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2010 International Conference on Pattern Recognition

Length increasing active contour for the segmentation of small blood vessels

D. Rivest-Hénault, M. Cheriet S. Deschênes, C. Lapierre

Synchromedia laboratory Sainte-Justine Hospital
École de technologie supérieure Montréal, Québec, Canada
Montréal, Québec, Canada
{dhenault,mcheriet} chantal

Abstract et al.[9], written in the context of artery–vein separa-

tion, the center line of each vessel of interest must be
A new level-set based active contour method for the extracted using a supervised minimum-cost path algo-
segmentation of small blood vessels and other elon- rithm. Finally, in Manniesing et al.[5], the initialization
gated structures is presented. Its main particularity is is provided by using only few manually provided seed
the presence of a length increasing force in the contour points, but the authors note that their method have diffi-
driving equation. The effect of this force is to push the culties in segmenting the (smaller) peripheral vessels.
active contour in the direction of thin elongated shapes. A common limiting factor of many level set-based
Although the proposed force is not stable in general, methods is the presence of a viscosity term in the driv-
our experiments show that with few precautions it can ing equation. While this term is most of the time nec-
successfully be integrated in a practical segmentation essary to ensure the smooth delineation of the structure
scheme and that it helps to segment a longer part of or to prevent unwanted leakage of the boundaries, it im-
the structures of interest. For the segmentation of blood pairs significantly the displacement of the interface [5].
vessels, this may reduce the amount of user interactiv- For thin elongated structures, it is our intuition that new
ity needed: only a small region inside the structure of geometric priors on the shape of the contour must be
interest need to be specified. considered.

Geometric active contours The most frequently en-

1 Introduction countered smoothness term in level set segmentation
equation is the mean curvature force. Given an active
Vessel segmentation is an important step in many contour C in RN , the motion by mean curvature with
clinical situations. Carefully segmented structures can respect to an artificial time variable t is given by
serve to enhance CTA data visualization, support diag-
nostic and helps surgical guidance and decision. For ∂C
= −νκ~n, (1)
example, in certain severe cases of tetralogy of Fallot ∂t
or pulmonary atresia, lung perfusion relies totally or in where ν ∈ R is a parameter, κ is the mean curvature and
part on one or more major aorto-pulmonary collateral ~n is the unit normal. From a variational point of view,
arteries (MAPCAs). Since those structures show signif- this PDE can be seen as the gradient descent equation
icant variation in shape, position and number, they are for the minimization of the length dependent energy
difficult to visualize without a proper segmentation [7].
Recently, a number of methods have been proposed
for either vessel-like structures enhancement [3, 6] or E = ν |C(s))|ds (2)
segmentation [4, 9, 5]. The latter are well known level
set-based methods that must be initialized close to the subject to the L2 inner product [2, 8]. From (1) and (2),
expected position of the structures of interest, a process it is clear that if ν > 0, then the minimization of (2)
that can be both tedious and error-prone. For example, with respect to C by a gradient descent would progres-
Lorigo et al.[4] use a thresholding of the dataset that sively decrease the total contour length. Conversely, if
may be sensible to noise or may not be specific enough ν < 0, the total length of C would be increased. It has
for some applications. In the paper by van Bemmel been suggested by Sundaramoorthi et al. in [8] that a

