprinted on my brain. My writing goals are to be able to put what I
learned in high school into what the papers will be about the future. My writing goals will
help me succeed in life and help improve my writings skills be even better than how they
are now.


Robert Oliva

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