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When Asset List page is displayed

Then User clicks on Labels under Miscellaneous tab

And User is on Label list view page
And User sees Add Label button
And User sees the summary section with following details:
number of items displayed
sort option
ascending option
descending option
And User check Default sorting is applied on the basis of Label Name

When User click on "Sort by" drop down

Then Sort by drop down displays following options
Label Name
Asset Count

When User selects Label name under Sort by drop down

Then List will be loaded with Label Name in ascending order
When User clicks on Ascending order
Then List will be loaded with Label Name in ascending order
When User clicks on Descending order
Then List will be loaded with Label Name in Descending order

WHEN User selects Asset count under Sort by drop down

When User clicks on Ascending order
Then List will be loaded with Asset count in ascending order
When User clicks on Descending order
Then List will be loaded with Asset count in Descending order

When User clicks on Add Label button

Then Pop up opens up with Add Label search box
And Cancel and Add button will be displayed in disabled mode

When User enter new label

Then Cancel and Add button will be in enabled mode
And User clicks on Cancel button
Then label will not be added

When user enter more than 64 chars label and enter comma
Then proper error message "Maximum of 64 characters allowed" should be shown

When user enter less than 3 chars label and presses Enter
Then proper error message "Minimum of 3 characters required" should be shown

When user enter more than 50 labels

Then user view an error message "Maximum of 50 labels can be created at once"

When User enter new label

And User presses Enter Key
When User clicks on Cross
Then label is removed from the asset

When User enter new label

And User presses Enter Key
And User clicks on Add button
Then label will be added
And User sees the list view page with a toast message "labels were successfully
And Item count gets updated
When User search the label
Then Label is shown in the list

When User clicks on Add Label button

User types any existing label
And User clicks on Add button
Then Error message "Label Name already exists" is displayed

When User clicks on Any Label

Then Edit and Delete icon are displayed

When User clicks on Edit icon

Then Box is displayed having selected label in edited mode
And Cancel and Rename button are displayed

When User edited the label with new label name

And User clicks on Cancel button
Then label is not edited
And Label is still associated with the Assets
And User remains on list view page

When User clicks on Edit icon

When User edited the label with new label name
And User clicks on Rename button
Then Confirmation pop up is displayed with message "Are you sure you want to
rename label ' '? This label is associated with '' assets.
And Cancel and Yes button are displayed

And User clicks on Cancel button

Then label is not edited
And Label is still associated with the Assets
And User remains on list view page

When User clicks on Edit icon

And User edited the label with new label name
And User clicks on Rename button
Then Confirmation pop up is displayed with message "Are you sure you want to
rename label ' '? This label is associated with '' assets.
And User clicks on Yes button
Then label will be edited
And Label still associated with the Assets
And User remains on list view page
And Confirmation message "Label was successfully renamed" is displayed

When User search the label

Then Label is shown in the list

When User clicks on Edit icon

And User edited the label with existing label name
And User clicks on Rename button
Then Confirmation pop up is displayed with message "Are you sure you want to
rename label ' '? This label is associated with '' assets.
And User clicks on Yes button
Then Error message "Label Name already exists" is displayed

When User search the label

When User clicks on Any Label
Then Edit and Delete icon are displayed
When User clicks on Delete icon
Then Confirmation pop up is displayed with message "Are you sure you want to
delete label ' '? .The Label will be removed from all '' assets that it is
currently associated with.
And Cancel and Delete button are displayed

When User clicks on Cancel button

Then label is not deleted
And Label is still associated with the Assets
And User remains on list view page

When User clicks on Delete icon

Then label will be deleted
And Label is delinked from Assets
And User sees the list view page
And Confirmation message "Label was successfully deleted" is displayed
And Item count gets updated

When User search the label

Then user check for the item count
Then User clicks on Cross icon
And check for the item count
And user compares the item count after and before search

BUTSAM - 10107
Given: User launches the application ""
And: Login using Tenant account
When: User clicks on Locations Tab in the header
Then: User is navigated to Location List View Page
When: user selects any location with no Assets assigned
Then Delete button is displayed
When user clicks on Delete button
Then confirmation popup is displayed as "Are you sure you want to delete the
When user clicks on Cancel button on confirmation popup
Then user lands back to Location list Page
When user clicks on Delete button
And clicks "Delete" button on confirmation popup
Then Location is deleted

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