1051-4651/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 2788

DOI 10.1109/ICPR.2010.685
length increasing active contour may be useful for the
segmentation of blood vessel. Unfortunately, it is well
known that the minimization of (2) when ν < 0 by fol- (a) (b) (c) (d)
lowing (1) is not numerically stable [8], see Fig. 1a)-
c). In order to obtain better behaved flow, some authors Figure 1: Some geometric flows: a) initial contour, and
[2, 8] have investigated the use of inner products differ- the effect of b) a length decreasing flow, c) the tradi-
ent from L2 for the minimization of geometric energy tional length increasing flow, and d) the proposed length
functional. In particular, the Sobolev Active Contour increasing flow.
[8] seems a promising candidate for the segmentation
of elongated structures. However, for the time being,
practical computational methods for this type of active smooth. The effect of using this flow on an actual con-
contour have only been defined in 2D and are there- tour is illustrated on Fig. 1d. We stress that depending
fore of limited use for 3D CTA data segmentation. An- of the choice of parameters α and ν, this flow can still be
other possibility suggested by Charpiat et al. in [2] is numerically unstable, but that it is well behaved enough
to smooth the gradient during the curve evolution. This for practical applications. The width of the “branches”
idea has been illustrated later by Sundaramoorthi et al. that grow by using (4) depends on the scale parameter σ
in [8]. Although, this produce better looking results, the of the Gaussian kernel. Thus, this one should be chosen
flow stays numerically unstable[2, 8]. For this reason, in function of the smallest structure to be segmented. It
those authors did not explore this idea in more details. is worth noting that it is possible to segment large ves-
In this paper, we propose a method for the segmenta- sels using a small σ since nothing prevents the merging
tion of elongated structures, such as blood vessels, that of small branches during the segmentation process.
includes a length increasing term obtained by a smooth-
ing of the directed curvature vectors. The length in- 2.2 Vessel Segmentation Models
creasing term presented here depends only on the ge-
ometry of the active contour and is completely indepen- The length increasing flow of (4) can be embed-
dent of the image data. In this respect, the proposed ded in many existing active contour segmentation tech-
approach is fundamentally different from filter-based niques. A first possibility is to complement our length
methods such as [3, 6]. In practice, it is beneficial and increasing method with the model from [1]. In this case,
leads to improved segmentation results. the curve evolution equation for vessel segmentation is
written as follows:
2 Methodology ∂C
= [(u − µs )2 − (u − µb )2 ]~n + α(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n − νκ~n,
2.1 Smoothed Length Increasing Flow (5)
where u := u(x) represents the voxel intensities at a
position x. The parameters µ{ s, b}, are estimated from
A length increasing flow can be defined by smooth-
the image and the position of the contour at each given
ing the κ~n vector field of (1) with a Gaussian kernel Gσ
time moment t. The effectiveness of (5) as a segmenta-
of scale σ, as follows:
tion model is illustrated in Fig. 2 where it is compared
∂C with a segmentation result obtained with the Chan and
= +(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n. (3)
∂t Vese model (i.e. (5) with α = 0) on an artificial ves-
sel image. Both methods used the same initialization
The convolution of the kernel is conducted component-
and the same value for ν. It is clear that our method
wise on the oriented curvature vector field κ~n, so vec-
succeeds in capturing the whole vessel while the other
tors in opposite directions can cancel each other. Fol-
stalls due to the contour viscosity. Also, Fig. 3 shows
lowing our observations this flow is still too unstable to
some details of the G ∗ κ~n vectors at the point where
serve for practical purposes. A solution is to combine
the Chan and Vese contour stalled.
(1) with (3) to obtain are more well behaved flow.
This model, however, is not well-suited for the seg-
∂C mentation of unimodal objects from a multimodal back-
= α(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n − νκ~n. (4)
∂t ground. For this kind of problem, one solution is to use
a Gaussian intensity distribution model for the struc-
Here, α ∈ R+ and ν ∈ R+ are parameters balancing the tures of interest and a uniform distribution for the back-
two forces. The terms of (4) act on two scales: at large ground. This scheme share some similarities with the
scale, (Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n tends to increase the contour length one in [5]. In this case, it is possible to define the curve
and, at a finer scale, −κ~n tends to keep the contour

Figure 2: Segmentation of a synthetic image. 1) Result
with the Chan and Vese method, and 2) result with our
(a) (b) (c) (d)
method. The blue curve represent the initialization.
Figure 4: Vessel segmentation, image taken from [8]:
a) input image, b) initialization, c) segmentation with
(6) without the length increasing term (α = 0), and
d) segmentation with (6).

