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Escalante 1

Math and Finances

Math 1030 was a class that taught math. Not everything in life is super deep or abstract,

and you could argue that math is probably the most plain and straight-forward topic one can

write about, but that doesn’t make it impractical and definitely not useless. In this class alone:

 We studied voting and how it’s essentially impossible to have a truly fair election

 We looked into how statistics are made and how easy it is to make a bad

experiment/observational study

 We studied finances and the difference between renting vs. home-owning

That last one is the focus of this reflection as it was the one that had the biggest impact on

me. The project on home-owning and the long term benefits that came with it really provided

insight into the future, and it’s a lesson I took to heart. I don’t need to explain its application in

real life as the project itself was about a real life scenario, especially in a world where renting is

becoming a more mainstream form of living. This was achieved by going over formulas in

relations to loans, and how getting a mortgage can earn you a lot more money in the long run, all

due to the fact that houses go up in value due to the finite nature of land. When you compare that

to the math behind renting, it’s a no brainer because while you pay less in the short term, you

walk away with no assets that you would otherwise have from owning the property instead of


I already had intentions of owning a home, but that project reaffirmed to me my desire to

pursue that goal, and that is something I can truly be grateful for.

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