Figure 3: Illustration of the oriented curvature term. of C. Regions where φ(x) ≥ 0 corresponds to the ob-
Left) Quiver plots of the smoothed curvature vectors ject of interest while its complement corresponds to the
G ∗ κ~n close to the interface. This corresponds to the background. Starting from initial position φ(x, t = 0),
yellow dashed area of Fig. 2. Right) Illustration of the the equation for evolving the curves C with respect to
modulus of the curvature |G ∗ κ~n| for the whole image. t, with force F acting along the normal direction, is [1]:
∂t = |∇φ|F, where F can be composed from the fol-

lowing terms, depending on the case:

evolution equation as
  Fsmooth = −νκ, Fincreasing = α(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n,
∂C ps (u) − pb (u)
= ~n + α(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n − νκ~n, (6) FCV = [(u − cs )2 − (u − cb )2 ], and
∂t ps (u) + pb (u)  
ps (u) − pb (u)
FGU = .
− ps (u) + pb (u)
with ps = ks e , pb = kb and ks , kb ∈ R+ .
2σ 2

Other intensity distributions may also be envisioned. The normal vectors can be computed by using ~n =
The use of (6) as a vessel segmentation method will be ∇φ/|∇φ|. As for the curvature, κ, it can be computed
illustrated in Sec. 3. in 2D by using the formula for the mean curvature,
κ = ∇ · (∇φ/|∇φ|) [1]. In 3D, the formulation by
2.3 Adaptive Model for Vessel Segmentation Lorigo et al.[4] has been used. Finally, the effect of var-
ious forces on the lsf are restricted to regions close to
As indicated in Sec. 2.1 and although we think it is the zero level φ(x, t) = 0 by using the regularized Dirac
not a practical problem, the length increasing flow of function from [1]: δφ = π1 (1+φ 1
2 ) . As an example, the

(4) can be numerically unstable in some circumstances. level set evolution equation used for (6) in the case of
If this is a concern for an application, the modulus of 2D segmentation is:
the smoothed curvature term, h := |Gσ ∗ κ~n|, may still    
∂φ ps (u) − pb (u) ∇φ
serve as an indicator function for highly curved region = δφ × − ν∇ · (7)
∂t ps (u) + pb (u) |∇φ|
at scale σ. Therefore, the influence of the curvature mo-     
tion in those areas can be reduced by using a monotoni- ∇φ ∇φ ∇φ
+ α G∗∇· · .
cally decreasing function that depends on h. For exam- |∇φ| |∇φ| |∇φ|
ple, by removing α(Gσ ∗ κ~n)~n from (4), (5) or (6) and
by using ν · exp(|Gσ ∗ κ~n|) · κ~n in place of νκ~n. 3 Experiments with 2D and 3D images
2.4 Level Set Implementation The performance of the vessel segmentation model
(6) is first demonstrated on a vessel image taken from
The curve propagation equations from (1), (4), (5) [8], see Fig. 4. The parameters for the pixel intensity
and (6) have been implemented using the level set distribution models were estimated from the initial po-
framework. Within this framework, a set of closed sition of the contour, illustrated in Fig. 4-b). Other pa-
curves C on Ω ⊂ RN , N ∈ {2, 3} is represented by the rameters were hand-picked by trial and error. In a first
intersection of a surface φ(r) : Ω → RN +1 and of the attempt, the parameter α was set to zero, effectively
zero level. By convention, φ(x), called Level Set Func- canceling out the length increasing force, and the oth-
tion (lsf ), is approximately a signed distance function ers as follows: ν = 4 and σ = 8. The contour was

Figure 6: Aorta and MAPCAs segmentation on a 3D
Figure 5: 2D segmentation on a slice from a CTA vol- CTA volume without (top row) and with (bottom row)
ume. Top row: input image and initialization, bottom our length increasing term.
row: results using (6) without (left) and with (right) our
length increasing term.
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model for aorta and MAPCAs segmentation in clinical
situations will be done.


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